


Alan Said Perez Jimenez


Final Master Thesis

Journalism and Media Industries Study Program, state code 621P50002

Degree in

Supervisor Dr. Prof Audrone Nugaraite (acad. title, name, surname)

Defended Dr. Prof. Šarūnas Liekis (Dean of the Faculty)

Kaunas, 2019



Alan Said Perez Jimenez


Magistro baigiamasis darbas

Žurnalistikos ir medijų industrijų studijų programa, valstybinis kodas 621P50002

Žurnalistikos studijų kryptis

Vadovas (-ė) Dr. Prof Audrone Nugaraite (Moksl. laipsnis, vardas, pavardė)

Apginta prof. Šarūnas Liekis (Fakulteto/studijų instituto dekanas/direktorius)

Kaunas, 2019


SANTRAUKA ...... 4 SUMMARY ...... 5 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ...... 6 INTRODUCTION ...... 9 1. IMPORTANCE OF JOURNALISM AND ITS CHALLENGES IN THE MODERN ERA ...... 14 1.1 Journalism, Definition Practice and Values ...... 14 1.2 Security and Danger for , Causes and Consequences ...... 19 1.3 Differences and Parallelism: International and the Mexican Case ...... 29 2. JOURNALISM IN : PAST AND PRESENT ...... 35 2.1 Overview of the Mexican Market Media ...... 35 Hemeroteca la jornada ...... 49 2.2 Media Owners and Government: History of Favors and Complicity...... 49 2.3 Threats to Journalists in Mexico: Causes and Consequences...... 56 3. CASES STUDIES: ATTACKS TO CRITICAL JOURNALISTS ...... 65 3.1 The Government as Perpetrator and Accomplice ...... 65 Conclusions and Recommendations...... 79 Bibliography ...... 86



Šio magistro darbo tikslas yra suprasti politines ir ekonomines žiniasklaidos valdymo priežastis , jų reikšmę ir pasekmes žurnalizmui Meksikoje ir kaip valdžia vis daugiau prisideda prie šios agresijos. Darbą sudaro 3 dalys. Pirmojoje dalyje aprašomas darbas žurnalistikoje ir su ja susiję saugumo klausimai tarptautiniu lygmeniu ir kaip neutralumo praradimas paveikė žurnalistus ir padidino pavojaus tikimybę. Antrojoje dalyje pristatomi santykiai tarp valdžios ir žiniasklaidos, kaip jie paveikė ir suformavo publikos nuomonę per dešimtmečius. Taip pat pateikiama aktualių pavyzdžių analizė Meksikos visuomenės gyvenime ir kaip jie paveikia Meksikos žurnalistų bendruomenę, atvejai, kai nepaisant oficialių pareiškimų ir įrodymų, siekiama, kad visi valdžios lygiai būtų atsakingi. Trečiojoje dalyje – pasiūlymai, kaip pagerinti žurnalistų saugumą, kontekste, kuriame dalyvauja visos Meksikos visuomenės dalys ir tarptautinės organizacijos kaip stebėtojai. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados.

Autorius diplomo popieriaus: Alan Said Perez Jimenez

Pilnaspavadinimas diplomo popieriaus: Dr. Prof. Audrone Nugaraite

Pateiktiadresu: Vytautas Magnus Universitetas, Kaunas 2019

Puslapių skaičius: 94

Lentelių skaičius: 0

Taškųskaičius: 16

Priedų skaičius: 0

Raktiniai žodžiai: Žurnalistika, Pavojus, Saugumas, Laisvė, Meksika



The aim of this master thesis is to understand the political and economical reason to control the media, its implication and consequences for the journalist in Mexico; how the government is involved in more strict control and how it lead to aggression as corrective measures , the work consist of 3 the parts, in the first part the work of the journalist and related security issues at international level is presented, how the lost of neutrality affected and increase the danger of journalist in the world scenario.

The second part is the presentation of the relation history government-media, how it influenced and shaped the public opinion during decades, the analyze of relevant cases in the Mexican public life and its impact on the journalist Mexican community, cases that despite official declarations, evidences aims to all the levels of government as aggression perpetrators.

The third part offer and suggestion on how to improve the security of journalist in a context that involves all part of Mexican society and international entities as watch dogs. Conclusions are given at the end of the work

Author of diploma paper: Alan Said Perez Jimenez

Full title of diploma paper: Journalists Security and Relations with Government (Mexican Media Case).

Diploma paper advisor Dr. Prof. Audrone Nugaraite

Presented at: Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas 2019

Number of pages: 94

Number of tables: 0

Number of figures: 16

Number of annexes: 0

Keywords: Journalism, Security, Freedom, Mexico,



Agency - the capacity, condition, or state of acting or of exerting power.

Accuracy - conformity to truth or to a standard or model.

Accountability - an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions.

Agenda setting – the definition of the objectives and goals.

Alternative journalism – new way to practice journalism due the adoption and use of new technologies.

Balance - equipoise between contrasting, opposing, or interacting elements.

Bias - to give a settled and often prejudiced outlook to.

Bullying - prone to or characterized by overbearing mistreatment and domination of others.

Censorship - the institution, system, or practice of censoring.

Churnalism – that’s how the jpunalism that relies on reusing material instead of creation of new

Communication - the technology of the transmission of information (as by print or telecommunication)

Common sense - basic level of knowledge and judgment that allow a human being in a reasonable way

Data journalism – batch of data offered for a better understanding of a story, material upon the news are made, usually shows statistics, charts, graphs or infographics.

DTO’s - Drug traffic organizations

Ethics - the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group

Entertainment - something diverting or engaging

Free press – Media not censored or imitate by government preferences on political economical or ideological subjects


Freedom of information – the disposition of a government to show citizens information under its posesion.

Fourth estate – name given the public press

Gatekeeping - one that tends or guards a gate or control the access to information

Ideology – a set of concepts and believes about life, culture, political systems, organizations etc.

Impartiality - not partial or biased, treating or affecting all equally

Investigative journalism – a type of journalism that aims to disclose information that somebody wants to keep in secret or to not make it available to society

Journalism - the collection and of news for presentation through the media

Manufacture of news – news made in order to construct a reality instead of portrait it.

Neutrality - refusal to take part in a war between other powers

News access – the means or opportunity to reach information

News feeds - continuous transmission of data, consisting of news updates

News values – body of principles and beliefs that determine the attention media wil give to a story

News worthiness - interesting enough to the general public to warrant reporting

News sources - Anything that provides news information for a period of time

Objectivity – the judgment of facts without the influence of personal beliefs feelings or attitudes in order to avoid bias or show favoritism

Opinion – thoughts or beliefs that lead to a view or judge about something or somebody

Public interest - Used to talk about the citizens rights and welfare of society.

Public sphere – Area of social life to express and discuss social problems in order to find a solution and influence political action.

Power - legal or official authority, capacity, or right


Plutocracy - Government by the wealthy. letting the wealthy and big business make laws in their own interests.

Self-censorship - he act or action of refraining from expressing something (such as a thought, point of view, or belief) that others could deem objectionable

Social media – the means of interaction to create, share and exchange content in virtual communities and networks.

Social networking – the building and maintenance

Sources - one that supplies information

Subjectivity - the quality, state, or nature of being subjective

Ownership - the state, relation, or fact of being an owner

Undercover journalism - form of journalism in which a reporter infiltrate in a community by posing as somebody friendly to that community.

Whistleblowers - one who reveals something covert or who informs against another

Wrongdoing - evil or improper behavior or action



The history of the relation between the Mexican government and the journalist trough history and how it control and shapes the national media in the radio-television and journals. The net of complicity between the political group in the power and the media owners in order to promote propaganda in favor of the candidate who perpetuate the economic and political power of this plutocracy.

Analyze how this extended form of government affect the work of the journalist in Mexico, what the role of the drug traffic organizations, the links between these organizations and all the level of government, and the aggression perpetrated by the state in all the levels of government.

Finally present the cases of several journalists who were threaded and in some cases killed, by their journalist work, the circumstances that lead to aggression and the outcome of their persons and the intellectual actors of this aggression.

The increased incidence of violent crime related to drug-related groups in Mexico has captured international attention. Despite multiple law reforms, increase expenditure in security, better weapons and the use of the military in police enforcement activities the crime seems to be amplified instead of being stopped, making statics in matters of crime to levels never seen before in Mexico’s history

Therefore the object of the diploma paper: The exercise of the journalism in Mexico, its dangers and implications.

The aim of the diploma paper: To analyze to what extent the violation of freedom of press, human rights, and aggression from several actors of society blocks the journalist work and how this effect is used in benefit of the public image of political actors. Why is important to journalist to stick to the principles of the journalism career and

The objectives of it are:

• To review the values of journalism, how they still valid and why is important to stick to them in the new century

• To analyze the literature and critically assess the detriment of the journalist labour and its security in favour of a pro-estate rhetoric in the report of news at national and international.


• To analyze the role of technology and whistleblowers in the actual global media landscape • To analyze the relation existing between media-estate and its influence in the public opinion of population, at national and international level • To understand the importance of as a democratic tool that subject public servant, criminal organizations and private companies to accountability.

• To analyze the causes and cases in where journalist have been victims from aggressions ordered by different levels of the government and its consequences for public life and the journalist himself.

Within these objectives the following research questions will be assessed:

• What are the values that give sense dignify and provide guidelines for an ethic and professional labour of inform? What are the implication of the state in these values and how it benefits or hurts from them?. • The challenges in security and dangers the journalist faces? Is true that democracies treat journalist according to the information they present? What’s the role of the whistleblowers? Is Mexico an isolated case of attacks on journalist or is it a global trend?.

• What’s the actual situation of the Mexican media market? Which factor influenced and shaped the media market in? What are the benefits for the estate, the media and the population of Mexico from this actual shape? How the aggressions against journalist

decrease credibility of the estate?. • Is the freedom of press really threaded in Mexico or is not? Which information is indexed as sensitive? What are the acts of the government as answer? How the investigative journalists uncover corruption scandals? What were the consequences for the involved parts?.

The thesis is built upon conceptual framework, which explores the relations between tree constitutive parts: The media and its social functions, the relation between media and estate, the relation between estate and critic journalism

The analytical part of this paper employs methods of document analysis,(books, academic journals, especial reports, specialized websites and other human rights documents) to define the values of journalism its story and importance; documented historical reason that let journalism in a position contradictory to the governments and its consequences for the future, academic literature 10

review of the consequences of whistle blowers, technologies and media to global scale; similarities and differences with media of third world countries; case analysis method is used to assess implications and decisions of media-estate

The structure of this thesis contains two stages: first, assessing the theoretical part and reviewing existing academic literature, and second, using historical data and literature review to assess the media behaviour, social responsibility and principles as economical entity the concept of freedom of press they plead and discuss how self-censorship is a hurtful practice for society-media- estate.

Mexico is known as a beautiful and friendly country for years has been a major touristic destiny from people all around the world due its natural beauty and rich culture, a product of the fusion of indigenous civilization and Spanish colonization in the XV century. Mexico ranks as the second place in reptiles species, third in mammals, fourth in amphibious, fifth in plants and eight in birds. Mexico is a country of high contrasts in where the modern mix with the ancient, this seems to rule that applies and imbues the Mexican society and its economy.

Since the beginning of independent Mexico, the government and its society played a complementary role, this came to an end with President Porfirio Diaz who stay in power for 30 years, the gap between social classes was so much to save and it leads to the episode of the Mexican revolution.

After the revolution, the PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional) gather the demands of the society and encircle them in a political party that will rule for 71 years till its defeat in 2000 years elections, last president from this political party was strongly criticized by its close relations to economic power, favors to companies and nepotism. All this well-reported and documented by the journalist of that time, in where the was really strict, the controls from the government of what can be published or not were tight and the use of the TV as a method to entertain and control the masses.

However the journalism activity was not as dangerous as is in Mexico nowadays, the increase in violence index started to rise from 2006, and the war on narco-traffic that the president adopts and its decision to send the Mexican army to the streets, all these measures just prove to be a more volatile cocktail that will plunge Mexico on a spiral of crime and violence, is in this point in where the crime statics skyrocket, being that only the official numbers, since in Mexico 94% of crimes are not denounce.


In 11 years of the War against narcotics its estimated that 170,000 person has been direct victims from crime related to narco-traffic, the journalist community of Mexico was no exception, since 2006 the dangers and implications of being journalist of any kind grow at the pair than the crime and violence did, as a result from 2006 to 2018 the number of murdered journalist increase to 70, a number that unfortunately will increase, due the ineffectiveness of the government mechanism that protect the journalists and the deplorable conditions in were their exercise their job, making Mexico second in a rank of danger to exercise journalism in world classification.

Multiple recommendations from multiple international organizations of human rights point the problems and how government should tackle the situations and in despite of the international cooperation in 12 years all the levels of government ignore the recommendations, in public life the president speaks and say thanks to these organizations and in practice nothing is really done, so we are facing a double speech from the head of state and the omission of implementation from the responsible organs of government.

The number of journalist killed and the ones who exile themselves increase, investigative journalist who report links between government or public servants have paid with their lives in the worst cases, when this is not happening we can find a constant pursuit, attack, and surveillance of the journalist who is critic to the regimen by all government levels.

Research methodology: a literature review is conducted on the basis of scientific articles, books, using online databases; descriptive research, and case analysis

Research Purpose: To analyze the literature in order to understand the international circumstances, and similarities that lead the Mexican journalism landscape to its actual shape

Research Hypotheses: To analyze the relevant cases of aggressions against journalist in Mexico and to sustain the hypotheses that the State in all his levels is the main aggressor of Mexican journalist in order to impose censure and silence criticism.

The tasks of the diploma paper:

1. To conduct a theoretical analysis of the literature that reviews and explain the work of the journalists its importance for the society its values and the actual situation of the journalism in the world and Mexico.


2. To analyze the journalist cases in where the treats come not only from crime organizations but from the government itself and how the implementation a mechanism to defend the journalist fail in an epic way.

3. To formulate suggestion and changes at a local and international level to increase the security of the journalists and its labor with the aim to help democracy, transparency, and accountability.

The logic of the paper (consistency): the first part of the work presents the literature review of the elements concerning.

The second part of the work presents applicable research value, research object and objective, research methodology, and conclusions of the case study.

In the third part of the work, project decisions and conclusions are presented.



1.1 Journalism, Definition Practice and Values

According to Lasswell, in order to analyze the media the next questions should be made:

“What’s the message that is given and to whom, how is communicated and what’s the porpoise of the message”. McQuail (2000) defines journalism as “paid writing (and audiovisual equivalent) for public media with reference to actual and ongoing events of public relevance”.

Journalism was categorized as the fourth state due its role to help the public interest, and important and vital job for a healthy society but that is not always an agreement among people.

McQuail(2000) classifies journlaism in different kinds like quality,local, special, tabloid, heart, develop

However the division and classification is rejected by Randall(2000) who classifies it only as good or bad, based on the practices he defines what is good journalism, to find out the truth of the facts, please the reader, write everything clear on the lines bringing accuracy. The bad one he explains, the rush to judge before, please themselves and not the reader, write between lines with cynism stereotype chiclé vagueness and exaggeration .

“The good is intelligent, entertaining, reliable, and informative, properly set in a context, honest in intent and effect, expressed in fresh language and serves no cause but the discernible truth” (Randall, 2000).

The definition of journalism according to Harcup (2014) “body of practices that create, find, and communicate information to the public that otherwise would be unknown, and use magazines, social networks, websites, radio and television. Journalism implies the creation of news based on factual material with the aim to make it public, it can go further by contextualizing the news or commenting the facts involved in news that are already public.


Edmund Burke mention that the Press is the “fourth state of the realm” about that Thomas Carlyle wrote “Burke identifies three states in the parliament, however the reporter gallery become the fourth, a estate far more important than the other three”.


“That I not a witty declaration but a fact, in these times literature is the parliament. Printing that comes from writing is equivalent to democracy therefore writing is a democratic act inevitable” (Carlyle, 1840).

Theory place journalism as player in the estate without being regulated by the constitution. Due its nature a diverse and different press helps to inform and to create public opinion, making people aware of the acts of the government … this function can only be covered when the journalism is free of censorship and claims autonomy from the government (O’Malley, 1997)

Public Interest: I can’t recall a distinction between that the public is interested and the public interest. they can make a decision of take a one pound coin and buy, I don’t see is the job of anybody else to force that into the public, or to say you can’t read that (McMullan, 2011)

Agency means the difference a journalist can make in the media exercise and content

“Agency is defined as the ability to interact” (Stevenson, 2002).

