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l'AS'l' ClUKF ASSOCIATION. The Past Cbiefs' of the iylason FRED M, HALL WILL ROUBLES COME HEAVY PEOPLE MAY VOTE Temple, No. 107 of tho Pythian Sl.s- EAST LANSING WOMAN ters, have organized, forming an as­ sociation called the Past Chiefs Asso­ LEAVE R M. FDRALAIEDON FAMILY ON DEALH PENALTY ciation of the Mason Temple. Their GETS $6,275 DAMAGES first meeting yvas held at the home of HAS SERVED PURLIC li'AlTH- Sl'ARLlNG FAMILY HAVE MORli; !(»»% INDKi^lNlTY li'OR T. B. CAT- Mrs. C. S. Thorburn and the foiloyv- MRS. ClIRlSTINA lilNG WINS FULLY FOR NINE YIDARS. TilANSHARE OF HARD LUCK. 'TLE WlLL IJK CONSlDl!:Rl!U>. ing otflcers yvere elected: President, FliOM R. l{.,COMPANY. Mrs. C. S. Thorburn; first vice presl- Ernc.st A. Bcnsnioro's Coinmisslon \'i

Pio tlir faith to no Write it on you iMut A party of about forty ladies and mui'i ilaevti but tliou tbat avtrf day li tht b«rt gentlemen drove out to Frank Hoyt's •ot two arei of ttilM day of th* yiar.—Kmar. Monday evening and made him and owaT—OwlfW. •on. his wife a surprise, aii in masquar- aile dress. The surprise was com­ Special Prices plete and all enjoyed the visit, Aivln Edgar has finally broken the 50 speii of bachelorhood that has been on INGHAM TY NEWS resting upon the "Edgar boys." Mon- GOOD day\last he was united in marriage to Fubltihed CTcry TIiur.dny aftemoan In the Oltr of Maion. Miss Mable Docking of, Pinckney, the PERCOLATORS County Scat of Inglian) County. MIchtgRn, CIGARETTES ceremony taking place at the home of \ ' • • Rev. and Mrs. A. F. White. SOHUYLEIl I.. MAItsHALL, I'ubltiher G. W.. Piyimer and F. H. Class of tc .A.lma, have purchased the drug busi- This Week Only SUnsOItlPTION ItATEs (Pnynlile tn Advance) tiess of B. E. King, taking possession One Year

Infliioiiza Prom Neglected Colds 7-Cup Universal AlulBiBulB Percolator— Stop your coughs and colds before Old Price $6.50, New Price $4.79 We Need No Primary they become serious. If neglected they lead to inQuenza, la grippe, 6-Cup UBiversal AlumiBum Percolator—^ All over Michigan, wherever men interested in public affairs get togeth­ asthma and bronchitis. Three gen­ er, we hear the primary election law condemned. The contention is that A Bctiiitifnl Tiiought erations of users have testified to the Old Price $5.50, New Price $3.99 under tbe present primary system the tendency is to loyver, rather than raise Sure, ''Fame is Ueeting,'' but yvhat quick relief given by Foley's Honey and Tar from coughs, colds, croup, the type of public official. Tbis is not .alyvays true, but it yvorks out that isn't, except rheumatism? Other styles aBd sizes iB both Alulninum and 1 j I throat, chest and bronchial trouble. •yvay in many ca.ses. Further, other conditions growing out of the primary Minor Miitiings Largest selling cough medicine in the Nickle Plated Copper, $2.99 to $4.79 system are bad and malcc good men hesitate about entering such a contest. When a man is refert'ed to as a worid. Sold by all druggists in Ma­ To bo .specific, we will refer to'the primary election last fall in this ''queer character,'' it's pretty certain son, (adv) county. Talce the five Republican candidates for sheriff. For three or four ho knows a good deal more than the one who made the remark. l»fARRIAGE LlCENSl5S. months before the election there yvas circulated yvitbin the county propa­ —! I ! — ganda of the most scurrilous nature. None of the candidates entirely es­ Salisbury's Hardware Nobody should be judged by a Orla J, Brown, Lansing 20 caped. In tbe end, many of the people of the county yvere undecided. They single set of circumstances. Tbus EslIier L. Witty, Hoyvell 2I b^d heard contlieting re|)orts about every one of the five Republican candi­ every man yvho takes part in a smok­ Clarence DeWltt, Lanslng 21 dates. The Deniocratic candidate did not escape. If they believed all they ing-car conversation is a temporary .Beverly Jiine Alvord .l^ansing——19 liar, but he may be a deason in his old beard, none of tbe candidates yvere fit. And no matter who secured the of­ John Loder, Lansing 55 Oliie J. Bowen, Lansing ___23 Edyvard Weckler, Lansing 21 home toyvn. Geneva Davis, Lansing 37 fice, he yvas sure to have a number of tho voters look upon him yvith sus­ ! ; [ Waunitta Brusman, G. Rapids—22 Cornelia Millbury, Lansiqg 16 picion. Because luost of these campaign stories are not true does not change Max B. Clampett,T..ansing 22 Floyd E, Fair, Iuansing 29 George A. Elliott, Lansing 22 • Travel broadens a man and flattens Ethel Rider, l,.ansing 20 Alma Sliroth, Lansing 2S Alice Foster, I..ansing 25' the situation. The fact I'emalns tliat the primai'y makes such conditions his pocketbook. Alfred Troinafi, Lansing 2G possible. No mattei' bow capable and uprlgbt a candidate might be, after ! I ! Ralph'C. Peltier, Ijansing 19 Arthur A. Post, Lansing 22 Edythe Rauscbenborger, Lansing_21 lilleaiiord Woodman, Lansing 17 sucb a contest a large nnml)er of citizens wiil look upon him yvitb askauce. Householders used to complain Do.rotha Conklin, Bath 19 about equally of tbe coal man and tlie :F. E. Ivnickerbocker, I,.ansiiig 2!) Willis IL Wright;, Lansing 21 Tile Neyvberry affair is anotber cbild of tbe primary. No matter yvbat Julius C. Jenison, Lansing 2'i ice man, but yvith present coal price Pauline II. Button, Flint, 21 Sulabeila ltoose, Lansing 19 your beliefs yvere iu respect to Newberry iiiniself, tlie yvhole disgraceful mess l,he ice man seems like Santa Claus., Mildred II. IIyman, St. Johns 23 C. lIoyvard Morgan, I,.ansing 72 .lildward Purlell, Lansing 21 I [ I from start to finisli yvould not liave luippened under the old convention sys­ Rose Wilson, Lausiug , 01 Bernice Weeks, Sbepberd 21 Of course yvomen are easily llattor- 'l^IlE SCOT SCORlCS. tem. There yvould have been no opportunity to spend excessive aniounts'of Emil Krantz, Lansing 22 Crlo J. Broyvn, Lansing—, 20 ed but did you ever observe a man money. 'IMiere yvould liave been po occasion for yvbat followed. Tbe pri­ Nina Miiier, Grand l^edge IS Esther L. Witty, IIowcll ^.— 21 the first time be saw his picture iu a A porHy man, b'lden yvlth a travel­ Selden Ilatneld, Ijansing 26 ing I'ug and several bags, yvas endeav­ mary'made it absolutely necessary for a rich nian to run at that particular neyvspaper? C, Iloyvard Morgan, Lansing 72 Liiiie ltoberts, Lansing _ 2'I. time—either tluyt, or concede IIenry Ford's election. ! I j lt'ose Wilson, Lansing 01 oring to make a dignified exit from a Paul Pasciinyke, ljaiising 24 crowded railyvay carriage. Last yveek auiuniucenieut yvas made that tliere would be no sjtring pri- If you are a joke, laugh at yourself and others may tliink you are a gen­ Mary Cbuiick, I,.ansing 20 At the door he stumbled on tbe pet mary. Tile reason is tiiat people generally apiiroved o'f tbe candidates yvitli- ius. John C. Flynn, Lansing 5G corn of a brayviiy Scot. in the county to sucli an extent tliat otlier prospective candidates failed to I ! ; li3ditb Marvin, Lansing 50 "Hoots, toots, men!'' groaned tbe file petitions. In substance, tltis amounts to Ilie same tbing as a conven- Tbc self-appointed critic drayvs no William Ballard, Lan.sing 4 5 Rough latter, "C'anna ye look yvbaur ye're tlon. Judge Carr lias made good. People generally approve of Judge Col­ salary Ciiarity M. Dyer, Ijansing 47 'chapped hands? goinV Hoot, toot, mon, hoot!'' lingwood. Fred E. Searl was a successful scbool commissioner for tyvelve —! ! .!-— Max C.,lIafer, Lansing 21) After lie luid slammed the door be- A "chronic kicker'' merely adver­ years in Ingham county and lIepulJlicans and Democrats alike yvere giad to LilUan L. Burnham, 22 bind him the overburdened traveller tises that he has more feet than MENTHOLATUM Frank J. Pierce, Lansing 25 put bis head through the yvindoyv. bave him again announce his intention to enter that work. Other prospec­ brains, Agnes Dunn, Lansing 19 ,.1nakes them smooths "Hoot, yerself,'' he retorted, "l'lu tive candidates did not get sufficient encouragement to yvarrant their enter­ --! ! I— Hoyvard W. Nortbrup, Lansing—'—21 _and comife^ a traveller, not a motor car!''—Lon­ ing the race. The county has saved the expense of a priniary election—a Tbe winner is usually a grinner. ! I [ Doris M. Scheldt, Lake Odessa 19 don Answers. big item. The candidates yvill get their nominations yvithout the 'embarrass­ There is generally room at the top, ment of a campaign against otber members of tboir oyvn party. They" yvill but the room isn't always worth the forego the unpleasantness of campaign rumors, and not be compelled to rent. spend several yveeks niaking a personal canvass of the voters. ; I ; After attaining a sufficient number Just wby tliere is not an organized effort to do ayvay yvith the pnmaiy of years, a philosopher realizes that ls strange. It seems to be generally unpopular. most of bis failures yvere not, and that most of his successes yvere not yvortb tbe effort. Stop Excessive Loads J ,1 I "A good name is rather to be In a I'eyv short yveeks the frost yvill be comlng out of the ground and chosen than great riches," but a good during tlie montlis of March and April there yviil be thou.sands of dollars name yvith great riches must be still of damage done to tlie roads of Ingham county. And not Ingham county move satisfying. I • f I , alone—the yvhole state yviil suffer, li'or it is at this time of year the higb- A man doesn't mind admitting to yvays are unfit to carry iieavy loads. his friends that his yvife is too ,good Probably you have already thought of a reply to tliis statement. We for him, but he knows there'd be no Four Reasons Why You Should should buiid better roads. Wo sliould build concrete yvbere yve are noyv iiving yvith her if she shouid find it out. buiiding of gravel, and yve sbould build a lieavier and better type of pave­ —! ! ! — ment yvhere yve are noyv buiiding narrow and tbln concrete. We yvili not A "short skate'' should be given Buy Your Ford Car This Month argue that point. Wbat yve sbould do, and yvliat yve might have.done, has tlie icy stare. no bearing on conditions as tiiey arc. Ingham county bas about tbree hun­ —I ! !— dred miles of improved roads and nearly ail are of gravel construction. The man yvho tries to get some­ thing for nothing usually finds he has Those roadbeds uro to a depth of several feet. When yvanner yveath- tro'ion 'received nothing for yvbicb be has The unprecedented demand for Ford Cars throughout the winter moiiths h&s ~cr comes the frost yvill be comlntf out 9t the roadlxjd and will leave lt soft paid something. taken the entire output of the Ford plants working at capacity, indicating that and mushy for several yveeks. These are all conditions yvhich cannot be —!!!—, changed this year and for many years to come. ''All fools are not dead yet,!' but a the demand this Spriiig will be far in excess of the number of Ford Cars that lot of them who speed automobiles Every spring untold damage is done to these roads by excessive loads- can possibly be built. soon wiil be, especially the main trunlclines. lt is not entirely the,surface which is-dain- —! ! !— aged. In many places last spring tbe foundation to the roads were badly Some are poor but honest and II damaged by tbe excessively loaded vebicles wbicb traversed them. It cost others are too poor to be honest. January was the tenth consecutive month in which retail deliveries exceeded the taxpayers of the county considerable money, and' the transporting heavy —t ! J— Once in fifty times if you have had 100,000 Ford Cars and Trucks. Requirements for February, the month when loads at tbis particular titne benefited but a tew individuals. experience with human nature, you preparations are already under way for Spring business, called for 148,407 Cars It is our belief that the excessive loading of cotnmerclal trucks sbould may have to change your first judg­ be prohibited at all times of the year. Especially in tbe spring when the ment of a man, and when you do your and Trucks-more than 24,000 in excess of the number we can possibly produce. hlgbways are totally unfit for heavy trafflc should it be rigidly enforced. second judgment is wrong half of the time. Ill —J !. !— I sing a song to the Optimist; ^ A man isn't always pleased to get Ford dealers in many parts of the country are already finding it necessary to To tbe man who is brave and strong. a new suit—if it's one filed against specify future delivery dates on Ford Products because there are no reserve Who keeps his head when things go right, hira in court. And smiles wlien things go wrong.' —! ! !— stocks to draw h'om. Women wear straw.hats in. mid­ So hei-e's a song to the Optimist, winter because if a man wore his Pan­ • IV • • Who laughs and yvorks and sings. ama then he'd.be arrested, And daily, shoyvs this weary yvorid —! ! l— Your order placed now will protect you against delay or disappointment later Tbe way to better things. When a man advises you to "cheer on—It is the only way ^ou can be assured of reasonably prompt delivery. By Grenvllle Kielser, up", he merely means that something has happened to make hlm cheerful. Most people would lilce to get ricb—or, perbaps they would lUte to BE —! ! t— Also, be carefttl of your dollars and We consider it important to give you these facts,' so that if you are plarlnilig to rich. Most of us are poor, born that way.. Tbere is oiily one way for us the dimes will take care: of them­ purchase a Ford Car, Truck or FoydsoB Tractor for use this Spring or Summer you to BE rich arid that is to get rich by ovir own efforts. Getting ricb is not a selves. matter solely of talent. Generally it is the result of getting into a business '--!,! !—. call list yoilr order at once and take adyaiitage of our dealer's first opportunity to •wliere a maximum nutnber of people are to be served, and then serving Who Bemembera ^ make delivery. them better than tbey expect—serving them without stint. Different peo- When glrls married men to reform ple have different notions of what "getting rich'' means. We have noticed them? ' that tbose who forget the monetary intejrests in tiieir effort to serve seldom

lack doRars, Also, others wbo bave the almiglity dollar always before their Twenty Yearg Ago f eye, seldom accumulate enough to satisfy their greed. Ford Motor Thursday, Febnmry 10, 1003 f Detroit, Michigan Many people who never would save a cent, ,will pay their debts. To Miss Ftinnle Burroughs entertained . these honest debts is one o£ the greatest stimulbtors toward success. Most about forty guests at her pleasant successful men have acquired much of their property by going into debt. home on Maple, street last Wednesday But before/you can do that, you will liave''to be worthy of debt, or credit evening. In honor of Miss May Kelley. Dean The Phoenix: Mills commenced which is the same.thiiig, , \/yy/'':'''\^ grinding. wheat agafn last, Monday Authorized Ford Dealers after a shut down of three weeks, Some ^ag has written, ''Ford 'fvouldjBttake^jUB as good a Presicause­ d by ,the breaking of a drive MASON - MICHIGAN mm dent as he does an autoiaobilo,'' Ty^yonder? • ,. '^r;,; ;V• '.i: pulley,-.^-^'::^-.^:-/'':;- ..Heriry; Phillips,, a-hlgWy respected mm cUlieh , of .Ailrellus township, died , Beautifally phraseil lae'iirBna^ tsociety weddlngB always sa^^^^ •617 ailddenly at his home Sunday, A Small Deposit and Easy Payments if De$ir€d M nitbt.^ >^ Fiitaimtl BiBtirlcei >rere hold yMtwday; i^lth iiitenneittt to Ifepltir • i


now burdened with a federal license coming to the Rice home last July on Miss lone McCormlck spent Tues­ fee and yvlth considerable state li­ account of failing health. She is sur­ day night with her teacher,. Lena BUS-TROCK OWNERS cense fees. A gasolliie tax. If Impos­ vived by her sister, Mrs. Rice, and Barker spent Thursday nigl^it also ed, wili bo a considerable lax upon one brother, R. M. Stiffler, of Brad- yvlth Miss Parkhurst, her teaclier. ForRealEconomy us, in vieyv of the heavy use we aro nef, Ohio. The body yvas buried at Norrls Parker spent Saturday night ADDRESS LEGISLATURE compelled to make of It, and the pro- Helena, Ohio, Suuday. and Sunday with Wm. Aseltine. po.sed insurance will entail a severe Archie Glosserlias sold his garage Gertrude Parker yvas out of school in the mtehen Use I{lCCO0Nl/i3 BUSINESS SHOULB BE burden yvhich must not lie overlooked and lot that he has been using for a last yveek on account of the very se­ SUlWliCr TO CON'l'ROL, in the consideration of tho question. bome to Ernest Wicket, son of F'rank vere cold weather. It must be borne in niind also that Wicket. Earl .Stld took dinner with • his yIiilte Pica lror ReasdnahIe ljcgisla- cities exhibit a growing tendency to cousin, Dan Berry, last Sunday. flon—Bo Not AVfsh To lle Put impose license fees and bonds, and te lone Aseltine visited her teacher Out Of.llusiness. fix other regulatious, all of yvbich are Southeast Locke Monday nigiit. burdensome and confusing. CALUnHET Geo. Anderson called on Earl Stld We believe tbat these local regula­ Alonday afternoon. Tbe question of regulation and tions should all be merged in a gen­ Earl West and family have ail been ta.xation of ft-elght and passenger eral regulation by the state in cases sick with the Flu. The feeonomv BAKING POWDER r:v..;,:,..v^.., '«gftifiiit is tlie. impoBitidn of: a double^ JhllIia Bei:tliii Stliffler, wno died at l'lfir~nnt to tak ' jliuirdiBn idh thJi iilfant 1ii«!uirtiy. the liome of Mr. anil^M^^ Ulyer Ride LQOK FOR THE BIG SIGN not in apbtUtt^i^tctcituid'm^ V^MMit^jtAaii^^ ftge'iantl Tut fma mum COUNTY ttEWS, HASON, iUCa, IHUKSItiAY, CEBRtlARY 22, l»2a

