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EXITING WAR POST CONFLICT MILITARY OPERATIONS 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Military History Working Group Bratislava 3–7 April 2006 1 2 Vojenský historický ústav Service Historique de la Défense Editors Miloslav Čaplovič Mária Stanová André Rakoto Bratislava – Château de Vincennes 2007 3 © Vojenský historický ústav, Bratislava ISBN 978–80–969375–2–3 4 Contents Speech of the Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic to the Participants of the 6th MHWG International Conference .......................13 PANEL 1: 19 The Evolution of Peace-keeping, a Historical Perspective Chair: Major-general (ret.) Svetozár Naďovič, Slovakia Tradition of the Italian Carabinieri Corps in Peace-keeping and Reconstruction Missions from Crete to Sarajevo and Nassyria Prof. Maria Gabriella Pasqualini, Italy ............................................................21 Polish Armed Forces in the International Peace-keeping Operations 1953–2006 Col. Janusz Zuziak, Poland ..............................................................................43 Sweden‘s Participation in Peace-keeping and Peace-enforcement Operations 1956–2006 Dr. Kent Zetterberg, Sweden ...........................................................................50 Police Forces in Peace Operations Capt. Miguel López Corral, Spain ....................................................................61 PANEL 2: 73 Peace-keeping in Recent History Chair: Lieutenant-general Nicholas Mastrandonis, Greece Global Geopolitics and Greek Peace-keeping Operations during the Second Half of the 20th Century CDr. Andreas Tousas, Greece ..........................................................................75 5 The Participation of the Hungarian Armed Forces in Peace Support and Crisis Management Operations Ltc. János Jakus, Hungary ................................................................................81 Slovak Republic in Peace-keeping Operations 1993–2005 Col. Ondřej Novosad, Slovakia .........................................................................87 The US National Guard and Peace-keeping: Are Reserve Forces the Answer? Maj. Les‘ A. Melnyk, USA .................................................................................93 PANEL 3: 107 From Peace-keeping to Nation Building: Afghanistan and Iraq as Case Studies Chair: Colonel Robert Dalessandro, USA Winning the Peace Dutch Post Confl ict Military Operations in Kosovo and Afganistan Dr. Arthur ten Cate, Netherlands ...................................................................109 Rumanian Military Participation in the Process of Stabilization and Reconstruction in Afganistan Ms. Carmen Sorina Rîjnoveanu, Rumania ....................................................116 Defeating Saddam, Neglecting Diplomacy: Iraq, April 2003 Maj. William Shane Story, USA .....................................................................123 British Forces and Stabilisation in Iraq: May to December 2003 Ms. Tabitha Swann, UK ..................................................................................130 PANEL 4: 139 Confl ict Consequences on the Military Chair: Professor Maria Gabriella Pasqualini, Italy La Gendarmerie nationale et la démobilisation des armées françaises, 1918–1920 Aspirant Louis N. Panel, France ....................................................................141 The First WW Victory’s Impact upon the Royal Carabinieri in Italy, 1919–1922 Maj. Flavio Carbone, Italy ..............................................................................150 6 Les forces armées canadiennes après la Seconde Guerre mondiale: douce victoire, amers lendemains, 1945–1962 Dr. Richard Carrier, Canada ...........................................................................167 PANEL 5: 183 (Re)-Constructing a Post Confl ict National Identity Chair: Professor B.J.C. McKercher, Canada British North America, le Canada and the Seven Year’s War, 1756–1763 Dr. Ronald G. Haycock, Canada .....................................................................185 Post Confl ict Operations in the American South, 1865–1872 Dr. Robert S. Rush, USA .................................................................................194 When the Fighting Stops: The Austro-Hungarian Experience with Military Government in Occupied Territories during World War I. Dr. Tamara Scheer, Austria ............................................................................207 East German Army Personnel and Equipment in the Bundeswehr after 1990 Col. Winfried Heinemann, Germany ..............................................................215 Tagic Armed Confl ict 1992–1997 and Its Peace Settlement Col. Oleg Belosludtsev, Russia ......................................................................224 PANEL 6: 231 From