However, this agency is limited by political and economic reason if structural force influences the actions of the individual is a debatable subject. This deficiencies can’t be attributed to the deficiency of individuals…the owners can make pressure on editors to publish politically biased material. Even in this case it would make sense to the editor to act in this way since from the economical point of view is the best business model available and they profit from it too. Editors and journalist can become an immoral entities forgetting their respond ability with society and the people who provide them with the news. “But even if they were saintly ascetics, it would still make sense for them to publish the same sorts of material, because that is what best secures the competitive position of their ”. (Sparks, 1999)

Values of Journalism a) Objectivity and public service

Objectivity is to be a stick or make a decision-based on facts, not influenced by personal feelings or beliefs. Definition in Tony Harcup's book is given, "Objectivity for journalists is to even-handedness, separating facts from opinion, and minimizing the journalist's own views or prejudices." (Harcup, 2014)1 In journalism, truth is the matter in terms of ethics, that's the thing objectivity in journalism purposes. However, there is news organizations that use

1 Tony, H. (2003) 'journalism principles and practice' London: Sage, p. 77 15

in order to attract big amount of consumers and increase circulation. Trust in the public services can't be ensured unless objective news is not shared with the public. Objectivity is necessary for the essence of journalism and being professional while making the news.

Undisputed, public service is a powerful component is one of the most significant values of journalism ideology. Whether journalists are aware or not of their role that they play in society, they provide public service that can inform and raise awareness of people on what's going on in the national and international level.

Journalist share the feeling of ‘do it for society’, working as a defender of the status quo in for the people, who ‘vote with their wallets’ for their services” (Deuze, 2005). While journalists doing this, they provide reports which contribute and form debate on issues of common concerns of the public.

In the case of journalists can't contribute issues in the public, citizens can't know their main concerns and it causes that involvement of citizens into good governance of country decreases. This means the limping of democracy. However, when we consider ethics of journalism, it should not be forgotten constraints that they face.

“Journalist works inside limits and variables, functional components that influence their production”.2 (McQuail, 2000). They also encounter with constraints in the office environment, which take them to conflict that influences their work. Denis McQuail put on the spotlight “the conflict between the contradiction at the heart of journalism, restraint against independence, defined process against innovation, earnings versus social intend” b) Accuracy

“Is the principle that bonds the media to the duty of check the rightness of the information published” (Iggers, 1999). Accuracy is important in order to avoid inaccuracies and misunderstandings. A media organization is reliable as strong as the accuracy of its journalism. A media must have strong evidence and make its news based on a good . c)

2000: 244) 16

“More dangerous than a demagogic politician is a demagogic journalist, who were fast to invade this procreative field” (W.O, 1906). Human nature is prone to sensationalism and exaggeration. Class differences and audiences discontent created opportunities for a certain types of journalists. Such journalists who take advantage of such opportunities are called yellow. This term implies sensationalism. Journalists who involved in yellow journalism gave places lie, exaggerated, news in order to take the attention of readers. Such media gained wide circulation. d)Fairness

To explore all the sides and give a place to all the voices in order to report in an accurate way. A story never should be exaggerated. Is the responsibility of the journalist to keep and observe that it’s personal feeling and emotions don’t influence the news report, the subjects of an interview or the highlights of a story. In the same aspect is important to consider not only what is said but the way how is say in order to not present inaccurate, biased and unfair representation of the facts. The information should not be used to manipulate the public debate but to bring information so the public debate can be made upon relievable and truthful information with verified sources and facts. e) Autonomy

Journalist around the world feels and agrees that work can only be fruitful and blooms in a society where the media is protected from censorship; in firms that don’t submits their reporters to the market, in offices where the journalist is another employee of the editors; and a place where the journalist is supported not only with money but with training and education (Weaver, 1998). f) Sense of Immediacy

The work of a journalist is to report the news; this premise has been always surrounded by a sense of urgency, as ‘news’ needs to be presented in the fastest possible way. Working under pressure involves the notions of quick decision making, hurry speed and accelerate work on a constant deadline cascade. The media technology has rekindled the notion of speed regarding journalist practices implying that a journalist is subjected to a 24/7 agenda due the digital media environment, speed and spread of news gain a major advantage but the journalist can blame technology for this immediate news side effect g) Technology experts experience and literature suggest the new technologies pose a defiance to a key component of journalism, the experienced and truthful journalisit decides what the people will read, see, and 17

hear (Fulton, 1996). The skills of news acquisition and storytelling in all media plus the integration of technology leads to a reconsideration of the news manufacture-consume ties, and posses a huge challenge for journalist in the 21 century (Bardoel, 2001).

The journalist dilemma between the state and the market.

The arrival of new technologies as the and its mass adoption change the way how communication and business were made, with the technology the cost of produce content and then distribute it through the net was close to 0, causing to give away the news for free.

These situation leads to a new paradigm since the revenues to journals use to come from audiences and advertisers.

A fundamental problem of journalism is the balance state-market. The profession of journalism as business, institution and government watchdog, the social contract gives to journalism the responsibility to oversee the ruling powers on behalf of the citizens, as we mentioned before this makes what the authors called the fourth estate. With sights of maintain credibility and autonomy the reporters work must stay away from the state.

The way how journalism keeps its distance is being own by private hands, allowing freedom of publication and expression. Therefore journalism lies between the institutions that legitimize its power and the institution that renders it operational as such a power.

The journalism can’t survive without the state, however, if it gets too close to the state and the fourth estate legitimacy is compromised hurting its public service purpose. Get too close to the market and the professional legitimacy is compromised. The traditional journalism model has been into this situation to finding a proper balance. In order to get close to market other forms of journalism that can be qualified as less professional and more commercial utilitarian has been adopted, , journalism, consumer journalism, etc. in order to cover the part that state left hollow, however purely commercial news are not democratic relevant for public life, in the other hand close ties to the state make some form of journalism possible but involve the risk of spread news as a public service broadcaster or state own media. This also involves risk, however, as state subsidies, party ownership, and state ownership are associated with political strings.

“The dilemma of the journalism and the 2 sides decrease in the adoption of technology. While the distance to the government of the market was defined by social and political context in the past the social networks and the preference track algorithm lead to short the breach. With the 18

disruption of its dual income model (copy sales and advertising revenues), journalism has stepped closer to the market, specifically with algorithms collecting data on its users to personalize advertising, news diets and content marketing. At the same time, it moves closer to the legal institutions it is tasked with monitoring: differentiating towards more stable political segments to secure a subscription base, lobbying governments for incumbent-protecting subsidies or attacking public service broadcasting, organizations known for benchmarking quality standards in media markets. In trying to make up for losses in its advertising- and subscription-based funding model, journalism is drawn towards both spheres. As a result, the “neutral”, the institutional middle is weakening.” (Sjøvaag, 2019)

1.2 Security and Danger for Journalists, Causes and Consequences

Society relies on information in order to build a correct political representation leading to an improvement in the quality of life. Journalism provide this information and help to form the policies and strength the tides of government with society exposing corruption human rights abuse or no ethical practices of governance, this watchdog role contribute to increase the social cohesion, promote social debate and provide a forum for the public in order to express their concerns

The bond of independent journalism and salubrious democratic and economic growth has been pointed by several studies made by UN, World Bank and Others. (World-Bank, 2002) (Henrichsen, Betz, & Lisosky, 2015)

However not all governments see the media under the same scope, under the argument of security and national interest the free press and autonomous reporters lost its right written in the USA constitution and is lowered to a mere instrument appreciated by its ability to present health information.

Joseph Stiglitz in his work from 2002 for the world bank pointed about the political and economic stability that benefits from an open, free and independent journalism brings to society and should be considered fundamental for a healthy public debate, Media diversity is essential to deliver that openness (World-Bank, 2002).

Moreover, the practice of free and independent journalism promotes the transparency and accountability of any open government, providing the data in which citizens can judge and measure the efficiency and effectiveness of state actions, the degree of successful in the implementation of 19

public politics and construct a better criteria in the national reality based in truthful information (Sambrook, 2010)

It is clear that societies in where the scrutiny is forbidden or limited will suffer, free and independent journalism has a social function and a social responsibility even in these societies where the conditions are hostile.

To bring light into the dark corners of the social life of every nation has been always a core motivation for investigative journalism even when do it so the journalist put himself at risk (Cottle & Mosdel, 2016)

The universal perspective means, in an economy of crises and risks created by the civilization, boundaries as national and international us and them lost relevance and universal views is needed to survive. (Beck, 2006)

In the modern society the landscape to practice journalism face several threats, corporations plundering natural resources, warlords exploding precious mineral mines, the control of territories and routes by criminal organizations, violations of human rights by repressive regimes, activist in pro of immigrants or eco friendly causes among some others, are a source of threats and intimidation against subjects and society groups. Journalists included when report this violence and unfair acts.

At some extent is acceptable that this threats are stronger in failed states but is significant to say that this kind of violence is exercised in all kind of societies, sometimes the perpetrators are state actors or the attacks seem to be state-sanctioned, under any possible argument, and making it more scary since it points to a conspiracy of silence.

By reporting facts from uncivil societies the journalist acts in pro of the interest of localized population and the global community, promoting government’s accountability and providing better democratic context.

Uncivil societies take many forms, as dictatorships, in where a reduced group of people exercise power in order to disenfranchising common citizens, war zones where conflicts avoid the daily normal life; divided societies in where the political power or social construction can’t keep a nation united, and failed states, in where the normal and healthy framework is compromised by high index of crime and corruption.


Estate transparency have fours primary channels of communication (Piotrowski, 2007).

• Proactive spreading by the estate • Declassification of information by the estate • Public meetings • Leaks from whistleblowers.

The proactive dissemination by the government can be found in the broadcast and communication that the government and its organs have day after day, press conferences and interviews are among this communication.

From time to time the journalist and the population in democratic countries look for continuity in cases that are or were relevant and ask for this specific information that ca or can be not posted in public for its use, every time the demand for more information on how the government gather, allocate and distribute the resources is more common, it help to create a climax of calm and trust in the public institutions and empower the common citizen to participate in a more active way in the day by day of his national life, this transparency and accountability mechanism are more common in countries where the journalist and its labor is not controlled, not restricted and not submitted to interest of government representatives, corporative or criminal entities and allow a better accountability when the laws are broken

Public meetings

Public meetings are a way to make the public servants and entities closer to the public and voters, the degree in where the politician the people and the media are involved makes it an excellent strategy to get voters in case of a future election.


The figure of the whistleblower is not recent to the 20’s century, the first whistleblower can be traced back to 1777 and United States independence war, Samuel Shaw and Richard Marven blow the whistle of torture committed against British P.O.W.s by Esek Hopkins Commodore of the navy, as a result on July 30 1778 by unanimous voting the United States enacted the whistleblower protection law, this law put United Stated and its law corpus decades ahead of several European nations.

The whistleblower is the most controversial way of transparency that society can count on, it helps to the accountability of public servants by informing or leaking information of the inner


works of governments and corporation, information that is outside of the reach of the public knowledge and can’t be accessed by any of the other ways of transparency.

The whistleblower has gained importance and leads to legal, security and human rights controversy due to the nature of the information they expose, information that in the modern era has been classified as national security. The nature of the information and the interest of intelligence agencies to keep it as a secret explode the controversy if journalists and information agencies who handle the classified information handed by whistleblowers should be treated and judged as intelligence agencies. Voices in favor and against has raised but by the simple fact to declare this put into the table the dilemma of bring information to society in order to be informed of what their governments are doing, or go for a self- censorship in line with the politician’s public speech.

Carl Bernstein, investigative reporter for the Washington post, published an article in Rolling Stone magazine that points the fact how for 25 years 400 American reporters executed assignments’ for the CIA. The links of American media and CIA has not been studied in deep. (Aldrich, 1986)

Therefore, is vital to recognize the labor of the journalist and their will to report and to expose others to answer for their acts on benefit of the public, overcoming the fear and possible dangers that its labor carries, going beyond the simple question of looking for exclusivity or personal realization fulfilling that vital public-interest role.

The role sometimes stays at the local level impacting, sometimes its global with journalist reporting internationally. Despite the level of impact, there’s no doubt that doing it became more complicated and more dangerous.

The role of the whistleblower is the one who causes the most impact in society due to the nature of the information and the abruptly of the fact.

Whistleblowers and national security.

The term national security is a powerful excuse, the famed ‘raison d’etat’ – reason of state – implies the state is threatened by certain actions or disclose of information. The last time that the national security issue was doubted in the USA is VS United States of America (Pentagon Papers Case) the definition of national security is generally vague, and is used in an indiscriminate way to push any kind of actions that the government decides to implement, one example is Senator by New York Chuck Schumer who claimed that information on power grids and 22

electricity lines must be reserved and classified since could be a potential target of terrorist attacks (Schumer, 2002).

According to (Cottle & Mosdel, 2016) 3-factor keys have been identified in the increase of violence against journalists

a) The loss of neutral status b) The increase of international organized crime c) Adoption of technology and endanger of digital security.

Each factor is correlated and impacts journalism activities in different ways, cases will be presented where the factors lead to aggressions against journalist.

The globalization and the idea of a free press.

According to Hoskin and O’Loughlin, the adoption of new communication technologies allow a faster and easier flow of information as the user can share their message wherever they chose, using this logic the proposed idea of Marshall Mcluhan idea of global village stop being just a theoretical concept (McLuhan, (1964, [2003]) ). However, the adoption of the technologies leads to new problems as disorganization, lack of transparency or sensationalist cables. The broken phone problem still as a major problem as consequences of the back and forth and rebroadcast of information.

“Nobody can control news agendas or information flows around the world, so we are facing a free market of ideas. ‘Contagion’ is one term regularly used to describe this chaotic process, with ideas spreading like viruses, stealthy and unstoppable.” (McNair, 2006).

Mc. Nair points the lack of control in the information and risks the quality and critical examination of the content. However, this vision is contradicted by Bruce A. Williams and Michael Delli Carpini’s(2004) the newest information environment hazard the old “single axis system” of political influence and reorganize it in a “multiaxity of power” which is centered on three dimensions:

lost the watchdog role • More political actors can influence the agenda setting • The public can engage easily in public debate


Therefore, ‘the informal sector of journalism’ (Aufderheide, P., 2004) can offer some alternative information and critical insight into mainstream news

The loss of neutral status.

The neutral status of journalist was recognized from the parts involved in the conflicts, prove of this can be found during ww2 in where the report of military success and communication of progress used for the involved parts, during the years after ww2 and the cold war period we can find out evidence that this status prevailed in global conflicts fought by east-west proxies. Following the collapse of the and its subsequence division this neutrality status was lost. The threat of 2 superpowers vanished but other regional conflicts took.

Following the defeat in the Vietnam war, the Pentagon implemented a scheme of systematic threats to journalists in the 1980 and 1990, this implementation leads to active monitoring an investigation of journalist in the late’s 1990’s following by a pattern of violent attacks on installation and individuals (Paterson, 2014)

The patriot act impulse by George W. Bush and passed as law in October 2001 allow the USA and its security agencies to imprison non-citizens that by criteria could mean a potential danger to USA communication and transport infrastructure in New York City and on Long Island’ (Schumer, 2002). The Patriot Act became law in 2001 and allows to American security agencies to imprison non-citizen who pose a threat to Americans. In cases where detentions occurred no further information was given and New Jersey government lawyers answer to the information rights in the Appellate Division court that any claim or right is denied since national security outweights any other right (Sachs, 2002).

Ari Fleischer, George W. Bush sentenced ‘The journalist are making questions, that I (Fleischer) suspect the American citizens would not like to hear the answers. Will white house hold information that can be declared as dangerous if disclosed? Of course (Fleischer, 2001). Despite the love for the first amendment this is a period of time where journalism and human rights suffer from a high level of self censorship, just for the fact that the public like it like that way, in a poll made by Pew in November 2001, 53 percent of people agreed on government to censor and forbid news that pose a threat to national security (Pew, 2001).

The adoption in the Western military circles of silencing the not convenient communication in order to control the ‘message space’, the relevance of where the conflict is taking place relegated to a second plane and how the public opinion is formed and how it can favor the political goals and agenda rise into relevance 24

The repeated use of deadly force against journalist with aims to archive certain information objectives, even when goes against all international laws. The military use of violence of the USA and allies make acceptable the application of deadly force against any possible threat to goal or operatives.

