
11. On or about April 7, 1972 Sloan met with ,

Chairman of FCRP. Sloan told Stans that Magruder had approved a cash disb~rsement of $83,000 to Liddy. Stans met with Mitchell to confirm

Magruder's authority to authorize the requested disbursement. Mitchell told Stans that Magruder hc:cd the authority. to authorize expenditures to

Liddy. Stans then met with Sloan and confirmed Magruder's authority to approve the disbursement of funds to Liddy. Stans has testified that when asked by Sloan the purpose for which the money was to be expended, he replied, "I don 't kno,,, what's going on in this campaign and I don 't think you ought to try to knmv."

11.1 Hugh Sloan testimony, 2 sse 538-39.

11.2 Jeb Magruder testimony, 2 sse 79S~96.

11.3 Maurice Stans testimony, 2 sse 697, 727.

11.4 John Mitchell testimony, 4 sse 1616-18.

[206] L

11.1 1l1lgh.Slo~tn tc~>tinlOl)Y

PRESIDENTIAL CAr,IPAICN ACTIVITIES OF 1972 SENATE RESOLUTION 60 _--_-_-.-_c.==:.-.__-._.==---=::.-_-_--_-_-:::::==- ____ ._ -




WATEHGATE AND TIELATED ACTIVITIES Phase I: 'Vaterg:l.te Investigation

WA!:;lll:'\GTO:-':, D.C., n;0iE~, G, 7,12. 13, A:\,D 1<1, 1973 Book 2


t'.S. GOVEf(~~lf~~T !'l'l:-;TI:-;C; orfl(;:'; W,\311ISC1'O:-; : 1973

FClr ~J~1' by Il;t~ :;u!,('rlt;l",'ld,-:"rt Qr i~\',·I:::~"n:~. 1.:.!-: lIU\"'~Ij(n"nt f'rlnllng OIHCt:' \;:\.;1"1(;':1'):1. (l.C. _)Il-O)_·. ,'r:_,"':'J ShiCk' >:urr~b.:r ~::\kq·.,-,..'

[207] 53S side. Dllrin;:: thllt. prl"il)d of tilllC. h e llt"1.d (: :'.In \..>li ,. bc'd 1\ procedllre \\-jllt ;\11'. \ rj~r:l:d l of sl.'ndir, ~~ dOWIl !\ 1l11)IItld\ ' IJ I !d ~(c t ill \',riling. [illh"rit l~ c1 tlt nl. prou·(llirc (ro lll Jliln n;l.":cn n'i:( · ivin~~ ('I\ ~ h PIl.\'1l11.'Il(.;, ",'L' i~e l\('rltl C011I\,,(,1 -' to tllc !,()lilicld ('onH'lilt('(~, lltl: Cvrllillitt(", To H c·Ei,·Cl tltt' l're .~ id(" ll. ,\t /I sllb.'Cql II'lll lill)(:, 1\(\ bl'('l\lllC ~:(,!l('l' l\l COllll:'<,1 fot' the Filllll\Cl' C Oll l!llillc(: Tu J·ic .. L\vCl thl' PI,,-iIl,'Il:. ?Ill'. D.I ::' !!. 1 Illillk liti" dlart .·-iI(lW." ,\ t,)tal ,U1101l11t of slua,ooo. L thnt (:oru'(' I , to tltc ll1' ..; t(;f \',Jllr r(,,1J1 1," '. 1itl ll ',' .\J r. S/.().\:-;. To t hI' IlI'''I' e,f III ,. rn'ull,'rliIHl, YCo', "ir. \Ir. ]) ,,,' 11. ('\lldd \'1111 rl·\· j r·", \"'1'" IIl'i('ll\: bOil' th l,t I\lOlll'.\" \\'11 '; pnid to ltilll nlld 1I1l,1 1: r IIhnl r-ircI I 1I1 "i !lIIC'l"? ' :"11'. ~I.O . \:-;. It W:\:-. Il ~ il

[208] 539

fI~~lIre of hOII' Illilch en ..;ll he wOldd n(~('(1. JIc: ~i'IHT:ll1.V".lIP to tll:lt. tim p , rcC'('il'cd [11!1(ls in thr :-;,IIIIC II'PI' o[ ill(TC'/lli'llh Ih \lr. Porter rr­ c-ciq'ri tlll'llI---gi~/II'rllll,I' SIO,OOO or SI:),OOI) lit It tlillc. Thrl"c (:IlIIIC /l lil11(' II Ii ,'n, it ('Etne 1-('1',1- cI,):->(, to till; ;\pril 7 dille Ilnd J Ilill Tlot, po;-;ilive II'hetll{'r it WIIS b(~for(' (II' lifter HIlri [Ill' fw,.;l. rr'colll!('lioll 1'.'(,"ld bc till' cit,lrt. lie ('lime to me WiLh Il hlllkct or S2;',(),r)O(), HI' did not rc:icnse Lillli, froll) hi.., IJ:ITld; 11f' Ill(;l'cly sllo'lled [II(' thr. ii:!lll'c, 11(, ,-;:lirJ, I will bc COlllill;'; to ,VIlli f(lt' ,';lti):;lal1iinl C'il.sit lMYll\rllr., tlte hr,,;( item of Il'hiell will bc' SS} UOO Ilnd 1 11'l)uid like to pick thll.l lIJl ill n (hy or two, He sfiid, in lite C:l.S(>' (Jl t1,{':,n lldditioll:t1 rspcr.dillires, disllibutions hr.,Yond what I llild given him ]It,(,I'iOll:;ly, ilr.' indiclltl'd th:t! tll(' pro­ cedure lilld rhllll~l'd, th:l.t r 11'11"; to ri('lIr ('llch IUlci P\'('rI' distl-il)lltion frOIl) lh'lt puinl '011 with \Ir, \fn::r·lId(,r. I calle," \fr, \Ll):~rlldcl' with r(,~:::llId to litis :;;:':':-)0,000 l..)(u\:,:eL, li(, indic[)tl'ti to 111f' thflt wllllt. \Ir. Li'ddy told IIle Was correct, ll;at r WI]:; to go Ilitl'Hd Hilt! pfl." the :).S:l,O()O on. re(Jll!~:it, but. thue ,~ub:-;eqllf'Ilt tii-;tril.J\ltiuTU II'ere v) be PCI'';Olltlll,v cleared with him by tf'lcplwnr prior to tllf'ir /wing IllD.clr Hlllillf' wtlntC'd at lhnt time lo fl'l-if'W bot.1! thr lililing Hild til(' 1~Il\Ollllt·, COllrron.ted Il'ilil tilis, I flL tlwl point ill lillie tuok lip II-jth S(,CTct!l.'V Stuns, I w(>nt to "rc hi[\\, I inciicltted Lo him til:ll. here WfiS n "iulation where we had [t blld~pt rllnnlll~: into the po;;t.-_\pl'il "I )wriod oliL o[ pre-April 7 c:e.sh flln.d,S, I ':'Hid ill my jll(lgml'lll, beC[)IISC I iJ:ld breI1 sitting on tor of lhc lotlll ti;.:-urC'S thllt it sC("IIf'd to mc that IIII~ cash distriGlltions werr bccoming tnll::'sivc fino 1I1fll tltis p,\rticnlnt' (ii ..;tl-ibu­ tion of S8:~,OOO WIG totnlly out of line with anylhing we hud uone bef 01'('. At tilll.l point in time, I l'rC]lIcsted t),flt he reconfirm to me :,'Ifr. ;\{u[':fuc!er's nuthoril\- to lOtlkc llil;';;c kinus of decisions Hnd he inoi- cttlcd to me thllLlte ~\-ould tnke l!\(' muller lip I\"ith ;\[r. .\Iitchell, He returnrd fr.om t)li\t rnc('lill~ II-ilh ,\fr., '\fill'lteII /l.nd he confirmed thnt \11'. '\L~IQ:rl!(lcl' contlrtlll'd to lrlll'C thIS lllllilorItY, llu\t I sholild . pay t.hc,;e fUlllls, 81Hl with }'egllrd to my qllc,,;lion or COIlCi'll1 llboul _ ,. purpose, he stlit!, "I do not. WilliG t() know lIod you dOll't Wt\llllo know," L ,\fr. J),lsH_ {\ow, you I\,\\'c ref(:l'red ill the t('stimoll,I', .\Ir. ::)IO:lll, to ft pre-April 7 period :llld II. ]lOst-;\pril 7 period, ::)0 thal II-e full,I' Ilncler- stand II'hal you meilll by lhllt, thi,; did refer to allCW 111w, election ll~w'? \lr, ,')LO,I:\, yc~, ,;ir. \[1', D,\~lI, That W/l.-; pu:;seo thnt took eHeet ns of April 7? \11'. ~LO'I:\'_ Y(,-;, "iI', \fr. DA.:.;II. CO\Jld you \-cry hrien\, inciic,)tc that WtlS l.he sig-tlifir:ttTlce of pre-April 7 flllldin~ find po.-;t-Apl·j} fundi[\g? \[r, ~LO.I:\'. \\'('11. the pr('-.\!'I·i/ / p,'r-lurl, lh I 11I\t!<-r-;tulld ii, froll\ ccrlnilll,Y titr 1\)liS ,:Il'clioll lind pITt:l'ti I'll I., lill' illl.el'I'l'l'tntioll 1IIId been pllt (Ill tllf' COrl'lll)' Prllcli"l''; ,\('t, tllnc PS'l'lIOlllilllllion fUIl,ll'(!i,in~ n(~lil'ili(',; uf l'l'l>id"ltll,d ('J\lldl,(nll',; \I-l'},(, I\IlL rl'<[llirl'd to l)L'l'l·p'Jrtc·d. '1'''i" lll:lt\,' Il 11'l'!ll(,:lliolh liilrl'!,,'I)!'" in krm-; of lhe IHllllilli,Irlltil'C O\'('rIH'lld, 11(}\1' 111:111,\' I)('opl,.' ,I Oil lICIt! lo kl'I'P l!':Ick of. llO rl''11!ir<'lllPllt lo Il:\I'l' r<":t'ipt~, F'''I\\ Hll illt"l'lllli :-:llllldpl)int it i:-: ol)l'ioll;,:ly n lllucll cll"il'r liling- 10 tklll Wilh, Thn(: Il'lb flO tii,.;clo,SlIl'e,

[209] _ .. _ 11.2 Jcb :-!agl:udcr LcsLi!:WI1Y


-----.~.------.. _-- -_.- --. ------.-.--~------

IIEjlRll~ GS

~SI 1~LI'CO'11J ) _ CO'I"'l°ITrnIlj·) 1J.J 1 ~j ~ 0"1. " }JRl~SIDENTIAL CA.=\IPAIGN ACTIVITIES



WATEnGATE A:L\D HELATED ACTIVITIES Phasc I: \Vatcrgatc Investigation WASHli\'CTO", D.G, JUl'iE J, G, 7, I:!. ]3, ,\);0 l-l, 1873 Book 2

Prinlf'd for the \1St' of the l','l('ct ('otl..\Ulitt,.,t, nn 1'''<':

u.s. C;O\'Cn.::~I£"T PI~I"TI::G OFFICE \\',\!;lill'CTO:-; : In3

rUt :c;~ll' b)" tl:.~ ~:"li'''n!\ti"l~'II'n~ ,... ~ P.',IIIl".(>l\t:.. t·.~. \iO\'l'rl\IU'~\ll l'r1nlin,. P:!\\~I.~ \\ ",,~!i(',,::.·!I. P.~', .'.110: - Pn..:,· N ~tod.; :"t!:l~h("-r :-.~''';\' (..!I",II(::

