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NO. 6 LXIV. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH.,„THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1923 Groundhog Did TRACTS LET SRS. PROTEST ON Y LIQOOR CASES SUPERVISORS RDLD Not See Shadow PROPOSED TAX B FDR Tradition lias it tliat if Mr. Ground- AIREO IN COORT hog sees his shadow on lrebruary 2nd IlOAB COMMlSSlON Ll5T l'^OIlll HEP. PITItlN lN'l'RODUCFS l)EATlI IllSSlGNATlON OF IfOAl) CO»l'lL lie wiil go back in ills hole and stay ,lUDGl3 SENTIilNCilS MXSY IS CItU CONTIIACTS LAST SA'l'CIlDAY. PENAljTV lllLL. llONB Tl3Nl>EREl>. there six yveeks. He did not see his CHIT COUIt'i'. shadoyv in this part of last Main-er Bi'os. Of Lansing 'To Buiitl llogniation Of Ilnsses, CiiisoIinc Tav Bbnrd Lays llesigniition On Ta')Ie— Frid.ay. It yvas a dull,, cold, gloomy William Livingston Found Gnilty of WillianiHtoi) llighway—iConnnlsston And Changes ln Corfxiiatiun 'I'nx People To \oto On ijansing Tyvp. day, and If tile tradltlon yvas worth a 'Assault Of Enst Ijnnsing A|i()lies For ltoward ltoad.s. Will Ile Contested. Anno.\afi<)i> At SlH'Ing Elocfion. "hoot'', we yvould soon be enjoying tbe balmy breezes of spring. But MiXH. ' Tbe Ingham Couuty Road Commis­ Under the constitutional require­ . The Board of Supervisors of lng- Michigjin peopie know better than to Today the court has the case of Joe sion last Saturday let contracts for ment of t'eapportloning membei'ships ! Iiam county met Tuesday, Fehi'uaiT piace confidence in any oid wood- ]!tlellon, charged yvith the violation of tbe construction of four roads in Ing-. in the legislature every ten years, the Gtb, for their reguiar monthly meet- chuck. They-knoyv, and franicly ad­ the state liquor iayv. It is ciaimed ham - county. The Diniondale-Holt present legislature must put througli lng and soon after Chairman H. R. mit to the yvorid, that the yveather for Mellon "urnished a tiint of moonshine No. 1 road in Delhi toyvn.ship yvas lei. a reapportionment bill, Much thought Buiien caiied the ineeting to order, the next six yveeks is apt to be rotten, to Guy Sedore of Lansing, on Sept. (.0 Briggs & Wordcn of Danisville for is being given tbis matter because tlic various comniittees met for tiieir ln fact, tliey ai-e quite sure it will be. 16, 19 22. Sedore was arrested later $8,2IS.75. This road yvill be one and of tbe failure of tbo act pa.ssed by tbe reguiar routine yvork, and nothing Tbey dislike vbad weatber but they in the day for drunkenness, and one-balf mfles in lengtii. 1913 layvmakoi's, with the result that more of iinportancc yvas accompiisii- knoyv it breeds a bardy race. Out in claimed lie yvas given the iiquor by the old apportionnient of seats I'e- cd until the afternoon session. Tbe Wiiliamston Center Road No. California *yvhore 70% of their pby- Meilon. Sedore is all ready on pro­ mained in force. A resignation yvas received from 2, one and one-fourtb miles in lengtIi, siciii value is iiia(le up of sunsliiiie, bation for the po.ssession of liquor. IIarry J. Bond, a member of tiie in Wiiliamston toyvnsbip yvas let to Biiis iooking to reapportionment invigorating air and scenery, tliey are The case yvent to the jury at 11:55 Board of Coui)ty lIoad Commisstonet's Maiirer Bros, of l-,ansing for ?7,- have been introduced botli in tiie sen­ liaving about yvliat yve can expect dur­ today, and at noon a verdict of not IIIsliop 'l'hcoimre ,S. llciidcr.son, and this was.i'cid before tbe Board, 7SC.7I. C. A. Diehl of Dan.sville, yvas ate and tile house by Wayne members iug tlie next month. Of course, the guilty was returned. In his coninuinication, Mr. Bond recognized as one of tbe strongest ayvarded the contract for'tbe Caniby- yviio are desirous of baving some cold is not extreme, and in place of Judge C. B. Collingwood Monday stated titat inasmuch as the recent men in Metliodisni. He wiii speak ljocife'road.in ljocke toyvnship. His dclinlte plan in tbe committees on lilustery snoyv, they'have a cold, driz- sentenced three in circuit court. Geo. ruling of tbe attorney genet'aI took at the Methodist church in Mason bid yvas ifS.lSS.OO t'or tbis one and yvbicli work may be.started, l^ep, Vin­ ziiy, nasty rain. A Mason man in W. I'iagg, a cripple, charged yvitii the iiwiiy frotn tbe t'oad coi)iniission lioyv- next Sunday morning. one-iinlf niile stretcb of road in cent l3acey, of , introduced tlio I,bs Angeles yvrites tliai. ice oiie-lialf violation of tile state iiquor iayv, yvas er to liire clerical bell); prevented l^ocke townsliip. bouse bill and declares that he,lias, inch tliick' formed one night last sentenced to froni six months to one carefully guarded it against running tbeni ft'om discbat'ging inefficient ljltiCTUlJIO COUIlSIO FIOU. 20. Briggs & Wordcn of IDansviile, week, and that tile yveatiier yvns very year at Ionia reformatory. Flagg , clerical help; and gave tbom "o voice yvere also awarded tlie contract for counter to tile "moiety clause'' on disagreeable. Tlie natives and real conipleted a sentence liere last Sop- Tile Lorcn Bates Trio yvill appear •wiULtevcr in tltis inutot'tattt eud of '.'to .tile Jliansing-Cnondaga lioad in Aure­ yvhlcii the Idl'i act was yvrecked. Senestat­ e men say it is."niost unusual'' teniber for forgery and lie clainied liere Tuesday evening, lt'ebrunry 20tli, business, be did not yvislt to fui'lItet' lius t.oyvnsbip for .'i!S,2!iS.3i5. This ator Arthur E. Wood, of Detroit, in­ —it alyvays is. 'l'iiis Masonii.e is tiiat after be yvas discliarged from tbe as tlie fourtb number of tlie Mason .assume the responsibility of (.be oC- road is one and one-half miles in troduced tbc .senate bill. longing for some'good oid Michigan jail be was unable to find steaciy Lecture Course. Tbis yviil be a nuis- tice. He fiirtlier stated titat. ho lengi;b. There yvere ten persons yvbo 'l'he house biii yvould giy'e Wayne steain iieat. And out tliere, lie says, yvork and bad taiien up bootlegging ical number and Mr. Bates is an iiii- realized tite law yvas tto diffevcttt tiian entered bids for tbese four.sti'etcbes 24 seats in coming legisiatnres, an in­ tliey haven't even a groundiiog to to furnish iii In a living. personator and yvill also give several yvben he,accepted tbe appointment, of road last Saturday. crease of ten over tile present num­ pass the buck to. Albriglit and Charles Scliuebb impersonations. Esso but tbat it bad been ini:erl>erted dif- 'Ilie Itoad' Commission has also ber, 'i'lie senate biii wouid give yvere sentenced to ninety days in tho •ferentiy and tlte cltange ."to el'fccted made application for tlie construction Wayne nine senators, four more tbaii county jail on a cliarge of ieud and tbe poyver of tito l^oad Cotntttisslou of three state reward roads in tile tile county noyv has. It is ex|)ected iacivious coiiabitation. Tbe women in. - as to make tbe position nndesit'it-itle county, three and one-fourtii miles in that tile committees in botli liouses the case yvere brouglit to Lansing by from his standpoint. , Ho bearHiy ED GRDSS CHAPTER Meridian toyvnshi)), two miles in yviii get to work in the near future FATHERS AND SONS them from Crand Rapids and in cir­ recoinniended tbe Supervisors for Aiaiedon township, and one mile in on tbe yviiole problem of reapportion- cuit court in Lansing Monday they their support and coopet'atIon during Ingham township. (Continued on page four) yvere placed on pr.plmtlon. tile past tyvo yeat's. Membet's of the DF MASON DISBANDS ANQDET After deliberating about one-half Board yvere unwilling to accept Mr. hour, tbe jury brought in a verdict of Bond's resignation, and a motion was HOLD LAST MEETING ANB Ills. 12,5 GA'i'lllilRED Ai: Rll?l'lIOl>lS'i not guilty in the case of Mrs. Leona made to lay tbc resignation on tbe l'OSlO OF FUNIfS. CllURCll TUESDAY EVENING. Buysee of Lansing, yvho had been ar­ table untii tile APt'il session. This rested for the violation of tiie state yvas done, tliere being fottrteen Yeas American Ijoglon Gets Gift Of llcd Dr. Spcnco Of .Jackson Gives Spiendi(i llquor layvs. Mrs. Buysee conducted and ten Nuys. Cross li'nnd.s—Hope To .Secnre .Addre.s.s—iVlnsicrtl Nnnihcrs N ISDN FEB. 14TR MEETING a boarding house in Lansing, .and hoaUhm On Maple Street. A Ti'cat. yvhen her house yvas entered by offi­ Supervisors Philli|)s and Hulett cers, a bottle of liquor yvas found. It yvere named to attend the three day COtiNTY CONVENTION WHjL BE LElD LASlilNiJY AGAIN ELEG'TED The Mason Red cross Chapter held From the opening number, "On- was claimed tbe liquor was the prop­ session of Supervisors of Michigan, IllOLD AT COUltT HOUSE. J\lANAGiDR OF ASSOCIATlON. a meeting in tho court house iast Sat­ yvard Christian Soidiers,'' sung iustiiy erty of one of her boarders. Avbicb is being held in l.jansing this urday afternoon for the purpose of by those present, to the singing of li'orty l>eiogate.s To Be ElecteVB. there are tnany autoists now without Gus Grindling supplied the com­ son on the Lansing road. The sale church feels highly favored ln having their green 1923 tags. They will, pany with 22;962 pounds of milk dur­ given after which Matilda Parsons begins at 12; 30 and C. P. Dolbee such a man speak SrOm its pulpitin ang dth e month of January, for which and Helen Hill gave a vocal duet. .The entertainment held at the promptly be apprehended, as no auto is the auctioneer. Adv. page 8. it is expected that every seat will be he received $522.24 net; Liiter refreshments, consisting of Wheatfleld Gleaner hall Tuesday will be allowed to operate wlth the taken for the service next Sundpy chocolate, cake and sandwiches were evening, January 30th, under the aus­ old Ilcense. A. C. Titus &. Son will sell ,o«t morning. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE. served. The Valentine party which pices of the Arbor of Gleaners, was While no arresta- have yet been farm property on Monday,'Febru­ Rev. Gandler Nwislies It to be dis­ Last Monday, February 5 th, Mrs. was planned by the girls has been quite Veil attended ln splto of the made ih. Mason, a •itumber of arrests ary 26th. Tliere lis an exception­ tinctly tinderstood tltat he coming ot E. T. Rojwton was very pleasantly postponed. fact that there is so much siclciiess in have been made In Lansing, as-tho de- ally fine herd of Holstein and Bishop.Henderson is for inspirationar surprlssd by neighbors and friends, the cothmunity and the icy condition linquent drivers were arrested and Jersey cows in their list as well as purposes and not Lor the purpose of at her;^bine on the Dansville road, / SECOND WARD CAUCUS. '•. of the roads. their cars were'held at the police sta­ other livestocok and riiany good raising money either for local,or-diBr,. two i^inWes'east of Mason, the event 'Republican elecl-ors of the Second Mr, Ahhott, the impersonator, is a tion until proper licenses were se­ implements. The farm is 4% nominational purposes j; belnig 1itt;'h of. her'Tseventy^rat Ward of the City of Mason will meet man of pleasing personality and cured. miles east' of Dansville. Price & Because of the contemplated' im-j birthdajr,; A! potluck dinner was'serv­ in caucus at the Ingham County News •strong character and delighted his Hepp are the auctioneers. Watch provement of the local churchiprpjt- ed to. Abbtit sixteen and a social time office on Monday evening, February audience for about two hours with a WORK IN Mi M. BISOREE. for adv. \ erty some have thought the coiatog of enjoyed,', after which the party left 12, at 7:30 o'clock,for.,J;jbe purpose of -t variety of different roles varying Next Wednesday evening, February the Bishop was to raise money'; or je:: 'witbt;,iniA}r';good wishes for Mrs. Roy- electing delegates.ito-thej county con-! from'tbe niost humorous to the most- 14, Mason Lodge No. 70, F. & A. M., Monday, February 19tli, Is the cure pledges to pay for same, b^t'bnly^. 8ton!« ihealth and prosperity. vention to be held'ln Ifaaon, Wednes­ pathetic. ' : will have work-in the M. M. degree. date of the blg George Sterle auc­ the regular church offering jTHrlU'ibe day, February 14tbi.'and!' to transact Work will start promptly at 7:30 and tion at the Ed Heald farm, 3 miles His'many pleasing selectlons^on the taken.,,- •• • (SAWMILL. - ^M-i^^f '• fiii such other busineM-Mi^may properly north of Dansville. Mr. Sterle will piano added charin to his program. a good turnout ls desired. The entire community Is in'rlM(|iM I eaJMJirt.tbllocate my sawmill on the come before the aiiNitliil.' By Order sell his six head of extra fine hbr- The proceeds of the evening netted attend and listen to this gre«t?auui;| Cordl«r.(|ttr|ter farm east of Maaoa.^ of Committee^, ^0^-^!^':ses ; nine head, of Durham cattle; the Gleaners:about 117.00. This,is All .AccbuntB. must be settled ' by it is an opportunity that noit:}^ , and Iftlt; Hi prepared to do custom and a blg: list, of Implemeata iaad the 01eaner(i first attempt of this kind Febhiarr 16th, or will be put in the afford to miss. The service f^irMgtIMi sawiBgfalqiit Maifch 16. / Call L, R. , and It Is planaed to hare'niore

pin tlir filttt to no write lt on root IMWt Tried to pass, . Bun't ilMva; iiut tliou tiitt mrr day I* tli* boit Stepped on gas. Bst two trai of tbtM d*r of tilt rOkr.-rIiiiDMr. Bang, hootn, crash! OWDl—OUl^M.' ' ion. May get well. Hard to tell— Looks liijo hash. —i I !— INGHAM TY NEWS A woman generally gets ,over her foolishness after she marries, which is about tho time a lot of men begin. A Bcniitifiil Thoiigiit —!(!•-- Publlihed over; Tliuradny hfleriioon In the Cltr of MMon, County sent of Ingham Oounty. Mtchignn. A man's standing is rated by what Much pose is just clothes. he does—a womaii's by yvhere she goes. sCIIUTLEIt h. MARSHALL, Publliher' No cure ever lias been discovered I I ; for one yvho is..determlned to yvrite SUBSOKIPTION RATES (PBy«We In Adv»B««) „ Minor l^lii.sings a scenario. One Tear (In lnghnm eiiunty) ;...11.60 "Truth is mighty and yviil prevail,'' ! I !— Six Month! (In lnghnm county) ...... \ ., according to the old maxim, but be­ To get iifo's honey, you've got to Three Month, tin lnghnm county) « Single Oopic ..• -JJ fore it prevails, the victims of false­ get the money. Outflde fnghnm county In U. S., one year J.OJ hood often die. . —! ! !— Strainer All paper, mnltcd ouUlde the U. s.. one year —! ! !— A locomotive has no respect for AIIVERTISING BATES Why brag about your ancestot-s? anything. It would just as soon make Dl.play ndvcrtliing rntea on appllcntlon. Everybody had 'em but Adam. kindling yvood of a ton-thousand-dol- Builneu local, and rending nollcca on Hr.t nnd local pngei, iSe « line. lar limousine as of a hundred-doilar No rending or hualneii advertl.lng lea. thnn 2S ecnti. —! ! !— Positively Re!11oves All Sediment flivver. Oard of Thanka one cent a word. . Probably if nearly everybody didn't I ; ; Obltunry notice, of 125 word, free, more than 126 word, or obituary poetry, one have a sneaking idea he'd like to be cent a word. Who Roineinhers No Cloths to Wash No charge, for birth, death or marriage notice., notice, of reunion. . one, we'd got farther in prosecuting Alt Supper, and entertainment! where adml.ilon ie eharced. or any plan dedgncd tho pt'oflteers. ^ ^ * Tho boy who collected postage to make money mu.t be paid In advance at regular rate.. stamps and had an ambition to be No Fii1e Screens to Rust Out known as a "philatelist?'' .Entered at the Poatofllee at Ma.on, Michigan, a. leeond-cIaii matter. When the average modern married pair are unable to decide whether to have a home, children or an automo­ Helped The "Flu'' , 10-Quart Size, . . $2.50 Tho stuall city.and town newspaper publishers of Michigan met at the bile, they compromise and buy a car. "Used Foley's Honey and Tar for _! J !_ 'flu' and found it wonderful. It never Michigan Agricultural College last week." lt was Partners Week and a flt- 18-Quart Size, . . $3.25 fails to cure my two little girisfrom It's a wise man who knows when ting time and place for these pubiishers to tueet, for the small town publish­ coughs and colds,'' writes Mrs. A. ho cither must break a habit or allow er bears about the same relation to the city publisher as does the farmer to Sanders, Gallatin, Tenn. For quick Cotton Pads, $2 per box of 300 the habit to break him. the manufacturer. Speaking of the craft at large, he has the same relative relief ft'otn coughs, colds, croup, —! ! !— throat, chest and bronchial trouble troubles, the same long liours, scarcity of heip, and very little control over Some of the crusty oid bachelors use Foley's Honey and Tar. Contains Sold Exclusively at many of tbe conditions under which he does his work and soils his product. that have been missing their eye- no opiates—ingredients printed' on Aud tbe publishers' meeting at Liinsing lastyveek did not differ.largely opener since pi'ohibition came, should the wn-ipper. Sold by all druggists get married. That would open their from the various group meetings of farmers which were being held in the in Mason. . (adv) eyes. sarne building. There yvere several I'athcr successful publishers in the —! ! !— MARItlAGE LlCENSBS. Salisbury Hardware Stores group. There were a number who were unsuccessful—at least they pro- Also a bird in the pot's worth two' in the hiind. fessed to be; tbeir appearance did not indicate fat bank .accounts; their own .Clarence C. Ry.al, Lansing—_ 41 MASON HOLT DANSVILLE testimony of methods and practices would not maki one ljelicve they were —! ! ! — Josephine Goats, LansingJ 41 It is strange hoyv many admittedly headed for bank presidencies. ..^ Harold R. Hartsuff, Stockbridge—20 even boastfuily good, persons take Marion F. Hayhoe, White Oak___18 Wo have, before noyv, heard a successful farmer explaining to other pleasure in contempiating evil and farmers hoyv ho fed livestock, hoyv he rotated crops, hoyv he had been able discussing it with their fellow saints. l3ari N. Bennett, Lansing 21 tween Mason and Lansing birds. It Mai'y M. Banks, Lansing 18 to got exceptionaliy good resuits this yvay er that; and yve have heard other It! is yvhispered about that tho Mason "Man was made to mourn,'' said Leroy lIusk, Lansing 26 boys wore large yvinners. farmers not so successful scoffing at his ideas. Ijast yveek yve heard pub­ Lips cracked the oid copy-books. What ayvful Miriam L. Scully, Ijansing _ 20 Last Saturday morning Capt. Eli lishers yvho have made aconifortable income from tlielr busiuess attempting and sore? liars those copy-books yvere. Fred Luecht, Lansing 61 P. Loranger, yvell known all over thls j I I to toil tbirty or forty otlicrs the secret of thelr success. But instead of tlieir Mary M. Luecht, Lansing 55 section of Michigan, died at tbe Jazz probably yvill go out about tbe homo of his sister, Mrs. S. 1^ Leigh- MENTHOLATUM remarks being yvell recelvod, tlieir audience seemed inclined to be skeptical, Loren Holland, Lansing 25 same time they,quit singing songs ton, in Wiiliamston, of consumption. and sonielimes yvould "hcclcle'' tlie speaker. Later the skeptics gathered in Marguerite Dean, Lansing 23 quickly heals about "mammy" and making it II. W. Layvrcnce and family are groups and one could ovci'hear tbem ridiculing tbe facts that had been told rbynio with "granny.'' Robert lIarwood, Leslie 20 noyv pleasantly situated in their neyv thelm. tiiem by one of tiieir number. . ' Lucy Muffiy, Leslie 21 home on West Ash street. We suppose sucb conditions exist in ail lines of busiuess, but yve doubt No man is ever tiie same after he Veru A. Spiece, ljansing 31 Bert L. Green has disposed of his Loretta I'. Perrigo. Lansing 18 lf it is as prevaient as among country publisbers and farmers. has made liis first public speech, nor drug store at Alpena and in tlie near any yvomen after she has driven her Samuel II. Jones, Ijansing 2!) future Mr. and Mrs. Croon yviil take IN LOW SPiRrj. first autoniobiie. . Gladys Peckbam, l,jansing_.^ 10 up their residence on the W. A. Mel- "You have a yvoman mayor here?'' I 1 T ton farm in Alaiedon. Congressman Anderson, one of the speakers at the college last yveek Williard Johnson, Webberville 56 "Yes. She's just been elected and A fi'iend is one yvbo is still tberc defined coopei'atioii, and said it yvas,a nnich abused term. Most people yvant llo.sa Boyven, Webberville 51 her husband is about the uneasiesfc after tile trap bas been sprung and man in toyvn.'' to cooperate in order to better their conditions. But tbeir idea of coopera­ the body is being cut doyvn. FOR OVER 40 YEARS John F. Fulgar, Lansing 42 "Why so?'' tion is erroneous. Tbey tliink tiiat it means that the other fellow should I j ; I-rALL'.q CATARRH MlSTMCINI!) has Jennie P. l^enyon, .Lansing —37 boon used successfully in the treatment "He's told several of his frieuda adjust bimseif to tlieir ideas and their yvay of doing tilings. Incidentally, Men used to go yvrong because of Alfred M.Jardot, Eaton Twp 25 of Catarrh. liquor, yvoinen and cards, but noyv it's confidentially that if his wife still has that's about the idea a great many people have of proliibltloii., Tliey yvant Tbelma Dornan, lSaton Twp 20 HAI.vL's CATARRH MEDICINE con- mostly from trying to buy .as fine cars sista ot an Ointment which Quickly the same opinion of him she had'be- Relieves tjy local appllc.atton, and tho fore the election he's slated for tho the country to be dry—for tho other felloyv. as tbeir richer fnends. Carl 3. Woodruff, Lansing 28 tnlornat Mcdtolne, .a Tonic, whloh acts job of dog catcher."—Birmingham ! I I through the Blood on the Mucous Sur­ Blanche H. Sober, Lansing 23 Age-Herald. Ernest Canfield, Carson City 24 faces, thus reducing tho Inflammatlon. President Friday lias put forward some ideas lately.in liis lectures and Most men are members of lodges Sold by all druggists. Edith .Rubeison, Lansing 26 througli the press yvliich liave tlio ring of coniiiion sense. Hc says tliat the and a feyv really ''belong'' to lodges. F. J, Olieney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. SUBSCRIBE) rOR THB NBWB products of ]\Jicbigan fai-nis can largely be consumed by the cities of Michi­ A good theatrical producer has gan. However, the farmers of Michigan must adjust themselves to Michigan been known to make a laughing suc­ A HEAVnURDEN cess out ofo a crying shame. imaricets if tins condition is ever realized. If tyvice as many potatoes and A Bud B«cli]>lakcs liifoMisonrblo For I 1 I apples are raised in Michigan as Michigan cities ban absorb, it natut'aiiy foi- ftlaiiy Mason People. "Bo ye also fishers of men," is the loyvs that a part of tliat product yviii be throyvn upon other more distant mar­ bibiic.al injunction which the grafters A bad back is a heavy burden. kets and yvitli the accompanying greater transportation costs. This work interpret to mean, that they should A burden at night yviien bedtimo of adjustiug Michigan products to nieet Michigan demands is one tliYit lie pro­ make fish out of men. comes. poses to yvork out for Michigan farmers, and if he can accomplisli it he yvill ! I J A lot of ''lady-killers'' do lIieir Just as bothersome in tho morning. be>^doing a great yvork. killing by causing yvomen to laugh Ever tt'y Doan's Ividney Pills for Another thing President Friday is enipliasizing is the yvide variation in themselves to death at them. it? Ivnoyv they are for kidney back­ cost of production on Jlicliignn farms. An example of these variations yvas •--! ! !— "Married trouijles'' are so called ache—and.for otlier kidney ills? proven hy a record kept of tlie amount of milk sold by several commercial because "troubles never come singly.'' lf you don't, some Mason people dairies near the college. Several farmers yvere selling milk to the college. I I I do. One-farmer yvas getting as low as ioyv as 3,000 pounds of miik per coyv per Will poyver plus yvon't poyver equals Ask your neighbor! TRUCK CHASSIS Mrs. May Haddy, N. Randoif St., year. If yve renieniber tbe figures correctly, another in tbe same neighbor­ do power. Mason, says: ''I bad attacks of sboot- hood yvas getting S,000 pounds per coyv. The deduction is simple. One j I ! One big difference betyveen the fam­ ing pains in my side and dull, nag­ niiin yvould need keep but tliree coyvsto produce 2.1,000 pouiids of milk in a ily doctor and the specialist is the ging aches in the small'of my back. year, 'l'bo otber yvouicl bave capital invested in ten coyvs, have the yvork of pt'ice. At times I felt so bad yvben I went to caring for tbem, the cost of feeding them, etc. Both men yvould get exactly t ! I •bed I couldn't get any sleep because New Price of the soreness across my back. Morn- Too fat? tlio same gross return. One yvould inake a liandsonie prolit. Tlie other lugs I had dizzy spells. Dunng tbese Diet. yvould tell you tliere is no money in fanning. . attacks my kidneys yvere yveak and Get tliat? ..-O— .Try it. irreguiar in action. Doan's Ividney J I i: Pills straightened me up so I am cer­ We started out by claiming that country publishers and farmers yvere tainly glad to recommend them.'' , A thing that maices the tired busi­ very similar in some respects. Farmers yvho liave no idea of ii.oyv many ness man more so is to go to a thea­ Price -60c, at all dealers. Don't pounds of milk a coyv must give in order to be profilable cannot expect to ter and have to look at a lot of adver­ simply ask for a kidney remedy—get , make money. The same thing is true of the country publisher. Many do tising on the screen yvhen he has paid Doan's Ividney Pills—the same that Mrs, Haddy had. Foster-Milburn Co.,' not have the proper labor-saving machinery needed for economical produc­ his money to see a picture. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. (adv) tion.- They, believe they c.annot afford this machinery. Many have never' —! ! !— A good excuse is bettor than a poor systematized their yvork room so as to employe the minimum amount of labor. reason. They forget that ?30.00 a yveek saved means a profit ot nearly ?1600.00 at —! ! !— I Twenty Years Ago \ the end of the year. Some yvill not accept another publisher's ideas. They • A git'l in the court house thinks f Tliursday, Febiiint'y 5, 1003 } hold that ''he may be able to do it, but lt will not work in my community.'' '•The New Freedom" is a story abput divorces. Pubiisliing and printing ls not a parallel to the retail business—it is a manu­ There are 707 boys now enrolled at —I ! J— facturing business like farming. Many publishers and many farmers have the Industrial School, the largest The average gii'l seems to prefer to nutnberin its history. no idea of their costs. They make no effort to find costs. They come to spoon with a fashion plate. Eugerife Edgar has purchased the —I ! !~ the end of the year and know that they have not made a fair return on the old Bement homestead of 40 acres It's an right to "brighten up the money invested, but they do not know, why. In this respect, however, the west of the city, and intends moving corner where you are,'' but 'don't there when the robins nest again. farmer is entitled to more sympathy than the publisher. The publisher in start to brighten up other corners un­ a measure determines his oyvn selling price. The farmer has to,take yvhat til yoti're sure the folks who live in An "exhibition" of game cocks was the market offers. them want your brand of brightening. pulled off Saturday night quietly, be-

