LOCATION: Coast Guard Base 427 Commercial Street Boston, MA – The Function Hall

TIME: Social Hour from 1800 Dinner at 1900

PRICE: Members, Guests and Prospective Members of the Class of 2013 - $45.00 Walk-ins - $50.00

SPEAKER: Stephen P. Coonts “Flight of the Intruder”

ENTRÉE: Roast Beef – Family Style


Welcome to a new season, my friends! A lot of water has been flowing under the keel since last we met in May. As you can see from the masthead, I have been elected to serve as your new club president. To bring you up-to-date, I’d like to call a few items to your attention. First on the list will be the “new” Board of Governors. While several familiar names remain with us, I like to bring the members of the full 2012-2013 Board of Governors to your attention. They are:

President ------CAPT Robert D. Holland, USN (Ret) Vice President ------CAPT Jules B. Selden, USMC (Ret) Secretary ------CAPT Mary Jo Majors, NC, USNR (Ret) Treasurer ------CAPT Randall D. Preston, USN (Ret) Member-at-Large ------MAJ Richard D. Brown, USMCR (Ret) Active Service Liaison ------CAPT Timothy J. Heitsch, USCG Immediate Past President - - - CDR Robert J. Zemaitis, USNR (Ret) Wine Steward ------CDR Charles W. Collins, USNR (Ret) Chaplain ------CAPT George A. Ripsom, USNR (Ret) Assistant Secretary ------CDR Myles J. McCabe, USNR (Ret) Assistant Treasurer ------COL Charles L. Hyland, USAF (Ret) Historian ------LCDR John H. Lok, USNR (Ret) Newsletter Editor ------LCDR David W. Graham, USNR (Ret)

We welcome the “old-timers” and the “new recruits” to the current Board of Governors. They have already proven themselves to be hard-working members of the Wardroom Club and I am pleased to bring each one to your attention.

On the matter of our meals for the coming year, there will be some changes. Along with our time- honored caterer Chuck Famolare, we will be integrating our dinners on alternating months through the end of the year with Talk-of-the-Town Caterers. While we value your input regarding all our activities, I shall especially appreciate your feedback regarding both catering services.

Our guest speaker for October will be Stephen P. Coonts, who has authored “Flight of the Intruder” (see his enclosed bio insert). If you would like to have an autographed copy of his book, you are advised to first obtain same from www.Amazon.com and bring it with you to the October meeting. Steve will be happy to autograph the book for you. Again, welcome back, one and all, to another club season!

Robert D. Holland, President 8 Raymond Avenue Shrewsbury, MA 01545 E-Mail: [email protected] Home Phone: 508/842-0575 Cell Phone: 901/240-3008 Daytime Phone: 617/589-1256


THE NOMINATION PROCESS FOR PROSPECTIVE NEW MEMBERS: I am again pleased to report that the Wardroom Club website continues to present a full description of the required process for nominating prospective members to the club. For a quick review, the first chore in making a nomination is to become familiar with Article V of the Wardroom Club By-Laws regarding eligibility for the various classes of membership. For the sponsor’s information, a candidate will be eligible for Regular Membership if he or she has, at some time in their life, “been entitled to wardroom privileges in the , Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Merchant Marine or any foreign navy by virtue of being a commissioned officer in either the United States Navy, Marine Corps or the Coast Guard - - - or one who has been a licensed officer in the United States Merchant Marine.” Candidates who do not meet any of these requirements must be nominated for a limited number of Associate Member slots. (Active Service membership, which is unlimited, is controlled by the Active Service Liaison on the Board of Governors, CAPT Timothy J. Heitsch, USCG. Please send your e-mail message traffic to: [email protected])- - - Please also note that the Associate Membership is extremely limited and currently, that limit has presently been reached. This means that for the time being, incoming applications in the Associate Member category will be placed on a temporary wait-list, where the names will remain on a first come – first serve basis, in the order with which the applications will have been received. Sponsors proposing members in the Associate Member category will be notified by the V.P. when an opening becomes available for their candidate.

