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Cover photograph : © Sven Smets Photographs : © Sven Smets / Klaartje De Boeck / Sara Verhaert / Karakters Editor: Sara Verhaert Editorial board: Frederic Diependaele, Dorien Styven and Katleen Maesen (linguistic advice) Translations: Barbara Otten and Alison Mouthaan Publisher: Christophe Busch, vzw Kazerne Dossin, Goswin de Stassartstraat 153, 2800 Design: Karakters, Ghent

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher. CONTENT

2 23 Foreword Lectures & publications 4 2015 in figures 27 Marketing & Communication 6 Special exhibitions and events 32 Organization 13 Education 36 2015 in a nutshell 17 External Relations 42 With thanks to 19 Collections & Research As the chairman of vzw Kazerne Dossin, at the donk jointly organized the special exhibition beginning of 2016 I can look back on three years Liberation! Belgians in German Camps. A series of intense and effective activity. With more than of photographs on show for the first time pro- 250,000 visitors for the museum, including vided new insight into the last turbulent months many schoolchildren and teachers, hundreds of of war in 1945. Again the exhibition, which ran visitors for the documentation centre and over from April to the end of the year, attracted a great 100 trained guides and volunteers, Kazerne deal of interest. Dossin is gradually coming to occupy an impor- Thanks to our contacts with victims’ next of tant place on the museum scene. kin, we were the recipients of yet more, interesting In recent years we have made every effort to family archives as evidenced by the wall of por- ensure an even better museum experience. As traits, a striking and moving representation of the well as launching a brand-new digital museum many stories behind the pictures. As per annual app, we added hundreds of authentic objects tradition, on the museum’s third anniversary we belonging to deportees to the permanent exhi- were able to add missing portraits to this wall. bition. We also found new ways to convey our message: the story of Simon Gronowski took the As an organization we increasingly move in form of a workshop for primary schools and a international circles. For example, Kazerne Dos- narrative trail relating to Malvine Löwenwirth sin’s museum projects have led to its close was created for the tablet computer. involvement in the international network of For the seventieth anniversary of the libera- Holocaust and Human Rights Museums. Given tion of the camps, Kazerne Dossin and Fort Breen­ our expertise, it is only right that Kazerne Dossin

2 Foreword

should play a role in the challenge of engaging Auschwitz has just appeared about de- with controversial subjects like radicalization by ported from via France. sharing new thinking and initiatives. Kazerne Dossin’s concept of human rights, Last but not least, in 2015 we said goodbye to which takes the form of an analysis of mass vio- Ward Adriaens upon his well-deserved retire- lence in contemporary society, is more relevant ment. He was director of the Jewish Museum of than ever in these times of radicalization and Deportation and Resistance and remained terror. The main spin-off of this themed approach active as an archivist and honorary curator of is currently our cooperation with the Federal Law Kazerne Dossin after it opened in 2012. At the Enforcement. Every year we welcome some end of 2015 the Flemish Government rewarded 2,000 police officers to Kazerne Dossin for a day him for his services by knighting him to the Order of intensive training. of Leopold.

Kazerne Dossin also contributes to international With the support of our holocaust research. In 2015 our senior re- many partners and donors, searcher Laurence Schram successfully de- in 2016 we will be able to fended her Ph.D. on the Dossin barracks. So we mount more, exciting spe- now have a comprehensive study of the history cial projects. of the SS-Sammellager Mecheln, which we will publish in book form in the foreseeable future. Eric Stroobants Furthermore, a voluminous study entitled Drancy- Chairman Kazerne Dossin

3 2015 in figures

64.394 visitors for the museum

194 visitors for the documentation centre

26.429 visitors for the memorial , of which 1000 unique visitors. The remainder visited both museum and memorial. 1485 digital inquiries for the documentation centre

92.754 DIGITAL 87.604 unique visitors VISITORS to the website

3665 followers on social media

4 3884 teachers

27.860 minors (in group and individuals)

280 articles published in the press

182 new photographs added to the wall of portraits

5 Signing of Declaration of Commitment

Flemish Education Minister Hilde Crevits and heads of educa- tional institutes signed a declaration of commitment for more remembrance education.


Evening event | International Holocaust Memorial Day Exhibition opening | Art is a cry by Osias Hofstätter On January 27th the world commemorated the 70th anniver- sary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Kazerne Dossin In 2012 Galerie Lammel in Germany donated a large opened its doors for a special evening event in association with number of works by the painter Osias Hofstätter to the United Nations. Kazerne Dossin. The museum put them on show for the general public.

6 Special exhibitions and events

22.03.2015 02.04.2015 – 31.12.2015

Launch | Kazerne Dossin app

Presentation of the interactive app in the presence of Flemish Minister for Tourism Ben Weyts.

Exhibition | Liberation! Belgians in German camps

Buchenwald concentration camp was liber- ated 70 years ago. A series of photographs, on display for the first time, shows the conditions in which the Belgian military missions and journalists found their liberated compatriots. The exhibition depicts the lives of perpetra- tors and victims in the camp, their instru- ments of torture, their liberation and repatri- ation. The exhibition culminates in the portraits of liberated Belgians who were iden- tified through research. A revealing look at the last turbulent months of war in 1945 and their effect on daily life. Mounted in associa- tion with CEGESOMA and Fort . 7 ARTISTIC | Contour: Biennial of the Moving Image

CONTOUR 7, the seventh edition of the Biennial of the Moving Image, presented the work of more than 20 artists from home and abroad in various VIP holiday for teachers locations in Mechelen. Kazerne Dossin showed an installation by Sander Breure & Witte Van Hulzen Teachers were given free access to the from the Netherlands, with confrontational images museum to find out about the educational of refugees on the Mediterranean Sea and of the offer. They also had the chance to follow island of Utøya, where an attack took place in guided tours and take part in workshops. 2011.

06.04 - 19.04.2015 17.04.2015 29.08 – 08.11.2015

Film | Im Labyrinth des Schweigens

Preview of the German film Im Labyrinth des Schwei- gens about the Nazi trials in Frankfurt. The screening was followed by a panel discussion with director Giulio Ricciarelli and actor Alexander Fehling. In as- sociation with Lumière.

8 Lecture | Het Boek der Kampen (The Book of Camps) by Sis Van Eeckhout

A cooperation between Kazerne Dossin, 8 Mei Comité, HVV Mechelen, UPV Mechelen and Vermeylen­fonds Mechelen.

Heritage Day (Open Monumentendag) Themed guided tour of the historic Dossin barracks

13.09.2015 07.10.2015 11.10.2015

Themed guided tour Teachers’ Day Architecture Day

Dutch-speaking teachers attended Architectural tour of the new workshops and talks and followed museum building led by one of guided tours relating to remembrance the architects. education.

9 Theatre | De Weg (The Road) by Ekaterina Levental

Narrative concert by harp player and singer Ekaterina Levental and artist Chris Koolmees. Ekaterina told the story of her escape from the former Soviet Union Teachers’ Day twenty years ago. Of the vicissitudes she suffered as she made her way from country to country and of her French-speaking teachers at- difficult teenage years. Of how fleeing cuts the ground tended workshops and talks and from under your feet, but also opens new doors to the followed guided tours relating future. In association with De Bijloke. to remembrance education.

