Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List

Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

55 10 10121962 Memo Re: Finance-Campaign Leadership Meeting. 2pp.

55 10 09181962 Letter Herbert W. Kalmbach to Maurice H. Stans. Re: Campaign finance approach in Los Angeles County. 5pp.

55 10 09201962 Memo Re: Finance-Campaign Leadership Meeting. 2pp.

55 10 09041962 Memo Re: Finance-Campaign Leadership Meeting. 2pp.

55 10 08311962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Maurice Stans. Re: Potential Contributor - Earl Jorgensen. 1pg.

55 10 09111962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Maurice Stans. Re: List of key members of finance organization for Southern and Northern . 1pg.

Thursday, July 26, 2007 Page 1 of 3 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

55 10 09111962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Maurice Stans, Lou Quinn. Re: Distribution of RN statement on CIO-AFL to potential contributors. 3pp.

55 10 07201962 Memo Maurice H. Stans to H.R. Haldeman, Bob White, Bob Finch, Lou Quinn, Bob Hornby, Art Dolan. Re: Research Program. 2pp.

55 10 05161962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Maurice Stans. Re: Billing contributors direct through Dean Borton Associates. 1pg.

55 10 05071962 Memo Jerry Reynolds to H.R. Haldeman. Cc: Herb Kalmbach, Bob Finch. Re: Bart Lytton. 1pg.

55 10 04101962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Don Brewer. Re: RN's Birch Society article. 1pg.

55 10 03131962 Memo Louis Quinn to H.R. Haldeman. Cc: H. Kalmbach, E.R. Valentine, R.H. Finch, Mrs. L. Gaunt. Re: Changes in Finance Committee. 1pg.

55 10 03151962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Maurice Stans. Re: Expense Reports. 1pg.

Thursday, July 26, 2007 Page 2 of 3 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

55 10 03011962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Herb and John Kalmbach. Cc: Maurice Stans, Edward R. Valentine. Re: Henry Clock. 1pg.

55 10 02201962 Letter Edward R. Valentine to Maurice Stans. Cc: , John R. White, Robert Finch, H.R. Haldeman, , Jr. Re: Removing Herbert Hoover, Jr., from Finance Committee. 1pg.

55 10 02231962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Maurice Stans. Cc: Valentine. Re: Potential Contributor - Nike Singer. 1pg.

55 10 02201962 Memo H.R. Haldeman to Maurice Stans. Cc: Pat Hitt, E.R. Valentine. Re: Potenetial Donor - C.H. Wentworth. 1pg.

Thursday, July 26, 2007 Page 3 of 3 NIXOH 'OR ~OVS~NOR

, ntA.tfCi-OAMFAIG,N LJUIHlJ\I»lUf MiJsrIM~ '"' . ..,. • 7 __ 'l~."'-'''''''''''r' • ,tl."

3UIilJlARY ...... ', .• J ..

1. f!lU.$cellaneo.arlnanee matters 1

A. OnJ.~ teleth01'4 cOl'ltrlD:.•. t1cna of f50 or more n••d to be lncUv1"uall) li.ted and/or p.1".onall~ aeknowlad,ed .. B. Acd1t1oul, advance or il,ooo to State F•••al'cn Committee appro'ted••••••Total ad vaetC. to be repa1d b¥ V. UJUPC and (Jl.d;~"cted frome.ndid.te. t aharee ..

C.. RR' t4 cl1.8.<;•• lkiUst.r:Jd loan witn UV. D.. ft.l•••••6,700 tor Contaot maillntl8 if needet2. All Con­ tact t..:.nda now held or received 1n (:,it,jN to go into general ,fund••

At. An.oro '16~. 37 for Ii. California mal,ling. 1nto b.t4&et and add *i,'705 ,income Into ,eneNl tund. (pL". ('ltur. lr.eOlile) •

2. Dacia.t atUft. and. (L;.tIU

A.. 11"h.~c. field .,I'ogram ~31i .. .e. Red:.:\.ctt Re•• bur_;..,t .alarl•• f1,50(). C. Rei

D. Adali10nal rl1~ clip and telethon ••pen••• too. paid o~t ot r.a~otlo~. per af~ memo. 10/10.

i.Propo••d inc,...•• l,ri travel expense to be revlew~ til HRK. 3. MU po1nteo out t,he need of making proviaion for 4ont,1na;ent••, totaling ,52.,>,}\).

