21 February 2019 Messe Stuttgart, Germany
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2019 17th international Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and nformation for Visitors I Process Management 19 – 21 February 2019 Messe Stuttgart, Germany FIRST-HAND INTRALOGISTICS Intelligent Efficient Innovative As part of LogiMAT +49 (0)89 32391-259 www.logimat-messe.de Added-value 2019 event Decision-makers come together at the leading marketplace for intralogistics in the heart of Europe LogiMAT, the International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management, has set new standards as the biggest annual intralogistics exhibition in Europe. Between 19 and 21 February 2019 international exhibitors and decision-makers from industry, trade and the service sector will come together at the exhibition centre at Stuttgart Airport to find new business partners. The focus will be on innovative products, solutions and systems for procurement, warehouse, production and distribution logistics. The location is ideal – Stuttgart, right in the heart of Europe, in the region of Baden-Württemberg. This region leads the intra logistics sector in Europe and it is set to expand this role even further. The exhibition centre in Stuttgart is Europe’s most modern facility of its kind. Perfectly located with a direct link to the airport, rail network and A8 motorway. The sector comes together in Stuttgart! Over 1,600 exhibitors on 120,000 square metres. Halle 1 Halle 3 Halle 5 Halle 7 Halle 9 Halle 10 Halle 8 Halle 6 Halle 4 Exhibitors areas Materials handling and storage technology Warehousing and operational equipment Warehouse and production controls / Robotics Packaging, weighing, measuring and franking Loading technology and systems Retrofitting Ground conveyors and accessories Information and communi- cation technology Order-picking systems Labelling and identification (Software for) Simulation Software for storage systems Software for despatches and transport Software for stock management, inventories and archiving Energy, environmental technology, recycling and waste disposal Security Outsourcing partners Logistics facilities Consultation, planning and implementation Authorities, organisations, education and media E-Commerce and Omnichannel List of exhibitors status 11/2018 1A Tapes, 3i Handhabungstechnik, 3p, 4LEAN LDA, 4logistic, 4SELLERS, 6 River Systems A A & A Logistik-Equipment, A. Müller, A.M.P.E.R.E., A.T.I.B., A.T.I.B. Elettronica, abat, ABB Automation, Abel, Aberle, Aberle Software, Abertax, ABF, ABILITY, ABM Greiffenberger, ACD, ADE, Adlatus, Adopto JSC, ads-tec Industrial IT, Advanced Applications, Advantech-Service-IoT, Aerocom, aeropur, AFB, AGILOX, agiplan, ags, AGVE, AIB Allgemeiner Industriebedarf, AIB KUNSTMANN, AIM Batterie, AIM München, AIM-D, AIRPES, AISCI IDENT, aisys, AIT Goehner, Akapp-Stemmann, Akerströms, AKKU Mäser, AKKU SYS, AKL-tec, Albert Craiss, Albert Fezer, Albert Vogelsang, ALFATEC, Alfred Kärcher, Ali Caster, ALIANT, Alien Techn., All for One Steeb, Allgäu Batterie, AL-LIFT, Allit, Alphaplan, ALS, ALSCO, ALTEC, Alváris, AM Automation, AmbaFlex, ambos.io, AMER, AMI, Ammeraal Beltech, AMRE, ANCRA, Anderson, Andreas Karl, ANHUI GS, Anji