' AND LEEDS GENERAL . ADVERTISER.^, . , ,. -:2 ,yt>fc :- .-P» ^°- 55* SATURPjnr DECEMBER 1 1838 **IM ^^ ^ . *{*«**«!:*' J P^OBKSHXBE • : - ' I ¦ ' ^~£p« «-^ r ' ^™^* WEST-BIDING OF YORKSHIRE.. I , v - TCTfl g i ft ; nTw , > , V, . ^ l/ ^^ PRIG ES EXT RAORDINAR ^. pl&raal Suffrage ar *Vote by Ballot. TEW - IfrAEEFIEIJ) ADJOT7KHED SESSIONS. t^ WOR KS , tbat the MICHAEL- PILOT CLOTH PEE Just . .JHEAT11 E, LEEPS/ - I rTTCOTlCE u hereby gfwn . COATS, TELTET COLLARsTpIaID LININGS, 4c 15s. 6d. EACH SEVERAL Gentlemen haiBg, from a conviction Published by GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS TOUT HB ! ! - of the 1Y MAS CEOTH CLOASS, FROM 128. 6d,,MKro.^ MCH importance of MrTSLEiOH's Lecture*, TEtT ? WAI8TC0 >TS < 5g _ ABEL : <S^^B^*EACE, for the "West-Biding of the ¦ : ^ made arrangements for his remuneration in order Hi!t¥00D9 LAST WEEK? CuimiSflp^Tark, -mil he held 1>y Adjournment in ~ that he may be induced 1 to deliver them on term« 60, OLDHAM-STREET, MANCHESTER. iie OrffeiSee Room, at tbe House of Correction, b. jostfh; convenient to all on MONDAY EYENING Dsc. t LION TOP OF . He will resume^hem Tuesday ON , 3ri^l838' , on,Wednesday, the Twelfth Day of HOUSE, BBIGGATE LEEDS - Evening next, 'the 4th , for the BENEFIT 6f.Mr. CRESWlCK at ^Jj ^U M ARKET-STREET, M ANCHESTE ' ^^^ 1 instant, in the MUSIC , jJeMm^Siext, at Eleven o'Cloek in the Forenoon, R • HALL, at half-past Seven o'clock precisely. "HELIGION as now practised, opposed to the of NEW-STREET, BIRMINGHAM ; LA WS OF GOD THE LADY OF LYOWfl. i feff-.lmiiiTt»oge ipspecting the Biding Prison, (the WINE-STREET BRISTOL ; UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE IX ; or Remarks on the neces- Sense of Correction , and VOTE by sity of the immediate revival of AND said ,} and for examining the HIGH-STREET, COLCHESTER ; BALLOT will be the subjects of that Primitive Accountsof-the Keeper of the House, of Correc- evening's Christianity, and Community of Goods. THE JiARINER'S VENTtTRE. '" *aid A1ARKET-STREET, BURY ST. EDMUNDS • investigation. tion, making Enquiry into tie Conduct of the Offi- Members of the Conservative-O On TUESDAY, December 4th,. SAMLET and Servants belonging the same ; and also PRINCIPAL WHOLESALE perative Society, BY A CHRISTIAN SOCIALIST. , cea into DEPqt, MINQRIES. LONDON. on producing their Tickets of membership, will be and the Pantomime of JACK AND THE- BEAK thfi BehaYionr of the Prisoners, and their Earnings. Late the Editar of JOSEPH confidently asserts the priority of his admitted FREE. All others, ONE SHILLING the Lancashire and Yorkshire STALK. At t&B Session* the Application of the Town Establishment t« t,,,wllc h. e Co-operat or.)—Price Twopence. B . manifold Attractions^ and innumerable Advantages' at entl011^ >/rom lts EACH. On WEDNESDAY Council of the Bbrongh of Leeds to extend the Con- ¦ wmch are&re nowU0W toteo wel11, knownl . , December 5th, BRVTTJB. any lengthened eTordium. ~ ' ° to re1nire and THE DEFORMED. > tract :for the Maintenance of their Prisoners in the ' A CONTRAST. House of Cerreetion The Proprietor begs to apprise the Public, that it is his detarm?n n«o« «n *.- A ' THF CHAMPI ON AND WEEKLY r between the "NE W MORAL Oa THURSDAY,December 6th MONSIEUR. , will be taken into Considera- unparalleled '»?