13.10.2015 14.10.2015

10 Commemoration | Kazerne Dossin, 3 years

To mark the museum’s third anniversary, 182 photographs were added to the wall of portraits in the presence of family members and friends.

27.10.2015 30.11.2015

Lecture | Orgelman (Organ Man) by Mark Schaevers

The author and winner of the Gouden Boekenuil, Flanders’ most important literary prize, presented a miscellany about Felix Nussbaum, Jewish artist and deportee from the Dossin barracks. An ode to an artist whose last wish was that his work would live on after him.

11 10.12.2015

Evening event | Exhibition opening The Armenian Genocide, 100 years on

Precisely a hundred years ago more than one million people lost their lives in one of the largest ethnic cleansings ever: the Armenian Gen- ocide. On December 10th the world paused to remember this black page in history. On Human Rights Day the museum opened the exhi- bition The Armenian Genocide, 100 years on in the presence of Mechelen’s Armenian community. A cooperation between Kazerne Dossin, City of Mechelen, Agent­ schap Integratie en Inburgering,­ Mechelen-Armenian Society ANI vzw and the Assyrian community.

12 Education

Declaration of Commitment

On Holocaust Memorial Day Flemish Education Minister Hilde Crevits and the heads of the various educational networks signed a joint declaration of commitment at Kazerne Dossin. It raises awareness of genocides and crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War. Educational institutes will pledge to take the theme into the classroom and to stim- ulate teachers on the subject on an ongoing basis. The objective is to have all pupils in sec- ondary schools reflect critically on how con- flicts come about and how we deal with them today.

Educational projects

The educational team updated the existing offer The travelling exhibition Child in hiding was and also looked for new approaches and activi- redesigned and the story printed on banners. ties that are suitable for minors. Totally new In cooperation with Tarantella, the team also in the educational offer is Live a life (see box), reworked the workshop on Simon Gronowski so an ‘experience trail’ designed for children at as to make it even more hands-on and further secondary school. integrate the museum experience. The revised

13 workshop will be launched at the beginning of 2016.

Kazerne Dossin also contributed to the project Jeugd van Samenwoordig, which brought to- gether twelve children from different back- grounds (non-religious, Christian, Jewish and Muslim). Conversations among the children during several creative workshops led to a bet- ter understanding and of each other’s back- ground. In cooperation with Vormen vzw, Re- gionaal Open Jeugdcentrum (ROJM) and De Veerman. In the field of education, Kazerne Dossin also Live a life brought together educational, welfare and youth organizations in a network relating to At the centre of this new educational trail is the radicalization and extremism. This project will haunting story of survivor Malvine Löwenwirth. be developed in 2016. Accompanied by their teacher, young people explore Finally the Instituut voor Veteranen/Institut the museum and memorial while Malvine recounts des Vétérans and the Auschwitz Foundation or- her story and that of her family. A creative and inter- ganized another Train of 1000. A thousand active trail using tablet computers. young people from all over Europe travelled by train to Auschwitz-Birkenau to visit this place of mass destruction. By way of preparation for the trip, all the Belgian children paid a visit to Kazerne Dossin. Head of KD’s educational team Marjan Verplancke accompanied the children to Poland. Odile Remy represented Kazerne Dossin in the Conseil de la Transmission de la Mémoire of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.


Six training evenings comprising both content and didactics were held, providing the guides with extra background. The online guides plat- form was supplemented with useful documents

14 and facts and figures. Moreover, in September the museum began training some 30 new guides. They followed eight training sessions and two observation sessions and led two trial guided tours.

“The best day of training Volunteering in my career!”

The first volunteers started work in the museum in the summer. They act as hosts to the visitors, provide support at events and gather feedback from the visitor questionnaire. The first volun- “I was surprised that teers also started work in other departments, this subject could be including the documentation centre. Every linked to police work.” volunteer attends an induction talk and a pre- paratory training course. Our volunteers are one of our greatest assets, for without their help Kazerne Dossin would be unable to grow and improve every day. “Congenial, well organized training. Fascinating and useful.” Holocaust, Police and Human Rights

With the attendance of almost 2,000 police of- ence is a cooperation between Kazerne Dossin, ficers the ‘Holocaust, Police and Human Rights’ the integrated police, IHRA, Council of Europe, training programme again proved highly suc- Op.Recht.Mechelen, Interfederal Centre for Equal cessful. Seventeen new trainers had been Opportunities and Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg. trained to coach them. Slight alterations were made to the format of the cours, following a survey held amongst the previous attendees. In 2016 Kazerne Dossin is organizing the first international conference on cooperation be- “Good mix of theory and tween museums/memorials and civil servants. Good practices from all over Europe will be pre- practice. More of these sented at the Connecting Law & Memory con- sort of training programmes, ference at the end of September. The confer- please!”

15 Buchenwald study trip

Between November 3rd and 8th 2015 a del- egation of 25 members of staff, guides and external ‘ambassadors’ for KD travelled to Buchenwald near Weimar to attend a semi- nar whose main theme was the responsibil- ity of bystanders and the various layers of history. Besides Buchenwald, the partici- pants visited the German Nazi concentra- tion camp Mittelbau Dora and Topf und Söhne, once the workplace of the builders of incinerator ovens for Auschwitz. Impres- sions of the trip were collected and the participants circulated them within their network.

16 External Relations


In the autumn Kazerne Dossin added over a These objects add a personal dimension to the hundred new objects to the permanent exhibi- museum and enrich the visitor experience. tion: a variety of propaganda material (children’s Highlights include Karola Jalowiec’s album and books, walking sticks, postcards), religious Rosie Mandel Recta Kwadrat’s embroidered objects (silverware, tefillin), photographs and belts. This project was realized with the support documents (Ghent Register of Jews, passports). of the National Lottery.

17 Dossin and through the streets of the city. The mobile app can be downloaded free of charge from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store and is available in four languages. The Kazerne Dossin app was produced thanks to an incentive grant from Visit Flanders.

German-speaking visitors

German-speaking visitors are now able to draw App greater benefit from a visit to the museum. The Flanders Department of International Affairs A brand-new app was created to enable visitors enabled the translation into German and editing to explore Kazerne Dossin using a tablet, thereby of the German introductory film, the translation enhancing the visitor experience. Various por- of audio excerpts and of the integrated German tals provide access to new stories and images visitors’ guide. Kazerne Dossin then set about and give visitors a whole new perspective on the establishing contact with the German-speaking subject. The Human Rights Walk was revamped community, through a cooperation project with specially for the app, which enables visitors to the German remembrance centre Vogelsang. follow the human rights trail and Mechelen’s A day for German-speaking teachers is planned human rights story beyond the walls of Kazerne for 2016.