Changhong Chain Man., anronaut, ANSMANN, Ansorix, Antalis, ANTON, Apfel, Apollo, AQS, AR Racking, Arcawa, ARCURE, ARES, ARTEX, Artschwager + Kohl, Arvato systems, A-Safe, Ascherl-Noerpel, asecos, Asendia, Ashwoods, ASPION, Astrata, AstroNova, Atech, Atres, ATS Prozessoptimierung, Auer, August Dreckshage, Automated Packaging, Automha, AutoStore, AXON, Aysan Dekoratif, AZO B B&M Tricon, B.A. SYSTEMES, B+ Equipment, B+S, B+W, B2B-Europe, bAKA Handling Solutions, Banholzer und Wenz, Banner Batterien, Baoli, BÄR Automation, BARCO / FLEXIRAY, Barcodat, BARTESKO, barth, Bartsch Int., BASSTECH, bastian, BATSTAR, Battery Supplies, Battery-Kutter, Bauer, BCUBE, Beck, Beckhoff Automation, BECO, Bedrunka+Hirth, BeeWaTec, Beijing Geekplus Technology, bekuplast, BELET, Beloxx, BENEVELLI TRANSAXLES, BENNING, Benoplast, BEO, BE-Power, Berger, Berger Eng., Berghoef, bergler industrieservices, Bermatingen, Berrmak, BeSpoon SAS, Best Handling Technology, BETTERLIGHTS, BEUMER, bfs, BGHW, BHT, B-Id, Bigatronic, Bihl+Wiedemann, Binder, Biro Ogis, BITO, BIXOLON, BIZZOTTO, Blackbox Solutions, BLG Industrielogistik, Blickle, blik, Bloksma, Blue Inductive, BlueBotics, BLUHM Systeme, BluJay Solutions, Blume-Rollen, bns, Böckelt, Böllhoff, Bonfiglioli Riduttori, Boplan, Born, Bosch Rexroth, Bosche, Bott, BOX GMK, BRABENDER, Brangs + Heinrich, BRAVIISOL, BRIEM, Brodit, BROPACK, Brother International, Bruckamp, Brüninghaus, brunner+gräbner, BS Rollen, BSS Bohnenberg, BT-Anlagenbau, BTS, Budde, Bulmor, Butzbach, BVM Brunner, BVS Verpackungs-Systeme, BYD Europe C C&H Maastricht, C.F.R., C.R. Cuscinetti a Rulli, C+P Möbelsysteme, cab Produkttechnik, CABKA, CAEN, CALANBAU, CALJAN Rite-Hite, CAM, CAMELOT ITLab, Camso Deutschland, CANAPA, Carer Deutschland, Cargo Floor, Cargoclix, CartonMover, Cascade, CASCOO Europe, Casio, CBS, CCI - Fördertechnik, Cemo, Cesab, Cetin IT, CIM, CIMA, Cimcorp Oy, C-Informationssysteme, Cinovation, CIXI Tongda, Claitec, Clark Europe, ClassiX Software, Clever, CODEL, COGLAS, Cognex, CoGri Group, Collamat, Collatz + Trojan, Colson Europe, Columbus McKinnon, Combilift, common solutions, commsult, Computer OEM, conbee, Conductix-Wampfler, Confidex, Configura, conizi, CONSILIO, Consoveyo, conTeyor/Storeganizer, Continentale Frachten-Rev., Copal, Cordes, Covity, Creform, Crown, CSAE, CTI Systems, Curtis Instruments, cushion pack, Cyklop D D&D Techn., D&G-Software, D.D.V., Dachser, Dahmen, DAIFUKU, Dalmine, DAMBACH Lagersysteme, Dandong, DATA ELEKTRONIK, Datalogic, Dataphone, DB Cargo, dbh Logistics, DEC, deister electronic, Delta Shelving Systems, Demag, Dematic, DENSO Auto-ID, Der Sheng, Deutronic, DEW Systeme, Dexion, DHBW Lörrach, DINALAGER, DistriSort, DIVIS, DLK, DMLogic, dMT - Ecotech, doks. innovation, DOLAV Germany, Domino Deutschland, Domnick + Müller GmbH + Co. KG, DOOSAN, dpm Daum + Partner, Dr. Malek Software, Dr. Schönheit & P. Consulting, Dr. Städtler Transport Consulting, Dr. Thomas + Partner, Drescher, DS AUTOMOTION, DS Smith, DSIC, DUALIS, Dunkermotoren, DUO PLAST, Durable, Dürkopp Fördertechnik, Durwen Maschinenbau, Dynamic Logistic Systems, Dynamic Systems E EAB Storage Systems, Easy Systems, Easymarking, ebm-papst, ebp-consulting, Ecolog, Edmolift