Nominations for the Regular and Associate Membership within the Class of 2013 must be received by the Vice President prior to December 31, 2012. There will be no exceptions to this deadline. The required forms and instructions can be downloaded from www.wardroomclub.org or, see me in the event you do not have a computer available to you.

Again, please note that applications for Active Duty Members must be submitted through, CAPT Timothy J. Heitsch USCG, at any time throughout the club season.

Jules B. Selden, Vice-President 23 Hemlock Drive Norwell, MA 02061 E-Mail: [email protected] Cell Phone: 617/645-4197 Daytime Phone: 781/987-1219


NOVEMBER MEETING – With Thanksgiving arriving on 22 November, we have elected not to hold the November meeting on the customary 3rd Wednesday of the month (which would be the evening before the holiday). Instead, you will be happy to know that our November meeting will be held on 14 November, which falls on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Please note the date on your calendar.

NOTABLE OCTOBER DATES AND EVENTS – (By Past President CAPT Harry H. Weinberg, SC, USN – Ret) For those of us in Boston and in the Maritime Services, we celebrate two significant birthdays. First, on 13 October we honor the Birthday of the Navy - - - and secondly, on 21 October we celebrate the launching of USS Constitution. The beginning of our Navy as a defender of the Republic can be traced to the infamous “XYZ Affair” which lead to the Quasi War with France in 1797. If there was any doubt about the need for a Navy, this incident removed all. Our next Naval war began with the refusal of the United States to pay tribute to the Sultan of and his . This standoff reached the boiling point with Tripoli’s capturing the USS Philadelphia in 1803.

October is also the month German submarines sank the US destroyer Reuben James off the coast of Iceland in 1941 just prior to the start of hostilities in December 1941. More on this a bit further along in this issue of our newsletter. The folk song Reuben James by Woody Guthrie captures the tragedy and became a rallying call for Americans. October also saw the War on Terror vividly brought home to us with the attack on USS COLE in 2000.

As we celebrate the bicentennial of the , there were many victories by the fledgling US Navy. The month of October had two incidents where US ships other than Constitution defeated and captured British ships. Below under 1812 are two of them.

Each month reminds us all of the rich history of this Nation and the important role our Maritime Forces have played in it.

Year Day Event 1775 13 Birthday of US Navy. 1776 11 Battle of Valcour Island, Lake Champlain. 1797 04 “XYZ Affair” sets stage for America’s Quasi War with France. 1797 21 Frigate USS Constitution launched at Boston. 1803 31 Tripolitans seize USS Philadelphia 1812 18 US sloop Wasp captured HMS Frolic. 1812 25 USS United States (Captain ) captures HMS Macedonian. 1844 10 Fort Severn Naval School (later US Naval Academy) opens in Annapolis. 1864 27 LT Cushing’s raid destroys ironclad CSS Albemarle. 1880 01 John Phillip Sousa became leader of Marine Corps Band. 1884 06 Naval War College at Newport, RI established. 1898 08 Marine battalion takes 11 casualties in driving Filipino rebels from Novaleta. 1900 12 USS Holland , Navy’s first submarine commissioned. Our club President gets officially recognized. 1914 01 Panama Canal opens. 1917 15 USS Cassin (DD43) torpedoed by a German sub off coast of Ireland. 1922 17 LCDR Virgil Griffin performs first takeoff from a US carrier USS Langley. 1936 25 Hitler and Mussolini announce Rome – Berlin axis. 1940 31 Battle of Britain ends. Luftwaffe fails. It was Britain’s finest hour. 1941 01 US begins supplying USSR under Lend Lease Act. Murmansk run not far off for the US Merchant Marine. 1941 31 Prior to US entry into WWII German submarine U-552 sinks USS Reuben James (Editor’s note: Please see the enclosed “Lest We Forget” article) 1942 09 First schools for WAVES(YN, SK, RM ratings) open. 1942 22 Battle for Henderson Field, Guadalcanal. See book Neptune’s Inferno. 1943 13 Italy declares war on Germany. The turnaround is complete. 1943 27 First Women Marines report for duty at Camp Pendleton. 1944 20 US returns to Philippines through invasion. 1944 21 US forces capture Aachen. First German city captured by Allies. 1944 24 Battle of Leyte Gulf begins. 1962 22 President Kennedy orders naval blockade of Cuba. 1962 28 Cuban Missile Crisis ends. 1965 12 First group of men commissioned into Navy Nurse Corps. 1975 21 Law admitting women into Service Academies signed by President Ford. 1983 23 220 Marines, 18 Sailors and 3 soldiers killed in attack on Headquarters in Marine barracks in Beirut. 1983 27 US invasion of Grenada in Caribbean. 2000 12 Attack on USS Cole kills 17 and wounds 36. 2001 07 Operation Enduring Freedom begins in Afghanistan.