18 Collections & Research

Bequests hundred photographs, correspondence, (no- tarial) deeds, press cuttings, Stars of David, etc. Engels Bequest dating from 1892-1984.

Political prisoner Mr. Jacques Engels bequeathed Sudwerts Bequest his collection of original documents and pre- cious printed matter to Kazerne Dossin. The col- Kazerne Dossin digitized the original documents lection comprises five meters of archive material relating to the Sudwerts family going into hiding consisting mainly of printed propaganda, post- and their deportation. The Sudwerts collection cards, photographs, brochures and periodicals comprises (notarial) deeds, identity cards, a Star about anti-Semitism, Zionism, Nazism and anti- of David, postcards and forms sent from the Nazism. Dossin barracks. After digitization the originals were returned to the family. Quadens-Szmulewicz Bequest Goldenberg Bequest Mrs. Quadens-Szmulewicz gave the memoires of her father Mojsze Szmulewicz, a member of Mr. Salomon Goldenberg gifted his parents’ ar- the resistance, to Kazerne Dossin. The 88-page chive to Kazerne Dossin. The original items in- Les Valises d’un Juif - Un récit vécu also contains clude administrative documents and passports the author’s obituary notice from 1978. and also letters and postcards sent from the transit camp SS-Sammellager Mechelen. Tolkowsky Bequest Jewish Museum of Belgium Bequest Mr. Gabriel Tolkowsky and family bequeathed the second part of its archive to Kazerne Dossin. The Jewish Museum of Belgium bequeathed The complete collection comprises several 300 books about anti-Semitism and Jewish

19 Family Fischler

In 1928-1929 the Fischler-Hollander family express their concern. With his flair for lan- came and settled in Belgium. The family was guages, Abraham managed to find passage on a deeply religious. In the spring of 1940 the eldest ship to Cuba. The letters from Belgium stopped. son Abraham fled to Portugal. He remained in When Abraham returned to after the contact with his family in Antwerp by post. They war he discovered that his parents, brothers and tell him about daily life in Belgium – the football sisters had been deported. None of them re- matches, visits to the hairdresser, etc. – but also turned.

The Tolkowsky family came and set- tled in Belgium at the end of the nine- teenth century. Diamond merchant Abraham Tolkowsky became a figure- head of the Jewish community in Ant- werp. His son Charles followed in his footsteps. Members of the Tolkowsky family were very active in philanthropy and public life. They were part of the Zionist organization Agoudath Zion and founded the holiday colony Villa Altol not far from Antwerp where de- bilitated children from the Jewish com- munity went to recuperate. During the Second World War Charles Tolkowsky was taken away on transport XXVI, the last Denise survived the occupation and after the transport from Belgium to Auschwitz-Birkenau. war continued the family’s work with Charles’ He died in unknown circumstances. His sister children.

20 culture. The rare and valuable items were re- Publication moved from the bequest and added to the Drancy-Auschwitz 1942-1944 collection of precious printed materials. The remaining titles were inventoried and placed In 2015 Kazerne Dossin published the long- in the library. awaited book Drancy-Auschwitz 1942-1944. Joden uit België, gedeporteerd via Frankrijk Fischler Bequest (Drancy-Auschwitz, 1942-1944. Jews from Bel- gium, deported via France). The book is a sequel Thanks to Abraham Fischler’s children, Kazerne to the arresting four-part series Mechelen- Dossin was able to digitize the correspondence Auschwitz 1942-1944 which appeared in 2009 between Abraham in Cuba and members of his and contained no fewer than 18,522 portraits of family who had stayed behind in occupied Bel- transportees from the Dossin barracks in Meche­ gium. len between 1942 and 1944. Percentage-wise, in no other country have so many photographs of deported Jews, Roma and Sinti been found. Research In Drancy-Auschwitz the Kazerne Dossin research team published no fewer than 4,177 In 2015 senior researcher Laurence Schram photographs of deportees transported from completed her doctoral thesis on the transit Belgium via France. Most of the portraits derive camp SS-Sammellager Mechelen between 1942 and 1944. As well as recounting the stories of victims, she also looks at the organization of the camp which was in the hands of the German Sipo-SD (the combined SS intelligence service and security police) and their Flemish helpers. The path taken by each of the perpetrators is reconstructed and the regime, the ill-treatment and abuse suffered by the detainees are de- scribed in detail. Confronted by the unaccepta- ble, the detainees adapted. Their behaviour varied from collaboration to resistance. This thesis puts the emphasis on the enforced in- volvement of detainees in their own destruction and on the genocidal purpose of the camp, a link between the SS officers in Berlin and Auschwitz-Birkenau. In 2016 the thesis will be published in book form.

21 from the files of the Belgian Foreign Police for, will steer the development of Kazerne Dossin as in contrast to other countries, most Jews in Bel- a holocaust information centre in the period gium were foreigners. In fact, 90% were immi- 2015-19. As well as providing an overview of grants. België-Drancy-Auschwitz very much re- existing collections, the collection plan exam- flects the theme of Kazerne Dossin museum, ines in greater depth the procedures for de- where the emphasis is on Jewish persecution in scribing and storing the collection, future ac- occupied Belgium. The work is a new milestone quisitions and making the collection more in the history of Jewish persecution, this time accessible. with the focus on neighbouring France. So the Kazerne Dossin continued to develop the book was produced in cooperation with the online archive platform Media Haven. In 2015 ‘Mémorial de la Shoah’ in Paris. With contribu- thirty private collections were successfully up- tions from Herman Van Goethem, Patricia loaded. Kazerne Dossin also devised a method Ramet, Laurence Schram, Dorien Styven and for linking indexes of names with archive col- Alexandre Doulut and forewords by Mr. Serge lections so that documents about a specific Klarsfeld and Mr. Sven Gatz, Flemish Minister for person can be retrieved from several collec- Culture, Media, Youth and . tions at the same time. Kazerne Dossin is cur- rently in consultation with partner institutions about providing access to Media Haven in read- Access to the resources ing rooms all over the world. From 2016 visitors and digitization to these reading rooms should have access to the first part of the Kazerne Dossin archive In 2015 the collections and research depart- collection. ment put together a grand collection plan which

22 Lectures & publications

Lectures and presentations

23.01.2015 28.03.2015 Lecture A demonic transition by Marjan Verplancke, Lecture Remembrance education and the Great Hotel- en Toerismeschool Spermalie (Bruges) War by Simon Schepers, Centrum Nascholing Onderwijs, University of Antwerp 19.02.2015 Lecture by Christophe Busch, Flossenbürg Circle 04.05.2015 of Friends Presentation A tourist app for visitors to Kazerne Dossin by Klaartje De Boeck, FARO (Brussels) 27.02.2015 Lecture Offender behaviour and mechanisms of 25.08.2015 polarization and radicalization by Christophe Lecture A demonic transition by Christophe Busch, Catholic Education Diocese of Bruges Busch, Internationaal Vredestreffen (Ieper/Ypres)