[210] 705

:\ft-, D,I:'!!. c\ll Il~ht, 0()II', (Ilis 1[1l:IIU:r'"lillir)i\.1I111llll1il';lt" to ;IIl.l())\(~ tll:tt till' Liddy plall Oil th(: Ijt:arter l!lillion dollal' iJlldg('(, II';IS :1 [l[>I'()I','cl ) :\Ir, \f.\r:l;C[);:I:, Ye';;, I att"mptl~d to n::lt]-. :\11'. Liclely while I I\'as nt, K(:y ])i:'(,:I:'lll: 1><:('ilU'-;I: il(', 11:1([ inciil';tll·d tilllL' pro!)ll'rns, 1 11':1'; \lll:lule to do ~:I), so 11'111'11 1 ('I!. ,\\'llI:'1l YOll s:iid thl' project thal was npprolcd in Kcy BisC1tYlll'-'- :\[1': :'Ih!:I:cIlJ-:l:. "'ill! :'Ifl', ~)tl';ldlr.J:, It illclllded ('It-dronil' ~11['\'\'il bnce anll p}lotography (I'r c]IX'IlIIIl'III:-:, 1'IIOIo:,:rapllill!..': or dnl'llllIl'llts, CG=--=~~ \[1', U,I~Ir. \[1'. ;-;10;\1\ 11':lS tol(t 1\'llnt! ~fr, .\LIl;I:I'IlI:I:, Tll,lt \[1', Licll/,I' 11':\03 a1Ioll'C'c[ to dr:ll\' S:.?'-,,).I)OO, :\11'. j).I,,11. Hilt :\[1'. Str;lclt'lll 11':1::' gll'\.'I1:1 fairly cOlllpll'tc rep()rt Oil \I'hat \\,;1;; :I),»I'OI'CI\. :'If\'. .\L\C;I:I'I)U~. ')"('3, :\[1',1>,1":11, I)" ,1'011 IPc:lll \[1'. SI,):lll ql1C',;ti()lIill~ illl illiti;\l 1:\1;:1' slim or 1I)01l1'I', S'';;\,Il(II) wllil'it :\11', Liddy rl'IJII('::'il'd IIft"I' thl' :lpPl'<)\':ll of (lil' phil'! :\[1'. :\[II;I:I'\lrB. Yes. \11'. f),bll. ('ollll! 1'011 1('11 lIS II'li;lt 11;t[l1'1'1l('c1 and hOII' th~lt 1\;1:'> n's,'] I'l'd ! . :\[1'. \!.I';I;IPtl:, \\"'11. hI' h;ld c;tlkd Illf' ;11lt! :';;lid tlut \[1', Lidlh' 1I":llll(',1 a >'IIi),r:I!!li;11 SIIIII :11 Ikll tilll'" 1 did II": 1l'1,:t11 th" ;1I1101lIlLlll;l \[1'. ~I":II\ indi"ITt,,:, it j" ~~,',.th)') :llId I Il'mild :1,,,111111' hI' i" ,'OIT,','t. I illdi(':ll'll lli:1I ,\11, r.icldl did 11:11'1' 111;lt ;II)!'I'II\':l1. \fr. :-:1";111 "I'itl"l\tll' tlll'll 11"111 II) ,\11', :-:f:ll\';, .\11', ~IIIII" 11','llt If) ,\(1', ,\I\I"!I"I!. ,\[1, \(il<"l1,'II (';1111(,1',,1'" til "I<' ;1!1t! ":li,1 11'111' did (i,II',I"ll ""T"I I hi,,; 11111"11 I!II)II('I' :1 lid I I':-;Pl:!illl'd r" I,illl rlli:, 1\':1'" ill ('II,'I:! fr"ltll'lld nlnlh'I' rlul Ill' 1I;,,',ktl

r ...... [211] 7%

ff)l" thl' 1'1i\!i[Hi'!(' IH, ;I lid tli(' c:lcly ('o:ol" <)r i!l'ttill:~ this killt! of an oprm­ ti')11 tr);! ('IIll·r. \11'. \litel,,·11 IIlldC'l ·s t()"d. "\'id",dly told :'Ifr. :-)talls il!lad ~.... _. l)\·"11 aPI'(o\'t'd alII! II\(~ ;,[)[>I'o"al WilS cOlllpkr·p. :'Ill'. U.\S[(. Ui\l YOII rt'('('i\('. \11', .\1 :1;~rlldl " I' : ,I llY !>l'o!_'.TI.':;s l'C:ports :, fIn I ltv :q'!lll)\:1 I I)y '\11', Lid\!.,· ~ ~Ir. \1.\(;1:('1>,': /:, :\0, I diclilot. .\fr, f).I ,';!!, I lid YOli ].:l\f)\\' lll:ll', t lwl'l' was to ue an cntrv ill the. Demo- cr:ltic X:Ilif)/Ia] (orr!1lliltce ht':ldqll:lrtel,,') • '\fr. :'IL\CI!r;l'U!. \\"cll, I aO' :-; IIIII,,<'l' that Ill' dis('lI c'sv d tIll', I~X: lct (h!l~ with me. no. :'[r, D,\SI[' \\'(~II. do VOIl re,':d] n, di-cussioll t.h ·i lt VOII llall with .\[1'. Liddy COIlClrlli'il,Q' ;IIi cHort lo ('nt,:r tlw .\lcr;o\'r.rn 'l!c:lc1'1u :lrters'? )h.. \f.\(:f:[,DH: , YI'S. I thill\( :tfter thc, as J r('cal1. it ,,-as aHer thc tlr:-;l entry or ll~(, J)~\(' }lI::lc1qll;\rter:"" ~Ir. Strachall ,1n<1 I \Vcro ill my olli('e: and :' he 51111;; of l hi " 11l1!!![i 11{.": 1\ Ill! P hot (>~I':; 1'11,\' COpt' 1':1 ('jo!l I '\h', \r.\(:n\'f'I:n, .\ppro.'( irn:lti'l\' a ,,'('('k, ~ \\"crk and a half nftt'r t he ill it ial (,lit I'y WI' I'l'I'l'j \'(·d, r recci \'('(1. I hi' (i I'st rrpOt1'S: tlt('\, WCrt' i1l t\\'o [01'''1:', O!lI'. \\;1'" J'("::Ij':tlli:lt ;<>1\ ,)f t)I(' tell'phol\(' t'OIl\Tl<:l tiol1';. Till'\' \\'('1'(' dOIl(' ill :t [01'11\ in <;\·ltich H)II "'(Hlld kllo\\' thp\, W,'l'(' t('I('· p!It,ill.' ('OI\\'rl".:l ritlIIS tnlt Ihl'y \\'('\'1' 1\ ,:) t. din'd 1'('1"'1'1'11('(''; t;) th" phonl' cnll\",\,:,<\tiOI\ :-i, ,\1\\1 thl' ,,"colll1, phf)ln~ I ': \plt.", the' pictlll'es 01' doc\I­ ll\('IlI.~ t'I:lt Ill('Y II:ld (:II;('I\:lt t/tr f),'IIIOI'r:llic :\ation:\! (\>111lllittpl' }1(,;\(1 1111 :1 1'( ('1':;;, - :'IIr. r),\~11. \\';\5 thl'll' :Illy spv('inJ [('atllre abo11t thl'::'\' [>hotogr:l[lhs?

[212] I I .

H.3 >!nur.i.ce Sl·.~l"'c-., .. leSl".lliIOll.Y


------._-_._----_.-----_._. ~------.------

IiEl\11INGS BI::r--Olt!; TIlE , 1 SELECT CO~\LjrI'rrEn OX .~ 1 r I)RE". :Jl")_. T])}i" Jl\ T1l1 . .iLL'( ClU) \ -.. I'lHII1'Ti1.. U: {"I .IJ.\ C'fn I\il_ Y l'YES.1:,1..



},'lnST S [,:ssro::--;

WATERC,\TE AI-;D HELATED ACTIVITIES Phase I: Watergate Investigation

WAS m::--; CTO?\' , D.C., JtJ::

Prlll!"'.l for Iii., 1I,p (,f tlle S","-'ct (")!llUllti('c <>" l'r,·,;d'.'llti;lI C:ltnp:li.l:-Jl .\cti,·irh-,


For ~t!t' l·~· PI!' ~lll·\·lIut .. !,d('nt "'~ P,,...·II:::.·:\I". t".,_ l~\,.l'I,,·.-rIl:H,·fI( l°rill!I:\":: n:l!L'"(' \\ ... ,11:11:-: :.11(, r) ( ..,. 1-<1: • (',:,'"1" ~j ~~.;.(\,. .sU!:ltl-:'r :,.:;.\",- LC.;.!

, __ i_

[213] GO?

:\fr. EII.\IISTE:-:. ,\nd IIII'll dl:\"ir)~ hi~, tl~llll\"e in lht~ filltlnce commil Lee YOli rl.'!i-:,d upon hi; Ilth'ii'" It ::r(',IL tli'I:I. :\Ir. ST.\:-;";. I l"cii"d lIji!)" hi·; 1l'~l\1 alL'icc a great deaL :\11'. Er).\llsTI::---. Hic.:lll. Did Lt' rj\'(~ \'011 (!In ilt!\'i('(~ rr';.!:IHdin~( llll) prr.-'\rril 7 contributions Hilt! llio;(' n[II'r'-' Pili YOll l"<'ly lIl'OII hi~ I,'gal )\II,·jco'l :\[r, ~'n:-;~, Yo.;, 1\"; olle ()f thl' SOllrC0.-; or II:glll advice I did rely on his. \[r. ED'.II.~TI·::-;. \\'t'rr. \'0'1 1\\\"lIl'e thflL he WflS recriving cllsh from ;-'11'. JIlin· l'orll'r Ililei :\\1'.- !-JII~:II ~1(l;II\') :\-[r. STAS:-;. i'rior [n .Apl·il :/ [ \I'lh ~1\1"lrl' t\wL he had received cn,.;b on "'-)1110. ()'-'CI\~i()I1.~. [ \\'IIS not nW11l"l' of till: IInlOllllh ill tOl.ed or Oil I,nv one 0c"It:-iillll, Hnrl 1 I''"H:-' f1ul 1\11'111'1' thnt. the tot,ll \I'll" Ilny\\'l!('rc n-s lnrgl' n,.; it \\"Ib. 1 tllo"i:IIL it. con:-;i,;lcd or reilitindy "mnll IIlnOllllh of mOI\I'Y· I hilt! Ileani ht OUI' point or :lIHJlhcr thnt :\Jr, Liddy WILS re­ cci\'ing money foe 11:;1'. in th,' pri!lIi\li('s. :\Ir. f';1»[IST1-~:-:. Thnt i:=; l\i". only n'llson tlwt you hlHI knowledgc of whnt wac; hrolwlit to VOII1" attentioll'? \lr, S1'.\-",~. J'L \\'1\"; (;ne of the thillgs tho.\' Wil.S mcn[ioncd (l,t onc Lime or (mot her, :-'1r. EIl.\!t.'iTE:--'. I II I'! I ,.;urc, :\Ir. Stflns, that YOll nrl\ familiar \\'ith :\1r. -SloJi.i\'s tr.:::;tit1l0\l\· bdorc thi·; cornmittl~r. tho.t he di,,;c\lssed \\'it.ll YOIl fI. pnyJI1\'llt of Sq,'OOO to \lr. Liddy. Xow, what i:-; your testimony on thnt trl~lhi1ction? :'Ir. ST .. \~S, SOl\1ell'h'~re flround the Gth of April :\11". Slofin Cflmc to mc Hnd s"id tllflt Gordon Lidcl\' I'."Hlltcd fl VC1,\" sllbslllntini flmount of r III(' moul'Y. r ([un't rccnli nll\o~lI\t lie named 'nn(1 IIl'.;l Al\~~l\st, which wo.s much clo-.;pr to 1\)(' lime, I reclIllcu in te:i:ifyil\.':; in fl c\epo::;ition to the Feder:11 tii~;tri,'1. ntlul"fI('\"S of lie I' thnt I tholl{:l!l till' IImount WIIS S:30,OOO but I rC(;\1II,'1\,1-' . thrs!.! lIl\lOUII!,; or n!l.\ nlllOllllh to Uordon Lidlly that he sholdd do so')" lind 11(\ "nid, "Thllt. i,.; ric:\tt.." ' ;'\P\\', tlll\[. is lIly recollectiun in 11 p:lrnphrll:'c of tho di."cI\.~:~ion t.hat". I . took pLWl'. 1. \\"I'llt. IJi!('\;: ttl :-)I()lll\ 1I1ld J"L'rorted it to him n,l\d r')I\[\([ ()llt ,tlillt III' II".! Illrl'ntl.Y (lIlkl,.\JI;-;Tl·;,\:, :\I)W, IPL',; ~" thl"OlI',h the IrllIl:'IIClioll tlt:lt :\ir. SI()l1l1 Il'~lifi('d to 11(,["(, \I'ith r'l'IN,'f\I'C' 'to {lHyment. of (':bll tll :\11'. lll'rhl'r! 1\) I"t ('\' 1\ f t l'r ;\ pri! '/. 1) i d I \\' 11:1 \T " COli \'('1','1\ t i 0[\ \\·It h Y"\l'1 :\[r. ST.\\.-;. 1 \\'(lultl Id.;r to go ll:t(~k to the.' pr,~\"i.)}I'; Hl\~\\"l'r 1IIId Illid 0111" n lor". Iwi 1\ l. API''')"'';llly, froill till' 1(''';lilllOII\", \lr, Liddv ,.lil)I':ed :\Ir. :-;[01\11 n. bllc!gl't ..r ::;!jO,Otlll n~:>liC\")t \\"lli("h Ill' i[ltend ... d to drill\'. To tlil' best. of

