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Eile Pre FAIRE La FICTION Document Including 100 Scenario (French-english) _Paranoia-stase / 1994-2018 / Paris Studio (few BKK) _BachelorMachinism / 1994-2018 / Paris Studio (few BKK) / Page 42 _mythomaniaS / 2012-2018 / Bangkok Studio / Page 46 _melancholiaS / 1994-2018 / Paris Studio (few BKK) / Page 90 _PROUDHON(ism) / biopolitics / 2 speculatives main exhibition- research / Page 144 Texts (some are in French, mainly in English) _Parrhesia / Athazagoraphobia / main texts / Page 208 _Parrhesia / Frigoli Symptomes / letter ad-hominem / Page 343 _Parrhesia / Chronophobia / Some real-time social media / Page 372 _Parrhesia / Narcissus / A book / a portrait FR / Page 381 _Parrhesia / Schizoid / interviews / page 424 ---------------------------------------- eILe pre_FAIRE la FICTION [S/he would rather do FICTION MAKER] ==================================== Cartographies schizoanalytiques 10 _Paranoia-stase/ Phobia/Phobophobia// Here & To-Morrow Wire Frame Pouilly, France, 2001 Architecte : New-Territories / R&Sie(n) Artiste : Philippe Parreno Equipe créative et associés : François Roche, Stéphanie Lavaux, Jean Navarro Ingénieur : Marc Mimram Surface : 250 m2 Client : Le Consortium, centre d’art contemporain de Dijon, les Nouveaux commanditaires, Ville de Pouilly Coût : 0,7 millions $ Texte : Un pont sur le Canal de Bourgogne (restaurant de 200 m2 et passerelle piétonne publique) en remplacement du précédent détruit 20 ans auparavant. Scénario : 1) Analyse de l’ancien un pont XIXe siècle (poutres en acier rivetées, battues à chaud sur place). 2) Déploiement de la nouvelle structure sur les mêmes principes de fabrication in-situ comme...work in process 3) Bobine de fil d’acier entortillée avec aléatoire de positionnement via une imprécision de calcul, un delta d’inéxactitude de résistance des structures. Stratègie de non- optimisation computationelle, comme l’esthetique d’un logiciel “buggé”. 3) Déformation de la cage jusqu’à ce qu’elle se stabilise pour supporter un poids adéquat au mètre carré (500 kg/m2 pour la passerelle et 250 kg/m2 pour le restaurant). ---- Pouilly, 2001, France Architect: New-Territories / R&Sie(n)… Artist: Philippe Parreno Creative team and associated partners: François Roche, Stéphanie Lavaux, Jean NavarroEngineer: Marc Mimram Key dimensions: 250 m2 Client: Consortium Dijon, Nouveaux Commanditaires, City of Pouilly Cost: 0,7 million USD Text: Design of a bridge on the Burgundy Channel (restaurant of 200 Sq m, and a public walkway), replacing the old bridge destroyed 20 years ago. Scenario: 1) Analysis of a 19th century bridge construction (steel beam riveted together on site). 2) Weaving of the new bridge beam in wire material, like a cobweb, with random positioning (like a virus in the brain or engineering software). 3) Deformation of the wire cage to achieve admissible public weight by square meter (walkway 500 kg/Sq m and restaurant 250 kg/Sq m). 10 _Paranoia-stase/ Daidalos Symptom/ Here & To-Morrow Loophole The loophole bridge puts in scene the crossing of a river between two countries, Poland and Czech, like a strategy of miscibility of two bodies, two liquidities. The ‘’loophole bridge’’ is not only functional, justifying that it is connecting a point A to a point B, but it’s also a meander of the river. This structural meander accounts for a knotty relations between close relation and distances, between what seems to be on the other side, accessible and far away. The stretching of distances is subjected to the convulsions of the modern history where the other side became sometimes inaccessible (bridge destroyed during Nazi invasion, from Poland to Czech and again during the Solidarność period, to prevent troops or ideological propagation). The loophole bridge joins and dis-joins them again, on a literal sense. The pedestrian footbridge is a play of track, at least is assimilated to a play of track. To use it in its crossing, it is necessary to turn over on its step and to discover the dissimulated passage. To reconsider these steps, it is in this case a play hesitating between the statues of immigrant and emigrant. The footbridge is a fold on the border area, a territorial fold which is given to traverse as the ‘’garden with the path which forks’’, as the title of the fiction shortcut novel of J.L. Borges. A hair weaved and flooding’ design blur the structure and reinforce the impression of Labyrinth ; Ophelia’wigs, from John Millais painting is undulating over the river. Cieszyn, Pologne / Cesky Tesin, République tchèque, 2005-2008 Architecte : New-Territories / R&Sie(n) Associé : Marc Fornes pour le modèle paramétrique Equipe créative : François Roche, Stéphanie Lavaux avec Sylwia Bogdan, Toshikatsu Kiuchi Ingénieur : VP&Green, Paris Surface : 60 mL Client : Ville de Cieszyn, côté polonais et côté tchèque Coût : 2 millions Texte : Conception d’une passerelle piétonnière à la frontière de deux pays. Scénario : 1) Reconnaissance de l’histoire locale à travers les obstacles naturels et politiques, de l’impossibilité de ce franchissement_la rivière frontalière prohibée, à la fois pré et post Yalta. 