Contend Shows
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LSje ami wegui,y isgiui, vmu-u •• — contend shows non- dee( jliance on the part of the Pun ship, brought out the ire in w^s' ship administrator Ed Mur- me? tor e letters, as recent as July 18, ri°^ liasize the. state's concern that • " township's use pf Hanson . jTaJl e conform to Green Acres J^" rani rules, and regulations, }9^ tract encumbrances," and. H* Page A-2 CRANFORD CHRONICLE.. Thursday, August 2,1990 Thursday, August 2, 1990 CHRONICLE Paep A-3 Bargains and entertainment UCC offers class in sign High Street bridge makeover ' A • program in Ainericair sign ' language studies will be offered .fV. "» ifcirt^ af-stat£-eouncil_ B Th? new prog^m. whl^h will ^^ speci hih il ! Cranford's annual summer side- linen, greeting cards, household begin Sept 5, -will" lead to a col- guistics, criuDntiplcaflons, By Cheryl Moulton walk sales, involving more than 40 lege certificate of proficiency in ogy, social' Work; human The old High Street bridge The new bridge will shift the LIQUOR AND CORDIAL SPECIALS items, gifts, bicycles, jewelry, roadway more towards Droes- Bacardi Smirnoff stores, will be held today, tomor- hardware, paint, food and many American sign language studies and-or special education, could' get a complete makeover as .Old Smuggler Gllbey's cher's Mill, but will not affect the Rum Vodka row and Saturday, rain or shine. other items;" which is separate from the. inter- ates will be prepared to early as 1991 now that the project building or the nearby park Ac- I Scotch Gin Sale hours for most stores will be preters for the deaf program. these 'ty^p has approval of th6 state Historic 1.75 Uter 1,75 Uter 1.75 Uter Features for the family include ASL a cording to township administrator I 1.75 Uter Thursday and Friday 9 am. to 9 The ASL option is, Resigned ft>r ' Preservation Council, leaving the Edward Murphy, the 19th century $ $1 399 p.m., Saturdays to 6 p.nt Mikey, the Magical Clown, who .-;''T township only to obtain the fed- $13" will appear all three days from 10 character of the bridge will be re- j 15" Hiram Walker "All participating merchants eral go-ahead. tained. B&B have taken extra special mark- am. to 2 p.m. Mikey will ride his Reconstruction of the bridge will • Philadelphia Cherry Brandy •> unicycle, juggle and perform skits WE HAVE SIDEWALK There are seven bridges that Liqueur downs for this weekend only," not be a burden to local taxpayers 750 ml said Sam Kutner of Cranford on the sidewalks and in the street since 75 percent funding is ex-cross the river on the north side 1.75 Uter $ Bootery, chairman of this year's There will be background music PRICES THAT WON^TUfty^i$0i pected from the federal govern- of town, The High Street bridge and helium balloons for childrea has been cited by police and fire $ $"1H99 19" vt Free balloons and lemonade! ; ;V: ^ ;v ment, and the balance from the departments as vital and a neces- "This is the time to get bargains state. According to township engi- 00 As a coirimunily service, this sity. - . 2 WINE/CHAMPAGNE WARM BEER that woift be seen again until year, free blood pressure screen- ^T^k< Bring hbriuithepi&tife neer Karen Kramkowski, the Superior next year," Kutner said. "There ings will be sponsored by Cran- . o» .idC*^ perfect bouquet! " township needed the approval of -% Glen Ellen "'$Q99§ will be bargains for men, women ford Board of Health today and the council before proceeding £ White 24-11 o?u botflies • r . and children-looking for clothing, tomorrow from 11 am. to 2 p.m. at with the overall review process. c 750 ml August 2, 3, 4 Heineken 99 < shoes,' books, sporting goods, Bell's Pharmacy. Citing federal and state approvals SIDEWALK SALES |spmmel(t| Carlo Rossi $14 Stop by! Enter to win!, as part of the process, Kram- 24-12«.,bdttiBS o Blanc De Btane Rhine ' Grolsch $ kowski indicated, "There is one $ 99 step left and we. are done." 2C% €ff 3 1.5 Uter 3 24 -12 oz. bottles 14" Our policy- on corrections 10% to 50% #F Currently there are only three Austrian lace iBbUi" I Brut or Schaefer $599 bridge crossings on the south side TheCranfbrd Chronicle mil -promptly correct errors of fact, context • Silk Flowers •Dolls By The Yard > Bardollno Champagne 24-12OZ. cans (pluati-OO manufacturing rebate) of town and there is a. need, for a $ or presentation and clarify any news content that confuses or mis- • Pillows •Decoys 1.5 Uter fl stronger bridge to hold general 750 ml $399 StrohS Reg. or Light $Q99 leads readers. Please, report errors to Chronicle editor Patricia An- Shower Curtains. And much, much;rndrel! traffic