[214] 727

?\fr, S'I',\C:s, B"rol'c I rl[]-'\Irr IIIllI, ml1.\' I slIy dint \\'illt rr,;pi:i:t to thl' llH,(,ting \\illt \fr, \lilt:!I(·ll Oil Ill<' ~~!th, r h,\\'e chl'ckl'd my n'(:ord-; IIl,.;t llic:lll 111\(11 do not, IIIL\'C Illl\' 1"'1:01'(1 ()f IllllCC'lill:: I\ith .\Ir, \filr'hcll 0[, the; :!1th ()r .J'llle, :\0\\', tlll;1 do!',; not I\\('~I[I lil:ll 1 Illlly h,l\'c II\('l Ilim in the h,dl, th., l'l\illlillg, on the :-'trl'l't, 01' C\'(~n dUlp)1f·d ill Ilis office, l)(\t I !lave no rccord uf lili.; I1I!,pl illg hrlyin:; tllkcll plll(:c. I did 111l\'C lUllrh \\illl \fl', \fitc!ll'!! in hi,; oiliec Orl the ~:lei, i\ 0\1', I\'i I h )"i'''pcd to the r('lnll)"\;: tlillt. \\'H"; J:l:llk nfrer I chcrkrd Il'jtll \litl'l,cll nlH)ul thr ILtilliorit\, of \!.wruder to )hl~ Slo!lll to Inflke Pf\Ylll('llL:; lo Liddy, J )'('C'nll f lie ;,cr::\.~io[]' but t!tflt \\',1S not the I\h(>l(~ (:on\'('['snliol\, Hilt! I /1.11\ not qllite slire tlwt. it is ('ntirel~' lLCCtlrllte but it i:; the Slllhtll[lCC or \\'h:ll \\'11'-' "!lid, Bill itbt \\'ceL: \I'IICn \[r, SIOI!Il testified h(~ nLI) put th'lt. rellln)'];: in ll. milch lllrgrr context f\nd thlLl con/cxt \I'I1S ll1uch brO/leier thnn the 111:tlter of pnyrnclll...; to Liddy nnd it \I'OS qllil(' IlCCllro.te, .As I recllll, he ;;~Iid thc contcxl \\'i)S OIlC or lotal frustration thilt. J hlld ilnd he hnd \I'ith the spendiJ\f~ progrll!1l of the carnpfli<:;o committep, At that potnt \\'C hnu rccci\"ed !l blldgct. of S3<.i million !lnu it wns inromplete on its fu((' llCCllilse some itcrns \\'ere not [Jliced Ollt. It ntCnllt they \\'crel!Oillg LO spend S40 million. I had urgucd when I clune on the ('oDllllitt('e nnd ('ycn before, th:lt the ctllI1pnign ollght tn nm, \I'itl! the Pre,:;ilil'l1t. in ofll('c, for S:!~ or :330 million, It \\',lS e\'ident ,yc \\'err in II sll.ulltion in which the e'lluj)llign c{)!11\\lii tee \\'115 ullling nil the sig1\:11::" wns nlrd,ing nIl the cOl!lmitments, \Yc re~ill'y hnd not.hing to say nbllllt it, nne! it Wf\S Olle, flS I s:lid, of totlll frustmtion with thc whole situotion. I thrc\v up my h'ln<.L;, ulld I sny thut literully und I think 2\11'. SIOllll qlloted that spccit-icl111y, thill, we wen\ jllsl [JoL going to hlll'O nny ill{\llencc ill thi,.; sitJl!tliOI1, 1\,00 .....-- ...... Ifhc lTlllllrk I Ill J'tde, nnd I cnl\not quoLe it prf'cisc1y, wns somet.hing to the eITec,t lhal "I dOlt't l;now n'!lnt's going Oil ill thi:; ct1mpnii~[l nnJ I dOll't. tl:,;nk you o\lr~hL (0 Ln' (0 blOW." We \\'I:'l'e the cll:;itiers, we reu'i \'(,c\ the l\l'UIlf'Y, :;Ill! Wf' Plitt! the bills, Tirey lInd the respol\"ibiljty for e\'('!'.\'tllillg tite,\' 011 tiS to «lle,ctiorl the propriety of !lily pnymcnt, whether 't \\'lIS to :\lr, Li your htulll Ilnd Sit)" "1 do l\ot \\'nnt to klluw')" \11', ST.":>::), It wn~; unchll['nctl'ri:;tie of nt\; bn('k~rOllI1d !1S ftn llC­ coulll,,"! J.)\d it \\',b not uf\('hnrllclel'i"tic of lhe rc:'-poll"ibililil':; I hud ill thi;; (,Ufll}lhi;::1l which hnd nb,:nl\\teiy nothing- to do with I\ccuunting', \Iy jld) \\',h to i"lli,,;p nn lllliJ"ii<'\',tbl., 111110Ull{. of mouey, S,lO milliull or I\lnrc. :-;(,ll:ltnr J:--;(ll'\T, And \'011 \\"'I'C !lot (·III'ioll": nhollt how 111(':-,(, fllnds \\'('r(' l)I'iIl~: :'11('111. (',pl'('i'III'\' "ill(,., .'(>1\ rend ill til(' 1"11)('1' 1Ii>(llit thl' lll',~,d;:­ ill OIl tIl,' l:"th, \'011 h"IlI'iI IIL)(lllt Ihe ~1('1'''llllh of tJ\I' DllltllJ,'r<.:: 1)~OII('Y (1)1 tile :'::;<1, \ Illl' \.·,111 ,d'llill it ill llll' [>:II'l'r, nnd lhell ~'(j\l hl"t;'d ~d)()l;t \11'. ~l('l'.»)'d lJeill!; 01\" (If tliu."c '1ITL':-.t"d, \\,cl','n't YOll It bit ;,u:)piciulls'?

[215] 11.4 John >[i cchcll Ccs t imony


.~~---.-.---.-~ ... ------~--




WATEHGATE A1\D RELATED ACTIVITIES Phase I: Watergate Investi.gation I

W.\SIIl:\CTU:\. D.C., JG:\E :27, 2S, 20, ;L'\O .JeLl: 10, 197:~ t "- Book 4 J

Printed for the ll~c of the ::;('\r,1 Commit tee (JJll'ro~"idprlli;t\ C:lUlI':li).:1l .\cUv\tips

u.s. COVU,:,~II::-;T FHI:-;TJ~C OrTle1'; \\',\SIII:-;CTO:-,' : 1",3

F~lr ,...11 ...• hy tl ...., S\;I"'rl:\tl'j\I~"llt n! l)'·I\·\I::I,·r~{ ..;. t·.~. Gp\'I'rt\Ill·-nt Priflttnr, OI'!1rt" \\·:1.~hlo:-.:ton. \).(" :":I'~l)'': - l'rkc ~:LOI) StLM.·~ :-"Ulll: ... 'i :,:::;(\·,-4)1~1l',4

[216] 1616

Mr. 1IITCIlELL. IVell, 1 don't think ':-lr. LaHu(J was "CI}' enthusiastic about this project. and I think he concurred in the bet that it shollid not be lLpproved. :r-rr. J)'SH. Now) if ]\[r. Magnl(1er didn~t comc away with the idea, thl1t you had a,ppro,'ed it and nGverillcless, very sllortly n.fter hc re­ tUl"nec1, sct it in motion by appro"illg tbe payment to :'111'. Liddy of funds to carry out this plall) do yOll have allY idea ,ylln abo"e you could have gi\'cn him authority lo do this? Mr. MITCHELL, ,Vell) :"fr. Dash, I clon:t know whethe!' it "'olucl bo above me, but there cOldd \"Eor}' \';ell ha \'(~ been pn::ssltrcs that. ca,mc from collatBml D.-rea,s in "'hich th0Y decided t.hat t.his was the. thing to do, I can't speculate, on who they might be. I o.m sure thaL thcr~ could be such pressures. Mr. DASH. Generally, though, from yom ]mo\Yleclge of :\lr. Magntder and the working of ?lIr, :!.Iagruder, \\'ould .011'. Magruder on his oWIllmdertake to cDrry ou t th is l'bn '( Mr. 1IlTCHELL. You n.re asking for a,n opinion again. Mr. D,\SH. All opinion, yes. Mr. 1iITCHELL. I think it is a, matter of degree, :\Ir. Dash. I thinl: you will find when you get int.o yoltr additional inn;.stigatiolls that there were it lot of act.i "i ties in the so-called di lty tricks department find so f01ih that were c:ll1.iec1 on \\'ithout my knowledge by t.he gentle­ m en who "ere at the committee. So, it is 8 matter of clegn::e. Mr. D,\SH. I'{ell, a matter of degree, But here, although :-11'. :\In.gru­ -...... - cler hac1 a continuing itllthority to appro"e expenditmcs, if:\[r, :'ILLgm­ del' actually kne,'y that you had ba I'red 1)1' rej ecteet a p[lrt icu Inr pro- ; grant, \\'olllcl you exped Mr. :.Iagrllder to appron the payment of r's test imony) he h:ld gi,'en t It is mOlley llOt fol' gcoer[ll intelligellcC' acti"ity, bllt the so-called Liddy plal\. ill!-. i\1ncllELL. 011) )'0\1 ,He tnlking about the later ehte? Mr. DM;II. Yes, ,Yolllrl you e:..:pC'ct, taking as a m,ltter of degree, that ~[r. Magruder may ha.,'C', acted on his 0"'1l? Ha ying .vou\' rcjectioll to a pa rticula r progra m, \Yolllcl you ha n~ expected ;'II r. :\bgnlder to hu,ye approvcc1 the expcllclitu res 0 f large sums 1)[ mouey? Mr. :\[lTCUf:LL. I ccrta inly \,'o\lldnot lta,yC c:x:pectcd it,:\11'. Dash, 110. Mr. D,\~rr. 7\0'\', shortly, and I third;: ag:lin this is a restatement of ,dmt occurred, shortly a £tel' tllt' ;\ L1\"dl :10 meeting in ICe,\' Biscayne, Liddy in April did ask for all illiti:,l pa.n1lf'nt frol\\ :'Ill'. Sloan Oil a qua rtel' million dollar lJudg('t. :',(1', SIO:\11 has so t('stiiied tbt Liddy asb~(l that. t llC' initi:tl P,lYll\('l\t tJe SS;3,O()0. \Ycre YOl\ :1\yalT of that re .. quest of :-i r. Liddy's? Mr. :\lnuH:LL. I am not a "';He of the rr![lIrsL :-f1'. 1\15h. with respect to tho dollar amoullt, alld I ,llll SU1'e t\t,1t the committee re\'alls the dialog\le frol1\ Sloal\ to Slims to .\iitchell to Stans to Slo;lI\ \yith r('sped

[217] J617

to it in \yhich ~mollnts "-ere not cliscuSS0cl. IL wns [( qllestion of did ,l\Iag!'uc1rr haye continuillg autilorization to authorize e~pt'ndit\lres, ancfof course, the allSWE'r wns }<'s. Mr. D.\srI. 'Well. it is more ill direct c1isngrccmcnt \\·ith :\1r. Slo~n's testimon.y or i-lr. SUms' teslimony, but-, nccordillg to :\[1". Sloan's testi­ mOllY, he "\"~lS fInite cOllcerned :tbout the sizabJe alliollnt, SS~)OO(), and went. to :\fr. St:lllS to see if :'[1'. ;\fn!?Tuderltael such authorit,· and then M1'. StHllS ,,'ent to you. According to the testimony of :\rr~ Stans, on :\by Hi, for the.> l'rcord-jlls[ 'para.phrasing it--:\[r. St:ms, although not meaning a particular amount, asked whether, if [my amount tklt :\11'. Mag-ruder wanted to gi\"(~ :\[1". Liddy \\"oulcl be all right, alld that you had said \"es. Mr. :'IIrTclIELL. I said that J',Lagn:der had continuing authority to n.nthorize expenditmes of monry. Up until that timc, I guess he had expended ~n or S:"3% million. . Mr. DASH. But did YOll rec~l1 that in this rarticulnr case, :,r1'. SUms "\)as askin!Y yon aoout Liddv? Mr. :;\ 1I1:CH ELL. I c1on't hlVC that rf:'collf:'ctlon on the issue of )'Ia­ gruder's cont inuing authority, but I woulel not challenge or dispute Mr. Stans' statemen t on t 110 slIbjE'c t. Mr. D.'\SH. 'i\'ell, that was Ii is testimony. XOY\, you k\d just. had n. meeting "itll Mr. Magruder OIl :'IIarch 30, in "hich ~Ir. :\Ingruc1er was asking YOII to apprO\'e fl. qnarter million dollar plan that y\"ollld ~u­ thorize giyjug Lidcly this kind of mOlley. Yo\\!' slatelllE'nt no\\", then, is that you did tell )[1', Stans th~t :\r1'. )hgrudcr cOllld pay :\1r. Liddy any sum of money thn.t",\Ir. :.\1agrncler "anted to pay him. Mr. IUITCITELL. Don't put it ill the CQnte:-;.t of any sllIn of money. It was a fact that existed) :'Ill'. Dash, in connection ,,-ith Liddy had been in the il\telligence ane! information gathering f\elcl. I think :\[r. StallS has testif-irc1 np here thal. to that timc, he had bC'C'n al\thorizcd $125,000 and it is :1gain in t.h e rontext of tllC' b.d th~t :\Ingruder had continuing ~Ilthority to a\lthorize'> moneys and :\Ir. Stans saicJ, "it11 respect to Liddy. I call t(lke it on the same b;lSis to authorize money in connection \\"ith the ongoing programs that Liddy haell;een calTying O\\t. Mr. D.\SH. Th(lt \\0111(1 be trlle, Mr. )Iitchell, in tIlE> ahstract. l\1r. :\IlTCm:Ll,. \\'ell, this is the abstract, :\Ir. Dash. because there wero no SilinS illyo)\"ec1 fllld llOllO discussed, and this h~ s been the testimony. Mr. Ii.bIr. '\Yen , ~rr. Stans fl~lt it necess~rv to comC' back to 'lOll and this "as shortly ~fter you were aware that':-11". Liddy y\'i1S seeking: to get a pproya} of a phn for a qll[lIter of fl. mill i 011 dolla rs. ;\[r. MrrcrrnL. :\0, \\"e hadltad 110 disc\l ssion \\"hatso(>Yel" \"ith respect to appro\"al of a Liddy rlan of a fI"artel' of ~ millioll dollars, anr1 .011', Stans 11 :ls t('stifi ed that he ncver he;nd ~hollt it. And I am so (estihing tllnr. I llerer heard al)Ollt it in cOIIIH,C'tion \\"ith the dis(,llssion of "hetller or llotthe flllthorizatioll (rom :\fagr\lclel" to Liddy had any tIling to do wit-h <1 qllartl'l" of a lllillion dollar plan. ~[l'. D.\~I!. But shortiy :dtl'l' thr. .JLarch .~O llIcl'tinQ, YOII "'pre being asked by :\tr. St:lllS i ( :\11'. :'Ib,,!;rllder conlcl pfly siznbk :1I1101luts to ~rr. Lieldy ~

