The Cornerstone Newsletter

February, 2020 Rev. Calvin J. Cook, Minister Phone: 814-837-7120 FAX: 814-837-8047 Email: [email protected] Website:

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Pastor’s Reflections: I want to encourage you to find this perfect will as we move nearer to God in all ways, places and times. Peace to you! Praying for you! And love you with a love that God gives. Our focus for February will be the book of James. Our “go to scripture” will be James 4:8: “Draw

near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse Throughout January we have been focusing on your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you Romans 8:28. (We know that all things work together double-minded”. for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose). Have you taken the words of the Apostle Paul from this passage and written then onto your hearts and into your memory? Blessings, These words of scripture remind us in many Pastor Calvin ways of the need to focus on the will of God for our lives. These also help us to realize the call and purpose of God in our lives.

I remember many years ago a young woman who realized the call and purpose for her life. She expressed the weight she felt lifted. More importantly this “battered by life soul” realized God’s amazing love for her. Because of that she confessed that for the first time she was able to love others the way God’s love was experienced by her. The lesson I learned from this woman speaks to my heart today. The words of Romans 8:28 “that in all things God is working”. However, there is also a need for us to make new priorities to guide us. Through this realization we will come to experience God’s perfect will for each of us. Through this personal realization and following God’s will, it will pour out into our community and church to realize God’s will in these places.

One thing is sure, that through a discerning spirit we have to be sure that it is indeed God’s direction, not ideology, another person or even self.

Poverty Ministries Bonnie Fuller, Tina Steudler Hospitality Ann Bokma & Sonja Geer Audio Don Lundeen & Craig Rudolph Altar Guild Don & Pinky Holt Kimbrough Library Jackie Durnell Librarian Adam Hickey OUR CHURCH STAFF Newsletter Jan Reynolds and Pastor Rev. Calvin Cook Dawn Stefani Administrative Assistant Jan Reynolds Nursery Attendant Mary Williams Youth, Ministry & Outreach Evangelism Barry Morgan Coordinator Dawn Stefani Prayer Ministries Natalie DeWalt Sanctuary Organist and Health Ministries Rebecca Miller Financial Secretary Debbie Airgood Connections Facilitator Pam Wright Treasurer (Current Account) Jill Grosch Technology & Social Media Debbie Woodford Chapel Organists/Accomp. Ann Bokma Members at Large Tina Steudler (2020) Kristi Gelsick and Bill Whiteman (2021) Robynn Boyer (2022) Adam Hickey Sanctuary Choir Director Kathy Long Celebration Bells Director, Young Adult / Youth Choir Lori Avenali Wesley Preschool Director Laura Zampogna Stahli Custodian Rusty Harp DISCIPLES SERVING IN FEBRUARY MUSIC MINISTRY TEAM Children’s Choir Director Coleen Lundeen FEBRUARY WORSHIP LEADERS Accomp. Children’s Choir Kristi Gelsick (If you have a question or need to switch, please Puppet Ministry Directors Kristi Gelsick & contact Penny Barber (837-7885) or the Church office. Lindsey Reigel Thank you). Beginning Chimes Director Kathy Long February 2 8:30am Natalie DeWalt

11:00am Donna Nelson CHURCH COUNCIL MEMBERS 2020- 2021 February 9 8:30am Danette Sarvey Church Council Chair Derek Dangelo 11:00am Penny Barber Co-Chairperson to Council Bonnie Fuller Lay Leader Bonnie Fuller February 16 8:30am Youth Lay Rep. to Annual Conf. Debbie Woodford 11:00am Youth Alternate Representative Kathy Long February 23 8:30am Karen Hickey Finance Chairperson Danette Sarvey 11:00am Jill Thompson Trustee Chairperson John Simons Staff-Parish Relations Chair Debbie Woodford FEBRUARY GREETERS Ministry & Outreach Dawn Stefani United Methodist Men Larry Anderson February 2 8:30am Aneta Johnson United Methodist Women Donna Nelson 11:00am Geoff Perry Nursery Rebecca Miller February 9 8:30am Larry Wise Worship Ann Bokma 11:00am Carol Stanko Education Linda Hearst Missions Donna Nelson, Mary Thompson February 16 8:30am Youth Head Usher Bill Whiteman 11:00am Youth Greeters Kathy Cledgett Worship Leaders Penny Barber February 23 8:30am Regina & Jeff Greenman Communion Leader Needed 11:00am Linda & Jack Hedlund

