Population Distribution and Density Changing Pattern in Sumatera Utara

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Population Distribution and Density Changing Pattern in Sumatera Utara Available at http://jurnal.unimed.ac.id/2012/index.php/geo e-ISSN: 2549–7057 | p-ISSN: 2085–8167 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION AND DENSITY CHANGING PATTERN IN SUMATERA UTARA Nilasari Siagian Program Studi Hukum Keluarga, Fakultas Syariah, IAIDU Jl. Mahoni, Mekar Baru, Kisaran Barat, Asahan, Sumatera Utara, 21264, Indonesia e-mail: [email protected] Received: 05 June 2021, Repaired: 04 August 2021, Approved: 05 August 2021 Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi kepadatan penduduk deskripsi dan pola perubahan di Sumatera Utara. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Tehnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas yang ada di perpustakaan, seperti buku, majalah, dokumen, catatan data sekunder, data statistik atau penelitian kepustakaan murni yang terkait dengan obyek penelitian. Metode analisis deskriptif memberikan gambaran dan keterangan yang secara jelas, objektif, sistematis, analitis dan kritis mengenai distribusi dan kepadatan penduduk deskripsi: karakteristik spasial dan pola perubahan di Sumatera Utara. Langkah awal yang ditempuh dengan mengumpulkan data-data yang dibutuhkan, melakukan klasifikasi, deskripsi kemudian dianalisis. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa pola distribusi dan kepadatan penduduk yang terjadi disebabkan oleh karakteristik spasial dan perubahan- perubahan geologi. Jika dilihat dari aspek kepadatan penduduk. Tingginya kepadatan penduduk di Sumatera Utara menyebabkan masalah-masalah sosial seperti pengangguran, kemacetan, kemiskinan, rendahnya pelayanan kesehatan, meningkatnya angka kriminalitas, pemukiman kumuh, lingkungan tempat tinggal yang tidak sehat, dan lainnya. Pola distribusi penduduk yang terjadi adalah secara geografis. Penyebaran penduduk terbesar masih terkonsentrasi pada wilayah Pantai Timur, yaitu dimana pada wilayah tersebut terdapat sejumlah kabupaten yang berpenghuni terbesar (di atas 5 % dari seluruh penduduk provinsi). Kata kunci: Penduduk, Distribusi, Kepadatan, Spasial Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of population density descriptions and patterns of change in North Sumatra. This type of research is library research. Data collection techniques are carried out by utilizing existing facilities in the library, such as books, magazines, documents, secondary data records, statistical data, or pure library research related to the object of research. The analytical method provides a clear, objective, systematic, analytical, and critical description and description of the distribution and population density description: characteristics and patterns of change in North Sumatra. The initial step is achieved by collecting the required data, classifying it, describing it, and then analyzing it. The results of this study explain that the distribution pattern and population density that occur are caused by spatial characteristics and geological changes. When viewed from the aspect of population density. The high population density in North Sumatra causes social problems such as congestion, poverty, health services, crime rates, settlements, unhealthy living environments, and others. The pattern of population distribution that occurs is geographical. The largest distribution is still throughout the East Coast region, wherein that region there are the largest number of districts (above 5% of the province's population). Keywords: Population, Distribution, Density, Spatial 225| Vol 13 No. 2 – 2021 Jurnal Geografi Vol 13 No.2 (225-234) Available at http://jurnal.unimed.ac.id/2012/index.php/geo e-ISSN: 2549–7057 | p-ISSN: 2085–8167 INTRODUCTION geographic, demographic, and Econo-social The demographic aspect greatly factors seem to contribute to the migration determines the composition of human decisions made by individual residents. beings in a region. In addition, residential Demography, particularly population modes, urban and rural population trends, change, has been the target of intensive components of population change research because of its economic and social (including studies of mortality, fertility, and implications (Malik & Dewancker, 2018). A migration as effects of changes in key factor shaping demographic dynamics distribution and density), and is migration. interrelationships between and between Migration decisions by residents are population characteristics and distribution influenced by various factors including and density are included (Başkan et al., employment opportunities, cost of living, 2017). and climatic conditions (Aljoufie, 2021). The population distribution factor is Deriving estimates of the population at risk important to consider zoning. Population as a basis for policy evaluation (Balk et al., studies often focus on a portrait of the 2006). distribution of the population and the In fact, humans may regard a factors that influence population particular area, which may differ from distribution (L. Chen et al., 2012). administrative units and have a certain Population distribution is the composition finite but unknown size, as the spatial unit of the population in a certain area according on which migration decisions are based to the conditions and needs of the (Romdhoni, 2020). If so, individuals can community (Kumar, 2015). make decisions by considering their current The main factors that determine living environment and/or migration population distribution are climate, destinations to a certain distance, resulting landscape, topography, soil, energy and in overcrowding (Başkan et al., 2017). mineral resources, accessibility such as Trends in population distribution distance from the sea coast, natural ports, are one of the most dynamic and policy- navigable rivers or canals, cultural factors, relevant dimensions of the contemporary political boundaries, migration and trade demographic situation (R. Chen et al., 2020). controls, government policies, types of Distribution of the population between economic activity, technology including states, then the balance shifts between types of agriculture and means of metropolitan and nonmetropolitan transportation, social organization and last (Purnama et al., 2020). Trends in areas but not least, demographic factors such as classified by degree of remoteness (Hugo, changes in natural growth and migration. 