t Heathman, wife and sons, visited at G. W. Allen's last Sunday. Mr. and'Mrs. Ray Lott and Miss LETTERS Ambs spent Monday evening at Floyd '— — —• ^ f Fisher's. Harry Brenner "and wife spent ONE DOLLAR TO THE Sunday at Chas. Bt'entier's. Geo. Weston of Ann At-bw, visited Installs a his mother over Sunday. EDITOR imfstDhitcomb'RiIcp Ruth Heathman received 100 in spelling for five months and Jylyrtie nttittititiitllttllttttttttt 1 am looldngjbr Love. Brenner the same for three months. Edito• •eVVWVrf •*Inglu'u ••••• n County News, Judson .Plielps of Ijansing, spent Wolverine Heating System WwwWwrww WW WW w< ' Hashe passed this waj^ Mason, Micbigan. Monday and Tuesday yvitlr his sisters, Dear Sir;'—In' an editorial last Mrs. Foler and Hattie Phelps. Withies as blue as InYour lionie yveek you questioned niy stateniont ft Ibat tlio public yvere tile best censorr, the skies of Ma;^, of motion pictures. But it peenis to t DIst. No. 6 and Vicinity j , We give a written guarantee to heat your house perfectly, and me tbat in tile Arbuckie case, yviiieli Andajaceasfafras the summer you mention, you are proving my con- a guarantee of five yeat's on all castings. Arthur Eifert returned honie from lontlon. Roucoo Arbuckle lias defiii- cJawn?^ itely announced tlud be yvill not re- Ypsilantl, last yveek, yvhere he- had been for a very serious opet'ation. turn to tbe screen, tbet-eby makl'ng Sou answer back,butl^ander ou^ George Nimphie of Lansing, called Wolverine Heating Systems tho decision unanimous, lt took ft, at .Ernest Kurtz's Tuesday. ' quite a wbilc, but apparently it has For w)u sa5:Dh^es;but his cjes ARE Planned Right penetrated even bis intelligence that Paul Straight was home from he is not yvanted. And the. tioint Is >3cerc ^X2^, school in Albion, part ot last week, ARE Installed Right this; Will Hays and some of tbe pro­ sick wlth grippe. ARE Right ducers said that Arbuckie could come Andhi'sfaceasdimasaraiiTi^da^r ' Clair Riggs' sale w.as largely at- back. The people of tbe country, in­ tended.Tue.sd.ay afternoon. Mt-. Riggs cluding the exhibitors, both indl- and family will move to Mason next Call, Phone or Write viduaily and in tlielr state organiza- week yvhere they will occupy part of But stout of heart xoiW I onward tions, said no. That settled it. 1 the Rena Lincoln house, and Mr. Oak­ ley, who will work for Ernest Kurtz Anotber tbing: Vou say tbat ninety /are, . Marshall Furnace Company next year, will tnove into the Riggs' per cent of tbe ten and flfteen year 410 North Washington house. old boys and.giris knoyv the details of [Rowing 0pL>ve is bcyond-soracvohere: Bell 379 M LANSING Citz. 8867 the Arbuckie case and etber scandals. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Leach spent That is unfortunately true, but tbey The Love 1 seek, with the ijes ( last Sunday with their parents,'Mr. did not learn any part of these de- and Mrs. J. T. Green of Holt. M. L. NOLAN, Branch Mgr. talis from tiie screen,' tbey 'iearned of blue, The Alaiedon Farmers Club will them entirciy from tbe ueyvspapers. meet yvlth Mr, and Mrs. Raymond lf yve are to be consistent, yvlicn we And die bright, sweet smile Eifert next Saturday, Feb. 24. insist upon tbe theater alyvays play- unknown of^ou; ing down to tlie ten year old level of inteiiigcnce, yve must make tbe same Andon |rom the hour his trail is found demand of the neyvspaper, tlie miiga- zine, the book publisher, tile lectur­ I shall sing sonnets the whole er, every public dissemiuator of in- forniation or aniu.senient. lf lialf ^ear round. tbe vice and crinie wbicb is detailed daily in tbo newspapers for cbiidren to read, yvas depicted upon the screen, i grant you tliere would be reason in lasking for screen censor- .ship. New Spring Caps Aiso, movie scandals are not tlie only scandals bro.adcnsted by tile newsiKitiers. l3ankers as a class at'e ii>, 'Itir rt.iM). ^trrritt Cn..n.,n. not ostracized because ofUie Still- They're here—in all the new Asb Street from tbe intersection of ported by Aid. Densmore, that the man alTair; ministers tu'e not con- l.iinsing street to a point yviiiiin lfi9 petitions of citizens relative to yvest donined iicauise of tile .llall murder bright, snappy patterns and feet of tile east line,of West street, be room in the City building be received case. But ltOHcoe Arbuclde gets in a and tile .s.'ime i.s hereby declared a and placed on file and referred to the jam and tlie yvliole movie industry ls shapes. Come on, you young necessary public improvement, and Public Utilities Committee. beid up lo.scorn, ls tiiat quite fair? tiiat tile sanie is deemed necessary for- On motion Council adjourned until I must lake oxcepHon to your state­ fellows, get under a new sky- tile public convenieuce and yvelfare. Ii'ebruary 26, 1923. ment tiiat tlte best I cull siioyv i's not And ltesolved; J.E. WELSH, City Clerk. lit for young cbiidren to see. Pic­ piece. Tliat tlie cost and expense of said tures like "The Little Minister," improvement be borne by a special "Biack Beaut,v,'' "Tbe I.ove lJgbt," «-*.*.t assessment upon tile abutting prop­ "Tbrougli Tile Back Door,'' "Scliool Clarke Center erty oyvners of said part of Ash sti'eet Days,'' "No Woman ICnows,'' "'l'ol'- to be so improved, and upon ibe City New Spring Suits able David,'' ''The Tbree Muske­ at large in the foiloyving proportions teers,'' "Over Tbe Ilill," "Tbe Old to-yvit: Mrs, Minnie Harper is still on the Nest,'' to mention just a few of tbose sick list. (a) Upon said abutting pi'operty You are tired of that old winter suit. I have siioyvn here during the past Miss Grace Bolock spent the week oyvners all cost and expense of con­ season, are not only harmless, they end with Mr. and .Mrs. John Collins. struction of said pavement including Come in now. It's time you selected are elevating and instructive fnter- , Miss Hattie Bullen was absent tainment for cbiidren, or people of curbing, gutters, paving and excavat­ ing of said section of Ash street to bo from school a part of this- week. any ago yvho aro able to appreciate Oniy four scholars braved the your spring togs. We have plenty to them. HOY W. ADAMS. so improved, excepting street and al­ ley intersections and necessary storm storm -last Wednesday at the Bullen choose from. seyvers, catchbasins and manholes. school. Will Laseney visited Chas. Leonard (b) Ilpon the City at large all cost and family, Sunday. and expense of curbing, gutters, pav- Edyvard Lavis, who is qualifying ng and excavating of all street and for U. S, mall clerk, was called to the alley intersections of said section of office last Wednesday for a Harry E. Neely Asli street 1,0 be so improved and also Mason, Mich., Feb. 13, 1023. month. nil expense and cost of constructing Council met and yvas called to or­ .The ltobbins L. A. S. yvas postponed nece.ssary storm seyvers, catchbasins der by Mayor Broyvn. on account of sickness, bad roads. Clothier Mason, Mich. and manholes. Present; Aid. Bickert;, Densmore, Wm, Clarke and wife took dinner l3e it further resolved; That tbe Minnis, Salisbury, Searl. Absent; yvith Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Clarke, Tues­ plats and diagrams and estimato,5 of IIardenburg^ day. The minntes of the preceding ses­ the expense of such paving and im­ sion yvere read and approved. provement be approved and deposited 'l'lie fiuaiice committee report tlie in the office of the City Clerk. Ioiiowing claims and recommend And, Resoly'Cd; That said Common j Douglass Territory ) thoir aiioyvaiice: Council yviil meet on the 12tii day of March, A. D. 1923, at 7:30 o'clock, Ii'rank T. CI ine $ 50,00 p. m. at tlte Common Council room's This, sutTounding vicinity yvas sad­ Board of Cemetery Trustees- 113.G7 in said city, for the purpose of heai'- dened by the death of Godfrey Foler, A. h. Critchett 2.7 0 ing and considering suggestions or a pioneer resident, yvho passed ayvay A. I^. Vandercook 14.2S objections to such paving and improv­ February 18.' S. J. Ilanna G.OO ing, and that the City Clerk publish Miss Alice Heathman spent the Elmtfr lIulse 7.7 5 a notice thereof in accordance yvith yveek end yvith Miss Ambs, near Les­ Mich. State Teleiibone Co. __ 2.30 Section 8, Chapter 21 of the city char­ lie, , Citz Telephone Co. 2.30 ter. Miss Lillian Shrum spent Sunday Robbins B. Rayner 13.46 ,. The foregoing resolution yvas duly yvith Mrs. A. Hoyt. Henion & Hubbell 47.50 supported by Aid. Densmore, and yvas Mrs. Nathan Webster, who dislo­ Leonard Bros. .65 adopted by the foiloyving vote: Yeas, cated her hip two weeks ago, is get­ Consumers Poyver Co. 203.7 5 Bickert, Densmore, Minnis, Salisbury, ting along yvell as can be expected. The report of tbe finance committee Searl. Nays, none. Carried. Oscar Adams and wife, George Trade Your Old Gold was adopted by the foiloyving vote: Moved by Aid. Salisbury, and sup- Adams and wife of Lansing, Walter Yeas, Bickert, Densmore, Minnis, Sai­ isbury, Searl. Carried. The report of Claude Post, city or Sterling Silver treasurer,^for January, 1923, yvas re­ ceived and placed on file. Moved by Aid. Searl and supported hy Aid. Bickert, that the vote by •which the vesoiuliotts relative to the for New Goods ' widening of tbe proposed West Ash street pavement were adopted on May 29th, 1922, and on June 19th, 1922, be reconsidered. Yeas, Bickert, Bens- Or, if you prefer, we will pay you cash. Nearly more, Minnis, Salisbury, Seaid., Car­ ried; every family has some obsolete gold rings or Moved by Aid. Bickert, and sup­ The Human Element ported by Aid. Salisbury, that the res­ ornaments which can now be converted into olutions relative to the yvidening of • ! the proposed West Ash street pave­ new, or iiito cash. Bring in your old gold, or ment adopted on May 29th, 1922, and RANSACTIONS with this insti­ on June 19th, 1922, be rescinded. old out-of-date sterling silver. We will allow Yeas, Bickert, Densmore, Minnis, Sal­ tution are not merely cold-blood­ ^ you all it is worth in new merchandise. Select isbury, SeaiI. Carried. ' T Moved and supported that the cor­ ed business arraBgements. anything in purstore—convert old useles gold rected estimate of coat preItared by the City Engineer for widening of the • and silver into some i1ew, beautiful and use­ proposed West Ash street pavement The human element enters into bo recoived and placed on file. Car­ ful articles. , - ried. our transactions. ' That is why you By Aid. Searl— , ': would enjoy our personal service. I Whereas a petition has been here­ tofore filed with tlie Common Council of tho City of Mason praying for the LEAVE YOUR CALL WITH paving and improving of West Ash street in said city from the intersec­ tion of Lansing and ABh streets west to a point within 169 feet of the east 0 BIG BEN line of West street; • . And, Whereas; said petition was Biigiied by a" majority of the owners of the property jibutting, on the part of said ABh street so proposed to be lm- American State Savings Bank • • proved^'-v'-'^ Ford Aseltine . And, Whereas, the'property abut­ ting oil said' portion of Ash street so \ Jeweler] proposed toi be improved shall ,con- N. LANSING S. LANSING Btitute a special assetssnlent district, which with the city at alrge shall UiidlerState'and National Sui^^ < iifhlM1'be:»M^ INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1923 PageFiv*

past ten days with the grippe, but are Arbor last week for medical attention lagrippe and Ernie Bateman has beea noyv, lmi)roving. j; ^'''' Wiikina Mem^^^^ ''''] is confined to his bed for a week. unable to attend school for the past Member Federal iRoMfve i^ank The family lOf W. B. Fiost have Walter Bieenroth and family were week on account ot the Btorjn and been quite ill with the liifluenza, for at Claude Laxton's Sunday. sickness. Atnong those yvho have t'ecently tho past, throe yveeks, but are iiow im­ Jbhn lClrby and daughters, Reba Russell Bateman having been had the flu are: Harvey Beaumont, proving. and Arvilla, yv^et'o In Lansing,.Satui- transferred from the 119th to' the Charlie Decg, Howard Moore, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. L. lCing, wlio have day. ' calvary, has started tor Panama. Mrs. l. A. Wllkins, C. M. WIlkins and spent the past three yveeks at the EaiI Otis and wife called at Floyd Dorothy Wheaton was home over Raymotid Elfert. houie of A. J. Fi'ost, returned to the! Otis' of Mason, Monday evening. Sunday from her yvork at Lansing. home in Wiiiiamston, last Friday. Henry Palen, an old resident' of / Thei'e was no services at the thls vlclnlty, passed away at'his home church on Sunday, owing to so much Sunday night. .lUGGLING SEl»lONS. Washington's Birthday sickness in the iocaiity. The little daughter of Mt". and Mrs. f " ' Across the'CralrdViD " " j According to the ten-yetir-old Mrs. Elizabeth Bllllngs of Fowler Norman Sparling Is In the Lansing daughter of a certiiin clergyman, vlile, yvho has been caring for Mrs. W. hospital for a mastoid opet'ation. there are ways of making an old ser­ D. Frost and Rowland, for the past Lester Wilklns was home from Al­ This day we celebrate in honor of the Father James Abbott and family, H. M. mon seem almost new, tyvo weeks, t'oturncd to her home last bion last week sick yvith flu. Brown and family and Cyril and Et- "Jane," said one of the ft'lond^ of Friday. of his Country. Washington was a great man nie Bateman attended the shower for the young crUic, ''does your father Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bonal of Dans- Mr, and Mrs. Donald Johns at their ever preach the same sermon tyvice?'' and a good man and he laid the foundation for villo, will move onto the Cleo Beatty I Rolfe Community home last FtIday night. "l think perhaps ho does," said farm this week. I a great Nation., H. M. Brown has a new Ford truck. Jane, cautiously, ''but l think he talks C. L. Carrier was in Lansing Sun- loud and soft in different pUicci tha It has been some time since George was a Harry Peek, who has been ill with day. second time, 80 it doesn't sound the SOME GjraitDVICE the Flu, is still unable to return to H. M. Norrls atyd fatnily have mov­ same at all.''—Philadelphia l.odger. little fellow and hacked down the cherry tree his work at Leslie. ed fro mthis vicinity to Mason and with his hatchet, but his name is still cherished Strongthoncd Ily Aiason Exi>erionces Mr. and Mrs. Wourt Every and lit- Earl Peterson and family have moved tie daughter, Joyce, spent, Sunday to the place vacated by Mr. Norris. by a grateful people. Washington had foresight Kidney disease is too dangerous to with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mt's. Naotni Schopp visited her negiect. At the first sign of back­ Otis. mother and grandmother last Friday. —vision. That's what made him a great gen­ ache, headache, dizziness or urinary Ronald Smalley is absent from high Neltis Bateman spent the week end eral and a great statesman. It pays to look disorders, you should give the weak­ school on account of illness. with his brothel', O. M. Bateman, and Nose stopped up? ened kidneys prompt attention. Eat H. Rodman of Jackson, spent sev­ family in Lansing. ahead. Great fortunes are made that way, by Ilttlo meat, take things easier and use eral days last 'week yvith his daugh­ C. J. Haynes and family spent Sun­ MENTHOLATUM ter, Mt'S. Claude Laxton. foresight, industry and economy. That's where a reliable kidney tonic. There's no day in Ingham township, tho guests other kidney medicine so well recom­ Albert and Myt'on Humpht'cy were of his brother, E. A. Haynes, and ^uicMy clears it^ the lesson comes home to you. An account at mended as Boan's Kldney Pills. Ma­ home from Lansing over Sunday. family. son people rely on them. Here's one Claude Reynolds, yvho was in Ann Mrs. M. E. Bateman is sick with our Bank would be the proper start. of the many statements from Mason people. Mi's. M. C. Smith, Randolf St., says: ''I had quite a bit of trouble yvilli pain in my back across my kid­ neys. I read a great deal about Doau's Ividney Pills and people yvho bad taken thom witb such good re­ sults that I believed in them and be­ The gan using tbem. l ani glad to say Good Maple Syrup Doan's cured nie and I liave never felt in need of a kidney remedy First State & Savings since.'' Price C0c, at all dealers. Don't BanIc simply ask for a kidney remedy—get You can't make gopd maple syrup with poor Doan's ICidney PiU.s—the same tbat Mrs. Sniith bad. Foster-Miiburn Co., Mason, Mibhigan lylfra., Buffalo, N. V. • (adv) equipment. Good syrup always sells for a The nanlc on the Corner better price. Let us fix you up with Sap Sonth Alaiedon Pails, Spiles and Cans. We have a few

Ilarold Lloyd at Pastime Fri.-Sat. Judson Sniitli and famiiy spent gallon Syrup Cans left at 15c Sunday at Mr,s. Smith's mother, Mr.s. CORRESPONDENCE Catherine Potter. Will Lamb is on the sick list. fnmntmmlmmmniiurntri'f""i™""nlmlannllBBnmilnBin^^ Julia Turner and family attended the funeral of Godfrey Folar in —Buy Your Wool Twine Now— yvork in ljansing Monday, after three Wlieatfield, Tuesday. South Delhi weeks' illness. I I 'i'liere yvas no school bus or mail Get set on your Wool Twine. We have Wednesday and Thursday on account I DuBols Neighborhood } Mrs. Joliii Wheeler is still very of tbe drifted road.s. poorly. Mrs, M. James and daugliter, Flor- a good supply and our price is Mrs. Slaliala ICcllar yvas in Lansing ino, yvere in Ijansing to sec Mrs. Jen- Mr. and Mrs. Wourt Every visited li'riday, caring for lici' son-in-layv, nie Northrup, yvho is sick. at Earl Otis', Sunday. yvbo is sick with tbe grippe. Word received here that Harlie La- Miss Naomi Parker is visiting at Soft Wool Twine lb. 19c Hard Wool Twine lb. 21c Mrs. l'Jilis ls in Lansing caring for Du of Oregon, an Did resident of thls Rollie Speer's this yveek. lier daiigbter, yvbo lias tlie grlppe. place, yvas very sick. Mr. and ftlrs. Eugene Tyier visited R. Watkins of Aurelius, yvas tile The Fanner Co-Op's, are yviring at Sam McMann's Tuesday evening. guest of bis sister, Mrs. Jobn Wheei- their elevator for an electric teed Mrs. Abbie Baldwin and Mrs. Hoy or, last Tuesday. grinder. Dresser visited Mrs. Ceorge VanHorn James lrincli, wlio lias been serious­ Miss Vivian Toyvner lias been sick Friday. ly ill at his sister's home in l-.ansing, for a yveek with the "flu''. Nearly Mr. and Mrs. Haroid McCormick returned to his lionie iast yveek. every faniily around the lake is on and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aseltine Paul Cross, Mason the sick list. spent Tuesday evening at R. Speer's. Mt'S. Franlt Hayhoe wiil entertain Northeast Leslie the Busy Bunch Club Thursday, Mar. 1st. West Ingham Dell Miller has moved his goods hack to Jackson. Bernice Garred spent Sunday with Mrs. Clem Iligdon is sick with the Ruth Sniith. grippe. Alton and Leon Pollok spent Sun­ Lat'k Alnljs is moved and settled on day with their sister and cousin, Mrs. Ray Opdykc. liis grandfather's place. Clayton IIarkiiess and family is up Alton Wiiliams is in school again around after having tbo grippe. after being out the past two yveeks' Mrs. Heins is better after having on account of sickness. the flu. Mrs. Emory Burr spent Monday yvith her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Rev. Snell and faniily are visiting West. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Honiet Miss Baker is visiting at her sis- Croyvi. HO SAL tor's, Mrs. Floyd Backus.

r^""* Aurdius t 'AT AUCTIOI*' Aurelius Ilarold Lloyd at Pastime Fri.-Sat. Alrs. Mai'illa Ward is in bed. Dr. Harold Lloyd at Pastime Fri.-Sat. Evelyn is in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. lt'rank Cook and little llcrt Collins was able to visit his Ileien, spent Sunday yvith T. V. Par- mother bere last Sunday, lie has ish and yvife, been very sick witli grippe. Mr. and Mrs. James Jennings and 35 Head Pure Bred Duroc Jersey Hogs Jolin Syvartz has gone to Detroit daughter, Agnes, spent Sunday at the All Eligible to Registry to yvork. home of Wni. Fanson in Mason. Jay IClink yvas sick all iast yveek. Mrs. Alvah Hoyve yvas called lo Mrs. O. M. ltobertson was called to Lansing Monday by the iiiness of her Eaton Rapids, to sec her old friend, sister. At my farm, two and one-half niiles west of Mason, on Columbia Road, Mrs. J, C. Ilodgebooni, yvho is in very Miss Clara Ilaie spent a feyv days poor iieaitli. iast yveek yvith Mrs. Martha Jennings. No school at No. 3 last Wednesday Walter Disenroth and family spent on account of tbe blizzard. Sunday yvith (I^'iaude Laxton and fam­ Glenn I'oyvler couldn't get to ills ily of Eden. school and so phoned tbe director that lie yvould take a .vacation until Thursday, March 1st Monday, Feb. 10. Columbia Road J Hclpcil Tlie "Fin" , Commencing at one o'clock. ''Used .Foley's H'oney and Tar for Harold Lloyd at Pastime Frb-Sat. 'flu' and found lt yvonderful. It never C. S. Wilson is quite sick yvith the falls to cure my tyvo little girls from grippe and Mrs. WilJie Wilson has 8 Sows for Maroh and April farrow; 6 Sows for IMay and coughs and colds;'' yvrltes Mrs. A. pneumonia, and quite ' sick at this S.mders, Gallatin, Tenn. For quick yvrlting. June farrow; 10 fine fall Gilts, 10 good fall Shoats. relief • from coughs, colds, croup, Mrs. Ward Builen is sick ancl^ Mrs. throat, chest and bronchial trouble liJmily Smith is'caring for her. use Foley's Honey and Tar. Contains No school last week' at the Webb no opiates—ingredients printed on as the teacher,, Miss Letha Scutt, is the wrapper. Sold by all druggists sick. in Mason, (adv) Mrs. Enter Sears yvas taken to St. Layvrenco hospital at ljansing. Mon­ day for an operation for gallstones. 28 Fine Wool Ewes, Due Apr. 10 Pine Lake Park I Otis Cornwoll and wife entertained company Sunday. There wasn't any church Sunday \ One Shropshire'Buok Again death has entered our midst. on account of so much sickness. This time not only taking a lovely The W. S, L .0. dinner has been •wife, mother and sister, hut a kind A Myers Hay Carriage and 80 fe^t of track—good as new. postponed for a time on account of friend and neighbor, always ready to so much sickness. help in need. Minnie, tbe wife of A few bushels of Yellow Dent Seed Corn. Robert G. Smith, died the 12th ol February, 1923, at the Sparrow hos­ pital ln Lansing. All was done that Wheatfield Center loving) hattids could do vto save.her. She will not only bo missed in the Mrs. F. M. Biggs has been very sick TERMS—Nine months* time on bankable notes at seven per cent interest. home, but in her Sunday school work with neuritis foV the lafet ten ..days,! and she leaves to mourn tlielr loss a but ishow slowly improving. husband, two sons and one daugliter, , A. J. Frost made a business trip to and two'grandchildren. One daugh­ Mason last Friday. ter, Ruth, dying.four years ago,nnd Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Backus and DAVID H. BURGESS, Prop. Uttle Maeer, dying at the age of two daught^rand Mr. and Mrs. Floyd years. The funeral was held at the; Bonal of Bansvilie,' vislted at the GEQ. A. TUTTLE, Aiiotioneer. Pine liftlte M, B. church'last Friday, home ot Albert Backus, Sunday. ./ liurial being imade in Rose cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Pratt, Jr. and ' i Warren James returntsd to his daughter bare been quite'ill for' the rage Six INGHAM COUNTY NEWS; MASON, BQCH.^ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1923

