
' AND LEEDS GENERAL . ADVERTISER.^, . , ,. -:2 ,yt>fc :- .-P» ^°- 55* SATURPjnr DECEMBER 1 1838 **IM ^^ ^ . *{*«**«!:*' J P^OBKSHXBE • : - ' I ¦ ' ^~£p« «-^ r ' ^™^* WEST-BIDING OF YORKSHIRE.. I , v - TCTfl g i ft ; nTw , > , V, . ^ l/ ^^ PRIG ES EXT RAORDINAR ^. pl&raal Suffrage ar *Vote by Ballot. TEW - IfrAEEFIEIJ) ADJOT7KHED SESSIONS. t^ WOR KS , tbat the MICHAEL- CLOTH PEE Just . .JHEAT11 E, LEEPS/ - I rTTCOTlCE u hereby gfwn . COATS, TELTET COLLARsTpIaID LININGS, 4c 15s. 6d. EACH SEVERAL Gentlemen haiBg, from a conviction Published by GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS TOUT HB ! ! - of the 1Y MAS CEOTH CLOASS, FROM 128. . 6d,,MKro.^ MCH importance of MrTSLEiOH's Lecture*, TEtT ? WAI8TC0 >TS < 5g _ ABEL : y Adjournment in ~ that he may be induced 1 to deliver them on term« 60, OLDHAM-STREET, MANCHESTER. iie OrffeiSee Room, at tbe House of Correction, b. jostfh; convenient to all on MONDAY EYENING Dsc. t LION TOP OF . He will resume^hem Tuesday ON , 3ri^l838' , on,Wednesday, the Twelfth Day of HOUSE, BBIGGATE LEEDS - Evening next, 'the 4th , for the BENEFIT 6f.Mr. CRESWlCK at ^Jj ^U M ARKET-STREET, M ANCHESTE ' ^^^ 1 instant, in the MUSIC , jJeMm^Siext, at Eleven o'Cloek in the Forenoon, R • HALL, at half-past Seven o'clock precisely. "HELIGION as now practised, opposed to the of NEW-STREET, BIRMINGHAM ; LA WS OF GOD THE LADY OF LYOWfl. i feff-.lmiiiTt»oge ipspecting the Biding Prison, (the WINE-STREET BRISTOL ; UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE IX ; or Remarks on the neces- Sense of Correction , and VOTE by sity of the immediate revival of AND said ,} and for examining the HIGH-STREET, COLCHESTER ; BALLOT will be the subjects of that Primitive Accountsof-the Keeper of the House, of Correc- evening's Christianity, and Community of Goods. THE JiARINER'S VENTtTRE. '" *aid A1ARKET-STREET, BURY ST. EDMUNDS • investigation. tion, making Enquiry into tie Conduct of the Offi- Members of the Conservative-O On TUESDAY, December 4th,. SAMLET and Servants belonging the same ; and also PRINCIPAL WHOLESALE perative Society, BY A CHRISTIAN SOCIALIST. , cea into DEPqt, MINQRIES. LONDON. on producing their Tickets of membership, will be and the Pantomime of JACK AND THE- BEAK thfi BehaYionr of the Prisoners, and their Earnings. Late the Editar of JOSEPH confidently asserts the priority of his admitted FREE. All others, ONE SHILLING the Lancashire and Yorkshire STALK. At t&B Session* the Application of the Town Establishment t« t,,,wllc h. e Co-operat or.)—Price Twopence. B . manifold Attractions^ and innumerable Advantages' at entl011^ >/rom lts EACH. On WEDNESDAY Council of the Bbrongh of Leeds to extend the Con- ¦ wmch are&re nowU0W toteo wel11, knownl . , December 5th, BRVTTJB. any lengthened eTordium. . ~ ' ° to re1nire and THE DEFORMED. > tract :for the Maintenance of their Prisoners in the ' A CONTRAST. House of Cerreetion The Proprietor begs to apprise the Public, that it is his detarm?n n«o« «n *.- A ' THF CHAMPI ON AND WEEKLY r between the "NE W MORAL Oa THURSDAY,December 6th MONSIEUR. , will be taken into Considera- unparalleled '»?* continue that vv ORLD" (ai pr«ppunde<}; , tion. ' " " "" ' system of liberality which has occasioned the surprise oiTmanv JS \/ HERALD , by Robert Owen, .JACQUES, 'TWAS I, and CAPERS AND* iBstance has ever been know? to exist « allowing hi, Esq., of NewLanark,) and lhe *« OLD IMMORAL CORONETS. C. H. ELSLEY, . CusZeS he"fibSS^f?eu7ni ng anV AnSe^ PRIC W,ORLD. : though previously seen, and " -at that rime approved of ;" his motive beino^ tr, i«!n I 8 S 7 ' E FIVEPENCE, " A L'eoture delivered in 'the Social Clerk of the Peace. fidence in his Customers which he hopes stid to Institution, Salford, by Robert Cooper. ' On FRIDAY December 7th, Clerk of the Peace's Office , do hy a continuance of tbf 12 systemI of*$? *** SUNDAY, the 2nd of December, will con- (Pub- ^ , Hberality widen bas hitherto " aisdngiuAed his efforts. " honour ^and OE lished by request,) Price Twopence. .. last Night of tie Season, "Vyakefieid, 28th Not., 1838. Con^uSSy tain, an original letter irom Mr. Oastler— * ANY .ABTICLE PUBCHASED Proclamation on the Poor Law war in FOR TFE *>&&££¥£._ .QF- 5iB . DOWNfii AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT CHANGED IF NOT Todmorden : £ a repwfc-vjjCexclusively), of the recent Conference Q A T. aiy^^jW THE POLITI CS OF ^ ' the Jp A Lecture on- BffilM ^ jiMtfi SOCIALISM. It is almost neeeUessfor him to state that Ws object^td exteai tb« jmbpw. nf it. n^rMi.». » »= betw«* iafcjStock Bankers and the Ministry * tu ltowniug Street—Fait qcconn **-» ¦ mHIS DAT IS Price workings*n nf *--f— f &W Ente * -; r PUBLISH^*, ^Two- posseted by this Establishment while «rjj ^nj^aadB*E^»c^rngu9of of/ the Bap tile tir. "^S^J ' • ^w^^rrTr ^M ^M* >* •%£ ^^^ X PkiC*/ No-. I, of , , at the same ume, fte Proprietor 9 >»»^ \uUtnm WBd,' belutf at Taftatt bft with Man. A Lecture delivered in the ' ^r .( ¦ " " petitioning—Tright of the Landlords, their exhorta- Social Institu- ¦ ¦ :. - .j -~j uJMi ^ " . tion, Saltbrd. B > , -/- tions to the farmera-rConfusipn of the Ministry arid y H. Ho wells Horton. Priee Byte} as^Pit, 2s^^al: la.—Half Price tBox, Twopence; ¦ ¦; ' ¦ Or, the &ge of Might and the Age of Right. their Oracles—Rage of the Whigs at the Preston :: ..:.,! ; ¦: - -V . li' ed^'Pit,. is^ r ' ^ ' a nnmCTons peop . and Wigan demonstrations—with ali^o Mr. Whittle's :: ""We are le and we want Doors Open at half-past ;Six d'Clocitj to commene* "We as weu as retail trades; and which added reply to the; abuse of " The Globe"' and Whig Manchester : Published and Sold b ¦ : ¦ ; Strength-i have an excellent Soil and -we are to an exportation trade of considerable magnitude ncfasitins y A ' ' .' ' . ' ' at;;;Seyeniv • . ' ; " • . :/ ;1 ; . ile3tinite of Provisions ! "We pay enormous Tributes such a Tapd coflsumpUon as enables him to manufacture «SK" F .-". Weekly Chronice:' —The duelling Affai r of the Hevwobd , 60, Oldham Street ; and may be had of ^ i ^ the principal of to^S^Sb?S Lancashire Liar Hobson toll they hCitJ Oi fefit s i^ , and a variety of Miscellaneous , No-thurn Mar Office , Leeds Morris Burnett. Acting Manager. *ijd we are fiat are not Snfneient ! "We *S ** Pr° lik^^ placing him L the en' riabk si uSorbeSg aWe^ ; Hethering- *re at Peace tfsthout, and our Persons and Property SXSSf ' ^ Intelligence, ton , Strand , Cl. ave, Shoe Lane, Watson, Kinsbury , are not safe imhin J "What then is the secret *,• The Proprietora of The Champ Loudop ; Guvst, Steelhoase Lane, Birmingham; ion, intend on smkh Scociaud- : Enemy thafcdevonre ns ?"—Jixin3of Empires. ^sa ^nj ^SK ^ the fi rst Sunday after New Year's Day, to give a , place, Liverpool ; of all patriotic -" Lbebs :—Published by D. Green, 166, Briggate ; succinct Account of the Progress and present State Bookseller*, .and of all the Branches of " the Asso- ciations of all and Sold ty Guest, Birmingham ; Hey wood, Man- of Railroads, arid will take that Opportunity of Classes of all Nations," in Loiidon chester ; Barradongh and Pasbley, Sheffield ; giving Gratis, to every Subscriber for the previous and the Provinces. Tinker, Hndderefield ; IhboBon, Bradford ; and all °P°g from 1,800 hands, under the Month , illustrative Engravings, which are now i^n "^ ^P; superintendence of men of the first in ¦otherJJooksellers. ^ reh?nce can be placed; they can be warranted unequalled for durability the Hands of the Artist. LEEB S i®)^MJ6H SCIONS . &c S at a , I^HALLENGE TO CURE * "' AT G OF TW0-TH1KDS Published, 137, Strand , and to db had of all METEE1TWA SE. . | FROM THE GENERAL PRICE !!! - KOTI OB If HEREB ^ GlVEW, J^68 l Newsmen. , BLINDNESS. dlstanee ¦ ° tbis Establishment will be '¦ ¦ ¦ ' ** * > found of the utmost y ., . Ti HATthe next im^rtln^n^Tmporunce, not only covering all1?^ incidental .. General Qaarter Se&iipns^f th* ^^expenses , and realising a saving of 30 or 40 per cent., but BAXTER JL Peace " JAMES G REAYE S 0 1111 ElegaDCe aDd Durabm -X MR. , from Hull, (please to observe for the Borough of L^ds, i^ the^Cpttngr ™ ^ t3—equal fn everj" rlipect to bespoke, -a at a the .name-; who has performed such exiraor- of York , will be bplden before KpBE BEGS most respectfully to inform the Pablje of l^^'SS ^ . ; iif BijfN^p Hnddersfield and Devrsbury and their respective diuary Cures on persons, many of whom have been Armstrong, 'Esguiire,! Recorder of; thS^ aaid GENTLEMEN CONTRACTED WITH ^Neighbourhood*, that he intend* to offer to their BY THE YEAE.-A SUIT OF CLOTHES MADE blind tor rive, ten, fitWii, twenty, thirty, and forty- Roroughj if the : Court . House in Leedi, oa - _ IN FIVE live years r notice, A QUANTITY of EARTHENWARE, n , , HOURS. , begs to announce to the Public, that he THURSDAY, the Twenty-Setenth Day of Gentlemen s Sjtanuh, Opera, Walking, and Travelling has with Splbxdid Portraits of J. R. Stephens, CLOCKS of every description, kept permanently taken up hU Residence in Leeds, DECEMBER ,;1838y at Nine. o'Clpck: in the(Fore- HEADY MADE. " ¦ * .. * and wilt pled ge himself to noon j at whicn Time and Eiceabd Oastleb engraved on the "Ware. ™Ihe followi,„ . . ' cure all external Dis- and Place all Juror»^*Gon-^ G. be in in ng is a brief sketch of Price.*, from which no abatement can be made • eases of the Eve, Dimness of Si ht &c stables, PolioeVOfficersi Prosecutors1 1^° Mr. will Hudderxfield the course Pilot Cloth — g , , without , Witn$88«ff, - Pee Coats, Yelvet Collar, Plaid Lining, &c...... i5s. 6d b.isters, bleeding, seton , issues, or any restraint Persons bound by Recognizances£«nd -of a few days. - Superior Do. Others;having , from ...... ' 24s ot Diet. Business at the said Sessions arts 'required td attend. Double-milled Cloth Top Coats, from 30s. to 40s., elegantly made. published, to be co Cataracts I caonot cure, as I make no use of an And Notice is hereby also given,. That Entries J6sl mpleted in twenty-four Youths' Cloth Cloaks, from 12s. 6d., lined with Plaid, &c. instrument to any E weekly namber^ price 3d., or in six ye. In cases of Amaurosis. 1 of all intended Motions or Applications, relative %o monthly ,., _., Superior Qtv. West can tell if . there be auy. the parts, price Is,, No. 1, of The Moderate Quality. Medium Quality. England wool dved. hope.i after the first Appli. Maintenance of any Illegitimate Chitd'or"Chil- cation I make to the Eye. dren , must be mad* with tlte Clerk of the Peace, FEOPIiE :S A complete Suit * MEDI CAL Al>VISES, of Black (Men's Size) 118 0 2 10 0 3 1* 1) The following are only a few, amongst the almosst some Day prior to the holding of the SessionB*.- ¦ ¦ Suit of Saxony Di tto * ' ' ' ' ' ' FAMILIAR TREATISE on the means of Green , Claret, or Brown. .2 2 0 . 2 15 0 ...... 3 5 0 in numerable Cases that I have made perfect. They That Applications, in¦ Bastardy will be heard A preserving health and the -domestic treatment are inserted at the express desire of the parties :— immediately on the Opening of Hie; Court; That of diseases, particularly adapted to the use of the all Appeals will be Wm. Mair, Garden-street heard immediately after the industrious classes ; by Capital Black0W LapelUt Coats from , Hull, blind forty- Applications in Bastard 1 4 0 Black Casamere, from 0 4 6 five years of one Eye, lost from the Small y. And thafairproceeding* Pox, was under the Highway Act MATTHEW FLETCHER, ?nT^? \ 1 8 ° B^ek Cloth Trovers, from 0-10 6 restored to Sight iu Hix weeks so as to distinguidh , will be taken on the firsk Member of the Royal College of Surgeons Pilot and P«p«hamV^ Top Coats , Velvet Any other Colour Day of the Sessions. • "' , &c. Collar and Facings oil 6 any object. The other Eye, the most dangerous Bury, Lancashire. 2 j 0 Superfine ditto... JAMES Men a Quiltrag W 0 15 0 CALEDONIAN ever man perceived was made perfect in that time, RICHARDSON,/ - .Published by A. Cobbett Ivondon . aistcoats (New Pat- Fustian Trowser* 03 6 afte r having been an , ; and "William terns),-a choice from several thousand ' out-patient at the Dispensary Clerk of the Peace for the said Borough;. "Willis, Manchester; and sold by J. Hobson , Moleskin ditto. ,, .[ 0 4 9 ASSURANCE COMPANY, for seventeen weeks. This was acknowledged ,¦ by Leeds, 29th November,. 1838. Northern Star Office , Leeds, and by all Booksellers va M n " \r 'Y"'"r 0 3 6 Cloth finished ditto, a new aud better most of the" medical Faculty as well as the Inha- Fashionable^X\ Valencia, from 0 3 9 Incorporated by Royal Charter. ¦and NewB Agents. Article.... ! 0 7 0 bitants of Hull, the most wonderful Cure ever per- S in fornved, for he could go about the town by himseli S vnT-ru.f ?}y^^ o5EES5ES 8reat Tariety, at unheard of Prices. INSURANCE OF in atortni §g££*^PO*r MUSIC-9ALOON, ^WOK APTEB , TOUR POSTUIT ES! YOUTH b ELEGANT SWISS AND' SPANISH CiOTH DRESSES, POR LIVES AND ght aiter having been led blind so many from 16s. 6d SURVIVORSHIPS, weeks. SOUTH^PAHADE, LEEDS/ ¦ P"1 ^'^ HUSSAR SUITS, Blue, Brown or Olive, from 20s. Just Published Ixx-ew Imztadont -. • of ?' , Price Sixpence, FIGURED and PLAIN TROWSERS, equal in Appearance and Finish PURCHASING AND GRAN TING ANNUITIES , Mrs. Fisher, Short-street, Hull, blind for AS the P00R.LAW AMENDMENT ACT Cloth to xi. must sooner or later THE YORKSHIRE AND LANCASHIRE; , from 5s. 6d. (Men's Size) ] YOUTH'S Ditto, from 4«. CONFERRING ENDOWMEN TS , AND I NSU RI NG thirty^years, made per ect, after ail other medical , , be introdaced into this HISTORICAL SEVERAL N aid had tailed and can now see Borough—as certain Individuals ;have ': laboured ALMANACK, HU DRED WAISTCOATS, of Last Year's Patterns, AT HALF PRICE. AGAINST LOSSES BY FIRE. , to thread the For the Year of Our Lord, 1839 ; small needle. with extraordinary pertinacity, to misrepresent th« 13, BANK STREET, EDINBURGH, provisions of thia important.Law^-aad, Being ihe Third after Leap Year. Mr. Marshall, publican, Fox and Grapes at an it is- of THE , ¦m.9F??t al1 correctl appreciate : CoatHUB :—Tae I>ay of tb« Month Y^tfie Moon's Dei BESPOKE DEPARTMENT S, WELLINGTON-STREET, SOUTHWARK, Pottery, Huh, bhud of one Eye for ten years, and - ^ c^^aj^ould' y: Pr tlj C0 sPicQO for its minifo]d and innumerable LONDON a subject of commsn interest, the:-Inbabitante «f Changes; the Ruing and Setting of tne Sun andI nfK l ° mo °f advantages, being entirely distinct from any ; had given up all hupes of eter being restored to Leeds Moonj Eclipao ^ >fm OJ1Dg CUtter8 Of ^ md^-"te Talent, by whom e7ery' sight again are respectfully informed, that OH MopdaT , Phenomena, &c, THE TIME , late ful attention i. paid in gettSg u 51, DAME-STREET¦ DUBLIN ; , was perfectly cured in two months. eve^ A^H S t ex - taste P ' ' ¦ ' " ¦ Evening, December.Sr'a 1838 * -gtvle, and from a • ' ^ - . , , I intend delivering OF HIGH WATER AT LONDON , LIVER- ofof ^lowWaJlow Pphh! t the syrtem pursued at this EmblUhment : AND Tnis gentleman bad previous ly been under three a mg Gentlemen to return^ any Article if not approvedOF of, Lecture on the History of HOORk LAWS, POOL, and HULL, Jor every day in the Year, Certamty THEeither as regards Cut, Quality, 38, ALBION-STREET, LEEDS. Oculists in London, aud many other medical gen- .thei r Ojri gin and Objects. ' together frith a f Teali2in A UNION THREE tleman. the Time of High "Water at the PRIN ° S FOLLOWING [AdmisHibn at Oat-Ports. CIPLES^an 5- Seven 6 Clock. Tha Lecture (wbiob. *° From of At Established 1805, Mr. Palmer, Barrow, in Lincolnshire blind will occupy an Hour) tendon Materials very First- Charges less , , to eoiiimencs' ¦ at Half-paak Upwards of 300 ADVERTISEMENTS FOB House by Forty per Cent. and had been tor a long time, was given up as in- Seven. . • • '} . ^ , of^ Bond-street notoriety. rate Qualities. than the Cheapes Leeds Committee. curable b HEIRS-aT-LAW, NEXT OF KIN, &c. t House in the y a most eminent Physician, but can now At Half-past. Eight, the,Audience will belcalled There is not a City, County, Town, Tillage, Kingdom. SAMUEL CdRSON, Esq., Cloth Merchant. see to read the smallest printi upon to elect a Chairman, in-order to the B. D. NEWMAN pronec •r Hamlet, in England, Ireland, or Scotland, , Esq., Corn Merchant. Mr. Ely , Waterhouse-lane, Hull, blind and was conduct of a, Discussicn on the-Merits and THOMAS NEWSAM Esq., , De- "without wane Inhabitants who are justly entitled , Land Surveyor. reduced to such a weak state of health, by blisters, merits of the . to .Property bequeathed to them, or due to themi NO Mcr HENRY RAWSON,, Esq., Cloth Merchant and &c. that he could not rise from his ^P BLSINEbb TRANSACTED ON SATURDAY'S UNTIL NIGHT. Manufacturer. '• chair without POOR-LAW AMENDMENT ACT ~as Heirs-at-Law, but are now in ignorance of theiiJ ^u ^ ^ ^ ^^f M ^ ^o^^^^ ^ assistance ; the instrument been used to dne eye , near approximation to a Fortune. Every inhabi- ALEX. RITCHIE, Esq., Stuff Merchant. eight times, the other lour—but all to no service. which I hereby undertake to defend* (Clause br tant of tie Three Kingdoms «roght to become T J. P. SANDERSON , Esq., Wool Merchant. But after being Clause) against all Opponents, not as MIJN EEAL TEBBA Separating of the Teeth. under Mr. B's treatment for six a. perfect possessed of this invaluable Almanack. METALLIC, — The Teeth, weeks was able to both read and write Aet of Legislation , but as Measure of Justice, from want of proper attention, are apt in most per- LIFE BRANCH. , and walk Benevolence ^ All the remarkable Days, Siunt Days ForfiHintTjf ecayedTeeth , -without heat , p ain, or about in a good state of health. , and Policy ; and to ¦which end ' I beg , Fasts, and juretsuf e sons to close and connect t-hemstlves with each leave respectfully to invite ¦ Festivals, the Length of Days and Nights,. the Regu- ; and Incorrodible Mineral Teeth other The following are a few of the Advantages to be Mr. Newsomk,'s Son • "f tr^fr without giving , which is generally the chief cause of decay. derived by Persons insuring , shoemaker, High- Church lation of Clocks by *he Sun, Positions of the Planets the least pain, ot shexcing In such cases with this Company. Side, Hull , blind from the measles Any Opponent of the. tasr whatsoeve , , anyfastening whatever. , it is particularly advisable to separate First—Perfect Security to the Assured^ , was perfectly r Chronology of the Law and Univenrity.Term Days, the131-—Great care is required in this operation. cured in three weeks, after being under the best of to the rational teat of Argument,, and. the easily Shooting, Hunting and Fishing Second—Rates of Premium as low as is consistent advice for five months, attainable result , Seasons; the first with Safety of an unprejudiced. and .impartiaL Appearance of Birds ; Flowers in Seawn; Trees in Fastening loose Teeth.— Mr. E., during . Investigation. LEEDS AND HUDDERSFXELD. Third—Premiums Benjamin Harlatjd, No. 2, Sydney-court, Blossom, Fruit Ripe, &c. ; and a most valuable his course of study, has adopted a mode of fastening payable Yearly, Half-Yearly, or Quarterly. Bourne-str-iet, Hull, blind of one Eve -the other in Admission by Gards only:— Orchestra lo..Qd.~ Selection of useful Miscellanies in Law, Commerce, loose Teeth , particularly of aged persons, whether a dreadful state of arising Fourth—Liberty to the Assured to pass in Time inflammation , perfectly cured in Salom.ls.—GalleryM.. &c.; together with NOTICES RESPECTIN G from neglect ar any other cause, which he one month alter other advice had MR. ESKELL, is happy to say, has proved successful of Peace from one Part of Europe to another, by tailed. _ Cards may be obtained at the Temperance Goffee- PAEtlAMENICiKY AND MUNICIPAL to the full ouse j extent of his expectations. Sea and Land, witnout payment of additional Pre- Elizabeth Robinson, Christopher-street,, H , Corner of Wood-street at the Offices of the ELECTIONS, classed -under each Month of the Surgeon Dentist, 0/ Yb. 122, Park Rote, Leeds, \ Year. mium. Sculcoates, Hull, four years of age, blind, perfectly Mercury and Times; or of Mr. Heaton^. Printer, ¦H cured in a short tirue. 7, Briggate An Article on USUBPED ESPECTFULLY announces that he is on a Regulating the Teeth.—It is well known Fifth—Loans granted on Security of Policies. ; and no greater Number will be issued ESTATES ; or ^ Sixth—The strictest Secrecy than can be convenientl LANDED PROPERTY WRONGFULLY and AX Professional visit to Huddersfield, and for the that Teeth will often grow too long, and outstretch observed in all Cases Mr. Muddy's son and daughter in Osboimi*- y accommodated. ILLEGALLY better accommodation of his friend?, has made ar- each other, sometimes obtruding themselves beyond transacted with the Company. Street, Hull. Both perfectly cured in one week of Men of Leeds-! In arguing the superiority of the H£LJ> IN POSSESSION—a ran Poor Law BBbject of much and geueral Importance gements to attend that place ; and may be con- the bounds prescribed by the circular formation of Seventh—Liberal Allowances for the Surrender a severe Inflammation in the Eyes. The eldest not Amendment Act oyer any Law for the , LOBD sulted in all of Policies. Relief of the Poor LOWTHE H AND SIB GEOBGE ABMI- the branchesof DENTAL SURGERY the mouth : under such circumstances, they require three years of age. which has yet been enacted, all as follows, until furthei notice:— regelating, which greatl Eighth—Claims payable Three Months afte r I require. " is. a fair f ieldand no favour TAGE'S ESTATES. y adds to the agreeable Sarah TwiDELL, Albro Street Wincomlee ," If I appearance of the countenance Death. , , am wrong, have the kindness to prove me so; for I EJEBY -WEDNES DAY AND THURSDAY , in the laugh, and Hull, blind and had been declared incurabl e by a If am Also, a complete Diary or Chronology of general , gives facility to the articulation. The beauties of a Ninth—No Entrance Money chargeable. very seek but ^ruth. I right, close hot your un- and local events ; skilful Physician. Restored to sight in , a fort- dt rstandiiigs against the being a carefully arranged digest AT MUS. BENNET'S, YORK PLACE ; well-regulated set of Teeth are so generally acknow- ni ght; this girl was laced under influence of reason, ani «f ever Event ANNUITIES. p my can * by 12 the conviction of demonstration. y , Fact, and Occurrence, which may And every Monday , Tuesday , Friday edge d and admired, that to offer further observation Gentlemen the Guardians become , and The , Terms of this Company are particularly , , Churchwardens, &c. ol the subject of Conversation, Dispnte, or In- Saturday, at his Residence, 12£, Park Row, on this head would be superfluous. SculcoatfS. JAMES ACLAND. tpriry ; not omitting such Proceedings in the Houses Leeds. favourable to Persons who are desirous of purehas- of Parliament as are of general and national Im Fixing One or more Teeth.—Tfee method ing Annuities, and which may be known by applj ing Daniel McCarthy, Old Dock Sid e, Hull. Temperance Hotel, Hall and Parkinson's Court Perfectly cured in one week of a severe Bri portanee/: the diary embraces Polities, Sports, . XNCOXROSISXf MINER AIi TESTS adopted in this process of replacing Teeth, renders at the Head Office , or Branches. ii anamma- ggate, Leeds, Nov. 29,, 1838. , tioa Hi the Eves which Battles—tieBing and the Field ; Theatres, Mar- it impossible to discern the artificial from the natural, , proceeded from getting a This day u From one to a comp lete Set without FIRE BRANCH. piece of hot iron in one is published, No. 1, of the Wb81»> kets, Trials, Actors, Murders, Fires, Storms, Siege*, , which are not only wire spring, or showing any fastening what- eye, when worki ng at Mr. RiBiNG Letter-Bag 1 ever. The Caledonian is the oldeit Scottish Establish- Oldham '8, smith and millwright Seulcodte«. ; ' wherein will be foundsiiii Deaths, Lords, Commons, Totes ; Statistics of Indettructible, but also incapable of ^ i-pistle to Mr. Pebring of ment but one. .Every Description of Fire Business M iis. 'l HOMPSON , of Newland near JHull , the Leeds ItMlh*- Armies, Populations, Commerce ; Earthquakes, Discolouration. , , blind gencer, Ike. &c. v'^ "Volcanic Ernpdon3 \Revolurions Anti quities Extraction op the Boot, or the Fangs is transacted on .the most moderate Terms. of one Eye three years, the otker mucli afflicted , , , , Ban- perieetl fl^te, Coronadons ; disungui*hed Foreigners' Visits, Amongst the advantages of Mr. ESKELL'S of the Teeth.— Although this operation Is often Losses are settled with promptitude, and Tables y cured in one month. Insurrections, Exeeudons, Assassinations &c &c. ; System, one of the principal is, that it confers the dreaded by the afflicted , from the facility which of Premiums and every Information given gratis, William Parkinson , No. 44 Vi.enna-street This Jav^ja^ublished, price Twop#»nce;large PaBftc. , , ¦ fcrming altogether, a: faithful/History of all that powers of the most distinct articulation, and submits characterizes the performance of his operation , Mr. on Application at the Head Office and at the York-street, Leeds, who had been ^aeafriy blind for Threepence - - .". " ' gencies. 1 ^. neei be recorded t)f the past Year's Events, but this as really an advantage of the utmost importance; E. has been most successful in removing all fearful A twenty-three years, after having beun under Mr. *ko those of the several preceding Generations ! but when to it is added the capability of biting the apprehensions. H. D. DICKIE, Manager. B.'s treatment only a fortnight, was able to read; THE SOUTH LAICASHIE S The Names and Titles oT the Seven English hardest substance, without pain ; though last, not JOHN MOINET Secretary. This w-an not external complaint Fixing , , but proceeded POLI TICAL Xctre&fea -who have been elevated to the Peerage ; Iea3t, that it gives the appearance of juvenility to Complete Sets ot Teeth.- Com- from a compression of the nerves by redundan t UPQK ALMANAC, lete Sets AGENTS. Lords of the Manor ; NAMES AND COLOUBS countenances otherwise of an aged appearance. p , by the assistance of a newly invented humours, which, had they not beea drained off, WHICH will contain, besides the best and.DQ' osfc OF THE "WINNING HOBSES OF THE spring, which operates with the action of the jaws LEEDS...... Mr, JOHN POTTER. would have ended in total; darkness, accurate Almanac Iniofmatipn, a largo ,P/and Mr. ESKELL wishes to impress upon the Ladies ¦:;„,- that is, Gutta ' GBEAT ST. LEGEB STAKES at Doneaster, for in mastication, &c, will be found, in every respect, Barnsley. . Mr. James Frudd. Serena. of Poli tical Khowlbd gy, ucultu- ttc iwlloning; kiw if— ihe laa and Gentlemen not to have the least prejudice ampl y competent »o Bunnly tha jjlaoo of their prede- Belford...... Mr. G. Young, merchant. List of »ll the Political U^nions in South. , SlXTV TWO YEABS, »itii £h«x ^=^- -f -agamic zsxss^rancax aeetn lor tney are Doth nseful M rs. Ashton's aon George the Fourth Inn 'Lan- the Owners and Jockies. , cessors. Bingley. Mr. S. Weatut5tb.ead, Srlt. ^ , cashire, the Names ot Seerfctaries and Pla« and ornamental. His principle is quite different to Meadow Lane, Leeds. Blind of one eye .and ^ -ea o£ r- ^•G°°de a?- b nker Meeting. THE LAW OF EJECTMENT ; or any other,—it conduces to both beauty and comfort. Attendance from Ten till Birming6 ham...... J | »j / afllicted of the other. Tiie one, eye made perfect Five, at Mrs. Benr.et's, ; S Mr. Thps. Gpode, do. ht, and with tb e otb Number: of Radical Demonstrations in South Hie Act to failitate the BecoTery of Possession of Bradford Wilts. .. .Mr. in a fortnig 4er he can distinguish A. new description of Mineral Teeth, that York Place, every Wednesday ana , Ezeklel Edmond. any object. Lancashire, with a faic Estimate of the,N . umber* small Tenement* after dne Determination of the ¦clo sely resembles nature. These Mineral Teeth Doneaster „ .Mr. J. Bedford, Share- attending, them. _ / Thursday, fora vertoa. 1 Richard Redman, the ion of Dennis Redman Tenancy (recently passed) "wabsented cobeect. eminently possess every superiority, that can be broker. , Nuniber of Petitions sent to ParHamf .nt fT0M Miscellaneous StaristJcs, Law Ac. j the Hundred Elland. .Mr. Jas. a weaver, late of LeeAs, b.ut now at Stanningley, , desired, over the various gubstances offered to the August 13 Jamieson. South Lancashire, upon variou Subjists¦ ¦ , ^jth largest Cities in: the World ; the Population of the , 183§r- Halifax Mr. F. M. Forbes, Com- near Leeds, was blind Jmd. has been under Medical numbers of Signatures to each. . '• . ' ". ^. -Publie for similar purposes. Their colour is un- Advice for years witho "Worldf Income of ^»e Church; fije "Weather Table; changeable mercial Bank. ut any hopes of recovery, but Number of County Votera- ', Number o ; and they may be had in every gradation after being under Mr. BJ' f Borough, eorreet Lists of the Yorkshireand LancashireFairs ; of shade,: to suit any that may be remaining in the Huddersfield .Mr. S. Howarth, 8, New s treatment for six weeks, Voters ; Number of Male Adults U.nrer .resented POREIGN AMBASSADOBS AND CONSULS one eye was made per.fectjj and with the other he mouth. In point of economy, the Mineral Teeth street. • can Population of the Southern Divi of OF THE NATIONS IN KOBTH AND ^ NOTICE. Hull Mr. Saml, Dales, Solicitor. see to read. County. ^ ^ will be found highly advantageous to the wearer, as Ej SOUTH AMEBICA, A2H) EUBOPE, w\th in durability. Keighley...... Mf. S. Weatherhead, Solr. ! Those cases, will beasc the strictest Bcrunity and Lisfr of. the House of Peerr^ .penges of Enaresboroug r th« the Places of their Official Beadence, and the Haurs mHIS IS TO GIVENOTICE, that I, JOH N h...... jMr. Thos. Robinson, Solr. the Medicines can be ar^Ued to the youngest infants House^ of Peers. of Buaness; the Queen's Ministers; Begulations Mr. Eskell avails himself of this opportunity to J- TIFFIN, of Smithies-Place Bank TMr. Walter: Johnston, with perfect safety. XiBt of the House of Com'jions,; 'Expenses of th» respectingE lections; the Four Quarters of the explain the -various species of Disease , , / . Banker. House of Commons. . to which the Leeds,- will not be answerable for any Debt or . Mr. Bi is succeBf/or to his Father, who stood Year ; Terms in England usually taken in Leases. mouth is liable, according to the principles laid down Debts which my ~W_ife, Sarah Tiffin may Liverpool. , VMr. A, Bairi, merchant, unrivalled for forty Chronicle of the last Se rious of b the most eminent medical men , - years. The case last men- . Parliament. . the IMPBISONMENT FOB DEBT BILL, y , convinced that Contract after this Date. 1, V Bath'-styeeti. : tioned was the fir st Mr, Progressive Increase P /f,the Nat » so important a condition placed under the present ional Debt. complete LIST OF STAMPS, Appraisers', aspersonal appearance can- j Mr^U.SurvidgcSharebroker B.'s care. Revenue of the Unitf ,d KiDgdora. State of Crime. Baikers1, ^Medicine VenderaV Marriage Ditto not fail of being interesting. JOHN TIFFIN. Manchester...... V^, Chiles D. Hope Comparative amoun Spwaal 1 * A soldier in'Hull, who was blind in the year .t of Taxes, Debt, Poof Rates, , xnd Pawnbroiers Incenses ; aiid othei Leeds, NW-30A, 1838. •"jharebroker. : and Pobbc Expenditure, between 1793 and 1838 ; Information of too great an -extent to be mentioned - Scaling the Teeth.—This operation, wl en Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1813, was r»8tor % ;._ Mr# C. ClaphanT, Land S.calss and Clothirig ; n This operation should take place occasionally. ^ ^ : Mr. B. has. been four moaths in Leeds jr Cost of umber of Parishes IdTerpool; Stephenson, Hull 5 &e Booksellers in _ . Surveyor. , and has n England and Wales j Names of Privy Council ; Zxjndon ; Oliver, Y ork... -... restored the sight of thirty persons, made twenty DarUngton; Linney, Bipon ; Hax- Cauterizing the Tebth.—The operation is Thi3 Day is Published, price Sixpence, «,.s ; # .... .Mr. J. Hornsby, Architect Names of her Majea^^s Ministers, with their nscm, Barnsley j Burst perfect, and 150 others are now under hi» cajr,. , WakefieMj Hargfeares, had recourse to upon the first symptoms of decay, in Medical Referee for Leeds-HENRY Salaries; the Civil last ; Miscellaneous Estimate* ^Utto ; Kemp, Laneasbire, and Brooke, Hudders- order id arrest the progress of disease A PLAIN AND POPULAR ESSAY ON I whose improvement is highly satisfactory. for the Current Year ; Salaries Seld , and which, BELL, Esq., East Parade. of all the Great , and other Booksellers. providedit be done in due time, prevents that J± THE PRINCIPLE OPERATION and N.B.— As people are placing themselves undty Officers of State ; Salaries of the acute %T .dical Referee for Liverpool— f my Judges and other AND AGENTS ABE BEQUEESTED TO pain followed by ultimate extraction. EFFECTS of the CORN LAWS, addressed to Care from One Hundred Miles round, I h,ere. f nform Law ; Ab&tracts from Parliamentary Re- ORDEB IMMEDIATELY the Mercantile Community of Great Britain. Dr. ALDERSON. the PubUc v that I do not ga 'from Home ' - ports upon Fmancial Filling the Vacuum of Decayed Teeth. r , » ,nd wiU Currency, Tradje, Law, Poor JoLiciTOR-WM. MIDDLETON, Esq. not detain vhem longer than one hour in Ratesj and Miscellanieg ¦ ' W Bradf °ri lfr- J- Ibbattson and —This process, simple in itself, and easy to endure, Lee ds Mr. , with a great Variety of **£ **J i I By JOHN BAKER, of Leeds. to B, may be consulted ar, hia Residenc / j fo. otker Political and reall ^'Mr. ¦ Tay lor. an preserves the enamel of the Teeth in its primitive , Note.—Respectable Individuals, wishing 4, y usefal Information, com- WANTED Acdveaud 1 (to whom a Merrion Street, on the rigV. hand side from Wade piled froia tjie very best Authorities. Spirited Bookseller state, and entirely prevents any portion of ailment I' )London : Longman & Co., Paternoster-Row j oecome Agents for the Company, for this ven Places not Lan^, every day , iru^ Ten until Five. as AgeEt Almanack, in the following or "foul air from entering the cavities, the general I Thomas Hieeisos Leeds Baxcks & Co Liberal Commission is gi ,) in > ; ; Dublin Glas , ; comHiunlcate \vith Observe the S»' H. J. HICHARD5ON. Places , gow, and Edinburgh. source of offensive effluvia. I Manchester ; and may be had of all Booksellers- , included in the above List, may ae of the Street, v.a there are two the Manager. , houses uumoer<' a a ' ' PubUshed by Abet Heywood. Mancheatef. wS^EmSSSSS ^^^ S^^mCSSSSSSSS^SSSS^SSS^SSCSSSSSSSml^Sm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ¦ :J OE G^JARD ^N " ¦ " ; ¦¦ ¦ MOBIS ON'S PILLS , .:. ^^ f akJ uwi^Ali^Seiiiir " >y BOA ^ S^ . :R«membe ir bW^ ancie»» iu 1 ' • . . ••.^^ ^ ^ K ^R j t ffihe w«Uy meet»g ]fCTj aiIfa ^Board assem- *« ^fcF THE BRITISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH, S^^ m^ P^^^ P*S yp™«ipltp#f» ^ se*. a giant'»8trei»gtlu '^S& P«Pfe^B LQNix) > ^P R ^ ^^^ Tot^r«f gla» l Ifr-tejNsft tl^fWjK^ cted , ¦i Hift i^ ^ y London , «nd country Towns, -Hf^^ tte ^SlxtNDIA ^ ^ WmrtfiMftrnd thretf iAlj pl ^wb hWHK feBBP ^^ requijr ^i^ w j •&tt js OB^pls.jMran num. Excise permits elVas them6«« J J ^fciitefor ^ taa »r ia*eV;~3rh ^a8t ^ 0n f Hygqct. kerebj JB fiMKrtipe *.$iutt I «n iniw the Licens * . matism . were o?derktbWpaid ' ^ h%idk the 3Oth x)f SnS PKRskcrinos^E^riscB^iT^ riti^cHssiW yre a^tish^ r 'riaffE^WB '^ Application to; be •Marri ages for that district. Mr. Little presented an ^ f » .;. made f ^M^^^^ ljifMgpaw^^ Secretary. < ' -! wbjytTJ f, tfirtm ^qtijj ni ^ lWnbj ^qs, indigesBon ^ TU ^&J ^^^ S ^^ ^ u J?i Jbw ' v iccoBnt tMt naa D?en ;aw Dflioj»ytne : v.iBiungi^oin. :- -; r ^ira;Tai--^- : ¦ ¦ ¦ ptap l^^ ^ ^ hefe ^ bnsitutibn 1 1 Y: |^: »'' - ¦ •> i'«&y0it*ivi t^ ipii1009ta ^aii¦ • ¦ .; ¦•, - - : ¦ ¦ - _[- ¦ ' h^^^ "ttt the alteration * nwdevfctfre " Vte Ori^tXoriM'rlHfry f it.KvmpaJt&ibj t^|^ -: ...... , - ;,: injured ' nin ^refernil f ' .- bjf ^isea ^ln ^tfr ^o^lhjud ^^ rown'r 'WqrkS dTisei after Tittle aiscnssiori . : j ammm^'^^^ ^|»*w» WORllOR^^d r lit ATf ! OjHf ' ^• ui4 ^^*ihh:.^> kva^K^^^ iu 1 vvi ' menfc/ :-; . . -' . ..; ' : r ' ~y^~^^ --v- ad * ^ t^^ ¦ - ; .< - . ¦ . . . T- "^ ' \. ^\- . . ^ -: ^^n ' :' - - , ,hweon, wa» ord ered to be paid the amount vfas' 'T^attte T^^ ^o^smmmn'tm^ ¦ " ¦¦¦ " ^ > rfia-jdbttfnsHi ?Tli\T(^Sf U^jk- . ' . j. ¦ ~ T " " ¦/- ¦' • "/'¦ " - - , - , roiLY DBTBLOP KV ] - ¦ £1^ 9s.,7|d. Mr. Beaumont, in order to forw! jA Jfce. -SKfejO '^r ,2: -^ ¦-c- £-^iit^ 2^3? "-. - - • ' The daily increariii fr ^ celebri ^r pl^CJi S; Cb| ddon V ^^^ te i^ ^ ¦ pf^ie made a proposition -¦ ¦ ., Earned Herbal Tbnib ^llB^ihe ihe.bnsiuflw meeting, tft Tnat my Med1om«L awjpreparaf only at the BY «»flB.iSJOLO3 S gpmE88, • nu ^er™ ^ ;he effect that not gentleman should be allowed1 tq British Ke-of citicates received from the most ~' ^oite Heal ^Hw^lton ^kce, King ^j : ¦ . eminent Medical speak more ,thaii :- QPff P.pf on a subject except I he Rili^H -Czjobi,jan€fold by the 6fit9n ^T_AfffA!f£ to tlia Bri- :, : :; :,. ri -3i ii~' .''v\ ¦ ' Men, who have prescribed them very ' anwering questions ^ ¦ " ' Mffi ' l^^ |^^ R |pK 9^^^^ HEH ^V ektensiyelV npyer, unless,#y;rway ^ jnj •jjj. ^f ntimmi 'nt TfmmHt i^ inh iWli1 ^TTAW- L --Jll? _ l.j -:-^^^^^^^JWJ i>»« "" - " • and succewfrUy , after : all bth er remedies ?xplanati«n of ihe matter. It was seconded by I !r. ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ have' w-UTuggi ^ a ^tori j ^ ^^# Ptf*4*S«^ One P^nny, t . ^/-f^^^^^^^ Mfe ^^^ H ^^^^^ I^H ^^^^^^ I^B - - - I - failed fhitTio^ e ^ «• Dy me te ¦ , in ad«Mt ion to the pw»ti lettos- receiTid rlpatsbn , ; and chitted ijnanimonBly. Mr. Baxter mj tiwe of the ante. , ac-». . Tvr.s ¦^¦v-:- v. -. : - ¦;¦ " trpm persons who have befin cured by them propbsfed "that all business of importance that vas ^ ¦ v ^jHJS^iJfifejfigij ^v¦ ¦ ¦<^;. . ¦ even in 1 i- - i- - i : ^ :—i -w4 " ' - - i. t i i i \j. , ' ' ¦ ¦ -*-> • . i -- - ^¦ . j ^jj-,, -*3, - - • - > • ' the most extreme cases to be brought beforethe , sBoard should lie entered in ¦ - " " " ^ ^^ !H ^ ' ^ ? ^ • continue to ' ft " , ~ ¦ ¦ •¦ >call irttfiout ¦ - ¦ - ¦:¦ - ¦ ¦ : ¦ fbrt i the Ifone ea^tegemmie - . -:¦ Jhirw OTd« - - - . : - ' M0BI- ^ OF-M * whi6t wr TKtory 1 li BLAIE'S GOUT AND RHEJJ B14;TIG Krateful tbankH ^ andiacknbwW gments bftth e Roval ttoS nolii»uli ^i as seconded by jflW th >^te v^j^^^oaSffii, 5OK*S UNIVEBSii --3flimefefiS . in «n. Mi|y ^ Pollard , and carried aA before. The chairmaiitfaen ^* i ^---;,. . :..;: v: -^^: f nohUl &ri^ ^i^ ^d^SJSte ^H | ^^ G(% «itSii p ^H * letUn nr . ;-^ . ^XJ^^-^ 0 ( ^ ipWeM )^^ ^ ' The feUowing; ' ; pV'le jn tr educeddw BuUdingtp toinj mtteeypf^ ^gtb^«^mn^gi 1 «paa ,* 1^ % rbona ^i-Ij aTritne as :«rhefe *rI hay« Antihe *4xlraiffdinaTy iTm&p£^t*t^myfmm are ^few c^iicates, se^ :gi^en previous notice mpVevfpr ^atnew ^ : Sl iereunto setmy hand .• - i ^TICVlo Ov ' v / '^^ ' '^ i^^ ^^^i^^S ^^Sv istnculnihh-e scoJttiKirnjcaUd&y Mr. Mali, Book-. locted from numerous others, iB the possession bf iPolhird ;rose ^ d spoke ther eon considerab le ^ ^ ' the proprietors . ' - ^ '^^ i ' -;y " ¦¦ ^r-s&sr oiS YiRaaCES ^CDEISON , »tl/err. GaitLsboravgh. ; v ,.^. : > - . V-: - ; ' • iif ^S- ' x :; ^:- . / "A j legra , and introdnc ed the ; estimiat ^aywhich;had ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 COARSER FOOD DIET-TABLE , -/ ii- ,J- Vlil'ii . - » '(¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' , emmSbI . ¦' .i . ) . -;/; •: T _ : /. . \ ' . ?; ^ . . .: i H the whole to 9 , . . \: after which he stat d that , ;¦" 1 GalMboroagh vi April 7j I83SU ' 1' ' £5^39., he ^^l^ay^with a objec^KO» ?»ted by the POOR-LA W COMMlSSl ON : V ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ^t^5 ga Em '' Snt j—1 am requested : b Thornhill of ' ar^• ' ¦- i:':;/ H": -: . : i-Skvui¦:,'[> ji v^jr .Bind iiighain, :;- - bad on a fdrmer occasion spoken on that subj ect, ^e thered and^ 5>% : r ^j ^otoia iifcitei ^tj :- -;' .-" -: i' : - • ~i« y Thomas j : ' " «r? arid git that time said it would require about £6,opo., tfaan; withon^3% olgect one unMik?^ ;. J - - ' " ' - ' -¦ . ' - *-y- " "' -" ^' -*""" * " ~ = .* This Table pnbHaned1' a. , on broad sheet ; f^pe Sir-i-I liaTe for several mpnlbs bee . ^with h^artS^t § : - - = V^i* • c ^^ ' ¦¦ rP T*-**»-^ y* B<* f tn» * this Town, to cbmmnniCTite to you tbe almost mira- cases n ore. proposing at the same tinW a plan by which it mi ht 2 d Scor- be paid off by a id in' the pou ^d rate 20. years. jftuTe, :$8j £Sdrc£5Wt "Woodh ouse uidWorishapia the Kin aoin. ^? BLAIRS PH ^ r e ^rchase fab iM ^f at butl A%tionsj'with the greatest possible success, *£ Cr«« £ , , K ~- ^ *lll tkat Ai-t4 ^hese He af terwards made another bold assertion whilst I*edii, to whoai appl ^ttons fftr gwdes must ¦ T?^ % a«fflJ inari ^£rtating be^»*4 rtff wi complaints are greatly npon the incre ase, yocadng the utility ofbuilding new T^ be JnstprtUshe4Price Threepence, . " there bemg a workhoDSe, joade, and the fou^wn ^jBgalwappMnted Agenti. r«K wow BheBn ^lti pTe ^I^bM) ^to |^te ^^k'8| aca ^ly i.fam % fTe^jTeni them , I con! that^ such was the savin g to be effected by doing TRACTS oni'REPUBLIGAN aoyERNMENI which tad Tendered him unabl so muchvas ^o most^aluableewdisco e evtm 7 ^^ r ^ ^ B vered ; avtraY with the oldbe ones, that even that amount ai Xe^ifMr.Vf. H. "«&:eT,Thyubhc^tSS§ - "WakefieH Mr. Miehob «BdSo» SPECIES ^ By R^J.<)wKM. ^¦ '^-^i^^^tf keep of the paupers byMrs ^ Cass ^^ obser ving , that >ro«gat in opp«ation to ^th f law , , printers. could have made socb> a difference in tbeappearance v ^ fSi^ ^A^tE,;'^^ such : # ; bnt ^ SS BtaHoBer. AJXDRESS OflhFREE INQUIRY. By R^ D* of a 1 of; reduc tion could not have taken place merely on au&ority wiffife Kronen to p^ce/b ^th# sw J&lifai ^r. Hiitiejj man. Yesterday he was despairing reliefj' \-[ ' Fr m "pr. ^li^io/re"wsreBMBt. ; - . . : • Pnc« Sixpence, > pf spirit , andseems as happy asi a prince. - ! -;. 'i <- . i C^XWrt v ' :J- ¦:** ,S^now ^ "4 wowe, n^ A f' Sir -^Aimpng:;tjh^ - for if numbers was only the consideration , . 3»wuj, Mr. -G^osh^^ taifcj ^fi&ce.- -...... WILLI AM TELL ; or The fame ,pf. the -'.Medicines is now spreading : , ^Uimerous Mepifcin ^s be- they might at last * , SWITZERLAa^i^AWND u wi ore the ^ puhlic i bring them so that they might be eD6m la ai st DELIVERED . j; rapidly.; I see my •stock , is^ exhau sted J on ll knoW j of none %C > eJffieaciPus as your kept on 6d> a head. He said that now In their tojwn i / *?%&**^? r ¥ ? ***** todtb^S EastWi Mr/lffcCoIh au thert-fore oblige by sending six dozen boxes^ immedi- •Pills in- restorin g ibdiyjlda ais to health who aresuf - Mhip they could afford to keep ; ^ ^ Also,complet« iii2vols.withMemoiro fthe Anthoj their paupers :fbr r3d. <#^ fhjm atel y, to -Your obedient servant feri ng ugders crofolp^^ per bead less than what ''ittey; 'oq«t; m ' ' .i&e ' t(iwnV i- ~ — ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' , ^ !^ » ^y^h^they Mr.S y^&i^M ^ . , ~AiBo,-fti cr8d ;«tsteh eii 1», -/;" - ' - ' ¦ ¦' :¦ ¦:. :¦ : - glawj ulir 8we}Ung8^^ genwally , OOwgS Bmtefr ^ - - - r aBd Cloth, ~:>- -. . - . . : . - - :. - : ¦B. S. :HALL ^ particular ly; of the workh ouse. Mr. Hoatson movepV&al thees^mates if the cnmw ^ breart ' o^Ppfenac had ^ot eon^ BichmoDd, Mr. Korma», grocer. A Nev Bditibn of OWEN^BSSAYS on Thes e Pills are taken >rirtio ut the leaHt car e pr »nd neck j aj* also gout, and rheum atism , or be' received, which w^s^ndea bxMr. 'J Whit eley, of force Ut Wtheir just: «m ^^ * the where the to This and . d imar.^ghS® _3^ T^tt»i-fc^loKr ^ :v :v TORM ATION¦ ¦ X)P CHAR ACTEr T^ attenrion , by either sex, young or old, and have, tbe system .is fpr ^disposed disease^ is carried ; The minority against tiie motion , Mi«8 Wilson post-office. ' - ¦" " ' tbe result of my experienc e with them being fi ve; MK C. Whiteley sent m his resigna tion ; ^ ^^Aerb8 j n , . . - ;,-;; Price 78, 6d. peculiar property of entirely removing the disease , having pre - declining tew^^l^^^^^^lv^theirfeii without debilitatin g whichViB universal l ¦»cribed them extensively with the greatest success. to act any longer as Guardian * Mr. nuuiu unyn uecouiB weakn ess and ~* the frame , y Little ^ f thafeof tlii _yj B^|^yy^ " tw ^tT~^ i R^^ l ff^ffl 8£XS0B0?» _ . , : THE SYSTEM OP NATURE . 's stateme nts were pro duced , on which jMr . enemies wonj d ha?e l?^eiit incre ased tenTpia ^ft1 f ^ Ieft4n a stronger and better state than before the "Iam , Sir, your ipy Sec. wh '! ^ 'S®BtM - Pollard made some lengthy remarks , endeavouring yery ^soldwr * o'joined ' their ^saiise would % > ar. Task *r) p*i»ter. : • BtM.DeMib abavb. V- - malad y commenced. And there is another most by ; certain witti cisms la* rt ^R , - ^ ,v " JOHN PALM ER j to invalidate their accuracy , fough t against thenh " They might posriblv i !^wh ^J Mr. Bee, aniaf ,>e^^ ^ ' 4 importan t effect belonging: .td this MedidnjB ^--that it , M.D;' alter whichi Mr. Little,rose ; Yat fWe^e>b5r»3ir,SindUar ^boueller is-: " The w ork of a great wri ter it unquestio nably it to reply, and though pr events the disease flying to the brain , xtomach , or ''T oMh Cheddon V repeatedl y interru pted during his speaking S^^^^^WWtethat pt 17«9-Bough t Ukl ^Pi a^ocV^AlHsii ^loeer ^ r " its merit lies in the eloquence of the compositi on.' § ¦ by the with an ocean pC blood w| # —LordBrougham' Natural Thi&logyi ' Uer y^wp-:^1 - . ' ' - '¦¦ clerk , he succeeded in making out a very fair state- tears ; and prob ^b|y overtur ned .b Hig ^to^Mr. Ijster, bo6k *dler*.- >*^- * l London^ " From Dri Browne of Glasgow. ment that tte y Ibreig n^rfB ^ 4i J ' ' 1^i- ; ¦ new SystemSxc««eded the;old a8i«gards *^"|fc^#§kiS^ S^i '-?* '¦ : -i^wHt ggnh ' ; '" ¦ " ¦ ; ¦ '¦ , Mr. dose. Also, Price Threepence, h o^itotti tl . .¦ • • ¦ , • • " - the expenditure by £2 086 19s; y, [ The : gloripne f *nd ,/. yfj fis ajp p tj ;Smeeton , Reinhar dt , , : . : . : .;: ; ; . .../. . ,. ..Glas gow. . , Od. annuall He jPtenc h; people H knew^ no^ : Vla^ ; : ^ « ^ .Sherbome, Miss Johnson, draper. ' H-—-*«wv**j a ^ u ^ AlKiJ }. XIMiUt; UOWi A Ql UUbLUU* also stat ed his intenti ph of resigning victory; huttheyxiid The VISION of^ JUDGME NT. By eaton ^Hayj VllIen ^LMid ; tJlap ham , Tarbdtton ' .' Dear Sir ,-—From the office in con- not kupw hbw to ttse it." 'iffim j TQQsfi Mrs. ^pjx. Brocsr * Lpun ByrosI Smith numerous cases of Scro- sequen ce of Mr. Pall ardV remarks upon hinu That fruits of victor y^ere forced outpf ¦ , Bell, Townsend / Baines and Newspme , *nla and Scorbutic Aneetions which ¦]¦ tlteirlhj uids-a to^ Seeth Mr. Close. ^ *This Editionis enriched withvalna ble L'eeds have tome gentleman/ then offered him Mak hand, and !Mr. time, and twisted put of their hands at thw ^ Notei fBiS^keTJ>ew*hury; Dennis and Son , Mcrxon , under my care ,- I have been endea Youring, anoth er. WijJ Litfle liffl ^ for a Littl e returne d: the compliment , ' observing that , myIriends , wjU make no ^te k ^ of kind: ' -by Robert HalliW. Smith y Esq., Professor Wilson- . raaaii ^^ ^ Aong period y to;find out some medicine tha t would notwith standing, he liked Mri iPollar d very well, will notonlygiBi h ^ w» jfQ KKS Cooper, Goldthb% fRoge ^niNe*by, Key, Brad , i on victory, but , by the Meanng' qf 6ol| PXTBLISHEDby JOHN LIMBIRD, *e.&c. ASK FOR cure the se dr eadful complaints ; in fact. I have tried which Mr. P. replied that he Tikedr Mr ; IJ itfle w , will secure its fruits for us ' ¦ ford ,' Goldtb prp J TadcaHter ; RhodeBy Snai th; Brice ? t—— and i our losieri? Y 143, STRAND. V LEATE'S , almost every medicine l ever heard of, without find- Very much. Several Gua rdians hoped that he would for ever, v : ^~ ~,~,~~~ :~ - .-J!..: ™ "i: "C PENKt GA^ETTE, Priestfey, Ppnteitict ;and all respectable ^ Medicine ibg one succ essful not decline, but he persi sted in his inte ntion. My friend8 y>all depf "Brery WITH CARICATURES T . ^ , unti l I was iuduced to tr y your vThe tads upoiy' ^e unity 6^ SATTmuiY , with Engravings , at 3d., or in , . .^ Vender s throug hout lie Kingdom; Price 2s. 9d. Pills. v app lication for the loan of money having received peonie s andi j pon the ju i^ ¦¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ " ; ¦" ¦ '" ¦ ; ; ' ¦ ' After receiving;yo ur lette r , I stice and stri ct legalirj ' ' - • ¦ " .