EXTENSION GRANTED TO 11/17/2008 OMB No 1545-0047 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax am990 Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung 2007 benefit trust or private foundation) Department of the Treasury Open to Public I Internal Revenue Servrce b The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requuements. Inspection , A For the 2007 calendar year, ortax year beginning and ending 8 Check .1 Please C Name of organization D Employer identification number app'mb'e iRSTHE LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE 212:3? SEEISIFOUNDATION 52—1278303 9:331; Number and street (or PO. box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suns E Telephone number I211?” Specific18001 YORBA LINDA BLVD. 714—993-5075 133??” City or town, state or country, and ZIP + 4 F Accounting method I: Cash Accrual made" YORBA LINDA, CA 92886—3949 I:I 833.1,)» ADP"°a“°'pending 0 Section 501(c)(3) organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts H and I are not applicable to section 52 7 organizations must attach a completed Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) H(a) Is this a group return for affiliates? DYes No G Website: DWWW . NIXONL I BRARYFOUNDAT I ON . ORG H(b) If "Yes," enter number of affiliates} N/A Organization type (check only one)> 501(c)( 3 )4 (man no) (:1 4947(a)(1) or C] 527 H(c) Are all affiliates included? Nam (If "No," attach a list) K Check here D I:] if the organization is not a 509(a)(3) supporting organization and its gross H(d) Is this a separate return filed by an or- receipts are normally not more than $25,000. A return is not requued, but if the organization ganization covered by a group ruling? |:|Yes No chooses to file a return, be sure to file a complete return. I Group Exemption Number > N/A M Check D :1 if the organization is not requued to attach L Gross receipts Add lines 6b, 8b, 9b, and 10b to line 12 b 17,865,580. Sch. B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) | Part I] Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, and Similar amounts received: a Contributions to donor adVised funds 1a b Direct public support (not included on line 1a) STMT l 8 1b 1 , 9 4 5 , 2 2 7 . c Indirect public support (not included on line 1a) 1c 11 Government contributions (grants) (not included on line 1a) STMT l 9 1d 5 7 , 5 0 0 . e Total(add lines 1athrough 1d) (cash$ 2 , 002 , 727 . noncash$ ) 1e 2 , 002 , 727 . 2 Program serVice revenue including government fees and contracts (from Part VII, line 93) STMT l 2 2 5 6 9 , l 8 9 . 3 Membership dues and assessme Is 3 4 Interest on saVings and tempora cash 4 2 2 3 , 5 3 5 . 5 DiVidends and interest from secu IthE 0 5 1 , 0 1 8 , 9 4 4 . 6 a Gross rents a g? 1 6a 909 , 345 . b Less: rental expenses Mela ‘ 2 6b 4 9 , 7 12 . a, c Net rental income or (loss). Sub act g 6c 8 5 9 , 6 3 3 . g 7 Other investment income (descr e b UT ) 7 3 8 a Gross amount from sales of assets other es (B) Other x than inventory 12 , 501 , 067 . 8a b Less: cost or other baSis and sales expenses 1 l , 3 4 l , 9 1 6 . 8b cg c Gain or (loss) (attach schedule) 1 , l 5 9 , 1 5 1 . 8c 3 d Net gain or (loss). Combine line 80, columns (A) and (B) STMT 3 8d 1 , l 5 9 , 1 5 l . :1 9 SpeCIal events and actiVities (attach schedule). If any amount is from gaming, check here D [:1 N a Gross revenue (not ' ‘ S of- reported on line lb) 9a b Less: direct expenses other than fundraismg expenses 9b 5 c Net income or (loss) from special events. Subtract line 9b from line 9a 91: C3 10 a Gross sales of inventory, less returns and allowances 10a 6 4 0 , 7 7 3 . b Less: cost of goods sold 10b 3 6 8 , 8 7 5 . % c Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory (attach schedule). Subtract line 10b from line 10a STMT 4 10c 2 7 1 , 8 9 8 . Z 11 Other revenue (from Part VII, line 103) 11 <1: 12 Total revenue.Add "[183 Is, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6c, 7, 8d, 9c, 10c, and 11 12 6,105 , 077 . @392) m 13 Program serVices (from “mi 44, column (3)) 13 4 , 8 2 5 , 9 3 2 . 3 14 Management and general (from line 44, column (0)) 14 l , 9 0 8 , 8 7 0 . 5 15 Fundraismg (from line 44, column (0)) 15 4 8 7 , 4 2 5 . Us; 16 Payments to affiliates (attach schedule) 16 17 Total expenses. Add lines 16 and 44, column (A) 17 7 , 2 2 2 , 2 2 7 . 18 Excess or (deficit) for the year. Subtract line 17 from line 12 18 — 1 , 1 1 7 , 1 5 O . fig 19 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line 73, column (A)) 19 6 7 , 8 3 7 , 4 6 3 . 23 20 Other changes in net assets or fund balances (attach explanation) SEE STATEMENT 5 20 9 3 3 , 6 8 1 . 21 Net assets or fund balances at end of year. Combine lines 18, 19, and 20 21 6 7 , 6 5 3 , 9 9 4 . {$37-37 LHA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. see the separate instructions. Form 990 (2007) 1 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—1

49 0‘1'5’1 t__ THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Form 990 (2007) FOUNDATION 5 2 — 1 2 7 8 3 0 3 Page 2 I Part II | Statement of All organizations must complete column (A). Columns (B), (C), and (D) are required (or section 501(c)(3) Functional Expenses and (4) organizations and section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts but optional for others.

0°“22,3”;5‘3373‘233?(2137;? wow “22:29.2: “messes? 223 Grants paid from donor advrsed funds l (attach schedule) I (cash 3 0 o noncashs O . ! lt this amount includes foreign grants, check here > I I 223 I 22b Other grants and allocations (attach schedule STATEMENT 6 (cashs 440500ononmsh$ 0. If this amount includes loreign yams. check here > I l 22!) 4 4 0 , 5 0 0 e 4 4 0 , 5 0 0 e 23 Specmc a55istance to indiVIduals (attach l schedule) 23 l 24 Benefits paid to or for members (attach schedule) 24 25a Compensation of current officers, directors, key employees,etc.lisledinPartV-A 25a 490,693. 0. 460,494. 30,199. b Compensation of former officers, directors, key employees, etc. listed in Part V-B 25b 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . c Compensation and other distributions, not included above, to disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(1)) and persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) 25c 26 Salaries and wages of employees not includedonline525a,b,andc 26 1,823,615. 1,416,817. 235,649. 171,149. 27 Penelon plan contributions not included on lines 25a, b, and c 27 28 Employee benefits not included on lines 25a-27 28 237,405. 162,289. 42,248. 32,868. 29 Payrolltaxes 29 145,864. 105,306. 22,314. 18,244. 30 Profes3ional fundraismg fees 30 31 Accountingfees 31 37,852. 37,852. 32 Legalfees 32 26,462. 26,462. 33 Supplies 33 115,021. 80,399. 28,282. 6,340. 34 Telephone 34 37,258. 28,312. 7,531. 1,415. 35 Postageandshipping 35 26,970. 18,444. 8,107. 419. 36 Occupancy 36 292,917. 269,420. 23,497. 37 Equment rental and maintenance 37 9 , 8 81 . 1 , 08 6 . 8 , 7 9 5 . 38 Printing and publications 38 6 , 31 8 . 2 , 65 3 . 3 , 6 6 5 . 39 Travel 39 146,575. 139,765. 5,006. 1,804. 40 Conferences, conventions, and meetings 40 3 7 0 . 3 0 . 2 9 5 . 4 5 . 41 Interest 41 42 Deprecration, depletion, etc (attach schedule) 42 1 , 2 8 6 , 6 8 2 . 7 2 2 , 4 32 . 4 8 5 , 9 82 . 7 8 , 26 8 . 43 Other expenses not covered above (itemize) aSEE STATEMENT 15 4331 1,922,624. 1,438,479. 337,471. 146,674. bLOBBYING EXPENSES 43hr 175, 220. 175, 220. c 430] d 43d] e 43el t 43t 9 439 44 Total lunctional expenses. Add lines 22a through 439. (Organizations completing columns (B)—(D), carrythesetotalstolines13-15) 44 7,222,227. 4,825,932. 1,908,870. 487,425. Joint Costs. Check F E] if you are followmg SOP 98-2. Are any |Olnl costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraismg solicnation repurted in (8) Program serwces" DE] Yes No ll 'Yes,‘ enter (i) the aggregate amount of these )omt costs $ N/A ; (ii) the amount allocated to Program sewices $ N/A ; (iii) the amount allocated to Management and general $ N/A ; and (iv) the amount allocated to Fundraismg 8 N/A 723011 12-27-07 Form 990 (2007) 2 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—1 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Form 990 (2007) FOUNDATI ON 52-1278303 Page 3 I Part III [Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See the Instructions) Form 990 is available for public inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of information about a particular organization How the public perceives an organization In such cases may be determined by the information presented on its return Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully describes, in Part Ill, the organization's programs and accomplishments

What is the organization's primary exempt purpose? b Program Service SEE STATEMENT 1 6 Expenses (Reqmred for 501(c)(3) All organizations must describe their exempt purpose achievements in a clear and conCise manner State the number of and (4) orgs., and clients served, publications issued, etc Discuss achievements that are not measurable (Section 501(c)(3) and (4) 4947(a)(1) trusts; but organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of grants and allocations to others) optional for others.)


(Grants and allocations $ 4 4 0 , 5 0 0 . ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here D E] 4 , 8 2 5 , 9 3 2 . b

(Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here D E] c

(Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here D L] d

(Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here I: e Other program seNices (attach schedule) (Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here D D f Total of Program Semce Expenses (should equal line 44, column (8), Program serVices) b 4 , 8 2 5 , 9 3 2 . Form 990 (2007)

723021 12-27-07 3 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—1 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Form 990 (2007) FOUNDATION 5 2 — 1 2 7 8 3 0 3 Page 4 W] Balance Sheets (See the instructions ) Note: Where required, attached schedules and amounts Within the description column (A) (B) should be for end-of-year amounts only Beginning of year End of year

45 Cash - non-interest-bearing 4 l 8 , 0 0 8 . 45 6 3 8 , 3 3 2 . 46 Savmgs and temporary cash investments 3 , 2 8 5 , 6 9 8 . 46 3 , 0 l 6 , 8 7 7 .