, MBS. VAN BEU8EN DIES. GlassifiedAdvertisements THOMiS SWEENEY. FiRM Mrs. Martha VanBeusen died at the home of Mrs. Wm. Petty in this city last Friday, February 16. Mrs. For Sale VanBeusen was born in Ekfrid, On­ 1 Mils. SWEENEV ANB GRANBCHIL- tario, AprH 7, 1843. Her death oc­ FOR SALE—Crhicken feed—host BREN lSiiCAl'E IN NIGHT. curred at the age ot 79 years and ten O egg producer known. 50c per hun­ months, and the t'emains wete taken dred. Laboratory Products Co. 8-tf .Early Tuesday motning Mis. J. T. to Ontario for burial. Mrs. VanBeu­ Sweeney of Brant, Michigan, yvas sen leaves one son, E. M. VanBeusen, FOR SAIilJJ—Buff Rock cockctels. Stop And Think— awakened and discovered the house a detective, in Lansing. ' One Barred Rock t'ooater. Small flock oh flre. She .and her grandchildren of Biack Minorca hens. Mrs. George escaped from the burning house in LOBGKS HAVE NllW SlGN. Barr, Dudicy Farm, Mason, Mich. It their night clothes and all the furni­ The Mason Felloyvcraft Club has Before you place your savings in any institution FOR. SALlO—Stack of bean pods. ture and clothing in the house was presented Maspn Lodge No. 70, F. & John McGinn. Mason R. I. , lyv destroyed. V A. M., lngham Chapter No. 51, R. A. —before you subscribe to any plan—before you Mr. and Mrs. Syveeney have a home M., and the O. E. S. Chapter, No. 150, , FOR S.Aljli'—Modern bouse ou Asii In Brant, but own a farm a short dis­ yvlth a beautiful electric sign. This buy any stock, bond or other security—before street. - Bargain if taken at once. See tance from the village. Their grand­ sign was hung Wednesday on the cor­ you make any form of investment of any kind— Hugh AV. Siisby. 8-tf children, children of Mr. and Mrs. ner of the First State & Savings bank Ilarry Jackson, yvho are spending the building and is beautifully etched in FOlt S.ILE — Or rent — modern winter In lt'lorida, are spending the the emblems of tho three orders. CONSIDER THESE POINTS: house. Citizens plione No. 1.1, R. R. yvinter with them and all were living 1, Box 7. 8w3p at the farm homo during the winter NEW REAL ESTATE OFlrlCE. Will my savings be safe? in oi'der that Mr. Syveeney could eas­ FOR SAIil':—Good famlly cow, part The first of next week, a real es- ily care for the slock. They had re­ Holstein and Jersey, yvith heifer tate office will be opened in the office Has this form of investment a proven history cently remodeled tho house on the culf.by her side, Frank Launstein, rooms over Longyoar Bros, drug farm into a pleasant farm hotne and Leslie, Route 2. 8w2p store. Mason E. lleynolds, connect­ of success behind it? tnuch of their bedding and furniture ed with the E. A. Strout agency, and and clothing was in the house and FOll SAljii:—50 coarse wooi ewes Carl VanOstt-iind of this city have en­ destioyed. Is the management composed of responsible, or One yvooi, if preferred. Cash or gaged the rooms and will have their good note. Extra good fiock of This is the second disastrous flt-e office there. While they will not form experienced, conservative people? sheep. Aiso Poland Cliina brood sows Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney have had, their a partnership, they will work togeth­ and gilts at farmer's prices. Early farm hotne near Dansviiie burning to er and have their offices together. Do I thoroughly understand the investment that Boed potatoes—Early Ohio, Early the ground about fifteen years ago Michigan, Irish Cobbler, raised from before they moved to Mason. At that OBITUARY. is presented to me? time all their clothing and fut-niture certlllod seed. C. A. Dielil. Swip Miss Carrie Sophie Kohler was was destroyed. ft born near Latcha, Wood county, Ohio, ,FOll SALE—Allen Sparks gasoline July 2, 1880, and passed away jit tiie lighting plant, suitable for church or home of her sister, Mrs. Forest Be- The Farmers Bank house, ln good shape. Would cost For Rent Gi'oft, Feb. 14, 1923, after a long Ill­ now ifiaO.OO. Our price $20.00. M. ness. A prayer was offered on Fri­ The Oldeat State Bank in lngham County E, Park, IIoIt. 8wlp FOR RENT—.130 acres of plow day and the remains yvero talcen to Mason, (Micliigan land; 45 acres One hay; miles her; old home for burial. Funet-al FOR SALE—Small wheat stack. A. from large condensary on fine road, services were held Saturday, conduct­ H. Fugar, R. i. Box I 90, Mii!3on, close to school. Bell phono 19G, P. ed by Rev. J, Born and the body was Micb. 8w2p O. box 118, Mason, Mich. 4-tf laid to rest in Luckey cemetery by the side of her father and mother. Be­ _ FOR SALlil—Suction vacuum elean- side tho sister she is survived by two er (not electric), good as new, .flO. FOR IlENT—Farm for dairying. George A. Thorburn, brothers, Ciiftord, of Gibsonburg, and Geo. ICikendall, 3rd bouse east stand- Mason, Mich. Route 2. John, of Lemogne. pipe. Mason. 8yvlp 8yv2 Ht':ARING CLAIMS. COOK—JUNI! 20 Stale of Michigan. The Probate Oourt tor FOR SALlr—Electric yvasber, self APl'T. OI' ADM'tt. SHtOAHtitfi—MAItOlI 20 Lost and FolInd .the County ot Ingbam. Memorial Day Is But Three dryer, no w'rbigei', no broken buttons t „ t Slalo ot IVtiehiBiin. Ttio Probate Oourt for tn the Matter ot the Estate ot MAUY E, or torn clotbing, best macbine on tbe the County of tuBliiim. COOK, Deceased. li'OUNB—Fountain pen. Oyvner At II Bosaion ot antd Court, liold nt tho Pro­ Notice is hereiiy given that four monllis market, at balf tbe original price, al­ Months Away may have same by identifying and bate OOite ill the Oity ot Maaon, in aaid coun­ from the 20tli day ot February, A. D. 1023, so Apex vacuttm cleaner. On display paying for tills ndv. 8wl ty, on tiie 20ui day ot February, A. U. 102a. have been'allowed for crodilors la present their at A A. IIoyylett & Son, Mason. lp Present: JtON. L. D. tucAttTltUR, Judge claims against said (ioceaaed to said court for We can guarantee to have monument placed If ot Probate. examinaUon and adjustment, and that all ordered this lnonth. Don't delay longfer. And FOR S.'VLF-—Brood sows to rnrroyv In tiio I\Intter ot tiio tSstato ot HAttUtET ercdilora ot snid deceased aro ronuirod to pre­ R. CAKN Sttt^.AtlER, Dccoaaed, sent their clninia to said court, at the probiilo remember you jllyVays save an agent's com­ in March. 15 coarse yvool ewos. Pair 1 Wanted j ...... Arthur C. Oarn iiuvinK tiled in said Court odino, in the City of Mason, in said couniy, on mission when you buy of us. We sell direct. work horses. Citn. phone 2L2S. E. ilis iietUion iirayiiiK that tlie' adniiniatration ot or before the 20th day ot June, A. D. 1923, WANTlilI)—Married man to yvork and Uiat snid ciaims will be henrd by said N. Paine. Sw2p aaid eatate tie Kranted to E. A. Densmore or to IMason on farm by year. Good tenant bouse, Bonio other suitaiiie person ; court on tho 2DUi day ot Juno, A. D. 1023, at Monumenlal close to good scliool. J. A. Barnes, It is Ordered, That the 20th day of March, ten o'clock ia (lie forenoon. Works BELL & KELLY Michigan FOR SAT/E—Reo touring, -witli A. U. 1923, at ten o'ctock in the forenoon, at Diiled t.'ebruary 20, A-. D. 1923. Starter and good lives. Kood ruuntuS Aurelius phone 300. Address, Mason, aaid Protialc Odiee, be and ia hereby appointed L. n. McARTltUR, condilion, ?85.00. C. B. l^'irsnns, Mich, 7yv3p tor licarini; aaid petition ; Sw.l Judge ot Prnbnlc. It ia Kurtiier Ordered, Tiiat puhlic notice Oak street. Mason. SyvlP thereof lie Kiven by publication ot a i;o|iy ot WANTED —To buy tyvo .small tiiia order, for throe succesaive \vcei;s lu'ovioua ItRARtNG CLAIMS. MADDEN—JUNI3 t9 lt'OR SALl!)—TIound puppies, Idack calves. Cbas. Aseltine. CUz. phone to said day ot hearinR, in the JnKiiani (J&uiity IlUAlttNG Ot.AtHS. GRtSWOLD—.lUNF. 22 NOTICE and tan, none better. FIt'st here Hrst 1S-2L1S, Mason. Syvlp News, a newapa.iier printed and eircutatcd in Slate ot Michigan, 't'iio Probate Court for State of IMichignii. The Prolmle Oourt for List your sales With me and get served. Call Aurelius operator. Ad­ satd county. /• L. ti. Mc.viM'tl Ui^, tlio County .ot Ingiiam. ttio Cniinty of Ingham. (A true copy.) ' Judao of Protiate. In Ihe Mailer ot the Estate ot yvlLLIAM S. tn tiio Matter of the ISstate ot ANNIE E. clean honest serVice for your dress Mason Route 7, 0. J. IIowe. It WANTEI)—To hear from owner RUTtt L. OtLt.ESPtE, ORISWOLD, Deceased. MADDt.:N, t3eceaBetl. money, having farm for sale in lngham coun­ tJeputy RcKistor ot Probate. 8w.l Notice is hereby given that four months Notice is iieretiy given that four months FOII SATF—Barred Rock cocker­ ty. Warren McRae, Logapspert, ln- from the 21st day ot February, A. D. 1923, trom the 17th day ot February, A. D. 1023, C. P. DOLBEE t^NAt. ACCOUNT. iMIDtitttt.'IEt.U—MAIt. 20 Tho Mason Auctioneer els, good ones. Allen Tonillnson, dlatui. Syv'ip iiave iieon niiowed for creditors lo present tiieir have liccn attowcd for crcdtlors lo .present ttioir ciaims iiKainst satd deceased to said court for Citz. plione, Mason. Syv2 Stale of MtcbtKan. The Probate Court for claima iiKalnat aaid deceased to said court for tiie County of JiiKtiani. e.Namination and adjustment, and that all eNaminiitton and aiijustmcnt, nnd that nil WANTIaI)—Middle aged yvoman to At n seasion ot aatd Oourt, iiolil nt tiie Pro­ creditors of said deceased aro reunircd to iire- crcilitora ot aaid decenaed arc rodiiired to pro- von SALli>—Matched pair of sorrel do house yvork and care for small bate Olliee in the Oity ot Mason, in aaid coun­ sent tiieir claims to snid court, at tho probnle sent tiieir claims to said court, at the probate Dr. S. II. Culver, yvho has been geldings, 8 and II yeat-s old, yvclgbt ty, on tlio 2lBt day ot li'qhruary, A. D. 1923. ollice, in tho City ot Maaon, in snid county, on ollice, in the Oily of Mason, in Bald county, on criticaiiy ill, 'is improving. He under- child. Box 71, Mason, Micb. Syvlp or before the 17th day of June, A. D. 1923. 3I00. Lewie Barker, Dansviiie, Present: JION. L. t). McAtiTtlUJl, Judge or b—Single man to yvork on RUTIt tj. GtLt.ESPIE, Akers, Mason R. 7. Citz. pbone 122- farm by month. Three miles north­ 1L2S. Sw2 OKI)F.U Ot.; PUBtJCATtON. east of Holt. Phono Holt 65-F22. Stale ot MtcbtKan. The Circuit Court for FOR SALlC—Buzz outlit, 10 b. P. John A. ICieppe, Mason II. 2. 8yv2p the County ot Ingham. In Ohancery. ttelen Slocltelt. PlaintllT, engine, mounted on trucks, complete. va. Third and Last Al shape. Thomas Bishop, at county WAN'r to hear from oyvner having Albert Sloclfott, Detendnnt. jail. 7^v2 farm for sale; give particulars and In this cause it appearing from atTiduvit now lowest price. John J. Black, Chippe- on flic lhat the defendant is not a resident ot yva, It'alls, Wisconsin. 7w2p tlio State of Michigan, liut resides in tiie State FOR SALE—1919 Ford touring ot New Jersey, tj. S. A. 'car, driven less than 3,000 miles, in Tliorotore, on motion ot J. A. Boico, attorney A-1 shape. R. L. Cavendcr, Bell WANTED—Young or middle aged for snid plaintiff. It ia ordered thnt tho defend- SOLD!" man to yvork on farm. One that can nnt enter hls npiienranco in snid cause on or pbone. Mason. 7-ii' before three inonths, from the date of thla run Fordson tractor or will learn. order nnd thnt within twenty ilnys tho plnln- FOlt SALlilr—Milk powder for feed­ John Snyder, Mason R. F. N. L Beil tift cnuBo this order to bo published in tlio Ing­ ing calves and pigs. Cheaper than phone. 5-tf ham County News, n nowspniior regulnrly pub- llBlied and clreulatlng tn Inghnm County, Mich­ Skimmed milk. Laboratory Products igan, said publlcntion to be continued onco tn Company. 6-tf cttch wcelj for Bl.\ wcclis ln flucccsBlon. Miscellaneous LKLAND W. OARR, Circuit Judge. FOR SALlt:—My equity in a forty- Oountorolgncd: Every day this time of year the auctioneer speaks these words, acre farm, adjoining Garden of Eden OX-ZONE—SODIUM HTPOOLOR* WM, H. GRAHAM, Deputy Otork. Dated this IDth day of February. A. D. 1923. «Thir d and last call-SOLD." in Aurelius. Ray Loudenslagor, Ma­ ITE—Powerful Germicide Solution. J. A. BOICE, Attorney for PlatntltT. 8tO Prud- son R 6, Michigan. . 6w3pd Blslnfectantj cleanser, deodorant. den Bidg., Lansing, Micliigan. 8w7 Non-Poisonous, leaves no odor, dis- FOR SALlii—Several tons of good solves milk film. Particularly adapt­ NOTICE) To the man who is selling his property, at auction, these words aire timothy and clover hay, also several To the poreons Interested tn paving and lm- ed for the use of dairymen in clean­ Provlhg of West Ash Street from tho lntcrsec- liundred bundles of good bright corn ing milking machines and other dairy tlon of Lnnelng nnd ABII Streots west to a important—mighty important. fodder in stack. Chas. Laughlln, utensils. A strong germicide which point wltliln 169 feet of the cast line of West street; three miles northwest of Bansvllle. can be used on cuts, wounds and in­ PleuBo Take Notlco: Thnt lt la the lntentlon Some neighbor has bought a binder, a good horse or a valuable 6w3p sect bites. Laboratory Products Co., of the Oommon Oouncil to pnvo and lmprove Mason, Michigan, 39-tf West Ash Street tn snid city from tho IntcrBoc- [ FOR SALlS—A small evaporator tlon of Lansing nnd Ash strocta west to a cow at his own bid. If there is a good crowd of buyers, the chances and two syrup pans. J. E. Tanswell. point within 109 feet of tho oast llne of West CARD OF THANKS—We desire to street, according to tho plat and dingram are he paid a fair price* If the crowd is small, and the bidding dull, r , ' 7-tf express our sincere thanks to the thereof made nnd returned by tho Oity Engi­ many ft-iends who so kindly assisted neer nnd deposited la tho otflco of tho City Olcrk, wlioro they mny be found for exnmtna- the buyer probably bought it cheap—too cheap. I FOR SALE—40 acres fine pasture, us during the sickness and death ot running yvater. Claud Howe, Leslie, tion i nnd thnt the Oommon Oouncll wlll meet our daughter and sister. Mr. and nt tho Oommon Oouncll rooms on Mondny, the i - 5w4p Mrs. Peter Sparling and family. Ip 12th day of Marcli, 1923, nt 7:30 o'clock, p. m., to hoar and consider any suggostlons or ob­ , Auction sales'are held on one day. If sales are not well adver­ j FOR truck chassis in jections by the parties Interoatfid In such Im­ SALliJ—Fori GARB OF THANICS—I wish to ex­ 'good condition; also Overland model provement. press my thanks and appreciation to tised, buyers do not come. The reason is obvious, and the conclusion !4 touring car. Terms or cash. Hugh Dated February 20, 1923. friends, neighbors, W. R.. C, Re- 8w3 J. E..yVELsH, Olty Olerk. Broyvn. 4-tf bekahs, Rebekah Cotet»ie and Lady simple. The list of every sale should be well displayed in the adver­ Maccabees for the fruit, plants, deli­ FOR S.ALlil—A largo kitchen cup­ tising columns of the newspaper reaching the largest number of farm cacies and many calls and kindnesses board. Mrs. S. H. Culver. Both during my recent illness. Mrs. phones. 3-tf FARMERS! hoines. Herbert earn. ' 8yvlp Increase your yield :0f corn with FOR SALE—House and lot on East my Golden Yellow Bent seed, thor­ O.IRB OF THANKS—We wish to oak street. Modern. Inquire E. J. oughly adapted and bred'to Mich­ The ingham County News is'recognized as the best medium for thank our many friends atfd neigh- Toi)liff, Eaton Rapids. Bell phone igan conditions, .Michigan's first bors'for their kindness and sympathy auction advertising. The prices are fair; the results gratifying. 132-F4. < 7w4p sample three years In succession at in our bereavement; also Rev. Cand­ the International Hay and Grain ler for his comforting words, the FOR SALE—Thirty-^three grade Show, also has von flrst honors in choir for the music, and the Com- !jShropshire ewe's; also 2 black draft the Yellow Bent; class of 1921, This newspaper advertised— ' colts, 3 and 5 years old. Fred Bolbee, munity Aid and Sunday school and 1922 and 1928, lind'Sweepstakeu Aurelius CltZi phone. 50-tf friends for the beautiful flowers. Mrs. 67 Auction Sales in 1920-21 Godfrey Foler, Mr. and Mrs. Percy over an Corns In Michigan in 1921 FOR SALE—Farm ln Aiaiedon Foler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl and 1922 in Michigan's annual township, 136 acres known aa the S. B. Squires and Magdalena, Miss Har- Grain Show held at ki. A. C. The 71 Auction Sales in 1921-22 R. King farm, good producing land. riet Phelps. 8wlp 1923 Sweepstakei-sample and iBr. L. B. Wheeler, Adm'r., Stock- Trophy can 6e Beisr at the First .59 Auction Sales in 1922-23 Ibridge, Mich. ,.' ' , 2-tf. State and Sarinfi.Bank In Mason, BusiBeM Locals Price 14.60 iwr hnshel^ shelled and -(1922.23 season not yet dosed) f For Sale iPr' ExcIiange'''} I graded at farm thne miles north- HBADQUARTBIM tor eyelM* In- west of DansTilleriTor sixxmiles east FOR TRADB—1922 Ford touring lutuM. J. H. Shafw. H.tt ot Mason. PhOM, Bell ,8 rings on ear as a part payment in two to five line 2 DansTmel'br; Cltii. 8 rings ncres yrlthln on« inlle of city. What ibave yon. Astwer by latter to Box niui AMD ctcLommnmacM City.;,,..-^y^if:;;:, INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1923 Page Seven