[218] 1618

!lIr. l\hTCllELL. Ko, t11C[(I \\'eren't ~llly sizilble anlOltnts. 'I'c didn't talk abollt nUll1bers, \,'C didn't till!;: about siza\)Je amount:-; at alL IVklt \\'e talked about \vas did Magruder !t:I.\T continuing :wtl'.ori7.at iOll, ,stallS said, to provide money to Li(ldy. I say continuing nut liorizatioll and it is still thebct that It is continuing rtuthol'izntioll to Liddy. '\'0 are not talking ahont [l quarter of a million dollars, we arc not talking about sizable amounts, we nre talking ai)OIlt. wltnt. was conceivcd to be an ongoing program that Iwd already expcnded SL25,OOO. tIr. DMlH . .Just one hst (lllt'slion on this, ;\[1'. ;\1itchell. Then why ,,;as it necessary for MI'. ,stalls to come to you if it \\'as Hot a sizable nmount involved? Mr. MITCHELL. i:lfr. Stnns has alrca(]y u.stifiec1 that he didn't kIlOW the amount i[wolved and didn't discuss it with me. Mr. D.\sH. I thil1k :!\h. Stans' testimony is tklt he asked vou if nny amolllIts were to be paid by 2\[1'. Licldy, ',QuId that be all right? 1h. MITCHELL. I do notrccaJl on that basis. :\[1'. Dnsh. 1\1r. DASH. Let me just read to you, Mr. Mitchell, ::'1r. Shms' testi­ mony on page 1644:. "I said"-meanillg Mr. Stnns--"yoll mean, John, that if ::'fagrudcr tells Slorrn to pay these amounts to Gordon Liddy that he shoulc1 do • so? And he said, that is righL" ~Ir. MITGUCLL. ,\Yollld YOll go bQck (mel pick it llP so I can hear the prior t~stimony? MI'. DASH. Let me just go back. "I will quote the conversation with John ::'1itcl18ll as best as I can paraphrase it. It is not precise. But I saw ,John ::\1itchel1 n relati\'e1y short t.ime after and saic1. Sloan tells me that Gordon Li(ltlv \,rults a substant ia 1 amOl tnt of money. 'Vhat is it nll a bout? ' "And John :\1itchrli's repl)' \,as, I do not know, "I\'E' \yi11 ha\'e to ask lIagmdeI') oecallse Magruder is ill charge of the campaign and he directs the spending." IIII'. Stans s[licl, ((I said, do yon mean, John, that if ~h.Q'rllc1er tells Sloan to pay thE'se a,moullts or any amollnts to Gordon Lic1dy, tlwt he shollld do so? .Alld he said, t hnt is rigllt." Mr. MITCHELL. "IYe]l. I ,,"oulc1 resr(lctfull~' disa,'!ree "ith ::.rr. Stalls on the. fact of substantial amO\lnts or thnt the c1iscllssioJls llac1 to do with respect to the authorization by 2\Iagrucler in the continuity of 1 . the way he had been acting. This \\'as as I \\';:lS coming aboa.rc1 ill ~:H1nection with the wmpai.!Zn. LJ Mr. DASH. XO\Y, ::\11'. J[itchell. "ere you ;1.'IIrrre thnt on or about l'Say 27, 107:2, there \\'as ill fact a breal;:-in of the Democrn.t ic Xational Committee head<"[un.rters nt the TiT atel'gate? M1'. i-IrTCHELL, Yo, sir. l\fr. D.\SH. "\nd c1id YOU knO\\ of the code name. '(Gemstone" or all\' of the 'IIiretnp proofs tfln.t cn.me from the bre'ak-in~· , Mr. ::--[lTClfYLL. Xot until a crl'eat deal later do\\'n tlle rond. ::\11'. Dash. MI'. I)\SIL "I\'hel1 yon sa)' th'at. ho\\' ftn do\\'n thc 1'0,1(1? i'lh. 2\bTCIIELL. I am not <"[uite, ceriain. I J)clie\'c it \\'ollld be sllb­ stilntially cloWJl the' roael. :-lr. D~\s1T. Defore' .TIIU(\ 1701' after .Tlille' 17~ Mr. :\IrT(,lfn~L. Olt, llluch after Junc 17,

[219] 12. On or about April 12, 1972 Gordon Liddy gave James McCord, f security consultant for CRP, $65,000 for purchasing electronic equipment and for related purposes.

12.1 James McCord testimony~ 1 SSC 169-70.

12.2 Accounting of expenditure of $76,000, submitted for the record by James McCord, 1 SSC 448 .

. ------[220] ,,! 12.1 James McCord testimony


SENATE RESOLUTION 60 . -- .... ======I




WATERGATE AND RELATED ACTIVITIES Phase I: 'Watergate Il1vestiga tion

W A.SBI:-;GTO),', D.C., ~'IA.Y 17, 18, 22, 23, "L,D 24, 1873 Book 1

Printed for the use of the Select Committee ou Presidential CalDpaign "\c:iI'ities


For s:1te by the SUpt"riLllcnrl~llll of OO\.:um"nts, u.S. (jo\'t>rnment Printing OJ1ke \\·(Uhil\~ton. D.C. :..'0-hL! - PriCIJ ;>J.lX) Slock Numu« 5270-(11&l3

[221] 169

i-Ir. ~\rCCOnD. Ycs, appro:;imatcly S2,000 a month during the period of timl' Ll,:ll· the opC'r~ition \1-:15 underway. '. SC'\\;il.or Gc;r:::r;\". ","nd th~1t bc:g~1.n when? ]'-11'. ::-lcColtT). AjJlil1972. . S(;IL1.t()l" GDp.C{r·;r. And Itow was that pl1id? 1\1r. :\lcOoRD. In ('ash Gy :\1r. Liddy. Senator GC1'c{El". How many of those prtyIlJcnts did YOll recein'.? :r.h. :\1CCOHD. 'There ,yere payments through June. I think they totaled flpproxiIl1alely S1G,OOO. I do not recall specifically, but I have the ncle.s here if I illfl.y refer to them. Senator GCR:"EY. i\ow, then, \I-ould you descriGe to the committee the other pay nrrungements after the break-in and after you were appreh8Udcd "? .:\11'. i-iCOORD. Yes, sir. The payments were made by Mrs. Hunt. Seno.tor Gnl:"BY. In d\al amounts and at, what time'? Mr. ;\J COORD. Calls came to me by 1\Ir. and :\Jrs. Hunt in J uly_ Senator GUR:-!EY. How much'? . l'dr. :\ICCOl1D. ,Ve were paid in cash. There Wfl,S n. lump-sum pil,Y­ ment in August--in July of J.9(3-for 5 months "sil]ary," in quotes, at ~53;OOO a month, tot::ll of S15,000, and subsequently lega.l fees. Scuiltor GURYEY. And when was thllt? 1lr. ::-iCCOllD. In Noyember, us I recall it, of 1973, and subse- qllcntly-- ' Senator GCR::\I:Y. And how much was th[\t? '!\Ir. ::-lcCoRD. Tot::ll of S35,000 for legal fees. SeDiltor GURc{EL Thllt, was f\onrubcr, then? r-1r. \lcCoRD. Yes. Sen,-"tor G\J:f\\,EY. Go on. r-fr. \iCCORD. And then again in November, 2 months p[l.yment of 53,000 celeh, 11 total of S5,000. Senator Gl'Rc{EY. So it wns S15,000, S25,000, and S6,000; is that correct? l'dl'. ::-"-1cCo:

[222] 170

as un initial payment awl n.Lout S·1,OOO subseqllent-S5,OOO subse­ quently for additional equipment purc:hn.scs. Sena-tol' Gunc;EY. Now, die! you say 61 find 5? Mr. 1icCOlW. Yes, sir. Scn!1tor GUl1.'5,000. A total after May 8th of $ll,OOO. The totn.l of that is S76,000. Senator GUR?':EY. Now, chen, hoW' WfiS chis dIsbursed? rdr. MCCORD. In Cf1sh by !\lr. Liddy. Senator GUR?':EY. I m(:;ln how did you spend it? :VIr. McColw. Would you like the expenditures'? They were e:-;:­ pended in cftsh for Lh8 most part. There were some by check for some walkie-tn.lkie equipment. S811ator GUR:i'o'BY. Do you have a detailed account of how you spent it? rvlr. nicCoRD. Oh, yes. Seuator Gun:\EY. Do you hl1ve it ,\'ith you? i\fr. MCCORD. Yes sir. Senator Gun"'EY. Is it n. long one? \Yill it take some time? 11r. 11 CCOIW. Y 803 sir, it is rit ther lengthy. I can reftd it if you Willi t. Senn.tor GURNEY. I wonder theil, \Ir. ChainDftn, if we could recei ve that fol' tbe record. I do not really see any point ill going all tlu'ough tho. t. Senator EEVI"'. If you 'win let the committee DUye thc accolmt, we \Vill make n. copy fln.d r€'turn your Ol'i;i.nn.l to you. ?vIr. 1-ICC01W. All right, sir, we can do that.* SCll:i.tOl' Gun?':EY. Bu t my ullderst:i.llding is that t11C accollnt whi.ch you n.rc going to prCSCD L the comml ttce shows the COll! pIc te di3bmsc­ mcnt and "pending for S77,000, is tlut con'ecL? ~vrr. i\lcCoiw. S7G,OOO, sir .. uS I rec,lll it. Scnator GuH:\EY. S7G,OOO? idr. 1JcCorm. T1Hlt j,:. COlTCCt. There were budget receipts fl.nd so on . tlmt we:'c plCpitrcc! on tilis und were shown to 2\11'. Liddy, referring [or . ,.,,;,-..,1111 tllC p:lymerrls . L • See p. 4.48.

[223] 12.2 James McCord material

F 1972



WATERGATE AND RELATED ACTIVITIES Phase I: Watergate Investigation WASmKGTOX, D.C., :\I:,.Y 17, 18, 22, 23. AJ.,\,D 24, 1973 Book 1

Prilltect for the \lse of the Select Committee Oll PresicJeutial CnUlp(\i61l.l.c~i..-ities


WASHl~GTO:-l : 1013

For St\le by till.?' SL1p. U.,s,. Gov~rnltl~nt Prin{ln~ O(th:~ \\"8.,...;llll1i-':ton. D.C. :...\}-a)~ - Price .$3.l~) Sluck l'\umlJer 5~~()...{)1S-13

[224] v

Page No. 10-·Phologr:tph-YVn,lergate complex aerial view______99 No. 11-Pltoto~r"ph-Watc!"g;1te COlIlp](;X aerill view (closc-up)_c______100 No. 12--Drawing-Watcrgate office iJuiJdillg in re1:1tion to How~ird Johnson's i\[o(,or Lodgc ______. ______.. ______101 No. 13·-Drawing-D8moc.r~tic 1\[ltion3-1 CommiLtee He~d<]uarterg floor plan______102 No. 11-Chcck frpm Fill/cncc COlllmittee To H.c-Elect the Pre,;idcllt to Alfred C. B3.JJwiuIII, dated Aug. 7,1972______4.55 No. 15-P".gc 14 of voucher of the Fin:1nce Cnmmittpe To Rc-Elect the President. showing tnl\'el expenses paid to ,\Jfred C. D:1ldwio lIL 45& .... MATERiAL SUBlI.UTTED FOR THE RECORD By Druce A. KehrJi: Persons oep:uated or transferred from the White Housl' to the Committee To Re-Elect the Prc:sideoL ______94 By Puul W. Lceper: List of serial nunlhers 00 SIOO bills found on the Wateqple hreak-in group ______108 By James W. :-..-rcCord, Jr.: Recollection of E. Howa.rd Hunt's comment$ __ 144 By Gcmlcl Aiel!: Hemorandwr1 from Jamcs :\ [cCurd to Ger:1ld Alch. Su bj cet: Shift of t he Focus of Publici ty. Dated October 17, 1972 ______297 By Sen:1t(1l' Baker: Letter, styled "Dear Gerald," signed "Jim" ______339 By Alfrecl C. Baldwin Ill: :'lenlOrandulll prepared by Rohert il-1irto to the file of Alfred C. Baldwin Ill, July 6,1072 ______. ______389 By Senator Ervin: Rules.of ~rocedure for the Seled Committee on Presidential Campaign Actl \'1 tIes ______415 S. Res. 60 (93d Cong.) ______427 S. Rc~. 278 (91;;t Cong.) ______435 By RolJC:rt C. Odle, Jr.: List of employees of Committee for the Re-Electioll of the Presidect and Fin:l.nce Committee for the nIC-Election of the .

[225] By JAMES W, McCORD, In.

ACCOV!\TING OF ITow S76,000 WAS SPE!\T rrecol15tnlction of TedUlical Eqwpmcnt and Related Receipts and Expendit.ures, Approximations

Receipts: . Li.1n.otmt April 12, Hl72 ______$G5,000 ~lay S, 1972 ______<1 GOO May 2G, 27, 1972 ______2; 000 Jlwe 1972 ______5, 000 Total receipts______76,000 ==== Expe.n clitures: Equipme:1t.: Bell and Ho,Yell. Co., Conn ______3, 800 Watkins Johns::m Co., Rockville ______3, 500 Stevens Laborat.ory, ______5,400 Miles Wirel(;ss Guitar Co., !\ew York City ______3, 000 Unidentified cornp:my, ;:-le'" York City-purcb.?"se of 1 transmittec ______1,000 Unidentified company, Chicngo--purcbase of 1 brief- CD.-!:e :('coroeL ______. ______.. ____ _ 700 Oldell. Optica I Co., New York Cit)· (S700 plus S400) __ _ 1, 100 Busiuess Equipment Center, \Y;?-.sllington, D. C ______- 2, 000 Hechingers, \\'R"hingtoll Rrea stores ______500 Lafayette Radio, \VashillgtOD. El.lld ::-l~.ryland area stcrcs ______1,000 Miscellaneous purchases, tools and equipment, 'Wash- ington, D_C., Chicago, BDd :--l-ew York Cit:-' ______12, 750 Unidentified store, New York Cily--recorders ______700 Unidentificd store, New York City-rccorders and Rccessories ______2, 6()0 ToLal ______---- 38,050 ===== Truek ______4, 500

Renbls: H owo.rd Johnson l\-foLeL ______900 GalLi Mortgage Co ______1,750 Totul ______2, 650 Overhead______12,000 Su b\ aLaL ______;) 7, 200 B!1ln.ncc remaining, used for legal fees______18, 800 ------'fotul expenditures ______-______76,000


[226] 13. In April 1972 Assistant to the President H. R. Haldeman met with Gordon Strachan and instructed Strachan to contact Gordon Liddy and advise him to transfer whatever "capability" he had from the presidential campaign of Senator Edmund Huskie to the campaign of

Senator George McGovern. Strachan met with Liddy in Strachan's

\fuite House office and told Liddy of Haldeman's desire to have Liddy's

"capability" transferred from the Muskie campaign to the McGovern campaign. Haldeman has testified that he does not recall giving

Strachan that instruction.