03.03.2015 05.09.2015 Lecture by Marjan Verplancke and Christophe Lecture Clandestine Jewish press and Jewish re- Busch, Instituut voor Veteranen/Institut des sistance by Laurence Schram, CCLJ (Brussels) Vétérans (Brussels) 12.09.2015 03.03.2015 Lecture Transport XX by Laurence Schram, Lecture A demonic transition by Christophe Haacht Busch, Thomas More Hogeschool (Mechelen) 17.09.2015 11.03.2015 Lecture Collaboration and Jewish persecution in Presentation Kazerne Dossin by Herman Van Antwerp in the Second World War by Herman Goethem, Flanders House, New York Van Goethem, University of Antwerp

23 18.09.2015 12.11.2015 Lecture Kazerne Dossin and the tourist sector Book presentation Drancy-Auschwitz by Lau- by Klaartje De Boeck, Thomas More Hogeschool rence Schram, CCLJ (Brussels) (Mechelen) 12.11.2015 29.09.2015 Lecture Demonic Transitions by Christophe Lecture Offender behaviour and radicalization Busch, Pearls in policing, Amsterdam processes by Christophe Busch, COPPRA (Com- munity Policing, Prevention, Radicalization and 24.11.2015 Terrorism), The Netherlands Lecture Kazerne Dossin as an organization and project by Dorien Styven, KU 09.10.2015 Lecture Radicalization and extremism by Chris- 25.11.2015 tophe Busch, Catholic Education (Veurne) Webinar speaker Radicalization by Christophe Busch, Special Committee for Remembrance 21.10.2015 Education (BCH) Lecture The persecution and deportation of Jews from Dossin by Laurence Schram, ULB (Brussels) 01.12.2015 Introduction to the film Son of Saul by Laurence 10.11.2015 Schram and screening, Filmhuis Mechelen Lecture Porajmos by Laurence Schram, Red Star Line (Antwerp) 01.12.2015 Lecture Radicalization, extremism and terrorism 11.11.2015 by Christophe Busch, Flemish Parliament, Brus- Lecture Jews in Limburg by Dorien Styven, sels Dilsen-Stokkem local history circle (Elen)

24 Publications

07.12.2015 VAN GOETHEM Herman & RAMET Patricia (ed.), Lecture Les persécutions et les déportations Belgique/België-Drancy-Auschwitz 1942-1944. tsiganes by Laurence Schram, Maison de la Joden uit België, gedeporteerd via Frankrijk, VUB Laïcité, Amay Press, Brussels, 2015.

08.12.2015 VAN GOETHEM Herman & SCHRAM Laurence, Lecture The Jewish presence in Limburg by “Dit is géén Jodendeportatie. Een enigmatische Dorien Styven, Familiekunde Vlaanderen (Flan- foto in de Plantin en Moretuslei in Antwerpen”, ders Genealogy, Genk) Kazerne Dossin Issues, 2015-1, www.kazerne 09.12.2015 Lezing De Joodse aanwezigheid in Limburg door SCHRAM Laurence, « Les sources autour de la Dorien Styven, Familiekunde Vlaanderen (Genk) caserne Dossin: comment faire l’histoire d’un lieu ? » in Ed. du Seuil, Revue Le Genre humain, 14.12.2015 La Microhistoire de la Shoah, Volume 2 – Les Lecture Deradicalization and disengagement by sources. Christophe Busch, Gevangeniswezen (Prison system), Brussels SCHRAM Laurence, Biography of Robert Maist- riau in de Nouvelle Biographie nationale at the 15.12.2015 request of the Académie royale des Sciences, Lecture Kazerne Dossin, 1942-1944 by Laurence des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Schram, Jewish Museum of Belgium (Brussels) Review by Laurence Schram of the book SAERENS Lieven, Rachel, Jacob, Paul et les autres – Une histoire des Juifs à Bruxelles, Mardaga, Brussels, 2014 in the Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis at the request of CEGE- SOMA.

25 26 Marketing & Communication

Schools research

As part of the schools campaign a survey was produced in cooperation with Fort Breendonk. Besides looking to gauge the satisfaction of teachers who visited one or both sites with their class, the survey also wanted to identify the motivation for school visits. The most fre- quent suggestions for improvements were the price per pupil, availability, the development of educational material and the match be- tween guide and group. On the basis of the findings, specific action was taken to attract more schools to Kazerne Dossin and Fort Breendonk.

zation of digital communication and customer Communication relation management. A thorough assessment was made of the The existing marketing plan was updated and museum’s website and it was updated on the expanded with an operational plan which pro- basis of feedback. For example, lectures were vides an overview of the annual planned com- added to the museum’s permanent offer and munication activities that are linked to a number the historical part of the website was expanded. of quantitative performance indicators. One of A landing page was created in Hebrew and the most important objectives was the optimi- Spanish with the international public in mind.

27 Further work was also done to improve the vis- scale mailings were sent out to attract more ibility of the website using Search Engine Opti- donations. All the newsletters are published mization. in Dutch and French, some also in English and In addition to the existing Kazerne Dossin German. newsletter, 2015 saw the creation of the first A new information leaflet about the museum newsletter for teachers. Every three months was printed in four languages as were new bro- they will receive more information about the chures for schools and Friends of the museum. museum, the educational program and tips Together with Adrem publishing, Kazerne Dossin relating to remembrance education. Two large- produced an exhibitions and events newspaper,

28 which was circulated in and around Mechelen. During the summer the Visit Flanders tourist information office in Brussels promoted the new Kazerne Dossin app. Further work was done to improve internal communication. The intranet was given a fresh new look.

