12 Pages 12 Page» LXIV. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1923 NO. 8 l'AS'l' ClUKF ASSOCIATION. The Past Cbiefs' of the iylason FRED M, HALL WILL ROUBLES COME HEAVY PEOPLE MAY VOTE Temple, No. 107 of tho Pythian Sl.s- EAST LANSING WOMAN ters, have organized, forming an as­ sociation called the Past Chiefs Asso­ LEAVE R M. FDRALAIEDON FAMILY ON DEALH PENALTY ciation of the Mason Temple. Their GETS $6,275 DAMAGES first meeting yvas held at the home of HAS SERVED PURLIC li'AlTH- Sl'ARLlNG FAMILY HAVE MORli; !(»»% INDKi^lNlTY li'OR T. B. CAT- Mrs. C. S. Thorburn and the foiloyv- MRS. ClIRlSTINA lilNG WINS FULLY FOR NINE YIDARS. TilANSHARE OF HARD LUCK. 'TLE WlLL IJK CONSlDl!:Rl!U>. ing otflcers yvere elected: President, FliOM R. l{.,COMPANY. Mrs. C. S. Thorburn; first vice presl- Ernc.st A. Bcnsnioro's Coinmisslon \'i<dcf; Sparling lllos After li'ow Diiys lWII To lilsfaIiIisli Eigiit Hour liay For dent, Mrs. N. T. Hazelton; second vice Wife Of »L A. C. Professor lnjin-od Arrives—Wili llegdi Worlc A.s .Soon liinc.s,s—Peter ,S|)arllng Recover­ Ail Woi'kei's ls liiilcd ln president, Mrs. C. W. Randall; sec­ Wlion Nollor Taxi Wi\s Strnck ' As Inspcctai- C'liocirt Accotints. ing li'roni Pncinnonia. House 71 To 17. retary and treasurer, Mrs. J. E. Tay­ By tntcrurban Car. lor. After the business meeting, re­ A United States postoffice inspector That troubles never come singly Voters of Michigan will be asked freshments were partaken qf and a One of the most interesting cases is expected in Mason any day noyv t,o seems proven to tho family of Peter to decide'again at the April election social hour enjoyed. The regular to be tried at this term of circuit check up tile accouuts of Postmaster Sparling yvho live north of Mason in on the creation of port districts in the meetings at'e to bo held the third court in tills city yy'as that of Chris­ Fred M. IIall, and turn the office over Alaiedon toyvnship. OH-. Februat'y state, if the senate follows the lead of Wednesday of each in on th. tina ICing vs. the Michigan United to tho new appointee, Ernest A. Dens­ Iltb, Violet, the nineteen-year-old the house of representatives. Only Railyvay Company and Bert Neller. more. This Is all that remains to be daughter, was taken iil with pneu­ seven of the hundred house members The case yvas opened Monday after­ done befot'e tlie noyv postmaster takes monia and her death resulted last opposed resubmission of tbis matter, noon and yvas not concluded until late up bls yvork in Mason. Mr. Dens- Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. yvhich will he a vital thing to all lake Wednesday afternoon. luore's commission papers arrived one Her father, Peter, yvas also ill with cities yvhen tbe St. Lawrence water- Mrs, Iving is the yvife of E. S. ICing, day iast yveek and he has made aii the same disease, and for some time yvay is established. The port district a M. A. C, professor, and on the even­ Other neces.sary arrangements. He. has his life yvas desiiaired of, hut he is amendment failed by a narroyv mar­ COUNTYAM. LEGION ing of March 18, 1922, was injured been spending most of his time this noyv recoy'ering. gin last November, and its defeat is yvhile riding in a" taxi owned by Mr. Avoek in the postoffice fanillhuIzing li'red M. Hail laid to tbe fact tiiat several other 'Ihe yveek before Christmas the FOUR'i'H COUNTY ASSOCIATION Neijer, yvhen the c.aY was struck by a ltiniself yvith the work. measures were up at the same time Rlason postmaster, yvho has served famiiy yvas quarantined yvith scarlet HELD HERE SATURDAY. Lansing-M. A. C. interurban car in Mr. Hall, the retiring officer, be- people very satisfactorily for near- fever, and at that time Norman Sparl­ on yvhich ''no'' votes yvere being cast. .East Lansing. Mrs. I>wlng yvas severe­ gan bis duties on May l2, 1914. lIe ly nine years. ing broke his left arm yvhile cranking Sliould a death penalty biil for Judge CIiiirlcs B. C()IIingyv<M)d Gave ly injured, being confined for weeks succeeded Charles W^Broyvne, yvbo his Ford car and one yveek ago l.ast murderers be put through tbis legis­ I'It'asant A<l(ircss—S|ilcndid Sup­ in the Sparroyv liosiiital at Lansing, Sunday, tile day Violet became ill, he luul bcld, tbe office for sixteen years. lature it inost likely yvill carry a pro- per Served hy Mason ljatlios. unable to move yvithout help. Testi­ At tbe beginning of Mr. Broyvbe's broke ills right arm in tlie same man­ vision abso calling for a vote by tbe mony of her physician shoyved that it ner. j terni in ISiiS, there yvere no rural people of tbe state on its merits. Bills The fourtii County Association yvas impossiiile to move her witliout i routes out of IMason .ind tlte .