4. Finance f)ttlc. b~ldg.t we. iocr••ad ~u, O'tl5 per memo from W. li. Sr•••,..

:;.. w.:o. :8r".I' we. aakN ee ~.t. tne uo~nt or Mc

';)., ::itan., V.lfU'ltll"4 aNi 'lficb we" to t4i4t 1-.41a'e .etlon on ~l.tM."·AtlOl'l of CI¢'Or~a. It._ .~.1~.d" 'Mt fid••ll See:': ••• a,jf,olnte' 't M. Jre" or 'KCO 'til lftV al'l41. JiG' re­ .~on.lbl. to a~'e.

7• lf~_. l"ft,r,ort.. ,.."1,","_

~. ~. tl.. k.e,r ",la,M s'.q;;••t taa\ t.he (oll,owltig ~"t .110 An 0.16\1',. at l".JO ,.ext 'f'dlad_.. .Sta,a. 'inc!'.'!, lald_,nn afJ4 (~;;ail1\n •

l~. tl'llti.4t t lon, (In .tte~. *)

~••I·•• \fl. a, Bre••r4 fi. J. L",browak1 (J. 011b....l.) fl. I. I. R.ttald..-n­'ltlO.· i. lalmb." I. C. _Clellan It. 1. JUMal.... s , JIti'. ,~.... M. B. ~MU. s, a. VaJ.••'lM. J. it. Whit.. 1.. ~U1M , ,

sopt.... 18, 1962 tIl'. lfaUl."i.ce B. Staa. SouthaD CaWODWa rt ...... Cbal__ .1xoD for 00\'... c:a.weiD 600 SoIItb. Spr!a& atne~. 13th 11001' Loa ADa_lea 13. Cal1foada

Dea 1;' Maury:

'nlbd_...,. to tbe b....Jcfa.t -tiDa OIl sept..... 19th, vlch all the oOla.q dlv1ai_ o..-i&a ~bal~ ad ftNDCe C~t it ....a to _ tbat It JIlabt be woRlwh11e to Me out 1a writiallDJ __&>at8adiaa of 0" Lh••• appnach la Loa ADa.lea Co.aty.

thf.a to= =.~=a.~11~to~o~~1~~Ob~f fro. the Oct__ utb clt-.rl ::JZOO,ooo fna GU"eCt 1•••• _~ke4) c_tdbutiolla. I ..... that 811)' f· coa­ tdbQtN f .... eM ....1 cU.v1atou to hal, ~lt. ~ .tatMrUe p~t1oDa1 coata ano.ld be J:eprclecl .a dJ.rect coatrilnati....

•• ~ ~. tile CcMatJ baa bMa .dtlb:U1.1t.~ded lato MY_ cJ1via101'18. A C ,»Up c~ 01' co-c baa "- appolate4 bJ Cbacl·.foe aecb d1vlatae ad the.. cbalmea 10 tUl"l'l hav- appo1at.s 4iviaioD £t.... cba1nleD. _ tile attac.bect abaet foE' specific ......