FEBRUARY SPECIAL MUSIC USHERS: FEBRUARY Saturday Night: Larry Anderson 8:30am 8:30am Chapel: Craig Rudolph and helpers 11:00am Sanctuary Stephenie Pena’s Team 2nd Kathy Long 9th Becky Miller 16th Youth/Young Adult Choir NURSERY HELPER SCHEDULE FOR FEBRUARY 2 Eliana Gelsick Saige Guadagnino 23rd 9 Erica Lundeen Rachel Danielson 16 Natasha Stevens Emma Danielson 23 Evan Reigel Brady Danielson 11:00am 2nd Sanctuary Choir ACOLYTES. 9th Children’s Genesis Choir Will be announced on Sundays 16th Youth/Young Adult Choir 23rd Sanctury Choir ______

FEBRUARY ALTAR FLOWERS 2nd 9th Calvin and Gail Cook – God’s Love 16th rd 23

During our 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Worship FEBRUARY RADIO BROADCAST SPONSORS services we offer Nursery Care for our young children. ($45.00 per broadcast) Mary Williams is our attendant. If you desire to take (If you are interested in sponsoring a radio broadcast, your child to the nursery and are unfamiliar as to the please sign up or phone the church office, 837-7120) location, any usher or church member would be more 2nd than happy to assist you. 9th Katherine Magnuson, Mem. of my sister, Parents/Guardians/Grandparents will be given a hand- Martha held pager for their convenience in the event you need 16th to be contacted during the service time. Mary is also 23rd available in the nursery for some of our special

programs and choir/bell rehearsals during the months

FEBRUARY ORGANISTS/ACCOMPANISTS – that they rehearse. 8:30am

2nd Ann Bokma 9th Ann Bokma 16th Kristi Gelsick 23rd Adam Hickey The Mission of the United Methodist Men (UMM) is To Help Men Grow in Christ. COMMUNION STEWARD FOR FEBRUARY February 1st and 2nd The United Methodist Men met on Sunday morning, February 2nd at 7:30am for a time of Nancy Rudolph fellowship and a breakfast. Discussion was held on the upcoming Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper to be held on Tuesday, February 25th - 4:30 to 6:30pm. All men are always invited to come and join with them.


by: Donna Nelson The activities of the Mission Team are rather slow February’s blood drive was held February 3rd from at this time due to the holidays and the winter weather. Noon to 6:00 PM in Bartlett Hall. The holiday season Some of our faithful sewers have traveled to warmer always creates a higher demand for blood and there climates until spring. All items that we collected for the Erie Alliance seems to be a shortage at this time. Please consider have been delivered to them and we see that more donating. Any questions see Judy Haight or Dawn items are coming in. It’s good to see how so many Stefani or phone the church office at: 837-7120. people respond to this great need for the homeless and Thank you. less fortunate. ______The Haiti situation is better, and the team is very hopeful to make a return trip in late February or early March. If you take the time to visit Pastor Calvin’s Facebook page you can see the progress on the school. It is amazing. The children are currently attending school in the banana grove until the school is completed, which hopefully will be soon!

We have classes from Nursery aged children,

Elementary aged children, Middle school, High school, young adults and the mature adults. There is a place YOUTH MINISTRIES for YOU. Come and join us Sunday mornings at by: Dawn Stefani 9:30am. You are more than welcome!