Media Belgique Actualité En bref

Justice Sécurité Sécurité Farid Bamouhammad doit retourner en prison Deux obus enlevés Un institut de Kazerne Dossin featured in the press 280 times. La première chambre de la cour d’appel de Liège a réformé et mis à Londerzeel l’accidentologie en à néant lundi l’ordonnance de remise en liberté pour raison Le service d’enlèvement et de 165 Belgique Les Belges des camps, “héros” oubliés médicale de Farid Bamouhammad. Sa demande a été déclarée destruction d’engins explosifs CHIENS ET CHATS non fondée. “Farid Le Fou”, tel est son surnom, avait été libéré le (SEDEE) de l’armée a procédé à 165 cas d’importations La ministre de la Mobilité photographe Gérard “Raphaël” Algoet. 30 novembre dernier par le président du tribunal de première l’élimination de deux obus datant illégales de chiens et de Jacqueline Galant (MR) va mettre The special exhibitions and events generated a n Kazerne Dossin, Breendonk et instance pour raisons de santé. La cour d’appel a notamment de la Première Guerre mondiale, chats ont été notifiés en en place un Institut de Un double périple émouvant 2014. Parmi ceux-ci le Ceges marquent ensemble les souligné que Farid Bamouhammad avait créé son propre état a indiqué lundi le bourgmestre de l’accidentologie, qui sera Ils passèrent par Bergen­Belsen, d’urgence en décidant d’entamer une grève de la faim. (Belga) Londerzeel (Brabant flamand), figurent 79 chiens composé d’une équipe d’experts e recueillis en Roumanie et 70 ans de la fin de la 2 Guerre. Berchtesgaden, Dora­Mittelbau, Bu­ Jozef De Borger. Le premier obus de la circulation chargés avait été découvert dans la en Grèce, pays où la rage d’analyser les accidents et, de chenwald et Dachau. L’occasion de fa­ sévit encore, lit-on lundi great deal of interest, as did the police project, the meux reportages émaillés de moments “Bruxelles ignore tout de ses locataires.” matinée lors de travaux de dans “L’Avenir”. Le nombre cette manière, d’améliorer notre e septantenaire de la libération de émouvants comme par exemple les re­ fondation dans la commune. Les de ces importations comportement sur la route et la Belgique a été marqué en mode trouvailles entre Lévy et Arthur Haulot, RASSEMBLEMENT BRUXELLOIS POUR LE DROIT À lieux avaient alors été évacués, et illicites semble toutefois rendre plus sûrs nos routes et L mineur puisqu’aucune manifesta­ tous deux journalistes, des deux côtés L’HABITAT (RBDH) le service de déminage contacté. être bien plus important nos véhicules, écrivait lundi “Het tion fédérale n’a été mise sur pied des grilles du camp de Dachau… Suite de la publication lundi d’une étude mettant en lien pauvreté et Les militaires ont découvert un que les cas contrôlés. Laatste Nieuws”. (Belga) l’automne dernier. On risquait de revi­ Paul Michel Gabriel Lévy retrouva logement, la RBDH a appelé le monde politique à améliorer ses second obus au cours d’un 70-year liberation of the camps and the Biennial connaissances sur les difficultés des plus pauvres à se loger. vre ce que certains estiment être un l’Allemagne, mais comme conseiller examen plus approfondi. (Belga) déni de mémoire ces deux prochains technique au Commissariat pour le ra­ mois à propos cette fois des 70 ans de la patriement, quoique cette fois sans son fin de la Seconde Guerre. La commu­ ami Algoet, rencontré en Angleterre Police Justice ANSDE PASSION of the Moving Image CONTOUR 7. nauté historienne du pays a donc pris dans les sphères gravitant autour de la Boom des jouets contrefaits confisqués Deux ans de prison pour un Anversois qui s’est POUR LA les devants. Brigade Piron. Parallèlement, Kazerne CHAUSSURE En collaboration avec le Ceges (lire ci­ Dossin accueille à Malines une exposi­ en 2014 rendu en Syrie dessous), le Mémorial de Breendonk tion sur la mission belge qui suivit de Pas moins de 118 019 jouets contrefaits ont été saisis par les Hasan H. (33 ans), également surnommé le terroriste de la Sint- (seul camp de concentration belge) et près la libération de Buchenwald par services des douanes l’an dernier, contre 26 728 en 2013. Jansplein à Anvers, a été condamné à deux ans de prison par le Kazerne Dossin, le musée de la Shoah à l’armée américaine. Appelée mission Il s’agit d’une augmentation sans précédent du phénomène, tribunal correctionnel d’Anvers pour avoir été combattre en Syrie. Malines, inaugurent ces jours­ci une van Zeeland, elle comprenait aussi Wal­ indique lundi, dans les colonnes des journaux du groupe L’homme n’en était pas à son coup d’essai puisqu’il a déjà été double exposition focalisée sur le sort ter­Jean Ganshof van der Meersch, audi­ Sudpresse, le SPF Finances, qui rappelle les dangers de ces condamné l’an dernier à 12 ans de prison pour avoir planifié un des prisonniers belges dans les camps de teur général qui, ironie de l’histoire, y a produits non conformes et dangereux pour la santé des enfants. attentat et avoir recruté des jeunes pour aller se battre en l’horreur du Reich. Breendonk accueille retrouvé des compatriotes qu’il avait (Belga) Tchétchénie. (Belga) depuis lundi soir une expo de photos écartés en mai 40 parce que susceptibles mais aussi de documents et de pièces de porter atteinte à l’Etat belge. Ici en­ historique concrètes sur les traces du core, le duo Lévy­Algoet qui y a rencon­ grand correspondant de guerre que fut tré des rescapés laisse des souvenirs pre­ le journaliste et sociologue Paul M.G. nants, mais l’équipe de Kazerne Dossin Lévy qui présida pendant de longues sous la direction d’Herman Van

années le Mémorial de Breendonk. D.R. Goethem a aussi renforcé la qualité de Et si votre entreprise devenait la PME DE L’ANNEE 2015 le 4 juin ? Ultime photo commune à Dachau… Paul Lévy – en militaire – est en bas à droite, au 2e rang. l’expo en identifiant quelque 60 prison­ Paul M.G. Lévy avait “cassé” sa voix… niers belges et en reconstruisant leurs Il connaissait bien les lieux… Il en fut de résister jusqu’au bout. Assigné à rési­ histoires. “Ils n’étaient plus qu’un numéro, en effet le “pensionnaire” pendant un dence, il échappa à ses contrôleurs et a nous leur avons rendu un visage”, expli­ ans pour avoir refusé de prêter sa voix A la Libération, fini par rejoindre Londres où il retâta du que Dorien Styven, la collaboratrice International communication Dans le cadre de la 9e Journée de l’Excellence des PME de journaliste de l’INR – l’ancêtre de la il fit partie du micro. A la Libération, il fit partie du ré­ scientifique de Malines… RTB(F) à l’occupant. La radio de Londres seau Samoyède qui rendit les ondes bel­ Christian Laporte du 4 juin 2015, nous souhaitons comme chaque année, avait annoncé sa mort en novem­ réseau Samoyède ges libres avant de se muer en corres­ bre 1941; les nazis décidèrent donc de le qui rendit les pondant de guerre. C’est alors qu’il dé­ ULes deux expositions seront ouvertes mettre des entreprises (PME) en valeur. Elles seront libérer pour montrer le contraire, mais ondes belges libres. cida d’aller participer à la libération des jusqu’au 31 décembre. Rens.: www.kazer­ choisies en 2015 parce qu’elles brillent en ayant réussi n’avaient pas tenu compte de sa volonté camps nazis accompagné du cinéaste­ et un projet d’excellence, une initiative, un investissement s’appuyant sur une dimension qui constitue un des