Steted po11cy a. to our ~ e.....Sty c~tt..a 1. tbat we 8If!Ct INtI:I:1 c _itJ .1&oa OI'IMtutJ.oa to RiM the f.-. 1ocal1)' that DIIO••~ to ~t. the local c~1AD. 10 fonal ~.t baa 1MMa __ to date of thde o...-lt)' oqatutlou for fi_1a1 ..a1atuee lD om: .tate­ wiele ,zooan-. SotDatiM back It vaa decided at .. of OU'I: Prida,. meetiDaa to .a did.iaIl flDaDoe ob81R*\ appo1ated 1a ol'Cltn: that Uacl1vl"1 «--it)'••• vlthla the aev 1 cllvl.t.ou could. obtatll aeode4 belp 1a leanaiD& the prope.. f ·n.la1aa approach. Alao. It was thousht that penap. ... .aa1at.eaoe Ib;. *_ioe a. StaDe s.pta I.. 11. 1962 'aa8 2 •

• ou1d '"' anapd ...... ,. ... of the poonJ: O. ••tUI coaU I ..t _1..1 _1, fJ:Oll the ..-lthi_ OOl._itt_ 1& tba .­ tivlaloG (o.e•• ~t t ......•• _teriAla. ece.). It .... to _ that .,. _, be able to rea.-ablo f'..,.1&l cOMitmeata f1:ca lINt of tba cU.Yiaiou. lot tbat auch abou1Al be ...... to the iDe.. ~1. of the eo .Stt.. located wlthla tba aev..l cU."i...... 'or un (.le. the Baatan D!via1oa Wd.cb coat:alaa ... lllriao. r ;:•• abau14 be ~U4 to G~ up wttll • ld..&bR f 1 tJ:uaa ~at of ~ otiwr divl.s.ou 1a che CoIat)'.

So. 1Il.. I",." look to OUt' cU.vtalOll fl••_ c~ u& (a) ....te tbalC co I_tty ft_.c~a. to _,. aacl ••••• of ai'iDa "-II; C') coCmUMa ft...iAll ••et.taMe f~ f:~::I:~) t:s~~: =:O::=57fal: ===1:.:c::- b, the eel I g.ttl.. to Mlp .decvrlta part of the .catwlda 1MacIget. "O\l bave ur:ll_ neal". • 1etbW ~_ Cbacl HoC1el1aD 'tIberUa:=1fioalQ ..ts forth tbe o-s.e-C _a_ts pWp4 .., ... .--i_claDs ill eM tea (10) OIlt-aoat1.. 1a tbe ao.tlaca ca omia ana. I ...... it 1• ., r ...ou1blll~ to __ ca.-taia cbat _ naUu OIl the.. oOlaf.e-t.. A1.,. I ...... ~t :I will ....1eed ill wrttJaa of ~ cllnct COD­ tdlMat.lou tIlb1ch an noelv~ f.... the.. ar.' wbUh ue to .. eJ:8d1ted. .pial' the oOWltJ • e...._t ••mat.

VeE)' t1:'Ulr J'OUZ'"

Be1:kJ:t w. lal...h -c-..t • Chet__ Ia. Doa~... 135 SoDth hrt:oa A"... Loa __lea 4 '1&11 (0) ca a-n74 (B) .., 4-8712 Kr. R.oy I. "'DOW. (Co-Cbaim.a) l3324"~o ...11& 1'-11 (0). 4-9810 (11) • 4-1234 1Ir...,,161 w••~ (~) 1937 r~ ".,... 8oaI:b ~ tel. (0) 1M 6-6401 00 IIJ 2-1159 e.peiaa Cbei~. Hr:.Bor:mIaO.ShaMh8D 9107 Wlleh1n Ioa1eYard Suito 708 »everly .118 Tel:

Tell (8) II 9-~54 -

t'el. (B) OJ. 4-8132 · ,).

tela (0) WB 3-5511 (B) Ole 4-1781 NIXON roR GOVERBOR


Thursday, September 20, 1962

In Attendance:

1.1. H. Stalls, Chairman W. D. Brewer R. II. Fi.nah B. R. Baldemn II.. Kalmbach R. W. Rood J. 11. White

1. Budget. t.ransfers 1n the amount of $3650 were authorized 8S follow:

Additions CateSOI'l A:rnount Meetings &luncheons Adm. -so, caJ.1f. $1500 SChedule office salaries Schedule - State 8:X> C&m.paign Leadership Seminar Field - So. ca:ur. ~ Reductions Categg Amount

lv~ll list maintenance Adm1n1straticm Flexawriting..m.i:meo Mall Office Veterans P-l"ogram FiaM - No. Cal1f.