Other forces as failed states and dissolution of borders that leads to shadow economies, an illegal global transaction in resources and resources trafficking (Duffield, 2001) (Kaldor, 2007) (UNEP, 2009) Military interventions presented as humanitarian help but linked to military objectives, are the way the Western military intervene in other countries in the last decades (Macrae, 2002)

The use of the law against whistleblowers: qualification under the grade of treason and espionage.

The espionage act of 1917 was originally created to fight acts of espionage and treason that al modern states can be a victim of, in recent years its use as a legal weapon against whistleblowers who pretend to disclose any information that can be label as sensitive increase exponentially. The misuse of the law in cases of whistleblowers is a direct attack to democracy and first amends of the United States of America since disclosure of information is not aimed to harm and undermine the national security but to raise awareness and promote informed debate and call all levels of government to accountability. Despite the disclosures of sensitive information and flagrant wrongdoing of the United States of America and international laws, no public servant of the USA has been investigated or convicted from those violations, seems the last relevant case was the Watergate. (Borak, 2005)

The nondisclosure of information leads to a greater chance of the government of commit illegal activities, in addition to that circumstances; the restriction and posterior prosecution of those disclosures allow the government to avoid open criticism, criticism needed to prevent governmental abuse. The USA government should allow the disclosure of information that can be beneficial to the public debate and bring protection under the USA whistleblower act. A way to do it would be to analyze the nature of the information and create penalties to the journalist who recklessly publishes information that really can cause substantial treats.

Those changes can be incorporated in the law by reviewing the Espionage act and make clear what is considered a true act of espionage and the nature of the information. With a proper review of the information is possible to point if the information really can lead to imminent harm or 25

treat, if the government can’t prove the potential harm of the disclosure; in the same context the whistleblower should be allowed to explain and justify why the information deserves to be disclosed and how it will help the public awareness.

The balance risk versus reward is an inherent characteristic of investigative journalism, in the light of disclosure is needed that the journalist make the next questions:

“Can this information be used to hurt innocent people?”, “Is this information in the public interest?” “How this information will impact and improve the public debate?”

Reporters without borders is a no profit organization that works with the journalist and advocates for independence of press, each year releases the world Freedom Index, which analyses and classifies in ranks the countries, based on their protection of press freedom. For the case of the United States and Mexico its place in the rank has been going down since 2002 and 2006 respectively, the index also reports a worldwide tendency of suppress the media and as a result a retreat of freedom of the press in the five continents.

This deterioration of freedom conditions the journalist in a severe way to do their job. Nations as Japan, China, and Korea pass law who punish severely whistleblowers or journalist who reveal “sensitive” information. The annual report of 2019 put the United States in the 48th place next to Romania and Senegal, Mexico scores in the 144th place next to Cambodia and the Central Africa Republic is important to mention that Lithuania score way higher in place 30th

The information provided by whistleblowers proved to be vital for public debate and ashaming for government institutions, the white house and pentagon condemn WikiLeaks and prosecute his editor in chief, Julian Assange actually detained in UK and waiting for judgment and a possible extradition to U.S. in where can be charged by espionage, conspiracy to hack a government information system among others; however the utility of the information must be always presented, the disclosure of 77,000 documents related to war in Afghanistan, later 391,832 documents related to Iraq war and 251,287 US diplomatic cables, bring into the public domain the crimes committed by the army and the systematic espionage labor of the USA embassy around the world spying on allies too.

Due the whistleblowers effects and the recently detention of the founder of Wikileaks USA government in declarations of Mike Pompeio slam the door and classified WikiLeaks not as an , whistleblower or journalist but directly as a intelligence agency, sending a clear message to the journalist around the world of the consequences of disclosing information that can compromise the work of the government of the United States. 26

Fig. 1 Founder and Head of WikiLeaks Julian Assange.

Time magazine cover 2010.

In one way or another WikiLeaks change the media in several ways

• Wikileaks challenge the traditional media and encourage them to be braver. • Wikileaks reinvigorate the journalist and the media in general underlining that independent media is a protector a free society, therefore, making the journalist to ask more difficult questions to authorities • Revolution the traditional media especially the newspapers and how with the new technological tool is easier to cooperate and report in benefit of the public interest • It spread the use of , “based on statistical methods of data analysis” (Voß 2011). • The cooperation of WikiLeaks and NGO’s show how important is the analysis of large data sets to understand the big picture of actuality


• It opens a new way to post news – leaks publishers. This kind of site is relatively new in the media and actually, there are no more than 20 sites that dedicate specially to this. Most of them are local based as Balkan Leaks, Indoleaks and ThaiLeaks. • Others are dedicated to different themes as UniLeaks and EnviroLeaks.

The inability of the governments to control the flows of information lead to the use of violence against journalist not only into war conflicts or post-revolutionary established governments but in several nations in peace situation making them score among the most dangerous to exercise journalism,

The job of the journalist, the importance of the profession and the importance of defending its freedom is a must be a factor that all societies should take in consideration at the moment when a country has named a democracy a regime or a dictatorship. In the last 10 years, the number of assassinated, kidnapped, imprisoned and other aggression against journalists and their labor has increased in a significant way, and the aggression comes from all possible specters as organized crime, governments and corporations mainly.

The degree of impunity lack of proper investigation, finding the material and intellectual actors and their consequence judge by law lead journalism to be one of the most dangerous profession to exercise, creation an environment ideal to silence journalism that touches sensible subject or subject powers in public and private administrations, the ultimate form of censorship is the assassination

The scale and number of attacks are so frequent and unpunished that the UNESCO report of safety of 2016 points that by that time a journalist was killed every 5 days, when a journalist is attacked is not only a journalist, but a critical voice in society that exercise their right of freedom, when the attack results in fatal consequences and nobody is prosecuted a message is sent to the society, “the same can happen to any of you”, message that intimidates and lead to self-censorship, block the flow of news and submission from the rest of society and media, making unavailable to society to make a properly informed decision

Action has been taken and proposed as the problem seems to continue the develop the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity (UN Plan) with academics, estates and news producers


Fig. 2 Reporter without borders freedom of press index 2019.

Reporters without borders Web-site.

1.3 Differences and Parallelism: International Journalist and the Mexican Case

The difference of Mexico with the other Latin American countries is that Mexico wasn’t in the cycle of dictatorship-democracy that other countries suffer, instead Mexico was a relatively stable democracy in where every section of the society was represented and given a voice, however, the regime was given to some social actor few or null decision power, and when the normal measures were not enough to control the discontent or certain social sector repression was the constant in those 70 years of what can be called a perfect dictatorship,

When the media counts with credibility autonomy and legitimacy it fulfills the function of intermediate between the society and the estate, the media must inform with veracity and objectivity of the events relevant to the population. Society can demand It complies. In this context we can mention that the media it's a link between government and governance Starting the emission and reception of a message in order to express and spread the message and show the effect that it plays in the receptive community, Assuming the role of spoke man who takes the popular perception and brings it back to the government.


The media assume as a transmitter of truthful and trustable information; however is the receptors that perceive and criticize the content of that information, and eventually, establish in an analytical way its transcendence and importance.

In the Mexican case the lack of political information of the citizens leads to this situation in where the media gains more influence, and gains major influence on the shape of opinion between estate-population. Transforming into a space of retro alimentation between the plans and achievements of the public administration, and the economic political and social demands of the citizens. Is the media who build Spread and decipher the most of the political message that citizens receive. At some extent is the media who dictates conduct of the political debate, select the subjects, chose time, take the issues and propose vision of political future.

With the purpose of Achieve a social legitimization, the political actions of the government rely and depend on the Public Presentation and diffusion of the results of its politics, In this way we understand the importance of the mass media however these relationships between mass media and government has lead to the predominant media logic over political logic.

Nowadays are the media who regulates access to the political scenario. According to Sartori:2005 “With the television the Authority is the vision itself, is the authority Of the image…” relegating democracies to governments of opinion.

Fig. 3 Emilio Azcarraga (CEO ) Enrique Peña Nieto,PRI Candidate for Presidency of Mexico.

Proceso: May 2015, La Caida del Telepresidente. (The Telepresident fall).


Is possible to point that media says to public what, when, and how to think guiding the public opinion in a convenient way for politicians and becoming a powerful source of communication with political means. In Latin America the regimes has been audio visual democracies, where political communication is orientated with the aim to control the masses.

According to Santorini the primary source of political information is the television, Mass media, especially TV enforce the entertainment, denies the deep arguments, promoting the lost of substance in the message, giving priority to the shape over content.

As Santorini(2005) “TV is the primary generator of political information, therefore the main actor in the process of formation of public opinion by becoming the favorite place for the politic debate”, in this sense the television impose the Hollywood logic, this logic rejects the arguments that have a deep meaning and give privileges from the way that the essence of the message. Television often cover the position of opening and closing the political, economic and social circumstances: as for example electoral campaigns, candidate’s selections for the post of popular elections, where the media dedicate a long time to cover the presentation of the activities of the candidates, proposal, debates, and opinion of specialist”

Fig. 4 Chamber of deputies, El poder Real Impone su Ley (The real power impose its law).

Proceso magazine cover 2014.


Television looks to modify the preferences of the electors, bring attention to some topics, define and close the political agenda, impose their influence in the promotion and order of the topics for its discussion, a situation that can polarize and disperse the attention of the citizens. In pro of the agenda is painless to change the perception than to change their own attitude, reality and consistency of the events, in a certain manner, are influenced in the way those were communicated to us (Fagen,1969).

The determinant influence of television in political communication for western democracies can’t be denieded and authors like Rospir(2003), Berrocal(2003) and Muñoz(1999) identified five characteristics inherited from the North American model of television.

1. The manufacturing of the news, with this it means that the political information in abnormal basis is taken and adapted to the TV format, short and spectacular, privileges of way over content, decontextualizing the information.

2. The phenomena of the debates, it’s the most significant rite of the electoral campaigns and became a must be in all modern democracies. In the debates, the candidates go to win not to argue, and again the television is the great character cause brings the window to the world of that ritual, it becomes judge since it decree trough the opinion of the host and experts invited for the event, who wins? and who lose?

3. Personalization of the politic, image, and political leadership: focusing in the personality and not in the political institution, is the actual tendency to follow, the attitudes of modern day politicians are based on its ability to show himself to the television cameras and radio microphones and communicate, no matter if the speech has meaning or not.

4. The use television spot as the main component of the actual political campaign model. Putting the agenda of the subject in the spot as a matter of consideration in the public debate.

5. Political marketing, a situation that leads to the involvement of corporation and third parties that traditionally were an outsider to the world of politics and placing them in the center of the politics, since now they are the responsible to design the strategies of communications of the politicians.

In the field of political community, media observe the next guidelines: influence in a substantial way in the structuring process of the political speech ; become in producer of political events when present politicians in television or radio programs in Hollywood way, and the appearance on spaces of advertisement type and important schedules during the day; traduce the 32

political events in communicable material that result attractive for the rest of media; displace the informative modalities, reflexives and formatives of political communication for an spectacular way, counts with great summoning capacity in society.

The journalists in the Balkan conflicts found themselves involved in a conflict with a blurred line of the war front and no clear affiliation that could protect them. As wars continue and after the 11 September policies in the USA impulse the world guidelines to deal with the journalist in the zone of conflicts under the sentence: ‘you are either with us or you are against us’. In these circumstances, journalists were not ‘with’ any side.

The western military saw in the media a threat to their operations, the case of the attack with bombs to Serbian television facilities in Belgrade, perpetrated by NATO forces in 1990 is an example of the beginning of that trend, the attack was justified under the premise that the station broadcast propaganda. However, for the international media community was a clear message that they can become a military target when the information was not favorable for their interest. The bomb of Al Jazeera’s Kabul office in the conflict of Afghanistan in 2001 and later in 2003 did the same to Al Jazeera bureau in Baghdad show how the war focus into control not only the front line but the flow of information.

The target of the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad, place of several international journalist (Paterson, 2014). There was not a clear explanation why the attack was perpetrated, British journalist Nik Gowing wrote: “at best a culture of military indifference and inefficiency to the business of explaining the deaths of media personnel. At worst it suggests a policy of endorsing and covering up firstly the targeting, then either the aiming or killing, of media personnel” (Gowing, 2003).

Micheal Ignatieff (Ignatieff, 1998) points the fact that terrorist realizes camera is a way to spread terror on an entire planet by recording one atrocity and broadcast it, giving them a new weapon.

The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) has target several journalist with no or little explanation and none of accountability (Paterson, 2014); in Egypt the coverage and interview of muslims brotherhood was censored and journalist arrested since 2013.

The reports of aggression against the journalist in war zones continue with the subsequent war in Afghanistan Iraq Syria and Libya, in where western reporters became a high profile target but local journalist of Muslim religions was attacked without distinction. The attack in 2015 to the


office of Charlie Hebdo proves how the extreme political views and religious can be used as an excuse to attack a media western under the argument that is an enemy of the faith.

The same extreme political views and constant efforts to control the information flow can lead to states to be the aggressors, I received many call of estates official threatening me

“Dozens of collegues has been murder by the government and no- government organizations under national security arguments” Hamid Mir Pakistani journalist. (Mir, 2012). The attacks against journalist are clear evidence of the impunity culture that their perpetrator uses as protection, that damage in a serious way the press freedom in the country (Ali, 2015).

Georgiy Gongadze was an Ukranian investigative journalist and published several articles related to corruption of the country elites and the president to be directly involved, in the episode knew as result the journalist disappear in the summer of 2000 just be found 2 months later beheaded, in the case knew as the "." a series of audio tapes were presented by an opposition politician who recorded the conversations between the president Kuchma, the minister of interior Yuriy Kravchenko and one more man talking on how to dispose of Mr. Gongadze; Attempts to imprison Mr. Kuchma failed since the tapes were rejected as evidence for being recorded illegally. The case took relevance in 2009 when the Mr. Kravchenko former ministry of surveillance was arrested and confessed the crime, blaming Mr. Kuchma as intellectual author…Mr. Kravchenko, who was found dead in Kiev in 2005 in an alleged suicide, despite the fact that he presented 2 shots in the head (CPJ, 2014)

Fig. 5 and Mexican journalists , 2 different countries…same tragedies.

Cuarto oscuro-Unian.



2.1 Overview of the Mexican Market Media

The actual structure of the media in Mexico is representative by 2 different points of view, in one side is the Voice of those who claim more control from the state and those who defend the private market at all cost. The first group speak about a scenario in where the government and the audiences lives under a Television duopoly ,and a Monopoly in Telecommunications that hurts the collective interest by owning the public space under commercial interest, private in short words, while the second group who defend the great corporations inside or outside of them affirm that the likes of the public, the law of offer and demand and the experience of the owners must determine the way and goals the industry and market must pursuit.

Arguments from both sides have been presented however the lacks of data about the nature of the media, the content, the distribution and the social effects between the media-estate, and the influence the content have between the audience relegate the talk to a just normative character.

The extreme cases comes when the rules are changed without diagnoses or reliable data that support those changes, likewise, without knowing in deep the consequences of broadcasting in different modalities and platform certain kind of content, without analyzing the structural conditions that allow a scheme of media and telecommunication that express y distribute in a better way the preferences and need of the social interest.

As result, the Mexican system is a system of marginal public media, intellectualized or elitist that lives next to an all power media private system that fake interest in the premises of state management and public interest.

The implication of this structure, focused, in the media industry as in telecommunications, creates problems in the public politics, since is the estate the one who is in charge of creating an impulse the economic competition in a normative frame and actions that establish the rules that warranty equity for all the economic actors. In the same way, is the state who is responsible for creating the conditions to structure a media system that is plural and diverse in conformity with the political and socio-cultural traits of its population.

The actual number of communication structure in Mexico are as follow:

1930 radio stations are installed along the national territory, according to the annual statistics of the IFT 2017 from these:


1528 are FM radio stations

402 are AM stations

68% Of people who participate in a poll “Digital Audio Studio” in 2018 used digital radio at least one time per week

79% show the audience select music as predilection content, according to annual Statics of the IFT in 2017

90% of the millennials of the Mexican valley are reached By Radio Each month, data according to Ipsos Mexico in October of 2018 in the study Media cell

94.1% of the population of Mexico Valley in a high socioeconomic group and 83.9 percent of the lowest socioeconomic group is reached by the Mexican radio each week, data provided by day electronic platform Media Cell Mexico in 2018

53.9% used the radio as a way to inform themselves how to vote in the electoral process 2018 in Mexico, being the first place talks with relatives and Friends.