13.1 Gordon Strachan testimony. 6 sse 2454-56.

13.2 H. R. Haldeman testimony, 8 sse 3038.


[227] 13.1 Gordon Strachan testimony

r::lil ~1'F H"''''f)LfJ-T[ONI 6v SL ,0, '-' il.t,jV I ""vI n




VvATEHGATE AND RELATED ACTIVITIES Phase I: Watergate Investigation

WASHE, 20, ::!3, 24, A~D 2:), 1973 Book 6

Printed for the use of the S"lect CUUlmittL-e on Presidential Ca:upai<."TI .\cth-itie;;



For $.."\lt3 by Ihe SnpHlntr!H!'.'nt or [)oclLme-nts. U.S. GI) ..... ernm\... nt Printing Othcl2' W(lshing,lon. D.C. '~\}1-')2 - PriL-~' $3 Sto~. .'k ~llmbt'r :"!7()-{)1~1(.(;

I i L I [228] I 2454

.Mr. STJ"\(;H.'\>:. \Vrll. there \\":1,; a button on ('l)C call eli r('etor phone that I had. which \':ouM 1)\ll:l: \d\(~11 I \,;1S to pick tlw.t line ll[>, anrl T pllsh('d dOII'1) (he button and lwg::tn listening to the c:olln,rsation llSually at that time' which \\'as:tlready in progress. _ Mr. D.\Slf . .All right. III this p:nticllbr casr, now 'with a ca.ll, I take it, you arc tco;tifying to Mr. :JIitchcll, could yon telJ llS, having picked up the Jin':), what yon hea [l1? Mr. S·r1L\UU>:. ,Vrll, )[r. )litch811 inc1ic[ltecl that he ~a~) either going to return 01' hacl l'C'turnec1 from Florida, aml )11'. Hrrlc1C'man jokingly s:tic1, "\\,('11, th:l.t is clearly a mistake. YOll ollght to strry clown there anc1 v:tcatiol1 somE' more," and Mr. )[itc11e11 indicated that :. April '1. Mr. J),\SH. 19n? 111'. STR\Ci-L\X. 1972. Mr. DAo;n. And was there, in £:tcL a meeting on April 4, 1972, be­ tween )fr. HaldC'man and ~Sr. )Iitchell ? Mr. SU'l..c\CllA?>. \\Tc1l, I did not attend the meetlng so I could not testify tha,t them was in fact but I prepa-l'ec1 a- talking paper for the meeting and we "ould prepare a folder '.\·hic11 \\'o\\lcl. include the talk­ ing paper, ancI the Udking paper ,,('nt into his office and came back out after'l>anb. 1'<11'. D.-\SH. A.ll right. Now, in this talking pn.per, did you -incl\lde the i.tem of the sophisti­ cated intelligenc{) plan with It buclzet of 8:300.000? l\1r. STTL\CIU?>, Yes. In most talking papers I "ould frequently pose the q\\cstionis the intollijo;l?nce system adequate? Is the proposal on track, just to get. the conycrsation going on the subject, and in this '. particular cne I clid inclllde that paragraph. Mr. D,\SH. Now, prior to th:lt meeting and when YOll \,'ere pre­ paring that talkinr.; paper, was tj:C're any other political int.elligence plan operative or being considered to your kno~ledge? I\fr. STIL\CHAX. No; not to my knowledge . . Mr. D,\SH. DiCl YOlt receive b:lck that talking paper after you hacl given it to 111'. H~\ldeman? Mr. STP~\CHAX. Yes, I did. Mr. DASH. And to yonr knowledge, ~as there any indication as to whf.'lher all the items 011 the talking paper had been discussed? Mr. STTlACHA>:. ,Ydl, usnally if a Jl\atter had not been discussed he would indicate that it should be misecl a~ilin. In this case it was not raised again, jnc1ic~ting that he wOllld liave covered tht', o;llbiC'd. Mr. D,\SH. ,Yhat did you do \,ith that talking paper then when you rec.ci "cd it back? Mr. STIL\C}L\X. I put it bach: in the file "ith the pol\t.ic~~l matters menlO 18 files. Mr. D,\SH. And there \Y~S no illdication from Mr. Haldeman that he hn,d either not discussecl it or it meded any further :tction on YOllr part? j'I,fr. STK\CFL\N. Thflt is corrC'ct. ~ Mr. DASH. Row, did there come fl. time after thai; meetin!:!: lwhwen ~ Mr. ~ritchel1 :tnd )1'r. Haldcman, and a.lso in the same month of ~\.rl'il,

[229] 2455 that 'Mr. Haldeman asked you to give some communication t.o ?lfr. Gonlon Liddy? Mr. SU,,\OI,u. Yes. :Mr. Haldem:m called me IIp in(o his officc. I carricd It clipboard find hc told me to cont::tct :\If. Liddy and tell him to transfer whatever cflpflbility he h::td from :'IIuskie to McGoYern \vitIl partreular interest in discovering \dwt the connection betwccn :'I1c- Govern and Sen::ttor ICcnne(l y \,::ts. ' Mr. D,\SH. Was that the lini'it or the instruction tlw.t you had ~ ,:;\11'. STK\CII.\X. Yes, sir. Mr. D.\SH. Wh::tt did you do with th::tt instruction? Did you mal;:e n. record of it? :M:r. STR.\CHAX. '\Vell, I had taken notcs as he h::td dictated tlwt to me. I w::tlkecl clown to mv office. calletl Gorc1on Liddy. hac1 him clcarecl into the '\vllite House, had him come over to my olfice, and liter::tlly reac1 the st::ttement to him. Mr. IhsH. ,Vhen he came into your ofi'iee could you describe what Mr. Lic1dy dic1, if [l,nything? Mr. STRACIIAX. Yes. ;,11'. Liddy reached over and turned on the radio. [LanghteI'.] Mr. DASH. Do you know ',,11y he clid that? , - .. Mr. STR-\CIL\::\,. '\Vell, I have heard descriptions btcr that is "hat you do if you "ant to drown out and prcvent a bug from picking up the conversation. ~lr. D,\sH. Did yon in fact have nny bug in the room ftt that time? :i'.fr. STR,\ClIA::\'. I h::tve no way of knowing. [Laughter.] Mr. D,\SH. At least to your knowledge that you hadn;t installed one yourself'? MI'. STIT.-\CH.-\::\,.Ko; not tlUlt I installed. Mr. D,\SH. Now he tUl1led on the radio and how did you conununi­ c;lte the Haldeman message to :J1r. Liddy? Mr. STlnOL\::\,. I said tlwt MI'. fhldeman had asked me to give him tllis message, and read it to him. MI'. D,\SH. In other "ords, you re::td it almost "ord for word as you got it from Mr. Ha.ldcrrmn ? Mr. STRc'cCIU.X. Yes, I opened my clipboard and just read it. Mr. D,\sH. And you clidn:t give any further expbnation as to "ha.t yon me;lllt by transfer his capabilities from Mr. Mnsbe to Mr. :Jlc­ Go\'ern. '\\That capabilities? Mr. STI:,\CHAX . No. Mr. D,\SH. Did you know what c:tp::tbilit,ies he was referring to? Mr. STIT.,\CIUX. No; I didn't except I suspected that there "cre phlnts in Muski.:;'s cflrnpaign. It was hirly common knowledge that :'I1uskic's driver w::ts either in the pay of the CRP or supplying inf9rmatlOn to ~presllmcd that these cmployees would be transfcITE'd over to Sen­ ator McGovern. Mr. D,\S1L lYe know already from the testimony, evpn from ?'>Ir-. 1li.tehe11, that the so-cfl11ecl ~\bl'ch 30 Liddy plan inc bded fai rly sophis­ ticated electronic sllrn'illancc pLm5 ;mc!, ;15 YOll lJave lnclic:ltecl, it was that plan that :'Irr. :'Ifagrmlel' s::tid was flppl'O\'ecl by ~Ir. Mitchell which you suhmitteJ to :'Ifr. }blclemall, ,Yith that kind of kno"'lcdg-e, \\'onlcl you ::tlso now assume th;lt. those cap,lbilities coulc1 also have in­ cluc1ed electl'ollic surveillance?

96·2% 0 . 73 - pI. 6 - 16

[230] Mr. STlL'l.CHl\N."\V ell, it's quite an assumption, but I think you would 11avo to mako it. Mr. D ..u;u. Did Mr. Liddy ask you any qUlostions of what did you leLln or did he su~\n to Und(Tstanct "What tlJat mc§agc meant 1 . . Mr. STI<...\CIUS. On, he seemed to understand and dHln't spend very much time nnd left. Mr. D"\sH. And left. '. . L _ Did you leam anything aiienvards as to what he did or did not do'? Ivfr. STR.\CHAX. No, I did not. Afr. D,\SII. ,Vas any further report made throllgh you to Mr. 1-hlde­ man concerning whether he carried out that mission ~ Mr. STItACJEX. Xo, not throllgh me. Mr. DASH. Now, if Mr. Haldeman actually ,,·anted:\Ir. Liddy to have that instruction and asked you tD commullicate that to :\lr. Liddy, I take it Mr. Hn.ldeman would be inte.rested in seeing that instructions of his were carried Ollt. Mr. STRACHAX. Thn.t is correct. Mr. DASH. I think you have indicated that i\h. Haldeman was very well organized and wanted to have a II the facts. 'Would you be t.he only onc, the only avenue or conduit, through which a commHnication back-as to whether :'fr. Liddv had followed .. that instruction 'would [!ct back to ~fr. Haldeman? " Mr. STP~\CIL\N. No. Trite information could ,have come back through a variety of channels. Mr. DASH. 'Would you assume that ~lr. HJJdem~n "ouldhave pur­ sned that and that a. communication \';-ould ,ha"e gotten b,lCk to :\1r. Haldemo.n? I ask that "ith respect to your person~d knowledge of lII!'. I-hldeman's worbng habits and what :\h. Haldeman did when ·he sent a communiciltion and ""hilt he e::,:pected after he sent a. communi- cation for a parti.cular action. . Mr. STIL\CII:\X. ,Veil, :'Jr. Haldeman wonld normally follow up on particular matters. IVhetherhe. would get a report back on all messages tha.the deliverwl, frequently he just assumed something \vas going to be c1one,and that he ,,'ould not have to follo\\7 up on it. :Mr. DASH. If he go, l,.-e orders for something to bo done and they weren't done, ",hat was :\1r. lI,11deman's usual reaction? l\Ir. STRACK-\X. 'Well, to his personal aicles he 'iyoldd esplain his dissatisfaction in no uncertilin terms. . Mr. DASH. 1\ow, when "as the first time that you he:crd about or learned of t.he break-in of the Democratic ~ational Committee head­ quarters of the Y\T,ltergate on .rune 17, 1D72 ~ Mr. STR\ClIAX. I was sitting in my car outside Rodman's Drug Store, my ~\'i.fe \Vas ont shopping a.ncl I heard it OIl the r[l.dio. Mr. D,\SH. Iv11at prrssed. through your mind when you ,beard tllut ne\vs? 1\11'. STlL\CJL\X. Shock, disbelief, surprise: 1\1 r. DASH. Wha.t. did you do? Mr. STR\Cf-L\X'. IVell, I d1'ol'e to the White HOllse to ~et a. telephone numLer for Mr.~fagrL1der in , to call him ana find out if 'he knc\y ilnything about it. Mr. D,\sH. Did you reach ~fr. :\lagruded

[231] 13.2 H.R. Haldeman testimony







I Phase I: Wa.tergate Inyestigation / i> WASHTXGTO::\, D,C" JULY 31, At:GUST 1, A);D :2. 1973 Book 8

I } I

Printed for the lise of the Select Committ('e on Presictentinl Canl]\:\ign .-\cti>itit's


For ::sale by the Sup .... rinlt>nC'lent of Oocument:t. u.S. COYt>rnmen\ f'rint;n~ ('IRk..:­ WB.!!Ihill~ton. O.C. :!O.H}:!· Price $3 Stock No. 5~7,)-Ol%tl '



[232] :1038

he h:Hl illdiclted thn,t tllis p:lfticular file mig11t link yon hy some way to the brC':!l.;:·in or the acti I'ity of the brr,nk·in. Do yon recn,ll that con­ versation with :'Ill". SIT:\chn,n ~ 'ilir. lL\Lt>Dc\y. I do:t't recall the conversation. T cl(m't rccn,ll the tBstilllony :IS lwing qllitc as VOll ha\"(~ (l('scribed it. Alld n,s I snid in my stateml'nt, I don't recall :'11". Strachan or my gi\'illg :\[1'. Strachan sneh nn instrllc:tion. Mr. DM;}{' Such nn instrllction to Sl.'e that the file would 00 clean? ;'[1'. }l:\WE:\(A?\. Thrtt 13 c0rrcct. Mr. D,\SH. YOlldic1nJ~ use that eX}>rc§ion. Mr. H,\LDE;lL\X. I don't remember nsing it, no, sir. 'Mr. D.\SlT, Do YOll lla.veallY cxpbnahon as to why, after that meet-illg, ~\fl'. StraclJ[m would go out nncl shred that polit.ical mn,Uers mE'Inorn nclllm No. 18 ~ Mr. H.\LDDU;..'. lYell, by Mr. Strachan's state.ment., whieh is the only re:dl)' sOllree 'I can use for lmowing why, he indicates that he dcstroyrd ,ril


[233] 14. In April 1972 Gordon Liddy told HO\vard Hunt that the DNC headquarters would be a target of electronic surveillance.