* continue that vv ORLD" (ai pr«ppunde<}; , tion. ' " " "" ' system of liberality which has occasioned the surprise oiTmanv JS \/ HERALD , by Robert Owen, .JACQUES, 'TWAS I, and CAPERS AND* iBstance has ever been know? to exist « allowing hi, Esq., of NewLanark,) and lhe *« OLD IMMORAL CORONETS. C. H. ELSLEY, . CusZeS he"fibSS^f?eu7ni ng anV AnSe^ PRIC W,ORLD. : though previously seen, and " -at that rime approved of ;" his motive beino^ tr, i«!n I 8 S 7 ' E FIVEPENCE, " A L'eoture delivered in 'the Social Clerk of the Peace. fidence in his Customers which he hopes stid to Institution, Salford, by Robert Cooper. ' On FRIDAY December 7th, Clerk of the Peace's Office , do hy a continuance of tbf 12 systemI of*$? *** SUNDAY, the 2nd of December, will con- (Pub- ^ , Hberality widen bas hitherto " aisdngiuAed his efforts. " honour ^and OE lished by request,) Price Twopence. .. last Night of tie Season, "Vyakefieid, 28th Not., 1838. Con^uSSy tain, an original letter irom Mr. Oastler— * ANY .ABTICLE PUBCHASED Proclamation on the Poor Law war in FOR TFE *>&&££¥£._ .QF- 5iB . DOWNfii AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT CHANGED IF NOT Todmorden : £ a repwfc-vjjCexclusively), of the recent Conference Q A T. aiy^^jW THE POLITI CS OF ^ ' the Jp A Lecture on- BffilM ^ jiMtfi SOCIALISM. It is almost neeeUessfor him to state that Ws object^td exteai tb« jmbpw. nf it. n^rMi.». » »= betw«* iafcjStock Bankers and the Ministry * tu ltowniug Street—Fait qcconn **-» ¦ mHIS DAT IS Price workings*n nf *--f— f &W Ente * -; r PUBLISH^*, ^Two- posseted by this Establishment while «rjj ^nj^aadB*E^»c^rngu9of of/ the Bap tile tir. "^S^J ' • ^w^^rrTr ^M ^M* >* •%£ ^^^ X PkiC*/ No-. I, of , , at the same ume, fte Proprietor <W lot pte^jF-ftLsay Lord, Ho CroXM ' With.ar v ariety other rtainments.; sells undar pmne cost, orwi^putprofit, a. -Pao^pmtensioiw » ff ^^ Eawv^inanjf ^inples wick's mode ot UNtTYT ^e oniy Salvation for X«ABOUB'S WROHGS <ft %ABOzr» >9 >»»^ \uUtnm WBd,' belutf at Taftatt bft with Man. A Lecture delivered in the ' ^r .( ¦ " " petitioning—Tright of the Landlords, their exhorta- Social Institu- ¦ ¦ :. - .j -~j uJMi ^ " . tion, Saltbrd. B > , -/- tions to the farmera-rConfusipn of the Ministry arid y H. Ho wells Horton. Priee Byte} as^Pit, 2s^^al: la.—Half Price tBox, Twopence; ¦ ¦; ' ¦ Or, the &ge of Might and the Age of Right. their Oracles—Rage of the Whigs at the Preston :: ..:.,! ; ¦: - -V . li' ed^'Pit,. is^ r ' ^ ' a nnmCTons peop . and Wigan demonstrations—with ali^o Mr. Whittle's :: ""We are le and we want Doors Open at half-past ;Six d'Clocitj to commene* "We as weu as retail trades; and which added reply to the; abuse of " The Globe"' and Whig Manchester : Published and Sold b ¦ : ¦ ; Strength-i have an excellent Soil and -we are to an exportation trade of considerable magnitude ncfasitins y A ' ' .' ' . ' ' at;;;Seyeniv • . ' ; " • . :/ ;1 ; . ile3tinite of Provisions ! "We pay enormous Tributes such a Tapd coflsumpUon as enables him to manufacture «SK" F .