85% of people perceive radio as an interesting and attractive media according to the Radio Association of the Valley of Mexico.

80% of the people affirm that the radio generate thrust and is useful for them

873 open TV channels have been installed in Mexico till 2017 according to the IFT.

90.3% use open TV as Media to inform themselves on how to vote in the electoral process 2018 in Mexico following by talks with relatives with 64.8% and conversations with friends with 61.8%

4:31:04 hours; Time of TV Exposition that the people between 13 and 18 years old register according to with the second quarterly Inform over the IFT in 2018 with the software of exploration MSS TV

5: 44:32 hours Time of TV exposition that people older than 45 years old register according with the second quarterly Inform over the IFT in 2018 with the software of exploration MSS TV.


The history of Mexico can’t be understand without knowing the history of its official ruling party named PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional) that rules from 1930 till 2000, the official


party didn’t find a real counterweight in the political Mexican system, through a series of state- corporativism institutions is leading sectorial, professional and civic organizations. During its 70 years of rule, the corporativism co-optation fails of voting count systems (electoral fraud) and selective repression become a common practice for the official party.

The idea of a ruling party for that many years in power sounds difficult to believe without a system that works and communicates in an effective way what the government wants to share and keeps from public ear what is not wanted to be shared. Mexico media system is unique in its own way, it doesn’t count with a solid mass of readers, however television is another story, Mexico was the 6th country in the world to introduce the TV signal, by 1970 the operator company Televisa emerge as one of the most important conglomerates in world communication, Televisa creates and imports its world famous “Telenovelas” not only to Latin American or Spanish speaking countries, the list goes as far as distant cultural countries as China or Japan, Televisa is also the owner of the biggest Spanish speaking network in the United States, with a reach of 90% of the population is hard to find a company that comes close to this levels of audience and influence.

The worked in a concentrated form, from 1972 till 1993, Grupo Televisa, with their 3 main national channels (2, 5 y 9) and 1 metropolitan (4) operate as the only private entity, in that time it shares the spectrum with canal 13, who belong to the state and in 1982, with 3 signals of Imevision 7, 13 y 22 who belong to the state

While Televisa didn’t question in a decisive manner the action and politics of the PRI party, the political power was not a break but a motor of expansion of their business and a bigger concentration in the market (Trejo, 1988;Orozco,2002). The mentioned reason allow to Grupo Televisa to obtain profit who later allow the investment on different sectors and subsectors of the media industry, allowing them to control in a vertical way all the rows of the television media industry, becoming the main producer and distributor of audiovisual content of Spanish speaking countries (Sánchez, 2005).


Fig.6 Televisa, la del PRI (Televisa the one of the PRI).

Proceso magazine cover 1994.

The appearance of Tv Azteca in 1993 as result of the privatization of Imervision, with the objective to have “a competitor” to Televisa hegemony in terms of audiences and advertisement investment, in 1997 the competition between TV Azteca y Televisa reach its algid point at the moment TV Azteca got biggest share on ratings in the primetime, despite that fact the ratings of both networks present slightly variation since TV Azteca has not been able to go beyond the 28%- 30% on the rating and advertisement investment.

Televisa is a company leader in audiovisual content in Spanish, a cable operator in Mexico, and a system of satellite TV. Televisa distributes the content it produces through various channels of TV in Mexico and more than 50 countries, counting with 26 brands of pay per view channels and TV channels, cable operator and additional services over the internet the offer of Televisa goes beyond the TV channel and counts with several radio channels under its brand

El canal de , , , bandamax, unicable, , televisa news, foro T, nueve, Blim, , , , TLN, de pelicula, golden, golden HD ,


golden Edge, Golden premier, TDN, fighting sports networks, videocine, Izzi, SKY, Bestel, Radio W, W deportes, K Buena, Los 40 principales, fundacion Televisa, and Cea Televisa. Televisa has an estimate of 3.2 millions of viewers on it primetime in el canal de las Estrellas, in where the telenovelas and the main news are broadcast

TV Azteca was born after the privatization of the public signal, in a beginning the broadcaster was politically neutral however that tendency will change with the years since in 2000 it supported the official party in the news but in the debates made in the television supported the opposition candidate Quesada from the rightist Partido Accion Nacional (PAN), the support result in an important share of the budget destined to official publicity who increased in time; Tv Azteca started as 1 channel no. 13 and years later expand it concession to channel 7, actually and thanks to several favors by the past 3 governments, 2 from the PAN and 1 from the PRI TV Azteca counts actually now with 5 more channels, Azteca deportes, Azteca Uno, Azteca noticias, ADN 40 and a+7.2.

Tv Azteca is the second company who benefits from the budget for advertisement just behind Televisa, in what is not qualified as a coincidence, the support for the governments increase as the budget increase, in the last 5 years the difference between the approved budget and the delivered one was of 200% difference, this increase coincided with the rise of the price of the shares in the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores BMV the trader of shares for Mexican companies and market. In the same case than the radio, prevails the practice of the media to have editorial guidelines and self- censorship when the actions of the government are criticized, independent journalist and now YouTubers proposed in the last year the hypothesis that more than 60% of the media in Mexican market lives directly from the budget that the actual government assign to them as official publicity they broadcast, with the exit of the PRI party in 2018 and the arrival of a leftist candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador from the also leftist MORENA party, Televisa and TV Azteca enter in a process of restructuration due the decision of the new government to cancel the huge budget from official publicity, the hypothesis of the independent journalist and the YouTubers seems to be proven as the day advance and both companies struggle to keep the health in their market share and finances. This restructuration process impact to several journalists who in other presidential period hold the critics and even defend the decision of the politicians, helping to create a polarized society in where the reality offered by the television and the reality lived day after day was more and more different.


Fig.7 Ricardo Salinas Pliego (CEO Tv Azteca) Enrique Peña Nieto PRI candidate for Mexico presidency -money based friendship.

Ricardo B. Salinas webpage.

I needed to mention that this kind of journalist has been never victims of violence, not by the DTOs or the government, a crucial difference with a journalist who criticized the government and investigates in well- documented cases the corruption, illicit enrichment, relations of politicians and DTOs or some other criminal activity


The radio in Mexico started in 1920 s and since then it became an integral part of the National Life especially during the years of the 1930s to 1950s known as the Golden Age of the Mexican radio. The introductions of the television in the 1950s open the gate the radio to transform according to their intrinsic characteristics. Instead of disappearing it becomes a powerful advertisement vehicle, important and need a source of information in some cases. the radio is not only important for advertisement and publicity but universities that bring valuable notes on communication.

The political view of the media and journalism in Mexico comes from 1960 by that time the radio was the affordable media for all the Mexicans, the adoption of the television comes later and the first magazines and newspapers in Mexico with critical voice started to appear one of the most notorious journalists of that time Julio Scherer Garcia funded the magazine PROCESO who has always been a critical voice against the politicians businessman and syndicates leaders excesses.

The media in Mexico was integrated into estate power structure, the structure had a crisis and media suffer major alterations in the middle of the '90s with a new competitor appearing and


challenging Televisa omnipresence on the broadcast signals, TvAzteca. This beginning of democratization can be understand as the first steps of the divisions of the official party and the ascension of real politic opposition in all the national scene. The clientelism of the official party tide diverse actors of the public spheres giving benefits to certain sectors of the population, channeling their demands through the party and mobilizing to support the party when is needed.

In 1973 the new regulation for radio and television is created, this new regulation, is written that the Secretary of Government, the one who is in charge to check an authorize the content for both media, it also stipulates the maximum limit for publicity an advertisement is up to 40% of the total air time. In 1977 The general direction of radio television and cinematography is created with a purpose to watch the norms applicable to the television radio and cinematography. In 1983 is the creation of the Mexican Institute of the radio with the intention of being a device of coordination so the state can have better control of the resources in social communication

Nowadays Mexican counts with 428 AM 1528 the station in FM it will surely have better quality, This FM stations are capable to be the received by any conventional radio. Radio stations usually the most popular and the richer is directly proportional to the power of the broadcast network. In the beginning, the FM stations used to have a different program from the AM stations with less advertisement, a different selection of music, and directed to middle-high social class however at the actual day in the practice there's no difference between one and another.

From the point of view the radio stations in Mexico can be commercial organization and no commercials or permission to operate a radio station, special permission to operate a commercial radio required and the concession gave by the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes SCT ( Secretary of Communication and Transportes). According to the specifications that indicate the federal law of radio and television and the ends of the Secretary of governments. these broadcasters are authorized to include publicity and commercial propaganda in their programs.

“We understand by no commercial station, Those ones who received permission to promote the experience of culture and diffusion of educational programs and the law is not allowing the advertisement and Commercial propaganda,(Romo,1975:33)

The commercial broadcaster is the typical broadcast that you can find in the Mexican market, is possible to find all of them in bad distribution around the national territory even when it’s totally covered. This is a topic of Discussion, a problem since the radio by his nature is a communication media that can be used to reach the poorest portion of a population, however, the


distribution in national territory answer only to market interest leaving behind the social aspect it can take.

These commercial broadcasters are organized in networks with the aim to get more economic benefits and consolidate regional hegemonies, that in a long run may lead to a monopoly of Mexican radio diffusion. We are not speaking about a monopoly of one person but a monopoly from a small group of companies with the intention to get the highest profit in the shortest time. being this the only objective and due to this perspective, broadcasters show as a rule that communication is the same to the foment of economical consume the signal lacks meaning, losing its possible social message

According to Antonio Castro Leal, everything that is broadcast the radio and television it's supper. I meant to figure material for the commercial organization did manage and sometimes monopolize those media. these organizations consider that everything that has a cultural character is bi means unpopular(1969: 22)

The case of the radio is not escaping to the grasp of the creation of the PRI party, as I mentioned before the media has been used, to represent the conditions of the country in a fake picture, or what is even worst in euphemism representations that place the consumers In a situation and where is just an object, I'm not a subject in the social process of communication, what is communicating answer to the interest of the two subjects of the system and not only in the interest of the broadcaster.

In this way, the audiences have become another slave of the mass media without a chance of a contrary reaction and just as another member of the public mass, with a minimum degree of participation any communication process.

About the radio Mexico register a big number of networks at the national level, most of them of commercial character (66%), but also a couple of public character (IMER y Radio Educacion) as many station of regional character and academic, from the governments of the states or indigenous people, in some way the radio pretends to express the plurality and diversity of society, however there are problems reference to the existence of community radio stations and socials since their figure are not contemplated in the actual body of laws, placing them in an unfair way as criminal for the fact of operating without the permission of the Mexican state. There are one thousand 594 licenses of radio broadcasters, from them one thousand 53 are commercial, and 541 private without the right to commercialize their space, is important to point that the radio increased


the amounts of advertisement investments in a sustained way in 2 percentual points from 2004 till 2010 from 6% to 8% and the tendency continues till 2018.

The level of investment and audience in the radio place it as one of the favorite media of the Mexican population, being the station of “grupera” music and “youth” the most listened. The available data about infrastructure, meaning the number of station that accumulate the dominant networks in all the national territory, allows to identify the size of the networks according to its number of licenses but don’t explain directly the number of their profits or audience shares. It is important to mention also that not all groups operate at a national level.

The content of the commercial station can be listed in a next way:

• Musical programs consist of the records the companies promote, promoting their sells.

• News charged with superficial/incomplete information or self-censored information.

• Sports programs in where the commentator narrates the action.

The commercial radio station of Mexico affiliate to the national chamber of radio and television. The institution that was born in 1941 and has a clear objective being the most important for this matter thesis 3 I mentioned below

• Overview of the general interests of the industry of radio and television and the companies that constitutes it.

• To study the issues that affect the industrial activities of the radio and television and provide the measures that help the development of them.

• Participate in the defense of the private interests, of their partners based on the limitations in the law of trade and industry chamber.

Is it important to point the third point is always happening.

As an example, the government cannot use directly the air time of the broadcasters, instead if it wants its message to be spread is needed to hire and pay for the airtime with the broadcasters. This activity doesn’t sound too bad but in a practical case it proves to be a real problem to the democracy since the broadcasters who speaks better of the government in turn, usually get a bigger portion of paid by the state airtime , in the other hand the broadcasters who are independent or critic to the government in turn usually are punished with less airtime pay by the government, this


in the long run, means economical struggle self-censorship and the disappearance of the radio broadcaster.

In radio broadcasters, the companies are the next ones

Grupo Radio Fórmula:

• 43 Radio stations (9 A.M. y 34 F.M.)

• Covers 38 cities and 19 states

• Actually owner: Rogelio Azcárraga Madero. (Related to Emilio Azcarraga Jean-Televisa owner)

Grupo IMER:

• 17 radio stations with national coverage

• Counts with 3 institutes

• No owner, use to have directors since is a state-owned

Grupo MVS Radio:

• 4 radio station

• national coverage, broadcast and owns radio stations in the United States and South America (150 radio stations in 9 countries)

• owner of channel 52 in open TV

• the most critical and involved in media scandals

Grupo Radio Centro:

• 10 radio stations (5 A.M y 5 F.M)

• Te only radio group who quote on the stoke market in wall street and Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV)

Televisa Radio

• 4 radio stations (FM)

• National coverage


• The most popular station with “grupera” music style

• Owner of the most popular football team “Club America”


• 3 radio stations with national coverage

• 1 channel in paid TV

• 1 journal “Excelsior”

• Owner of 1 football “Club Gallos Queretaro”

Grupo ACIR

• 4 radio stations

• National coverage

Somer(Sociedad Mexicana de Radio, S. A. De C.V.)

• CEO- Humberto Huesca Bustamante

• Not radio stations with national coverage but 43 stations with city coverage

Fig. 8 Actual Radio broadcaster in Mexico AM and FM frequencies.

Consejo de la comunicacion.

Journals and Magazines

Is important to analyze the case of the journals, , since it were the only critical voices who set apart from the political power, a net of complicities submission and conveniences were perpetrate against the journals just like in the cases of the Radio and television in order to integrate them into the regime, the president of Televisa declare himself a “Soldier of PRI”, in those years


the debate tables and analysis where the announcers criticize the politics and them governors where not even a dream, not to mention what happens when somebody critic and insult a politician.

The journals who have a national level presence are the most influyent by obvious reasons and are the journals overview in this thesis if were the wish to deepen in the topic more than 1 thesis would be needed due to the plethora of local level journals

La Jornada

La Jornada is a journal paper, maybe the most critic of the regimes, born in 1984 as one of the marginal media that survived the omni-presidentialism, is a newspaper that talks from itself and with the Mexican society, outraged, unhappy and thirsty for justice. The newspaper is classified as a leftist and has been in the middle of many controversies, a rebel from the behemoth apparatus thanks to a woman that has now place in the history of Mexican media Carmen Lira, rebellious and always the aim of the Mexican government la Jornada has become in a must be for the freedom of ideology expression and press that has been lost in Mexico since the triumph of the Mexican revolution.


Excelsior founded in 1917 and was stable under a long period of time, Julio Scherer Garcia was a vital part of the journal who by the year of 1968 was consider independent and critic of the governments, this change after his renounce to the journal in 1976 due pressure to soften or change the editorial lines for ones more favourable to the politicians in turn. It changed to be part of the hegemonies prevailing in the media, actually, this journal belongs to Grupo Imagen


Reforma is a journal founded in 1993 and part of Grupo Reforma who is based in the north of Mexico, it has a brother journal “El Norte” who originally was the journal of Grupo Reforma, in the begging it tried to divide it editorial line and commercial line in order to avoid the official advertisement trap, however and despite the efforts in recognized nowadays as a media that supports the regimen and privatization of several states companies as Petroleos Mexicanos(PEMEX) and Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE)

El Universal

El universal is maybe the most read journal in Mexico due it’s impressive section of classified ads, founded in 1916 after the end of the Mexican revolution, is one of the longest


journals in circulation, is know also for their support to the regime despite to count with some that can be classified as leftist.


