12 PageK 12 Pages NO. 6 LXIV. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH.,„THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1923 Groundhog Did TRACTS LET SRS. PROTEST ON Y LIQOOR CASES SUPERVISORS RDLD Not See Shadow PROPOSED TAX B FDR Tradition lias it tliat if Mr. Ground- AIREO IN COORT hog sees his shadow on lrebruary 2nd IlOAB COMMlSSlON Ll5T l'^OIlll HEP. PITItlN lN'l'RODUCFS l)EATlI IllSSlGNATlON OF IfOAl) CO»l'lL lie wiil go back in ills hole and stay ,lUDGl3 SENTIilNCilS MXSY IS CItU CONTIIACTS LAST SA'l'CIlDAY. PENAljTV lllLL. llONB Tl3Nl>EREl>. there six yveeks. He did not see his CHIT COUIt'i'. shadoyv in this part of Michigan last Main-er Bi'os. Of Lansing 'To Buiitl llogniation Of Ilnsses, CiiisoIinc Tav Bbnrd Lays llesigniition On Ta')Ie— Frid.ay. It yvas a dull,, cold, gloomy William Livingston Found Gnilty of WillianiHtoi) llighway—iConnnlsston And Changes ln Corfxiiatiun 'I'nx People To \oto On ijansing Tyvp. day, and If tile tradltlon yvas worth a 'Assault Of Enst Ijnnsing A|i()lies For ltoward ltoad.s. Will Ile Contested. Anno.\afi<)i> At SlH'Ing Elocfion. "hoot'', we yvould soon be enjoying tbe balmy breezes of spring. But MiXH. ' Tbe Ingham Couuty Road Commis­ Under the constitutional require­ . The Board of Supervisors of lng- Michigjin peopie know better than to Today the court has the case of Joe sion last Saturday let contracts for ment of t'eapportloning membei'ships ! Iiam county met Tuesday, Fehi'uaiT piace confidence in any oid wood- ]!tlellon, charged yvith the violation of tbe construction of four roads in Ing-. in the legislature every ten years, the Gtb, for their reguiar monthly meet- chuck. They-knoyv, and franicly ad­ the state liquor iayv. It is ciaimed ham - county. The Diniondale-Holt present legislature must put througli lng and soon after Chairman H. R. mit to the yvorid, that the yveather for Mellon "urnished a tiint of moonshine No. 1 road in Delhi toyvn.ship yvas lei. a reapportionment bill, Much thought Buiien caiied the ineeting to order, the next six yveeks is apt to be rotten, to Guy Sedore of Lansing, on Sept. (.0 Briggs & Wordcn of Danisville for is being given tbis matter because tlic various comniittees met for tiieir ln fact, tliey ai-e quite sure it will be. 16, 19 22. Sedore was arrested later $8,2IS.75. This road yvill be one and of tbe failure of tbo act pa.ssed by tbe reguiar routine yvork, and nothing Tbey dislike vbad weatber but they in the day for drunkenness, and one-balf mfles in lengtii. 1913 layvmakoi's, with the result that more of iinportancc yvas accompiisii- knoyv it breeds a bardy race. Out in claimed lie yvas given the iiquor by the old apportionnient of seats I'e- cd until the afternoon session. Tbe Wiiliamston Center Road No. California *yvhore 70% of their pby- Meilon. Sedore is all ready on pro­ mained in force. A resignation yvas received from 2, one and one-fourtb miles in lengtIi, siciii value is iiia(le up of sunsliiiie, bation for the po.ssession of liquor. IIarry J. Bond, a member of tiie in Wiiliamston toyvnsbip yvas let to Biiis iooking to reapportionment invigorating air and scenery, tliey are The case yvent to the jury at 11:55 Board of Coui)ty lIoad Commisstonet's Maiirer Bros, of l-,ansing for ?7,- have been introduced botli in tiie sen­ liaving about yvliat yve can expect dur­ today, and at noon a verdict of not IIIsliop 'l'hcoimre ,S. llciidcr.son, and this was.i'cid before tbe Board, 7SC.7I. C. A. Diehl of Dan.sville, yvas ate and tile house by Wayne members iug tlie next month. Of course, the guilty was returned. In his coninuinication, Mr. Bond recognized as one of tbe strongest ayvarded the contract for'tbe Caniby- yviio are desirous of baving some cold is not extreme, and in place of Judge C. B. Collingwood Monday stated titat inasmuch as the recent men in Metliodisni. He wiii speak ljocife'road.in ljocke toyvnship. His dclinlte plan in tbe committees on lilustery snoyv, they'have a cold, driz- sentenced three in circuit court. Geo. ruling of tbe attorney genet'aI took at the Methodist church in Mason bid yvas ifS.lSS.OO t'or tbis one and yvbicli work may be.started, l^ep, Vin­ ziiy, nasty rain. A Mason man in W. I'iagg, a cripple, charged yvitii the iiwiiy frotn tbe t'oad coi)iniission lioyv- next Sunday morning. one-iinlf niile stretcb of road in cent l3acey, of Detroit, introduced tlio I,bs Angeles yvrites tliai. ice oiie-lialf violation of tile state iiquor iayv, yvas er to liire clerical bell); prevented l^ocke townsliip. bouse bill and declares that he,lias, inch tliick' formed one night last sentenced to froni six months to one