Vol. 3 No. 5, December 1958
- - Vol. ·3 DECEMBER 1958 No.5 RANK AND FILE ON THE MOVE J Deutscher.. reviews Carr's 'Socialism in One Country' 132 Race Riots: the Socialist- Answer.- - 134 The Pasternak Affair 137 Marxists in the Second World War 139- Origins of Sectarianism .'46 A Poem- from the Azores --_ #55 BOOK REVIEWS 156 TWO SHILLINGS , , , ' . ; ~" 266 Lavender Hill, London S.W. II Editors: John Daniels, Robert Shaw Business Manager: Edward R. Knight Contents EDITORIAL Rank and File on the Move 129 THE IRONY OF HISTORY IN STALINISM Isaac Deutscher 132 RACE RIOTS: THE SOCIALIST ANSWER ClilT Slaughter 134 THE PASTERNAK AFFAIR Alan MacDonald 137 MARXISTS IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR William Hunter 139 rHE ORIGINS OF SECTARIANISM Peter Cadogan J46 DOCUMENT A Charter of Workers' Demands 152 COMMUNICATION Rejected by the New Statesman Douglas Goldring 154 MUSIC FROM AFAR P. McGowan (trans.) 155 BOOK REVIEWS The British Communist Party: A Historical Profile, by Henry Pelling Brian Pearce 156 The Worker Views his Union, by Joel Seidman, Jack London, Bernard Karsh and Daisy L. Tagliacozzo Jock Stevens 157 Death on the Left, by John Connell G. Gale 157 Ethical and Political Problems of the Atomic Age, by C. F. von Weizsacker Donald O. Soper 157 The Initial Triumph of the Axis, cd. Arnold Toynbee and Veronica M. Toynbec J.A. 15g French Socialism in the Crisis Years, 1933-1936, by John T. Marcus Robert Sherwood 158 Quai d'Orsay, 1945-51, by Jacques Dumaine Martin Grainger 158 The Soviet Cultural Scene 1956·1957, ed. W. Z. Laqueur and G. Lichtheim H.
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