47 a Accounts receivable 47a __ b Less allowance for doubtful accounts 47b 47c

48 a Pledges receivable 48a -74 8 2 , 7 l 2 . b Less allowance for doubtful accounts 48b 1 , 147 , 6 3 9 . 466 4 82 , 7 12 . 49 Grants receivable 49 50 a Receivables from current and former officers, directors, trustees, and key employees 503 b Receivables from other disqualified persons (as defined under section 3 4958(f)(1)) and persons described In section 4958(c)(3 (B) 50b g 51 a Other notes and loans receivable 51a __ "V < b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts 51b 51c 52 Inventories for sale or use 2 5 O , 5 8 5 . 52 2 6 8 , 6 2 9 . 53 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 3 0 , 5 4 7 . 53 3 0 , 5 4 7 . 54 a Investments - publicly-traded securities STMT 7 b Cost [:1 FMV l , 5 34 , 4 3 3 . 54a 2 , 74 3 , 3 6 7 . b Investments - other securities STMT 9 F Cost |:] FMV 3 8 , 7 2 2 , 6 2 9 . 54b 3 8 , 77 3 , l 3 7 . 55 a Investments - land, buddings, and equment ba5is 553 39 , 9 6 9 , 4 10 .

b Less accumulateddepreCIation 55b 16,780,858. 23,799,239. 55; 23,188,552. 56 Investments - other 56 57 a Land, burldings, and eqmpment baSlS 57a _ b Less accumulated depreCIation 57b 57c 58 Other assets, including program-related investments (descnbebDEPOSITS ) 5 , 444. 58 5,444. 59 Total assets Qnust equal line 74) Add lines 45 through 58 6 9 , l 9 4 , 2 2 2 . 59 6 9 , 1 4 7 , 5 9 7 . 60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 5 0 7 , 7 3 1 . 60 6 4 4 , 5 7 5 . 61 Grants payable 61 62 Deferred revenue 62 .E 63 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees 63 E 64 a Tax-exempt bond liabilities 64a '3 b Mortgages and other notes payable 64b 65 Other liabilities (describe b SEE STATEMENT 8 ) 8 4 9 , O 2 8 . 65 8 4 9 , 0 2 8 .

66 Total liabilities. Add lines so through 65 1 , 35 6 , 7 59 . 66 1 , 4 9 3 , 6 0 3 . Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here D IL] and complete lines m 67 through 69 and lines 73 and 74 _* 8 67 Unrestricted 27,405,703. 67 25,345,624. E 68 Temporarilyrestricted 27,045,035. 68 28,921,645. 8 69 Permanentlyrestncted 13,386,725. 69 13,386,725. g Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here D :1 and E complete lines 70 through 74 *_~ 3 70 Capital stock, trust prinCIpal, or current funds 70 g 71 Paid-in or caprtal surplus, or land, building, and equment fund 71 < 72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds 72 g 73 Total net assets or fund balances. Add lines 67 through 59 orlines 70 through 72. (Column (A) mustequal line 19 and column (B) mustequal line 21) 67 , 837 , 463 . 73 67 , 653 , 994 . 74 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances. Add lines 66 and 73 6 9 , l 9 4 , 2 2 2 . 74 6 9 , l 4 7 , 5 9 7 . Form 990 (2007)

13939.17 4 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—l THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Fumemummn FOUNDATION 52-1278303 Pme5 | Part lV-Al ReconCIIIatIon of Revenue per Audited FInanCIal Statements WIth Revenue per Return (See the Instructions ) a Total revenue, gaIns, and other support per audited fInanCIal statements a 6 , 8 9 9 , 8 0 l . b Amounts Included on Me a but not on Part I. IIne 12 1 Net unrealized gaIns on Investments b1 9 3 3 , 6 8 1 . 2 Donated serVIces and use of faCIlItIes b2 3 Recoverles of pnor year grants b3 4 Other (speCIfy) b4 Add IInes b1 through b4 b 9 3 3 , 6 8 l . c Subtract line b from km a c 5 , 966 , 120 . Amounts Included on Part I. IIne 12, but not on km a: 1 Investment expenses not Included on Part I, IIne 6b d1 2 Other (speCIfy) RECLASSIFICATION INCOME/EXPENSE d2 138 , 957 . Amnmmd1mmd2 d 138,957. e Total revenue (Part I, We 12) Add lInes c and d b e 6 , 10 5 , 07 7 . | Part lV-B l ReconCIlIatIon of Expenses per Alfdlted FInanCIal Statements WIth Expenses per eturn a Total expenses and losses per audIted fInanCIal statements a 7 , 0 8 3 , 2 7 0 . b Amounts Included on Me a but not on Part I, We 17 1 Donated serVIces and use of faCIlItIes b1 2 PrIor year adjustments reported on Part I, km 20 b2 3 Losses reported on Part I, |Ine 20 b3 4 Other (speCIfy): b4 Add IInes b1 through b4 b 0 . c Subtract IInebfrom lInea c 7, 083,270. (1 Amounts Included on Part I, Me 17, but not on km a: 1 Investment expenses not Included on Part I, IIne 6b d1 2 Other (specrfy) RECLASSIFICATION INCOME/EXPENSE d2 138 , 957 . Amflmmd1mmd2 d 138,957. e Total expenses (Part I, Ime 17) Add lInes c and d b e 7 , 2 2 2 , 22 7 . Part V-A Current Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (LIst each person who was an officer, dIrector, trustee, or key employee at any tIme dunng the year even If they were not compensated ) (See the Instruct/ans ) (B)TIt|e and average hours (C) CompensatIon (D)Conmbutlons to (E) Expense (A) Name and address per week devoted to (If not paid, enter emp'meplans a. deferred"Mr" account and posmon on compensatmn mans other allowances 12m;T_R_I_ 3: _ §I_NE_S______NIXON CENTER PRESIDENT 1§1_5_ _L_ _SLI‘BEE'I_‘ _1\1W_,_ §PETE _1_2_5_0______WASHINGTON, DC 20036 45.00 339,696. 15,192. 0. qQI-IN _H_._ TAXDQR ______EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR l 8_0_0_1_ XPBBLIEIJIDA PLYP ______YORBA LINDA, CA 92886 45.00 150,997. 9,012. 0. SEE STATEMENT l 7

0.00 0. O. 0.

Form 990 (2007) 723041 12-27-07 5 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689_1 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE meemummn FOUNDATION 52—1278 303 Page6 [Part V-AI Current Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (continued) Yes No 75 a Enter the total number of officers, directors, and trustees permitted to vote on organization busmess at board meetings > 20 Are any officers, directors, trustees, or key employees listed in Form 990, Part V-A, or highest compensated employees listed in Schedule A, Part I, or highest compensated profeSSional and other independent contractors listed in Schedule A, Part Il-A or II B, related to each other through family or busmess relationships? it "Yes," attach a statement that identifies the indiVIduals and explains the relationship(s) SEE STATEMENT 2 0 75b Do any officers, directors, tmstees, or key employees listed in Form 990, Part V-A, or highest compensated employees listed in Schedule A, Part I, or highest compensated profes3iona| and other independent contractors listed In Schedule A, Part lI-A or "-8, receive compensation from any other organizations, whether tax exempt or taxable, that are related to the organization’7 See the instructions for the definition of "related organization " 75c X If "Yes," attach a statement that Includes the information described in the Instructions d Does the organization have a wrrtten conflict of intereslpohcy” 750 X I Part V-BI Former Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees That Received Compensation or Other Benefits (If any former officer, director, tmstee, or key employee received compensation or other benefits (described below) during the year, list that person below and enter the amount of compensation or other benefits in the appropriate column See the instructions ) (0) Compensation (D)Contnbutions to (E) Expense (A) Name and address (B) Loans and Advances (if not pard, :flfiféezgggzg‘ account and ONE enter -0-) compensation plans other allowances

I Part VT] Other Information (See the instructions) Yes No 76 Did the organization make a change in rts activrties or methods of conducting actiwties? if 'Yes,“ attach a detailed I statement of each change _ 76 X 77 Were any changes made in the organizing or goveming documents but not reported to the lRS’7 77 X it "Yes," attach a conformed copy of the changes ___ ~_I 73 3 Did the organization have unrelated busmess gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by this return? 78a X ti If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this yeai’? 78b X 79 Was there a liqUIdation, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction during the yeafl It “Yes,” attach a statement 79 X 80 a Is the organization related (other than by assomation wrth a stateWIde or nationWIde organization) through common __ H _ _ membership, governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc., to any other exempt or nonexempt organization? 803 X b If "Yes," enter the name of the organization) N/ A I and check whether it is I:] exempt or CI nonexempt 81 a Enter direct and indirect political expendrtures (See line 81 instmctions) I 81a I 17 5 , 22 0 . A H J I) Did the organization file Form 1 120-POL for this year’7 81!)? 7 7 X Form 990 (2007)