Owned by Grupo Multimedios was founded in 1974 in the north of Mexico, is among the top 5 of most important journals in Mexico, with a selection of right-wing journalist and columnist is know as a journal supporting the regime and ferocious critic of the left Mexican left wing, among their columnist Mario Marin, stand up and seems to have personal issues with the 2 times candidate to the presidency and now President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

El Financiero

El Financiero is a journal specialized in finances economy and business it was founded in 1981 and sign an agreement with the portal Bloomberg in 2013 to bring news not only from Mexico from united states and the most important economic markets in the world, is known as objective and independent in the financial sector, but their economist analyst and columnist are also supporters of the regime and its neoliberal politics.

El Economista

Founded in 1989 is a journal specialized in economy finances and markets, It is known for keeping an editorial line critic to the regime in economic terms, their columnist works and collaborate with other newsgroups as analyst and keeps in strict line in economic terms.


Founded in 1977 by former employees from Excelsior who were in disagree with the dictation of editorial line that came from the government, was know as a one of the journals that resist to be absorbed in the media machinery of the states until 1989 when the owner was threatened with prison for tax evasion and with no choice than to sell the newspaper to a businessman close to the PRI, the diary became a propaganda machinery who specialized in attack the leftist ideologies, the decline of the journal saw its culprit when in 2015 the Justice State Department of United States Accused the directors to have direct link with DTO’s in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

La Cronica

La Cronica is a newspaper founded in 1996 by Pablo Hiriart and later on directed by Guillermo Ochoa, journalist well known for hosting the TV news in channel 2 in primetime, its founder left the journal to work later on El Financiero, is a newspaper that stay in line with most of


guidelines of the regime, and emphasizes socialite events in its pages mixed with economy and daily life.


Publimetro, El Metro, Record, and El Grafico are newspapers that specialize in yellow journalism with a mix of politics, social, technology, astrology, and heart journalism. Their relevance lies in its lack of deep in the articles but the great number of sales they boast, with sensationalist headlines displaying murders or accidents, their articles and columns rarely go bigger than 1 page,

Proceso Magazine

Proceso magazine was founded in 1977, its founder Julio Scherer Garcia belongs to the Excelsior group of journalist who left the journal after the changes in editorial guidelines, leaving the journal under the presidential sentence “no pago para que me critiquen” or “I do not pay for you to criticize me”, Proceso was a media magazine who always look for the truth with a classification of leftist, Proceso creates a before and after in investigative journalism exposing multiple nets of complicity and exposing them with hard cold evidence that in certain countries would lead to judicial investigation. Politicians, labors association, businessman, companies, all of them have been investigated and exposed, the backlash became in the day by day of the magazine and their columnist, from presidents to municipality majors sued Proceso for their presented articles, the same to mention about businessman, companies and workers unions however Proceso and its director always resisted the charges of the presidentialism and it media apparatus against them, part of the “journals resistance”.

Many other magazines of the same topic appear and disappeared from one day to another without shame or glory, Vertigo, Poder y Dinero, Poder y Negocios, Expansion which after an alliance with CNN came back to life, however, no political magazine represents a serious competence against Proceso.


Fig. 9 Cover of the main journals in Mexico, El Universal and Excelsior in pro of law reform that privatize the state oil company Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX).

Hemeroteca la jornada

2.2 Media Owners and Government: History of Favors and Complicity.

The mass media is an important part of the state. The Mexican media is traditionally official and self-censored used for private gain and political legitimization core features as presidencialism, official corruption, electoral fraud, and repression were out of the media coverage, in most cases the media control was archive by co-optation, that traduce in subsidies and economic rewards to journalist and media owners who give a favorable review of the government policies and actions.

In the part of the economic power, we can suppose that the main pressure comes from the states, however, the corporations engage more and more into domestic politics since 1960.

The idea of an independent free thinker Mexico is a nightmare for the USA and the Mexican politicians, activities of corporations are reported and criticized, but corporations also find friend allies in the plutocracy they build to protect each other and partner in the media that is controlled by the government, the most notorious of this one’s is Televisa the responsible for all the Telenovelas.

In elections times the money given to political parties has a section for marketing and media, Televisa is an all-time friend of the person who will be in power, the highest percent of contracts and money is given to Televisa and some puppet newspapers as Milenio, Reforma and El Heraldo de Mexico (to mention some), this media work is not only to promote the candidate, the role is also to deal with the critics and ridiculous the journalist and the media who made this critic.


With the corporation no paying for airtime and marketing, the government giving few or none contracts and the other media playing the hounds of the politicians a real critic newspaper, program, or magazine are condemn to struggle in order to survive, unfortunately many of them fail as Monitor, a radio program directed by Jose Gutierrez Vivo.

Ylia Adler(1993b) in a study of the ten diaries in 1984 finds 123 articles favorable to certain ministry and 14 unfavorable, in the other hand a sample of 211 articles favorable to the president not even one against. In the Media TV was overwhelming since 50-75 of population named the TV as their main media to access political sources, Televisa served as the main organ of publicity for the state and for the PRI party as an ideological state apparatus, in reward the state and the official party has been generous with the owner of Televisa.

Political power appeal and use subtle control mechanism to the journals: friendship and compadrazgo with owner’s directors editors and or small big gratifications to the reporters and columnist, if that doesn’t work the exclusion from an official advertisement or the negative from PIPSA – state monopoly of the paper for printing.

Is that doesn’t work the journals were sentenced to be under continues surveillance of the state in their finances or as last resort to interfere directly in the life of the media in shareholders meetings. Being the diary “Excelsior” the one who felt by this practice in 1976 due it’s critic line and chief editor Julio Scherer Garcia

The media silence and denied for a critic attitude was part of the political life, the decision and politics were made inside the official party PRI and their multiple tentacles who reach every aspect of the society in Mexico, from union workers to unofficial armed groups.

The politicians who tried to start a political organization, no matter if leftists or rightists were treated as poor preachers and often ended up in jail or tortured to desist their intentions.

The agrarian activist who refused to participate in the simulated process of support appear death in some rural pathway, and not to talk from those who took the guerrilla path.

With that situation in the country journals as “UnomasUno” “Proceso” and the just created “La Jornada” survive in the uncertain journals and magazines markets, the idea of publications who give space to freedom of expression, plurality and diversity in order to awake the society and build agreement among the society to fight for the defence of the sovereign, equal distribution of the wealth, free, secular and mandatory public education, the obligation of the state to warrant the right to health, living place and a fair salary among others


These projects were not well received by the businessmen who already own a share in the sector, in their eyes every proposal that aims for a real democratic and inclusive politic of the state represent no more than a communist plot.

The society saw with good eyes the idea to build and participate in a media platform that gives the voice that was denied for many years to the most vulnerable sectors, journalist, academics, intellectuals, scientists, writers, photographers, filmmakers, political activist from different ideologies and social fighters join to the project of “la Jornada”

Media as “Proceso” and “Unomasuno” find in the new founded journal fresh air to continue the hard work to point the growing threats to the social conquers gained during the Mexican revolution and systematical violations of law by the regimes that came after the revolution.

The medullar point to survive was the economic factor, by fortune plastic artists like Rufino Tamayo and Francisco Toledo who donate in species so the new wave of critic media could take shape.

This new wave in resistance journalism is a triumph of intellectual, academic, journalist, politicians, artist and social fighters who participate in this project, a triumph to tell the events that for the rest of the media in radio and Televisa doesn’t exist at all, giving voices to actors external of the official corporations, economic and finance groups, show industry, the orders of the political and economic powers and a hegemony society that could not conceit bad words in a printed journal.

Years later the coverage of several events will mark the distance between what we can call the “journals resistance” against the rest of politic organic hegemonized media. The earthquake of 1985 and that devastate several parts of the city was one of these events, the people of Mexico city mix and organized putting aside class, social origins, sex, age, neighborhood of origin or political ideologies, uncovered the inefficiency of the authorities in all levels of government, the journals took the messages of the citizens in their pages asking for rescue, blood donations, and suppliers who mix with the chronicles of the columnist and show a Mexican society wounded but alive and mobilizing and deepened the distance between the politicians and the citizens

With the begging of the implementations of the neoliberal ideas in Mexico by the group known as the “Chicago boys”, in 1986 and by academic reason not that clear and widely questionable the biggest university in Mexico, UNAM, the rector organ of the maximum study house launch a plan with the intention to improve the education of its students, however that plan will exclude thousands of students to have access to university studies, the implementation of the


neoliberal politics couldn’t find a better moment since strong student demonstrations did not occur in the country since the massacre of October 2 of 1968.

Fig.10 Jacobo Zabludovsky host of the Televisa main news: “today was a sunny day” commentaries in national television on the massacre of students on October 2nd 1968.


The opposition started to be minimal, but increase pass the time and result in a demonstration in Mexico city with an estimated of 200,000 students in the Mexico city old town, sector of society as artist, unemployed organizations, feminist leagues and groups who claim for sexual diversity, arrive to the demonstration and show support for the students cause. This demonstration was not only a students expression of rejection against a project but a symptom of the society who claim for a bigger social change that will come later in the elections of 1988 in the whole country.

During the demonstration the feelings of rejection and distress of the students to the modernization plans of the university were express and taken by the journals who analyze in depth how the new project will leave the students without access to university education and due the labor market contraction, the education was the only space that a Mexican can aspire when he gets 18 years old.

The contrast of the “resistance journals” and the rest of media is an important contrast to do, a picture of the demonstration and the headline “the biggest demonstration since 1968” against the “an act of lesbians homosexual and drug addicts ” speak by itself of the bias that has been know that exist in the rest of media


The coverage of the elections of 1988 is another important hit to mention to the “resistance journals” the government of plunge Mexico in an economic crisis that will last the 6 years of his mandate, besides that the PRI party faced important fractures in his interiors and were impossible to save in 1987. A group of dissidents lead by Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas and Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, ask the leadership of PRI to establish clear and fair rules to be the next PRI candidate to run for the presidential elections. However and how is happened during the past years of PRI democracy, the candidate and most likely next president of the country was elected by the president in turn in a ritual that was baptised as “dedazo” it means that the president will point with his finger to whom will be the next in succession line, in this case, Carlos Salinas de Gortari was blessed. With this trait of a strong presidencialism the dissidents of the PRI party left and started a new political party that was conformed for other smaller parties that usually were under control of the politicians in turn, however the candidacy of Cuauhtemoc Cardenas gain impulse and the Partido Nacional Socialista PNS (Socialist Party of Mexico) join into the coalition of the Frente Democrático Nacional FDN (National Democratic Front), the right-wing composed by the Partido Accion Nacional PAN chose Manuel Clouthier as candidate (Party National Action) however he died before the elections in a traffic accident that until now still not clear, authorities archived the case under a highway car accident, with both candidates gaining territory the chances of a defeat for the PRI rise the alarms.

During the elections and with a margin of barely 50% of votes Carlos Salinas de Gortari won the election, an election full or abnormalities and repeated fails in the counting system, therefore the suspicious about manipulation of the votes and electoral fraud may be never proven, however, the favoritism and partiality of the other journals and media was exposed, in the journals but more in radio and television the activities of Cardenas and Clouthier were reduced significantly, while the campaign of Salinas appeared in primetime and headlines.

Towards 1984 Mexico was a democratic country by the constitution, federalist, egalitarian, laic and respectful of powers division and individual warranties, however in the practice was a ritualistic nation, centralist, obsessed with control to paranoia levels, practicing of a radical presidencialism and systematic human rights violator. Society by its way was intolerant to singularities and was unaware of its growing diversity, resulting in the discrimination, marginalization, and stigmatization of indigenous people, the no Catholics, woman, the no PRiistas, homosexuals, autonomous syndicalism, outsiders artist of the official cultural movement, migrants, academics, activist of different social causes, preachers of a democratic life, fighters for a real rule of law, to those who believed in a fair distribution of wealth. This groups were inexistence for the government and the media, and therefore for the Mexican society 53

By this times events like the united states intervention in Granada and Panama occur and were report and covered by the journals as they could, the first war in Iraq was analyzed and criticized like any other act made by a local politician, the fall of the USSSR and its meaning, the double moral of the united states in the case of Kuwait while ignored the facts on states as Palestine, Cyprus and Occidental Sahara.

With the new government of Carlos Salinas neoliberal politics suffer a radicalization, indiscriminate commercial opening, suspicious sales to friends of state companies, frontal attacks to workers rights, mayor cuts and disappearance of state institutions of social benefit. Instead, mechanisms of charity were implanted securing the votes of certain sectors and populations. Agricultural activities stop being a way to survive due to the systematic abandonment of the PRI and worsen with the neoliberal politics leaving with no options to the farmers many of them indigenous people to migrate to the cities and join to the mass workforce.

The “resistance journals” didn’t hide their posture to the politics implemented and documented in an extensive way the abuses caused by the implementation of the neoliberal politics that have as a main aim to bring Mexico to world forums as the Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE), while in the south of Mexico the social fighters, community leaders, human rights promoters, and political dissidents were attack, threat or killed, situation that will lead to an armed uprising years later.

The journals became an important way of expression to the hundreds of indigenous people who informed of all the events in the area and returned from Mexico City ignored by all the levels of government of their social demands.

Ideally, media should encourage diversity, access to information, balanced coverage of the news and the debate of all the actors in the public sphere, with the media independence to inform ; instead we face a state that controls and manipulate the voter's perceptions in their favor and in the case is not favorable it discourage democratic participation.

President Carlos Salinas de Gortari implement the neoliberal politics in the country going ahead with the privatization of numerous government-owned enterprises, among one of the last to be privatize was Imevision becoming the first real competitor for Televisa since 1972 when absorbs another company, the buyer was Ricardo Salinas Pliego, there’s no direct relative relation but is rumored that he was chose cause his lack of political activism and connections of the president and his family who were stakeholders under numerous lend-names. In an interview made by Proceso


about the role of the new station will play in the democratization of Mexico he said it will not play any at all: television is a medium of entertainment and relaxation (Ortega Pizarro:1996)

With the death of Televisa owner and his son taking charge of the company, internal conflicts inside the company arose allowing Tv Azteca to gain market and momentum, coverage of news change allowing certain grade of criticism to the leaving government, the official party started to face more real opposition since it’s lost and electoral fraud in 1988 in all the fronts, human rights, stronger political parties, partisans, high credibility of independent media.

Mexico and developed democracies share some traits that delimit media effects. The democratization processs suffered by mexico in the last 20 years give a closer look to Mexicans to the political alternatives. There’s 3 major parties and several “satellite” the voter now more options to access information and gain knowledge of the political platforms each party represent, the Mexican media suffer several changes since the 90’s allowing a relaxation of estate control rules.

In the presidential election in 2000 the 3 major parties participate but only one held power at national level (PRI), 93% of Mexicans reported to watch one of the two main television networks, two-thirds watched one of the main news at AAA hours (7:00 pm). Due this date there’s reason to declare the effects produced by Mexican media are far more great than the ones in USA or Canada, only 24% of population feel affiliation with a political party and 30% have no party preferences.

The coverage of the political campaign was different in 2000, with Televisa in favor of PRI and Tv Azteca playing for the conservative party PAN (Partido Accion Nacional) in a more balanced way, both of them being more aggressive against the leftist PRD (Partido de la Revolucion Democratica).

Due to the poor performance of the PRI candidate Francisco Labastida Ochoa since the beginning of the election, voters and media started to follow the PAN candidate, Vicente Fox Quesada. Despite the government efforts various notable leaders from the PRI started to make deals with the PAN party and it’s candidate, in several time, he was leading the vote preferences, maybe the easiest way to measure the tendency of the media is to measure how much airtime and coverage was given for each candidate, in a democracy is supposed to be equal however the next table presents the coverage of the media by 2 different entities, IFE (Instituto Federal Electoral) is the official entity who watch and regulates the elections and it’s participants, and in the other hand, Reforma, a newspaper who used to belong to the criticizing media till 2006.


2.3 Threats to Journalists in Mexico: Causes and Consequences.

The recent existing literature offers two hypotheses to explain the causes of development. The first cause speaks about the geographical factors, it proposes that the conditions of soil, clime, biodiversity or physical accessibility deter the degree in which a society can progress (Gallup, Sachs y Mellinger, 1998; Sachs, 2001, o Diamond, 1998). Is true that the countries without sea access or located between tropics face bigger problems in their ways to progress this theory doesn’t present consistent evidence to qualify to the geography and environment the reason of the economic backwardness by the countries who share a similar geographic area (United States and Mexico). Another hypothesis proposes that the respondents are the institutions (no geography) the determinant factor for development. Institutions are needed to understand as the corpus of incentives and penalizations that coming from society, shape the relationship between the economic agents and rule the collective behavior. Institutions help to form people’s expectative reducing uncertainty and transaction costs. From a generic perspective, institutions contribute to determining the incentives to the inversion on physical and human capital and by that way, it conditions the opportunities of development (North, 1993).