2) Développement d’une stratégie de confusion, entre les statuts d’émigrant et d’immigrant. 3) Production d’une boucle et d’un cheminement périlleux pour souligner l’ambiguïté historique de la traversée, et se voir, malgre soi, refouler au point d’origine. 4) Structure géométrique tissée et imbriquée, afin de perturber le “panoptique”. ----- Cieszyn, Poland-Cesky Tesin,Czech / 2005-2008 Architect: New-Territories / R&Sie(n)… Associated partner: Marc Fornes on clips parametric version. Creative team: François Roche, Stéphanie Lavaux, with Sylwia Bogdan, Toshikatsu Kiuchi Engineer: VP&Green, Paris Key dimensions: 60 m linear Client: The city of Cieszyn, in both part, Polish and Czech Cost: 2 million € Text: Design of a pedestrian bridge on the boundaries of the two countries. Scenario: 1) Recognition of the local history through the natural and political difficulties to cross the borderline river. 2) Developing a strategy to confuse the status of emigrant and immigrant. 3) Producing a loop and a tricky walkway to create the ambiguity of crossing. 4) The straight line is never the best way to join two points in the space. 5) Reinforcing the loophole by loop weaved geometry, for heterotopic perturbations. 10 _Paranoia-stase/ Phobia/ Amnesiophobia / Here & To-Morrow sys-Mic This scenario is located in Japan, at Okayama, near Hiroshima. The 28 JUNE 1945, exactly during the night of 28-29 June, four hundred and eighty-seven B-29's fly 4 missions against secondary cities. Only one B-29 was lost, according to US Air Force Repport. The Mission 234, included One hundred thirty- eight 58th BW B-29's attack Okayama destroying 2.13 square miles or 63% of the city. Precision / The B-29 used Napalm Bombing (in wood and paper construction) Okayama, Japan, 2018 Architect: New-Territories / M4 / Thailand Artist : Pierre Huyghe Creative team: François Roche, Pierre Huyghe, Yorgos Hussen, Vongsawat Wongkijjalerd, Surface : 500 m2 Client : Foundation Ishikawa with Taro Nasu Coût : 1 millions de $ Text: Simple room hotel, in the middle of Okayama, on a global program of 10 rooms disseminated in the urban tissue, using the existing city as corridors, hotel facilities and services. Scenario: 1) Scanning with ground penetrating radar of the underground on 500 m2 2) Developing a rubber fibber concrete, in Thailand, to assume a soft geometry and elastic behaviour 3) Analysing in real time the underground signals to disrupt the nozzle 7 axes robot trajectories, extruding a continuous line of rubber concrete, as an Ariadne wire of the Minotaur Maze. 4) Mirroring the substructure landscape through this seismographic condition to develop, on the middle of the vibrations... a glass slump house, in direct echo of the echo (of the underground, as a “mise en abime” of the time reverb. 5) Revealing a glitch / uncertain past-future, which is able to trigger an architecture, shapeless emergence. Precisions / the signal doesn’t specify the origin of the obstacle which is traced on the 3d sectional report, keeping the indistinctness between a Japan Trash sedimentation, a Samurai helmet or a residual bomb from the Second World War /// The slump glass double curved surface has to be understood as indicative. The final topological geometry used as a glass mould will be extracted from a laser scan on emerging seismographic output upside down. The glass will face its opposite rubber concrete wall, as a ‘mise en abime’ mirror, the glitch of the glitch… 10 _Paranoia-stase/ Paranoiac situation/ Here & To-Morrow Mosquitosbottleneck Trinité (Trinité-et-Tobago), 2003 Architecte : New-Territories / R&Sie(n) Paris Designer associé : Mathieu Lehanneur Equipe créative : François Roche, Mathieu Lehanneur, Stéphanie Lavaux, Jean Navarro, Pascal Bertholio Surface : 130 m2 Client : Ema et Cesar Reyes, Trinité Coût : 200 000 $ Texte : Maison privée pour un collectionneur d’art à Trinité. Scénario : 1) Découverte sur l’île du virus du Nil occidental, transmis par le moustique Aedes albopictus. 2) Alliance de cette paranoïa objective et d’un désir de sécurité. 3) Formation d’une torsion topologique, en « bouteille de Klein », principe de continuum entre ces deux zones contradictoires, en conflit : humains et insectes. 4) Vie et mort des moustiques femelles dans la maison-piège, dans l’interstice des membranes d’enveloppement. 5) Introduction d’une structure de matériaux fragiles, filets-pièges à moustiques et humains, en tissu (positionnement géographique de l’île, naturellement protégée
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