______Youth group is being held most Sundays from 5 to UNITED METHODIST WOMEN 6:30 PM. Any youth grades 6 to 12 is welcome to by: Donna Nelson attend. Please pass this on to anyone you think might enjoy this group. The Youth had a great time at the parsonage for their Christmas Party. Thanks to Pastor Calvin and Gail for hosting and Becky Miller for running the activities.

Several of the Youth attended a presentation about the Nothing much going on right now. Our first internet, social media and human trafficking at the th meeting of the year will be March 10 at 7:00pm. This Assembly of God Church in East Kane along with their will be our memorial service for those women who Youth on January 26th. Tonia Hartzell and Megan passed away in 2019. All women are invited and Inghram were the presenters and the program was encouraged to attend. specifically designed for their age group to inform them of these issues, how they relate to them and how

they can use this information to help themselves and night or help plan some of the things we do. Please get their friends be safe. ahold of me, Becky Miller or Pastor Calvin if you will From January 31st to February 2nd several of our join in. youth will be attending “Snowbound”. This is a retreat at Wesley Woods Camp where our kids join with FROM THE MINISTRY AND OUTREACH youth from Corry’s Methodist church for a weekend of COORDINATOR fun and drawing closer to God. By: Dawn Stefani

Enclosed in this newsletter is a survey for you Youth Sundays have gone well so far. We are very to complete about the different ministries of our church proud of our youth for stepping up and out of their and how you can share your gifts and talents in them. comfort zones to be an integral part of our worship Please prayerfully consider in what areas you want to time. They are great examples to us all. participate and either return the survey to the church office, put it in the offering plate or come see me Second Sunday lunches have been decently attended anytime. I look forward to seeing where God is calling but we would always love to see more of your smiling you to serve. faces there. February 9th is the next lunch and we will There will be a “Souper” Bowl Sunday lunch be serving Spaghetti and Meatballs with garlic bread on February 2nd after 11:00 AM Church service. It will and dessert all for a donation. Come join us and thank be held in Bartlett Hall and take outs will be available. you for your continued support. You can drop off your soup donations before 8:30 Church or after it any time up until the meal. If you have a crock pot to keep it warm, we would appreciate There is a plan to take the youth on an overnight you bringing that, but we have a few we can use if excursion February 16th after 11:00 AM church and needed. All proceeds will go to our Good Samaritan head south toward the Pastor and Gail’s homestead and Fund. This is a fund established to help persons that the following day visit the Flight 93 Memorial. The come to the church with some emergent needs that rest of the trip’s activities are still in the works but it is they have not been able to meet any other way. The sure to be a memorable time. situation is presented to a small group of anonymous church members and they review it and determine if it is something for which we as a church can provide Rebecca Miller and her brother, Michael Airgood are assistance. This fund is nearly depleted. Our church planning a lock-in event for our youth and the youth has been able to help many persons and families with from Michael’s church to take place here at Kane 1st this fund so let’s keep this service going. Please sign February 21st through the 23rd. The details are not yet up to bring a soup or just come join us to eat it. There available but hold on to your hats because it’s sure to is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to help us have be something the youth do not want to miss. an idea of what soups will be presented.

A Safe Sanctuaries Training is scheduled for Because of all of this activity, there will not be any February 8th, 2020 from 9:30 am to 12:30 PM at 1st regular youth group meetings this month. We will pick United Methodist Church in Warren. Anyone even back up on March 1st at 5 PM. We would love to have remotely involved with children and youth must the families of our youth become more actively attend. This includes staff and volunteers. If you are involved in the group and its activities. Maybe you can not sure that includes you, please contact Jan in the be the additional adult at one of the meetings or on one Church Office and review it with her. This is a of the trips, maybe you could provide the meal one valuable training that helps us keep our children and

youth safe. Also, if you want to carpool let us know and we will try to arrange that.