72316i/12-27-o7 6 15131003 796829 17689 2007 . 06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689_1 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Form 990 (2007) FOUNDATION 5 2 — 1 2 7 8 3 O 3 Page 7 [part w I Other Information (continued) Yes No 82 a DId the organIzatIon recere donated serVIces or the use of mammals eqUIpment, or faCIIItIes at no charge or at substantIally less than faIr rental value? 82a X b If "Yes," you may Indlcate the value of these Items here Do not Include thIs ‘ amount as revenue In Part I or as an expense In Part II I (See Instructions In Part III) I 82b I _I 83 a DId the organIzatIon comply WIth the publlc InspectIon reqwrements for returns and exemptIon appIIcatIons'7 83a X b DId the organIzatIon comply WIth the dIsclosure reqUIrements relatIng to qutd pro quo contnbutIons’7 83b X 84 a DId the organIzatIon what any contrIbutIons or ngts that were not tax deducthle? 843 X b If "Yes." dId the organIzatIon Include WIth every solICItatIon an express statement that such contrIbutIons or ngts were not _ _ #I tax deducthle’7 N/ A 84b 85 a 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) Were substantIally all dues nondeducthle by members? N/A 85a b DId the organIzatIon make only In-house lobbyIng expendItures of $2,000 or less’7 N/ A 85!] If "Yes" was answered to eIther 85a or 85b, do not complete 850 through 85h below unless the organIzatIon recered a I waIver for proxy tax owed for the prIor year c Dues, assessments, and SImIlar amounts from members 85c N/A d SectIon 162(e) lobbyIng and polItIcal expendItures 85d N/A I e Aggregate nondeducthle amount of sectIon 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notIces 859 N/ A f Taxable amount of lobbyIng and polItIcaI expendItures (lIne 85d less 85e) 85f N/A m “NW 9 Does the organIzatIon elect to pay the sectIon 6033(e) tax on the amount on lIne 85f? N/A 859 It If sectIon 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notIces were sent, does the organIzatIon agree to add the amount on lIne 85f to Its reasonable estImate of dues allocable to nondeducthle lobbyIng and polItIcal expendItures for the followmg tax yeaI’7 N/ A 85h 86 501(c)(7) organIzatIons Enter a lnItIatIon fees and capItal contrIbutIons Included on lIne 12 86a N/ A b Gross receIpts, Included on lIne 12, for publIc use of club faCIIItIes 86b N/A 87 501(c)(12) organIzatIons Enter a Gross Income from members or shareholders 87a N/ A b Gross Income from other sources (Do not net amounts due or pad to other sources agaInst amounts due or recered from them) 87b N/A 88 a At any tIme durIng the year, dId the organIzatIon own a 50% or greater Interest In a taxable corporatIon or partnershIp, or an entIty dIsregarded as separate from the organIzatIon under RegulatIons sectIons 301 .7701-2 and 301 7701-37 m“ If "Yes," complete Part IX 88a X b At any tIme durIng the year, dId the organIzatIon, dIrectly or IndIrectly, own a controlled entIty WIthIn the meanIng of sectIon 512(b)(13)'7 ll "Yes." complete Part XI b 88b X 89 a 501(c)(3) organIzatIons Enter Amount of tax Imposed on the organIzatIon durIng the year under sectIon 4911b 0 . ;sectIon 4912 P 0 . ;sectIon 4955 b 0 . b 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations DId the organIzatIon engage In any sectIon 4958 excess benefit transactIon durIng the year or dId It become aware of an excess benefIt transactIon from a prIor year’7 If "Yes," attach a statement explaInIng each transactIon 89b X c Enter: Amount of tax Imposed on the organIzatIon managers or dIsquaIIerd persons dunng the year under sections 4912, 4955, and 4953 b 0 . d Enter Amount of tax on lIne 890, above, reImbursed by the organIzatIon P 0 . e All organIzatIons At any tIme durIng the tax year. was the organIzatIon a party to a prothIted tax shelter transactIon? 89a X I All organIzatIons DId the organIzatIon achIre a dIrect or IndIrect Interest In any applIcable Insurance contract? 891 X 9 For supporting organIzatIons and sponsorIng organizations maintaInIng donor adwsed funds DId the supportan organIzatIon, I or a fund maIntaIned by a sponsonng organIzatIon, have excess busmess holdIngs at any tIme durIng the year? 899 X 90 a LIst the states WIth thch 3 copy of thIs return Is fIled DCA b Number of employees employed In the pay perIod that Includes March 12, 2007 I 90b I 3 9 91 a The books are In care of b BOB BRIGHT Telephone no. > 7 l 4 - 9 9 3 - 5 0 7 5 Locatedatb 18001 YORBA LINDA BLVD, YORBA LINDA, CA ZIP+4>92886—3949 b At any tIme dunng the calendar year, dId the organIzatIon have an Interest In or a SIgnature or other authonty over Yes No a finanCIal account In a foreIgn country (such as a bank account, secuntIes account, or other fInanCIal account)? 91!) X If "Yes," enter the name of the foreIgn country b N/ A See the InstructIons for exceptIons and mm requIrements for Form TD F 90-221, Report of ForeIgn Bank and FInanCIal Accounts. Form 990 (2007)

723162 / 12~27-07 7 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—l THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Form 990 (2007) FOUNDATION 52—1278 303 PageB m | Other Information (continued) Yes No c At any time during the calendar year. did the organization maintain an office outstde of the United States? I 91c X If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country b N/A 92 Section 494 7(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041- Check here D [:1 and enter the amount of tax-exempt Interest received or accrued during the tax year > I 92 I N/A Wart Vii | Analysis of Income-Producing Activities (See the instructions) Note: Enter gross amounts unless otherwse (:1)nrelated busmess income :E;Iuded by section 512, 513, or 514 (E) indicated Busmess “(123m Egg. Angng Related or exempt 93 Program sewice revenue COde code "mam" '"Come a SEE STATEMENT 12 569,189. b c d e t Medicare/Medicaid payments 9 Fees and contracts from government agenCIes 94 Membership dues and assessments 95 Interest on saVIngs and temporary cash investments 1 4 2 2 3 , 5 3 5 . 96 DiVIdends and interest from securities 1 4 l , 0 1 8 , 9 4 4 . 97 Net rental Income or (loss) from real estate a debt-financed property I) not debt-financed property 1 6 8 5 9 , 6 3 3 . 98 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 99 Other Investment Income 100 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than Inventory 1 8 1 , 1 5 9 , 1 5 1 . 101 Net Income or (loss) from speCIal events 102 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of Inventory 4 5 3 2 2 0 7 4 , 1 9 9 . l 9 7 , 6 9 9 . 103 Other revenue a b c d e 104 Subtotal(addcolumns(B),(D),and(E)) 74,199. 3,261,263. 766,888. 105 Total (add line 104. columns (B), (D), and (5)) p 4 , 1 02 , 35 0 . Note: Line 105 plus line 1e, Part I, should equal the amount on line 12, Part/ | Part VIII] Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes (See the instructions ) Line No. Explain how each actiwty for which income Is reported In column (E) of Part VII contributed importantly to the accomplishment of the organization's v exempt purposes (other than by prowding funds for such purposes) 93 ADMISSION FEES FOR MUSEUM GALLERIES, BIRTHPLACE 102 MUSEUM STORE SALES OF LIBRARY-RELATED ITEMS

I Part IX 1 Information Regarding Taxable Subsidiaries and Disregarded Entities (See the instructions) (A) 1”) (UT ('3) It) Name, address, and EIN of cor oration, Percentage of Nature or activmes Total Income End—of— ear partnership, or disregarde entity ownership interest asse s % N / A % % % [Part X | Information Regarding Transfers Associated with Personal Benefi? Contracts (See the instructions) (a) Did the organization, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? [:1 Yes No (b) Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract” 1:] Yes No Note: If "Yes" to (b), file Form 88 70 and Form 4720 (see instructions). Form 990 (2007)

723163 12-27-07 8 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689_1 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Form 990 (2007) FOUNDATION 5 2 — 1 2 7 8 3 O 3 Page 9 I Part Xl | Information Regarding Transfers To and From Controlled Entities. Complete only If the organization Isa controlling organization as defined in section 512(b)(13) N / A Yes No 106 Did the reporting organization make any transfers to a controlled entity as defined in section 512(b)(13) of the Code? If "Yes," complete the schedule below for each controlled entity (A) (B) (C) (D) Name, address, of each EmPloye,' Description of Amount of Identification controlled entity Number transfer transfer

a ______

b ______

c ______

Totals ’ Yes No 107 Did the reporting organization receive any transfers from a controlled entity as defined in section 512(b)(13) of the Code? If "Yes." complete the schedule below for each controlled entity (A) (B) (C) (D) Name, address, of each ldEthf‘Pyg‘ Description of Amount of controlled entity eflulnl‘gaeP" transfer transfer

a ______

b ______

c ______

Totals Yes No tion have a binding written contract in effect on August 17, 2006, covering the interest, rents, royalties, and annumes d ed in question 107 above? Under 5n. perlury, I declare that l h met! this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, conect. and co lete Dec )is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge Please ’ I l°liol1008 5'9" Sigiiture of officer I ‘ Date "6” John H. Taylor El‘ccutive ®|FO(+OP Type or print name andTitle Paid preparer-s Dale flick if Preparer's 5's?or PTlN (See Gen Inst X) employed > El P0 0 4 2 0 2 8 1 pre “er-s s'gnatu' w. M ‘9‘ l0 ’8 ’08“ LLP am > 9 5 — 4 1 0 8 8 0 9 Usep0nl MOORE STEPHENS WURTH FRAZER & TORBET y mama). 1199 S. FAIRWAY DR. SUITE 200 21P+a' WALNUT, CA 91789 Phoneno.>(909) 594—2713 Form 990 (2007)

723164/12-27—07 9 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—l OMB No 1545-0047 SCHEDULE A Organization Exempt Under Section 501(c)(3) (F°"“ 99° °' 990452) (Except Private Foundation) and Section 501(e), 5010).501“). 501(n), or 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust 2007 Department of the Treasury Supplementary Information-(See separate instructions.) Internal Revenue Servlce p MUST be completed by the above organizations and attached to their Form 990 or 990-EZ NamBOHhEOTQBWZflIIOH THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Employer identification number FOUNDAT I ON 5 2 l 2 7 8 3 0 3 IPartII Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees Other Than Officers, Directors, and Trustees (See page 1 ol the Instructions. List each one. It there are none, enter “None.") d On I 0 lens 0 (“NameandgggrfgjpgggcgogmWepad «momma... anguggtwgfggha

KATEEEEJ‘L _0_' 991313911 ______ASST EXEC DIR YORBA LINDA, CA 92886 45.00 155,377. 6,943. _PAI_JI;1 _SA_U_N_D_EB§ ______VP NIXON CENTER WASHINGTON, DC 20036 45.00 139,010. 15,192. 1191116312 _M_-_ 992131! ______ASST DIR YORBA LINDA, CA 92886 45.00 133,401. 17,623. _GEQEER_E_Y_ _T_ H_ RENE ______NIXON CTR RES / SCHOLA WASHINGTON, DC 20036 45.00 132,693. 12,480. BQEERT _L_E_II 9 I Part ll-A I Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Professional Services (See page 2 of the Instructions LIst each one (whether Indrvrduals or firms). If there are none, enter "None.")