~ - ;: ; ' . ¦/ ¦ - - - determined ot : Monthly Parts , Sd., and read y for delivery with per box; . . ^ . ;v : :y .. , - -.; : ; the re quisite . - . . - - BT C J. OBUtNT. 4 PBIC ¥ ONB yiwisT. ^ * upon givinjj ^ them>a ; fai r::trial-—therefo re gave them numb er of signatur es: from : the their cause ;; Our Situati on is painfull y difficnlt,W the Magazines , ; Ask for Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills, and regularlv^ Guardians , it wasVforwarded- to ' the Commissdoners. surro unded with dangers of every sidev - I t contains Lots of good Thingsand Readi ngfor . to nfteep patients lapourin g under the ^e^the ^mes; ¦ bbSerye the name and address of " Thomas Prout , worst " ' The minority against iach applicatio n being pnly of Birm ingham, are but a hundr edth part of jftnHE¦ ¦ MIBKOB of LITEEATUEE, AMUSE- everybod y, with Engr >viagB ;, .j ' , ¦ - forrfiB . of Scrpfula and Scprbutio Affections, five, ' ; M ;- ¦ " ; ^ ? > - 229, Strand , London ," impressed on the Govern - ^^ M r. Xlip-gi.uTidttom /,:jqnestibne i. .^ r. Niott people of England - /We have against usieatlv ¦ tyt - . ' . MENT . and INSTBUCTI ON. ¦: ¦ and in six weeks,: to ray astonishmen t, they wer e respecting the ' th ^ - . Loa noa :—-&nxeJShr *&»Laaej Hobaon ^Nortiiein ment Stamp affixed to each Box of the Genuine all entir el build ing of a New Workhouse, (tha t whole of tibe aristocrats , of the church, of.We thfe puU w The MiBBOB , a Publicatio n contaiian g Offic«^»#d»;and Chea p y Cured. 1 have continued prescribing should the Board of Guar dians be unanimous in he p,re» and much Star ^^ Pej ilsti is Papei , Medicines r : ihese truly valuabieP Ul ¦ ' ¦ Sv pf^elsarne d; prpfes ^ns.. & Otaatter of improving amusement , selected With can- ;¦¦ s ever since, with the great - refusing to bnfld a, Wort&ouse , would the ;Com- against us nearl y the whole of .;tWlande d interes t, *" est success; • I am dear Sir " ^ tndexable taste. " —PbiiticalObservation * bit ; ", tkt , , missioner rescind; their order. Mr. •Mott replied and of th e funded and monied interest s, "Wi b? ' that the" Commissioner s the whole JSduc vttmof the I>eopUr Bp LerdBrougAam;- mg < ...... : y.our3 , very trul y, could hot prder the building of the fore ign tyrants iagains t f us ; afl«f f ,% ^ :OJ ^ilH ^]£^E^U^p WnffiN ON E WEEK \ of a New- Workhouse without the consent of.a them cordiall nnited ;; ¦¦' Two Volumesare completed in every year —one - • »R. 1 y and : all of thenfreSy •fci Midsummer , the other at 7 ¦ : ¦ , • BROWNE , M.D. ' majorit y of the Guardians , but as they had alread y land their hundreds of th pusa ^ds of forei *^ Chris tmas. Each rm?;:;z^z c : j gn riiii^ ¦ '' ¦ • C; • decided by in; der ers ^- ¦ ¦ ¦ '^T o three to on« its on,our shore ; and ^ - ^^m~ ^m " ; ¦ ¦ •¦ ' ¦ " ' ¦ Si Cheddon i Eso,. favour * it wptild the.naV y; thaT 'elorioB! ; ¦! -¦: "Volumeis complete in i^lf, anTma ybe ?-> viuU 13-. jczuv t ;/ 5 ;i- .iiJ ' •¦ - •;;- - •:: - - . - - . < . .. ,; ¦ ¦ ur chased ^ vrn il ; u> >:ha - \ - .: , . requi re a. very , strong reason to induce diem to alter bulwark of our country, has been crimin all *Bp»rateIy.- " .- .- _ --. . - . ":; " . - *& " :/ ' '_ . - . '. ^ BEGS to annoance ' xpp otffi y soffeni £* --^BHpHHBpBpBj BBBH |BBB ^^ B|B|^^ , that in order to ascotDiuuoate "M- Cn j eqinjea\ffi eriat Tonic Pil/t if. They have already commenced staking out the tpfalj into a state which [ wpuld .bn.t faiafiate «a0 l virXN3Cr -HlNxToi.UjJKS of this hi p& ^ tha «e Patients -who have visited him from Braaiord continue to\be prepared and sold at Grdham & ' ground for the #e to ghlypopulai -. f^ Pv ^sT^^^^ ^ ^^ PW ^PSW ^H' ¦ , Co. s, erection pr the Bastile , and if the infernal objects. 'And ^haV have set aga ^ Ifiscellany cont ^n upwards of Fifteen ^^ ¦^^^^^^ l4^^ Tj ^t£l|M|3 ' and the neighbourho od, he ban been induce d to attend 138, Holb prn , Lond on ;¦ sold wholesale and retai l times were lavourable to prophecy, be these fearful odds ? We . Hundred fH a it would no havibthe justi ce¦ -of our cau«e 3^t»ying ?, and Twent y-seven Por traits. Priet *bat place, and may be consulted>very Thursday, at by Hanna y ^and Co., 63^ Oxford Street , Lond on; diffioolt matter to say we ishall nave one of Mr.; the ,rightepu^ iness of .bur conduct , and the magjesj ' ^ lO .^I ^IB^fVi^WPlw ^RBHH lH 1 IfSv Bd. ppards , or halfrbound -^ 3sr r . |^^^^ Bv ^T|?-f#l j Sl ^^^^ H ' No. 2, Dead Lan e, next to the Junction Inn , irqro and by all the princi pal Dru ggiH ts and Paten t Me- Pollard' s favourite biiydings in which the poorj will the British fpeopier In the wieldinjg ' of these njiwe^ ¦ ^ 'Ten o'Clwk in.the Morning to Five in the Evening ;' dicine Dealers in the kingdom^ and any shop have an opportu nity W learning; their way to heaven , wisdom, and wtiw, arid peace , and law| ¦ ' -' ^^^ HU y ^^^^ Q UL ^^^ B that and ¦ and ^wla^ . -3 ^-Wiih. Sngrasingt, hi * in doth, § ¦ ^ ¦¦ ¦ ^^of ¦ ^ ^ ¦¦¦ ¦aad ¦ ¦¦ durin ¦ 1g, the ^ other ' daja of tbe week , as usual , a t has not go> them ,- will 'p rocur e them from London of becoming more moral than they can "be are vitalr ynecessary. If we abandon these, we an; - ^ ^ with out.them , b lost L^t us hold last to ' ' JpBWXilJA ^of^SCffilfCE: Mi 'iBT ; arj an bteuwu bouse Mo. Bottom Templar's'Street , LeedP. JB.e:_ .continue ^- - .witb unatated assiduit y, to (if ordef«d )without any additional charge , at Is. lid. y being ;sdppo?ted on % r 6d« per these great principles, ani ' TOeei^ ' " ;: r week;' and a dish of pr ayers given td them' in at the the righ t aim; pf opr bupressprs "Anaual Register of Useful Inventio ns and Im- eraditate eve^ es ofes inTectit m.exIn ^rpcent ofeases , a pfrfect cur *. Is eomplettdtbe within a tireek , or no 2s. 9d;, 4«. 6d., and lis, - « will be brok er that utni rftty banrau N so that thev mav be better Drenared ia e-6 ; . Evej ^ ai ^ d ^thiug (6f ni jr bTe ^oents, IH8Co\eries _and New Tacts in Me- «hwge made fer ^edicfe aften fte piration period ;>*nd inNthose^ of p«tii»^ete where %.*;-Tbe Physician niay be oonsulted every : gh§r wiU flee :aw* day to that bourn froin whence no traveller ,fr pm befj9ie. us/' ;; ^: - {<;' ¦ ¦: : " - ,y- - . ' chan ^^ phenustry, Natiiral "ffistbr y, and Social other practitioneFs -havefailed , a proper perseverance in his plan of treatnient it VW ^ is wratk\ , tiil three o'clock j per sonall ever yet ^ ^ ^ -. -^ i sutt^t* p*dent a safe. y, pr by letter , re turned . In these places they are -taugh t id,fix , :ft!fy3frendsi;Irepeat fo ya ^if e&enpt XcononiyY ibrid ^ed from the Scientific weB«roond€ uV«no lasting re-estabhdmient. -:;::Ml / v ' post paid , at Messrs. Graham and Co.'s 138 Hpl- w sifoti ; Journal * - ¦" , their affections on thin gs ^aboTe—that poverty is -the enovgtnto sucree &py- moral niax/ts,we utvnot slnmt ~«f tite'Tear 1836; r : He bopes tiat the gneeessfol, «isy, and expeditiou s mode be has adopted of born Londbn ^ ; .' - . ' ¦ ' 7 - V • , eradic ating every separatin g linkar« which disjoints society^tbat th e ties etwuff rto mcceSdbtrphysictUnm «Thit Work " symptom -of-a Certain Disea se, without any material alteration in dift, ; pr hindrance , of business, aad yet of^bumaiiuy ^ no l require 1 a hundred to day he considered M in Ency- ; ' puger^^ binding- ^ that father , times more labour, a fcondre i Ctlopaadja^. wMgjh the most eminent of their time preser ving the constitution in full vigour And free from injur y, will establish bis claims for .-support. r mother , brother , and sisters must be given^ up for times more sacrifice, and a thoosabd l tinWi mo»: Ar das' Disease is one whi/i^is Kkely to bei contracts MR. SAMUEL LA MEE T, the ,benefits of'-the poor house* , and that no comforts expense .and endurance th an are constantiy ^Stribnting." —Jv'm Monthly ¦ " ' ; the Ibrmer. (fe! Science M^ ¦ any-etherYisitors, once in life, ibut an the contrar y, one infecti on may scarcely hav e been removed ' ¦ " ¦ ¦ :: ' ' ' must be administered to them but by the sanction inter est, theref ore, and our duty both |a»u ,T ^ ^ ^ ts u of Jor 1832. , ,jwheD S^^ ^URG£ON , ;;. ; v . . ' combine. Wit Another may unfortnnftrrry . be imbibed, therefore the Practitioner requires real jud gment in order ta treat ^ $j * and _ recommendation , pf the Poor ijt^w. ¦' ' Cpfiii- must hold fast to the law. We mui«t "g9therjop 4»; (Li?Sciate ' of tbe ApbtbecatieH * Hail f London , and " ' each particular Case inI snch a manner as not inere lj to remov e the present att ack , bnt;tp ;pr e*erye the missiiinerfl. These and other pleasures of a similar ma&ses,of the,people. We must unite them all ' of Hpuqrary ^^ Member ef" -the London Hospital Me- descri ption ,\ are twt ; * - FAlffia ^PrMANDAJL and ' -SEEVANTS' conuctuaon unim paired, in. case,of » repetition at no^dixtant period. The maii eipefience can U> be their rewa>d whUst passing one nj an. ^e m teach the fti actnrfdfc r: leaden }¦ dicai Society, Ssb-J bayiti g devoted his studies for thro ugh this stage of suffering humanit y, and at ' ^ aTail himself of the greatest impro vementsin moderB prartre , by being able to distin guish between dis- though no th>:prpper hou r we -mnst onepre cipitite M many years . exclusively, to the .vari ous diseases cl ime of theirs ^ ^ ever brough t them, into it. weight 'of their moral influence grand /it/A^SaQFiMrf Si^eWprk j wMch TriU at once char ges of a q>ecific and of a simple or mild nature which can onl be made by brie in dail , ^^itf i kfj/ i^ , y y practice, of jhe GengraHv e Organs % { and to the successful united , and 'overwhehning mass Berre *s a r Cookery ^oolj a Gnide for . etery de»- aJter, due consideration of aH - 'bir ¦ ' , upon¦£¦ the /fovett- circumstances. In the same manner vat . th j appearances often tak e ¦;.- ¦ ' •VENEHE j nent;-!,,"» -i : » ;:^ .:ai ' :„ ¦ ,;-,?;^- ;.° H . eriptJ otfpf"Bervanl ^imd a valuable Assistan t to place in children, which call for a. proper : knowledge and awjoaintance with the pr | : ^EAiTMEN ^pFJ-THR AL J ^ " ; ^i ¦fite % ' disease, ill ler tp TO THE COUNCIL iU^ itfEMBEItS : It ia witb.,thia object that we have i«commend«4; TBt» ^pj ^Hj ramily ^ We shall recomm end dweriminate flieir real natur e, and whieh »aly b> the meant * of euwing domestic discord ,, unlew * mana ged "¦ : i: : ;i the a«aj» mWln£r of ,th« .fVllW-mnn' Aaliiiwataa' , nf fW fhU if it were onl ^ ' ^ ?^^ ;S1? ^v^ :^& ;^ :;V-i\:- ; -v- ">. :^r ^ ;b» ^ ^ :: .i^ ii^V.A^-^' :: ; Bobift ^r^ ^ere, y for tire sake by the Surgeon with propriety *nd skill. Patients labourin g under this Disease ,/cannot be: too cautiou s alVi t8 forin(«|embra ^inggonorrh mdustr lou^ piassesin Lon don. Tlw8e% iie8ireDrN «f lie'eXe^lOTt suggestions on; the The ' * ' ' r ' IKJ ^ . BIRMINGHAM * self-improve- into whose hand they commit ^ tbemaelve *.;.j propr iety . of^di» r ^ ark:i8 '.. abundan tly manife|i ted : ! 'rt al ' i weaknVs 8 and strictures , eru pti ons; . POLITICAL UNlOsr;;" seiatati yes :pf._ the people,;will assemble und er «&f ment' ' ' l i anil of House Serrants ."—Gardener '* Magazine. by the same party ftequenti y passing the Ordeal of several Practitioners ,, before be is for tunat *; nw txrtnaT J paits -, so freque ntly mit- takt-n for scurvy My dear Friend s sancti on of tiieilaw. ; They lire chosen, under ite! td One and ^ejaow Townsmen , inci ^ ; Jk JSintir ^ Pentit/vachyOT Tteo Humbert eadug h. to obtain a jerfeet core. The following are some of the many sympt oms that distinguinb thi? and rheumatism also to the frightful consequences •~I regret much that tfie ihdisposltioh pf pr ple of Un|yeraal Suffi ^e. ' ^ "¦/» and 1 , , myselfand instantl : a Wrapper ^ priceTtoopeneej Mtntkjy Disease ;-^-a general debility ^; eru ptions, .'on the head , face , and .body ; Ulcerated: sore thf oaw^'Bcrofu la re» 4lting from that de«tru ctiVe pracrice my Jamil y should have latteWy prevent ed |# atferid- y cashiered if they negledt their duly;; Bit , j " Selt a. tuey.mn ^ beyedinan \BarU T price;Sixpence i >- . -: - •> . . dwellings in^&e neck, ' nodes on Ad diin ' .Bbn ^s, cancers,' fistula , pains in the head and limbs which ar e A '*: may be erson ally consultecl !frpm ance at your weekly meljtingl S ii^ tmk time I be^ thinga, und er Ihe law, » , . , ; buH ^ p Nine in long ar they dischargeiheir du frequenti y mistaken for rneumatism ,' &c. &er i ' \ ^ - : ; in the morning till Ten:a t, piomise inyfelt the pleasure of being in tiifmi&st of ty. It is in tUiu w»j GOLDSMITH'S NATURAL HISTOR1 . t nigh and on SundayS j 1 only thatwe «an obtain unit y,i Through - Jt " ¦ you ; and I assure jon that I shall never fail, with unity *? tnth NO .by H*H»t Imnbs from .all the ¦ '¦ " ' P? : -: , - • - ¦: :. - fr om Nine till-Two. at his residence , 3*% , - - .. - - - ¦:- : -;,>- - -:- - .:; : . ,^RfT I4ETTBB. : ... , .. .. : . , _ ;.-// , ^ -- in sbaB pbtain : liberty.i,a: Through liberty we aha! ' ^ -^ ^ right good will, to labour ^ the just and holy cause Popular- -Tr eatises which have been issued ' ¦ ¦ ' i ; ' - ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦' since which ryot t srti pport; ^•\* ; :;: ¦¦-.;; . . . .• . ¦ ¦ ' >•-¦ obta in pros perity . Notidug : can. resi3> force of ¦&e M ** ^ilixittsast—Sir, haTing iaA the misfortune, about four years since, to contract long-to-oe- No. 27, ALBION; STREET, LEED& , . \: tq 5w time-of Goldsmkh ; collected - with ths utmost * That excellent public , opinion, when brpu ^ht tti ^Tfre^)r» maa8 ot lamentei most desmictive complaint which \ haT« no donbt would have proved , fatal ere now. Jbad it not ; patriot , Thomas Doubledk yy tells ^o «are, combin ^ig a iBfbrmatJon . and ; refer - ^ And cbun tr y p.nti ents requiring his assistance by the Npr thern Pohtica) Union 1 :^^nc^V been fof yonr inralua Ueskill y VrHca I.can safely,say has eared my constitution from utt er de««uuctjbn .' , tha t, " at the> awful Vi"^fhPn_?* * m«of A ence,; lorming a complete eade menu *of modern ' aBd I making only tirr pereonal yisitj wiir receive puch op r when HPrP - ia An> vvu*lr.i\f a^^i^w*^ti Wn kor ha*&^ been under ^ seyeral exper ^ced ^rMtitioners f hare teen apparentl y i elt for a short time iiut h . the;cr qeity; of the cru el man returns , upon discovery ,in the science which itilln &rate *. f. , advice and mediei ijes that will enable them to obtain his own heart , and the injustice of the unjust man a^dsuppoH the forty^uii^i flelegates i.m.'.eyOT j» l . ever .experienced a Telapse, which, eyidently resulted , fither from patcb eil-up snd impro per treatmt;nt pr and legal m^wtj^ r ^ which theyj Complete .in Two Yolnmias, with , upwards ol a permanent and fcffectu al cure , when all other means k uocks at his breast , he will die with the consolation xecaamMi} Vi sjwne secret lurkin g in the frame which -was never rooted. Vf hh ' ' ' " ' ' ' ¦ : great reluctance I wias advisedTbyfai friend ' " ' - - ¦¦ ' ¦ ' ¦" ' ¦ ¦ must-shrinlt fr om ino labbdr; and ^- wMout 600. Engravings, price 10s. 6d. each. have failed, - .;. ¦; : ¦ ., - .: ¦ ,. -; .V. ; ..; -. -. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ of having done his duty. " This, also, is my fleter- cria ^ to apply to yon. At that time I -was afflicted wiA: ulcerated foresi in my mouth , :horrible taste an d bad /x v -: miriatipn. Mn the withput expense, jnthou t blood , withpift injury ft /Wheiican earl y application is made for the cur e; mfeanvhile, r catinbt Mt'cdngra- ZThe/ottdtcing ' Work» } printed verbatim Trent th * smell) blotches on different parts of mj body,' with great pain and swellings in my bone? , particularl y nij tnlate 'yon Very cord1al ^npon ?ttft» gloriotiR pf Ogress trwtf we snail gain 'quickly more for ^the K»r* ¦: are " PtiMtilud in Numbers' legspwith har ^ Inmp j oi 4e shinSjVw^ pf a. cer tain di«eaafe , frequen tly contracted in a th ^'a hun Qjvd^ battleB,' and ': a hundred .million* :*c^r ' 1| |i ^^ f ai df our great ' cause. '11 is but 'sfcc months ago th at anS ; '^ l ^ ^^ e' ^ h f «i»f, /«• th * ctmveai&tcc' ej yonr mediemVfor a few wfeeksj jn y WKs apFumed a healing / diHp prition,: my ta ^te and hmell :goi: gradwallv mflmen t of inebriet y , tbe eradication is general lj we went to; Glasgow, our coUn&y was then asleep. sterKng ^ tww ^yea»pf 'atfl iw;couKl ^bt8 ai JruTchatert " 1 'bette rj - ay painH eotire ^f- left me and I havi increased in completed in' a few lbr ^(toftm ^:i;X :i ihKj : : :,:i^ . K^.i-i ~ :Sij-A5ii^-. : ; J ^i^l0;a}, w Number price *at * One .Pennyeac%) ; , . boih stren gth j health and spirits , and aim now We- laid barei the:i fated source from Which ajl the ^ ' :<0? f as *u r !f without feff of aayTetura itfte complaint, j BeJDg coDyi,nci-d tb«e are utnibers of my fellow-' and inVeterate stages^ of venereal inac tion , :c!har ac- misferies of the people proceeded * . Wol.pointed out £; FHenaa;- 'And feDow-towaamen-IIth arii "«6t OTpenti- ajyceij ~ : v &eati irei an tious : but l I^lieve p "^ ft " Shwtoly afficted ,¦' and * for their good 1 requept jou will pnbji pb tnis in the paper , only he soigood as to teri gvd py a variety of painful and distreHsip g! «j ntp- the absolute,n ecessity: pi a thorough ^ d;.total ai,tfti ieiij»:a ,GMiflt HeawB ^ uMniti ^r ^car of ^aiefi ^"J (HLr ' ,. ., Q. x l» wht) blesses a ri ghteous, canse. My ppp prtumtit * " ' tHnftmr ntane ^ i • • ; . Yours resbectfuUy^ , tom. , a perseverauce in their plan , (withou t restraint chang e in the People-a House of amam ent.i The 1 * ^ e j lysienes of UdolpUo, ite.-fiiJ.' -- i «V . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' B^ serv%r fthepedple have been bu t Bot i ¦' ¦ ' " : ' " ; ~ ' " call of f*w/ iw* J ^ I&&^; . :¦; ¦' ¦^ ' . - ¦ . in diet ©r exercise,) will insur e to the .patient a ptr- the^ Birmingha m Union was like the touch pf - '-Bic£aire*S Mam of Peeling , - .. - . , . . . , ;,. _ . .^ . . , V . , . ^ ¦ : / €ii in raa nent and radical cure. ; ' >: . ,' • • 1 tburieiy spear. ' It awoke; the moral electricity m - Baatt lia,^d.i. ;^. .;, .,.; , , , ,) PAfie ^nts lie coBntry, >jr stafing their cases anii -ebcloring a remittance may have '" , rejnedies f the 'East India Monopo ^,; I>saw its;JowafaD . ,1 ^ - \- .. * - with so , . proper A convjjlete knowled gie of the svmptoms and trea tr pillions pi hjeat tsy aitis #t' the ^KV^ ttnma ^r," PjutiIapaY3Fiqpnia ,,<|d. . lent to the ainbunt ,^ directioBs simple and plain, that parties of • either sex may cure thtmsehes ieaping froni^^ t mra huitdrM oirectib began the srariagiHitUie American OdersinCoiip ' ' "^ - , ihe ' ' ¦ ! ;: mentot these iti«idiou8 s^nd darigeibus jliseases, can own td 'town ^ ns: it- .1 late . The Old English Baron. 61. ' TitttJt ^ eren liiowledgfrbf'a bedfellow r. ; . '_ . " , . " - '.'" _ >' ; " , . ' . . /..;. , ' ;.; " - ", . " ;. ; Two years aco, T told voU. hit , that this . »wi theu;:ai»olition ;^i b^an.tbe w,ar >g«ffl»* ' ^ ^ only he" acquir ed oy tho le,: y»hp in addition to experi- tb ^ bpr bri I ^^ ^ Pt/ CPSaS ^Wr * •' " . or the of "bis ^ would be^he , effect of the ynsdom, patriotisni, *and gh^onge,ring headjPftflwm ent, I; qs*$a Iw* : ^3r?- F gre ater coDTenience Pati ents, Mr. WILK INSON will atten d erer y THtr ii spAY ence .Bave gqn ^ throug h^ a Tegular course of medical s; for ^i^lacejat i ^ur ^ : aitt ^W ^hsToiteft , ia. So. . ' ' ' , it strict -legality-of allVyour ^oceed inig L told tyo%i Xa^iaig^aged.te* L ^ f J nwn. Ten in the Jilorm ^S Pive In tit> Even ipg, at No. S, Dead Lake) nex t to the Junction In n 1 KSTRi fction , an; ^ canno t; be; top" str pngly 1 m- mnch ,g^ate f^w^jfji|b;ilBr.more impprtuit object ihtioTW afid . ' : " ¦ ' ¦' ¦ ¦ ' ' " " ¦ " ' ¦ " " : : " ' ' ' ¦ ' , that , at the proper time, two millions of the best and Bamei, 6di \ . -, *• - - " ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ : // y" : ' ¦ ' -^ ¦ ¦ ] ¦ ; - -/¦ - - ' : f :- : Y : : Brab job d. \ - :. ; - . - . . - ; : - : - ; ' .: . prfcPSed on the ^ mind s of those who ^^ h unfortunatel ' and flgauul tmmore fearful ^foads. 0ur cpponea * Elixabeth, or the Exiles- of Siberia , 6d. - ' - j ^ aye y brave st men^^in Euro pe^ould answer to yotw callrr- ^ r ~~~ B^N^iY contracted any of theHe disordersuse , tbat Bundreds ial 1 ;' l : thi^CbS^ **mim ? , «> X»atnre and Art , SoT^- ~:—- -—— -r . - r --- that . -thev woiild clap their hahdrf -when you clap mm tp lay nd^fea to, Oju? of th ^ifru ^ will.attend every MONDAYand TJUSSp ^iiZy at Mtu SenneU ^Jf ari victjipf • jlo t^e, ^^ pderate : of w^rcu^v and yoiini—tha p they . would Rta mp with their feet)when 1ead6» npetthon ^bntibub tmsimcooB ^ -:Tb *r ip*aa ^^ : ' ' ? •=;-.:,-! ! their 'buls ^^aiid'we'will ph'di^y shbwtmtfih ^ ' r H^JDllRSFJELpj every WEDNESDAY and TJLUXSDjIY at No. 1 BSiiTATlNtj | balsams/ adiniBwtertd ' ;by: illiterat e you stam p vwith yeur (j--tha t they Vroul d : ujj e,': no] v necesiaif ^ A Simple Stex, Is. 4d, . . &0) 4, George V bf the > fcavie:^^ r ^thn ^ ^ihSt iA; to giro ~-nsia (fi , The Casties of Athlin 4uni Daabajs« l - ±£ facingiEustbroDk niea^hb: pwing /to a tot al ignpran ^e general violence—that they would hombly address, rempa .j r Ml^ CAep^ ¦ les ' •; "tra te, and petiripn—bu t that the pound their JMf i^f ^pKt^Atjio^$e6\ftei ' J '^ ^i - SdHta ^Romance, H.~ ' - f - J : : : - ¦ princip * of medici^ . ruii n thp ipnsti tutionj arid of ' ^Mf fiiettds,th« distress of tue people ihMJ nuu * »M y-' -\-] . _ . :,Z,;^~' / ' ^~ ' ™; -P4iuc-sQvare , leeds...... ;,,: ,- .;¦ - :%: 'r -f cause s d^pj :^ diseaped vtnces would be Hke the r^yfmuttering of ten thousand in - ^R« an- pf |he/ W«tM , Is, . ^ ulwr ^tf nose, aud 'Vj ' . inbTed mej in aU my eff4trt ^ the p'nbnc canM. T» - " ON secondary sjmpf omr of^ ;mo?t .vioien t character thnnde ra ^ . -^i- i/^^ ii- re ' -^ii- ^v^-^H - .V 'T. ^f tZetuco, iy^ r. - Mwor ^^a ss'-- - - - i k TREATISB^S;JllJSr TOBlisiiEB ^fHE VENEREAI, & SYPHllLlTlC > , oit ' ' sordid idpprassorsipi onr country havf ltngjdenied i* until a nit-lanchpl uu^-V I ycann donbtji •my frien48t ttibiattt ojje iUanttw i6 - : Josepk?ABdn ^r ^J». 6d> - y d^a^. pen ^' their millions of call; leiiatencd. -Their ;own measHteidb^ipKoi Beel^ " : ¦ ' •:. GIVEN } ^ men have alrea dy answered to yoar tiBy ^^ theif fyi^vieainsj ; it. .M ->= Htin»pfaaj. jClmk«r, te. 3d.; ' : " ^ ^ : ~ ^/*- V?j ffv g?pd|4|ESt A$J> WITH EACH BOX OF ]. n > TUt-y have Kigned, your National Petition , "and ^they; -^djthfiy^ f &<*& Eiiwani y^f. 3a. j ir npw ^pved^be/the^gr ^d c^useof^.genej ^wg G - ^-fa ^wv . Si, • > v ' IiA' MEjEtTlS ' B^ST«RATiCV ;EPILj.S y have pledged themselves & Mantl, -oyi ,fefl1)y ypu^ i ^ ^J BW»! *lfe»fae ^j 8^rf l-^fiiishnl , 4£ :«Very. great and legal ef^ to catry th» great objeetr • y«A»»in^ - - >w? ¦ ¦ i. Rannniit , 9jfi 3d. - .- . .— G.pl^ :???» . t?M-t ^iU &niiC; izm. my\-. , •; • ¦- -;-v.. .:;-.. Mi uitty pcwupn iuo) itiw. , jtup^puoucpreHH— vuie i ^ " Olfr IJ! ^ t { -ii^n^ 5-^• ' . « elud | re8ult a>'ypolpnp». 6f^m-lawft ,w^ Beiwarin *. Is. : , A ^ r ^ ^ V ^ o ^^ i ^ greatest posnb le; public ^^^ d er; i'^--hBis donej every | ^ ^ ^\j la ^ibnspn ' etwlnv ^^ tbin^ ^, to^on : ?ia«sifc J *Kanglesro Qd forest, lW 8d. p is^wift .ili^ rwt ^inal weakpe8 rari«hij(rpn)earlj ^ consei ;miedy for every Btafee and Bjtnpt oiQ of ;the ^eniweal po»*ibl eifil tltw^rats ^t^betrn±tlfr«en ui im-Jkhe . " ; ^ pub lic eye. Ytst ftll tb ^eseeffor haye vaip. The WW^m ^ ^ W^ ^^^^^^ !& :;:?»» Gt«2^iya»; l»ha ,,1». 8a. . : . ^: ^?!^ 1 an$ Disease, wiihput confiiietdent J oss pfvtime , for hini S^cEr upon iidustry are ^Baigelf. ?«J 1 that all pemms^^^jJ%^«^ can obtain an bmate 4i«je . mutteringa of the' thander have 'resound ed from the f ^ Ton> Jone Sj 4s. eni^ witTti i^ecyj safcjy. Prepared and aqld by, tiy» ;*>lt> drande from business 5 UJey havff tffectPil m extrei uti ^ : 1 - Proprietor , at No. 16^AjBX «QJ3ARE ^ where The \&MS $89&&&S&¦&P Wfc&&9%A&hing the emfW ^iNtfirj snad ,rami Solymau and Alnwiia, 8i. ' ¦ ^ an «^l^^. y^ Ls &^ .prising , cure8j {npt^^ nly;4n ' - + benendal ia thsT Batien t ' being binto wort ^ "' " - " - ' c^i^ti ^wliH nftw?- po^W«« 'Ui 7 - ILobiuaottCmsoe, 3»-. 6A.-: , : - - " r , knowin gby,those vrl» are , or have been, sufferers f« : ¦hBv e^)ledii.^:^;*u--^-; f-? :- ;^- >j- - -^vf- - coijsolation ;into> ihe ^ hearts of suffering and eiV f "dreadftil and &&rixti& ';¦ -;" " : ' ' ' ¦* ' ' ' ' '' '' ¦ v" ;: ¦' ' ' : ¦ :; ' ' J ¦'yr: : - ]¦'" • tf^itW- ^ %iM&ji ' - ;;-; . j . ^^ '^- ^ :- - - '^: " " . ' . *• v •:•" • -|-:; ; W ntf»l:c8s» aspera ted:inillions .¦¦'' -^ ' - ':r- P . -t . ,h "; ~ ^ In those g • ¦' : Vr has been 'with•' ^Ki^;tb : kbStftr,^ ;We,tnin8t ('*r ea»r ! odti the£objec» w W :^^ 1;, -I ' : -.- T/aat CTn£luise»»ewhich has dettroyedso ' many titoB sands is now unhapp ily ' ia^ well known that b br biJ on a foMjtary indul gence'16 fprbid- - •ie^Wa ii^- -^p w?'tii ^ ¦ ' a Jlity .j iKbt v$ frpBo at tehdin K these great meetings. 'As far as lam NatH ^Bejtffion ^ -- Gtadsmth" * Eiwaj ng j| i -^ : je ogpjofits effecte is guitennne c^iary , its maUghant infloenc*!ext^ndin ^ .by; ipherit ^ce frpmf ^fly ieo pTa btic ^iiibd ^htcfe ^ the of fnend«,f that ;n^-me«sare j ^ .->*>' r ^ ^ w^ concerned ^ spontaneous movement thej p'uhti c' M itself. 'The hbarded iproa pw^j- tej ^iPieoRlft un ^ ifclgnc^tp the rey**! v: , : 00 11 113 the cure this ' '' " : ' : ; las mjurieS ^>r. Fwnklin 'Bil^ a^: E8»y»j i»raa. . ... , -^^ ^P **1 ty oiaedHry of'hfe. grana ^fBWKSft!;-fi«iVthei 3f dep lorahle cbniplainu \ebply^'. <3 fef||Sen.^^ /-4i^di-'ihe ; ii «-ce»i^fe^- .- of . renpunoing for manyyear ^ have produ (^ at t their bitterfrai tk: 1 ¦ ¦ 1 ¦ ¦ ' " ^ administered ^'S^^n^^'?^^*J^^^m^' Jtacon Ess»j s 8d. " • - = - ^^ ^j ji' ' ;:; , rn g;garjaro ^ ^i»^mch;the ^i8*i^ can be j«te?ted, by;in any^osgiids who rhtt felicities ,p£ marrioge , ajgpra vsted by 1 all .the The comiction is now rooted: m:me hearts tof mil- a ' * * , *r :. : a^' : ] :. ^ - ^&lma\pwdi-,'or 'Waxh u%tsB Inong , lj . 8d. a^tia33 ^tcuiid %y ' fiKm;* Vvljat-mediciaecanhe morie appropriate .tpan that wh^chJ iaa.Hiv en suet - ijhorr bW ;^of remorse ; fMr i.-: La'- Mert , " can ; wiib lioiis, that the people, and the govern jment, in its ifenera Lfafis&cfi pnr' ' '^ "' ., , Ref6>mH'Parli&men^haa^^^^^^aeasure rfSI .-; 3be Siictocosm, bj the late : Bigtt.Hott. G, "5ire'Treden ^PiltaTPot out ^«q(Nnaiticl«»fti w!insidious pbilonVpn ^iflgWt|eW' 'iftjenfee offiiJr asi/a ^re ^ularly^^el3ucaiid Trttinbi 'r o\ presi-u t statf , canno t both exist together , j - . ni ' ^ iT; i¦MW- > li' s ~*-:v- - - * . -: - : -a\ ^aH Bing ; r» ^tJ»Jwhble3»rt 'e*fl«idsir They not onl^ y remove tbftaisea »e bu ^ they ren pyat^^^^^ j ' . ¦:; 1 itol^.Lonl^Mrfn 'otHnae f ittTNbveinberiiast iwheo T miaMd ^;wita: eiurirdt.j * r -^-^ i^ ed. > ^^ .- " ?-" ^-^; pr x« iM ^ fmtait ^l pfofesMon a sate and' t-peedy T^ f :^Mf trteniMn&e bles^grfG^6%^e^rep«»l .u. : j ^ibiwt N^bbi» EntertarnmeBts. Embelli shed the Afferent ftmetfcns;bTth e^»dyr- t^x|>eIlmgtkfl :g^ and in .a manner so ^parceu fi jfe'Wito'; nund tdd tysoridifftf health -;- 'and ;fromevery' tbe pee|aliar . wt-nt lo him with the aepotation of iilteeB, that .this • 60 JJ ] v of^ varie ty .thesela^s^rid y^0inm^mB^ifue»* t •-•:& i ^mA 1 E^gTMing ^v. , - , , :? - 'c6BtiB«»fte-«b ^:8CrtJSe8 8 <>f their astonishin gand uncpjiaj Ued powers. tThey neither conta ui j ntei®nry i^n ahiVe hii^pra c'Uc^ mbra ^^ ' o« would be theJ inevitable result pf? hift neglecting to Sr^' iX -^ ?lu*«f«bV a«esy aor any otiier mmeral, and may .be-taken cj on of ' rt |HeW Ae #ste< ^^ filing a ^j ds., with 60 imtt «Bt ,tti ^0^h^ ^pii discpverj 1 they5 e|i|irt• » difficult circumshnc ^ theJ m!^ feehen- »he means of,|Qr ^ Tes *^ t ^ *e^ 08i;,eltin», wAind ^ | cburigeroent in the opportunity thus ^afforded them. > hiui^ clje^r -,a|i^^ ^ ^rtap ti^iar < >^rei&t ^ i^ tuspMp n ing m emyilvjjri ^^ ^ ?^«J mPSO TlN G WATlR i: «ld»fiBfient. iiiA* MJ f^^whenta^ ni ^^ gra^ " ' U^fe4^ ;y^ifetiBfo¥fti^ i-r ^ to U thV ^ the- ^i«^ ; ^ ^ etw : to the inh^ o^{pN ;sigaiu»iim^^ I-answered.W& tofm>ifl$ change 0t.4V ' . .f4 a-J: r sh"Zil j ^J :^A^Y:oX X pf BREAD e^D.earrj Si Dbject ^ Sui^y^ir ine. ' ^ | t wp, >wbei «' l jAcr: iA"female * , fotin gi in jehe«ng ;the >- J i31w 'Dj * ^^^ ; ^ «kUI4o of his Medicin e can pnly beVjobta iiieiJ , sis up; iBookV m&mM^^.Ggniiiionl^m^^oriWk^teaW biofimT; ^ TO o»p ^W^Tr .^ r j» MMj ang, Scurr y, Stoka , tbe«tmo >^c»j |M^ hb are MWd El>fdsfep"hy;spTfeinmy^asi : -;afe^i»n«ng frpm Awtrwcn pnN ^«»o,- on t£e fefc^^^ ^ la ^^ tbafai ^ct seller , Drug gist, or4ny. p^er 'M edicine Yender is '¦ yelieyii p^ bfi ^ng^<^C ^fen ^^ ' ,P^ wi^iaemptf yeafcnt y^hy.gfep^j o^ ^ "™ his biinth , uyglfcc^^ of^^p%Ie^lie; t . ¦: pertiw, V irtuw , and Sabittry Effecfe'of SaliViu mp " -^ :^V^s^ls^ ' ird^ To tb *ypnthoi^)o^ \ ;s«XM a witheii r Wred fem Bealtn by the promptings of pa ^s^qr ^S . iitv: : v^igJd ^Tai?^ aimoia|tempei ^r ^^ dj ^^ ea ^j ^s^ obpjjse,%fterf$ei«, put ;ee4ng,%& VT^CASTIN G SPlTTLE, -wWn applied to recent th ^ ffl3W^i8^s^^^^Country letter s, postrpa jd «^^:^i^u^ycbptai ^ng ^- fetef^S inexperieni ^,b^ja ^nceM snp^olJ tlie1u% pr ^ case a remittance W^ii^ ; brpugbVittj|rtiifcia^a;piBt|rf^.^^^^ :- 1 Ato*, Pains,^r *Eyw, Cprns,^^ Th E^tion*; ^ ali^ ntOBt deplorabl g afford df^edfcineV »nd. that of heW attempted ^^M»«i^fc^— to apmy . ofiyRical means, it t« akn J ^ pf e no rewsranc *to buniiij. j ' ^ ^ r ^ ito ^ ' " ¦ P ^i^^mMmtim "i : ' : thon ^h. owleog^^ . &e vi:fixt#$r " ot' ofSaoiess i^d Halcjdei1 •; ¦ ' ¦ -i ja» * *&~ - ~ - - . ^ x;, > - ^-: • 2 -^. -: jnye practice has rendered ^iiu depjwhary inanyd ^ : WbnlJrD ^;afi* ^ f ^fine ^or uBDrisb wa^/^sf^yf^^w^i «V^ 7 ^~- Witt\ a *Engraving] prf ct Ont p 05ng> to 1M, moM tempest ii ^ i' iisihWihV $U its -mar ^ 6uth and honour ; % pertfeni lip ifflictedj it i highly necess ^ bbsewe ,that an early application i? of ¦ ' ' B scir :! ractitioner any i vV]i ) >kB ^W^&ZfyJ ^&ti^b?.' ;- .. 3e8ty/ JtiSI*W '««^littta # ifl STRUd TJONSJw BREEDrN G, RKAi. the great estlmportsice , aBd[iliat with each a p and kesitationthe in diwilosingtheS diBorder , must ;^itl ;emeT»t»poj r;4fe Gdvera ^J^^^|)«4J^^^o(i!hUaren,1)elo»g iif the dmouit to a^^o-elicacyas destrucdirei as it is false nnneces&ary r To neg B^v «nd'MANAGEME NT CANAR1 . pf lect of such uttention , ait labernac ^,S; of fyiwdV b Experienc ed Amatenr. The In- attrib utable man ^ thosVHa ^ v- 'tAi ;, 6'ir Sf &&&&& &¦¦' c^d taken , J^3FiN CH> y as to ^ ' $& headS-pf ^ifi-t ^ people have lifted up; the fr yoices ind their fcuinpet s. ont of tMr gr>e¥:ih\^if^ar |^aTd J ^ntrJou *felatrve Management are applicable to abpold also impr e*him with the fear of self-reproach. - , • To all siich, tiWni we address oure ^h^j pfterin K he.;broi»{iht^trtor %Pj»yJ|jfoent have ^ep petti ^d^'iV^ . r liueyOtave" circled, aa it we're the devote p citT-onoe^ ^ : .iior . » of fl^lB-iiBCBeSi - . : „ bepe—*ner CT~-muso»Yar8^nfih--felicity ;; ou^ yvhk-h itis ioiht pro posed that "All ve^stIs tDgagefl AgAm, arid agaiu, it must be circleai The seventh • sj ^rf bavipg b ^4eWserof^tt ^i. ^ riey are 1^ the mulr j lor " " .'¦¦ - ' ¦' ' ' ¦ ' pnrf proof s of thi ^ in tljilt conveyance , .of paSsen ^erc hire; i by water , time will be me last. v J :'. " •? :. ;, toeiypungest, about mbn>t¥#,^e W ^ -S??%6id *J JV HoBsoH, Northern Star Offic e, mittanct , answered by the return of pbst and Medicin es punctuall y transmitted to when But :xny frieBd si a great uwue u joined! ^ tfve ' moitfW ^I _ , aBj addreBB , eiftti b^ inipfelled by any other ' meari * tean sails;or hem * IWbtherih git;with a pillow aboaf tbe ?>?3jIM *' j- *»d all Bboki«eli«5r« and . Venders ef Cheap nitial s, or name. Back entrance , "West-Street , One Door from St. Paul' s Church . > maKua Vya'bour t»h the people cannot aucceed by violence,/ unless it eldest she cohfewed haying caused *?*£J ," all n«t be . impelled withou t a fate of the nation m^e • 1 JP eriedca ^ throcg bout the Couiicy. -will »>«t o»miy-, 0^ 1 ¦ ** " ¦ ¦ license, apportioned every Khoald bei the uuliappy , that child to With each Bex "be given practical oh»erv».'GonB ^ y * • t** *si- *-^»»^. . ! in its pri ce to hundred tirat used against hibou t three -weeks back . This wa ^^ del _ -- ' become violence should ' be them by' their • • pgr^oBS wishing Agtfnta . ioi the ions, nor without pajing a duty ibr and in ' ' ' " : ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' : ¦ ¦ '^' : then sat on the "°y Ttsiaence No. 16, Park Square , fr om S ^ f' ¦opp ressors ^ ? . . - - "\ '[. - -V ¦ \ -\ /¦ : ¦ ¦ . twVyears old. A Jury The Doctor will attend daily at his principa l , -«ab. ct of . . , ; ^J ~ Sale of tie *W«te Woiis, >iU be 8uppHed *ith where he wjll administer I V^pe every pasp^t-gfr , at tl j taking these Pills.^r other aration|J , P ^ ^ up in BteeU 1 Publisher , ; - Whose consciencewithiDjuaticeii oormpted. I otherwise was ihen entert» ned.-^««w c*^ ' 'I December 1. 1838. -„- Mrtw _ THE NOR THERN STAR . ! rHE SEASON."" ~ '" " " ^or«fiR.tforii Sg «ftatol> ©onw«tcfiomegtCc »rteniStftellt anicc.gaicc -M r. Walt er Beattii e, Middle ton , i ' i i " ' has now m his garden m 1 Grace the several gooseberry trees ; some ^V??- *, Arehbistop of I he Caruton CLUB.-I t is said that tbe.re ' 1 of them are Y?*|ork will hold an %Ord ination lH BSiecfe asser tsahat the F rench Ambassador Suicide.—An inquest was held on 'ihuri in full bloom, and others have small at Bishopsthorpe , on has been a great falling off this year in the subscri V^TEST NEWS ..FRO JT THE UNITED gooseberries Sund ay, the 16th of December. p- at Borne , and all the members of the French week, in Gray 's Inn Hall , on the body of i.;, on them . tions to the stock- purse of - STATES AN» CANADA. the Carl ton Club. How Cabinet ar e , to receive the decoration of the Pa pal C. L. Hurle y, a solicitor of the Inn , who cot i Th b Mur der and Highway to replenish is a BKSn) BNTS of the provinces of Prussia Robbery , at Harb- question that puzzle* the financiers Order of rcctivedtftke t, ^ , , FiELD ' St. Gregory the Great , on occasion of the mitted suicide by shooting himself throu gh tin f FrearNaoYork pap ** Utinttant, Posen, Silesia the;R henish i MiDDLES BX—Conkide rable ' excitemen t who have undertake n theimahagemen t of 1 ' . , .provinces , and -West- prevail s its money¦ evacuat ion of Ancona. head. Deceased had been in a low dei^ondin g . i,£cltuioe.)hAl . pnaiia have been at Har eheld Middl eHex in consequence concern.- - v ^).^.-, ., .^., . _ • , summoned to Berlin to give their ^ , of. .^ .^ . .Worcester Workhouse. —S"or upwards of in consequence of some family ' ' ,ro ^ rttw».; opinion tpe death of a^an of the ¦ The True state for some time, . . .iv... (f«»^J«w n , upon th e law Which U to fix for future ; name-of ;Edward. Jonw , AetW Governin g^'Iii the thir tyyears the unfortunate persons in the house of ' /the who was waylaid, 'bru affairl p Verdict , " Tempor ary derangement/ iS^i CisiDUN BOJ ionES^r-ThftlJ pper Canada papers the relation of the, Romish cler gy ' ; and tall y. M-treated by twp J barbaroud age*;"' sayrf fiir. Rush' , •'" everything -par- indus tr y i or < Workhdiise .' .to the state.. ;. : persons a ' , at 1 iWoreestef ,' ;have ^been me to us 1?i* rn I?? ^,^1 iraci eg'' t.presen t;uuknow n.;, 36nes who wag sixty took of the complexion of-the-tiraes. Civil ca .f^ ^f • i ? ^ P ! Th *£* Cory r tte Daphne, ' , , ecclwi- permitted to. receive triflin g presents from their friends u s Md 33 on ' ttr 1 twenty guns, Sears of was head gardene r W :Mj. aBticalj - mi|itar y,- u ' ' ' 1 1 aad. comWi«^w? "if ,l? ^Slj^ * ^3 ^ ^ e ; Wilfiam .an domestic punishment g, were all Ciinsisting of tea ^ sugar ," and .a Utflff butter oeca- «nd ind eed' auwiendutllie ' Sta ^ borderin g '™ »alBn g,'(1828) is a vefy beautinil «bip tta yne.,, of Harefi^ eld-park of a cruel ' ¦ fro ntier, ^amila r to thetDii fo , in whose service He nature. , Wth 'Ae progress 'bf reason and sipriall yV- This pr 'aetice seems' to 'have«given "great XMlSiftTffiE M SMi| Britis h Cojwnie *;*hicb.ai« to '^renmate , we i and her dimens ions are as foil had been but a^ew weeks. Last Sa Chris ' od the J . turday foVtnight tianit y; punishme nts of all kindw have become offence .to';the ;.Poo R Law ¦ tte wxhter.advaiibes ,in» grand he went 1 .j Cbmmi8sioners ,lw.ho:have 1 1 . SATCRDAY i -DECEMBEE 1,; 1838. , w are tiA ^as . piratic al keel» 97 ! breadth , 37; to UxbrW ge :to call upon a feV fri enls. less Revere ;'.) Husb andB ivfathera iniiruc ted . ^ we reragees , DacKea F'ttff ,t)horts depX^fhWlI^th of hold ' . and masters how Sir E.J lead , the., assUtant-commissi pnijij gjnssde or .^ of , 18$3ahHra¦ U feet water aft and 10 rh at night he did-not return to blush at the-histo J ^ ^ ' ' sympathizers " against British • forwa rd. •*'& /::. ;.;. - . . , , ; : ; ; , . - , - . few home at ^Hare : ry of tbe times when wives, i chil- of the district , to put ^an end jto. it. Sir Francis ' an ned " rule and all aeld. l he next mornin g he was found ' dren and «eryant 8 ' ' ^INDEPENDENT" BIliTISH boid it in the Canada *;; That 'fliere , ami.n g sdme , ..were governed only by force.'. The went to the poar house lately,' and ' after inveighing .^ vho op are scat- LThk .O'CoNNEL t.TB iBUTB^——Tke ninth timber over a . wall by.a constable ^orld was" along the Northern and Eastern of of the Uxbridie created 'm lpveL- rli is'irnVtained 'byiilovs. ngainst the enor mity of perm ittin gp' aupers tO'receive i TpgAff/oie Tuesdayj iin an attack on Mr. ter ed boun dar yiice lJece mber next has police. He was ' j ^of been fixed for the collection almost insen sible, and u^ori exann- Nation * and families tha tare happy are made so b such ; indul gences ; ^ a considerab le number of desperate men—r efugees nat ion y , .hBj thr eatened ,,tp;inflict.,,a;fin_e of YThiDtlE j asks :^" In: what previous age of the onneU tribnte for the presen t year. his head appeared to have love. ' Children ':• i ' smugglers,, .and others—who , havin g neither w. «m.? ^ received some are capable of loving in- a Irish £5., upon the governo r if,,ever, he offended , again. pro- Tnbul e" of la8t severe ; injuries: ari d' degree. i World'br ; .by what mouths but]the 'foul ;dnes of theso ] nitty nor cap ital to lose, we ready for any r . • yw amounted to upwards a great qua nti ty of blood had ^Th tiy niayj' therefore , bei governed aby The Guardians last weejc tiad ' a^ meeting ' enter prise ; " ' • ¦•; ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' * - ¦ . upori ^this we of thi rteen thousand pounds.. is>uea trom the wohnd g ' love." .- -i < -•¦ , .f.:¦,». , ¦ , ' . T, . > .,..,,: ,. r : ¦winch presents a prospect of plunder ^ believe and . . . A portion of the unfortu- sjjnj ect,^v» h'eri they cctme to an °n'&imduK resolution levellers,f.would .itj.be talked of as an ^ injury to na te man 's hair was of fcndw j '.bhtthat'these form a large or ganisedbody ; Lord John Russe ll has upon the timber . He was THB OPHTHA LMiAi ^One the tp permit aged paupers: to j receive , presenhi of ;teaj labourin g:men ' !iBia!countr y " ' no present intention ^ ¦ legacites of'the , . . where they eould np.t ianded together by solenm ? oath g, :-and furnishe d to appoint a; Police Ma gistrate W ' ? ^ : ^ ' e-(%roM. would be sure of, abun dance?" ., - ,. ,. .. , .,, , y n«m to 1 ' y-thi8 ^omp laint,- and- . 4 V; AFrem the New York —Mornin gfihronicle. , ' , . " pass between them. ' One of them then gave there ,were it ' 1 Chukch- ;Eatbs; ^A' few.days. since the .church- Tun ^qgao ? mm a ! , jsts^^I4;000i 'of .the; Belgian army, ) What f- and'has/it indeed .come to .this?. After tr emend ous blow at the back of his head '" ' collector , for the parish The Casadas. —Adnces of ffie escape of-TheH er Five PRIS ONERS ' wtich sufferin g fror 4it; |Wt winter , many of them became warden s , of ..- ,. called, for sngaged in the frontier dis- was immdiatei y repeated b ' ' of ' 1 ' fte ftgw Poor ; 'that ^ Great ; Boon to the end Dodge have -been , received in Queb ec . Rodier ' turban ces and lod ' y the other man totall y blind ,in^fewv clayffS<3^X;4i .:- ,„ . ¦< . . several year s' ^rrears church rates due 'from a p^ ; , ged iri the citadel on Cap. ; Dia- He instan tly fell 1 ' ' ' cne of tfee; refu gees, for whose " seizure Lor d Gas? " , ind for some time was unable to • respectable firr n, "drie^ of -'wiipnvis a'high churchman j Poor ^'l'whose ^irect endj intention , arid , object is * mond, attempted to escape ; and two of them, named pre ath e. After 1 ^THE ::lM MH ^j ^ ^| ^KER. -uGh arife :^., ford offered a reward of JE500, has retrai ned to this he scarcel y kneW wha t became and the-ot her a Quaker ,ie9tertaining the; well-known ;»llegedj.tp elevate 11 the labour er to all ¦ - ' TheUer and Dodge, succeede d ; . but the three others; or tnm. : Emp eroriofGerTma njiji wh entherahdicated the throne! bei>to ( f'...... ^. ; . • , ,. .; .. He did not know how over, any MontreaL . _ .,. .;;. . ,, ,/vi;: ;.;./; : . ;.-:; were reta ken " ' hegdt the wall , and ; scru ples of , his sect ^gainst .payment to , the ; . Theller and Dodge Were supposed to °ut the general opinion retiree }:tortBeJn ionasteryiiof:Sti t Juste ,, amused ' ' " J 1 'i' independent" position—afte r -this act has been so • " Qaebec, Monday evening, at dx o " " ; " ¦ ¦; ' ' is that he was flung, overi established church . .Botli par tners ' were ' presen t, 'do ck. be concealed in Quebec. : ' , '. - • . .. . ' .Y'.\ : &¦¦> sta tes^that he himi/-; •: . h L week ; s ' arrears , of cnurch rates. " [ Churchman : ./.' ..Hush ,! dende '.'.of the British labourer is a position in which «I Wednesday and Thu rsda y when the quandered so much blood .arid treasure in an absurdi t is said that Major-Genera lMaodonnel l h-.«s ; and Lord Melbourne symptoms of deliriu m, which had previousl y Doji't; you _pbserv.e.- my partner \tf here , who pays havin g been shown attem pt to make all men think alike, wh en Lcanno t; ' s he '^cannot be^ure of sixpence ' a day" in retut received a letter from Theller tH«; morning, an- compelled to leave the Castle to give themselves occasionall y; : assumed- an alarm- nothing tp the dhureh P" '- Coileetbr (addreHsin g the Cabine t dinner s ing character . even make a few watches keep time;to gether. V .-< Dr. ' " ' ' ' ' ' connang his safe arrival on the other side of line add hold Cabinet Councils in town , From that day he graduall ' ' ¦ ' Qifafeef):E '•• Oh I' 'don't trouble yourself i abbut thatj for ljis .tojl p ,!,^ - . . , .. ', . -i,. i r. i • ,.-y ¦ - : y" suuk, Robeftiohi ' , ; :•;,.::: < : ¦;- ,-: -l-. - .. . . : , •; ., - , - > . ,:, . . -. 45 des." - : =; .;. . , ; , . ; it is to be feared that the Royal residence has been and died on Fridavweeki ! ••; . ,:, , ' sir .not ', ' : - ; , a* farthin g of this .'rate , I San assure you, : Hss'ithe Globe ever calcuiated . hqw , much wealtb ; The twenty thousand -scoundrels who, .accordi ng rathe r dull this week.—Spectator. '" The Tower ; of LoNboN.i-.Professbr Gris bpni ' : Noble Example of thV Earl . of EFFiNoi goes .towards , the .support , of the church ; jt s pnly to the Kingston Cknmwle .iarel abou t? to ifay^-^ Exceptin ^the church - tha " " '' an " independent " Bri tish labourer creates during ,i invade . .Sydney.—^-Ensi gn the Honourable HAM .~At the time of the '' , jewel.office , arid raised to pay. the expenses .f collecting. " ,• . , '[ Canada trum the United States aremulii Wiiliam American revolution , theihouses belong ' ' '6f v ' he- 1 , plying their Skeffington the fcarl " ing to the dmcers , the Tower may iscENpiARi'sM. —On Saturday hiorniri last ari ' pne the days .on. which " ftanriot. be sure of numbers with the ra pidity of ;;Fal3!ars «, . Foster , > son of Yiscqunt Ferra rd , and of Effingham held a commission in the ' i g men in Bri tish- be considered . as a great arsenal , or deposit of war- getting sixpence > We can ' " - hro ther to Lord ^Massareene , has been appointed , by arm y ; bufvrheh the regiment in which he .alarm was given tbat a bam called Highlands Barn , ,?!' tell him , that if that imckram suits. The Toronto Pa triotof the 23d ¦ like instr ument? , and a' museum of the armorial ' ! the Governor of Hew South Wales, Assistant Eu- ¦•erved was ordere d- to America he wro te a . at Lpng iWittenham ,!the property of Mr , .William calculation has . never, been, .made by .him ,ia inst. says that the , Colonial -a Governm ent have , letter ot equi pments 'of'the -English; in historical suieceasion , . it liineer ... and ". Superintendent of Iron. Gan gs resi gnation > the ' Secretar y, at War '; ;Hayward ,, and in, the occupation of. . Mr. ,. George received information from the most authenti csource * - at , in which he from ihttK'iTliest piirinil-^n which' eni» ' ' ' begmniri |;' toP-'bV ; made • by • the labouring men , (hat Bishurst Road , Sydney ^' Mr. Foster said ,-_«' I cann 6t, without reproach from firetarms ,»'«:re- iHayward , wason fij e. The fir? *^first discovered an extensive combination exists alt ng the whole holds a com- riiy own" ip loj ea?- " Inn Se- KbriSt i : ' ¦ ' we 'jral ; ' 'l; ' miswon in the Ei htieth conscience consent to bear arms - v . . armour y, all the Kings, of .at a llttle befor e .eBypn i'docK ^and are 'soffy.' to Bgriciin njVd niechj.pic a • 'They .;- are 'heginni pg of tht? American frontier , from Verm ont to Michi- g Regiment. . , against my fellowi ' ' ^ subjectis in ' England ; "from the Conqueror to George ;Il. j are say that the- building ,,,together with .about ; lorty to estimate , -with some: degree of gan; for the invasion of this country mstanter: and , The Ships fittin g out at Portsmou th America , iii what ; to my discernment: is ' t accura py, tha for forei gn ¦ : represeri ted ^din horseback '/ dressed - in' the full and quarters of unthrished , was totall consumed. r that hot less thanv4O,0D0 of the rabble of .-the . States station s not a^ clear case." Gordon' s History. barle y, y increased aggreg ate . of . wealth ;;which ; 'by. their are the Ganges, 84 guns; Racer, 16 ; -^ apprd priate 'costurhe ' of war; ' "The armour 'of John of ' ' are united by secret oaths to attem pt its subjugation ' ; ;A man named William Ejessel, was taken upon the , Dapkiie, 20 ; and Chameleon 10. The Seasonab le Generos ity. ' ' * 1 labour,.is being .every.year j hroug ht-intp existence ; : • ¦ public. Man y of these impostors fare y of all imitation;- Hull order, aims for/200,000 men ," ' '• ' ' ¦^¦"' •v^ on the Saturday .mormn g,.-about l , ' tells the working ' m'eii. whom it would " fortunatel y carry with them an antido te for the sumptuousl y, •• ¦ - • - ¦ ,six o clock, in the . aid to and are seen at Advertiser. . • ' 1 •renom they display in thei r self-evident absurdit y. night, well dressed , at various places PRE ^EimrE .fq Accid.ent s.'^A preventive village, and about half-past six ,was seen by two emigrate " that in " British pro vinces ' with industr y, of LOKDON AND ^ ^ .' , public amusem ent. .BlKMtNGHAM . RAILWAY. —Mr. to accidehDi. pccrirriiji jj,j it nigh|t "on the fai l ways , will persons coming across some fields at a brisk pace , in ' ' ' ' they wpuld be sure .of abiindance. The Globe Berry , the engineer , and manufac turer at Wolver - commence ;dn Monda y on the London and the direction from 'the;barn ' 'i which was a shor t time " The Russian Governmen t, we are toid, ( Birmin g- , Sportin g.—Huntin g and •ther rural sports are are ton, has entered into a contract ' ' ¦ forgets to give' an'y.'proofs f of ' ' " being sure oit abou t to establish an official journal in with the mana gers ham; arid Great .yV,esteVn ^KaUroir (s.'' *;The police afterwards; discovered to be .oni fite. He . was after- this . . Increasing. the French of ' ' ' ' ' langua ge for the the London and Birmin gham Railwa y" to convey con8tahles .are to .pe plaQeS' a miK dis^nt/from 'eaeh wards seen in the , village, and on the alarm being abundance. ' ,'' ,'We much marvel that The ' Globe ~ , pur pose of advoca tin g their views " ' ' - Mr. Dona ld Sanderson has been appointed passengers, at one far thin g ar head . and goods other on the line, and to!meet half way.' ' 'given went ';!iri 'company , with' others , 'to the fire ' on the Oriental question. M. Durand , edi tor of the ; , Each , , and ori such a.suDJect too—should expect" credence fcer Majest y's Consul at Bronssa . at one halfpenny a ton , per mile durin g officer to carr y in the frbrit f his where he assisted iri' putting when be appeared j Journalde Francf ort, is said to have been appointed , the¦ ¦¦ whole s A q uers ?,n three lights it out , journe y.