2. The matter of bancUing the ERV loan of $3000 was rofel~d to Lou Qu1nn for handling.

3. Ray Dubrowski author1&ed. to sign disbursement cheeks.

4. J. R. White and M. n. Stalls will decide appropriate time for e.xeeuting contract 'With URFC.

5. It was announced that Bob had &gl"'Ced to serve as Special Gifts Cbairman for URFC. He and Harry cartlidge will YOrk together.

6. Bob Ha.1..deman V1ll work out details ot General Eisenhower's Visit to L.A. with san Francisco group.

7! Rod. Rood announced tbat Bakersfield aDd san Bernardino would have a Nixon­ Eioenhowl' dinner but santa Barba..ra dinner bad been cancelled due to high line cost.s.

G. Don Brewer is to maintain sepa.ra.te records of receipts from out of state mailings..

9. The Comm1ttee appI'oved the following for membership in REeCO: E. R. Val.entine M. H. Stans Wallar T8¥lor, II Tom Knudsen H. C. .McClellan Bob Finch will handle legal llJil,tters involved in setting up RECCO. -2­

10. Bob J:taldenan will c:&ll Si Flour regarding R N's visit to Whittier and Montebello. li. Bob Finch wW. contact Henry re sr Rubel.

12. Rod. Rood wUl follow through on request for 5 or 6 billboards for Jobn A. Busterud.

13. Bob Finch wUl follow through on a,1."TaD.ging a meeting Y1th ~ Knight while GeDeraJ. Eisenhower in california.

14. Mr. Stan& 'Will work with R N in developing a procedure 'Whereby VIP' B "J.'I.'B.Y see R N on a scheduled. basis.

15. Herb l{a1rnbach 'WaS advised by the Committee to encourage Dan Bryant, Jr. J Southeastern Division Chai:t':lll8n (L.A.) to hold a division tund raising function in October - it being understood that R If would. not be able to attend. HI,lQII '01\ QOVaRNOR

Tueaday, September 4, lJ62

1. Cnad McClellan asked Mau.ry ~tana to phone .t' aruc Thornton in 5an Diego Nt their :t"1rm. cOlnmitment. •

2. Chad McClellan repartee on recent So",thern count.Lea to~.::..r8 ana 3 tront$;l~ ;Jrl~,elj:

b. I'hat whether s{~hed-l.lnh 01" finance problellis, eon­ taC1:3 6ho'll~ iJ;;~ (:o,_,!~t11nat;ed with Httr.'t Kalll.bach.

c.i'hat wh~.l'e .) Pat NJ.xc'n orvo ther: tlI.;eakeI'a ti>hC,ld Ci~l JLf'Ul' ::-,1; so Uult ''::.Ol;JI.~,~f'';~tie~ \'\'111 [)ot ljcl' eli<58PL-i 0:1.n t,eti •

George Chr1t!toph~rI'a f.tnEmCE' l}l'C;,],elL::' 1!~' ::;cH:tllern Ca11!'orn1& weN~ 1:11 6C..l8Sed and l\"Je"U",j S tans i'+.t';,:;eo to h@ly f-torI< O-.4t aat­ liii'ac tol') aol..4t1ons $ 1.e • Jl appall'; t of Tom Krll.id88J1,.aa his rinant'e Chalrn;an ar-d >-,";'ec.1t.irr hi;, a lal"[iIt'I' anar-e of' the Hixon... .E1denhowe:r dinneI'. ::;, tans to talk the ~natteI' cver wl th Herb i].aus and Bcb Hornb}' and t'o..ct Do131'. •

~Ui~j plan.ned to ~et, to!1ethttr with San Fra.ncisco leadership r-e ,t'sul DE\vle:3 ane their frcLlel:,s ,~~) tner-e •

It rms ref!orteu that ;'coes Barrett "'10 •. \.1.:1 ccr.e to Los Angele.a this week for p.isnnlng re the i;;tate-wlde dinners. H..:t M5 been to l'laoramento ana !flet with enth\"Ul1aBtie cooperation there.