, Emiiie Candler and Alice Hilliard were in Lansing, Saturday, INem GOUNn PIONEER ' GIIAS.Sn AND MISS OEEGH Lawrence Rtinciman of Wiiliam­ ston, was in Mason, Saturday. DIES AT AGE OF 01 MARRIEOINHWEONESOAY The Corner Grocery Douglas Candler has been ill dur­ HENltY PALEN BESIBENT OP KEV. LONG PERFOBMEB CERI3- J.L. BARRv,Prap. ing the past week with the grippe. , ALAIEBON l»IANY YEARS. MONY AT THIi! BEECH HOME, We clean, press and repair clothes, OnIn Wasper was a Sunday guest 1 and make them look like new. Right of Miss Theima Burice in Leslie. | prices. Samann & Son. 14-lyr. Henry Paien, for years a resident Tyvo old Mason families,were united A son yvas born to Mr. and Mrs. of Aiaiedon township, passed away at on'Wednesday afternoon, by the njar- his lionte Sunday evening at 11:30, riage of diaries M. Shafer and Effie Let Samann repair your side cur­ Floyd Leonard, Monday, Feb. 19. | after a long illness. The funerai ser­ B. Beech. The cereniony was per­ Friday-Saturday Specials! tain's. He also carries a fuii line of Mt-s. F. A. Burt visited her tnother vices were held at the home Wednes- formed by Rev. W. H. Long and took curtain fasteners. 5w2 and friends at Reed City, last week, i day aflernoon at tyvo o'clock, yvith place at the home of Miss Beech p. and G. Soap, 10 bars 48c J. H. Shafer yvas ill tho first of the burial in the Leek cemetet'y. yvhere Mr. and Alrs. Shafer are to live IIat-old IJoyd at Pastime Frl.-Sat. Babbit's Cleanser—as good as the 10c brands—per can 5c week, and unable to be at his office. ,|I Ml'. Palen yvas 81 years of age and for tlie yvintet'. D. C. Barr yvas in Detroit Monday Miss Irene Smith and Mrs. Rena yvas born iil Waterloo, Jackson coun­ Dr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Hume of Tall Pet Milk, per can _ .12c and Tuesday.- ' Palmer yvere in Jackson, Wednesday. ty, being the son of Ira Palen. When Oyvosso, yvet'e tho out of toyvn guests Small Pet Milk, per can ^ 6c Miss Alice I^axton is seriously iil a young man he married Adeline aud- with the exception of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ellison, yvho has Lima Beans, No. 2 can_...-..t 10c with tbe ''flu." Marsh, and after their marriage they Mrs. L. C. Webb, the guests yvere been ill for two or three yveeks, is came to lngham county. She died composed of I'eiatives of the groom. Canned Peas, No. 2 can 2 for 25c The infant child of Michael Os- improving. tcrle is very iU. about twenty-one years ago, and They yvere Mr., and Mrs. James H. Canned Corn, No. 2 can 2 for 25c . Miss Alice Burgess .of Aiaiedon, about twenty years ago,' Mr. Palen Miss Doi-othy Snyder yvas hotne for Shiifer, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Barnes, was a Saturday guest at the E. J. yvas again niarried, this wife sur­ Mr. and Mrs. liidgar .ind children, Al­ Canned Pumpkin, No. 3 can 2 for 25c the week end from M. A. C. Doane hotue. viving. Three children, two sons, fred Allen and family, MI'S. Gertrude Macaroni, SpagIietti or Egg Noodles, per peckage 8c ' { John Rusch is iil with influenza at Mrs. ICatherine Gauss of Lanslng, William of Aiaiedon, and Lewis of Hazelton and Mr. and Mt-s. Bu'ih. Af­ Large Gold DU8t-__ 27c his home on Columbia street. has returned to vlsit her daughter, Howell, and one daughter, Mrs. F, C, ter the ceremony an Interesting ori­ ' Word in thli'd degree and supper Mt's. Glenn Helmor. C. Smith of Lansing, are also left. He ginal poetn, which was written by 1-lb. can Calumet Baking Powder 27c also leaves two brothers, Edmund of after lodge, L O. O. F. Feb. 26. Mt-s. C. A. Clinton visited her Mrs. Alft-ed Allen was t'ead and pteas- Brooms, tile very best, at $1.00 Wm. Chalker is confined to his daughter," Wilma, at Nazat'eth Acav Aiaiedon, and G. W. of Lansing, and ed the guests. A two course lunch­ These are not the 69c variety, but are brooms that are home on Oak street, with influenza. detny, at Kalamazoo, Sunday. j seven grandchildi-en and tour great eon was later set'ved. ICate Lamb visited Miss Helen Bus­ Mr. and Mrs. Ft-ank Cook and little ' grandchildren, The following are flnal verses tak­ selling for $1.25. Better lay In your brooms for the ker at Albion coiiege, this week end. Helen Otis, spent Sunday in Aurelius en frotn the poem: next six months, as they are going higher. So it's playmates they were Mrs. Anna Bennett, who was injut'- with Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Parish. ln tltnes that h.avc passed ed In an automobiie accident recentiy, Mrs. Norman Marshaii of Gregory, MUCH INTEREST SHOWN And helptna),es they shall be. is improving. has been visiting her pat-ents, Mr. and As long as times lasts, J. L. BARRY, Mason Mrs. Paul Lundy and children of Mrs. A. A. HowletL this week. IN RAPTIST SERVICES And as l ponder o'er this stot-y. Jackson, visited Mrs. Chjirlotte Lundy Miss Gladys Balrd and Mr. Morri­ It seetns like a dream to me. Free Delivery Both Phones ISVANGELlST HOSltlNS INTISREST last week etid. son from Lansing, were visitors of That these tyvo should come together ING ClSOWBS AT CHBllClf. Miss Alice Robinson of Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Baird, Sunday, In life's afternoon and see. spent the week end with her sister, And know the pals of yester years Wellington Dean, who has been Last Sunday proved to be a red Mrs. Otis Moore. In happiness and joy that cheers. employed at the Wilson foundty at letter day for the cvangollstlc meet­ Mr. and Mrs. Redtnond of Eden, Pontlac, retui'ned home Wednesday. ings at the Baptist church. At the So here's to this oid-fashioncd couple. Paokard.Shoes Queen Quality Shoes were in Mason Sunday, attending the Next Tuesday, February 27, the Re­ morning service Evangelist Hoskins We are wi.'^liing them today. lor Men lor Women evangelistic tnoetings. bekah Coterie will meet with Mr. and spoke on ''Wo Would See Jesus.'' He Just the old-fashioned blessings Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Salisbut-y left Mrs. Chaunccy Hoyt. I^otluck dinner. then followed up with a brief address To ^ome and to stay Friday, Feb. .16th, for Galveston, in the Sunday school and when the Call and see us for Mrs. Nelson Brown and son, Rich­ We love them both sincerely • Texas, for an indefinite stay. invitation was given nine came for ard, left Wednesday to spend a feyv Their friendships we treasure dearly. yvard, making ten in all. Mrs. Homer I'otteris ill yvith small­ days yvith her mother and sisters in Each in their own good way. Owing to yvidcspread sickness and pox and the family is in quarantine at Leslie. May God's choicest blessings yve pray other obstacles the audiences havcnot their home on the Okemos road. lIegular meeting Mystic Hive No. Foiloyv tbem all the yvay. footwear Miss Beraidine Ward of Lansing, 146, L. O. T. M., Monday evening, At been large this yveek, but tbe singing spent the yveek end yvith her grand- six o'clock supper yvill be served for i3y Mr. Vigneulle and the sernions by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scarlett. the members. lSvangelist IIoskins, have been of high order. Tbe afternoon Bible CRESCENT CLASS BANQUETS Our Spring styles are Mrs. Charles IIunter and tyvo .sons, Tbe lIawley Coninuinity Club yvili studies on prayer have been yvell at­ Charles and lJobert, of Jackson, visit­ meet l'^riday evening, Marcb 2nd, yvitb arriviBg every Week tended. ed lier sister, Mrs. If. A. Morrison, iMr. and Mrs. A. W. Jeyvett. Rofresli- AT MEJOBIST CHUBCH . Next Sunday yviii be the tinal day Sunday. ments potluck. I for- the special meetings. At the Mason Cirls' baslcetball team play AllOu'i' IMGIl'l'Y WKKE vnvsEm MISS Florence Iluxtable, a teaciier morning service, the subject yvill bo Cbeisea bere, Friday, li'eb. 23rd, game AI; AFI'WlR AVICILMOSDAY. We can fit yOur feet, large Or small. in Mason, scliools, yvho has Ijeen^ill '•The Fearless Wnlk.'' At 7 p. h. he, starting 7;30 o'ciociv. Admission 215c. yvas taken to lier liome in Lansing, yvill speak on "'rruih in the Judgment Wednesday evening the Crescent Everyone come. tbis yveek. IlaU.'' A special offering yvill be Cla.ss of the Methodist Sunday school Eunice Mnnt, yvho has been con­ Tbe Pink Community Club yvill taken at botli services for tlie evan­ enjoyed a plea,sant banquet in the ilned to ber home since tiie summer ineet Tliursday, March 1st, from 2 to gelist. cluirch iiaiIors, yvith tiie Crescent of 101!) yvitb paraiysis, is very iii yvith 5 Willi Mrs. l^ernard Saeiem. Ladieij On* Monday evening Mr. IIoskins Class of tlie Metliodlst Protestant Deuel & pneumonia, please bring thimbles. begins special meetings at Mt. Morris, cliurch - of Lansing, as their guests. It'rank McGowan and Miss lSinma Mason girls' basketball team plays Micbigan. About eighty yvei'p present and all ett- Cary yvere yveek end visiters of the tlie Clielsea'girls' team liai'e Fi'iday- joyed a pleasant evening. Willett former's parents, Mr. and Mt's. W. l3. evening, and the boys' team plays tlie The colors of blue and gold yvere C. MxCowiin. l-iansing least Junior, there. SUPT. AND MRS. REED carried out in crepe paper bangings, Busii Willys-Light Mr,sCP.. C. JC. Marshall, yvlio was ill and yelloyv candles in glass candle­ & Keclov sticks lighted the tables. Tbe favot's now have a neyv l'^ord roadster yvhich yvith tile ''/iu'' recently, has lately, The Oldest ENTERTAinOURIST CLUB were of Wasbington's birthday de­ they yvill fully equip for demonstra- suffered a relapse and at present her Established son, L. S. Marsliall, of Leslie, is yvith sign. An intertaining pro-am yvas tion purposes. Ll'l'IlRARY CLUB STUDY IIlSTORV her. I given after the banquet, Mrs. Harold Shoe Store Miss Iiuth Whiting entertained a OF llOKNlilO LAST WEDNlHSILVY. 'l'he regular ineeting of the Mason Laycock acting as toastmistress. few of her friends Sunday evening at in Mason Woman's Civic Club yvill be held next • Music opened the program, after her home on Coiunibia street in honor Tbe Tourist Club met at tho home Tuesday, afternoon at 2:30 at tbe yvhich the invocation yvas given by of her birtlulay. ot Supt. and Mrs. Iteed last Wednes­ home of Mrs. D. P. Whitmore on Oak Supt. E. A. Densmore. Claude Post day evening. Mr. Reed was leader Judgo of Probate L. B. McArtbur is street. yvas master of cet-einonies, while Miss ill and C. A. Clinton yvas obliged to and the first number yvas the vocal Effie IIayvn gave the yvelcome to the attend to Mr. McAithur's duties in Mrs. C. W. Clark and daughter. selections by Mrs. Phillips. A paper guests, Russell Hunter responding. Lansing Monday. Margaret, returned home from Eagle on Borneo yvas yvritten by Mr. Adams Mrs. Claude Post gave greetings, af­ camp, l,he Mason boys trounced their Rock City, California, Sunday. They and read by Miss Adams, Miss Bessie Maine, employed at the ter yvhicli Mrs. Woodard gave a solo. Wiliiamston opponents 34 to 7. Hoyv­ had been in the yvest since last Sep-; This island is about 8 times as IRY TO HIP RESULTS IN Consumer's Poyver Co. office yvas un­ A pianologue by Mrs. Carl Jeyvett yvas ever, the boys game yvas moi'e of a tember, • large as Java and its- population es- enjoyed, as yvas the violin and piano able to be at yvork Monday on account contest, and the visitors made a hot duet by Mr. and MI'S, T. Goyt. Mrs. DEATH OF LOCAL WOMAN of throat trouble. A seven atid one-half pound son timated to be about 1,700,000, is fight from, the start. It yvas easy to ',*as born to Mr. and Mrs. Kent Spink small in proportion to the other Is- Sparks gave a reading and Claude see that the local boys had the ad­ Mrs. L. E. WIndiate of Battle of Lansing, Tuesday, Feb. 20. He lands of the locality. Parker a vocal solo. A class song by MKS llARllll5'l'l' CARN-SHEARER vantage of a better laiowledge of tho Creek, yvas here Saturday and Sun­ yviil ansyver to the name of Douglas. In 1802, tyvo rival countries divid­ the Mason class and response by tlie PASSED AWAY SUNDAY. game as yvell as superiors physically. day, called by the illness of her fatii- Mrs. Spink yvas formerly Miss Lois ed the island so that England took Lansing class-closed tbe prograni. Call, Lamont and Parkhurst yvere ail er. Dr. S. H. Culver. Bateman. the north and part of the yvest or IIarriel,t lt. Cat'u-Shearer, aged 86 responsible for field baskets. Dakin Born Saturd.ay, Feb. 3rd, to Mr. years I'^eb. 11, passed ayvay Suuday Mrs. P. H. Sanderson, yvho lias been about one-third, and Holland took the brothers, and Snyder played strong and Mrs, Dorr Cady of Syvartz Creek, afternoon at her home on Columbia iil for tlie past two or three yveeks, is slab, lying on tlie equator, it has a defensiy'e games. • During the first a 10 lb. son. Master Otis Cady is street, foiloyving injuries received a gaining nicely. Her daughter, Mrs. liot climate but tho sea breeze cools MRS. MARY BRADFIELO half both teams traveled at (.op speed, gaining sioyviy from his sevot'e ill- feyv yveeks ago yvhen she fell and Estelle Coon, yvho has been caring for the island and maintains an average and the pace set showed them up dur­ broke a hip. Funeral services yvere ness. her is returning to ber home in Chi­ temperature of 72 to 03. The great DIES AT HOME OF ing the- flual quarter. B. M. Murray held Thursday morning at 10:30 Mrs. Franc Adams left for Detroit cago, Ii'riday^ . humidity makes the climate danger- yvas the referee for this game. Monday to attend tile nieeting of tbe ' ' ".' „ , , ous and inferior to that of Java,or uNlaiAL sKIivlClr,s WlsRE HlsLB o'clock, yvith burial in Mapie Grove Executive Board of the American Mrs. Jessie Gardner and son. Clay- Q,,,,,^^,.^^ Ri,,^,.,^ ^.^rests and impen- cemetery. c ton earn, of Miller Road-, and Mr. and Legion Auxiliary of yvhich she is a trable swamps make the climate of UOS DAY AFTISliNOON. Mrs. Shearer leaves one son, Ar­ Mrs. li'rank Cam of Haslett, were member. the interior very unyvholesome. The Mrs. Mary Bradlleld, for years a thur earn, of this city, and Ave FUNERAL SERVICES HELD called to JVlason Monday morning by grandchildren, Harry Ctirn, Herbert Mrs. James Thorburn underyvent rlcli mining deposits of Java are dup­ Mason resident, died at the home of tbe death of their grandmother, Mrs. earn of Mason, It'rank Carn of Has­ an operation for goitre at the City licated in Borneo and oil abounds. her son, Charles, six miles east of Ma­ Harriet Carn. lett, Mrs. Earl Dunsmore of-this city FOR PARKER W. ORR hospital last Thursday and yvas so im­ Wild animals are common. son, last Thursday, February 15th. An entirely neyv line of silk and The real natives of the country are Funeral services yvere held Monday and Clayton W. Carn of Miller Road. proved as to be able to retui-n to her MEMlllDll MASONIC ORDER FOB wool, also wool slip-over syveaters. the Dyaks, known for their head afternoon, with burial in the Mason She also leaves three grandchildren. home Monday. OVElt EOllTY YEARS. Chic new models In spring hats, tail- hunting proclivities. They are hos- cemetery. Mrs. Bi-adfleld was the She came from New York State with We yvere in error last week when ored, trimmed and- untrlmmed. All pitable and honest, but Idle, quarrel­ daughter of Sandford and Rachel Mr, Cam and for a time lived at Et- wo stated tbe Ralph Ilelns shoe shop Funeral services yvet'e held last Sat­ the novelly trltnmings.in flowers and some and ambltlonless. Tlielr homes Rosin and was born in Washtenaw cliells corners and later just west of was closed on account of Illness of urday afternoon for I'arker W. Orr, feathet's. Mrs. Coral Neely. 8wl j are built of wood and elevated ore county, Michigan, September 23 rd, Mason on a farm. She moved to Ma­ Mr. Heins and family. Ml'. Heins was who passed ayvay at his .home early The Crescent class of the Main piles. Bot-neo lias all the gifts need­ 1856. Her husband, Henry Bradfleld, son In 1912 iind for years has been in last Thursday afternoon after an ex­ 111 but Monday. street Methodist Protestant church of ful to make ft one of the richest coun­ died several years ago. Besides the iii health and has been confined to tended Illness. The servicer were • Frank Cline, City Nightwatch, has Lansing, were- given a delightful ban­ tries of the globe. son, Mrs. Bradfleld leaves four grand­ her bed for several months suffering conducted by Mason Lodge No. 70, F. been ill during tlie past week and quet Wednesday evening by the Ores-1 children and two brothers. from a complication of diseases. How­ Mr. Hood read an article on the & A. M., assisted by Dr, Hartzog, and James S. Thorburn, formerly Mason cent class of the Mason M. E. church Pribiiof Island after which a lunch In the year of 1873, she was unit­ ever her fall in January is believed nightwatch for many years, has been to have hastened her death.' burial was made in Maple Grove cem­ in the church parlors, here. was served by, the hostess. ed in marriage to Jatnes Bradfleld etery. Mr. Orr has been a Mason for taking his place since his illness. • Mt's- E. B. Nellls was taken to Proverbs were given in answer to and four children were born to them, over forty years, first joining the or­ C. J. McDonald, combination man Sparrow hospital in Lansing Sunday roll call, and the meeting adjourned three of whom have passed before der In Onondaga. He was a member at the Mich. State Teiephone office, and underwent an opet-ation Tuesday. for two weeks. hfer. Her later years have been spent of Mason Lodge No. 70, F. & A. M, was busy out on toii, every day iast ISDN TOSSERS SWAMP A fifteen pound tumor,, which had in and around Mason, where she has Ingham Chapter No. 51, R. A. M. and week on account of the storm, which groyvn to the appendix, was removed. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter visited rela­ suffered yvith illness for the past six the Council. He was .also a metnber. put so many farmers' lines out of or­ Mrs. Nellls' ia recovering nicely,. tives in Leslie this week, years. of S,teelo Bt'os. Post of this city, ' der. Supt. W, L. Walling of Grosse An entirely new line of silk and LOC.AL GIRLS CORIPLETELY OUT­ Mr. Orr was born in Delhi, New Lester Wilkins, who was home a wool, also wool slip-over syveaters. Point, was a week end guest of his GRANGE AT OKEMOS. CLASS VISITING LASSIES. York, February 13, 1841, and his week ago last Saturday from Albion, Chic new modeis in spring hats, tail­ sister, Mrs. Wm. Maclam", and family. Ingham Co. Pomona Grange meets parents died when he yvas a small was forced on account of sickness to ored, triitimed and untrimmed. Ail John Ford, cable man employed by at Okemos on Saturday, Feb. 24th, in child. He came to Michigan to Van- Time wtis when Fielding H. Yos't remain there the entire week follow­ the novelty trimmings in flowers and the Mich. State Telephone Co. in Lan­ the hall over Grettenberger's store. Buren county'to live, and yvhen a boasted of his famous point-a-minute ing. Hoyvever he returned to school feathers. Mrs. Corai Neely. .Swl sing, has been in'Mason this week, Important business meeting in a. m young man he enlisted in Co. I, 17th footbaU toam. That- was back in Monday. repairing cables. Potiuck dinner .at noon. The after­ Michigan, known as the Stonewall Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Bell Tuesday 1907-08 yvhen Wiiiie Heston gam- James Lyman was sentenced to Mr. and Mrs. Eari Parish entertain­ noon program, which is open to, the regiment. He served for three years, evening entertained ten guests at a boied on the- turf at Ferry Fieid- in' sixty days in the Mason county jail ed relatives from Jackson Wednesday public, is as follows: Community after yvhich he was married to Miss six o'clock dinner. Tiie evening was Ann Arbor. The fame and proyvess for liicgai possession of iiquor. Sea- and Mrs. Parish returned with them singing, ied by W, S. KeRogg of Lan­ Mary Jane Thayer In June, 1873. • spent at cards. Mrs. L. T. Lasenby of this team was cht'onicled the world tence yvas pronounced in the circuit to Jackson, for a short visit. sing; weicome address,- J. Hulett, Soon after their marriage they came and Herbert R. ,Taylor yvero the win­ over—wherever football was played. Master Okemos Grange; response, to the old 'Thayer farm in Onondaga court at Lansing by Judge C, B. Coi- ners. Consolation prizes were given Newell Hyde and Annabel Fergu­ lingyvood. ' Mrs. Bertha Bowdish, Stockbridge; Right now Mason High has an ag­ township, '\vhere they lived until to Mrs. G. S. Thorburn and S. L. son of Leslie, were arrested by Sher­ music, Wheatfleld Grange; reading. gregation of girt basketball players C. C. Miller, who operates the'Hot 1907, when they moved to Mason. Marshaii, \ iff Atehisoji and conflu'ed in the coun­ Miss Jessie Turner; address, F. E. yvho are making equally important -Dog stand on Maple street, yvas ill Mrs. Orr passed away in 1912, ' Mr. and Mrs. Vance Mclntyre left ty jail last Saturday on a charge of Searl, Mason; music, -Wiliiamston history in high school circles. ''How- and unable to work last week Wed­ Five children survive, E. Maud of last Saturday mornlng for their home lend and laclvlous cohabitation, Grange; address, "Legislative Ques­ lett-to-H6wlett-to-Whiting'' or ''How- nesday. His place was taken by the this city, Mrs, Byron Field, who re­ in Rahway, N. J., and when they A box social and hard-time dance tions,'' Hon. Warren D, Byrum, Les­ lett-to-Howlett-to-Dart'' were the oyvner, L. G. Bamford, the army store sides on the farm In dnondaga, Mrs. reached Jackson, Mrs. Mclntyre was will be held at the L O, O. F.^hall lie; music. White Oak Grange; "The combinations used in dropping the propi-ietor, Carl A. Brimmer of New Orleans, La„ , very iil and was taken to Foote Me- Friday evening, March 2. Eacii Re­ Shepard-Towner Act'' by Rep. Childs, big leather sphere through the basket Parker W. of Portland, Oregon, and J. N, Thorburn, who was reported morlal hospital. , It was found she bekah member come and invito -a Welfare Btireau; "Weights and Meas­ for 57,poitvt.s in 32 minutes of play Clarence E. of Tenant, California, ill with influenza is on the gain, whiie was suffering from a nervous break­ friend. Ladles' bring box and supper ures,'' by Sealer of Weights and last Friday evening. Ruth Hewlett his son, .Jay, who came home the lat­ down, believed to have,been caused for two, . Measures, Lansing; music, , Ingham invariably outplayed her Wiiliam,ston ter part of last week, sick with. In­ by the recent death of her mother, Mrs. Walter Wright, an old resi­ Grange; surprise feature, Okemos opponent, and the ball went to sister VALENTINE PARITY. fluenza, returned to his Mvork in Lan­ Mrs. Madden, ' dent, formerly of .Slason and vicinity, Grange. Get the Pomona habit, Boris who passed it wlth unerring Mrs. Lucy Jennings of West Maple sing Monday. iaccuracy to Dorothy Dart or Irene The party given by the Mason died &t her home in Stockbridge street, entertained at a Valentine Whiting. Both the last two named Mrs. Robert Wallace has been very Bancing Club Tuesday evening was a Thursday, Feb. 8th. The body has GOOD SUBSCRIBER. ^pai-ty last Wednesday. In spite of the young ladies are accurate In shooting 111 the past week at the home of her pleasant Twenty-three couplebeesn placed in the vault In this city On Tuesday Loren S. Shattuck storm, the guests; six in number, were attalt baskets. .Often . but ten seconds' parents, ML and Mrs, V. J. Brown. were present and enjoyed the supper for the present and will be burled In called at the NEWS office to pay an­ all present, and the, gathering was as elapsed from the time the bail was Mrs. Brown has been unable to be which was served and the dancing Maple Grove later.. ' ' other year's subscription to the lively as if every one of the number tossed up between the centers'bptorie around this week on account ot Infec­ which followed during the evening. W. H. Rayner of Ontario, Califor^ NEWS, Mr. Shattuck,first subscrib­ save, one, had not passed the seven-' it ducked through the Iron/hoop tion ia one foot, : . The tables-were suggestive of Wash­ nia, visited his brother, R. B. Rayner, ed for the Ingham County Democrat tieth milestone of life. .The crown­ which was, the Mason team's' goal,, ington's birthday and were lighted and family the week end. Mr. Ray­ February 12, 1885, and since that ing feattire of the fine dinner waa a Mrs. Coral Neely and Mlas MlldVed Lena' Harkness and Helen Hill, ty^o' with red candles In yglaaa-candle- ner is 6mployed by the gbvemment time be has taken, the local paper hpart-ahaped: birthday cake, as one Hunter returned fro^ Cleveland, other 'meihbers of the lo^al^team had aUcks,' the sticks being tied with at­ asan accountant, and, has been in the oontinubualy. He haii always paid of the fueats, Mr, Sawyer, was cele^:^ Friday, where they have been doing little to do, as seldom ind: the visiting tractive red: ribbon bows. The next eastern states since last lifay. He Is his anbsoriptlon either on. the date of bratlng hit birthday. Dainty Valen­ their sprint[ buying. MllM Mildred drls get the ball n«a> their baeket. Plirty wlU be Uarch Slat and will be at presont working on a ease tor the February 13 or, at least within eight tines aerTedMLplaeeeards,; It wae a Templar •ocompanied then tor; an To make Joy eomvlete la the local » eoftlm* party. SMiraft RoabttokCo^otOhteaio.IU. days from the 18th. | plealMnt ^n^hborhood tetherlof . Page Eiglit INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1923