(a) Name and address of each Independent contractor paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of servrce (c) Compensation


Total number of others recervrng over $50,000 for prolessronal servrces b O I I Part "-3 I Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Other Services (List each contractor who performed servrces other than protessronal servrces, whether rndrvrduals or firms. If there are none, enter "None." See page 2 of the Instructions.)

(a) Name and address of each Independent contractor paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of servrce (c) Compensation

Total number of other contractors recervmg over $50,000 for other servrces b O

723101/12-27-07 LHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 and Form 990-EZ. Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 10 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—1 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 FOUNDATION 5 2 — 1 2 7 8 3 0 3 Page 2

Statements About Activities (See page 2 of the instructions ) Yes No

1 During the year, has the organization attempted to influence national, state, or local legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum? If 'Yes,” enter the total expenses paid or incurred In connection With the lobbying actrvrties b $ $ 1 7 5 , 2 2 0 . (Must equal amounts on line 38, Part WA, or line i of Part Vl-B.) VI -B , LINE I 1 X Organizations that made an electron under section 501(h) by filing Form 5768 must complete Part Vl-A Other organizations checking "Yes" must complete Part Vl-B AND attach a statement giVing a detailed description of the lobbying activrties. 2 During the year, has the organization, either directly or Indirectly, engaged in any of the followrng acts With any substantial contributors, i trustees, directors, officers, creators, key employees, or members of their families, or With any taxable organization With which any such i person IS affiliated as an officer, director, trustee, maiority owner, or prinCIpal beneficrary'? (If the answer to any question IS "Yes, " .‘ attach a detailed statement explaining the transactions ) _ __ _j a Sale, exchange, or leasrng of property? 2a X b Lending of money or other extensron of credit? 2b X c Furnishing of goods, servrces, or facrlities7 2c X d Payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses if more than $1,000)? 2d X e Transfer of any part of its income or assets? 29 X 3 a Did the organization make grants for scholarships, fellowships, student loans, etc]? (If "Yes," attach an explanation of how the organization determines that reCIpients qualify to receive payments.) 3a X b Did the organization have a section 403(b) annUIty plan for its employees? an X c Did the organization receive or hold an easement for conservation purposes, including easements to preserve open space, the envrronment, historic land areas or historic structures? If "Yes," attach a detailed statement 3c X d Did the organization provrde credit counseling, debt management, credit repair, or debt negotiation servrces" 3d X 4 a Did the organization maintain any donor adVIsed funds? If "Yes," complete lines 4b through 49 If "No," complete lines 4t and 49 4a X b Did the organization make any taxable distributions under section 49667 N/A 4b 0 Did the organization make a distribution to a donor, donor adVIsor, or related person? N/A 40 d Enter the total number of donor adVIsed funds owned at the end of the tax year > N/A e Enter the aggregate value of assets held in all donor adVIsed funds owned at the end of the tax year P N/A f Enter the total number of separate funds or accounts owned at the end of the year (excluding donor adVised funds included on line 4d) where donors have the right to prowde advrce on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts D O . 9 Enter the aggregate value of assets in all funds or accounts included on line 4f at the end of the tax year > 0.

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

723 l 1 1 12-27-07 11 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—1 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-52) 2007 FOUNDATION 5 2 — 1 2 7 8 3 0 3 Page a

Part lV Reason for Non-Private Foundation Status (See pages 4through 8 of the InstructIons.)

lcertIly that the organization Is not a prIvate foundatIon because It Is: (Please check only ONE applIcable box.) 5 [:1 A church, conventIon of churches, or assocIatIon olchurches SectIon 170(b)(1)(A)(I). 6 El A school. SectIon 170(b)(1)(A)(II). (Also complete Part V.) 7 [:1 A hospItal or a cooperatIve hospItal serVIce organlzatIon. SectIon 170(b)(1)(A)(III). 8 E] A federal, state, or local government or governmental unIL SectIon 170(b)(1)(A)(v). 9 E] A medIcal research organIzatIon operated In coniunctIon WIth a hospItal. SectIon 170(b)(1)(A)(III) Enter the hospital's name. city, and state P 10 [:1 An organIzatIon operated for the benefit of a college or unIverSIty owned or operated by a governmental unIL SectIon 170(b)(1)(A)(Iv). (Also complete the Support Schedule In Part lV-A.) 113 An organIzatIon that normally receres a substantIal part of Its support from a governmental unIt or from the general publIc. SectIon 170(b)(1)(A)(VI). (Also complete the Support Schedule In Part lV-A.) 11b E A communIty trust. SectIon 170(b)(1)(A)(VI). (Also complete the Support Schedule In Part lV-A) 12 I: An organIzatIon that normally receres (1) more than 33 1/3% of Its support from contrIbutIons, membership fees, and gross receIpts from actIVItIes related to Its charItable, etc., functIons - subrect to certaIn exceptIons, and (2) no more than 33 1/3% of Its support from gross Investment Income and unrelated busmess taxable Income (less sectIon 511 tax) from busmesses aoquued by the organIzatIon after June 30, 1975. See sectIon 509(a)(2). (Also complete the Support Schedule In Part IV-A)

13 Cl An organIzatIon that Is not controlled by any dIsqualllied persons (other than foundatIon managers) and otherWIse meets the requuements of sectIon 509(a)(3) Check the box that descrIbes the type of supportIng organIzatIon' Type l E] Type II C] Type Ill-FunctIonally Integrated [:| Type ill-Other

Provide the following information about the supported organIzatIons. (See page 8 of the InstructIons.) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Name(s) of supported organization(s) Employer Type of organIzation is the supported Amount of Identification (described in lines organIzatIon listed in support number (ElN) 5 through 12 above the supporting or IR!) sectIon) organization's governing documents?

Yes No

Total I

14 [:1 An organIzatIon organIzed and operated to test for mom safety. SectIon 509(a)(4). (See page 8 of the InstructIons.) Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-52) 2007

723121 12-27-07 12 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—l THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 FOUNDATION 52—1278303 P3964 I Part lV-A I Support Schedule (Complete only It you checked a box on lIne 10, 11, or 12) Use cash method of accounting. Note: You may use the worksheet In the Instructions for converting from the accrual to the cash method of accounting. Calendar year (or fiscal year begInnIng In) > (a) 2005 (b) 2005 (c) 2004 (a) 2003 (e) Total 15 GIfts, grants, and contrIbutIons recered. (Do not Include unusual grants. See lIne 28.) 3,303,781. 4,701,577. 7,255,207. 4,595,839. 19,856,404. 16 MembershIp tees recered 17 Gross receIpts from admISSIons, merchandise sold or servrces performed, or turnIshIng 0t faCIlItIes In any actIVIty that Is related to the organIzatlon's charItable, etc., purpose 1,073,806. 1,040,529. 931,969. 753,169. 3,799,473. Gross Income from Interest, dIVId- ends, amounts recered from pay- ments on securItIes loans (sectIon 512(a)(5)), rents, royaltIes, Income from Slml ar sources, and unrelated busmess taxable Income (less section 511 taxes) from busmesses acquued b the organIzatIon after June30,175 2,030,876. 1,646,488. 894,192. 974,846. 5,546,402. 19 Net Income from unrelated busrness actIVItIes not Included In lIne 18 20 Tax revenues leVIed tor the organIzatIon's benefit and eIther pad to It or expended on Its behalf 21 The value at serVIces or taCIlItIes turnIshed to the organIzatIon by a governmental unIt WIthout charge. Do not Include the value of serVIces or faCIlItIes generally turnIshed to the mom WIthout charge 22 Other Income. Attach a schedule. SEE STATEMENT 1 0 Do not Include gaIn or (loss) from sale of capItal assets 45,167. 53,509. 98,676. 23 Totalofllnes15thr0ugh22 6,453,630. 7,442,103. 9,081,368. 6,323,854. 29,300,955. 24 LIne23mInuslIne17 5,379,824. 6,401,574. 8,149,399. 5,570,685. 25,501,482. 25 Enter1%0flrne23 64,536. 74,421. 90,814. 63,239. [ 26 OrganlzatIons described on lines 10 or 11: a Enter 2% of amount In column (e), lIne 24 P 26a 5 l 0 , 0 3 0 . Prepare a IIst for your records to show the name of and amount contrIbuted by each person (other than a governmental wt or publIcIy supported organlzatlon) whose total ngts for 2003 through 2006 exceeded the amount shown In lIne 26a. Do not file this list with your return. Enter the total of all these excess amounts 26b 0. Total support for sectIon 509(a)(1) test Enter lIne 24, column (e) 260 25,501,482. Add: Amounts from column (e) for lmes’ 18 5 , 54 6 , 40 2 . 19 __-_1._.__J 22 9 8 , 6 7 6 . 26b Es? 5,645,078. PublIc support (lIne 26c mInus lIne 26d total) 26e 19,856,404. PublIc support percentage (line 26a (numerator) divided by line 26c (denominator)) VVVVV 26f 77.8637% 27 Organizations described on line 12: a For amounts Included In lInes 15, 16, and 17 that were received from a 'dIsqualIerd person," prepare 3 “st for your records to show the name of, and total amounts recered In each year from, each 'dIsqualItIed person.” Do not file this list with your return. Enter the sum of such amounts for each year: N/A (2006) (2005) (2004) (2003) b For any amount Included In lIne 17 that was recered from each person (other than “dIsqualIlIed persons“), prepare a lIst for your records to show the name of, and amount recered for each year, that was more than the largerof (1)the amount on NM 25 for the year or (2)$5,000. (include In the lIst organIzatIons descnbed In “ms 5 through 11b, as well as IndIVIduals.) Do not file this list With your return. After computIng the dIfference between the amount recered and the larger amount descrIbed In (1) or (2), enter the sum of these dIfterences (the excess amounts) for each year: N/A (2006) (2005) (2004) (2003) Add: Amounts from column (e) for Mes: 15 16 17 20 21 > 27c N/ A 0 Add: LIne 27a total and lIne 27b total P 270 N/A e PublIc support (lIne 27c total mInus lIne 270 total) D 27e N/A 1 Total support for sectIon 509(a)(2) test Enter am0unt on km 23, column (e) P I 27d N/A ‘ > 7 _ _ _“A’__# a Public support percentage (line 27a (numerator) divided by line 27t(denommator)) P 279 N/A % h Investment income percentage (line 18, column (e) (numerator) divided by Me 271 (denominator)) b 27h N/A % 28 Unusual Grants: For an organrzatIon descnbed In km 10, 11, or 12 that recerved any unusual grants durIng 2003 through 2006, prepare a list for your records to Show, for each year, the name of the contrIbutor, the date and amount of the grant, and a ma descrIptIon ot the nature of the grant. Do not file this list with your return. 00 not Include these grants In um 15. 723131 12-27—07 NONE Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-52) 2007 13 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—1 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 FOUNDATION 52—1278303 Pages [ Part V| Private School Questionnaire (See page 9 of the instructions.) N/A (To be completed ONLY by schools that checked the box on line 6 in Part IV)