James Billington(1970) wrote “two places in Europe remained outside enlighten, Spain and Russia” ,therefore Mexico and Latin-American as former colonies lack the enlighten ideals of the rule of law, reason why these countries respect less the law and have higher corruption levels. Despite the European historical point of view at the arrival of the Spanish and the conquer of Mexico, there were many developed cultures with their own calendars, mathematics and laws systems. The most important and predominant culture who control what is nowadays the capital of Mexico City and the cities nearby it was the Aztec culture, the societies where strong divided into classes, this lead to a great breach social classes and the fail to follow the laws allow corruption to establish as a normal act and citizens in all class levels resort to bribes or other illegal means to archive the desired outcome from the legal system.

Immediately after the fall of the Aztec empire at hands of the Spanish conqueror Hernan Cortes the legal system continue as a copy of the legal system of Spain however the social system was changed into a caste organized society, with the Spanish who were born in Iberic Peninsula at the top, the criollos who were born in the conquered territories and both parents were Spanish, mestizo who were the mix between indigenous and Spanish, and finally the indigenous people, who were reduced to something not far from common slaves in Roman empire.

The organized crime activities can be traced to the


15th century, Spain gain exclusive exploitation over the new discovered territories in America by the hand of pope Alexander VI (Astagora,1996;Benecker,1994). However the trade was restricted to few ports in Spain and Veracruz. The restriction foment the illegal trafficking and smuggling, being the Mexican law enforcers the actors of the illegal activities(Bernecker,1994).

According to Chambliss(1989) “state sponsored criminality consist in acts punished by law and defined as criminal but perpetrated by state officials”..

The problem of corruption can be traced to prehispanic times, however the modern era and the implementation of the neoliberals level conduct to a new ways of action and association, the high level persuasive corrupted system implement by the PRI political party since 1929 set Mexico aside from the rest of former colonies from Spain and the brutal repression that was use against the opposition to the military regimes in those countries, despite the fact that brute force was used to suffocate and extinguish social movements as the students demonstration in 1968 and other uprising movements, Mexico lived through a “one” party democracy. A clientelism structure to distribute jobs, contracts, education opportunities, and social services allow the people close to the PRI- regime to grow up faster than the rest of the population, this process also allows the co-optation of the possible opposition and minimize the resistance to the PRI-regime.

The dominance of one political party as the PRI in Mexico doesn’t contribute to the democratization process. The structure of the PRI and its role in Mexican society was just to increase the level of corruption. According to Johnston(1997) “any country or city where one political group enjoyed dominance corruption tends to increase in function of time”. The objective of these parties is to avoid a real democratic party system. Examples as the Christian Democratic coalition after WW II, the liberal party in Japan, or the Democratic Party in New York and Chicago in the United States.

The existing corruption just rise up with the neoliberal reform implemented since 1988 and lead to the firm of a Free Trade Agreement with the United States and Canada (NAFTA) at the same time the rise of the drug cartels and their influence grow up from the hand of the president Carlos Salinas de Gortari from 1988-1994, the administration was praised by the privatization of several state own companies and the continues implementation of the neoliberal ideology and politics that lead to a bigger opening of the economic system.

The measures aimed to increase the general farewell of the population but instead contribute to increase the crime and corruption.


Bigger inequiality means somebody is at the botton of the economic legal activities therefore their expected gains from participation in illegal activities, the constant inflation and rise in prices come hand by hand by the expansion of illegal employment opportunities due the proliferation of DTOs, the lack of jobs in the legal sector, the precarious salaries and lack of social mobility and drastic reduction of the probability to be caught and punished by the law enforcement system proves to be a cocktail and a reasonable option for a broad group of people.

The effects and cost of the rise in crime caused the migration of individual to safer territories as Mexico city Guadalajara and Monterrey, economical losesof victims of crime are estimated at US12.9 billions in 2010, in addition health cost reached US$619 millions, the numbers suggest the increase in crimes with high social impact as extortion and kidnapping are a major stigma for Mexican society.

Azalea and Bergman (2007, p. 96) confirm the figures of Moleskin: “according to the data obtained in the surveys , between 70% and 80% of crimes are not reported. From those only 7% go to court leaving the remaining 93% unpunished”.

The case of Mexico takes relevance among the third world nations or developing nations as is designed by ONU and IMF, from 1990-2005 crimes as homicide had a tendency to decrease in the years previously of the War against narcotics, this tendency changed radically when the government of Felipe Calderon Hinojosa declare the drug war, and attack frontally the Drug Traffic Organizations (DTOs) with the help of Mexican army. The conflict between rival DTO's, and DTO's against law enforcers became more common. Homicides statics started to rise; according to the Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Publica (SNSP) in 2005 homicide rate was 11 per 100,000 habitants in comparison with 2010 when it climbed to 18.5 per 100,000. In 2005 7,000 deaths were related to non-drug crimes occurred while the deaths related to drug-related were about 3,500; by 2010 the number of drug-related homicides triple the number of non drug-related homicides (Aguilar, 2012, Guerrero-Gutiérrez, 2011).

The change in the security strategy supported by the military during Felipe Calderon and the continuation by Enrique Peña Nieto has been accompanied by a reorganization in the dynamics of crime. Due the frontal attack to the DTOs many leaders has been killed or imprisoned, leading to internal fractures and in consequence to triple the number of DTOs, in 2006 6 DTOs were identified in comparison with 2010 where 16 DTOs, the fractures lead to confrontations to enhance and secure territorial control using violent means to build their reputation. In addition, the criminal activities of the DTOs have diversified their financial incomes with direct criminal activities against the civil population as kidnapping, extortion, humans smuggling, organs trafficking and car theft. 58

Tactics from the DTOs to enhance their territorial power and control the population are indeed effective and spread fear across the population reducing the chances of individual reporting criminal activities and increase the like hood of cooperation when being extorted. The lack of trust in the Institutions and the high levels of corruption and abuses from the police (Guerrero, 2011; Diaz Cayeros et al, 2011) leave the common citizen helpless against the violent situation

As a combination of factors, the DTO’s and government in all it levels are corrupted or integrated, the war against narcotics launched by the President Felipe Calderon Hinojosa brings as a result of Mexico being the most dangerous country to practice journalism in the western hemisphere, and the second one in global level just after countries in an open war like Syria, journalist live under constant terror and in a daily siege, without knowing from where the enemy is plotting and lurking, by one side to report the activities of the DTO’s is a source of stress to them, in the other the local governments who usually have links to the DTO’s and in case of being exposed backlash with threats, insults and permanent surveillance with the sole porpoise of intimidate the journalist and their families, in this situation the journalist is left alone, this leads just like in the cause of the official advertisement, to practice the self censure in the daily journalism , the questions of who, why, when . what, and where can be covered but the way and how are entirely missing.

The high number of journalist killed in all kind of media and foolishness or lack of interest of the authorities into solving the cases caused sadness and indignation, usually the government come with a story about the murders related to extra activities of the journalist but when is questioned about the possible links of the crimes and the labor they were performing at the moment of the events authorities evade the questions or distract the attention with other matters, the authorities then presents the “authors” of the crimes, citizens with few or null enrolments in the case but that declare to be guilty after torturing marathons.


Fig. 11 Expenses in official advertisement by Company, (expenses in millions of pesos, 1 euros-21.50 pesos)

Comunicacion Social de la Secretaria de la Funcion Publica 2013-2018.

Creation of the “Mecanismo de Protección de Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas”

Due the exposed reason and the growing demand for justice , discontent of the press and condemn of international organization in pro of journalism and human rights the Mexican government created Mecanismo de Protección de Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas, “this mechanism is a federal instance depending of the government secretary, that has a mission protect human rights activist and journalist who are victims of aggression as result of their labor”

Autor: Secretaría de Gobernación

Fecha de Publicación 01 de Noviembre de 2018

The mechanism was created with the objective of implement and operate prevention, protection and urgent measures that warranty the life, integrity, freedom, and security of the subjects that are under a risk situation

The mechanism operates in the following way

The mechanism is integrated by :

• Junta de Gobierno, composed by 9 members, 1 person from the Secretaria de Gobernacion SEGOB (Government secretary) one from the Procuraduria General de la Republica PGR (republic


general prosecutor) one from Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores SRE(secretary of external affairs) one form Oficina del comisionado nacional de seguridad(national security officer commisionate) one from Comision Nacional de Derechos Humanos CNDH ( national commission of human rights, and 4 from the consejo consultivo (consultive council) (2 journalist and 2 human rights activist)

• The consultive council is formed by 9 journalists and 9 human rights activist

• Coordinacion Ejecutiva Nacional (national executive coordination) integrated by the prevention unit, receptor unit, and evaluation unit.

The steps to receive the protection that the mechanism gives are the following according to the webpage of the mechanism hosted in SEGOB secretary.

1.- Journalist or human right activist has been a victim of aggression or threat.

2.- Contact with the mechanism .

3.- An interview will be conducted to asses risk level and the way to support you, if the aggression and threats are due to your activity you are taken in by the mechanism

4.- A risk evaluation will be performed to evaluate an optimal plan of protection for you.

5.- You will be invited to a meeting with the Junta de Gobierno to check the risk analysis and protection plan that is approved the same day.

6.- The protection measures are taken and the mechanism stays in touch with you.

7.- The risk is reevaluated 1 or 2 times per year, depending on the decision of the Junta de Gobierno decision.

Despite the advances on the creation of this mechanism is important to point that they are unable to accomplish the objectives they were created for, Emmanuel Colombié, director of the Americas office of journalist without borders “in details, there are many problems cause the teams of the mechanism have not enough training to work and propose measures, there’s lack of human and financial resources” explain during the debate journalist meeting in 2018 organized by the Universidad de San Francisco de Quito.

The Colombian mechanism is the oldest in existence in Latin America and is the model of the Mexican, however the fails of origin has been transferred too, cases in where escorts of journalist were infiltrated and bribed and gave information about the protected persons, the


inefficiency of the Mexican mechanism was proven when journalist and activism under the mechanism were killed.

The protection mechanism granted 4 thousand 523 prevention measures, 1 of each 4 were panic button and the next one was police patrolling the are, however, this measurement seems to be ineffective, in the last 4 years 156 persons who were under protection of the mechanism were attacked despite the surveillance and protection of the state.

Unfortunately in cases like the journalist Candido Rios from Veracruz under the protection of the mechanism since 2013 to whom a panic button was assigned and CCTV cameras installed to protect him, several bullets ended up with the life and career of the journalist of “El Diario de Acayun” . Similar fate suffer Rubén Pat, shoot down in Playa del Carmen in Quintana Roo.

In July of 2015 half a hundred of national and international civil organizations, made a diagnosis about the panic button and its functioning, showing that in many cases they lack of signal, or in the emergency lines nobody answer, police patrolling that was never made or CCTV cameras that took months to be installed. Sara Mendiolo who participate in the report said “the panic button doesn’t work most of the time, who should answer the emergency line don’t do it or simply the police and patrols never arrive at the place”.

An unfortunate example was the case of the journalist Rafael Murúa Manríquez from the community radio “RadioKashana” who was under the protection of the mechanism since June of 2017 for threats made by the mayor of Mulege in Baja California Sur.

In the last Examen Periódico Universal (EPU) of human rights celebrated in Switzerland, the participant nations ask to Mexico authorities to reinforce the mechanism of protection to journalist and human right activist and put an end to the impunity, however the council of the mechanism was notified in October 2017 that 727 journalist and human rights activities will be left without protection due to lack of budget.

From 2012 till 2018, 40 journalists has been killed and 100 human rights activist, the sub- secretary of human rights Rafael Avante explain “ in the last 6 years the mechanism gave protection to 1,300 journalists, however, we must recognize and mourn the homicides committed against these persons, 3 of them who were under protection of the mechanism”

According to a poll made by Colectivo de Análisis de la Seguridad con Democracia CASEDE ( who interviewed 220 journalist and human rights activist 8 of 10 journalists denounce intimidation at least in one time in their career, due to the release of a note, interview, or critical


reportage that result inconvenient for somebody. 77% has been object of harassment, 65% suffered threats, 34% suffer physical violence and 29% were deprived of his freedom. 90% of the journalist believes that their labor represents a higher risk than the rest of the Mexican population. In the poll 7 of 10 journalists think that the media at the local level cannot express or inform in a freeway without expecting backlash or aggression in the near future, reason why they often self-censure the contents.

Only in 2018, 203 attacks were reported to be perpetrated by public servants, the most self- censured themes according to 73% of the journalist are those related to the government, political actors and public servants. As we can infer this data is directed related to the topic that points out that the main aggressors of journalists, even above the DTO’s or other criminal groups, are public servants. 40% of journalists denounce at least 1 aggression from public servants, mainly state police or municipality police, followed by 37% DTO’s or other criminal organizations and 16% federal police or Mexican Army.

The places in where the aggression is perpetrated, the study of CASEDE informs: 30% of journalist was attacked in the streets or the highway; 30% through email social networks or telephone; 17% in its workplace and 3% in their home.

Mexico City leads the statics with 383 aggressions for 4 years in a row from 2013 to 2017. In 2018 the city with more attacks was Veracruz with 57, followed by Coahuila with 47 and Puebla with 45. Other of the cities with a high aggression index for journalists are Quintana Roo, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero, with hundreds of denounces for aggressions since 2006.

The cases were journalist deprived of his freedom grow up 250% from 17 from 2006-2012 to 44 in the 2012-218 period, one of the most emblematic cases is Pedro Canche, journalist critic with the southern state of Quintana Roo, detained by police in an illegal way in August 2014 charged with sabotage y released 9 months later.

In another report made by the British Artículo 19 named ‘Democracia simulada, nada que aplaudir’ (Simulated Democracy, Nothing to Clap About) points the fact that government blame again and again the DTO’s or other organized crime bodies, figures of the organization aim as the perpetrator in most of the cases to public servants.

According to Articulo 19 during Peña Nieto mandate 8% of the aggression were commited by members or DTO’s or other criminal body and 48% by public servants, 75% of the murders were the percentage that point to DTO’s and criminal bodies, however 1 year before ending is important


to point that based in testimonies and denounces is possible to identify that 21.9% of the murderers were committed by organized crime and 19.5 by public servants.

However due to the lack of complete, impartial, exhaustive make it extremely difficult to point with legal certainty if the perpetrators who planned and committed the murders were members of organized crime, public servants or public servants in association with organized crime.

Is important to mention the creation of the Fiscalía Especial para la Atención de Delitos Cometidos contra la Libertad de Expresión FEADLE (Special Prosecutor's Office for Attention to Crimes Committed against Freedom of Expression) however this special prosecutor is more a white elephant than an actual working body.

From 2010 till 2016 the prosecutor started 800 investigations for aggression against journalist and media, from those 800 only 2 reach a judicial conviction condemn, meaning that the impunity levels of aggression against the press reach practically 100% of cases

From 2016 to 2017 with a new judicial system 203 investigations has been opened, from them, only five reach judicial conviction condemn, that represents 2.4% of the total initiated investigations.

During the whole Enrique Peña Nieto mandate the FEADLE fail in its labor of investigate the crimes against journalist and take the responsible to justice, originating a lack of justice, true and safety to the journalist labor, a true change in the institutions is needed and not the creation of a special prosecutor that for international advertisement is sell as a great solution but than in real life is no more than a cosmetic measure from the responsible authorities, if that the case to keep or form a new prosecutor political will and commitment with the truth are needed, to give the prosecutor a real autonomy and the capacity to investigate public servants in all levels of government and punish them based in unbiased investigation.



3.1 The Government as Perpetrator and Accomplice

As I explain before the history of the relation between the Mexican state and the media has been not other than servility, subjugation, and simulation. In this topic, we can find glimmers of freedom of the press and a will to make a change that help the Mexican population to wake up from those long years of propaganda.

With the claimed war against drugs, the violence skyrocket to levels never seen before in the country, despite the efforts to fight the drug cartels this ended up infiltrating the justice system, the polices and the government itself. During the mandate of Felipe Calderon Hinojosa (2006-2012) the ex-president who declared the drug war, 48 journalists were killed, in the mandate of Enrique Peña Nieto the count is 47, Mexico became the most dangerous place to exercise the journalist profession in all Latin America.