carefully guarded it against running tbeni ft'om discbat'ging inefficient ljltiCTUlJIO COUIlSIO FIOU. 20. Briggs & Wordcn of IDansviile, week, and that tile yveatiier yvns very year at Ionia reformatory. Flagg , clerical help; and gave tbom "o voice yvere also awarded tlie contract for counter to tile "moiety clause'' on disagreeable. Tlie natives and real conipleted a sentence liere last Sop- Tile Lorcn Bates Trio yvill appear •wiULtevcr in tltis inutot'tattt eud of '.'to .tile Jliansing-Cnondaga lioad in Aure­ yvhlcii the Idl'i act was yvrecked. Senestat­ e men say it is."niost unusual'' teniber for forgery and lie clainied liere Tuesday evening, lt'ebrunry 20tli, business, be did not yvislt to fui'lItet' lius t.oyvnsbip for .'i!S,2!iS.3i5. This ator Arthur E. Wood, of Detroit, in­ —it alyvays is. 'l'iiis Masonii.e is tiiat after be yvas discliarged from tbe as tlie fourtb number of tlie Mason .assume the responsibility of (.be oC- road is one and one-half miles in troduced tbc .senate bill. longing for some'good oid Michigan jail be was unable to find steaciy Lecture Course. Tbis yviil be a nuis- tice. He fiirtlier stated titat. ho lengi;b. There yvere ten persons yvbo 'l'he house biii yvould giy'e Wayne steain iieat. And out tliere, lie says, yvork and bad taiien up bootlegging ical number and Mr. Bates is an iiii- realized tite law yvas tto diffevcttt tiian entered bids for tbese four.sti'etcbes 24 seats in coming legisiatnres, an in­ tliey haven't even a groundiiog to to furnish iii In a living. personator and yvill also give several yvben he,accepted tbe appointment, of road last Saturday. crease of ten over tile present num­ pass the buck to. Albriglit and Charles Scliuebb impersonations. Esso but tbat it bad been ini:erl>erted dif- 'Ilie Itoad' Commission has also ber, 'i'lie senate biii wouid give yvere sentenced to ninety days in tho •ferentiy and tlte cltange ."to el'fccted made application for tlie construction Wayne nine senators, four more tbaii county jail on a cliarge of ieud and tbe poyver of tito l^oad Cotntttisslou of three state reward roads in tile tile county noyv has. It is ex|)ected iacivious coiiabitation. Tbe women in. - as to make tbe position nndesit'it-itle county, three and one-fourtii miles in that tile committees in botli liouses the case yvere brouglit to Lansing by from his standpoint. , Ho bearHiy ED GRDSS CHAPTER Meridian toyvnshi)), two miles in yviii get to work in the near future FATHERS AND SONS them from Crand Rapids and in cir­ recoinniended tbe Supervisors for Aiaiedon township, and one mile in on tbe yviiole problem of reapportion- cuit court in Lansing Monday they their support and coopet'atIon during Ingham township. (Continued on page four) yvere placed on pr.plmtlon. tile past tyvo yeat's. Membet's of the DF MASON DISBANDS ANQDET After deliberating about one-half Board yvere unwilling to accept Mr. hour, tbe jury brought in a verdict of Bond's resignation, and a motion was HOLD LAST MEETING ANB Ills. 12,5 GA'i'lllilRED Ai: Rll?l'lIOl>lS'i not guilty in the case of Mrs. Leona made to lay tbc resignation on tbe l'OSlO OF FUNIfS. CllURCll TUESDAY EVENING. Buysee of Lansing, yvho had been ar­ table untii tile APt'il session. This rested for the violation of tiie state yvas done, tliere being fottrteen Yeas American Ijoglon Gets Gift Of llcd Dr. Spcnco Of .Jackson Gives Spiendi(i llquor layvs. Mrs. Buysee conducted and ten Nuys. Cross li'nnd.s—Hope To .Secnre .Addre.s.s—iVlnsicrtl Nnnihcrs N ISDN FEB. 14TR MEETING a boarding house in Lansing, .and hoaUhm On Maple Street. A Ti'cat. yvhen her house yvas entered by offi­ Supervisors Philli|)s and Hulett cers, a bottle of liquor yvas found. It yvere named to attend the three day COtiNTY CONVENTION WHjL BE LElD LASlilNiJY AGAIN ELEG'TED The Mason Red cross Chapter held From the opening number, "On- was claimed tbe liquor was the prop­ session of Supervisors of Michigan, IllOLD AT COUltT HOUSE. J\lANAGiDR OF ASSOCIATlON. a meeting in tho court house iast Sat­ yvard Christian Soidiers,'' sung iustiiy erty of one of her boarders. Avbicb is being held in l.jansing this urday afternoon for the purpose of by those present, to the singing of li'orty l>eiogate.s To Be Electe<l T<) TIie $»l!J,0«9.53 lleceived Froni Stock Andrcyv Spaniola of Lansing, was , week, and Sups. Tempieton, Ilanna disbanding the organization and dis­ America, the iirogram presented, at State Convention At Buring Year—Ciaiuic likigar Ile- found guilty of the violation of the and Warner constitute the committee posing of the funds which were left.
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