(From our most current listing) The After School Program is going well. We have PRAYERS TO BE LIFTED: Dave Silvis, Delbert anywhere from 4 – 15 kids on any given day. I would Maze, Paul Neelson * Brandon Kowatch * Pat Vantine * like to thank our faithful core of volunteers that help Nik Guadagnino * Jeff Kempf * Jon Stanley * Sydney supervise this program: Pam Wright, Jackie Nelson, Huntzinger * Angelina Mayo * Jerry Blum * Xenia Burows Sheri Swanson, Kerry and Bill Thompson, Bonnie * Erin Hannon * Marianne Rook * Linda Knapp * Erin Fuller and of course Pastor Calvin and Gail. If you Brinkley * Bill Gilmore * Andrea Mayo * Lexi Wilson * think this is something God is calling you to, please Brady Jones * Jack Hedlund * Jake DeWalt * Pat Smith * see me or one of the other volunteers or stop by one of John Bosco * Donna Heeter * Don Busch * Lawanda Knauer the days to check it out. They are a great bunch of kids. * Brad Avenali * David Banks * Melissa Burton * Virgil If you don’t think you can supervise but still want to Gillotti * Betty Straneva * Robynn Boyer * Dillon Whiteman help, maybe you have an activity you can do with them * Audrina Penwell & Family * Amy (Roth) Peterson * sometime or a meal or snack you can provide. This Jennifer Lorenzo (Ruth Heeter’s daughter-in-law) * Dwayne program is providing an important need in our Anderson * Laura Galvin * Anthony Mayo * Joan Walker & children * Tom Grosch * Isaiah Rudolph * Linda Eschrich * community. Come see what a difference you can make Kevin Housler * Ellen Hulings * Beverly Magnuson * and what a blessing it will be to you as well. Richard Besecker * Baby Brielle Paronish * Jodi Perry * ______Linda Hedlund * Brooke Thompson * Al Stefani * John (JR) FIRST QUARTER JUG COLLECTION Forsyth * Judy Punk * 3endy Fuller * Laura Crosby * Kerry Thompson * Alex Tingley * Karin & Randy Schatz * Sue January, February, March 2020 Zampogna * Nita Peteerson * CAMPERSHIP FUND CHURCH and COMMUNITY PRAYER REQUESTS: Our church, First responders and fire personnel, men & women of the military, the TARGETED GIVING FOR FEBRUARY IS: homeless, OLMSTED MANOR WATER PROJECT SYMPATHIES TO: The family of Tom Johnston * The family of Elaine Gillotti * The family of Tom Anderson * The Family of Maureen Carlson * The Family of Darlene Moon * The Family of Adam DeSio * The Family of Glenn Powell * The family of Marsha Jerman * The Family of Carlene-Novosel Johnson * ESTHER – A BIBLE STUDY BY BETH MOORE Those that are homebound and in nursing care facilities: LUTHERAN HOME: Madeline Anderson , David Banks, Morning and evening groups are meeting. John Bloomquist, George Chatmon, Lee Holmes, Barbara Grace Lenox is leading this six session winter Jones, Marion Larson, Joyce Ross, Margie Salvamoser, women’s bible study and all women were invited to Candy Schreiber, Bobi Smith, and Vivian Wolfgang join. The evening group gefan January 13th at 6:30 pm. KINZUA VALLEY HEALTH CARE CENTER, The morning group began Thursday, January 16th at 10 WARREN, PA: Darla Peterson SENA KEAN MANOR, SMETHPORT, PA: Edyth am. Both groups meet every other week and are studying the same lesson. This study will run through Gerhart, Jim Vail, and Jim Vantine April 20th for Monday’s class and April 23rd for WITH DAUGHTER IN CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS: Jane Thursday’s class. Lenox