Bot 1:illldtilrJafl to ask Ll~ to contact three nOIl:inees for Los Ani;E;le~ dinner' chalrrnan; Juatirl Dart" Mor'r1e i.~er~..~letcn and Bob t>e~n{llds•

7. .L~ \1/83 asked to hOld.lp ;;",01101 t~ on the Uf,i'C "1nners (or elit',1I:ate 11 et1n~of c,o:unU tte=e nJtuf.'bers) pendllij!, a diac >lssler. b-;y MHS \'11 th H&l Bar.-..ser r-e ;.eraonnel of the General Advl.or}' Commit.tee.

8. Bot Finoh gave a report Oll the loca,l uai'C 81t:u.atlon.

F;,od Hood .iJl've Ii r, on hi. Eaat()t'n tl"ip, j,.$., Cllff li'olj.:t;.er in Waah1nston haa aceepted the reapon81b111ti tor lW contaets. l'l'le FlaP..1gana in New York# 1.00 oontact., and the r$sporHllbl1.1t, COl' corit.acts in would be shar-e4 t~ Perc;y "Jim worth~ and Jim LO.4£laa •

Rod Rood felt it would be helpful if MH~ followed up the Easterl! contacts on hia projected vlait to New York. -2 ...

J1n~ Kirk is to $v.bndt a wr1ttel1 report or. hi. act1v1t1ea.

It i/ff;Ui 3~BeBted that S1ncle1r t!eeka and TOmPtappas wO<.lld JIldo'.lbtedl) be lnh~restoo in help1ng in Boat-on.

1'he vital importance of getting o~t a national nia1J1ni waa 8g.rced to 03 this. CorrmJ. tees and our Eaatel'n friends and MHS is to pr'esent the IT.att:eI' to ftN.

10. Eob Haldernan reviewed recent poll rea'J.lts, not1nr; HM'ill strong­ hold on ttH~ Hepuhll(~an votes anti the potemtiale: for capturing up to 32% of the DemocI~t votes. How&veI'J he eXiJt"esaed ~reat concern that Brown \loald be apet1d1ng two to three times O..l.r proJected b ....ldget" He telt. stron£ly that Nix.on acSvet'tla1ng b\;.dtet aho:Hif:;[U"y to make ::hel:>e cectsf.ona re1atlvel.~ soon so that Co.l1jI!U.. tr::ents for tir.'a Ol'!d ~;~Iac.e (.Ol~J d be sec ;.;rt"C •

Hr'.I{ i_r>Olr!J.S(':)(j to L",rni,;:;rI t.nese riL)l'~a to Stllmf1J who a~e.ted that HsJ.t:h~lr:$nI s req.~t:'?otDe f'Jven f:rther st.J0J' f{OO consid.era­ tion. 11. r.oc f,ooo 8g:reea to ask Chal'l('t)' "Tones to make a $01101 tat10n orr;'lo~io Oc::H.ili..Me ~Usc S";8ff:~ste( that 1:'1'. Al..'tna.nd Hammel', president or Occidenta.l FetT'olel.r;l, be solicited ana perhaps dr~l\m Into t.he campiJ01 as s Lersccrat. rOI' I'll xcn ,

Dlatr1th.l.l;;lon: (In attendance *)

M(!U1S1.~U = .;)" :a.t'ewec h. L. Nlnck:Ler* • J. D1.lorowaKl H. c, McClelJ.a(J* r.. it. i"1.nclJ* 1'\,. IN. Rood* H. ;',. Haldeman. M. H. Stans* H. Kalrnbaeh" :.:... Ii. Val&nt1li1t J. R. White L. Quinn. Maurice Stana 8-31-62

Bob Bald...

