2019 Ed1 Magazine Work in Prog.Pub
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Club Magazine 2019 Edition 1 Jan / Feb / Mar (ish) W.M.O.C Contents Page 2 Officials 4 Presidents Report 5 Coming Events 6 From Wazza 8 Summerset Retirement Home 10 Morrinsville Motorama 12 Brookby 15 Taupo 17 Mechanics Corner 18 Who’s in the Corral 20 Hamilton Classic Car Auction 21 Nostalgia 23 Apparel 24 For Sale Page 1 28/02/2019 Club Officials Official Name Home Phone Mobile Phone Email President Lee Mahoney 07 2816091 027 8486783 [email protected] Vice President Paul LeNormand None 027 548 8145 [email protected] Treasurer Bob Hastie 07 8287867 027 4785912 [email protected] Secretary Stephanie Vercoe 07 8545774 0274 360666 [email protected] Magazine Editor Dave Luke 07 8891904 021 726131 [email protected] Sheriff Colin Bates 07 8242030 021 331100 [email protected] Raffles Lee Mahoney As Above As Above As Above Run Coordinators Bruce Finan 07 8506234 027 2490878 [email protected] Steve Vercoe 07 8545774 027 4360666 [email protected] Terry Slattery 07 8845873 027 5306705 [email protected] Other Committee Bob Anderson 07 8896753 021 1188550 [email protected] Members Gus Old 07 5440815 027 244 1917 [email protected] Kevin Wade 07 8846784 027 910 6031 [email protected] Bruce Shaw 07 3776117 021 192 0153 [email protected] Terry Slattery As Above As Above As Above Steve Vercoe As Above As Above As Above Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/931582766896853/ Facebook Car Registry https://www.facebook.com/groups/1121173284592246/ Website hp://n mustang.com/Clubs/Waikato.htm Page 2 28/02/2019 Club Details WAIKATO MUSTANG OWNERS CLUB C/- Bob Hastie 841A Hakarimata Road RD1 Huntly 3771 Bank Account Number: 06 - 0329 - 0727600 - 00 (Please enter your name as a reference when paying by direct banking) Meetings: Held every second Wednesday night of each month (excluding January) at 7.30pm at the Town & Country Club, 382 Thames Street, Morrinsville. Come along for dinner and a drink beforehand with our members. Badges: Order these from the treasurer. Badges are $10.00 each. Apparel: Order this from Craig Leith. [email protected] or 07 889 5600 After you have given your order to Craig, please deposit the money into the club bank ac- count (details above), using your name as a reference. Window Sashes: New members receive them free with new member packs. If you require extras, sashes cost $20.00. Order these from the treasurer. Window Stickers: New members receive them free with new member packs. If you require extras, stickers cost $5.00. Order these from the treasurer. Page 3 28/02/2019 Other Officials Feb 2019 )ello to Fillies and Stallions, )appy Ne. /ear0 Wo. that year came and .ent 1ust as fast as a 3ustang. We have had a .onderful year .ith a great number of events taken part in. 5nfortunately the 6mas doo did7 n8t happen, al.ays another 6mas coming up. I .ould like to take this :me in thanking the Run Commiee. There are a lot of events on, and it is al.ays hard to 1uggle dates at :mes to suit. This year they .ill be trying to .ork .ell in advance .ith quality runs, .ith some small side Café runs at random .ith lile no:ce. In January the Crumps .anted us to do a run for Somerset Rest )ome, and .e aended .ith approx. 12 cars. Well .hat a fun day, 2 hours of our :me, long fond memories for the people that drove and rode in the cars. The spritely 907year7old plus had a ball and so did .e. The club is in full s.ing .ith the up of our conven:on 2019, .e .ill s:ll need the support of all to help .ith .hat is the making of the great Waikato 3uster. So sponsorship is key, any sni@, please let us kno., and also if anyone .ould like to help please see Aob, Paul or myself and .e .ill roster you in a sub7commiee. The up and coming events .ill be interes:ng ones like Americana Cno. GoneD All Ford day at the 3ount and the Ehope Ford day in April, so there might be some interes:ng stories in the future. There have been a fe. members .ith the extra pressure of illnesses and in1ury8s too, so please take care in your .ell7being and .e .ish all of you speedy recovery. As they say let8s get back on that horse0 Feel free to talk .ith me any:me you like, as .e are al.ays open to ne. ideas and general fun things as a Club. Remember this is our club, have fun and en1oy life. El President out. Lee