Winning Peace to Preventing War Chair: Colonel Frédéric Guelton, France La transformation d’un confl it conventionnel en une guerre non conventionnelle: l’exemple de la guerre entre les États-Unis et l’Espagne de 1898 Prof. Jean-David Avenel, France ....................................................................233 Reconstruction après la guerre avant la lettre: la participation militaire roumaine en Albanie, 1913–1914 Dr. Sergiu Iosipescu, Rumania ......................................................................242 Ambitions territoriales ou comment préserver la paix dans les années 1920 et 1930: la politique étrangère turque dans les Balkans après la Grande guerre Lt. Abdil Bicer, France ....................................................................................250 7 Post-War Security, the League of Nations Question, and British Foreign Policy, 1917–1922 Prof. Brian J. C. McKercher, Canada .............................................................259 Structure and the Basic Directions of Activity of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany after the Second World War, 1945–1949 Col. Mikhail G. Lyoshin, Russia .....................................................................270 PANEL 7: 279 Post Confl ict Issues of the Cold War Chair: Lieutenant-colonel László Veszprémy, Hungary The First Conversion Project of the Cold War. The Hungarian Defence Industry in 1953–1955 Dr. Pál Germuska, Hungary ............................................................................281 The Intervention that Never Happened: Yugoslavia Under the Threat of Soviet Intervention, 1948–1953 Dr. Vladimir Prebilič – Dr. Damijan Guštin, Slovenia ...................................290 Hungary Exiting the Revolution and War of Independence in 1956 Casualties, Retaliations and Propaganda Dr. Éva Tulipán, Hungary ................................................................................306 Danube Operation in 1968 Dr. Michal Štefanský, Slovakia ......................................................................314 Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from Czechoslovakia, 26. 2. 1990–27. 6. 1991 MG (ret.) Svetozár Nad’ovič, Slovakia ...........................................................322 CONCLUSION 329 Peut-on penser la sortie de guerre? Col. Frédéric Guelton, France Participants’ Response ......................................................................................341 Pictorial Supplement .........................................................................................344 On Authors .........................................................................................................353 List of 6th MHWG International Conference Participants .............................. 365 8 OBSAH Príhovor ministra obrany Slovenskej republiky k účastníkom 6. medzinárodnej konferencie Pracovnej skupiny pre vojenskú históriu .........13 PANEL 1: 19 Vývoj mierových operácií, Historická perspektíva Vedúci: Genmjr. Svetozár Naďovič, Slovensko Tradícia talianskeho zboru karabinierov v mierových rekonštrukčných misiách od Kréty po Sarajevo a Nasýriu. Budúca úloha: Afganistan, oblasť regiónu Herat? Prof. Maria Gabriela Pasqualini, Taliansko ....................................................21 Poľské ozbrojené sily v medzinárodných mierových operáciách 1953 – 2006 Plk. Janusz Zuziak, Poľsko ..............................................................................43 Švédska účasť v operáciách na udržanie a presadenie mieru 1956 – 2006 Dr. Kent Zetterberg, Švédsko ..........................................................................50 Policajné sily v mierových operáciách so zvláštnym zreteľom na sily vojenského charakteru Kpt. Miquel López Corral, Španielsko .............................................................61 PANEL 2: 73 Udržanie mieru v nedávnej histórii Vedúci: Genplk. Nicholas Mastrodanis, Grécko Globálna geopolitika a grécke mierové operácie počas druhej polovice 20. storočia Plk. Andreas Tousas, Grécko ...........................................................................75 9 Účasť maďarských ozbrojených síl na podporu mieru a operácie krízového riadenia Pplk. János Jakus, Maďarsko ..........................................................................81 Slovenská republika v mierových operáciách 1993 – 2005 Plk. Ondřej Novosad, Slovenská republika .....................................................87 Národné gardy USA a mierové operácie: Sú odpoveďou záložné sily? Mjr. Les’A. Melnyk, USA ...................................................................................93 PANEL 3: 107 Od udržania mieru k národnej výstavbe: Afganistan a Irak ako názorné štúdie Vedúci: Plk. Robert Delassandro, USA Dosiahnutie mieru: Holandské postkonfl iktné vojenské operácie v Kosove a Afganistane Dr. Arthur ten Cate,