14.1 E. Howard Hunt testimony, 9 SSC 3708, 3764, 3792.

[234] 14.1 E. HOI,lard llunt testimony

''' - ~ - ' - ' ' - - - '' - ''' ' ''' ' -~-' ' ------' -- ' ------'-- ' ~- ' --



· WATERGATE AND RELATED ACTIVITIES ;, Phase I: Watergate Investigation i WASHINGTO;-';-, D.C., AUGUST 3,6,7; SEPTE:lII3ER 24 AND 25, 1973 Book 9

.' I ( Priuted for the use of the Select Committee on Pres idential Campaign ActlMtics


For salo b)' tl:. Sup,'rio.tcOlh'ot 01 \)vcumcots. U.S. UOvCr.lrn


[235] 3708

:'.fl'. HeXT. It \I'~S tllnt fOI"('iQ"ll 1l1011l'1',,; \I'ere rCJ)olicll to ll1'-lo 11:L\"(' hCl'J1srnt or rereil'c::. Mr. Tno'1f'.~o"·. "\nd II'hel1 I\"as tllat information l"elatC'd to you? Mr. HUl'T. In Arril of l!n2. ]'If r. TnO)frsoN. A pril of 1072? M~r. HUNT. "{l's, sir. Mr. TJ[o)[Psox. Had the "lYatcr,o.:alc plails, to your satishction, bcC'n aprro\'e<.l rrior or subsl'ri\ll'nt. to th~,t time? 1\11'. HUl'T. The actual "\Valergnte break-in was not appro\'cc1. T'llat aspect of thE': Gemstone prO.£!Tflm was not [tTlproved until the time co­ ll)cidC'nt with my recr~ipt of tJle information concerning the report having to do with the receipt by the Democratic National Committee or the probable receipt of foreign moneys. nfl', THO~IPSOX. But the disc\lssion about the Gemstone phn hftd been taking place prior to that time, had it not, 2.ccording to your jnforma­ hon? }\fl'. H"C"XT. Beginning- in N'o'\ember of the prior year. Mr. Tno;l(1'sox. In your mind, when did you agree to become part of th8.t plftn? 1\11'. SACHS. Could you specify what plan? Do you mean the Gem­ stone or "VV [t tergftte ~ Mr. THO)[PSOX, lam ta-lking nhout the Gemstone phn. Mr. HUNT. Almost as soon as ~\rr. Liddv made the proposftl to me. He hn'vinQ." invoked the names of the Attorney General and :Ur. Dean nt that ;uncture. Mr. Tuo)tI'sox. Thnt would ha.ve been in December of 19-­ ~fr. HuxT. Lah~ November. Mr. THo)[PSON, 1971 ~ 1\11'. H"C"xT. Yes. sir. Mr. TrW)[PSo0.:-.' La te ?\ol'embed Mr. HU~T. I h11(l no hesitation in associating m,~self in the operat.ion. l\!r. THO;\trsox. I see. "\VhPl1 did it first come to YonI' attention tl1at the Democratic Nfttional Committee headquarters wa.s going to be broken lnto~ ?lfr. IT·CST. Not until Anril the fo l1ol"\inQ" veal'. l\1r. TnO)f1'SoN. ,Vas this before or aftE:], YOll were informed that foreign money was coming into the D~C? :Mr. H"C"XT. l~ot lIntil-perhftps I misllnderstood YOll, Senator, the ,Va terga te-- r.fr. Tno).[Psox. r am not a Senator. T appreciate it ftnyWfly. )Ir. H"GXT. I be::>: ~'O\lr 'Pardon. :'.rr. Thompson. excuse me, sir. ,VI? did not herrin to formulale plans for the ,Vatenrate break-in until after recrntion of the report to thc ('(fret thal foreirrn moneys WefE' bC'i np: recl' i ncl b,' the Democra t ic Nat iona 1 Camm i ttec. -;'fr. Tno)rrsox, But a J)Jnn was undrrwn.'-~ I\hich included the pos­ sibilih~ of surrC'ntitiolis entry hefore tllat time. \fr. HuXT. Yes, sir. ;\fr. TnO;lfPSOX. All(l in Vall!' mind \"Oll associated "ilh that phn t1w n Ilt hOl'it" of 111(' At tornl'" Gl'!1('l'a 1. 'all hOllrrh YO\] did not know thr. slwr.ifics· at. that p~rticlll:-if timC' as to wlll' he' "as :1utlwrizrd to set snell a plan in motion. Y\11al I am~('ttinQ"' at. -;'fr. Hllnt. is. I I\onder \\"h:11 ,,'as in yom milld at that timr as to "'hat the Attofnr~' Grnernl

[236] 37G4

l\[r. HU~T. Yes, sir. It ha(l ber,1\ In)' understanding, my perccption, if YOIl \rill, [['om l\O\'cl[lIw[' lnil ()It\\'~It'(l, \\']ICl\-,lnd I go b:ld, to the . time, no\\', \yllcn I \\'<\s approacl\('d by Mr. Lic1c1.y-tlpt he, hilying illvokl~d first. the n~L1l1e of the tllen Attorney Gcne·ral. John N. Mit·clwll, and the hi;:.;hcst 1eg;1 1 f1.llthority at tlte "\Ill i teHolls!:' , the cOIl!l.sE'.l to the President, John "iV. Dean, that these. two men certflinly possessed r1. c1clr.glttec1 authorit.y hOln the Presidcnt of the United SU1.tcs to eJlgflgl~ in Ule contemplntNl acts. . Senfltor GU);)

[237] 3792

Senate W[(s in exccutin: session on !(, matter relating (0 the Trident submal'ille. I ha "e OIle or two other quesl:ions that I IIIl(lerstalld you havc. illclicatccl :l "illingllcss to cJiSI~IIS:3 in rxeculin~ sessiol! [(m.l1 exped we may call yon for tlwt pllrposC'. but noL at this tintl! auclllllch,l' tiioSC circul1lstancl~s :lJ1c! with tllfl.t agreement, 2\h. Chairmall, I have 1\0 fur­ tbel' ql1ustions at this tillle. Senator ERVIS. Senntor Gurney. Senator GDn~n- . -Tust two quick questions~ Mr. Clwirmw. Is it true, my IIJld e l ;) t.alidi!l~·, tllnt. the break-in of the DC'llIocratic headqllartcrs, Mr. Hunt, was not:t part of the original Gemstolle plal\, is t.hat correct ~ Mr. HU:\7. H:1ther t.hnf1 giye YOll a yes or no, SeIlfltor, and I again beg your i!~cllllgcnce in this Jllatte:r, the original Gemstone plan took into consicler[(tiOIl a.ncl budgctecl for electronic s\ll"\'eilhnce [(nd elltry operations. Senator GLi1\:\EY. But no specifics as to what place \vas to be entered or broken into? Mr. HU:\T. ~()t at that time; no, sir. Senator Gm>'F:Y" The first yOlt heard abollt. it was when )[1'. LiJdv toldyollinApriI19TZ, isthatafacL? " Mr .. HUXT. At aoout the time that he introduced me to )1r. :-1r.Corcl; .. yes, Slr. Sentor GcnXF.Y. Did he t ell YOll at tllat time n-ho authorizeu the break-in; who djn~ ctcd him to do'this break-in? Mr. BUST. I am trying to reColls trnct his words, I ha\"e not e\"er been asked this CJllesti on hefore, to the best of my recollection, Senator. It took place Olle afternooll, he ca me to my office , [llld said, "Glle.;;.'; what. \,eare going' to hit." Ot" \',-ords to that eH"cct . I s[li(l, ;'Y\'ll(-fe 1" and he said "D?\C hcadCJllartcr:;." ~\l1cl I assiln\cc1 th at. agd li S to do this ;lS Oil\" npxt operation"? ?lIr. HU:\T. ?\o. ",ir : bl:t Oll the occasion of the sccond ellfn ,l!!aillst. which I :lr~\i(>d so \"ociferou;:;h o,'er :l, pE'riocl of:1 d,I\·s. he indicatE'd to me in the str()llg(>st. trrms th~t if "-as :\fr. )Iitchcll \,ho \\"as iltsistCllt Hpon t11\\ s(>rOl)(l (,lItrY. . 0rnator Gl'"RXEY. "lYhat. about the ~rcGo\ ' ern nt!rlllptrd ur('ak-in? . I IlllclC'l"stancl .it realh" \Y[lS lI~t brokc'n !1l~O, but tlll're ;:; til! 1\",15 n. plall IwrlJaps to go 1!lto tlint-thalls C01Tl'ct, IS It lIOt? Mr. Hl'XT. Yl'S. sir. L Sellator Grnxl·: Y. Did he tell YOlll\"ho ordcrcd that? ?If!". H":\T. ?\o. sil'o . S('I\;\tor Grr:xn-. NO'" YOIl also lllC'lltionC'd in CO'lllE'ction 1\·ith thr. hl'r;ll;:"in nt tllt' Dp1Ilocrntic \I;ltiO;I:11 hp:I(lrtn:lrtC'rs fh:lt thi" il\\"o]n'cl lIatiol\al sC'(,lIri ty, at lC'ast yO\\ tllOllght it did !lec;II'",c :l r('rtSOll ginn

[238] ·15. Shortly before May 25, 1972 a group, including Bernard

Barker, Eugenio Martinez, and , came

to Washington, D. C. from Miami, Florida in response to a request

from Howard Hunt to Barker for a team" of men to conduct a mission.

On or about May 25 and May 26, 1972 two unsuccessful attempts were

made to enter surreptitiously the premises of the DNC, and one un-

successful attempt was made to enter surreptitiously Senator McGovern's


15.1 testimony, SSC Executive Session, May 11, 1973, 196-97.

15.2 Bernard Barker testimony, 1 SSC 371, 377.

15.3 Virgilio Gonzalez testimony, SSC Executive Session, December 10, 1973, 9-11.

15.4 E. Howard Hunt testimony, SSC Executive Session, December 17, 1973, 13-15.

15.5 Alfred Baldwin testimony, 1 SSC 399-400.

[239] 8ernard I3(lykcr test imony, 15.1 Bernard narkcr tcstiDony sse Executive Session, ~l.J.y 11, 1973, 196-97 196

Mr. Hamilton. Okay. I have just a couple of questions.

Do you remember the date of ~lr. Hooverls death?

Mr. Barker. No, I do not, sir.

Mr. Hamilton. But approximately when was it?

Mr. Barker. ~ray.

Mr. Dash. We can get that. That is something that we

can confirm all right.

lvlr. Barker. Yes. Yes. r hate to -- I want to apologize

because I am not very good on dates. r Hr. Hamilton. \vhat was the da.te of your second trip I to Washington?

""fr. Barker. That was-~

~lr. Hamilton. Do you know when you came up?

Mr. Barker. Over a vacation, that is right.

Hr. Dash. Is that ~Iemori al Day?

r~r • Barker. Memori al Day.

Mr. H3.mi J.t on. Do you know exactly what. day you came

up here?

Mr. Barker. Well, we came up, we stayed up here almost

about, I would say, a 'vleek or more, because there \-Iere two

operations. l'/e came up for two operations, entry into

McGovern IS, and an entry into the Watergate. \'Ie stayed

around at the Hamilton Hotel, and I have to -- I took the

thing was not set up, a.i,d eventually we were told hie \.;ere

not going to do it, and in the meantime I had the men visit

r~c typed from indist inct origina 1

[240] Bernard Barker testimony, sse Executive Session, ~Iay 11> 1973, 196-97 197 the historical places here, and I took them to Annapolis. and showed them the Naval Academy in Annapolis, and the Lincoln

~Iemorial, and other' histo:dcal places, and the Capitol.

lvlr. Hamilton. How did you get this assignment? \'lere you called by Mr. Htmt?

lvlr. Barker. I was given this directly by 1'-11'. HUTlt.

Mr. Hamilton. Directly over the telephone or face-to- face?

Mr. Barker. Face-to-face.

~lr, Hamilton, When was that? Did he come to ~!iami, or was it when you were up here before?

Mr. Barker. lfuich operation are you talking about?

Mr. Hamilton. I am talking about the second trip up here I<{hen you were going to HcGovern headquarters and went in the Democratic headquarters for the first time.

Mr. Barker. Usually I ",auld be called and he ,",auld say bring so many men, I need so many men, and come up with them, and then I would get here and I would either meet him at the Hullins headquarters or at his home. I am a friend of his family. And then we would talk about it, and then he would tell me what the operation \\1 as . . . Nr. Hamilton. How did it happen this time, do you remember?