2002). Poor physical conditions and lack of Several large cities in Indonesia are sufficient opportunities for livelihoods have classified as very dense compared to their been mainly responsible for deterring area(Pavlic et al., 2013). This high occupants in certain areas (Ribeiro et al., population density causes social problems 2021). such as unemployment, congestion, Climatic conditions are perhaps the poverty, low health services, increasing most important of all geographic influences crime rates, slum settlements, unhealthy on population distribution (Syazili & Bakti, living environments, and so on (Pavlic et 2020). In addition to physical factors, there al., 2013). Besides social problems, it also are also other factors such as social, causes spatial problems such as reduced demographic, economic, political, and agricultural land, vacant land, and an historical factors that affect the distribution increase in the number of settlements of the population. Changes in population (Başkan, A. H., Zorba, E., & Bayrakdar, within a country have various implications 2017). (Putri et al., 2020). For example, different Population Distribution …..|226 Available at http://jurnal.unimed.ac.id/2012/index.php/geo e-ISSN: 2549–7057 | p-ISSN: 2085–8167 This phenomenon also occurs in The relationship between several regions in Indonesia, such as in demographic characteristics such as North Sumatra Province. The problem of population density and distribution in the distribution and population density has North Sumatra region has an impact on the become one of the regional development economic and social activities of the planning agendas as outlined in the community. Responding to these problems Provincial RPJMD and RKPD. Seeing the and phenomena, the researcher considers it current development and distribution important to review how the pattern of pattern of the population reflects the change and distribution of population existence of population and regional density in North Sumatra is. problems that must be addressed immediately. If we refer to the data released RESEARCH METHOD by the Central Statistics Agency of North In this study, the author uses a type Sumatra Province in 2020, the population of of library research, which is a series of North Sumatra is 15,136,522 people, with a activities related to library data collection population density of 207.40 people/km2. methods. According to (Moelong, 2008). The geographical location of North Sumatra Library research is research that uses consists of 1º-4º north latitude 98º-100º east methods to obtain information data by longitude. placing existing facilities in the library, such The province of North Sumatra as books, magazines, documents, secondary stretches across the island of Sumatra data records, statistical data, or pure library between the Indian Ocean and the Malacca research related to the object of research. Strait. It is bordered by the province of Furthermore, descriptive analysis Aceh in the northwest and the provinces of was carried out. The descriptive analysis Riau and West Sumatra in the southeast. method provides a clear, objective, These conditions certainly have an systematic, analytical, and critical influence on development, the increase in description and description
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    769 International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT) ISSN: 2509-0119. © 2021 International Journals of Sciences and High Technologies http://ijpsat.ijsht‐journals.org Vol. 26 No. 2 May 2021, pp.72-76 Analysis Of Financial Performance Of District / City Governments After Regional Autonomy In North Sumatera Province Dewi Safariani Faculty of Economy and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia Abstract – The implementation of regional autonomy as a form of government policy is expected to be able to solve the financial crisis of the central government. Prior to the enactment of regional autonomy, the financial resources of local or regional governments depended on the central financial capacity to be allocated in the form of allowances and financial assistance for regions to finance development and positions in regional government. With regional autonomy, it is hoped that regional governments should be freer in managing their own finances and more efficient in managing their own financial resources. A significant difference in the achievement of regional government financial performance after autonomy is enacted / implemented. This study uses a research sample in the local government in North Sumatra Province, using the Paired T-Test statistical method. Keywords – Financial Performance, Autonomy. I. INTRODUCTION The economic crisis that hit Indonesia in early 1996 and reached its peak in 1997 prompted a strong desire from the central government to relinquish some of the financial management authority to the regions and it was hoped that the regions could finance development activities and community services on the basis of their own financial capabilities. In other words, the decline in overall state revenue has prompted the emergence of initiatives to grant economic status to autonomous regions as stipulated in Law Number 5 of 1974 as the designation for Provincial / City District Governments in the pre-regional autonomy era.
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