Civil Organizations of press rights report 2,502 aggressions against journalists in Peña Nieto mandate, an increase in 129% in comparison with Felipe Calderon Hinojosa who counted 1092 attacks, aggression against journalist women increase 512% too.

At the end of 2018, 9 journalists were killed in different cities of Mexico and 544 aggression were reported, the most common aggression actions start from intimidation and harassment, threats, blocking or removal of material, physical or material attacks and kidnapping

Some traits of the totalitarian regimes and dictatorship like Cuba, Iran and Saudi Arabia is the fact that they use all the strength of the state to manipulate, hide or divide the attention of the audiences of the media, in case these tactics are not working properly the next step is law enforcement that in the best of cases can lead to sues from the politicians or public servants, the new tendency among this totalitarian regimes is to use the tools of informatics to hack into the devices of certain subject that are inconvenient or uncomfortable for certain people in the regime, and we see how the technology that is supposed to watch and capture important criminals is used to surveillance journalist and human rights activist.


Fig.12 Aggressions against journalist by city, the target icon means Assassinations, gray areas denied fundamental data to construct the index.

Mechanism to protect journalist and human rights

4 relevant cases that leave a mark in the life of the nation will be presented and analyzed under the next criteria

• Type of media and focusing of the journalist.

• Coverage of the media local/regional/national.

• The political affiliation of the media and links with politicians.

• Recent works before threats started.

• Personal and political affiliation and believes.

• Possible perpetrator based on journalist activities.

The criteria are selected based on information that was denied or rejected by the Mexican authorities in the moment of investigating the cases. We have different types of media, different area of Mexico, guidelines gave by the editors and political pressure on their media, the works that could trigger the aggressions, preferences for one party or another to find bias, suspects of the aggression contrasted with their personal life

The first analyzed cases refers to this work in the point where I affirm, analyze and explain that the private companies have more and more interference in the public life one way or another, the begging of the case keep in line with that affirmation and show how important business in Mexico are always made under the protection of power, illicit enrichment and detriment of the quality of life of the population


Case: Carmen Aristegui

Media: MVS Radio, Aristegui Noticias, CNN Español

Coverage: National with optional International (Voice Over IP/internet radio)

Media Affiliation: MVS was neutral before the scandal, owner benefit from public advertisement budget

Works: Articles, Reports and Special investigations: Peña Nieto-El Telepresidente, La casa Blanca de Enrique Peña Nieto, Comments on Calderon Hinojosa alcoholism

Personal Affiliation: Never declared to be leftist center or rightist, never participate in a political party, political association or workers union.

Perpetrators: MVS president Joaquin Vargas, President Calderon Hinojosa, President Peña Nieto, Judge 57 of the court of civil matters

Outcome: Banned from public advertisement budget, harassed several times by presidential orders, use of espionage software to surveillance her and her son.

Carmen Aristegui case is a story of mismatched with the power and the people who wield it for a certain time, the first of many collision with presidential power occurs on 4 of February of 2011, the leftist parties in the chambers of deputies show a blanket with the legend "Would you let a drunk drive your car? No, right? So why let one run your country?" and the picture of Felipe Calderon Hinojosa president of Mexico by that time with a drunk face, on her program with MVS Radio Carmen Aristegui affirmed that this kind of declaration was delicate and the president should answer to them in order to keep his status and legitimacy untouched.

On February 7 MVS announce that the contract with Carmen Aristegui was finished due a violation of the code of ethics at MVS. "we pledge to reject the presentation and dissemination of rumors as news. The journalist Carmen Aristegui violated our code of ethics and we decided to terminate our existing contractual relationship." expressed Joaquin Vargas. However, after a massive demonstration and support of the audiences of her program, she was reinstalled; she or the people of MVS media never comment again about the incident.

An investigation of CNN in 2012 uncovers the truth behind the firing of the journalist, after the comments on the 4 of February the president of MVS receive a phone call from Alejandra Sota spokeswoman of president Calderon, Mr. Vargas offers an apologies for the incident and after he was notified by a cabinet person that there will be no consequences against MVS with the condition


of Aristegui offers a public apology that was instructed to read on air. The apology was written by the spokeswoman and instructed to Mr. Vargas to give to Aristegui for her to read on February 6, a situation that she rejects and caused to be fired immediately. Mr Vargas contacted Alejandra Sota and expresses his concern for the massive support in pro of Aristegui, after numerous negotiations with the president agents; she was reinstalled on 24 of February.

Special Investigation: The white house of Peña Nieto

The President Enrique Peña Nieto owns a house in Las Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico city priced in 7 million dollars, the house was built by Grupo Higa, of the companies who were granted with the construction of the train Mexico City- Queretaro and before gains several contracts and concession in Estado de Mexico when Peña Nieto was governor. Grupo Higa, owned by Juan Armando Hinojosa Cantú, also rent airplanes and helicopters for the presidential campaign of 2012 through its branch Eolo Plus.

The story of the special investigation started in 2013 with the magazine ¡Hola! , specialized into heart and social journalism and promote the lifestyle of the elite and the international jet set, their editors qualified the interview given by Angelica Rivero now the first lady of Mexico as an exceptional and historic event. In the pages appear a luxurious and modern residence in one of the most exclusives zones in Mexico and that was used as a scenario to present the interview with the magazine.

After months Daniel Lizarraga, Rafael Cabrera, Irving Huerta and Sebastian Barragan with the help of the journalist platform Periodismo Latinoamericano Connectas y el International Center For Journalists, confirm that the house ubicated in Sierra Gorda 150 is not registered to Peña Nieto names nor his wife or their 6 children, is property of Ingenieria Inmobiliaria del Centro, a branch company of Grupo Higa, the investigation proves that Peña Nieto and Angelica Rivera Participate in the design of the building so the residents answer to their familiar needs. The house has an underground parking lot, ground level and first floor, everything connected with the elevator, the garden has a dining room and living room with roof, marble in the ground floor and the rooms toilets shower and spa in the first floor. The design was made by the Mexican architect Miguel Ángel Aragonés and the pictures appear in his webpage www.aragones.com.mx, with the title “Casa La Palma”.

This special investigation will lead to the release of a book under the title “La Casa Blanca de Peña Nieto…a story that shakes a government”, the prologue was written by Carmen Aristegui , the reaction in the population were of rejection and condemn for the lack of sensitivity and touch of


a country with 50 million people who live under poverty line. The president appeared to apologize for the scandal “ I made a mistake that affected my family, the presidential investment and damage the trust in the government, later on, created a special prosecutor to investigate the case, of course, he was found innocent from the charges by a prosecutor he created himself. That was not enough for the population and his wife Angelica Rivera appear in public and instead of apologizing she offered an explanation with little credibility when a claim in national TV that she bought that house product of a lime time working as an actress in telenovelas for Televisa.

After this, the backlash didn’t wait and Carmen Aristegui and her colleagues of the special investigations unit were kicked out from MVS once again, several sues for started to run it process for the release of the book and the persons mentioned on it, especially Mr. Vargas the president of MVS.

“In any other country with a real rule of law, an independent investigation will be conducted, an impeachment or political trial and most likely the president would be forced to renounce, however in Mexico this is not happening at all, the president still in his position and the journalist that participate in the investigation and warn about its repercussions, we were kicked out from the Mexican radio.

The harassment and persecution lead to Carmen Aristegui and her team to move independently and start her own webpage, social media and news structure, in November of 2017 a judge found Carmen Aristegui guilty of the charges of defamation against Mr. Vargas, In the prologue Carmen Aristegui sentence “he was inducted to do immoral and deplorable things, lamenting his moral decadence that make him succumb to pressures of the power that he faced before with dignity and braveness” in his sentence the judge considers that the defamation occurs for the adjectives that qualified Mr. Vargas as a coward and dishonorable without present evidence to sustain her statements.


Fig. 13 Carmen Aristegui and the “White House” especial investigation that lead to her harassment by presidential order.

Aristegui noticias website.

The secret file of the wedding: Enrique Peña Nieto and Angelica Rivera

In special investigation on 2016 reveal the various abnormalities of the wedding between the elected president Enrique Peña Nieto and his wife Angelica Rivera, the story goes back to 2010 when Peña Nieto was governor of the most populated city in Mexico and his name started to be a reference as candidate for the presidential election of 2012, in that time the young and handsome governor boast higher popularity indexes than other possible candidates among his own party PRI and other possible candidates in other parties, all this was thanks to the close relations between Peña Nieto government and the main TV broadcaster Televisa, the search for rating of Peña Nieto lead to the presidential telenovela of the century.

Angelica Rivera was the most popular telenovela star in Televisa and Peña Nieto widowed 1 year ago. It was not strange that Peña Nieto was invited to several TV show entertainment shows and confesses in one of them his relationship with Angelica Rivera, socialite, gossips and light to read newspapers gave total cover to this “love” and the popularity of Peña Nieto sky rocket.

In a religious ceremony that involves several abnormalities from the high leadership of the Catholic church in Mexico especially those with close links with the political class, Peña Nieto and Angelica Maria got married thanks to an invalidation of her marriage, Rivera is free canonically free and can therefore marry canonically, if she so wishes" was the sentence of the Archbishop of Mexico city by the end of 2012 he took possession as the new president of Mexico, the telenovela created by Televisa had his first season closed with a happy ending.


This investigation created a clime of hostility against Carmen Aristegui and Proceso magazine for expose what many people know it was a arrange married with the sole intention to give more airtime to Peña Nieto without violating the electoral rules who forbids to make political campaign before electoral times, in this case, we can say he had 1 and half year of airtime more than the rest of candidates.

Case: Miroslava Breach

Media: daily journals La Jornada y El Norte

Coverage: National and regional (Nortern States of Mexico)

Media Affiliation: none, classified as leftist by PRI/PAN government

Works: organized crime, drug-trafficking, and corruption for a national newspaper,

Personal Affiliation: Never declared to be a leftist center or rightist, never participate in a political party, political association or workers union.

Perpetrators: Chihuahua local authorities, DTO

Outcome: murdered by gunshots, 8 times

“For being a tattletale" was the cardboard that was left next to the body of Miroslava Breach, the authorities claim that the intellectual author was arrested in another state of the north area of Mexico, despite the investigation many questions need to be answered, in the official version.

Among the works of Miroslava Breach we can find several articles in where the denounce of dispossession of lands was perpetrated by several criminal groups forcing the indigenous population of the state the “Raramuris” to move from their ancestral place and go into the wild. She was involved actively in the fight to recover the land from illegal loggers and other criminal activities.

The work of Miroslava Breach and the reason for her demise is an article in where she exposes that the local narco-trafficants are imposing the next candidates to compete for mayor of several cities, Miroslava speak by mobile phone with Alfredo Piñera state leader of the Partido Accion Nacional PAN, the audio was recorded and filtrated to the ex-mayor of Chinipas Hugo Amed Schultz Alcaraz who forwarded the audio to the criminal group who supposed order the murder of the journalist


The responsible for the case in Chihuahua concluded that the murder of Miroslva Breach was ordered and perpetrated by the criminal group, Gente Nueva, who belong to the cartel of Sinaloa, they came to this conclusion after review hundreds of hours of CCTV cameras installed in the streets that recorded the route taken by the aggressor of the journalist.

The responsible for the crime killed another person, who then tried to incriminate for the murder of the journalist and tried to make look that another organization was responsible for the crime, the investigation was closed and conclude that the murder was due Miroslava journalist works, however, the case is closed and concluded there still many questions since police fail to act in a fast and efficient way, the murdered person that the supposed perpetrators killed was identified by witnesses as direct attacker.

From Miroslava Breach the case is complicated since her agenda was way too complex, investigations in DTO’s, criminal organizations, politics linked to dispossession of land in different states, links between DTO’s and criminal organizations with politicians in local and state government. 15 years working for "La Jornada" and recently started her own news agency, in four months two journalists and two activists were murder in the state of Chihuahua.

Juan Carlos Moreno “Larry” was charged with the murder of Miroslava Breach, and was accused to belong to a criminal organization denominated “Los Salazar”, as we can see the lines who lead to the aggressors go to different directions and in this way the investigations just create confusion and doubts about the real motifs and perpetrators. According to the governor of Chihuahua, the crime was planned and executed by 3 persons aiming as main investigation line related with the narco-politics however with the past of time the narco politic word disappear from his declaration, the political parties of PAN and PRI blame to each other about the crime.

Within 2 years 4 witnesses with secret identity and declares in the investigations and testimonies read in the first diligences felt in danger and with the need to move away 2 of them leave the country, one is relative of Miroslava and the second Patricia Mayorga was threaten too for her release of several articles documenting the narco-politics candidates, another witness is disappeared or hidden.

In September the house who is supposed to be under government custody was invaded. A valuable item where left behind and the evidence aims that the invaders were looking for documents.

Patricia Mayorga, from her exile, question the affirmations that the case was resolved and closed and question the authorities with the questions, who designed the narco candidates than her an Miroslava denounce and which release caused the threats and the recording of the Partido Accion 72

Nacional Militants?, Why the narco-politics in the mountains range has not been investigated properly? Why the responsible of the recording, (Luevano later designated as the governor secretary, the mayor Schults or the spokesman) didn’t suffer event an administrative punishment? Who orders the crime?

Fig.14 Especial Investigation of Miroslava Breach before her murder, narco-trafficants forced communities to leave their homes with the objective to cultivate poppy for cocaine production.

La Jornada, 23 March 2017.

Case: Javier Valdez Cardenas

Media: La Jornada, Rio Doce weekly magazine

Coverage: Regional (Northern States of Mexico)

Media Affiliation: none, classified as leftist by PRI/PAN government

Works: Special Investigations in Drug Trafficking, Several books published on the subject 73

Personal Affiliation: Never declared to be a leftist center or rightist, never participate in a political party, political association or workers union.

Perpetrators: Cartel de Sinaloa, Damaso Lopez Nuñez “El Licenciado” Sons/El Chapo Sons

Outcome: 12 shots point blank range by 3 gunmen who intercepted him in his car.

The case of Javier Valdez runs deep in the insides of the monster that represent the drug cartels, highly specialized on drugs themes and with 2 books and several awards for his research on the topic point that the mobile of the crime was an interview with Damaso Lopez aka “El Licenciado”, interview that the sons of "El Chapo Guzman" tried to stop due the recent re- apprehension of "El Chapo Guzman", leader of the Sinaloa cartel and that causes an internal fight for the control and leadership of that organization, the war was documented by Javier Valdez in Rio Doce and released in 2017, on May of the same year Valdez was chilling few block ago from Rio Doce Facilities.

The investigation started and a suspicious person was captured, referred as Heriberto “n” aka as “El Koala” was charger as the probable material author of the murder of the journalist. The arrest was announced by Mexico's Interior Secretary Alfonso Navarrete on Twitter. Due to the relevance of the case to international level CPJ representative in Mexico Jan-Albert Hootsen urge to the authorities to identify all the responsible for the murder of the journalist including the mastermind since in his own words, the cases presented by the Mexican authorities stall after low- level suspects have been arrested and the investigation are declared clarifies and closed, with this the right to know the truth is violated and the levels of impunity allows to continue with journalist crimes to go unclear and unpunished, due this reasons Mexico became the most dangerous country in the western hemisphere to practice journalism.

In the trial that Damaso Lopez is facing in the united states and as the star witness against his old partner "El Chapo Guzman" he declared that his son or he had nothing to do with the murder of the journalist and blame el Chapo Guzman sons to order the execution of the journalist. Ismael Bojórquez Perea cofounder of Rio Doce speaks about the trials celebrated in the united states: Damaso Lopez is being on a trial and they sentence him to life imprisonment, he is playing his cards in a game with the aim to reduce his sentence by cooperating with the prosecutors against El Chapo Guzman but I don’t believe it change in a dramatic way the course of the investigation in Mexico.


Fig. 15 Javier Valdez in a presentation of his book “Narco periosismo”- Narco Journalism his field of expertise.

Animal Político15 de mayo, 2017.

Case: Ruben Espinoza

Media: AVC News agency, Proceso and Cuartoscuro magazines

Coverage: National

Media Affiliation: None, classified as the government as leftist for PRI/PAN government

Works: Daily news and social protests/photography

Personal Affiliation: He stayed as a freelance and work as an external source

Perpetrators: Javier Duarte de Ochoa ex-governor of Veracruz/Miguel Angel Mancera mayor of Mexico City

Outcome: killed in his flat in a centric neighborhood in Mexico city with one more journalist 1 activist and 1 domestic employee.

