8678 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 7-ra AUGUST 1970 Ernest FERNYHOUGH, M.P... Member of Ronald George HAYWARD, National Agent, Parliament for Jarrow since 1947. Parlia- The Labour Party. mentary Private Secretary to the Right George HOLT, Chief Press Officer. Prime Honourable Harold Wilson. O.B.E., F.R.S., Minister's Office. M.P., when Prime Minister. 1964-1967. Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Marcia Matilda, Mrs. WILLIAMS, Private 1967-1968 and Parliamentary Under Secretary Secretary to The Right Honourable Harold of State, Department of Employment and Wilson, O.B.E., F.R.S., M.P. Productivity, 1968-1969. O.B.E. The QUEEN has been graciously .pleased to To be Ordinary Officers of the Civil Division signify her intention of conferring the Honour of the said Most Excellent Order: of Knighthood upon the following: George Louis GAUNT, Committee Clerk, Knights Bachelor Parliamentary Labour Party. John Desmond BRAYLEY, M.C., D.L., Chair- Roger James DAWE, Private Secretary to the man, Canning Town Glass Works Ltd. Prime Minister, 1966-1970. Trevor Denby LLOYD-HUGHES, Formerly Alfred RICHMAN, Journalist. Chief Information Adviser to the Govern- Miss Beryl Pauline URQUHART, Committee ment. Clerk, Parliamentary Labour Party. Joseph KAGAN, Founder and Chairman of Kagan Textiles Ltd. M.B.E. Leslie Maurice LEVER, Member of Parliament To be Ordinary Members of the Civil Division for the Ardwick Division of Manchester, of the said Most Excellent Order: 1950-1970. Miss Phyllis Edith BIRT, Secretary and Herbert Richard (Harry) NICHOLAS, O.B.E., Personal Assistant, Parliamentary Labour General Secretary, The Labour Party. Party. Kenneth SELBY, Chairman, Bath and Portland Harry James FOWLER, Actor.
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