Grossomanides Elected New AHEPA Leader Gentleman James Poll
o C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans c v A weekly Greek AmericAn PublicAtion VOL. 14, ISSUE 720 July 30 - August 5, 2011 $1.50 In Washington Trip, Grossomanides Elected New AHEPA Leader Venizelos Says Greece New Officers Will Follow Karacostas’ Coming Back Again Focus on Youth WASHINGTON – New Greek Fi - newspaper Kathimerini reported nance Minister Evangelos that he was buoyed by his meet - By Constantine S. Sirigos Venizelos, in an address at the ing with Geithner and IMF Man - TNH Staff Writer Peterson Institute for Interna - aging Director Chirstine La - tional Economics here, said garde, which he described as NEW YORK – Greek America’s debt-crushed Greece is deter - “positive,” and said: “All of us largest organization, AHEPA, mined to restore itself and that together - the IMF, the IIF (an put its continued dynamism on the government’s goal “is to re - international banking agency,) display at its 89th annual meet - turn to positive growth and cre - the American government, the ing, this one in Miami Beach’s ate primary surpluses by 2012,” European Union, the European Fontainebleau Hotel, naming an ambitious benchmark many Central Bank - need to send a Dr. John Grossomanides of analysts said is impossible to strong and clear message: We Westerly, R.I. to replace two- reach. Greece, suffering under have a program, we trust in its term leader Nicholas Karacostas $460 billion in debt and a deficit implementation and its as Supreme President, the high - of more than 10%, is relying on prospects, and we will collec - light of a week of work and the so-called Troika of the Eu - tively achieve our goals.” recreation and the celebration ropean Union-International Venizelos provided no details of Hellenic heritage during Monetary Fund-European Cen - about the meetings, but he ap - AHEPA’s 89th Annual Supreme tral Bank for rescue loans to stay peared satisfied and suggested Convention.
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