ductiv(ty which are growing in sod. that this photographic, edition of cent successes as "Molly-O," and cago, lU., writing your name and ad­ "The above rates are for nifhite of 'Silas Mat-ner,' save fpr minor rear­ Ralph Bewis, in the front t'anks ot dress clettrly. ,You will receive ln STATE HDRisDciETy soda, lf sulphate of ammonia is used rangement that time limitation of the character men since "The Conquering return a trial package containing as the carrier of nitrogen, tlie rate of theatt'e exacts, lias been .faithfully Power,'' have the leading roles; Oth­ Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, application would be about 25 per plcturlzed as It Is written." ers are Ben, Heyvlett, lCenneth Gib­ for coughs, colds and croup, Foley To HOLD WINTER MEET cent less.'' This, Indeed, should be great news son, Robert M. Walker .and Wilton Kidney Piils and ' Foley Cathartic i' ——~ to tbe many yvho have despaired yvhen Taylor. Tahiots. Sold by all druggists in tliey have seen their favorite stories ! aiirw) Bay Ses.sfion WiII Open At Paw "Bt'oad Dayliglit'' plctures the tyvo Mason, (adv) distorted beyond all recognition in or­ ends to a crook's carcer, tlie grey ] Paw lf'olinmry 38—Program FLINT EI-OFHCIAL der to make a photoplay, as well as ,dayvn of death and the ''broad day­ SUBSCRIBE rOR THE) NEWS Lists Many Featnres. to those who have.read and studied light'' of reason. The latter end HETSJt RELEASE A little blind girl brings a touch of Gcqrge Eliot's story and loVc it. comes to hut a feyv, and it is of both Members of the Michigan - Statf pathos to the screen in "The Great As conceived by George Eliot, kinds that ''Broad D.aylight'' tells, IIorticuiturai Society,Hie leading or- Rolcascd From Jackson Prison On Adventure,'' Lionel Barrymore's star­ ''Silas Marner'' has everything that .Eltno Lincoln in ''Adventures Of BOOKINGS AT ' ganizatiou of fruit growers in the IliS.OfM) llail. ring vehicle which has its final allow­ goes to make good motion picture on- Tarzan'' is another attraction for state, yviil gather at l*aw Paw on Feb. ing tonight at the'Pastime Theatre. tertalnment. lt is a gripping, poig­ next week Wednesday and Tliunsday. 28 for tiireo days, in their annuai When her. gi-andfathor, a street nant, e-xqiiisitely tender human inter­ Next yveek Ii'riday .and Saturday PASTIME niid-winter meeting. FLlNT—Joseph Morrow, fot'mer musician, is injured in an accident, est story of t'ed-blooded homey folks. brings Buck Jones to the screen liet'e Marketing and cultural problems first ward alderman, was leleased on she Is adopted by Priam Farii, the There is a blending of love, tt'agedy, again In "West Of Chicago,'' a speedy of the orchard man will he discusseo $5,000 bail ft'otn Jackson prison, late THEATRE artist, played by Lionel Barrytnore. mystery, cruel deception and deep yvestern meiodrama. in detail by the state's fot-etnost hor- last Friday. . Maybeth Carr, eight years old, has sympathy in the plot. And these March 7 Dr. Robert Parker Miles, tlculturlsts during the conference. ln December, Morrow was convict- the part of Ithe child. charms of the story lend themselves lecturer, will be het-e as the last num­ David Friday, president of the ed in two separate cases ofhmbezzl- Chapter four of ''Adventures Of admirabiy to the screen. ber on tlte lecture course program. Tonight Michigan Agricuitut'ai College, will ing funds from the City of Fllnt. ln Tarzan,'' starring Elmo Lincoln, is Craufurd Kent, well kuown as a Friday .and Saturday, March 9 and address the conference on Wednes- one, he paid a $500 fine, but in the another attt'action for this evening. leading man of unusual character 10, CharUe Chaplin yvlll be seen hero LIONEL BARRYMORE day evening, Feb. 28. Other head- other declined to pay a $2,000 fine-,. Helene Cliadwlck, the beautiful abllit.v, plays the title role, and Is as­ in "A Bog's ljife,'' the host comedy liners on tbc progratn includ—It Is Worth Money Release of Morrow was granted by man, and the tyvo head a brilliant and Tuesday. Friday-Saturday Gardner, head of tbe M. A. C. horti­ Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to the supreme court, sever.al days ago, supporting cast. The story, by Gou- A story of the underworld yvrltten cultural department; and practical Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chi­ HAROLD LLOYD in upon petition of Thomas Stockton, veriieur Morris, is a roniance of tbe by neyvspapermen wIio f^tudied the growers, county agricultural agents, Morrow's attorney, pending formal mystery seas, yvith a search for buried underworld for years before tbey officers of tlie slate association, and NUMBER PLEASE and appeal to the supreme court for a neyv treasure, a battle with pirates, and tbouglit of yvriting, directed liy a man other members of tlie M. A. C. staff. trial. Tho charge on yvliich Morroyv everytiiing you would naturally _ ex­ graduated from theranks of fainous YELLOW MEN AND 'Ibe Michigan Agricultural College yvas sentenced to prison yvas of h.av- j pect in a sea talc. Tbe action starts actors and enacted by players of wide is asking the present stale legisla­ ing sold city oyvned motor lubrication yvith'the first reel, .and continues, irv Bush & Keeler popularity comes lo the Pastime GOLD ture for a $.100,000 appropriation for oil, by yvhich lie yvas convicted of un- a series of tbrllls and unexpected Theatre next Wednesday and Thurs- Willys-Light Co. a now horticultural buiiding, and layvfuiiy coming inio po.ssession of' punches, until the final scene. day. President Friday is expected to out­ city fiinds. Gouverneur Morris' An ol'fering of equal merit on llu.. Universal offers "lIroad Daylight'' IVIASON, MICH. line bis plans for e.\lenslve borticul- program for those two days is Harold as a speciai feature of the under- great adventure story tural work in tlie state at the I?aw Lloyd in "Number Please,'' a tyvo reel yvorld, Distributors lor Ingham and Eaton Payv conference, EATON RAPIDS FORD GARAGE story for hiugbing purposes only, Harvey Gates and George W. l?',v- Counties. yvbieii is certainly equal Io anytbing per, newspapermen and crime investi­ Monday-Tuesday Lloyd has ever done. gators long before tbey yvere film Phone or Write for Demonstration HAS SEC0N0|1(GITING BLAZE George Eloit's greatest story, "Silas writers, wrote the story. SILAS MARNER SEEK WEIGHT Marner,'' a chassic of English litera­ Irving Cnnimings, yvbo played yvitii We carry a lull line ol Elec­ liia/o Confined 'To llasenicnt Last ture and a favorite yvhercver lDnglish sucb famous artists ou the stage as tric Bulbs, also do wiring and BUFFALO BILL Wednesday Aftcrniioii. Is spoken, has been secured for pre­ Lillian ljussell and IIenry Miller, and and electrical repairing on PIG LITTERS sentation here under the auspices of later became one of the screen's idols, the Mason high sc'iiool, and yvill be renounced his standing as an actor short notice. EATON RAPIDS—About Qve hun­ Next Wed.-Thurs. shown at the Pastime Theater next some lime ago and lias been directing ,S(ntc Syvine lluiscrs Sfjuf. Unicpic dred dollars' damage was done by lire Monday and Tuesday evenings. for over a year. ''Broad Daylight" is LOIS WILSON in Coinpctitlon On Mw, I, Willi Ojicn- at tlic I'"'ord garage, last Wednesd.ay. Orders taken for Electrical Appli­ Arranged for tbe screen and di­ bis latest product. ing Of "Ton-Litlcr'' Ciiih., The lire yvas discovered by Maurice ances. rected by Frank P. Donoy'an, an in­ Lois Wilson of DeMille fiime. Jack BROAD DAYLIGHT Broyvn, yvbo is employed at tbe gar- troductory title in tbo film says, "It is Mulbail, yviiose popularity dales back A total yveigiit of a ton for a single age, about 12:30, at tiie time tlie otli- Bell Phone in deference to public iutelligence several years before such of his re- and TARZAN litter of pigs, and yvithin six months ers yvere. at dinner. Wben he discov­ of the lime tile pigs are born, yvill be ered 11. the blaze yvas coming up Ibe aim of Micbigan swine raisers in around tile register in tbe front sboyv a unique contest yvbicii will be tlirown room, and was caused from an over- open in tlie state on Marcli 1, to be healed furnace. The alarm was im- Jciiownas tile "Micbigan 'l'on Litter mediately given and the fire yvas soon Club.'' under control. On account of the 'JMie contest, yvhicb is being handled cement iloor and the fact that the jointly by tbe leading syvine breeders building yvas built practically fire associations of llic state and tho ani­ proof, the blaze was conlined to the mal liusiiandry department at the basement. This is the third lire which Michigan Agricultural College, is tills garage has luul since it yvas built open lo every farmer in tho slate, pro­ live years ago. Tbe building yvas vided he follows out tile prescribed opened for business on April 0, 1918, rules of enrollment, marking, inspec­ and on April 9 of that year, the first tion, etc., required in the competi- fire occurred, resulting in a loss of tion. Owners of all litters yvhich about $3,500, Ibis iielng a complete reacli a ton yveigiit at six montiis ot loss yvith no insurance. 'Ihe second age yvill be awarded cerlillcates in Ore occurred on August 15, 1922, and Ibe contest, yvbiie prizes yvill be given the damage at that time amounted to in different yveight clas.sos that reach about $500. 1,000 pouuds or more. HOG SALE "ljargc litters are essential for economical production,'* says V. A. OVID PHVSICIIIN KILLED AT AUCTION Freeinan, extension specialist at M. A. C. and state leader of the ton-litter clubs. ''Good feeding mixtures and WHEN W HITS MD the use of minerals and good pasture, along yvitli feeding for raidd gains, Di'. F. S. Osterlicid Victim Of 'lli'agic make for economy of production. Accident; G. Young Sufl'ors Injm-ics. I^arasites and unsanitary conditions yvork against econoniy. Tho.se are-the ST. JOHNS—Dr. F. S. Osterheld, things yvliich the ton-litter contest of Ovid, yvas instantly killed and Geo. yvill bring out and emphasize in the Young, of Ovid, injured yvhen the car slate.'' in yvliich they' yvere driving was Enrollments, yvhicb sliould be sent struck by a yvestbound iCji'and Trunk 92 Head of 0.1. C Hogs In at once to Mr.' Freeman as leader passenger train on the 'Siiepardsville of tbe clubs, yvill not be received af- crossing at 4:30 o'clock last Wednes­ ter Aprn :\. Detailed instructions day afternoon. Mr. Young suffered and informaHon on the contest yvill several scalp yvounds and a bruised At my place one mile east and one-half mile south of Mason, be sent oul by the college extension sboulder. division on request;;. The accident occurred after the on State Game Farm Rpad, on Ovid doetor had called on a number of iiatients In Sbepardsville 'and was starting north to ansyver another caU. That niorning his liudson car had be­ SOD DRCHARDS NEED come fast in a snow-drift and Dr. Cs- lerbeld tailed Mr. Voung, yvbo is the proprietor of the Hudson garage in MOREilTILIZAIION Ovid and deputy sheriff of Clinton county, to pull his car out and drive Many li'actors Govern liato Of Apidi- it for him the remainder of the day. Tuesday, Feb. 27 cation li'or Michigan As they neared the railroad cross­ Fruit Ti-ecs. ing Mr. Young asked the doctor lf there yvas 'n train in sight. There Commencing at 1:00 p. m. sharp. happened to be a switch engine on The rale of application of commer- the tracks but due to the blizzard no y;ial fertilizers in Michigan orchards, oUier train could be seen. Just as •an important question for slate fruit tbe front yvbeels of the automobile growers, must be determined .after reached the crossing tlie front of the consideration of many vital factors, car yvas struck by tlie passenger train, according lo Prof. li. E. Marsbali, of due in' St. Jolins at 3:45 p. m. and the j\l. A. C. horticultural, deparl- rurtning an hour behind schedule. 7 Registered 2-year-old Sows, bred for Febru­ inenl. lt'ertilizer requirements must Tbe force ot the impact yvhiiIed tlie be based on tlie individual orchard, autoniobile around broadside to Ibe but tiiere are certain recomiiieuda- track and Ibreyv Dr. Osterheld out ot tions yvhlcli can be used as a guide. the. car directly in tbe path of tbo ary and March farrow; 55 Gilts, bred for March, "Tbe age and size of tbe trees, the train. •lengths of annuai tyvig groyvtli, the The body yv.-is taken to the home of limount and color of foliage, the the deceased man in Ovid. IIe is sur­ April and May farrow; 30 thrifty Shoats. These plumpness of spurs and fruit growths, vived by his yvidoyv and tyvo-year-old and the yields .of fruit, mu.st all lie son and tyvo brothers. considered iniplanning rates hf ap- plication,'' says Prof. MarsliMl. are all exceptionally fine healthy animals. ' ''Sod orchards should have a liigli- ,er rale of application than cuitlvated ones. • Where fruit trees are gt'oyving iin sod, the nitrog;en applications should be fully 50 per cent^higher. lt plants are in poor state of vigor, the applications should be 50 to 100 per cent greater tlian those given for av­ TERMS—Nine months"ttme will be given on bankable notes drawing seven erage,, normal tt-ees and plants. "One-half pound of nitrate of soda per cent interest per tree per year should be sufficient tor apple trees until they are about • two years old, when the amounts may be gradually increased until Lhey amount to one and one-halt pounds per tree at five or six years of age. At this age, and until the tree comes ln- ' to fuU'fruit',production, fertilizers ; should be used sparingly, if ali all. Trees from ten or twelve to twenty years old can generally use about QUICK REUEF •VA:;.-': three pounds of nitrate of soda. The OfiiI«t--liin

Biiittgiiai' iiiiliiiiiiiil^^ INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1923 Page Nlw