FROM YOUR NEWSLETTER EDITOR – As most of you know, we publish this newsletter on a monthly basis each season between October and May. Within each edition, we announce the coming meeting and we also offer you the opportunity to contribute to this, your newsletter. To do so, you are not required to be a “wordsmith” - - - Just send us whatever you may have and we’ll find a way to work it into the next issue, or the issue of your desire. Submission deadlines are the last Tuesday of the month preceding the next month’s meeting. Contacting me is fairly easy; I can either be reached at my e-mail address or you may call me on my Iphone. Both methods are listed below. One way or the other, I am certain we can make whatever you may have, work very well.

As an example, we have included an article within this edition of your newsletter, re-printed with permission from USNI, on the October 1941 loss of the USS Reuben James, DD-245. It gives the reader further insight as to what followed after 0525 on a dark and “lumpy” morning in the North Atlantic on 31 October 194, some 37 days before our entrance into WW-II.

David W. Graham, Newsletter Editor E-Mail: [email protected] Iphone: 617/335-2198 (with voice-mail)

FROM THE 2013 NOMINATING COMMITTEE – Although the season of 2012-13 will encompass an “off year”, Immediate Past President Bob Zemaitis, who will be chairing the 2013 Nominating Committee, is soliciting names of club members who may be willing to serve on the Board of Governors during the next season. There is no better way of getting to know how the club “ticks” than to have served as a member of this Board. Interested parties are encouraged to contact Bob at the earliest possible convenience. Here is Bob’s contact information:

Robert J. Zemaitis, IPP 101 Pleasant Street Leicester, MA 01524-1417 E-Mail: [email protected] 508/892-3055

TAPS – Never an easy or pleasant piece of the newsletter for your editor to undertake. Thus it is with a heavy heart that we announce the following loss:

• July 15, 2012 – COL Robert T. Parry, USMCR (Ret.). Age 92. In his slightly younger day, Bob rarely missed a dinner-meeting of one of his most favorite clubs – THE WARDROOM CLUB. Bob graduated from MIT in the spring of 1941, later receiving his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant at Quantico. WW-II Saw Bob in action within the Pacific Theater of Operations on Guam and Iwo Jima. He was later recalled back into active duty during 1950 to serve in Korea.

Bob Parry will be deeply missed by his Wardroom Club shipmates.

“Sunset and the evening star and one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar, when I put out to sea, but such a tide as moving seems asleep, too full for sound and foam, when that which drew from out the boundless deep turns again home. Twilight and evening bell, and after that, the dark! And may there be no sadness of farewell, when I embark; for though from out our bourne of Time and Place, the flood may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face-to-face, when I have crossed the bar.”