President' Friday gave the publishers an interesting half-hour Friday —are responsible to no one but themselves and they do not always show by ey'-ening dlscussing taxes. Friday is a "shark'' when, he gets on this subject. their records all'their business. This makes it easy to collect taxes from a ,HG did not say that he thought taxes would be lower. . On tho contrary, he corporation, and.we believe this accounts for the many tax measiires that are The Ford One-Ton /Truck Chassis stated that he believed that Michigan's commonwealth and Michigan's insti­ aimed at incorporated business. A copartnership or iridividuaL.ownership tutions yvould need more and more tnoney as the years went by.' This may ia a much more desirable arrangement today viewing the matter from the has proved its abll^ to reduce not be a popular statement but lt is untfoubtediy a true one. On a black­ titx standpoint. . ' . ',. transportation costs in practically board in the room where the! publishers were assembled he analyzed Mlchl- But we are wondering whether or not other property ls actually get­ every line of business where there gan.'s tax for the past ten years. The state tax represents about one-eighth ting any relief when corporations are taxed. - A corporation knows yvhat it of the total tax raised in the state for all purposes. Cut out every cent of is costing them to do business. They add taxes Lo their costs, and they is a hauling problem. It is eco7 . state oxpens?, and we would still be,paying about eighty-seven cents yvhere shotild. The ultimate consumer ptiys^a per cent of profit on the cost of nomlcal, efficient, dependable. At wo are now paying a dollar. Let the legislature cut every appropriation to manufactured goods. If the cost.is higher,, the selling price is higher. So the new low price you will agree the bone and it might make a difference of two or three cents on each tax in tiie end the'consumer pays.,the added tax, plus a per cent of profit! dollar. Friday emphasized an old truth which we must all admit hut hate In Michigan this may worlc as a relief measure. A large percentage of it represents a, value tiiat has to; that excessive taxation, if there is any, lies in our county, township and the products of the many automobile comptinies and their allied industries never before been offered in the city takes—^^that's where, about eight-seven cents of every tax dollar is spent. is sold outside the state. "Thus the .consumer who always pays the revenue, commercial car field. Place your The speaker showed that the manufacturing concerns of the state were "the Jones who pays the freight,'! is a nian in another of the forty-seven order now for reasonably prompt on the tax foils for aboiif; one billion of dollars. , Taking Lansing, Jackson states'of; the Union. ;•• • /'i': ' .,-', , • '•• and Fllnt as a basis, i he showed that this amount was only about one-tliird One angle of Friday's views impressed the writer as being wholly out delivery. Terms if desired. . of .what they shotild he assessed. His contention,was •that, tliese;cohcern8, of harmony with the'popular demand of taxpayers of Michigan. He did not lf assessed on the same basis of farm and residence property, would be pay­ propose economy! He, dli not advocate retrenchment. He did not mention ing a much greater percentage of the direct tax of the state. President Prl- spending less flof- .the Michigan .Agritjultilral Colliege, or the University Of diiy did not give his whole-hearted approyal to the gasoline, tax but heartily Micliigan. H^. did show himseif' paytlculahyiidept at devising ways and Dean-Jacobs Co. favored the state corporation tax^r-in fact, JtBeemedtt) the-wrUer that F means of c(>llebting more money:'. He accepted the disposition of tlie people Ford Sales and Sorvloe day considered corporations the legitltnate prey'foi' nearly any sort of a tax to fsjierid more: and moreimoney as a'inatuiral aiterinatb of varand ;^ measure. .,, \}'•,^''''.V-'V :of :extravataace,.: . \ •')}fy{':i- '''X'S^'-^ ' ' ^' '' We believe we call understaiid thls.Corporia'tionB 'keep bobkB,^keep Perhaps htBlB dead right. Perhijji: wi shbllld gtoi accurate records .of theii' busiiieRB;; ^ < Thej respoiiBlble to wrry^wj^ the geIi tot their Btocklioldera;.::^^ •••••••^••••••iaaHBiaaHHiHnHiHHBanHiHaHaa INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1923 Page Tlini

Mr. lind Mrs. Mullen of Detroit, ate dinner at J. A. Bavidsoty's Saturday. Daptiat Church Notes { Rev. W. B. Uariicog, PusUtr. \ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davidson, Alice DoiiH Be Fooled ' Cavcnder, Mr,'and Mrs. Ami Terriil i attended Gieaner mooting at Wirt Dakiu's iast lfriday. Next Sunday at 10 o'clock liivan- . Low Price and High Quality gelist H. P. Hosklns yvitil his singer, G. Ward's family yvere ali iii yvith Haroid H. Vigueuile, of Ciovoiand, HOME AT MGHT lagrippo last yveek. Mrs. Martha Don^t Go Together, Stick to Ohio, yvill have charge of the service. Wauvlo yvas also on.the sick list. JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY Service at 7 o'ciock Sunday even­ Mrs. Charles Abet yvas in, Lansing ing. aii of iast yveek nui-slng. Woeic day evenings 7:30. HEN chirping crickets Ingbant Grange held their first Froni 'fuesday to Friday there yvill fainter cr>5, meeting ln thelr ncyv hall last Thurs- day. ,Next meeting ls. Ii'eb. 15.. be meetings at 2:30 p. tn. ' lilverybody is itivited to attend CALUMET 'j And pale stars blossom in Marsbali Poliok lias been ill the these iiieotings. Tho ciiurcli desires past yveelc'with bronchitis. „ a the sk% to do its bostifor tlie people of Mason througli these meetings. God holds The Economy BAKING POWDER 1 And twi ightj gloom has diInmcd'thc us accountable for the rigl'it use of our opportunities. bloom Never accept "Just as Good" Brands; it The Juniors yvill h.ave thelr sociai meeting Friday night, Fob. 0,' instead will only mean disappointments and fail­ And blurred the butterjij^ of Feb. IC, as previousiy jiianned. ures on bake-day, which are expensive.

^Jl^HEN lociist''blo55oms^eck the Calumet is a High Grade BalUng ''All Iho talk you see in press dis­ First Presbyterian Cilur^^^^' { patches from Europe about the dan­ liov. \v. a. Long, inistor. \ Powder, Moderate in Price And up the tf^cHijy stalk ger of Russia joining hands with either Germany or Turkey in a miii- The glo>W'^onn aavolsand clings tary sense is yvhat you il] this country Next Sunday morning, Mr. Long When you use it and falls wouid cail pure bunk,'' declared Sir yviil preach on tlie subject, "lt'inali- Basil Thompson, former head of ties of Christ,'' from tbo text, "Art you never spoil any And gjimmei^ dovon the gaidcn-'walis; I Scotland Yard and one of tbe yvorld'H thou he tiiat sliould come, or look yve best informed men on iSuvepean af­ for anoi.her?'' 'rho pastor annuunces of the expensive in­ fairs, during tbe course of his visit to \\iHENbuzzindthings\^idi double wjh^ hoyvever, that be yvisiies'aii tbese yviio ljansing tbis week. 'iUissia has no desire to bear Bisliop Henderson at gredients used — figbting force yviiicli coul.l bo u.sf;d WOfcrJspanaraspishfluttcrihgs, n the M, lC, church Suiulay niorning, to such as flour, sugar, outside of her oyvu count.-v wliich is feel free to avail tlieniselves of thls Go whizzInd W so vcr v ni^h yvortiiy of tite name," Si." Basil e.v- opportuniiy. eggs and milk. piained. Tlio yvliolo army consists of 'l'lie union evening services for Ilie One thinks q jangs and ^tin^s:^ about 5,000 IX'tls and Mongolians next tliree Sunday iiigiits yvill lie held and others of mixed strains of ljlood. in.tile Baptist cliurcli, as part of tlie The sale of Calumet then, with]n,is stilled the din series of special meetings there. Tlie is 214 times as much Tlie Ann Arbor liigli school yvas she rocks the babj; in, regular prayer ineeting service yvill KjOfcnh forced to close for a few days last be lield in the church tills evening at as that of any other And heart and gate and lalchiwa'ght •week because of the many cases of seven o'clock. On tlie i;yvo Thursday brand. lagrippe. l^purteen of tbe high nights folloyving, there yvill be no BlEIST BY TEST Are li^ed^and the Iip.f of Kate. school teacliers yvere unalile to report prayer service, opportunity being giv­ for duties because of illness and a en instead to attend the meetings at large'number of the pupils were also tbo Baptist church. The pastor urges THE WORIDIS GREATEST BAKiNG POWDER cenQned to,tbeir homes. everyone yvho can to attend tbe.se ser­ .* ,ii ,(i vices and co-operate yvitb our Baptist In St. Louis an inquiry in the friends in 'every yvay possible. one of tlieir monthly apportionments. Prayer meeting Wednesday even­ schools shoyvs that 40 per cent of the Plan to stay for the Sunday school They have started a large number of ing at 8 o'clock. chiidren have never seen a sheep, 17 hour Sunday. It yviil iielp both yon hyacinth bulbs, yvhich are noyv budd­ Sundiiy evening services at Bunk- per cent have never seen a plg and and the scliool. ed and ready for sale. These are of­ erhiU 7:30. Rev. and Mrs. Andrew 12 per cent liave never seen a cayv. 'I'he Christian Ende.avor Society fered to the public at tlie G. M. Wobb Spoelstra, pastors. Tiie dense lgnot-ance of hundreds of will meet at six o'clock Sund.ay even­ shoo'storo, and the ladies hope to dis­ have been quite sick tho past yveek thousands of city children is deplor­ ing. The suliject, one of the series pose of their entire stock. yvith the grippe. able. If every city child could spend of Psaim Studies to be given this As the organist, Mrs. Eilett, is in fNorth AuVe'liu's'UilioV ChllK^ Mr. Linder rides in a noyv Ford. his summer vacation yvorking on a year, is ''The Testimony Psalm,'.' to Detroit this yveek attending a meet­ Mrs. John Whaion died Sunday at farm, at yvork suited to his or her be in charge of Miss Ruth Hazelton. ing of the Board of the Synodical LESLIE tbe home of her nepheyv, Elton Arch­ strength, all yvould be better off men­ The postponed meeting of the La­ Missionary Society, the choir yviii not Sunday school 1:30. er, in ljesiie. Mrs. Whalon has lived tally and physicaiiy. dies' Aid,Society yvill be held totnor- rehearse tonight, but yviii meet for a Special interest centers on the lec­ for many years in Fitchijurg. HI « * royv (Friday) afternoon in tho church feyv minutes at 9:30 Sunday morn­ ture of Judge Carr on ''The Criminal It is no disgrace to be an unskilled parlors. Business session and pro­ ing. Situation,'' Tuesday, Feb. 13, at 7:30 laborer, but lt is a disgrace to remain gram in the afternoon, and beginning Miss Ethel Adams Junior Supt. of p. ni. lSverybody should hear him. one. Tbat is, it is a disgrace if a at 5:30, a Bohemian supper to which this Sunday school has been appoint­ I... • .^"".^i*?^^. ?'f .1.1 man has tile mental and physical everyone is invited. ed to tho position of Superintendeni capacity to become skilled, as nearly Mrs, Alfrcda C. AVliallon l)io The Women's Missionary Society MENTHOLATUM Mrs. Rose Torrill spent part of last tools at the stroke of the clock nor Nazerene born Feb. 17, 1850. She yvas united yveek yvith her mother. ( feels vety much pleased at the result In marrige to John W. Whallon in spend bis evenings in pursuit of friv­ of the annual dinner iast. Saturday. clears the ndse . An epidemic ot flu in this vicinity '. olous pleasure. 1873, and tyvo children blessed the visited the families of Edd Watkins, These ladies have also evolved an ori­ Sunday school 10:30. passages^, union, Covhi, deceased, and Archie. Leo Glynn, Percy Foler, Chas. Lott. ginal mode of earning the money for Preaching 11:30. Eight years they lived in Alason. Vern and Myrtle Brenner and Iva The latest crisis in Europe has been yvhere Mr. Whallon held the office of Footo all have boon quite sick, but the signal for a fresh flood of propa­ county clerk for six years and Mrs. are on the gain. ganda in the United States. Congt-ess Whallon acted as assistant clerk the is being bombarded with a great Carl Squires and wife spent last most of tho time. Two years Mr. number of petitions asking American Wednesday evening at John Pollok's. Wh.-illon officiated as a lawyet', being aid for the suffering people of Ger­ Ami Terriil and wife yvere Sunday a member of the Ingham County Bar many and Austria. A grejit deal of visitors at Walter Heathman's. Association. The romarider of their newspaper space is glveti to setting Cash Sale 10 DAYS Cash Sale Miss Roblson visited our school lives yvore spent on tho homestead for the German viewpoint of the Tuesday, but finding so few in attend­ near Fitchburg. Mrs. Whallon yvas "outrage'' that France is committing ance she will call later for exaniina- found by her son, Archie, when ho upon them. Our own gt'oup of in­ tions. returned from work Saturday, Jan. ternationalists are berating France 27, 1923, in an unconscious condition and insisting,that the United States from a stroke of paralysis. Dr. Nich- act the part of mediator in settling ois gave Urst aid and she was removo. Columbia Road the dispute between France and Ger­ ed to the home of her nepheyv, Elton many. It is even ut'gqd that this Archer, in Leslie, yvhere she lingered The last lectut-e yviil be next Tues­ country establish a protectorate over till Sunday mornlng, Feb. Ith, when day evening, Feb. I3, at the church. the Ruhr region. There is no indi­ she passed to the eternal rest. For Judge Curr gives the address. cation from Washington that any of more tlian llfty years she yvas a faith­ those radicai proposals are receiving Those that have neither been ab- on our entire stock of Ladies' High Top Shoes. ful member of tbe South Bunkerhill sent .nor tardy ln Dist. No. 4 is Cliff serious consideration. U. ll. cliurch. Many years she has Smith, Nellie Brociens and Don Bro- ||; » a. been treasurer of tbe L. A. S. Those ciens, The flrst trial arising out of the Everything must go. wjio knew ber best, loved her most. ltichard Bulien, Jr. is quite sick at Horrin massacre ' lias resulted in a Mr. Wliallon passed ayvay July 21, this yvriting. verdict of not guilty. Tbat frees five ml5, and was a member of 'l'ent No. George Clark and yvife and Otis men cliarged yvith the murder of 10, Mason, Since Arcbie and Mrs. Cornyveli and yvife and Mrs. Austin , IIoyvard Iloffman, one of tlie victims Whallon have resided on the farm. Smith yvore all in Lansing Tuesday on , of tlie atrocities. There can be no The fuueral yvas iield Tuesday at 10 Also a few pair of Youths' Tennis Shoes business. i appeal on behalf of the slate to a o'clock at tbe heme of Elton Archer. court of revieyv. Tlie verdict stands Burial at Fltchbut'g cemetery, yvhich Forest Smith's famiiy are all sick , and tile defendaifts go free. at 85 cents. is a part of tlie Whallon farm. There yvith the grippe. * » * survive the son and neplteyv, also u The members of tho W. S. L C. Dr. It'rank Blair Hanson, head of niece, Mrs. .Ella Haiti!, and her fam­ yvore till present but tyvo at Mi's. H. the department of zoology at Wash­ ily, also a nepheyv, C.. IL Gales, of Smith's, last week. They all enjoyed ington Uaiversity, says that a bed of , Ohio. There are cousins tho afternoon. asphalt f9und ln California, which residing in Jackson, Henrietta, Lan- had caught and preserved the skele­ sinfe and Boyne City. Mtyny friends tons of animals, birds and reptiles, Deuel & Willett will mourn the passing of this am­ has been of "immeasurable value to iable yvoman. science.'' Animals are cauglU in the Shoes for the family Mi;, and .Mrs. G. Rhincs lCntcrfainwl. The famiiy of C. .E. Nelson has been ' asphalt bed as flies are caught on fly Twenty-four guests gather.ed at the quite sick the past week. paper, he explained. "One of the iti- homo of Mr. Rhines Monday evening Wiiiard Johnson and Mrs. Bow.en teresting facts discovered in this fos­ and pedro yvas the diversion'lOf tho yvere married last Saturd.iy. sil bed,'' he contin;ted, "Is thauthe entertainment. Mrs. Bianch Ilaynes Mrs. Warren West is a little better peacock, formerly believed to be a •won ace prize and Mrs. IIazel Milis at; this yvriting. native of Asia, was a North Ameri­ the consolation. Refreshments yvere Mi^s Maybell Schlusscr spent the can bird." served. yveek end with her frlend, Florence Born, to MI-. and Mrs. John Huffine Behm. FOLLOWING SUIT. Saturday, I''eb. 3, a son. Burl Frajik. Mr. and Mrs. Tltad Clements enter- An eminent London judge who Mrs.' Huffine was formerly Miss Wll- tained Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Phelps wrote a wretched' hand, once sent a ma Parman of Fitchburg. Sunday evening. note to a friend among the layvyers Mrs. Roundsville is on the sick list. seated at the barristerfs table. , Mrs. C. Jones is quite sick. Not being able to make anything NOTICE, DAIRYMEN! Bunkerhill Little Dorothy Sheathelm has the of it, the friend scribbled something chlckenpox. absolutely undecipherable upon a Warren West got hurt quite badly half sheet of note paper and passed Mildred and William Briggs are while cutting wood last Friday. it up to the justice, "The great man both sick with the grippe. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Major Gleen looked some^at annoyed at it and The price of Butter Fat dropped from 59ic to 46c Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers are both Feb. 5th, a ten pound girl. said to his friend: quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks Marion Brotherton spent • Tuesday "What do you mean by this? I in­ during the month of January. Had we made a are caring for them. " at the home of S. Behm. vited you to come and dine yvith me Mrs. Geo. Simpson of Center Lake The Community Club will meet tonight.'' corresponding drop in thie price of milk at ipur is visiting her sister, Mrs. Elton with Mrs. Grace Kinney Wednesday. ' "Yes,'' said the lawyer, ''and I re.- Bailey. I»otluck dinner will be served. Sadie plied that I shouldybe delighted to do Mason plants it would,have meant 47ic^per hun­ ' Cleo Bunker of Holly, spent the Behm is the .birthday guest of honor. so.''—Harper's Magassine. •week end with friends here. Sunday Mrs. Emma aark is very sick'at dred. In other words we would have paid our pat­ .'. .'.•••y,> he and hia father caUed at his broth­ •this writing. (. rons $6i627.68 less during the month of January. er Marlie's, at Rives. . . ' AureUua Baptist Church Little Maxene Briggs is tjuite ill , Rev..H.,V. Ckiold,. Pastor •with the whooping cough. Northwest Ingham The children of Phillip Fogg are Our price for jjariuary was $2.40 or 68 3.5c per entertaining the mumps. • . This week Thursday and Friday, a There was no school part of last Mrs. Rose Terriil. .of .Port Huron, spleniild program is presented at the pound for fat. The price for February will remain week on account of the illness,of the Is spending this week with her son, Rural Lite Institute. . teaclter, Mrs. Ola West ^ I Ami Terriil, and family. Next Wednesday, Feb, 14, the Lad­ tfie same—$2.40 per hundred. Mrs. W. B. Angell haisbeen on the Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes and ies' Aid, Will meet with Mr. atid Mrs. sick list the past week., daughter Jeanette; spent Sunday, at F. Jesse Bond and help them celebrate Mr, md Mrs. Sweezey returned Osborne'B. Mrs. , Cordie Bashford, their sixteenth; wedding anniyeirsary;. from Jacksoii last Friday. daughter Zola, and Boo Bart of Mar . The B. y. P. U. business meeting Richard Martin haBvbeen tiuite siolc son, ::were also ,Siinday, callers at the Will be held at Fred Fanson'a Friday' but we; we glad tp report, him as 'OBb()rne.;hoine,:.:?rvi\^;v,r..'S;\''>^^ evening,'Feb. 16. • .,r':., . ' m ibeing mucli better, . i . : ; : . y::::BtIieIi^.IUe:i|,fl^ ..^,Tb«iJimb)Mt',

Death Penalty Blilt Introduced for two weeks more. The death of Mrs. Ban Lantis, MF6RS. PHOTEST ON Rep. Pitkin has introduced his ex. which occurred last week came as a pected bill calling for the death, pen. shock to the whole community. The alty for murder in Michigan, tho bill funerai was heid at the home last would establish the electric chair Saturday afternoon. method of punishing murderers, but (Continued from page one) Mrs. Battle Mapes .and son of Jack­ nient iinTi report out "hills llist repre. would leave it optional with the sen­ son, and Mrs. John Longnecker of aont the best ideas of tho committee tencing judge whether the penalty Lansing, were here last Saturd.ay to members on tho subject. would be death or life imprisonment. attend the funeral of Mrs. Dan Lan- No death sentence could.be rendered tis. Would Regulate Bus Linens. in a case whore conviction was ob­ Ben Cook yvho has been seriously Regulation of passenger motor bus. tained on circumstantial evidence. ill for some time is now on the gain. «B which run from town to toyvn In: Senator Wood also has introduced a various parts of Michigan is soiight in death penalty bin. which yvould go to a bill Introduced by Rep. William O. a referendum vote in November, 1924, Lott District Ijee, of Port Htn-on. Tbe bill ,aiins to election before it could be put into Certified ^ place such vebicles under the super­ effect. vision of tbo publis utilities comnils. Lewis Surato, yvho is at Sparroyv Brief Notes of Interest. Bion and yvould require tlrem to make hospitai, is in a critical condition. Recompensing of oyvncrs of tuber­ quarterly statements of gross earn­ The Comtnunity Club, which .was Electric Service cular cattle ordered killed by the ings, paying a Ilcense fee of 5 per to meet Friday evening, Feb. 9th, wtll state. Is before the house committee be postponed one month on account cent of these earnings on vehicles on agriculture In two bills, one offer, of .so much Illness in tlie community. with pneumatic tires and 7 per cent Willyf Light Division of ed for the state department or agri­ The club will meet yvith Mr. and Mrs. on those yvlth hard tires. Bus opera­ culture by Rep. KIrby and the other Arthur Lamereaux March 9th. The tors also would be required to carry brought In by Rep. Holland. The de. hard-times progt-am will be carried The Electric AvtD-Iite Compaiqr indemnity insurance of $2,000 each to partmont bill asks for more money out. cover accidents. with which to pay for destroyed cattle, {Manufacturers Protest Tax Increase : the appropriation of two years ago Tortured Many Years By Kidneys '•Have had kidney trouble for Protests of manufacturers against not having been sufficient to meet twelve years,'' writes H. P. Pinkney, tho Sligh bill to take the $10,000 the needs that arose. The Holland West Jackson, Miss. ''Pains In back, limit out of the corporation tax bill bill seeks to compel the naming of nnounce^ catches In hips, and getting up too and leave the mill tax rate unchanged a committee of three to appraise the much at,night. But Foley Kidney were made at a public hearing which value of condemned cattle; to kill Pills relieved my suffering and l feel them in the county in which they are The Appointment of packed the senate chamber for an like a new man.'' For Kidn.ey and condemned and to recompense tho evening. Manufacturers declared they Bladder trouble insist on Foley Kid­ owner for the fun appraised value of stood for tho tax tyvo years ago when ney Pills. Soid by all druggists in $ the animals, Bush & Keeler Willys Light Co. it was proposed as a means of wiping Mason. (adv) out a $6,000,0000 deficit in the state The state arrairs cemmittee of the 275 MASON, MICHIGAN treasury, but that noyv the effort Is house having determined after a hear­ Bistribiitors for Ingham and Xlaton cotuitle Bell Phono being made to make this emergency ing not to report out the bill of Rep. PoUok Corners and up law a permanent one. If the latter is George M, Long to take frotn the You catl nOyv have Willys Lifiht--(iependable--lasting— to be tho case tho manufacturers de­ governor the poyver of veto over acts And easy termsreliabl e individual electric light and poyver facilities for clared the rate of 3 1-2 mills should of the state a(^mlnistrative hoard. This Floyd Miller and family were Sun­ your farm, church, school, store, summer cottage—any­ day visitors at W. W. Stedman's. to meet your be rcduced to one mill or two mills. bill carried out Idens put forward In where at a cost no higher than you would pay for the the campaign last fall by Democrats Miss Leah Squires and Miss Erma convenience i Bills Hit Easy Dlvorce same convenience from central station service. that the vfito power gave GovernoPollor k spent a couple of days in Lan- sing last .week. Marrlage and divorce bills drayvn up Groesbeck autocratic control over Miss Lillian Maxileld, an Albion Bush & Keeler Willys Light Company of Mason is prepared by .Tudges Gillespie and Covert, of state affairs. Tbo bouse committco coiiege friend of our teacher. Miss Pontlnc, after consultation with other members gave Rep. Long a chance to to give you without Obligation a free demonstration and Grindling, visited our school Monday. circuit judges, have been introduced expound tho ideas of his biii and then explain in detail new loyv prices and easy terms. Mrs. Frank Collar was ln Lansing by Oakland county members in both voted to hold it in committee. houses. Tbc divorce hill would make last week. Senator Baboivskr, of Detroit, intro-, WILLYS LIGHT DIVISION It more difficult to obtain a divorce F'ioyd Colthorp was in Detroit, a duced a biii to retire members of the couple of days last yveek. The Electric Auto-Lite Company in Michigan and yvould require tbat supreme court on part pay yvhen they George IIaskiU has returned to his an interlocutory decree first would is­ TOLEDO, OHIO reach the ago of 72 or complete 25 home in South Dakota, after being sue, remaining in force a year before years of service on Ilie bencli. Sena­ in tbis vicinity some time. a final decree. The marriage bill is Builders of over 3,000,000 electric U^hlin^ systems tor Qansser, of Bay City, introduced Mr. and Mrs. Wirt Warner and Mr. a form of eugenics leglslatlon, requir­ a bill to .appropriate whatever sum of and Mrs. Bert Backus attended tbe ing tlmt botli parties snbmit certifi­ of money Is needed to complete the farmers' yveek at the college last cates from registered pbysicians that payniGnt i)y tlio state of soldier bonus yveek. they have not commnnical)lo dlseases claims. It is estimated lIiat about two or physlcal or mental bars to' mar­ and a lialf nilllion dollars will be re- riage before a marriage license may quired for this purpose. t South Delhi be issued to tliem, I Rep. Iloilami lias introduced tho -Americas Greatest Gift to Agriculture Numerous Bilis in Committee. 8-hour day biii, wbich would make • Mr. .and Mrs. Z. C. Lewis of Aiaie­ Syvinging into tho real legislative that number of hours constitute a don, visited at G. II. Pryor's last grind of tbo 1923 session, both sena­ day's yvork for almost everyone and 'l'hursday. F. Hopcraft yvas in .Eaton R.apids Monday on business. tors and representatives are yvorking yvould require time and a half for Miss Bernice Parker began yvork dally in coramtteo as well as ln the overtime. Another labor measure as u stenographer at the Durant last Mr. and Mrs. Whittmore of Toledo, regular daily meetings of tiieir as­ was< Introduced by Rep, MicDonaid Saturd.ay. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H.an- sen. semblies. It is tho committee stago which aims at various amendments to Ed Robitaille, yvbo undcryvent a of bills at tlils time that is tho most the yvorkinen's compensation biii. very serious operation at Sparroyv Mt's. W. R. Groom i^ able to be back in the telephone office after important and not oniy are ihembers Rep. Howell, of Sag^n.ayv, has intro­ hospital, returned home, last weelc. slck yvith the flu for a yveek. of the ioading committees- giving duced a bill to make the lieutenant Mr. Emma Wheeler and Mrs. Oliie The Ladies' Aid served dinner Avenues thought to the measiiros aiready in­ governor of the state a meml>er of Mizer are ill yvith grip. Wednesday, Feb. 7 th, at Mrs, Leo troduced and referred to them, but Tho foiloyving yvere at M. A. C. last the state administrative board and Niles. their views are being sought on biiis week: Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Iveller, H. to pay him a salary of if5,000 a year The D. of H. had a card party at stiii to lie brouglit foryvard. in such capacity. The present salary SipeHst, Guy McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pryor, Mrs. Bert Parlcer, 0. E. the home of Mrs. Fred Cook Wednes­ It is noticeable that most of the big Is the same as that of a member day evening, Feb. 7th. Bell and Ray Potter, IIarold Spink of Service ta.v, insuranco and adniinlstrativo of the legislature, .?800 for the regtt- and family and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mrs. Lav.ant Syvift yvivs called to lar bletinlal session. , Ideas wliicb caused the bulk of the ad­ Spink. Lansing Saturday on businness. vance talk about yvbat tbis legislature Tho house h.as before it a reso­ Mrs. Belle Barrett, who has been Wm. Iveller had the misfortune to EGINALD McKENNAjhcad of the largest bank migbt do, are not yet before the layv- lution by Rep. Palmer, of Detrolt, to seriously ill yvith the flu at her sis- have his car slide in the ditch on the in the world, lays that 'Splendid isolation is a makers in the form of biiis. The memorialize congress to suspend fur- tor's, Mrs. Fr.ank Baldyvin, is report­ ''marsh'' road last Friday. Aithough R dream;" a truth which every industrial leader ther federal aid to state road building. ed a little better. committees are starting in, hoyvever, tbo car stopped in a someyvhat veriti- Palmer contends that Michigan gives accepts as axiotnattc. Had he substituted monopoly for on the tangible measures laid liefore cal position. No damage yvas done. Aunt Lois Baldyvin passed ayvay at them and tlielr delilierations in con­ the government iitS In taxes for every her home 'Ihursday afternoon, Jan. isolation he would have expressed another self-evident nection yvitb these are likely to brlng .f 1 it gets for federal road. aid. 31st, at the age of 87 years, 'after a truth which would have been acclaimed by every man long illness. The funeral yvas held out fnrtlior measures. lIoiiso nioinbers flocided to let con- who has given serious thought to the development of East Aiaiedon •1 at the home Saturday afternoon. Bur­ gross do its oyvn tbinklng about the business on a large scale. Public Hearlng on Tax IVIeasures ial at the Onondaga cemetery. - The first two pulillc hearings of the proposal o'f government control of coal mines, voting doyvn Rep. Miles' Mrs, Chas. Lott was called to I-,an- The Standard Oil Company (Indiana) is a big business sessioii' have been called by commit­ • The NEWS, at ?L50 per year, is resolution asking the legisuature to sing last Friday by the illness of their tees on bills that may l)econie tlio the biggest bargain on the market itrtving to do,, a big job in a big way, yet no thought is memoriaiize congress in favor of such daughter and husband. Ml", and MI'S. center of attention In taxation affairs. today. given to achicvitig a,monopoly: for those who direct government control. George Crosby. The taxation committees of Jjoth Edd Watkins and yvhole family the Company's activities icnow that in any basic indu.stry Senator Gansser, of Bay City, has houses joined in setting the date for have been very sick the past tyvo such an ambition is impossible of fulftllment. Compe­ introduced bills to compel railroads a joint hearing on the Sligh bill to yveeks, but are reported on the gain. tition is welcome, for no single organization can hope to have all locomotives equipped with alter the corporation tax law by re­ George Potter spent tyvo days of FARMERS! to serve the people of the Middle West with petroleum moving the limit of $10,000 on big cor­ automatic air-controlled fire box last yveek in Ijansing. Increase your yield of corn with products as they should be served. The Standard Oil porations' tax payments. Tbe high­ doors, and to require equipment of A little daughter tirrlved at the my Golden Velloyv Dent seed, thor­ Company (Indiana) enjoys a large volutiie of business locomotives yvith compressed air bell home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pqtter way committees of both houses also oughly ada1)ted nmd bred to Micli­ ringers. ,— Wednesday, Jan. 31. She yvill an- and is satisfied to let this volume take care of its profits. ordered a joint hearing on the pro­ igan conditions, Michigan's first Air traffic regulation by,, the state syver to the name of Harriet Jane. posed tax of tyvo ceiits a gallon on sample three years in succession at Is sought in a bin put in by Senator Mrs. Ray Hinkley of Mason, is caring There is a reciprocal bond between every great industrial gasoline. This hearing yvas asked for the International Hay and Grain Condon, of Detroit, whiich places the for thetn. organization and the social environment in which it by the Detroit Automobile club. Show, tilso has won first honors in oyvnership of the air in the possession Frank Brenner has a new Ford operates. An organization II truly great only when the State administrative officials still the Yelloyv Dent cl.ass, of 1921, of the persons'oyvning the land In the coupe. are endeavoring to. plan some yvay in 1922 and 1923, and Syveepstakes lervice it renders is great. vicinity. The bin also yvould bar Ray Lott and wife, John Speer and which all, or most of, the state taxes over Jill Corns in Michigan in 1921 Chas. Lott's children are on the slck trick flying by air pilots, and ,1922 in Michigan's annual The Standard Oil Company (Indiana) is in daily contact may be raised by specific levies such list as the corporation tax, so that it will Rep. Lennon has introduced a bill Grain Show held at M. A. C. The ' with a commufiity of about 30 million people. not be necessary to have a state tax to require the suspension of further 1923 Sweepstakes sample and issuance of state road bonds at this on real property, Or^'lf this, goal Is Trophy can be seen at the First It serves them through a host of useful products refined time, so as to afford the taxpayers Onondaga not entirely attained it is their wish State and Savings Bank in Mason. from petroleum. Through these products it touches a ''breathing spell'' until it can catch Price ?4.50 per bushel, shened and to greatly reduce, the /present direct the home and industrial life of the people. It enters up on some of the bonds now out. graded at farm three miles north- property tax. ln this endeavor they Mrs, Fred Hector two weeks ago the sick chamber with mineral oil and petroleum jelly. had the misfortune to slip and fall, west of Dansville, or six miles east It enters the factory, the roundhouse, and the farmyard are seelting advice from men on whom of Mason. Phone Bell 3 rings on hitting her head on the ice, which with lubricating oils for machines, engines, and tractors. (they can feel reliance. line 2 Dansville; or Citlz. 3 rings South Wheatfleld caused concussion of the brain. She It seeks the farm home with gasoline, kerosene, candles .Chief among these is Dr.- David Fri. is able to sit up now. on 67 Mason'. and parowax. It touches the railroad^ight of way with day, head of the Michigan Agricul. George Corwin and Wm. Hunt are CHAS. LAUGHLIX, tural College, and former economist Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allen were in slck^ with the flu. Route 1, PansvlHe. 6w4p Fortnite Long Time Burner Oil for signal lamps; it professor at the U. of M. it was Br. Lansing, Saturday. supplies thousands of public and private garages with Friday, two years ago, who had much Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dennis visited in gasoline and lubricants. It feeds the furnaces of homes to do yvith the establishing of the cor- Lansing Sunday and Monday. and factories with Stanolind Furnace Oil. It goes to poratlon tax and the state offlciats Mr. and MI'S. Floyd Miller were in the hospital with Stanolind Surgical Wax. It paves the want him to ttndertake a survey to Lansing Monday. f streets with Stanolind Paving Asphalt. determine the state's needs at present A daughter was born to Mr. and Impregnable I and yvays and means of gathering in Mrs. Howard Herrick Saturday, Feb. These are but a few of the avenues of service which the funds to meet these needs. 3, which lived only a few hours. Bur­ An impregnable fortress of investment, as it were, are our ial at Dansville Monday afternoon. Standard Oil Company (Indiana) maintains. To keep Rail Rate Changes Proposed offerillgs of ^ Mrs. Fred Herrick is spending a these avenues open the Company op'eratcs 1700 service Railroad rates applying to intorur. few days with Jier son, Howard, and stations, 3900 bulk stations, 7000 tank wagons serving |3an roads will meet wlth a sitdden UNITED ; tamBy, thousands of garages, and 6, great refineries to supply Change in many inseances ,if an their needs. amending bill offered by ' Senator. 7% First Mortgage Bonds Olaspla is adopted by the legislature..: Stockbridge t The amendment is suggested for the When you put your money into them, you may know, Without Thus does the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) ac­ act which was passed two years ago, knowledge its recipirocal bond, and by creating a host of question, that its safety is secured by double the amount in basing interttrban rates on earnings ' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fortman were useful, essential products froni a single basic Taw per mile, and which is known as tlie in Owosso on business last week. selected, income-bearing property, and ievery legal and equit­ material—crude petroleum—justify its clai.fn to master Olaspie act, having been introduced' The Stockbridge I,' O. O. FT team able safeguard that experience and foresight can devise. craftsmanship in Industrial husbandry. gave the, initiatory degree to a class py the Oakland county senator while of candidates in Webbervnle Jodg'i |ie was a member of the house. Sena, last week Thursday. ^ United States Mortgage Bond Co., Ltd. tor Glaspie says he intended in his bill . Samuel Gee ting has sold his farm two years ago to have existing town. to a lady in Jackson and had an auc­ Standard Oil Blilps and village franchise rates re. 31S M«)e««lo lulldina tion Bale of stock and tools recently. MAIL COUPON TODAY main in force, but the roads changed Claude Mills and family are on the UNITED STATES BIOBTGAGE BOND CO.. L'lD. PlienaMaInllOO their tariffs .under his mileage bill, Bielt list. , 112 .MijMtIe Bnlldlnr DtiroIt, Mel). ' mostly upwards, when another act ab. Detroit. MIehlgan 910 So. Michigan Aye., 0 The Mission Circle of the Presby­ Wltliout oblltation on mt put, send m« copy of lioolc- rogated village and : township tran« terian church met with Mrs, Flora let, ''A mm Man'i QtM»tioni,'' sivini: infonnatlon 3042 King last/'t/'eek -Thursday. ohise rates. To put the whole inter* •hout row 1% Fint Mortgait Bondi. . KHWMnMby ^|nban rate iltnatlon where he planned Mrs. W/S. Thompson visited her itb put It under hie ortglnti a«t re> oouains, Mr. and Mrs. Jane .Stocking, I OBljr tlidluertio&.oftb* words inOwoiBoL laat Friday. J.E. TAYLOR latinurbMH'^: la' on« NotioavoC tll« Tho.Boma Onltur* 01ut> irM«h WM to IlaTt bate held at Utu, llltf Sl« MU- Muton, MlDhloan pmn% law. CHMpte un> l - M INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1923 Page Fivit

Poland Chiiia spring pigs whose fatnily to a farm near Meridian. yveight averaged'331 pounds each. •Howard Notth's • S. S,. class The Merry-Go-Round Club was wiil be entertained at a skating party iMember Federal Ra«erve Bank postponed on accpuut of sickness. at his home Saturday, Feb. 10. Mrs. Otto Ahdroyvs is In Lansing VVill and Eliic Pj'att, Mrs. Reeder, carJng for.her mother. Mrs. Syvift, Morton Nicbois, Pearl initunBmaltnn Mi: and Mrs. Clias. .Saylor of Lan- Hart are on the sick list. sing, yvere callers at E. J. Coliins, Sat- Cl.v.de and Maude Painter are work­ urday. , ing at Oscar ltceder's. Lavcrnc Hempy took I^ou Bouts' Mr. and Mrs. lryvin of Lansing, are load of miilc to Mason Saturday for at Wiil Nichols home. . Mrs, lryvin is 0-SOWHITE hihi. caring for her daughter, Airs. Mcrta Nichols. Miss Bernice Nichols of Lansing,' yvas at home sey-erai-days The Wonder Powder The Hoid-Up Game Aurelius I last yveek. Mrd. llosa Hart is able to be out again after having quinzey. The Hope Community Club will That will do your washing without rubbing, and YOU have Bo chance to win when you lneet meet at the school house Thursday, t- Feb. 15, after school. Everyone try the hold-up man. If you stick up your hands as WebberviUe remove the ink, fruit, grease, paint and other and come. directed, your cash goes right theli. If you re­ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howe listened to stains from clothing without injuring the finest a radio sermon Sunday evening from Mr. and Mrs. John Trim and sist, you may be injured, possibly killed, and Springfield, Mass. daughter, Helen, of Lanoing, spent' fabric. Will be demonstrated at The L. A. S. will meet yvith Mi', and your money goes just the samie. Saturdiiy at G. H. Harris'; Mrs. Jesse Bond Wednesday, Feb. 14. Roy Dean and family yvere Lansing A cordial invitation is extended to all. visitors Sunday. Hold-ups are of common occurrence. If you Geo. Dunn and wife visited at C. carry your money around on your person you Monroe's Sunday. J. L. Barry's and North Holt L. P. Williams and wife entertain­ are taking big chances. There is one way to ed Mr. and Mrs. Russeii Bement of Lansing, Sunday. Helmer & Miller's beat the hold-up man. Deposit your money in a Andreyvs, yvho is attending hconard Born to Janics< Fraser and wife an Alma, college, spent the yveek end good bank like ours and pay your bills by check eight potind'son, Tuesday, Jan. 29. yvith his parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. I^. R. D. Williams and family were" It is the safe, convenient, mOdern way and leaves Andrews. Sunday vlsitors'at Andreyv Wiiliams, ljouis Barta spent iast 'yveek in nOthing fOr the highwayman to gObble up. near Foyvlerville. Grand Rapids. D, D. White of Detroit, spent the Saturday, Feb. 10th - Jobn Curd and children yvere all yveek end here. sick last yveek. J(r. Gurd returned Miss Coral Dryer of Jjansing, spent, Owlp to his yvork at Dansville, Monday. the yveek end yvitli her sister, Mrs. J. Tin? Ijadies' Aid of tlio Presbyter­ Fraser. ian chui'cli yvill liold a l)azaar and Mrs. Leo Mead of Millviiie, spent supper at tile church parlors Tliurs- Wednesday yvitli her grandparents, Mrs. Walter Ivnickerbocker of yvith ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. day, Feb. 22nd; afternoon and even­ Chas. Dills and yvlfc. nortborn Miciiigan, visited at Albert Warner. ing. Every meiiiber is requested to Miss Millabelle Fraser of Detroit, Knickerbocker's part of last week. G. II, IIarris is attending a conven- bring an apron to sell. Supper yvill is visiting licr parents iiere. Mrs, Norman Dunn spent Sunday tion in Grand ltapids. bo served from G:30 till all at'e set'v- The ed. A good program of songs and recitations yvill folloyv a good chance First State & Savings to get acquainted yvith your neighbor. Ail come. Banic John lCieppe, yvho had the misfor­ tune to fall and hurt Ills lineo a .sliort tinio ago, is getting along as yveil as Mason, Michigan could be expected. The Banlr on the Corner Mrs. I

Cut This Out-—lt Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose yvith 5c to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffieid Ave., Cbi- cage. 111., yvrlting your name and ad- CORRESPONDENCE dress clearly. Vou yvill receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, iBiinimiinitniilmiB' ulniBjilnnnnmminlinnlmnmIiiltii for coughs, colds and croup,. Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic cinity Wednesday testing cattle. Tablets. Sold by all druggists in South Lero.v I liari Magoon formerly of tiiis place, Mason, (adv) but noyv of Wiiiiamston, broke his anil yvbiie cranking his machine. Mrs. Rice and I\lerton attended tbe William Barker and son, Wayiie, \ Dist. No. 7, Wllite Oak t fuuerai of a cousin at Iioweil last killed a large streaked snake crayvl- Wednesd.ay. ing along on the snoyv tbe 1st of Fob. l^^awrence Stoyvo ls quite sick at Lizzie Barker and sister, Clara Mrs. Cora Elm ridge returned from Ibis writing. Slanfield, visited Mrs. Will. Barker, the Lansing hospital last Tuesday. Frank Hamilton and wife of Stoclc- 'i'liu rsday. She is improving sioyviy. bridge cuiicd on Mr.s. ltarwood, Wed­ . The IIousei met yvith Spencer Call- • Mrs. Ruth Clements is under ths nesday. ayviiy Wednesday evening for prayer care of Dr, Spencer of Webberviile. Ilerman Rtscb and fatniiy were in meeting. Will all members of the White Oak Foyvlcrviiie Saturday. Willie Barker, Jr. took dinner yvith Arbor of A. O. O. G. please bear in Mrs. Hoover and Biancb attended bis aunt, Mrs. Chan llolfe, of Lan­ mind that the flrst quarterly dues are Mat-old H. Vignonilo, Singer Cie funerai of a reiative at Rosebush, sing Tuesday. due and^must be in the hands of the Rev, H, P. Ho.skins, Evangelist .one day last week. Wayne Barker visited his sister, local secVetai'y on or before Feb. 15. Russeii IIarwood of M. A. C., and Mrs. I^aul McCreet'y, near F'itchburg, Mrs. F. C. ICendrick spent a couple Marie Dyer of Plainfieid visited at Sunday. of lays last week with her'daughter, Mrs. Rice's Saturday. The Housel business meeting was Mrs. C. W. Benjamin. held at Albert Howery's Friday even, Miss Ruth Kendrick is home frotn ing. school this weelt. Evangelistic Meetings Begin Next Sunday West Aurelius Mr. and Mrs. Emma Heinz have a t 1 F. C. ICendrick's people are now baby boy, born Feb. 4. enjoying new lights Installed by Thos. at the B. Douglas of Battle Creek. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Luman Kliuk Mrs. J. C. Marshall fell Monday Saturday, Fob. 3, an eight pound and hurt her knee. Rolfe Community 1 daughter, Eiizabetii Grace. D. Fosdick spent the yveek end at Baptist Church, Mason Dorr Eckliart is much improved. F. C. ICendrick's. IIe expects to go to school tn a feyv MorricG and Murray Peek and Orla Mrs. Annie Smith spent her birth­ days. Soyvors are absent from school on ac- day last yveek Tuesday yvith her siS: Denton aiid Ricliard Eckhart are count of lagrippe. ter, Mrs. J. R. Fulcher. REV. H. P. HOSKINS, Evangelist HAROLD H. VIGNEULLE, Singer on tbe sick list. . Mrs. Joiin Ivirby and Mrs. Ciiavence The next Parent-Teacher meeting Roy Coleman yvas over in Broolt- Sowers bave been sick the past yveek will be Feb. 13th, in tbe afternoon at , field last yveek. yvith iagrippe. the school house. Come. 10:00 a. m., 7:00 p. m. Week Nights 7:30. Day Meetings Tuesday Mr. and l\trs. lIobert Simpsoit en- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bray and sons teriained a few friends last Saturday spent Monday evening at Claud IIey- to Friday at 2:30 p. m. Bring YOur Bibles. nigbt with cards, music and refresli- nold's. Gi'ovenburg nients. Earl Otis and yvife yvere iu Lansing On account of so much sickne.ss Monday. This is the contribution which the Mason Baptist Church makes to the among these yvlio yvet'e taking I'arts Mr. and Mrs. Orla Disonroth cailed Mr. and Mrs. Ora Tiiompson and Mr. and Mrs. IIoward North attended ln tile Baiiroad Social at Robbins, at IIarry Peek's Monday. welfare of the community. last Saturday night, it yvas.indeJinite- Claude Laxton and yvife yvere in the banquet and meeting of S, S! ly postponed. Lansing, Saturday. yvorkers in Mason iast yveek Tuesday evening. Fred Strobel and yvife and Mrs. 1 SoiItheast Locke Brickyard Road lIilliard, Ora Thompson and wife and Howard North and yvife attended the farmers' meeting last yveek at M. A. Miss Neva Sleaford is a.ssisting Mrs. Mrs. Alice Parker called on her C. , Clifford LaRoyve yvitb her houseyvork. aunt, Mrs. Emma Berry, of ,Mason, Guy McCue attended the tneeting Mrs. Addle Brown of Perry, is last Saturday. for leaders of young people as teacher .spending a few days yvitb her nepheyv, EaiI Norrls and Certrude Parker of the Grovenberg young • people's Glenn Benjamin, and famiiy, and yvere sick last yveek and unable-to at­ class, at the Presbyterian church.in helping car eforo their litlIe boy yviio tend school. Ijansing last Frlday. is sick yvitii tonsilitis. Special Bargains in Mrs. Frank Stid.and Amy Parker Aubrey Tooker has a new Ford Mr, and Mrs. Silas Allen of C'onyvay are sick yvitii" colds. Dr. Freeland yvas touring car and Rev. Prouse cotues to visited their son, Mr. and Mt's. Ray called Monday. Grovenberg in a neyv Ford sedan. Allen, Sunday. • Mrs. A'nna Miller returned home Mr. Turner, yvho htis been yvorking Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bedubn yvere in Wednesday after a feyv days visit yvith for John'Williams, has moved his. Men's Suits Lansing last Friday. Frank Slid and family. Don IIicks iias purchased a Ford Earl Stid and father yvere in I)ans- truck to haul milk. .v vilie last Tuesday on business. Elmer LaRoyvo has sold, his farm Bert Schimmerhorn Is helping EaH Right BOW you can get some special bargains iB Men's to Clifford LaRoyve and Frank Board- Stid drayv l)ean pods this yveek. Makes Stoves Suits. We are Offering gOOd,'all wool,Tnicely tailOlred man and has beugbt tbe Roy Cassidy Robert Almond of Wheatneld, spent Shine farm in Bell Oak. Sunday night and Monday at Frank suits that you Will be proud to wear. If you want to Mr. and Mrs. Theron Rogers of So. Stid's. Perry, is spending a feyv days with his Mr. and M's. Charles Stoll are a, save money—BUY NOW. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rogers- little better at this writing.

Influenza From Neglected Colds Stop your coughs and colds before t Island Corners they become serious. If neglected Boy's they lead to influenza, la grippe, asthma, tihd bronchitis. Three gen­ Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knee Pant erations of users have testiQed to the Weils met Friday evening for a fare- Latta quick relief given by Foley's Honey well party to show pur appreciation Longer Suits and Tar from coughs, colds, croup, of a good neighbor which they have throat, chest and bronchial trouble. have been in the past two years they ^Black Sillc Largest selling cough mediciite in the have been in our midst., They are het that Boy's Suit how world. Sold by all druggists in Ma- soon to move north of M. A. C. Games Stove Polish while prices are son.' ' (adv) were the amusement for the evening, E. J. Coliins winning high honors and C; H. Kurtz the consolation. A boun­ tiful luncheon was served and as a tilshmtirndaini- Nortlleast Leslie oitcn ana doei not remembrance they left one half dozen w«l.. win .not Mttlo .nd «ko in thouBn-tbo tut cups and saucers and wishes of suc­ wmata Will not flOtCiu«n a caHu in invcHn^wiu n d"p%ri« ilk. th. «"Ji.«,l°'?,y!;!iSS'iiL'S Rev. SneU and wifjj are the proud cess at their new home. - ' .con^DceVoo! (>«>•' (n"° fo'dealer,tod*r« ' parents of a baby girl born Jan. 29. caare Box is sortoutly il| at his Via llMk •Ilk *lr.DniliiB IrM Immal on Will answer to the name, Barbara home yvith pleuri ty tvnd. rheiimatism. ° MbnM. ltli**i><>«l>ial Mr. and'Mrs. A. 3. Crippen are I,Mrs, Clem Hlgdon and Roland vis- doing some remodeling ot their BlUCK 811*^^ ;lted MTB. Wm, Barlter, Ttteisday. house..:. .„; • Gladys SchlitnmerhorQ visited Mrs. Mrs. Wm. perry is nursing In Lan­ Harry E. Neefy Homer Crowl Tuesday. sing. •.';;-;v..,v-,'-,•.. , '/. V//.''<'t' //z ('/'(/l^Op ,Tlte T. B. cow tester was,in thlB vi; S: ^. Hempy shli^pied 8 heitd of ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ mmm^^^mmm , ,,,, i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi^'^ Page Six INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH.» THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1923

I ^1 .ii..r..i.ii.i...... ,....<...«...«...... ~4-..<~...... ,.A Classified Advertisements MR. UNO MRS. UINGLEY the Story of MIRIHEirRFTy YEARS For sale 1 Our States CELEiiRA'TEn GOLBEN WEBBING .FOR SALl!—Protien 100 per cent By JONATHAN BRACE ANNIVERSARY MONBAY. Boluabie, 9G per cent pure. Cheaper o XX.->MISSISSIPPI tlian cotton seed or oiJ meal. L,ah- Monday evening,- February Bth, Mr oratory Products Company. 6-tf HE State and All's. E. E. Langley were pleiis- of Missis­ HIDDEN DOLLARS antly surprised by their neighbot's T l-'OR SALl3—Pouitry food. Great sippi derives and friends, the occasion being their (>^li i)roducer, 50c per hundt-ed lbs. its nameft'om Golden Wedding anniversary. The Laboratory l'roducts Company. C-tf tho river evening was pleasantly enjoyed and When yOu hoard away yOu assist in stifling the cOm- yvhicli ""forms Mr. and Mrs. Langley were recipients FOlt SALl3—Milk powder for Iced 11 s yvcstern lBercial activity Of this cOuntry. ing calves and pigs. Cheaper than of lovely floyvers from their friends. boundary. slclmmcd miik. Laboratory Products Mrs, Langley yvas the daughter oi The yvord itself comes from the If yOu put it in the bank the baBker leBds it to sOBle Company.' • G-tf Mr. and Mrs. James Maxyvell and yvas born in Batavia, New Vork. She Algonquin mlssl-scpe which One Who uses it in prOducing sOmething. That FOR SALlil—Pork barrels. 60 gai came to Michigan yvitb her parents means "great river," It is popu­ lons, brand neyv. ?I.00.- Laboratory yvhen a young girl and settled on a larly supposed to mean "Father keeps Other people at Work and keeps the mOBey Products Company. 6-tf farm three miles north of Mason of the Waters''but this interpre­ in circuIatiOB. yvhich yvas the •Maxwell home, for tation is incorrect. The state is -Good horse. F. some time. also knoyvn as tbe Bayou State If you lend it On a mOrtgage Or buy bonds it answers FOR HAhli-Mason Route 2; Mr. Langley w.as the son of Mr. and from the many bayous yvhich are Steves. Eden. Mrs. Elijah Langley, who came to formed by the shifting river. In the same puirpOse. It keeps circulating and every- FOR SALl'l—Week old calf. War­ Michigan from Ohio, and settled on this connection it is interesting ren Illlls, Danisvllle, 6wIp bOdy is benefited. the farm near the Dunn school in to note the uneven course of the FOR SALJD—White Wyandotte Delhi township. Mi'. Langley was Mississippi river. * Though the born in WiUoughby, Ohio, and was When money keeps moving it enables many peOple cockerels. Citz. phone, Charles Price extreme length of the state from, Ave years of age when the parents Ma!3on. Bwlp the Gulf to Tennessee Is. 330' to move. moved to Michigan.- Mr. and Mrs. miles, the western border, due Langley were married about fifteen li'OR SMjlS—Eiectric washer, seif- to the winding of the Mississippi years iater. About fifteen years of The fellow who can't move is in a bad way. dryer, no broken buttons or toi'n river, extends for neariy BOO ciotiies, as good as new. Have no Mr. and M|rs. Langiey's married life miles. electricity yvbere I am, therefore can­ was spent on the Lrfingley farm, after ' ' The dollar that is hid away is in a bad place. ' The rivers piny an Important not use machine. Price right. Also which they removed, to Mason, where part In this state. They are so AI electric vacuum cleaner. C. C. they have since resided. They have numerous and tiie country so McLaughlin, just east of game farm, onb daughter. Mi's. Robbins B. Ray- subject to flood that tbe river 6wIp ner, who resides but a few blocks from her parents' hotne. bottoms cover nearly one fifth The Farmers Bank Ji'OR SAfjlil—Several tons of good of the area of the entire state. The early history of Missis­ The Oldest State Banic in Ingham County timothy and clover bay, also sever.al Four Mason men, Don G. Dens- sippi is yoked up with that ot hundred bundles of good bright corn more, Jny Helnier, M. W. VanPutten Mason, Michigan fodder in stack. Chas. .Laughlln, and Charles W. Beil were in Lansing Louisiana of yvhich it originally three miles northwest of Dansviiie. this week Wednesday evening as the formed a part. Discovered by 6ys'3p •esult of an extended argument be- De Soto in 1530, it was not until tyveen Bell and Densmore. A feyv La Salle sailed down the river . lt'Oll SALl!>—TiiorougV.i)red Dur­ weeks ago these two men met in the and claimed this territory, yvhich ham bull, extra good one. L. J. True, Densmore & Davis store and began he natned in honor of his lfreneh Leslie. eyvip informing each other of their ability king, Louis XIV, that a perma­ Tbe Felloyvcraftors also voted to sing, looked like a sure yvlnner yvitii, to bowl. Mason has no boyvling nent settlement yvas estabUsbed, TEAR! HAS l)UCIC Sui'PlaR. von SALlil—My equity in a forly- install a neyv .sanitary drinking foun­ tho count 15 to 12. Tben came tbo alley and to settle tbe argument they In 1703 the territory east of Donald Lament promised the bas- acre farm, adjoining Garden of Eden ketball team a duck stipiier at jbe tain in tbo anteroom of the iodge, and yvbirlyvind flnlsb yvhich put the Masoa yvent to Lansing where Beil and his the Mississippi was ceded by the in Aureiius. Ray ljoudensiager, ]\ia- Came Farm if tbey yvon tbe basket­ voted if 50 toyvard "the furnishing of boys on the long end of tbc 16 to 115 associates yvon a ciiop suey supper Ifrench to the Englisli. For a sou R, 6, Miciiigan. GyvSjul ball game from Lansing last Friday tbc roonis on the second lioor,'Mem­ score. Naturally tbe spectators yvere from tiie Densmore croyvd. This yveek yvhile tho loyver portion of the evening. Tbe score resulted in tbe' bers of tbe General Committee elect­ much excited and tbe result yvas popn l''OR SALl'l—Olds Six, AI condl- riensniore had lIelniei-, of baseball present state yvns called West ed for tlirce years are F. 13. Searl, ular yvitb tbc local folks. fame, as bis partner. Togelber they local team yvlnning the game and tbc lion, 1023 license; cheap if taken at lt'lorida. After being captured Jobn H. lIealey, Dr. AVileden and A. badly yvalloped Bell and VanPutten. supper by one point and the supper Foyvlerville IIIgb comes here Fri­ once. Portland cutter, exira I^ort- by the Spnni,sh and later re­ F. liickgraf. Claude Post yvas re- The result yvas particularly gratifying was given Monday evening at the day evening, F'ebruary 9tb, yvith 11 land cutter cusbions an(i tiiiiis. Ciiz. turned to the United States, tho elected secretary and treasurer. S. to Don, as Beil bad "razzed'' bim con­ farm. Mr. VanPutten, • the coach; strong team. A big crowd is ex­ I'l 1-311 or 225 Ilorton Ave., I..aii- Territory of Mississippi yvns ex­ L. MiirsbiiU yviis ciiosen chairman of siderably since tiie last affair in yvliicb yvas the only patron. pected. sing. GyvIp tended to its present size of -IC,- Ibc General Coninilttee and L. T. Don yvas forced to dig deep for ilie 805 square miles and in 1S17 it l^asenby, D. P. Wbltniore and Dr. Art"r. ot.' ADM'tt. OtJJVtitt—MAttOH S FOB. SALl-:—i-year-old gelding, suppers foi' about tyvelve people. Af­ Hugh Brown, yvho has been em­ yvas adniitted as the twentieth Wileden constitute tbc lLxocuticL. • Stiito ot MioiitKiin. TiiQ Pi-obiilo Court foi. dapple iron gray, weiglit .1700, sound ter the game, the boys had their ployed in tbe Mason Standard Oil state of the Union. At tbe time Committee. uit County of tiiKlmni. in every way, been bandied some. mouths ail puckered up for anotiier Staiion, bus been transferred to a At a seasion ot siitit Court, lieid at uio Pro- of tbe Mexican war, although Verii rainier. Route 7, Mason Citizen trip to,the C'iiinanian's joint. Instead Lansing station and yvill soon move iiiito OHicc in tiio Oit/ot IMusoii, in Kuici coun­ plume. Gyvlp Charley took tiieni io a little short called upon to supply one regi­ ty, on tiio lltii (iiiy ot t^otjruiiry. A. D. 1023. to that city. Pi-o.soiit: ttON. L. It. McAR'rItUK, .TmiKo order place and told tile Creek in ment of volunteers, Mississippi MASON TRIMS LANSING IN at J'rolmto. li'OK .SAI/I'l—A small evaporator cbarge to set up a liani .sandwicb and responded yvith enough men for tn the Miittor ot tiio Estnto of JOTIN Tbe NEWS, at 51.50 per year. Is and tyvo syrup pans. J. E. Tanswell. cnp of coffee for eacb. Tills nearly two. One of tliese regiments CLEVJJIt, 13cccji«c(l. the biggest bargain on the market tJiiviii C. Cluvor imviiiK fiicii in anid Court Gw2p broice Densmore's lieart and tins yvas commanded by Jefferson FAST II WOyS TILT today. iiis potition pniyjuK tlmt tiio ndministnition o£ morning ile.yvas informing-Ills friends Davis, who later wa-3 the presi­ siiid estate lio unintoil to Fred ICtKcr, or to l<'()HSALF—6 feeding shoats; also that ney'-er again yvill he engage In a dent of the Confedmite states. PA'l'TIiNoILL lUNIOR Hloll AIAIai; Home otiior suitniilo iioraon: full-blooded steel grey l^'lcniish giant contest where "you lose If you yvill.'' tt is Oi-dcrcci, Tiint tiio (ith diiy of Mnrcii, Since Its readnilttanco to the Un­ LOfijALS STI3l' ,l^AST TO WIN. male. Inquire of Bert Cluipnian at A. D. 1923. lit ten o'ciocit in ttie toreuoon, at ion in IS70 Jtlsslsslppl in na­ FELLOWGRUn CtUB snid Pi-oliiUo Odtcc. lie and is lioretjy aiuiointedl Baker farni, jylason II. 2. Gw2p tional elections has been a Demo­ for hearing said iretiUon 1 .FiIl,ST WAlll) CAUCUS. Mason basketball fans yvere given It is Furtiier Ordered, That inibtic notice cratic state except In 2S72, when I''01t SALl':-—Pure bred Wbite In­ lleinibllcan electors of tbe First a treat last Friday evening when ibe tlicreof iie Kiven tiy imtiiicdtioii ot a copy oC dian Runner ducks. Pen, 1 males, "5 Ward of the City of Mason yvill 'meet it voted for Grant. local bigb scbooi team managed to tliis order, for tiirce Bucceastve weelcB previous WlLL lNS'l'ALL LARGl3 El/ECTlUC to sutrt day ot iioarinK, in tiie InBiinni County female.?, .flO. Single, birds .?2 each. n caucus .-It the court bouse on Mon­ (© by McCluro No\vnpapo-,r Syndlcato.) nose out Pattenglll junior high of News, a newspaper printed and ctrcuintert in »lASONIC H.ALL. B. C. no.ssctter, Dansviiie, 6w2p day evening, li'ebruary '!.2th, at 7;30 4*...... ,.....«....4...... <...... ,...... «...... ^...,|, Tu.\m* OS Lansing in a fast and furious game, said county. L. Ii. McAttTttUR, o'clock for the purpose 'of electing at the local gym. ln the last three (A true copy.) .TudKC ot Probate. FOI! .S.ALIi:—Large size lt^loronce KUTJt r... OtLtJiJSPIE, four delegates to the county convcn- Tbe first annual meeting of the Ma­ minutes of play tbe locals managed to heater. Hugh Brown, on A street, Deputy BeKtBter ot Protiato. (iw.t tion to be held in Mason Wednesday, son Felloyvcraft Club was held at tbe drop the big leather sphere through Mason. GyvIp lt'cbruary l.ltb, and to transact sucb Masonic ball Monday evening of tbis the ring three times in rapid succes­ t.lCt5NSE TO SEJ.L. FEUGUsON—MARCH 6 otber business as may properly come Stories of j^^- sion and thus made the necessary State ot MichtRan. Tiio Probate Court for li'Oll SALIi:,—Cheap. A neyv dark yveek yvitb forty members present. A before tbe meeting. By Order of point to yvin—tbe final score being tiio County ot Inifliam. silverione coat, size 3G. Inquire at six o'clock supper yvas served and the At a BOBston ot said Court, lietd at tho Pro. Committee. Great Scouts 16 to 15. tbis office. 5-tf business meeting followed. Four di­ liate O/Rco in tiio Oily of MaHon, in Bald coun­ rectors yvere elected for three years, Tile Lansing team yvas tbe fastest ty, on the Gth day ot February, A. D. 1023. ©, Western Newspaper Union. and several matters pertaining to the and best driiied outfit that Mason has Prcsoat: HON. L. t3. McAttTttUR, Judge li'OK .SAlyl':—220-egg Old Trusty of Protiate. met this year. Although light, Iheso incubator. C. L. Basbfordv' 5-tf NED BUNTLiNE, SCOUT WHO improvement of the rooms were acted In ttio Matter ot tiio Estate ot ALEXANDER NOTICE upon. lads made the locals light every min­ FERGUSON, Deceased. WAS WRiTER OF PLAYS tlortiort E. Gunn havini? fited in aaiil Oourt li'OU SALl*:—Delco lighting s.vsteni ist your sales With me and get Very soon there yvill be installed ute and during the last half took a. all in Al condition, but am leaving lead and looked like yviniiers up until his petition, prayini? tor licenBO to seii tiio iii- clean honest serVice for your Some of tlie old scouts turned tlielr on tbe southeast corner of tiie First lorost of Bni(i oatato in certain real eBtato farm and do not desii'e to leave jilant the final spurt yvhich put the game tiiei-ein doscriljed, money. linnds to queer triules wlien tlie lndinn State and Savings,Bank building a yvith renters. Clair Iliggs, Mason II. large electrically ligbted lamp sboyv- on ice. for Mason. Benson, Tischr'ock It is Ordered. Tiiat tiio litii day ot Mnrcli, C. P. DOLBEE figiiting days were over. Buffalo Bill A. D. 1023, at ton o'cioci< in tiio toreuoon, at 4. 5w3p ing tbe designs of the three hranches andHliiler yvere the outsaiuling play­ Tho RIasoii Auctioneer was tlie owner of a yViid West siiow, said protiate onico, tie and is hereby appointed of tbe Masonic order. Eacli ligbt yvill ers for the Pattengills, wbile Jobu tor boiirinit said petition, and that aii peraona lilcigar S. I'lixson iiecnnie a painter, and li'OR S..\ljl'l—10 acres tine pasture, be controlled by a syvltch In tho lodge Lament yvas the offensive star for i\ta- tnteroflted in aatd, estate appear ljeforo aald^ running water. -Ciaud Hoyve, Leslie. Ciipt. .lack Crawford WHS a poet. It rooms on the third fioor. This lamp son. The big lad from tbe State court, at said time'' and place, to siiow cause Syv.lp WANTED—Voung or middle aged was left for lid Itniitllne to luld an- Came Farni yvas credited yvitb three why a license to soil tlio Interest ot said estate win .be several feet liigb and about in said real estate should not lie Rraaled; man to yvork on farm. One tbat;_can otlier to tlie list of unusual tilings for eighteen iuches In diameter. It yvill field goals, yvhile Dakin and ICruso It IB Furtiior Ordered, That public notlco FOR SALI:—Ford truck chassis in run Fordson tractor or yvill learn. a scout to do. Ile became tbe wrkqr be placed opposite ,Uye second floor played a strong defensive game. tiieroot i)o Ktven by publication ot a copy ot good condition; also Overland model this order, for tliroe siiccos.iivo weoItB previous Joiin Snyder, Mason R. F. N. 1. Boll of dhiio novels and tlie producer of and set out from tlie building suffi­ At tbe end of tbe first balf t.he lo­ i touring car. Terms or casb. IIugb to aaid day of lioarint?, in tiio InRiiain Oouiity pbone. 5-tf melodriinnis eqiiiilly exciting. ciently to be seen from any direction. cals were leading 6 to 4; at the oad Brown. . I-tf News, a newspaper printed and circulated in The cost yvill be about iflSO and the of the third quarter tbe score yvas I2 said county. L. B. McARTHUU, WANTED—To rent, grain rent, a .ludsoil was Ills real mune, and Ed­ Felloyvcraft Club voted to defray the to 11 in Lansing's favor. Tbree miJi- (A true ctipy.) Judge ot Probate. FOR SAlF—A large kitchen cup­ well improved farm about 120 acres. ward Zane Carroll Judson was tlie RUTH L. Gtt.LESPIE, expense, utes before the contest closed Lan- board. Mrs. S. II. Culver. Both wiIto full details immediately to Box full title with whicli his parents bur­ Deputy RoRister ot Probate. Ow.t „phones. 3-tf 93, Dansviilo, Mich. ' Byv2p dened blm on tile day of his blrtirhi Philadelphia in 18'22. He became one F'Oli SALlil—House and lot on East WANTED—Single or married man of tbe boys yvbo run ayvay to sea and Oak street. Modern. Inquire E. J. on farm, for eight months from wiien he yvas only thirteen he-rescued Topliff, Eaton Rapids. Bell phone March 20 th. George B. Sawyer, tiie creyv of a boat that had been run I32-F.1. 3w'Ip Dansvllle,-R. 2. 4w3p doyvn by a ferry steanjer in Neyv York Most coughs ^re causefi by cilsease germs. harbor. Soon afteryviirds he became a FOR SALE—Protien, 100% soL WANTlilB—To hear from oyvner of Some of these can eventually prove Very ouble, 96% pure, cheaper than cotton midshipman in the United States navy. good farm for sale. S^ate cash prlce, harmful. Even the milder forms of ca­ seed or oil meal. Laboratory Prod­ full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minne­ Then.the West called him and Jud­ ucts Co., Mason. 3-tf tarrh germs. When once in the air passages, apolis, Minn. , 3w5p son answered the call. During the Civil yvar he was chief of scouts multiply rapidly, producing irritation anfi FOlt SALlS—Thirty-three grade among the Indians on the yvestern fron­ cough. Shropshire cyves; also 2 black draft Miscellaneous celts, 3 and 5.years eld. Fred Doibee, t tier, and after that be yvandered all over the great plains as hunter and .Alurelius Citz. phone. 50-tf FOR SERVICE—2 registered 0. L You are familiar With the ordinary sim­ trader. He made the acquaintance of C. boars. Service fee $1.00 and ple cough lasting for a few days to a few FOll SALE—Farm in Aiaiedon $1.25, cash. Harold McCormlck, Bulralo BUI, Wild Bill and Te.xaB township, 136 acres known as the S. DansvilJe. 4 4-tf Jack, and began yvrlting his tlirllllng Weeks, and you know how troublesome it R. Ivlng farm, good producing land. tales, part fact and part fiction, about can be. Br. L. D. Wheeler,. Adm'r., Stock- OX-ZONE—SOBIUiVi BYPOOLOK^ Uioir lives. Ned BuntHne was the bridge, Mich. 2-tf ITE—.Powerfttl Germicide Solution, pen name he used in his yvrlting, and Cherry Bark Cough Syrup is an excellent Disinfectant, cleanser, deodorant. as Ned Buntllne he became famous. Non-Poisonous, leaves no odor, dis­ treatment for this condition because it For Rent t Buntllne believed that eastern audi­ solves litllk Qlm. Particularly adapt­ ences yvould be interested In plays soothes the irritated membranes, relieVes ed for the use of dairymen in clean­ I FOR Rl3NT—130 ac.res of ployv based on life In Uie Far West and In congestion and checks the needlessly Vio­ ing milking machines and other dairy land; 45 acres fine'hay; 1% miles 1872 he persuaded Buffalo Bill and utensils. A strong gertnicide which lent spasms of the bronchial tube. from largo condensary on tine road, Texas Jack to come East and take can be u&ed on cuts, wounds and in­ close to school. ' Bell phone 106, P. part In one of his melodramas. They 6. box 118, Mason, Micb. 4-tf sect bites. Laboratory Products Co., When you feel a dryness of the throat, Mason, Michigan. ' 39-tf arrived in one Wednesday and tightness of the chest, a feeling of smooth- FOR RENT—Farm of 160 acres to found that Buntllne was planning to rent on shares. Inquire^of R. F. GARB OF THANKS—-We sincerei5^ open tbe show the next Monday.' He eting fever, of headache, combined With had rented the largest theater in tiie Droscha, Aurelius. Telephone 1604 thank our nelfehbors and friends for a tight rasping coiigh, you have a condi­ ./iurelius, 4w4p their kindness and sympathy in our city, but none of tlie other actors had bereavement, also Rev. Mead for his been engaged to appear yvith tbe two tion Which should be treated immediately., comforting message. Mrs. Wm. Hoi- scottts, In fact, the play had not yet comb, Archie Holcomb and family, been yvritten I Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup con­ Alfred Holcomb. '6wl 'With cbnracterlstic energy Buntlltie tains no alcohol, opiates or other narcotic CARD OF THANKS-.-I wish to ex­ set to work and in four hours he had COUGH SYRUP drugs and, therefore, • may be given to press my thanks to those who remem­ written, a play called "The Scouts of Certainly r- stops children with absolute safety. bered me during my recent illness by; the Plaltis.'' j .FOUND--Watch on streets of Ma­ calls and delicacies, especially the Buntliue's dime novels were equally coughing I son. Inquire at this office. Gwl'p You will find this remedy not only very Triangle class of the M; E. S. S. tor poptilar, and, in spite of .the disap­ theXrult and confectionery. Harold bftlclent but also pleasant to take. I STRAYEB-^To my, farm, iamb, proval of their parents, the boys of P. Dakin. . ,6wlp Ooorge H. Bacon, Mason, Star Route. the eighties and the nineties eagerly S i ; 3w6p • read the hair-raising adventures of BolrineiM Locali ''Red Ralph, the Ranger'' and ''Dead- Sold only at Bye Dick,'' Buntllne,never w;on re. tONGYEAR BROS. HHADQUAR1 tor eyelene In- nown as^ scout himself, but he helped AQoflidPlaooWTracle 1•untaee . J..B.J IMf spread-^he fame ©r others, until In WANTED—Married man on farm 1886 he followed, the trail of many of by month or year, good tenant house, Maton, Miohi th-'oe miles northwest of Mason, near FIRB AMD Vn DflUllANOI the,'Iredsklnfl'' who ''bit the dust" (Blectrle line, James Somerrllle, Olti 0, L. PMk'l r. the «MMt «ad when one of bis taen/s "trusty rifles phone, llMon. ' ; twlp larg«it>la Ike nag put." ithone,;ltoion./,,v;::;.:,i :-'^^:;-^«w?P-•:. v^^:'^^''-^- ''m -VfrJ--, INGHAil! COUNTY NEWS>mSON, linCH., TIIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1923 s Page Seven



One aftet-noon last aututnn—when THURSDAY, FEB. 'J2D, IS DAY Sl3T STATE WJLL TAKIl HAND lN IM- WG clean, press and repair clothes, the corn was in the shock and there FOR PRESENTATION. PROVlNG ACCOMODATIONS. and make them look like new. Right was nothing important left to do on prices. Samann & Son. 14-lyr. tho farm—there was heid in a yyood- Ever since the Mason higli school Another meeting of the Delhi toyvn­ lot near the State iCame Farm a building burned, PbU McKernan ship school board yvas held In Holt Silverware Let Samann repair your side cur- horseshoe pitching contest. Edgai Woman's Relief Corps, No. 131, has last Fi'iday evening, and the Board lains, He also carries a full line of brothers. Gene, Ed, Claud and ''Lo'' been accumulating a fund yvith yvhicii could not come to an agreement re­ met Ciarencc Eiiison, Donald Lament to replace the Flags that yvere burn- garding the matter of • improved curtain fasteners. > 5w2 and their clan. The Edgars' claimed ed at that time, and noyv the time has school accomodatloi^s and it is ex­ for the Bride Aurelius as their fatherland while the come for doing this. On 'Ihursday, pected the state yviii noyv step in and S. L, Marshall was in St. Johns other fellows yvere endeavoring to up- February 22nd, the Post and Corps take the matter in their hands. About I'uesday. Who ever heard of a bride or hold the honor of Vevay toyvnship. yvill meet at G. A, II. ,hall at one 200 children'are noyv in (.ho school Iloyvery and Alice Wasper are ill Referring to the October 5th issue of o'clock, where they yvill greet .is their building yvhich sliould t'eally accom­ housewife who did liot welcome w-itb tbe grippe. the NEWS discloses the fact, that tho guests the members of Steele Bros. modate about I3 5. Tyvo rooms in the beautiful Silverware. Many times Miss IIelen Phillips is spending the Edgars yvalloped tbe Vevay contin- Post, Broyvne-Cavender American basement are being used as class H-eek end in Albion. gent tht'ee straight games, and since I.iegion Post, No. I.iS and its Auxil- rooms and those hay'o been Inspected the friends club together and make Mrs. Marshall Campbell of Leslie, that time have never lost an oppor- iai-y Unit, and the M.ason Board of by the state department of public in., the young lady happy with a com­ tunity of reminding them of their in- Education, yvhen irli wiii march to the struction and found to be unsanitary, Has in Mason Fri^lay. plete set of a pattern Of her choice. ability to piay the great game of school house, with the Legion meni- and the school board yvas ordered to Helen Bunker yvas home from Al- "barnyard golf." But Tuesday even- bers as I'lag bearei's. Two Flags yvill vivcate them. liion for the yveek end. Many times we knowwhat pleases Ing of this week the worm turned, he presented to the high schooi, one The meeting last Friday yvas the Miss Anna Whiting visited relatives Eillson and Lament drafted Lee Las- for each end of the platform, and in fourth or. fifth which has been held her and can advise you in ^ your in Eaton Rapids last week. enby and Cordle Barker, two fellow connection with this there will be glv- for the same purpo.se and no agree­ selection. How about your Silver- m-s. Homer Lindsea was ill last townsmen, and met three of the ,Ed- en tho ltlstory of the early Flags of ment could be reached! at any of ware. Isn't it about time to renew week at her homc^on Columbia street. gars, Gene, Ed and Claud, and "Doc'' Ingham county. In addition a Flag them. Eckhart in a euchre tournament, The yvill be placed in e.ach assembly t-oom, A daughter was born to Mr. and The only part the state department or add to It. battle was staged In Gene Edgar's Besides the eleven Flags yvhich Mrs. Gerald Potter, Wednesday, Jan. has taken in the matter to date Is to home on East Elm street in Mason, Phil McKet'nan W. R, C. placed In the 31st. _/ order the boat'd to stop using the and there were thirty games played, school rooms of this city some years' basement for class room purposes and Russell Bi'own was home from The Vevsiy crowd won twenty-three ago, itr-has a record for doing patrlo- has recommended an addition to the Ford Aseltine Big Rapids, from last Thursday until games and insist tliey had to allow tic wot'k by placing Flags in chut'che.s, present building. It that is found too Sunday. their opponents win the other seven Sunday schools, in many homes, tho expensive, a small two or three rootn . Jeweler A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. in order to get them to finish the circuit court room, , and various temporary fr.ame building would Floyd E. Jordan living on South St., schedule. Eiiison claims that he al- lodges, but will never' consider' Its answer the purpose It is claimed. ways did know that the Aurelius out- work done .as long as the need of Feb. 3rd. The state inspected the building fit were blessed yvith strong arms and Flags exists, and even in Mason, ther.^ Irene Whiting was ill with the two years ago and found the base­ weak minds. Gene Edgar says that are still many placcs^where Flags grippe and unable to attend school ment unsanitary and since that time the only redeeming feature of the sliould be dlsplayed. This CoVps has iast yveek. ^ there has developed a ''bloc'' In the contest from his standpoint was that' expended many hundreds of dollars Mr. and Mrs. Rae of Concord, yvere board, There are sevet'al phases to guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seely, the refreshments yvere potluck. in this line of patriotic work alone, the "bloc." One Is the matter of yVednesday, aside from its numerous other activi- erecting a neyv building'large enough A daughter was born to Mr. and Burr DuBois is home from the U. ties. '• to .accommodate 10 grades, another is Mrs. Willis Collar Wednesday night, of M. this yveek. Remember to be at G, A. R. hall the tax question, and still another is the ^ite question involving the ex­ January 31st. Miss Gertrude Scarlett has been ill at one o'clock sharp, on February 22. penditure of .$1,500 for ei.ther of tyvo since Thursday of last yveek.. Tbe family of C. R. Petty, living on sites offered. - Mill street, yvere sick yvith the gril'pe, Doris Hoyvlett and Dilerna Post yvere tbe past yveek. in Lansing Wednesday afternoon. TOORIST CLOS MEETS ResolVo Griffin left last Saturday Mable I'ar.sons and lUitb Hodge MID-WINTER MEETING LEGION 10 spend a yveek in Detroit on busi­ ill yvitli the grippe during ihe past AT RAPTIST PARSONAGE Used Cars ness and pleasure. yveek. iylr. and Mrs. Ray Beebe and fam­ D, Wiioiiban and Mr. Jones of De­ Al'POIN'I'MENT i>lADIO OF COMMlT. POSTSJi AUXILIARIES iiy living near Okemos, visited Mr. troit, yvero guests at Chas. Griffin's TElOS ANl) OIt^FICEIlS. and Mrs. Claude Pcrrin, Sunday. last l^riday. WlljL IlF. llEIjD AI? lv. OF P. llALL 't'here was a sliort meeting of tlie lvayvrence Searl, yvbo luis beeti witb i\liss Ilenderson took the members SA'l'UKIIAY, VKH. 17. 'I'ourist Club at tbe liome of Rev. and liie Miciiigau Siate Police at Crand- of tbe Senior Ilistory class to court FORDS Mrs, Hartzog last yVednesday even­ vine, lias been traii^'crred to AVayne. Tuesday afternoon. ing. After the meeting w'as culled to At

company yvill be' capitalized for ?20,- about the dolt^tfui ones for sixteen d«iIng this time. Whether or not I 000 or ?25,000. . yeai's back. have, sttcceeded is for you to judge— NEWSPAPER EDITORS •Within,a feyv days another meeting Just now they are,asking us, for a at any rate L can, look my coiisclence will be lield for the election of offi­ new state department of motion pic- and my patr ns in tho face yvithout cers. At present there 'are eigiit turc censorship, witIi a board of three blusbing^, for any pictiires I have Ask for Pastime Coupons / HOLD DIG MEETING stockhoiders who have subscribed members and a tt'ain of inspectors, siioyvn. I li.'ive not cut or censored any lilms, and bave selected tbem $10,000 yvortb of stock. clerks and deputies longer than" a We are arranging yvith local merchants to give coupons afford­ Record Attendance .Marks .Annual The company has' purciiased ten prize pig's pedigree. Tliree people to only to please tlie lastb of tbe public ing you a reduced adinission price to all regular picture programs on Conference Of Micliigan l'ro.ss pairs of fox from tile Bear I.,ake Sii- inspect about tliirty niiliion feet of liere, which seems to run to yvliole- AS.SOciatiOI). ver-Black Fox Company. This com­ lilin, purge tbe ^ poison from tlie sonic talcs of family life and rod- Tuesday and Thursday nights, for the rest of the year. pany guarantees IJO deiiver at lcjtsi prints, and preserve from pollution blooded outdoor*adventure.' In otber One hundred editors and publisii- I,0 animals to the local organization t!ie purity of our paretic populace. yvords I have shown a fairly represen-1 Ask for Coupons Where You See the Sign, era of Michigan weekly neyvspapers, by. November 1, 1923. Tliree people to inspect thirty tlious- tatlve group of tlie last tyvo years' gatberod from all corners of tbb It yvill be necessary to build at and reels of drama, comedy, neyvs pictures, uncensored. in the Window. state, met at the Mlcblgan Agricul­ least 30 pens to house the animals. reels, educatloual, scenic. Industrial, Noyv then—hoyv many boys have • We yvill have a tteyv projector Installed ln a few days yvhich yvill tural College Feb. 1 and 2 for tlie an­ Itev. J. M. BeVettc, one ,of the stock­ novelty and propaganda fiims. Tliree entered upon careers of crime, hoyv nual conference of the' Mlchigan hoiders wiil make a trip to Muskegon political appointees lo give an honest many girls have gone astray because enable us to shoyv an entire program yvithout interrupting the show Press Assoclatlon, for details concetning the erecting of and inipartiai judgment on all- this of wliat they have seen at the I'as- to change t'eels. Addresses by James Schermet'- a ranch building. filtn. Impossible! There ain't no tlme Theatre? I pause for a reply— horn, of Detroit; Lieutenant-Govern­ The meeting'Wednesday night was such aniniai. Shoyv tne the man or tho silence is deafening. Below are listed some of the plays yvhich at'e scheduled for an or Thomas lteid; Speaker George W. caiied by Leslie G. Brown, cashier of woman capable of this'task, and I'll But tiie professional reformers tell early showing here. Three of those piays, FOOLISH WIVES, the Farmers Bank, and several oth- give them a golden crown, trimmed us that "young folks at'e going to per­ Weish, of Grand llapids; and Presi­ SILAS MARNER, and THE STORM, yviil show at advanced prices. dent David Friday, of M. A. C., feat­ et's. with the goi'geous tail-feathers of dition on a one yvay ticket if yve don't The others wiil shoyv at the usual admission prices, yvith the special ured tiie general meetings of the ses­ that fabulous bird, tbe phoenix, yvhich have censorship in Michigan; Why, sion. A dozen of the leading weekly was so rare that it never existed. if you yvant to believe theni,i tho ser­ coupon admission on Tuesday and Thursday niglits. editors of tho state lead dlscussion Now l'll be real frank and earnest pent didn't bring evii into tiie world We yvill be glad to have suggestions from patrons or the general upon varlous phases and probiems of about this, and admit that what in tbe Garden of Eden; there was Stories of By Elmo the country newspaiier. Scott makes me sore is the fact that I'm never any yvar, theft, murder oi' crime public regarding pictures'you wish to see here, or any other matters Report of organization yvork In the the guy that's got to pay for this cen­ in the yvorid uutii Tom Edison concerning our service. Great Scouts Watton Pi'ess A.ssociation for tbe past year sorship proposition. They want to brouglit • fortb the motion picture. shoyved an increase of more than 100 tax us a dollar a reel, and a dollar a Pardon my earnestness, but these WANAGIilWENT, PASl'lME TliI3ATlll3, J^lason, M!ich. ©, yVoatem Newspaper.Union. per cent, in Die state membership on slide, and you can bet tbat the ex­ birds make me tired." We call this the land of liberty, but if they bave the ''(ieid pian" of organization. THE LONG SHOT MADE BY BILLY hibitor is the man who yvill have to foot the biii. Just when l yvas yvork­ their yvay in a feyv years all tbe lib­ Olflcers elected for 1023 are: Pre.s- DIXON COMING ATTRACTIONS idcnt, Len W. F'elghlner, Nashville ing out a plan to cut prices here too! erty we'll liave yvill be liberty to If you don't believe it, see my adv. in jump lively and do as yve're told, or Tonight, (Tliursday) Connie Talmadge in DANGEROUS BUSlNESS, Neyvs; vice president. Ceo. Hubbeil, '•The old Slinrps rlllo .ended the another column... Hoyv can I do tbat, sit on tbe rock pile making little ones and Elmo Lincoin in Chapter Two of ADVENTURES OF Crosweii Jeffersonian; Sec.-'I'reas., North American. buffalo,'' once \vroto Sim R. Wilson, Saline Observer (re­ and at the same time sutiport these out of blg ones. . TARZAN, Tlieodore Roosevelt, tlie chronicler of elected); executive committee men useless boarders at tiie public Friday-Saturda.y'---HUMAN HEARTS, the gt'eat stage drama of rural tbe winning of the West, and be And censorship—don't make me appointed l)y tbe president to serve trougli? t. Tbe ansyver is, Lcan't do laugli! Von tliink they're going to life by Hal Reid, Waliy Reid's father; also ROOSEVELT HOS- might Imve added tlmt tlils famous witb tile officei's on tlie board of con­ it; I'il liavc to raise prices instead of cut the sin out of cinenia, don't you? PITAlj pictures, siiowing hoyv tbey are curing Michigan's T. B.- gun lielpcd yyrlte ''Finis'' to the story trol are; Fred D. lCeister, Ionia Coun­ ioyvering tbem. Then I know yvliat Well, maybe, but tliat isn't aH, not affected soldiers' at Camp Custer. of tlie Indian yvith a few periods of ty News, Ionia, (tiic retiring presi­ you'll do—you'll stay ayvay from'tlic by a long shot. Not long ago one of Monday-Tuesday—Gladys Walton ln TOP O' TlIE MORNING, and dent); Scbuyler Marsliall, Ingham lend. shoyv. Then I knoyv yvliat I'll do. the biggest and best historical lllnis DAVS OF BUFFALO BILL. One of tlie most remarkable sbots I'll go broke. County Neyvs, Ma.son; and IIerbert A. ever produced yvas censored in tlii'rty- Next Wed.-Tburs,—And ADVENTURES OF TARZAN. . Wood, Bangor Advance. over made with tlils rllle took place Ilere's another angle to the prop­ tyvo different localities in the land of Next Week Fri.-Sat.—FCOl^ISII WIVES, the first and only real mil­ at the Adolie Walls light in tlic Texas osition. Tyvo years ago .a similar the free, aii'd in no two for tiie same lion dollar picture. Panlmndlo in 187-l, wlicn a yvar party censorship measure was proposed .-it tiling. Down in Ohio last summer lt'eb. 20—l^oreii Bates Trio, musical lecture course luiniber. of Kiowus, Coniaiicbes and Clieyennes Lansing, and^came mighty near pass­ Mrs. Evaline Snoyv, lot'd higli execu­ Feb. 21-22—Lionel Barrymore in THE GREAT ADVENTURE. FARM WEEK SPEAKERS tried to yvipo out a little group of buf- ing. Tlianks to the scnsibie people tioner of the Buckeye nini board, cut falo liuuters wlio liad tlielr licadquar- wbo are a majority in this commun- her own picture out of the Paths Feb. 23-2.l—Harold Lloyd in NUMBER PLEASE, and YELLOW ity.aud the state, and yviio signed pe- tera tbere. The sliot yvas fired by Neyvs. Slie didn't say whether it yvas MEN AND COljD. titlons against this crazy measure, it vicious, inciting to crime, or yvhat— Feb. 20-27—SILAR MARNER, Ceorge Eliot's cla.ssic of English llt- Y GLDyE Billy lDlxon, known to tlte Indians as yvas defeated, and the jolly film ciiop- but maybe she knew best. Virtue , erature. ''Hasta--ljong Ilalr.'' pers had to iie loyv for tyvo years. rank DIscns.slon Of Agricultural yvas it.s oyvn reward—slie yvas .censor­ Marcli 2-3—Buck Jones in WEST OF CHICAGO, After three clmrges against tlio • Now let's sec hoyv badly Mason bas l'i'oblcnis li'catni'cs Aniiiml Con- ed off the board sbortly after. March 7—Robert Parker Miies, last lecture of season. stockade ha(l fulled to overwliolin the suffered for lack of screen censorship , lilvery story yvortb tbe name tells forenco At Hl. A. "C. March S—Ceorge B. Zeitz in ROGUES AND ROMANCE. buffalo lmnters, tlic Indlnns settled during these trying years. I iiave of a contlict betyveen good and evil. down to starve tltem out.^ During the been trying to give this community But our self-appointed mentors yvon't March 9-10—Lon Chancy in THE ACE OF HEARTS.. Fuii presentation of all piiases ot siege "Bat'' Masterson, 'one of the clean entertainment at popular prices let us mention evil on tbe screen; present agricultural problems, yvitli- March l.i-IG—Katherine McDonald in. MY LADY'S LATCHKEY. hunters, noticed a group of Indians hoyv then can yve tell a story? Let oiit reservation or effort to give tile March lG-17—lDustin Farnuni in OATHBOUND. gathered on a iiill nearly tiiree-quar- me say in all sincerity that if these facts in "kid glove'' fashion, featured M:arcli; 19-20—Marguerite Do La jylotte in THE LURE OF EGYPT. people, ey'er start on tile Bible they tlie addresses delivered by proniinent ters of a mile away. Tliey could bo yvon't leave much of it but tbe covers March 23-2.1—Harry Carey in MAN TO MAN. agricultural and political autliorities plainly seen, and were, evidently tallc- when they finish censoring it. at tile annual M. A. C, Farmers Week lng over .sonic new plan for overcom­ Marcli 28-29—Connie Talmadge in MAMMA'S AFFAIR. ing the white men yvhen Masterson March 30-31—Tom Mix and Tony in ,lUST TONY. Jan. 29 to Feb. 2. 'Let's get down to brass tacks. If Many of tile iioints ln'ouglit out at called Olson's attention to the group. anyone comes to you yvitli a petition, March 2G-27—THE NEW LEATHER PUSHERS. tbe nieetings of file yveek yvere not ''Billy, it wouldn't be a bad Idea to for censorship,' let your conscience be April 4-5—Norma Talmadge in LOVE OR IIATE. any too mucli to tbe liking of tbe as­ brcai: up that little pow-yvoyv over your guide. If you honestly think April G-7—Will Rogers in DOUBl^ING FOR ROMEO. sembled rui'al workers, frankness there, yvould It?'' he said. you don't knoyv enough to knoyv yvhat April 13-1'I—AVilliam Farnum in MOCNSHlNE VAlXEY. being the keynote of all talks. Tlie "Don't know yvlietber tbe old Sliarps s good for your community, and you general ini|)ression carried at the oiui Is good for lt ,or not, but l'll try It,'' yvant to hire a film board and i^onie April 15—Jack ICelly Stock Co. of tlie big conference, lioweven yvas replied Dbxon. He knew tlie range— clerks and deputies to do your think­ April 18-19—Lionel Barrymore ln JIM THE l'ENMAN. that more y'aiuiible inforniation had apln'OKiniatcly 1,200 yard.?. Flxlng the ing for 'you, at my expense, yvhy April 20-21—WHEN ROMANCE RIDES, from Zane Grey's WILD- been presented tiian in ally previous slglits of lt.!s gun \^ tills range, the sign, sign, on the dotted line! Bear FIRE. Ii'armers Week. scout aimed carefully and flred. Tho n mind, hoyvever, that the citizens of April 27-28—THE STORM. Saninel O. ljnnn, editor of the JLiil- Massachusetts buried censorship un­ w'hite men saw the conference of tlio April 30-;!l—Pearl White in PLUNDER. .yvay Age, minimized (be importance der a majority of 338,000 votes at tbe warriors lireak up liastlly and tlie sav­ of freighl, rales in tlie farmer's pres­ polls iast fall; that New York, yvhich In May—Norma Talmadge in THE SIGN ON THE DOOR, Anila ent economic difficulties; Congres.s- ages retreat to a .safer place, has rested under the incubus for tyvo Steyvart in PLAYTHINGS,OF DESTINY, THE SICY PILOT, Cur- ]nan Sydney Anderson, of Minnesota, Dixon served as a scout for General Stop Your Cough years, yvill throyv it off soon, unless wood's THE COLDEN SNARE. gave straigbt facts on national agri­ Miles ln tbe campaign against tbe all signs fail. cultural matters; lIavid Friday, and southern tribes tlmt year, and he yvas Foley's Honey and Tar stood the test of time serving Seriously, you, the people of tlils Prof. G. F', WarrSn ,of Cornell, held one of the six dispatch bearers who tlyree generations community, are the real censors of out .small hope of early ri.se ln prices made a heroic stntid In an old buffalo my screen, always on duty; any fur­ of farm products. These things -vvere No Opiitei^iDlfedUBb prinlta OD wrapper elsewhere, tell your troubles to fenses, and courts and officers to en­ walloyv against B yvar party of P25 ther nominations for thls position are frankly stated, but along yvitb them Lareatt Selling Cough Medicine Sheriff Atchisoti. He'il have tne in force them, without the addition of Comanches and lClowas. In this fight superfluous and out of order, lf l was a yvealth"'of optimistic material, * in the Wotii the bastile before you can catch your this superfluous and un-American Amos Chapman, n fellow scout, lost offend your taste or decency, if l full of promise and bope for the fut­ breath. Michigan has always had board of censorship. , his leg. • Altliough Dixon's., sldrt front Sold by all Mason Bruggista teach vice or crime in the theatre or ure of state and nationai agricultural ample and adequate laws for such of­ ROY W. ADAMS. industry. was riddled with .bttUets, he received only one slight wound. That night Informational matorial on all he volunteered to go for help and phases of agriculture yvas brought out in detail at the special nieetings of after a perilous trip he brought back the thirty-odd farm associations and a troop of cavalry and rescued W« groups yvbich met during the week. comrades. M.uiy state and national Jeadet-s ln For nine years Dixon yvas a govern­ the farming world led dlscussion at ment scout at Fort Elliott, Tex. Then these conferences, he homestendod It ranch in the Pan­ handle, buildlng his log house on the ntlns of tlio old Adobe Walls where he had tnnde his famous sliot with the MICHIGAN LAGS DUT Auction Sale! old Sltnrps. l.iater he moved to Cimar­ ron county, Olilnhoma, and died near the little toyvn of Grcshnm in 1814. HAVING DECIDED TO QUIT FARMING I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE PLACE KNOWN AS STILL LEADS STATES P. V. CHASE FARM, 1 MILE NORTHWEST OF MASON, ON LANSING ROAD, ON The NEWS, at-'fLBO per year,-iB Local lt'arnior.s Weclr Laigc.sr, In Conntvy, Alllioiif-li Atlondaiicc the biggest bargain on the market Below Hlua l^ignio. today.

Alicliigan's annual Farmers Week, tnlnm held at i\l. A. C. Jan. 29 to Feb. 2, fell beioyv 1922 by nearly a thousand Monday, Feb. 12th iu total attejulance, but the local con­ LETTERS ference still ranks as the biggest COMMENCING AT 12:30 O'CLOCK, SHARP, THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBE D PROPERTY: gathering of its kind held in tbe couty- try this year. TO THE Practically imiiassablo roads, c.s- pecially in central iMIcbigan, cut down EDITOR New Riding Plow the number of "automobile'' visllors HORSES POULTRY to a niininiuni. Total attendance Pair Registered Clydesdale Mares, Lever Spring Drag figures are set at .1,000 by A. M. Ber- 50 Hens Caldron Ivettle 11 and 12 years oldi Weight 2900 ridge, cluiii'inan of tbe M. A. C. farm I'IHS CENSORSHIP BUSlNESS. 30 Pullets Grindstone , yveek committee, a tbousand beioyv I yvant to hand out a feyv hard Bay Horse 11 years old, weight 1300' 3 Geese Buzz Rigg, complete on truck the attendance mark set last yvinter, facts, rigiit straight from the shoul­ Comparison of available figures der. If you're thin-skinned or easily CATTLE Heavy Work Harness, nearly ilew from otber states, Iioyvever,, shoyvs offended, don't read any further. IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, ETC. Work Harness Grade Holsteill CoW, 4 years old. that the logical agricultural coiifer- I.iast Friday's papet's carried the Set Open Bridles neyvs of another screen cehsorsiiip freshened January 4 •ence ranks liigli in the matter of at­ Single Harness, nearly new tendance. But s,00 gathered this bill, fathered by Senator George M. Grade Holstein CoW, 5 years old, Wide Tire Steel Wheel Wagon Congdon of Detroit. On the face of Single Buggy year at tlio Minnesota farniers yveek. giVing milk Stock Rack Ioyva dreyv but 1,500 for its round-up, it this is all very nice and pretty. All Set Cutter Runners Orade Holstein Cow, 4 years old, Riding Plow 3ield tbe same yveek a^ tlie local gath­ sin, vice and suggestive scenes are to 10-gal. Milk Can . fresh January 19 Riding Cultivator ering; 800 met at Crbana, Illinois for be done ayvay yvith on, the screen; 5-gal. Milk Can ,tho Illinois Universlly farmers yveek; consequ,ently there yvill be no more Grade Holstein CoW, 6 years old, Combination Flat Rack 25-gal. Crock 500 checked in at Purdue Uuiversity; yviclvcdness in the world, neither in giVing milk 6-ft. Deering Binder, nearly new in Indiana, and similar small attend­ books,, magazines, newspapers or 3 Calves , , Deering Mower . Forks, Shovels and other articles. daily life. The lion "shall lie down ance marked other state, gatherings. Oliver Cultivator, nearly new The entertiiinment feature of the yvith the lamb yvithout. getting his HOGS ' HAY, GRAIN, ETC. •John Deere Wagon, nearly llew week proved to be the annual live- back teeth all gummed up with wool, stock parade. Floats prepared by the millenium yvill be hero, and we'll O. L C. Brood Sow Wagon with 2 set wheels 17 tons Timothy Hay students in.all divisions of the agri- all go to glory in a golden charlot. 7 Shoats, weight 125 lbs. Hay Loader 9 tons Clover Hay cultui'al division at M, A. C, scores But listen! Bo you Jcnoyv what 10 Shoats, weight 60 lbs. Dump Rake Quantity Colti Stalks in bundles censorship really ls? It is a German, of blue ribbon yvinners in the live­ Duroc Boar Hay Rack 350 bushels Oats stock V"'l extensive tractor and a Russian, institution, if you please, Set Dump Boards 350 bushels Corn in crib general farm equipment and other Bponsot-ed, in this countt-y and this 10 Shoats, weigilt 8b Ibs. units made up a spectacular pageant state, only by a very select and very 5 Gilts Self Dump Gravel Box 20 bushels Potatoes which stretched out for more than a small group of highbrows who think mile. ' they know a darned sight better than us common folks Just what we want in the way of entertainment.. Bo they TERMST-TEN DOLLARS OR UNDER, CASH; OVER THAT AMOUNT 7 MONTHS^ TIME WILL BE GIVEN go\.to the m'ovies? Oh dear no! Some SILVER-BUCK FOX GOMPAr of them—right in this town-v^boast ON GOOD BANICABLE NOTES, DRAWING 7 PER CENT INTEREST. that they have never been in a motion FORMED IN SUOHNS picture theatre. That's why they know so much more than we do about Stbcldioldere Purchase Ten Pair Of the Bins of the. sithful. cinema. That's Registered Anlmals. why they make .Buch good censors. The dictionary satys a censor ls a F. V. Chase and Martin ST, JOHNS—Several representative fault-flhfter, one who censures or business men and women of St. Johns blames. That definition certainly fits met at tlie City Manager's ottice In St,' like a |jllBter. Don't ask them what ILG^'DART, Clerk C. P. DOLBEE, Auctioneer ;v Jolfhs Wednesday: night, and formed the gtfod pt

Bruce,'' she cried, ''come back soon censefesB war of the wfTd flTroUKli in r»6Fyveetii. ITru'ee crfed duf Iti frl- —soon. Bon't leave mie to die alone. which he had cotne, there was no pas­ ttmph. Then he broke into a ruti and mmtimii I'm not strong enough for that—"' sion to equal this. The lviller yvas con­ sped, through the flurries toward his "He yvhirled, took tyvo paces liack, tent to let the yvolf kill the fnwn for dead. and his arms yvent about her. Hc had hlnf. The cougar will turn from Its Iiut It came about that there was forgotten Ills Injury long since. Ile Varni, newly slain pi'cy, in yvlilclh Its other business for llriicc than the re­ kissed her cool Hps and sullied into yvhite fangs have already dipped, at covery of his blankets tbat he had supposed woitld be tied to the saddle. Strength her eyes. Then at once tiie flurries the sight of some great danger in tbe hid him. thickets. Rttt Simon could not turn. Tile snow was tblck between, and be Our Pioneer Inheritance Tbo girl climbed up Into flio Dcalb lowered its yring.s ujion blm as was wUliln twenty feet of tho animal's brnnclies of a llr tree, ln the'tlilckct yvcll asulion bis enemy, yet tbe fire In body before lie gPlnipsod It ^leaiIy ofthePines licyotid II great gt'ay form tacked biiciv bis bcart and tlie fut-y ln bis brain again, And be felt the first wave of .wonder, tile first promptings of tlie and fortli, trying to locate a scent that sliut out all tbouglit of It I WE OWE A DEBT tO the piOneers WHO tlionglit tliat tiie l/orse be had shot a second lieforc be luul caught but He sprang.., off his horse bettor to down was not hls, but one tliat be had cleared the fOrests alld set up their humble dimly and bad lost. It was tbc lvlllcr,, examine fho tracks, and tlien .stood, never seen befot'o. and lils temper was lost long ago In half bent over, in tbe snoyv. hOmes and established law aBd Order in the By Edison Marshall llut tliore yvas no tlme for the tbe yvlilrllng snoyv. * • ' • • » • * tliouglit to go fully homo. Some one Wilderness. Author of 1^ Ills linger yvas upon nlm, partly from Bruce Folger headed swiftly up. the crlcd out—a strange, half-snarl of lmt- Tlio voice of th* Pack" the discomfort of the storm, partly trail that his ruiunviiy horse had redand trluiuiih that was almost lack­ They Were frugal lBen Of silnple minds, and from tlie constant, gnawlng pain of made, lt was, he tliouglit, ills Inst I WW -A ing In an human quality—and a man's three bullet wounds In Ills powerfnl effort, and ho gave lils full strength their toil and thrift and courage should be body leaped toward him frotn the body. Besides, he realized the pros- to It. AVeiikened ns he yviis by the I murtratktna by Irwin Myert |t; thicket before which the liorse had regarded as a priceless inheritance. •ence of hls old and greatest enemy-— cold and the wound, he could not have fallen, lt was Simon, and Bruce had 3Xx'»>>i<^^^^ those stall, slight forms that had made headyvay at all except for the niI^aken his horse for the one he had In particular, the lesson of thrift they left to fact that the yvInd was behind hltnl crossed him so many times, that had ridden. stung him with their bullets,' and The snoyv ever fell faster, In larger us should be recalled and practiced. Without CHAPTER XXX lilven In that Insfpit crisis he did whose weakness he hud learned. flakes, and the track dimmed before not forget that he had ns yet neg­ thrift thdr venturing would have failed. Without And then all at once he caught ; his eyes, lt was a losing game. Ter­ Bruce yvniked over to Linda, wait lected to expel the empty cartridge the scent plain. He lurched forward, rified not only by the beast that had thrift your venturing is not secure. lng in the snoyv on her knees. It was from the barrel of his rifle and to crashed again through the brush, and stirred In the thicket hut by the ever. not an Intentional posture. She had throyv In the otiier from tho tnaga- yvalked out Into the snoyv-swept open. Increasing yvInd as well, the onltnal been jerked doyvn by the plunging zlne. He tried to get the gun to hls Linda saw hls vague outline, and at would not linger to be overtaken. horse, and she had not yet complete, shoulder, yvorking the lover at the Bruce had not ridden it enough to ly risen. But the sight of her slighf flrst she hung perfectly motionless, same tltne. But Simon's leap was too have tamed it, and his plan yvas to figure, her raised white face, her hoping to escape his gaze. She had fast for him. His strong hand seized attempt to shoot the creature on sight, clasped hands, nnd the rcmorsoiesa been told ninny times that grIzzUes the barrel of,the gun and snatched It rather than try to catch It They snow of the yvllderncss about hei cannot cllinb, yet she had no desire from his hands. Tlien the assailant could not go foryvnrd, nnyyvay, ns long moved Bruce to his depths. to see hliu raging below her, ronclilng, threw it hack, over his shoplder, and possibly trying to sliake her from the as the blizzard lasted. Which way was American State Savings Bank Hc saw her but ditnly in the snow It fell softly in the snow. He yvalt- iimb. east and yvhich yvas yvest he could no flurries, nnd .she looked us If she wen ed, crouched. , longer rnoss.' And yvith the bJanketj ln an attitude of prayer. He didn't seem to see her. His evee The two men stood face to face UVNSING were lowered; besides. It yvas never tho He came rather slowly, nnd he ever they mlglit make some sort of shelter at last. An things else were forgot­ N. UVNSING S. LANSING grizzly yvay to search the branches of Bmilcd a little. And she gave him i and keep life In their bodies untll the, ten. The world they had known be­ a tree. The wind blew tlie message wan, strange little smile in return. snoyv ceased and they could find their fore—a yvorld of sorroyv and pleas­ tliat he nilglit linve road clearly In tlie yva.v. Under State and National Supervision ' "We're doyvn to cases at last,'' he ures, of mountains and yvoods and Mid, yvith » ratlier startling quiet (ipposlte dlroctlon. Slio saw lilni walk The cohLyvas deepening, the storm homes—faded out mid left no reali­ ncss of tone. ''You see yvhat it sloyvly across the ,snow, lieiid loyv- yvas Increasing In fury, llrucc's bones ties except each other's presence. 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii>mwtiii»iMiiiiiii«iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinim moans?'' ercd, a huge gray gliost In tbo snoyv ached. Ills yvouiided arm felt numb and (lurries iipt one liundred feet dlstant. All about them yvore the snoyv flur­ Siie nodded, then got to lier feet. strange, the frost was getting Into Ids ries that their eyes could not pene­ "Wc can walk out. If wc are let TJion slie .saw bliii pause, with lowered lungs. There yvas no hope of the of his oid friends. He is nearly 88 been attending school in Mason, has alone and given tlnie; lt Isn't tliitt lio.M. storm decreasing, rather it was stead­ trate, and It yvas lis If they yvere two years of age and always lived hero been home tyvo yveeks sick. yve are obliged to liave tlie linrse. Rut In tbe little second before tbe truth ily growing worse. The tracks lone contestants on an otherwise un- until he yvent to Alma to live a feyv our blankets are on Its back, and tills canio to her, the-hoar bad already grow more dim, and be began Inhabited sphere yvho had come to Wm. Scutt visited his son, Harold years ago. storm ls stcndliy becoming a blizzard. lunied. l'.ruce's tracks were sonie- to be afraid tliat tlic falllng grips at last. Tlie falllng snow gave .arid famiiy, at Ilimondale, the yveek Mrs. Mabel. Field is sick yvitb tho end. And you sue— tline ls one tiling tlmt wlint dlninied liy tile snow, lnit tile flakes would oijsciire bis own foot­ the yvhole picture II curious tone of grippe and under the doctor's care. Earl IIolcomb and family and yve (lim'l; l)ayo. No liumiin liclng can iCiller Interpreted tbem truly. She prints so tliat bo could uot find unroallty and dliiiness. mother, Mrs. Emma Covert, visU.ed J. stand tills cold for long nnproiocted.'' Haw too lute that bo liad crossecl tlieni, liis-way back to Linda. And lie knew', Rruco striilglit^iicd, and. his faco Henry Schcader is certainly having Montgomery and famiiy of North "And wc cnn't keep going—keep rend tliolr message, iiiul now Imd beyond all otlior knowledge, tliat lie yvas of Iron. "\ral, Slmon,'' he said. il bard time as be has been confined to tbe house for four or five yveeks Leslie, Sunday. warm by yvaiking?'' liiriied Into tlic clouds of snow to trace wanted lier wltli liini wlien tlio siiad- "You've come.'' yvith tonsiiitis, then iast week lie went Ills answer was to iMkc out hls tliein (lOWIl. ows dropped down' for good and ail. (Continued on page 10) to Lansing to Inive tliem (tonsils) Tyvo boys who recently escaped lfor an lustiint slie gazed at lilm In IIe wniited lior arms iiiioiit blin; tlie knife and put tbe point of tlio steel to oul'., yvas taken sick afteryvards and from the State Industrial school at speechless horror; nnd alroaoy lIie flglit would bo easier ilien. ^, bis tluinib nnn, Ills eyes strained, could'not come home until tbis yveek. Lansing, stole five automobiles dur­ then Inokod up. ''A little yvny,'' lie nil- ilurrics had almost oli.scured Ills gray "Oil, wIint's tlio use?'' he suddenly t South Aurelius and North * Aiso bis daughter, Lavsrn, yvlio has ing their feyv daj's of liberty. swered, ''but we can't keep our inaln figure. l-Iosperately slio tried to call sald to tlic wliid. ''Wily not glve up [ Onondaga j 'f dlrectlons. Tlio sun doesn't even cast ills atfcnflon from tlie track.s. Slie nnfl go baclc?'' u sbddoiv on niy mill to ,sliow us called, tlieii she rustled tlie branclies IIe lmlted ln tho trall and started yvliich ls west. \Vc could k'ecp up a as loudly as slie could. But tlie nolse to turn, lluf at tliat Instant a ban­ Word yvas received iiero last week while, iierlmps, but tlierc is no end to of tlie yvind obscured wlmt sound slie ner of wind swept down Into his face, from Farrell, Mlcliigau, of tlie death IS A FUNERAL FOR SHOW ALONE? tills yvlUioriic.ss and at noon or to- made, and the bear was already too and tile eddy of snow In front of him of Mr.?; Janie Ru.sseii-Humpbrey, for- niglit—tlie result would bc tlie sanie.'' iib.sorbcd ln (lie liunt to turn and .see yvas brushed I'roni ills gaze. .Iust for meiIy of this piace. For whose benefit is afuneral? Are tbe handsome casket, tlic beautifuLfloyvers, tlie silver fittings, merely for the neigbbors? If so, 'Tt niean,s--tlie end?'' lier. As nlwiiys, in tlie nearlng pres­ tile space^of a breiitli tbe canyon for Mrs. Coldie Snow, who has been at. bury them in a yvooden box—and forget. If, ou the otlier hand, they "If I can't catcli tile borse. I'm go­ ence of a foo, lils riige grcyv upon lilm. II luindrcd feet dlstant yvas partlaliy Dr. Long's hospital at Eaton llapids, are really the last tributes to one departed, yvhy put them into yvater and ing new. lf wc can regain tbe blan- Sobliing, l.,lnda swuug doyvn trom •cleared of tlie blinding streamers of for some time, yvas taken to her par­ mud yvithout protection. Buy the richest tribute you can afford, seal kets—by getting In rUlo range of tbo tbe tree. Slio had no conscious plan snow. And he uttered a loijg gasp ents, Mr. and Mrs.'Geoorge VanHorn, them into a NNORWALK VAULT and know that no mausoleum of liorsc---we miglit make some sort of of ald to lie'r lover. Slie only liad a yvhen lie .saw, thirty yards distant and of DuBois Neighborbood last Mond.ay marble or granite could give more lasting protection. Some undertakers shelter in tile snow and Inst out untll at tho fartliest reaclies of hls sight, for a yvhile. lillnd lnstlnct to seek blm, to try to won't bury really costly caskets without protection. yve ciin seo our way and get our bear- warn lilm of his danger, and at least the figure of a saddled horse. Mrs. Cullans of Ma^, Michig.an, is lngs. You don't knoyv of any sbelter—' to lie wltli blm at tlie deatb. Tlie groat His gun leaped to his shoulder, yet visiting her daughter, Mrs. Esther any cave' or cabin yvliere yvo might All good undertakers recommend theNorwalk tracks of tlic Killer, seemingly almost his cngcriioss did not cost hlin his self- Hemans, and family. build a lire?'' Vault-The best insist on it. as long as her own arm, made a plain control. Ho gazed quietly along the Mrs. B. H. Field visited her father, yvho is sick, at Mason, Tuesday. ''No. Tliero are sonio ln tlie hllls, trnll for ber to follow. She too struck sights untll he saw tbe animal's slioul- Word' yvas received here last yveek but yve cnn't SCO our yvay to find tiiem.'' olf into tlio storm-swept canyon., der lietyvoen tliem. IIls finger pressed Willbee Concrete Products Co. from the Masonnic Home at Alma, "I knoyv. I sbould bave tliought of «•*•.••• back agalnst tbo trigger. from Luke Hayvkins, saying he is Jackson, Michigan that. And you seo, wo can't bulld a And tlie forest gods yvlio dyvell some, Tlio lior.sc rocked doyvn, seemingly yvell and yvouid like to hear from any fire liere---overytlilng Is wet, and tliu yvliere ln tlie region wliore'tlio plne Instantly killed, and tbo snow swept snow Is boglnnlng to yvhirl .so yve tops taper lnto tlie sky, and yvlio pull couldn't koe)) lt going. If wc sliould the strings that drop nnd raise tbe stagger on all clay in tills storm and curtain and work tbe puppets tliiit are this snoyv, we conldn't endure tlio tlie players of tile yvildornoss drllnllls, niglit.'' Hc smiled again. "And I want saW;ii chance for a great and tragic you !:o cllinb u tree—and stay there— Jest in tills strange cliase over tlie untii I conie bnek.'' snow. Tlie destinies of Iiruco, Lliidn and tile Killer were already, converg­ Siio looked at: lilni dully. "yVluit's' ing on tills trnll tbat all tliroe'followed tbe uso, l,truce? Vou yvon't come —the path that tho runaway liarso back. You'll cliaso tbc tiling until you made ln tlie .snow. Only one of tlio die—I know you. Von don't know grenf forces of tlie yviir tlint lmd been wlien to give up. And lf you want yvaged at Trail's End yvas lacking, and Auction Sale ! to come bnclc—you couldn't lind tbe now be came also. i - • way.- I'm going wltli you.'' "No.'' Once niore slic started to Simoii Turner had ridden late into HAVING RENTED MY FARM I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE PLACE KNOWN AS THOMAS 'dlsoliey, but tlie grave dlspleiisuro In the nlg'lit and from before dnyvn; wltb HALE FARM, 2 MILES EAST, 1 MILES SOUTH OF DANSVILLE, OR 8 MILES NORTHWEST OF STOCKBRIDGE bls eyes restrained lier. "It's going to remorseless fury, lie bad goaded on talce all my,strength to flglit through his exhausted horse, ho had driven tliat snow—I must go fast—and may­ lilni yvith unpltylng strength through be life and deatli will have to depend coverts, over great rocks, down .Into on your strengtli at tlio end of tlio rocky canyons In searclref Bruce nnd frnll. You must .save lt—the little Linda, and now, as the dayvn broke, you have left. Since I must take he tliougbt tbat be had foui)d them. Wednesday, Feb. 14th the rllle—to shoot the liorse lf I can't He had suddenly come upon the tracks catch lilm—you must climb a tree. of Bruce's horse In the snoyv. You knoyv yvliy.'' • I If he had encountered them farther COMMENCING AT 12:30 O'CLOCK, SHARP, THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: "Partly to hide from Simon If he back, yvlten the animal had been run­ comes this way. And portly—'' , ning yvlldly, he tnlght have guessed "Because there's some danger In the truth and rejoiced. No man would attempt to ride a horse at a gallop that thicket beyond l" he Interrupted HORSES Registered Duroc Boar Lumber Wagon her. ''The horse's terror yvas real— througli that trnlUess stretcli! But at Weeder besides, yott heard the sound. It might the point he found the tracks most of Roan Mare, 11 years old„Weight 1300 POULTRY the horse's terror had been spent, and be only n pumil. But lt might be—, Gray Mare, 10 years old, weight 1200 Hay and Stock Rack the Killer. Syving your arms atid It yvas yvaiking leisurely, sometimes 60 White Leghorn Pullets BroWn Mare, 14 years old, weight 1000 4 Wagon Tongues struggle all you can to keep the blood loyvering its head to crop off the shrub­ 2 Cockerels Top Surrey floyvlng. I won't lie gone long.'' bery, nie trail yvas comparatively fresh, too; or else the fast-falling CATTLE Driving Harness He started to go, and she ran after IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, ETC. snoyv yvould have already obscured It. Work Harness him witii oufstretcbod arm.s. "Oli, Black Grade Holstein Cow, 8 years old He thought that his hour of triumph Johnson Grain Binder Caldron Kettle Black Holstein Durham Cow, 6 yrs. old yvas tiear. ' John Deere Riding Plow Black Steer, coming 2 years old McCormick Corn Binder But It had come none too soon. .\nd Harpoon Fork Black Heifer, coming 2 years old McCormick Mower Simon—out of passlon-fllled eyes- 110-ft.Rope looked and sayv that it yvould likely Deering Rake SHEEP bring death yvith It. Oliver Wheel Cultivator Chains, Forks, Shovels, Hoes He realized his position fully. The 9 grade Shropshire Ewes Rude Manure Spreader ^ Corn Planter storm yvas steadily developing Into Oxford Ram / Spring Tooth Harrow One Door, and other articles one of those tertIble-~-mountaln bliz­ Spike Tooth Harrow 25 new Bushel Crates ' zards In yvhich, yvithout shelter, no HOGS Harrow Cart human being might live. He yvas far HAY, GRAIN, ETC. 1-horse Drill from his home, he had no blankets, Five Duroc Sows, bred for March and and he couUl_not find his yvay. Yet April farrow Gale Plow No. 100 About 7 tons Timothy Hay he would not'^hnve turned back If he Five Shoats, weight about 125 to 150 lbs 1-horse Cultivator ' - 60 bushels Good Oats cotUd. The securing of the docutnent Seven Shoats^ weight 70 lbs. Bob'Sleighs Some Petoskey Seed Potaoes by which Brttee cottld, take the great estates from him yvas only a trifle now. He believed yvltolly yvithin his own soul that the wilderness—without his aid—wouid do his work of hatred for TERMS—FIVE DOLLARS OR UNDER, CASH; OVER THAT AMOUNT E IGHT MONTHS' TIME WILL BE GIV­ him; and that by tto conceivable cir­ EN ON GOOD BANKABLE NOTES, DRAWING 7 PER CENT INTEREST. /' cumstances cottld Bruce and Linda find shelter from the blizzard and live through the day. He could find their bodies in' tlto spring if he by any 7-' chance escaped liimself, and take the A. DIEn, Prop Boai9*FoIger' agreement from ..them.: But 1t was not enotigh. He wanted also to do the work of destruction. C.M.T0UN6, Clerk ORDPRICE^-Anctioiieei ;.Bven-hiB own death—lf it were only VOhi.lruee," Me Cried, "Oemelaelc dolajred' until bta yengeance waa toon—teeit. i Dent Leave M«"t*'Dle wreaked-^oold not 'matter .aow.: ^^10 Aleiwi* ' ' \< Page Ten INGHAM (X)IJNTY NEWS,)»ASON, SnCE, THURSI>AY, FEBRUARY 8,1923

corrscJousnesS ITdvetid above hfin, in" tlie grpyvlng' strengTir of hl^ face. flFe Iffid to Be centered" oln a vTttil the forces of the wild had made I Tlio man's eyes burned red through Jeep pallor upon tier ifaco;' yet,noyv ready to descend. Then his words spoke too, "As long place. against conquering man. But there the snow. ''Of course I yvould. Bid 'she gazed upon that frightful conlllct Strangely, he seemed to knoyv that as the silglitost chance rematns,'' he Tie wallcod steadily nearer untll It was pathos In It, too. There yvas the you think you could escape tpe?*' yvlth a strange and enduring calm. Simon had crept from his body ttnd ropllcd. sopnied to Linda he yvould advance symbol of mighty breeds humbled nnd ''It didn't mucb matter yvhetlier I Both she ttnd Bruco kneyv that there yvns even noyv reaching some dread­ "And you'll forgive me lf It comes destroyed. escaped you or not,'' Bruce answered yvas but one sure conqueror, nnd that straight luto reach of tho terrible ful yvcapon that lay beside tbe dead to nothing?'' rather quietly, "l^eltber one of us yvns Death, lf the Killer survived the daws. The Killer turned his head But tbe pines yvere left. Tiiose eter­ form of the liorse. ln an Instant he He smiled dimly. She took fresh* la going to escape tbe storm and the fight and through the mercy of thr and .sayv Jlrnce. Bage,flamed again nal .symbols of tbe yvllderness—and lmd It, and Bruce's e.vcs opened In lionrt yvhen she saw he still had cold. I suppose you' knoyv that."' forest gods spared their lly'es. there In bis eyes. Ile half-turned about; of powers beyond tbe wilderness— time to sec him swinging It aloft, lt strength, enough to siullo, "Vou don't I "l' know thnt one of us la. Be­ remained the blizzard. They could then poised to cbarge. still stood stralgbt and grand and Im­ was bis rifle, and Simon was aiming have to asif me that.'' '• cause one of us Is going out—n more conceive of no circumstances yvliercby Tbe gun moved swiftly, easily, to passive above them. While tlie.se two II murderous blow at him with Its "A moment ago an Idea came to direct \\ay---flrst. yVhlcli o^ic that Is further effort would be of the lea.st tbo man's sboiilder. Ids chin dropped lived, at least, they would still keep stock. , , Ine—It came so straight and sure it doesn't inucli matter?' lIls great nviiH. down, his straight eyes gazed along tbeir yviitch over the yvllderness, they I'here was no chance to yvard It off. yv/is n.-j^lf a voice told me,'' she ex- would still stand erect and bravo to liiinds clasped. ''Bruce, yvhen l The scene grew In fury. The last the harrel. ln spite of bis yvound nr-ver No liuiiiaii skull could yvlthstaud Its plained hurriedly. She didn't look at the buffeting of the storm and snow, Bnntclicd your gun right noyv I could burst of strength, was upon Simon; had liuiiiaii arms held more steady shattering Impact. him again. She kejit her eyes Intent and In tbeir sbado dyvelt strength and liave done more. I could have sprung In another moment he yvould be ex­ than bis did tlien. And ho marked the But tlmt yvar of life and death In upon the great footprints In .the snoyv. peace. a i'ew fee^ fartlier and lmd yon around hausted. The bear had suffered ter­ little space of gray squarely between the far roaches ot Trail's End was To mlss them for a second meant, in the walsl:—taken liy surprise. The rible punishment from tbo'bloyvs of tbo two reddening eyes. The cavern that yvns revealed to not to end so soon. At that Instant that yvorld of whirling snoyv, to lose figlit would bave been already over, the rifle stock. He recoiled once more, The flnger pressed . back stoadHy them had a rock floor and had been there was an amazing Intervention. them forever. ''It yva.s after tbe bear •i think I could have done more than then lunged with unbelievable speed. against tbe trigger. The rifle cracked hollowed out by runrpng yvater in tigos A great gray form came lunging had "•killed Simon and had gone ayvay. His huge paw, with all his might, be- In the silence. And then there was a past. Bruco built a lire, at Its .mouth out of the snoyv flurries. Their vision He acted exactly as If he tbouglit of hln() It, struck tbe weapon from Si­ curious cffect-of tableau, a long sec­ oC some of the long tree roots that ex­ was limited to a few feet, and so sometblug and went out to do lt—ex­ mon's hand. ond ln wlilch all tlireo figures seemed tended doyvn into lt, and the life-glv- fast the creature came, with such in- actly as If be bad ,a destlmitlon In ..Ing warmth yvas a benediction. Al­ It shot, through the air seemingly to stand deathly stlll. credible, smn.sblng power, that he yvas view. Didn't yon see—bis' anger ready tbe drifting snow had begun to almost as fast as the bullets It had The bear leaped forward, and it upon them In a breatli. lt yvn^ the seemed to die In him and he started cover tbo aperture. often propelled from Its muzzle, ,^^ind seemed wboliy Impossible to Lladn Killer In the full glory of the charge; , off. in the face of tbe storm. I've struck the trunk of a tree. So bard that Ifruco could swerve aside In time "We can wait here until tho blizzard and he had caught up with them at watched the ways of animals too long It came that the lock was shattered; to avoid the bioyv. She cried out In Is done,"'l?ruce told LIndii, as she sat last. not to know tbat be had somotliiiig In beside hini In tbe soft glow of' tho they beard tbe''l'liig of metnb Tbe horror as tbe groat paws whipped iiruce sayv only his great figure vieyv. It yvasii't food; be would have flre. "Wo have a little food, and wo bear rocked forward once more and down in the place wbere llruce bad loonilng just over, him. Slinon, yvith attacked tlie body of tlio lior.se, or can cnt niore from Hie body, of tlie struck again. And then alj the sound stood, lint the iiinn ball liecii itre- amazing nglllty, icniioil to one side even Simon's liody. If lie lmd just grlz'zly when wo need It. There's dead that was left was the eerie complaint pared for this very recoU, and be lmd jnst in time, then battered down the been running nwny or wandering, lie wood under the snow. And wlien the of the wind. siu'inig aside just us tbe claws raked rille stock with all bis strengtli. Knt yvould liave gone yvlth the wind, not storm Is over, wo can get ouf bearings Simon lay still. The bravo ligbt past. the blow was not nioant for llruce. agnln.st It. Ilo yvas weakened from tho and walk- out.'' was over. Ills trail bad ended fitting­ flglit—iK'rhaps dying-nnd I thlnlc—'' And Ilie lCliler would liimt no more It struck wbere alined—tbo great gray She sat u long time witliout answer­ ly—In tile gtIP of such' powers as were ln Trail's ICud. At tbe end of Ibut slioulder of tbe grizzly. lIe llnlsiied the sentence for lior. ing. "And after tliut?'' she asked. typical of himself. But the iiear did leap ile fcii, ills great body quivering Tben, dimmed and hiilf-ohscured hrBntbiessiy. '"I'liiit he's going tmvnrd He smiled. "No one know.s. It's'ten not leap upon bim to tear bis llesli. striingeiy In till! snow, '.l'be lend luul by the snow lluriIcs, there began as slielter.'' ' days before tiie thirtieth—tiie bliz­ For an Instant be stood like u stutne gone straight iiruiie wiiere it had been .strange a battle as tbe great pines "Ves. Von.l;no\v, P.ruce—t;lie bears zards ,np llere never last over tbree or In grny stone, head lowered, ns If in (limed, nnd tile clmrge itself hud bec'n above tbem had ever belield. The blbeniiite every year. Tbat's my one four days. We've got jiienty of tinio a strange attitude of tliouglit. Tben mostly luiiseulur reliex. Ile lay stiil lviiier's rage was upon blm, and tbe hope now—that the lCllier ims gone to get till! dociiiuejit (iown to tbo tbe great grizzly nttered one deep at lust, a gray, niuiuinotli figure ibut blow at tbe shoulder had arrested,Jds to shine ciive lie Icnmvs about to biiier- courts. Tile iiiw will deal witb tbo note niid biilf-turned nbout. Ills eyes W!is iiiajesiic even in . broken—and front-;-a place such as the rattle- of tbe snows that covered them. has made of existence u travail and a come yvlth me.'' stiakes had loved In the blasting sun of His answer yvas to stretch his great scourge. Man and beast and storm— "Vou yvere right when you said Without yvaiting for him to rise she summer—nnd a black hole yawned In arms and drayv her Into them. His there Is no escaping from this storm,'' those, three great foes yvero arrayed struck oft Into the storm, following its side. The aperture had been almost He Marked the Little Space of Gray laugh rang in the cavern. Simon yvent on. "But It doesn't much the s'atne as ever. Time syvung back­ tlie huge footprints of the bear. The covered yvith the snoyv, and they sayv Squarely Between the Two Redden­ ''Oh,, my dearest!'' he cried. The matter, lt's tlie end of a long yvar, ward a thousand-thousand years. man struggled with Iilmself, sum­ that the great creature was scooping ing Eyes. eyes lighted In his bronzed face. "I and yvlint happens to the victor Is The snow seemed to come from all moned all that was left of his reserve Byvny the remainder of the yvhite drift ask for everything-everything—bold neltlier here nor there. It seems all directions In great clouds and flurries supply of strength, and leaped up. He with his pnyv. As they yvalted, the step In the thicket. No more yvould that I am! And what I yvant yvorst— tlie more fitting that wo should meet and streamers, and time after time snatched his rifle from the ground opening grew steadily yvlder, revealing tlio herds fly Into stampede at the this minute—" just as yve have—at the very brink of lt wholly hid the contestants from where Simon had tliroyvn It, and In an the mouth of a little cavern in the sight of his great shadoyv on the ''Yes?'' death—and Death should be waiting lnstant was beside her. Her cheeks face of the rock. moonlit grass. The last of the Oregon "—Is just—a kiss.'' at the end for the one of us who Bur- were blazing. "Shootr',Linda yvhispered. ''If he grizzlies had gone the way of ftll his She gave It to him yvlth all the ten- vivos, lt's BO like this d—d, terrible "Maybe It just means further torr gets Inside we won't be able to get breed. dertiesB of her soft lips. The snow yvllderness in yvhich yv« live." ture,'' she confessed to film, ''but don't him out.'' sifted doyvn outside. Again the pines Bruce gazed in amazement. The you want to make every effort yve can But Bruce shook his head, then stole To Bruce and Linda, standing spoke to one another, but the sadness dark and dreadful poetry of this man's to save ourselves? Don't you want to nearer. She understood; he had only breathless and ayved In the snow* seemed mostly gone from their soft nature yvas coming to the fore. Tho fight till the last breath?'' one cartridge, and he must not take flurries, his death Imaged the passing voices. yvlnd made n strange echo to hia She glanced up and sayv her answer the risk of yvounilliig^tlte-aniipal. The of .an.ald orxLet'-rithfi Inst sioitd tMt [THE END.]' words—n long, wild shriek as It syvept over the heads ,of the pines. "Then why are you yvitlting?'' Bruco asked. "So you can tinderstand everything. But I guess that tlmo Is here. Tliere l.s to be 110 mercy nt the end of this llglit, Bruce; I iisl; none and will give none. Vou have waged a war against nio, you have escaped me ninny times, you have won the love of tbe yvoman I love—and this Is to bo my answer.'' Auction Sale! IBs voice dropped a note, and be spoke more quietly. ''I'm going to kill HAVING DECIDED TO QUIT FARMING AND MOVE TO LANSING, I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT you, Bruce.'' THE PLACE, THREE MILES WEST AND ONE AND ONE.FOURTH MILES SOUTH OF MASON, OR ONE MILE "Tben try It,'' Bruce answered stead­ EAST AND TWO AND THREE-FOURTHS MILES NORTH OF AURELIUS, ON ily. 'I'm In a hurry to go back to Linda.'' Slinon's snioldering wrath blazed up nt tho words. Both men seemed to spring lit the siHiie time. Tbeir arms Wednesday, Feb. 14th Hailed, tben interlocked; and tbey rocked II long time—buck and forth In tbe snow. COMMENCING AT ONE O'CLOCIi, SHARP, THE FOLLOAVING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: For tbe llrst time Bruce had full He Swuno It as a Club, Strlkinfl Aflaln I'calizatlon of Simon's mighty strength. arfd Again, Dodging the Sledge- With air the. power of hia body ho Hammer Blows and Swlnoino Aside HORSES POULTRY HAY, GRAIN, ETC. tried to yvrench him off bis feet, but In the Second of the Killer's Lunge*. lt was like trying to tear a tree from Bay Mare, 13 years old, welgllt 1250 Eighteen Mixed Hens 5 tons Clover Hay tbe ground. Bruce's eyes. , At siich times lie could, Some Corn in crib I But siiiTrlse at the other's poyver tell how the fight was going by sound Bay Mare, coming 7, Weight 1300 One Cockerel 50 bushels Oats, good for seed yvas not conflned to Bruce alone. alone—tbe snaria of the' Killer, the Tllese Horses are extra good ones ; Simon knew that he had an opponent yvlld oaths of Simon, the Impact of IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, ETC. Some Corn in Shock yvorthy of the Iron of his own muscles, tho descending rifle butt. Bruce, gave CATTLE Some Corn Stalks John Deere Wagon and be put all his terrible might Into no thought of taking part. Both yvere the battle. He tried to reach Bruce's enemies; his own strength seemed 6-year-old Full Blood Gray Durham True Stock Rack HOUSEHOLD GOODS throat, but the man's strong Bhouldor gone. The cold deepened | Bruce Cow, due Feb. 27 Deering Mower hold the arm against his side. Si­ could feel It creeping into his blood, DeLaval Cream Separator, in good John Deere Riding Cultivator mon's great hand reached to pin halting Its floyv, threatening the spark 9-year-old Guernsey Cow, due April 15 condition Bruce's arm, and for the first tlnio he of life yvlthin him. The full light These Cows are T. B. Tested 2 Walking Cultivators Bed discovered tlie location of his weak­ of day had come out upon the land. Stag Oliver Riding Plow Round Oak Chief Range ness. Bruce knew the wlldeme«s now. All SHEEP 2 Oliver 99 Walking Plewis Book Case. Ho saw the color sweep from ltis primitive passions were In play, all Bruce's face and water drops that Its mighty forces at grips. The storm One-hidf of twenty Brood Ewes Lever Drag ' . MISCELLANEOUS seemed to be trying to extinguish were not. melted snoyv come upon lt One-half of ten Ialst year Lambs Spike Tooth Drag It was all the advantage needed be­ these mortal lives; jealous of their In­ Iron Clad Incubator and Brooder ' Caiiolpy Top Buggy tween such evenly triatched contest­ trusion, longing for the world It knew i HOGS 2 ten gal. Milk Cans Planet, Jr. Garden Drill ants. And Simon forgot his spoken beitore, Hying things came, to dwell Sonie Grain Bags upon lt, when Its winds swept end-\ :'word that he.yvlshed this fight to b« One Brood Sow, due April 12 , ^ Set Heavy Work Harness Six Sacks Fertilizer a test of superiority alone. His fury lessly over an uninhabited, earth, atad Eight Shoats, weight 125 lbs. each 2 sets Buggy Harness Other articles too numerous to mention swept over him, like, a. flood aiiid ef­ its winter snows lay trackless and its faced all things else; and , he. cen­ rule was mtprente.. And-beneath it, tered his wliole nttaclc ttpoh Bruce's blind to the kitowledge that ln.union wound. ' ,v •• ', ' /, alette lay strengtli to oppose Its might TERMS—nVE DOLLARS OR UNDER, CASH; OV^R THAT AMOUNT NINE MONTHS' TIME WILL BE GIV­ In a moment he had hint dtjwn, and —to oppose an those cnjel forces that lie struck once into Bruce's whlte make a battleground of life—man and EN ON GOOD BANKABLE NOTES, DRAWING 7 PER CENT INTEREST. t face yvith his terrible knuckles. The t>eB8t fought their {)atUe to the dmtti. blow sent a strange sickness through •Linda came stealltjg'etit of the snb^ '';^'i|l| the younger man's frame; and he tried -.;following the , griJSBly'i, trall-rahd vainly; to struggle ltd.his feet. ''Fight 1, crept beside Bruce. She. crouched bb- 'FIglJt en r' yvijis the inesgage his mind slde'-hlm, and' his alrm y^ent about her dl9patc*eid. albn^^M^ ito Mr ail If to shield her;^.vShe had heai^ BERT^^EBB, Clerk GLEN T. PINCH, Auctioneer tfirtulfed muscles, but for im Inttant tlit, Iumndf of titii bttUe ftwilii nto


BjrLF.VMZelm AW, WHAPS THE USE C W.M.ni K.WIIMIIW UalM The EMckens With Waiting for Trains


ried to get there teeth repared up and HEARING OMiltls. GEISENHAFER ORDER OP PUBLICATION. IHORTGAGE SALE. BUSINESS CARDS state of Mlclilgnn. Tho Probate Court for State of Michigan. Tho Otrcutt Oourt for Dcfnutt hiivlng been made In tho condittons then spent there honymoon in the tlio Oounty of InRham. the Oounty of Infrhnm. In Chancery. of a real estate mortgage, whereby the power ATTORNEirS dentist chair, In ttio Mutter of tho Estato of OEOKCE Helen Slockatt, PlnlnttfT, of sale therein contained becanfo oiwratlve, Monday—l am I of the chelf ac­ OBtsBNHAFEti. Decensed. vs. made by Franli N. Flanagan and Anna Flan­ O. J. HOOD, Attorney at Law. Former! Bank Nottco lt hereby given thiit four months Albert stockott, Defendant. agan, husband and wife to the Farmers Bank, Bldg., Mason, Mtch. Ott«. phone, OtBce 102. tors in are playat skool. I half to from the 23rd day of January, A. D. t923. In thiB cBuae tt appearing from affidavit now a Michignn corporation, of Miiaon. Michignn. ^ 18.1r-pd. get the kings horse reddy for him .attd have boon nllowcd for creditors to prcBent on fllo that the defendant ls not a resldent of dated April 21, 190.1, nnd recorded in the Reg­ he yells at me and Bays, ls my horse thelr clalma tRnlnBt said decenaed to asld caurt the state ot Mlchigan, but resldei tn the State ister of Deeds ofllce for Ingham Oounty. Mich- A. A. BERGltlAN, Attorney and OounMlor for oxamlnntion and adluatment, and that nil of Now Jersey. U. S. A. igan, on April 23, 1001, in Liber 121 of Mort­ reddy James and l say IT ls so to­ crcdltorB of said decoiiacd are required to pre- at Law, Mason, Michigan. Bell phone B9. ~ Therefore, on motion of J. A. Bolco. Attor­ gages on page l.tO nnd nttcrwnrds duty assign­ • Iwl2p4 Slats' nite when he ast me I strutted on the •ent their clalma to gaid court, at the probate ney for said pinlntltf. ft la ordered that the office, tn the Oity of Moion, ln sald county, on ed by snld Farmers Bank to Lovlcla M. Dart stage and sed ls lT & they all laffed defendant enter hlB apiwarance in said cause by an assignment recorded in said Register of NURSES or before tho 23rd day of May. A. D. 1923. and on or before throe months, from the date of at what l joakingly referred to as a that said claims wllt be heard by said court on Decda In Liber 198 of Mortgages on page 235, this order and that within twenty days tho upon which mortgage there Is now claimed to GENEVIEVE D. OOLTHORP, Dramatical Airet'. tho 23rd day of May, A. D. 1028, at ten o'clocl< PlaintitT cause this order to bo publiahod tn tho Reglitered Diary tn tho forenoon. . be duo and unpaid tho sum of one thoiiannd Nuree, Bell phone 6O0-Ft3. <7wf«p Tuesday—Ma told us about a meet­ Ingham (bounty News, a nowapaper regularly dollars ns unpaid principal nnd no suit nt law. Dated January 23, A. D. 1928. published and circulating in lnghnm Oounty, ing today yvitch she attended .at and having been brought to recover anid sum, or L. B. McARTHUR, Michigan, said publication to bo continued once any pnrt thereof, notice is hereby given, that „ VETERINAR. _ ^ Y_ rote every she sed they were a man there yvith 1 .Iw.) Judge of Probate. tn each weeic for aix weeks in succession. by virtue of tlio power ot sale contained in Bald DB. L. A. WILEDEN.'ciaduatelf;^;!^;^^^^ weak spec- arm named Smith and pa ast her Dated this 12th dny of January, A. D. 1028. mortgage, the undersigned will sell at public Oflice and reiidonce South ''A'' street. Both iaiiy for what yvas the other arm named and ORDER OF PUBLICATION. CHARLES B. OOLLINOWOOD, auction to tho highest bidder on Saturdny, phonci. ^ Oircult Judge. April 21. 1023, nt ten o'clock in the forenoon 8l.tf the Noos for that we eat cold yveners for sup­ state of Michigan ' suit pending tn the Circuit Court for the J. A. BOIOE, Attorney for Pinlntltf. 810 Prud- of aald day nt the west front door of the court per just for lils foolishness. Oounty of Ingham, in Ohnncery, nt the Oity of den Bldg., Lansing, Michigan. 8w7 house in tho City ot Mason, Michigan, thnt DR. 0. W. WARD, Veterinary phyilctan ani being one of the plpces where the circuit court surgeon. Mason. Michigan. Botb phones. Wednesday—I am not the only easy Lansing, In said Oounty. on the ciKhtcenth day Oalls promptly answered night and day. • of January. A. D. 1923. ORDER FOR APPEARANOE. for snld county is lield. the Iniid descrilicd ln mark on the male side of are famly. Leon N. Taylor, Plnintitf, said mortgage, to satisfy aald mortgage debt, Pa.sont 2 bits ayvay hist weak to a Co. vs. state ot Michignn. Olrcuit Oourt for tlic together with all legal costs of foreclosure, said DK. GEOBGB C. MOODy. Vetwtnaiiy Bar. Oounty of Ingham. In Ohancery. Hiram Lane, netsoy Lnnc, Lewis Rcy- mortgnged land described ns follows: All of g«on. Oflice and restdence corner A and Aih tiiat sod tbey yvood sboyv him hoyv to yViillam S. Johnson, Plnintitf, tho East 21 feet ot the South 62 foot ot lot 7 streets, Mason, Michigan. Iw62pd noUtB, Laura Reynolds, Mary Aus­ vs. make his coal las tyvice as long and tin, A. I.:irby, nnd tticnm Austin, nnd tho yvest 2.1 feet of lot 8, all in block 8, tod.iy tbe answer cum and it sed, anil their resiiectlve unknown yViillam S. Johnston. PlnintltT, also tho perpetual right ot way over tho North FAliMERS' MCTUAL heirs, Icgntees, ,md. Mortgnge...... iK.iK^.. and Oct Sum of us diddent beieavo soon of iiad to of yvent to tbe dentist of aaid plaintiff that iio does not know and it ^ DENSMORE. Attorney tor Assignee, sey t-;ane, Lewis Reynolds, Htram Austin, Mary ADCTlONEERs ill sucli tilings but lia sed lie did on and of iiad tbem pulled any bow. And Austin, A. tClrhy, whoso Christian name Is un­ cannot be nscerlaincd in what state or country Business Ad.ircss, Mason, Michigan. .Iwl3 acct lie yvent io see :i of' tbem yviien tliai; yvay yvoodent be any fun. So I known, and their rcsiiectlvo unknown heirs, tho aald detcndant resides, therotorc, on motion devisees, legatees and assigns, reside, nnd af­ of yvilllain S. Cameron, attorney tor tho said lie yvas a yung man and slie told bim sbud yvlrry. plalntlfV, It Is Ordered, that said defendant LtCtitNSE TO SELL.— DcGROFT—FKB. 13 .,suni tliings yvitcli luul came true ill il ter diligent search and iniiulry plaintiff Is un- State ot Michigan. The Probate Oourt tor NOTICE aiilo to ascertain the names nnd where nbouts enter her appenrnnce in aaid cause on or be­ srate many respeek.s. She told bim ot tho persons who arc Included ns defendants fore tiiroc months from the date of tiiis order, the County ot Ingham. sales booked to me Withilli ibere was a future abed of him. And without being named; and tiiat witiiin forty days from said iast men-1 At a .session of said Oourt. held at the Pro- tionod date, plaintifi: causu this order to bo bale Office in the City of Mason, in said coun- j there yvas. Way ailed. &. siie aiso Tlierefore. upon motion ot 0, J. Hood and published in tho Ingham County News of Ma­ sixty days will call fori percent. Red io liim Vou yvill lie very rich or yv. S. Soelye, the attorneys for tho plalntltE, IT IS 0Rt:u.:Rt5D that nil said defendants enter son, Michigan, a newspaper puiilisliod in said ty. on the 17th day ot January, A. D. 1923. Satisfaction CUarantfiOd P.*! Vfliro eiilier very poor and be is. Very county, said publication to he made onco each Present; HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge ovnr>>.;«v,n« 1" m"? tiioir aiipoaranco in said cause wttliin three week for six weoks in sureosaion. months from the date ot this order, and tliat of Probate. ; e>vperience. Georg-e A. Tuttle, poor. Cenrelly speaking. LELAND yv. OARR, Circuit Judge. within forty days the plaintiff cause this order DcGROFT.'tJicea^d.''" , {^18 fariRev auctioneer, Mason R. Saturday—i\lrs. Ciilem was a tell­ yVM. .S. CAMERON, Attorney for Plalntllf. to be published In the Ingham County News, a .Iw? yvlliinm F. DeGroft having filed In said court I.^. 4. \j<\\\ WllliamStOn phonC ing us about lior ncece yvitcli slie sed / newspaper puhlisiicd and circulated In said his petition, praying for license to sell the in- 42-1L-2S at mv Pvnpnsp fJitr/ti-, Inid a very iiigiigeiiig disposition and county, said publication to bo continued once tei-est of said estate in certain real estate " '"^ t-^lJense. bW4p in each week for six weeks in succession. APPT. OF ADM'R. FIEDLER—FEB. 9 tiieretn described. I list pa yviiat did she mean by a in. OHAllLES B. COLLINGWOOD. State of Michigan. The Probato Oourt for tt ia Ordered, Tiiat tho 13ili day ot February, gageing (iisjiosition & pa replyed and Circuit Judge. tho County of lnghnm. A, D. 1923, at ton o'clock in the forenoon, nt COL. M. E. JACOBS said probate oflice. bc and is hereby appointed sed tbat tills girl bad been ingaged 0. J. HOOD, W. S, SEELYE. PlalntUI'fl Attor­ At a session ot aald Court, hold at tiio Pro- Imto Oflice In tho City ot Mason, In said coun­ for iieiiring said petition, and that all poraona Auctioneer four times already and ba(l excaped neys, tiusiness Address, Mason, Mich. The above suit is to nuiet plalntllt's title to ty, on the nth day ot January, A. D. 1923. interested In said estate appear lieforo aald Farm Safes and Live Stock a \ court, at snld time and place, to show cause eacli time so fur. the soutii lialf ot tiie south halt ot the south­ Present; HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge specially. of Probate.' why a license to sell the Interest ot said estate Sunday—A yung lady yvlioni be­ east (pmrter ot the nortiicast auartor, and tho north four.ftftlia of tiie nortiicast quarter of In the Matter ot the Estnte of OATHERINE in said real estnte should not bo grnnted;' Satisfaction Guaranteed, Li....i.i^.. It Furthcr Ordered, . Thnt public notice longs to a club lins got a paper to rito tlie southeast quarter, of Section twenty-eight, FIEDLER, Deceased. t 025 E. Franliiln, Lanslno. CIti. 7S96 up and road at ibe club and sbe a.'it in Town one nortii. Range one west. Leslie, Pnul 0.'Fiedler, liaving filed in said Oourt ' thereof be given by publlcalloii of a copy ot lnghnm Oounty, Michigan. his petition praying that the administration of this order, for three success vo weeks provioiis pa if he cud- help ber enny as she neyv said estate bo granted to himself; or to some to snld day of hearing, In the Ingham (3ounly be rote on tlie tiaper sum times when O. J. HOOD, W. s. SEELYE, .iw7 Attorneys for Plnintitf. other suttnbtsuitableo iiersopersonn ;! I News, a newspnper printed and circulated In Ibe boss yvas iiyviiy & cuddent find no It is Ordered, That tho 9th day of February. said county. L. C. McARTHUR, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. C. W. JEWELL I else to do it. Siie yvanted to no tbe PftOBATE Ot.' WILL. BALDyVIN—JtfAR. 6 LICENSE TO SELL. WOODWORTH—FEB. 27 A. D. 1923, nt ton o'clock In tho forenoon, nt said Probato OfTice, bc nnd 1B hereby nppointed O. A. OLINTON, Register of Probate. 3w.l . clieif reason that yvinimen got marry- Stftto ot MtciiiKnn. Tlie Probate Court for state of Michigan. Tho Probate Oourt for tiio County of Inglmm. for hearing snld jietltlon ; The Popular Auctioneer ed for and pa .sod as fur as he neyv the Oounty of Ingham. ORDER OF PUBLIOATtON. At » scssion of Biud Court, liolr] nt tlic Pro- At a session of snld Oourt. hold nt the Pro­ It is Further Ordered.', Thnt public nottco they most genreily all yvays got mar- biito Oltlco in the Oity of MiiBon, in Hiitd coun­ bate OtHco In the Oity ot Mason, in said coun­ thereof be glv«n by publication of a copy ot State ot Michigan. Tlie Olrcuit Oourt for Leslie, MIcIi. ty, on tlic 6th liny of Febninry, A. D. t»2,S. thlB order, for three succcBsivo weeka previous the Oounty of lnghnm. In Ohancery. ty, on tlio Stst day of January. A. D. 1923. to said day of hearing, tn the Ingiinm Oounty Present: HON. L. B, McARTHUR, JuciKO .Present: HON. L B. McAUTHUR, Judge Frank Dcyo, Plaintiff, Telephone at my expense of Proliate. News, n newspaper printed nnd circulated tn VB. of Probate. aald county. L. B. McARTHUR. tn tiio Mutter of tho Estulo of LOtS DALD- In the Matter of the Estate ot OORA CiiaricB Tiiayer, Augustus Garrett. Charles (A true copy.) Judge of Probato. H. 'VanDorn. Lowell Hunt, Mary Town- .WtN, Docoiiscd. yVOODyVORTH, Mentally Incompetent. C. p. DOLBEE, OenernI Auctioneer. My best Miirtiii O. tlnlilwln nnd M. Jny tlntdwin hnv- Clark Oarter having (lied ln said court hia RUTH L, GILLESPIE. send. Israel O. Stephens, • Peter Van­ Deputy Register of Probate. 3w.t Dorn, Grant Goodrich. Richard P. Mar­ ndvertlsoment is the men I hnvo aold for. The Story of ing filed in said, court tiieir iiottUon prnyinj? petition, .prnylng for license to sell tho inter­ Ask them. Beat of servico and satisfaction tliiit a,certain Instrument in writing, imi'iiort- est of snld estate in certain real estate Ilieruiu vin,. Elihu Granger, Onnvgn Field. LIOENSE TO SELL. VOss—FEB. 27 I'tiOfiins Rogers, 2iiii, Nntiianioi F. Hop- Kunrnnteed. Oitl-iens phuno 1CC-2R. Onll at iuK to bo tiie iast wiil and testament of said described. my expense. ' 39wl.tpd deceased, now on flic'in said court lie admitted It la Ordered, That tlio 2,7lli day ot Febni- State ot Michigan. Tlio Probate Oourt for kina. Aiesiil H. Hopkins, Charles P. Our States Thnyer, C. P. Thayer, Joel Thayer. to probate, and that the administration of said ary, A. D. 1923, at tcii o'clock In tiie forenoon, the Oounty ot Ingham. FRANtC RODAOti, Gdnornt Auctioneer. Terms estate Ijo Krantod to Atarttn O. IJalciwin and at said probate ofrico, be nnd Is hereby np. . At a session of said Oourt. hold at tho Pro­ Oharlos It. Rogers, Charles H. Darrow. By JONATHAN BRACE right. Phone mo nt my residence. Oita. phono' M. Jay tiaidwin or to some otlier suitable iior- pointeit for hearing said petition, nnd that all bate Onico in the City ot Mason, In said coun­ Carlton It. Rogers, And 'fhclr Unknown or at E. F. ti'oster's. Both phonos. Ford son. persona Interested In said estate appear before ty, on tiie 31st day ot .January. A. D. 1923. Heirs. Devisees, Legatees nnd Asaigna, Sates and Service, Lansing, .111 So. Clem- XLVL—NEW MEXICO It is Ordereci, Tiint tiie Bill day ot March, said court, nt said time nnd place, to show Present; HON. L. 13. McARTHUR. Judge Defendants. mins Avo., Lansing. .jO-tt s ITS A. D. 10211, .at ton o'clock In tho forenoon, at caufi) why n llccnoo to sell the Interest of said of Probate. Salt ponding. in tlie Circuit Oourt for tho said prohato olfice. He nnd Is hereby appointed In the Matter ot tho Estate ot. OHRIS- County.of Ingham, in Ohancery, nt the Oity of name ini- cst^ in said real estate should not bo grant­ F. E. STEVES, general auctioneer. Sattsfsctloa for hearint? said petition ; ed: TOPHER VOSS, Deceased. Mason, in said Oounty, on the 29tli day of Jan­ p i i c s. New ]t is Further Ordered, Tlia't public notice It is Further Ordered. That public notice E. A. Densmore having filed in said court his uary. A. D. t9'23. gunrantced. Mason. Mtch. Ueil phone. Iw6!p Mexico's bis- thereof be Kiven by publication of a copy of thereof lie given by publication ot a copy ot Iiotltlon, praying for license to soil tho Inter­ In this cnuse It appearing from affidnvit on this order, for tiireo successive woeiis previous est of said estate in certain real estate therein lite that it cannot he ascortnlned In what state •W. A. MURRAY, expert auctioneer. Satta. tory is close­ tills order, for three successive weeks prevloua to'said day ot hearluK. in the Ingiiam Oounty to snlit day of hearing, in tho Ingham Oounty described. j Or country tho dotondants reside. I faction ifuarnntoed. Terms reaionable. P, ly nilied wit'ii News, ft newspaper printed and circulated in News, ft nowapaper printed nnd circulated ln It Is Ordered, Thnt tho 27th day ot Febru- - On motion of A. A. Bergman, Attorney tor ,0. Webberville. Both phones. Old Alexico. said county. I^. 13. McARTHUR, snld county. L. B. McARTHUR, ary, A. D. 1923. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, !Plalntifr, it is ordered that the defendants! (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. (A true copy.) Judge ot Probate. at said probate ofiSce, be nnd is hereby ap­ cause tlidir nppoarnuce to be entered in this FRED THAYER. General Auctioneer. Masoa. It yvas tiie RUTH L. GII.LESPIE, RUTH L. GILLESPIE. pointed for hearing said petition, nnd thnt nil cause on or before three months from the date | R. D. 1. Aurelius Phone fiOT. , tw62pd Spanisii wiio yvoro its lirst ox- Deputy RcBlstcr of Probate. Cw.l Deputy Register of Probate. Bw.t persona Intereatod in said estnte nppenr before of this order, and that in default thereof tho snld court, nt snld time nnd pinco, to show bill of complaint filed in this cauae he taken FINAL AOOOUNT. • FULLER—FEB. 27 plorcrs, De Vacii visiting this cnuse why a Ilcenso to acll tho interest of enld region ill 1530 and Coronado estnte in said real estate should not be grant­ "°And ^tTs further ordered, that within twen- i ,. ^'"^ °/ Michigan. The Probate Court for four yours later. 'I'bo natives ed; ty days the plaintiff cause a copy of this or- tt>o Oounty of Ingham It la Furtlior Ordered. Thnt public noticiceo dor to be published i• n th- o InKha- • m Oount- y v At a"^"^^r"H°\'r''^ BCBslon ot said Oourt, hel^ d at the Pro- yvere tile Pueblo ' Indians, al- thereof be given by publication of n copy oof News, a newspaper printed, published nnd cir- T- i" City of Mason, In said cou tbough tbey are somtimcs errone­ ON SAVINGS tills order, for thre„ e auccessivo weeks previouus.culntlns • g in said, county, nnd thnt such publi-, j; *'''p°ui"i "'uiOu M\n any oi J'"V;''7;„;{^'„P.January. A. uA. 1823. ously reputed to have been Az­ to Bald dny of henrlng. in tho lnghnm Oounty t cation bo continued therein nt Icnat onco >r'•i „£ PrcaentSL"",".,:^ HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judga 132 years successful business under Nowfl. a newspnper printed and circulated In cnch week for alx weeks In succoBi'lon. i ,t! ^ tecs as tbey yvere yvell advanced said iounty. L. B. McARTHUR, | Oounteralgned: LELAND, yV„. Ov,.xvv.vA tlR.. P/.'JTTP'^, "''"O^ f of Estate of N. OLYDB in tbe arts and had a compara­ State Supervision without loss of a (A true copy.) Judge ot Probate. O. S. CHAMBERLAIN, Clerk. Olrcuit J.Jdgn. SHf'J'™' ^^"T^X'^^'r.^KJ'y.l^'r^.y^.T"''^ tively high civilization. These RUTH L. GILLESPIE. To the above named defendant.!, take notice , ^ \ ^^^^^f, FV^^"^?' penny to any investor. We pay 5 Deputy Register of Probato'. 6w.t thnt the bill of complnlnt la filed in this cause , ''"Vtnif tltod In said court lier Indians yvere conquered in 1508 and 6 per cent on savings and even more on our Cumulatire — for tho purpose of nuletlng tho title to tho ' <>«o«nt as guardian of said minors, an* by Juan de Onate and became PROBATE OP WILL. RAlE—FEB. 27 1 Innds described therein nnd to bar nil of your , tj?"""" for the allownnco thereof, Certificates, which for years past have earned B'/j to 7 per ^••r«.^|{x^« subject to Spanish rule, being State of Michigan. , The Probato Court for„.r rights thereto . ' discharged as such guardian. Snld lands being described as foltows, to-wit: I Ordered. That tlio 27th day of Febru- forced to yvork the mines and cent. Your money back ON DEMAND with interest or tho County of Jnghnm. At a session of said Court, held lat the Pro­ The southeaat nunrtcr of section one, nnd tho ' "P'„j>; ^'-J' °.<='°°'' in the forenoon,, pay tribute. Missions yvere estab­ earnings added. Write for booklet! bate Oftico In tho Oity of Mason, in said coun­ northwest quarter of the nortlicaat nunrtcr of j "'.»f'^ P^^ate Office, be and Is hereby ap- acctlon twelve. All In Town two north. Rnnire t'^'nt-^'i cxnmlning and allowing Bald nc- lished and Santa Fe yvas founded ty, on tlie 2(ith day of January. A. D. 1923. count nnd henrlng aald petition ; Present: HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge one west; Vcvny Township, lnghnm Oounty, about 1G05. Capitol Savings & Loan Ass'n Michigan. A. A.' BERGMAN, It is Further Ordor^d. That public notica of Probato. thereof b« given by publication of a copy of Except for a period of ten In tho Matter ot the Eatntc ot MARY RAE, Attorney for Plnlntltl. Buslnesa AddreSB, O. A. Clinton: Local Agent, Mason Lansing, Mich. Mnaon. Michigan. 6w7 this prder for three' succesBlvo weeks prevloua Deconsed.. to said day ot hearing. In the lnghnm Oounty years yvlicn the Indians revolted Mnrthn Wnuvio having filed in snld court and maintained their indepeu- HEARING CLAIMS. GEISENHAFER " newspaper printed nnd circulated In her petition prnylng thnt n certain instrument *''''""''^"***' 'said county.. L B. McARTHUR, dence, Neyv Mexico retnained un­ tn wrtttng. purporting to be tho Inst will and State of Michigan. Tho Probate Court for (A true copy.) ,7«dge :of Probato. testament of said deceased, now on file in snld the Oounty ot Ingham. O. A. OLINTON, Register of Probato. • 6w.t der Spanish control untll in IS2I court be admittcd'to probate, and thnt the nd- In the Matter of thjo Estate of MARY Mexico gained Its Independence minlstrntion ot said estnte tic grnnted to Roy GEISENHAFER. Deceased. Rao, or to aomo other sultnbte person. MOr.TGACE SALE NOTICE. from Spain and Neyv Mexico Notice is hereby given that four months Default having been made tn tho conditions It ls Ordered. That tho 27thr day of Febni­ from tho 2Gth day of January, A. D. 1923, of a real estate mortgnge, whereby tho power became a province of Mexico. nry, A. D. 1923, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, have been allowed for credttors to present thetr Our Somi-Annnnl Blvldend Certillcntes Arc of Bale therein contained became operntivo, Thus It remained until the out­ nt said probate oflice. bo nnd is heretiy ap­ clnlms ngninsf anid deceased to said court for made by Ohnrlcs A. Clark and Ada D. Olnrlc, break of the Mexican yvar, yvhen pointed for hearing said petition; examination nnd ndjiistment, nnd that nil hls wife, to John Oloar, Sr.. of Lnnalne, Mich- Better Than Bonds , It is Furttier Ordered, That public notice oredltprB of anid deceased are required to pre- tgnn. dated January 2, 1920, recorded In tho ln 18I6 Colonel I'Cearny iparchcd aont tlieir clnlms to aald court, nt the Probate Because tliey are always worth 100 cents on tbe dollaiwnot snl)- thereof be given by publication of n copy of Register of Deed's office for Ingham Oounty. from Fort Leavcnyvorth yvith Ids this order, for three auccessivo weeka previous Office, In tho Oity of Maaon, in Bald county, Michigan, on January 0, 1920. tn itbor 20G of Jcct to inarliet conditions. on,or before the 2(;th dny of May, A. D. 1928, troops, occupied Santa Fe and to snid day of hearing,'in tho lnghnm County mortgages on pnge 481, upon .which mortgage News, a newspaper printed nnd cireulnted tn and .that snld claims wilt bo' heard by said there Ig now claimed to be due nnd unpnid the- declared this region a part of tlio Better Than Stocks snld county. ' L. B. McARTHUR, court on the 26th dny of May, A. D. 1923,-at principal nnd interest amounting to $8,17.1.49. ten o'clock in the forenoon. United States. By the 'Treaty Bocauso they can l>o cnslied for tlieir full vnlne at any time—and (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. nil of which the mortgagee hereby electa to yvith Mexico in 1848, the upper RUTH L. GILLESPIE; Dated January' 26, A. D. 1923. consider as due. and payable,nt tho date here­ are non-siiecnlatlve. Deputy Register of Probato. • Bw4 L. B. McARTHUR. . of, by renson of the non-payment In full of part of the state yvas formally 6w4 Judge of Probate, the InstRllment of Interest duo and payiible on ceded to the United States and Better Than Certificates of Deposit ORDER OF PUBLIOATIOX. July 2, 1922, as nllowcd nnd provlded for In said mortgage, and no suit at law having been the 'Territory of Mexico yvas or- Because they share ln all tlie net profits. State of MtchlBan. Tho Olrcuit Oourt for APPT. OP ADM'R. MeCORlafCK—FEB. 27 State'of MichlBnn. Tho Probate Oourt for brought to recover tald debt, notice' la hereby gauizod in 1851, yvhich reached They are issued for any multiple of fjiao.OO. the Oounty of lnghnm in Ohancery. given that by virtue of tho power of sale con­ Mary Lauer, Plalntltr, the Oounty of lnghnm. fj'om Texas to California. • '. Dividends are iNild by check or compounded. ' tained in aald mortgage, the mortgagee, will vs. , At a Bcufllon of said Oourt. hold at the Pro- •ell at public auction to the highest bidder on Tliey are tax exempt anil net 5% and 0%.. Wmlam Lauer, Defendant. • • bate Otflce In the City of Mason, In said, coun- Arizona was set oft from New Saturday, March 8rd; 1023, at nine o'cloclc In Sutt pendins in |]ie Circuit Oourt for the ty, on the 29th day of January, A. D. 1928. the forenoon of aald day, nt the north front Mexico in 1863 and a feyv years Aslc for Booklet Oounty of l|ighnm"ln Chancery, at tho City of Present! HOfJ. L. B. ^cARTHUR. Judge entranca to the City Hall Building on West Lansing, in said Oounty on the SOth day of later a portion wag contributed - Itosources Ips,500,000.d0 EstabUshed 1889 Ottawa Shrtet, Lansing, Htehigan, (that being: Decembeir, A. D. 1922. ' ..^ , . In the Matter of the Estate of SHELDEN ofta of the places where the Circuit Court for ' to Colorado. Applicatlon for ad-' ' Under State Supervision In this cause It appearlns by the affidavit of H.. McOORMlCK, Deceased. , . ' Ingham County it held),, the lands dsHribed.in • mission as a state started in tJie plBlntla that it cannot be ascertained In Cieorge B.. McOormlcIt having filed In said tald mortgage, or such part thereof at shall b« what state or country the defendant now re- Oourt hts petition praying that the admlnlstro- 1850, but lt was not until 1810 necjstary to latltfy the amount due thtnon, ildet, therefore on motioti of Spencer D. Keller, tlqn of said estate be granted to Louise Mc- with interait thereon at six. per cent par an-' that New Mexico. becattne the attorney for the plaintiff, it i» ordewd, Iliat Oormlck. or to some other auitable person: nam, togtther with »1I legal eoitt, a pareal of forty-seventh state,': defendant enter hli appearanee in aaid cause It ia Ordered, That the.27th day of Febru­ land datcribtd at; tht w«it forty-ona and one- within three months from the data-of this ary, A. D. 1923, at ten o'cIocIc In the forenoon, half.ftet of tha tut half of: lots .levaa ana New Mexico raiilcB fourth ln order and that within twantr daya the pIaln- at iatd Probate Office, be and Is hereby ap-, Iwalva, bibck one hnhdrtd twtnty. In tbe Oity tifl cauae this order to h« publIihtd in tha Ing*. size among the states with ao pointed. for hearlnff said. petition: : . . / of Xaiitlni, Ingham Connty. UiehlfaB. Tbt ham County News, sold pat>Iluat!ui< tu bt con­ I It I* Farther Ordered; That public notiea ttit Ilm of'laid paretl to bt MM etnUr of • area of 1^,684 square miles, but tinued once each weeic for tlx WMita in tne- 1250 Griswold St. Itheraof be given by publication of a copy of ttvtn footdrlvtto IM tuUntthMd from AUf ls sparsely populated and accord-: ecMlms or that ah* eauN aeopr of this ordtr thif oidir. for thrM ineeoMlva wasIif pravloaa •tn IHittti'te'bwn.tntnnet,-'-.'.':.i.'-v to b« panonalIr nmd upon uid defanduit at ; ioigiy hioi;: only'. tliree ' eleetratl: \j>DETBOIT; 'to laid dar of hfaring, in the Ingham County i«a«t twahty dart:Mora thttitMabon.prii., Nawfc.;a nawipapair printadjmd eIwjI*^ Votes for Prwldent.-' F. AJPtald, MMOB •igldMonat^y'•'•-^:'-'^'L?'B. MeAKmp, : tr'iiaCihmWimnapw; IndiMi^ a nLUtr, nihittri AttecBw. iAMmik LHUIU. Mitlil- imim:BMf.^'UailiHU''MMi:

to the,toyvnship hoard to at-rt^nge for Mrs. Bertha Kieeiei', one day last lay fuinlment of.-the ideals for which mostly wilderness, the barking of B1CKENS IN BRON/iE. week. " ' . . the Legion .stands. yvolves, prowling of bears and occa- perpetual care for biirial lots iti the r She is an Old Negro mammy and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Reynolds yvere lti otiier .yvords: Hiry'e you paid si'oiia! appeai'juicc of tho Red Man different cemeteries in the toyvnship. has been in the employ of An.«jrt- Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. your Ijogion dues? being no uncommon occurence, Here The pian to he the same that is in Ma- Kraemer for manj' years. Yesterday Secore.. Arc you ii peace-time Bengdoll? he greyv to manhood receiving' his DANSVILLE son. Arthur Fieming, .id. E. Park, she was dusting, and yvhen she came education in the ii.earby school, and lto.ss Thorburn, George, Shayv, Roiiin One d.ay last week AVill Barnes, an. to a bronze bust of Charies Dickens as the years passed assisted ills brotli- Mrs. Irinii Huiiibergor, Ckir. Wiison.ai'e tho committee. Onondaga youth, enroute to Eaton she stopped and iuquired: Rapids high school, drove his li'ord ers in taking father's place. Novem­ ,'I'he Holt AVomen's Ciub yviii meet MANY LIQUOR CASES ''Mistah Kraemer, yvho am dis here ber 20, 1S88, he yvas uni(.'ed in mar­ yvith Mrs. Iva Cbandier Tuesday, Teb. car face to face into the Ford car geninan?'' di'lvcn by AVni. Clarice, yvlio yvas tak­ riage lo Millie AA'ellnian of ljeslie mimpiutini ilnliiiniiitltiiinninBiilBrlinlinnltlinnijttliI3th, for itheir regular monthly ses­ "That is Charies Dickens, aunty, '^jjj^^xnm i ing bis milk to Onondaga, aiid his toyvnship, continulug their residence sion.. Mrs. Maude North, the presi- JRED IN COURT the noted autiior,'' replied Mr. I yvili be al; tbe toyvn hall Saturday, deut of the organization fell on the children to scliool. The accident yvas at, tlie "Old lIonie'' several years, (Continued from page one) Kraemer. Feb. IOtb and 17tb, for registration ice a short time ago, receiving painful caused by the icy condition of the yvlicn they .moved to a farm in the sing. AAHien Mr. 'i'oyC'ncr liad learned "Am dat him?'' , Old aunty's eyes for tile geuet'al pritnai'y election to bo injuries from yvhich she has not roads. Neither car co.uld be driven Mawley community living tliere about the checks yvere yvorthless.-he brougbt shone yvith delight. "I'se done hyear held .March 7, I!)23. Louis' J. fu'Hy recovci'ed. from the rut. The Clarke car had tyvo years, from \vbeuce tbey moved suit agaiust Crittenden.' Crittenden a iot about dat Dickens. 'lDeed, Mistah Tiiompsoii, toyvnship cierk. come to a stop previous to the colli­ to tlie present lionid—l\;lrs. Holcomb's ciaimed he did not knoyv the checks Kraemer, Pse don'o liyear so much Fcrd Osborne of Lansing, 'is at sion and although the Barnes car yvas birtbplace. One son, Archie, glad­ yvere wortliless as wlien lie received about hlm I alius thought lie yvas a home caring for his fatiier,and moth- badly daniaged and the body of the dened their .liome. In his earlier t Clarke Center tliem lie was so drunk he could not yvhite genniaii.''—-Neyv Orleans Times er, Mr. and Mrs. 9. II. Osborne, yvho Clarke car ruined, no one yvas hurt. life he yvas a sturdy man until falling even tell the amount of money due Picayune. have been sick for soverai days. health became master. Several years him, and only took yvhat the' otliei. Only seven cbiidren rode in to Wm. Lavis is on the slck list. ho gradually declined, suffering in­ men gave hlm. He yvas sentenced to .TOYOUS SARlENllSS. school yvith Henry hoe and eight yvith li'red Bullen and Elbert Tommerei tensely at tlnies but courageously ^ West Inehanl Ionia at liard labor for a term of not Ijioyd IIayhoe on Wednesday. are still unable" to att,end school and ...... 1 struggling on, wanting so much to ''Don't you find tile monotony of more than fourteen years and not less Miss Faye IIulilljcrger spent the Miss Hattle Bullen was unable to at- live. AVhen yvell he enjoyed life and Crimson Gulch rather tiresome?'' • than six montlis. The lesser term yvas always ready to aid otliers. Ho yveek end yvlth Miss Olive Icing ot tend Monday. Mrs. Rose Coryvin spent AVednes- "Monotony is all right in its piacev" yvas reconunended by Judge Colling- failed rapidly the past yveek, respond­ Mason. Roy ltusch's family are on the gain. day yvith Mrs. IIerman Smith, .ansyvered Cactus Joe. ''The comfort yvood. ing to lDeath's call at the midnight Mrs. A. Bravender is reported on Word from Syvartz Creek, says Mr, and Mrs, Edd Royce yvere in of lookin' at four aces, one after tiie hour, lt'ebruary 5... He leav(3s to tho gain. Master Otis Cady is gaining slowly. Lansing on business Tuesday. Edyvin Burke was idace'd on proba­ otiier, is a heap better tlian the thriil mourn tlieir loss, bis ever faitliful The Junior class yvill serve hot Blaine Briggs of Leslie, spent the The families of Lloyd Haylioe, C, tion for tyvo years for violation of tbe of seein' one or two.''—AVashingtou yvife, yvliose untiring efforts to relieve lunches in the basement of tbe school yveek end .at John Collins. Williams and Ray Opdyke are all on state liquor layvs. , Burke is a .voung Star. bis suffering never ceased, bis son and building, beginning at 0:30. 20c The Railroad Social at the Robbins tho sick list, ^ man about twenty years of age, ims a .family, one brothc^r and a host Qi plate. l3veryone come and buy, tben cbuvch bas been postponed, to some yvife and baby, and for sonie.timo had neighbors and friends. , Funeral ser­ l!Ml'OIlTAN'l' BlSCOVEIJY. stay to tlio basketball game in tbo future date, on account of sickness been selling yvbisky. He is to pay vices yvere Iield at tbe Jiden church "AViiat yve yvant to discover,'' said evening betyveen ltJaton Raidds and and bad roads. Tbe W. F. M, S, yvas .$50.00 for the costs of the court and iincd $100. This line is to be Paid 'rbursday at! 2 p. Ill, Rev. .Mead offi­ counsel, "is yvho yvas tile aggressor.'' tile Dansville teams. Both boys and also postponed. AMERICAN ciating, yvith burial in AVoodlayvii ''l3li?'' said the flei'ce-looking yvit- girls. from yvagds received by iiim yvitbin cemetery. ness, doubtfully. Mrs. A'ernice lloy of I.^ansing, visit­ tbe next six montiis. "Let me explain," said counsel ed' her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. White Oak William Livingston yvas found / _—. t IKitientiy. "If I met you in tlio streec Alf. Bravender, Monday. Dope! guilty of assault yvith intent to steal, lN MKMOIllAM. and struck you in tile face I sliould AVe understand I'''ord IIayiio'e has and liis sentence has not yet been giv­ ln loving renienibrance of our dear be the aggressor.'' pneumonia. Tlic family moved to Mrs. Albert Nelson and baby of AVrittcn nnd en. On October C, 1D22, Oscar Smitli son and brotlier, George .Kiiicli, yvbo "No, no. You don't understand. Lansing a short time ;igo. near AA'ebberville, visited her parcnt.s', hirnislicd by yvas beat over tlie bead at ills l!iast passed from tliis world three years If I struck, you yvithout provocation I It'riink Briggs is iionie after spend­ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miller, recenlIy. l..ansing lioiiie and robbed of $10.10. tiic members ago, Feb. i5, li)20: should be committing an act.of ag- ing several days at It'itchinirg. Jolin Swan and Milford Clialiendei Tile money yvas carried in a belt yvorn are hoth ill and out of sciiool. ' of lii-owne- by Mr. Sniitli and after Smitli yvas Wlien tlie evening sliadows arc falling gressioii." Frank ltelnliart and yvife of Lan- C II v c n d e r bound, tile belt was torn from liim AA^e sit so quiet alone, ''Excuse me, boss,/you'd be com­ 'Io our hearts there conies a longing. sing, visited at II. W. lleinhart's Sun- Post. and taken^. Sniitii claimed I.jiving- mitting suicide,'' declared tbe yvit- J Pray NelglI bor hood \ day. ston yvas one of tlie men wlio robbed If lie only could come honi'e iiess darkly.—Savannah Neyvs. A...... a...... ,....i...... i Friends may tliink yve have forgotten Vivian lt'ostcr yvas called to Lan- biin, and the jury found him gnilty. AAHien at times^hey seo us smile. Mrs, Dan A^oiings, IIenry Young, sing Sunday to assist yvitli the chores Livingston is known to many Mason LEGION But tiiey little knoyv the heartaches Mrs Bertha Carr are entertaining tlie on tile Turner farm. people, having lived in tills vicinity Our siniies hide all the wiiile. flu. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Levi Rouse, for some time, and yvorked for a time His loving father, motlier, brotliers Mrs. Delia Royston, yvho has been a baby girl, Sunday morning, Feb. ').. on the John McGinn farm. ls Rcigdoll Back? , and sisters. • Gyvl real sick yvith flu, is better. SliQ yviii ansyver to the name of Ber­ The trial of iylyron Crooks for Crover Cleveland Bergdoll evaded RHZON Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Boody of Ea­ nice AVeltiiy. statutory rape occupied all of AVed- service in tbe United States army. ton Rapids, yvere guests Sunday to a Miss Lulu AVinchell is home from iiesday's court; It yvas claimed the GOOD lo.vCusii;. Noyv lie's sorry. Conscious tbat be birtbday dinner, given by Ceo. Red- her yvork in Lansing for a vacation. crime yvas committed on a twelve BAKING POWDER yvas a slacker, conscious that the land Jack and'Mary had just been to the field. Mrs. It". C. Ivendricks has been ill year old girl, yvho appeared in court of his birth desiiises hini, conscious groyvii-ups' church for'the first time. tbe past yveek yvith Iagrippe. AVeduesday and t'estified against him. you as6: /es^ Mrs. Davld Raber returned home that he._Cjinnot return to America A day or t,yvo afterward they yvero AVillard Jobnson and Mrs. Rose Crooks had previously served a one this evening (I\londay) to Indiana. yvithout going to jail, he must be a found ill tire nursery yvhispering aud- Boyver yvere married at AA'illiamston year's sentence at the State Industrial J. L. Surateaux of Mason, called miserable person. ibiy to each other. on E. A. Lundberg and faniily Tues­ Satui'day niglit. Scliool at Lansing. Hoyv about you? You served iu ''AVhat are you children doing?'' day. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Nate Jones, the World AVar. Your conscience is Cleo Munson yvas convicted of ii- their nurse asked. Zelnia lIolnies spent tlie yveek end a seven pound boy, Tuesday. AUCTION clear on that .score. But is your con­ legal possession of intoxicating iiquor ''AVe're playing church,'' replied yvitb friends in Lansing. science clear about your post-yvar and he yvas piaced on probation for Jack. duties? Have you evaded any ob- one year, and demanded to pay .f50 "But you shouldn't* whisper in Wonderland SALES ligation you have incurred since the costs yvitbin sixty days. church,'' .admonished nurse. Holt •4 war? In the Legion there are a feyv "Oh, we're the choir,'' said Mary. OlJITUAllY. —Christian Advocate. Mrs. Fred Clarke is having quinzy. —about one and a half per cent, at a FOr a liVe Wire auctioneer, one Leyvls, tbe nine-year-old son of Mt'. Several in this neighborhood are guess—yvho are either too tired to ap­ William Holcomb, next to the Who knows Values of the prop­ and Mrs. L, M. Surato, died at Spar­ having flu. Among them are Mr. and pear at post meetings or not yvliiiiig youngest of a family of twelve—six NATllllALLY PROUD. erty you haVe to sell,, get royv hospitai early Tuesday evennlg. Mrs. Bay Conklin, George Secore, Mr. to do their duty, or, iike another yvell sons and six daughters—yvas born to ''There goes a proud man—a man Funeral services at tlie M. E. church and Mrs. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Giddings knoyvn class, ''agin everything.'' Phoebe and Silas Holcomb at the pio­ to be envied;.a man who holds him- Friday at 1:30 p. m. and family and some from the Bay These are the fellows yvho have to. be neer home in Vevay, April 11, 1856. self high in the yvorid.'' chased around toyvn for two'"or three A former resident of Holt, has AVindoyv district are h.aving pink eye. In November, 1802, tbe fatber died "Indeed? What has he done?'' A. G. INMAN months every year to get them to go rented a part of IIarry Froedtert's Frank Ilolmes fell on the Ice Mon­ leaving the mother, with the help of "Nothing himself, but he's the hus­ to post meetings and to take part in Eaton Rapids, Mich. store and yvill conduct a moat market. day afternoon and broke tyvo of the the older children, the care and re- band of tbe yvoman yvho invented tho Legion .activities, very important At the Community meeting Tues­ floating ribs. sponsiblllty of this large family. They fiction that Man C.annot Be Trusted, among yvhich is that of keeping dues Res. phone 196. Office 152 day evening tho foiloyving persons Mr. and Mr.s. Irving Hft.rshey of were three miles from Mason, then and it makes him feel like a regular paid up. These are tile ones yvho de- 40wl0 •were appointed to present a petition ChaiIesyvorth, called on their niece, only a trading post, the country yvas devil.''—Ricbmond Dispatch. f

Entire'Stock off DENSMORE & DAVIS' BIG All Our

Men's Men's

Suits O'coats

Get that Suit nOW. Prices Our OvercOat stOck is gO-

Will not be lOWer—pOssi- iBg fast. YOu'll

bly higher. Entire stock have tO hurry.

W OH ¥3 Offff

Ov\^ing to the unusual rriarket conditions, and the tendency for all our goods to cost more, we had not intended

to hold our Annual Quarter-Off Sale. But so many of our customers have inquired regarding it and have

wanted to take advantage of this Annual Bargain^Event, we have, decided to throw our entire stock on sale— except Overalls, Work Shirts, Canvas Gloves and Collars cannot be included in this sale., We are

now selling these items at a very close margifi. This sale is still on and will continue until further notice.

All Our Boys Boys Men's 's Boys Odd

2-Piece Fleece Lined Wool

Vests Stockiiig

Under Shirts Work Sox Suits Underw'r We have a large num­ Only abOut One dOz- This includes Our en- ber Of Odd Vests. Re­ YOu'll have tO hurry ' tire stOck Of famOus NOW is the time to fit en pair Of^size Only a few size 48 gardless Of quality the A Warm garment for if yOu get iB On this. Bradley Knit Sweat­ that boy With a 7 left left price is the yOungsters at ers. suit, at ^ 3 pair for

$7.50 $1.00 10c 19c $1.00 $1.00 14 Off

Plenty of DRESS SHIRTS, sizes 16,16 1-2 and 17, choice at $1.00

Special Sheep Lined Vests TWO lorlg Moleskin lined coats With leather sleeves, will keep with Pelt collars. Cost whole­ you warm and dry, a few sizes sale $16. Just the thing for left, to close I winter drivillg. & Davis

$10.00 IV|as6n, Mich.