—Derby paper. : • of ' ' ' ' on mere asserti on; .but suppose it to be so—suppose Recruitin g for the Marines is proceedin g vr.di to conduct the new paper. green , red , an J yellqw, ^pnle of which " is tp be to be very much agitated , trembled , and turned "' shown, on the ' Londo n that in some thini peopled provinces the 'roducti ¦spirit and success.—Mornin g Pap er.' ' What are . we /to get by 'the Cana dian apprpach pfa^tram j ^wardi or pal e. - This and *other circumstances . of ;a suspicious y p ye Militar y Flogging.—By a return laid before ' ' ~ m¦¦ ' ' ' ' ' '' "' ¦'" of' ' 1 i*' - ' depar¦ ¦turei¦ one from' ' ¦ it.. . ' . : 'V- natu re indi'ced. Mr. Hilliard to direct the constabl e War ?—Whatever may be the issue ¦^' " • ' ' • ¦ - ¦ ¦'\ i ' ¦ ¦¦-•;( classes may now be able to commanda better returit Cannon Bams.— Notice has been the House of Commons in a mili tar y - ' i:,\ ji,n'i'iH¦• Jt- .i ' :.:: • given that , it appears that during tbe ¦ , to take him into custod ' ¦Government will point of . view,, one consequence is cer tain—t he Sudden jDeaths. — A ryouugj .wpman has been y, and ori being searched , a for their labour than in Eng 'What receive tenders for the supplj of five years endin g on the 31st December , 1836, ' ., land. then ? involving of the penple.of Bri tain in additi onal debt arres ted in a village; .; of the t knife, -a flint , and pipe, were taken from his person ; 100,000 321b. halls . 1,22/ soldiers, that is, -245 soldiers yearl y, of tha t , Hau Bhin .on.-suspicion Tiriie was when they were better off in England— and taxa tion , however bentfieial it may be to of havin g poisoned ;her .father , and twq the ilint .had the appearance , of havin g.been recentl y , Mb- "Wtse M. P part of the army within the United Kingdom were the t ,; of her . bro- " , .is actiyelT engaged in , Aristocrac y, b enablin g thers sudden , used , havin g a notch jn it. His shoes were also au& 'is The Globe not aware that the same !-j>tem o£ of subjected to corporal punishmen t y them :to tac ten on the , whose deaths at short intervals . during 5rdmedng the estaV^mnent " Provin cial Col- By the same taken ' off arid compared with the footmarks in the plunder of the public. The war of independence ihe last few mon ths bad exciied suspicion, and whose , misrule and corru ption ,, which .has ground tha leges" in the South ot Ireland. - - ; return , it app ears that durin g the same peri od, 332 ' . . with the United Stat es of America which bodies , when exhumed and . examined land, over which the persons deposed ' they saw one marines underwent the: same punishment ,.and that , com- , .presented labourer to earth in Eng land .is. being .constantl y It is expected that the Benbow will menced in resemblin g the ':pr isoner ., in- person and dress ;run , 74, of these 1,559 persons 1775, and ended 1783, cost Great Britaiu evident t races .of the. action of . arsenic. :The , cause ' shortl be commissioned , 242 were flogged a second ; aeross ,,, and :they corres ponded in every, particular developed and called into exercise in all the Provin - y at Port smouth : she is quite time " . 135 millions ! The last war commenced by the of this crime , is believed ;to ha ve been .the reproaches . , ~ : , and 44 a third time. nor was' tfiere any other track in , the same direc tion. as fast'as circums tances will read y for the purpose in the basin. decl aration of war by America , in June , 1815, by ¦made to her by her. victims for.he r improper conduct ces, permit—and Flogging in the Navt.—By the Parliamen- Tbis'-'ba'r'ri waa nearl y full ,.and locked no;' Ms. Oldershaw has been elected th e Vestr y tbe disastrous repulse of the British at New Orlea ns. with a young miller of the . 8ame; village, whom her ; person will speedily reduce the children of the tary paper, No. 419, it appear * had befn ; Clerk of St. Alar y, Islin gton *b that in the numbe r Thirt y mon ths of feeble warfar e, in as far father had irefused to allow her to marry. ,; ' at work 'there since the harvest. -' There ¦ , y a very large . as the r . :1 . , present emigrants (supposing them to be, mow of persons in the navy who suffered corporal punish- British were concerard was - sufficien ts room , for! a;: person , to. introduce his , majority. -:• • . - . , cost seventy millions.— Dreadfu l Shipwreck . — A boat with ei ht ' ment durin g-four years , was as under , viz. :— g hand between the ,: twp. dpors .of the barn , which were as well off as The Globe would insinuate) Tail. men on board and a car goof twent y-two horses : The Kev. Mr. Gathekcole has been sen- , whilst and did hot shut close. Tht» prisoner ^ ' 1830.. ; .2,022 by old, , .on being to the wretched condition whieh - forced their fenced to three months ' imprisonmen t for the libel Robber y Smugglers , an d Murde rous descendin g the Rhone a few days since, was driven " 1831 i,727 asked if he. had anything to say to the char ge brou ght fathers , 1 o , - their nati ve land . «n the nuns of Scorton , near Darlin gton. Attack on the Officers. —William and Edvr. by, the current against an enormous rock opposite ' fr m But British 1832...... 1,762 against him , declared his iEndcence ,:.but said he Churchill and Robert Newton , three smugglers the village of Aramon aud immediately went to labourers have hearts—the y have feelings anrl affec- Me. Pere grin e Bixgham has been appointed 1833...... , could brin g forward the ,person who did,;the act , and 1,502 were char ged before the mayor of Sunderland pieces. All tbe men on boar d succeeded i iri ' Heeorder of the Borou gh of Portsmouth , on gaining subs tanti ate the char ge against him. He gave the tions—the y love their - children ,; and wish for their , in the place Thur with nearl ihe shore though " ¦of Mr. Dam p sday, y killing several Custom-house , with considerable difficulty, ' but " ier, resigned. . Total...... 7,013 HiAgistra tes the name of tfie 'individual whom he irri - welfare ; and hence , they have no notion of takin g officers and police, who vfere attem pting to take them seventeen of the horses perished. Three -of ' the : Bit. pj icated j addin ^j r that he^aw-him ^t the 'barn 'dbor i ' _ Os —The eldest son of Earl Fibwilli am has In the merc hants ' service , these outrages on into custod y on the previous day, on a char ge of animals reached a small island , and one of the two a great deal of trouble—endurin g many hardshi ps while. -he (thei prisohe 'r)jiwas ,m :the.field ,! and.that , ceedme a Co^erva tive.—Ztmer *e& Paper, as quottd humanity are uncommon , and seamen are for the robb ery and smuggling. On Monda y the prisoners remaining horses , which was blind of an eye I , j' swam ,hi^8aw;a ' 'sp' ark> o£ l]re, ,;.,the ms^istrates , .w:puld not besides the pangs of expatriation , for the mere itr the Standard. most part , governed on ra tional went on board a French vessel to a meadow v , princi ples. Let us in the dock , where , where he was. found quietly grazing of impartially ' ' " the ' ' ¦ ¦ give credi t to his stateinent ; ; and cprisidered ihe eyi- chance improving , for! k^shdrt< periouj """ ^ - Me. Ser geant Arab in, the Depury Jud hope public will persevere till these punishments they saw thirt y-six gallons . of brand y in kegs. In next mornin g. ;. . : . ,. ; . .-' , . - .-. ; ' i,t i^jr ;,: ; : - . , .; ! : the ge d^nce5 fully : warwrii ;ed %em 'in ^committin g pri- their ^ own condi tion ' with the Advocatej will perform the routine, official on v our fellow-subjects, so abhorren t to hunnuit y, the niftht . time they crept into the hold , and mana ged Death in a Factory;-— : ' , certainly of leaving duties of Ori 'Saturda y last , s'oriep'forvtriaf '^the 'neSc^aiisiie^ ¦ the late Ri ht Hon. Cutlar are entirely abolished in the ar my and navy. to carr y off the liquor. The captain ga ve immediat e ; to their ohildren ;.¦the. heir-loofn .of unalleviated g Fergusson unti l the ap- J ohn Davie*, a man emp loyed to attend theija rk ' •preyioui,charabtej f;is not at all fayourable ,,- he having pointment of his successor . information to the authorities , who went in stro ng - ' - ¦ " : A Sound Sleeper. —On Tuesda y week mill, belonpng to Mr. Thomas Topham, tanrier , ' been.c.pnyicted .and.,imprisoned for nine months for wretchedness -, when . with much less - trouble , pro- , some force to • Churchill' s house but they found it . New Shillin gs.—The entire of the bu rg , barri- Chester , was found dead and d readf ully mang led in- br eakin g thrashing machines arid be has been since ' shillings lar-r entered the house of Mr. William Leu- cadoed aud bis wife was , vided they act unanim ounly, they can possess them- issued in payment of the ' , empty ing the spiri ts from the mill. From the evidence adduced at the inquWst; '¦' : pres ent dividends are im- nard , of Renwick , and, proceedin g to h:s bed mom, then several times in custod y for poadiing — On selves ! of the only effectual ' tubs into the street. The officers bro ke.open the before F. Thomas , Esq., - means ; of improvin g pressed with her Majesty 's likeness, not a single took his trousers from under his pillow, and ab- coroner, it appeared'there Wedne sday- ni ght •> last - ano .ther iacendiar y.^fire house, when the prisoners , ar.o several other smug- their condition without stirr ing shilling has been issued of any other reign. stracted nearl y £50 in gold and silver from the is a safeguard used to cover the cutters in trie mill. occurred in the •farm- yard of. Mrs. Shepherd ; at from home. The glers , not in custod y, attacked them in a ' mort , pocket ; they then stole a quantity of late out' of a This was found off , and the poor'fellow lying amongs t Sandford , near Marcham and which • but for the labourers . >kriow :that the . power of.' islation The Queen has coHferred the honour «f p furiou s manner. One of the officers named Tro . , , r leg , Kni ght- board which " ' , tter, them , with one arm dra gged from his »hod y, .and his' late very heavy fall of ' cup they forced open, and drank th e was koocked down rai n, would mosli unavoidabl y . exercised by .their oppressors , has brou ght them ;to iiood upon Captain Geor ge Tyler, of tie Royal , his bead cut open with a poker , frame other wise horriol y " mang led.— Camarvmil 1 :; greater part of a bottle of gin, which they found in ¦ have been attended with very serious damage. "The! Navy, Lientenant -Governor of the .Island of St. and his chest dreadlnll y inj ured by the fellows jump- Herald. . ->¦¦. -. .; " ; ' the condition in which they now are i jand they know ' " the room , without wakin g him. -—Heref ord ¦ ' fire was,' however , confined 'to a straws rick , ' which ; Vincent .. -, t ,„ . ; . . • . : ing on him. Sergeant Joy . was similarl treated ; .. Journut. . • '• " ' ' y , Sudden >I)eath.--As th» Highlander coach bein g very damp,,did not Ijurn fiercpl otherwis e i that the , power of legislation , -|fflb*n; it shall ' ha—- ^ and several others were .wounded and- contused . left; . y, Black HAWKi- ^-The eelehrated Indian warrior , the village of-Beauly ; on IH'onday evunin gj the stable, which is built of .wood arid which is riot ; exercised by, themselves ,, will .compel Bri tish Association. - By the result of the The prisoners were comtmWii.-Sunderldiid a young , . the blood and Black Hawk , died at his camp, on the River de* Beacon. lad snri of Mr. Roderic k' ab'ove half a yard apart frbrh the rick ' ' experiments made by the order of the British,- As- , . Morrisonj .wood mana ger; , would spee- profi traon ger- ^if not to . disgorge ' their; alrea d Moines on the 3rd of October seventy- Loss of the Royal Geor ge.—The Roj/ul ' ¦ 11' y, ill- , ¦ , aged three there , clung for a short distance to the guard s seat, dily'ha ve ignited. The neighbours iramed iately reri '-! ' ' ' ' '• ' ' ' ' sociation , it has been fonnd that the tides in. the gotten gains—at least to ( lock j ears. . . . ¦ _;, . ¦ George, :108 guns, Ad miral Kempenfelt, sunk at and in dro p dered their assistance . up.the ja ws of .rave n- . ., , - Bristol Channel , comprised in the space of the East ping himself do w n,; lost his bala nce, - and ,! , and with the aid of.a plentif ul Spith ead , .1732. This .immense vessel had , returned ' ' ' ; ing, and abs tain from furthe r plunder. - . ¦' . ' • Henr y.Xytton Bolwer , 'Esq. , brother to Steep Helms constan tl from the .bursting of a .blood vessel, instan tly supp ly of w ater confined the dama ge as above stated. , =, -, , y keep suspend ed in their but a: days: before from an ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' "" '"' ¦ few engagement off expired.—-Edinburgh Advertiser. .. ' , ¦ - j ,, ! Reading Paper. , / . , ' The Globe asks :-«' Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer , Bart. , has been ap- •waters at least 700,0u0 tons of mud.—Heref ord ., ; Wha tjo ^er elass:in the em- ¦ Ushant. It is stated , that at the time she sunk , ' ' Inquests. " A coronor 's jury at an in' uest ,' held; pointed firstfecretar y to the Marquis of Clanriearde 's Journal. , . Grain by. ; Weight.—There , is a common pfo- j pire, : w.hen they find themselves ,, as: so; many; do : there were on board nearl y 600 pros titutes ,- who on Tuesda y, evening week , : on the> corpse of Kobe'rt: , embass y at St. Petershur gh. verb .which says, " It's an. ill wind , that, blaws straitened ,at ¦ v Nine Lives Lost. —On Tuesda ymorningweek , per ished with tbe greater part of the shi p's, company. Wafaon - who stran gled . home,. hesitate - to accept any, offer n aebod y good ;" and, however much.we may t; , .himself in bed at : the Blue! The Eu perob of Austeia 's »tffne y into about haif-pasc five, blowing a gale from the east- The admi ral was writing in his cabin when this cala- regre thou g ¦ the inferior qua lity 1 Anchor. Tavern , St. .Mary '8-at-hi jl, returned- a, ver-; h it were at the anti podes, which afford s a vista ¦ ; - .. of the grai n for the last two Lomhard y .caused- an expenditure «*r ,between ward , with a heavy surf _on the coast, the bri g mity hap pened: " -' ""' '-. • ' - ... . . _ ..'- - ; ; ' diet of •' Temporar y, deran gemen t." " " ' years the public-, wiU be ,. , The deceased of, independence-4thbu gh with the 14,000,000 and 15,000 000 of francs aS- is stated Wonder, Bloss master from Hambur g , glad : to , learn that the H : prospect of loDg— , , , , h to London, was eighty-ei ght years old ; and, . accordin g to the i y a letter from;Vienna . . . with a cargo of wheat and Highway Robber y and Attem pt . at qualit y ,;is ; now,;,proved by [weight , instead of or life-ldngiexHepV ,;There is no " otfer elass .. pipe staves, got on sliore account given h .hiraselftP the landlord of' the Blue' . in .the Murder.t— On Thursda y evenin g week , .as Mr. samp le .and., measure .. as formerl y.., .The , grain- . y- 1 ; ' Grace DABLiHG. T-Afinehri gwafc at Winterton , outside the outer bank. The chiet empire ', situate like.the labourin g ; class launched from R. ' lhomas was re turning home from Aber gavenn y, dealers have been led to adopt the wei hing Anchor ^ a few, days befpre r,, his death , had ,been agricultura l officer and crew of the Preventative Station im- g system , ' Perth on Tuesday week, and christened by the ' in consequence of the engaged in singular adventures. The following N and:mechaai cal. . The labour ers know that if-;th e' mediatel proceeded with the a man accosted hire , and , as it was late, asked leave deceptive appearance which has ' , y popular name .of Grace Darling. She has been y apparatus and Den- ' ' ' the stor y related to the Coroner 's Jury by the! ' to accompany him on his ' way, as he was going to been common to grain , par ticularl y oats , of late.— bebut> true ; ;to themselves,::their cpndition i may. be char ted for St. Domin go.— Carlisle Journal. ' nett s rocket? , and succeeded in thr owing four Hues ' ¦' ' : innkee per:— " Watson said- that he had been Romne y. Mr. Thomas assented , and on their Aberdeen Herald: . ' deeply ' from the mortar and a rocket line; but the crew and! shal l .be, great ly improved .a* home. The , MR.i BENDEH , of Wadebridge , within the last journe y the man induced him to go by the side of implicated in the riots of 1780, and that at i that- would not venture to save thems elves 'with the lines: A MuNfiHAUSEN. Lie.— A most .extraordinar y ' 1 if. other ".—that is , few days, has drawn a carrot of most extraordinar y period hewas private secretary -to.Lord GeorgeiGor- to say,.the idle and the har py althou gh sever. 1 of them laid hold. The life boat the tram-road , as being much nearer. They had medical cause , is , reported , .by the Hanan . Gazette ' ¦ ¦size and weight, measurin g 17^ inches in ' circum- " . * proceeded to Llanwnarih-bfid ' wnen ' ' don. He afterwards became -Preside nt f for a time to iolasses know. that...: . , : . .; , : , ; was then sent for, but the distance being so' far ge, , in passing as hayin g; jeceat ly, occurred at . Betiin , whure ,. a' : J V ference and • •• ;¦ • , and the London ' Corresponding • Society.- Having re- ! ;- - . i " Th power of mischief , weighing 6|lbs ; - - = ' under the arch , the fellow- tri pped Mr. Thomas up, Polish countess ,, who-had< ^ ever ; since the , ; ' . . ->u . s can no farthe r go;" :..;¦ j the diffic-ul ty of obtainin g horses so great , she did actiori ' between tha ¦ tails have been cas£ and othe'fs are still castin g, at nature- of- such stoves was made by Gay Citzehs of London "deem it to be an important ditt y to the following and 1 , purpose is going^the round of the 'En glish and Pa pal ' Gov'Srnments ^- from him - : Butj says the Globe—^ This . cann ot always he "Woolwich , whiehj'it U said , have man y advantages the Institute of France ;• but , as the warning has to express tbeir opinion to your Lordship's Honour- papers:—Oue of the most ¦ " pl#a«ing eantdlrices of .Watson had ,received several sumslw money, thou gh the case even inilands. best; compared to solid shot * baddes beingagreai been likewise given in a- paper read , at the Royal on any subject mate riall affectin g th e ' administer ed. It is nob , • saving abl e Hou5e , y the Parisian stage was a short time since:ona: pro> not all that had been origipaU . of expense in metal ' J¦•-•• < ' ••" - - Society herej and has been repeated -in various peri- yJ promised . .to.hiin .'! the fault of Lord '.Fitzwilliam . rijjhts , liberties; or happ iness of the community, or viricial tour:wi th her , husband ,-Jwhe.n she found , Tte some ,' or of, other such odical ^ in Lundon 'we' cannot deem those withou t her ^ Morning Pos ^gjyea additio nai particular s A Deau Saturaajr mornin g , deeply involvi'u K the character and hbhour of their nelf exposed" to the disagreeable assiduities of ;a rich :: " " •' ; Liberal . Legislators , if all the commercial fucili LBTT ER ^On; ^^ the : iioif Watson 's life if * Ori f huwda y, the Blui tiea letter-carrier " blam e who expose .their fe.low crea tures to such That the punishment of flogging in the old Turcaret of one of the ¦ ' presented to Messrs. P. lawsun and countr y. priucipal towns of France! 'Anchor 'was visited-b y a>nu mber>o f gentlemen for empleyment are not yet availed of which - dan ger. .We have seen , that such stoves are offered , to , might Son, nurser y-and seedsineu, Hunter-s quare, a pack- ' " Army and Navy, which for a long time past has This per< pn could .devise no other mean s of makjng view the body for 8ale in a.,ne5ghbourin g city; bat we hope that ' of deceased : amon g whem were two he opened with a liberal commercial code—and age .addressed. to them from Calcutta marked engaged a 'large share of public interest , and ex- himself, welcome tb the lady, flaan b writin g ' to , our coun trymen are neither so ignoran t as to believe . y^ .heff a ,who identified him as the uncle.:of; a medical gentle- *' Seeds for which the snra oL£114 and a halfpenny cited the abhorrence of all cla*>e« of societyl haif .very .impertinent;lette r nd;enclo3ing;in. it;, ¦ ; expert to supp ly their ..place, .and supersede the ,^ vapour ,> 7 a note :.man of i the ' same; name , carr ying-; on a most exten- "die that the of any charcoal can be otherwise espeeially forced on the attention of your peti- for fiOOf. : Fueling the " ^^ ' char gedfor posta ge.--^rfifl6Kr gA Courant. been . \aaUlt very warmly , the lady sive orac tice. at Leith where ' they netessi ty of emigra tion by a |ix and . livUh Poor than a deadl y poison, nor so improvident as -to ex- "b ' , believed deceased tioners "by two recent instances ^ of , milifHry punish- put the ;pote into ^be.r»husbabd '8,, hands, ,wh , to had sl Dover, Nov. 23. — The Turkish Ambassado r pose themselves to it as the vehicle of heat in their 8eprSctiBed'man y years ago as arfoctor oflaws; I Jim administrftti pn-^ior that is another nostr um of ment at Woolwich , which were speedil y.follwwed by avenge .himself,; as.^; inari ; of, wit .and> good . sense; Itwaswtea 'by 1 pf: ' " ' and. suite arrived this .afternoon in-the Britannia dwelling-places.—St-ofeman. brie the witriesses sit the inquest) the ' Ultraa 'bf bpth Jf ms—and '~ : !! the death of. the victims. , / Tha t, your pvtitioners wrote exactly a .similar note to the wife ,of,j .the ' ' an other 1tt y^ " cteam-vessel, .Captain Sam. CBnsbell; from Boulogne. . ;oid that deceased .had told, him ,he waa ,, once , tried for ^ Dreadful FiRE.-MDn Sunda y morning , atanearl h' of for the pro- gentleman a young woman like bis own ' ' ^ suppp se,.in the accu ^atipn , of Lord On his arrival there was a guard of honour to receive y elieve that the intmciency , flogging, , , enclosed i n cpnspi rac y^ r It was «aid ithat ,at |; A|'perio(l., iiJlude t FiTZwiiaHAM-« hour , the cry of Fire!" was raised by the mouuted tnoiion of naval.and military discipline, is suscep- it the 600f. note, arid 'sent it to her with, all proper were trul y .worthy: of, the , wisdom of r lrim. ccmmanded by Lord Lennox," under a salute ' tp, J a ,reward pfJiiOO i'was..offered by; goyernmeri t fo] ( . the !WHiTii,Es : ;> boree patrol near Woodford-brid ge, where a tire was , , a|id' precaution. ' 'This' 'not ' r ' ' ' tible of the stron gest proof which fact or ar gument mystery . . lad ^,, less ini his ap prehension 'j 'but « that ^he evaded,,de tection by and ^ other wpuld-be confincators , froia % he^htB.' ^; ";y ; ; . v ;:. . : . , :;.;;; raging in the interior of Woodtord-Roy " House; the ' ' '' ^ ' of the whole w u could furni sh on any subj ect. That your Petitioners suitedi'iii .her affectibus'thari 'th e ca»/afrfcf , gave the being gepreted in| !the house'' of Lord ^ij seat of Mr. Thomas Lewis, situate on an tmiuence ' . , iDudl ey anc of die A Cabine t Council was held at the Foreign are nevenheles3 of opinion , that the cruel tor ture and letter l to ' nef.husb andjjVho cpn 'ceale'd his astonis h;- ' ' cpuntr y to the support of hop eless and on the eastern bank of the rirer Olne. 1 .. ^ard , . in; ^ 'dflh;.;,frdm ;ii»ijiiphi throu gh tKe interes ^hife.; It was attended b • The Wood- ' ' ' 'bne " " ' '' '" " ' l! Office on Saturday afternoon.;;; y parochial engine was soon debasin g tendenc y: of .this system could not be. pal- ment , and affected to treat tfo affair as that had of-LadyjM 'tDonald , ..he.;mana ged to\escape on. boar d . less, pauperism. !,, r ; i . . .. ; . 'John Russell. The ford brou ght to the spot, ' ' ' all the Minis ters, except Lord and got to work from the river, and layed admira bl liated , much less justified , by. any appeal to, expe- better .We hustied .up: than made a noise. about ^ . His a vessel for-the pur pose pfbeing; conveyed ' '1 p y. ' to Sweden ;5.This. i8 a true sample ,of , the . falsehood and CduBeiT sat two hours. "Viscount Melbourne left By five o'clock the fire had increased, and it was not diency ;—they recognise in it one of those flagrant wife; however who was. riot awire . of the real oiri The ship, however / was ' boarded offSheer riess^ inso- ^ i s : am lenpe , which ever . characterizes thejallusions town shortry /afterwaros for Windspr Castle , on a till that moment that a messenger was sent to Lon- outra ges on the national morals , against which , the dumstauces of-the case, yas'by no mean * disposed to Qe ,*a8' ,takeri ;(>n ^pre and ^arreited ' ' of th e ;! * .Upon the ^upribi ^ ; : ::^; ;;the the tQ the Pre8 % cy,,sf,,the Scotch :C.pllege .•inoroas BiOfj their .fulness and; , ppor .man'g its basem ent . to the rooL The, attenti on of ftose ^e . -Act! on. . .. ^^ , ,,^ of the Canadas ; an event which cannot fail to give to -T-and to those who.witness it.: T,h.at the i^stancek . grpund.tba t ' ' aniium ' ' supp ose* that ; Mr.; at the engmes w^dire cted ^a ^luouses , -hf ..A^' belpngea rt«.;th etSociety:: :«f ,of,;5,0pPfran ra ,per j ,;wJtiich office .,UeiHeld six poverty. i^he ififfoJe . MmtTha general sadshc6oa^- .'Co^ner. [We should think engaged to which your PetitioneM have alluded are only two ; scaTler y, coich and cart -hons _ s, yUrtie ^reman ^inl. years. , I)uring Jthe>latter. -p6rtipn : of the, -.time, hi wd ;the would .«• Bupercede the ?. consutig of dairy, in which ; death has ,.speedily; followed ; f ^ ' ^^^ ^ f^ ^ W e j j «•> n v.Radipals . . nece8. %4 *g9S^ authorit y,' in, this case, very-.donbtmL] vib Kandith!^ 'laupersede" hot,only tha n txh of fiui'Idnd senfby/theni ,^ whereby with a heavy.crash, and after that time the nie'd by protra ctea sufferi pgj .j?e: I^aim au .. pHon . . the VaVd6n ^;WWch;.he,kept;in; the ;p 6;pke ^ ^^|*EjTto^5_ii2 ^ fishmon gers : ' ' 1 and others are dally losing valuable ; ' gradnall y sunk but the ruins , during the whole ot human life has beeii accompanied with a it now stand 3.vj , The.'R Bc6rder ^ on be lost. time the deceased came.toith emigration,^,H but ial.p, the necurisity. for . jf ^P^f- 5 custom. * , ; tion of ' At the e Blue f 1 *l^«s > ' of sm- ike. . It is said at yariance wi th the general Act, saidl ttie .exetnption. ^ extended: : not dnl ' tb ' «?jrf .' v ^^^ ' " *BASK op En gland. —Further Monday omitted dense yolumes: : species of tort ure utte rl y . y Anohpr.flrst , he had in his ; possession >a,box^which , /flt'isA,Popr ^a,w^dministr atipn, improve ments at ' insu red in the Quakers .and Mqravians j; but tp!thbse vi\io ' : " that the whole of. the pr operW ; is, •spiri t of our laws-the feelings and habits of our . ¦ : had been he Hta ted *ontained papers of great; impor tance , bu its _thoasands and its . tens of. thousand s ouj ^fp^jj i,,, the Bant ' are P> take .pl*ce early in the ' ensuin g to its lull ' ' . .j 1 ' Royal Exchange insurance office , and precepts ol Christ ianity. member .^ j of. those ., relig ious communities. It was, whiohy ori ^ leaving town forBath he took with 'him spririgl The walls' at' the entrance are to Be coun trymen— and the j | pqoke ts of tne poor , fprtbe purpos e of filchg^mftafj> .\ raised value., . UpVards of25 worKihen are .- suffere rs ; they for the repeal of there! prej',c'ear that M.r. Johnson 's app lication must and as stated "b "him ori ! his Tetura jieft'it'there ; r and it wffl'Wweirh ' hfea Your Petinou ers, there fore, pr ay . ' 1 y wme ffee% g , which will had been at work in repairing 'the 'inan «ion , aiid left 1 , , • ' , the. poorest ; of; the ; ppor a . small ,portiou - ' • ¦• ; . . . ' ' .. Court , .: . . . ,: . . " ;!"!' ! of ,the body;;?;''. . V; V%ii£Z . n ^j ^jjjj* . ness visible'? in that part of the buildi ng. consu med. : Army. . . . . , . ,. . . •.! ' ' ' ' •! ¦ ¦ > ¦ ¦ .i v. -. = .-< , ...... i ... ,. . . •)• j ;, ,^;; : ' ¦ ' .uL •,,,p .._l,:. •;,;. v: . - :«-, y,: j ' - . —> . ' :)¦ . -.-.. •r)(; :. i:!c.:.-i.-,v; ' :w..'r ' . -- . -. -..> T..-t. W .11 u ^ .; ^ ^ : ' ' ¦ ' ¦ '" ¦ - 1 " - " • ' ¦ " ' - ¦ • ¦ ¦ - " : • • ¦ I" - ¦ ¦ - - ¦ ¦ V • ¦ • ;' -- / ...... -^ . " 1 1 -' : ¦ THE NORTHERN STAR." ' ' ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' nw , - '^r ^gpt yU- :: . - - a*- aaM ' ' ii ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' <^^HER " r aa Mn tMB— » ^ a a ^ WM ^** r *P ^^ ^ ^tnii n 1 1 838 ! iPT AJ ^B INJUSTICE. EXPRESS FROM PLYPLYMOUT H. ImpostoImpostor — v. n^.v^ ' J4 i^~~ ' ¦: SSSSSSi.¦ ¦ .. .: » . ^r-ma m onm i rMw GROSSGRO SS OPPRESSION ASB IK JUSTICE. EXPRE S MOUTH . r. -OnOn ^onaavMonday> ; James BrobmfieldBroomfield wasw»s Newm Lr \~^aw of DEViM.-^We^w . understand1^^ .-^ t. ¦;. . '- -' - ..¦«,. . _.^ :-'-—^ r ¦¦¦ - -^: ^ CLRGULATIGH brought up at the Co that the . . kx^AvtiKh^s:- r: r~ - :¦ H * ^iMTIVE "Wb beg to direct attention to an address, whicl .ori*Houseot, charged with having tnalt taken from Mr. Bussey has been aiold by counterfeited the sigti^tures number of From the Committee ———j ti OE "?tJaE Y0B3£SHH tE HE ^VSPAPERS. ARBIVAIj OF LOED DURHAM. a respec- private contract, after being valued by ah ap- qf\Deieffa ^t r •- will be found amongst oar Xfewsbury newsy touching. table persons in Leeds, purporting that they had praiser. Mr. »ade an application last week townships in tfo Dei ^^ ™™ *" Plymouth , Novfmbe r 27. B* ^ JFtom Me last Pvblithed Stamp Reform including the case of Dews. We hope the Men of York- given him £1 each, to relieve him from losses which lor a public sale, but which the.v dared not to have, P ^ Month sfrom the 1st shire, generally, will evince their ssnre of iBdignity ; Arri ved, Her Majesty 's frigate In constant, Capt. he had sustajnecl by bejnga pawnbroker in America. fearing the just execrations of an, half-mtirdered «Te Six o/ J pril to the 30th ^ le. &IS?S S T^ ^ ^$^ " * Pring, from Quebec , It is blowing a hu: ricane , and The imposuion was discovered , and the impostor and insnlted peop 4f Septevtbsr1838. Tor in the person of Dews, thej have every ont fcKS^S , the only communication which has tak en place is by was committed for one month to Wakeneld House The Loblets again.——The old "woman again obtain justice, if possible, in the cast tf been insulted *nd abused. of Correction. Dews a JS£ 9t»m]pi fnndihed "Weelly the cuttep Busyy Capt. Portbury, under close etorm- attended at the Pandemonium last Friday week , , labouring man. at Dewsbury, wAb'^ . . - - » ax months. " Avenge. and waa met b - .- A similar call upon the inhabitants of Linthw&ite, «>ail8. From her we learn that Earl Durham and Stealing a Babrel. — On Monday, Thomas y the relieving officer referred to last cruelly and unlawfull y imprisoned at the week. He refused to allowher to see the Guardians, Poor Law Tote ITOat THEaN STAB 971 450. to support their patriotic and therefore persecuted family are on board , all well ; Wt Quebec on the Grayson was brought up at the Court House, charged dutur buhces at thai pla ce, f or siJL ,720 10, . instant. There are reports that his Lordshi and would not give her one farthing of relief, un known offence. ', ~ *w Poor law -o, .at Halfpenny, 6,000 the particular!of these eases. The addresses speak stood the communication right, his Lordship was Briggate Leeds. It Countrvmen,—\ve feel it 1 , appeared that the prisoner take her from the old man, which sh« refused. to be our duty to claim your attention and Xeeo?,Times...w 72,000 2,769 on board. Preparations for his reception have been was detected with the article upon his shoulder Northern Union.—A meeting sympath* * for themselves. , by on the above to the importan t but diabolical act of injustice wbibl. Bradford Observer 13,500 519 made at this place for some time past. Hartley, a policeman, who suspected that he had nQt question was held at the White Bear inn, Idle, on we are now about to lay ZDeaeaster 21 000 807 before yon. But before Chronicle , obtained it by fair means; The prisoner gaVe very Monday evening last. The inhabitants were acU. we proceed with the case, we beg to state that Soneasfef-Gaz ette- 48,000 1,846 ' MB. SALT AND JfB. O'CONNOR. dressed by Messrs. Gragsb it £ LEEDS AND W ESIVRIDING NEWS. contradictory statements, and ultimately admitted _ y and Hewortb, who not aparty or a political objectrbut an object purelr ^Halifax Express.. 11,950 499 "We iid n«t receive the report of the Birmingham having stolen the article from the premises enforced the necessity of real Union and per- ot, justice and philanthropy ; and whether 9 150 351 of the severance amongst the peop Wlji you be Halifax Guardian. , LEEDS. prosecutor. He was lodged in prison , and the pro- le. The addresses were gs, Tone*, or Radicals, it demands your most 'Hull Observer 6,000 230 proceedings in sufficient time to do justice to their listened to with the most profound attention. On serious and prompt attention. Northern Union. perty has since been fully identified. He was com- The factu of the *-«<»casa -HcH Piaiet------27,000 1,038 importance \ bnt we cannot ceny ourselves a par- —On Monday evening last mitted for trial to Wakeneld House of the evening of Tuesday, the people of Birckenshaw are. aa follow •-— * the members of the Leeds N orthern Union held Correction held a meeting at the house of Mr. Abraham Batty. On the Wednesday 3S«!i Rockingham . - 15,000 576 ticipation in that rejoicing at the happy tprmi- Theatre. after the last Poor Law dis. 000 230 tbeir weekly meeting, in the Large Hoom, near St. —Last Week of the Season.— There was a very good attendance, and the people turbance at Dwvirsbury, about Bull Saturday Journal 6, ¦ation Our readers will half-past six o'clock ' 16 500 634 of this affair, which will, we are sure, be ex- James's Church, York-street, when, according to a perceive by an advertisement that were addressed by Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. FieWen, and in the morning, the house of Francis JJews ^HnriTiiiHs , the amusements at the Mr. P. Bussey of Bradford, was Bnu A dvertjser 38,000 1,461 perienced by all good and true Radicali throughout resolution previously agreed to, addresses were Theatre are afeou t to be dis- and Mr. M orris Mat- broken open by two of the ruffianly London Police; delivered , which will be continued every succeeding continued for the present, The next week is thews of Littl* Town. The greatest unanimity (Dews and his wile being from home -fiaH-esr&te'Advertiser 6,500 250 the Empire. the prevailed during the meeting; , at their res- " Monday evening, at half-past seven. ' o'clock; Mr. lasc for the preseht season. The constant variety after which numbers pective occupations,) when they eommenced a search Surrogate vYeetly Gazette 900 34 The people have many disadvantages to cope of the most enrolled themselves as members of the association. thereia, and after Scarborough Herald 6 450 248 Joseph Joneswas appointed chairman of the meet- superior talent which Mr. Dowhe has remaining about ten minutes ther , brought before On the parties retiring down stairs, a very interest- departed, without assigning a Sheffield Independent 35 000 1 346. with in their struggle to regain that just and ing ; after making a few observations.he called upon the public of Leeds this season, will reason, or producing , , be long remembered ing conversation took place betwixt Mr. P. Bussey any authority for their proceeding. On Sheffield Chronicle .... 13,500 519 natural position in society, which has been filched Mr. Gr. White to address the meet ng, -who entered , and will doubtless afford a and Mr; Ellison the Sunday strong inducement to , a worsted manufacturer, alter eypnin g flowing, as Dews was proceecing ^Sheffield Iris 20,500 788 into a description of the objects and principles of the the lovers of Theatrical which the people separated highly gratified with the Ebene^r Chapel, to from them by the few ; bnt all other disadvantages Union. Mr. Charles Connor and Mr. Hick also amusements, to revisit the Theatre whenever ' ' he was seized ty one of the Dews- -^SheSeld Mercery ... , 46,000 1,769 that proceedings ot the evening. * .. bury officials, and two ot the police rink inte insignificance compared with the great addressed the meeting on the same subjects ; after gentleman shall again undertake to provide for their ; handcuffed and Do- at Halfpenny-- 10,290 Meeting at the Odd-Fellows HALt.-^-On Mon- dragged to the lock-op, where, in the nrst> in- " " evil by which their bright prospects have yet which 'William Rider spoke on the present position entertainment. Friday night next, is the last gtance he was dei,ied Tork Chronicle... 8,000 307 nignt day evening, pursuant to notice, the people of Brad- v the poor comfort of having a -York Courznt .. 62 403 been ever of the Radical cause, and after making some ob- ; ana on that occasion Mr. Downe will appear ford, met in the Odd-Fellows' Hall, to discuss pillow from his hon e, (which was ,500 2, marred a disaffection towards, in a New Play of , the near the priaon.) York Herald 89 423 servations on the legality and necessity of the people Mr Sheridan Knowles, called legality of the people possessing themselves of arms on which to r at nis head ; the bed ou which' ,000 3, and disunitediiuss amongst each other. The poaKouiDg "The Maid of Mariend he was ^T-atksiireman 42 000 1 615 arms , and on the conduct of a portion ot prpt." This is one of the and the justness and policy of such recommeridation. desuned to pass thet night being a hard board. By ^ , , oppressors have long kcc» the Bi rmirijtUum most interesting pieces ,200 the interference "Yorkshire Gazette . 43,000 l ,O53 this to be their vantage- Council, he concluded by/ pro- that can >ie presented to thu Ahout 1 peisons were present. At halt-past , how«ver, of friends, with the Chief : posing the following public—-one to which the most seven 'clock Mr. on (..onstabl*, he was 7T4>rk«hire Racing Calender . 2,300 8S point, and hare artfully laboured for its perpetuation , resolution :— " That this meet- scrupulous could not o Peter Bus^'y appeared the eventually allowed to lodge at an ing congiders it to be the right of every man in this possibly object—on any reasonable grounds. Mr. platform, accompanied by a few triends, and inn, with oDe of the hated,peli - "Wjest Siding Herald ...... 17,500 673 by lending their covert aid to such pro- .ee emissaries as a " agitating" country to possess arms, fcnd not merely to have Downe has greatly exerted himself for several posed that Mr. Crossland , of Queen's Head , do tak e bedfellow, but was dragged through the streets to ' from the above Return it will he seen that the leaders as, wrapped in self, excited the peop arms in his possession months past, and has been at very great the chair, which being seconded, was put to the his lodgintr handcuffed. The next morning he waa : le for , but to use them (when all expense meetings,and carried taken to Wakefield «verage weekly- circulation of the Northern Sta r their own ends other means nave failed) in defence of his" liberty , in procuring those amusements. We do now unanimously. The Chairman , detained in the House of Cor- ; making merchandise of their wrongs, then opened the business of tlie meeting, in a short rection several hours, and then taken?up y 2.000 above the Leeds Mercury ; that it is his life, and his property. "We therefore declare our hope that the last week will be the best week ; to the is nearl which, while affecting to despise, they had no and that at any rate but appropriate speech , in which he earnestly in- Court House IN CHAINS, for examination , as if h.» approval of the opinions and conduct of Messrs. , , every one who loves the vited any opponents to come forward had been guilty of some jtnore than three times thp amount of the Leeds In- intention to extinguish , lest thtir avarice or their Theatre will on Friday ni ht be present and discfcss the crime of the first magnitude , O'Connor and Stephens, and also our total want of g , to witness subjec t upon which they had me However, when Mr. Abrah f tUtgencer, and nearly four times that of the Leeds the new entertainment. t; after waitin g am Greaves, late of vanity should lack its gratification. Thus has confidence in that portion of the Birmingham Coun- some time and iio opponent making his appearance , btrtjet Side, now ol Purstonin, was brought to iden- JTixzes- - cil, who oppose the. ^straightforw ard and honest Acland in Leeds.—An advertisemen t in our Mr. P. Bussey came forward , an d in a short tify him a^ a participator some pretended Ireland, xinhappy Ireland, been tossed like a frail address , u crime, course pursued by these tried friends of the people." pr esent number will dul y apprise all who wish to in which he pointed out the necessity of a good he baid. Thjtt man 1 cannot swear to : I never Exclusive of the Leeds Papers there are twenty- bark upon stormy waters, through a long period, unders tanding amon g saw him , Tbe resolution was seconded by Mr. John Peacock, know tha t Mr. Aclan d has come hither ali*o, and the peop le on this subject , he commit any breach of the peace in my life." ire Newspapers published in Yorkshire; of -which while, with all her heaving and her labouring, no and after some debate was carried unanimousl y. will be hnppy to reeeive. as much loose silver as the hoped that some gentleman would come lorward Dews was then v«ry unwillingly set at liberty by and dispute the; progress has been mad William Rider also proposed the next resolution , good folks ot Leeds have got to ive him. W e the premises and set the public right authorities, without being brought before the the Harrogate Weekly Gazette, with an average e towards the haven of national g guess upon the subject. which was seconded by Mr. David Black and th at won 't be During Mr. Bussey's addiess , magistrates. Shortly afterward s, application waa liberty and universal rig -e , nna- much. Mr. Duce beerseller «f 34, and the Yorkshire Jiacatg Calendar , -with ht—becan» tvery honest nimously agreed to :— That Mr. Slei h be , , of bowling, cau sed an inter- made to tbe Bench lor a copy of the information " g re- ruj)tion upon whi or w an average of 88, weekly, are scarce ly worth taking patriot, who would have rightly guided the peopled quested to meet the members of the Leeds Northarn HULL. , ch Mr. Bussey again stepped for- arrant on which he had deen taken into cus- ward nnd desi red the gentleman to come upon the tody, when one of the Dewsbury magistrates into the account: indeed we believe they are onl energies, has been silenced by the menaces and Union , in this room , on Monday evening next, at Subscription Assemblies.—-It is intended to , in , , y the platform and discuss the question fairl y with them , the >lang of a black-leg, remarked, " 1 dare say swaggenngs of half-past seven o'clock , to discuss the proposition h ave, during the winter, a series of Subscription but all to no , you published occasionally. Casting out these, then, him whom adventitious circumstan ces Assemblies, in the pur pose ; Mr l)uce continued hi*rigma- wish you may get it." A notice, in accordance ¦ net forth in the advertisement announced in his Victoria Room*, at which the role . Mr. B. then enquired if he had with .the usual mode has since Here will remain twenty-three Yorkshire News- have enabled to direct the storm,—makiug it at juvenile Whigs and Tories intend to enjoy tli e society been sent , been served on the proposed lectures . in the Music Hall , oamely, th at the.e by his par ty, the Whi , lor the tastnrdl y police and the opstaft official once subservien t to of each other, aiid Irom wliich, under the noble g* purpose of , to prodnce papers, pjduare of those published in Leeds ; and the filling of his bags and the " Radicalism is the road to anarchy and ruin ," and creatin g a disturbance , bu t he still continu ed to the warrant for hii apprehension ; but from their that Mr. Sleigh shall be at whatever patrol.age of the Hull Advertiser, politics are to be dis - urb the peace and order of the neg lecting if, out of these twenty-three, we except six, the inflation of hisvaniry. no expense in excluded. meeting, where- to do this, it may fairly be assumed that calling the meeting, and the public shall be ad- upon be was tak en hold of b y s-veral per sons and they acted without any such authority. ¦circulation Long and wistful (¦ Such¦¦ are• of the Northern Star exceeds all the rest have been the uneasy glances mitteti' free of charge." The third resolution was A tTERAXioN in the Departure of the Mail.— forced upon the hustings -where he contin ued to die lacts of the case. ..- - pxt together. with which the robber factions, and their chiefs espe- propnsed by Mr. George White and seconded by The departure of the West Mail at hall-past three stam p, and cursf , and swear , always declarin g at Here, then, are domiciliary visits with a ven- o'clock, (instead uf lour, the end of his cially, have regarded the firm Mr. J. Walker, and like the previous two, unani- as announced in our last,; sweari ng senlences, " that the peop le: geance. It is the acknowledged right of society, The Circulation of the Northe rn Star union and cordial is found to be uf such serious inconvenience to the could never car ry their object and nn absolute precept mously agreed to—it was " That Mr. Clarkson , by ph ysical lorce. " of the law of England, that attachment now subsisting between the people and mercantile and trading interests of ihis port , that the The Whig t en-pound gentlemen in the room ' must nothing shall involve the liberty of the subject but Is nearly Two Thousand a-week greater solicitor, of Bradford , be appointed treasurer to tie Chamber of Commerce have resolved to present a certainly have blushed ' the evid ence of his their leaders, in all parts of this country and of Scot- National Rent, and the money collected for the for tin s advocate of theirs for misconduct ; and this evidence jh«n ttiat of memi -irial to the Postmaste r General on the sub- moral power for a maniac morel ravin g we never it is tht- first duty of a magistrate to have any ottier Provincial Paper land. Their unanimity of support of the West Riding " William ^ distinctly sentiment—their single- delegates. ject. witnes sed, but yet he is cypable of exercisin g the and clearly ascertained before he is authorised to in the Three Kingdoms. ness of Rider having vacated the office of secretary , in elective franchise and an intelli deprive an individual, purpose—their onent-ss of design, struct Choral Society's Concert. —The first concert of gen t ten-pounder. however humble, ot that most consequence of other engagements, Joseph Jones, However , aittr the lnpse of some time invaluable of all blessings—his terror to the hearts of the enemy ; th.? Hull Ch oral Socie ty took place oa Wednesday , the swearer personal freedom. and in proportion resident in Rider-street Burmantofts was appointed turned gru mbler, the lion became a bruin It is not alone sufficient , , week , at the Theatre Royal. The audien ce was , which that a charge be preferred to the intensity of their anxiety and fear, because of to the office for the ensuing three months, and per- he continued during the evening. Mr. J. Brook, iu writing to warrant the incarceration of a fellow- TODMORDEN RIOTS.—CHOAEJSTG OF numerous , and the boxes and pit presented a bril- next addressed the subject ; thpre that union , was the joy with which they hai led the sons desiring information , &c, must direct to him. lian t appearance. The evening s entertainmen t was assembl y and had n»H proceeded must be " proof en oath of some Inquest.—On Wednesday evening an far when another interruption was caused. Strange oflence." The law mnst be proved to have been THE "WHIG FROGS. trifling misunderstanding between two good men last, in- ol the most animatin g de scri ption. , quest was held at the Workhouse, on view of the to say by as cond Whi g beerseller, of the name of outraged, or it has no powpr to punish. This is an The Whi " whose influence might be regarded as'almost Fire .