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gallen entertain Miss Pauline Risch underwent an Tuesday of the death ot a sister at ed guests from away Sunday. operation for appendicitis at .Spart-ow Stanton. John C, Haltz has the grip and is hospital l.ianslng Thursday. She is Hugh VauGilder .and wife and Mrs. under the doctor's care. on the gain. Chet Rriggs were Lansing visitors LESLIE At'chie Whallon of I^'ltchburg, was The Father and Son banquet that Saturday. The Human Factor in Leslie and Mason Saturday on bu was to have been held Monday even- Mrs. Flora Brimiey and sons yvere lne.ss. ' ing has been postponed until Mar. 5. in I..ansing Monday. Mrs, Ella Haiti, Oor. • Rev. O. B. Tbur.ston yviil give the Fred Crandall and family are mov­ Mrs. Robert Foster yvas in William­ in Industrial address at the Congregatioiiai church ing into tho rooms,above the drug ston, Monday. Sunday morning, Feb. 25. Tlie toplc store. "Who is .lesus Cbrist?'' Rayner IIaskiU ha^ purchased the 'Tliird Gritdc Fxcrcisc.s. ' Mr.s. Sylvia Dunsliayv and two cliii' Fred Crandall house and yvill move Efficiency Song, ''America" by tlte school, fol­ dren yvere recent guests of her liiotli- there soon. ioyved i)y tbe Flag salute; recitation, er, Mrs. ljlzzie Ilyde, in Lansing. Mrs. Russoll Bement of l.aiising. is "Song of, the Bee," Lynn Aldrich; Mrs. Laut'a Ifaiies was in Jaciison spending tlie yveek yvith her parents, URING the past twO years the recitation, "Babes in tiic Woods,'' Saturday. IIicd ln Chicago. Mrs. Gruiin's and wiio was a guest at tbat pays best in the long rnn is a steady income, received at stated The remains of Clinton yVatson ar­ the Gruhn home, gay'e nutnet'ous reci­ tinies, absolutely dependable and as .high as can be consistent yvith the Thus by safeguarding the welfare of the rived in Leslie fi'oni the receiving iios- tations and responded to encores, complete security afforded the principal. Worker, the Standard Oil COmpany (Indiana) piiai at Jackson Park, Cliicago, wliei'e 'those yvbo missed this.meethig miss­ he departed tbis life Feb; 13, 1023. ed a.rare treat. Tbe next meeting of takes the initial step towards harmony within He yvas born at AVlsner, Mi'cb., August ..be society yviii be licld yvitb Mr. and UNITED the organization, which ^hables the Company 15, 1S9 7, and yvas the eldest .son of Mrs. Ilarold li'litton, the thit'd Thut's- to produce annually a tremendous volume of Mrs L. B. York. IIe enlisted yvitli day in Marcli, the 'National Guards in Jackson, and 7% First Mortgage Bonds petroleum products of uniform quality, which served yvith the boys on tbe border at are baclced by double security in central, improved, city property, and are such essential factors in promoting commer­ El Paso, Texas, in Co. L. 31st Mieb- the income is paid semi-annually, yvith never a delay or default. cial progress and domestic happiness. ' lgan Infantry, until he received ills Meadsville honot'abio discharge on account of ill These bdnds are tax exempt in Michigan and the normal Federal in- come tax of 4% on the income from them is paid. health. Ho yvas united in marriage Mrs. Norm.an Showers received to Miss Ethel Friend of Rives Junc word the lirst of the yveek that her Standard Oil Company 10 mias J1.U1U1 i.iiviiiu u...... worn tne ttrsl ol me WUBK. mai. "er tion April 10, 1916. Two daughters ^ Martin, who is staying with United States Mortgage Bond Co., Ltd. (Indiana) blessed tile union. The eidest died daughter, Mrs. Silas Lantis, u'^ar at the age of Ove months. IIe lesives Van toyvn, was y'et'y loyv yvitb li'ieu- , t\,^ r,ern r. *' fi,. .n IVl/^IlMla TTO leflves ... 1 I U ...... 312 Majestic Building to mourn their loss the wife and monia. MAJL COUPON TODAY 910 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago daughter, his mother and two sis­ Lee and Orrie Beam yvere in Lan­ UNITED STATES MORTGAGE BOND CO., LTD. Phone Main 11 00 3046 ters, one Mrs. Fioyd Steei, of Mason, sing last Tuesday. 312 Mnieatic Butldlns Detroit, Mich. Detroit^ Michigan , two brothers and an aged grandmotli­ Cus Deitz is on the sick list, Ross WItliout obligfition on my part, send mo copy of boolc- er of Leslie. Tliere are many ol^'ie* Norton is yvorking for him. lot, "A Wise Mnn'B QuoaUonB,'' KivlnB information ' about your 1% First MortgngB Bonde. near relatives. Rev. S. J. tl'M offi­ Mrs. Clarence Budd Is quite sick Rapreuntsd by ciated at i\\o funerai yvhich yvas beld at thiB yvriting with tonslllUs. at'tbe B. A. Davis funeral borne in Clare lliiyniond from, near Mason, J. E. TAYLOR Leslie Friday at 2 o'clockAyitb burial yvill work his uncle's, G. Deitz', fat'tn Addrcsfl If you want to buy or sell, use a Classified Adv. at the Draper cemetery at Rives Junc­ this year. ' Mason, Michigan tion. The Wrigbt-Farrand Post Mrs. Clyd.e Shaffer visited Mrs. Or- • American Legion, attended as pall­ delia IIaHaday one day last yveek. bearers. Mrs. Bessie Oakley visited lier pat'- Union Service. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gailey, last V Rev. S. L Hall yvili give the address l^.riday, ' at the union service Sunday evening. Mrs. IIalladay remains about tiie The topic, "The Fundamentals Of same. A lady from Mason is caring Christianity."'' ' . , for iier. Leslie Locals. Edna Galley visited her sister, Mrs. The regular monthly meeting of Orviiie Cosgray, one, day recently. the Congregational church yvill be Mrs. Ellas Budd visited her son, held at the chapel Thursday,,'March Clarence Budd, and yvife last Monday. 1st, in tiie evening. Mrs. A. W. Col­ Chas. Neithammor called on his lins of Lansing,! yvill give tin addvess. sister, Mrs. Frank Artz, and famiiy Rev. and' Mrs. S. J. Hall 'were in last Titiesday. Jaciison Monday on a shopping tour. Big Commmiity Sale! Tiie B. V. P. U. enjoyed a sleigh ride Tuesday evening. They enjoyed i Onondaga refreshments and a social hour at the AT THE ROLLIE SPEERS FARM ONE MILE NORTH AND THREE MILES EAST OF MASON, ON church after the ride. Mrs. Elliott-Brown is entertaining Wiliiam Miner has been sick with her nephew, Lloyd Parker, and hip the Flu for the last week. wife from Detroit. They wiil visit The B. of H. had a card party Tues­ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parker day evening, Feb. 20th, at tho home in Eaton Rapids, before retiarning ot Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Baldwin's. home. The baked goods sale that was held A pleasing surprise was given Mrs. at Rosenbrook's store last Saturday Monday, F 26th Alma Sniith Monday when her Sun­ netted the bible class over $10. • day school class of the Congrega­ Don't forget the Campflre play Fri­ tional church gave her a co-operatlve day evening, Feb. 23. Admission 15 COMMENCING AT 12:30 O'CLOCK, SHARP, THE FOLLOYi^ING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: dinner and. some social hours, Mon­ and 25c. Come and help the girls. day. She still has to walk with , Edd Hollicker and family are mov­ ing on the Martin C. Baldwin farm crutches. Mrs. Mina Ailen, her sis­ this week. . ter, ls agisting .her through the acci­ HORSES SHEEP ; IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, ETC. dent. Robert Nobie returned home Mon­ day from Battle Creek, where he has Mrs. Dora Haynes was a yveek end Gray Gelding, 7 yeal's old, weight 1400 50 Coarse Wool Breeding Ewes, due Osborne 2-section Spring Tooth Harrow, been visiting his uncle, Wai-ren R. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Hanson In to lanlb in April' nearly new Covert. Black Gelding, 6 yrs. old, wt. 1465 Lansing. • • ^ There were a number of ladies call­ Bay Driving Mare, 10 yrs. old, wt. 1000 John Deere Sulky Plow Mrs, Claud Durfey visited Mr. and HOGS ed on Mi's. W. R. Groom Wednesday, Colt, coming 2 years old McCormick Mower Mrs. L, B. Miller in Jackson, Sunday. Feb. 21, honoring her blrthd.ay. Cards Mrs. Zora Buckingham, was in yvere played and refreshments seived. Pair Mules, weight about 1300 4 Reg. 0.1. C. Brood Sows, due in Empire Cl-eam Separator Match and April Jackson, Saturdivy. , 'Velma Prosser is sick ln an Ann Pair Hay Mules, weight 2400 Anchor-Holth Cream Separator Orrin Wasper of Mason, was the Arbor hospital this week. 5 Reg. 6. t C. Gilts, due in April & May Third Harness ^ Sunday guest of Miss Thelma Burke. Miss Beldora Rodman ot Eaton CATTLE Mrs. Exer Miner was in,Mason on Rapids, spent Monday and Tuesday 2 O. I. G. Sows, due in April iuidi May Hay Loader ' ' business, Saturday. with Miss Ruth Ballard in Onondaga. Spotted Cow, 9 yrs. old, giving milk Poland China Sow^April faiTO^ 50-gaJ. \Kerosene Oil Barrel Clayton Miner, who injured his Mi^s Ruth Ballard of Onondaga, at. 2 year old Heifer, fresK in January Duroc Sow,April farrow Other articles too numerous to mention thumb and was threatened with tended the Eaton Rapids-Charlotte 5 year old Holsteill Cbvir, due March 1 blood poisoning ls very much improv­ basketball game last Tuesday even­ 3 Poland China Gilts, eligllAB tw^w^^ 3 Holstein Yearling Heifers ed. ing. , . ter, due la^t week in Mareli. HAY, GRAIN, ETC. Miss Ruth Ferrick of Jackson, was the week.end guest of Leslie friends. POULTRY 4 Pure Bred Big Type Poland China 8 tons Clover Hay' Mrs.' Luna Bolbee was in Jackson, Webberviile SOPuUets : Gilts, due May 1, best of bi-eeding 10 tons-Mixed Iiay ' Monday. ' 3 .' Rev. Lloyd Mead was out Tuesday for nevthe. xiowifirst Dtim e iii two weelts...... ^—. , . Born to Mr. and Mrs. dlifford Mon- ANY ONE WISHmiRTO DISPOSE OF ANY PIIOPBIRTY, BRINGRO N DAY OF SALE. CalifornlaihaRev. Lewis s Crutherreturnesd otfo PasadenaMichigan, roe, a hiiie pound girl, Friday.' ...... n.v..'.i-.'.> and Is located at Jackson for the Mlss Viola Sinith of tJiis plailacc e and present ' Howard Willianis.-of Fowlervilie; Drill. A; Fletcher has been; con- .w.<«--.~»—Awere married at. m..East. TLansin ...... i...g. Friday—. fined'to' his home by illness'for two Denhls Patrick of White Cloud, 'raiRMS—TEN DOI*'" bRUNDER^ CASH; OVE^l TIIAT ^Sw^ week!. wag;baime;the'week euidl;;:'^:';' 'I'r j ,.._._.S,;.DRAWING 7'PER CENT^INTBkES^^ ,, sMri^ Nellie Balley bf;Jacki9on^."RNUB (r'Hbward Knickbocker' of .^^^ "-' ^ —1- end^ieltor^here. Jr. and J^,;MllofChubb .i£R^:C.;-DART^^^:C0.i:^^^

liiiiiiigiiiaiaM^^^^ Piige Ten INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH,, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 22,1923 T PEOPLE WHY VOTE By JACK WILSON RADIO RALF AND HIS FRIENDS- CgpynRtit i9i> l>r ih. McOuir NiMp.p.r SymftclM

! , orOEHTH PEMLTY SU»B! VOU PIAKT I (Coiltinned from page one) THE SEED Alio A Blfr- give the idea more^ (iiiahce'~fo go TALLTREE Wjui. GPtiW tbrongb tbo iegislatlve mill and ayvait WITH LEMONS HMQIHQ- the decision of tbe people of the state ALL OVER onjyvbether or not lt actually goes in­ to j effect. Indemnity for Tubercular Cattle House members bad a hot debate ln coiiunitteo of tbo yvhole over tbo lClrby bill to authorize supervisors to employ veterinarians to inspect cattie fori.tuborcuiosis and io fix the state Indemnltlcs at the amounts named in the federal statutes, $25 for grade coyvs and up to $60 tor roglstercd cat­ tle] Tho bill la a department of agrl- culturc measure "Tbo bill would limit Indemnity for destroyed' cattie to one-third of the difference betyveen tbe , appraised value and tbe salvage. Rep. HoBand, will attempt to amend tho bill to agree ln any county or counties in the state. wItJi one he introduced and which A closed season yvould be limited to provides that-the appraised value bo five years and hearings are provided set by a comniittec of freeholders and for on potition of 25 or more freehol­ that the farmer be reimbursed 100 per ders. <'ent.' Opposition to the idan proposed by Elgbt-hour Bill Loses in liouse Senator Henry, of cbanglng tbe cir­ cuit court districts of Micblgan from Once more a Michigan house of rep­ •10 to IO, yvitb enough judges in each resentatives lias gone on record to care for nil the yvork, has been ot against a state layv conipclling' the Auction Sale! such volume as to make it appear that ostabllshnient of tbe S-honr day for it yvlll not go through. Senator Wood, all I workers. Foiioyving a debate on of Detroit, has introduced another bill HAVING DECIDED TO DISPOSE OF PERSONAL PROI'ERTY WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE Rei). John Holland's bill for the S- socking four additional circuit court hour day, the house voted lt down 71 PLACE KNOWN AS A. C. TITUS FARM, 4'/4 MILES EAST OF DANSVILLE ON STATE I^D. OR i/, MILE SOUTH judges for Wayne. Tbese wouid have to !I7. Two years ago tho house AND 11/2 MILES WEST OF WHITE OAIi TOWN HALL, ON been provided by tbe Henry plan, but shoyved only eight nieinbcra favorable Seuator Wood is proceeding on the to the proposition. theory of ''safety first'' in his proposal. The time bonorod amendment call­ ing for the application of tho 8-hour The big taxation bills are reniainliig day principle to farms and farm labor n committee for the present, where was attached as usual to the Holland tbey are lieing given careful considera­ tion and Signs of probable opposition Monday, Feb. 26th bili, over the liiitrodiicer's strenuous objections. But tbere yvas other op­ to them are being watcbed for. lt is position to the measure. Including that likely tlwit they will stay In coinmlttce COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLOCIi SHARP. CIGARS AND FREE LUNCH AT NOON: of Rep. Charles Bnrtlctt, Detroit labor for a few more yveeks and that the man, who declared he did not believe llrst to emerge yvlll be tbe Warner iegisiation could afford a cure for bill for a tax of two cents a gallon on eodnomic and moral problcms sucb iis gasoline. HORSES SHEEP Tractor Buzz Saw Frame » are' lucliided In the fundamental Idea Tacit understanding has been had Power Corn Sheller of the 8-hoiir biH. between senators and representatives Span Male Mules, weight 2600 pounds 40 extra good Moreno Breeding Ewes Feed Grinder ^ Would Change Terms of Scbooi Bonds in regard to the bills reapportioning Grey fielding, 8 yls. old, weight 1200 15 Spring Ewe Lambs ^, Sharpies Cream Separator Economy figured In a hoiise debate the seats in each house. Each yvill Colt, 9 months old Narrow Tire Wagon and Box over the Road bill to allow toyvnshlp thresh out its own problem and the HOGS Iron Wheel. Wagon scliool bonds to bo issued for a period other wlll accept the decision. It is CATTLE Gasoline Barrel of 30 years, instead of 15 years, as at declared that Wayne yvill be given rea­ 3 Thoroughbred Poland China Sows, sonable treatment in regard to the Registered Guernsey Bull, 3 years old Manure Spreader jire'sent. Otlier school bonds arc legal bled for ispring farrow Breaking Cart for 30 year periods, llep. lIead con- increased representation to yvbich its Grade Holstein Cow, 8 years old, 4 Thoroughbred Poland China Gilts, Deering Corn Husker tondod, so toyvnship bonds aiso couid population figures entitie it. giving milk Gale Corn Planter be put on the sumo basis, llep. David Just now the bulk of the yvork is be­ Grade Holstein Coyv, 3 years old, bred for spring farrow Butler, of Lapeer, led tho opposition ing done lti committee and one re­ freshens in April 4 Fall Pigs Heavy Work Hal'ness to the Read bill and pointed out tbat freshing bit of neyvs pertaining to Grade Holstein and Jersey Cow, 7 years Also lllany other articles lie Iliad introduced a bill to limit all committee consideration of the many old, freshened in January IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, ETC. Bcliool bonds to 15 years, as a meas­ bills introduced is tbat the ''freak'' Grade Jersey Cow, 1,0 years old, HAY, GRAIN, ETC. ure of economy. He lind other speak­ bills SO' numerous in the first days of Mogul 8-16 Tractor and Grand ers; argued tliirt tho longer period the session have no cliance to he re­ giving milk . Detour Plows 150 bushels Oats caused school boards to be too liberal ported out to take up the time of the Grade Jersey Cow, 9 years old, 60 bushels Barley la their expendltut-es of bond money Blizzard Insilage Filler tyvo houses. givillg milk 700 bushels Corn in crib and tbat many of the things tbey Teachers' certificates will be sub­ Grade Guernsey Cow, 5 years old, Deering Grain Binder^ spent money for were used up com­ 5 tons Alfalfa Hay ject to suspension, under the terms of freshened in January Milwaukee Corn Binder pletely long before tbe people yvcre 10 tons Clover Hay a hill introduced by Rep. Leedy, where Grade Jersey Cow, 3 years old, 6 H. P. Fairbanks Morse Kerosine called upon to settle for tbe bonds'. 12 tons Timothy Hay teachers break their contracts yvlth Engine ' , freshens in March Quantity Corn Stalks 'l'be bouse sbowod a hiajorlty of school boards. The revoking power John Deere Sulky Plow Grade Cow, 5 years old, due to Quantity Bean Pods tbose voting on the Read bill to be is placed In the bands of county 3-section Spring Tooth Harrow , In favor of it, but tbey were three freshen in March school examiners, regents of tbe Uni­ 2-section Spike Tooth Harrow abort of tbe nunilier required to pass versity, the state superintendent ot l-yeai'-old Holstein Heifer Calf HOUSEHOLD GOODS Hocking Valley Hay Loader a bill, having oniy 48 ayes to .il noes public instruction'and the state board l-year-old Holstein Steer Calf and 51 votes being required to adopt of education. Spring Steer Calf Hay Tedder Iiitchen Range, nearly new aujj measure in tbe bouse. Rep. Read Jersey Heifer Spring Calf McCormick Mower Kitchen Cabinet Th« senate has passed two bank­ had tbe bill tabled and may make an­ Bean Puller * ing, bills Introduced hy Senator Walter Cattle will be Tuberculin Tested Davenport other effort later lo get it through. Hayes, of Detroit, One provides for before sale Grain Drill . 3, Milk-Cans Iladical changes In the conduct of tbe appraisal of banlc-oyvned real ea­ tho Michigan State Fair are proposed tate every live years, with Increased in ll bill introduced by Senator Brow- values included in the bank assets, er, of .lackson, accompanied by anoth­ The other, designed to help people TERMS—TEN DOLLARS OR UNDER, CASH; OVER THAT AMOUNT 9 MONTHS' TIME WILL BE GIVEN er bill appropriating !fl00,000 for reor­ build homes, aims to alloyv banks to ON BANKABLE NOTES, I)RAWING 6 PER CENT INTEREST. ganization and conduct of. tbe fair. loan up to 60 per cent of the value of The ''midway'' would be wiped out real estate. The present layv makes froiii tbe fair under the Brower bill, the limit for loans 50 i)er cent of the tboj appropriation being designed part­ value of the property. • ly to care for revenue lost from mid­ Rep. Warden, of Detroit, yvanta A. C. TITUS & SON, Props. way concessions, lt is understood meters put on telephones yvhich are that tbo Brower plan bas tbe back- charging so-called meter .rates and has iiigj of Cov. Croesbeck and tbe state RALPH HAYNER, Clerk PRICE & HEPP, Auctioneers introducod a bill in the house to com­ doiiartment of agriculture. pel tbis to be done. At present, he Illie bouse has passed' the Wade bill asserts, there is no yvay for the sub­ to prohibit .tlsbing in inland yvnters scriber to tell yvhether he is called from yvbicb the public is barred and upon to 'pay for the .right number ot in wliicli the state plants flsb. 'l'hls calls or not. bill! is desigtted to break doyvn barriers Among recent neyv bills in the house whicb sport clubs bave .put up against is a department of conservation meas­ thej public lu places where they con­ ure offered by Rep. Miles, of Mecosta, trol all adjoining iand. 'Ihe i.ouse yvbicb yvould make public bunting and stood 72 tc 1.1 iu favor of Ibo measure. Jlshing grounds of ail submerged and swamp lands except" the St, Clair Brief Notes of Interest. Flats. Tbe provf3lt>ni''-oi!i.. tbe bill Auction Sale! More economy is back of projected yvould not cover islands, it yvas said. HAVING SOLD MY FARM I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE PLACE, IN DANSVILLE, ON legislation to either amend or repeal Rep. Clllott, Repid City, has iutm. the!Covert road act. Thus far noth­ diiced a bill to limit the authority of ing jhas reached tbo floor of' eitber. consollduted rural, scbooi boards in bouse in regard to tbe Covert act, but disposing of scbooi property taken tbe j talk concerning action was given over in tbe consolidation. All sucb Friday, March 2d, 1923 considerable impetus following a property should be protected in the COMMDNCING AT 12:30 O'CLOCK, SHARP, THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: rneeting bore of the state association five-year period in yvhich.tho consoli­ >if .supervisors. Of the latter those dated district tries out this plan of from sparsely settled districts wanted operation, he believes. HORSES Combination Hay Rack Stack Straw—Corn Fodder tho I Covert act left alone, but othera Wood Rack Quantity Clover Hay The senate put a much-debated bill Black Mare, 8 years old, weight 1400 were In favor of doing ayvay with it, Quantity Timothy Hay to sleep by a 15 to 7 vote when it was Roan Maret 9 years old, weight 1200 Top Buggy ^ / partly or entirely, and obtaining called upon to act on the proposal of Double Buggy 100 bushels Oats enough Income from gasoline and ln- Senator Bahorsld, of Detroit, to pen. 100 bushels Corn ^ ^ come taxes to meet road expenses. CATTLE Oliver Wheel Cultivator slon members ot the state supremo Ajax Wheel CuItivator court after the age of 72 or after 25 Durhaln Cow, giving milk . HOUSEHOLD GOODS Lobbyists at the legislature have he- Walking Plow cohie yvorried since the passage of the years of service on the bench. Econ­ 2 head Young Cattle, past year old 17-tooth Spring Tooth Drag Holland resolution by the,house for a omy was the plea that killed this blU. Butterfly Cream Separator coii\mittee, headed by the" speaker, to Rep. John Steveason, of Detroit, in­ HOGS Double Harness Water Separator control admission to the floor of the troduced a hill to provide that state O> I. C. Brood Sow, due April 1st Single Harness i Barrel Churn hottso of an persons not members. game laws shall not preyent transpor. Hog Crate Some HousehoId Goods Various legislative .agents have re­ tation and sale of ral)blts legally IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, ETC. Hay Rope quested Chairman Culver, of the rules caught ,or killed in other, str.tos if the Stone Beat , MISCELLANEOUS committee, for a hearing before rules consignee is able to show fihe Invoice Heavy Lumber Wagon Few Brick excluding them from the floor are covering their shipment. / . Low Truck Wagon ' ' HAY, GRAIN, ETC. adopted. He has not yet intimated Deering.Mowing Machine FewTile whether lie will order such a hearing NEEDS A NAIL. , Dump IIay Rake 11/2 bushels Clover Seed Cant Hook or not. Members are inclined to think A cycliiig "nut'' was riding aloiig Dump Boards Some Seed Corn Thoroughbred Fox-Terrier Puppy that tills hearing, it hold, is apt tobB when his hat blew off.. Ai passing most interestihg... ^ countryman picked it up. and took it to him as he circled around, saving ^ TERMS-TEN DOLLARS OR UNDER, CASH; OVER THAT AMOUNT 9 MONTHS' TIME WILL BE GIVEN IRep. Howard Baxter, ot Kent, .-put Ulni the trouble of getting off his ma­ ON BANKABLE NOTES, DRAWING 7 PER CENT INTEREST;. In a bill to open;_the way for public' chined •' , i'.'' Btjliools to undertake special training ''I weally must get some stwing to i of i blind and deaf pupils. , Rep, .Gll- Iceep this bally bat on|''~ muttered the iott, of Kalkaska, introduced a bill to :Vnut'''.ii6 he wheeled off without a FRANK BRACE, Prop. . Rutltorize the .8tatiB;;41r««tor :P^^ word (tf: thanks, . : forwation, wlUi approyalot^Jths^ stott Tbe iyokel?B ireplr but OSCAR M. ALLEN, Clerk iMlmlnJiti»il»*'4bOMa,,sit^^ "Qtt a miUl INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, BUCH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1923 Page Eleven