AT HOME: Carol Bell, Glenda Grosch, Judy Lockwood, ELAINE GILLOTTI (Continued) and Rheta Tilburg Wayne and Ann Chapman, General Memorial Fund Charlotte Cochran, Organ Fund WITH DAUGHTER IN NEW YORK STATE: Betty and Judy Haight, Roof Fund Bill Gilmore Don and Pinky Holt, General Memorial Fund ______Aneta, Gordy & Jeff Johnson, Candle Oil Fund Ann and Ken Kane & family, Organ Fund MEMORIAL GIFTS GIVEN Marjorie Kibbie, Organ Fund November 30th through January 25th, 2020 Vickie Osmer, Organ Fund (Memorials go to the General Fund unless otherwise noted) Sharon Painter, Organ Fund

Geoff and Ellen Perry, Roof Fund Ray and Polly Phillips, Organ Fund Danette Sarvey, Roof Fund

Mary Thompson, General Memorial Fund TOM ANDERSON Jack and Linda Hedlund, Roof Fund MARSHA JERMAN Don and Coleen Lundeen, Sanctuary Sound Rich and Dottie Bence, Wesley Preschool Rich and Dottie Bence, Wesley Preschool Vickie Osmer, General Memorial Fund Wayne and Ann Chapman FUMC Men, Roof Fund THOMAS A. JOHNSTON Judy Haight, Roof Fund Ruth Heeter, Roof Fund Tony and Lynn Avenali, General Memorial Fund DAVID CLEDGETT Bill & Nancy and David & Carol Barr, Roof Fund Judy Haight, Roof Fund Roy Besecker, Roof Fund Marty and Jan Reynolds, Organ Fund Judy Haight, Roof Fund Paul and Nancy Morgan, Roof Fund ADAM DeSIO Marty and Jan Reynolds, Wesley Preschool Paul and Nancy Morgan, Roof Fund Mary Thompson, Roof Fund Clyde and Norma Anderson, Roof Fund Don and Pinky Holt, General Memorial Fund Jack and Linda Hedlund Danette Sarvey, Roof Fund

MARY FEIDLER DARLENE MOON Paul and Nancy Morgan, Roof Fund Don and Coleen Lundeen, Sanctuary Sound Fund Rich and Dottie Bence, Wesley Preschool ELAINE GILLOTTI Guy and Jean Anderson, Organ Fund CARLENE NOVOSEL-JOHNSON, Dennis and Kathy Cledgett, Organ Fund Jack and Linda Hedlund, Roof Fund Gary and Billie Dolin, Organ Fund Don and Coleen Lundeen, Sanctuary Sound Fund Harold and Jan Hallburg, Roof Fund Marty and Jan Reynolds, Organ Fund Jack and Linda Hedlund, Roof Fund Ruth Heeter, Organ Fund GLENN POWELL Key Keyser, Roof Fund Danette Sarvey, Roof Fund Don and Coleen Lundeen, Sanctuary Sound Katherine Magnuson, Organ Fund CLAYTON SNYDER Kris and Renee Magnuson, Organ Fund Don and Coleen Lundeen, Sanctuary Sound Marty and Jan Reynolds, Organ Fund Ken and Chris Snow, Organ Fund Marion Larson, Roof Fund Susan Anderson, Organ Fund Rich and Dottie Bence, Wesley Preschool


The Wesley Preschool Board is pleased to Back in December a big box of stamps was mailed to “Stamps for the Wounded”. As soon as the announce the hiring of the new preschool teacher, thank you card is received from them, I will share it Mrs. Laura Zampogna Stahli. Laura comes to us with all of you. with an excellent resume’ and work ethics. She replaces Lenore Spaich who was the previous teacher. About the same time, a large box of card fronts Lenore accepted another position as a teacher thus was sent to St. Jude’s Rehab Ranch for children. This leaving our preschool position available. will be the third package shipped to them this year. I can picture the recovering children sitting around craft During our search time, Gail Cook very tables making a gift to take home to Mom, Dad, graciously stepped in and kept the preschool running Grammie or Aunt “Mary”. without the slightest disruption. Gail held this position through Christmas to the end of the year. Gail will The goal for can tabs in 2018 was 32 pounds continue to serve Wesley Preschool as the song leader but 36 pounds was collected. That meant the goal for on Wednesday mornings and as an aid. 2019 would be 37 pounds. Well! It was a whopping total of 40 pounds. Do you We are very proud of our Wesley Preschool think we can make 41 pounds in 2020? Thank you and the education that is given to the young children from the Ronald McDonald House and all the families that attend. We ask that you continue to keep our who will be helped by this donation. preschool and aids in your prayers and especially our new teacher, Laura. Stamps (please leave a border around them when cutting off envelope), card fronts and can tabs ______can help so many with just a little effort and no money BOY SCOUT SUNDAY involved. Please continue to bring in and either give to Coleen Lundeen or leave the on the table in back of the Chapel. Thank you once again!