Yes No 29 Does the organizatron have a raCIally nondiscriminatory policy toward students by statement in its charter, bylaws, other governing instrument, or in a resolution of its governing body? 29 30 Does the organization include a statement of Its racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students in all its brochures, catalogues, *~_ ~_ ___[ and other written communications With the public dealing With student admissmns, programs, and scholarships? 30 31 Has the organization publiCized its racrally nondiscriminatory policy through newspaper or broadcast media during the period of l solicnatron for students, or during the regrstratron period if It has no solimtatron program, in a way that makes the policy known _ A J' to all parts of the general community it serves? 31 If "Yes," please describe, if "No," please explarn. (lf you need more space, attach a separate statement)

32 Does the organization maintarn the followmg: ' ______fi a Records indicating the moat compOSition of the student body, faculty, and administratrve staff’? 323 b Records documenting that scholarships and other finanCIal a55istance are awarded on a raCIally nondiscriminatory baSIs” 32b 0 Copies of all catalogues, brochures, announcements, and other wrttten communications to the publrc dealing With student admis5ions, programs, and scholarships? 32c d Copies of all material used by the organization or on its behalf to sohcrt CORIFIDUUORS7 32d If you answered "No" to any of the above, please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement.) f l

i 33 Does the organization discriminate by race in any way With respect to: __ _ a Students' rights or privrleges" 33a b Admrssmns polrcres7 33b c Employment of laculty or administrative staff” 33c d Scholarships or other frnancral assrstance” 33d e Educational policms7 33a f Use of faCilittes’? 331 9 Athletic programs? 339 h Other extracurricular achwhes” 33h lfyou answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement.)

34 a Does the organization recerve any financral aid or assstance from a governmental agency? 34a b Has the organization's right to such aid ever been revoked or suspended? 34b lfyou answered 'Yes' to either 34a orb, please explain usmg an attached statement I 35 Does the organization certify that it has complied With the applicable requtrements of sections 4.01 through 4.05 of Rev. Proc. 75-50, 1975-2 03 587, covering racial nondiscrimination? lf "No," attach an explanation 35 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

723141 12-27-07 14 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689___l THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 FOUNDATION 52-1278303 Pages [ Part VI—A I Lobbying Expenditures by Electing Public Charities (See page 11 of the instructions.) N/A (To be completed ONLY by an eligible organization that filed Form 5768) Check b a E] if the organization belongs to an affiliated group. Check b b [:1 if you checked 'a' and "limited control“ proViSIons apply.

Limits 0" LObbying Expenditures Affiliatézgroup To be com(pbl)eted for all (The term "expenditures" means amounts paid or incurred.) ‘0'3'5 9'50""9 organ'zatlons N/A 36 Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grassroots lobbying) 36 37 Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbyrng) 37 38 Total lobbying expenditures (add lines 36 and 37) 38 39 Other exempt purpose expenditures 39 40 Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 38 and 39) 40 41 Lobbying nontaxable amount Enter the amount from the followrng table - 1 It the amount on line 40 is - The lobbying nontaxable amount is - I Not over $500,000 20% of the amount on line 40 Over $500.000 but not over $1,000,000 $100,000 plus 15% of the excess ave: $500,000 _ imam _____w W _ _r_m A__ Over s1,ooo,ooo but not over sr.5oo.ooo $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000 41 Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,000 3 Over $17,000,000 $1,000,000 _ m ___ __“_ “Whaflfl‘mfl 42 Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line 41) 42 “m 43 Subtract line 42 from line 36. Enter -0- if line 42 is more than line 36 43 44 Subtract line 41 from line 38. Enter -0- if line 41 is more than line 38 44

Caution: If there IS an amount on either line 43 or line 44, you must file Form 4 720

4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h) (Some organizations that made a section 501(h) electron do not have to complete all of the five columns below. See the instructions for lines 45 through 50 on page 13 of the Instructions)

Lobbying Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period N/ A Calendar year (or (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) fiscal year beginning in) p 2007 2006 2005 2004 Total 45 Lobbying nontaxable amount 0 . 46 Lobbying ceiling amount ‘5 (150% of line 45(e)) 0 . 47 Total lobbying expenditures 0 . 48 Grassroots nontaxable amount 0 . 49 Grassroots ceiling amount (150% of line 48(e)) O . 50 Grassroots lobbying expenditures 0 . I Part Vl-B I Lobbying Activity by Nonelecting Public Charities (For reporting only by organizations that did not complete Part Vl-A) (See page 14 of the instructions.) During the year, did the organization attempt to influence national, state or local legislation, including any attempt to Yes No Amount Influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum, through the use of: a Volunteers X b Paid staff or management (Include compensation in expenses reported on lines cthrough b.) X __ __A V ‘ c Media advertisements X d Mailings to members, legislators, or the public X e Publications, or published or broadcast statements X 1 Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes X 9 Direct contact wrth legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body X l 7 5 , 2 2 0 . h Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures. or any other means X i Total lobbying expenditures (Add lines o through Ii.) 1 7 5 , 2 2 0 . If "Yes" to any of the above, also attach a statement giVing a detailed description of the lobbying activrbes. SEE STATEMENT 11 72315 1 12-27-07 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007

15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—1 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 FOUNDATION 5 2 — 1 2 7 8 3 0 3 Page 7 I Part VII | Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations (See page 14 01 the Instructions.) 51 Did the reporting organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the followmg With any other organization described in section 501(0) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations? a Transfers from the reporting organization to a noncharitable exempt organization of“. Yes N0 (i) Cash Stall X (ii) Otherassets a(ii) X b Other transactions: (i) Sales or exchanges ol assets With a noncharitable exempt organization W) X (ii) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization b(il) X (iii) Rental of faCIlities, eqmpment, or other assets biiii) X (iv) Reimbursementarrangements b(iV) X (v) Loans or loan guarantees b(V) X (Vi) Performance of serwces or membership or fundraismg solicnations b(vi) X c Sharing of fa0ilities, eqmpment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees I: X (1 lithe answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the followmg schedule. Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or serVices given by the reporting organization. If the organization received less than lair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or serVices received: N/A (3) (b) (c) (6) Line no Amount involved Name of noncharitable exempt organization Description 01 transfers, transactions, and sharing arrangements

52 a Is the organization directly or indirectly affiliated With, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(0) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 5277 k 1:] Yes No b If "Yes," complete the followmg schedule: N/A (3) (b) (6) Name of organization Type of organization Description of relationship

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 16 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—1 OMB NO 1545-0172 M Depreciation and Amortization 990 (Including Information on Listed Property) Department of the Treasury Attachment Internal Revenue Servrce > See separate instructions. p Attach to your tax return. Sequence No 67 Namels) shown on return Busmess or actiVIty to which this form relates Identifying number THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE FOUNDATION FORM 990 PAGE 2 52—1278303 IT’art I I Election To Expense Certain Property Under Section 179 Note: If you have any listed property, complete Part V before you complete Partl 1 MaXImum amount See the instructions for a higher limit for certain busmesses 1 l 2 5 , 0 0 0 . 2 Total cost of section 179 property placed In seNice (see instructions) 2 3 Threshold cost of section 179 property before reduction in limitation 3 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 4 Reduction in limitation Subtract line 3 from line 2 If zero or less, enter -0- 4 5 Dollar limitation for tax year Subtract line 4 from line 1 Il zero or less enter -0- It married tiling separater see instructions 5 6 (a) Description ol property (0) Cost (ousmess use only) (c) Elected cost

