T H E F U T U R E INSPIRATION O F SWISSLOG WAREHOUSE AND DISTRIBUTION SOLUTIONS GLOBAL MAGAZINE ISSUE ONE E - C O M M E R C E P L U S : M U L T I C H A N N E L I N N O V A T I O N B E S T P R A C T I C E E N V I R O N M E N T INSPIRATION WELCOME // PAGE 3 WELCOME // PAGE 4 MARKET DATA // PAGE 6 MULTICHANNEL // PAGE 16 INNOVATION // PAGE 18 BEST PRACTICE // PAGE 20 OPINIONS // PAGE 22 ENVIRONMENT WELCOME Welcome to the first issue of Inspiration magazine For the uninitiated, Swisslog is a global provider of intralogistics automation. These services range from building complex warehouses and distribution centers to solutions for material handling and medication DESIGN management in hospitals. Our aim for Inspiration is to provide an insight into the latest industry trends, leadership thinking and general developments in the warehouse, DEVELOP distribution and automated logistics arena. For this issue we’re focusing on e-commerce, a key sector for our many retail customers and the area of much innovation and development. This is a fast-moving sector. So much so that terms like multichannel are already being described as "yesterday’s problem." Instead, DELIVER “Omni-Channel” is the new challenge of fully- integrated retailing from any source. We would love to hear what you think. We welcome your comments and suggestions for articles via our Twitter account @swisslogInspire or via email:
[email protected] Joe Doering Division President Warehouse and Distribution Solutions 02 03 INSPIRATION WELCOME // PAGE 3 WELCOME // PAGE 4 MARKET DATA // PAGE 6 MULTICHANNEL // PAGE 16 INNOVATION // PAGE 18 BEST PRACTICE // PAGE 20 OPINIONS // PAGE 22 ENVIRONMENT WELCOME Welcome to the first issue of Inspiration magazine For the uninitiated, Swisslog is a global provider of intralogistics automation.