~lr. Barker. I think it \~as at the ~!ullin Company, to the best of my recollection.

Retyped from indistinct original

[241] / ·1 15.1 Bernard Ba rker tes timony

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W:l5hiD5tOn, D. C D1l9\ication Cj COPyir:5 of ~hi5 tr2.,5crir by pr.ota3~3phic, el;:ctroS:3 \! C: cr oe llO: facsimile m2~nS is :';0'1 AUT;-iORI~':::C COpi2S a'J()iIJbi~, \'In2fi au:h,)riz2G by Cor. mit,ee, oniy th,o:.::;h 01.':C: 2\ R2;:;Jrt~;S.

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[244] 15.2 Bernard Barker testimony





WATERGATE AND RELATED ACTIVITIES Phase r: Watergate Inve-stigation

WA.SHI]\:'Gl'O:-;', D.C., MAY 17, 18, 22, ~, A.J.~D 2'1, 1873 Book 1

Printed for the \1se of the Select Committee OIl Presiclentiul Call1paign .\c!;ivitics

U.S. GO\'ERNMENT PRI:-iTING OFFICE 90-2'.16 0 WASHINGTON: In3 ------For satl:' or th~ .supl:'nnl(,:lc\I'nt DC DOClJf!lP.IHS, U,S. O(l'lernmant PrintJng Olllce \Yu.shill~1011, D.C. :.'O-hl.! - Pric~ N.OO S[0ck i'umbl'r ~~j().-{)1c.-l3

[245] 371

Sen:1.(or TAL\L\DGS. How did yO\l get in\'ohecl in the Bay of Pigs opcrntion? lV[r. BAIlKEIL The same wny I got in\'oh"ed in thc Ellsberg one. I considered it my duty to help my c011ntry. Seu~Ltor 'L\.L:\L\DGS. 1\Jr. HunL l"(;(;ruited \'oct? 1\1r. ]3,\.RKEIl. 'L'11,Lt is in Cubn. 1\0. In C~lbn. Sco'ltor TA1,;\I.\.:)(;:;;;. ,Yho'? j'dr. B.\RKEIl. At the Americ::;\n EmbQ;:'sv .. Sen,ltor TAL;\IA])GE. i\O\~', dicl you C"Cl' work for t.he CL\. at nuy other timc exccpt y;hen you WE're y,-jtll :\lr. Hunt in the B,l)" of Pigs o per;l tion ': \"lr. BARKEn. ?\ot to my kno\\·!cc1;c. SenD.tor T.u~iADG"L. ?\ot to your kllo\yleclge. KOI\', I belie\'c YOll made-loll were in I'ol\'cd in the Elbberg brenk-in in California. . Mr. BARI'En. TllO.t is correct, sir. Senn.tor TAL'IADGB. ThYe you pled guilty to that and hfl\'e you been sentenced? ?llr. BAnr,::sJ{. 1\0, th8.t trinl is in thc fd\l;:c. That trinl-­ SCllo.tor TAL;\L\DGE. The tliDl]I,l:; not been helcl'! l\[r. B.\RKER. 'flwt I knoll', no sir, no. • Senator rLU,;\L\DGE. How m,ln"l' tiu,E's did ,'on uttemnt to bre,lk into the Democr;l tic ]\ II tiO[1[11 Comn1i ltee before" YO\\ Sll cceeded? Hr. BA1:}::ER. To the best of m)' recollection, there \','ere four tries, two of w'11ic11 wero sllccessful. Senator 'l'AL:'L\.DGE. Two \\'ere successful-the b.:;t Gl!8 ,,"hen Vall \'erc urrcst.cd. The first one, I believe, \I'ns onr the :\Ienlori,d :O,lY weekend 1ftst ye~r. Two pre':iolts attempts "ere ullsuccessful"? . L:, :0Jr. B.\Rr;;:ER. Tllrtt is cori'ocL Senator T,\L:\L\DGE. Ho\y did tbey h~ppen to prole l.UlslJccessful? )Ir. B,\.H.l;;:EfL One WftS-\\"E~ had II b,mqllet ,mel to tho best of my kno\11eclge, someone was staying bte in the Dcmocntic heac\qw:.rters anel the mi:::sion \\'~lS ituol'tecl. Senntor T.U:.L\.DGE. In other words, it was occ\lpied and flbortecl the first time. Wh,lt flbo\lt the seconci time'? )11'. B.\R1;;:;:;n. '1'1110 second time, I1n entry \yas trieel on j\\st \\::Ikinf' into t110 b\liltlil1g on the excuse \\'0 werc going to nnother floor. It clicl not work. Ire left. Senntor T,\L:\L\DGE. \Verc there flny other inst<1l1Ce3 c:<;:cept the fom times YOll attempted to bre,l\;: into the DemOCl"

-. - - . - . " ------

[246] ------'- ' ,-


SC-ll,llor GUfl~T';l, Th"L is \I,h:lt 1 1\":mL to know, I mean he II'Cllt to ::'Ii!:llni, ns I undrrsLnnd it, [lod he got in touch \\"ith you flnu h~ must })I1.\'e Sitid "BCflhHci, I ltt1.ye nnoLilcr mis:;ion for you,/I • \1:1'. BAllhE:t, Thflt is correct, Senator GUTI~EY, Wha.t diel he sa\", \I,hat \I'US the .missiol1? ~11'. BAnJ;:EIL All he said \\',lS [I donlJ}c ffi!ssion and he Il'ould exphin to me \I'11en \1."8 got. t.berc, he gll.\-e me the gl'neral information, as saying, "Get your men in truiillng going up and c1oll-n stairs. They m\lst be in good p11}sil:8.i condition." ., . This 1 passed on to my men. I think lH~ mentioned it involwd surreptitious entry simibr to the one \\'e hlld dOlle ill CitliJ'omitl, hut he did not say an.),thiug else specior.:ally to me ilt thn.t time nor did he lULVe to giye me allY further explul1fltion, . Scnntol' GUR0iBY. Did he say to you it \1'ilS going to be the Democl'<1.tic nnt.ion(l.l henc1quiirters? . l'I1r. BAnKEn. K 0, he did not, sir. Senator GUR;:\EY. Dicl he SilY to you it \I'US going to be in Senator ;'v[cGovcrn's wmpaign hefldquflrters? Mr. B}.RKl:~IL No, he did not-. Senator GUR~EY. NOI\" then at some point m time you ,,-ent to W nshington? 1 :'vIr. BARKEn. That is correet. SenLLtor GGn~EL 'Viii :YO\l tell us ilbollt that? 1Ir. BA1l.KER, I r.niH'd with my tE'lun in Wnsl1ington, they \Ient to the Ihmilton Hotd. I met with )[r. Hunt and there is "here \fr. Bunt. g,lVe. me the general clescripiion of our double mission find I asked then, hilcl the mission theIl--this I did not communicate ",ith the men until just nbol1t entry time. Sen:ltor GUH0i1:-:Y. Did he tell \'Oll ut thnt time it was the DemOCLltic national headquarters unel Sen~'1tor :-lcGoyem's herrclquarters'! ~ :;\1r. BAI~KER. To the best of my recollection this was the. time when ~L: . he said this to me. Pr'C!yiO\ls to tlli·s. the only information I had is lh::ct ! . .Jl:.~ ,were going; to have some kine! of ;l. banquet at the \Yn.tel'gate. Scm"tor GUH>:EY. A banquet? Mr. B..\R KEI1. Yes. And we e!id ]uL\-e th;l.t b:lllCjnet ilt the \Yaterg:lte. Then nt thot time is IVUS explflined to mc that. the b:lllC[llet in it::;elf WilS P. cOI-er for the entry. Senator OU1GEY. Well, did he tell .... ou at that time \\~hfit documents YOll were going to look for? • '\fr. 13,\HKE.n.. Tllflt is COlTect. Senator GUR:-':EY. ~\lld whnt did he :::;1\"? Mr. BARKER. He suid to look for nrlY documents llll01\ing con­ tributors, both foreign flIld national. If I hfld an:)' doubts flS to the documents I could contal:t him o\'el' 01.1;: communiCfltiollS. Senator Gun~EY. 1\ow the first flud second eutlies, of course, WE're unstlccessful, the third entry was, fiDd \I,hut documents did you photo- gnlph therc'? .' Mr. BAllKER. It wns quite c\'jJcnt when I searched the documents that tlUs \VilS not the right pluce to look for the type of dOCtlmeD,S that we were SCHl'chilt'Z for. Sentltor Gun:\EY. \\'here did YOH thlnk "',lS t}le righL pbcc?

[247] Vi:rgpio Gonzalez testimony, - 15.3 Virgilio Gonzalez tcsticonj- sse ~xecutivc Session, Decerr~er la, 1973, 9-11

.:t!3& 9 Mr. Lie·bengood. What took place at the banquet? What

happened at the banquet?

!vIr. Gonzalez. Nothing happened. lI'e watGhed some movies

over there. \\'e had a big dinner, and after that is finished,

we finished with the dinner. and l'-lr. Hunt and myself hided

in the closet in the dining hall.

Mr, Liebengood, When did -- when I-las the decision made

for you and Hr. Hunt to hide in the closet?

!vIr, Gonzalez. After \Ve finished the dinner, Hunt told me

we had better stay tonight over here because \Ve are trying to

get inside the building. And I said you and I "Jill stay together

over here.

l'-lr, Liebengood. I see.

Did you discuss an entry operation in the building prior

to the dinner?

Mr. Gonzalez. No.

Hr. Liebengood. You never discussed that with anybody?

f'.lr. Gonzalez. 1'Ie never discussed anything. I find out

we go inside the building after we finish the dinner over there.

~lr. Liebengood. So after the dinner, ~lr. l-lunt approached

you and told you, \~e are going to maKe an entry?

~lr. Gonzalez. You stay \~ith me over here. We are trying

to get inside the building.

Mr. Liebengood. Did he tell you where you were going to

try and get inside?

. Retyped from indistinct original

[248] Virgilio Gonzalez testimony, sse Executive Session, December 10, 1973, 9-11 10

Nr. Gonzalez. No, sir.

Mr. Liebengood. IV'nat did you do, you and Hr. llLmt?

~Ir. Gonz.alez. \'Ie hid inside the closet, and waited after

the people come in and clean the table and everything.

Nr. Liebengood. You are in a closet in a banquet room?

Mr. Gonzalez. Right. When everybody was leaving, He walk

out an we tried to open the back door. The door going inside

the building, I find out that it had the alarm connected. It had

AUT or something like that. I said we are not supposed to be

opening that door. If we open that door, the alarm will go


Mr. Liebengood. Okay--

Mr. Gonzalez. And we decided to \vait, and he finds a tele-

phone in a room over there. He made a phone call. I do not

know who he is called, because I hid in the closet again.

!vIr. Liebengood. This is the banquet room?

Mr. Gonzalez. Yes.

~1r. Liebengood. Okay.

~/!r. Gonzalez. We had one door to escape in case we \Vanted to get out,but it is next to the garage exit. TIlat means you have

cars coming in and out all of the time.

Mr. Liebengood. The garage exit?

Nr. Gonzalez. Yes, I said there is a big glass door; if I

start Halking on that door, somebody could see me. We never have

a chance to pick that door. He said \~e should wait here all

R.etyped from indistinct original

[249] Virgilio Gonzalez testimony, sse Executive Session, Dec c mb e r 10, 19 73, 9 - 11 11

night until somebody came and opened the door.

About 6:00 0' clock in the morning, we walked out of the

closet ~ and found the door open already, and h'e got out of the

building. I think the next night is when \.;e got inside the


l'-lr. Li eb en go od , What equipment do you require to pick a lock?

~,fr. Gonzalez. A set of picks.

~Ir. Liebengood. Did you have them with you at the banquet?

t-lr. Gonzalez. Yes.

~ll'. Liebengood. \,/hy did you have them? Do you carry them Hith

you all the time?

Hr. Gonzalez. Yes. That is my personal property,not tools.

t-Ir. Liebengood. You carry them around every\~herc?

Mr. Gonzalez. No, not everywhere. I carried them that night

because "hen I'/e fleo.. : over here, I got it in my pocket and that is

where I keep it that night.

Mr. Liebengood. My question is, did you go to the banquet

expecting to break in?

Hr. Gonz.alez. No, I am not expecting to break anything

that night, but I am coming from ~Iiami, and I have got that

thing in my pocket, because ~{r. Hunt no expected to have to pick

any door. He expected we open the door from the inside, and

we keep on gOlng.

~lr. Liebengood. I see.

So you ",aited Lrr1til 6:00. L,r. Gonzalez. The next morning.

Retyped from indistinct original

[250] -- 15.3 VirgiJio Go nza1ez testimony

Vol. .!..


Report of Proceedings

Him-ing held befot~

Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities


Washing7on, D. C. Duplication or copying of this trans.cr by pnotcgrapilic, elec~ro5ta\ic or oU facsimile means is NOT AUTHORIZE Copies avail(!ble, when authorized by Cc mittee, only through OHicial Reporters

(, \-VARD & PAUL ,110 FIRS7 STREET, S. E. \vASHli:\GTON, D. C. 20003

("202) S·:·I·GODll

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13 for the outside, rUsh to Dr. Fielding and so forth.

TIlcse men arrived in work clothes, spoke Spanish (-lith the

chanvoman and asked if they could leave it in the office, which

they did. lhe purpose of that, so they would be able to pooch

the interior lock button on the door and leave it open for later

return that night so the door would not have to be forced.

That, in fact, took place.

Mr. Liebengood. The door was unlocked when they arrived

through the window, as far as you know?