7 Listed property Enter the amount from line 29 7 8 Total elected cost of section 179 property Add amounts in column (0), lines 6 and 7 8 9 Tentative deduction Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 8 9 10 Carryover of disallowed deduction from line 13 of your 2006 Form 4562 10 1 1 Busmess income limitation Enter the smaller of busmess income (not less than zero) or line 5 11 12 Section 179 expense deduction Add lines 9 and 10, but do not enter more than line 11 12 13 Carryover of disallowed deduction to 2008 Add lines 9 and 10, less line 12 PI 13 I Note: Do not use Part II or Part III below for listed property Instead, use Part V I Part Ii SpeCIal Depreciation Allowance and Other Depreciation (Do not include listed property ) 14 SpeCIal allowance for qualified New York Liberty or Gull Opportunity Zone property (other than listed property) and cellulosrc biomass ethanol plant property placed in sewice during the tax year 14 15 Property subject to section 168(f)(1) election 15 16 Other depreCIation (including ACFiS) 16 1 , 2 8 2 , 5 0 5 . I Part "I I MACRS DepreCIation (Do not include listed property) (See instmctions ) Section A 17 MACRS deductions for assets placed in serVice in tax years beginning before 2007 17 I 18 it you are electing to group any assets placed in sewice during the tax year into one or more general asset accounts check here > I: Section B - Assets Placed in Service During 2007 Tax Year Usmg the General Depreciation System to) Month and (c) Ba5is tor depreCIation (a) Classrlication ol property year placed (busmessfinvestmenl use (d) Recway (e) Convention (l) Method (9) DepreCiation deduction in service only - see instructions) perm“ 193 3-year property b 5-year property c 7-year property d 10 year property e 15 year property f 20-year property g 25-year property 25 yrs S/L

h ReSIdential rental property / 27 5 yrs MM S/L / 27 5 yrs MM S/L

i NonreSIdential real property I 39 yrs MM S/L / MM S/L Section C - Assets Placed in Service During 2007 Tax Year Using the Alternative Depreciation System 20a Class life S/L b 12-year 12 yrs S/L c 40-year / 40 yrs MM S/L I Part Ni Summary (see instructions) 21 Listed property Enter amount from line 28 21 4 , 3 7 7 . 22 Total. Add amounts from line 12, lines 14 through 17, lines 19 and 20 in column (9), and line 21 Enter here and on the appropriate lines of your return Partnerships and S corporations - see instr 22 l , 2 8 6 , 6 8 2 . 23 For assets shown above and placed in semce during the current year, enter the ortion of the baSIS attributable to section 263A costs 23 1:555:13, LHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Form 4562 (2007) 29 16021003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—l THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE Form 4562 (2007) FOUNDATION 5 2 - l 2 7 8 3 0 3 Page 2 I part v l Listed Property (Include automobiles. certain other vehicles, cellular telephones, certain computers, and property used for entertainment, recreation, or amusement ) Note: For any vehicle for which you are usmg the standard mileage rate or deducting lease expense, complete only 24a, 24b, columns (a) through (c) of Section A, all of Section B, and Section C if applicable Section A - Depreciation and Other Information (Caution: See the instructions for limits for passenger automobiles ) 243 Do you have eVidence to support the busmessflnvestment use claimed? Yes I: No 24b If "Yes," is the ewdence written? Yes I: No (a) we B M I (d) (e) (f) (9) (h) E (i) d Type of property a usmess Cost or BaSIs for deprecnation Recovery Memod/ Depreclatlon ecte ("51 VBhICIGS “(St ) pézfislgén us'g‘gii‘ggfig‘ge other baSIS “smffifgxfffmem period Convention deduction 59c2g2t179 25 SpeCial allowance for qualified Gulf Opportunity Zone property placed in serVice during the tax year and used more than 50% in a qualified business use 25 26 Property used more than 50% in a qualified business use STMT 2 2 % % % 27 Property used 50% or less in a qualified busmess use % S/L- l % S/L- l % S/L- l 28 Add amounts in column (h), lines 25 through 27 Enter here and on line 21, page 1 l 28 29 Add amounts in column (0, line 26 Enter here and on line 7, page 1 I 29 Section B - Information on Use of Vehicles Complete this section for vehicles used by a sole proprietor, partner, or other “more than 5% owner," or related person If you prowded vehicles to your employees, first answer the questions in Section C to see if you meet an exception to completing this section for those vehicles. (a) (bl (C) (d) (e) (f) 30 Total busmessfinvestment miles driven during the Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle year (do not include commuting miles) 31 Total commuting miles driven during the year 32 Total other personal (noncommuting) miles dnven 33 Total miles driven during the year Add lines 30 through 32 34 Was the vehicle available for personal use Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No during off-duty hours? 35 Was the vehicle used primarily by a more than 5% owner or related person? 36 Is another vehicle available for personal use? Section C - Questions for Employers Who Prowde Vehicles for Use by Their Employees Answer these questions to determine if you meet an exception to completing Section B for vehicles used by employees who are not more than 5% owners or related persons 37 Do you maintain a written policy statement that prohibits all personal use of vehicles, including commuting, by your Yes No employees? 38 Do you maintain a written policy statement that prohibrts personal use of vehicles, except commuting, by your employees? See the instructions for vehicles used by corporate officers, directors, or 1% or more owners 39 Do you treat all use of vehicles by employees as personal use? 40 Do you prowde more than five vehicles to your employees, obtain information from your employees about the use of the vehicles, and retain the information received? 41 Do you meet the reqUIrements concerning qualified automobile demonstration use? Note: Ifyour answer to 37, 38, 39, 40, or 41 is "Yes," do not complete Section B for the covered vehicles Lpart VI I Amortization (a) (b) (C) (d) (e) (0 Description of costs Date amortization Amortizable Code Amortlzalion Amortization begins amount section period or Dementaue for this year 42 Amortization of costs that begins during your 2007 tax year

43 Amortization of costs that began before your 2007 tax year 43 44 Total. Add amounts in column (f) See the instructions for where to report 44 716252/11-03-07 Form 4562 (2007) 3 0 16021003 796829 17689 2007 . 06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—1 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE 52-1278303




TOTAL TO FORM 990, PART I, LINE 6A 909,345.




TOTAL TO FORM 990, PART I, LINE 6B 49,712.



SEE STATEMENT 13 12,501,067. 11,341,916. 1,159,151.

TO FORM 990, PART I, LINE 8 12,501,067. 11,341,916. 1,159,151.

19 STATEMENT(S) 1, 2, 3 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A l7689__1 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE 52—1278303



l. GROSS RECEIPTS ...... 640,773 2. RETURNS AND ALLOWANCES . . . . . 3. LINE 1 LESS LINE 2 ...... 640,773

4. COST OF GOODS SOLD (LINE l3) . . 368,875 5. GROSS PROFIT (LINE 3 LESS LINE 4) 271,898


6. INVENTORY AT BEGINNING OF YEAR . 7. MERCHANDISE PURCHASED . . . . . 368,875 8. COST OF LABOR ...... 9. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES . . . . . 0. OTHER COSTS ...... 1. ADD LINES 6 THROUGH 10 . . . . . 368,875


20 STATEMENT(S) 4 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689__l THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE 52—1278303




TOTAL TO FORM 990, PART I, LINE 20 933,681.







U.S. TREASURY CASH RESERVES COST 2,743,367. 2,743,367.

TOTAL TO FORM 990, LINE 54A, COL B 2,743,367. 2,743,367.




TOTAL TO FORM 990, PART IV, LINE 65 849,028. 849,028.

21 STATEMENT(S) 5, 6, 7, 8 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689__l THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE 52-1278303




TO FORM 990, LINE 54B, COL B 38,773,137.




OTHER INCOME 45,167. 53,509. 0. 0.

TOTAL TO SCHEDULE A, LINE 22 45,167. 53,509. 0. 0.

i 1



22 STATEMENT(S) 9, 10 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689_1 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE 52-1278303



23 STATEMENT(S) 11 15131003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689__l Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation FEIN: 52-1278303 Form 990, Statement 11 Lobbying Expenses January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007

Donee's Name and Address Amount Given Purpose CaSSldy & Assocnates $175,220 Development and follow-up of legislative 700 Thirteenth St NW #400 and executive branch strategies to secure Washington, DC 20036 funding for the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation.

Page 1 of1 Form 990, Statement 11 Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation

FEIN: 52-1278303

Statement 12

Form 990, Part VII, Line 93a, Program Service Revenue January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007

Description Amount Admission Revenue $474,071.18 Lecture-Art Linkletter 01/13/07 $2,046.00 Lecture-Barb Franklin 03/07/07 $202.00 Lecture-Michael Oren 2/12/07 $752.00 Lecture—Ruckelshaus 04/11/07 $390.00 Lecture—Schilling 02/17/07 $902.00 Lecture-Herschensohn 3/15/07 $1,034.00 Lecture-Panetta 05/23/07 $962.00 Lecture-Gingrich 05/24/07 $8,884.00 Lecture-Beschloss 06/06/07 $848.00 Lecture-Hewitt 06/20/07 $1,852.00 Lecture-Elizabeth Drew 06/21/07 $6.00 Lecture-Bud Krogh 09/05/07 $348.00 Lecture—Chris Matthews 11/13/07 $3,270.00 Lecture—Welner 09/17/07 $580.00 Lecture-Paterson 10/03/07 $442.00 Lecture-Kay B Hutchison 11/19/07 $380.00 Lecture-Landau 12/06/07 $372.80 Discounts taken from A/P Vendors $825.34 Photographic Reproduction $1,000.00 Other Income $60,062.00 ITOCHU Consulting Services $9,960 00

Total Program Service Revenue $569,189.32

1of1 Statement 12 Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation FEIN. 52-1278303 Statement 13 Attached schedule to Form 990, statement 13 Form 990, Line 8a, 8b. 8c Sales of Assets other than Inventory January 1, 2007 to December 31. 2007

Purchase Number Purchase Sale Number Sale Gain Description Date of Shares Price (Line 8b) Date of Shares Price (Line 8a) (Line 80) Endowment Fund RR Donnelley Sons 09/21/2006 1,800 $63,972 01/30/2007 1,800 $65,883 $1,911 News Corp CL A 11/21/2005 3,600 $77,328 01/30/2007 3,600 $83,484 $6,156 Teletech Hldgs 08/09/2005 1,550 $37,014 01/10/2007 1,550 $38,445 $1,431 Ball Corporation 01/30/2006 1,400 $64,848 02/01/2007 1,400 $64,581 ($267) Embraer-Empressa BraeSIIeira 09/29/2006 1,500 $60,825 02/15/2007 1,500 $65,774 $4,949 Forest Oil Corp New 12/05/2006 1,000 $31,920 02/15/2007 1,000 $32,822 $902 Johnson Ctls Inc Com 10/09/2006 700 $64,722 02/09/2007 700 $66,503 $1,781 Air France-KLM 10/31/2006 1,600 $72,736 02/20/2007 1,600 $72,940 $204 EuropaCific Growth Fund 05/10/2002 2,127 $57,558 02/27/2007 2,127 $100,000 $42,442 Harbor Capital AppreCIation 01/31/2003 3,012 $59,458 02/28/2007 3,012 $100,000 $40,542 JP Morgan US Real Estate 02/14/2003 3,189 $34,343 02/28/2007 3,189 $75,000 $40,657 Dodge 8 Cox International 04/14/2005 1,680 $51,574 02/28/2007 1,680 $75,000 $23,426 Axcelis Technologies 01/16/2007 9,100 $66,248 03/05/2007 9,100 $65,674 ($574) Cit Group Inc 09/12/2006 1,500 $84,720 03/16/2007 1,500 $78,125 ($6,595) Deerfield Triarc Cap Corp 11/30/2006 2,500 $38,500 03/02/2007 2,500 $37,782 ($718) Greenbner Companies 07/28/2006 2,000 $56,940 03/08/2007 2,000 $54,051 ($2,889) Intertape Polymer Grp 04/04/2006 6,600 $31,218 03/23/2007 6,600 $27,664 ($3,554) Rait Investment Trust 09/26/2006 1,800 $60,210 03/08/2007 1,800 $55,807 ($4,403) Deutsche Bank AG 01/10/2007 600 $78,786 03/02/2007 600 $81,654 $2,868 Flextronics Int'l 12/01/2005 8,300 $90,719 03/27/2007 8,300 $89,390 ($1,329) Wireless Facs Inc 04/13/2006 5,900 $12,744 03/16/2007 5,900 $9,332 ($3,412) Pimco Total Return Fund 05/04/1998 15,651 $166,377 04/26/2007 15,651 $162,934 ($3,443) EuropaCIfic Growth Fund 05/10/2002 1,978 $53,522 04/26/2007 1,978 $100,000 $46,478 Cambrex Corp Com 08/20/2003 900 $22,140 04/13/2007 900 $22,656 $516 Hutchison Technology Inc 04/27/2006 1,000 $23,350 04/23/2007 1,000 $22,572 ($778) Willbros Group Inc F 05/22/2006 1,100 $24,794 04/27/2007 1,100 $24,873 $79 Harbor Capital AppreCiation 01/31/2003 2,135 $42,155 04/26/2007 2,135 $75,000 $32,845 Dodge & Cox IntI Stock Fund 04/14/2005 522 $16,041 04/26/2007 522 $25,000 $8,959 Apache Corp 10/31/2006 1,100 $79,750 05/02/2007 1,100 $81,386 $1,636 Cask Auto Corporation 07/28/2006 4,600 $77,096 05/30/2007 4,600 $82,697 $5,601 Chevrontexaco Corporation 03/23/2006 1,000 $77,790 05/16/2007 1,000 $79,160 $1,370 CommerCIaI Vehicle Grp 06/29/2005 3,100 $60,946 05/04/2007 3,100 $58,714 ($2,232) Nokia Corporation Adr 10/24/2006 3,600 $90,900 05/21/2007 3,600 $95,371 $4,471 EW Scripps Co 08/29/2006 1,000 $43,300 05/16/2007 1,000 $42,389 ($911) Supervalu Inc 09/08/2006 3,500 $160,650 05/01/2007 3,500 $157,736 ($2,914) Cadence De5ign Sys 06/09/2006 1,050 $23,310 05/24/2007 1,050 $22,995 ($315) Alesco FinanCIaI Inc 12/28/2006 4,700 $46,812 06/08/2007 4,700 $47,297 $485 Columbus McKinnon 01/08/2007 2,200 $66,000 06/26/2007 2,200 $65,224 ($776) Komag Incorporated 02/09/2007 2,000 $48,520 06/13/2007 2,000 $49,729 $1,209 Streettracks Gold Tr 01/04/2006 700 $45,878 06/12/2007 700 $46,207 $329 Alpha Natural Resources 01/29/2007 750 $14,453 06/11/2007 750 $14,518 $66 Cost Plus Inc 10/20/2005 1,000 $9,240 06/11/2007 1,000 $8,773 ($467) Bank America Corp 11/18/2005 1,200 $58,668 07/23/2007 1,200 $59,293 $625 Citigroup Inc Com 04/16/2007 1,400 $71,806 07/30/2007 1,400 $68,268 ($3,538) Foot Locker Inc 02/02/2007 3,300 $71,940 07/13/2007 3,300 $69,203 ($2,737) Hartford FinanCIal Services Group 08/17/2006 900 $88,659 07/30/2007 900 $86,823 ($1,836) Regal Entertainment A 05/18/2006 3,300 $72,369 07/05/2007 3,300 $71,888 ($481) Bausch and Lomb. Inc 05/15/2006 350 $24,304 07/06/2007 350 $24,224 ($80) Arrow Electrs Inc 07/31/2007 1,000 $38,946 08/31/2007 1,000 $40,599 $1,653 Comcast Corp New CL A SPL 07/23/2007 1,800 $47,106 08/06/2007 1,800 $46,410 ($696) RPM Inc 09/18/2006 3,000 $70,530 08/06/2007 3,000 $69,414 ($1,116) Time Warner Cable Inc 07/31/2007 1,600 $61,803 08/31/2007 1,600 $56,041 ($5,762) Valero Energy New 01/24/2007 1,100 $73,711 08/02/2007 1,100 $74,601 $890 Aeroflex Inc 03/24/2005 2,500 $35,075 08/24/2007 2,500 $35,822 $747 Bisys Group 08/18/2004 1,550 $18,554 08/02/2007 1,550 $18,368 ($186) InSight Enterprises 10/20/2004 350 $7,896 08/29/2007 350 $8,206 $310 Jarden Corp 08/15/2007 262 $8,843 08/30/2007 262 $8,422 ($421)

1 of 4 Form 990 Statement 13 Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation FEIN 52-1278303 Statement 13 Attached schedule to Form 990. statement 13 Form 990, Line 83, 8b, 8c Sales of Assets other than Inventory January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007

