Ocpa Officers, 2015-2016
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OCPA OFFICERS, 2015-2016 A) OCPA Executive Council President-elect CHANG, Albert M. [email protected] P. O. Box 90305 (tel) 919-660-2596 Duke University (fax) 919-660-2525 Durham, NC 27708, USA Vice-President XU, Nu [email protected] Central China Normal University and (tel) 510-495-2951 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (fax) 510-486-4818 MS70R0319, NSD Berkeley, CA 94720, USA Secretary ZHONG, Dongping [email protected] Physics Research Building 2142 (tel) 614-292-3044 Ohio State University (fax) 614-292-7557 191 West Woodruff Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1117, USA Treasurer NG, Cheuk-Yiu [email protected] Department of Chemistry (tel) 530-754-9645 University of California, Davis (fax) 530-752-8995 One shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616, USA Membership Committee Chair GENG, Rongli [email protected] Jefferson National Lab (tel) 757-269-7649 600 Kelvin Dr. Ste 8 (fax) 757-269-7658 Newport News, VA 23606, USA Membership Committee Vice Chair BAO, Lei [email protected] Department of Physics (tel) 614-292-2450 Ohio State University (fax) 614-292-7557 191 W Woodruff Ave. Columbus, OH 43210-1117 Status of Women in Physics Committee Chair SUI, Manling [email protected] Institute of Microstructure and (tel) 86-10-67396644 Property of Advanced Materials (fax) 86-10-67396644 Beijing University of Technology Beijing, 100124, P.R. China Communication Committee Chair CHEN, Jianping [email protected] MS 12H3, Jefferson Lab (tel) 757-269-7413 12000 Jefferson Ave., Suite 4 (fax) 757-269-5703 Newport News, VA 23606, USA Communication Committee Vice Chair Gao, Xuan [email protected] Department of Physics (tel) 216-368-4031 Case Western Reserve University (fax) 216-368-4671 2076 Adelbert Road Cleveland, OH 44106, USA Awards Committee Chair XU, Nu [email protected] Central China Normal University and (tel) 510-495-2951 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (fax) 510-486-4818 MS70R0319, NSD Berkeley, CA 94720, USA Immediate Past President YEH, Nai-Chang [email protected] Mail Code 149-33 (tel) 626-395-4313 Condensed Matter Physics (fax) 626-395-3955 California Institute of Technology 1200 E. Californai Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91125, USA Councilor-at-Large: CHANG, Ngee-Pong (CUNY) CHANG, Tu-Nan (USC) CHAO, Alex (Stanford Linear Accelerator) GAO, Haiyan (Duke and Duke Kunshan University) MOU, Chung-Yu (Tsinghua U, Taiwan) PHUA, Kok-Khoo (World Scientific Publ. Co., Nanyang NIT, NUS) PENG, Jen-Chieh (UIUC) WENG, Wu-Tsung (BNL) WANG, Yi-Fang (IHEP, China) YEH, Nai-Chang (Caltech) YOUNG, Bing-Lin (Iowa State U) YUAN, Chien-Peng (Michigan State U) ZHANG, Fu-Chun (Zhejiang University) B) OCPA Divisional Coordinators: Accelerator Physics TANG, Jingyu (IHEP, Beijing) ZHAO, Zhentang (Shanghai SINAP) Astronomy & Astrophysics KWOK, Sun (Hong Kong U) Atomic/Molecular/Optical Phys. CHIN, Cheng (U Chicago) Chemical Physics DAI, Hai-Lung (Temple University) Biological Physics ZHONG, Dongping (Ohio State U) Computational Physics LIN, Haiqing (CSRC, Beijing) & LIU, Feng (U. of Utah) Condensed Matter ZHOU, Xingjiang (Inst. of Physics, CAS) Gravitation & Cosmology CHEN, Yanbei (Caltech) High-energy Physics LUK, Kam-Biu (UC Berkeley) Nuclear Physics JI, Xiangdong (Maryland and SJTU) TENTATIVE & YUAN, Feng (LBNL) Plasma Physics LIN, Yu (Auburn U) Science Education CHANG, Albert M. (Duke U) & BAO, Lei (Ohio State U) Statistical/nonlinear Physics LI, Baowen (National U. of Singapore) C) OCPA Regional Coordinators: Mainland China:Soutern Region LU, Fang (Fudan U) Northern Region GONG, Qihuang (PKU) Hong Kong: ZHANG, Ruiqin (CityU HK) Singapore: KWEK, Leong Chuan (Nayang TU, NU Singapore) Taiwan: LEE, Ting-Kuo (Inst. Of Phys. Academia Sinica) Europe: LUO, Yi (KTH, Sweden) Canada: GUO, Hong (McGill U) East coast: QIU, Jianwei (Brookhaven Nationa Lab) Southeast: NG, Yee Jack (U North Carolina, Chapel Hill) Midwest: LEE, Tsung-Shung (Argonne) West Coast: HUANG, Zhirong (Stanford Linear Accelerator) D) Short CV of the OCPA Officers, Councilors and Coordinators (包雷) Bao, Lei Born in Nanjing, China. B.Sc./M.S., SouthEast University, Nanjing China (1993); Ph.D,, University of Maryland (1999); Postdoctoral Research Associate, Kansas State University (1999-2000); The Ohio State University, Assistant Professor (2000-2006), Associate Professor (2007-2011), Professor (2011-present). Research interests: learning theory, quantitative models of assessment, cognitive modeling of conceptual change, development of scientific knowledge, skills and attitudes, development and applications of learning technologies and games. (張绵福) Chang, Albert M. Albert M. Chang is currently Professor of Physics at Duke University. He held the position of Professor of Physics at Purdue University from 1997-2003, and Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories from 1984-1997. Prof. Chang is a low temperature condensed matter experimentalist specializing in nano- structured devices and systems in reduced dimensions. His interests span a broad range of correlated electronic systems. These include one-dimensional aluminum superconducting nanowires with diameters as narrow as 6 nm (24 atoms), quantum transitions in quantum-dot Kondo spin systems, one-dimensional electron Wigner crystal-like and correlated states, and chiral Luttinger edge excitations and fractional charge/statistics in the fractional quantum Hall regime. Prof. Chang received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1983, his B.Sc. in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1977, and is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. 章義朋 Chang, Ngee-Pong ( ) Born ’40 in Singapore. B.A., Ohio Wesleyan U, ’59; Ph.D. Columbia U, ’62; post-doc Columbia, ’62; Member, Inst of Adv. Studies, Princeton, ’63; Research Associate, Rockefeller U, ’64; Visiting Prof, CCNY, ’65; Full Prof, CUNY, ’66 – now. Fellow, Japan Society for Promotion of Science, ’74; Fellow, APS, ’76; Member, Committee on International Scientific Affairs (CISA), APS, ’94-96; CISA chair, ’97; Founder, OCPA, ’90; Chair, OCPA ’91-92, ’97-98; Dir. CCNY China-Exchange, ‘81 – now; Nanyang Professor, NTU, Singapore, 05-08. Senior Fellow, IAS-NTU. Specialty: Theoretical High-Energy Physics. (張圖南) Chang, Tu-nan Prof. Emeritus ('12- ), Prof. & Chair ('97-'03), Dept. Phys & Astr, Univ. Southern California. APS Fellow ('89- ); Fellow, Phys. Soc. ROC ('06- ); B.Sc. Tunghai Univ. '66; Ph. D. UC Riverside '72; Postdoc, UC Riverside '72-'73, U. Chicago '73-'75; Faculty at USC '75-'12. President, OCPA '01-'02; President, Academic Senate, USC '94-'96; President, Chinese American Faculty Assoc. of Southern California '96-97; Director, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu, Taiwan '05-'06; Awards: Raubenheimer Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, Teaching, and Service at USC; Achievement and Service Award, Chinese American Faculty Assoc. of Southern California; Service Award, OCPA '06; Research: Multi-electron interactions in atomic processes. (趙午) Chao, Alexander W. B.Sc. '70, Tsing-Hua Univ., Hsin-Chu, Taiwan; Ph.D. '74, State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook; Postdoc, staff, beam dynamics group leader, 1974-84, SLAC; Accelerator Physics Division head 1984-89, SSC Central Design Group; Accel. Phys. Group leader and Asso. Project Manager 1989-93, SSC Laboratory; Professor 1994-, Stanford University. Fellow, American Physical Society; Chair, APS Division of Physics of Beams, 1998-2000; Academician, Academia Sinica, 2002; EPS Wideroe Prize, 2008. (陈剑平) Chen, Jian-ping Senior Staff Scientist, Jefferson Lab, 2011-present; Staff Scientist, 1994- 2011; Research Staff, MIT, 1992-1994; Postdoc, U. Virginia,1990-1992; Ph.D., U. Virginia, 1990; B.Sc., USTC, 1982. APS Fellow. Guest Professor, USTC, 2004- present; Guest Professor, CIAE, 2012-present; Guest Professor, IMP, 2013- present; Adjunct Professor, ODU, 1997-2000; Adjunct Associate Professor, KSU.,1997-2000; Spokesperson of JLab experiments. Research interests: nucleon structure, spin physics, nuclear medium effects and test of the Standard Model. (陈雁北) Chen, Yanbei Prof. ('13-present), Assoc. Prof. (’10-'13), Assist. Prof. ('07-'10), Caltech. B.Sc. Peking U. '99; Ph.D. Caltech '03; Postdoc, Caltech '03-'04; Staff Scientist, Max Planck Inst. for Gravitational Physics, '04-'08. Award: Sofja Kovalevskaya Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation ('04). Research: Gravitational Physics. (金政) Chin, Chang Professor of Physics, James Franck institute and Enrico Fermi institute, University of Chicago. Education: B.Sc. Physics, National Taiwan University (1993) Ph.D. Physics, Stanford University (2001). Visiting Scientist/Professor: Innsbruck University (2003), ETH Zurich (2005, 2014), Rice University (2013), MIT (2013), Institute of Atomic and Molecular Science, Academic Sinica (2013), University of Ulm (2014), University of Munich (2014), Max-Planck institute for Quantum Optics (2014), JILA (2015). Honors: Lise-Meitner Research Fellow, Austrian Science Fund (2003); Outstanding Young Researcher Award, Oversea Chinese Physics Association (2006); Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (2006); David and Lucile Packard Fellow (2006); CAREER award, National Science Foundation (2008); Young Scientist Prize in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (2008); I.I. Rabi Prize, American Physical Society (2011); Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow (2014); American Physical Society Fellow (2014); High-Cited Researcher, Thomson Reuters (2014); Distinguished Alumni Award, Physics Department, National Taiwan University (2014). Research: Laser cooling and trapping, Bose condensate and degenerate Fermi gas, Feshbach resonance,