DE STANDAARD facteurs clés du succès dans le futur… A number of tour operators and journalists visited D6 cultuur&media Le nouveau coup de gueule VRIJDAG du Ceges, 28 AUGUSTUS 2015 menacé de disparition par les coupes budgétaires BIENNALE VOOR VIDEOKUNSTUlfa CONTOUR Binet PALMT MECHELEN IN the museum in groups or individually. At press serait heureuse La Belgique, pays du surréalisme et des para­ compagnon de route de la N­VA chargé d’une de vous recevoir et doxes: dans la ligne de mire des restrictions du expertise à ce sujet par Elke Sleurs. Dotation de 75 000 € d’espaces publicitaires à prendre dans les médias du Groupe IPM : gouvernement fédéral, le Centre Guerre et vous présenter sa nouvelle Le sage-expert de la N-VA a été réduit au silence… sociétés contemporaines, l’institution de La Libre Belgique, La Dernière Heure/Les Sports, Paris Match, recherches fédérale Ceges (ou Cegesoma) est Le “hic” est que les propos de l’expert, qui, collection sérieusement menacé de passer à la trappe si le par ailleurs enseigne l’histoire de l’art à la VUB, Le Courrier International,,, DH RADIO. conferences in Hamburg and Berlin the museum Van Utopia totgouvernement fédéralUtoya maintient en 2016 les n’ont pas été appréciés. Il a donc été viré par le été 2015 restrictions linéaires. cabinet Sleurs que les scientifiques estiment Son directeur, Rudi Van Doorslaer l’a dit sans très mal entourée, arguant notamment que la ambages, lundi, à la présentation de la double Secrétaire d’Etat n’a toujours pas répondu à la Critères pour pouvoir participer : une PME est une entreprise qui compte un minimum de 11 travailleurs avec Vijfhonderd jaar geleden streek de humanistische denkerexposition surje la een fin devideo la Seconde zien die Guerre Sander qui waarmoindre More wel question vaker parlementaire… kwam. In een prachtige zaal met houten un maximum de 250, qui a un chiffre d’affaires supérieur à 2 millions d’euros avec un maximum de 50 millions d’euros was presented to some 50 German journalists. démarre simultanémentBreure & Witte à Kazerne Van Dossin Hulzen à En attendant, le Ceges participe aux deux Thomas More even neer in Mechelen. Die passage is niet maakten van een verlaten idylli­ plafond en verbluffende glasra­ ou qui a un total bilan de 10 à 43 millions d’euros. onopgemerkt voorbijgegaan. Dat blijkt uit de zevende Malines et ausche Mémorial eiland. de Bosrijk, Breendonk. gehuld Il n’est in menexpos. toont Logique: hij een c’est 8 mm­film chez lui que se trouve la pas seul à le penser:mist en il met a à ses sappig côtés groen tous les gras. waarincollection hij een de photoseerdere de perfor­ Raphaël Algoet et editie van het stadsparcours Contour,E.J. Binet & opgedragen Fils aan spécialistes belgesKortom, de laeen période droomlocatie. dont le Tot moin­ be­ mancequ’on uit comprend 1977 herneemt. le sens Daarin de l’engagement de dre n’est pas songint collègueduidelijk de te Gand, worden Bruno dat het De pluktPaul de M. kunstenaar G. Lévy lorsqu’il bloemen participe uit à la libéra­ More en zijn notie van utopie. 17,SAM Rue STEVERLYNCK Royale + d’infos sur In February six French tour operators paid a fa- 1000 Bruxelles Wever. Selonom eux, Utoya ce serait gaat, une het décision eiland totale­waar de tionBotanische des camps Tuin(lire in Antwerpen ci­dessus). Mais le Ceges est Anders Breivik een extreemrechts die hij wat verderop achterlaat Tél. 02/217.42.38 - 02/217.36.57 ment démesurée au regard des services rendus aussi pleinement dans le coup parce que “le rôle par ce centregeïnspireerde à l’historiographie massamoord contempo­ uit­ voorde het l’historien huis waar est More de dévoiler verbleef. les zones d’ombre de voerde. Op de achterkant van het Fabrice Hyber wil dan weer de E-mail: [email protected] raine depuis quarante­cinq ans… Cela n’aurait notre passé”. Puis à travers ces partenariats, “il aucun sens etscherm serait mortel zie je dan pour weer la recherche beelden lokales’agit bevolking de transcender bij het les project frontières parfois artifi­ e hebt zo van die boeken van migranten in overvolle, gam­ betrekken. Hij riep de inwoners scientifique, estiment­ils. Là ce n’est pas Van cielles de nos communautés et de nos structures”… miliarization visit to the museum in order to in- die haast niemand gele­ Accès voiture par la rue de Ligne 27 - P. Royale mele boten. Of hoe voor sommi­ van Mechelen en de rest van het zen heeft maar die toch Doorslaer quigen l’a ditde maisutopie Johan uitmondde Swinnen, in een un land op om hun persoonlijke uto­ C.Le een enorme invloed heb­ regelrechte dystopie. pieën op te sturen. Die zet hij ver­ ben uitgeoefend. Neem volgens in tekeningen en anima­ Jnu Utopia van10 ThomasLa Libre More. Belgique Hij - mardi 31 mars 2015 Ademruimte ties om. mardi 31 mars 2015 - La Libre Belgique 11 clude it in their program. Kazerne Dossin also took lanceerde daarmee niet alleen de Contour gaat ook – letterlijk – on­ De bezoeker wordt op deze editie courant gebruikte term ‘utopie’, dergronds in de Vlietenkelder, niet murw geslagen met een over­ maar formuleerde© S.A. IPM ook2015 pertinente. Toute représentation ou reproduction, même partielle, de la présente publication, sous quelqueeen van forme de que drie ce nieuwe soit, est locaties interdite sansop autorisationvloed aan préalablevideobeelden, et écrite zoals de l'éditeur wel­ ou de ses ayants droit. reflecties over de (ideale) maat­ deze editie. Het gaat om een zes­ eens kan gebeuren op dergelijke schappij. ‘More schreef het werk tiende­eeuws gedempt en over­ als kritiek op het Europa van die dekt stadskanaaltje dat tijdens de part in the Benelux Road Show in Frankfurt and tijd’, zegt curator Nicola Setari. Tweede Wereldoorlog fungeerde De bezoeker wordt ‘Veel van die kritiek is tegenwoor­ als schuilkelder. Michael Fliri’s dig nog steeds van kracht. Ik vind (zie cover DS2) video­installatie I op deze editie niet de link met het Europa van van­ Jan Fabre toont een video waarin hij bloemen pray to God I’m a false prophet murw geslagen daag, met haar immigratiecrisis plukt in de botanische tuin van Antwerpen. Die komt er mooi tot haar recht in het en grexit, zeer interessant.’ laat hij achter voor het huis in Mechelen waar duistere krocht. Het werk is ver­ met een overvloed Essen where contact was made with German- Setari nodigde 21 kunstenaars uit Thomas More verbleef. © Jan Fabre noemd naar een uitspraak van aan videobeelden, om in Mechelen aan de slag te More en verwijst zowel naar was­ zoals weleens gaan rond begrippen zoals utopie afdrukken van heiligen als ont­ en dystopie. En het moet gezegd: hoofdingen. gebeurt op Setari heeft zijn huiswerk goed ge­ De Libanees Rahib Mroué had biënnales speaking tour operators. Thanks to the successful maakt. Hij graaft niet alleen in het ook geen betere locatie voor zijn verleden van Mechelen, met als werk kunnen wensen. Hij vertrekt centraal gegeven de passage van van een jeugdherinnering over More, maar ook in het onderbe­ door het Israëlische leger ver­ biënnales. Er worden nooit te veel wustzijn van de stad aan de hand spreidde strooibriefjes. Daarin werken in één locatie getoond en van haar legendes en volksverha­ werd de Libanese bevolking opge­ bovendien krijgen ze voldoende cooperation with Toerisme Mechelen, over the len. Zoals de klopgeest De Nekker, roepen te vluchten indien ze niet ademruimte. Drie vierden zijn een metafoor voor het kwaad, die gebombardeerd wilden worden. nieuwe producties, een erezaak later akelig realistisch beli­ Dergelijke briefjes deelde hij voor Contour, wat wellicht mede chaamd zou worden door het na­ haast dertig jaar later opnieuw uit verklaart waarom de werken zo ziregime. aan mensen die er toen bij waren. mooi inspelen op de ruimtes. ‘Mechelen is een ambigue stad’, Tijdens het gesprek gaan ze die Dit is een overtuigende editie met next few years greater emphasis will be given to zegt de curator. ‘Het heeft een rijk onder zenuwachtig gefrunnik on­ gedegen werk, zonder echter al te verleden. Het was de hoofdstad bewust verscheuren, verfromme­ veel uitschieters die je van je sok­ van de Lage Landen. In de zestien­ len, verbranden of bekladden. Het ken blazen. Het levert niettemin de eeuw had je hier figuren zoals resultaat wordt getoond in een een compact parcours op dat het Margaretha van Oostenrijk en reeks kleurenfoto’s. In een video unieke, rijke erfgoed van Meche­ tourism and international relations. Keizer Karel. Maar in de twintig­ wat verderop wordt het huis van len mooi tot haar recht laat ko­ ste eeuw werd het een dystopie. Mroué vertraagd gefilmd terwijl men. De nazi’s kozen de stad als transit­ het wordt opgeblazen. Het zet de kamp voor deportaties.’ kunstenaar aan tot een mijmering Contour 7 Dat zie je in de vernieuwde Dos­ over het verleden, herinneren en ¨¨¨èè sinkazerne, het museum dat die vergeten. donkere pagina uit de Mechelse Jan Fabre palmt de mooiste loca­ Tot 8 november op verschillende geschiedenis herdenkt. Daar kan tie in met Hof van Busleyden, locaties in Mechelen.