Hebetechnik, eepos, EFAFLEX, efatec, EffiMat, EHATEC, Ehrhardt + Partner, Ehrhardt + Partner Consulting, Ehrhardt + Partner Solutions, EICHNER, eilersconsulting, Eisenmann, EK AUTOMATION, Ekinler, ElectronicSales, Element Logic, ELMARK, Elokon, Emba-Protec, Emons Spedition, EP Equipment Ltd. (Europe), Epson Deutschland, eQ-3, Equinox, ERGOKOM FORT, Ergomat, ErgoPack, Ergoswiss, Erling Verlag, ERO-ETIKETT, ESATROLL, eska schneider, Etapak, ETAPART, Eternity, ETF Solutions, ETT Verpackungstechnik, EUCHNER, EURAPACK GmbH, Eurofoam, Eurofork, Europa Systems, Europe Racking, Euroroll, EuroSort Systems, Eurotec, e-velopment, Evertz, Excen, Exide Technologies, Exotec Solutions, EXPRESSO, EXTRA Computer F F. REYHER Nchfg., F.EE, F3-Design, FAB, Fahrzeugbau Gessner, faigle, FAIRFIX, FAMI, Faraone Industrie, FasThink, Faubel & Co., FB Ketten, FedEx, Fehr Lagerlogistik, Feig Electronic, FEIL, Ferag, Feralco, fetra, FEV Fährenkämper, FGW, FHF Anlagentechnik, Fierthbauer, Fiorentini, FIS-iLog, Fives, FIVES - SYLEPS, FKK Guney, FKM-Lagerorganisation, FLEXLIFT HUBGERÄTE, flexlog, FlexQube, Flexsim, Flexus, FloorBridge International GmbH, FLÖTER, FLS, FM LeasingPartner, FM Systeme, FMH Conveyors International, Forbo Siegling, Forklift Int., Format Software, FORSIS, Förster & Krause, Fortna, Forum-Betrieb, Forum-FTS, FPrimeZero, FPS Germany, Frabat, Frachtrasch international, Framo Morat, Fraunhofer ISST, Fraunhofer-IML, friedola TECH, Fritz Logistik, Fromm Holding, Fronius, FSG, FULLING & CEIEC CO., LTD G G & H Rothschenk, G. Kraft Maschinenbau, G. Staehle, G.I.B., G+H Kühllager- und Industriebau, GAI Datenfunksysteme, Galler, Garantell, GateHouse Logistics, GAWRONSKI, GDV Kuhn, Gebhardt Fördertechnik, Gebhardt Logistic Solutions, Gebr. Schmidt, Gebrüder Frei, GEDA-Dechentreiter, Gemac, GENERALSCAN ELECTRONICS, GenieGrips Pty Ltd, Genkinger, Georg Utz, Getac, Geutebrück, GfS, GIFAS ELECTRIC, GIGA-TMS, GIGATON, Gilgen Logistics, GI-RO, Gittel, Gliewe, Global Mats, Global Metal Construction, Global Rubber Ind., GLOBOS, GLS, Gmöhling, GOB, GOD Barcode Marketing, godesys, Godex, Gökcelik, Goldbeck, Gorr, GÖTTING, Goupil Industrie, GPIO Solutions, Graf, GRASSHOFF, greenfield development, Greentech, Grenzebach, GreyOrange, Grigliati Baldassar, Griptech, Grosse Lagertechnik, GS Yuasa, GSD, GSM, gte Brandschutz, gte Service, Guangzhou Mingze, Gubesch Thermoforming, Guggenberger, Gühring, Guidance Automation, Guilbert Express, Günzburger Steigtechnik, GURA Fördertechnik, GÜRALP, Gustav Wilms, Güthle, GWW H H&G Entsorgungssysteme, H.G.L., Haaga, Haagh Protection, Habasit, HACA-Leitern, Hach, Hagenauer + Denk, HAHN & KOLB, Hailo-Werk, Hako, HAKO-TEC, HALTEC, Hanak, Handheld Germany, HÄNEL, HANGZHOU FUYANG SHULI, Hangzhou Hikvision, Hanns Loersch, Hans Joachim Dill, Hans Turck, HaRo, HARTING, Hartmann & König, Hawker, Hayer Metalltechnik, HBC-radiomatic, Heartland Publishing, Heber Fördertechnik, Hebezeuge Fördermittel, Hefter Systemform, HEG Heckert, Heidler Strichcode, Heimann Fahrzeugbau, Heinz Bergmann, HEITEC, HEKI, Helge Nyberg, Helm Hellas, Helmut Kempkes GmbH, KULI-Hebezeuge, HENMAR, Heppner, Herchenbach, Heripack, Hermann Paus, HERMOS, Heureka, HEUTE Maschinenfabrik, Hezci domi, HID Global, HighJump Software, HI-PAS