1 UDCIerataDd throuah my .,tber. who bacI a eomteraation with lul JorS-- at d11mer the other ev-1n&. that he 18 DOW ready to back IN.

Be wtll. of cours.. make • aubstaat1al f1:Da1lcial contribution. but accordi.a& to mother. ahould receive aome special recopltion. 1 thiDk thia 1a one you should handle peracmally. or have ac:aeoDe of comparabl. statun make the contact aince... you Jmov.

Jorgenaen ... pretty much oppoMCl to ua UDtil juat recently.

IIlcldeDtally. the chaD.e of heart: ~ about .s the result of ... of U'. receptlou which be atteDded. Mr. Maurice Stana 9-11-62

Mr. Bob Haldeman

., May I have the name. of the 10 to 15 people you consider to be the key member. of our finance oraanizatioD for both Southern and Northern california?

IN 1s going to try to make ta1ephone calls to these key people throughout the campaign. I should, therefore, have the office and home phone numbers for each per.on.

Would you also list these in order of priority 10 that we can be lure the most important 01181 are covered first and most frequently?

Many thanka.

../ I ! J Mr...... 1_ Saaa Mr. Lou Qu1Da lob Ba1___

.. f ..le verr etroualy that bu .t&tReDt with r_rd to the em-An. .hould receive .-:Ja8 cllatrlbutlOll

.... potfttial coatrlbutora. It 18 hu opta101l it wlll be helpful.

The .tat_t 1, attaebe4. Would you plua.

let _ kacnr what ••tion you tau .. itt

ThImb. BOB HALDEMAN NEWS RELEASE.". State Headquarters: 3908 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 5, California; DU 5-9161

Pa.t Brown said to the Union convention in reference to Richard Nixon:

"You have read in the newspapers that another candidate for Governor of

California is appro"3.Ching labor throu&l the "back door" this year.

"He is afraid to come to you openly and honestly to ask for your' support. " ***** Richard Nixon made the following statement regarding Brovn's charge:

"Mr. Brawnts charge that I am afra.1d to speak before the AFLo-CIQ convention

1s a complete misrepresentation. T'ne truth is that I did not receive an 1m1tat.1on·­ to address the convention. It is significant to note tha.t the-onl:r~- candidate invited to addrecs the convention 'WaS Mr. Brm.'I1 who has been- a.....xubber- '­ stamp for everything the unionpaliticaJ. bosses "lant--right or ~ong.

"The political bosses of the union have dropped an iron curtain .to prev-ent union members from hearing any views except those held by the clique -the politics of the union. But they are going to find in this election, as they have -on every previous occasion when I have come before the voters in CaJ.ifornia., t.hat they cannot dictate to union members how they 'Will vote. I shaJ.1 continue to take my case over their heads directly to union members in my person-to-person campaigning.­

"californiat s 'Wage earners are not fooled by Mr. Bro'Wn' s campaign slogan "keep

California first. 11 '!'hey are deeply concerned that Californ.1a is first in unemploy­ ment in the nation. They knoW' that California needs dynamic new leadership vh1ch will attract, rather than drive a\lB.y, the new investment we need to provide more' jobs for California1 s increasing poPUlation. " -30­ .August, 20, 1962. /

MAdison 7­

NIXON FOR GOVERNOR Southern California Finance Committee 609 South GrandAvenue, Room 414 Los Angeles 17, California

Finance Chairman July 20, 1962 MAURICE H. STANS

Memo to: Bob Haldeman Bob White Bob Finch Lou Quinn Bob Hornby Art Dolan

From: Maurice H. Stans

Re: Research Program

The financial arrangements with respect to the program of the State Committee to provide services to all the state-wide candidates are as follows:

1. Registration. The State Committee organization will undertake an aggressive registration program designed to follow up all efforts at loca11eve1s. The approved budget for this program is $7600.00, to be paid entirely out of State Committee funds and without support from the candidates, directly or indirectly.