Een verlaten, idyllisch eiland blijkt het fatale Noorse Utoya te zijn. © Sander Breure & Witte Van Hulzen Fund-raising 2016. This prompted other partners, such as the Council of Europe, the Department of Inter­ national Affairs and the City of Mechelen (Op. Thanks to the support of major financial part- Recht.Mechelen) to support the initiative as ners, in 2015 existing projects were expanded co-sponsors. and new initiatives launched. As a Founding The museum app was produced and launched Partner, the Stichting Belgisch Jodendom/Fon- thanks to an incentive grant from Visit Flanders, dation du Judaïsme de Belgique continued to while further work was done to develop an edu- fulfil that commitment and (among other things) cational app with the support of Claims Confer- financed the annual study trip and further digi- ence. Work on a strategic career and compe- tization of the archive. In return for the support tence policy got under way last year with the of our pedagogical expertise (in particular its support of the European Social Fund (ESF). application to specific target groups) Kazerne Thanks to the National Lottery, necessary an- Dossin was delighted and honoured that the nual maintenance work was carried out on Fonds Baillet Latour came on board as a gener- the Belgian pavilion in Auschwitz. The National ous sponsor. Lottery also provided a project subsidy for the Thanks to a grant from the IHRA (Inter­ manufacture of display cases for the permanent national Holocaust Remembrance Alliance), exhibition. progress was made on the organizational aspects Furthermore, Kazerne Dossin recruited a of the ‘Connecting Law & Memory’ conference number of new Friends through targeted cam- taking place at Kazerne Dossin in September paigns. The total number of Friends rose and

30 many loyal Friends renewed their commitment. fulfil Kazerne Dossin’s educational and museum Last year new sources of income (in-memo- mission. A small delegation from KD went on an riam plaques and bequests and legacies) were exploratory working visit to New York with a view investigated. From 2016 all those who hold to fund-raising. The prospects and opportuni- Kazerne Dossin dear will be given the chance to ties look promising and the first American gifts support the museum and memorial and to help are expected in 2016.

Feedback “Grande ouverture sur les différentes problématiques mondiales.” “Een museum dat niemand mag missen.”

“The visit was extremely moving and very informative. I believe it is a must “Everyone should come here on for any human being in order to learn a regular visit and self assess an important lesson from history.” what comes out from their hearts, minds and mouths.”

“Indrukwekkend. Een topmuseum.” “Très belle réalisation pour remémorer à chacun ce que fut une des pages les plus sombres de notre histoire.” “Danke für ein ausgewogene Darstellung! Es gab auch Entlastendes für deutsche “I found the experience Besucher!” particularly interesting for its being full of light, which is quite uncommon “Een niet te ontlopen boodschap van for holocaust museums, het verleden aan het heden, en dat and for the attempt to alles in een bijzonder geslaagd gebouw.” open the discussion to human rights today and to other genocides.”

31 Organization

Staff Organization development

20 full-time employees In recent years Kazerne Dossin has undergone (8 men, 12 women) an explosive growth as an organization. In 2015 it entered a phase of stabilization in which the 4 part-time employees existing organization structure was reviewed (4 women) and adapted functionally to the strategic objec- tives of the long-range policy plan. In 2015 the 4 people joined the organization process of amalgamating the Education, Mar- 9 left keting and Communication departments started with a view to merging them into a Public team in 2016. In the next few years that team will focus on visitor support and visitor projects, mediation and reach in a bid to achieve an inte- grated approach and strategy centered on the visitor. Operational objectives and activities were added to the 2015-2019 longterm policy plan.

32 Organogram on January 1st 2016 M ultimedia External security services Expert Executive assistant Collaboration administration Collaborator Front Desk & Museumshop Collaborator technics and logistics Collaborator maintenance Department of Administration HR Department Front Desk Museumsho p Service ICT Purchase Security Head of Administration & HR Head of Front Desk Head of ICT / Purchase & Security Operational director / Cluster staff services and operations Executive board Board of directors General meeting General Director - curator Fundraising & sponsoring Public affairs mediator Collaborator digitalisation Collaborator digitalisation Senior researcher Researcher Researcher Collaborator Educational Department Collaborator Educational Department Collaborator BCH Department of Collections Research Department of Public affairs