—On Saturda y last a fire , whicli might have Schurrah , who declared he had been benefitted undis|iutable axiom. There must be evidence^ gs—even the "Whigs, are at last oegin- co-ex- body of a child named Charles Henry Scott, aged 1 b y oa tensive. Their gaspiDg hopes seized about six weeks. The mother of the a young been of serious cons.qucnct , w'as discovere d in the the Reform Bill ; perhaps he may, it has made him oath, of offence, or there can be neither warrant nor aing iiEwslliugly to lift their sleepy eye-lids, and to eagerly on this as child , prem ises of a person named Wri ght , abonnet-muker a ten-pounder and thereby acknowled commitment ; and the most essential obli the beginning woman , named Eliza Scott, stated that on Monday ged that he is gation 6F ^>erct':v« tbat the patience and forbearance of the of a fracas amongst the leaders, which residing in (ieorge Yard : smoke was seen to iksuc a very sensible man by being a voter, a really wontler- the magistrate and the very natare and essence ofhu evening she went to bed with the child , and fell people cannot he much logger practised on. In would end in a division among the rants, and a in consider able quan tities from the bonnet store , at lul discovery never made before ; when the second ofiice is to discriminate between accident and design asleep while the child was at the breast. At about th e top of the. building. The prom pt assistance ot a Whi breaking up of the halanx g Storm had partly subsided , Mr. Squire Farrer, —equity and revenge ; but the principles of justice, reference to the unfortunate disturbances at Tod- p whose front they half-past five o'clock the next morning she awoke number of Mr. Hutcliinsp ri s men w»s obt ained, and M r. Christopher Wilkinson under the cloak of law, are now pfcrmitted feared to , presented them- to b« morden. tbe Manchester Guardia n says— " "We contemplate. Good men, knowirg the and" iound the child cold. She called up the nurse, who by cautiousl y removing the tilt- s, mid pouring in selws ou the husti ngs as opponents. Mr. Bii^sey subverted, and the provisions of the. Constitution frailty and the child on examination was bucke ts of water , succeeded in arre sting the pro * then commenced the are made of none ielifcve very few people are aware of the degree-of of human weakness, and the liability of men to found to be dead. ar gtiiug of the subject , in the efiect. This despotic, tsruel, aad forget princi The jury returned a verdict of "Found dead in bed." re ss of the devouring element. But little damage , course ol winch he said i-hat the first position tint unlawfu l imprisonment and treatment Of Dews de- organization which for mischievous and illegal ple, when personal influence or power we unders tan d, w as done. the peop le had a legal , pur- Caution to Cart Drivers. — On Wednesda y ri ght to possess themselves ot mands the attention and support of every feeling ;j>03es has been was at stake, trembled with apprehension AcqtDENT. —On Tuesday mornin g, arms , was conceded by th eir opponents , t Englishman to obtain redress tor the injuries whicn , introduced amongst the working , and all last , a lad named Thos. Thornborou gh , was br ought about half- and heu past one o' clock a young man named wen t on to show the justness and policy of the have been so unjustly inflicted upon him. For .classes of Todmorden, and which most be effectuall y regarded the issue nf this contest as big with import- before the magistrates , charged with having driven , Thomas Davis, belonging to the Can ton steam- packet , ol Radi cal leaders , in so advisin g the peop le. H e was mark, the blow was intended to destroy his charac- ant resnlts. The issue is his car t at a furious rate, so as to run over a woman irokrD up, before anything like good order or tran- what we expected—what Glasgow, fi ll in to the Humber dock , and was rio t replied lo by Mr. Farr ar , alt er which Mr. B. again ter, by dragging him to prison ; and Ought not his can be to we must have who was crossin g the street near Boar Lane. The d eteuded Ins ^uiii:tv restored that • unhappy Valley ' expected—from men whosesoul* were found till three o' clock in the aft ernoon . An inquest po.-iti on and was combatied by Mr. character (no matter how humblej tO l)e equallj , woman was severel y hurt and has since been und er Wilkinson , alter which p rotected with that ¦or the authority bound up in the prosperity of the was held on the body on Thursda y, and a verdict of Mr. Bussey again replied. of the monarch on the throiie r and due administration of the law good cause. medical trea tment . The lad stated in his defence " Accidentall y drowned " was returned. A discus sion then ensued between Mr. B. Deuison for as our great bard expressesit— ¦can be enforced." This acknowled Without any compromise of honour or of that on account of the great number of customers and Mr. Bus»ey. Before theconclosion of thwmeet- gment, from such Huu Tesiperaxce Society.—On " Who atealrt my purse , steals trash; 'ti» somethin g, principle on either side but he had to supply wi th milk , he was obli ged to drive M onday even - ing Mr. Clarkson r ead seventl extracts irom tie nothing ; ,a quarter, is worth something. It proves that the , with honest ing one of the most deligh tful Temperance festivals _ at a pre tty quick rate , and that he did not see the hi ghest legal aut horities to prove the legality of 'Twa ^ nnne, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands ; and manly frankness, mutual explanations which it was ever our lotto witness), took place in the aHanfeerless exhortations to union, given by the woman unti l after the cart had gone over the bar . physi cal force. But he that filches ironi me my g«od name , being Freemasons ' Lod ge, M ytpn Gate. The party was a Kobs nie nf tha t which not friends of jbe peop and seco ed b given and received, showed that each was H« was fined in the miti HUDDERSFIELD . enr iche* him, le, nd y the snfferir.es gated penalt y of 5s. 6d. and priv ate one, n ot connected with the Temperance But makes me poor indeed. apprehensive onl y for the general 7s. costs. Ingh am 's Bankru ptcy.—We have " tand the indignities which they are made -to bear, good—fearful only Society, dt-si gned to celebrate the re-opetiiiig of the received a The administration of justice is indeed that the le communicati on, figned ./. Billin gton, stalin g that , , the first 3jave not been thrown away opon them. They have peop might be sacrificed—that their Appointment.—On Friday, November 23rd , l emperatice Ho.tel. 1 he repast provided by Mr. pillar of the state, a* it is the firm bond which and Mrs. W ard was several creditors of the late firm of 7««Aa/w , Daukers , links warmth was the honesty of zeal which each loved George Pyemont Smith, M.D., of this town, was plentitul and excellen t, and the peasant with the prince, and connects and •addressed themselves to the work of demanding, and appeared to give entire . satisfaction. Alter tea the Huddersfi eld, would be glad to I earn from the Com- in his opponent ; and thus out admitted a member of ibe Royal College of Surgeons, mUsioner s und er the bankru pt cy of the preserves all orders and degrees in the vast body of defending their rights in good earnest ; and though of tha t which our Rev. William Hill was called to the chair, and coii- said firm , civil society. If we trace the evils which have ruined enemies hailed as in London. gratulated the coinpaii y, in a short when a final dividend may be expected. BDnreen introduced am eng the Thursday evtning. cluded by the assembly unitiug to sing Praise (>od Minut e Book shall be resci n ed , unles s a week's has been laughed at and insulted by " men. of discretion is increased also b the from whom all .lilt-Wings flow," and Tew. notice ot the motion for rescinding be TrorkvBg classes, no: for " mischievous and illegal y proofs they have Sermons.— On Sunday last " Sign given by character," of pretended " pious character,' of , two sermons were total." Mr. Hill then left the chair, and Mr. Smith the person intending to move such motion." Thi liberal education , ¦jtsr poses," bet for the obtaining afforded of a readiness to sacrifice all per sonal con- preached in the Primitive Methodist Chapel , Ski * " and devout deportment," whose of right and pton , took it at his request. A Temperance ball, the first led to some discussion—and some little altercation object it should be to relieve Or to li of siderations in their zeal for universal by Mr. G. Lumb of Halifax, afte r which during ghten the :^ie ppe-rention wrong, is not to be " effectually good. This is , £7 were held in Hull, then commenced, and dancing con- which, Mr. Wm. Brook tthe assumed chair- burthens of human affliction—to teach the lesson of lorious collected towards liquidating the debt remaining tinued , with short intervals, man ,) said, Gen tletnen, we have a law "broken sp," otherwise than by that fall measure of a g termination of the dispDte , and will do till near twelve o clock, to put into lorgiveness and peace, and enforce the same by their upon the Chapel. when the Chairman stated that the festivities of the operation ; we have been a laughing stock to the precepts and example ; butj alas ! justice is neg . right, in the deprivation of which it ori more to hel p forw ard the cause of Universal Suffr age lected ginated. In Anti-Radical Lectures. evening must conclude. He was most happy to country at large, by our vacilating conduct in re- and refused—power is abused, and philanthropy is than all the meetin gs —A Dr. Sleigh , ' tarding the • that ringlcDess of purpose and perfect confidence in which hav e been held for many who, from printed testimonials be with themj and to have beheld the pleasure- and operations of this law ; and I have been mocked by these haughty tyrants. Surely there is that we have seen, delight which had blamed for conniving at this factious *ach odicr, which calls forth a whole district montha . seems to have attracted some appeared to animate every conduct of the not oue who reads the little history of poor Dews' simul- notice in America as bosom : he was a friend to a \\ kinds of innocent opposition ; but 1 am determined to be blamed no w an advocate of revelation ajt ainst infidelity , has ad- rongs, but must participate in the indignant taneously to resist outrage , or indi gnity, we hail the enjoyment, and should be ipost happy to meet more. If yon dp not proceed to put this law into feelings of every true triend to justice . We hope vertised in our present paper certain lectures in them soon on a force, we will,in spite "bright , star of Union—a Uni on which prud entl TO THE similar occasion. The party then of you. It must and shall be that you, fellow-citizens, will join with us in putting , y PUBLIC. whic'j we suppose he is to prove that Radicalism is separated. enforced. Mr. Midgely.—When did we -mana ged " oppose the an end to these violations of right and decency ; , and ri ghtl y direc ted, is irresistible for the source of all mischief. We perceive the Conser- NEWCASTLE. law ? Point out a single instance, Sir ? Mr Brook. and in eudeavouring On Sattjkday , the 8th of December every to obtain a speedy redress tor yocd. Let us. implore the people however ' not to , vative Operatives are to be admitted free, but Why this motion is intended to retard the operation the wrongs sustained by this poor man, in this , , BIRMINGHAM Purchaser Cotton Spinneks.—Petty Tyranny of any rule or order coming from the irasre their sacred energ ies in useless of the Northern Radicals who choose to have their darkness enlight- Commissioners infamous transaction ; for remember,- that if we are and -unavailin g Star will receive ened are to pay one shilling each. There was a meeting held in the New Lecture which requires our immediate attention ; if that renolved to oppose tyrannical -rio a splendid Portrait of the The lectures laws, how much mor» ts. These thin gs are ever laid hold of by their ' were, we believe, attempted in toe rarly patt of this Room, in this town , on Tuesday evfening, Mr. order should be at variance with any twevious reBo- imperatively wit our duty to resist tyranny whicb Richard Ay re in the chair lution come to by this Board, enemies , sb a pre text for gr asping yet more ti htl BEV. J. E. week , but failed. The tirsi lecture is to be delivered , to consider the steps inasmr.ca as the ha» not even the guise of law !; g y, STEPHENS. necessary to be taken by the. working men same could not be considered until a week's notice xhe reins of On Sattjedat the 15th in the Music Hall, on Tuesday night. , in con- In conclusion, fellow citizens, remember that the tyranny. Thus we learn from the , , the LANCASH IRE sequence of a Mr. Gookson , a glass manufacturer in had been given, if this resolution be passed and be' case of i)ews is your own case, for when one of the .Guardiasu, that , in consequence of this affair Pnrchasers will receive a Portrait of Fire.—A fire brok e nut in Mr. Prigfjs's flax mil ,. Newcastle, having discharged Mr. W. Thomason acted upon, I have no objection to put this resolu- community is crushed the whole are crushed, and to , T , tion, if all rules or orders coming .Todmordra is filled with militarv. in W ater-lane, on Monday night, bnt by great ex- one of his workmen , on account of his (Thomason) , from the Coinmis» obtain that, which every individual ought to have— ertions **¦£? ;rot *nder oefcre the engines arrived. being a member of the Political sioners, requiring our immediate attentioa be ex- JUSTICE—we now appeal to you—the object of L BEONTEBEE O'BBIEN. ESQ. Union, and having cepted. Upon the Th*> wretched Whig hack labours with most Fortunately M r. Briggs was insured in the Cale- HkpuHse ooUectM a small sum among Chairman refusin g to put the your Societies beiiig humanity and benevolence, to per- The YORKSHIRE Purcnaaer* *e e 22nd th* the hands em- tnotiou vit£on * anch ad di tion. Mr. Midgmv -tinadou8, but impotent mali ^ donian Fire Office. ployed n Mr. Cookson a ?rork ,. u aio ot mc oittc con- assist us vith your mite in bringing thes»». lawlesi gnity, to implicate SCOTCH & NEWCASTLE on the 29th ; and sented to it n tiiat da&pe. '1 he Chairm an ociiig ftutno nnca <>ctoro a Jur y oi '. tcxr Fatal Accident. and children of the Glasgow Cotton S inners. The countr y, or wi \Mr. Fieldek in the fell vengeance which this act the BIRMINGHAM ATH — On Tuesday evening, an p about to put this motion,"M r. James Brook saio, out your aid this cannot be accomplisVea. , B , BRISTOL, inquest was taken at the Court House befure Mr. meeting, which was but a few hours announced was Mr. Chairman -of folly, on. the part of a few individaals , , yon have olten told this Board to try Let us implore you;ai» you value your independence , will NOTTINGHAM, & LONDON, on January Blackburn , on view of the body of Hannah Maria one of the largest that has been held in the same this law, and if any part of it prove* to be sioubuess draw bad, you aud just rightSt and those of your fellow-menj a« yoa down upon as many victims as can the 5th. Smith, aged seventeen years, who on the 13th u]t. building since it was opened : the .-.robin contains would join us in a petition to Government to have regard the growing power and oppressiveneM of the same altered %e pounced on. Mr. Fieldeu was from home at The Subscribers at CARLISLE will receive a sustained such serious usuries by heing burned , that above one thousand persons, and was crowded to and amended. Now, Sir, do not mammon with apprehension and terror5 but above she was removed to the infirmary, and there ex suffocation, many being obliged to stand in the you think that it is degrading to ns, as Guardian s, all , as you wish to promote the happine&s and security -She time-Hrhen tie distu rbances happened t Portrait of pired. ; and he Verdict , " accident*, dehth." street. A number of spirited resolutions were put being the representatives of 100,000 inhabitants, of yourselves and the rising generatioiij do not -*one«t "Whig Editor insinuates when we , that he went-from Assault. and carried unanimously, condemnatory of such un- come to a resolution upon a certain sub- hesitate on this occasion, but come promptly forward Lome purposel T. ATTW00D, ESQ., M. P. — On Saturday, James Broadbent, of ject in accord ance with the views of the rate-payers, y that the mob might have their fling Hunslet, was brou principled tyranny, and recommending Universal to obtain redress for injured innocence. Stand np for Birmingham, on the 22nd of December. ght up at the Court House, and send the Commissioners an account of our pro- manfully, and fearlessly for yourselves and your own Ttdtbxnit his being called upon to interfere. charged with having, on the previous evening, Suffrage as the only means of protection for the ceedings ; they the Commissioners send us The distant Agents wonld do well to send their working classes against tyrannical emp , an order class, and show the tyrants and their accomplices Mr. Fielbet? can well afford to laugh at the petty stabbed his father with a knife in the neck and other loy era A back to rescind the aforesaid resolution, as it d oes that when fairly aroused by such acts of outrage, the^ ordeis-as early as possible, it willytheH give us parts of the bod b vote of thanks was proposed to Mr, Thomason for not meet their views. Is it malice, noi: only of the Manchester Guardian y, y which means he sustained proper that the wishes toiling classes can be all powerful, and will haYft , . more time to send the Portraits. serious injuries. The defendant admitted having his conduct, and unaniniously carried ; and a; resolu- of this vast population and the resolutions of the justice to reign triumphant in the land. ' bBt ef the fiction whose cause it represents and tion to compensate him for any pecuniary loss he used vio.eHce to Ms atner, and he was fined £5, Guardians should be set at nought, by men who are We, are, fellow citizens, <5pon*es. * including expenses. might sustain oy the bsf > i his emp loyment. The entire strangers: o us all—men who never resided a TO READERS & CORRESPONDENTS business of- the. meetiDg day amongst us, and never paid a single rate to any (On behalf of the Committee,) - Death by Tire.—On Monday evening, being disposed of, and a vote It is \ scarcely possible to contemplate rany an of thanks given to the chairman the ofthe overseersof the poor of these townships? Da Your, most faithfully and affectionately, inquest was taken at the Court House before Mr. ^ , meeting, whicb drcnms^Bcea-; THB: whole of MRS. Smith , was one of the most orderl you not think that this is a bad feature of the law ? which may now occur, without 's Portr aits have been sent to Blackburn, on view of the body of Jane Burton y that has ueen held in In the bonds of Philanthrophyy Air. Hethenn gton , except the last parce: , wkich m sent , tnis town, broke up. > Aud if yoo do, will you join us in a petition to have finding ai them more or less matter of con- direct to Nottin gham. aged eleven years, who on the Friday previous was that part of it altered ? Chairman.—No, I think JOHN SHARP, Chairman, SratnlafioQ , MB- BKena V" papen were s«il al in the house of her parents, in Marsh-lane, where BRADFORD. this is the best part of the law. I think there ought SAML. HEALEY, Secretary, ¦ for the. i»eoDl>» i b* Ai. aff^i, , nMt-ii irhe-t?v ^hM Botrece ired? the the proper time. we regret ^ m, he must »pplT -at the Post her clothes took fire, and she was so seriously Factory AeT.-r-Mr. Matthew Balme Secretary to he a controuling power somewhere ; and I approve Of whom any necessary information h& , «> far as the destruction of pro- , of the may " injured as to be removed to the infirmary, where she to the Bradford Short Time) Committee, appeared, at office of these Commissioners. He then put Obtained* jerfT 53 concerned, seems to have had a N. M.—Hi* lines want harmony and the resolution as amended, which was most connecti on. expired on Sunday. Verdict " accidental death." the Court House en "Wednesday, the 21st ult^ to adopted. P. S.—Subscriptions will "he, most thankfully ¦salutary effect EFTEcra of Excessive DMNK iKt-U , upon the tools and myrmidons of the naer thto head, in Almanacks. Hannay prefer a complaint against Mr. Joseph Colljnson for Holmfihth.—At a meeting of the Northern received by our Treasurer, Mr. Thomas Tod<^ Wine our Huaaersfiel d newa , last week , km an account of " and Dietrichsen 's , and S "Devil King in poor feUow who a Almanack Union at Holmfirth,oa Wed nesday last, the people pirit Merchant, Daw Green, by whom the Todmorden ; foT the Guardian, after , h.mng been drinkinga t a beer-shop, and , Astronomical Ephemeris, and Book of employing a girl of the name of Ruth Bell, not money will be kept until trial , ¦XteiTOds *x a brewer y, was ta ken General Information rallied round the standard of freedom , an d upwards after which a faithfu l ^-^: r &ij "- rs-ting Mr. Fteidek and the tome, sod died for 1839, "We are positively twelve years old , more than forty-eight hours per report of the subscriptio n! will be magis- ataioBt immedia tely. We have received a letter from the at a loss for words to week. The Overlooker who appeared of fitty members wer«- enrolled. They have hitherto given. Several ±rat», r^s OE w gay :_ becr-sDo p-keeper, alleging express our astonishment at , for Mr. Col- public house .-ecre t orders have alread y done nobljv bnt inuchii 5 »One mischievous resnlt of that the greater portion of the unparalleled admitted that she had worked met at a , but have come to <* resolution ; ¦tias of 1 6 ?00 0 he a atVlicen sed comprehensiveness of the Almanack linson , full time, to rent a room for the holding of their iuture uieHC* still wanted. Tmw. protection has been VJChBLllerS ^ n ^ s*^, and not '^ " ^ *""* > ** just pubHshed b - , we regret to say, at hu house. Tis dear that at all y Messrs. Hannay and Dietrichsen ,^ namely, twelve hours a day, but pleaded that she ings. The Mercury told us, not long ago, it was RICHMOND. afce TeagEanoa eventt the poor wretch teas aacrificed. for the of all the stipendary.officers, and ensuing year. There is scarcely a subject in had been certificated for full time, last September. impossible to form a Radical Union in thac district. sereral of 4e GEOEGE MICKLK-His papers were posted at the same time the usual routine of events to which we Mr. Balrne then stated that «he had ainca that Fatal Accident from Fire. —^Od. Thursday Gw&ui. of &e Tj^n . mi jmaSag »tW for Pn rton , nnta we do not find W order * to the contrary. reference in this book of 100 ..pages, at the insignifi- period , been reduced to short time, by order of the DEWSBURY. the 22nd ult., an inquest was taken at the King -imttiejnpst active and strenDOUS , Sinea then they have been sent in accordance with the exertioQ rf the instructions received. cant cost of 6d. j a sum which positively can little Inspector, in consequence of her not being thirteen Baron Swindle-Bank; of Rob * em Castle William Inn , in Brompton-upon-Swale, near Rich- Gorernment and the local , authorities can prevent DlBAS KaU>.—Next week. more than cover the price of the paper* The biogra- jean! old , and that Mr. Collinson had, notwith- and his Poor Law Starvation CrEjv mond, before William Dinsdale, Esq. coroner, on the Ibe entire breaking up of ft e " phical and chronological tables stap ling, employed the child body of Dorothy, wife of George Berry, a labourer board, which, though WOBKING MEN 8 ASSOCIATI ON, vTeSTBDRY Their are exceeding ly full time, contrary to Defeated.— The following is a copy of a letter 1 arirtrem next week, if possible. interesting, particularly those for 1 law as well ad tp 'the : prdc nltimately aefeattiie introdaceon the present vear. , and resolution , \vluc.h has been sent from a special of the The Address the Female The tides, eclipses , &c, are dul Collinson Was consequently eon vic-teditrrhe miti ated lowing circurnstaneeiJ. . On the Monday preceding, la^, woaia be proaaeHve of m&nj or Radi cals of Nottin g- y noticed , and the g meeting of the Dewsbyry Select Vestry, to tbe serious ineon- ham next week. progress of Encke's comet during the remainder of penalty of one ';p''6d,iid and, costs, the comulinnant not Board of Guardians :— ahe was eittiqg near the fire, and is supposed to have Trcniences at the ijewBhury present moment." So far then Doscasteb. —Storer sai . Stainton 'a papers were sent as the bresent year, and GamnartVin 1839, are traced pressing fi»r a¦ hed?v1fer penalty. Mr. $al!ne not, fallen asleep, and her clothes haying caught fire, she usual on th« 17th nit. i* To the Chairman and- Guardians of the ike tffect is good. Let but the peoplepreserve . They must apply %i the Post by diagrams of the heavens. We have the list of as the Bradford Qbserver states, '' the.inspector's • was so much burnt, before assistance could be;.hail *n- Office. ; Dewsbury Union Assembled. that she died on the > -brckea, that indemitable spirit of the royal households - the House of Lords giving ap.ent ," but the . representative of tixe Short Time Tuesday morning following.-^ resistance to IIS- GAUKE TT'S letter came on Monday mornin g, «* which , the titles ' ¦ GentI/'EMEN —In consequence of the overseer Verdict Accidental death, v time we had not one copy of the Star- left. The-s& me of the Peers, the family name, the motto of Committee. \ . j " " ' Trroca; that virtuous determination to Bustain ¦ letter from ¦ each answer will apply t0 several other agent *. , the. Peers, and dates of creation ; the House of Cruiich Rate' MraTiNG.~On> of Dewsbury having received a your ' ' ' ' ¦ ' Commons Frida> last, the him to pay over to the ;. ; :. .. / SELBY. . : ; '; other in -srhatever struggle may be necessary, which Glas gow Cottoh Spinkers — The letter on this snbjee t if* given twice, fi r»talph>fb^icaliy,>ecbhd!y rate-payers oi this parish were called'xilon ag^in' ..to. cletkYauthorising and directing ¦was received arranged b Wes't.Ridlng Union Banking Company, as your • Radical Assocr' -&ey tave here manifested ; let that spirit be, as we too late. It sha ll appear next week. y the places the rhemriers Tepreserit: the deci. e this qoestion^ in' ''tbe'.v«iiarr^;i(if, <-:.iib^.' ^aritih" AfiON.--On Friday last, s The Rep ort of the Diitkeb at Manches ter, in memory of whele of the army list,; giving the Officers 1 names rhurch. iThe vicar ua»«alled to the ickajr. iAbou t treswurer, £152 4s. he deemed it hetessary to call a number of the good and true Radicals of Selby met *»ve no aotjVt it will be, -nniVersaHy exhibited 1" 4th "«? November is rat her stale for pnbU- aiptabeticHll -were and I am at the house ^ caifam now y arranged, (a doideranim long.wanted) 600 pereond present;- Miir;Byfe^ 'the. Editor rheeting of the Select Vesrry, , by that of Mr*Ti B; Smith, for the pnrpoje of ' fiiioogl. thewnole country, and let its manifestation 1 dates of Commission and-th' o! the Bradford Observer^ qoestioued 'the legality meeting, ¦ authorised and directed" to inform you , forniing a Radical: % MB. OLDHAM 's T J^J , e ]apppfii thie.n't " Atisociation. Mr; J. Carter, s • ' reserved for put forA papers were sent last Saturda y. the Officer holds ; the navy list of the notice. Tliis was over-rbled, ahdia rate of that the following resolution is their determination. workiBg map, ealled --jJ^briselT defence—not in '5 i* given in like wu to the chair, and at bis it inWl ^r 1 ^ P0*1*5 °n ™aay morning ; he manner ; the banker», provincial and three-hal'pence in lhe pound was proposed, and an Moved by Mr. Edward ClarksoH and seconded by request, IVifi Sinith gaye '••vfi^reBratin—and the factions shall soon find im- 7 at* ^e Post Om We 4 metropolitan • , a short but clear statement S leX? * "- P" devenpenwlor the corporat ion digni tie* ; ambassador s ameudtnenf that tti« meetinji do adjiiurii for twelve Mr. Matthew Healey —That it is the opinion of ot hi« princi " "" ^i fiAaahU * Fnfnrna rt-r . ; . ^ . >> ___ 1 1 and consuls ; , ples as a reformer, after which he sub- .«J »aw "" t/>"~ " ——w*»^^ \sj. ¦r^miinj ^.' I) n| y-^ i£il AeLWS iriOnthtt. The amendment was carried by a large ^ , V U\ uni versities ; the list of fairs tnroug hout the kingdom the Dewsbur y Select Vestry , tbat the ; Board of mitted a number of resolutions for the formation ani &T is by far the best majority. . Z^^m8&$o?? ^ t »». outrage d. The " organiza - ever printed ; and in short , as we Guardians for the Dewsbury Union , hare no ftlairn fiovernment of the asaociation. An excellent^ feeling have before ob FooT Race.—On Saturday last has been served , informatio n upon every possi - i , two persons on the overseer for any money, so long as the old was mauifested, and the cbncluding' ^0p £tG&*h\ch. intr oduced amon g the workin g nained VVaison an- Brear, met ou Manriiugham meeting after ^ v ^ ^ s%r ^ M his ble topic is afforded to the public in this most useful law is the only law ih force; and they , bein g dul y its businegs adjourned to ¦\Yednesday evening lastj s^tfi ife s," i» tie death-warra nt of factions domina- hlet. Messrs. H anna y Lane, to decide a wager of 45, by riiuniuir one " J pamp and Dierric hsen have il-. which they did, appointed by a public meeiing or the rate payers o when they were to meet to choose the committee) rule. It has cer tainl y pu t all competition out mj Watson beating his op- claim to administer '¦ " ' ¦ ' SWJ&m and: party been solemnly pre - of the field , for we the townshi p for one year , aud; for y.other business, . .. - .. - . . . • . , commnnications ; many of whiA we tare not even ppir ent by about «ixty yards. . dul to resul. W >hould say , it w.mld be imuossibl e for any the law until ' 'the expiration of the term lor which -}~l pared—is l>eiDg continually y signed—an a shall other firm Gratitude.—We are informed that the magia* to pr oduce a similar competition at five Reduction of Wages.— We have b«en informed they were elected. u y executed, in the obliteration J. "WALTON. —Hi s letter and conten ts were duly received. finies the trates he speed ilj f ll , not cost." — Weekly CAr omc/e, Oct. 28. that Messrs. Turner and Mitchell We reduced the of Selby aided in introducing the Devil's La* THE SELBT NEWS LETTER came too late this week. -^—- Publish ed w ases of their uowerrloom Yours, Gentlemen, into that ave «nly of the infern al Poor Law, hut of every other by the Proprietors , and sold at thei r war ehouse weaver* tivr.ee halt-pence town, and that the commissioners h THE SrpiDAT SCHOOL NOTICE at Staljbridge wag too late , 63. per piece, ou six qiiurter a, With all due respect, shall for insertion. Oxford street , London ; and hy x\\ Bonkselle rH gonds: Tlii« is gently evinced their gratitude by ordering that coal* Ja w by which die labour of the poor is confiscated and twiiitiTig of tliH screw , wbeii the paltry sum nmnea John Will.an-, Chairman no longer be allowed to their worships out of the - THE Address of the Rotherham Workin g Men's Associa- Stationers in the kingdom. Sold in Leeds by inust fir tii* benefit of the rich, . tion is ia type, bat «a&void»blj be takeu from the weaver on this quality ol Dewsbury, November,27th , rates if they want the comforts of a fire thej are to excluded tfll next week. Heaton , Briggate. goods. ; , 1838. provide the needful. ¦ y -3>acgifBg& 1, im . THE NOR THERN STAit ' -- ^M . ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ^ ¦ " *•¦ ¦'.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^E ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ n^^K ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ P ^^^ ' - . " ' ^ . . " M^K mm 1 ¦ t a m mm mmmtma Ml ja 1M|r wti ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " " " r " ' ¦¦¦ ¦¦ ^ ^f m f111MM l ' ' ¦ - . -" . - "" - SLAXXFAXi v.' AAim-Mim-MALTHUSiANisM.ALTHnsixNisM. —On Tuesday lastlast,, atat iriri gnriMmw - •- - - - ' ' . ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ T ^ * ' '' L — " ' —— ^ —^ "*» 1 "—¦»—¦m— »i —¦^ ¦¦m »nn ^—m^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦¦ ¦». n - • - ACcaiwaToir. labourer s family either Huhusom JRoad D4APBL.—A splfinaid new Gawber, near Bwnrfey, tbe wife of a poor weaver upon individuals or the coun- Wuhont the Suffrage , you have been the toiling »lavej of Radical Association.—We learn with try, as long as the source pver-gfoHm and all-devouring organ waa openedin tbi Creation, *nd a few other choice pieces in the whole thirty children. He is uow forty-nine PRESTON. would afford no protection to the shop- the oiher , more recentl y, has re- Association was held on Mondav, the 2ftb keepers as sponded to fopr prayers-b y blud geoning the men ol London , ^N ovember from. Mozarl, Mendelssohn, Attwood, &c The years of age. , long as tne mutual distrust existing trans portin g , to tate into consideration BdepsrS; Mtjrde* op amongst them the Dorchester Labunrers and tlie Glasenw Cut- aud Fraser priacipalvocal performers were Mrs. Sunderland Dodworth—Public Meeting.- On Tuesday, Michael Doxaghue We- afforded such au easy opening to th? aw rB tee Duncan 's propoxal of a meeting , have dishonest customer ^ .. ^ "" j ' T^ng . , tloody, and brutal " Co- all of de'*gat« J|r. Fr&atis of the Abbey choir "Westminster the 28th nit., a public meeting of the inhabitants of received a lengthy report of the adjourned ; whilst at the same time it was ercion Bill for unhap py Ireland ; and Wtly, by enacting the ^om th, ^Universal Suffrage , , , Mrs. inquest well known inramousPoor Law A^ciatS ia JJooeock Mr. Ssygden Mr. Hartley, Dodworth took place at the house of Mr. Joseph in tbi < case, for which we sincerely thank that the intended Court would neither Amendme nt Act, I hew are s-me of th« .Gotland on thei subj^t of moral , , Mr. Dawtry, the hasten nor retard fruiM of bein g governe d by part y-and reS AMS and phyiicaliforce. and Mr. J. "Womersley, On Wednesday Hoyland3.-to establish a Branch of tbe Northern gentleman to whose coortpsy we are indebted , the payments of the honest man ; f«,r party purposes. evening, but our whereas, on the other hand Let us resolve that part y shall no longer rule, but that all M HvT^ ' / v °ciation, Mr:HQBEkT Handel's - oratorio of the Messiah Union. The- following persons from Barnsley at- Bpace compels us merely to say that James , the honest man would men anan oe equal Deiore the hM , M'MiLLan, after briefl^ y mating was performed Lackey consider iu condition to be one of and em«y iha We«\na» of the obiect of the , with.Terr good «5ect. tended:—Mr. Joseph Crabtree, Mr. Isaac lABxer^ and Ws -wife have been apprehended—that slavery, in aa far good government. . What do we expect from reform niming, callvd upoh the as he would , always, when'in debt, ? A Secretary to read FVaser Mr. Jamwi Hardcastle, and Mr. Ptter Hoey. On several witnesses were examined , showing that the perceive the un- diminution of the hours of labour—an angiiiePtatioho f our and Duacan a letter which - SsBxtFp's Cottbt.—F. Mande, E»q., due power of the shopkeeper over his wages—and , consequently, the means ot , being d0Iie, called forth the she- the motion of Mr. Charles Mr. WiUiam deceased had been beaten by them and furniture, hi- securuii a laraer expressions from - jiff's assessor, held Ms conrt in the Nonh Broadbent, others, and person, his wages, aud the comfort of Ms fJiiv. share of the substant ial enjoyments of life, and increased the me ting anything but favour- gate Hotel Uail was unanimousl kis ^eath followed in consequence of the able to the in-thia town, on Thursday last y called to the chair. Tbe . *? wounds because he could be commanded to stop so much oi happinHss and comfort in our homes. Without thus * thinga sentiments contained in tbe letter , for the trial of meeting was addre&sed inflicted. . He was savagely kicked b his wage retor m would not be worrti havin g,—to gain th«m , where is Mr. j , causes pitder £30. - - - ' bj Messrs. Crabtree, Hoey, y Lackey after every week, without consulting the cir- b. Cbawfobd made a few observation* and others The returned a cumstances .of ^ the man or woman who would not make the greatest sacri 011 the ; after which the following resolutions w tJ^ i ****' JUI7 verd.ct of— accident, disease, or misfortune. ftc '8? 1 he time for meetitigs impropr iety of holding the meeting:it present. AccAemt.-As Mr.BraTj of this town,-was return, were unanimousl Wilful murder againsl James This power is , speeches, and resoluti ons has He y carried. Moved by Mr. George Lackey, Julia an indirect plan of arresting th« gone by, and the time for determined and perseverin g action could not see the necessity of it^.'ru.n;ril after the ing in a gig from Todmorden, on Thursday Lackey, Michael C arrived. Let week, it Feara, and seconded by Mr. Charles Broadhead, Lackey, Patrick Lackey, and - °ar a4 tbis Power is placea ha? evei;y man who yalues his lite, hi» liberty, N ational Petition is presenttd to Parliameht aad" ttss thrown over low fefice near the other persons m^i the\ hands a off creditorsi- and hu countr y 's welfare , rall y round the standard , * road ride, into that we form ourselves into a Branch of the Northern at present unknown." [who are electors and fudges of constt- rejected. He therefore proposed that the inea^ng a field at HorsfalL Mr. B. was much bruised and Union of their own case, as well as witnesses tutional freedom , and never forsake it until he achieves his be protested , for the purpose of carrying into effect tbe OLDHdffi. cause. That in their own object. _ Help us, then , to' arrange t he v ar ied interests of against. the gig broken, but no other injury was sustained. National it shopkeepers are so weak as to risk society in Buch a M r. J. Petition and the People's Charter, and Fi*b their goods m the: manner as to cause peace and nlentv to Mll/liEB, in a speech of considerable that we call at a Cotton Mill.—About a quarter hands of their customers pro- aoounu in the lard. To accomplish thu ngtb ln Board or Guakdiaks.—There was no Ex- ourselves the Dodworth Northern to seven miscuously, they ought , t ho National Con- the courp« of which he read txa-*ft8 frora attended Union. o'clock on Friday evening, flames were in reason to abide by their Tentiun—composed of the most intelli gent and trust-wo rth y Messrs.' Officm the weekly meeting of this Board, 2. Moved by|Mr. John /Worthington, and observed yentu re, be. cau-e the hazard men in the king dom—chosen b Fraser and Duncan 's speethes^ac thfe Palace Friday week seconded b to be breaking out of the engine-house of was Voluntary, ltis not y the free voice of the people , Y ard •n , and only botch of the elected y Mr. Edward Mashuya, that a Com- Church tairthat a iractaoiiof any will assfiiiible in London during the sit ing of Piirliameiit , to meeting,.to prove that they had no ri ht. now Lane Cotton Mill , Oldham , the property commuuity should be silted watch to ^ Guardians. £. /WainhouBe, Es«., &e ¦riee-chair- mittee be appointed to conduct the bosiness of the of with power over all the honest members over your interests, and to direct you , to t he best of denounce ar* appeal to physfcal force, if cece«- John F. Lees, E*q. The machinery being at of society, their jud gmnnt , how to get Universal Suffra ge. Support these sary, jfian , presided, and the clerk read over the minnte-s Union, and also persons appointed ro collect the wor because that fraction has foolishly for they then , by their approval of the conduct k at the time, the hands immediately exerted truslei iiome men aa treel y as you have chosen them. ot the tf the preceding meeting, and likewise nine notices National Bent for the support of the people's dele- rogues. It wnot'jnst to call upon any legislature ' "Now 's the day ami now ' English Radicals in general, and Mr. O'Coa- themselves to suppress the fire ; and , with the aid oF to * the hour " nor in rf marriage. It was stated that there are one gates in Xondon, whose duty it is to watch the pro- make voluntary speculations, legally-profitable. Nor To gain your freedom—let vrny man exert himself , as i( particular, shewed that they were actuated the fire-engines of Messrs. Barker and Tay lor the will success depehdpd hundred and ons inmates in the workhouse -riz gress of the National Petition, and the People's * , it be honest to charge the ready money dealer a .upoh his own exertions. by the Mame .gen. timents, and that the opinions of , :— r flames were quickly subdued and very little per centage ou relail The Committee have agreed that ench person shall pay thirty-five men forty-four women Charter. , damage goodson accountof an estimatAii Mr. btepheos and Mr. O'Connor were the ,, , and twenty-two don«, except to the engine-house. loss when that loss sixpence; (and as much rflbr p as he is willihg,) and if unable same children/ A eonTersation took DARLINGTON. becomes actually an estimated to pay if at once , it Will be taken bv instalments. to-day as they were at that time. He would there- . place relative to profit under protection of a t medical relief being allowed to out-door " Scicide.—Ou Thursday last, Captain Wray, of MANCHESTER. rogue-rescrictine enact- Signed on behalf of the StalybriJge Radical Association, ore oppose the inecting bting held on the ground paupers, ment. That when such a direct remed JOHN DEBUAN and a notice giren that the subject should he Cleasby, near Darliugton, commuted xaicide, by y exixtsinthe , Secretary. that no locality had the riKht to dictate to anoth^ • brought Suicide by Hanging.— On Wednesday after- hands _ of alt shopkeepers by refusing to cutting bis throat with a razor. Verdict— trust any "¦ ¦— that the National *' Tena- ¦ ¦ ¦¦ Convention forward at the next meeting. The . — was the only tHbunal excavations noon last, the inmates of a hooBe in Thomas-Btreet suMiicious character, itisnot wise to restrict ^ have* commence ! oa porary insanity." He was 53 years ef ag». , , frighten, that could fairly discuss the matter. which the stately edifice of a FaAuo.^-On Manchester, in which a man named John Cum or harass all honest men. If such is to be the case sew hastile is to be erectedj Monday.last, a woman attempted, then the poor but honest ' AN ADDKESS TO THE INHABITANTS OF Mr. J. King defended the course taken by *nd the poor men are and in many instances succeeded , in iraponiig ou lodged, suspected, from his not having got up, that man must always feel the th* labouring hard to raise a. house for sword of the law to be men ot the north of England , and maintained themselvesto he the tradesmen of Darlington, by asking Tor two or all was not right, wentinto his apartment and o suspended by a thread over THE TOWNSHIP OF the imprisonedin. , f und his iurnitur^. Wh are these LINTHWaITE. right of every man to possess arms. three small articles, and Ihen saying she had given him hanging in a corner of the room in his y remedies so loudly , shirt. wanted at the present time ? Once Fellow Men A fter _a few observations i|;Mr,Mi Sbxiotts Misfortitxe.— On "Friday, .the 53rd them a shilling, and wanted change. She went He was cut down, and a surgeon sent for The of they were not , —The season has arrived , and fr^ CuAE , and , who was thought o|^ system trade and otners", it was unauimousl y rfe plved— nit, as a boy =named "Walker was assisting his father from .shop to shop. of opinion that he had not lon government the hour U Hi gh, when, as men of principle, you *' That it k g been dead. An having chained labour by artifice, then offered will be bound to exert the op inion of this Association j that a meeting on a vessel, in the canal, near Caddy Fields, in this in quest was held on the body on Thursday, when the up^ yourselves to rescue, irom th^ of TODMORDEN. tor sacrifice legion , after legion of workmen The hand* of the unprinci led delegate- on the subject of pby«ical force is boti town, he fell overboard into the water, and though EXTKAOBDIKA R-S above circumstances were stated shopkeeper p and cruel, Jamei? Pnrkin , PROCEEDI NGS.—TH E GAU- ; and the landlord who alone can flourish when labour, the unnecessary and improper at the present time assistance was rendered him as soon as of the House said the deceased source of their trade your late faithtul and zealous servant. You are , as the possible, BBBs axd,Geese at work again.— On Thurs- , came home about , is free, now begins to feel the subject ha.s been taken up, and is from the darkness of the morning, two o'clock in tbe m effects of those -very, aware, that on the 29th of March , 1837 , you likely to be brought ; it being then only day week, the ceremony of swearing-in from one to orning ; he had formerly been causes which have overthrown to a satisfactory arrangement five o eloek, when he was got out he in so many -of our fellow-men. elected him Poor Law Guardian lor your town- by the Birrniogham was quite dead. two hundred special constables took place at Tod- good circumstanees, but was now poor, which Therefore, instead of Union ; and more particularl It is said that he had struck had very much employing quack rymBdies for tbe deep ship ; that as such. Guardian he regularly, during y as it fnitht have against another vessel morden, before an unusually large number of magis- dejected him. The jury returned a ¦ seated ulcers been better taken up, and more Triicb was laying close by; : verdict of lt ; ol our system, the shopkeepers should come the year, attended to, and faithfully discharged , his ably discussed by trates, who had been summoned, by their Todmor- Temporary insanity " The deceased forward the Convention of Delegates ¦ ¦ was and co-operate; with the working men in duty in that capacity ; that in consequence of bis , on thtir mefcting in Effects of Intoxication.—As a person of den brethren, on the occasion. A council of war forty-five years of age, and has left a wife and removing London. That this , the palpable evils of luisgovernment. Englishmen h avipg done s>6, he was put in nomination for that Awociation is further of opinion file name of "Wood , who had been drinking, was attended by Colonel "VYemys, tbe commander-in- three children. that a declaration canuot be brought in on» day lroru comfort to brown office the last year, when oppos ition was raised by Sco.land, either for or a^ainKt returning from this town, on Saturday evening chief of the district, the officers belonging to the physicahorte last, KOCHDALE. bread and potatoes, and they will contract debts to against him, by that party, which is ever opposed , may have a tendency to injure the to his own home at Wheadey, on going throng various regiments stationed in the neighbourhood until, their spirit is broken general cause ; to declare h , Disastrous Fire , ixd Loss of Lite.- About down as well as their to justice, and ready to oppress, that that oppo- in favour, may induce the Shroggs Bottom, lie fell down a steep preci ice and the >rhole bench of magistrates, occupied tbe credit. Tliey appear to be Government, p twe o'clock on Saturday morning, November 24th cishonest in many cases sition- occasioned a poll , at which , your sense or and fumir-h them with a pretext for which is near the road side, and waa found next most part of Friday. Abeut ten o'clock on Friday , in consequence ot th. ir considering suppressing •he extensive and valuable woollen maimlactory ol good food to be feeling was fairly tested ; that the result of that (if- they dare) the meetings of the people, morning, at the bottom, a liie.le- eorpse. night, all the arrangements for the following their natural right, That the court of as being "S day M essrs. Thomas and Benjamin Buiterwortli, late requests and trial was an almost universality of Totes in his iliegal , and to declare against, in a pubb'c Iasgee o? Throwing being complete, the constables were sent round to W.B. and Sons all such court-plasters of lie Whi gs will he only a manner, may Water into the , was discovered to be on tire, which favour ; that, that was a clear, indisputable , and embolden them to treat the moral Street. summoH the specials to be in attendance at half-psst in a few rninnt t temporary alleviation of effects, bin never of causes. i-tforts of the people with —As a man named James Clay, of Pellon es spread wi h such velocity, that the Becnuse tUe turuiture oi the public demonstration of your approbation of his scorn and contempt; and Lane , -was coming np the street seven . o'eloei the foilow-JDj morning. A. p osse ol ¦whole building was one sheet of flame, lu twenty poor will soon be eaten no lon ger deterred b on Monday evening up by the new host of law' m conduct. You are also aware, fellow men, that y a dread of the physical, last, his loot flipped officials, attended by several zealote calling tbem- minutes Irom the first discovery of the lire the en- oths, whosp salaries the behind tbe , when he fell and broke his leg tnxes of the country can no having that mnjority, he was considered by you moral , theV may attack the mas.«s law- selveagentlemen, and accompanied also by the two gines were on tbe upot, but not a gleam 01 hope was longer pay.: The fully and in two places. Some water had been thrown into labourer will be sent to idleness in again your legal Guardian , and desired by you constitutionall y assembled, aod bludge'da noted Halifax ganders, led on , as we understand enierta:ned of preserving any portion ol -ihe property, a prison, or to them as tBe street a. short time previous, which had frozen and , want in a workhouse ; and when con>uihptio]) agai n to prosecute his duties as before ; that be at Calthorpe-street, or sabre them as ther caused the accident. by a certain head constable and a certain Justice all the attention of the firemen wa> placed on pre- , did at Peterloo." . vtiiting, if possible, the devouring element from profit, and credit equally decline, so the shopkeepers again became your willing and obedient servant— Clerk, proceeded , -onder eov« of the darkness, to ' will be the first in the spent his time and Ihe metting- being Sowexbt-Bridge.— A very remarkable circum- spreading to the adjoining proprrty. Althou street. No man except the a^ain money in your service, at unanimous, np further hi*T the homes of several people, who, they had' betn gh basest would be so cinel cussion took lace on stance was witnessed at the above place near this turre powerful engines were puunng streams of water as to purchase open.y the Your request ; that, when in the peaceful discharge p the subject , but heard a , informed, " worked for Fieldens," for this was the mother's bed and the child' report of the town. On Monday morning last a short out of the canal, it seemed to tuke no effect what- s cradle, even bl tlie: most of that duty , he was sing led out, with a few others, National and . Delegate Rent Com- , rime befure crime alleged against them when they were dragged abandoned debtor. Sympathy mittee, which it was daylight, as a waggon loaded with ever upon the sweeping flame, which carried its would BjnustV the (for which , provision will undoubtedly be made,) was highly favourable, tbe money l«gwood out of bed, without being allowed rime to drtss and shopkeeper who made labour homeless being all subscribed was coming along the road, the first horse made " , efleets across the canal, and set a number of large for a speedy as a prey lor the Whigjgvultures. The characters for , and nearly collected ; after a hurried off in handcuffs to be placed in charge of poplar trees on fire, which were growing ' destruction, and he would be bold indeed who which the meeting unanimously called for the sudden fctop, and wonld not proceed. On the in aroeadow brou ht the mother' employed as princi pals in that unexampled act of Star the military. In order to be sure that no females on the opposi e side. The premises which were g s lamentations, and her babes' that the trial of. Mr. O'Connor waggoner approaching to *ee what was the matter ^ cries around his door Whig righteousness need not be named ; suffice it at Birrainghatrl were taken from their beds by mistake, one of the sitL Bte in Oldham Road, on the East banks of the . Manufacturers w ould not might be.read which was done he perceived a man laying across the ^ tolerate our cry for to say, that one is a jobbing attorney, who, but for , > and gave general road, in i number of this rei=peetable body bad been appointed Rochdale Canal, were about tiny yards hi length bread and shelter—would not satisfaction only profound state of sleep ; on waking him , allow the worst men's furniture to hiving been put into a lucrative office under the , regretting that the decision .wa* , to e»q^ire inquisitor general : this worthy is considered to be and thirteen in breadth, one part beiuj; five, and the be torn from their not come to,. the cause, he found that he was" drunk houses, and see the humble bedstead be carted awny new law of robhery, oppression , and murder , would , and that a. cap ital judge in such matters, as be has had full other six stories, besidt-s tbe attic, in height. 11 had The meeting broke up amid expressions hi having got a drop too much, it proved too upwards of 400 hands pmp amongst strangers, who know not of the distress leit probably, in a short time, have been either carried ghlr many for thirty years active experience : his name, we be- loyed ink, which are nil favourable to Mr* O'Connor and the him, xbaxhe was not able to land home with thrown uut ol employ. On the previous behiud. Manufacturers could not have their hands across the Atlantic, or been particularly acquainted ~ Radicals of the lieve, is I?roiwiwood (but we should tWni, from bi^ day, eight dragged England. - - . load. If tbehoreejiad proceeded one step or nine large pipe^ of oil had been emptied into from the mills at any moment, and have with the overseer of the town in which he had a forward, notorious character touching such affairs, that be a that noble feeling of he mighthdve3>een "crushed to p cistern, a pile of eighty sheets of wool had been Englishmen deytroved—the legal settlement; and the other, a person so well ieces. cannot be any relation to any of the leeling of securi ty, which numerous mixed, which, no doubt, were some of tlie materials alone gives safety to pro- known , and generally esteemed, as to need no Sebtotjs. Accident.—A young girl families of perty. The ff lARKlAGES. , called Greenwood, or Eastwood, or any orher which iir.it caught fire. In less than half an hour workingmeii who could afford it would eulogy. As to the less principals in that work it Sophia Barker arid who worked commence exclusive dealing, , , in Mr. Kithol's Woods, in this neighbourhood :) this necessary ap- irom the commencement ol the fire, the North end and establish provision may not be amiss to state the character of one or two On Saturday last, at our parish, mill, Mitrclough Bottoms was cau joint-stock warehouse*. The church, Mr , ght in some part pendage, we understand, did the duties of his offiet- of the mill came down in one mass, and buried in workiugmen who were as samples from which John Byrne, meclian'c to of the ibachineTy, ^ in debt v ould com* forward you may form an idea of tbe , Miss Betty Norfolk¦ ¦ , bo'h on Tuesday afternoon last, and so manfully that not a single female was aj.pre- its ruins the workshop of George Hemming, brnss- on a given day over the of this town. : ' - . .. whole kingdom bulk. One you will find in the list, no stranger in hadibec lpg broken, the bone protruding throngh the hended. On Saturday morning, the trumpets and mnn'der, together with £300 or £400 worth of , and offer up without auy law ex- Same day, at our pat- pence the whole oi the Meltham, who, a short time ago, published himself parish churchy Mr. John skiflk She was taken to the Infirmary in a dreadful bugles sounded tbe. muster-ca.ll terns an d other properry ; and it"is supposed humble furniture they pos- banders, woolcomber ; the soldiers, that a sessed asking at the in the Leeds nt wnpapers a forsworn man to avoid , to Miss Ann Tindale, both tmaaattrd state. It is said that horse and foot young man, a stonemason, who resided in the , same lime what other sacrifice , of this town. ; her- father -was , to tbe number of about 300, assem- was demanded. John Ash being prosecuted for perju ry —that being the " killed in the same mill some time a bled : there neighbourhood , is buried beneath the ruins, as he worth and James Burrows con- On Saturday last, ' go, and that she was a full master of specials aod other —workingmen—said dition pardon allowed him d aft Roundhay church. Mr. Thos. intended has not been heard of since and he was seen , that it was only when Jrade of ; and another a man Kothery, ol Hunslet leaving yestercav, November 30th. officers ; and, thus escorted , the whole body of ma- , there- begun to de , compositor at the liUelligencer about, the last time, just previous to-the lull. cline they had contracted debts, and of natural deformity , (no stigma this, but descrip- Omce, to Miss Richardson Convivial Cltjb. gistrates set out to make an attack upon a cottou An their debts were, , of Kipon. —At the monthlv meeting of old servant, named William Clegg, who contracted because they thought it tive,) well kno*rn in the neighbourhood of Holm- Ol T esday i: s miil, at Lumbutts about a mile and a-half distant lodged on hard to be ivt l ", * N 'at Richmond, by the Rey. R. -this elub, which .was held at the "White Lion Inn, , the premi>e»-, and officiated as porter or doorkeeper deprived by th« robbery of system ot those firth , to be so very tender and flexible in principle Meek, Mr. C. Metcalfe, from Todmorden and near 10 ilankiaholes , comforts they had been always of Newton Picket, near in this town, en Friday evening, the 23rd nit., , , the was lost in the fire : he was seen going to fetch taught to consider as as willingly to do anything in his lin« of business for bedale, to Eliza Frances daughter of -scene of ihe Halifax ' the right o! the honest hard-working.man. , Mr. Bowman, they presented their honorary secretary, Mr. Samuel Gander s exploits. Having something out of a room, but never appeared after- Mr.John cash—right and wrong being equalized, in bis of Richmond. . ' arrived there military piequets were sent out, Millar put the resolutions from the chair, when they Thwaite, with a handsome silver snuff-box, with a , sen- wards. Tbe South end went down with a crash like opinion , by ditfersnee of fee. Now, ftllow men , On Sunday week, at the parish church, Hud- _ " tries posted, guards stationed and from the thunder were rejected by a .great majority. in the of dersheld writable-inscription. --- - .- ' , general , driving witb it R. part of a newly erected ^ur servant being hands such characters, , by the Rev. Mr. Dover, Mr. JamesCilvert, Mackintosh's Lectub^s. This movements it was apparent that a regular Biege warrhouse, four stone* high; one side fell into tlw IVIIDDLEWI CH. in consequence of performing your duty, brush manufacturer, of Leeds, to Sarah , secoad gentleman ; falsely and daug Uter of Tconclrided his sixth lecture in this town, on Mondav: was about to be commenced : all theie necessary canal, and the heat of the bricks nd other materials invidious l y charged of haying committed a serious the late Mr. James Leech, of Hudderi- evenin last on the preparations being completed, tbe specials ana otber set the water boiling for a great distance. In lrgs Radical Demonstration.—On Monday, the 19th crime held, ciirn factor. ' ; g " Electrical Theory of the than one hour , and being under the necessity of defending Universe/' officers in attendance were ordered to enter the mill from the fire being discovered , the ult., the friends of Radical Reform held a public himself On Saturd ay last, at Birstal church. Mr. Georg* It appears -from the conclusions to wiiole of the premises was a total wreck—wall. meeting ac Newton Ban k against such miscreants at a high and dis. Char]e;s« belonging Messrs. Fielden , and sreure every male *, , Middlewich , for the orth, card m-.ker, to Miss J ane which he has come, that all nature is governed machinery , and all was one heap purpose ot taking into consideration the tant court , at great expense,—it is hoped you will v the therein ; (it being then day light and the parties not of red fire. The propriety tM f James ti»t(»r E?q., hy two impulses—* attraction' and ' repulsion;' and , country for many miles ronnd were so alarmed of adopting tbe People's Charter not be found reluctant in contributing according to tlnKn ° 1 both of in bed the services of the inquisitor were of tourse that , and of agreeing ' that they -are the actaating principles which govern , at three o'clock, not less then 20,000 people, of all to the National Petition in favour of Universal Su f- your respective means, to raise a fun d sufficient to u ; iday last dispensed with :) this good service being accom- t °,?rv J * ' at Scarb«rough, by the Rev all bodies, and even ieep the planetary system in age«, were congregated near the spot. The premises rage, &c, k, as the remains of certain worn-out planets morning, ^ ^M.A., vicar, John Steel, tsq , guards, right and left flank guards, and sundry other a man named Charles Hill, advanced in Df-an-row Chapel, the w«ll-kn6wn Reformer, Teeto- Signed for the Linthwaite ^olicuor, to Lydia, fonrtli daughter Trhic-h hare fallen into the sun, and are there be- years, fell down and expired instantaneously, while taller Northern Union , of the lace Mr guards, to the "Whi te Hart Inn, Todmordtn, in , and Aim Co-n Law lecturer, whom t hey met Joseph Lon g, innkeeper, all of Gomersal. coming condensed, and may again be shot forth in following his usual avocation, as a man ol' all work order to be sworn to by the two Halitax Ganders : , M a short distance from Middlewich, and proceeded William Cunningham ., u a d last at the parish church Bquid matter into the infinity of space to be Te- in a dye-house, atMeanwood. near Rochdale. He to the hustings , Chairman " ™2, *2 ' , Otley, by which ceremony was perlormed in manner following : at Newton Bank, whem M r.Wil liam John Lumb, Secretar R.ev- 1 - ^i"s, curate, Mr. Johri Downes, currier niodelled into new systems. The comets he de- was never married ; and all bis mind, for a great Benbow was chosen chairman. Mr. B. y. ofT Sclkipton, ^ r The two swearers, together, walked round the rojm opened the Richd. Iredale Treasurer. to Miss Hu dson, of Otley. •cribes a3 gaseous bodies which are now forming number Years, was bent upon sparing and saving the proceedings in a very able and animated speech, , 0 sb where the victims w ere seated, attem. d by »oine <.f moneys be lived in mm "?!? * - W afcer a tedians conr^ and hereafien are to- become planets and inhabited tbe most abstemious mauner, and was followed by the Rev. Mr. Morris, who spoke Linthwaite, Nov. 27tb 1838. ship, Mr. Abraha* **m^ Hlrst, builderBrOm, the justices: the taller, whose name i* Feather, never indulgiug in any luxury, always laying in at great length , of that place, to tie same as our earth 5 that Their tails regularly the , and read abstracts or' the Charter, 1'- J hU L become less every time they re-appear to us, and pointed out sixteen individuals whom be pretended to mill amongst the pieces, to gave the expense of aud the whole of the Petition, and made, comments ^andmillow^" ° ^ ^~ give every recognise as having been present at tbe pluckin g— paying for lodgings. On opeuing his box, about in vindication of tHe " Five Points of Radical Re- proof that they are becoming more solid eighty sovereigns cautiousl .bodies .as their nucleuses increase or become whoever Jie thus pointed out was ordered to stand , y wrapped up, each one lorm," and gave a clear and comprehensive view of larger. bemK separated by a division of paper ; £10 in half- the state of the Corn Laws, a Dewsbury. The moon is approaching towards the earth, and up. When he had completed the round, his com- nd of the necessity of NATIONAL EENT. PEACE—LAW- A%ftt^5^$ZZti%The children of the bridegroom hav« panion whose name is King, and who had gone the crowns were also lonnd .seenrely wrapped up; cheques revising them ; and was received throughout with ORDER watched narrowly to prevent the planet _ we inhabit is verging towards the , to the amount of -£100 was their union, Tor the last *un round with him was ordered to go and do likewise ; found ; and promissory loud cheer* aud evident marks ol approbation. The . s,x months, but they, and will ultimately meet with the same fate aa every , note>, The Address of the the parties, at laat escaped»pcu and of course he would know the individuals who _ amounting to upwards of £100, were depo- folio wing resolutions were passed unanimously by Keighley Radical Association their vigilance, and got united. other body, and at last come to dissolution, as he sited in the box. Although he never obtained the largest assembl to the Inhab itants of ktighley, j iihgley,Hard were then standing, as pointed out b Feather all more y ever witnessed in Middlewich en* 5 uday, latit» at Scarborough , by the *tys everything has a tendency to run out whilst y , than 10s. or 12s. per week wages he had , by neg- within the memory of H'ilsdcn, VulliitgwurUi, tiamorth, isteetun, Sutton, J.1 u,J V Rev , of whom King aUo recognised to have made part ol man. Resolved—L-rThat Whnley, B.A., Mr. John Crake/ to Misrs S new existences necessarily arise out of them. He lecting his own comforts, accumulated the abow t he poverty and the wretchedness 01 the Cross/tills, Cononley, Carlton, Kildwick, and thepluckers in Maukinholes. Tbe parties bad been industriou s Hilsden. «ays it will take better than two millions of years sum. people or the United Kingdom are the effects On Sunday last, thus left standing, by order of our .superiors in judg- of ex- at St. Michael's church, Spur- before the earth reaches its place of destination ; Steauxg Wool.—On Tuesday, the captain of a clusive and unjust privilHges, grounded upon a cor- M en and Women, The time nergate, by the Rev. Joseph SuUon ment,, no. doubt for tbe purpose of preventing any rupt has at length H.rstwood , B.A., Air that the presentgeneration need to be in no state of vessel on the Rochdale Canal was fined £20, by th e system o! representation in ParliamHnt. 2.— •irrived when England expects every one of her , gla.8 and cWna dealer, SUneJatpae " chance of mistakeas to identity. This farce being That as an '' sons Mi&j Ann ™ &^ »to alarm about it. He never once contended that th*-re Rochdale Bench, for having in his cabin aijout 401b. effectual remedy for the evils with . which *nd daughters to dp their duty. Long, and, alas ! Lister, both of York is no ended,, all of them were of course sworn to: amoDgst of wool, of which he could give no account. The the people are afflicted , this meeting do adopt the too long have the wealth producers God ; but admits there may be a Governing of this ¦ - loy of the People's Charter and the Nacioua.1 : . i . 1 1 1 Power which superintends these things, directing them was a young man in the emp owner of the vessel had received information that Petition, as tiighly tavoured _land— this envy of surrounding . Messrs. Ingham; he, with tbe rest, was on the point he had been offering wool for *»!». is hsrefors ?grttsd to at Birmingham, and that we pledgtt our uatioiis and admiration of the wOrld^-been . ' ¦ fhtin in their proper channel*; and therefore the selves to si borne . • DEATHS. of being "committed, when ilr. John Ingham, who gava information to the police, who went at three gn the same. 3.—That the thanks of thu, down bv ail accumijlation of wrongs too great to be charge made against him of athiest is utterly meeting are due, and arehereb Kail been exolniiH ^ * rn n> thai- win *>v p lated rftm* * n'clncV i> th* ^loruiug, when the wool was to be y given, tot ba Rev. ?nd'ure4. ong have you wasted! he nurrow of/ our oui v» as refused by- iaKen off board by the pretended purchaser, who John V\ illiams Morris, and others, tor their zeal and bones with toiling to uphold , in poinp, loudly aemandeo aOioitiaoc-r, activity in attending osary, and Jp tZ^; '™ *'™^ one of the- Todmorden magistrates who repeatedly paid the fine and forfeited the wool. tm> meetiiig. 4.—M r. Benbow idleness,- a class of beings " who toil not, neither do ^™ , having lelt the chair, Mr. John Church was Xj_stbj?t.4BI/b Accident.—On Timwaay morn- called to the soldiers with muskets and fixed bayo- unani- they spin:" long have you been forced to ob»y laws ing^ Apprehension of a Person fok Shooting at mously chosen cliairman, and thanks were voted to made for the express gi& Jemima Carrodus, a little girl about seven nets that kept >>uard both inside and outside of tbe purpose of plunging you still $%£&*^%&tl TnO0 at years ' , one of the Bebe8fokds.—On Friday last, a cousta- Mr. William Ben bow, for his able and impiirtial deeper into the depths i *«¦" of age, wa« so severely burnt by setting her Justice-room to admit no one on any pretence of poverty, slavery, and oJ^J °l advanced age of , ble attended by another person, arrived in Rochdale, conduct in th» chair. The meeting then adionrried degradation : and, after having ^^m"^gWtyr^ cf Gross * clothes on fire, that she died about three o'clock in whatever. Finding remonstrance to be in vain Mr. requesting the aid of the to the cull s Head endured much, * Fields , police, in apprehending a Inn, where upwards of forty what is your reward ? When disease, poverty, Se^to ' > tbf afternoon of the same day. She had gone down Ingham made his way through a pantry, and person of the name of Michael Conney, who siood staunch Radicals partook or On •taire of an excellent dinner. old age, conies—when surrounded by a combiimrion Sund ay, the' 25th ult., Elizabeth, wife ofMr. abont six o'clock in the morning, and ie sup- thence through an aperture in the wall about half a charged with shooting at the Rev. G. Si. Beresford, Mr. John Chu ch being chairman. The teetotallers UotnaiD pf posed to , ot adverse circumstances over which you have had ^& » Kilnwick rPercy Wold FaS have been striking a light with a lucifer yard square, and before the magistrates were aware, in July last, in the county of Cavan, for whose ap- enjoyed their cold wnter, and thus set an example no controul, you are unable j b prehension RTeward of selt-reiorm. to support your wives ^^tch y. which she had Bet her night gown on fire. he was -in their presence, and called boldly for had been published in most of Many admirable «peeches were and your children, are you allowed . On Saturday last, at Otley, after a No the newspapers in the delivered. The first to partake ol Frances long illness, person being below at the time, to assist in ex- jnstiee. -Mr, Ingham testified that the person in country ; information had toast was " The.Quee n—God that fund to -which von have contributed in your , wife of Mr. James FoBte^ lace %f JJrat tinguishing been given that he was working- about Rpchdul eon bless her," as it is now well " the flames she ran-op stairs to the bed, their employ had never left bis work in their jnill understood that her days of health and strength ? No ! But when »hereher the railway, and describing hia person, and Bentley, Majesty is decidedly in favour of all grandfather and grandmother were asleep, the whole of the day sworn to by Feather and King ; good measures misfortune comes, should you crave a scanty portion y a3t A a ^dden, at the house of and one of the beadles recollected seeing such a mau of Relorm. The next toast wa-- " The peop ' M? i S-hl l ?, ?l & awoke them by screaming and getting on the and after very reluctantly hearing what he had to , le—the of Me bread which you have made, or the- clothing P lhe R t1011 1 S^ ptbh, aged 31, oed the night previous in a lodging-house, the partiPs legitimate source of political po.wer." The meeting JanellL Washingtonw w ' f ^ , by which she set the bed clothes on fire also. say, the magistrates considered it expedient to which you have manufactured, you are sen t to a , eldest daughter of fiir^illiani The went and in a short time succeeded in apprehending broke up at an early hour,' expressly for the purpose Union Bastile, and, when once immarod tiorner, ot Coniston, in Craven. The deceased grandmother, who was alone ao.e to reader any believe him, and acquit the victim. A though many himin a railway Tommy o. avoiding the slauders in one of a young was assistance, succeeded " at _ast ic extinguishing the snop, at Mnlkscone. The of the enemy, who is always tiiose deus of tyranny,' arewell liberty, farewell Jady of an amiable difroosition, and much of toe prisoners had a nuinoer of very credie^e beadle, upon some pretence, got hunt rom his com- ready with his bad tongue, his worise pen, aud his rejected by a l F namesby throwing water and other things -upon her, domestic happiness ; the husband is driven to one arge circle«« of friendsld witnesses to .bring forward, nr>t one was allowed to panions, when one of the parties recognized him as "internal machine"—the press, to injure the cause. cell, the wile to another, and the children UH £ lef Irat the old man, who was laid, in bed at the time two tl»« moa ttoy ware m punoit of to another, W Rectory, Catherineof be heard in tKeir defeDee. There were only . H e WJU forthwith The editor of th« MucctcsjUld Courier haij, it an- never again to breathe the pure air of Samh *3i ' ^ daughter and unable to move, being in the last stage of an taken on his jonrney to Ireland. Information has pears, a cDrre«poiident at .viidaiiwioh heaven—never y°^e ;the persons brought up on account of tbe disturbances , and a eUort again tir- pr cao tw yoor tkiybb ing-hesrts your hel iS VvS!BuxS^' ^ *sthma bad his disorder so aggravatedfe y the smoke since reached here that he has broke from account of the meeting, ylffta Qa ' , of "W ednesday ; and these were sworn to by only the appears in that paper of last children, those sweet pledges of love which God has ^aturaayr ai ttts tiouse in Camoeriand riw, of toe custody of the officer and made his escape. Saturday. That accoent will Newcastle onrmng and the steam of the water, that he one -witness, as being among tbe crowd at Mr.- W. do the proprietor* nu kindly given you for a comfort and suppor t in old , aged 43, Mr. George Blyth Butler, wh6 died in about two days afterwards. good ; but it will open the eyes of the men Helliwell's: one of these had six or seven witnesses Lectures —<)n Monday night last ol age, and even when death has laid his chill hands -r ^11™* a awungiiislied performer in , Mr. Easby Middlewicb, and enable them to see the kind iZTfvThe theatres , of N National B.BNT-—The Radicals of this town to testify he was not present, bat he was not allowed gave a lecture in the Commissioners' Roomi* of upon you, even then, tbe insatiate vengeance of ewcastle-upbu-Tynej Birminghanu , ou the rubbish which has been palmed upon them so long as well aspu other provincial ' hive commenced collecting the rent, and to judge to bring them forward, although Mr. HelliweU's principles of the Owenite*. The room was well tyrants will not let you sleep in peace, your bodies stages, and who aliw tor constitution and truth. Before 1 conclude it is ga n - ^ 1gh Praife for his periojmances from appearances, are likely to raise the whole witness-declared it was jo dark, and the utonesr ew filled with attentive hearers, who gave proof of their but right must be cut up like the carcases of brute beasts. A i , I.- ' at th« that 1 should introduce to your notice Fellow SuAVrers, look upon this ArJelphi theatre in the metropolik and at amount of their share in a short time. To give all sn thick through the window in the inside of wmch approbation by repeated and tremendous applause " Ambrose Owen picture, it is not some Brookes, of Kinderlon, in the over drawn ! Look on your wives and other London theatres. Mr. B. Was particularlr an equal chance of sharing in the work, they are he was stati oned, that it was with much difficulty during the whole of the lectare. Thejjrice ol ad- ldc uu S«ntleman children and eminent mission was Ta j" 'y- ,'' who has served our friend on your Once happy homes, aud say in yorkfhire characters, bo& ^Hous aiid making it a rule to apply to all without regard to he could recognise any one present : but with one threepence each. On Tuesday, he Mr. Benbow with a how long shall comic ; perhaps comed issued cut summons to appear in Saud- these things be. y was most congeiiiar with political opinion. The labouring class will by this of the parties he had long been acquainted, having placards ansouncing his intention oi bach, On Monday, the tenth hi? disposition ; but in f giving anotheT lecture on Wednesday, day of iXtceinber next, Fellow Labourers, ve have been accused yke and similar characters means have an opportunity of knowing who are been continually called Skilly and Bastile by him in the same at eleven o clock. I, also, in common with by our r had an equal, , place, at which time he challenged any of the Roch- hundreds enemies of being Destnictiv s, Levellers aad heave excepting tfi^ celebSSd their friends, and who mo?t deserving of their kind whenever he passed his house. The prisoners, 14 more,.intend to appear,and I will then let veil know , dale Socialists to discussion on Owenism. Price ol the whole ; aud toe wh Revolutionists, be not deceived, we seek not to injure regards. in number, and principally boys, were sent off y and the wherefore : and the the wealth of the rich, however 23d M admission as above. jusuce_ and the injustice of acquired ; we want ^ .piri ^ 05 immediately under a strong escott of cavalry to pulling down our pla- not to shed blood but we do ch£ ^fSi uS. ^ P ^ Chtjsch Potbuty, a Paibos is the cards from the wall , wan t a fair day's wages "STork, and two to Liverpool, to await their trial at BAMSBOTTOBT. ; and if a Radic.l Reformer, for a fair day's work ; it is our ri Mr Dasx.—One night during the present week, the with, the meekness of Moses ght, and it we are 1 the asgizes. [The above is from our own correspon- , wants to know/why determined to have it. This can onl be done by wSffor Suigf- * ftaeral of a Tittle boy happened to arrive at the Court of Requests.—A public meeting; of the people do not let the placards y W*m^ dent : we give the following from the Manchester alone—then he is to Universal Suffrage, to obtain which, a Convention church about thedusk of the evening, and rendered inhabitants of Ramsbottom *aa held in the Grant's appear at S rndbach. I am sprry that 1 could cot has been formed, Guardian of "Wednesday.—Ed. N. S-] /' Shortly Arms Inn, on Thursday evening week send this sooner composed of good men and trne—- a little candlelight necessaryto enable the parson to , at six o'clock _ : this imnst.be. tne-aplogy. to pur men who have been weighedin the balance and have go Throngh the late before the termination of the examinations, Mr. in the evening. _ Mr. John Killar was called to the tnends for the apparent . 0n through ;with the-service. ¦ want of promptitude, in not been found wanting. The Convention will sitin , 16-^ 183, dances finch was unS itfta al the sacred edifice was with- John Fielden entered the room, and demanded to chair. The object of the meeting was to agree to yonr /fithnslow Corresp ondent. Siwn S r^^P P^fof ^; by i of a church rate^ London during the next Session of Parliament to «L S ^ ^l* ^'l Dartmouth whom the trifling accommodation and its officers were know by what authority the military and the police the resolutions of the Bury shopkeeper::, regarding •he had issue Mteen children ; among ? °w , ds replied the formation of a Court of watch the progress of the People's Charter; and, as whom: IS fee In difficulty had entered his mill. Mr. Clement Boy Requests in the Bury dis STALYBRlDCrE. it is P n 1 f ^artniontV the poor to be able to procove one. thi* trict.' The meeting was firee to go through the whole of the service, he wqpld tedious and txpensive—that with yjou ? Will you assist usin this glorious strug- . wiknt bail f or the whole of them; but the magistrates, the Court of Requests You are once more called opon to atiiat in p&tainln a gle " ? or will vou stand^caiml repeat sosie part of it which he remembered, ana he would afford shopkeepers a protection in reform ot the a _ for freedom y by and together refused to receive bail, and their credit Uoiuiiioas Houw fc» Pitrliaiuent ^ That relonu reluse to len d an helping hand ? The wo^k is would register the child's name next morfcing when after consulting , dealiags, by -makiajt; their debts must be basfi ^upun tJ iB princ iple pi _ going shortly afterwards sent off in comparatively sure . Umver wlviJutl We, or bravely on in all parts 01 the nation, and surely he could be bfetsed with a li the prisoners were —that the tmall expense*incurrred would * it will not produc e such an auielioratiou ol' tho couditioa ol yoin ght that would save fine destinations under strong be a great the industrious mifliutui as who have hitherto been foremost in the good cause expenee of &-half penny candle. loaches to their respective , relieC to botii^ebttfrand creduor. Ou the negative will Secure their habpi neiis and , m^^^rX^^^^^yr Same day, at Crott, near "We understand that the coach Rive permanent secontj ' to the iiwtituiiuns of the syill not now be behind. Up then and be dding, and Darlington, Elizfth**. escorts of cavalry. idde, it:wn8; said that the difficulties thrown in the e conntr * Killington , aged 89 year - Wnuou j Uiuv rg»l tiutt rage yoa are slaves-r-you htt let your watchword be-—our wives, our children s. - ^ ^.f^W BA^KSLE ?. containingtbe two who were sent to Kirkdale was way of the creditor by the old law were in the election of v« ho voice , and In Kingston ; * Wsavebs mercifully MetuBWs ofihe House of Commons -you our rights. . , Upper Canada, fte infant^ fta^ki ' ' PRicEs.--Yreof noticed in our last overturned-at Cheetham Hill, but without any intended, because the obstacles of the law course are compelleu to obe y the lava, t.» the of Geurge Augustus the , enactment of which We remain. Fellow Labourers Scrivenlr^^^??«^ter e WaS ""*?* m^ufeeturers on serious damage to the prisoners, or any other par- do prevent the strong, on the least exense, unne- yon uever cunsenie d- to pay taxes , which ar e dUtributed , your brethren in o[ lh fl«ir^ Mat nlti the of the cessaril prosecutingthe weak amongst a favoured an'" in«wy. ^Instea d;oT THE MEMBERS Ia3t, Miadenly, M^ WJfiii^'if# mitted it to the w creditors, who, as a body, would be not onl fedrj 11 r.lOthe1 u f j ; Wink-well OF THE REIGHLEY weavers for thtir consideration. they were kept during tie night, and then for arded y elec- , weU andIn well housed , you are. starvin g, baked, Accordingly, public meeting Clerk to the tors of the judges, but at the same time, jurymen— and i>ou<* e^ all your large towns, i RADICAL ASSOCIATION. * of the weavers was to Liverpool. It is understood that the been nstitu tion * hav« called and held that as the Poor Law was framed as if all labouring estabUsQ ed tor the reception ot the wreich ed beinas , , at the house of Mr. Crabtree, the Board of Guardians, the relieving officer , and, who are de-Ulu eof men were naturally improvident, so by the Court food and shelter , anil «Uo would olher- The town and parish will be divided into districts, Jereemufs Inn, Benjamin Haigh in the ehair whole of the stipendiary officers , together wi^ hiive to lie m the stre ets, exposed to . Xne indeed, the of Requests, all workmen would be considered habi- the cold and inow and collectors will be appointed to wait upon «very meeting was addressed by llerm. Yallance, Guardians, have l esigped their winter s night,^ l h.msknd.-, of yourl ellow-creatrn-s are with several of the tually dishonest—that the new system, both in regard conipelled toappi jr to individual resident therein. M agistrates clergy, ^rry, and Hoey ; sfter whichthe January the threats which have the suppon er» uf those nkces f«r relieV ; , list and offices , in conseqnenee of to time and law expenses, wag worse than the old, but what a reproach to the Governuw nt manufacturer*', shopkeepers, working , rich and the master's new list protec- and people 01 England , men were carefully examined, when been directed against tbvm, and the want of because the old law always allows sufficien t time to that th-ir exigence should be necessary to siwe the tieopk' poor, all will be expected to join in the battle, as all a resolution was iro m d ing ol hun ger xubmhted to the meeting in favour tion which' they have experienced ; and the remain- the debtor, without continually retaining a grasp > and cold. V> ith the SiiQraae you^ould must share in the fruits of thw victory, the time w the former, which was soon remove this w.etchedn esa, an d .he necHsJity lor such haWig arrived when carried unanimously. "We ing Gnardians have addressed a strong representa- npon his furniture ; whilst the new powers granted institutions ; yoa could the wo:king classes of thi* «e iappv to say that a majodty on the to the creditor, would enable him at any time to im- pas* laws whic ofh w.iuld secure to the cous-try must support those of the masters are tion to the Poor Law Commissioners WorKinan hLs tuU share of ^he produce hi* labour , and per- alone who support them *°w paying by the January list. prison labour—to throw the helpless portion of a manently unpryve the subject . couditiou of all classes of society. JOHN VICKERS, Secretary. immm^ix^^mmM 6 THE NORT HERN STAB. December 1, lm i ^ — i ^ —^^^^^^—^^— i o'COnkoe. two solicitors were paid by inibscription. We got a with this appeal I shall the would Hay this, but Daniel O'Connell says it not. always gone with the Whigs when their measure* regulate machinery. Before he repealed the Corn xs< O'comrciJi v. ks< verdict o^ wilful murder the proceed to lay before you Laws he would wait against parties, and hy grounds upon which Mr. O'Connell claims a right He is the tool of the Whigs whom he called " brutal appeared to be good, but when we find that they , till every acre of land was my exertions I got for the relations ef the deceased, to "¦ " and blooily," and his object is to get the government only laugh at the wrong* of a long-oppressed people cultivated—the reason why it whs not cultivated at from America confiden ce, and should they ba such as to y give , England and Ireland, between 4.70 justify the tide, pray mark me by way of distinction to send*r'oop8' frorn Ir^land^and us a Coercion it is time that we should throw both Whigs and present being, not because it Was not worth culti- In accordance .with our promise of last week we and d£80. " . ^ but because the ' as onein'every.serise.ofthe word M of the Bill. Our desire.isi:that'every. man may be as God Tories overboard. . (Loud cheers.) It is true then* vating, farmer was contented ' wrtb, appeal A dissolution of Parliament unworthy ' 1 " ¦peFcMt^r5ft^ i give the following took place ir. 1834 • support of the liberal party." But remember that has said—prosipfir()U8,VJa}i4.,. h.appyV enjoying .the was ifow and then a "skirmish with wie 'Whigs,* severt or efght !w1ffle^the in8WUf«c*v and now • aime to my last 1 ^ VVhen for electioneering folly, one OUR STRENGTH H IN OUR ' pO WER IN comforts of his owh'n're8ide,'and reeliug the blessings but'the'public mind' was mot *o active; .then; as it turer got 100. evei^animal.used pleasure TO ALL WHO LOVE JUSTICE of those acts for which UNION, OUr ¦ 1 , perhaps, lam considered as OUR VOICE OUR of home that"he - may see hia wife.vand,family nowj i We ' loitered ¦ oti - . thun—wul . why ? :or sport had beea de»troy«aj"wnen every oak haj w t 1* , AJJD. . SUCCESS IN OUB. rERSEVER/lS CE- V i* AND APPR OVE OF " un or hy of the confidence of the Liberal party ' '"' smiling aronnd him—that he, :may : see his .cupboard ,Becaus>e' we relied, on a- Whig oppositioa in ,: .the .been felled;'and every-park ttirned into a corn Heidi iu Ireland. Will the reader r- . - , Your faithful friend, . , " , . . ¦EBIAL BEFORE CONDEMNATION elieve that the rnea- well stored, and enjoy. the.s^gets,of liberty, j (Loud House of Commons to light our battles, butin during ,then, if'the land would not produce enough tor th» , sure ofmymfidelity was completed, b FEARGUS O'CONNOR. been would! hu y my exertioiis cheering.). We wish . me;|goprc,,rn^n, tc! enjoy the one . sessioft that the W(higs^have fomcti support - of the peopley ga elsewhere;for on behalf of Mr; John O'Connell, the ' , a cpuritry ' >'So with all this ar O'Connor's Letters to Daniel son of my blessings of the lanji, fp,r, .wEereiiis,j|;%e , . one ,opinion of a public man vAf. sufficient to gti'fle .corn. away ; ray," -continues i fronvMr O'Con- accuser of Yorjgaal ? I went to > " Youghal froin under heaven'fhat cah give iis as many comforts as all reform, to you are rightin leaving thoae who have Mr. O'Connor, ".away, with ail thistndnseuse abouti- SELL ,. published in 1837. Next week we shall give Mallow in the dead hour of night. I ' ' tti^ " reached ¦ LEICESTER ¦ RADICAL DEMONSTRA-¦ ¦ this ? It abounds with weattn—it'is rich in mijie- performed so little. 'Reiyingon the promises of tne 'feeling. . While men aro looking acros* Atlantia < > • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ * • ' ¦ . of those Letters Youghal at ten o'clock in the mdraiug. tion. ' • and yet we find for the Blacks—and spine, meu ' the first , and continue to publish ' IJ formd the . ; rals ; there is land sufficient for al}, WBigsJ we stuck to tho.se who bfomised us equality and feeling .prolessing' 0 1 '¦ * « *& m «th»rse ' 'aM wh "? "Because we have to feel for the Canadians—will they, feel for ' one weekly, till the whole are again before the l ^".." ^ -^. , foot,.and (Abrid the people in misery, y in the law'and under the 1b%,' bnt instSad of joining ..youl' police; and from Monday morning t» Saturday ged from the Leicestershire Mercury.) exclusive Government. : >The They will not. Human are being ' ' '" ' "' nig did an aristocracy and an . with the.party who gay» them power, they have stable* prepared/ jnblie. • ht, . I, " now unworthy or Mufidence wort o a le have no opportunity lppk after theif. is being prepared lor day and night ," M nd y last, the day appointed for the Leicester peop tfl^ jute- Ranked themselves with our bitterest enemies.' HaVi> for. you—arid.machinery joij , among drawn swords and fixed bay- Radical Demoiistration rests consequently,they;'arerobbed .l So , I ask jou sio" that that'which does the work ofi five' men noV; onete, to eusuru the ,dawiied moitinauspiciously, ,. l v not tne Whigs made use of the Tories'to carry, ,. ,"Bat jet hear this; mistafce meiiot-No! Life . return of Mr. John O'Cohnell. a drizzling rain 'falling to support this resolution,,belienng that if ypujrally will then do the >vork of eight. three-eightnS»; , Yes, m the depth t till , between ten and eleven ' their measures? (Yes.) Have not the Whigs passed "Ye*; ; 1 piin- it not a straw ; bat for mine hunoar , of winter, did I undergo six days i> cluck, when it changed round ,th'eBrituh',peQpI^''.ana/]Qrv6.nnori. you 'will been..in power, wiil be 'thrown out ol employraeht, " and what are - Which 1 would of unparalleled toa sharp shower; which measures which, had the Tories , - Iree—If 1 shall be condemned fatigue, without fee or reward: and continued during.the whole get a good, day's payf 'fbr .;'a-' good' day's ' labour. 's. adrice ? Cponsonnites;all ing-Jse, r an of the out-door proceed- they would not have allowed to become the law of you then to'de ? Take Harry^Brougham proof sleep * ^° s °[ the ^"m Catholic Clergy ! say, ings. The unfavourable (Loud cheers!) ' I do 'not'wage''war with the' ricK' l Bnt what .h fi u state of the weather; how- !l of the land ? Would , allowed,,. Harry said, in lhe Houbt) of Lord?j if your your jexknuie gawake; 1 tell you, that " the battle was lost but for the Whigs have the!. • 'lia rigour and not law.' 1 my exertions " I n"«sr, did not nt all daunt those who were appointed the land, but 'I do wiih exclus|ve;'G6vernin'e'nt, and Tories, to pass a .Bill to. coerce the labourer' , in a lordships want to save your estates let'there be no. appeal to every man who witnessed tbut extraor- to take ' 'ies'of civil arid reli ' dinary a prominent;part in the prpceeuiugit, though the 'eueiu gious liberty. These are wholesale manner, in the shape of the .starvation. poor laws, for the poor ought to save enough to keep contest, whether man ever worked as I then the procession which ' my view hope they are " dnrS. (Cheers:) ' worked. left the town to; meet tfiu irieiids s7-I y God Ne^ Poor Law Bill ? (Nb.),!" Would; the Tories themselves.'' This is beautiful in theory,, and beau- . FelvowCitizens ,—On the 14th of August, at And mark, fellow citizen*, this was just Jrom Is'nueaton, uid ndt include bless you, arid. prosper your 'efforts. (Mr. ' " tiful in practice and betfiitjful'in 'Harry, ' the the day before more thin a thou- ¦ Wood- have dared to transport the raen from Whom they , if Harry National Association of Ireland, .Mr. O'Conneil the election for the county; and, vet, sand' persoii*—scarcely,' a. tithe probnbly, ' "of" the house then retired, amid' loud applause.) • . .... bad' 'dwer ' (No.) Would had tfcted upon the principle. ' (Laughter.) But throwing . aside all selfish considerations , derived all/their p ? , ^hey jresmned to speak of me ad follows:— , 1 went number who _would have been present had the cle- Mr. Oram j of Nuneaton, briefly ceconded the reso- not have openly and boldly, in terfered in the' m'etro- what'did Harry do ? Why, instead of «aving'eiiongh Iresh from the victory of YouRhal to • ¦ , " Canube airab tea tkat reli the county ment* been propitious. True to their time the pro- lution...... ^;a \ ...... ' ' hkve gone to the rural district of to keep • himself, he no sooner goCinto.office;than>hd gion* hostilit y will be mii»d ntest ' This.was mylastswvicetolrish , . . polis, rather' than «p with the coming contest; no, and I ™ . -. candidates. cession started , from Huinberstone-gatiJ '^t teii [N ext came Mr. Q'Qpnnorj i.th.e.suibject matter ' : «ictims of the social set about increasing .his retiriiig, salary..; (Laughter, wottld remind yon tha t Thw was rendered withbht pay; and of JDorchester, in 6rder tb'get ¦ " -rczmu * not calcula te npon some of the Knglish Radical!) the thanks now o c|6ck, in the following brde;r :—The three General whose speech we briefly noticed last week.] malady- they 'had-crei ted ? (Gheersi) [Having and cheers.) He then proceeded, to;show the fallacy . wh tendered are msults aud rerihngs. . are acting in a rely extraordinar y manner ; and , I am Marshals, pu horseback. Cap of 'Liberty, fbefie'aih Mr. Smart, of Loughborough, moved, and Mr. neither timenoriBpace-to follow ; Mr; iO'Conuor at of .Lord .Brougham's, reasoning, by stating that, if ' tanj to say, that they have recei a vilW nrnririntr manB11^^* tfflVpri tin -PnO_ all t\ln irstlrl ««J ' ved encuora genient from ' v*%^* *¦ *f% IV**4^L ¦ ww. w», mm avvw^ %*•& wftb. CVIUi 1%* The County election came on. I think I which the , wor^s " Peace, Law iii- Hor-WELi/, of 'Leicester,: seconded the National proceed to condense;hisyery. elo? 1 . A * i- samelof Wheroes. 1 never Conceal what " published , Order," were ¦ leiigthj we.mui"t ! think. 1 mean an address in one of the Cork papers," which nbed m S°id lett?rs^ with Ban.:ers 'side. Pe tition. ., . . .;¦; • , ;. , . . . .; . , .. silver and brass, '" except the brass on Mr. tesrsus O'Con nor , who haa cuuductrd himself in a man- was ?? . i . pri either quent 8peech.] i After shewing ithe.veryeagy manner , Harry's ¦erta at my only canvas. The kuowing politicians Baud. Leicester!. Committee 'ugli Mr. Shaw, of Nuneaton '. supported " hiter)—would : be ' dseuutle* him to public confidence." declared, s. and Lmiel}uoro , it in a neat : in which b.euwas twice returned for Ms.native county face -7-(laug swalloWed up in tha that I was Tewmed upon the excitement of the and Npttingham^Friend Leicester Union and short speech. . . . ' . . . '(Cork), ,in ;ppn.seqnen(;e..of 1 his having ever copsis- first quarter; and in the second, all tbe tithes AnrJagain: - . < . •-;'. .: would' Repeal Question, and that having subsided, they I*nends. Banners,..Thurmaston Union iitid'Friends'. The Chaiiiman said, that it had been intended to <' ten^ tlyi.advpcated tne princi ies on whicTithe People's. go; iri third, all the land ;> and before the end of ' ^ p ^ or thV> . "HrteWr O'Connen asked spvirkl asserted that 1 had no chance of being again re- Bauuers,...BrustMakers' Uiiion. lianuers. Glove subnut two or three more resolutions'tb the meeting, Charter is based, condemning Mr. O'C^nnell f his year, tKe- country would-be ruined.. .He ridiculed1 memhereof the tar turned. As before Union Alarsbals. ' ' o n t ' whoMrrronnaed^ hun, if they would nndeifek-fa mission to , however, I asked not a man to Banl. 'Glove Union' Committee but wi g o the very unfavourable state of the inconsistency and treachery? in now acting with the the idea of the opponents of the people, stigmatising! e"»^ e»el« » « conn.y vote for me to and Members weath :r it was thoug ' ' ' ;«f . «'E«wt- or rity; w,d th.ae whura , propose or to second me; and I of the. Glove Union. Uauners.¦.:,- ¦ , ¦¦> ¦Coiiu- ht advisable not to detain them : very men whoin he characterised aa Vagabonds 'tad them as immoral, when the Government lived oui fi» amtJKd to having consented found that try Friends ' ' • v , several emmtirs were my majority, had , the county been , «fec. , longer; The resolutions, however¦ , would appear in rasc'all \n 1832, and wtronglyreprelien'dihg his con- their immorajity—(in allusion.to the, in-shops flawed , to which ;I ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; g , (fee.) , reporte ra ol regutry were appoin:ed. " polled out, would have the newspaper' -' ' ¦¦ ' - ¦' • " •. •< •:• •- • -- . , , " been nearly two thousand. The route ,was ;along High-street, St., Nicholas- s. dudt ''bh the tithe ques'tioH', Mr. O'Conhor said, and said that, if the people wereto become moral for «^TonoeU continue d to I spent not one farthiug upon this Thanks were then , say-Those Gentlemen will eire contest. I again street, over, the West Bridge, to the Hinckley-roiid voted to the Chairman, which " That man, I know will diea Tory. That man tias twelve, months, !the Goyji rnment .would, be-ruined. a a returned to my , having been acknowledged ' ' ' ??*? S*T *" •** ««« d'«- ab-.ut • during the silting.if tha committee, I never at the novel game of; Hall, for instead of the latter, Catholics against tithes. My famil have ent their the struggle :comes |ntil^, heb8, let him tick tu *the Ra dicals of England - saw one Hustings, .which were erected at the north- ^ y sp , you will faces .death in ever* frankl i? |mt 1 Irish member, with the exception of my farthings were thrown anv ng a number of boys, for o t infightingforthe Catho ics y rave my op nion, that (\,rk oueht uuv to have am, much west corner of.the Exchange, and roofed an with pr per y , and 1 have done shape. (Cheers.) It is thus, therefoie,that 1 go on, ; thin s to do with him."- Dublin WeM • valued friend , Mr. Daniel CallHghau, M.P. for the canvass. . • ''¦; . which they were constantly'scrambling, to the great the same, and yetit ia caid that Feargus O'Connor through the winter's blast and the summer y Ryisler. ilelightor the aforesaid 's heat, City of Cork, who having wituess.-d my exertions for Owing to the rapidity with which the enlightened iad'intetligetU will fight against his country ! The'world is^my re- steadily making my' way; . I will still go on When I read this denun ciati on, I immedia tely others fi-lt procession Tones. We may with. sore for th.- treatment I was experiencing move.i, and the precautions taken to prevent them also add that for about a quarter public, but I have never forgotton that Irebind ismy Universal Suffrage. ' (Loud applause.) applied tomy accu>er for some grounds if any iL m return, i don' of an hour tliwre was a fi I have1 bad for thus t think this geutlemau was absen t being injured by the rain, we were uuable to ascer- ght—or pretended fight—at country." (Loudand continued applause.) . Having nurtured it in it itsinfancy ; I have carried the infant , arraigning me: to the application, ior a single hour fr..m die upper end of the Market p c ' ' however, I the committee-room. How- tain the iusciiutious on the bauneis, of which there la e, doubtless grit up pointed out the . importanc» . of acting ' with' Ireland with me \indermy coat, w shield it from harm ; when have not received an answer, and I am ner, I was ousted by the same sapient individuals with the Worednren ; and had, iu addition to a large were a great number of a very elegant description , same and demanding their rights, Mr. O'Connor said I I have shown it, I hav*» been laughe^d scorn : to the nec«SUv nf entering upon a .1. StawtJ, for Kiusale, at my owu About half-past one. o'clock (at which time the ' " , , placed under to make laws to govern the work he is employed upon , . the cause of my country- In 1831, I ren. o'clock. : proper control they would derediny service b t-xpense. I assisted at tne election for the City of husuiigs.were nearly filled with speitkers aud per- , produce £1,200,000 per m theday-then 1 willsay that we have a monarchical nr* y d fending Jobu Lawless, lhe following are the resolutions which we're not year to the o le." (Hear, he without fee, e Cork at my own expense; and yel l have " disen- sous interested m the proceedings of the day, among ' ' '"' pe p ar, and cheers.) government with republican institutions. (Tremen- agaiust the foulest charge ever brought whom submitted to tlm meeting :— ' ' ' H aving again condemned Mr. O'Connell' *ga,nst_ man. I defended titled myself to any support from the Lib«ral Irish the most celebrated was Mr. Feargus O'Con- '• 'I' ' s conduct dou* ch. ering.) Men of Leicester ! this is no childish him for two reaS nor,) the chair was taken lutt sad experience has taught the Working on the Tithe question, ' he remarked that, firstly, from a love of justice party." by M:\ Johu Mttrkham, ol Classes having play with me. With every other man, witli th& , and secondlv, because Leicester, on the motion W' , that perraam nt, benefi t will never be pro- mi imperial Parliament, their grievances mustneces- exception perhaps each. uneppos-d act of Fellow citizens! excuse me for having thus dwelt of Messrs. eston and cured lor industry of Hunt, andafew others, politics tyranny, streuKthenTthe Alellers. until the people at large have the surily also be imperial, and said that, if he could have beeu made a traffic.ible domimon of the tyrant, and weakens upon personal matters.. It whs nece>sary,inasmuch power ol exercising their niherent. commodity : but I will the energy of as 1 mean to contrast the acts of aimtu Some ver es of the Corn Law . Hymn having been right, to choose help it, Englaud should never have justice without lttt rio m- land ; but, thank God ! knowledge is flowing into wiued, aty participation the cause of Ireland, while my accuser has been towere he.to detain them long, t (I he solemn manner in which this sentence was in its success would have exposed a^ they were the peltiug of the jus ,( reasonable and impartial;" that country, and a lew good Christians are finding uttered produced a tremendous, attracted Iron Mr. heaped with riches, while his every act has tended pitiless '• That the Industrious effect.) 1 iiave now O'Connell's popnlaritv, and, to the prostration of libert y. I shall storm, said—The time has now arrived Classes of Leicester, and out that there is one great wolf among them that to thank you for the therefore, the first step was to cist ' , with more when the lhe Neighbourhood generall patient—for the courteous and in the suade all candour than he observed, charge him, directly and strugglei mu.it be made, and the object to be ob- y, be. earnestly requested would swallow all.the Hock." (Loud laughter and indulgent hearing which titose ™«wt prominent in the undertaking. U) _ imitate the noble example , of the people of you have given me. I - For this with specific acrs of treachery. 1 shall prove, that he wiued is so important to us, and so dear to our ' cheers.) Mr. O'Connor then proceeded to . refer to have, according to proml-e, entered more purpose, .Mr. O'Conuell preferred some trnmn«v Birtuiuguam, aud to hold .m'etttinES forthwith in bis conduct at larea deceived both England and Ireland upon every ques- eui-mie.*, tuat we sh.ill never obtain it without we in the House of Commons, arid, after into the principles of Universal Suffrage than I charge ot corruption, with reference to the Aleath have every .towu or district, for the purpose of obtaining exposing Mr. O'Ct did election tion of public importance. I shall prove mat he ' a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull alto- inuelPij want ot sincerity respect- during the meeting this morning, but I hope , against one of Inland's bestfriends. Mr. gether. signatures .to the National Petition." ing his vaunted motion for the repeal of . the JjIwIhss was deceived England upon the Relorm Bill; uuon the ' (Applause.) To gam this object we must the union, feeling will not die away with the' cheer. I hope subjected to a most iuiqnicous inqui- have unanimity. If and a provision for the destitute, "able-bodied atton. He was tried b Corporate Reform BiSrj.uptinttie Poor Law Amend- united, it is not the arrojjnnce THE DINNER. Irish that as you leave this place you will enrol your y a number 01 arbitrators at ment Bill ; upon the ,English Churcli Bill ot the Tories, or the self-sufficiVncy of the poor, said, " Then, again, Daniel O'Connell said and pledge ine Com kxenangrt. and accused ; upon Whi p*, After the first toast had been responded names, yourselves to the principles I by counsel. An his Lords' Reform Bill ; the Dorchester ' that can w.tlihold from the poor innn the to by that the Dorchester labourers were legally convicted have advocated; rnmense number of witnesses were Labourers bread Mr. Murkham, ; There shall be no • strife or conten- summoned to Question; and last, but not least the " which I'rovi'.encedesigns him to eat. (Cheering.) and, 1, in opposition to him and thp Attorney o p s f^vwence against him, and the trial , Factory The Chaiiiman gave. " The health of Feargus tion n my art a to tbe manner in which yon lasted many Bill. I shall prove that he deceived Ireland upon It appears pretty evident that both parlies to whom General, contended that they were not. Well, the ledge yourselves. I days. -Mr. Shea Lalor and Mr: Feargus O'Connor, Esq., and the thanks of the Radical p have established 180 Radical O'Connor the Repeal of the Union : npon the Tithe Question; I hiive relerred are awoke, and that they be-in to next day, at a public dinner, Daniel said that \v. Societies throughout Eug •were counsel for Mr. Lawles.-; and after an able Raoruiers of Leicester for his visit here this day. land, but I do not care npon the second Coercion Bill; upon Irish Poor think tnat mischief is threatened to their wealth agreed with his friend Feargus O'Connor, that they what you call yourselves. speech from Mr. Lalor, Air. Lawless was honour- , (Tremendous npplau.se.) Call yourselves what you Laws; upon the Jury Bill ; upon the Irish Corporate aud honours, and emoluments, with which they had not been legally convicted, and the folluwing will—(hear)—political unionists , or Radical ably acquitted.' However, he maythauk the purity Reform Bill ¦ have so little right Tune.—'• Heartsof Oak." dny, .Ro, of ms conduct ; and upon the' Newspaper Stamp¦ , and that they will slip from their in the House of Commons, he again said that formers—but never take the cockade from your hat3 ana tb..Vintegrity ©t his jndges. Bill. • . grasp unless they, repel Mr. O'Connor then came forward, and was re- they Aarf been . But Mr. Lawless was • . our combined efforts; but . (Loud laughter and cheers.) Then till you have established the principles of which it is not only guilty, in the eyes 1 Fellow citizens! from notwithstanding their ceived with three times three and one cheermore. The c;uue the Reform of the of his accustr, " of having ! the imperious and insolent determination to keep from us enthusiastic ' Corporations in England, an emblem. (Cheers.) This hai always been my deceived ttie electors of oppression of this Dictator 1 am our rights aud privileges applause having somewhat subsided , aud he, along with ( the dastardl Whi Meaih ; that would have been about to appeal to , we have only to persevere, Mr. O'Connor said y gs, gave way advice to the men ot the North, (and, thank God! I a slight oEFence, had yon, the honest, the unprejuced of all classes-., aud victory is certain. H« then , " Mr. Chairman and gentlemen, to the Lords just iis we were ready —aejjot been guilty (a-.ter immense 1 am proceeded to say I assure with the'pressure possess their entire ami undivided confidence,) and pecuniary sacri- about to lay before the public the acts that the Committee, inteudiug you that I derive no small pleasure Irom my from without ' to reduce them to obedience. 5ces) of receivingabout £20lW, b of one whose the meeting ihould vUit to Leicester They how glad shall I be to tell the brave men, whom op- , y Way of remunera- name, by the exertions of other", has toryoars be Afllered Irom the weather had app , because I now find tnat thatl3nion passed a bill, it is true,'but I do ribf value it, because pression iiou, from the Irish jfcople; and, ranked lied to the which 1 have been so long endeavouring has not been able to keen down, that both. fdrthennore, he among the wonderful of the past and present age • Mayor, a few days ago, for the use of the . to establish it has only taken the power from the Tories, and myselland my princip ¦was guilty of beiug very populiir. ve^r eloquent New Hall, has taken place not only.elsewhere but les—and their,p rinciples, toor- , and and I shall then ask you, if Mr. O'Cmiuell has been and.that he said he would - refer to the rshan-hulders. in Leicester given it to the Whigs? What has it done for you ? have been so kindly received Tery honest I sawthat the object of the trial was iilso. 1 n tprmer times one portion of the community by you; It can ot but able to dope England with the protection of an un- (the majority of whom, hoWever, he thought would ' Has it reduced your rates ? (No—Yes.) Has it not induce us still to. go on with the good work, with to make others yield to a dkgra'ceful dicUtniqu»jes of the tithe *rstem had policy than if I had spent that morning, he said he had ing under another grievance petitioned to have that O'.Conuor to have come here to-day—you would have apened 'the' public mind for ' a long life iu the under- forgotten to tnnk^ tne removed, but now th my pledge that I never will accept arlyplace , pension, one general moral taking? He was the great bubble uuon inquiry. ^Laughter.] . . . •, . ,, grievances have^ecume so had, perhaps, your new Lord Mayor.' (Cheers and assault. 1 toot the lead in the s'lrtac*} general that the whole^ community, ' or emolument from any government whatever, unless the Soufii of Ireland, of the agitated political waters, 'lo use his own Air. Wooohouse, of Nottingham being of opinion laughter.) . Well, now.J come to the working classes. that and not only devoted my every hour to ' , then came for- that it is no use to seek a partial relief . government is conducted on the principle of Uni- auti-tithe expression, he was " a straw, to show the point from ward to move the first resolution, and said , have come Mr. Swain has said very justly that your object is versalSuffrage. No matter agitaaim, but, in order to invigorate others b ,— forward to demand their .rights (Cheers.) The con- how fortune may frown y our which public opinion blew." He has atteuipted to " Friends!—In.styling you friends I trust I am not , not tp rob others of their wealth. You do not want upon me, and deprive me ol example, 1 paid reporters, who attended our fusion sought to, be introduced into this meeting by . .everything which I now public run against th.; current and to brave the political usiug the. language , of error, but that you are to take anything from their plates;' but I think you possess, never will I accept of one dinners and meetiiigs, at the rate of £33s.ea'cn, put one individual—(hearj hear,)—reminds me of the ' single penny, fee, elements; the bubble has bursr, and the straw is friends—not, my Ihends in particular, but the friends might have a little left on the_ corner of your'owui tavour, or reward from VV hig,Tqry, or Radical of my own pecket. 1 also attended those petty about to fall. ol humauiiy, ett'ect which the first inroad had on society at large, (Cheers and laughter.) Now have ' , in my Ha was coiisidered the great master Hie friends of civil uud religiou-i libertv , and if his machination , you not gone' on whole.existence. (TrenieiidouK cheering.) sessions where tithe cases were tried, add generally mind of the ape ; he tow considered as the friends of a fsur day's " . had not been put down so worse and worse since the passing ol the: So yon defeated the machinationsof the . the main- pay for a iiiir dav 's promptly perhaps nis efforts would Reform Bill? must give me the credit either of a man of judgment parson and the tithe spring cf all political movements. Acts (in which labour—(cheers)—the haters of every have had a wmi: Do not you find that when taxatiou lalls short, they jroctor. •• • descriutiou ol lur ettect upon .this meeting. The first or ot a zealous enthusiast. Look to the motto you ; iitt pnnnnk m«) were supposed to be governed by lactiou, whether. Whig, Tory, or Radical, inroad on borrow from your labour in the shape of Exchequer a ' ' ;ln October, 1632, the registry under the but friends the constitution was that .which deprived the people h ve placed on your banners. This night dissolve the Reform Iris mighty influence ; one set of newspapers sup- to the happiness and prosperity of your fellow im.-u. Bills? Do you not find that, though the principle is union with the Whi Bill commenced. The Conservativeswere prepared ot the right.of voting by their, representatives. This gs, and as they '\fill give you no , ported him for lucre, while the" strong opposition of (Renewed cheering.) It these are your fcelinas, 1 fictitious the interest is sure, and that you have to, pay pnweiv avail yourselves of the people were not. I attended the registration took place iu the .reign.of 'Heury. the Sixth; and in your negative strength. : another party served but to give publicity to his know they are miue, and if'yuu act < >n those feelings it ?, Is it not truis that when the old bark was.iiearly [Cheers.] I thank you againlbryonrfeception from day to day at rnywn expense, for the West actiou.-—thus making a giant of the victory is certain oppression the following reign the country was cursed'by the shipwrecked that they used , and man. The , will Hy, liberly will venal you to set herafloiit again? it iVIr. OiConnell should invade the country, Riding of the county,and also the regisirarion of tile legal acquirements, of nourish, and we shall enjoy , 'loiig Purliamorit. In the next reign the What.did Spring Rice—iny little ' ' at the O'Lodghlen ; the great re- the blessed gratification coun1 trygentleraau} head of his army of all ages from I61J0 64 IkiwuhIi of Bandon, in tne hope of retun iue a search and eloquence o seeing our lellow coun try was robbed of the charitable bequests which shaking , the bag d then ? * Did I'm not fl ' , 1 will go of Wise ; the astoundiug oratory jcreatures happy." Mr. \f. then ious Christians left p . y to your naked-breasted into that army, of ;crusaders, a t li bt-ral Member for that place. The registration aud galling sarcasm of Shiel read the resolution.ani follows :— ' p for the benefit of the people, by deposits in the savings banks? He said nd ell ¦was' ' ; the persevering energy the murderous and ; tha^tbere them our rinciples, and,insu-ad.of being tired upon going oil at the'same rime in the East Ridii-g. and manly, conduct of Crawford; tyrannical tyrant, Henry the was benind the moneyocrucy(wH6 ha'd p , and i th.«commercial "That the principles of representation'as defined Eight. As soon as they lost the caused'all'the they will ny toour ;standard with all the fervency of paid Counsellor Me. Dermot myself, for Knowledge of Cailaghan ; die intrep protection of voting mischief) somethiiig stronger than the moueyocracyj attending i ' id courage of by the ' People's Charter,' are just and reasonable, through their representatives, matters became worse feeling that is characteristic to Irishmen." [Mr. p give instructions how to proct-ed. Butler; the patriotism of fialuwin ; and the untiring . and that was the deposits in the savings bank's. ' That la December theelecriou took place; and withont embracing, as it does, Universal Suffrage , No and worse until we come to the time of the Reform ¦ O'Connor then resumed his seat amid; st the most exertions of Finn, were all absorbed, and Property Qualification has enabled them to set the bark nfloatnone 'more; enthusiastic cheering.] ' ' " . - Saring asked anindividnal to vote forme, to propose, to , Annual Parliaments, Equal Bill. Instead of correcting i 11 those anomalies *ent grace O'Connell's triumph ; and thus a Representation, Payment of And what good did you- derive from it? nTheytold Members, ' or to second me I was: returned b aud Vote b which have been permitted to creep ¦' , y ' y a majority into the Con- ' oi 1 — : nation's glory cousisted in an you you were ignorant; But ; ¦ - ^ individual's power. Ballot, which, in their practical , if those;who are ignor » letweeri eight and'nine hnndred. The brave voters Ves ! to the operation would, iu stitntion between the Whigs imd- ToriHs,: ,our rant,ihave : been unprejudiced I appeal ; Lawless, the opinion of this meeting, be the means so wise as to save:tb.e..couutry, iii csme maby of them nearly one hundred miles at 0 Gorman, and others of return- governors have constantly added to ' the number, God's name give them.ji TORCH-LIGHT MEETING AT their " , have been .offered up as ing just Representatives to the Commons House ol and the time has now arrived when share of the property tuey OSSETT. 'own expense to vole; for me. The election sacrifices upon the altar of the people teul have created, and of the cwt me' not one fardriugi "-' " this Moloch. The im- Parliament,—person* who, being responsible to, and it is useless asking for: a little reformation power they have upheld." 'On Thursday evening, Nov. 22nd mortal Doyle, Perrin, Lambert, aud all those who* , and are (Cheers.). The speaker then , proceeded to ridicule , the populous in 1832, I • volunteered my services," to ajssist being paid by the people, would be more likely to determined to demand.all their rights. (Cheering.) . village of Ossett, presented a verj UHUsunl in dared to speak the language of truth, have met with the cry that the poor" we're too ignorant ib have the' appear- Sir. Daunt's election at Mallow,' where 1 remained promote.the just interests of the nation than those From the t ine. of Henry the Eight, the monarch ance._ During thfl day there had been a , contumely and insult at his.hands; but I stand fur- who now, Suffrage, when the moment that he" bvcame pos- continual wrthimtmuca rest or step, during eight days tif a ward constitute that assembly. This meeting, and his favourites usurped all the property of the tall of ram ; but, when the appointed time of meet- aud boldly, meet the foe. If 1 lose " cou- therefore} solemnl sessed of a large house he was I'outtd perfectly conV : clreadlnl contest, acting as Coutiser before the re- hdi-uce" for y adopts the * People's Charter,' country, and t is sUte of things .went on till ;the ing arrived, the rain, as if by magic, ceased to my attachment vto the principles of as a measure.of justice they are resolved peteiif to vote for members of parliament, and theu^ tuning officer, as Committee man in the commhtee- hberiy,his best ' ' by all legal times of James and Charles the First, who gave all tall, and the villagers poured forth, from their habi- - title to it shall rest npon the folly means to endeavour to obtain." .. .. . (iii allusionto ' the cry which was getting up fbr more tations to lociai, as demagogue upon the hustings, and inspiring 01 a nation who to|the boroughmongers. This had such a demora- moderate -r shew their attachment to the cause of 1 , preferred the name of religious Air. VV. then proceeded to say that the Peop s heiisiires to stifle' the Charter agiunion,) liberty. They were headed the people duringtoy leisuremoments. By my ex- liberty to the reaiity of civil freedom. le' lising effect upon the Parliament that at last it was said that by two, excellent bahda ertious' Should 1 fall Charter,, merely asked for the rights of man—lor no sooner did the people arise 'to demand of music,, and proceeded to , 'Mr. Diuiiit and his Irieuds¦ ¦ say he was in this comest, another, compelled to own that,, it yras .so very bad and cor- their ri t - &¦ the open space adjoin- retnrued : I . - rivet is set in Ireland's nothing more and nothing legs. It asked for equal rupt as to be.unable' " " gh s, than juste ~inilieu,party interposed, lug the Episcopal got no fw. ior 1?)'self , , to j !effli!l ttte any longer, for the and offered them r Church, which wan literally lSJ3 i "r 'i J. '. » * ^ °f temperate habits! representation, and-for Universal Suffrage , in asking couutry. e camp. a compromise—not from principle, covered with a dense bod " jn , I went to. Parliament and acted rigidly cUe..-rluldisposition , andnncompromising .Th n . .the, .struggle ior the ascen- but y of pepple., Three hearty npon in- former principle; for which, ttieytlid not wam to pull down those who d t expediency—tor if >the people to-morrow,said cheers were given on the promises. I there Discovered that aud. if worsted, 1 can hide my ancy on he , part of the , Whigs., (Hear.) It was they , would ' . speakers ascending the an honest man belonging to no party, was lolly.in retirement, were above them, but . to elevate industry, and to from that time tbat'L ' be satisfied :witn, Household Suffnige, waggon; which a' ' , like a aud weep over the sorrows of , prd Grey began to speak of they would show neighbourmc eentle'man had nr«. ¦Jell-tale mL»chief-maker, at school iiny couutry during the give the pour man; those comforts which God said Parliamentary their real intention by endeavouring viously sent for the' purpose of' : , or ; tossed from period of her frenzy, when-1 mall Reform—for it was from the Greysand to raise ;the franchise higher than it was at preseiiti an hustings. eoti set to the other, with the. observation console myself industry should, possess.. If ;they looked to the pre- the Ru.-sells, aud the Hobhoiises and ""Mr; John Hague was ' ," none oi with.the reflectiuu, that " the PeopleM are seldom sent.state , ,the Bur- "So," continued, the speaker '"'stick 'to Umvers&l unanimoasly appointed t« my child." I furthermore.learned that tue admission ofsocietyitbey would find that those who detts, and the Henry Broughiiins tiiat'we learned , the chair, aud,' after the delivery wrong, and never now very Ions wrong. were its reall our Suffrage—i t is a , question worth "living " for and of a very able of barristers Into the House of Coriiuiniis, w"as likely During y useful .members were destitute of mirinuie, poimcs, ana wnat couia be. uccomplished _ sp«edi,= he called upon Mr. Mosley Stott to propose ¦ta the time that I had the. honour .of a 6eat nearly .every comfort;,.while, d ing tor. It is better worthy a great 'struggle'thAu 'rraliz/e tb.fipredicuori of tne Lftrd'Treasurer Bur- in.Parliwnent those who rioied- in by Radical Reform. Jrj these,tiraes^we are' told that y the National Petition, which was seconde by u , 1 defy any man to find a single vote luxury and wealth did .absolutely nothing.;.. all! they have gained by thHir sanguinary r'evblu: . d Mr leigh,, namely, 'hat._ England would never be at varinnce witii Was all that wasnecessnry was the Whig instrument—thai: ' ' 7 John Moorhouse/rand''.suppoKt'ed by Mr. Petec 11 my political professions.. During that state of things right? (No.) . It was tjoijs.' ;;.' He next prbceedtid'to condeinn the magis- destroyed'except by a Parliament, ' I there saw my whole life; not accord- it was oulv necessary to put the instrument into their ' S ey of , Brad'ordi and.carried unanimously. 1 1 I defy mortal,to charge mft with the iug to the Bibler^which most of them held tracy and landlords" for 'delegating ' all their'power, N / , ' efflc ew standing by their pfflrty ; country genilgmen slightest change sacred— hands, because, the Whigs having carried-all the pre- ¦Sl 1"' ' S UA. W 1TE 'Hen ,, rq,^ and' proposed in my political principles. 1 lor, after the fall God said that man should live by liminaries as regarded the relief Of - the' poor,ito the' V three ^'. That thei° Nationali!r ? standing by their prejudices; the varions commercial would, not. be a party to expediency, trickery,vacil- * , they only wanted that instrurnentto give devils; " ' Rent, and subscriptions lor the aed standing 'by their respective' the sweat of , his brow. . This observation brought them worth. of Somerset House, saying, "This hiis been .support of the interests; the lation, and deceit; and , therefore am 1 held up to Year after year we were asked to sup- the last act of suicide on ithe part Delegates, to tlie Convention do now istied men and rekiives "of peers' standing b him to Earl fc'itzwilliam, who said, in the House of , port the Whigs ' 1 of the country commence."" This y their putihc: scorn.. Fellow.men,¦to your unprejudiced , becauseithe .' pressure lroin without] gehtlemen-f-to allow their local was seconded by' Mr. John order; and a host of needy, barristers standing Lords, that poor laws were injurious, inasmuch as would do all that was powers to be usurped Conyer :: ait judgment do I confidently appeal. 1 ask no more as required. . We did support the bv these : cruel heartless,, , tad supported by \ViLuam RinEB, ol arfhing,i read as "their profession teaches they would violate the first law of heaven, by in- Whigs, and when the-Refo , brutal Commissioners. Leads; 1 ;: y, : them, tuan justice ; to that I. mhv tiilly..entitled. Follow ducing the,poor rm Bill .wasdenied, and 'I bis alone was sufficient to have created " and earned unanimously. ' iw the indiscriminate support of right or wrong. * to. live without work.; but he forgot Lord Grey expelled ; from . ; a revolu- • The ' I me,.tLen,.through the mass of evidence which 1 shall office , ^ thev > pressure tion. .The moment this thanks of the meeting were theh given by ¦was a, constant attendauc upon my Parliamentary that he and his crew were living wituout work them- Irom without ' was even found ' ' . measure became thelaw df. acclamation to Messrs. be obliged to lay before you ; aud judge whether selves, and that," by robbing the poor sufficient* to bring the'land, then the very elements of society were'dis- Bussey and Jtider for their duties, and a minnte observer of the inpde of action MnO'Connell or FeargnsO'Connor , - they had him in again despite the opposition of the King, the attendance and services, s ' in , is best entitled brought about the preseiit state of things. organised) and we ought to havB , begun ' agkin;" and al o .to the. Chairman wirsueaby tie respective political lek'd^rs the to support from the Liberal party in (Hear.)' courtvthe Duke of,Wellington, and the army. Well, for his able and impartial conduct; in Ireland ; and, -The.Whigs, had told the people that they had no Having contrasted the present condition' of the 'op'er- the chair. HsuAe; 'and 1 came to tlie deliberate opiiuon, that, bear iu mind, thatil did , not. provoke or all this the people ought to have some share in .,, I he.speakers, and a-great, number of the mem- ' : . nghtv-to. maintenance from the poor-rates, but he lfgislatiug atiyes with ,what it wns forty years' ago, ' when XoWgfeYwemay appear fiberafc th^ extension of the Recollect the charge is against a public man for. the. xountryvbut . the moment the ' * bers of the,Union, afterwards.sa( .down to a most ' ' , and.of a wwhed .to ; bring St. Paul's maxim - to bear—" He vt uigs tK'ey lived in happy coramuniues instead of bring Snfirage was the only means to,Sft cnre our remain- serious character, viz, that.his conduct has disentitled that, were reinstated: m oflice, a ghost began to excellent and. substantial , dinner.at the Carpenters' 2Bgso; that all was a will not work shall not eat." '(Che'eWi) . ' -lf haunt shut up'by thousands " in one great money-monger's struggle for power between him to the support ol those.coustituents, who ,b his them, and .telhthem. that the people who had Arms. .After which.. addresses were delivered by fteleaderebf y tui8,principle wrre put iu practice, industry and idle- done so much for them .would factory," he cautioned them against being led away the ' theTCSpecliVe partiel'.. Iwatched Mr. exertion received their political.existence, «nd for ness would , , ; , be able to do,as much from their President of the Union, by.Mr. Peter Bussey, O'Connell's policyiii paractlar aid in it discovered : soon .occupy their proper situations. lor themselves. (Hearyiana. great object; saying, " lf you swerve from Wm. Rider, te sns co, whose interests he has beeniiicessautlyLtbyunDg with- Mr. \V. thej»r.prdceedei-Whyj I am to be bought remark's.' ' " thdi^ who yielded"a willing ODedience. seriousNubjeci; boroughmongering Whigs in power, jand --then rivet myself, and my T.—The Peb ibgTiaHdiipon . Bear in mind, .also, that you, Radicals.of England, 1, -as,.a poor..man,; who have to Work - bard price is " Uuiversal Suffraxe. -(Loud.cheers.) ; ple-the true source 'aiiamily, but,- thank . God! ' L ' ! lhere will b« Lof d 'John Russell and Sir Robert T , .,. , , , . ¦' accomplistimeiit.' I; returned 'after the according to my acts they are all before .you;!1.' : was—foily one }' and wh^t was' that? Tt''was ;to 1 1 nea s wpveht iti , " Dp I hayejiot to support my wife.- She has health ' Peel . bidding 'for iis—one ' against the other. ' i?-" ; ff^. liu ,0,Wam|slBrlpnteir^ O'Brien, Esq., feniroj'and' tende'rediny reagnaqon to my cpnsti- unto me as you would be done b , and allow us to pay 20 millions of oiir own mohey to the SJr R J I ; ! y." l appeal toauy worksnard as well as .lj buValas;our united eftbrts ! ! Robert will say, " A' £9 franchise, 'Mri A'tictiprieer. f;. i9^P\^j ;ne«f,^pheny,a ha'all true and toMS. 1 h'ad,''Jmin^tie^'*stssibn', exposed the man of common,feeling, oi common sense and com- inhuman planters to 'sat: the ; blackthS "Slave* free 1 :i " houest3 friends of the peop ' , getiw very tew comlora. ,This que»tioulead8'me to ( f ' " Eight, "' sjay.s the other;' " SeVen^sixV five, v , 11 le. ' , ' ' . fe kerv of flie^Rep'eal agitation ;; and during the mon decency, whether, or no, 1 should rest inUer the man who-was .Ltaghtoj-v T^;K*b^\l Atliuiti6-iiiid v four of Feargus O'Con 1 once thought the lrieiitt dt 'libertv. saw tue blttck' thri e,' two, one—Household Suffrage (—Universal ^-J ?^" nor, Esq. ; and leeess'I'deTofed every hour to pr6cnnng peution!5 such a charge?-Let every man make,theicase his but he . has become slftYes&trugfilinii to cet feBiiimrtf »>.«{, theian blackest traitor to ourh&'iy brutal oppressors 11 Suftrage !" Then when'Peel finds that :L6rd Johii C Wipon the subject, as Mr; O'Connell declared, that own. But why do 1 thus seem to apologize, for cause. He nan : f , .arid/iff their philanthropy, and he could " he^wIrishman , i.«,d l do not call him a consideratioiif and mercV^'aad ' ' h^i'got'the'lot: he -will say, " Diau!t Itnod,firet,'Mr. «nue«pSfe te required a vast number¦ , before , go to staudiug up against niunerited .censure ?K Aal ,aru traitor,becau8^ SumatijtyS'-thef said ' ¦ - ¦ ¦" ""' ¦ ¦ •" " ' : Irishman 'fur Auctioneer?" iNoV Lord John nodded •»6A? . ' - ' • :- , l love the we might jsitftoiapattf tllfeWif we' r " nwt,-r-but 1 ,> I. nut a trafficking politiciau, no tyraut shall make lnshi .God blew them would pav 20 milli ' ^ 1 returned to my ,P«rliaJneutary,duties. !' Tt.ey Hre mV breihren f 1 onsto the b will put up the lot again." '"And,I'll ,throw, iu yote In 1834, merchandize ol me. . i tell'him ,ta- his buard that 1 vf tshihey hadeqiial right^and I hopeyou wm oodhouhufpfdi^ 1! 1 l : lifenn'd'dispoHtioiis the'same'.aa before ; and Air. ;and aaiee knew th.it it would not afleet tKe' by Ballot, says Peel. " And Aunuil Parliaments,' MVOIGOnnOr will meet him shoulder to shouiderr elbow: to to fight) ior their liberties as well as ybuf -^ electoral 'pbweriii says^Lord John. exSed pSS};etr *» O'CouneU's conduct, upon .the-mitigated Coercion elbow and at the expense ot lite itseii, 1 will defend own. Yp- this ?ouutry-tl ey, did .it ;because the " And.No Property QuaMcatioii,!' ' ^ ' ; , plause.) But this monster has robbea them.' - l blacks did shouts l{pber .Arid ' "Bai^ 'confirmed' att'mylormer'. suspicions.' 1 titen my sell against his malice and his slander. - English- lie not give the parsons any WeaVrIf the Sir ,t, . '' .P,aymeutk to .Meinbers," 811 . has ascended to power upon the shoulders of the . parsons had cries , Lord John,—and .' gets" the bidding. (Gftjat D^ *ltc6n6derit that ;aQ:was a struggie lor individual men, lrwhrnenv . Scotchmen, ace :yon 'prepared te peoplevaud forfeited any,tithe3;0ie blacks would not hitve J^e ' ; if E^efSSjf:' ' btainfid uow he has kicked'down' ttie people'wlio setJree-r-lmay been laughter,, and cheering,) i ;Th«re ' is. nbtfiing hob'. n Tlius terminated ,a liemionstratipninotsobn^ ^' "yowefi -if it 'coold tiep wittiontpersoualnsk; submit to.the nink dictaiiouofilr. O'.L'ouuell ? ]| nelpett jnm to rit-e. if the church had profited, any way; (l to be 0 a«muier This is Dauinl O'Couuelf!'' 11 is by thmribeing igomin..Jike in tuw, becuuse wliiie thej' say: that ybu forgqrjtea in OasetMtu} its neighbourhood' tisat lieliLitDfgWi ^ *•* , proritled the you arc, beuwiuUixigslavV,^Jm^^»\w^ at^ur fflt5«ai*!. 'cpst6rs,"ah(l dot • b^ modern men' of science." r 1 Uni- ^^ '*>!• of Ireland tloquem repre^n- Have 1 retarded liberty or fattened upen its progress • (Laughter,I ^ i and cheers.) '.? because House .oMotds^tood SS ! JWWh¦ «\<1 Patriot the;present government; O'Connell has been au AVIurb-an^e/d impr fte versal" Suffraga and' Annual^ Patliam^nts. twera up- &^ife^ahd disturbhncB-wonldtf "&c!be the comeWnbe bf the He reviles me for opuustug agitator lor yeursibuthehas ovemBnblhrDiaAheaonseoPUr^ h' ' mee 1 In Alay,1834 , the death,of Mr: Lamb ' caused a and mark his.denunciation of tUat government in as b^eu wall paid forii-he impede thtt .'In8h!CoercioTi elbV iri tliose good old "days-^you' Btiokii to^ihe tingl'but iKejutipW knew the'reverse: and were . a!i ipu if Bill;?.,.,/:N0 .jrDia^tiib i-: v«tei 'not aisjjo&d "¦«acaucy in •Dnngarvon. The late of the f Repeal almost every.-lihe.iof bis letter to-the Spectator—a. ^a^<*. ^5 a^eafl^Vou imk constituuon Dyriiallot!.there;wasjnQtfdbe- to give creaence to' the Idols and foola ¦ had not ol'faciion '^aesrion causea" despondency. Mr. Jacob, as paper wbicano money could induce to swewe from ^^^^^^A^ffiMu^i^iiih'A. ».c iuiCrp iMiionoi tne t.ords iiau^i it^Was 'wanted^modMni corruption ; theretore^uhe;falsRhood*' of the, little ld u for wh.Ie.j6u asa God-sendito theiri, ank ¦ knot 1 amejitajnan a* ever lived, was again selecwd as a the path uf justice.- , There yon find, prefent, erroro Vt- ?»v are sufiscribii.g. knq™ig,that.the intiinidatibn 'did not ' ' ; ' wereof no:a Vail-*notJ a muririur of dniapproba- " | fourir ;peuce, ^tae>Aristocracyl ,would poumot^^^ call for it theni 'Therefore, > we i tion was csmaiaate. Mr.' O'Connell implored ' of me to. go defended, lor thejfutnre good that may spring from , subscribe', their, heard, nor & single httndiaised up in oppo- .^ .^lw, proving to of W to. jake' t&e biBhops/oufcf dhb &' proper channel, then we , will seBk famed the fate of the election, I was, at -iork them, lor the purpose of the country that ^teiits^ 3t oube ot "' Lords. tneir tmaoi - .•; .'A turni^, • --Aearly'ali night anddayyand ttf bring admimstrdtiou ifei (Loud cheering;) 4 was als-) o'nb but if we are to struggle for the ; mea8u^ipg*:•til^Jty^8Bven - inches :n ^ was the first . Ue could uphold an aguiusc a nation's manutaqturerto ciroumference tte intelligenceto London. without pay, will. Butinark ! the Irish members, enable him to create a greater, competuiyis power so , and weighing-upward* of seventeen ThisI did miscalled the pounds,.wa» latel sad would again for the same man. Tail, will not ' be parties; to such pulicy. The that he may go on garnbling and suecuUttiiig,' j say, y growa.byrMr.il?-. Walker, of ths °f coun ty: of - • +^* "^ t^O!Se *be SB-iion I 'again 'returned and government can ensure their support by doing goi/d ;a5»;aljBS no repeal of the Corn Laws until we nave'Uuivef'sai Wexford. ... It,.was ,rpr«duced ..by seed •„' «»Jercdmy reagrijttion to my constituents. During works ; for I defy Mr. O'Connell to can s^± Sutlrage tp protecV.us." Mr. O'Cbn^oi'' ' sown in ¦ ¦ y one of them 5gffesa - ^ ,, thW.'prbi. potato ground where* the crop .was thin. we recess the Kathcprmac occurred. 1 against the-principles of liberty, S tobltd ta.ll£f* ¦ ¦ massacre now that they luve give &L^T;I?r .« ! ^W =« mtori,, ceeded to say that'free trade, under present circutni Both crops were very: abundant,,, and. ofl6 of tht »ttended there' from day^to day and from. hour to discovered the slight benefit the Irish equal rights wila »t'13 S .«™ il ' ' which his trucking ourselves, wK stiiuces, would benefit foreignersmore thariourselves potatoes measured nineteen inches in circumfereace Boar,wi thont fee; while two other barristers and policy has conferred npon ' , Ireland. Fellow men. inasihu'cn aV if would; soon' have" the' tendency ' and wei .The , result ,hero ' ot ghed nearly:three pounds. , glutting themarketson tlie continent,' and causing suggests the advantage of sowing turnipu wher« a depression at home to prevent, ¦¦ , which, ;b.e would potatoes partially jniss. .- ; • : , ¦ ; 2i*mmm sfl^^^^^^feH^^i^h^- ¦ ¦ ¦ r ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ry - " -- - ' ¦ - *'• - •'¦ v ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ : ' ¦ : ' ' ¦' " ' ' r -¦" *" " - ¦ ¦ - - - - ¦:• ¦ : ¦ . UJs- iii - iAS-i s^/ _..irea BS3_ « ^ . -%iii.,-ii. - i ij^r- --« >.: ^ x-j -1^ * i -:t: t.i^v - - .^ , vs\..;^\ .,- •,! - ., = . .. ., ' •,., r ,, Vv ./ ^' - . 'MM --: ^S ' ft - u ; ; :, ; ! ,; ^ ' . - - . ' ; ^ ; vk: > : ¦) ¦-. ¦: ,\:.. ..t - ,, : - :; „ -:. ,,;>¦«, . - :i^ . ,. . < ¦ • •; .:. - . . . . ¦->^/. -. - ^ i . ^ 3 . :.. - :>. . - ^ s , v „, ^- i . , ../h > ., v

lr ¦ ' ¦ ' n ¦ _ ¦ ¦*! i »t> i < m ji . j 1 1 j ' -i.i ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 7"" ' - '" \ ' : _ ' , . . . ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' ' ¦ ¦ : ' ¦ &m . • " ¦ . - . .; - • ¦ . ..¦'; - ¦ ' - . - ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - - 'XDt ete '&a&kf . . ^ia *eg5^ ^Mridda¥ . . - . /. . . ^> T ^ r ^r ? ^ s ** . u £ *i and ^ |ff l^ al« ^ « ^ a p [^ teHilmit Mibb*wtrik lfflfiS3& &!&8?3m Crtr ^^ BaH ^^^as^dnt ^ p eoingtoinettei g Hte ttM ^ ^ -Toe wi&MiuiarjniffW fUmTCdionly iB^iwiBteft: uul i*«Hil ^ wlUonBofworki ^ ^loye ns^f ^igiofl^ were^ ^^ i have lit eoMtted iTdia Mur dewrirti oiWf t mi W« wU) So ^^^ me oth'e 0 ans ^rt^ "hh *: rt ni. m rn ^we/cfte ^of ¦ ¦ ttVF *&0&m «elS5r ^fnflgb ^the mbi • ' ¦ ' ' ' .Btsitwti PlMUtinj logwhar tritk 4Q0 ?? £ ¦X- ' ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ " ' ' Swatf ^fiipiwe ^ ttemgest; - ¦ ¦¦ ' ' ' ' ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦ h*n»% ^ ^^ ^^ ^ l!/ i:-;w;> s'l;i :< > >vl- i. - l l ii ^ - l-• ¦': • l- = i - l- i e- y m ^nte a^*^erriiHH te^tt; »>*a**klto (^e :* fti«ajii ^»i'|»iB|ibB0ni;^1 ;»j 5w!i» ^»9( Iw 0 '¦¦** ' ^&mi$m * : • ii WSf ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^& ^fqOk %p colli T« -W ^^ Pft ***^ HVotf4 ilar *^^ j| *.} J ^jS! ^ ^' * ** *"=^ -•-Jf iffiBgg&KlAii^SJDRT-'HICOEL .' ""- -v j -^ ^nmwi mi itthithtut nown- to arranse a •mLUm tansiii ^ Dmta ta&eatbo Hus * ind? if|-ii ^ ^ »c«d« i^ydjBoh«geda^anjdthfiieontent8 ^nt ^ { Pa«aUi« «r i» I . iV^g? e ^^^ pJi *^bia? ^r» ^iArii- 4 fW^*% "f-* +&&(&ih?sem * Wil' : ¦ v'; $ t ^ ^ft' J ^ a ^ s^ ^ ^ m ^^^ ies|(ectmg.la »d; ^ ««to!i f,i:piMlj (8 ' Us ™ W# nw iir Beana ir " ^- • " - ¦ and Calvini»t«, betweenwhom and diffelrT; ^ *^ SWW JiB«JSi»S % v , ^piy^f3tei;ars ^ ^ S^ S^ffl skf ^ ¦ ^ i^ ? ltt! fe myfrfftiie ¦ " i «iSS^^H>k^ai4o^ 1 ¦? '^al^wffew^mfifi^%WbTe9«tl6c ^'ti»^r ***4 W^W.Rw jHKel «5?S #W¦ ¦ FtW W«W: 'i 6 ¦**>?: ' : |Swlii : to2*¦ ¦ per" l"hfedPm «ndinr; • ¦^ ' • - - ' .-* - ; fgJ ittf» , »v loaa^X''ni gner: r •?• ' . - r' . r-* = -' -'-;-, . ':- ''¦ .v-\ .v; '.r-*- ¦-;. • Ekrit»tk >n Coffrt t wutiniuattiOitti, tUaales t SS ^^ SriB Wi - vv' ¦ ' . -' ¦ ¦ ' - !l^ ^ ^ : ' ' ' ¦ ilg!»ajpift ^^ 3«B ^^^ fa ^w^Aii^ nrighboo» ; nM Beei«|!?Mfc ai^^ ¦V " S- -V?. -fO • ; - ¦ • ¦' ' aWftri^eseh ^olwhamptoa ¦i -^ *tt -S M .'- J-i .rt . iV. ,'' : * i, tb» Qwenjtes^einse)v«s '< "•tthmk^onoin forewn t>w Trin dad i iM ^ lMX)d of WHtexiaj elbr a-mo6feie»tni«ti *e'co^. lteaKHBtrationit i wj l^be :seenthat|ie workiog men ; mllivfrom tb« r ;^\-^j ^Tj ^ftnf^ofKigh ^n ^li^lb *,, .^; - » i 5a pandtafolto fine l>eou)nn«ttetMrlrallaLr Itte riita «ie tratb +itkey wiU.aBse jo t^e w^oledoctrine ^^ 4j i^Y; *er ^»K ^ of^tl ii^ ^ %ei»I amall tf^au l mm: the fif -wMj tt , ;whii^-was grst e^eticfe ranbif ^nBl plati ofth S Bt of our ^Jo ,d» Jtlriiiqjj W lMn-dteoss i d amwd Htgatm^ ^And J iy^iicI^1 be;? i&' Norf()Utian4Suffolk ...... i...Mw ^of at pi^asl»te» ^eQio»obtt S^e ' : ^wafef ^ij-sosiwUC&Bf wtBteum fimplpyed, ^the: Mtjgnal jpon^enfion: ' Accdain g to the rulei g^or ' jfl>efas!f8> - tiil&iffi do ^ ^ i, ^ th7S *l ^ Omld rtamitsio aMitaas ja-:^:- - -.--- . ; ; i of^tbf beyitiwia iuncoluhire,;;...•...;.«..^».. i;37aV do ; vJJ8 *39»i sales. 100 th ettt' gWB'Ue- anirf t5Bm%iSS ^ tS r«««iifisbinemtaa l i immediajel y; eacb fr ^j nij iaewi ^e^/^rnt ^ Ypr k AyohJ A Boroughbndge dQii , . , dbeits - , camjnHaicatten ww ^ sh^ej . 37s, do . ^ ^ Os Lac Uretf 10J/4 W •H ^iini^ibttot»-iluL»«JRr ; ji«i ^?to1i»Tariow jeii«i»j r bntanf prtaiiately . ^ ^ ' S ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ w te teWpew of '-!¦ ¦* ' •¦* * * W-# • « ¦" - " -^ffi ^SlK iS talioii»r MN^^ as ^ ffl^ aV ioai^Spenw ; Only % * ru?* ia !^^ ??- * ** " I *:.***** * :" -? * rv^la|ia ^afleT4 ^am¥e d.:ttieywere i^ i8r ^ ' §% ^ jtottsaFd p^itons/ :T yf^ j ^ ^ *^ .^ *^*"? ^*''* ffi!?^V*Y.,>"I^ ' •" •*"TB' i SaTd ^ iSo ^ a ^^ 2^ *5SS^ M^u tgr. 5^ .1^ , heiau^ 9 *««» & «<»B?cter tbongh Ny)B«m4;oU-isabj !i'' r ^^ > aw BJ yto.^a^oiTni jTC *pWtime . the ecyi > .;7BBA^Sp«r tjii B ^ ^ V,! ;. of ^ ^P ^rfttP ^wW .ff t&pMvig;*tfeleg^,atown inust from an ettend ^aeeper; knowledee of- the rShiito ';5 . i^ pt p ^^ ' :^- fceu tkken. 7» ^u»iters TWrf ^lndTiIini ^ltt *W flajstsyTwey lywitCTflMapiu f mth ^^. an»tontrollable. iTK»ence.: WUa w at l ' ' : ; ; - ¦ " M-^^ oi *S that anlea ^^ CQpi^utbi ^iiifei a%was bjfe ' r ^k^v;^.i>.^..^v.. ;i^...V. ^ew ; 4As^2ai olt-' 44446* at48« ;;-\ : .>v; .v 1ii ' -. f>t • ' 0 vJ fti ' ^il^ij ssioa- • - ^tefe ^^ i^ ^ lpi ^g 1i>1^mf>a Mil .©pen that »,ffl# ^ » wer4lfr«iiit heSpirie jUsrrowand ^ os«'«| ^petin g^sq it pecessar y of intelhgeocft jpf the fage-* ^a plain ' Pigeon, .....>>.v... do 41»»>434i do 44s:47 < ¦ ^tefl i ^ragiJ »mat- mart. ^rgtfU; «: ^ eK pewhy, which ; suwts mtv^a *onwiUing to late, ' »flb^--ntoredTTT.iT», exacted ^^^ fltfrnseh es jw•» iarge1noinr >er ,ol people to be enrolled as yDion- ;of(,etear ^ see^.iimd <;j ^^ ^A^,^ Q ^ ^ ofB jj ^ llli ^^ ;• ¦¦; i '^" . *&& i » ¦hSffi ^S^t^Ttttir jBTwa? [ % ¦^groftn ^^ lffVmri- »nt f Jt wmt ^ji tt qgh. Tjjp fr ^n yi}: «OQS)d«raBl <«j ; *aU faliwad Aave. j ranv X^to,;.i^»y.:. T ^. ,>yiVi w»'i...., ..new^5a^2$g^old2* s to >1< ; tona^^imaici b»oiurtil4li jF ^ w»«t delegatesin London. : w|»icl^,taViwe ?! we ¦?^™ » v^' v>*«".i>ii..^.new;' 13d.;».;i.;.Vi 14d. do 2j8, 26sl do 27» L«*. Wthnrtc hanion ^^ a national -development oirt wp | ^|cin any of Smitn *nd.FW&nd ii .i> .V:i;.^^ i>.^ doi" 24a, 25a; do a«^trfrtr ham r1msiired. The roof fell down TfJt6 = , backed by:Uie isiiwws of war ^ thi» ; Stone M* &at the ^ great lendina; count ries of the ,whose ' Me«in g^.i^^ .i;ii.iiy to pet of 14lbs. souie coiumwij ^i.W^at ¦: **;. mWfaFmi rfifins of Adi ^oieace ^ aeTeral of bri fade h»d *«ost gte^flisper'ofo fcti ^ House d^j, policy has Wn ^ ^fieiri iriw WSid WofagSt ' ' ' ¦ ¦ " $? :t|ie balf-reformed beencreated , rnor e or;ltt *s»»ojtt of tiiis modem iirir |Jtt )^ad ^r2«ibs ;;: ; ioliSii : ? 5 » *U #^f^otuS TiS - •*: ^si-^s.si 'tr .il to .^Lil-C- .-- - > - - - - aaratifelras eaeape, one of them, of ri» iS ^^^ r of Commons | sp J iELI ^br S6s new i^ B to -^^ ported J n other *j rt *. Althongh«er« *»rpob5c««J5r ^oiw Tfc Mi»i ji> t uttntio ¦¦iJ CQy Awit-v¦ ¦ " -: '." -> j- ¦ »a» *^ : /pf-Teinfru ^ement. There w France ;KWht» ^tttrociries :*WI fr ,J et iioioS^Buahlsls;. ;; i> . V; u .' ' ,..;.a7t . 4«s nQDe • - : - " Beud«wi!«, sngmeer at the Watfi wf-jrtrert statidxi j .a ^tt ^ .compfeter y: W-eianno;t: ^w.; .. , to 42* r^ haTe twmhro ^tTimnUus ^ wf^k^tbvkMly iimet Wffi l ik f i tt .^-' '^ ' - - :- oy^>e]|Med ^^ ; a* ^ ^^^ to e iWr oth«r( ytiiai^ lf ^ t aj ^iluuly sold,*hma .mall parcti lof rece ived some ' 'SessJ oB hptroht ^Bws;i fillfea M ^ ^^^ ^-i^i^ii-^^ ^^. Z?0.Twta tf,Jkiy \Ki£in «. ter / severe bruises. ThBBligaiQt%&rfil f ^^^j WH^P ^B ror the beneWt of, •fo ^esifu ^ i , What ^ :: ^V[ '"" '¦ ton, ia stor e at J ^9o> NoValM, of imW ^rtir v> ^ ^- -^ 4f ;$^«pf?ct iic1e «hp Y^ A^w|p3!DU ^O^E^ryEEkv / :¦;¦ •:. : 4 h«^5 f i^&ffie^jBftooifa ^.. : , ^.;,;:;- :l Mp #i" ' ^::r :;-:: ' ^ | v: - ofe»ins ,r ^:;-iQtt4. ' a>«D ' 6ri»; . olBiqekholm $m hroiightl fcMm ^ TE» «B8iitti« " ^; ~ Up.try^.« Gnthnlior &antry-rits ui ; ¦ •- J feWM.r-3%^ ^ - f W*'3&&fh>1*|f^ : $«! 'abate 'fr>m the Dublin whpou ^changedfl T-f i* .v» n(Htv.iji,»,.i.,iij»ji8977 Malt ...... 30 Mootre»t PotilnhMliasbrtn to m eonkidirrabfr W&L Z m»pitfrto 3facir»ol *ai?' " • - ^/•¦oi r ^ ^^ fi^STe^Ue^nlJ of'it J & XI.»tbolic Kb g%and vato •: ;ii ; 'l ; ; 29« M to 2fa9d; >)me>fe»iATt«Uof nniaeward rDoand yessels in the Atlantic wilt bring' ' SmMfe ^t ^ ^p ^ ;: *!^^ -GoterBment : at. its-bead, Bnp por ting r-paying . ;s .*..ii>.iJ....«.i ? SO 3heUing; i...**..i.»,... 120 - MonWF iPeiir ^Alii all ^•'** ^.i«««.».i«vi'»iV»i» :Z'** ^Wojttr ],..;...... , ^ 40 .b«ve been.sold«t. 3&».per cwt. ,QiKreitron.Bvk J» in cob. Ewa' J&tirbain back to England.^^u Despatches"fiom !titdfrf ^t^«nS heajti y1 ;bl ^.ot-^d ^ wfigfonsi unexceptionnblyi! fieljrinmv vthe , sarn ?! ' " riderable requ m, and mutt/ - ¦BfB^BE3 ^fl Beans .'...... , 1318 Rapeseed...... 1196 ^^ |il l | ffi£ ^ ^QQ K_ ^^^ vBI sb^Ew J ^Ufe^B^^^ -~ - - ' i ^^ « | ^ | 'j ^ ' M . TMW|eB W . 9f- . ^^ |' i^ Onro wn treatmem ofi,:hB*ectg ¦ ¦ 'Uinaoeci^«« ' vs ' - ' brbngh t^o^ Buctfitn;*eiei>ff*iqi gniftptfi i ~ Ms Lords hipaoBounce bis intention -to sail with hv{ t ^^ in Canada, and r by •%P'^^••'••• ' ¦•¦•.• •^^•••••¦' r. ' ' s «i «».««.« s «;^« . : r-T HmMmSi >.: sfent a« :T a-fe^I , -: ¦ : ! ' ¦¦' ¦ ' ¦¦' ' ' ' ' ¦ " ¦ ' . . Vn 1ha»» v,- ^re»stf?irek jj d.N5. 5 Pwiiamen fRry gra nW. at ¦¦T8)re8»i»,.«»i«V,iVi1i,i,. '' . .. . * . : • . ' "' ' ' " - ' ' . - ' . ' 6d percwi ; No alteration in FJaxsted or -We ¦ . . . Qtorent&tA .havB to Diw^ters home, ¦ ¦ ¦ Than watohed the ' ' the ¦ ¦ • ¦" " ¦ " : ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' jBHB ¦ ' ; " - ^^ fon ** ¦ -• • '-; : j.piL .la^ . • i '¦ " the - . . fiwjtBnebeC » - ' ilp iiW . ¦. . . . li kw . . v • - ¦ _ iiwaB ^. .,. . • m.^e . . . » ^. ->¦ - ' . . ^ 1 >»f^fc%. »-g* ^« -* F " ^ :f . : < -> ! . . are m - gmMm-g^* gmM*. ¦7-iirli '* * --- «^- ' : -» -¦ " •". *. * ~ reas ^ ¦farae ^pr«imlar;5w hae Ibe: .. :. ml *teretoB in md« tku wer k, wiJ ^Ak^wfiTt. ww *pu ^»y wyfcfl^ - - * * _ cw^o^.fidfate. ^h ^ *w* ^ 4«%* ? a weeksEief.-to eiistence fted i United Slate8,"*rue to the vrry ^aoed *f,all jlea fH or ^ ^ aa g^y^ i ft4te "beeB ' itheir :^Declaralipl Q,V ;andf fej l; pAji, Th erT ^^ ul. ' " J : and a^soioBmen&o&s f intention to-xnak ^a. toor in jkleaeedto tjo te the *anline«s of its bimi ti tbetvi mmQitals^miirtof W*.a.gourt lemte all ! And does THE AVERAGE PRICKS FOR THE WEEK . ENDING Wet 20 beMM. ^-Iiii^Tftfrary and critical tal ent ia : - ' ' of* bh4i werea£r ^ " the Umted States is said to be ' ^ery - ¦;¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ '¦• ' ' - t ^V ^ ^ ^ i txpotEwtitig , , int ^tiir United States GoTernment tp oHrs^^ of an epc> lrel ^ ar gnment ¦?';¦ The disnppearance of >¦¦¦ : ' ' ¦ ¦; eoati>wie*Wbe a ^c^ BrimstbieJ aal of the terribl e 1744:rl -^^l^^ -: : ;3f624 ^ :;: ; j3fl : ; . • ¦ .5L , ¦ •»? • ?; as all thr paree ^reeoaily oflering M»nd teBsnre ^azdsatioo lawless adren ^er'iad! f t^s- inqui sition from allthe conrta of ,Europe---t hft abso- : ^ ] ondw ^r» fa«N«Jiee m 38a ; Hd. :2k 4ai;i 37*. Od. 40si 0d; 41a; »^ 4Sa. Od J'MffiN.by. the tr»d £wui spwul»Mr ^.U»,U8t ^»i owdfjuiv s afiecte ^7»eT8i»>on the Canadian : frontien,. ^eager td Itoon of the »Ji pW Trj nityM pro teciipttJa w whicn been at an advance of& ta per ton: lac'erA ^welli^MuLMBd! . 10* ^ tain oTlhe ir« * ; asffl ^lj ^iny ootbreak ^hich.may ; be ialtem ptea!in AIJDRESS WTm^OtJk p^teEaSlADlCAL makes it as lejetiL to oppose that doctrine ot the haVti tfeiched ibottt 706 fona, froift >i"»io_5» lOs BOT^S Sf N« the t. ¦; :;- > U}N^N Wt ^LiMARKEX ,BRlTUtt l.- AWD. saleij 1 1 ¦ reported ¦ ¦ >:-v"v in Shumac Of ^ ¦ dTmng ¦ ¦ * ' tbe ' ¦ Argote PM/ A^pciATip N*' " " -" ' chmcb as any other ; of prcr ^neer ¦ small ¦ ¦ - 1o«Miara approaching ¦ the trntbs or fictions • *iab s ; - ¦>• - : - : TChe ^ ¦ ¦ :r: in the . . - -:. : - * < • ¦ ¦ ; ¦ . . . . : <»iywt ; ^ been tak M T. number 6f these banded *'¦ tnote ' ? _^- ^ hemisphere of mind—or thftt toleration exteuded iiri We^We lo' ittKir t iteady, but by no m en* folfcakof Cream of Titrtat and'hfow^ r ^r. . : p^ atoi fireebcot eW, ; Feuov CdHitTRYMEN,—The tixnabas nitw amved * e^ at full prices. nAboa f bales, of Turke y«id vlMii ^^^ ^SJ ir ^• ,-. . - is estin iaiea fact, :if not in form,to the preiwnt , writte n indair y ibr edoaiail and Geriwin wool», whiUt in othnrkiud * $ifl Pn>Deh Myddec ' .Thtt IfcanjartaoottMknow. .. = : , at from 40,0W) to 60;000 j bnt we miy which calls forth tberezer tiensiQf man» woman, and opinion ^ icmjft " Koou have fonnd bnyefs at ,45s per cwt, «nd the demind fas - - safel : trnct s and book* of the checkere d families of nn- U|U» The impertii duriDg th» piat week hare:been good at Tboa art—Yhonartn ^rteWalk y assome tKatf npoti has exaggerated thetrt £h. child, to use all legjalar ^-«m«atutioa almeans; u> coiupog^^ iof 400-b«le« 01 G«rman,: and 8u6 ot other kinds o( WaddeW ibiw coiilmued stfe*d y, wim iiiin ^ b^rSffeN ¦ " ~ ine beiievers,4~dp they pro ve nothing ? From the whole ' ; ' ¦ •' ' ' W».. ;l'or . a aiuill parcel of Torkcy -,- - AloBff&y seek 4otb wend! .- - 1 - - . Itli , however, certain that their " demonstration " .obtain tliebr ^ ^^ dto^Te'their coanny front i^ i joi 'wyoi ^ v;;vK' - ' i;- ';» ;-) :-:i::: --i i;.l« to i ¦ yiew4<*m»umy conciuflon- i-tms.my ^p ^ 4«v^ «d to . i 10is waaoh uiiie^uiid for :good Pt»r«i» o ' fifo^j iib ^ 'io G6vernment "bf lothth B/ impendin g rniiu If^ever &ete was' altimet when it fixed positioti : Eljjctj' ral Saxonv wooL-^ firo^n to-M first AostrkR, . ^17 pefeWbi' 2SS Ca *a- intelligence spreads and till spread ;--inittm« j .^ snil f ' ' bags Tttrke y «pt sold by*ucUcraH»t 78a to Ifa ^ft t bloa,anl 4a8 'j u |" ttiieaien8 trbnbl e ! waiaecessfcry to Awhke oat of ifcep, arid be alive; to, / ]flcB aoheinu ^, other; German wools &5d Vo 4s '4d,; ssc6aiii 70s >ercwt ^ Bctijmtimaj tetfiMirianaa— - : , , more e«p*clinjr to the th ene. every day adds ; to itll ©ndence? ^; ditt.),& 4d 2d,itl« ^takto; irii *k8aiayie ^,;2« . t forwtt*;• Thademand fot Oll»e OUhas taken off their ««n interest surely itisv now; Does not the dtsristngii , io> iV^ ahuttt tiO.tu 70ju>ns, «ithput ;any eiu»ug« : ianw *«eiita»- ^»j»Wi»d! ... , >. J?¥S ^T-1 -Tho ugh for th§ most ps ^j ii&iica ji clti- , and its power j—it lifts the l mindv abtive it« 6d, Ger)aMi \imW aittp ^ ^fti^ !lWi.lluftg»rian «h«*a'» m price *worth y of iena ~ swordpf persecunondraw nearer everyday, s tarviu g, former ^ U;U- /" : , they are chitflj emigrants frqm Eng Titti 4nd seJWins it frbin } what wHrf'ignomn ce to what dii ti2»4«l ]$• 'jls ^ii Va^i^»iiM' .pilktp^ tt}^ '^ - Tb *chtjage«tfthe4»rtna»a»ky— perishing, and tyraliniziiig /over 'astvJii. a- thousand is Segoviiditto, la . lOi to-3*' Sd. Sborii ,ditto , 2» 2d to3«4a, io log ' --¦ " ¦ - ¦- - ¦: " ! " Ireland, who have alrea dy been in Canada, and who fcnpwlflidtje—-from vbat was TcSiik.' tt ^ g holders AHs»£itrr»{lair«»d.f;l?0m— ;. different forms . false to w.hot is tr ae i'-S Cwaresditto, 2« 4d toSi 2d sTptHjiih IsiiibB1 WO..1 j Sf^o^^43 ttw#.iJMSfSuU * • cherish And do trat ^iceaild immorality,, , , Is 8d to & Linieed rfeh lkin*stead y »tthe prie Mattever be unknown t> me— fiteling* of hostilit yto the British rul e there , itimbne« u« witb fiotion ^of liber ty, n»?w asbigh wid oil, Oerrnan and dpauiah crow ditto , 2s:2tl to as 4d, Portugal e*quoted. Th«tntnfac( ioaai - .- .—¦:-*¦ ¦ aiidjererytfdng wMch appear *itp be bring ing ut3 ihj PaWi Oil titeric ktoj Ouipii 1 . ll y»cwlJsi&thet*inV! ? and mo*:of them read y for any , ^nr high as new^teacbei j thfl great i^mp of ma '^itUJ ditto , U6d 28 4*0 vmi f ryitiaaziuHmiv daria g,, whether of insn tntionB ' to nought , e hand itftl^ il's tL^p .^^d » 8dr t« ; 8d, »t.*AS' to of surronndos on ev ry ? ttstra lian fine crp»»ed ditto 2a 2d to 3» 73, je ^a.lOfj and on the,3pot, at X4d to 4(43. 2s 6d ia - " - ~ t fe T - ¦ • wai^or sport, when the frost -bound «arth is shut ' ri ght to think , «ad of th at right briiijg-eqnaU.the , T dit to native Hnjull a , " ' Mir th, mwili . *»e * A" ' 1 =- . . . . _ - Is it not an bard case to; see ^ our .poor' childre n,' sh.fefw'ditto Is ^8 4d; Cap e of Gb6d Hode p r«sls Oil of Turpenti iie conti nues in good • eanest. ! ' to Ae pnr3!ut8 of imme to all,*-that mental coercion i»jan ini to : , ditto Is 4d to 34 A furthi jr advance .v . J ^ cWJ tw»a»d,-»dj '-!::,: :J J- ¦ ' '^ '^- ' - - . . has been realinid on PetewbDrg h ffemn . _ ¦ - .that ; we cbnnor 'by : ^ ::m ': ^- :. ' ' : -:- ':^y-yJ holder nnow aafc per'ionj iid b»loiVJut e JYea. Naittre' ii movement *»11: ,-- tb manto ding. The arm y of the United Stat es is to relieve them only by- sending.4hem iq a basiile,? v eit ^ ; v tHiie innUini g%o d^areTBthf >r8Cmrefi, nnd s*mewh»t higher ^4« per tare been sold - ' Balinsstimagetbna is suna1 •-' - • ¦ ; %fRith 'or-mpbld 'an ', many are it'too ^We ora J rftUwpir lst W yellow candle are nowefl'ecfed' it 60s to 60» 6d • somehusine gs- " - ,000 in nnmber , has been greatly redubed ve iper secnt * ?' I utterl y ' !;po>ni feggs lii7fto la $d , h»lf-bred do. Is 7d to is 7}d/ farl ; ^tt«w *g J $ttx0!r starm g for tfie ^^delry %# pbMilii f j *itt 'J f ym the week; was done¦ at S8s 6d to S9i.¦ ahd Odeia *.t* b> desertion , and that iris probabl e the main bpd $ food? Is it iot] in *^n«. ry *«serto rs to its trntb Down ewiwHmJ wrtheni U them , ; ^Ettiirterl w^kaavfeKspt . . .(as they ire called, universal cry , echoing from all •'who love the plain est dictate s Of thp 'Unders tandin 0tn y winatt durin g; th© p^ ^nf ra&iiM , mind ; * helpless race of mas , whom all nation s themH ^lvec, f thwr cftnjiciencB:- and OOU ¦ and; our corn market hits bfcomo Very bare of new tiraini ; b**e Aongh incorrect Jy ,for- .only a small porti on of them t e I^hfSita te^Tlfct tb^ronhuri ce of V r Ll ^R P - , ;i ; and endeavored -» extermiiULto jWriw tiBg^Bnng h ir children, their countr yv and dieir felldwripeu , them ^CIO ^MARl ^.KOV .^i; tfae uoantit ies of, " lour and Oatmeal h»w offerins are tinalL - ages are. Can adians) hold their councils ; and a corr e- w31 No! - '-We ' -b9e]w ; "ii ' ' that tb eir depr ^yity^lHgn^fyH^-isBrieb ^tbat . The public auction of .-the 16th has imported more qaietnesa W heat has continued to meet «f Tinft-ttmrin g peraacotioa y -^u>d -tlw»gk*^ispe«Ksl u >e - ^i ^ ' .;' j ^ di i .^r eaj nmnnit f ef setttf- Tsdled aHaFong ' rronti er,' are - tak epar aboot to take our fiyes. letaiir be tamed and per ser; ; for i .;, . . . White , t o * f * !^ t ^ ' them in'that wnti m^iit. Owep; te>i wonld llaM to 1 Is 9d fij r line Darai gj and Ha Sa forVBult io men *, f antipsdiieSj an ^pnr ^te,' j^81onr & Tronde fftil '* cirNcJomirtanees , thit their doctrine of cirenmHtancet , necessity of 5 :' . jiestiiij'JVoi mflie geocral inessots^bq> l^ordlJu rham molved ito return 'to corners , to hide the ir impious heads. Yea, we ought ' ' tfifi ">. ^^ J ^ ^i^T^) ^^ ' ^^ 0^t ^,\??£ bus aold reailily, bu t with little or no advance in yaljie ; 58a - ' - ^ EngUm ^dir ect. : Wil]^ ^wpuldj dK migK^tran sfo^:; r; ^ *u 63a,per 280 fto hay iJ been ciirrebt ' ra tes for Irwhl kind. TLot preaerra ooxi« a" dn ^jnct; J w^le Proh bjif cpiwjtdered every vne of its; to step out ^ of • ihe run tine of his ^^ [WoenW erthe *brd«tone occuw in theseprice *tbioughont i Oatf and J ^ |^Iy. it adTisable ;per« qn»i }r! in SncbVis . a specula'tSpih . W h«t - days observation thispttper ,^1 »*«il>« considered as.the unpe nala ^onepf : Ulb* Patmeal have both be^n in reqUe«r,' tind the marke't'ia jrettr indeed, an event nnparalliiiwi ib tbe annals of toe ; ; ' ' former enetgy, fin order t to r obtain that mnoh ; ? f p ^ ifr ^ r ' th98« fWBt y-: ^ - . .0ffyaiim ent a^'ho ^^ B. tbe eafliest what says history on Ihe-idiatfer fj! Wby,> ha^fe hoi ^«u ^ bj , ; ^;r/f .; : '; well cft>arei ; 95a ip$6 *per ?401b« w dt-mat.d ed fof.:be*Oa ^ wtrid. What i^b^Bnejctf eelebra wd desirable dbjecV ^equal righ to^ and privileges. , JLrt-t a» ^ ^f^,J ;; {:^* ^^ meal fine.prating: empires infor matiia j,; afld -jb} ca^e ,: Parhame pt ^blquld j be the Tnrk g^ the ^ Scptoh ii thier Calvinists ^ as a" bod on aaie in onr of v Oate would brin g 3s 9d, good mns ;3* 8d Terjaames Kjll pax ^. its lay aade n^minor differencef «, aad know nothing y\ : The 'iii p^ljr yjf B«a«\i rnaiket to-d»y was, '¦' ^ •i b i : >a «till »«*rj fja cjirc *, an ^ leing ^rnose excite! adm iration by the Bonmmred toimeet.befo ce ; ; &C, been ' scbdolW in ttat cree^'for now ' * I-? »' s-ft»l */ ..wanted , the. n^ual; period j ja be of sects ani^partle», -or 'aiiy opiaioD3 -that would asncceai eyeo the *liue e«iniH»t. . bent boilers worth 52» uer imperial 'qr. -Several embraced ar e ' > ' ' ' : ' : • ^^ ti»ewi»oWimrfacethe .of tbeokaowijj worLiP #ord ^ ahd fal ttitii ati6ti : uart ^t ' ^M ' ~ in>|l4!^if ( .Wtd ; W'Vwr, quality ; lrom Norfoife i patcelk of Miffi iMWheat hate changed ^ hands VandiOa 6i pez are , ^a . f iiM &.m ^ ^ taste, upon other points,:, on this let us ; all agree , namel y, ^ ' ' " ' ¦¦ ¦ ' " :) ¦ ¦ 3% oalj,jemembered as monu ments of the ke shr unk from ngainst;dis?ent ef8 from tbem ? Ar ** they toor< f tot Devonshire, Herelordahire , - Suudex, Wales, and t'cotliud , '/ Olba iuts been paid for the i best . red ; - ¦ -, ; r * ::- "¦}' ' -. ' . ^ ** OCbe-trus mphanti j ree«>fioo=iwaich the five Radic al points, and.aot let Whig, Tory, or, 5 Kenerall y spoiling, very prime. -: OwiD'g to the -weathei 1 being ¦ Tai&j of . human greatness. . Greece and Some ter our eran f than ;^jft: worl d besWe* ? ' The world shall ¦ tii await edhim to theiSta tea, 'afe » timeiwhen ^Ho small sham Radical er ^ rank )8, 9njiur pese to* brHak. ¦ lavob rable to" alaauh teringi and the atmhdance of both Lori- : '~£"-'^f : ' 'J ' ': - ' - i^^y^jcWo " 8 o more.;;it descendant s- : 8peak [for iftelft 'Tis» ;thn ^ one greatverrii r i)f ¦ ; ¦ v- U -?.V .;'i T.v -r.--^r?i o*qi^fc. ::-= * i5 i TJ ^r , ^^mbod wi caher auniber «f thfe cifiaHB'of th * Union m»f preparin g our bonds. It -was: by this means we gained the |th ^ dott And provincud . buyers Bnjueroas, the) Beef ^tw^lo Jwtw W« advance our quotations since this day Week M per ' ; O*einte8 , as *we have i 'shp' flfnv 'Jth at 1 they reaso n. eauv(yt»d , riical»irly wiih the ; • ^Om ^J ^y,,lwgyen..dte ^ q e;itf ;itt ^r ; ori gin | ¦fe -make an inr oad into -the provinces ; the govern- Reform Billr and although, conip'aratively speakin g, of conniderabl y r pj» sup«rior kinds, .bush el for Wheat , Id for t>ats,3rt per stick for Flour, and 2s 6d tiari asfbe now f a pf; se'cM tof* tte l9th cenfary - which .were,all dwpok ;d.pl at an advaiicH on {the prices obtsiiued per ,loa4 f»>r! < latraeal , :. with ' : a corrrapondin g impro veiu«nt ia VfiiUt a peonUtioa of a few millions of men, so often Tneht of-wbicn Jife tad quitted ; it has proved aborfive , it has pointed out a land-mark ' ' ', . just : 'Whatever may as- tb ey>would 6f mnn and secfi : on )^»y.-^t (: .y{: lull Zs.;p«f . ;8 Iba , -Whilst ihe lulddling- aid: the yajue of most other articles of the trade. At this Wd ro ^agaj ^dj «and %tbe ttst of thi rty j ^rolvin g to which weare to press, ln 'order toi get a. ^bf' ceri tnries 1 - ' yanca -cento- bare been Lord iWh am V motives for bas 'tening to ' furtb ie* tnoe; making ' ihferioi-.quahtniii sold :. at late rates. -Those beasts- wjiich th ^re to .rath \ rrors , ttfat -they ; : Ther e wa*tt fair , average , uoiujj ej- of Sheep, offerin g. , W ith «npnly. .;. ,. ; -;. :. :- -^ . !' ;¦.- ::-; f .y:- -h- .:: ^:<-\ <- . ' : --:[. ' ' r - jaankmd. ory of this : the sake and for the-happinessof fature generaUODS,} ' ' v i / ^ i. t;A :t- . . Th^hiK wond erful people con- ' M!mbte--tb#' '.pslt. «6iiflict8; and wiir s . -of T . Tespect \o^jt ^eir ; qna iity^,WjBifhayij. to state that a grea t ami ; Shock uj s . Acca>BVj.—Gn-Friday night, the and shall,we lack in. so noble , so bepevolenf, pntf a elig^Pus ' aeete the ;present fene| -with ihe earli estages of the ' ; pwUes to a- spirit - of mkterju lwprov«inent wa8 a)5p^ntt not only of those received Jlbv ;; following shockin g event occurred in- the jDunil patriotic a causp ? God forbid ! r sip" Ibng as; we see. uri<5bari tiablen esi«; a positiou ' 0 hWB^POOL CATTJUK ^AttKffT ^Mon;ds > , 26. irorU ; au we^TeTeasoB td betib ^ei&atit wilLpo^ y of wbreh I dispute; What waa called- sseal from Lincolnshire and Li-iceswrahire , but , likewise, from our ? Mr. TIY iHi »|^ _ li ' aigHni , «rf--fliM*"iJui fyj in tTbi g* goai^tj tinr feljaw -cneatnrfe8 in 8uch an awful and deplora ble , thB lbv««rf weMtern Wd j( |iii}l»n4"v«lljtricts ;- ' iadried , Jfroi w *aw -da r ^toBs ^ ^ er- ~ vro«« ^tntl thft lov« of Vnan one may almost ajWa y th» tonunr m ^tSi ^^^ *^last .^ ^ ta ^J ^ib^^idOT ' i- ^ f Jo ^ ^heTfewiB, c (Eutland.) Two female servaats, fine yom}gwomen condi gn—nay , so ^ong" , as- we^^tnessx misery S iTOirt yf(WBU teJtttiordmai' y.linu tibaep were exhibite d. ; i^ime ably,**smaltei- than ft^tof week , which may>e attributed --•faaMjy - are ii firing and a cootinned mirafcl e^r an3 trace to prid e^tind^^ avaribft —to a taste for the good ;^utt«lowiw werej in, 4h<5re»»ed demand , at ; enhanced rites to the long prevailing easterly wind'a preventinj c this' boats JtamedTemperaoee Hibbit tand Sarah Ann Carpen - and wretcnedn &s, of every description , stalkini/ of- i ^ , ¦ttar ^exenj ipBon^^om tbe : common-rat» With thi njrs; tbis *ori d- fo»• po'wrt" which • hrp ught 'the nia py Of thein beiuR deposed of at 5» per 8 Jb s, Whilst bthtt aTrivm gvrnhWttWfromlreland; ana fc conmnerable -tan of of-nations dalfif been , down: the ^tr ^ets iniblnshiri g hardihood ,; we ^ »)ocft had washing their bedroom pr eviously to '^olnments, and for ppp nlari fy which quali ty*:-ywt$& sa' * ! *^ Mv of gd & ]bs< those in the tuftrket wereleTttti»«f ifrBm-liittW ^kV^^ ai of a&rda the stroagcst epdeace to the truth of the cannot, we will not, stop.< lYa cera gfatatate pur dr ew? out the $&?£' *^ |*r r jr . tbto leaving on &e following day, and, thin king congregations add the AHhoMh Uie kra pply of Calved Was ver y inodera tt*^ the trade nrdinar jr qtwlity,btir^Beef being rather largelyrin demand,and Sacred Scriw arafc ^ Tfc ;ire, as it waa ¦ othe r Associations , ana we feel assured glory. To nought but this ' - ' ! onl ' at »n ad furetoid. the chamber not juite aired they took up & ' that «an I trace the many witb. Veal Was , «n the Hhole , dull , at barel y, Btationary y m lew handb i auick sales have been ; rn ^de vanca , cbafin g- Stbckport wfll not '-be. ? mV-ihe v ' '-;- '6ot, . ' Catholic persecuti onS-^ancient :Th n saltf lor most kind * of iaynee iii hiuch as 50s per head. Therelias a fisperBed orerihehabita ble glohe, bein g themselves re ari .Hcill to prices, Pigs, which w«re in good; of ep ' so been a wtt dishfaU of bngbt eoals; which they left alight in their maintain ' the Position which sha "haa mkeii in oil and modern- ^ nouvht but tbis* brir own Ennlixh suppl y. Wail steady at la^t vk-eek'scurre ncies, '^rea* necrefesfi iiv the supply rfh ,' ncarcery more th«h iie depoaitD jiespJT dj rte oracleu in wJupfa fhjair own *; Epucopa Uan ones—to , A few Pigs were * half ' ^ room aftpr goiag to;bed ; fThers -was «olchimne y/, o at aud glorioui * causes ; and t while : ¦ noup"ht but tbi»- the Pres by- in tbo market , received fro iu Dublin by aea ...... , > ' , : the number of laJst week ; good-Mu ttonwa»«ic«edingly -icarce, onhelief«a cwweqaenti suffering ate clearly; pre- ¦ tu ^r .gre we tenan . 'Twas" 'all' .^ ftold np immediate l Si and the earbonic acid- gas, as it accumulated , being liavfe, reason aid : - a Rcra mble, scuffle,' strneele for . The fresh »nir»l» of .peqste' ., this mor ning, conaiat ed •nd y at a ,considerable advance. ThH oest " the . commoir fsease on our side, tbe ; pf Beef, which, w Mcarc e, soldr ' fi?t»a . ^/JH J ^ '\£j»2 ^& '3&n.& heavieirthaa the atmon p g ' aRcehdauc ^in Catbolics j aridteCb arch iitnb 625 shorihornH , tioiii Luicolashire ; 420 .8h.jr(- hofU8 from aff^erSi re«dilit , itt 3Vd; middlin * ve But here , ifell to the ground ,, and aiJ l, ye ;^»t j& m w^L'tocbasi yB Legulationy 1 >' ; ^ Concerted, w& should- h^a had. none suspected ty. an5 pfteiiy for . asdeh8incy ' witbbrit a MtoU uniformi ty lisic^ste ^h^e; 3S0 -J }$y^,/i&i^horh ^i;..ai)d;' rjiun|iii,-: fruiri ' on reachin g above the bed suffocated them in their wb ^b-i*t6e ;gteat ; 2iO'pcuU: ' readil y sold at /a, middli ng 6jd ,-orduiary anid;Ewes 6d per 1b, Trito ^saev BCaafthey allbeendestrpye ^,,to should 1 pover^ wiftjou t dMeri t^ #itr i pride AM avarice At the b»ti ^Northamp tonshire; , arid homeb red«, froui Noifolk ; ' 1 it sleep; •- The unfortunate girls had locked their door siQu .imnap rSij ^, (yime,, and which ttfe 455 ScotsV and rtnts; from Suffolk |. 20 runta and principally au ,st)ld up at the close of the mark ed' ' ;. 7 alL " ^ T fomi^ rei r Wnrium ift&m v ^Tts ^ similar still' ,-Devons, aud' ' ¦ -' ; i^ h^OQmtti ^ The. ^eiactacpom r and the other servants.betng nnsabtto gmib'an answer* i^wi ^^ tbe se ^j ^.fro ^ . Scdti, from ^Ks«e*;l' ~6i irtv6tik, ' niiits, aud: Scots- from ". . /. Number '^f Oittl ^ t^tieasts il&if'S&iegSMis.' * " ¦ ' . JiiTOe p^j f Christ " pr ediction - WnSt comt rioa iunds call zeal; piety, indefiiri gnble- <. 8J0 ¦ ¦ j city* respectin gthei des- to their call*,' went to thei ri mistre ggaDd toldher of k^wjjy f a ajseaire is half its «nrei < TbP. ^jnnujj; -, ! " i CanibTia KMhtre i H« ;reford«,, ( froui Herejordihire pill ness v^.^p:v rntlie Vanea : bxertions of a ra injster 7^K) .Ueron * from JX fvonnh ire; , 3W D , Scou,, OATTitB IMPORTBLf ili I«JiIVBRRKMi ,trnct jo^^ a>eir temple, aod the calai ^itiesthe cnciinMtiin ee.' Mral Laj ^ouhad the door i» dj ^ei^d, .and, we belieyef, thft igi^bty whicR. ^voos runts , ¦ ¦ • ¦ ^ a^ forced , * add Ms paT Mte ^'an hcu ^ ani , Irish IJftaato lrom WarvvicA ghire / , and Oxfordshire : - ' • - . . ' ; Kr oin the 19th to the26th NoK t-r :• - •> . - tfej haie . endure d during their dupeiBion, Bare inll strik 4.at tbe n»Vabd cleto^iw : of 1W . : and enter«s4 the cbamb er, where she could scarcely ( . ^ ^ dHfiBm 'aP'irticnlisr «tyl^ gainin iji distiinc- 2 1 ru ntfi, from JPemD roKesbire} 5Q ^otsVaud Scots ,'briW Cowe. i Calves ^ifte*p;:'": ityOHtll-VPigir ^ £ttni»be 4^ery- age trilh thej frongest ar gamentsfor will be\ yBiversal; SnffragS , aiid'ttpv ^r ^,;of 4^ y 20'X>ev6iiiii ' ' ; Horses. remain until ' she bad opened tionV - ^^^:-Vi from ?5eqitiand Y runW i aiid pxel!*. from Suiaeli ¦¦ : : ii4«e^ : ; ; ' ' ' the window/from the rigbL and anythin g less'th M ^wito oti rehgio ^s 'nidd p • of raf stosri ibe *wirid« 1 >-2^3V^ -' ^^^ ' -^^d^^ . ^ ' 22- - :: tiie. tro ^ o? ^ "Chri stian religkau . One nf the great snfbcatiag natnre of the : .- vfl^ ^ !;m«r« tn'dif raisea k ! ' Sg Oxefi .'BfeTons , and Cows; from Surre y• j 13 Devoni.Cows *5w gas. The bodies afJfl»joung quackery. TiJI that he admini ^teredL, yof eeping %8^/as !'tbe.!^^ ]}Ti>s, as and various other breed« y lrom Kefnt ; the remninder of flerigBf of their -beMgj geserredand continned a dis- xpfi, couu ^tryt well as. .-poblie,1 pfthe -parties vsometime a the ¦- 5 ; women-we»quite-cold j-and tad eriden fly )Swq dead ^ demon- supply of B«uw :came¦ ehiffly;&om the to wjfllie in: aa Bnaealth y.couiition. ,T;hoie: jwbq ae« . ¦ ¦ ' neighbourhood¦ of N ; tO |^I)ON; ;::;CORN: J . - anpeati - - ¦ ' - ' "¦ ¦ '' " : ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦' ' ¦: ¦ ¦? ¦ • ; ; tisctpeoj ^e be, that their idogolardestiny strata to onr norror ,- wo UhrtHtian ' doubta " Loudoni . - .-. •¥ .. - .'-\:.i- . ., -. • .. . . : E ^r |aA |I ^E ^ ;;: : for some hoars. On Monday , an inqowt was-held, with us th e origin of this evil, should co-onera te jsqib fthat it .. : , Qigbt coflfinn tite IHrine aathoritj r, of, the. Gospel and a Tgrdietttf " "• AdeMental -Beath" was ^p invjEbTisit's 'days'-^and wbto^ gam hTOtea . anff tW freiik - to* me& ^iif AisttsJhn jerwitlr ttn paiiitv ^ this impret ssipn. made by those valiant «oldjer« , has) the ¦ arrivars of Oats were to a verr moder ate extent as meran- J ' ' ' ¦ 1 ¦ , naVinc orily damnation of sefct* se«it Ac.l x •¦ 'i- i f !¦¦ ' .v.. ., «.idii-/; 5.^ M?*,3 ] gime geflf...;. .^ 2foSW the preValenctt or tiorth-easterl y winda having prevented Tia& _ Aboju ,. , deter- to feiftlfii)?s DUto Mutton....3i ;:fv^Sf 81 DittdM ^tton:. i;; 4' - ' ' vesaeto frgn^lrela nigettb '^jnj-rosny f ip ^bJ iSiGW&iii:aii Dundeb. ^- t miiied^tp lift !J^Bir; voice agaiust monopol ¦ 6f' tWsSfirtuteV ^ ! 5ffea* ir , witt arrive oat star yfttjoi ^ poor . OittoWfutW a ;(DtU';4- -* f Veilli;^J..i.rivU i^i 4 2 Of conaiuon , . ¦Tbepast ^wo nights being 1 8s r om i«»»rconrs« :betwte j i _ lliit -port and Ii;cVrei *c>f c^thM ya4y'i««'nnigtt 4:^iiifli; a ^oodt steaay ^ ,^ PfW^nient *>f^ thews ! practices - Th^TOfflister f demand for iree foreign at * similar adsan ce tbenrwere - : de^i " ¦ ,msomeinatances:- • , : ^D dreadfull yinjured. -The oifevmsts ^ijes of .enring ^venrmoral diiteaae. We hope to see the. ¦for iavv VnilL ' *¦" -•—¦¦^ -*^- ¦»:— —-1--*. *j —l j _ - .-..- . . - - iiwmot C*nmicic. ;' ; - ' . ': tlf^ ' ^Krnrit. ^ ^- Ui tiniewliej i,eur ' conntr!fes ndonfee > Me1^jmH ^er;' ' brVfellp>r"Mc.t«'Msf Hpin w ; Wa gbs. air nnde f whici the aeadent tool -place JwejM ibllow,. r ;»i ^ lre ^ ' : v HE WGATE ytMLBA ^NHAl ^)MARI ^S,^i.4t £ must be quoted. Town-made. Elour waa put np to JOs AoRicu tTi ^Ai —In &ecooi»etif ' ouj when they cre ^^ ,-;^''-^im^^ d^^tlie «J it^ l>iifr:m ^ : : pet .—Itaipearstkat a ran ge of arches were in nroereBa wiU at ^.us in effqr ^ ^ d will-beof 'th»» Bec^ty^ A greatuicre aie ni^ been if iB iri!c ^^ .(aiiessT aacKby.the Ming milfere , ana Igo^into iti ex.sMn ;We ua eaqniry, at tbe. -Uxbndg B Petty -8es«on»into the one focus when the groan * tbw spfei'easob for^ so1 doiil^'b^ they . ^^ . thi«.^^ . ' of erecdonj " two of which were oompbteoV-,' . The bro ught tft , aid ^ the feel l^^^ ^wM -^fh^.T ' ecei^dfin: 'preceding weei.) of ponaeesnn gtbett as rel jgien»competitor!r,^truggli ng slaughtered ^ meit i- both ^from Scotlan d!»nd vancms 'paru» oT arch immediately adjacent to these two was buiHing V . . , r ?. thun dering to of. which hj» .toiluog » i*te», it vu stated that 10s.. per week, wap d^e : ; 1 Qneen Txir ^ and Cotninons , an*g^J *P ^s.^ere ^1^!2^^-' 'ft;{ ^ . . ' * whiie of the toreiain ^ masonsj Pavid litiie, wTight, nature of the ^ase self, tWa * frdmw the well:knpwn : ' ( \W ^' . ^ jde«^^..ra ^ 'waa ft ^fmers labourfen in West ifidaie *^ verj ^aop ^ Cl ia ^ ^loV pa ^ the " Xa 6d for the . Beel£ wd- 8s fd'tb 3s-«lPper $hb« for pioderatel y fair.trade in OaU ' th e demand moAl s j gave orders, a shor t time before tbe accident ; took tf^^^^ fact qf' a iniriisteTbeiniripriB thiiOff in >hi» trtilpitJ and s >; ^. ^ . ^ ¦ th; . ^- : . y confined to l ^ re ^ ^^ ^ ;l ^ - ^-; ;^r ^ vi ,,: industrious' . af,ti to .beT&iy t1ran 'deriDg about out jot Mntton ;-: -: ~y«'' s: v;vy .^-i^iUf 'iu i ^- ., needy ctaiininttrg ahd coantr ^buyers , who gi*ra 'i&bnv ls per *^ ; ; ' qnite another in the pirvate circle, and bf »• ; ^ ' place, for- the remova l of. the wooden supp orts Yrom ejpwloyn ^nt^t' pB&d^ of Tabdur lay;«i«n • . Un *«c6?nJ t of the great Btlpplies -ofIiondon rslau ghtered 'tojj ftpr tj'tbtB ^ , Jbirr jUT ^-^ 4a Mr« ^retei ted ' ' ' By niacbto iaety ^ing ft l deVPt8e id his: and i ' bnt Mo| ^M ^M tb *tw.o «nBp^e|ed.arcb pa, wblcbyas idbBe, against an 4 ,niojaopoly,' by; tH& Mlf-in ^i?re«Wd tew the. reH giorts ^pb«re ^ m conh-' ' .'n ieat exhibited for sal«, :the tnde '^aa ruled heavy^ ¦ bo dealetaB Te. waiting; as "ulujir, th« expect ed4rish smpl *. Lu. .^• . debce ;iflid'1» rbad ' lite^J a^^rt -y^Iree vtbinker ^ ¦ ' ' Ha ^^ :^.' $U ^ ;]^^ M ^ flr - .Ae; the epmiojiof sunja of ve - ether Vork ^en. ' .Tn neglect .of tjie n^aiiy-, Sid iet our watenwo rd be nrp vujg material vanMion caa bo anted in th pricet ,1 -i^j ', .v» j ;:;. . / , • ¦:> . ^^^ S^^ iVr'f PR ^^ ^^ Hr i^TWfti .Bonded Grai n ts ft^ ! " ^' 1 1 ¦ ¦ «g»»««f ' oar thattrieti's he^ i^triphi ^S'maTWmu c^ T lLliiv'i^!*^ i^ 'J^Mx '» ]fc.--."J' iL«^»'^»iJ_( iJL ^:«jl_»J_ i i' ' t" t' 'J'J *. =* ' I ' - ' - ' . . ' ' {, ' "^ Tf " ¦* ^^' ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ' W! ' ^pywpt e? ffF ^f^f tl'W rxz ' .consequeneB of this rash removal, tie pressure of nmq r ^ttni! ^ *&¦ 9&&i W la ^i fibe ^, andLbei 'tf a¥^ ^T ^ ¦ Bwslorembad ^oaiauDedialitay . We thtothei ^ p ^ ' > Mn : ¦ . (orj ^cbe c, these arches cm the one partiall y completed became,, no longer bandsmen. :Sucb ^arethe , sentiment ) and: ;^A NC;HKfER .CORN K3CCrt ^GE ' SBt ^ ^ ^:SM £\i^frf c^!^^ U^ir^-h-i '^i-i- ' pre sume the reason for increarin gtheJ ar geDodj of ; act ttte 'pArt ^df;^4nt«er ^t(r in a abort time so great as to force ddwn tiie abut - the»- . .- . stfecese :w»s firal y demanded. ^ vkb.u , •¦ i- •,' . , »,.r-i-. ' . *" j. -i _ 1 ¦^- , - .: . . , . m&arsan dirCaBattait f rxatdert amiogrba ^beillicit whole thr ee arches . fell ' iri ; .BTmulwuso pBly': The with y.q]a^]&pnjtt ^e pfour exertion , sbaalcr,; y. In f^ Kiiiill ^ ih'e'gi^ficaticto ^bfiWfeelih ^ full ' ilffiiii *^;^: intredne tioatf^ittmfemeBtMfc»nL<^.<-fj i%; . ^ -- . : States, aiid th *"reported -organwatioo of-m law ioent. TjberB *foai % ^i^.Bie ihat " v 6fbis ^at |oral 'feelin ^r 'read Williami' sa*age pi^shbw ,^ The 1« pet load and qr respectiirel yijy^;? ;: :iv£:« >.: -,-i ^W' . t.:,}- 'U' \ ^ ' ^•¦i^Jb ^ ^ iaraiion of CviMi^—E<fnx'Bt ^ Qttkt&e. fifeJ - The howeTer were not «o fortunate. Quaker ^' wise and -wbrthy in-air generntions ,! have l ¥. i: 0P i*«ftii^;^»: ^ ^w^v?«O«ie^twrB i Te«i , Griffin * be sent; to. $>b,Northern Star for insertion. r »***. ^ 2 ' ^ Ch»S ^ ^ official ' ;¦ ' :- it notcPiti paVatW ely. PbrenWi ogJ has no orgkn - b' " ' " ;v: 1 ' for - ,; ' ' ' - made ;: , ' ¦ - .V" ' ~JR ::; . , r r Thomas Boger and —— Grant wert aried amongst * n aft ih M - L ' - \fl - , % _ ' . ¦*. tii- !. > b .K ¦ > V^sxxlt SUBSC&IFnose lur elwM among ;S$o& ^#t&!^^ ; ^ : '* m A * .a ^*aA** ^ ai£-L^l T .i !. " ' !COTTl )N* ' of 11: hum veuerauon wonaer dui- no" ; Liy ERPQ Q^ ifttAiiK ^Ti¦?¦ • f b ti» Catfcki <^ Preston towarda.the opmpkdoff '« *^¥oiia Jtoger ^wartakeii -outdead ,"-bnt, won- , , or gan' lor n. i :wi^OT ^S&S^tMj ^™^®6 ' 0 r - And wei'ariybf . tifc.' bfegiff: to; be nncbari table; only " : J >{S^^ K* ^ ^ ' »^« r "' »P»«*'- ' derful to r»la» , Gran t, .after being three cj r!|opT } Ti< • ¦^ ir>; ^ ' -v-!^#^S^' %^#^* #^^ ^ % ) ^/ 5^#Sit ^eej !Brid ; je-street*" , ttfiif we ;bave begtin tb ^ feel^rfife: 'ihflnedcea j of ;4^ .«i^-w^few})^ trSit ^J? miatites bhHed aiaongsttoe ' wood .and stones, wag ^ pj ^st week ittill contthuea j the deman d' bothf from ' '!WW9WJ t^N0.«»I»^^W«W ^WS a'a-lane! ;^* " ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ciJmpetttiye'^ ^ th,e trade-a mi ^^^^. a*d-isti»at. ;S X)Z ¦ ' c ' " (wdan t*u» ; • ' - ' - *" • ' ¦ : ' ' - : ' " : " " ¦ ¦ • rieK« (* (aias aiiisto) '4- tbat Z^rt - - • - •-/:- - ' - •; " - - ¦ ¦ . . - •< ' ^ " 7 ' iik^Lm-ri *^^ - ' - ' taken out alive,_ altboagfa dr eadfnlly injored. : . :. . r" :J; . ^' : :.: - from Wpecitlatbni havin g been %poiiPa v«ry 'fextenWVe ,»ealK, * HfMf^tef^ilfe^fefe^if^S^ ^ JSj laflB^ ye haVe beeu pert erted ^bycirdnrtiB tfinces-- ^HfcBU^OTL ^j .iTOjvS^ MitebeU being aTae^ *end~of the arch was not alto- x 1 ^d ^ ri ptipo«:haend be was U*d *^; iA&i*iffMtM MieUebfor ducuuiok b cnyetbe »^t Dp ^^ desofatK ^ ^ «9mmon qualiU ^s AOencUtt and'Sur at i W'per la «U the ¦ ' gnat A^&k«y > «¦•-«><^ to leidemUjM ' t^ff a^tsA^ar ' * |^ToSc^Ss|ae^rB (?l^^ «^^ i -«c . - . it. - - die p *S*»tim *»t* ^Jt ^^ ^ Cm**?- 1 ta */ bpeAnlators hate T»K JClTBmP OOt laTie wb ^ ^udjg ^ven ojder. fgr the pr emature *r a ^r,. **^^ or t ao teligiop - i« not the qnestion. . Religions or ;winiw at lunt week's tikei * le.OOO r D»JL«PDI. ACPIBIM ^>» r ' '' Amtjn«»n.7M?eTnambu^ ^ aB4 ^ > *" « ;- J* .u;yiii ' ' - ' r> 1i^ ft 3 t 2Wjfl»i»i^ ^W0 Soj it.' / ib^ 1KD MAKCHMTXm "'"' t Yr v utr Nin ii . i| i-. !^ii > ;. , l^br | !» ^ death. He was uikIct ; oae ' " ^»W»e4 jfibdeV ' Giife '&ea man imbuefd' with tbe spiri t of ' ' ¦ oflral !assuzne ct Mrllohaaoa.l *ttpf! ' ^ ^ ^ M : •y?.V:V-, .j,..; 4j ;|| . -. . ., BaiinghaU-atreet .^^ ^V . ^¦, ^.V ?? ! *«l'^T? ?7 S. : ftote ^ 1 : thej ooj nfi^ tf.W^%)qs|V pjof- ¦I^Ml^P& ^NIiMJfl f '2«7U»ihi»v4iiiW ^»; fft»^ |ht masogwork hid tolkn on hyn and stuDne 4 TU Tp^Kpjt^^ ;' | V^^ ^^ ^ / Nt'**^ » BisJ lwil*- JuTnffl Mni Bf-Ttr -jMLy^ ^j "% *^f ^ ^tp att ^ i^SoJ ft-i^^i^trf^^ ftr ^fifS ( ( !^S«8M ^ ^ ^ v^.v^•^* 14!u^^iDOT«; i ^*^ i.b ^ ¦tt ' ¦ J 'P^ ' ^^ *'"»**1 Hlch ^T call *ffid rufln i'W rtt p¥Wm " a«r.witls l#!^i«i« ^iirr#'tire , f;7^ :Kgyptiai LvOur > t . ¦puCltQT t iWi amlacTlw *» JUHEfct. iogfnWBrTmon«aHw>a»» * " bis, ;aan£er, . " fer iH^ftnro t: ^ ^. ^ i t i^ J ^toiM &i^^^J V^kWMt%'! ^MM¦ ¦ rfm ^ e 'iMaHsin^ pfe^mHktt l, to jiarD»uo«iB&q«. DliicMi ^iingnw>iAlrxJ jeitjiigtOPyijiBUii ^ . .¦ ^ , * ^, - ^^ hr feffl ^FJ ^W ^^^ SaA ' ^itistj ' pas ^b^.)iffln^K•2j|j5ia t*.inOTn» ^Buas->.x.> ^ ;i^jP j. ^-«iot — , - ... .!7*.to '8 , ^^ h^^^^ ^hj^^ b ^^ si^H^s^^ b^ ^E^C^h^^^^ L ^a^D^I^B^^ ^K^u ^t^^ B^^ S^OEBlf i/C^K ^ ' _^^ B^v^Aa ^K^^v '~^^D^^^^ X^VC^^^ spmn g forward and «eizea mm by the arm, tajW L which &* e^ dsM ^ ^iii ^t eafe^Mtfltieiictf itt ttb* < v ^ .^^ :e ^ r ^ ra 7 «&r ^ [^Wrig;!8Ce **e« oT SPpS«« Wr» IIS*»^-f• ^ P«rovi«n ...w 1: & "ftj; ^ V0f *^W? «^^ w» WM ^ ^^ ajoh , &&& B^^^ DflC^^ V^^ ^^ ^QftRni fran ^rJ iof test tt !nferte«on tlmt a^d % ^^^ i*fe 5^S ^Rd0w VvS^ ^Bfll^K^F aJva ^BflaJK M &A% T^»^B nE ^^ E him nut ; bat his.feet being entangled amoig;tb j& , ^ religioo * "indte pJderitly Jtote vJhxfyuttienriA'&ckvJmXtRikctwQiisat Elliott ' Mi ^eh of 'fhM' tJtiirrfailh : ^ WdtM^Wiltfihtobftit^S^«aaSfnuihteo ^;;v*- ' ^- .i -' ^^Jj ff w'i! .MT W: *? s irtbnei, ablralAper ^el^f^bW ^ Vest ^ ^. f ;.*r«! * ntt^t^ ^m, irp ^tKem cfariauf3m isyead.1t8food-nio ne^^^.i^-^fr ;. 'I ^. West ladU .i«j.to43 to^% i i ' Eis cb^tab Vitfat " ^Wdetrl er#'of faitl all oT i 3H [h PiSiiSii'i**.^A ttj J7708nrBt?,, .ir ii. jiJrc V,*M fi^rng;TO Livie; rel a^rid grasp ,,«id : n M tV; ;p^M^ ^9^oifetism ^sittpw ^kban >t^ ¦ ..7kto V' *M> ".^gtj ' ~ «B8 «lf '^VMaranhim i50-.Vladnu ...... ' ^k^^^^^ lft ^ ^VA&^ - ^h^-X^ ^BA^k^A ^^^ A ^ft^h^^^^ B ^^H^b " V^fe^b ' ^b ^flMk ^ ' " thto ^a^d./<^t ^vafarii8W >*r plaee* #,(» o A^]^, ^^ B^^ I ^^ P ^h^h ^i^^ h ^ ^^^^^ I^S i^h^B ~^a^L ^^^^^^ B^^^^^^ a ^^ Sas^^^ B^B ^^ la^^^^ V MA ~^^ I^^ l ^^^^^^ S ^^^^^^^^^ B^^ b b*r ^esc*peabfelng killed biinftrr. ThiW w«* a -w e^i4f'agM ^Wti ootfc hfch al«irbelEni ilwcOrd, with ^ % (^ rt v l^ e^ ^ gJtS»|g^^ U#*^ W^^^^^ M ^ ^ pokl aodOD« snd aeaerrca . aODoutUolc intncwm ," • ^ ^^ past .wtnm6"aV4fe^ih wrak ^ ^ .^ il B^^: ^ .g' i^ ^ ^ p^ fc& *5EW5f itatir mA&BB*'fl«t ^mlamiuef.r -A-: '" ^rti e^ p ^ ftf i^ 'we^Mf bsgfc ' - - -¦ ¦« -¦• -; &* g^ffi ^^ ^f : fccsiiiu^oinf itiltS cuiiMnsivHftB^stsras jCBi of the G&t , wW of &V sWvifbnIs tbe mort 'severelj tWte «r ^l^ 1 ^ ^ f " t. M5*^ ' »n tknea ^all ^^^S¥5^g^plS^S^Sfe«ioek^S ¦^V ^^^K^ammmm k^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^mmMM^K^^^^^^ ^K ^^^ b ? r^.^a^^ B^^^^Aiy~ F^ ^^^^^^ 2 - -*« s9D^^^^^^ Jil " ^^^^^^^^ A^^ Aa ^^ A^^ "V^WB^^^^^^^ ^BWWW ^^ F ^V^^i^^^^^ m^^' mWm "' "^^^ ^^ ft«¦•= #^^^^^ B^ W^^^^^^^^^^ H^Ia w ^Mt - ^^a^^^^^^^ B^^^ i^ ^^^ l^V ¦^¦•^^^i^^^^^^ p^ C^^^ ^^"^™^^^^^ I ^^^^^^^ B ^t ^ ^mTt +.&$. M ^ ^ ^^M^ Wfe>i thai Wer Vi^0^^\^ ^ ^0S ^^^^^ ^ ¦««»»ii j ¦ ftM —¦j.irt the mbw^i9to&m\i} ^ P< W^^ w^^ W^ ^ ^ ^ a«mp«i ^v9 vie* if 4he Imports i^nd ExpWts ^ -^^ to h— bil iiwtirt *m? m */&m **& *¦'* S^W^S^^ ' ' -in frmpi ¦ ¦ ver y senoescharact er there is no ffl^HW**? , to and the >whote kiilgdora «o» th» l«t of JanuaK . BTB^B^BBBjB ^Bj ^BJB ^BBJ BJBJ^V^VB' ^BVjHft I^P ^^ BBB^^'^^^ SI^B^^ ^P ^B^^^ J ^W^^ w^ ^^^^ ^^ ^B^^ W ^ ^••^ ^B ^^^^™^ , yet fra ^ija / and il^^ ^TecpmtoTOa Wif^^ 1 id parti ^ t - " -m ' *¦ - t t u _ jat ¦¦ ^¦> ¦ Mtm iti ¦ ^ ' ' : ••: to;tho IfA imt. and»fithefiuio rt«*d& Eiportt for thf IV tBl4ttD|HH*.* - 9ittwtwB'rtifcn lOFOTn A ^gn ?«psi4t W WP*^aAm ^.- confideat bopes a*e_entertained jal his reqa.verV- *w^i) ^ Si^ ^ivjh ^fr ^Tio»watW ^ew^^ O»^ftlfas ¦ - : - EnSan«sin top r dowiw , J C¥ i ^ -*ft¦J ^ ^ *N ^ ^ ^^ ' €>i^ WUl aa VUU11 99 cJUfCUlU * IN tBbt r-w9-QOBbUKTbL ^^ ^ ^ ¦ ?. ?um ^itit$f c^j^& ^ ttUfMB^es. ::M^:'; iaiS ^^ U t r i Tiniitii Hfflni/ nii) wnn Ti nm -"t- :" ; ¦:;' -^:'8outh iai ^ciW; ;fa&^^! ™ ^?. .l*««88T- ;,if,,^V ' ' ' KfSl^S^^^i^feMfo^SlSiliSf ^i; ^ .ii'Bn ^. fiKpSnWp-*S9?flWWrJWWt ' coijim w .brewers— 'WMkm ttrit \iinrs#KiJbm 1&Hf a t *. |*V>6f * :;¦:.;>>; . .•.W« t;iBdW $$«B»ii ^^ vP*fi V^Bg^tavAi »1^Jr ^ ^ ^^^ p ^ ^ ii ^ M ll ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^^ lW g - .*^ :: ; *' m ^^^ ^^ m ^ ^ ; ' " MWJ jfe^t^t» mfi^J ^^^^ ^SM ^^ Wf W>V:/.^;.*^? : -- ^- r-? J tl ^ Mp $^*^j' * : ; ? ^ 5 - ;- ' ' ' ' 1 f : ^ 2 t ^ft "if-/ ' - . f;i».ji;-ri i »: ! - -i i- . ^ ;.i e ' -' - 'k* :,v^3^ *^ i' $^i^ ^ ¦ ¦ ¦j- ¦¦ ¦¦ • ' ' ¦• ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ • io «, |i S^^^ ' •7 ..->¦! <:ft- -' - • : WortUyy Y . jM. . il ^^ r -Kli ^ ife f^ -HS'.i "i?c . lvi/ } . . ¦ * p*kaWf, ctotier ^D« CHi ^hto ^iUydo * S^^m^m : ; ¦ >/.fei;i/fe ^ ; v- 1 ¦¦ ¦ ¦ •• mnose^Ae 1 1 ' StaJ ftflB^rW 'in^stlir y^i^ !- -M • : • • : • ¦ ' -¦ * • - • ^:. and Scotland, are ^aienlate«e ^ a$^ik» f ffU^ ^V -' ¦~ s JVrt ^n->-^ ; fK^.r '^^ >^*i^g^.H: i, - V" -r './fiif . -j, ^- of Ht» ^diiAiD> \utHit& ^4immmmim mm» ¦ • ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ .',' ; !:S5tftAm enean yv ' • ' :-^iilMi,188 •;>¦ , 5;: • .-;! ^.4 of poplar oyiDWB may ^b^mtrt ^UwMta fi^ ^U1vi ; - < '^mm ^iipmi g»^* ^ ^ 'l ' ' i^^; 4^^ ^\.r ^^ : 1 ' ¦ ' ¦ IJ l :' : ' ; ' ¦' tfie ^r|Ms «rf Owyisa »»4 Fbiggefj, ,>»fjsMrt * ft ^;: '5^ ^t ^diBi.ii.!' ^v*i V i;- AiipWiV^ ,M ^ ^' V '' ^ ^ . ..' !lp* . . ' Ji .-t t « )U;ixiii^ ; -: :- . -- . toftiMw t>« Wm^Smii ^S ^m ^^^m) ;^ |!i»v ^ v ! ^fatft nitt^xtfrim ^ZZe^^M *%w ¦ -^ ^*-?.*'i«^^^^ wWli M ^S^^^ mSMb ^^mi ^ : m^Bm^nat :r^?>.a>?*f; •*:#¦: ?S^ ; S'?:s^"®i i'i? v|v ?^ | S' .^ ' 'j iBterestea statements of party wiiten ^fijuVM1 7 mm¦ mifctf} ¦ tliai fmS ^mmi^iSh^ m ^M ^m ^&^m ^^^^^ hto$ :e " ¦ ¦' ¦ :~ mm W ¦ PHgHoi fette fresh moveBeotriB QBt-tBnd to.,c*MJVioce^ww au i*^lo\M " :^&eiiiwn TO« ^ !wb 1n^ ^ : -^•OtaaK. v^&v-,!& * » -* »¦- - - ¦ .». -* «^T;«?i ti mmmSm^Mtmdsm *m - 1 - Ht l ¦ ¦ ^ ^^^^ ^nportant 'cns»* is" pending. >orfes' potat tMljW . M «*§**&i»^fiip ^*^w*f m#ifa#m ^to t ot ^ou c^apiar MM>f M if ^t ".C ifMt ' -. • • w.ith s*n«Bmc aiMt3rear vo«ig»' - SWllflt: -~'- J aW ea tp myMf Aii ^e»B ^47;4a- ^*rturtl i73n ^^ R ^ ^ Glasgow and' to ai ^oty the na ^nefofiBont ierJ other *, anau ^ amon r ^whac b^ ; ' 4&4d» " < j, ANNRl sTlLr ^Wb ^diiig-haD ^e^^ oFth ^riTmf X ity^ ,^ - ! i thepuelves ;/./ra ^iQH rarl n^.'1; wij ^d'' sit tip for .-- :^ : ^ ^ t la ^flft- ;^^ ^ ^ t , ^ er&MA miAe'Mr. 8Va ^, wbo gatbew *;pt of the ntifiont , -make fto. One short -step! farther , and j and^ foj you ¦^ SuST S ^ to" Owenites /tyw-^pne prind pleJ another , or deny i^^ ffl #S ' ^ ^ ^II * f ¦tettd ES^Wflffat Oe top of ti ^ l^^l in-Pawsott ^treet and ^*-Whi gs^ld their j>f}t*$a/ wt^ ti&'i&Kja of party? lv: pf iavl ^ iS;^- - Nn^ B^SWKebie, * «^>ifimt iaK m ^^ dte ; tn equRl contidence you thecpri yilejM\wb 46,^^ jW ::q ^ " ^^ TB«l 41iiB>ti' ' ' . : 8wne penod&iBJT ^.*: f!fesri!E4^t28 -T |^'v-' ». i^^--uVi Tkere jwerefcor bnde andonlj one ' ; antt smile wery g^ns^^ Mrtthe;%hifel ,^ , ;. & , female «&*!& arms^ ' W- poftV to BotMng, ft I^pTibtioV, thtow myselfon the aftrma iive. I «*y in^tiniabl ^be.% t of pri yileges-^-ap rize above all WtonuX-ltepmea m gaifiean ^gausnedthat i- ; C. .V-' - ;<-: . . -aiv<: -!,»'iw .. i , *ita& to^^ faep bei£&i&m0Tementa«aDeTird and -iMi ow- whea prizes—dearer even than liferrtne¦¦ nght pi private v/.. . v^. .iU- b' >¦ . ¦ >¦; - **- vNntD from tertuu gg ; sod it is wort hy of remark as they can keep their places . judgmentr; ; :^ ^" ;•; -; ,;.? . .-;. i/::;J : "ta- V.^v; all is ngbt so long the old snake of persecution for opinion is scotched, " *^ " &^^^®^w^wBteSl^SS'Blake 'pM-Le ^.Bicm4Si ^8miM :f^^f ^&tafm&£ 4bai th e hones eontxBued their career for a mi.e ana distance and the Again I subscribe myself sirs ^ ver y respectlull y There has dorin fr la»t week, >^ But a hty stir is beard at , ' ' , ¦ bMn lew aoinf to-day than the general ' [ ' mig * if sot killed ; when the puiHe, that is, " ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " ' C • • ¦ ¦ ' ^' ¦y ours . -, .• ¦ - - . ¦ .: ¦ " :. ¦: : : ¦ ^ er half ,, , . . . . . , : : . > . - /:: . - the sales ••mountin g S iOO bag *. Prices are perfec tly >|AMte HORN BR • , passing through a tarnpie- gate, before they soun d of voice*i* wafted upon the gab, which tells teefioc of iht leadinginfluential *or ^^ even mwt miuds, to ^ , ^ h seUer, Newport, Monmo uOi. *ne stopped «te»3y; indVed some »1m have bee» made at prices quite as shire. . Dee 10, and Jan8, at two, at the Commercial Roomt by womblatourers in going op Ray. us that the masses are abroad who , carried the and ue poke that accompanies that feeling are THOMA ^ lSTMAilT. hi 400 American have b«en tKhhSO. ^, gh or higher than hut week. Bmtol ; Hicks and Braikenrid ge, BaittottVbuilauij ^HS. Eeform Bill of 1830, which placed the Whigs in incompatible withpereecution ; and when religionists Elland. Oct. 291K. 1838. takroo napetoiation/ On Saturday, 4,000 bags were sold. born, Loudan; Hihton , Bristol ^ ¦TTr*. " ^ ¦ ¦ 8 ¦^ ¦ :: - - ¦ ¦ wy: -TnB- - - ¦ - - " " """ ------¦ - " " - ¦ ¦-- •-¦ ¦< ¦ - - ¦¦ : ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ^ ¦ ¦ ¦--^-^ -;¦:;-

.jM ol *.nitT*AMQV8on oO oovvobOOMWOa , anuMR. . W»»»»»WSfisTSi »ATDAT EVXW1MO.EVXsTIsTO. tered child-thechild-—the father bewailing his loss,, and the the lauBlordlandlord to the __ . " to the p^pars >n, and from the parson to ra nks again : for although he had foully sland ered y GREAT MEET ING IN THE TOWN HALL. cottage razed , while a; --^ . -v > ?W ri. >.iHeajV henr. ) Mri O'Connor ¦¦ T **&*$ a» tarn mmmmih¦ >^>r i " T-T^ _ fw^p i then the English Radical *, yet no man could doubt his ' ¦ ¦ • - " The blackness of ashes w expr«8sea.mm 8el&uiwe warmest {terms of than kful- great abilities. His friend V~# OOOTTOIZ * . ://:/;; -_ It bad been prnwvsly aonounc *dthat ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ould mariSrilerVl t Edmon ds seemed very HAX none bnt - ¦-:- ¦ ¦ -:¦:¦¦ ¦ ;¦¦ ; ;-' ; ' -y^ ¦:;¦ roemb-rs of tha Union, who produced their tickets, stood, : : ¦-¦; •;;vv ^i-;^W ha «>re abou t being hissed ; but for himself he cared trt BtBf W, tl» Counc il of tb e should be . And the wild mother scream ^°!T d. >Ben defeat ed, : and said , ^bat nad not a straw how often he was hi ^d iri •Si^rMiaM afl^ttedv and, «»)nie^oenUy, at a quar ter ¦ o'er her famiahin g ^M tv;i84U tl^aischarge sci -st tk» Public Office , at piut seven," ' \xyAT - ;- -^.:-;;,;: , : ; . : -;/ :: - -- pre viously explained, as he «incehonouN of his duty toth epeop ^^^Mmi Birabflun XJ okw not mdr e than from S,tKX) to 3,000 per- . . .; ; ;-J- ^;-j . - ably, had y there would lej * (Lpud cheefV^Briv^ w^M tbffr ufB&l fepr for tbe tr«BMftiot of bttiinew. saus _ had assembWd * Urge have been¦ n» necessity for Hestoodago pdyolley fhifsesin tia t , ^The platlonn was (Great cheering.; Snch a scene, sir, shall neifer an * res ^utipn.upo4I>i!fpar ^ as p r ^ After temaSueamomapon tbe merits o( the mfan * crowded, as was also thja oifan faUerv. and tbe haunt mn as its originator. (Hear, hear.) Bat J all^easti^gMnwn's when.be attempted Jo dissuade men from the fojly 181 *eal de^nB.was.n ^ ^ ne ^^ the bf;tfew ;iaponr ' noewfcas 1 Jormtt v *•#•• ¦ Mr. O Coooor Jod Mr. Salt, rairr yto the right oT tbf huitiD i*, while tie gallery now I come to speak of what a Constitotioa ig, and determined . w^m^^^ ; ' beenydoieli Oils, ^^ .f^^ ^ "^ iwt rf frna ogtsidt that Jlr. O'Coaodr to the left wm cro ssly crowded with to shew that which is no part ^-a(^i»npl?Sft yniversal SuffnieVHe or Ito weeks of a fruitless strike convinced them of tihtft ^W^^m^^^m itwu rt re *p>clab leand of thejConstitution, die;in.iaie«ttempfc ;>(Lgud c|e^rs.) c^iUd ' ^AiHFIB^^C^lA : y^'2>: can-fog* Upon pairin g tbroulrtbrue who weu dressed womnn. At twenty minut e&pas t , and what ttrt people have a ju stifiabl eright to resist. not *Tt oTi arid; estiablisbeu'' the soundness of his adrio *. ^iB^, ^ vm wer e seven and Truei' O He nw bkd o8teat>, u>d mrri viDg inTb e PubUc the crowd eut^e nad income so dense, and the (H ear,J iear. ); When yen^ strug gled th8 Reform S^^I^^MillS^We,^ ^P9«yTk¦ rCh ^rt t ^W agcfiifto tiiat »i*ts Office , ^ % wcmitinn g .ine sennments oi tne men pi Birmiuei' iu his opinion the procieed iDgn would Jlr. OXkanor wa« greeted wiih the matt eatau nas . excitement so great, that tbe Counci l gave orders Bill, the Whigs were read y to fight* agahist the tow«ds;l p' gotoistrengthen tie rintae. Mr. that the door* shoul d' be tbmnrn open. when , in Tones for the pohtical ' distin ction: as to ,;who nj ^pihad ^^ Twh /a ^ ^ the handsof the Oonncil, the Union and th ecause mimm^^m^m afg Dollar mi in tbe act ot (Hear^ f hear.) Tbier ^ a dark cloud over •~ he aidi ^On *tie mt-^tiDg tire tbt itft than tun nunntea , srarr part of¦ the spacious should admmuter the procseds of your labbur-- - the destaiaes of J (*6eer i)r-arid i^iywd^the gTs^catioiilof re to line of con- buU Jing was ¦ - ¦ ' . (loua cbeeni) ¦ ibrt : country, bnt In the distant tbe people,vronli be . (jqieri) 4mc «Uc>«bw)ld bep cr>twded to roflfecation . j-rbut the Tories , /finding that a honz6n^ he sa# tne ^jipnaed.; : • Mr; per ¦ urturd b) the men of BiraUn K- _ B. Hidlt , q.t wai whig constitution preserved equall dim shadow of liberty rind his Mnntzspokeat considerable length, and was loudly Prme,^9d. Matfoii; to» tke folk wing E* called to the chair. Upon y the right of1 hewt, gltsddene dU « (Cheers.) ^ lu his "¦ : ' ' : ¦¦'¦ ^r ^^&X , •• .igbt , at tbe meedog ot the n«ng to open the busin ess, both to make merchan dise of the when extacy • he cheered throu ghout. .•. • .v.^; ' :^' : i -y^~ v' . - /:? . .' - . Tmn galL Armo Bu ¦¦ he was received with people, they would exclaimed^ ^Cbbld it be^W *pice; leaponds, be bad conclodtd. be lef t tend jodJong-con tintred eheenng« • He said that now use bat moral power to reinst ate themselves in ¦ a^ v M ri CdL ^lNSiJubieqnentladdressed ; some very ex- Tb«; w« . tog U» oeetlag and '. tbe duty > " Umon. l&ion * i-and .-;liberty. " < (Loud? cheeraJ wbicn bad devolved upon him ttbs of a their lost nontion. That is no part of the eonstitXL- ;«ow,uSir, :i jrabmit to ¦ cel tent observation * to the ri?feting, but pur report , * ^m ^S ^ ^ Mr. ifi MOVDS rote and arat loodly-efceered. He v«y Afferent nature to tion. (Cheers.) The national debt ' iuy jreti ^uttpn ^the sirorki ne which #e did not receive ' that which he had , Which was a. mento move and Becond, thauk ing Gpd that till late, has abre ady run to teW ibe metting to br wire tb *t wamibearttd ima^i- annapatod—Owar, bear, hear, and cbeer*)—for he mor tga ge of this country tot th e preserv ation' jof I have ari- incbnvenieritltagth; Mr ; solu not been the means of cauwii gistiile and confusion iplCpnnpr ^Ore - quanhtjr . SS ¦ali on or elogoence, not guided byjodgment , did not bad nnfdgned^^ •leasuw in informing them that ari stocra tic dominion , is jno part of the constitutio n amopgst the ¦; tion ¦Wa«' then put and ^carried unanim ously, with of le« itq^wbiHteM^ ' instead of bring of this countr y. (CheenO Tbe : Radical ran k«T Mr ^; O^Conn or thfen lead them MOajr * He ad Yerted to tne addre» of Mr. juror* in ad wpntp. they were about 1 law of primogeni- rea ^ the'resolution as follows ;— , ; , v .' loud and hearty cheers ; afte r which the- thanks of Attwaod to be pnrhapators in a reconciliation. fThe cheer- tiire, of settlwnent , and entail, which limit'* tbe the meKting i vras proposed to be given and denooDced, m traitor *, any man who : V Tha t ibis meeting, underatacading r to the Chiair- woul& xeobouDe ndtbe use of physical force. He ing and waving of hat * which followed this an- transfer of property, preserves aristo cratic iufluence , that Mr . Salt nlaoV wbicU, however, M r. O-'Connor begged leave pfeSi^SI ^ ^M noun cement int erruptea the chairman for and makes pauper pemnoners has disavowed any intention of marking Mr. Fear kiig to postpone until tha : meeting ¦tfd , $»4 if torworrow night, tbe .mt*tinK should several of the younger O Connor had . put theiiniah to minutes.) On resuming, he said, that the rood branches of lordl y familiejs upon your labeur , is no iwith dwapprob ftfipn, is of^^ ' ppinibi tJta t their ; ^ttiry»b iv by reauestin •one to tke conclusion of adopting beMr. O'Connor 's sense of part of the constitutio n the resolutioit , df which, Mir ;C-'Cpnn pr gkve tm^^mm^^ tbe would tbe the- men of. Bir mingham .would always of this country. (Great come otir notice; very bravest ineiids Mr. Muntz, to resume his office 3e*olnt }OS^ consequence unani mous insure far every man-wbo came belere them cheering. ) In America, by the wholesome f^Jw unneCeM ary, ^ and't bat future action * as chairman of me Council Ifcr ' a patient distri - iu Ae strag gle ; this was accordingly goatkib rf tbe Council. (Great senaat icn, and and indul gent hear ing—{hear, hear)—that tha t bution oT property ther e, where the widow takes tier for Univert ^Sdftage ^llbe suffici, seconded by Mr. Rdmonds , and; requested by Mr. W^ Uy, Ae <^p;6fcpr]U*i»^^ rj «nw of _ «*¦JTo /' " no.") He; would' not .deceir»- night two resolutions would be sub third , and each member of ently declar atory of our former motives vfbr havin g W^&S^^&k^one radt ^ SS ^ mitted the family and the ladies , the " for their his separate ftmbarked in- th« f Douglas, , and the whole meeting, by coiwsquenceias beefl^that SietemB^ "*»«», «»e» would be tbe case. . consideration , in tht canvassingof which they would share, if a man have bu t one child* afintocrac y but fcfcitati oii • bf that greac national i..ng continued cheeri qg j after wbieb^Mjfc JM&litz rary deeHne'note^fir^'lart i*!> shaU by the chairman ^y" , » ™y «te«wiye aeinaad' fer ^I^onSS aid tending to prejudge the ow ;—(hear, beaM— having an evil tendency, it would but U-nd to wealth amon gst many children. (Cheers.) A law % nj captious feeling, or receiving a hearty vote ofthank s, to which he briefl y wtnp'lta, at but % that the consequenceoJ bis pemeverasce in no dumg, strengthen tenfol d the hands church is no p*rto £the constitutio n, this country &lse; notions of person al importan ce; attemp t Three cheers , %»ring ^te».-^IkW^S of the ynura--{ bear) of^ ,- cause ;. disunion to rep lied^ V were then ^ givenA for ; the fanners inW^ 3»onM Wa-refOT from Mr. O'Connor , to which he —and , encourage them te increased exertiou in tha t of which the monarch 'is * ' the '- head and ¦^which in the: Radical Vranksi , That this women , the Counci l, Me «srH. Scbolfieldi ^jm&m* nolS" wonW He f ^ ^ ¦og-pledges iMf Mwsrs. 8amplero%ed^ b* JQrtJj entitled ^ {Cheers.) .ch a way as to preser ve York, who was hande d^ eitttr ^justi pe be rend wed to England * to winicfai Bt?i. O'Connor was pr epared xi^Mar ^t , FRf ^Y^-There¦ a fab ttjudic jpttflj handfed, wonld deatro jr tbe cause forthe men of Birming - at one and the same time Bikhop to refer to Y of ham that character which tbsy had of Osnaboig audComm I reland and Scotland ,- and^ as: the feelings ot f ¦<£ Vrt™™t Shellidg, pS Radicalism. As toon a* be •cmclnded , an iwjourn- so lonir,8» ««*ancLso,•» ander-in-Chief of th ^ forc es. ^ the in the event of his being compelled to move his T$M oft 9st.fljF 35g. i»^' * well miuntaiaed. jU*c*to'of Englw»d towar ds Uieirl ri ' ' Potato es ^er load (Cheers.) I ii reai cneenng ana laughter.) Of this Uhtitm tih bre thren^ave * ¦ * ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ' '(' ' ¦ ,; wot*f foe fitting of the Conndl was pro posed resolution:— .:; .. . ;. . ¦ - . ;, ¦ ,^ and Mr. Dououas then rose and was loudl the Qneen is said to be the head ;; been Jtosreur esented , we. enibracfe the pVegentoppo r . :/ , ^ jpcondedj when Mr. HoH, the secretar y to the y cheered. but how anoipal pvw tunit y of Alter addressi ng the chair man, the ladies and that the name person should be th e head pf- declarin g our love for the Irish wbrki iiff Skip^onAt Catt&k lar ge^ Union, ran in, hjvathle *a, announcin g that ha bad bis ,a classes, and dur / Charles I. "was told bjr his jud e:esr-that he was an ifAMHtT ^iroTi ; 26.--()tir a- leliew-townsme p, he said—that he had a right to Protestant Church in England , of a Prusb yterian desire to dp them substentiiil justi <| elective priiicw—eletftt-d by- peop' suppl y^f stock^a^ot teought letter , conveying the n»v»*t unw elcome by extending to them that of Jm» e—and therefor e and ^ere being » tKhn iw—ca feel some disappointment for he had come there pre - Nationa l Church in Scotland , and of a Catholi jj priuciple ^ self govefn- Acconnta ble to them, in his own proper parson , for good attendance , of buyer gv let* ftan * thy resignation of Mr. P. H. ment, which ' ; ' ¦ ' ' ; ^^narke ^ ww brik pared with s lonp, Chu rch T we' claim for ourselves, and by which his-conduct . - ¦ ¦ -- * ¦:¦; ¦ : " f *^ s/ ¦ * . ; ' Muntx,a» chairma n a beautiful , arid a convincing in Canada , Australia , and others , of the ^ ;. l : ; , Vr' . :.i - of the Council . This aimouuce- speech alone^ they will be ^ iabled to rewue znexrt was received with ,—(laughter )—which, howeTer, by some Coloniefi , to preferments in which her Minister * ef tbei ^elves from The Lotds marked expressions of malicious contr ivance the cruel ascendan cy of i: persecutiii g and Commori a camei to^^ this regoltifioa sorrow ; The question^ of adjournmen t had been altoget her rendered have the appointtnent. (CheerB.) The Corn Law g, law churc h, concerning J aines II ,:— ; * ' s«¦ *^^^¦ ¦ W$M$. * was subse- useless by the good sense which tax irpm the injustice of a coixopt magistrac y, from the " That King Jaines ; .1I. Mai ^on :Cobk * *MA the pointed ' ^ * & ' '¦ • ¦ • fcom* * ¦-1¦2d.¦ remarks of Mr. returned to them they could e this questiou - " ' -;¦ ' ¦ *; : .' • •> *• ¦: ¦ ¦ * - to;¦ generall y jud ge by his ncountered some odium for having gaid that , he was deter mined it should be fully lad. persf. : . •;;< ; . . ,. , . . . . . Edmondssbould djive him from hiBcodrse. (Cheers ) face of the exp ; On the s.ame subject the Conventiori in Scotlaad . . ; ; tidin gs which he had to impiul; and I am for ai* hereditary monarchy , with JR ppubli- lained. :tHear, hear f hear. ) Mr . lO'Coinor , ' Too ^ee, «dd Mr. O'Connor the positim to which instead of seeinghim dolefnl in the expressed itself more boldly—That Ja mes VII ; had ^ and w«»eful they would can institotions , of which the monarch shall cora raencement of his »peech , said *' that invaded the Wal ton Catti.b ^MAbkbt , Nov. lam now reduced— I most either leave my.-HjlTun- *ee him youn g and , eheerful only be the executive he was" a ' bad man; ' ¦who fundamental Coristitutipn of this King- 24-O.t aga in. (Cheers and power. (Great cheering.) But would seize an dom, and al ter ed it fro m a legal limited our Catt le market this day, there were onl defended , or submit to be made the instrument 01 laughter.) . He; had a happ y home it is ho part of the constitution that adventi tious circumst ance to accomp lish a monarchy to y a f ew breaking i pythe Council. Yon did , and he did not jou are to h ave tempo- an arbritar y despotic power ; and had governed Beasts ^hown , but which sold at «opd prices: not expect ine wish anythi ng ttr distu rb it; and his fri end Edm onds two Kingn, and two Queens, ; pensioned npon the rary iriuin ph." Those were his words, and there the was a very , There i ere to-mght , ind I was app rised by lett snfrie _ to the subversion of the Pr otestant religion larg e show of Pigs, which sold attather er from behin d him reminded him that he too had an old proceeds of yonr labour. The King of Hanove rVthe should be no skinnin g over of the wound *, no half lesspnces Mr.. SStthat the Town -hall could not be had tDl wife at home, who uealiug, Bnd violation bf the laws and the liber ties of the than the market before. weuld be anxiousl y looking for his King of Belgium, and Queen Adelaide ; form no no cipatrizing, bu t a complete probing ; nation io-marrow night ; but jou ware not aware that 1 budget. (Cheers and aud he h ; invertin g all the ends of goverriment , where- and laughter.) Now that he had par t of the Constitution , bu t all of whom are pim- eld in Ms- hto d the resolution of which by he•:'J hath' Howden Corn Ma had st ^ information ; there fore here I am, lest *aid _ 80 much , he proteste d wone-s Air. O 'Connor fore /autied the crown , and the throne bkbt j NoV* 24. to God tha t never m the upon the state . (Loud cheers.) it iifno part had eiven notice, and he now had a was become vacant. ¦; yoamight suppose that I had jthrnn k from The con- wholeeourse of his life had he of the constitution right to demand ol him; and he Total (juantities, i^ (jr v f et •emences. And herema de experienced so much of this country thatyon should be would demand of tyndull,1iFol. cont. 6f Jmeuxt. the cours e pnisu ed. anxiet y, which , however, was followed by more tha n daily haunted by the ghosts of depar ted bank ru pt him whether or iiot be adhered to that resolution. Rapin. Imp. Measure * £< -rf . ; -jE. «. In mefiret placeanal yze the amendment ,which .ui)ivineindefea«b l<» ^ ^, would conuterbalancin g deught. [Cheer *.] They all knew princes ,- whose debts presm , as a night-roare , ypon (TremendouM groau *, hissca, and ; coiifusioa.] I hereditar y right, when coupled Wheat .... 225i. 3, ia 9; .v. Q J iaw jon to suppose that I had recommen ded that th eir, motio had will still with the doctrine of pussive obedience , s 82a 19 -p u been " Peace s Law , and your sinews, your muscles, and you r entrgi es. per severe and ask that question . [Reuewed i surely of Oats v..... v 84.> 0 18 lO.^.i : 79 ljaail force. ( No, no; yon didn't.") And, Order. " He had received lett ers 1 (Treme ndous cheerin g.) hisses and 'don ' t answer iti" ] all constituti ons the most thorou ghly slavish arid 2 0 ain from Edinbro and It is no part of the Consti- Mr. Chairman , 1 \^ :v>. -i:. :- ,.,.^.s, ' l: 17:; i.v.V./ ;'T; .9-- ' -ag , tha t part which has reference to the appoint- other places, expressing the most livel tution that the poor woman claim a right. IHisses.] Wpui; you hear tin ' then ? dre adful. " -^-:^ mentof a day, y and anxious driven to prostitution BeaM ^ i.. 102..y2-;3 , ' I surrend ered npon the *ugfresnon of impatience res pecting -the result of their from abject waut shonld b« stamped with foulest The best ihing that 1 can do isitpfollow Mr. Muutz 's Bl. Com.', v. 1, c>3, p.21?: ? 9->, 223 4 0 Jdr. .ColKi>8 until the Convendo a, pr esent Tested » in whom you proceedings—[bear , hear] ;—an d instea d of the fore- indi gnation while royid whor es are pensioned upon examp lei-aii'd to re sign. : ^Continued hisses.] *' It 13 a certain maxim in our iaw:s—that proteC r BibHMON p Corn Mabk bt. yNov. ^aave authority, sha ll have met, at which ^ 24th.-- time bodings of some and the malicioa * hopes of others your and her industr y. : (Enthusiastic cheeriug.) Mr , O'Connor here rose . and was loudl y . heered . tion and subjection ar e mutual ." There was . a thin supply of Gr ain in I pledge myself again to you ~ ¦ ' ¦ ; ' : ; ¦ our , that my first notice being realised , the phan tom of dineord hw co part of. the constitution that the Worth H e sai<) , ia thi s what Mr. Edmond' s calls healin g, a " . . iW. Ct»n.j t» 233. market ^ to da y :— ' ¦ • ' • - * . -v v .- - •¦ * ¦ * ahall-'be the appointme nt had find , y btw- . .l, J9. : of a day, when Universal and was replaced b wound ? Or , is it not rather a Th : ' ' ' y a more substantia l union than ta rd of a citizen should be deprived of certain re-opening of it ? e princi pal duty of the King ] ' ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ "¦ ¦ v ¦ suors ge shall be ^ is to govern his -:- . - . ¦ ¦ , ¦ ¦ : - Per Bushel. * the b&&> of the constitutio n of this everT >efore existed. [Cheers ] The renolu tion which immuniti es, and designated by the law^ as ntiitius He asks me either to declare that which has now people accordiug to law." •oun iry. (Gn«at cheerin g.) Bnt did I *ay that the he had ' become unnecessary in Mr ; ¦ ! " ¦ ¦ • JVheat spld from . to tubmi t was decla ratory of the ir old /Unit, nobody s xonn while royal bai*tard« are rais ed consequence of Salt's . - . : . . . *; - . . . * . .; • . - . ibidi v.\ , e.B. : .v. 8s. 6d. to lls; 6dV alternative stall be civil war ? (Cheers, and u No." ) motto y and he was sure that , to the and dignity of representative apology ^ or he asks me to declare myaelt a traitor Oats , ;.»..w...... Sfc lie; 1 Mod organised as the peo- *tate peers. Bracton and For tescue, (G. 9 and 34.) lay it down 0d. *> 4s. 3i. , if you have read my speeches in York. ple had been unde r that motto , they woul I t is no part of the CcinBtitution - thai , the monarc h by denying to-night that which I have put on record ga»ey, .....*.....;. fig. «hire, that we would d see M as a princi ple—" That the King. of En gland mus bd. to 5s^ 6d. simultaneousl y go to our Mount more protection in adhering to it than in deserting of these realms should confer Ihe digni ty of Autocra t as my opinion , iG^eat cheering, and don ' t."] Beans,...... ^.*.«;¦ Aventines, and tfien take such s rule his people according to the dtcrees of the la^rs . 5a. 9d. to 16s. 6d. teps as the pe.ip le its princi ples.: [Hear, hear.] Any man who recom - upon Lord Durham , and that the kws should furnish Mr. Edmonds resum ed—Th ea 1 will shew you » theirjud gment, sbaU dir ect. (Grea t thereo f ; insomuch , that he is bound by an oath at cheenng.j mend ed physical force must be a wild man and a him with an indemnit y for a violatioB of the most the sentiments that Mr. O'Coniior still clings by, and his corona tion _J BORptraH BWDCJE CpBN MAitkET , Nov. 24.- , to the observance¦ ' and keeping' of' his to So much for the amendment. Well * • ' •¦ * * ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ' ¦ ' ¦ , againl 1 am bad man ; for who could say where extravagan t authorit y. as expreased by his fritJiid ^ Mr * Stephens. (Hisses.) " ¦ * ¦ ¦ * ' • ¦;• * * ¦ ¦ * * ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦' ¦ yvhea^ : 77s, ; 80s. per " it would end ? (Longcontinued cheering.) pWnla ^H . : . . . . . ^r ; j Barley , 3os. threatened with the reai«narion of Mr. Muntz , As to tiie right which 1 use Mr. Stephens 's name, and 1 have a ri t* and the people had of resisdn g The Constitution of this count ry was violated when ght. 37s. per qr. ;. Beans, 6s. 9d^Ab¦ 6a. per bush el : Oats , «ren widr the tnrt hw resignation of The Year Books 19. H. 6. 63*, declares- ^' Th e ' ¦ " ' : ' the whole aggression upon the part of others , even b h rical the Poor Law Amendm ent Act was. pa«8ed—fver y (No, noO Yfis, bu t I will; (Noi np.l 13d . to Wd. per ston e. , .y >-¦ ¦ - * ' - - ¦ . CouncO. Snch has been the new y p y law is the higae^t inheritance which the KiDg has : J K: : :/ - turn giten to the force, no man admit ted it more fully tha n himself- - loud cheering)—when the nobles of the Itjhd * arid Mr. Salt rose to order , and said—Sir , I object to j ease. Why, in the first instance ,' was 1 dragge d [cheen] ;—while he conld this mode of proceeding: Mr. O^Connor piily for, by the law, he himself, and all his subject? , are yDpNcaste r ; . - " **. - not u*e langua ge too the patrons of the poor wished to recognise no din- in- governedj Corn- llutKfeT j Not; 24;4 Onr here at all ? - stron g against any naming of a tiuction in mnn but destitution , and having allowed trodu ced Mr. Stephens ' name as a Clirintiau minis- and if ther e was no law, there would be arrivals of Wheat day when the * neither King nor inheritance. " this day weri not so large as for Mr. Edx qxds.—No. You were not dragged here moral exertions of the people wer e to cease, and their estates to be absorbed , prayed themselves to be ter—( cheer.-*)—and it is not lair to open this wide several weeks previeas ; the re Yon cama of when, aril »ir iu to field uf discu ssion; (Cheers ;) *' " The King 's duties fbir bis partf in the original was a bmk sale, and yonr own accord, commence. " [ Hear, and absolved from the pleasing duty of admi nisterin g .; • , an advan ce of full 9d. to Is. per Ifiire e'¦¦ cheers. ] Good God I Mr, Edmpn p9— contract , |are these- ^r-'vTo govern accordin g y bnsbfe fefer ^ Mr. O'Comoa, call it what yon please could any state of thin g* be kindly the fruits of the north which belouged to the I wish to »hew you what the sen- mr quali ties took place ' Qafe^were also iii ; mild more frigh timents are of Mr. Q 'Cpniior ' to law : to execute judgmen t in mercy : arid to . AetaMM coercion, iTyou will; bu t was I to submit to tful than the notio n of savage warfa re, children of the soil. (Loud applause.) Hav e I s Association * (Hisses, and the best descriptions ad ¦ taunt when father miEht be opnosed not and No, ") Sir, I will: onl main tain the established religion ." ' •" yirifeed: a shade. \Beanal and denuneiition, and leave myself undefende d to son. ud hmrW , then , Sir, made some sacrifice when I have ^ np. y read .portions ot . full xinaintain pur ? against brother, and the piaced all those outrages in > the speech which come from the Devil instead of Bl. Gwj.j v. 1, ,235.- y last stateinento i and grey PetVl ttheers.) How can I help ihe resign ation of Mr , result of which must be abeyanct . until the ^). ayera ged the levelling and destruction of all national demand be heard , and until the Nati onal from a Christian minister. (Hisses.) " Indeed , it vs found by from 18s. to 18s. pet thi ^busheL j : There| Mnntz, or of the whole council? (Here aome man that moral ' experiencee-That when - was a ery large suppl tempi * which had cost so much troub le and pains Convention shall issue its -fiat? (Great cheeriiigi) The Cha irman— Mr ; Edmouds , if you persevere ever the unconstitutional oppressionH , eyen T y of Bark y in the market.! m the crowd attem pted to create much confusion, of the and oth qualities declined * winch was followed to rrar. (Che ers.) With th is Mew of the caxe, The strength of moral : power, I am full read y to in this lints ot conduct 1 shall leave the chain I sovereign power, adv ance with gigantic / strides ' b j on the ayerage V'l ^. p« by a cry of " tnm him out, torn he ., and qiv rW heat " 1 Jmn oot." The would, with confidence , submit th e resolutio n, which admit, provid ed it be nervounl y, boldly, and ener - think . Sir, you are usiug me very ill. (Cheers.) threat en desolation to a stat e, marikirid will not be ,35s. 6d 4 to 30s.v6^ j ilendeorfcC - aft. * disorder was becoming gr eat when to had been acquiesced in b geticaily used ; aud it is capable Mr EDMONDs.¦ ¦ -^Won ' t you¦ hear me, then ?— reaso ned out of the feeliri 27s. ; Beans ^ 16s. to 188; to32s ; " y the Council, and the of accomolishin? * ¦ ' - ¦ • ' " ; ¦ gs of humanit y, nor will ; BaiieV. SO^ : Mr. Salt stood • .- ,.;¦;:; - ¦ ¦ npon t-.e tab le beside Mr. O (No.)* : ,.: :.: . . ' f " 'Con - adoption of which by that meeting rin g all, pro vided the Conventiou , who should censist of . ;.; , . . sacrifi ce their libert y by a scrupulous; Oato , 25>;to 28S. per qr. - -. r : ; *¦ a^ ^ras loodlv cheered. He said *opld with of adher ence to £ ^ , , if you can not a joyous echo through the land , gladde ning the the rep resentatives of the people, shall pay unto the Mr. MuNTz ^-What l yoa, men Birmingham , those political maximn which were ' oririnallv es- ' lie calm to-mght, now can you be expected calmly heart of every friend of freed om people talk of fig tiling, and afraid to ; Thi bs?: Corn Ma rket,' Not.26. -r-W eJiad it , and discomfiling , "We will escor t Mr. ThomasAt twood and ' ¦ hear Sentime' ' ' nts read tablishe d¦ to pr¦ eserve it. ' ¦ * ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ : ¦ ' ' to near and impartiall to . - *;¦ ¦ . • ;¦ • ¦ " * •* ' ¦ •¦ "• • ¦"- " ' • ' ' ' % : * " "¦• y to diade upon the proce ed- yon f- (Ct>e ^r«. ) . . . . .:: . . ;* ' - ¦: • • ' ¦V- . *«t -9i good supply of Com this ^o^in ^ the maKciou *hopen and and dpari onx of M r. John Fielden to the door of the Hou«r of . . . . <4w». r . -a;*ji: ' ^ l hic^ eoli- fauofto-xott row night ? thn eoemieK readil ^ of the peoDle. (Lou d cheers.) Befor e Commons, followed and backed by 3, 4, or 500,000 The C'hairman—I reque st of you to hear Mr, '• We must leave to y »» previousto ter ms. Wheat , 8sl to §8; 6d. j concluding, future generations , whenever Ma«bn ^ 8^i Mr. O'Coithob continued—If I am deserte d by however, he could not but congratulat e the two of the petitioners , who shall convey their compli- Edm onds. I think as Mr . O'Connor introduced the necessf ty imd the safety of the whole shall rtquire it , Beans 5s.;to6 ^ 9d. per bushel name of Stephen s, Mr. Edmonds has a right to , arley , 32s to ^ •wr y man ,I will raise a new host round the Hon. Gentlemen upon the manly and ments that they await the answer to their humbl e * ' * ¦ " the exertion of those inheren t 37s ; Oars , 9gM>. t old independ ent :¦ ¦ * ¦ -¦ ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ (though latent) powers p o2& ^er ^r. ^ , . {¦ .;;* [ ;* *;,/ stand , and begin tbe *ork again alone and single part which they had acted, without any compro - petition. (Vociferous cheeriug and waving of hats.) re ply, /; .; . . , . :/ . , .. of society, which no climate, no time, no ^ y-Mfi EnsiONiis-T-P dtlt to the meethi g; whethe r constitu- ' Hui L Corn Makc et - v landed. fCbecn.) Wht wouldme be the eodaeq aenee mue upon either side of the slightest .portion of If the presen t Piirliament can govern physically^ I tion , no contrac t, can ever destroy or diminish. " Nov. 27;-^The agtt if yonr decision w^uagainst their princi let the people 's Parliament show their shall be heard or not. (It was then put from the cultural servants are now at- libert ? Why tb«4 i would ples or their honour. (Load cheer s.) , po wer by * \].M . Gtriif,vi: l i Pi 2f5 . i . . i y j which eausea a %e fifty m3es off in t*ehe hours to Mr. Douglas then proposed tbe resolution governing morall y, and show their influen ce by in- Chair, when nearl y every hand wan held up.) He is to pf thin att endanc e>t this day 's raaAe ^'juiid jhesti try and male , which Eesistance justifiable the person the pplieg ainenas for the confidence that I had kit. (Cheers, will be found in another part of this report. ducing the pr oducers of wealth to withdraw their coutiuued. —Now,is it not a shame that those few ^ of all descri ptions of Grain in consequence at « who have held up their hands Princ e when the being of the state is endangered , e limited. ai>4 joahwN-n 't.") Whereas if yon drdde fcr me Mr. Salt then came forw ard to second the resolu - savings from an unstable bank , and place it in a against my being and the New Wheat caine tp ^hand ^ in betterrcoiiditi on beard should have been able to disturb the whole public voice proclaims subh resistance ne- , ad it appears tnat your Union will be altogether broken tioit, and was received with bud and long-continued National bank , under the management and direc- cessary. " : Uie best met a: free le it aa adTane epf :li] cheering. He said that tion of thei r own chosen members. ( Loud cheers.! proceedings ? (fltv was the Tories , it waa the s^ to % up. . tfceir Inronntea , (Shame, shame.) They the empire more dreaded by bad men than the Bir- bear. ) Sir, M r. btepberis is a Chri stian minister, cumme i ting as be went on, (amidsj) t cries of "he 's The attend ance this after noon wass good in every respect The supply of stock this were ri ght " .cheers audv. sham ^ we " cannot avoid day was small , and *i ^bttged to doao or starve. Bat what was the result T mingham Union ; and thac was becau se they hud a shepherd watchful and careful over his flock , but , , oat there was nothing couimen snra te : in the betting, vrheiher should , think considerably below the" demand ; eofr Why, that the men of Stratford bad always persevered in the one uniform stead which flock has been pounced upon by the wolves. saying that thtj mode pursued by Mr. Edmonds , we look at the amonnt laid out or the results. A trifle was opened a whole- y conr-e. laid ont on Lor d sequentl y th e Balw were-i n^idly effefctetf fead that vale proviaion-su»p by a clubbing of Here Mr. Mun tz was observ ed makinc bis wav to the (Hear, hear.) '1 hey have been excommunicated ¦b«»>*hl. . .pf reading the speech , nearly every lme of Jer *ey'8 crack , ani 20 io ini fifties taken , their sixpences. about Flambeau , with offer* from the taker sto go pa. : Th» easily. The marketwaa a short one aa -ffiere wert /Qieat eheerinr. and w Th *t' « tlw nr "i Tk.. platform , when the cheering stopped the speak er from the power of earning a mUerable subsistence , which he commented upon , Mid gave to it the , was all we heard of tho favourites ; nor was much more said a great nunab er of buyers present . ' . We - are not sold three fat pigs npon the first Satnrday at l|d. several minutes. He was glad to saa the women of because they worshi pped with him, and paid de- appearance as if those comrnents were a part of the about the 25 to I horat*«, which remain pretty nearl y mt tbe Birmingha m ference to his opinions. (Load cheers.) And for speeci , and ultimately stopping short just at that priced quoted last week. ablej however6d^ j . 6».to note , any;- advance 'iil pri cb ftr lb. under the market price. (Chaeo . and in yonder gallery —(cheers)—because he Tha foUaw/iig -were¦ ' the average¦ ¦Beef^Ss; rJ M£ ton> ;^3d fcBra»o.") Sat what was the was sure that they would heartily co-op«rat« in the weeks _ together has that minist er surrendered his point which would have explained what seemed to odd *, at the close of a dull afternoo n:— . .' * * : . : -.* to nt . td fei 9d. per cociseqnence? ¦ ' ' ¦ : : ' ¦¦ ¦¦' Riear, near, bear.] Why; that a man of proceedings of that night. (Hear.) He held no poor pittance for the sustenance of those who were five greatest ouence to the meeting, viz., thtit Mr. THE DBHBY. :- stone , sinkin g offal. v * . • ; * ¦x Sk': . i' ' '- :¦ -¦ . straw ::fbr 11 to 1 against¦ Ld. Jersey 's biro , flbe naaae of Brandi *.a pla«terer , who worked for ill-will to Mr. O'Connor , but he would, upon all victims to a pure and uusullied conscience. (Hea r, tepheas did not cat ^ a Universal ¦' to Bay Midal eton ; (t) ' 20 to 1 . ».: ¦ Duke of Kntlahd' s Hantbeati (t) ' . NiswcASTL E HAlY and ': ^r ^i% ' f a Tory for dtree ahiUings and fbar *penc? a day, occano ni, denounce every man whose couduct he hear, and cheer s.) Who, th«u, is to blame ? Those Sunrage , which we thiuk will be jniflicientl y ex? ¦ . '¦«« ¦ IJ ^^vi plained by the following sentence, taken from the 25 to I * Mr Bpww'a Accelerator NoV.JJ 7.—-^We. had.a iarge 'sttp ply at bur mar ket thi wbiehthe master sold for four shilnngiiandsixpence ihooght calcnlated to diver t them from that course who prod uce the eril , or thos e who boldly resis t 25 to I," * Sir G Heatheotf 'tf lot »-day,wai told b wbicb tbey were ao sftadil it? (Cbe«rs.y I see with ' you Sir; and see with same «peech. >' He ( Mr. Stepheiis) only came oat ¦«" mortmg , ready• salej and good prices. he lollo* y hu employer, mat if be gave y prosecuting. Mr, Salt , 27 to 1 . . Mr Bores'* Krin-go-bragh (t) T SfeBenee instead of mxpenee-halfjJie Qny per pound continued to-address die meeting at some length, the, people , but one possible mean s of arresting upon the Universal Suffrage motion , and he was a 27 to 1 " Col. Peel's Der of Algiers (t) ing are the prices. Old land hay gold fioin £i. * for oacou be should quit hu employment (Sham e and said that be, too, had been cheated out licentiousnes s, and stopping unjust dominion , and Lfuiversal Suffrage mnu to his heart , to his soul 29 to 1 " Mr Allen's rlti-Aibo £5, 12s. *; new land hay £4.v 10s; t»i :^5; 16i , he said before that he W> to 1 « Mr Grevi'.le to shame, \nd )groan«.)That was a constitutionaedict l of his speech; but be did not think it necessary to that is by Universal Suffrage . (Cheers. ) Perha ps. all throug h j: aiid ^ben did ' « Uerryiiane (t) Wneat Stra wy wld froml 2s^ :2s; ^dv^ aai not care two straws for U niversal Suffr age 33 to 1 .-•?• Col. Alison's Zimmerman (t) r ¦ againrt the popular pork ; and yet " peace, law, and say more upon the present occaidoh than tb at he Sir,you are not aware that there is no barri er opposed , he 40 to 1 Oat Straw , 2s. 4d. to 3a. per ' thirave. ' " tl^B er" cordially to the procu ra tion of a brick meant witho ut other tWngs pame )*ithit; - ' (Cheers, " Mr Wreford' s Wap iti (Uke50 to l) r- •rd was their motto . Look to the pea ce at Tod. seconded the resolution. He taen retire d and mortar franchise, ¦' 1000 td 16 «' Sir G Heathcote 's Chimborazo ¦; " '¦* ¦>¦ • ;s r : , whilevtiUer y; borse, foot, and dra goons cheered, after which the resolution for intellectual [ th 30 to 1 each against Fix-Amfco and Bloomsliry, laid in market. " :. . --vyr- '- - : : > wer e sent to inrade a was put eudo wment . (Hear , hear, and chefw.) this sentence been read ,^ e whole enigma as re- peaceable and starr ingpeople: and was unanimously carri ed. In Laucat- ^ one bet ; 700 tt> 50 against Tres and Kits-Ambo (t); 700 even 1«d none to defend them but the indomita ble Mr. O'CoNHOR then came for ward and was re- shire and Yorkshire , and in agricul tural countie s terring to the Suffrage would have been explained. between Ilderiui and Klumbeau. NSWCAS TL ^ C0BNyJ ^BKBT vNpT ; ^-T hf IisUen. fCheers and shame.) Mr. O'Con nor then ceived with cheering and waving of hats which the amount of franch ise can be procured by Mr ; Edmond s, after havingr read the «peechj ad- 8«pply2;«j fr wjte at yfrbi n ^e;&nner« ! ^on Sat anjay la* repeat ed his lasted for a condderable time. He said adding a iwo pound cow abed to an eight pou nd dreH jtd the meeting at considerable length , arid Grea t Pigeon .Ma tch at St. Albans. —The niatcb was. nipclerate and ' opinion of physical force, and said , Mr. Chair- between Mr. G. Osbattdesten and the Very, s^all bj* »l»ippiiig,i *& that he nough t ne nad ramaend r explai ned man, working-wom en, and working-men: of Bir- house ; and this is the sort of stuff that is|o form declare d that the adrice given by Mr. Stephens , if " sporUug gentleman" having a good ^attandance of buyers the who\emet » him- staying- at Colemafi' u Turf Hotel , for ^luO aaia e, is fixed to , : ?P°n *n«t kead. (Hear; and you mingham,—Instead of addressing yon to night as a the representative quality in the Constitution of lollowed, by drilling arid forming companies , would come off on the 10th of Dec«mber ; thirty - double shots ready sale at 'Isj is. pery qr.\ advance ^ hilst. - i &% *** " poor deluded people to transportation for , five to *ate. ") And again, he said, that *o cautious wai jur y empanu-lled to tr y a que*uoQ between Mr. this countr y. (Hear, hear.) Does noti^ the feeling subject the traps, placed eight yard * from each other. The " squire ".in considerable ^ yquanti ty of _ biwin€ss , ; ^(k|ii6 ^ ^ the 60th of;'Ge' : * :'II *I. (Hear , " ¦ " : ^^ ,w^;; i* lr, that he wouldprefe r the danger of a soldier to Saltand myself, I address you as a deliberative as- of the ric h towards the poor much remind you of seven yeawv by^^ . p. hear. ) the favourite. . : ^ forei gn wheat^ at simiiar^ : Tl« tke responsibilityof a yembly t who was ovvrtak eh He then went on/ to explain the right whi ch the X v;i^|^feipejBt/ 1 general. (Cheer s.) Bnt to- to decide upon a question of pri vilege, and of he lady in a cold shower of morning the supply was again short anal a forth a inorrow erenmg he hoped to satisfy all with regar d ri ght. Mr. Salt commenced by tellin g you that rain , and sought sbelkr in the not less cold hovel constitution gave to have arms. He said that physi- t» lot 'motives, his objeete , »nd this was a. very of a. widow ?. where upon she observed cal force wa« to moral tbrce, what the shadow of the advance of .2s.: per v/ wM bbj ^edt v^w^ their means to bad world. Now, I tell you that , ^ My poor sale. For It aeo^nrethem ; and condnd ed anddit.thunders woman, are you not ver y cold?" ** Yes, my lady i" constable 's staff was to the constable. He atterwards LOCAL MARKETS, y* we bave an extensive inquiry at *% of This is a very good world we live in, per p^cei^y e8«f;| applaase, after which the meedhg.forme d into a wa* the rep ly, ** John,'* - says she, senid thiis poor succeeded in working the meeting into good hum our qr. abbye last w^eeVs The yraj )pli To lend or to spend or to give in, *' b cbBtiaj ie Ja^ .friiu— 1« Mwmdeep, a»d: accompaniedMr B| ^ woman'.a sack of coals;" bu t when she arrived home, and concluded a very long aud animated speech arl ey liihited j, and; ijj ^ ^t>£fe« ||1 Hen and - baao w oxjbe ^wiskfor ^ne's own «riiid and seemed tp have lost all ' atlB .^er ^ :f^iw Ce.;:' 5'Connor ro ^ CbieteM, where "S Ir sth*Tery won»t^ worki that *verwas known. m& vvt-httii&Xup ^L ^^ er ,J&elbre: -S-t&jfr great appla use, YESTERDiAY'S WAKEFIEiiD ' "; ; ; ;Tj ^7i« ^ ^ Jemained piu fortable fire fit? wrath before he tesumed his seat. ¦ ' ' COM?:¦ ¦ '4 malt"; atls ; to 2si;'petqT ; f0j *ts;' foHHIral minutescheering and clapnine« (Great laught er.) ; , sm rag g the oell for John , awilHiip! ¦' ¦;.,: ' "¦' ¦? ' * ')- ^MARKET. - *;; ' -: v:, ¦;; r/:-:, -; improvement. ^; *i|| •their hands; Wr- - ^7 - .. ^ him if he had jet sent the sack of coals, and upon M r. P. H. MuntZ was then loudly called for, and ;,. . ; , Is. per qr. higher, and read ^sale. 'Bea&s and p«iyv Sir ; VWe hkve i shor t supply oif everythin g fresh up ,—I would despise that nf||Swhowould take being ahswenMt in . the negative, uhe said, was most rapturously applau ded upon coming for- ^ of are alsp:Is ^per qn-^tfen ^FiiiB flour i» adrane iiS On Wednesday,Messrs. HoD, Secretary ,and Mri advanta ge tti3 mornin g ; some quantit y the arri yah having of an adventitio us circ ffnstance, to insur e "W ell nevermind it, Jiohn; it has[ DPipome mucsh ward- to speak. He said thatin doubtlevisas tosome ^ 28.persack. : -IV, - : . p, C-- .r K^^S CoHni, of the Council, called npon Mr. O'Con- a temporary * him ^been sold last week. ' ; ^' W. triumph over tih opw»eijt; (Cheera.) warper. " (Great cheering, and laughter.) Such is remar ks virpuld beJ rMidiiyd : l^o the . ' the ast few nor wiu the folk>wing communication; and , npon 1 stand hem " "VVheat is in fair deman State of T^adb. ^-Within l darty not as a disputa nt, iot ^ow nil qnarrel the feeling towards the poor pf all the money- teith '* phyncal forc e/' and thie • right of the people I d at an advanee of 28. to 3s. I—rnin g that ihe Council had wishedto move what has ceased Oats art Barley off there has been very little demalijdfor yarB ^^and , t • , and therefore , afi necessity for proposin g mongers, whose represent atives do the butatieas of tobe araift d; (Hea r, -hear.) ; He - never denied the ' per qr^ :rather dearer ^ ^goes at ¦ was originallyintended as an amendment , in tbe absolut ion of which I had givennoiicehas vani shed. clerks in the present ^^ ' fully the rates of last week, v Beans 'JfiaUy as there; is reason to believe that thb rivers in the n— deaf* . :\ ; ;c iBel of course he would hot interfere with any ori- «stance.to the twofold objects of, ' force martcet can hardl be ;«p ' . a renol ution track , bo long ; as a remnant of hope remains . wasp - ar- a jrieans V;of defen,ce> Wh^ri or BbADFOED W(501i ' y spec ^. jj ^ :$^ lal motion whkh may be proposed; that had which wa& originally intended as an amendm ent to (Cheers) Sir,l have never Been nor heard of so strong aggress ion was used against the fceople , tha people M^BKET , No^ goods of most descrifttions there is still a fair demafl^ Sr. Salt been present upon the first evenin g, there that which i had embodi ed, but which haniow fpr qe 'by force ; ' A fair amount of business has been transacted during ^^stoci ^ntinuejte j ry jUmi ^afanehtiter been a justification of physical force as that contained in wer e justified iu repe lling (Great ;no ; -6iirt{ would; not have been a necessityfor any resolution transf orme d into a substantiv e resolution declarat ory the BtrmiiighaniJournal of the 6\h of October last cheering, and That 's J lti^i' l/Never: did he et the last weeki There w r perceptible jLlt prirtibn ^n/^/pr Wednesd -ay.; ^^ ' - ' , : * ^ ^ - ; 1 ^'-J v : ;yg , * in the price of fine Combing^ ^ Boiftsi ' nut dw and yfcattse r, for havin g admitted that he was minn- of the feelings «ind wisbis ' of this great and impor - in answer to a paragrap h in the Sun newspaper, perience greater anxiety at any,meeting ever, held ? . r rl ; wad^ barin g tant meeting. middle Lone "Wool may be quoted a shade higher. ' LBicKST ^R.-i-We ha ie iitt si^r«tion tareport l *" r^*f«4» Trtracted the expr essions "(Cheers.) Sir, had that been pre- whendn the writer says that the people ture in ear- by the ; people^.cheer»)rT rari d thpug h he had ' •8&«w to Mr. O'Connor , all th at iru necessary served as an amendm en the demand for goods.*• jWftbl : BtiB («qatinue8 in M t, I should not have dreade d nest, an4 that more is to be expected from their pursued tha t course which his own coascienca Bradford Yarn Mabkbt. —The demand Tkd wen dene. He the n assured the. deputa tioQ the sharp and polished steel of Mr. Douglas, it* fears than their , justice. [Cheer?.] >Mr. £diuonds and judgment dictated, yet he had determined to niand , ai^l a considerable busineaa is doiiig in i A«t mpon his part ^^ " for "yarn continues good, * »nd; prices are of course descri nothing shouldbe left undone, to fineness, nor its sarcasm ; nor the preparations of has also told tht-m that pbvidcal ' force mean * the be present this nigh t, and not to abandon the ' " ' " ' ptions at sbmer advance. . Farme' ra parci ^ 7 " /¦ ' •: - ¦ * ¦ ' ¦ " ' * : - ; ¦ :¦ : i- • • ¦*; : -/• : .iiiapp oint the xnanoo us annapaaons of their Mr. Salt, both of which' I would have met with a shado w of moral force; fCheen.] Th ^i put of people, (fcheerSi) crXi- .p)Ux:the:;ey.ei!* ;pf: ¦firm ; ; ;, . • . y v;; ; \ .. . ,:. . \ range from 38s. to ,40a. ; The maiiufaetTrere cor «BMne«; and, wuh ; v ^w^l;i^dV' ^ that new, -he would frame a sledge- hammer. But fall ..canse of qnarrel hav ing their poor pittance, have paid twenty xnillions-for the the people of England, Irelandof, and Scotlandof that ' '; Piece MabkE T.—-The. market to-day . has " Been plain of Ae great difficulty theyi have in obtaJningf Tesoratom, which woald leave so eau«e° for dw- ceased, and Mr. Salt having declared that there was emanci of the the eyes France aad all paUon blackB ; and those who declared were upon then Q,^nt so similar to that of last w^ek , that we cannot report corre« poi»ain g ad wafaoe ipntp ^ ^l^c»«i> Chr ^ seuwon^bntwha* , on flrt contrary,would go f ax no intention on iiis part to cast opprobrium upon that negri) emanc ipation was impructic able were the Europe , were ^; diri ^ ^ ' *;tiip prp ijeejUngs ' of ¦ ¦ .to - ¦; ' : * • . ' ' • * ¦; ' ' " : |o unitethem morefirmly * any alteration. ,,.:;.[ .• . :::, :. \-r ;- *-; V ' ¦ ¦ than ever! me{ the necessity lor the resolution of which I gave fir- 1 to instruct; and successfully instruc t the blacks m this night. (Hear; "hear. / Never did ilie enter that ¦ ¦ " . .¦ ¦ .: . ; -: - - -¦r- - - bar he ' -* .<: ; -ip-iy ,.; .^•j 'J ,-i . i . r/^xa-iiA-r..-. , ¦:% _J» ^ap« ^neettng of the notice^ departed -aluo,- and I have substitu ted, in. the ose which they were to make of freedom ; and , hall with such sad ;did leave Leeds Cloth MABKB tB.—In the Cbloi«riBd Council of Ae Bir - ; fowlwdmg ^iiever Leeds: —Printed ¦; for i.;vJ hb Proprie tor, - Feab ^ : whlfch *will 1 1 »injjham PohtJcalUnion , held^ &tO e Pobhe ' Office, itsfs1eM, iCtotf be sufficiently expressiv e surely the trantdabn from the present brick and iv wiiu «ucu Jic»rv-ien jt)yr—|_cueeri '2—as uH°n f" * " andi White Cloth Ha lls/on Saturday, there ^Wa ^in ¦> - ¦ ¦• 1838 *** * pf -niy own feejuigs. ; (Loud cheer *.) To ' ^ ^ Was . u whsnoe ,,;' >' -Jsa qi, •! Jtiaa»jn eT»miUW>Com iiB^«anesday,NoY'astb , , . * . that mortar to a mentaL -standard of»Suffrage! for white ing- that ai . ; triiling iqi«uuderstandingjo beiw*?en two exteniBivi B demsmi sierx. ji jienption Of matipt- ¦y ; : which naV passed 1" shall only' say, that no men would not be so great a ' from abso- and pr u- ¦ ' ht tiu ^ V%y ^BTHi niiT, Eiq ^in the Chair . change as Sood cfieo /ra *, had b^n fa puorably and . factured ;goods. - ¦ ¦On Tuesday ^ re a fair: ; ¦ 'Jo *H6i ^^H ^^ ; friend of mike would dissent, because I know! ^lute bonda ge to complete freedom. |Greatcbeenn g.] . entljr reconciled as to ba.ulk the enemy of their - . • - .. ' ¦Vm^ ^(m ^;- ^^li following be ¦ :^ri ge; ¦ <^ji.%^ lAi&! It was agree dthat tht .movedsa a sub- of non e who has unqualifiedly , recomme nd ed, Let the n the, eople get the Suffrage and they * will prey. [LoudL cheers. J , It true that for a thous and ' im^^' " ' ' ¦ ' : ' " " " ;¦ ' : s) as P r w^s. - . ; * :- ; ¦ ,, ¦: . - '^ : N - V* y$m*i.;; Bri ^tev^^yip^i^ ^.by ;: resolution ,and wpy of the same *foroe- ^cheer ;—and ' y0ar. . ; . rj. % . : : ; .;, .. . v; ::: , ,: . r ; r | stantive j ^wA JFr As** be recou rse to: p.hy ^ ^ ; k*. speedilv learn the use of it. I Cheers. 1 Sir, said years moral force had been tried , and it had ac- t^nuw ¦ to O'Connor ,¦ Esq., by the Se- pect s the coneiunkm, in conlormit y to the wishiof Mh O.'Connor , in answer to the malicious assertions coniplished very little. [Hear, hear. ] But it must TA*Ltow ;^-^Th« price 0/ tnis a^cie in Leed ^ ¦ an ¦ ¦ ' " ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' " - - " '- .. ,. ; ;, - naming of the " such - • : ¦• ¦¦ ¦ ¦ \- .;¦ • ¦ • - :;-}__ y O'COHN pi^) \yMf :^J ^ cretary. . ,. ,...... - ;, Mr. CoQnis, 1 declaredthat , the day that the English Radicals have no sytopathy for the not De forgotten that the ^neverwas orga- is 59i 8d. iper ; ato ne. . , r . ,; : ; : :> , v .. . i\; - - . mp w^iun ^ '^f i should Remain in-abeyance until the demand of the Iritth le - 'I pi7^tiou a» that which at ^ To Se moved by TAt. Douglas, and seconded by peop , have embodied in my tesoluuon some existed present , nor one so —-The price of this -valuable commo- Mr. taken the people was rejected , and until the Corivehtioni in sentimentai decliafiato ^y* bf'the : pf the .ipable Potatoes. ' -apd ' ' Mr Sah ^ Hadly haTing chair— ie»rfeeling8 of effectine rtheir obiect—fhear. hear«lr-r is &6m 7d» to 9d. per weigh jif y^ >::cati6n ; «ga1 ^'^ | wMii 1flS«^'i«i^; ' Koif ^ whom they had had as8embl «d. EpglJsn people - dity in this town , ' ¦ reposed confidence , J to -the lajid of my birtb ; IChf' "8.} and although he was aware that the" name of Mr . - " " ¦ ¦¦ ¦ :- ¦ y: '- • ? v 2llbs. - --: -;; ;,;* '; i- : -,: ^ . •• v-^M ^ 'S^ That this Union expressly,and in the strongest XHear, hear, and cheera.) Siry ^1 have at all tunes A man : had ; th& a4dacity to > tell mej tP- day O'Con nell did not sound well in their ears in conse-, v. ^ . KgnvkV coadeinns all exhorta tions to physical force been sofndeatl y explanatory ' npon 'ihe qnesti on 61 that the Eaignsh working clasnes had ho sympath y quence of his desertion of the popular cause , yeti»e Prjcb of Hat "in Leeds; is- 7d. ; j Straw , : ^Mark¦ et ^ti^iirBri g^to; ih^cbnWte tinf § ' ' v ' ' ' ' ' ; ' ¦ ' li» the QJ?ow of procuring Unherssl Suffirage, and physical' force ; I wul never marshal it; 1 will never for the Irish people. (It's a lie;> ; - '?¦ :¦ " ¦ * \' ' ' whole ©fotKe v It is ft lie : true must ever do him the justice to say that the mora l 4J i per ; »ton iij. ; . '>., -^ ' . , . :. .• ¦;; . y .:;. ^iaiifr Vriatixs jWi P»W^ Woil ^^ ecU clthftNauo nalPatition ; or whose rtcomm end it; but when the-people say they will they have no sympath ¦ y for the « eather-cock policy lorce array at the election for Clare , had done more Not ; >27tfl« . I . iateJaVu *' produce -any breach of peace, law, or fight, mora l influen ce having failed to accomplish I of a parcel of needy barristers who -fill their bags at for the attainment of Cathol ic HtfOD BBSFIEIiD IlkB^BT y -> mom ^^j ii^^ ^^ ^ ^- to Emancipation than much ; the\ fame as last week j»der ;.and ei.'>e** Union condemns all their ends, then will l.jbe fpund _ in their ranks. the expense of a pauperised pe6ple-^(cheersHbu t tbp physiciri revoluid pn; of 1797, Our cloth market is ; •String nf *™«» beyond which the peaceful, (Tremendous * cbeen ng.l like ine, Aey know that ^ good fan 6y and plain cloths inejjt a. ready it^e but days «r v . But to tell an unarmed if, by the extinction of in which Mr. O'Cp ^or '^u ^P oisoNi ^^ a ^ - Stor ^ arorfcrfttLaodvr ^T «fi««ion of the people's and Tinmarshalled people to march upon a disci- tithes , any benefit is to result to the people, it must and i cionspiciwjjs.r a. part , and * all the. subse- do advance can ;be obtained. * Jjiferior otiaHti ^l ; go li. ^^ ^^ . tigb,t%ii to • QT war fcr their Timiica- plined force , I never wilL (Cheers.) The deep be through ihe influencB of UnivewaV Sufifrjige— quent straggles off slowly and OTt much enq uu ^ for. ^jV^qoja k cease, and " ^Mctf^^^ ^ riBtfto bs QBterad upon , ~ - wailmg -of the moGier who looks upon her ulaagh« " (cheers)^-oUierw»e it -will be but a transfer irom and he yet hctoetl to: see Mr . O'CQimell in their fy >$» adtaac^ »ad meet a tollable t^cl; ^^;j ' ' ¦ ' : ' ' ¦ ' ¦:' : ; ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ' - ; - ¦> ¦: .:• ¦' ¦ - *^ . " ' .- V': >;Wj: >¦- . * •¦• • ;•¦:¦¦¦ ¦ ;.y.: , 's:. - ' : ^ ^ . ;. :., ^ i ^.:, 'ii-^\iy:^r ^ ^ i.m