-umual Violet has been in ill he.iltb for in botb the senate and bouse to pro­ meeting of tlio American Legion Posts giving an aiiasthetic. It is now im­ receipts of the olfice were but .$3 500 OSES AGED tliree years since the deatii of ber vide tiie deatb penalty noyv are on tbe and Auxiliary Units yvas held at the possible for ber to move around com­ a year. Since that time tiiere has sister .Etliel occurred in Wliittior, calendar awaiting linal decision on K. of P. hall in tills city Saturday af­ fortably and she is in a yveak and ner- been a gradual Increase and last year OODFIIEV FOLEII l'ASSlilD AWAY California. The siiock of her deatli tiiird reading. Tbo senate bill carries ternoon, I''ebruary 17. 'Ihe meeting y'ous condition as a I'esiilt of tlie acci­ the aggregate business ainounted to ljAST SUNDAY AFTIOifNOON. was too great, and she lias been in a a referendum clause and such a was called to.order by the president, dent. about !i;i0,000. nervous condition since tliat time. clause is likely to be attacbed to tlie Oscar Dielii, of Ijansing, and an inter­ Tlie taxi yvas a Buick six touring Mr. Ilall has alyvays lived in or Funeral Scrviccs Meld 'I'uc.sday Aftcr- l''unei'al services yvere lield at tbe liouse bill before it goes to linal roil esting program yvas given. car yvith a California top and yvas iionie Wednesday morning nt ten can. The senate last yveek by a de­ near Alason. As a young man he yvas noon—Itiirinl ln AInjilc (Jrovo Vocal selections by Mesdanios driven by Merrill Pringi'e, a Senior o'ciock, and tbe remains yvere cisive niajority votedto table tbe bill. a fanner at tiie old lionie about one Ccinetcry. Mickelson and Ilaugli yyere enjoyed, tbis year at tiie college. lDuring sipare brouglit to lyiaple Grove cemetery in mile south of tbe Ilayviey scliool in With tbe presiding officer in eacli after yvbicb Judge Ciiarles B. Colling hours he yvas engaged in driving the. Mason for burial. Besides the par­ Vevay township. Later lie owned Godfrey Foler, for years a resident liouse, and tiie governor as yvell, bos- yvood of Lansing, gave a very pleasing car for Mr. Neller, yvho is engaged in ents, Violet is survived by'six sisters jinotlior farni^ ia tlmt neigiiborhood. • of Wlieatlleld toyvnship and a farmer ^tiie to the dciitli penalty the chances address, "Germany vs. It'rance.'' An­ the undertaking busine.ss in lilast Lan­ and two brothers,' Mrs. l.t'red llaldyvin For about Six years before going into in tiiat township, passed away at liis of such a bill passing and becoming other fitting address, ''Service,'' liy sing, l'rof. and Mrs. Iving had en- of lIrown City, unable to attend tbe tile postoffice be yvas engaged in tbe home Sunday, li'ebrnary 18, after ;in hiyv appeared remote, but Ilie attacli- State I^resident Pelham, of the gaged tlie taxi to take them to a col­ services, Mrs. P. C, Wbitely, Whittier, hardyvare business in jyiason. illness liisting for months, at the age ing of tbe referendum is Ihougbt to Woman's Auxiliary yvas given, aftei lege party at tho Doyvney, yvhere tbey Caiifornia, unable to attend, Mrs. At the tinio of Mr. Hall's appoint­ of SS years, 3 months and IC days. (Continued on page 10) yvhich there yvere remarks by tbe acted as chaperones. The accident Dell Wolf, lDansviile, Myrtle of Jack­ ment, two lady clerks and biinseif Funeral services yvere held, at the State Publicity Officer, Mrs. F'. L. occurred on tiie yvay home, yvhen son, Gertrude of ljOhg Beach, Califor­ constituted the office force. Since home Tuesdiiy afternoon, yvith burial Adams, of (bis city. • Tlie program Pringlc turned tlie car to drive in tlie nia, yvho reaciied here Tuesday even­ tliat tlnie, about three years ago, tbe in Maiile Orovecenietery. Tbe ser­ A sensation in fence prices. IInve closed yvith another selection by Mrs. campus driveyvay, crossing the car ing, Venctia, yvho is at home, IIarvey status of tbe office was ciianged to vices yvere condncted by Rev. Henry you niy neyv price list and order Mickelson and Mrs. Haugh. After trades. Miss Wanda It'orse, Miss of lIroyvn City, and Noi'nian'yvlio lives second ciass, attd instead of Ibe post- Candler, iiastor of the Mason Meth­ 'sheet? lf not, drop me a card or call tlie prograni, a sbort business session IjOrenz and Mr.
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