Head of Education Head of Communication/Marketing Head of Collections & Research

33 Cluster Public, Collections Research Human resources

A grant from the European Social Fund (ESF) en- up in 2016. A plan to tackle burn-out will be abled Kazerne Dossin to step up its human re- added to the labour regulations. sources activities. The plans are founded on Lastly, a number of HR procedures were fi- three cornerstones: leadership, competence nalized. For example, the first induction bro- management and career policy. chure for new members of staff was published In recent years considerable investments and a definitive ruling introduced regarding have been made in the leadership aspect by or- working at home. ganizing intensive training programs on coach- ing and result oriented management. The man- agers are monitored on an ongoing basis during intervisions with an HR coach which provide Training scope for feedback on daily practices. In the autumn of 2015 the second aspect – competence management – was tackled, partly Kazerne Dossin sets great store by an open by drawing up competency profiles and formu- learning culture and encourages staff to follow lating generic and management competency external training courses. In 2015 employees models. This approach was also applied to de- attended the following courses: veloping policy relating to feedback, evaluation, recruitment and visitor reception. Each HR sub- Hospitality sector was assessed for diversity and gender and age neutrality. Receiving visitors and guiding – Hospitality ex- The third cornerstone relates to strategic ca- cellence in the tourist industry – Young people reer policy. This comprises the prevention of and vulnerable groups in volunteer work – Wel- burn-out, a clear definition of work and private coming tourists from India, China and Russia life, opportunities for career development, mo- bility and learning. During the summer a ques- Education and outreach tionnaire was devised to assess the level of satisfaction among staff on such aspects as Didactic: from story to action – Radicalism and opportunities and training, work-life balance, extremism: A counter argument – Handling con- atmosphere and equality, cooperation with troversial statements in class managers, directors and board. In addition Idewe (a firm specialized in optimizing work environments) carried out an analysis of psy- chosocial risks. On the basis of the survey and the risk analysis, an action plan will be drawn

34 Work visits

Marketing, communication and Hermitage (Amsterdam), Jewish Historical external relations Museum (Amsterdam), MAS (Antwerp), Royal Museum of Armed Forces and Military History Good practices with digital museum apps – (Brussels), Dr Guislain Museum (Ghent), Maut­ Exhibition texts in museums – Projects for the hausen Memorial (Mauthausen), Gedenkstätte elderly and people with dementia – Tools and Buchenwald (Weimar), United States Holocaust methods for family-friendly public products – Memorial Museum (Washington, National To- Writing texts for the general public – Cross-bor- bacco Museum (Ploegsteert), Sportimonium der philanthropy – crowdfunding and venture (Hofstade), Museum of Jewish Heritage (New philanthropy – Search Engine Optimization York), YIVO (New York), Kleinman Center (Brooklyn), National Septem- Archives and research ber 11 Memorial and Museum (New York).

Publishing Finding Aids in a Digitally Joined-up World - Open History Workshop Security Administration and HR

Training on the basic principles of intervention In 2015 Kazerne Dossin took extra precautions by contact persons – Topical social and juridical regarding the safety of visitors and staff. An issues integral security plan relating to internal and external safety was drawn up. A more detailed Security and IT security plan supported by the Flemish Govern- ment will be rolled out in 2016 in close coop- Google Apps for non-profit organizations – Basic eration with police, security services and exter- principles of iBooks – Security Awareness nal experts. Training – Art Meets Security


Intervision coaching


Hebrew – Yiddish

35 2015 in a nutshell

36 ⊳ 27.01.2015 Flemish Education Minister Hilde Crevits and the heads of education net- works signed the declaration of commitment for more remembrance education in class.

▼ 04.04.2015 Former Flemish Minister-President and grandson of a political prisoner Patrick Dewael opened the exhibition Liberation! Belgians in German Camps.

37 ⊳ 21.07.2015 On Belgian National Day King Filip and Queen Mathilde stopped at the information stand in Warandepark/ Parc de Bruxelles in Brussels to listen to the story of Kazerne Dossin.

▼ 29.08.2015 Museum played host to CONTOUR 7. For the first time Kazerne Dossin hosted an installation for the Biennial of the Moving Image in Mechelen.

38 01.10.2015 Scores of objects were transferred from the archive to the exhibition modules in the museum. From now on the objects will be on permanent display.

39 30.11.2015 On the museum’s third birthday honorary curator Ward Adriaens was made a Knight of the Order of Leopold.

40 10.12.2015 On Human Rights Day the exhibition The Armenian Genocide, 100 years on opened in the presence of Mechelen’s Armenian community.

41 With thanks to

Kazerne Dossin staff, guides and volunteers Roger Claeys (affiliated member), Karel Van Liempt affiliated member), Jan Deboutte Executive committee (affiliated member), Johan Meeusen (affiliated member) and Luc Dufresne (affiliated member) Eric Stroobants, Chairman Claude Marinower, Vice-chairman Founding partners Georges Ingber, Treasurer Norbert De Batselier, Secretary National Bank of Belgium Stichting Belgisch Jodendom/Fondation du Board of directors Judaïsme de Belgique Telenet Eric Stroobants, Claude Marinower, Georges Ingber, Norbert De Batselier, Marc Gross, With thanks to Hilde Kieboom, Michel Laub, Bart Somers, Oscar Vankesbeeck and Diane Verstraeten Flemish Government / Claims Conference / Fonds Baillet Latour / International Holocaust Remem- Board of directors brance Alliance (IHRA) / Council of Europe / National Lottery / P&V / City of Mechelen / Eric Stroobants, Claude Marinower, Georges Brussels-Capital Region / Department of Foreign Ingber, Norbert de Batselier, Marc Gross, Hilde Affairs / Flemish Ministry of Education / Flemish Kieboom, Michel Laub, Bart Somers, Oscar Van Ministry of Culture, Youth, Sport and Media / Kesbeeck, Diane Verstraeten, Luk Lemmens, King Baudouin Foundation / SD Worx / European Joël Kotek, Dimokritos Kavadias, Marleen Social Fund (ESF) / Toerisme Vlaanderen / Vanderpoorten, Louis Vos (affiliated member), Toerisme Mechelen / Evens Foundation et al

42 Kazerne Dossin wishes to thank all its Friends and in particular

Supporting Friends

Christophe Beukelaers, Boortmeerbeek, Belgium Anneke Crevits, Blankenberge, Belgium Ann Stoop, Bazel, Belgium Educational Committee Arthur Trau, Antwerp, Belgium

Lisbet Colson (VSKO) Patron Friends Bénédicte Franck (CPEONS) Philippe Plumet (Démocratie ou Barbarie) Barry Kirschner Esq. and Leslie Nixon Esq., Belen Sanchez (Démocratie ou Barbarie) Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. Yves Monin (Démocratie ou Barbarie) Justine Renders, Keerbergen, Belgium Nina Reip (German-speaking community) Marina Sampieri, Brussels, Belgium Frie van Camp (OVSG) Jef Van De Wiele (POV) For supporting the Lincy Van Twembeke (GO!) Drancy-Auschwitz publication Wim Verdyck (educational advisor) Patsi Ambach, Rose Fachler and Denise Gaert- ner-Ramet (Friends of the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance)

Gifts to the Friends of Kazerne Dossin

Diamantclub van Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium Suzy Bloch-Jacobs, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France

Our thanks also to the other Friends of Kazerne Dossin whose contributions were a great support.


Kazerne Dossin Goswin de Stassartstraat 153 2800 Mechelen, Belgium T +32 (0)15 29 06 60 F +32 (0)15 29 08 76 [email protected]