THE BINNACLE LIST – John Culver, one of our long-time members, has undergone a difficult hospitalization, While little is know by your editor relating to his condition, we can bring you the following from his close friend, George Duffy: - After spending about two weeks in the Portsmouth Regional Hospital, it appears that John will be returning home today. He was sent to the hospital after a Dehydration/white blood count/blood pressure issue. Once back in the hospital, he was beset with a multitude of issues including blood pressure, heart spikes and water in lung problems which led to pneumonia and bronchitis and many additional problems. These issues have been pretty much resolved so that he can now focus attention to some cancer treatment but is looking forward to resuming PT. As to the cancer issue, it is now believed that the radiation has been very positive.

SUMMER HAPPENINGS – High praise must go to Wardroom Club member WO Donald R. Humphreys, USMCR (Ret), who with a small team of faithful Marines, organized an event-filled weekend in early August to recognize the “Centennial of Marine Corps Aviation” at Marblehead, the birthplace of Marine Aviation. The first 100 years began with the first solo flight of LT Alfred Cunningham, USMC, who took off from Marblehead Harbor in an “aeroplane” designed by the well-known yacht designer, W. Starling Burgess.

(LT Alfred A. Cunningham, USMC at the controls of a Burgess seaplane on Marblehead Harbor – August 20, 1912)

The centennial celebration also included a fly-over by WW-II Marine F4U “Corsairs” and a contingent of Marine helicopters. For the efforts at producing the Centennial of Marine Corps Aviation, Don Humphreys was given a special award by the Marblehead Rotary Club during its mid-August meeting. “Bravo/Zulu” Don!!!

MARINE CORPS BIRTHDAY BALL -We have just received the following communication from the 25th Marines at relating to the Corps 237th birthday. Here’s what it is all about:

You are invited to our upcoming Marine Corps Birthday Ball ceremony.

This year the Ball is to be different than those of the past. The Ball will be held at the Boston Convention and Event Center, on Summer Street in South Boston on the evening of 10 November. With the Semper Fi Luncheon at the same location on the 9 November.

If interested in attending either the luncheon of the 9th or the dinner on the 10th - - - or both, you are asked to contact:

LtCol Paul Brickley, USMC HQ, 25th Mar Regt 978-796-3766 (W) 978-844-4253 (BB)

The 25th Marines will be honored to have you join them at either event.


The first meeting of the year always brings a new start to the reporting of our history - - - and where to focus on the reporting of our History. Unfortunately, little detailed information exists within our records prior to 1936, as the two logbooks for those first years have long been missing. Our “Blue Book” does contain a wonderful summary of our first 35 years. In this narrative, much reference is made of the songs that were sung by the Wardroom Club membership at the early meetings. These songs, and there were many, were published in the 57 page “Ward-Room Songs” of 1922, containing 36 songs and 6 shanties, a wonderful collection of which contain several songs with interesting historical views of the Wardroom Club and a deep admiration of our founding father, Admiral John W. Weeks. So perhaps we shall start the year with a few verses from this dear book of songs

FIFTEEN YEARS AGO FIELD AND STAFF CHORUS. Fifteen years ago to-night, with John, John, the Congressman, We met and knew to be all right, So here’s to the old Brigade, John, John, the Congressman. of the Web-Foot Volunteers. Fifteen years on sea and land, May the glory never fade, we’ve watched him riding with the band, of the Web-Foot Volunteers. admiring crowds on every hand, For every time they board a ship, John, John, the Congressman. you know their colors will never dip. For they are the sporty Web-Footed Volunteers. II Fifteen years ago to-day, all hail the Wardroom Club. We were founded, so they say, long live the Wardroom Club. When we look about and see all that we have come to be. We are filled with ecstasy, with John, John, the Congressman

With this month’s introduction, perhaps a few more verses will be printed this year, should I run out of words, and prefer to print some old Wardroom Club lyrics.

John H. Lok – Club Historian E-Mail: [email protected] Phone Number: 508/525-7605 (Cell)


I am absolutely delighted to be serving as your club secretary during the coming season.

