Coast Guard Base Boston 427 Commercial Street Boston, MA – the Function Hall
OCTOBER 2012 NEWSLETTER MEETING DATE: WEDNESDAY – 17 October 2012 LOCATION: Coast Guard Base Boston 427 Commercial Street Boston, MA – The Function Hall TIME: Social Hour from 1800 Dinner at 1900 PRICE: Members, Guests and Prospective Members of the Class of 2013 - $45.00 Walk-ins - $50.00 SPEAKER: Stephen P. Coonts “Flight of the Intruder” ENTRÉE: Roast Beef – Family Style MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Welcome to a new season, my friends! A lot of water has been flowing under the keel since last we met in May. As you can see from the masthead, I have been elected to serve as your new club president. To bring you up-to-date, I’d like to call a few items to your attention. First on the list will be the “new” Board of Governors. While several familiar names remain with us, I like to bring the members of the full 2012-2013 Board of Governors to your attention. They are: President - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CAPT Robert D. Holland, USN (Ret) Vice President - - - - - - - - - - - CAPT Jules B. Selden, USMC (Ret) Secretary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CAPT Mary Jo Majors, NC, USNR (Ret) Treasurer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CAPT Randall D. Preston, USN (Ret) Member-at-Large - - - - - - - - - MAJ Richard D. Brown, USMCR (Ret) Active Service Liaison - - - - - - CAPT Timothy J. Heitsch, USCG Immediate Past President - - - CDR Robert J. Zemaitis, USNR (Ret) Wine Steward - - - - - - - - - - - - CDR Charles W. Collins, USNR (Ret) Chaplain - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CAPT George A. Ripsom, USNR (Ret) Assistant Secretary - - - - - - - - CDR Myles J. McCabe, USNR (Ret) Assistant Treasurer - - - - - - - - COL Charles L. Hyland, USAF (Ret) Historian - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LCDR John H. Lok, USNR (Ret) Newsletter Editor - - - - - - - - LCDR David W. Graham, USNR (Ret) We welcome the “old-timers” and the “new recruits” to the current Board of Governors.
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