The University of Manchester Research The beginnings of printing in the Ottoman capital Link to publication record in Manchester Research Explorer Citation for published version (APA): Palabiyik, N. (2015). The beginnings of printing in the Ottoman capital. Studies in Ottoman Science, 16(2), 3-32. Published in: Studies in Ottoman Science Citing this paper Please note that where the full-text provided on Manchester Research Explorer is the Author Accepted Manuscript or Proof version this may differ from the final Published version. If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the Research Explorer are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Takedown policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please refer to the University of Manchester’s Takedown Procedures [] or contact
[email protected] providing relevant details, so we can investigate your claim. Download date:04. Oct. 2021 Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları, XVI/2 (2015): 3-32 THE BEGINNINGS OF PRINTING IN THE OTTOMAN CAPITAL: BOOK PRODUCTION AND CIRCULATION IN EARLY MODERN ISTANBUL Nil Pektaş* When Johannes Gutenberg began printing using the technology of movable type in Mainz around 1439, the Western world was to change rapidly and irreversibly. This shift from mainly handwritten production and the less popular xylographic printing (made from a single carved or sculpted block for each page) to typographic printing (made with movable type on a printing press in Gutenberg’s style) made it possible to produce more books by considerably reducing the time and cost of production.