/l-Ir. Hunt. Yes.

fo..lr. Liebengood. This was after his offices were not

open that day at all, ,,'ere they?

~1r. HtD1t. I cannot say. I did not take any interest in

him unti 1 about 8: 00 or 9 ;00 0 I clock that night. Then I went

out to his home .. When I left the hotel, I checked his parking

slot at his professional building and saw it was empty and

then drove out to his home and saw that his car -- I think it

was a Volvo -- ..-as there in his gargage I set upon fixed sur-

veillance on that. r~lr. Liebengood. Now sir, I ..-ould like to move m{ay from I that,break-in to the first attempt to enter the .

Hr. Hunt. Yes, sir.

Mr. Liebengood. The offiCe of the D:,{C. When lVas the

first time -- I do not necessarily refer to the first successful

Retyped from indistinct original

[255] E:-iToI4-ard HWlt Testimony, sse Executive Session, December 17, 1973 14 entry?

Hr. Hunt. You mean the aborted attempt the night before?

f\lr. Liebengood. \'las that the first attempt, or '.;as there a prior attempt?

Hr. Hunt. That was the first attempt. That Has the night that '>Ie had the banquet. That was an aborted attempt.

!vIr. Liebengood. Would you tell us vihat the entry plan was on t.hat occasion?

Mr, Htmt. The entry plan was to gain access after nonnal hotel hOUTS to that particular floor, the ground level floor, because ~Ir. tvlcCord and I had determined that there \-1 as a door through which entry could be made to the \\ratergate office buildings from the Watergate Hotel where we had the banquet, that we could arrive on scene at the lower elevator level or the stair level for that matter, and go right up to the Demo- cratic Nat ional Cor.lIni t tee He adq uarters.

Our problem was, after the banquet '-las over, a security guard came around about 11 :00 0 I clock and said they ,,,ere closing down, \.;ould everybody please leave. Everybody left except

Gonzalez, myself. We stayed down there for the night until the door was opened in the very early morning and we were able to leave.

~lr. Liebengood. There must have been some reason why you and Gonzalez stayed behind.

II'hat was your purpose in staying behind?

I~ etyped from inJist inct original

[256] E. 1lol-l<1rd Hunt L~stimo:1Y, SSC Exe~utive Se~sion, Dece~ber 17, 197J 15

l'!r. Hunt. \,ie stayed behind because "-Ie felt He r.1i?,ht be

able to go.in to reopen the door th.:1t had been locked behind

theffi, :1t the same tine open the Goor that led into the passage

that would connect with the ~<1terg3te office builctin~. Gonzalez

in his attempt to pick a particular lock on the inside was

to no avail. At the same time we noticed there was an alarm,

magnetic door alarm, on the egress door, so we were unable to

get out that way, so we simply stayed there for the night.

Mr. Liebengood. All right, sir.

Hr. Hunt. He was sent dOH11 to Hiami in the raorning to

pick up additional tools, came back that evening. It was that

night that He made the first successful entry.

Mr. Liebengood. Was there not another entry attempt in

between the dinner and the entry, an attempt that was made to

use the elevator to go on uptto the eiS\;.th floor and then dmm

to the sixth floor?

Jv!r. Hunt. I recall something about that, but it seems

to fL\(~ that \"as more in the nature of a familiarization tour,

that McCord took not more than one or two of the men up there

and walked them dmm to the sixth floor to show them the actual

door, Then they simply got bac~ into the elevator. It was

si~ply a familiarizing with the operational problem of the two

glClss doors tilat opened into the DeP.'.ocratic ~·;3.tional headquarters.

nr." LicbenGood. Let's talk about that a r::inute.

l~r. Hunt. Yes? L '" Rety?eJ from indistinct oriGinal

[257] - ," ! ...•. .}. :/ I ,'''' 1( I"

r ., I 15. {. E. HOI'lard Hunt / Vol. testimony / (

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[261] • _W~ 1).5 folfrcc1 13alcl\vin testimony





WATERGATE AND HELATED ACTIVITIES Phase I: vYatergate Investigation W.A.SBr",'G'.rox, D.C., :.rAY 17, 18, 2'2, 23, d....'-.'D 24, 1973 Book 1

Printed for the \lse of the Select Committei' 011 Presidential Campaign Ac~i,ities

u.s. GOVElaO[E~1' PRlCiTlCiG OFFICI::

WASHI;\GTON : ~9;3

For s(\k by the :)lIprrin{C'tH.h'nt or 1)(l';"LlIr."fHS. U.S. G(I ... t'rrull~nL Printing Olliei,>' Wu.....;~\i!lgwi\. D.C. :"\'i.:l)'~ - Pric~ SJ.L.\) Stork ~lIl\1l\t'r 5~;0--0I$-l3

[262] 399

Senflto/' WI::ICKEEL Did you ha\"(' nny quc')tions of him as to c,Hetly \ylwt \\':l,~ gllillg on ILL that time'l :\[1'. B,ILI)\I"I.'\, 1\0, T lwei jUcit dl";\'cn npproxim;ltely G hours and he said, ""\s soon as YOH gel unlHlcked and relfl':cd, I \\iII e.'\plnin thi::;," I said, "All l"i2.(hl, I \\ill t["[kc !i sho\\'cr alld shan.: and join you," Scn::tto\' \\"};IC'KEH, ::\0\\', '\11', J3rtld\\'in, \\'HCi tlH'l'e it scquencc of enintskaclitlg' IIp to fl \-1sit by othcr pnsons to the room thllt Ill"ternoon? '\lr, B,\LD\\T" \Vcll, I \\'a" told that some otller indi\'iduals \\'ould be coming into the room, They \\'C\'C p;nt of the security force nnd in vicw of their position, the,v \\'ould be introcl1lccd llne!C'f flli,lses to me " nnd thnt I \\'oule! also I)c introduced in lhis \\'a)', He said, therc is no rcDcction on you, but bCCftlbC of the naLure of L1IC \\'ork you are ili\"oh'cc! in, I nm guing to me an alias [or ,you and an ali::t,:; for thcm, I \\ill be introducing thelll-- Senator WEICKr.:n. \\-1ll1t \\"as the alias he gnve to YOll? i\Ir, B,\LD\\'l2\, He askcel me to use the aJifls of Dill Johnson, the alias I used \\'hen I \I'flS calling in reports on Lny surveillance operfltion, Senator \YGICKER, \\'oule! VOll like to continue your nurrati\'e to the commit Lee [IS to \\'hat. happened that afternoon? ' :'-lr, BALD\\'I", Are ,you asking me regarding the inLroductions of the individuals that came to the room, Senator? Senator WEICKER, I gather from what YOll tolcl the committee, that YOll \\'ere alreacly told there \':ould be a visit by indiv"iduals from the Committee To Re-Eleet the President? ~Ir. B,I.LD\YlX, That, is correct. 1\\'0 illdi,"icluals came into the room and when they elltered the room, '\Ir, .\lcCol'd turned to me flnd he so.id flt this point-he introducE'll me, "AI," he s,lid, unel I believe he ! so.id "Ed," nnd then he got, all confused because he had not used the I ali{)38S, I Senator \VncKER, He had not Ilseu the aliascs \\-hi<.;\1 you \\'ere supposecl Lo lise? :'-Ir. B,-l.LD\\'I"" Thnt is correct. lIc :)[)id-1 do not kno\\- if he saiel i, i at thflt poinL, "Ed, go in-" hc had to relmct. Then he hnd to intro­ I duce me under my ali,lS and he cOldd 110t remember, then he just i introdllced lIS under oUt' persollfll naIlles, Selltltor \VEICKr.:n, ?\O\\', subc;equcntiy, hilye YOll i(\entified \\'ho those t\\'O \lien \\'cre \\'ho came in the room'? I '\Il'. B,\LDW1:\, Thn t io; corrcC't, nnd ftL the FBT photogrflphic dis- I ay, they \\ere identined as '\fr, Lidd,\" nnd )[r. Hllllt. ! Sen;ltor \rEICKEfL That samC' e\'elling, _\Iay 26, \\'I1S there n trip to '\fcGovern hCfldqu["[rLcrs? ~[r. B,\LIl\\'I)'", TIl,lt is correct; thcre \\'11S, " Sellntor \YuCKF.n, \\"ollld \"ou drscribe to Lhe cOl!1mittee thnt trip I' r:finci t11p cH'lling-'s ncti\'ity at \lcGoH/'il hCl1dqll["[rtC'r,,? i " '\Ir. 8,\1,0\\,1:-':, \Yctl, the purpo:,c or my returning: from COllnecticut \\1\0; to \\ork tlwt \\'eckcnd, '\11', .\fcCorci iHh'j"ecl me that \\'e \\'ould hit H' to \I-ork t h:l t \\'l'C' kCllC!. I cl id 11l't kllO\\' \\'8 \\'C're !!:oim~ in to ~ fc­ Go\"('l'Il hC':ldqlli1l"trr~, until \\r :ll'l'iu'd ,tt the scelle, Pi'jor \0 nrri\'ing­ thrrc', \\"(~ stoPlwd to bu,\" ;;0111(' b,tttrries, lIe sent 111C in to bli)' thClll, thcIl \\'r IHol'c(>drll to .\lrGo\'Prtl ilc,ldqulll'lCrS, A,.; \\'r \\ClIt h,\' thc .\fcGO\"('l'll hC':1dqll'lrtCl'S, he pointed to n bllill~in::>:, :"lid, t l\is is \dl'l(. \\e arC' inLeresil'd ill, \\'C h:ln~ g-ot (0 ll1cC:'t SOIllC proplc here, Theil hc proceeded to ('.\pll1in thnl \\e klYC to fillet

[263] 400

our individll,tl; one of Ollr men i" here. lIe \\ill be in 0. yel1o\\" Volk;;­ wngetl, kcpp your eyes open for the Volkswllgcn, for the ITlnn silting in iL-I believe he even mcntioned "boy." J. do not think he sllid "miLn"; he snid there is I.L boy sitting in n Volks\\"ngcll. He said, "We have one of our people inside the hcndq,unrters." The problem 1\'flS tllerc I\'ns [t miLo. sto.nding oubide the hendqurlrters, \\'hic:!l was fl, second-story headCJuD.rtf~rs nhovc-I believe there were stores~ there WflS tL chain flCfOSS them. This individllUl \Vf\..S there, This \\'as late in the evening, appro:\:­ imately 1 or 2 o'clock in the eltrly morning hours, and \[r. ),LcCord wus quite upset by the fact that this individual \\"ns standing in. front. of the door. He h,le! no business being there, according to )\'ir. \IeCorcl, He shoulcl no t kl.ve been there, Senator "\YErcKEH. Did you meet any other inclividuds at that particllliLr address? j\Ir. B.\LDWr", That is eorre8t. :01r. \1eCorcl hac1 been ill communica­ tion over a wfllkie-Lalkie un.it \y;Lh some other individuals anu at olle point, as we proceeded do\\'n the ~flme street thfl.t ~\lcGo\"Crn's head­ quarters is located on, we stopped adjacent to a light-colorecl car. An indivi.dual alighted from the (;('.1", came into the front ses.t of \lr, McCord's cal". I slid O\"8f so I was beh\'een :\Jr, :-IcCorcl and this indivi.dual. . .. Senfl.tol" WEICKER. Can you tell me. who that individual was? 1\1r. BALDWIN. That WitS \lr. Liddy. Senfl.tor WEICKEft. And did you succeed in getting into the ::-'lc­ Govern headquarters on that. e\"Cning? r..'1r. BALDWIN. No, they <1rO\'2 around. ?\[r. illeCord and ::-'lr. Liddy did all the talking and they uro,'c around, I do not know the exact length of time. But it was o\'cr a hlt\f hom. As a matter of f~let, \\'e drove up the alleyway adjacent to the builcling. There was a problem ; of lights, TI10Y discllssed whether or not their mnn was inside. Thcre R'Qo_ __~ re se\"Cwl problems. :-'[r. ':'lcCorcl suid, we will abort the mission. Senator "\\":CICKER. YVhat ,\as your primary job (luring the first 2 weeks of JlIlle? I'Ve hfl\e mo,ed now from the end of \Iuy to the first week of June. 11r, B:\LDW!?\. I wns instructed to monitor all telephone eonn]"sn­ tions that were beinQ; recei\'Ccl on'l" these units that were in t.he Howllrd Johnson room imel to mnke a log of all units. Senator 'iVEICKER. Wich reference to overhcu,rd telephone eOf\n'rsa­ ti.on n.nd excluding anything to do wi.tll personfll lin:> of those who 'were o\'erheil.rd, cnn you tell the committee the content of any COD.­ vcrsfltiollS of a poli.tienl nfl,ture? Senator E1(\"[:-<. Senfltor? I am ufmicl we made 0. mistake when we pilssed the Omniolls Crime Act. It may be illegal for him to say any­ thing n.bollt lhe COIHersfltioll. I think \\lllybe we were Yery foolish when Congress passed t.hat lilW, but I belie,'e it is the Inw. ~[r. B.UDWl'.'. I will cledine to nnslI"er HIiLt respectfully, Senator, based on 18 section 2515, prohibition of the use of c\·ie!cncc of inLer­ cepted wire 01' orl11 commllnlcutions, which .3peeioclllly statc':' unclel' this Federal ~tlltllte that if I eli ndge those contents, I illll subject to po;;sihle [lf0scclltion. Senator BI(YI:-;. On th'lt b:1sis I ,,'oldcl suggest YOll not ask him. Sellittor \YEICKEH . .l\.bollt how lTla!lY ciLl],; did YOli mO!lilor?