-". Weekly Chronice:' —The duelling Affai r of the Hevwobd , 60, Oldham Street ; and may be had of ^ i ^ the principal of to^S^Sb?S Lancashire Liar Hobson toll they hCitJ Oi fefit s i^ , and a variety of Miscellaneous , No-thurn Mar Office , Leeds Morris Burnett. Acting Manager. *ijd we are fiat are not Snfneient ! "We *S ** Pr° lik^^ placing him L the en' riabk si uSorbeSg aWe^ ; Hethering- *re at Peace tfsthout, and our Persons and Property SXSSf ' ^ Intelligence, ton , Strand , Cl. ave, Shoe Lane, Watson, Kinsbury , are not safe imhin J "What then is the secret *,• The Proprietora of The Champ Loudop ; Guvst, Steelhoase Lane, Birmingham; ion, intend on smkh Scociaud- : Enemy thafcdevonre ns ?"—Jixin3of Empires. ^sa ^nj ^SK ^ the fi rst Sunday after New Year's Day, to give a , place, Liverpool ; of all patriotic -" Lbebs :—Published by D. Green, 166, Briggate ; succinct Account of the Progress and present State Bookseller*, .and of all the Branches of " the Asso- ciations of all and Sold ty Guest, Birmingham ; Hey wood, Man- of Railroads, arid will take that Opportunity of Classes of all Nations," in Loiidon chester ; Barradongh and Pasbley, Sheffield ; giving Gratis, to every Subscriber for the previous and the Provinces. Tinker, Hndderefield ; IhboBon, Bradford ; and all °P°g from 1,800 hands, under the Month , illustrative Engravings, which are now i^n "^ ^P; superintendence of men of the first in ¦otherJJooksellers. ^ reh?nce can be placed; they can be warranted unequalled for durability the Hands of the Artist. LEEB S i®)^MJ6H SCIONS . &c S at a , I^HALLENGE TO CURE * "' AT G OF TW0-TH1KDS Published, 137, Strand , and to db had of all METEE1TWA SE. | FROM THE GENERAL PRICE !!! - KOTI OB If HEREB ^ GlVEW, J^68 l Newsmen. , BLINDNESS. dlstanee ¦ ° tbis Establishment will be '¦ ¦ ¦ ' ** * > found of the utmost y ., . Ti HATthe next im^rtln^n^Tmporunce, not only covering all1?^ incidental .. General Qaarter Se&iipns^f th* ^^expenses , and realising a saving of 30 or 40 per cent., but BAXTER JL Peace " JAMES G REAYE S 0 1111 ElegaDCe aDd Durabm -X MR. , from Hull, (please to observe for the Borough of L^ds, i^ the^Cpttngr ™ ^ t3—equal fn everj" rlipect to bespoke, -a at a the .name-; who has performed such exiraor- of York , will be bplden before KpBE BEGS most respectfully to inform the Pablje of l^^'SS ^ . ; iif BijfN^p Hnddersfield and Devrsbury and their respective diuary Cures on persons, many of whom have been Armstrong, 'Esguiire,! Recorder of; thS^ aaid GENTLEMEN CONTRACTED WITH ^Neighbourhood*, that he intend* to offer to their BY THE YEAE.-A SUIT OF CLOTHES MADE blind tor rive, ten, fitWii, twenty, thirty, and forty- Roroughj if the : Court . House in Leedi, oa - _ IN FIVE live years r notice, A QUANTITY of EARTHENWARE, n , , HOURS. , begs to announce to the Public, that he THURSDAY, the Twenty-Setenth Day of Gentlemen s Sjtanuh, Opera, Walking, and Travelling has with Splbxdid Portraits of J. R. Stephens, CLOCKS of every description, kept permanently taken up hU Residence in Leeds, DECEMBER ,;1838y at Nine. o'Clpck: in the(Fore- HEADY MADE. " ¦ * .. * and wilt pled ge himself to noon j at whicn Time and Eiceabd Oastleb engraved on the "Ware. ™Ihe followi,„ . ' cure all external Dis- and Place all Juror»^*Gon-^ G. be in in ng is a brief sketch of Price.*, from which no abatement can be made • eases of the Eve, Dimness of Si ht &c stables, PolioeVOfficersi Prosecutors1 1^° Mr.
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