2. The State Committee will also provide a central research operation, under the direction of Don Frey, and including the research staff of the Nixon campaign. This arrangement is effective retroactive to July 1, and will continue to November 15. The approved budget for this operation at the present time is $54,000.00, which includes a news man capable of giving immediate press stories upon request of any of the candidates, based on research data.

The sum of $54,000.00 includes $10,000.00 for a general survey of campaign issues and public attitudes. In addition to the approved amount of $54,000.00, an additional contingent amount of $19,500.00 was recog­ nized, subject to expenditure only upon subsequent approval of the budget group. The contingent items are as follows:

Additional survey $10,000.00 Task forces 1,000.00 Investigator 4,500.00 Staff 4,000.00

A third item approved is a prov~s~on of $3,000.00 for one individual to assist in disseminating and coordinating information regarding the schedules

..... 1 -2­

of the various condidates. This includes estimated salary of $2,500.00, and $500.00 postage.

The total of approved items is therefore $57,000.00, with another $19,500.00 a possibility. However, I personally doubt that the second survey for .10,000.00 will be necessary.

The expenditures involved are agreed to be financed between northern Calif­ ornia and southern California in the ratio of 40% and 60%. Thus the present commitment for San Francisco is $22,800.00, and for Los Angeles $34,200.00.

The San Francisco people have agreed to advance $10,000.00 early in August to pay for the cost of the first survey. The Southern California Nixon for Governor Committee has agreed to advance up to $10,000.00 at this time to meet payrolls and current costs, this to be repaid by the State Committee when funds are available from the respective county organizations in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

The statewide candidates, including Kuche1, have all agreed that the money spent for this central activity is to come pro rata "off the top" from the allocations to them by the San Francisco and Los Angeles County Finance Committees.

Sincerely, Mr. Maurice StaDe 5-16-62

Mr. Bob Ba1.s-u

You ..ked _ to check em whether our

mai11Da bouae. Dean BortOD Aa.ociate' t could bill a cODtributor direct for $5,000. Thia baa been &rranaed.. ancl if you vi11 let _ know how the b11l .houlct be directed and for what 8M1IDt. 1 rill .et the wheel. 111 motion. INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Nixon for Governor

To: Bob Hal....n Date: 5-7-62

From: Jerry "'1I10l da

Subject: Bart Lytton COpy Distribution: Barb Kalmbach, Bob Winch

A peraon ree_tly back fro. W.ah1D&ton tella _ that Bart Lytton 1a apelld1Da • lot of time there, baa withdrawn hia fina1lcial aupport from Brown and baa .et up • campaipa funcl for Conare••100al doid1datea OIlly. If our rinance Chairman baan't heard thia ~r, 1 thouaht perhaps he would be intereated ill it. Bob HaWema

You alx copt.ea at Mea Such Society uUel.. w. haft had to fa'" ··tNt bope the lIttache4 ••!'Wa ,.... 'J'IU'PO". INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Nixon for Governor

Date: To: Haldeman, Campaign Manager March 13, 1;62

From: Louis Quinn

Subject: Changes in Finance Committee

Distribution: H. Kalmbach E. R. Valentine R. H. Finch Mrs. L. Gaunt Deletions: George A. Beavers, Jr. El"nest A. Bryant Irving DlliI1ffi, Sr. Harold R. Hamilton Earle M. Jorgensen Henry Salvator.... Th. R. Knudsen (on public lists) Additions: Stanley M. Freeman Valley M. Knudsen Dilna Latham Charles W. Lee Richard W. Millar Kenneth T. Norris, Sr. James H. Udall

Note: DO NOT release to Charles Farrington, as we will be preparing a story later. Mr. Maurloe Stana

Mr. Bob Haldeman bpe.e Reports

The or1g1Da1 procedure for my upetW•• wa. to submit them to Ed ValeDtlDe for OK bfttore gollll to the Treaaurer tor relmbU1"8ement. In acoordance with OUl" unde~DI, 1 am DOt .ubmlttlnl them to you, &I F1Dance Chairman. for ;your approval...... IoJaK...... 1-1...