Most of us have an occasion to shop at Tops Market. How about purchasing Tops gift cards to use to shop with? These are sold in $25 increments and the preschool receives a percentage of this purchase back. Sunday, February 9th You are going to spend the money anyway why not let Cub Scouts and Older Scouts it support this important community ministry. It’s an will be present and serving at the 11:00 A.M. easy way to give without really costing you anything. Thank you for helping our preschool! service this morning. Come and wish them well.

SOUP FUNDRAISER POVERTY MINISTRIES/SHARING and a personal note from Bonnie Fuller ROOM Bonnie Fuller

Since changing the schedule to Tuesdays, participation has been down in all areas. The reason for the change was that I (Bonnie) have Thursday morning homeless meetings twice a month, Sharing Room on Thursday afternoons, and, as Lay Leader, Finance, Trustees, and Administrative Council meetings two Thursday THANK YOU to Pastor Calvin for transporting the evenings. Something had to give and I chose soup. You MANY bags of coats, sleeping bags, clothing, etc that can still order soup and pick it up to heat it on were donated to the Erie United Methodist Alliance. Wednesday, pick it up on Thursday (from the kitchen Thank you also to the Youth who helped cram refrigerator) and warm it up, OR you can ask that it be everything is to the pastor's vehicle! THANK YOU to delivered to you at home. all who donated to this mission! I am still open to requests for your favorite soup or to use your recipe (thanks to the person who shared a The new Sharing Room hours seem to be working well recipe). as far as ministry to the needy. We served 32 in the past month. Three people have donated some items TO the Helpers would be very much appreciated. Starting at 10, Sharing Room. One woman donated a new set of pots we chop, chop, chop, open cans, dump and stir. Then we and pans that were in turn donated to Cleaning Your wash, wash, wash and clean up the mess we made. Closet (Tonia Hartzell) to be shared with folks setting Around 12:30 PM, we fill the jars with soup and put up a new household. names on them to fill orders. From 2 – 5 PM, we take the money and put the soup in bags for people to carry. Helpers are need for this ministry. There are several And we pray that the extra soup will be picked up. Come opportunities other than working directly with the needy. anytime, you will be most welcome and your company Some people have generously donated money instead of appreciated. donating items (THANK YOU!). A new way to help would be to shop for items to stock the room, assist FEBRUARY SOUP SCHEDULE Bonnie with shopping and carrying items into the 4 – Ham and Bean church, stocking the shelves, and stocking the 11 – Lentil, Split Pea, Beef Barley, or Chicken Corn Warm/Sharing Line. As always, you could keep our Chowder OR Special Request! volunteers’ company in the Sharing Room during open You MUST pre-order this so I hours. Some days are slow, none are crazy busy. Time know how much to make!! passes quickly with a buddy and new ideas are shared 18 – Potato during those times. Please call the church office or Bonnie Fuller (335-7238) if you can help out. February 25 – Shrove Tuesday already! Methodist Men's Pancake Supper! See you there!

March 25th: Hamburg Gravy on Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans or Corn, Relish Tray, Ice Cream Sundaes

April 1st Beef Stew and Dumplings, Relish Tray and Assorted Homemade Pies

Take-outs will be available. Please phone the church office by 5:00pm to place your order for pick-up (837-7120). Thank you.

______FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 112 Greeves Street, Kane, PA 16735 814-837-7120 NEWSLETTER INFORMATION

Lenten Suppers during the season of Lent. PLEASE READ! th th Wednesdays: March 4 , March 11 , March th th st 18 , March 25 and April 1 . The deadline for submitting information for the church newsletters has always been the 15th of TIME: 5:30 PM – Bartlett Hall of the church the month (unless otherwise noted). It is very (downstairs) important that you, the leaders of the various committees, groups, organizations, etc. of the church submit your information in a timely COST: $6.00 per person or $20.00 for a manner. Presently there are only a few that do. family of four or more. This makes it very difficult to lay-out, type, proof read, email, place on the website, make copies, PREPARED BY: The United Women of the have ready for pick-up within the church and mail Church the newsletters in a timely manner. We desire the newsletters to be prepared and out of and to you BEFORE the end of the month. MENU: In order for your news to be fresh and March 4: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, accurate we are again requesting that you pay Green Beans, Brownie Sundae. attention to the 15th deadline. There are two of us now trying to compile the newsletter and it is very March 11th: Chili or Broccoli Cheese Soup, frustrating when we don’t have your information.

Assorted Sandwiches, Relish Tray, Dessert We thank you for your cooperation with this issue. As of this writing, it is January 29th and we March 18: Chicken and Biscuits with are still waiting on some final information. Cranberry Sauce, Mixed Vegetables, Relish Tray, Sherbet and Cookie Remember the 15th of the month. Thank you very much!





PANCAKE AND You may pay at the door SAUSAGE SUPPER ______


We are always in need for people to sign up for special music during our 8:30am service. If you have this talent, please contact Debbie Airgood and sign up for a Sunday. Come and help our early morning th FEBRUARY 25 worship service be even more special with your special music. It will be very much appreciated!

MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE ITEMS Batteries (AA, AAA. 9-volt) Copy paper Flash lights with batteries Dry Erase Markers and Erasers RUTH M. SMTH CENTER Pictures for Walls (appealing to males, outdoor scenes, Western) PERSONAL PRODUCTS (Men & Women) Extendable Swiffer Dusters for ceilings and floors Body Wash Aire Fresheners (Fabreeze) Shampoo / Conditioner Shaving Cream ACTIVITIES Disposable razors Acylic paints / brushes Deodorant Card stock – white or colored Feminine Hygiene Products Gel pens / Adult coloring books Fixodent / Polygrip Activity Learning Books (Grade3s Pre-K thru 4) Denture Tab Step 1 or Pre-Reading Books Mouthwash Small glue sticks for hot glue guns Small notepads Quilting materials – fabric and batting (72 x 80) Colored pencils Fabric Squares

KITCHEN / BATHROOM Daycare Wish List Ziplock Bags Play-doh or modeling clay’Large toddler cayons Food storage containers (plastic) Msking tapee Washcloth / Bath towels / hand towels Air fresheners Bath mats (rubber for in shower) Plastic containers Shower curtains (heavy duty) Clear glue for making slime Pillows & pillow protectors Twin sheets Gift Cards from Wal*Mart, Amazon, Dollar General, Water proof mattress pads Dollar Tree, etc. Washable bed pads (34” x 34”) 60” round, 90 x 60, 102 x 60, 60 x 84 tablecloths Blender Anything you can do to help the RM Smith Cooling racks Center with any of these items would be greatly Large garbage can for kitchen appreciated. Thank you all so very much for your Teaspoons and dessert forks help. Toilet paper Paper towels Hypoallergenic laundry soup (Free & Clear) Regular Laundry Detergent Dryer sheets Shout stain remover

LARGE ITEMS Storage shelving units Bookshelves Recliners Floor lamps Twin mattresses New curtains for closets (3ft by 80 in.)