ByLF.VtnZelm AW, WHAT'S THE ySE «0 Wmun N,\>i|i.|,«r Unlun Mandy Ought to Know 17 ;


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IQ-11 - 12-

13- M -'S-

16 - n


wiil lose no time in reading it, Pa is tea.'' LICENSE TO SELL. WOODWORTH—FEB. 27 MORTGAGE SALE. BUSINESS CARDS tickled but ma. says she thinks there "But,*' queried the doctor, ''don't state of Michlitan. The Probate Oourt for Default having been mndo In tho condttlona the Oounty ot InKliam. of a real estate mortgage, whereby the power you drink milk?'' ATTORNEYS is a ketch in it sum place, & that the At a aeaslon of gntd Oourt, liold at tho Pro­ of sale therein contained became operative, editor means his tlnie is to valuble. ''Naw,'' said the boy in a tone of bate O/Tice In the Oity ot Maaon, tn antd coun­ made by Frank N. FIniiagnn and Anna Flan­ O. J. HOOD nnd W. s. sEELVE, Attorneys at disgust, ''we feed milk to the hogs.'' ty, on tho Stst day ot January. A. D. 1023. agan, husband nnd wife to the Fnrmera Bank, Law. Farmers Bank Bldg., Mason, Mich. a Michigan corporation, ot Mason, Michigan, —Boston Globe. Present: HON. L, D. McARTHUR, Judge Olti. phone, Offlce 102. tg-tr-pd. Tortured l^Iany Years By Kidneys of Probate. dated April 21, 190.1, and recorded in the tieg- iater of Deeda ollice tor Ingham Oounty, Mich­ "Have had kidney trouble for In the Matter of tho Estate of .CORA A. A. BERGMAN, Attorney and OounBelor yVOODyVOKTH, Montatly Incompetent. igan, on April 23, 190.1, in Liber 121 of Mort- at Law, Mason; Michigan. Bolt phone Sf, twelve years,'' writes H. P. Pinkney, ORDER FOR APPEARANCE. Olarl< Oartcr havlnit died tn aatd court tils gages on pngo 1.10 nnd nttorwnrdfl duly nsslgn- Slats' West Jackson, Miss. ''Pains in back, petition, praylnff for ticonso to sell the Intor- ed by said Farmcra Bank to Lovlcin M. Dart State of MIchtKna. Olrciilt Oourt for tho hy an assignment recorded in anid Kegiator ot eiit of Bald estate in certain real estate therein , NURSES catches in hips, and getting' up too Oounty of Ingham. In Ohnnccry. DccdB In Liber 198 ot Mortgages on page 23C, described, Wlltinm s. Johnson, FlHlntilf, upon which mortgage there is now claimed to much at night. But Foley Kidney It IB Ordered, That the 27th day of Febru­ vs. be duo nnd unpaid tho aum of ono thousand GENEVIEVE D. OOLTIIORP, RoglBtered Pills relieved my suffering and I feel Diary Oora IVI. Jolinaton, Defendant. ary, A. D. 1923, nt ten o'cioclc ln the forenoon, dollara as unpaid principal and no suit at law, Nurse, Bell phone 606-Ft3. 47wl8p like a new man.'' For Kidney and At n session of the said Oourt held at the nt sntd probate ofllce, be and la hereby ap­ having been brought to recover saiil aum, or pointed tor honrlnit said petition, nnd that nil Bladder trouble Insist on Foley Kid­ court room In tho City of LnnsinK, In said any part thereof, notice la hereby given, that VETERINARY county on the alxtii day of January, t023. persons Interested, in snid estate appear before tiy virtue ot tlic power ot sale contained In Bald rote every ney Pills. Sold by all druggists in PrcBont, tlio HO>f. LELAND W. OARR, said court, nt snid time and place, to show mortgage, the undersigned will sell at public DIl. L. A. WILEDEN, Graduate Votcrln«fl»n. weak spec- Mason. (adv) , Oircult .TudRO. cause why a license to sell the interest ot Bald auction to the higbcst bidder on Saturday, Ottlce and reildence South "A'* atreet. Both ialiy for In thia cause, It nnpearlnK from tlio afTidnvit estate ln said real estate ahould not l>c grant­ April 21, 1923, nt ten o'clock in the forenoon Piionea. s8-tf ed; tbe Nooa of anid plnlnti/f thnt hc docs not l'"'"»" hia '»petition >'"•, praying tor iiconso to sell the in- ^i' oc. Z 11liamStOn pllOlie court ho admitted to probate, and that tho ad- i ,"°I"' ""''.^ ,!'!•„ "W!";'™ ""i.'r'" In tills c.uiso it n|i|ioiirinB from nfliiliivit now deviaeea, logntces'nnd aasigna, reside, nnd nf- therohtereat i odeaeribcdf said estat, e in certain real estnto 'I.i-Il-J-^O at JTiy eXpCnSC. 6W4p and a laie. l 'tt'd u Sood Xt'.ttse ministration of snid estate hc granted to him- on tiio that it cannot ho asccrtainotl in what tcr diligent search nnd inquiry plaintifT is un- It is Ordered, Tiint tlio ritli dny ot Mnrch, Boif or to some other suitable person, all projiared up io give to uia attd Htato or country Uio ilcfeniiant roaicloB thcro- nhlo to nacertnln tiie namea niui where abouts A. D. 1923, at ten o'ciock In tho forenoon, nt It la Ordered, That tlie Kith day ot March, yvben I got iionie sbe never even ast foro. on motion of .7. A. Itoico. attorney i'or of tho persons who are included ns defendants aaid proiiatu ottice, ile and ia hornby nppolntod COL. M. E. JACOBS A, D. 1923, at ton o'clock in the forenoon, nt said iilaintifV, it is orilercd that tho dufendant without being named; tor honrlng snid petition, nnd thnt nil persons me enny iblng about what was tbe aaid prolintc otllce, he nnd is hereby appointed Auctioneer enter hia aiitK.ar.'inco in said c.ant>o, on or hoforc Therefore, upon motion of 0. J. Hood nnd interested in said catnte npponr before snid matter. Thats the way good Xcuses for 'hearing said potition ; three months from the dale o£ this order an'd yv. .S. Seoiyo, the nttornoys for tho plaintifT, court, nt said time and pincc, to show cnuao Farm S^les and Live Stock a it is Furuior Ordered. That public notice goes to yvalst. But it niay cutn iu that within twenty days, tho iiinintiir cnuiai IT IS ORDERED thnt ail said detondnnta enter why a license to soli tho inlorest ot anid estate thereof bo given by publication ot a copy ot specialty. handy later on suni tune in tlie fut­ tills order to bo puiiiishcd in tiio tnnham Coun­ their iiiipearanco in anid cause within three In said real estate should not Iw granted i thla order, for three auoocBalve wc'eks previous ty' Now..), a iiows|)aix;i. rcKuiarly mititisiicit an,=>...,.,-^ ...... u la Ordered, Thnf tho filh day ot Mnroh, It la Ordered, Tliat the Otii day ot March, ty, on tho Slat day ot January, A. D. 1923. tilefondanta. inlns Ave., Lansing. 40.tf day. The lady Ot the family callys Q ,go;5, „t ten o'clock in the forenoon, nt A. D. 1923, at ton o'ciock In tho forenoon, nt Present: HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge Suit ponding in tho Circuit Court for tho ot Prohnto. Couniy of Inghnm, in Chnncery, nt tho City of in tile coal, cuts tbe kindling & takes : anid Probate Ottlce 'b o and... is liercb. y appointe. d• aaid probato omce, bo and is hereby nppoihtod K. E. STEVES, general auctioneer. SatlatacUom for hearing aatd petition ! In the' Matter ot tho Estate ot CHRIS- Mnaon, in said County, on tlie 'JOtb day ot .Tan- care Of the yard and lutts on spare for hearing said petition gunrnnteed, Maaon, Mich. Bell phone. lwB2p It is Further Ordered, Tliat public notlco It is Further Ordered, That public notice TOPHER VOSS. Deceased. uary, .A. D. 1923. tires on the ottomobile. Sbe goes to tlicreof bo given by publication ot a copy of thereof Ixj given by publlcntion ot a copy ,ot E. A. Donsmoro having (Hod In said court his In tt.'a cause it appearing trom ntTidavit on are chircb. Pa .says bo woodent bo ihi» order, for three successive weeks previous this order, tor three successive weeks prevloua petition, praying tor license to" Boll tho inter­ file thnt it cannot bo aacertnined in what atato W. A. HURRAY, expert auctioneer. Sattt- to said day ot hearing, in the Ingiinm County to snid day ot hearing. In tiio Ingham Oounty est ot snid catato In certnin real estate thorcin or country tho dofendanta reside. faction guaranteed. Terma reaaonabl*. P. surprised to no tbat sbe shaves and 0. Webberville. Both phonea. News, n nowsiiapor printed nnd clreulntcd In News, a newspaper printed nnd circulated tn described. On motion of A. A. Bergman, Attorney for sings base in tbc cbirch quire. aaid county. L. B. McARTHUR, aaid county. L. B. McARTHUR, It Is Ordered, Thnt the 27th dny,'of Febni- Plalntltf, It Is ordered thnt tho defendants Wednesday—Pa ast Mose Bolan if (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. (A true copy.) Judge ot Probate. ary, A. D. 1923, nt ten o'clock In tho forenoon, cnuBo their nppenranco to bo entered In thia FRED 'i'HAYER. General Auctioneer. Maao«. at aaid probate ofllce, be and is hereby np- cause on or before three montha from the date i R. D. 1. Aurellua Phone 607. twB2pd I his yvife yvns still sick and Mose rc- RUTH L. GILLESPIE, RUTH L. GILLESPIE, Deputy Register ot Probnte. 6w.t Deputy Reglatcr of Probato. 6w.t ' pointed for henring said potition, nnd that all ot this order, nnd thnt in default thereof tho plyed and sed No sbe is not stiii. but persons Interoated In aaid eatate appear before • bill of complaint filed in thla cauao bo taken FINAL ACCOUNT. FULLER-FEB. 27 aatd court, at- snid time nnd plnco, to show i na confessed. she is very sick yet. State ot Michigan. Tho Probate Oourt for cause why n license to sell the Interest of aaid And It Is further ordered, that within twen­ tlio Oounty of Ingham. Tbursday—Pa sent a story to the eatate tn said real estate ehould not bo grant­ ty days the plaintltl cause a copy ot thla or­ At a session of snid Oourt, lield nt the Pro- editor of a nuigasinc the other day ed; der to t* published In the Ingham Oounty It Is Further Ordered, Thnt public notice bate Office In the Olty ot Mnson, In snid coun­ and got a arisyver today. The editor Newa, a newspaper printed, publlBhcd and clr- ON SAVINGS thereof he given by publlcntion ot a copy of culatlng in anid county, nnd thnt auch publl- ty, on tho 2Cth dny ot Jnnunry, A, D. 1923. sed. I received yuro maniscidp and thla order, for three successive weeks previous 1 Present: HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge. cation bo continued therein nt leaat ones In of Probate. to Buid day pf Hearing, In the Ingham Oounty each week for al.t weeks In flucccasion. 132 years successful business under In tho Matter of the Estate ot N. OLYDE: Newa, a newspaper printed and circulated in Countersigned! LELAND W. OAftlt, FULLER, LEWIS L. FULLER, OLtNTON O.. State Supervision without loss of a ^ aatd county. L. B. McARTHUR, O. s. OHAMBERLAIN, Olcrk. Oircult J.adge. FULLER and A. LOUISE FULLlilR, Minors. FOR OVER 40 YEARS (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. To the nbovo named dcfendnnt.1. take notice penny to any investor. We pay 5 Minnie Fuller having filed In snid court her IrALL'a c.A-TARniI MBDICINB has RUTH L, GILLESPIE, ' that the bill of complaint is tiled In thIfl cause I fl,,„i „„„n,„,f „. '„„..'.;i;.,_' '„i '",7"", boon unocl aucccsstutly ln the treatment and 6 per cent on savings and even more on our Cumulative Deputy Register of Probate. ' Bw4 for the purpose of quieting tho title to the , Lr petTtC rravtnrfor thf nno^ of Catarrh. tand. described therein and to bar all of your fnand "Tthnh t '?.„'''.^''',nlJ?,'she be dlacharged "n s '"..^"P""auch guardian. ^^T..''. ' HALL'g CATARRH MJilDICINE con- Certificates, wllich for years past have earned 6'/j to 7 per PROBATE OP WILL. RAE.—FEB. 27 • rinhts' thereto. It la Ordered, iThat the 27th day of Pebru- alsts of an Ointment wbtch Quickly cent. Your money back ON DEMAND with interest or Snid lands being dcecrlbed aa follows, to-wlti state of Michigan. The Probate Oourt for ary, A. D. 1923, nt ten o'ctock tn the forenoon, Rollcvos by local apFllcatlon, and tho The Boutheaat quarter of section one, and the Internal ltfodlotnc, a Tonic, which acta earnings added. Write for booklet! the County ot Ingham. at said Probnte Oflko, he and Is hereby ap­ At a BCBslon of Bald Oourt, held at the Pro­ northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of pointed for examining nnd allowing aaid-ac­ through the Blood on tho Mucous Sur­ section twelve. All tn Town two north, Rnnso faces, thus rodiicini; tho lnttammatlon, bate Office tn the Olty of Mnaon, In said coun- count and hearing said petition; ty, on the 26th dny of January, A. D. 1923. one west, Vevay Township, Inghnm Oounty, It Is Further Ordered, That public nottca Sold by all drusgiats. Capitol Savings & Loan Ass'n Michigan. . A. A. BERGMAN, .• f.'l F, J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. PreBcnt: HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge thereof bo glven by publication of a copy of ot Probate. . Attorney for Plaintiff. Business AddreflS, this order for three succossivo weeks previous S'iJ C. A, Clinton: Local Agent, Mason Lansing» Mich. In the Matter of tho Estate of MABY RAE, Mason, Michigan. 5w7 to snid dny of henring. In the Ingham Oounty Deceased. Newa, a nowBpnpor printed nnd circulated In HEARING CLAIMS. GEISENHAFER ORDER OF PUBLICATION Martha Wauvle havln# filed ln said court Bald county. . L. B. McARTHUR, State ot Michigan. The Olrcuit Oourt tor har petition praying that a certain Instrument state of Michigan. The Probnte Oourt for (A true copy,) .. Judge of Probate. tlie County ot Ingham. In Ohancery. In writing, purporting to be the last will and the Oounty of Inghnm. O. A. CLINTON, Register of Probate. Bw4 Robert S. Hglmos, Pinlntiir, teBtamcnt of snid dcceaacd, now on file In snid In the Matter of tho Estnto of MARY vs. court be admitted to probato, nnd thnt the ad­ GEISENHAFER, Deceased. MORTGAGE SALE NOTICE. Margaret Itoonoy, Siloam S. Carter, James ministration of Bald/estnto tie granted to Roy Notice Is hereby given that four months Default having been made In the conditions Seymour, Daniel S. Lee, George yV. Roe, or to some other suitable person, . from tho 2nth day of January. A. D. ]923, of n real estate,'mortgage, whereby the power have been allowed for creditors to present their Pock, Joiin Thomas, Douginsa Gibaon, Our Seini-Annnal iBivldoird GorUAaites Aro It Is Ordered, Thnt tho 27th dny of Febru­ of sale therein contnlnod became operative, ' Oharlos P. Bush, yVilliam H. Town- ary, A. D. 1023, nt ten o'clock In the forenoon, clnlmB ngnlnst Bald deceased to said court for made by Oharlea,A. Clark nnd Ada D. Clark, send, Samuel P. Mend and A. B. Gib­ at said probato office, l>o and IB hereby ap­ examination, and adjustment, and that. all hls wife, to John Clear, Sr., of Lansing, Mich­ Better Than Bonds ^ creditors of said deceased are required to pre­ son, their unknown; hoira, legatees, . , pointed for henring said petition; igan, dated Jnnunry 2, 1920, recorded In tho sent their claims to said oourt, at tho Probato devisees nnd nsaigns, defendants. Bccauso tliey ai'c always worth 100 cents on the dollar^not sol)- It la Further Ordered, Thnt public notice Register of ..Deed's offlce for Ingham County, Office, tn the Olty ot Mason, ln said county, It appearing to.ttie court by attldnvit thnt thereof be given by publication ot n copy of Michigan, on January .9, 1920, In liber; 205 of Ject to market conditions. on or.before the 26th day of May, A, D. 1023, this order, for three aucceaslve weeks previous mortgages on page 481, upon which mortgage - ' * tt cannot bo ascertained In. what state or coun­ and that said claims will be hoard by snid try tiie defendants, Margaret Moonoy, silonm to said dny of hearing, in tho. Ingham Oounty there is now claimed to be duo and unpaid the . • Better Than Stocks court on the 26th day of Mny, A. D. 1023, at principal nnd Interest,amounting to $5,174.49,/ ' S. Garter, James Seymour, Daniel S. Lee, News, a newspaper printed and clreulntcd In ten o'clock In tho forenoon. all of which the mortgngee hereby elects to'• George yv. Pock, John Thomas, Douglass Gib­ Because they can bo cashed for their full value at any time—and anid county.. L. B. McARTHUR, conBlder as due nnd payable at the date here­ son, Ohnrles P. Bush, William H. Townsend, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Dated~Jnnunry 26, A. D. 1923. are non-speculative. of, by reason of the non-payment In full of Snmuol P. Mond nnd A. B. Gibson reside, and RUTH L. GILLESPIE, < L. B. McARTHUR, •^Sw4 , ', Judge of Probate. the Installment of Interest due and payable on, it niao apiienrlng from the Bill of Complaint Deptity IteglBter of Probate. . Sw4 Better Than Certificates of Deposit , July 2, 1822, as allowed and provided for in heroin that tho plalntilt does not know, nnd has said mortgage, and no suit at taw liavlng been been unable to nacertnln the names of the per­ Because they share ln all the net profits. APPT. OP ADM'R. McCORMICK—FEB. 27 ORDER OF PUBLICATION. State of Michigan. The Probate Oourt for brought to recover aald debt, notlce.Is hereby sons Included ne tho detendnnts without tioing They are issued for any multiple of $20.00. glven that by virtue,of the power of sale con­ nnmod, on motion of O. F. & E. T.' Hammond, State of. Michigan. The Olrcuit Court for the County of Inithnm. . Bividcnds are paid by cliock or compounded. ' At a Miilon of said Court, hold at the-Pro- tained In' said mortgage, the mortgagee will plaintifii'B attorneys, If la ordered that tho de­ the Oounty of jnghnm. In Chancery. sell at publlo auction to tho highest bidder oii They are tax exempt and net 9% and 0%. hate OfUce ln the City of Mnson, ln said coun­ fendants enuBO their appearance to bo entered Olarence Lip,), Plalntifli, , Saturday, March 8rd, I928, at nine o'clock lii ' ty, on tJie 29th day of Jnnunry, A. D. 1928. herein within three months from the date here­ • •• vs.' ',•. • ', [ the forenoon of said day, at,the'north front of, nnd thnt within twenty days plointiti couao Ask foi* Booklet Ella Llpe; Defendant. Present! . HON. L. B. McARTHUR, Judge entrance to the Clty Hall Building on West ' ; .'In'this cause tt appearing from affidavit now n copy ot thifl order to be'published In the Resources $S,00(),000.00 SMabUshcd 1880 of Probat*.-.' - ''v Ottawa street, Lansing, Michigan, (that belng i Ingham Oounty News, a nowapapor published on file that the defendant Is not a resident ot In tlie'Matter'of the Eatate of SHELDEN one of thaiplacea where the Oircult Court for tn anid county, said publication to be continued ' Under State Supervision tte State of Michigan, but resides in the Vil- H.MeCOBMIOK, Deceased. Ingham County Is held), the lands described In m once In each week .for six weeks In succossion. IiXt of Witt, Montgomery Oounty, Illinois. (ltorgt .'B.' McCormlck having - filed In sald said mortgage, or such part thereof as shall b* Dated February 16th, 1923. .Therefore, on motion of J. A. Bolce, Attor- Court htt.petition praying that the admlnlatra-/ necessary to satisfy the amount due thereon, ?. CHARLES B. OOLLINGWOOD, he.r fmdtiit enter her'appearance In said cause on Oircult Judge. CorinleJc,''or to' soma other stiltable person! num, together with all legal costs, • parcel of ^; br twfore throe niontha, from the date of this . WM. H. GRAHAM, Deputr Olerk. It IliiOrdtiid, That the 2Tth day of Febru­ land dsieribed ai; the west forty-one and one- erdar.and that within twenty daya the plalntltf O. P. & E. T. HAMMOND, Attornori for ary, Al'D>lM8>':«tttn o'clock In th* fortnoon, half feet of the eut balffof Ioti elirta and , il «iwiii elli order to be publlahed In the Ingham Flalntitt, BuilneBi Addreu, Lanilns, Mleii* at B«IdiPirafc«te;Ofll««, be and II herabr kp- twelve, blook one hundred twenty. In. the Cltr / 'Odimtr Newa, a newspaper .regularly published polntedifcti hiMlngrold witltlont •, ^ / Ingliam. Oo«nty.:MIehItaB. ' , , tKan. I .\ ' . . •••' • •'" /•: iwdielftulatlnii in Ingham County, Mlehlgan, otjMMnai It U| faHkir Oidsred, 'That imblIe: notles •MtIin. orMidip^ 'riie foresoipB Nttlnvolvei the title,to IMiai .Mid paWlcatlon to IM eontlnued once^In each 1260 GriBWold St thereot^M ilwn ibjf.imbllettlon.of aieopy^^^o i Bst the north hftlf,of lots four (4). waidl'iar.ihc weeks Ia'Sueeenlon. thlf oiwnVllv.itiuM.'itieiMMIw wNk«:pr«^ five (W, »hd tlx (6). blocIc one hnndred^v- -ii-lA^vi't^l-:. 0HABLES;B.:.0OLLWaW00D,:i- I't.'wji! : DEITROIT iit/O^Wtmlgntdi^'i"circuit' Judg*. to uId«v'jC;Iw»itair> In the Ingham <^ I » itMWMiwr BriBt«d ;,«8jt. tlwrttjUdi in m j:;iFi;ii;?iuiA,;iiMOT Wm. B. f obniton, Lerito WM.:«;QllAHAM^I)ipntrO(.;jelsrk,';..'. • nSMMmith d«r.«f Wmmh, A, D; lMI. II' I W'* K, T. HAM^IONI).^? i'^^iiivBMQl.Attomt^^ _ f*'— AttoraeMtor VUlnM, TMatm Mitm- 'limmm-r'^^^ ^ • Page Twelve