and heavy trucks. Fontana Moet 24-12,oceans J derson, 102 Walnut Ate J Cranford, NJ. 07616,.276-6000; Alt correc- Up to 50% Off tions and clarifications vM appear in this space on this page as a The bridge, which crosses the Candida White Star BudweiSCr Returhables $Q99 convenience and'courtesyto our readers. Rahway River, was built: in 1873. Cmt Set Otto SwifmiMi' 1.5 Uter CONTEST WINNERS: Cranford eighth graders Kimberly In December of 1984 the bridge 750 ml *1 7 |24-12oz bottles (plus $1,20 dapoat)- . Swenseri and Matt Taglialavore are congratulated by county' •During a July 23 Municipal Court hearing Karl Frey of Cranford At "Reduced, Qood ttuouoh 8/4*). AH ul« K«m» ari buh and cany; (Whwy.availably olH wrapplnfl and.llquor did not plead guilty to driving while intoxicated July 8 on North was closed after debris began to baskaU avaBabto. Manawmant may llmK qiinlMioa. Not responsible tor typo errora. This coupon murt manager Ann Baran, left, and Joan Burke of-county family! Avenue '.in Garwood His license already was suspended for an fall from the bridge during a SaWartad^tin-ToTpurohaaa. th« pricM In this ad are sat by WtWcka and may not be avallabla «t intake unit on their honorable mention awards in annual drug earlier DWI conviction. 116 North Ave W., Cranford • 276-4700. heavy rainfall. The bridge was othar locaUona. *A11 prices DO NOT lncluda«ale» tax •. ._ -prevention essay contest that drew 500 entries 143 Chestnut St, Rosalie Park • Mwyr PRIZE BOUNTY: Andrea Mueller, 9, shows off prize vegeta- closed until the spring of 1985 DITTRICKS DISCOUNT WINES & LIQUORS 130 W Third Ave., ROSBHB • 241-2700 when the county constructed a '|; the Crawford Avenue children's community garden, temporary bridge on top of the old 2 North Avenue •Garwood • 789.0525 ^ttt^be^^r^i^umbers^ "Mon-Saf,9.arn to 10 pm •.Sunday 1 to) O.O8:3U0 • I. JTrout gives bridge l_ — — — Valuable Coupon GoodThhi 8/4/90 iblood agents Plane noise for children RAIN OR SHINE RAN seeks,- INSIDEOR In January Granford resident .oufsi CRANFORD Bob Trout? began donating plate^ lets to help "a" specific, leukemia Thurs tires-- patient at; Children's. Hospital of Thurs:, FrL, Sat. Philadelphia. He also recruited DEWALK > Cranford Stop the Noise Com- friends to make the trips more SALES rnittee will h^ve protest sheets Aug. 2,3, 4 ,'fun, and because of the tremen- and letters available for signature SIDEWALK SALES -Ndous need for platelets. at a table on N. Union Avenue 5' Luckily, his recipient Went into during sidewalk sale days. \sass» Remission. ("We went to his birth- The' comihi ttee has been in the gay party two weeks ago," said foreftont of i the battle against JTrout), The demand for platelets, •massive rerouting of commercial Thursday Aug. 2: 9-9 pm Siowever,- didn't dwindle, and .1 aircraft 'at/lbw altitudes without JFrout and friends continue donat- ••?i>eineflt^einviroiMnenta.l study by Friday Aug, 3: 9-9 pm ing platelets as often as they caa thei FAX' in 1987. Stop the Noise is J "There's always a heed," he. collecting: .protest signatures and Sat. Aug. 4: 9-6 pm All Nike Cycling Jerseys and Shorts 40% OFF [aid, "Also, they give you a free letters, to 'present to : fedeiral and unch, cookies and juice, free inr , state: legislators demanding cor- Ladies Jerseys Mens/Unisex Jerseys '39.95 SALE »23.95 door parking, and you get to rective action. '42.00 SAU '25.20 'atch a movie." . • . .. '.•'•'• GIGANTIC SIDEWALK SALE! •27.50 SAIM '16.50 ^SenatorsForank Laiitenberg and •52.95 SAU '31.75 Platelets, which act as blood iiBlll Bria^ley, recently outlined pro- •33.00 MUM 9.80 lotting agents, are necessary for bosaisi to introduce federal legis- •38.50 W«'23.10 •54.95 SAU ^32.95 lost-operatiye; recovery .. frqm • Wi^m atibn to phase out older noisier ione-marrow transplants. ''Witii- AH RJ Cycling Shorts 40% Off >ut platelets, patients will dieT* ' .iM; aid Trout, adding that not all e panel reg. '33.95 SAU '23.95 Jpeople are able to donate, but if '42^00 Sa 6 panel reg. '29.95 SAU '17.95 jthey pas's 3 series of tests they can u'5fi|)0 shorts SAU l33.00 Jdonate up to 26 times per year. .^r-^vi^ruiie Atlantic Oqean for •49.50 shorts SAU '29.70 All Descehte Shorts 20% OFF J. "It makes you feel terrific," he comnlercial air traffic; •55.00 SAU '44.00 ; "I am glad both senators from {said. "If you go up and see those •75.00 SAU '60.00 Skids, you'U ask if there is some- liiNevv' Jersey have become aware INSIDE & ; "of this problem which affects 18 of jthing more you can do." M | Anyone interested in becoming a 21 counties," said Paul LaCorte, All Lake Touring Shoes 50% Off $49.95 ....