Ruben Espinoza was a journalist who started from a young edge as self taught photographer, his cover of the social news and daily life allow him to find work and collaborate with easy in many media, in 2009 he was contracted to cover the campaign of Javier Duarte de Ochoa as candidate for the government of Veracruz, one of the most dangerous in the list to practice journalism, after several works and when Duarte was elected Ruben Espinoza took a picture of the governor in drunk 75

state with a police cap and his belly hanging below his belt line, the picture will appear in the pages of Proceso magazine under the headlines Veracruz: A lawless state; the governor was outraged by the release of the picture and send several people of his staff to retrieve the publications in where the picture appears.

Later on when Ruben Espinoza was covering demonstration against Duarte by university students the threats started to be indirect and direct by security personnel of the governor, In that occasion the staff talk to him and say “stop taking pictures of you will end up like Regina, the statement refers to Regina Martinez Perez collaborator of Proceso and Cuarto Oscuro and murder in Veracruz while reporting state official issues.

In his stance in Veracruz he faced more threats and after some time he decided to move to Mexico City, a place that was relatively safe for the journalist, however the threats continue, as he relates a story while being in a restaurant and a man comes close to him and say, I know who you are, months later he and 4 women will be found dead in his flat with clear signs of torture, tied from hand and feets and executed with 9 mm shots in the head, he shared flat with the activist Nadia Vera, who also had problems with the government of Duarte due her social activism and being part of the movement #yosoy132 that was born as a protest against the PRI party who were ahead of the presidential election thanks to Peña Nieto, Nadia Vera exiled herself to Mexico City after the government of Duarte beat and imprison her during a demonstration and later conducted a raid into her home.

After this she decided to move to Mexico City but participate in a documentary named “Veracruz the forgotten mass grave” the authors describe the fear in her eyes and how she was looking to the doors in a terrifying state in the documentary she declares that if something happens to her or her colleagues the governor Duarte is the one who blames and sentenced for the documentary “The number of disappearances begins to rise when Javier Duarte becomes governor.” This, she says, causes young people to realize that they themselves have “become the product that they need. That product—let’s say they grab you as a woman for the sex trade, or they grab you as a student to be a sicario [a cartel assassin] . . . Here the problem is us, we bother the government as much as we do the narcos. So we’re caught between two fronts, or let’s say between legal repression and illegal. Because it’s the narcos who govern this state . . . it’s the Zetas who literally manipulate the state.”

The crime in where the journalist and the activist lose the life still unclear since the life of investigation about their journalist/activities were not taken in consideration by the prosecutor of Mexico city, the mayor of Mexico city who used to be the prosecutor before declaring that he was 76

taking direct attention of the case, the crime was treat as a common robbery that went wrong, despite the fact that the supposed burglars left behind several valuable items, another version of the Mexico city prosecutor aims to Mile Virginia of Colombian nationality who according to the prosecutor exercise as a sexual service provider and that clients who visit her were responsible for the crime, however one of the detained person declared to take care and wash cars in the streets as way of living and is difficult to imagine how a car washer can pay for a sexual service in a middle high neighborhood with a foreign woman, this version of the prosecutor raised questions from all the journalist who follow close the case by the fact that Vera and Espinoza were harassed in Veracruz by people with military or police appearance wearing common clothes.

Three people were arrested later and charged with the homicides and aggravated robbery, the strongest evidence in the case is the confession of one of the alleged perpetrators said they visited Mile Virginia to pick up a pack of drugs she had for them.

A key witness and neighbors report to not listen any strange sound or music in the apartment, however, the prosecutor declares that there was a party going on inside, several cameras present evidence but turn out that the camera mounted directly in the entrance was broken, the persons appear leaving the building at approximately 3 am, one of them have a suitcase and they leave in a red mustang property of Mile, the prosecutor office then report an event line that has few or nothing to do with the facts of that night, that was exposed when a colleague of Espinoza show in the the last messages Espinoza sent about 2:30 the text, I’m heading to the street, Sandra Rodriguez Nieto, was the responsible and published that earlier that day in the website of SinEmbargo, the prosecutor office forgot to check the social media of the victims, that points a huge stupidity or a lack of will to solve the crime, Sandra Nieto was the first to contact Espinoza’s friend with those last messages, later on, the prosecutor call her regarding obtaining more information about the whereabouts of the friend and the rest of the conversation.

Sandra Rodriguez Nieto sentence “In an crime investigation the first thing you do is to check the victims circle and in this case the prosecutor office took 4 days to even realize that Espinoza was a journalist and Vera an activist, in the whole case they testimony of the accused is not enough, he seems to not know very well the other 2 partners in crime or not to know them from so long ago, the most valuable items as laptops and mobile were left behind and the car was dropped, the first detained for the case came back to his home and stay in there 4 days later when the crime was committed.

The renowned Mexican writer and journalist Juan Villoro told the Spanish newspaper, El Mundo, on an interview on August 12th, “In Mexico, the police and the army cause as much fear as 77

organized crime . . . the majority of journalists killed in Mexico have been murdered by people tied to the government.”

Fig 16. Picture by Ruben Espinoza, the picture that enraged the governor of Veracruz Javier Duarte unleashing harassment till his exile and demise in Mexico City.

Proceso magazine cover 2014.


Conclusions and Recommendations.

At the light of all the cases analyzed through the making of this thesis, there’s n question that the government of Mexico uses all the resources possible to keep in line to media owner editors and journalist I order to create a façade of order, progress, and prosperity at the eyes of foreign investors and watchers.

With all the adoption of the new technologies and the implementation at global level is an imperative that all the journalist attach to the principles that not only rule but that make the journalism a dignified occupation and gives it a primordial role as a place in where the themes of public interest can be discussed without fear and remorse. Is the not only a duty but an honor of the investigative journalist to expose the links between criminal organizations transnational companies, and corrupt political leaders, and in the same tonic should be an obligation of the court systems of all countries to be critical, democratic, and independent and call these corrupted politician to a fair accountability in order to strengthen the rule of law and the health of a the political system of each country.

Each country should not only protect their our journalist but to promote the cooperation and exchange of information in order to make those endangered journalists a harder target for the organized crime, ambitious transnational’s or corrupted government to plan and consume an attack on them. Each year millions of founds are destined for the so-called mechanism of protection for the journalist without any positive result, that money should be used instead in an ONG’s managed and organized by a panel of expert in cyber security, journalism, human rights defense and martial arts in order to prepare the journalist to confront and succeed the new challenges that the modern politics pose.

Is evident that the governments try more and more to control the press, but as I exposed in the chapter, dangers to journalist and security, is clear that the begging of the end of the neutrality status occurred when the USA face the imminent lost in the Vietnam war, in this paper I expose some cases but in the literature is widely documented how the government started to put aside the journalist security and rights when it was convenient for them, several proofs of that are shown during the coverage of the wars that the USA waged in the Middle East, is the most extraordinary case the use of a military vehicle M1A1 Abraham tank to open fire in a hotel that was recognized as an hotel that host foreign war correspondents. The case was left behind and there no guilty people sentenced till now. 79

For the amount of cases analyzed and the tendency showed by the government since the late ‘80s, we can conclude that to international level the degree of freedom to inform, to investigate and to leak information will be dangerously reduced, since is the state the responsible to take care and protect its citizens in journalist face all kind of threats alone when the government simply stop to protect them.

In this context the journalist is subject to all kinds of aggression and an uncertainty fate, the elections are to retire, the exile of life under the constant danger.

The importance of the international support and watch is especially important in the countries where the freedom of press has been systematically silenced, now more than never information platforms and specialization on technologies take more relevance since they will allow exposing the result of the investigative journalist and the leaks of the whistleblowers in an anonymous and safe way.

The inclusion of ONG’s specialized in cyber security and counter surveillance should be a priority for the collectives of journalists all around the world. The actual politics laws and acts of the governments in turns send the message that the fear to the press is bigger than ever and the only way to control it is by violent means that hurt and break the laws criminalizing citizens who contribute to the accountability of politicians, public servers, corporations, and organized crime.

There are many cases documented about the aggression of journalist and the consequences however when the literature is revisited is possible to find out that the actual decline in the right and security of the journalist has its antecedents in the modern history of the USA states and the loss of the war with Vietnam, the labor of the journalist was crucial to exposing the situation in the battlefront and creates a negative image of the president in charge by that time Richard Nixon, later on, the popularity and chances of reelection would be killed when the Bob Woodward, who shared it with Carl Bernstein used the information shared from a whistleblower know as deep throat and leads to the Watergate scandal and forced Nixon to renounce.

After this events the power of the press and the problems that journalist can cause was recognized as a problem and the USA offer several proofs on how the state was willing to let the journalist in their own when it was consider needed, this is the beginning of the neutrality status as I exposed in the chapter dangers and security proofs can be found and documented through all the wars that USA waged in the Middle East as part of their war against terrorist, war that started with a significant reduction of the individual warranties for all the USA citizens and the journalist too. In this context is not stupid or paranoid to say that the USA set the example for the rest of the


countries on how to deal with the inconvenient journalist and their info, the use of a military vehicle M1A1 Abraham tank opening fire against a hotel well known for being the place of the foreign press who cover the war in Iraq is a proof as big as the tank itself, up to date no one was charged or indicted for that crime that can be considered a war crime.

The problem of the violence against journalist have several roots, one of these roots is a I exposed in the chapter “Media Owners and Government: History of Favors and Complicity” in the Mexican case applied to the media is understandable how the government allow to some favored group of people to benefit from the state-owned companies and later be privatize to a minimum percentage of their real value. In the international case something similar happens but in the other way, this faults in the political system are closely related to the actual neoliberal-capitalist economic scheme; the fact that a company is allowed to operate funds and chose to which politician they will allocate those funds creates an unhealthy relationship between the government and the private entities, is a cycle that allows the politicians to gather funds for their campaigns to seize the power and later promote the interest and creation of laws in favor of the companies who supported and funded them, giving a huge amount of power to the companies and lobbies to influence in the political life and decision of every nation.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a USA politician who was aware of this exploit in the political system of the United States and use it in her advantage, as a result when a journalist pulls a thread that thread leads to a story where a web of friendships, complicities, favoritism, extortions, return of favors, and corruption are involved leading to business and agreements made in the dark, at the eyes of few and with hideous consequences for the population less favored of a society.

The first criteria to eliminate the control power the media and advance to a more justice and healthy media system is to end up with the public advertisement budget, this must be done under the next guidelines.

The aggression against the Mexican journalist is a clear evidence of this unhealthy relationship between companies and politicians, when the DTO’s or other criminal organization is added to the equation is a fertile soil for any kind of tragedy; the Mexican case and the Latin American case is similar by the fact that the DTO’s infiltrate the politics and become in part politics itself or control the daily life of whole communities making the authorities of that community useless disrespected or degraded to servitude. When the investigative journalist advance in the threads that form the web they usually find the relation between DTO’s or another kind of criminal activity with high economic revenue linked to a politician, who before the elections was funded by them or in case of lose the election then they still in a business relation in any other form. 81

In the documentation of the familiar links, friendships modus Vivendi and more information the investigative journalist uncover truly webs of use and exploitation of any illegal resources (human organ trafficking, drug traffic, people traffic, gun traffic, gasoline traffic, etc.). In the cases when the object is not of illegal nature is possible to find public contracts celebrated among friends, relatives, couples and in exceptional cases a public servant who sign a contract with a company that he is part as treasurer.

All these behaviors hurt and weaken the state and its credibility, therefore, the importance of the investigative journalist to document and expose these cases is a social function that is endangered more and more.

It must be a duty of each judicial power in the different countries to stay independent and call to the author of this corrupt practices to court and subject them to the accountability that every modern democracy needs and claim, making an example how corruption and unethical behavior would not be tolerated and law will be applied under the principle of equality consecrated in all democratic constitutions.

In my personal view I see just clues that everything will be even worst and as Mike Pompeio declarations to ratifies my final conclusion “Wiki leaks is not an e-news portal, is an intelligence agency” with this message Mr. Pompeio just ratified my suspicious, any news agency or journalist with sensitive information about a politician or government activity will be treated as a spy.

This proves the Hypothesis that the government is the main actor in the aggressions against journalists, aggression that goes to all the specter of violence, from a verbal warning to the assassination, and the role of USA as an example to continue with the attacks.

Seems next step is training to be a hacktivist or a real spy who makes journalism with the gathered info. I mean the law will judge you in the same context or government will threaten you in the same context anyway.


For a major improvement of the security of journalist and human right defenders, this recommendations aims the journalist activities and give a bigger importance in the use of technology as way to dissuade possible aggressors.


• The public advertisement budget should not disappear but need to be regulated in order to avoid it to become in an in a directed way to control and manipulate the media. • A law that takes into consideration the three levels of government respecting to the issue needs to be discussed and approved. • New criteria of assignment of the budget need to be discussed and must answer to the suitability. • Define a clear limit of the advertisement so authorities and media can count with a transparent scheme to control and regulate the audience’s measurements. • Regulate and transparent the regulations for an effective way to measure the audiences, visits, and ratings. • Contents of public utility putting aside the personal promotion. • An easy way to identify the official advertisement for the audiences. • Foment plurality diversity and inclusion in the public advertisement. • Establish a clear and trustable mechanism to control and enforce the guidelines of the new law. • Use public resources in a rational way. • Derogate or supreme the law and rules that criminalize the freedom of press and speech.

Implementation of an integral politic that protects and foments the press and speech freedom Prevention-Investigation-Punishment-Damage Repair.

• Develop a realistic diagnose of the violence generators in the country, to establish a plan with sexenal aim on the objectives and goals to be reached. • That the executive power deposited in the resident recognize its responsibility as the creator of politics that unified the 3 levels of government and public powers in order to warranty the safety environment for the practice of journalism. • To allocate to the mechanism of protection for journalists and activists all the needed resources in order to fulfill its job in a satisfactory way. • Foment and reinforce the prevention unit of the mechanism of protection and new measurement for better care of the journalists and activist. • Generate new patterns in order to prevent and control the possible threats and aggression based on data as region, subjects, type of media, age, and gender. • Elaborate and apply protocols for the public servants to recognize the journalist and activist labor.


• Integrate the new digital threats to the list of attacks or ways to attack the journalist or activist during their labor. • Promote the effectiveness of the Prosecutor for crimes against the freedom of speech in order to raise its effectiveness level. • Create a prosecutor able to warranty objective and impartial investigations on the aggression against journalists and activists being an independent and autonomous prosecutor.

Establish a council against impunity in crimes.

• Investigate in an independent way the aggressions the violations to human rights included the cases against journalist or corruption cases that by its size and complexity damage the state. • Generate ideas on how to improve the justice system with rules according to the new times and technologies. • Design and release public documents where is explained the changes to the justice law system in order for everybody to understand it, and the advances in cases related to torture, forced disappearance and murder. • Ability to establish protection programs with national agents and internationals ones.

Eliminate the legal obstacles to exercise the freedom of press and information on the internet.

• Develop an ideal way to protect the personal data and surveillance. • Reform the data protection law for particular and obligated parts. • Promote reform to the national codes of communications, federal police, local police, law to prevent and punish crimes like kidnapping, a law against the organized crime with the objective to establish clear guidelines of the procedure and competences of each law and entities in the process of warranty the right to information. • Derogate the articles 29,30, and 31 of the law of interior security who allow the recollection of data by the polices on the national territory since they make an omission of the mechanism to save privacy, intimacy and personal protection data. • Discussion and rejection of the European “derecho al olvido” right to forget in reformulating it in a national context. • Rediscuss the right to forget since it infringes the right to the true and information, rejecting its use by private entities who use it to hide their activities, threats journalist, or eliminate notes. • Create new rules to transparent the removal of content or des-indexation.


Control the new technologies to avoid espionage of journalist and activist by directions of the levels of government.

• Judgment to the involved public servants of the case #gobiernoespia #spygoverment. • Creation of a panel of independent experts to collaborate in cases when espionage is being used against civil subjects. • Recognize and use all the technical elements proportioned by citizen lab in their collaboration of the #spygoverment case as experience and tools for future prevention transparent and monitoring in a regular basis the acquisitions of software destined to intercept communications and surveillance of targets.



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