fly JACK WILSON RADIO RALF AND HIS FRIENDS Copirright itn by Ihe Mcaut. N.wi|>.p.t SyndlOK DANSVILLE Mrs. Irnin Hullihorger, Oor. r

Village caucus yvas held in tbe toyvn bail Saturday, Feb. 17, 1923. The Hcket noniinated is as foiiows; Presi­ dent, M. A. Warlle; clerk. Forest Anderson; treasurer, l3arl Osborne; .isse.s.sor, Ben Curtis; trustee for 1 •year, liert Freer; trustees for tyvo years eaclV, W. W. Altnond, George White and D. D. Briggs. Dr. Sbarpsteeq .and his entertain­ ers left ltet'e Sunday for Dexter, after a yveek's stay in Dansviile. His en­ tertainers yvere as clean a bunch of people as have been here in some time. Tiielma Briiman received the most votes for the most popular lady. The prize being a tyvcntj'-six piece of silverware. Geo. Vogt, Jr. received given by Mrs. Wolcott, at her home The Westminster Guild will meet the most votes in the baby contest be under the auspices of the Epyvorth dially invited. Mr. Manasajian, who gave a very ln Holt, Saturday evening. next Monday evening with Mrs. F. W. and received a diamond ring. His League. • Next Sunday the Sunday school forceful address on the conditions Max Heinlg called at A. Tooker's Harkness. Mrs. Castet'lin will have medicine yvill be handled by Grant Miss Marian Henderson gave a very yviil put on a s|)ecial program in com­ prevailing among the people of Ar- 'ruesday. ' ' • charge of the devotional service. The Squires. fine t.alk on India and the customs of memoration of Francis Asbury, the tnenia. Richard Heinlg of Lansing, visited fifth chapter of "Lighted to Lighten'' first American Bishop. No i)rayer meeting next Thursday Myi'lan CiImes is home from Lake the natives last Sunday night at the Linyvood Ferris, the week end. yvill be t'ead. night,, Feb. 22nd, as this chut-ch will Cdcs.sa, for a yveek. They ai-e bav­ Epyvorth League. The League yvill This church contribnt,ed $I59.95 Sam Leseiiey has moved liis famiiy An offering of about forty dollars unite yvith the Baptist church in the ing a yveek's vacation in order to be lead Sunday night by tbe team tt) l,be Near East relief yvbicb yvas to Lansing, yvhere he has purchased for the Near East relief yvas tbe re­ special meeting at that church. move into their neyv scbool building, from Albion, All young people cor­ represented last Sunday iflorning by a home on Ijyndaie avenue. Ivan sult of tbe address by Mr. K. H. Soi- just comideted. Norris yviii move lo George Buiien's akinn of Detroit, last. Sunday morn­ li'rank Clements of ljansing, visited tenant iiouse. Mr. and Mrs. Burton ing. at l3. J. Worden's recently. Bancroft, yvho hay'e been iiving yvith Mi'.s. Ii'i-anic Brace yvas taken ser­ Mr. Leseney's people arc living witii f...... ,...... H...«...... f iously iil Sunday. She yvas I'eported Mr. Bancroft's parents in Ijansing. a litUe ijetter iliis morning. j North Aurelius Union Church j Mrs. Iieeder visited her sister near Mi's. Ciuis. Osborne, Sr. iias a tturse Maple Grove Tuesday afternoon, caring for her. Cluis. Sawyer and John Ireland yvill iiave a sale and Next Sunday tile pastor yvill bring yvife of Jackson, wcro Sunday visitor.^ move bis famiiy to Diniondalc in '.he tile singer and tlic evangelist out to there. near future. tile cburcb. We yvill try to begin tile Uv. aud Mrs. Lee Warfle from near service promptIy at 2 p. in. 'l'his yvill IIolt, visited at Emory Worden's be the last and only chance to bave Tuesday. MillVille tbem. Tbey close tbelr services at Tile basketball game betyveen En- I tbe Mason Baptist churcli next Sun­ ion Kapids and Dansville resulted' in day evening. il victory for tile Ii^aton Kapids girls i\lrs, C. Poxon and Miss Libbie An­ by a score of 22 to 12. But tbe Dans­ derson called on Mr. and Mrs. Ben ville iioys shoyved tbe lflaton llapids Poxon in Fitcliburg Sunday. Baptist Church Notes boys hoyv they bad improved in tlie There was a large gatbering of peo­ gaine since tiie iirst of the season by Kov. W. B. Hartzog, Pastor. ple at tbe ball last Tuesday to partake beaiing them 15 to 12. Dansville of tlie Dutcli dinner served by the goes to Foyvleiwille Friday nigiU for Mlllville' L. A. S., to yvbicb all did Evangelist II. P, IIoskins will speak a return game yvitii I'owierviiie. nniple jnstice.* at 10 o'clock on ''The Fearless •lohn Wolverton of l^eslie, yvas in Cbariey Rickett and family are re- Walk." He will also address thfe Protect Your Implements! toyvn 'i'uesday and Wednesday. covering from an attack of tbe grippe. Sunday .school atll.'30. Mr. Vig­ 'i'lie W. C. T, LF. yvill moot Tliui'.s- Mrs. Alice Parisb and cbiidren are neulle yvill sing at all the services. day, iVlarcli Ist, at tbe bome of lDtnma sick and under the care of Dr. Stitt. Dr. Ilartzog yviil take them out to Where is your expensive farm machinery? Is it in a well built Dakin. Tills is tbe time for annual Tliere yvas no schooi at Milville tyvo North Aurelius for siiecial services at election of officers and also election days last yveek oyving to tbe severit> 2 p. m. This yvill be tbe last cbance shed, or out in the snow and slush rusting and depreciating? of deiegates to tbe district convention of tbe yveatber. for Nortb Aurelius people to bear and it is desired tbat ail members be ll. Bravender called on C. Rickett them. Everybody sliould turn out. present, ltev. I^arker, pastor of ilie last Sunday. At C p. m. Mr. Vigneulle yviil lead Do not leave your implements out in the weather when at a l'^ M.. ciuircli yvill give a talk after the tbe B. Y, P. U. and at 7, Evangelist bnsine.ss meeting. IIoskins yvill deliver bis final sernion. small cost you can place them under cover and save much innDainiimnnuinimunninnTtiiniiiiiiniunMniimminim l.,ioyd i-hiylioe yvislies to announce IIis subject yvill be "Truth Mn the that Feb. 27tb, yvill be bis last day at Judgment Ilail." depreciation. We furnish Free Plans to customers. Call at tbc town bail lo collect taxes. Mrs. Roy lIobart is caring l'or her Various Topics our office and secure our free service, which every farmer motlier, jell's. Cenc lCeiit, yvbo has Methodist Episcopal Church \ been very sick yvitb pneumonia. Henry Candler, AUnlstor | should have.

Louisiana finds that its yvealth in A deputation of young men from Around the Corners t oyster reefs and shell mounds is great Albion college yvill bave ciiarge of tbe enbugb to yvipe out tlie state debt. services at the churcli all day next MIckelson-BakerLumberCo The sliells are used to hard surface Revival meetings commenced at Sunday. On Saturday evening a so­ ro;uls. In South, Africa a company tbe Nazerene cburcb Sunday evening, cial yvill be held to which all high begins making a gasoline sul)stitute The Yard of Service February 11. Every one come and school students are cordially invited. help tile yvork for Cod. for automobiles out of prickly pears wbich groyv yvild and yvere considered Tlie young felloyvs from Albion yvill MASON, - MICHIGAN a waste product only. This old earth lead in games and music and in a gen­ eral good time. Light refreshments Kipp Neighborhood is crammed full of yvealth—for the ! person yvith imagination and watch­ will be served. .This social time will ful eyes. Opportunities exist on Mr. and Mrs. Loren Sweet enter- every hand, but most of us are blind.

tained lIic Jolly Bunch at a potluck * HI * supper last Friday night. Statistics show that 15,000 persons Mrs. C. B. Rich and chiidren are are killed in the United States e,ach all sick with the grippe. year by falls, says the Grand Rapids Hugh lDiisworth called at Floyd Pt'css. That is larger than the death Miller's Monday morning. toll from automobile accidents and Miss Vera Wilbur yvas a yveek end more than one-fifth of all the acci­ guest in Lanslng. dental deaths in the country. Old Mrs. Anna Eiisyvorth ft'oin Battle people yvith brittle bones are still pos­ Creek, l„i;•visiting at H. Lyons, tbis sessed to go yvalklng on slippery diiys yveek. and every city repoi'ts yvinter fatali­ urover Akers and cbiidren and ties of the sort, but the surprising Auction Sale! mother visited at Clifford Akers, Suti- thing is that there are more fatal day. falls indoors than out. Half the to- t.al is due to fails on stiryvays and fioor levels. Tripping over loose HAVING RENTED MY FARM I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE PLACE KNOWN AS THOMAS ) Northwest Ingham j rugs and liecls caught ln stair treads have caused many dealbs and care­ HALE FAIIM, 2 MILES EAST, 1 '/2 MILES SOUTH OF DANSVILLE, OR 8 MILES NORTHWEST OF STOCKBRIDGE lessness at elevator landings is a close Mrs. Cliarles Abel is noyv omployed third. Hence, "Watch your step.'' as nurse for Dr. Culver of Mason. Ill 1(1 * Opal Basbore yvas ill yvitb a bad cold and unable to attend scbool Mon­ Terrific storms on both the Atlantic day. and Pacific oceans l.ast week look a heavy toil of vessels and lives. Tyvo Mrs. John Thomas .and Anna spent Saturday, March 3rd vessels, an Italian cruiser and a llve- Sunday at Ceo. StetIe's, helptttg Mi's. masted schooner sunk off the Atlantic Sterle tirepare for their auction. coast, and three vessels yvere yvreck­ Mr. and Mrs. Jobti Barnes and COMMENCING AT 12:30 O'CLOCK, SHARP, THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: ed and one burned on the Pacific near baby were callers at Frank Osborne's San Fr.ancisco. Many others are re-' Monday. -ported missing.. Burr Spencer o| Lansing, and Eva Ill III III McCurdy of Mason, speltt Sunday Drug peddlers in El Paso, Texas, HORSES SHEEP 1 "horse Cultivator ey'ening at Ami Terrilrs. are said to have been giving dope to Bobsleighs Geo. AVard, yvbo has been confined cliildren yvith the devilish purpose ot Roan Male, 11 years old, weight 1300 9 grade Shropshire Ewfjs LuIllber Wagon to tile houso tbe past tyvo yveeks yvith establishing the habit and increasing Oxford Ram the llu is able to be out again. •Gray Male, 10 years old, weight 1200 Weeder the demand for tbelr illicit traffic. Brown Mare, 14 years old, weight 1000 POULTRY Hay and Stock Rack Scores bel;yveen i,be ages of 17 and 20, 4 Wagon Tongues Northwest Vantown it is said, Iiave formed' the habit. I Ill III * CATTLE 60 White I^eghorn Pullets Top Surrey Prohibition bills yvere recently in­ 2 Cockerels DriVing Harness Mr. and Mi's. EaiI Beach-and chil- troduced before the English ParHa- Black Grade Holstein CoyV, 8 years old Work Harness IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, ETC. d^'eu of Holt, visited at Allen Beach's ment. One yvas to prohibit tlie manu­ Black Holstein Durham Cow, 6 yrs. old Caldron ICettle facture, importation find sale of. al­ Sunday. coholic liquor yvhile another, intro­ Black Steer, coming 2 years old Johnson Grain Binder .John Deere Riding Plow Ethel Lane has been sick the past duced by Lady Astor, yvas to amend Black Ireifer, coming 2 years old McCorlnick Corn Binder Harpoon Fork week. the present law yvlth regard to sale McCormick Mower 110-ft. Rope Chas. Mierndorf spent from Satur- of liquor to young persons. Deering Rake , Chains, Forks, Shovels, Hoes day until Tuesday yvith' his wife in HOGS Ann Arhor. Oliver Wheel Cultivator Corn Planter > Ward Doud was in Okemos Satur- First Presbyterian Church Five Duroc Sows, bred for March and Rude Manure Spreader One Door^ and other articles Ed Hill and family spent Sunday at Rev. W. H. Long, Pastor. April farrow Spring Tooth Harrow 25 new Bushel Crates August Schuchaskie. Spike Tooth Harrow HAY, GRAIN, ETC. Five Shoats, weight about 125 to 150 lbs Mr. and Mrs. Oi-val Shayv called at At the regular ten* o'clock service Harrow Cart About 7 tons Timothy Hay Earl Judd's Monday. next Sunday morning, Mr. Long will Seven Shoats, weight 70 lbs. 1-horse Drill 60 bushels Good Oats George Martin and children spent deliver the first of a series of sennons Registered Duroc Boar ^ Gale Plow No. 100^ Some Petoskey Seed Potatoes -Sunday at Chas. Wood's nears Bans­ on ''The Church We PorgeL'' tho sub­ viile. ______ject of the morning discourse being, "The Simplicity of the Early Chris­ tians.'' . f," ""Grovenliurgj The evening service will beheld in TERMS—FIVE) DOLLARS OR UNDER, CASH; OVEi THAT AMOUNT EIGHT MONTHS* TIME WILL BE the Baptist church, being tho closing GIVEN ON GOOD BANKABLE NOTES DRAWING 7 PERCENT INTEREST: Mrs. Merta Nichols, who has been meeting of the evangelistic series. As seriously sick yvith pneumoiila. Is still heretofore announced, "^therel will be very sick. no mid-week prayer meeting tonight, Oscar Reeder and family spent Sun­ so that all may .atteiid the Baptist day afternoon at James Hart's. church. \ . The school children and Mlas Hunt The Sunday.Bchob1.wiU'meet! at the A. DIETZ enjoyed a sleigh ride Tuesday even­ usual hour Sunday. ,,Biipt; Thorburn ing, after which they played games at has been ill for the-paiiit'twb,!we^ \> C. M. YOUNG, CIerlt ORD^PRICE; Auctioneer Guy McCue's, Mr.-Janeke's,.klndness but is reported better,'aaditie hoped, In taking them .was appreciated. he will be able to be In hit plaice next Rttth Ireland attended a class party Sunday.' . - '^^ii: