Humboldt Kolleg – International Conference on Natural Sciences, HK-ICONS 2014

Commented [E1]: MOHON DIPERHATIKAN Cultivation of Uncaria gambir for Critical Land 1.Mohon komentar yang sudah diberikan jangan dihapus. 2.Apabila ada komentar balik harap langsung dituliskan dalam ko Rehabilitation in Pakpak Bharat tak Comment ini. 3.Untuk revisi langsung saja pada dokumen ini. 4.Harap diubah ke dalam template ICONS 5.Beberapa kata yang perlu diperbaiki adalah kata yang diberi war na merah. Rahmawatya,* Abdul Rauf b,and Ameilia Z. Siregarb 6.Semua tanda penghubung yang menggunakan minus (-) sebaikn 1Forestry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara ya diganti menggunakan en dash (–) Jl. Tri Dharma Ujung No. 1 Kampus USU, , 20155, North Sumatra, Indonesia 7.Mohon ditambahkan nomenclature sesuai dengan template ICO 2Department of Agroecotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Sumatera Utara University NS, hanya saja peletakannya di bawah Keywords dan di atas Intro duction. Commented [E2]: Penulisan tidak menggunakan Bold Commented [E3]: Abstract 1.Penulisan menggunakan huruf sesuai dengan yang dipakai pada nama Uncaria gambir Roxb. (Gambier), a well known Southeast Asia plant, is one of the important plants in North Sumatera. 2.Mohon keterangan diisikan lengkap (format: Fisrt affiliation, The study aimed to evaluate a production of Gambier plant cultivated in critical land in Pakpak Bharat Regency, North Address, City and Postcode, Country) Sumatra Province. The study was conducted since January to October 2013. The study was done using descriptive analysis to evaluate the progress of Gambier plant growth in relation to the status of soils and others chemistry of the land, such as the peak hill, the slope of valleys, and the lower slope. The study was taken 12 points sampling to composite 4 replicates with the depth of 0-20 cm and 40-60 cm. The result showed that the level of c-organic ratio is Commented [E4]: Penggunaan makna “sampai”, “hingga” low to higher so that it does not need fertilizers. Granting of dolomite to raise the pH of the soil has not been done sebaiknya menggunakan kata “to” dan masing-masing angka because the pH of the soil is still suitable for the growth and production of Gambier. Provision of fertilizer N and K is diberikan satuan, contoh: 10 cm to 20 cm atau (10 to 20) cm. quite a half or one-third of the dose due to nutrient levels pertained to land which N content on topsoil is moderate and lower on lower layers. The interchangeable of K content which belongs to the moderate to high on the top layer and the bottom layer is low. Phosphate fertilization and the granting of fertilizer Ca and Mg are absolutely necessary because the P-levels are available, although P-total as well as the levels of Ca and Mg can be exchanged very low. The growth of Gambier is better on the peaks hills and slopes of valleys compared to the lower slope/valley.

Keywords: critical land; rehabilitation; Uncaria gambir Roxb.; cultivation; Pakpak Bharat Commented [E5]: Penulisan Keyword tidak menggunakan Bold hanya Italic, sedangkan isi keyword tidak di Italic.

1. Introduction

Uncaria gambir Roxb.(Gambier) is a member of the Rubiaceae family and contains an officially recognized Commented [E6]: Masing-masing paragraf diberikan spasi 3 pharmacological compound [1]. Uncaria gambir Roxb. is one of the commodities of industrial plants which ketuk, pada ketukan keempat baru memulai tulisan. high economic value as well as a good prospect for farmers and suppliers of foreign countries. In Indonesia, Commented [E7]: Penggunaan keterangan kutipan tidak Uncaria gambir Roxb. up to decades before this commonly used as components for thomsoniae, which in memakai angka yang diberi kurung siku, melainkan angka yang di superscript. a * Corresponding author. Tel.: +62 61 8220605; fax: +62 61 8211924. E-mail address: [email protected] Rahmawaty, Abdul Rauf,and Ameilia Z. Siregar its development, Gambier had many used to mix medications, such as burns, headaches, diarrhea, dysentery, gargles, canker sores, sore skin, helped smooth the process of digestion in the stomach and intestines, tanners and textile dyes [2,3]. Currently, Gambier had developed its use as the main raw material for plywood and particle board, but has also created as a tea bag materials and refreshing beverages such as juice and other foods [4].

The main producing area of Gambier in Indonesia is central and southern Sumatra, and is commonly known is derived from West and South Sumatra Regency [5]. Gambier is generally cultivated on land with an altitude of 650-800 meters above sea level with a flat to topographical of hillside. Usually, the Gambier Commented [E8]: Masing-masing diberikan satuan dan plant as a crop plantation in the yard or garden on the edge of the forest. The cultivation usually semi menggunakan kata penghubung “to”. Satuan meter disingkat intensive, rarely given the fertilizer, but clean up and pruning remains committed. menjadi “m”

In these areas, planting Gambier production center is generally done on land that is surging up hilly with a very simple management. The appearance of the plant on a stretch of which is not uniform, there are already advanced about 50 years old. Some Gambier are newly planted, as well as the morphology of the plants that shaped shrubs and climbing slightly with permanent stands, because only the shoots harvested, can be utilized as Gambier plant conservation. With a distance of planting line and arranged in such a way and follow the contour lines can be plays the role of surface runoff and erosion control which in turn can act as plant rehabilitation [6].

Besidesin West Sumatra, Gambier is also widely developed in North Sumatra[7,3]. The producer of Gambier in North Sumatra is , Tapanuli Tengah Regency, and Pakpak Bharat Regency. In Pakpak Bharat, Gambier is one of the leading commodities after coffee, patchouli and incense. Gambier in Pakpak Bharat most or even almost entirely developed on hills and sloping land. Gambier plantation area in Pakpak Bharat in 2009, which is entirely a plantation, reaching 700 ha with production reaching 400 tonnes per year [8]. Commented [E9]: Dalam penggunaan satuan sebaiknya dimasukkan ke dalam nomenclature keterangan 1 ton sama dengan From July 2012, the government of Pakpak Bharat Regency has opened over 100 hectares cultivation of berapa. Gambier plantation, starting December 2012 to March 2013. The location was done at Penanggalan Mbinangaboang village, Salak Sub district. The plantation of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat prepared to become one of the companies in the area of Pakpak Bharat, opened in a critical area (abandoned land) and as a model and pilot project for farmer to effort rehabilitate critical land and modernize the techniques of cultivation.

2. Material and Methods

Research is carried out by descriptive observation of nutrient status and other soil chemical properties as well as Gambier plant growth planted simultaneously at the department of agriculture and Gambier Commented [E10]: plantations-UPT Pakpak Bharat in the of Mbinangaboang Village, Salak Sub-district since January 1995 to 1.Sebaiknya sebelum dan sesudah tanda operasional diberikan spasi December 2013. 2.Masing-masing diberikan satuan atau dibuat dalam kurung sesuai dengan contoh sebelumnya. The land used as a critical area of dry land was 100 ha of vegetation dominated by reeds (Imperata 3.Penggunaan tanda operasional menggunakan (×) cylindrica) (Figure 1) made the minimum tillage use tractors and seeds planted with planting distance was Commented [E11]: Jumlah angka di bawah 9 sebaiknya 2x2.5 meters with rows of parallel contour plant. Treatment plants in the first 3 months starting from menggunakan word. planting until clearing the weeds around the circular base of the stem to form a dish is about 15-20 cm from Commented [E12]: Satuan waktu sebaiknya menggunakan the base of the stem. After 4 month, old plants and so on weeds at the base of the stem and land controlled singkatan. by means of in-stream use cutting tripe and let the rest of the plants (weeds) will remain on the ground “s” untuk second, “min” untuk minute, “h” untuk hour, “d” untuk day, “mo” untuk month, dan “yr” untuk year Rahmawaty, Abdul Rauf,and Ameilia Z. Siregar surface covering the stump weed itself which then acts as a mulch. At this stage the base of the stem does not create disc again but clearing by the morphology of the root development of hair from the surface of the area spread in Gambier train around the base of the stem. Basic fertilizer used is a compound fertilizer NPK (15: 15: 15) and KCl with doses of 100 grams each and 25 grams per tree which applicated one day after planting. Dolomite is given as ameliorant materials applied into planting holes (one week before planting) as much as 1 kg per hole.

The evaluation of soil fertility through soil sampling was carried out in the first month of planting (January 2013). Soil samples were taken at a depth of 0-20 cm and 40-60 cm for the first month (January). From each picked up 12 points at the top of the hill, 12 points on its flanks, and 12 points on the bottom (the valley) area. Of the 12 point this composite divided into 4 soil samples (as Deuteronomy) which mean that any repeat of a composite of 3-point shots.

The observations were made to the soil nutrient elements such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Na and other soil chemical properties of C-organic, ratio c/n, saturation of bases (KB), cation exchange capacity (CEC), the pH and the saturation Al. observation of plants done to high plant and count the number of branches (shoots) that is formed as the image of productivity due to Gambier plant production (harvesting) to quote parts of the set.

3. Result and Discussion

The evaluation of the level of soil fertility and nutrient analysis results Commented [E13]: Mohon maaf ini merupakan subbab? Setiap penulisan subbab menggunakan nomor urut baru dan Italic, contoh: Equivalent properties chemical soil samples from the site of the study at first capture (January 2013) are 1.1. The evaluation of the level presented in Table 1 and Table 2. From Table 1 showed the equivalent soil pH of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat ranged from 5.12 to 5.53 in topsoil and 5.44 to 5.78 in the land of the lower layer. The range of soil pH soil like this are appropriate for growth and production plant Gambier as mentioned in the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) Gambier published by Department Research and Development Ministry of Agriculture Agencies [4].

Table 1. Analysis of chemical properties and soil nutrient N and P in Gambier plantation at Pakpak Bharat Commented [E14]: Tabel tidak semuanya diberikan garis. Parameters Position and layer Saturation C-org. N-total P-av. pH Ratio C/N P-total (%) Al (%) (%) (%) (ppm) 0-20 cm 5.53 (A) 10.87 (M) 2.86 (M) 0.25 (M) 11.84 (M) 0.014 (VL) 4.36 (VL) Top 40-60 cm 5.44 (A) 1.9 (VL) 2.17 (M) 0.15 (L) 14.44 (M) 0.012 (VL) 4.43 (VL) 0-20 cm 5.12 (A) 9.23 (R) 2.89 (M) 0.38 (M) 7.41 (L) 0.014 (VL) 4.34 (VL) The slope 40-60 cm 5.50 (A) 0.7 (VL) 2.18 (M) 0.16 (L) 13.78 (M) 0.013 (VL) 4.42 (VL) 0-20 cm 5.44 (A) 9.26 (L) 3.19 (M) 0.28 (M) 9.42 (L) 0.023 (VL) 4.38 (VL) Valley 40-60 cm 5.78 (SA) 1.3 (VL) 2.25 (M) 0.17 (L) 13.96 (M) 0.013 (VL) 4.45 (VL) Note: A = Acid; SA = slightlyacidic; VL = Very Low; M = Medium; L = Low

Rahmawaty, Abdul Rauf,and Ameilia Z. Siregar

Table 2. Analysis of Exchange bases and CEC soils in Gambier Plantation at Pakpak Bharat

Parameters Position and layer K-dd Ca-dd Mg-dd KTK Na (mg/100g) Kej.Basa (%) (me/100g) (mg/100g) (mg/100g) (mg/100g) 0-20 cm 0.477 (M) 0.407 (M) 0.571 (VL) 0.183 (VL) 18.08 (M) 9.12 (VL) Top 40-60 cm 0.150 (R) 0.094 (VL) 0.645 (VL) 0.088 (VL) 12.33(L) 8.09 (VL) 0-20 cm 0.520 (H) 0.391 (L) 0.584 (VL) 0.223 (VL) 23.20 (M) 7.60 (VL) The slope 40-60 cm 0.112(L) 0.277 (L) 0.554 (VL) 0.080 (VL) 13.48 (L) 7.74 (VL) 0-20 cm 0.292(L) 0.243 (L) 0.432 (VL) 0.135 (VL) 19.15 (M) 6.073 (VL) Valley 40-60 cm 0.101 (L) 0.166 (L) 0.506 (VL) 0.071 (VL) 13.70 (L) 6.34 (VL) Note: M = Medium; H = High; L = Low; VL = Very Low

Interchangeable Aluminum levels (dd) on the ground of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat pertained into low to moderate on the top layer of soil, while it is very low in the lower layer of soil (Table 1), which means that solubility of Al is at a level which does not harm (not cause toxic/inhibitor) for the growth and production of Gambier plant in study area in Pakpak Bharat, North Sumatra.

From table recorded the levels of soil organic matter of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat pertained medium to high which means enough to support growth of Gambier plant production so that the granting of organic fertilizer/manure for a while does not/not yet need to be done. The value of the ratio C/N was low to moderate which illustrates that mineralized soil organic matter (humus formation) of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat.

Such is the case with the levels of nitrogen (N), which is currently on the top layer of soil and low at the lower layer ground illustrates that the granting of fertilizer N (Urea or ZA) quite given half doses of Gambier plant needs or even cannot nurtured N singly (preferably in the form of compound fertilizer), at least not on the plants of immature stadia will not produce.

Nutrient levels P, both P-and P-total available is very low, both in the top layer and the bottom layer (Table 1). This illustrates that the phosphate fertilization (P) is indispensable to the cultivation of plants in the plant's of Uncaria gambir Roxb in Pakpak Bharat. The granting of this P fertilizer should be optimal Gambier plant according to your needs if you want good results. SP36 fertilizer granting as many as 60 grams per tree per semester for the first year and 70 grams per tree per year for year two and beyond are already pretty well in supporting growth and Gambier plant production at the Gambier in Pakpak Bharat.

From Table 2 showed that levels of exchangeable bases (K, Na, Ca, and Mg) in soil of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat vary from low, medium to high for K in the soil top layer, low to very low for Na, and very low for Ca and Mg. whereas in the lower layer of soil all levels bases of exchange belongs to the low to very low. Based on the levels of Exchange bases, then fertilizing to meet basic levels of such exchange, especially Ca and Mg, which is also a macro nutrient elements, it can be used with a dose of optimum dolomite (doses 300-400 kg per ha per year). The granting of these amendments at once can increase saturation alkaline soil that is very low, both on land and in the upper layers of soil layer under it. CEC soil crusts are currently in the top layer of soil has described the response (response) to the pruning, which contains ingredients from the alkaline compounds (cation).

While needs of Kalium (K) of Gambier plant at the Gambier in Pakpak Bharat can be done by granting fertilizer KCl (MOP) by as much as 3 grams per tree per semester in the first year and 5 grams per tree per Rahmawaty, Abdul Rauf,and Ameilia Z. Siregar year in the second year and beyond is already good enough in supporting the growth and production of optimal e in Gambier in Pakpak Bharat.

Growth and development of Gambier

Growth and development of Gambier in Bharat Pakpak very good . this can be seen from the development of plant growth at intervals of 4-5 months , as shown in Figure 1 , 2 , and 3 . Gambier can be grown only at certain condition, which is the plant must be grown at 200 to 800 meter above sea level with rainfall around 3.3 mm per year and humidity around 70 to 85 %. Any types of soil can be used for Gambier plantation with the pH range from 4.8 to 5.5 [9].

Figure 1. land condition in Pakpak Bharat Commented [E15]: Sebaiknya disingkat menjadi Fig. 1.

Figure 2. Gambier Trees Pakpak Bharat Rahmawaty, Abdul Rauf,and Ameilia Z. Siregar

Figure 3. The condition of Gambier Cultivation in Pakpak Bharat

From Figure 1, 2, and 3 can be known that the development of gambier growth at Pakpak Bharat with interval of 5 months has a developmental growth are good, although up to observations October 2013 which there is still a growing crop has not been uniform that can sort into plants jagur/thrives, plants with growth categorized into medium and growing less crop/infertile, which can be seen from the high indicators of plant and the amount of branch, as presented in Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 3. The height (cm) of gambier in different land posisition and growth level of gambir in Pakpak Bharat

Growth level Land position Mean of Gambier Top The slope Valley Jagur plant/lush 73.05 70.80 62.85 68.90 Medium plant 44.00 48.10 45.10 45.73 Non jagur plant 30.90 28.90 28.45 29.42 Mean 49.32 49.27 45.47 48.02

Table 4. Gambier plant branches in different land posisition in Pakpak Bharat

Level development Land position Mean of plant Top The slope Valley Jagur plant/lush 7.43 7.50 6.20 7.04 Medium plant 6.30 4.27 3.30 4.62 Non jagur plant 1.83 1.97 2.20 2.00 Mean 5.19 4.58 3.90 4.56

From Table 3 can be aware that the average plant height is the highest obtainable at the plant that sits at the top of the hill, followed later on the slopes and low on the plant that grows in the valley/lower slopes. Plant growth is quite striking difference (more than 2.3 times higher for plants and more than 3 times the amount for branch) between jagur plants compared to non jagur plant (Table 3 and Table 4), which describing the Rahmawaty, Abdul Rauf,and Ameilia Z. Siregar gambier plant growth in the study are not uniform due to differences in levels of soil fertility, especially factors of physical soil, such as fertility and humidity of soil.

Based on Table 4, showed the mean number of can tops Gambier plant in Pakpak Bharat on October 2013 observations ranged from 2.00 branch (plants that grow in less fertile/non jagur), while score 7.04 showed up in branch (on plants that grow lush/jagur). While the plants that grow on the slopes of the peak average number of branches have more than 5.19 branch, in the slope have more than 4.58 branch and on the valley of the average of 3.9 branch. More low Gambier plant growth on the bottom of the slope, either plant high as well as the number of branches (Table 3 and Table 4), proving that the tree wants more ground with Gambier condition high fertility of soil compared to the land with low fertility of soil with a high soil moisture. As it known that land on the summit and slopes of the ridge, the soil is more conducive for fine fraction (clay and organic material) from the soil eroding into the lower layers/valley (high selectivity process of erosion) caused the land at the summit and the slope becomes more conducive, and soil in the valley/lower slopes become more solid. In order to maintain the levels of organic matter and soil pH that became a key factor in cultivating, by applying techniques of soil and water conservation is absolutely necessary. Soil and water conservation action is also to prevent/control erosion due to Gambier plant that grows at the bottom of the slope/valley of less well due to its high sedimentation from erosion at the upper part. Parallel contour planting and cleaning weeds by way of using the machine tripe as mulch on the surface of the soil is soil and water conservation measures that are effective in the core of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat.

Fertilization of N performed with the awarding of compound fertilizer by as much as 5 grams per tree per semester in the first year of planting and 8-10 grams per tree per plant is in the second year and so on. Fertilization of K can be done with the granting of KCl (MOP) with doses of 3 grams per tree per semester in the first year and 5 grams per tree per year in the second year and so on. P-Fertilization should be done with the optimum dose of as many as many as 60 grams per tree per semester for the first year and 70 grams per tree per year for year two and beyond. Needs of Ca and Mg, as well as improving soil base saturation at the Gambier in Pakpak Bharat can be done with a dose of Dolomite fertilizing 300-400 kg per ha per year.

4. Conclusion

 Organic fertilizer (compost or manure) need to be done on the cultivation of Uncaria gambir Roxb in Pakpak Bharat .

 The granting of dolomite to raise the pH of the soil in the Gambier plantation in Pakpak Bharat no need to be done in the first year due to the pH of the soil is still suitable for the growth and production of Gambier.

 In Pakpak Bharat, it would be better to plant Gambier on the peaks and slopes rather than on the valley


The authors would like to thank the Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency for the financial support programs. Rahmawaty, Abdul Rauf,and Ameilia Z. Siregar

References Commented [E16]: 1.Penulisan nomor urut pada referensi tidak menggunakan tanda [1] Heitzman M.E, Neto CC, Winiarz E, Vaisberg AJ, Hammond GB (2005). Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of kurung siku. Uncaria (Rubiaceae). Phytochem., 66: 5-29. 2.Penulisan singkatan sebelum nama tidak menggunakan tanda [2] Kassim, M.J., M.H. Hussin, A.Achmad, N.H. Dahon, T.K. Suan and H.S. Hamdan. Determination of total phenol, condensed koma tannin and flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity of Uncaria gambir Roxb extracts. Majalah Farmasi Indonesia, 22(1), 50 – 59, 3.Penulisan singkatan tidak menggunakan tanda titik. 2011. 4.Sebaiknya tidak menggunakan “and” [3] Anggraini T., A. Tai., T. Yoshino and T. Antioxidative activity and catechin content of four kinds of Uncaria gambir Roxb extracts from West Sumatra, Indonesia. African J. Biochem. Res. Vol. 5(1): 33-38, January 2011. Commented [E17]: Mohon diperhatikan format penulisan [4] Badan Litbang Pertanian Kementerian Pertanian (BLPKP). Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) of Gambier. Kementerian referensi Pertanian Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian (Department Research and Development Ministry of Agriculture Agencies). Jakarta.2012. Van der Geer J, Hanraads JAJ, Lupton RA. The art of writing a [5] Isnawati, A. Raini, M. Sampurno, O, D. Mutiatikum, Widowati, L. Gitawati, R. 2012. Karakteristik Tiga Jenis Gambir (Unaria scientific article. J Sci Commun 2000;163:51–59. gambir Roxb) dari Sumatera Barat. Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan. Vol. 40, No. 4, 2012: 201 – 208. [6] Balai Penelitian Tanah (BPN). Petunjuk Teknis Analisis Kimia Tanah, Tanaman, Air, dan Pupuk. Balai Penelitian Tanah. Badan Strunk Jr W, White EB. The elements of style. 3rd ed. New York: Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian. Bogor. 2005. Macmillan; 1979. [7] Adi H E. Pengembangan Agroindustri Gambir di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Sumatera Barat. Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 2011. Mettam GR, Adams LB. How to prepare an electronic version of [8] Dinas Pertanian dan Perkebunan (DPP) Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat 2013. Petunjuk Pelaksanaan dan Perawatan Kebun Inti Gambir your article. In: Jones BS, Smith RZ, editors. Introduction to the Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat Tahun Anggaran 2013. Bahan Paparan Dinas Pertanian dan Perkebunan Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Salak. electronic age. New York: E-Publishing Inc; 1999. p. 281–304. [9] Hadad, M., Ahmadi, N. R., Herman, M., Supriadi, H., Hasibuan, A. M., 2009. Teknologi budidaya dan pengolahan hasil gambir. Commented [E18]: Format penulisan referensi yang diambil Available:, Retrieved 27 Dec 2009. dari internet.

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Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000

2nd Humboldt Kolleg in conjunction with International Conference on Natural Sciences, HK-ICONS 2014

Commented [R1]: Kok sebagian spasi manuskrip ini berubah The Condition of Uncaria gambir Roxb. as One of Important TIDAK TUNGGAL di pembahasan. Telah saya perbaiki Medicinal Plants in North Sumatra Indonesia Ok pak thanks

Abdul Raufa*, Rahmawatyb, Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregara Commented [R2]: Comment jangan dihapus ok aAgroecotecnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No.3 bForestry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Jl. Tri Dharma Ujung No. 1 Kampus USU, Medan 20155, Indonesia


Uncaria gambir Roxb. (Gambier), a well known Southeast Asian plant, is one of the important plants in North Sumatera. The aim of this study was to evaluate a production of Gambier plant cultivated in critical land in Pakpak Bharat Regency, North Sumatra Province, since January to October 2013. Descriptive analysis was used to evaluate the progress of Gambier plant growth in relation with the status of soil and chemical substances in land. The study took 12 points of sampling to composite four replicates with the depth of (0 to 20) cm and (40 to 60) cm. Providing of dolomite to raise the pH of the soil has not been done because the pH of the soil is still suitable for the growth and production of Gambier. The interchangeable of K content which belongs from the moderate to high on the top layer and low in the bottom layer. Providing phosphate, Ca, and Mg fertiliziersis absolutely necessary because the P-levels are available, although P-total as well as the levels of Ca and Mg can be exchanged into very low.

© 2015 A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of HK-ICONS 2014.

Keywords: Critical land; cultivation; medicinal plants; rehabilitation; Uncaria gambir Roxb.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +62 813 7533 6753; Fax: +62 61 8211 924. E-mail address: [email protected]

1876-6196 © 2015 A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of HK-ICONS 2014.

A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar/ Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000


a.s.l. above sea level m meter SOP Standard Operational cm centimeter Procedure mm millimeter km kilometer g gram kg kilogram mo month wk week yr year ha hectare

1. Introduction

Uncaria gambir Roxb. (Gambier) is a member of the Rubiaceae family and contains an officially recognized pharmacological compound1. Uncaria gambir Roxb. is one of the commodities of industrial plants which has high economic value as well as a good prospect for farmers and suppliers of foreign countries. In Indonesia, Uncaria gambir Roxb. is commonly used as component for thomsoniae, which in its development, Gambier oftenly used for mixed medications, such as burns, headaches, diarrhea, dysentery, gargles, canker sores, sore skin, to smooth the process of digestion in the stomach and intestines, tanners and textile dyes2,3. Currently, Gambier is developed to be used as the main raw material for plywood and particle board, also created as a tea bag material and refreshing beverages such as juice and other food4. The main producing area of Gambier in Indonesia are Central and Southern Sumatra, and commonly known as West and South Sumatra Regency5. Gambier is generally cultivated on land with an altitude from 650 m to 800 m a.s.l. with a flat to topographical hillside. Usually, the Gambier plant is found as a crop plantation in the yard or garden on the edge of the forest. The cultivation is usually semi intensive, rarely given the fertilizer, but cleaning up and pruning remain implemented. In these areas of production center, planting of Gambier is generally done on land that is surging up the hill with a very simple management. The appearance of the plants at glanze is no similar each other, there are advanced 50 years old plants. Some Gambier are newly planted, as well as the morphology of the plants that shapes shrubs and climbing slightly with permanent stand, because only the shoots are harvested, and can be utilized to sustain Gambier plant. With a distance of planting line and arranged in such a way and following the contour lines can play the role of surface runoffand erosion control which in turn can act as plant rehabilitation6. Furthermore, as well in West Sumatra, Gambier is also widely developed in North Sumatra3,7. The producer of Gambier in North Sumatra is North Tapanuli Regency, , Deli Serdang Regency and Pakpak Bharat Regency. In Pakpak Bharat, Gambier is one of the leading commodities after coffee, patchouli and incense. Gambier in Pakpak Bharat is most or even almost entirely developed on hills and sloping land. Gambier plantation area in Pakpak Bharat in 2009, which is entirely a plantation, of 700 ha with production reaching 400 000 kg · yr-18. In 2012, the government of Pakpak Bharat Regency had opened over 100 ha cultivation of Gambier plantation, starting from December 2012 to March 2013. The location was at Penanggalan Mbinangaboang Village, Salak Sub District. The plantation of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat was prepared to become one of the companies in the area of

A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar/ Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000

Pakpak Bharat, opened in a critical area (abandoned land), and as a model and pilot project for farmer to support the effort of rehabilitating critical land and modernizing the techniques of cultivation.

2. Materials and methods

This research was carried out by descriptive observation of nutrient status and other soil chemical substances as well as Gambier plant growth planted simultaneously at the department of agriculture and Gambier plantations-UPT Pakpak Bharat in the of Mbinangaboang Village, Salak Sub-District since January 1995 to December 2013. The land used was a critical area of dry land of 100 ha and its vegetation was dominated by reeds (Imperata cylindrica) (Fig. 1). Tractors were utilized on tillage and seeds were planted with planting distance of 2 m × 2.5 m with rows of parallel contour plant. Treatment of the plants in the first 3 mo was started with planting to clearing the weeds around the circular base of the stem to form a dish of around 15 cm to 20 cm from the base of the stem. After 4 mo, old plants and weeds at the base of the stem and land were controlled by means of in-stream use cutting tripe and let the rest of the plants (weeds) remain on the ground surface covering the stump weed itself which then acting as a mulch. At this stage the base of the stem did not create dish again but cleared by the morphology of the root development from the surface of the area, spreadingon Gambier line around the base of the stem. Basic fertilizer used was compound of NPK (15: 15: 15) and KCl fertilizer with doses of 100 g each and 25 g per tree which applied one day after planting. Dolomite was given as ameliorant materials applied into planting holes (1wk before planting) as much as 1 kg per hole. The evaluation of soil fertility through soil sampling was carried out in the first mo of planting (January 2013). Soil samples were taken at a depth of 0 cm to 20 cm and 40 cm to 60 cm for the first mo (January). Each sample reached 12 points at the top of the hill, 12 points on its flanks, and 12 points on the bottom (the valley) area. From 12 points of this composite were divided into four soil samples (as Deuteronomy) which mean that any repeat of a composite is three points. The observations were made to the soil nutrient elements such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na and other soil chemical substances of C-organic, ratio C/N, saturation of bases (BS), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), the pH and the saturation Al. Observation of plants was done to high plant and calculated the number of branches (shoots) that were formed as the image of productivity due to Gambier plant production (harvesting) to quote parts of the set.

3. Result and discussion

3.1. The evaluation of the level of soil fertility and nutrient analysis results

The equivalent substances of chemical soil samples from the site of the study at first capture (January 2013) are presented in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1 showed the equivalent soil pH of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat ranged from pH 5.12 to pH 5.53 on top soil and pH 5.44 to pH 5.78 on lower layer. The range of soil pH like this was appropriate for growth and production of Gambier plant as mentioned in the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) Gambier published by Department Research and Development Ministry of Agriculture Agencies4.

Table 1.The analysis of chemical properties and soil nutrient N and P in Gambier plantation at Pakpak Bharat Parameters Position and layer Saturation C-org. N-total P-av. pH Ratio C/N P-total (%) Al (%) (%) (%) (mg/l) (0 to 20) cm 5.53 (A) 10.87 (M) 2.86 (M) 0.25 (M) 11.84 (M) 0.014 (VL) 4.36 (VL) Top (40 to 60) cm 5.44 (A) 1.9 (VL) 2.17 (M) 0.15 (L) 14.44 (M) 0.012 (VL) 4.43 (VL) (0 to 20) cm 5.12 (A) 9.23 (R) 2.89 (M) 0.38 (M) 7.41 (L) 0.014 (VL) 4.34 (VL) The slope (40 to 60) cm 5.50 (A) 0.7 (VL) 2.18 (M) 0.16 (L) 13.78 (M) 0.013 (VL) 4.42 (VL) (0 to 20) cm 5.44 (A) 9.26 (L) 3.19 (M) 0.28 (M) 9.42 (L) 0.023 (VL) 4.38 (VL) Valley (40 to 60) cm 5.78 (SA) 1.3 (VL) 2.25 (M) 0.17 (L) 13.96 (M) 0.013 (VL) 4.45 (VL)

A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar/ Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000

Note: A = Acid; SA = slightly acidic; VL = Very Low; M = Medium; L = Low (Source : Ref.6)

Table 2. The analysis of exchange bases and CEC soils in Gambier plantation at Pakpak Bharat Parameters Position and layer K-dd Ca-dd Mg-dd KTK Bases Na (mg/100g) (me/100g) (mg/100g) (mg/100g) (mg/100g) saturation (%) (0 to 20) cm 0.477 (M) 0.407 (M) 0.571 (VL) 0.183 (VL) 18.08 (M) 9.12 (VL) Top (40 to 60) cm 0.150 (L) 0.094 (VL) 0.645 (VL) 0.088 (VL) 12.33(L) 8.09 (VL) (0 to 20) cm 0.520 (H) 0.391 (L) 0.584 (VL) 0.223 (VL) 23.20 (M) 7.60 (VL) The slope (40to 60) cm 0.112(L) 0.277 (L) 0.554 (VL) 0.080 (VL) 13.48 (L) 7.74 (VL) (0 to 20) cm 0.292(L) 0.243 (L) 0.432 (VL) 0.135 (VL) 19.15 (M) 6.073 (VL) Valley (40 to 60) cm 0.101 (L) 0.166 (L) 0.506 (VL) 0.071 (VL) 13.70 (L) 6.34 (VL) Note: M = Medium; H = High; L = Low; VL = Very Low (Source : Ref.6)

Interchangeable of aluminium levels (dd) on the ground of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat was pertained into low to moderate on the top layer of soil, while it was very low in the lower layer of soil (Table 1), which means that solubility of Al is at a level which does not harm (not cause toxic/inhibitor) for the growth and production of Gambier plant in study area in Pakpak Bharat, North Sumatra. The higher of Interchangeable of aluminium levels (dd) on the top layer than in the lower layers related to soil properties, namely "andik". Topsoil has a high “andik” property where the properties of this “andik” built by allophonic amorphous mineral composed of basic compounds Al2O3 and Fe2O3. 3+ 3+ Both of these compounds are easily hydrolyzed to Al(OH)3 and Fe(OH)3 which then dissociates into Al and Fe . Al and Fe solubility is then caused the ground to become acidic (low pH)9. The Table 2 recorded the levels of soil organic matter of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat pertained into medium to high which means it is enough to support growth of Gambier plant production so that the providing of organic fertilizer/manure for a while does not/has not yet needed to be done. The value of the ratio C/N was low to moderate which illustrates mineralized soil organic matter (humus formation) of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat. The levels of nitrogen (N), which were currently high on the top layer of soil and low on the lower layer ground illustrates that the providing of fertilizer N (Urea or ZA) is only half doses but Gambier plant needs or even can not use N solely (preferably in the form of compound fertilizer), at least not on the plants of immature stadia which will not produce. Nutrient levels P, both available P-average and P-total were very low, both on the top layer and the bottom layer (Table 1). P-total were very low in the Gambier plant, Pakpak Bharat as a source of P is derived from the mineral soil is also low. The soil in Gambier plant, Pakpak Bharat is derived from the dust volcanic of Toba (Toba Tuff) poor elements of P and then led to the formation of ground that has “andik” properties (thixotropic). This “andik” properties which also causes the P-available to be very low because of the high fixation properties of minerals contained in the soil allophonic is “andik”9. This illustrates that the phosphate fertilization (P) is indispensable to the cultivation of Uncaria gambir Roxb. in Pakpak Bharat. The providing of this P fertilizer should be optimal on Gambier plant according to the needs if want to good results. SP36 fertilizer provided of 60 g per tree per semester for the first year and 70 g per tree per year for second and the following year are already sufficient in supporting growth and Gambier plant production at the Gambier in Pakpak Bharat. Table 2 shows that levels of exchange able bases (K, Na, Ca, and Mg) in soil of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat are various from low, medium to high for K in the soil top layer, low to very low for Na, and very low for Ca and Mg whereas on the lower layer of soil all levels bases of exchange belong from the low to very low. Based on the levels of Exchange bases, then fertilizing is required to meet basic levels of such exchange, especially Ca and Mg, which is also a macro nutrient elements, it can be used with a dose of optimum dolomite (doses 300 kg to 400 kg ha–1 yr–1). The providing of these replacement materials at once can increase saturation alkaline soil that is very low, both on land and on the upper layers of soil layer under it. CEC soil crusts currently on the top layer of soil have described the response (response) to the pruning, which contain ingredients from the alkaline compounds (cation).The need of Kalium (K) at the Gambier in Pakpak Bharat can be met by providing fertilizer KCl (MOP) as much as 3 g per tree

A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar/ Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000 per semester in the first year and 5 g per tree yr–1 in the second and the following year already good enough in supporting the growth and production of optimal Gambier in Pakpak Bharat.

3.2. Growth and development of Gambier

Growth and development of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat were very good. This can be seen from the development of plant growth at intervals of 4 mo to 5 mo, as shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3. Gambier can only be grown at certain condition, which plant must be grown at 200 m to 800 m a.s.l. with rainfall around 3 300 mm yr–1 and humidity around 70 % to 85 %. Any types of soil can be used for Gambier plantation with the pH range from 4.8 to 5.510.

Fig. 1. The land condition in Pakpak Bharat Commented [R3]: Semua photo ini, resolusinya Anda perkecil atau aslinya? Persyaratan resolusi minimal 240 ppi. Alhamdulillah bila mencapai 300 ppi

Semua foto sebelumnya kami ganti dengan foto yang resolusinya tinggi. Ini foto asli pak tidak diperkecil, kami pindahkan ke word.

Fig. 2. The Gambier trees in Pakpak Bharat

A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar/ Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000

Fig. 3. The Gambier cultivation condition in Pakpak Bharat

From Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3 it is known that the growth of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat with interval of 5 mo is good, although up to observation in October 2013 there was still a growing crop which did not similar each other, that can be sorted into good/thrives plants of which growth categorized into medium and growing less crops/infertile, which can be seen from the high indicators of plant and the amount of branch, as presented in Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 3. The height (cm) of Gambier in different land position and growth level of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat

Standard Growth level Land position Average deviation of Gambier Top The slope Valley

a Good/thrives 73.07 70.80 62.83 68.90 Medium 44.00 48.10 45.10 45.73b 48.01 ± 17.008 Commented [R4]: Sudah saya perbaiki. Anda bias antara koma dan titik dalam pengertian bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris Bad 30.90 28.90 28.43 29.42c Ok pak thanks

Average 49.32 49.27 45.46 Commented [R5]: Merah, apakah tidak ada notasi DMRT spt di Note: Figures in each treatment followed by the same letter are not significantly different at 5 % level according to different test average of tabel 4? DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test) Betul pak tidak ada, yang merah (land posision) tidak ada huruf karena hasil uji ragamnya tidak berpengaruh nyata (tn) Table 4. The Gambier plant branches in different land position in Pakpak Bharat

Standard Growth level Land position Average deviation of Gambier Top The slope Valley Good/thrives 7.67 7.67 6.33 7.22a 4.70 ± 2.447 b Medium 6.33 4.67 3.33 4.78 Bad 2.33 2.00 2.00 2.11c Average 5.44a 4.78ab 3.89b Note: Figures in each treatment followed by the same letter are not significantly different at 5 % level according to different test average of DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test)

From Table 3 it can be deduced that the highest average plant height is at the plant that sits at the top of the hill, followed later on the slopes and low average height on the plant that grows in the valley/lower slopes. Plant growth has quite striking difference (more than 2.36 times of plant height and more than 4.06 times of branch amount)

A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar/ Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000 compared between good plants and bad plant (Table 3 and Table 4), which describing the Gambier plant growth in the study not in one form due to differences in levels of soil fertility, especially factors of physical soil, such as fertility and humidity of soil. Table 4 shows the mean number of Gambier plants in Pakpak Bharat in October 2013 observation ranged from 2.00 branches (plants that grew in less fertile/non good), while score 7.04 showed up in branches (of plants that grow thrives/good). While the plants that grow on the slopes of the peak average number of branches have more than 5.19 branches, in the slope have more than 4.58 branches and on the valley of the average of 3.9 branches. Less Gambier plants grow on the bottom of the slope, either obtained from plant height or number of branches (Table 3 and Table 4), proving that the tree needs more ground with Gambier condition, high fertility of soil compared to the land with low fertility of soil with a high soil moisture. As it known that land on the summit and slopes of the ridge, its soil is more conducive for fine fraction (clay and organic material) than the soil eroding into the lower layers/valley (high selective process of erosion) which causes the land at the summit and the slope becomes more conducive, then the soil in the valley/lower slopes becomes more solid. In order to maintain the levels of organic matter and soil pH that become key factors in cultivating, applying techniques of soil and water conservation is absolutely necessary. Soil and water conservation action is also to prevent/control erosion due Gambier plant that grows at the bottom of the slope/valley is less satisfied due to its high sedimentation from erosion on the upper part. Parallel contour resulted by planting and cleaning weeds using the tripe machine as much as on the surface of the soil is formed by soil and water as conservation measures that are effective in the core of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat. Fertilization of N was performed by providing compound fertilizer by as much as 5 g per tree per semester in the first year of planting and 8 g to10 g per tree per plant is in the second year and so on. Fertilization of K can be done with the providing of KCl (MOP) with doses of 3 g per tree per semester in the first year and 5 g per tree yr–1 in the second year and so on. P-Fertilization should be done with the optimum dose of asmuch as 60 g per tree per semester for the first year and 70 g per tree yr–1 for year two and so on. Needs of Ca and Mg, as well as improving soil bases saturation at the Gambier in Pakpak Bharat can be done with a dose of Dolomite fertilizing 300 kg to 400 kg ha–1 yr– 1.

4. Conclusion

Organic fertilizer (compost or manure) is required on the cultivation of Uncaria gambir Roxb. In Pakpak Bharat. The providing of dolomite to raise the pH of the soil in the Gambier plantation in Pakpak Bharat no need to be done in the first year due the pH of the soil is still suitable for the growth and production of Gambier. P-fertilization and the providing of a fertilizer containing Ca and Mg is absolutely necessary because the P-levels available (and even the P-total) and the levels of Ca and Mg can be exchanged relatively very low. In Pakpak Bharat, it would be better to plant Gambier on the peaks and slopes rather than on the valley.


The authors would like to thank the University of Sumatera Utara (USU), the Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency, and the students in Faculty of Agriculture USU who participated in data collection.


1. Heitzman ME, Neto CC, Winiarz E, Vaisberg AJ, Hammond GB. Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Uncaria (Rubiaceae). Phytochemistry 2005;66:5–29. 2. Kassim MJ, Hussin MH, Achmad A, Dahon NH, Suan TK, Hamdan HS. Kandungan Fenolik dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun Gambir Kering (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) [Determination of total phenol, condensed tannin and flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity of Uncaria gambir Roxb. extracts]. Majalah Farmasi Indonesia 2011;22(1):50–59. [Bahasa Indonesia] 3. Anggraini T, Tai A, Yoshino T. Antioxidative activity and catechin content of four kinds of Uncaria gambir Roxb. extracts from West Sumatra, Indonesia. African J. Biochem. Res.201;5(1):33–38.

A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar/ Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000

4. Badan Litbang Pertanian Kementerian Pertanian (BLPKP). Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Gambier [Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) of Gambier]. Department Research and Development Ministry of Agriculture Agencies.Jakarta; 2012. [Bahasa Indonesia] 5. Isnawati A, Raini M, Sampurno O, Mutiatikum D, Widowati L, Gitawati R. Karakteristik tiga jenis gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) dari Sumatera Barat [Characteristics of the three types of Gambier from West Sumatra]. Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan 2012:40(4):201–208. [Bahasa Indonesia] 6. Balai Penelitian Tanah (BPN). Petunjuk teknis analisis kimia tanah, tanaman, air dan pupuk [Technical instructions for soil chemical analysis, plant, water and fertilizer]. Balai Penelitian Tanah. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian. Bogor; 2005. [Bahasa Indonesia] 7. Adi HE. Pengembangan agroindustri Gambir di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Sumatera Barat [Development of Gambir agroindustry at Lima Puluh Kota District, West Sumatra]. Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor; 2011. [Bahasa Indonesia] 8. Dinas Pertanian dan Perkebunan (DPP) Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Petunjuk pelaksanaan dan perawatan kebun inti Gambir Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat Tahun Anggaran 2013 [Instructions for implementation and maintenance of Gambier at Pakpak Bharat in 2013]. Dinas Pertanian dan Perkebunan Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat; 2013. [Bahasa Indonesia] 9. United States Department of Agriculture. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Soil Survey Staff. Keys to Soil Taxonomy Eleventh Edition. [Internet] accessed on January 4th, 2015 from 2010. 10. Hadad M, Ahmadi NR, Herman M, Supriadi H, Hasibuan AM. Teknologi budidaya dan pengolahan hasil Gambir [Cultivation and processing technology of Gambier]. [Internet]. 2009. accessed on January 14th, 2014 from [Bahasa Indonesia]

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2ndHumboldt Kolleg in conjunction with International Conference on Natural Sciences 2014, HK-ICONS 2014

Commented [R1]: Ini tidak masuk ke photosintesa? Juga tidak The Condition of Uncaria gambir as One of Important Medicinal masuk ke RE? Tidak ke food atau nano?. Akan masuk ke climate and environmental? Tapi bahasan manuskrip ini lebih ke arah Plants in North Sumatra Indonesia agronomi! Commented [R2]: Sebaiknya judul diubah sedikit agak tidak Rahmawatya,*, Abdul Raufb, Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregarb “berbau” total agronomi. Bgm bila kata ini diganti ? Ok kalo kami ganti seperti ini gmn? aForestry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Jl. Tri Dharma Ujung No. 1 Commented [R3]: Mhn comment di manuskrip ini JANGAN bAgroecotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No.3 DIHAPUS agar kita dapat saling recheck. Komentar balik dan Kampus USU, Medan 20155, Indonesia perbaikan dapat langsung di file ini. ok Commented [R4]: Disusun seperti ini lebih cantik ok

Abstract Commented [R5]: Abstract ini terlalu panjang. Elsevier mensyaratkan hanya 50-100 kata. Mhn diupayakan menyingkat. Uncaria gambir Roxb. (Gambier), a well known Southeast Asian plant, is one of the important plants in North Sumatera. The Kemukakan saja Masalah, Upaya Pemecahan Masalah (Metoda) dan aim of this study was to evaluate a production of Gambier plant cultivated in critical land in Pakpak Bharat Regency, North Hasil. Sumatra Province, since January to October 2013. Descriptive analysis was used to evaluate the progress of Gambier plant ok growth in relation with the status of soil and chemical substances in land. The study took 12 points of sampling to composite four Commented [R6]: Upayakan jangan mengulang-ulang kata yang replicates with the depth of (0 to 20) cm and (40 to 60) cm. Providing of dolomite to raise the pH of the soil has not been done sama (merah) because the pH of the soil is still suitable for the growth and production of Gambier. The interchangeable of K content which ok belongs from the moderate to high on the top layer and low in the bottom layer. Providing phosphate, Ca, and Mg fertiliziers is Commented [R7]: Tulis dengan huruf. Four absolutely necessary because the P-levels are available, although P-total as well as the levels of Ca and Mg can be exchanged into ok very low. Commented [R8]: ?? Ini bertentangan dengan simpulan (saya beri warna merah) © 2015 Rahmawaty, A. Rauf, A.Z. Siregar. Published by Elsevier B.V. Ok dihapus saja pada abstrak Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of HK-ICONS 2014.

Keywords: Critical land; cultivation; Gambier; rehabilitation Ada bagian yang “hilang” yakni No publikasi Elsevier & Author di footer. Mhn cermati template dan mencantumkannya kembali

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +62 87885302198; Fax: +62 61 8211924. Mhn mencantumkan cell-phone E-mail address: [email protected]

1876-6196 © 2015 Rahmawaty, A. Rauf, A.Z. Siregar. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of HK-ICONS 2014.

Rahmawaty, A. Rauf, A.Z. Siregar / Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000

Nomenclature a.s.l. above sea level m meter SOP Standard Operational cm centimeter Procedure mm millimeter km kilometer g gram kg kilogram mo month wk week yr year ha hectare

1. Introduction

Uncaria gambir Roxb.(Gambier) is a member of the Rubiaceae family and contains an officially recognized pharmacological compound1. Uncaria gambir Roxb. is one of the commodities of industrial plants which has high economic value as well as a good prospect for farmers and suppliers of foreign countries. In Indonesia, Uncaria gambir Roxb. is commonly used as component for thomsoniae, which in its development, Gambier oftenly used for Commented [R9]: Mhn dijelaskan apakah gerangan kegunaan mixed medications, such as burns, headaches, diarrhea, dysentery, gargles, canker sores, sore skin, to smooth the bahan ini secara singkat di (gambir dan sirih dicampur dan 2,3 digunakan oleh beberapa masy dengan cara dikunyah untuk process of digestion in the stomach and intestines, tanners and textile dyes . Currently, Gambier is developed to menguatkan gigi yang dikenal dengan nyirih) be used as the main raw material for plywood and particle board, also created as a tea bag material and refreshing Mungkin kata ini dpt menggantikan judul! beverages such as juice and other food4. Maaf, menurut kami kalo untuk judul mungkin kurang tepat The main producing area of Gambier in Indonesia are Central and Southern Sumatra, and commonly known as Commented [R10]: Mhn mencermati template. Tidak ada spasi West and South Sumatra Regency5. Gambier is generally cultivated on land with an altitude from 650 m to 800 m antar alinea. Kesalahan serupa terjadi di alinea-alinea lain di a.s.l. with a flat to topographical hillside. Usually, the Gambier plant is found as a crop plantation in the yard or manuskrip ini. Mhn berkenan memperbaikinya. ok garden on the edge of the forest. The cultivation is usually semi intensive, rarely given the fertilizer, but cleaning up and pruning remain implemented. Commented [R11]: Apakah merah tidak kapital? ok In these areas of production center, planting of Gambier is generally done on land that is surging up the hill with a very simple management. The appearance of the plants at glanze is no similar each other, there are advanced - 50 Commented [R12]: Rapat dengan kata di kiri ok years old plants. Some Gambier are newly planted, as well as the morphology of the plants that shapes shrubs and climbing slightly with permanent stand, because only the shoots are harvested, and can be utilized to sustain Commented [R13]: Masukkan ke nomenclature Gambier plant. With a distance of planting line and arranged in such a way and following the contour lines can play ok the role of surface run off and erosion control which in turn can act as plant rehabilitation6. Furthermore, as well in West Sumatra, Gambier is also widely developed in North Sumatra3,7. The producer of Commented [R14]: Seperti ini huruf besar Gambier in North Sumatra is North Tapanuli Regency, Central Tapanuli Regency, Deli Serdang Regency and ok Pakpak Bharat Regency. In Pakpak Bharat, Gambier is one of the leading commodities after coffee, patchouli and Commented [R15]: benar incense. Gambier in Pakpak Bharat is most or even almost entirely developed on hills and sloping land. Gambier Commented [R16]: 3,7 ok plantation area in Pakpak Bharat in 2009, which is entirely a plantation, of 700 ha with production reaching 400 000 kg yr-18. Commented [R17]: Kg · yr–1 ok In 2012, the government of Pakpak Bharat Regency had opened over 100 ha cultivation of Gambier plantation, Commented [R18]: Rapat ke kiri ok starting from December 2012 to March 2013. The location was at Penanggalan Mbinangaboang Village, Salak Sub District. The plantation of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat was prepared to become one of the companies in the area of Pakpak Bharat, opened in a critical area (abandoned land), and as a model and pilot project for farmer to support the effort of rehabilitating critical land and modernizing the techniques of cultivation.

Rahmawaty, A. Rauf, A.Z. Siregar / Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000

2. Materials and methods Commented [R19]: m kecil ok

This research was carried out by descriptive observation of nutrient status and other soil chemical substances as well as Gambier plant growth planted simultaneously at the department of agriculture and Gambier plantations-UPT Pakpak Bharat in the of Mbinangaboang Village, Salak Sub-District since January 1995 to December 2013. The land used was a critical area of dry land of 100 ha and its vegetation was dominated by reeds (Imperata Commented [R20]: ?? weeds cylindrica) (Fig. 1). Tractors were utilized on tillage and seeds were planted with planting distance of 2 m × 2.5 m Ini reeds atau alang-alang with rows of parallel contour plant. Treatment of the plants in the first 3 mo was started with planting to clearing the Commented [R21]: × ok weeds around the circular base of the stem to form a dish of around 15 cm to 20 cm from the base of the stem. After Commented [R22]: Ini apa? Cantumkanlah di Nomenclature 4 mo, old plants and weeds at the base of the stem and land were controlled by means of in-stream use cutting tripe Maksudnya month (mo) and let the rest of the plants (weeds) remain on the ground surface covering the stump weed itself which then acting Ok as a mulch. At this stage the base of the stem did not create dish again but cleared by the morphology of the root Commented [R23]: Cantumkan di nomenclature development from the surface of the area, spreading on Gambier line around the base of the stem. Basic fertilizer ok used was compound of NPK (15: 15: 15) and KCl fertilizer with doses of 100 gr each and 25 gr per tree which applied one day after planting. Dolomite was given as ameliorant materials applied into planting holes (1 wk before Commented [R24]: 1 wk. Wk harap dicantumkan di planting) as much as 1 kg per hole. nomenclaturw The evaluation of soil fertility through soil sampling was carried out in the first mo of planting (January 2013). ok Soil samples were taken at a depth of 0 cm to 20 cm and 40 cm to 60 cm for the first mo (January). Each sample Commented [R25]: Tulis seperti ini ok reached 12 points at the top of the hill, 12 points on its flanks, and 12 points on the bottom (the valley) area. From 12 points of this composite were divided into four soil samples (as Deuteronomy) which mean that any repeat of a Commented [R26]: Tulis dengan huruf ok composite is three points. Commented [R27]: Tulis dengan huruf ok The observations were made to the soil nutrient elements such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na and other soil chemical substances of C-organic, ratio C/N, saturation of bases (KB), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), the pH and the saturation Al. Observation of plants was done to high plant and calculated the number of branches (shoots) that were formed as the image of productivity due to Gambier plant production (harvesting) to quote parts of the set.

3. Result and discussion Commented [R28]: d kecil ok

3.1. The evaluation of the level of soil fertility and nutrient analysis results

The equivalent substances of chemical soil samples from the site of the study at first capture (January 2013) are presented in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1 showed the equivalent soil pH of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat ranged from 5.12 to 5.53 on top soil and 5.44 to 5.78 on lower layer. The range of soil pH like this was appropriate for growth and production of Gambier plant as mentioned in the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) Gambier published by Department Research and Development Ministry of Agriculture Agencies4.

Table 1. The analysis of chemical properties and soil nutrient N and P in Gambier plantation at Pakpak Bharat Parameters Position and layer Saturation C-org. N-total P-av. pH Ratio C/N P-total (%) Al (%) (%) (%) (ppm) (0 to 20) cm 5.53 (A) 10.87 (M) 2.86 (M) 0.25 (M) 11.84 (M) 0.014 (VL) 4.36 (VL) Top (40 to 60) cm 5.44 (A) 1.9 (VL) 2.17 (M) 0.15 (L) 14.44 (M) 0.012 (VL) 4.43 (VL) (0 to 20) cm 5.12 (A) 9.23 (R) 2.89 (M) 0.38 (M) 7.41 (L) 0.014 (VL) 4.34 (VL) The slope (40 to 60) cm 5.50 (A) 0.7 (VL) 2.18 (M) 0.16 (L) 13.78 (M) 0.013 (VL) 4.42 (VL) (0 to 20) cm 5.44 (A) 9.26 (L) 3.19 (M) 0.28 (M) 9.42 (L) 0.023 (VL) 4.38 (VL) Valley (40 to 60) cm 5.78 (SA) 1.3 (VL) 2.25 (M) 0.17 (L) 13.96 (M) 0.013 (VL) 4.45 (VL) Note: A = Acid; SA = slightly acidic; VL = Very Low; M = Medium; L = Low

Rahmawaty, A. Rauf, A.Z. Siregar / Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000

Table 2. The analysis of exchange bases and CEC soils in Gambier plantation at Pakpak Bharat Parameters Position and layer K-dd Ca-dd Mg-dd KTK Na (mg/100g) Kej.Basa (%) (me/100g) (mg/100g) (mg/100g) (mg/100g) (0 to 20) cm 0.477 (M) 0.407 (M) 0.571 (VL) 0.183 (VL) 18.08 (M) 9.12 (VL) Top (40 to 60) cm 0.150 (R) 0.094 (VL) 0.645 (VL) 0.088 (VL) 12.33(L) 8.09 (VL) (0 to 20) cm 0.520 (H) 0.391 (L) 0.584 (VL) 0.223 (VL) 23.20 (M) 7.60 (VL) The slope (40to 60) cm 0.112(L) 0.277 (L) 0.554 (VL) 0.080 (VL) 13.48 (L) 7.74 (VL) (0 to 20) cm 0.292(L) 0.243 (L) 0.432 (VL) 0.135 (VL) 19.15 (M) 6.073 (VL) Valley (40 to 60) cm 0.101 (L) 0.166 (L) 0.506 (VL) 0.071 (VL) 13.70 (L) 6.34 (VL) Note: M = Medium; H = High; L = Low; VL = Very Low

Interchangeable of aluminum levels (dd) on the ground of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat was pertained into low to moderate on the top layer of soil, while it was very low in the lower layer of soil (Table 1), which means that solubility of Al is at a level which does not harm (not cause toxic/inhibitor) for the growth and production of Gambier plant in study area in Pakpak Bharat, North Sumatra. The Table 2 recorded the levels of soil organic matter of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat pertained into medium to high which means it is enough to support growth of Gambier plant production so that the providing of organic fertilizer/manure for a while does not/has not yet needed to be done. The value of the ratio C/N was low to moderate which illustrates mineralized soil organic matter (humus formation) of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat. The levels of nitrogen (N), which were currently high on the top layer of soil and low on the lower layer ground illustrates that the providing of fertilizer N (Urea or ZA) is only half doses but Gambier plant needs or even cannot use N solely (preferably in the form of compound fertilizer), at least not on the plants of immature stadia which will not produce. Nutrient levels P, both available P-average and P-total were very low, both on the top layer and the bottom layer (Table 1). This illustrates that the phosphate fertilization (P) is indispensable to the cultivation of Uncaria gambir Roxb. in Pakpak Bharat. The providing of this P fertilizer should be optimal on Gambier plant according to the needs if want to good results. SP36 fertilizer provided of 60 gr per tree per semester for the first Commented [R29]: kata-kata ini diganti krn TIDAK BOLeh year and 70 gr per tree per year for second and the following year are already sufficient in supporting growth and ada kata ganti orang ke-2 ok Gambier plant production at the Gambier in Pakpak Bharat. Table 2 shows that levels of exchangeable bases (K, Na, Ca, and Mg) in soil of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat are various from low, medium to high for K in the soil top layer, low to very low for Na, and very low for Ca and Mg whereas on the lower layer of soil all levels bases of exchange belong from the low to very low. Based on the levels of Exchange bases, then fertilizing is required to meet basic levels of such exchange, especially Ca and Mg, which is -1 -1 also a macro nutrient elements, it can be used with a dose of optimum dolomite (doses 300 kg to 400 kg ha yr ). Commented [R30]: kg · ha–1 · yr–1 ok The providing of these replacement materials at once can increase saturation alkaline soil that is very low, both on land and on the upper layers of soil layer under it. CEC soil crusts currently on the top layer of soil have described the response (response) to the pruning, which contain ingredients from the alkaline compounds (cation).The need of Kalium (K) at the Gambier in Pakpak Bharat can be met by providing fertilizer KCl (MOP) as much as 3 g per tree per semester in the first year and 5 g per tree yr-1 in the second and the following year already good enough in supporting the growth and production of optimal Gambier in Pakpak Bharat.

3.2. Growth and development of Gambier Commented [R31]: kapital hanya di awal ok

Growth and development of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat were very good. This can be seen from the development of plant growth at intervals of 4 mo to 5 mo, as shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3. Gambier can only be grown at certain condition, which plant must be grown at 200 m to 800 m a.s.l. with rainfall around 3.3 mm yr-1 and humidity Commented [R32]: asl ok around 70 % to 85 %. Any types of soil can be used for Gambier plantation with the pH range from 4.8 to 5.59. Commented [R33]: mm · yr–1 ok Commented [R34]: rapat kiri ok

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Fig. 1. The land condition in Pakpak Bharat Commented [R35]: sebaiknya beri space antara foto kiri dan kanan ok

Fig. 2.The Gambier trees in Pakpak Bharat Commented [R36]: sama seperti di atas

Fig. 3. The Gambier cultivation condition in Pakpak Bharat Commented [R37]: sama seperti di atas ok

From Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3 it is known that the growth of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat with interval of 5 mo is Commented [R38]: apakah jagur adalah istilah umum dan good, although up to observation in October 2013 there was still a growing crop which did not similar each other, internasional ? that can be sorted into good/ thrives plants of which growth categorized into medium and growing less Bila tidak internasional maka sebaiknya tidak digunakan. Atau diberi “ “. Ok kami ganti dengan istilah pertumbuhan yang baik

Rahmawaty, A. Rauf, A.Z. Siregar / Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000 crops/infertile, which can be seen from the high indicators of plant and the amount of branch, as presented in Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 3. The height (cm) of Gambier in different land position and growth level of gambir in Pakpak Bharat

Growth level Land position Mean of Gambier Top The slope Valley

Good/ thrives 73.05 70.80 62.85 68.90 Commented [R39]: Anda di atas menggunakan istilah thrives Medium 44.00 48.10 45.10 45.73 plants. Sebaiknya konsisten ok

Bad 30.90 28.90 28.45 29.42 Commented [R40]: Saya ragu tentang apakah istilah ini bersifat Mean 49.32 49.27 45.47 48.02 internasional. Ingat : manuskrip ini dipublish internasional. ok, kami ganti menjadi good/ pertumbuhan gambir yang baik, Table 4. The Gambier plant branches in different land position in Pakpak Bharat medium , bad/pertumbuhan yang tidak baik

Growth level Land position Mean of Gambier Top The slope Valley

Good/ thrives 7.43 7.50 6.20 7.04 Commented [R41]: Anda di atas menggunakan istilah thrives Medium 6.30 4.27 3.30 4.62 plants. Sebaiknya konsisten ok

Bad 1.83 1.97 2.20 2.00 Commented [R42]: Mbak Monika, mohon konsultasikan MB Mean 5.19 4.58 3.90 4.56 Bahasa!!

From Table 3 it can be deduced that the highest average plant height is at the plant that sits at the top of the hill, Commented [R43]: t kapital ok followed later on the slopes and low average height on the plant that grows in the valley/lower slopes. Plant growth has quite striking difference (more than 2.3 times of plant height and more than 3.0 times of branch amount) compared between good plants and bad plant (Table 3 and Table 4), which describing the Gambier plant growth in Commented [R44]: mhn konsultasi ahli bahasa. Saran saya the study not in one form due to differences in levels of soil fertility, especially factors of physical soil, such as memakai tanda baca shg tertulis “jagur” fertility and humidity of soil. Table 4 shows the mean number of Gambier plants in Pakpak Bharat in October 2013 observation ranged from 2.00 branches (plants that grew in less fertile/non good), while score 7.04 showed up in branches (of plants that grow thrives/good). While the plants that grow on the slopes of the peak average number of branches have more than 5.19 branches, in the slope have more than 4.58 branches and on the valley of the average of 3.9 branches. Less Gambier plants grow on the bottom of the slope, either obtained from plant height or number of branches (Table 3 and Table 4), proving that the tree needs more ground with Gambier condition, high fertility of soil compared to the land with low fertility of soil with a high soil moisture. As it known that land on the summit and slopes of the ridge, its soil is more conducive for fine fraction (clay and organic material) than the soil eroding into the lower layers/valley (high selective process of erosion) which causes the land at the summit and the slope becomes more conducive, then the soil in the valley/lower slopes becomes more solid. In order to maintain the levels of organic matter and soil pH that become key factors in cultivating, applying techniques of soil and water conservation is absolutely necessary. Soil and water conservation action is also to prevent/control erosion due Gambier plant that grows at the bottom of the slope/valley is less satisfied due to its high sedimentation from erosion on the upper part. Parallel contour resulted by planting and cleaning weeds using the tripe machine as much as on the surface of the soil is formed by soil and water as conservation measures that are effective in the core of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat. Fertilization of N was performed by providing compound fertilizer by as much as 5 g per tree per semester in the first year of planting and 8 g to10 g per tree per plant is in the second year and so on. Fertilization of K can be done with the providing of KCl (MOP) with doses of 3 g per tree per semester in the first year and 5 g per tree yr-1 in the

Rahmawaty, A. Rauf, A.Z. Siregar / Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000 second year and so on. P-Fertilization should be done with the optimum dose of asmuch as 60 g per tree per semester for the first year and 70 g per tree yr-1 for year two and so on. Needs of Ca and Mg, as well as improving soil base saturation at the Gambier in Pakpak Bharat can be done with a dose of Dolomite fertilizing 300 kg to 400 kg ha-1 yr-1.

4. Conclusion

Organic fertilizer (compost or manure) is required on the cultivation of Uncaria gambir Roxb. in Pakpak Bharat. The providing of dolomite to raise the pH of the soil in the Gambier plantation in Pakpak Bharat no need to be done in the first year due the pH of the soil is still suitable for the growth and production of Gambier. P-Fertilization and the providing of a fertilizer containing Ca and Mg is absolutely necessary because the P-levels available (and even the P-total) and the levels of Ca and Mg can be exchanged relatively very low. In Pakpak Bharat, it would be better Commented [T45]: ok sudah disesuaikan to plant Gambier on the peaks and slopes rather than on the valley.


The authors would like to thank the University of Sumatera Utara (USU), the Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency, and the students in Faculty of Agriculture USU who participated in data collection. Commented [R46]: Mhn jangan ada kata ganti orang ke-1 dan ke-2 ok

References Commented [R47]: PERHATIAN! Mhn perbaikan karena banyak “kesalahan” ok 1. Heitzman ME, Neto CC, Winiarz E, Vaisberg AJ, Hammond GB. Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Uncaria (Rubiaceae). Phytochemistry 2005;66:5–29. Commented [R48]: Tidak usah ada bold. Mhn “kesalahan” 2. Kassim MJ, Hussin MH, Achmad A, Dahon NH, Suan TK, Hamdan HS. Kandungan Fenolik dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun serupa di reference lain DIPERBAIKI pula ok Gambir Kering (Uncaria gambir Roxb) [Determination of total phenol, condensed tannin and flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity of Uncaria gambir Roxb extracts]. Majalah Farmasi Indonesia 2011;22(1):50–59. [Bahasa Indonesia] Commented [R49]: Akronim diletakkan di belakang nama 3.Anggraini T, Tai A, Yoshino T. Antioxidative activity and catechin content of four kinds of Uncaria gambir Roxb extracts from West Sumatra, author BUKAN di depan ok Indonesia. African J. Biochem. Res.201;5(1):33–38. 4.Badan Litbang Pertanian Kementerian Pertanian (BLPKP). Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Gambier [Standard Operational Procedure Commented [R50]: Naskah ini full berbahasa Inggris? Tidak, (SOP) of Gambier]. Department Research and Development Ministry of Agriculture Agencies. Jakarta; 2012. [Bahasa Indonesia] sudah kami tambahkan bahasa indo 5.Isnawati A, Raini M, Sampurno O, D Mutiatikum, WidowatiL, Gitawati R. Karakteristik tiga jenis gambir (Unaria gambir Roxb) dari Commented [R51]: Perhatikan peletakan akronim! ok Sumatera Barat [Characteristics of the three types of Gambier from West Sumatra]. Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan 2012:40(4):201–208. [Bahasa Indonesia] Commented [R52]: Bila reference seperti ini maka berlaku 6. Balai Penelitian Tanah (BPN). Petunjuk teknis analisis kimia tanah, tanaman, air dan pupuk [Technical instructions for soil chemical analysis, ketentuan sbb: Author. Judul bahasa Indonesia [Judul translate ke plant, water and fertilizer]. Balai Penelitian Tanah. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Departemen Pertanian. Bogor; 2005. Bhs Inggris]. Keterangan lain. Tahun. [Bahasa Indonesia] [Bahasa Indonesia] Judul Italic ok 7. Adi HE. Pengembangan agroindustri Gambir di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Sumatera Barat [Development of Gambir agroindustry at Lima Commented [R53]: HAPUS. Tahun bukan di sini!ok Puluh Kota District, West Sumatra]. Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor; 2011. [Bahasa Indonesia] 8. Dinas Pertanian dan Perkebunan (DPP) Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Petunjuk pelaksanaan dan perawatan kebun inti Gambir Kabupaten Commented [R54]: Diperbaiki seperti ref nomor 5.ok Pakpak Bharat Tahun Anggaran 2013 [instructions for implementation and maintenance of Gambier at Pakpak Bharat in 2013]. Dinas Pertanian dan Perkebunan Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat; 2013. [Bahasa Indonesia] Commented [R55]: Diperbaiki seperti ref nomor 5.ok 9. Hadad M, Ahmadi NR, Herman M, Supriadi H, Hasibuan AM. Teknologi budidaya dan pengolahan hasil Gambir [Cultivation and processing Commented [R56]: Diperbaiki seperti ref nomor 5.ok technology of Gambier].[Internet]. 2009. [Bahasa Indonesia] accwswd on January 14th, 2014 from 2009. [Bahasa Indonesia] Commented [R57]: Author. Judul bahasa Indonesia [Judul translate ke Bhs Inggris]. [Internet] . Tahun. [Bahasa Indonesia] accesed on April 6th, 2012 from http://mebig.marmara. Tahun. [Bahasa Indonesia].ok

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Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000

2nd Humboldt Kolleg in conjunction with International Conference on Natural Sciences, Commented [R1]: Telah saya perbaiki HK-ICONS 2014 Ok thanks The Condition of Uncaria gambir Roxb as One of Important Medicinal Plants in North Sumatra Indonesia

Abdul Raufa*, Rahmawatyb, Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregara Commented [R2]: Comments Jangan DIHAPUS. Silahakan komentar balik atau perbaikan di file ini ok aAgroecotecnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No.3 bForestry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Jl. Tri Dharma Ujung No. 1 Commented [R3]: Tanpa koma Kampus USU, Medan 20155, Indonesia ok


Uncaria gambir Roxb. (Gambier), a well known Southeast Asian plant, is one of the important plants in North Sumatera. The aim of this study was to evaluate a production of Gambier plant cultivated in critical land in Pakpak Bharat Regency, North Sumatra Province, since January to October 2013. Descriptive analysis was used to evaluate the progress of Gambier plant growth in relation with the status of soil and chemical substances in land. The study took 12 points of sampling to composite four replicates with the depth of (0 to 20) cm and (40 to 60) cm. Providing of dolomite to raise the pH of the soil has not been done because the pH of the soil is still suitable for the growth and production of Gambier. The interchangeable of K content which belongs from the moderate to high on the top layer and low in the bottom layer. Providing phosphate, Ca, and Mg fertiliziersis absolutely necessary because the P-levels are available, although P-total as well as the levels of Ca and Mg can be exchanged into very low.

© 2015 A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of HK-ICONS 2014.

Keywords: Critical land; cultivation; Uncaria gambir Roxb; rehabilitation Commented [R4]: Rapat. Telah saya lakukan ok

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +62 813 7533 6753; Fax: +62 61 8211 924. Grouping spt ini E-mail address: [email protected]

1876-6196 © 2015 A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of HK-ICONS 2014.

A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar/ Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000


a.s.l. above sea level m Meter SOP Standard Operational cm centimeter Procedure mm millimeter km kilometer g gram kg kilogram mo month wk week yr year ha hectare

1. Introduction

Uncaria gambir Roxb. (Gambier) is a member of the Rubiaceae family and contains an officially recognized pharmacological compound1. Uncaria gambir Roxb. is one of the commodities of industrial plants which has high economic value as well as a good prospect for farmers and suppliers of foreign countries. In Indonesia, Uncaria gambir Roxb. is commonly used as component for thomsoniae, which in its development, Gambier oftenly used for mixed medications, such as burns, headaches, diarrhea, dysentery, gargles, canker sores, sore skin, to smooth the process of digestion in the stomach and intestines, tanners and textile dyes2,3. Currently, Gambier is developed to be used as the main raw material for plywood and particle board, also created as a tea bag material and refreshing beverages such as juice and other food4. The main producing area of Gambier in Indonesia are Central and Southern Sumatra, and commonly known as West and South Sumatra Regency5. Gambier is generally cultivated on land with an altitude from 650 m to 800 m a.s.l. with a flat to topographical hillside. Usually, the Gambier plant is found as a crop plantation in the yard or garden on the edge of the forest. The cultivation is usually semi intensive, rarely given the fertilizer, but cleaning up and pruning remain implemented. In these areas of production center, planting of Gambier is generally done on land that is surging up the hill with a very simple management. The appearance of the plants at glanze is no similar each other, there are advanced 50 years old plants. Some Gambier are newly planted, as well as the morphology of the plants that shapes shrubs and climbing slightly with permanent stand, because only the shoots are harvested, and can be utilized to sustain Gambier plant. With a distance of planting line and arranged in such a way and following the contour lines can play the role of surface runoffand erosion control which in turn can act as plant rehabilitation6. Furthermore, as well in West Sumatra, Gambier is also widely developed in North Sumatra3,7. The producer of Gambier in North Sumatra is North Tapanuli Regency, Central Tapanuli Regency, Deli Serdang Regency and Pakpak Bharat Regency. In Pakpak Bharat, Gambier is one of the leading commodities after coffee, patchouli and incense. Gambier in Pakpak Bharat is most or even almost entirely developed on hills and sloping land. Gambier plantation area in Pakpak Bharat in 2009, which is entirely a plantation, of 700 ha with production reaching 400 000 kg · yr-18. Commented [R5]: spasi.telah sy lakukan In 2012, the government of Pakpak Bharat Regency had opened over 100 ha cultivation of Gambier plantation, ok starting from December 2012 to March 2013. The location was at Penanggalan Mbinangaboang Village, Salak Sub District. The plantation of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat was prepared to become one of the companies in the area of

A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar/ Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000

Pakpak Bharat, opened in a critical area (abandoned land), and as a model and pilot project for farmer to support the effort of rehabilitating critical land and modernizing the techniques of cultivation.

2. Materials and methods

This research was carried out by descriptive observation of nutrient status and other soil chemical substances as well as Gambier plant growth planted simultaneously at the department of agriculture and Gambier plantations-UPT Pakpak Bharat in the of Mbinangaboang Village, Salak Sub-District since January 1995 to December 2013. The land used was a critical area of dry land of 100 ha and its vegetation was dominated by reeds (Imperata cylindrica) (Fig. 1). Tractors were utilized on tillage and seeds were planted with planting distance of 2 m × 2.5 m Commented [R6]: spasi, Telah sy lakukan with rows of parallel contour plant. Treatment of the plants in the first 3 mo was started with planting to clearing the ok weeds around the circular base of the stem to form a dish of around 15 cm to 20 cm from the base of the stem. After 4 mo, old plants and weeds at the base of the stem and land were controlled by means of in-stream use cutting tripe and let the rest of the plants (weeds) remain on the ground surface covering the stump weed itself which then acting as a mulch. At this stage the base of the stem did not create dish again but cleared by the morphology of the root development from the surface of the area, spreadingon Gambier line around the base of the stem. Basic fertilizer used was compound of NPK (15: 15: 15) and KCl fertilizer with doses of 100 g each and 25 g per tree which applied one day after planting. Dolomite was given as ameliorant materials applied into planting holes (1wk before planting) as much as 1 kg per hole. The evaluation of soil fertility through soil sampling was carried out in the first mo of planting (January 2013). Soil samples were taken at a depth of 0 cm to 20 cm and 40 cm to 60 cm for the first mo (January). Each sample reached 12 points at the top of the hill, 12 points on its flanks, and 12 points on the bottom (the valley) area. From 12 points of this composite were divided into four soil samples (as Deuteronomy) which mean that any repeat of a composite is three points. The observations were made to the soil nutrient elements such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na and other soil chemical substances of C-organic, ratio C/N, saturation of bases (BS), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), the pH and the Commented [R7]: apa tidak SB? saturation Al. Observation of plants was done to high plant and calculated the number of branches (shoots) that were ini adalah kejenuhan basa atau bases saturation boleh disingkat BS formed as the image of productivity due to Gambier plant production (harvesting) to quote parts of the set.

3. Result and discussion

3.1. The evaluation of the level of soil fertility and nutrient analysis results

The equivalent substances of chemical soil samples from the site of the study at first capture (January 2013) are presented in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1 showed the equivalent soil pH of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat ranged from pH 5.12 to pH 5.53 on top soil and pH 5.44 to pH 5.78 on lower layer. The range of soil pH like this was appropriate Commented [R8]: Saya tambah pH for growth and production of Gambier plant as mentioned in the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) Gambier ok published by Department Research and Development Ministry of Agriculture Agencies4.

Table 1.The analysis of chemical properties and soil nutrient N and P in Gambier plantation at Pakpak Bharat Parameters Position and layer Saturation C-org. N-total P-av. pH Ratio C/N P-total (%) Al (%) (%) (%) (mg/l) Commented [R9]: Kenapa P total rendah? (0 to 20) cm 5.53 (A) 10.87 (M) 2.86 (M) 0.25 (M) 11.84 (M) 0.014 (VL) 4.36 (VL) Ini berdasarkan data hasil analisis lab Top (40 to 60) cm 5.44 (A) 1.9 (VL) 2.17 (M) 0.15 (L) 14.44 (M) 0.012 (VL) 4.43 (VL) (0 to 20) cm 5.12 (A) 9.23 (R) 2.89 (M) 0.38 (M) 7.41 (L) 0.014 (VL) 4.34 (VL) The slope (40 to 60) cm 5.50 (A) 0.7 (VL) 2.18 (M) 0.16 (L) 13.78 (M) 0.013 (VL) 4.42 (VL) (0 to 20) cm 5.44 (A) 9.26 (L) 3.19 (M) 0.28 (M) 9.42 (L) 0.023 (VL) 4.38 (VL) Valley (40 to 60) cm 5.78 (SA) 1.3 (VL) 2.25 (M) 0.17 (L) 13.96 (M) 0.013 (VL) 4.45 (VL)

A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar/ Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000

Note: A = Acid; SA = slightly acidic; VL = Very Low; M = Medium; L = Low Commented [R10]: Ini berdasar ref 4 atau ref 9? Ref 6 tepatnya

Table 2. The analysis of exchange bases and CEC soils in Gambier plantation at Pakpak Bharat Parameters Position and layer K-dd Ca-dd Mg-dd KTK Bases Na (mg/100g) (me/100g) (mg/100g) (mg/100g) (mg/100g) saturation (%) (0 to 20) cm 0.477 (M) 0.407 (M) 0.571 (VL) 0.183 (VL) 18.08 (M) 9.12 (VL) Top (40 to 60) cm 0.150 (L) 0.094 (VL) 0.645 (VL) 0.088 (VL) 12.33(L) 8.09 (VL) (0 to 20) cm 0.520 (H) 0.391 (L) 0.584 (VL) 0.223 (VL) 23.20 (M) 7.60 (VL) The slope (40to 60) cm 0.112(L) 0.277 (L) 0.554 (VL) 0.080 (VL) 13.48 (L) 7.74 (VL) (0 to 20) cm 0.292(L) 0.243 (L) 0.432 (VL) 0.135 (VL) 19.15 (M) 6.073 (VL) Valley (40 to 60) cm 0.101 (L) 0.166 (L) 0.506 (VL) 0.071 (VL) 13.70 (L) 6.34 (VL) Note: M = Medium; H = High; L = Low; VL = Very Low Commented [R11]: Reference? Ref6

Interchangeable of aluminium levels (dd) on the ground of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat was pertained into low to moderate on the top layer of soil, while it was very low in the lower layer of soil (Table 1), which means that solubility Commented [R12]: Cantumkan referencenya of Al is at a level which does not harm (not cause toxic/inhibitor) for the growth and production of Gambier plant in Ref 6 Mhn penjelasan dibagian mana harus kami cantumkan? study area in Pakpak Bharat, North Sumatra. The Table 2 recorded the levels of soil organic matter of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat pertained into medium to high which means it is enough to support growth of Gambier plant production Commented [R13]: Cantumkan reference spt di table 2 so that the providing of organic fertilizer/manure for a while does not/has not yet needed to be done. The value of the Ref 6 ratio C/N was low to moderate which illustrates mineralized soil organic matter (humus formation) of Gambier in Commented [R14]: Cantumkan reference spt di table 2 Pakpak Bharat. Ref 6 The levels of nitrogen (N), which were currently high on the top layer of soil and low on the lower layer ground Commented [R15]: Cantumkan reference spt di table 2 illustrates that the providing of fertilizer N (Urea or ZA) is only half doses but Gambier plant needs or even can not Ref 6 use N solely (preferably in the form of compound fertilizer), at least not on the plants of immature stadia which will not produce. Nutrient levels P, both available P-average and P-total were very low, both on the top layer and the Commented [R16]: Cantumkan reference spt di table 1 bottom layer (Table 1). This illustrates that the phosphate fertilization (P) is indispensable to the cultivation of Uncaria Ref6 gambir Roxb. in Pakpak Bharat. The providing of this P fertilizer should be optimal on Gambier plant according to the needs if want to good results. SP36 fertilizer provided of 60 g per tree per semester for the first year and 70 g per Commented [R17]: Spasi? ok tree per year for second and the following year are already sufficient in supporting growth and Gambier plant production at the Gambier in Pakpak Bharat. Table 2 shows that levels of exchange able bases (K, Na, Ca, and Mg) in soil of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat are various from low, medium to high for K in the soil top layer, low to very low for Na, and very low for Ca and Mg Commented [R18]: Merah di cantumkan reference. Demikian whereas on the lower layer of soil all levels bases of exchange belong from the low to very low. Based on the levels pula spt ini di kalimat lain agar tampak bahwa Anda menulis berdasar acuan reference krn artikel ini ilmiah of Exchange bases, then fertilizing is required to meet basic levels of such exchange, especially Ca and Mg, which is ok –1 –1 also a macro nutrient elements, it can be used with a dose of optimum dolomite (doses 300 kg to 400 kg ha yr ). Commented [R19]: Gunakan end dash The providing of these replacement materials at once can increase saturation alkaline soil that is very low, both on ok land and on the upper layers of soil layer under it. CEC soil crusts currently on the top layer of soil have described the response (response) to the pruning, which contain ingredients from the alkaline compounds (cation).The need of Kalium (K) at the Gambier in Pakpak Bharat can be met by providing fertilizer KCl (MOP) as much as 3 g per tree per semester in the first year and 5 g per tree yr–1 in the second and the following year already good enough in Commented [R20]: Pakai end dash spt ini supporting the growth and production of optimal Gambier in Pakpak Bharat. ok

A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar/ Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000

3.2. Growth and developmentof Gambier Commented [R21]: Geser spt ini. Jangan di halaman sebelum ini ok Growth and development of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat were very good. This can be seen from the development of plant growth at intervals of 4 mo to 5 mo, as shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3. Gambier can only be grown at –1 certain condition, which plant must be grown at 200 m to 800 m a.s.l. with rainfall around 3300 mm yr and humidity Commented [R22]: Apakah angka ini benar? Maaf harusnya around 70 % to 85 %. Any types of soil can be used for Gambier plantation with the pH range from 4.8 to 5.59. curah hujan 3.300 mm/thn ada kesalahan penulisan indo ke inggris (penggunaan koma dan titik)

Commented [R23]: Pakai en dash ok

Fig. 1. The land condition in Pakpak Bharat

Fig. 2. The Gambier trees in Pakpak Bharat

A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar/ Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000

Fig. 3. The Gambier cultivation condition in Pakpak Bharat

From Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3 it is known that the growth of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat with interval of 5 mo is good, although up to observation in October 2013 there was still a growing crop which did not similar each other, that can be sorted into good/thrives plants of which growth categorized into medium and growing less crops/infertile, which can be seen from the high indicators of plant and the amount of branch, as presented in Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 3. The height (cm) of Gambier in different land position and growth level of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat

Growth level Land position Average of Gambier Commented [R24]: Lebih ilmiah, bila Anda mencantumkan Top The slope Valley standar deviasinya Menurut kami SD tidak begitu penting dalam penelitian ini kami Good/thrives 73.05 70.80 62.85 68.90 hanya ingin menunjukkan rata-ratanya saja atau mungkin lebih Medium 44.00 48.10 45.10 45.73 tepatnya average ya? Maaf maksud kami bukan mean nilai tengah Bad 30.90 28.90 28.45 29.42 Commented [R25]: Bila mungkin ditambahkan SE Average 49.32 49.27 45.47 48.02 Menurut kami SE tidak begitu penting dalam penelitian ini

Table 4. The Gambier plant branches in different land position in Pakpak Bharat

Growth level Land position Average of Gambier Top The slope Valley Commented [R26]: Lebih bagus, bila Anda dapat Good/thrives 7.43 7.50 6.20 7.04 mencantumkan SE-nya Menurut kami SE tidak begitu penting dalam penelitian ini Medium 6.30 4.27 3.30 4.62 Bad 1.83 1.97 2.20 2.00 Average 5.19 4.58 3.90 4.56

From Table 3 it can be deduced that the highest average plant height is at the plant that sits at the top of the hill, followed later on the slopes and low average height on the plant that grows in the valley/lower slopes. Plant growth has quite striking difference (more than 2.36 times of plant height and more than 4.06 times of branch amount) Commented [R27]: Spasi? ok compared between good plants and bad plant (Table 3 and Table 4), which describing the Gambier plant growth in Commented [R28]: Merah, bagaimana cara menghitung ini? Maaf ada kesalahan seharusnya: 73.05/30.90=2.36 Dan 7.43/1.83=4.06 Commented [R29]: Spasi? ok

A. Rauf, Rahmawaty, A.Z. Siregar/ Procedia Chemistry 00 (2015) 000–000 the study not in one form due to differences in levels of soil fertility, especially factors of physical soil, such as fertility and humidity of soil. Table 4 shows the mean number of Gambier plants in Pakpak Bharat in October 2013 observation ranged from 2.00 branches (plants that grew in less fertile/non good), while score 7.04 showed up in branches (of plants that grow thrives/good). While the plants that grow on the slopes of the peak average number of branches have more than 5.19 branches, in the slope have more than 4.58 branches and on the valley of the average of 3.9 branches. Less Gambier plants grow on the bottom of the slope, either obtained from plant height or number of branches (Table 3 and Table 4), proving that the tree needs more ground with Gambier condition, high fertility of soil compared to the land with low fertility of soil with a high soil moisture. As it known that land on the summit and slopes of the ridge, its soil is more conducive for fine fraction (clay and organic material) than the soil eroding into the lower layers/valley (high selective process of erosion) which causes the land at the summit and the slope becomes more conducive, then the soil in the valley/lower slopes becomes more solid. In order to maintain the levels of organic matter and soil pH that become key factors in cultivating, applying techniques of soil and water conservation is absolutely necessary. Soil and water conservation action is also to prevent/control erosion due Gambier plant that grows at the bottom of the slope/valley is less satisfied due to its high sedimentation from erosion on the upper part. Parallel contour resulted by planting and cleaning weeds using the tripe machine as much as on the surface of the soil is formed by soil and water as conservation measures that are effective in the core of Gambier in Pakpak Bharat. Fertilization of N was performed by providing compound fertilizer by as much as 5 g per tree per semester in the first year of planting and 8 g to10 g per tree per plant is in the second year and so on. Fertilization of K can be done with the providing of KCl (MOP) with doses of 3 g per tree per semester in the first year and 5 g per tree yr–1 in the Commented [R30]: Anda menggunakan hypen. Seharusnya en second year and so on. P-Fertilization should be done with the optimum dose of asmuch as 60 g per tree per semester dash. Sdh saya perbaiki, demikian pula hal serupa di kalimat lain Ok thanks for the first year and 70 g per tree yr–1 for year two and so on. Needs of Ca and Mg, as well as improving soil bases saturation at the Gambier in Pakpak Bharat can be done with a dose of Dolomite fertilizing 300 kg to 400 kg ha–1 yr– 1.

4. Conclusion

Organic fertilizer (compost or manure) is required on the cultivation of Uncaria gambir Roxb. In Pakpak Bharat. The providing of dolomite to raise the pH of the soil in the Gambier plantation in Pakpak Bharat no need to be done in the first year due the pH of the soil is still suitable for the growth and production of Gambier. P-fertilization and Commented [R31]: F kecil the providing of a fertilizer containing Ca and Mg is absolutely necessary because the P-levels available (and even the ok P-total) and the levels of Ca and Mg can be exchanged relatively very low. In Pakpak Bharat, it would be better to Commented [R32]: Apa pernah dicoba VAM? plant Gambier on the peaks and slopes rather than on the valley. Belum pernah


The authors would like to thank the University of Sumatera Utara (USU), the Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency, and the students in Faculty of Agriculture USU who participated in data collection.


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