Much of what I have to offer will be repeat information from last year. I bring it to you for your edification and convenience. First, please allow me to welcome all of you back to the club for another season, whether you visit the club in- person or via the medium of our monthly newsletter. Next, please allow me to offer you an on-going reminder that security at the Coast Guard Base remains in a heightened state, much as before. Upon your arrival at the Base, whether on foot or by automobile, members and guests of members attending monthly meetings of the Club must first be prepared to show a valid photo ID to the security folks at the gate-house. Moving on, your dinner reply card is enclosed within this newsletter. Please note that the card must be sent to me in the enclosed pre-addressed envelope. Accordingly, you must also enclose your dinner check and add a stamp to your reply envelope. If you are planning to attend the upcoming meeting, I ask that you mail me the card with the requested information, prior to Monday, 15 October. This will facilitate our providing the caterer with an accurate number of dinner requests. I’d also like to once again offer the ongoing reminders to all attending Wardroom Club members: 1. If you are planning to attend a meeting as a passenger in a car pool, you are asked to indicate on your reply card in whose car you will be riding. This saves a call or two if we can reach the duty-driver first, on weather-related cancellations. 2. if you are planning to invite a guest to the upcoming meeting of the club, you must list his/her rank, service, full name and the telephone number. The number will only be used in the event the meeting location must suddenly be changed or if we are faced with an unfavorable weather forecast immediately prior to the upcoming meeting. 3. Any member who brings a guest must be responsible for paying said guest’s reservation. If there is to be any reimbursement involved, it shall occur between the member and the guest, not the Club. A guest should not have to pay at the door. 4. Please also remember that the Club by-laws require that for a guest to attend a meeting of the Wardroom Club, said guest must first and foremost be eligible for future membership. Therefore, as stated in Item 2 above, the guest’s rank and service must be indicated along with his/her name. 5. In the interest of providing our caterer with an accurate count and therefore being financially efficient with your Club’s money, I ask that you submit your reply card to me in a timely manner (see above), in the event you are planning to attend the meeting. Receiving the card a day or so following a meeting does nothing for our accuracy, and will cost you an additional $5.00 as a Walk-In, in which case you will not be permitted to be seated until those who responded in advance are seated (see Item 12 below). 6. If you are late in replying, please leave me a voice message or send an e-mail to let me know that you will be attending. Then, please bring your check to the meeting. 7. Please correct the data on the front of your monthly response card or e-mail me at [email protected] with any updates (including e-mail accounts, phone numbers, promotions, etc). 8. Regarding nametags, you undoubtedly know who you are - but there happen to be other club members who do not know your name. Therefore, I ask you to pick up a nametag as you enter for the evening and to wear it. Then, at the end of the evening please remember to return the plastic cases for the tag if you no longer need it or routinely fail to remember to bring the nametag(s) you already have at home. Please make note to return extras you currently hold hostage at home. These items are expensive. 9. Ties ($25), Hats ($20) and Burgees ($25) are available at the door. 10. This is most important - Please remember to sign-in as soon as you arrive so we can ensure an accurate actual meal count. Another reason for signing-in is a common practice for many other members to use the sheets as a convenient method to note that you may already have arrived. 11. October begins a new season for vouchers. Those that were issued during last season have expired as of this past May meeting. No vouchers were permitted to carryover to the October or any subsequent meeting. 12. Walk-ins shall not be permitted to be seated for dinner until such time as those who had earlier made dinner reservations will have taken their place at the tables. The necessary arrangements will then be made for the newly required extra seating. We ask all walk-ins to abide by this procedure.

Again, welcome back to another club season!

Mary Jo Majors, Secretary 30 Dudley Street North Cambridge, MA 02140 E-Mail: [email protected] Cell Phone: 617-285-2571

Please note: The caterer will gladly make meal substitutions for dietary reasons. However, the Secretary must have received all requests in this regard, not later than forty-eight hours prior to the monthly meeting of the Club.