Bob 1I&1*alIaa Beu7C1ook ce: M . BdwU'da. V ...

..tile 11M•••

..LollI SeMb ana. Be" •.,.etaD7 Ie wJlat w ...... 11 be """'dof ,. IMal

Will , 1M ...tIaat IIr. C»ok......


FUe: Finance commltteeJ x - Chron. February 20, 1~6?

Mr. Maurice Stan.1 Chairman Nixon tor Governor finance Committee c/o ~e.~er~a\~~orporatlon 600 ~;. .)treet Los Angeles 14, CalitoPld.a Dear Maurie:

Appal:-ently I el"red :ir.. Includ.1n.g aerbart Hoover, Jr. ll3 name on the Pinane. COJIIDlttee ot ll.xon tor Governor. Mr. Hoover l"equeated on 'ebruary 1;;, 1.n a telephone call to me. tL,at hilS name be deleted. He atated that he i8 whole­ heartedly tor Nixon and. w:'-11 support him .. As he 18 not in 8 l'O81t1oc. to act:l vely 'Work on the Committe. he teela that 1n ju~t1ce he $hould not be on it. I believe it would be well not to make an issue of thiS matter, but mel1flly to drop h:i.a name from all tutur:-e 11:~ts. The Finance Committee letterhead haa not been prepared., Dnd tneretoN hj6 nLtfte w.111 not appear. All ~.n all, there 18 no damage done. Wlth my kindest regards,


CC - Mr. RIchard M. Nixon Jtr. lobl1 fl. Wh1 te Mr. Robert H. 'illch y Mr. R. a 4 Haldeman Mr. Herbert Hoover, Jr. Mr. Maurice Stan8

B. R. Haldeman _Ike SlDIer eer Mr. Va1entlDe

The attached memoranda wW live 10u aU •• ba.. on Nlke S1Dger. He lndlcated 110m. time aao tbat when the FlDaace Commlttee wu .et up, be wanted to make a contribution.

File: Finance - Prospects x - Stane x - Singer x - Chron. Mr. Maurie. Stau

Mr. Bob HaldemaD Poteattal .lloDor cc: MR. Pat Bltt Mr. E. R. Val.nUDe

Pat Bitt called to ad"t.e _ of a potenUal cDDOI' wIao 8bou1d be coataetec1 .. q1de.ld,. u poulble bJ' one ~ the top level people _ tbe FiDaDce Committee. TIle Pl'OIIpect te:

Mr. C. B. WeDtwortb 1700 Eaat Oqmplc Bouleftni MA - S-810. WE - 8-1111 (bolD.)

Mr. Weatwortb Ia llead of the Flao MaDUlact1U'l.Dl Co., 18 about 10 ,..... old, baa a great deal 01 IDODq aa4 18 react:f to make a doaatl8D to the lftxOD oampaip neD appzoaebecl.

Mr. Weatwol1b wu rel.1"ftci to lin. Bttt b7 Mr. ao,. Butler, f'onaerl7 01 WbUtler. who DOW ll".s IA a.mboldt CoUllt7. Mr. Butler'. nam. 8bDu1cl be _eel In makln. the coatact.

1 would appreciate ba-na, the ....d of thla ao1l.eltatLoa alDee Mr. BIII1... baa uked to be adYlMcI 80 that be caa toDow tUoup wWa W.atwortll "It be doenft Ilft 8IIIDUIIlu • Se la appaNllt17 prepared to 11ft at leut _YeN Uaouaaad doUan.

File: - Finance - Prospects /'X - Stans x - Chron - follow-up.