Page 4 28/02/2019 What’s On The List belo. excludes the monthly mee:ngs held on the second Wednesday of each month except JanuaryHSee page 3. Page 5 28/02/2019 P51 I saw this Roushe P51a Mustang at NZ Warbirds open –day last weekend, it belongs to a member of the Auckland Mustang Owners Club, a pretty friendly bunch they are who had some cars on show. Roushe of Nascar fame, fly’s a P51 Mustang himself hence the car version, equipped with a Roushe charger it has 510hp and looks pretty impressive. A 2008 model of low mileage only 151 were built. Warren Connett Page 6 28/02/2019 Also, seen in Te-Aroha on Promotional Duties—Warren Connett In 1968 Californian Ford dealers came up .ith a Spe7 cial version using some Shelby styling,side scoops tail lights etc, /ou could have any engine op:on and various colour choices.5000I .ere made ,so therefore fairly collectable. This one .as in the street parade and appeared at the Cruise In earlier this year. Cheers Warren. Page 7 28/02/2019 Summerset Retirement Village Ay 3ike CrumpH3y mum is an inmate at Summerset Do.n The Lane on Dixon Road, Fit roy, and prior to Christmas had been talking to the entertainment organiser .ho men:oned she .as keen to come up .ith ne. ideas for events. From this the idea .as sprung that the Waikato 3ustang club may .ish to visit, sho. o@ their cars and take some of the oldies for a drive. En Saturday 19 th January club members C.ith 12 carsD met at Summerset and spent an en1oyable couple of hours interac:ng .ith the old folks. The response from them .as great .ith the visit s:ll being talked about the follo.ing day. Comments from passengers: Ene old chap .as not that keen to go for a ride but then .as talked into going .ith Paul. En geKng back to Summerset he said enthu7 sias:cally Lthat .as bloody marvellousM but then realised he had s.orn in front of a lady standing close by and o@ered an apology. Eli abeth told the story that she once o.ned a Skoda. When her kids .ere gro.ing up and she dropped them o@ at school they asked if she could drop them a block before school. They didn8t .ant their mates to see them in the Skoda. Ene old fella said he .asn8t interested in a ride as the cars .eren8t Chevs. 5l:mately, he did go for a ride and he thought it .as great. Glad he had gone. Page 8 28/02/2019 Summerset Retirement Village ANer a couple of hours at Summerset some of the club members .ent to the Good Neighbour for a beer and food. Club mem7 bers agreed it .as a great aNernoon en1oyed by all. Eur esteemed treasurer, Aob, suggested it .as something .e should con7 sider doing annually. Not sure if this .as humanitarian Aob or Aob 1ust trying to get a discount on a room0 Food for thought. The smiles tell the story O. Thanks to all from the club .ho came along to support the day. Page 9 28/02/2019 Morrinsville Motorama Page 10 28/02/2019 Morrinsville Motorama Page 11 28/02/2019 BrookbyBrookby———SthSth East Akl Ay Aob )as:e, Cunder orders from Steph PercoeD Well, .ith the cancella:on of our 6mas party at the lake, Terry Slaery .as quick to respond to an invite from the AEP 3ustang club for the Waikato Club to 1oin them on their monthly run. The invite .as to Lan7 gridge8s Luxury Car collec:on at Arookby in WhiQord 1ust south of Auckland. The cruise, lead by Stephen R Steph started at the Classic Car 3useum in )amilton. Leaving at 9am to pick up the Airds/)as:es on the side of the road in )untly and cruise to the Fruit R Peg shop lay7by on the top of the Aombays. )ere .e met up .ith the Schribers, 3urrays and ne. members Sharon R Paul Simpson for their Srst run .ith Waikato. A short :me later the AEP cars turned up s.elling or numbers to 34 3ustangs parked in the layby, quite an impressive line7up. Next .as a short cruise into Takanini .here .e met .ith the Auckland Corvee club , by no. the car numbers .ere north of 40. To get to the privately o.ned collec:on .as a 20 min run through the back roads of Clevedon and then a lile logis:cal manoeuvring to get all the cars parked up on site, never before have 3ustangs and Corvees been so courteous to each other in parking. ANer geKng all the cars parked up the o.ner gave us a quick protocol about the place C take all the photo8s you .ant but no Social 3edia D )is 30740 car collec:on is predominately Rolls Royce, .ith a handful of other equally rare and luxurious cars.