Purchase Number Purchase Sale Number Sale Gain Description Date of Shares Price (Line 8b) D_aga_ of Shares Price (Line 8a) (Line 8c) K2 Inc 10/18/2004 2,350 $34,334 08/16/2007 2,350 $34,365 $31 Shaw Group Inc 07/25/2006 350 $18,627 08/06/2007 350 $17,083 ($1,544) United Rentals Inc 02/18/2003 900 $28,926 08/06/2007 900 $28,714 ($212) Baker Hughes Inc 03/23/2007 1,000 $83,860 09/10/2007 1,000 $85,246 $1,386 Wyeth 03/29/2007 1,500 $69,450 09/07/2007 1.500 $69,603 $153 Jarden Corp 08/15/2007 1 $24 09/06/2007 1 $24 ($0) Six Flags Inc 03/21/2007 450 $1,941 09/11/2007 450 $1,782 ($158) Harsco Corp 01/19/2007 1.200 $71,124 10/10/2007 1,200 $69,302 ($1,822) Ingram Micro 02/26/2007 6,000 $117,660 10/30/2007 6,000 $118,100 $440 On Semiconductor Corp 05/16/2007 3,800 $47,728 10/29/2007 3,800 $47,407 ($321) Trimas Corporation 07/16/2007 6,000 $79,620 10/29/2007 6,000 $94,025 $14,405 Tate 8 Lyle Ord 25P 05/23/2007 5,000 $55,500 10/04/2007 5,000 $56,340 $840 Air Canada 04/09/2007 4,000 $43,560 10/24/2007 4,000 $62,670 $19,110 Electrosmentific Industries 11/01/2006 950 $22,762 10/15/2007 950 $23,141 $379 GUItar Ctr Inc Com 10/25/2006 450 $26,685 10/12/2007 450 $28,350 $1,665 Shaw Group Inc 07/25/2006 450 $26,145 10/11/2007 450 $29,206 $3,061 URS Corp New 12/21/2006 200 $11,290 10/18/2007 200 $12,429 $1,139 Dover Corp 05/17/2007 3,900 $179,400 11/05/2007 3,900 $177,829 ($1.571) Embraer-Empressa BraeSIIeira 09/11/2007 1.400 $68,278 11/23/2007 1,400 $67,675 ($603) Morgan Stanley Dean Witter 09/19/2007 900 $60,534 11/13/2007 900 $46,839 ($13,695) Penske Automotive Group Inc 05/03/2007 3,000 $66,840 11/23/2007 3,000 $60,718 ($6,122) Rockwell Automation. Inc 05/21/2007 1,100 $75,768 11/08/2007 1,100 $73,459 ($2,309) Skywest Inc 07/05/2006 2,500 $68,225 11/15/2007 2,500 $68,581 $356 Andrew Corp 05/24/2006 2,000 $29,320 11/19/2007 2,000 $29,373 $53 Horizon Offshore Inc 11/28/2006 850 $13,685 11/19/2007 850 $14,594 $909 Six Flags Inc 03/21/2007 2,650 $8,586 11/19/2007 2,650 $5.195 ($3.391) CBS Corp New 04/16/2007 1,900 $52,117 12/18/2007 1,900 $49,851 ($2,266) Sunoco Inc Com 12/06/2007 1,000 $63,917 12/18/2007 1,000 $65,975 $2,057 Royal Caribbean CrUIses 08/17/2007 1,600 $64,896 12/21/2007 1.600 $65,283 $387 Pimco Total Return ST Cap Gain 12/12/2007 0 $0 12/17/2007 0 $35,840 $35,840 Europacific Growth LT Cap Gain 05/10/2002 0 $0 12/31/2007 0 $110,601 $110,601 EuropaCific Growth Fund 05/10/2002 528 $14,279 12/07/2007 528 $30,000 $15,721 Yellow Roadway Corp 11/14/2006 550 $9,741 12/27/2007 550 $9,275 ($465) JP Morgan LT Cap Gain 12/18/2006 0 $0 12/31/2007 0 $32,417 $32,417 JP Morgan ST Cap Gain 12/18/2007 0 $0 12/31/2007 0 $7.305 $7.305 Dodge & Cox ST Cap Gain 12/20/2007 0 $0 12/31/2007 0 $5.719 $5.719 Dodge & Cox LT Cap Gain 12/20/2006 0 $0 12/31/2007 0 $19,308 $19,308 RR DonneIIey Sons 09/21/2006 2,700 $95,958 01/30/2007 2,700 $98,824 $2,866 News Corp CL A 11/21/2005 6,000 $128,880 01/30/2007 6,000 $139,141 $10,261 Teletech Hldgs 08/08/2005 2,400 $57,312 01/10/2007 2,400 $59,528 $2,216 Frontier Mid Cap Growth 01/02/2007 $90,000 01/03/2007 $90,000 $0 Ball Corporation 01/30/2006 2,200 $101,904 02/01/2007 2,200 $101,484 ($420) Embraer-Empressa Braesrleira 09/29/2006 2,300 $93,265 02/15/2007 2,300 $100,853 $7.588 Forest Oil Corp New 12/05/2006 1,500 $47,880 02/15/2007 1,500 $49,233 $1,353 Johnson CtIs Inc Com 10/09/2006 1,200 $110,952 02/09/2007 1,200 $114,006 $3.054 Air France-KLM 10/31/2006 2,400 $109,104 02/20/2007 2,400 $109,409 $305 EuropaCific Growth Fund 01/31/2003 415 $9,224 02/27/2007 415 $20,000 $10,776 Axcelis Technologies 01/10/2007 14.000 $101,920 03/05/2007 14.000 $101,036 ($884) Cit Group Inc 09/12/2006 2,500 $141,200 03/16/2007 2,500 $130,209 ($10,991) DeerfieId Triarc Cap Corp 11/30/2006 3,600 $55,440 03/02/2007 3,600 $54,406 ($1,034) Greenbrier Companies 07/28/2006 3,300 $93,951 03/08/2007 3,300 $89,184 ($4,767) Intertape Polymer Grp 04/04/2006 10,800 $51,084 03/23/2007 10,800 $45,269 ($5,815) Rait Investment Trust 09/26/2006 2,800 $93,660 03/08/2007 2,800 $86,810 ($6,850) Deutsche Bank AG 01/10/2007 900 $118,179 03/02/2007 900 $122,481 $4.302 Flextronics Int'l 12/01/2005 13.200 $144,276 03/27/2007 13,200 $142,163 ($2.113) Wireless Facs Inc 04/13/2006 9,200 $19,872 03/16/2007 9,200 $14,551 ($5,321) Cambrex Corp Corn 08/20/2003 1,400 $34,440 04/16/2007 1,400 $35,243 $803 Hutchison Technology Inc 04/27/2006 1,600 $37,360 04/23/2007 1,600 $36,090 ($1,270)

2 of 4 Form 990 Statement 13 Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation FEIN: 52-1278303 Statement 13 Attached schedule to Form 990, statement 13 Form 990, Line Ba, 8b, 8c Sales of Assets other than Inventory January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007

Purchase Number Purchase Sale Number Sale Gain Description m ofShares Price (Line 8b) % of Shares Price (Line 83) (Line BC) WIIlsbros Group Inc F 01/20/2006 400 $9,016 04/30/2007 400 $9,255 $239 Apache Corp 10/31/2006 1,600 $116,000 05/02/2007 1,600 $118,379 $2,379 Cask Auto Corporation 07/28/2006 7,400 $124,024 05/30/2007 7,400 $133,034 $9,010 Chevrontexaco Corporation 03/23/2006 1,600 $124,464 05/16/2007 1,600 $126,657 $2,193 Commercial Vehicle Grp 06/29/2005 4,600 $90,436 05/04/2007 4,600 $87,125 ($3,312) Nokia Corporation Adr 10/24/2006 5,600 $141,400 05/21/2007 5,600 $148,355 $6,955 EW Scripps Co 08/29/2006 1,700 $73,610 05/16/2007 1,700 $72,061 ($1,549) Supervalu Inc 09/08/2006 5,400 $247,860 05/01/2007 5,400 $243,364 ($4,496) Cadence Desrgn Sys 06/09/2006 1,600 $35,520 05/24/2007 1,600 $35,039 ($481) WIllbros Group Inc F 05/22/2006 1,350 $31,941 05/01/2007 1,350 $31,593 ($348) Alesco FinanCIal Inc 12/28/2006 7,200 $71,712 06/08/2007 7,200 $72,455 $743 Columbus McKinnon 01/05/2007 3,300 $99,000 06/26/2007 3,300 $97,836 ($1,164) Komag Incorporated 02/09/2007 2,900 $70,354 06/13/2007 2,900 $72,107 $1,753 Streettracks Gold Tr 01/04/2006 1,100 $72,094 06/12/2007 1,100 $72,611 $517 EuropaCIfIc Growth Fund 01/31/2003 2,687 $59,763 06/14/2007 2,687 $136,644 $76,881 Alpha Natural Resources 01/26/2007 1,400 $26,978 06/11/2007 1,400 $27,125 $147 Cost Plus Inc 10/10/2005 1,500 $13,860 06/11/2007 1,500 $13,380 ($480) OSI Restaurant Partners Inc Com 12/18/2006 700 $28,490 06/05/2007 700 $28,603 $113 Harbor Capital AppreCIatIon 01/31/2003 2,852 $56,303 06/14/2007 2,852 $100,000 $43,697 Bank America Corp 11/18/2005 2,000 $97,780 07/23/2007 2,000 $98,822 $1,042 Citigroup Inc Com 04/16/2007 2,200 $112,838 07/30/2007 2,200 $107,278 ($5,560) Foot Locker Inc 02/02/2007 4,900 $106,820 07/13/2007 4,900 $102,756 ($4,064) Hartford FinanCIaI Servrces Group 08/17/2006 1,400 $137,914 07/30/2007 1,400 $135,059 ($2,855) Regal Entertainment A 05/18/2006 5,500 $120,615 07/05/2007 5,500 $119,813 ($802) Europacrfic Growth Fund 01/31/2003 459 $10,213 07/16/2007 459 $25,000 $14,787 Bausch and Lamb Inc 05/15/2006 500 $34,720 07/06/2007 500 $34,605 ($115) Arrow Electrs Inc 07/31/2007 1,400 $54,524 08/31/2007 1,400 $56,838 $2,314 Comcast Corp New CL A 07/23/2007 2,700 $70,659 08/06/2007 2,700 $69,614 ($1,045) RPM Inc 09/18/2006 4,900 $115,199 08/10/2007 4,900 $113,376 ($1,823) Time Warner Cable Inc 07/31/2007 2,400 $92,704 08/31/2007 2,400 $84,061 ($8,643) Valero Energy New 01/24/2007 1,600 $107,216 08/02/2007 1,600 $108,510 $1,294 Europacrfic Growth Fund CL A 01/31/2003 4,728 $105,159 08/15/2007 4,728 $235,000 $129,841 Aeroflex Inc 03/23/2005 3,800 $53,314 08/01/2007 3,800 $54,185 $871 Bisys Group 08/09/2006 2,350 $28,130 08/02/2007 2,350 $27,848 ($282) Cytec Industries Inc 08/02/2005 250 $15,015 08/01/2007 250 $16,935 $1,920 GUItar Ctr Inc Com 09/18/2006 350 $20,318 08/01/2007 350 $20,287 ($30) |nsrght Enterprises 10/19/2004 300 $6,768 08/29/2007 300 $7,032 $264 Jarden Corp 08/15/2007 218 $7,358 08/30/2007 218 $7,008 ($350) K2 Inc 10/18/2004 3,600 $52,596 08/01/2007 3,600 $52,836 $240 Shaw Group Inc 06/20/2006 700 $37,254 08/01/2007 700 $35,324 ($1,930) United Rentals Inc 02/18/2003 600 $19,284 08/01/2007 600 $19,397 $113 Dodge & Cox Intl 04/15/2005 5,057 $152,986 08/14/2007 5,057 $235,000 $82,014 Baker Hughes Inc 03/23/2007 1,500 $125,790 09/10/2007 1,500 $127,869 $2,079 Wyeth 03/29/2007 2,300 $106,490 09/07/2007 2,300 $106,724 $234 Jarden Corp 08/15/2007 1 $0 09/06/2007 1 $0 $0 SIX Flags Inc 03/21/2007 650 $2,613 09/11/2007 650 $2,574 ($39) Harbor Capital Apprecration 01l31/2003 544 $10,757 09/24/2007 544 $20,000 $9,243 Harsco Corp 01/19/2007 1,800 $106,686 10/10/2007 1,800 $103,953 ($2,733) ON Semiconductor Corp 05/16/2007 4,500 $56,520 10/29/2007 4,500 $56,140 ($380) Trimas Corporation 07/16/2007 9,000 $119,430 10/29/2007 9,000 $141,038 $21,608 Tate & Lyle Ord 25P 05/23/2007 8,400 $93,240 10/04/2007 8,400 $94,651 $1,411 Air Canada 04/09/2007 6,300 $68,607 10/24/2007 6,300 $98,706 $30,099 Gurtar Ctr Inc Com 10/20/2006 350 $20,755 10/12/2007 350 $22,050 $1,295 Shaw Group Inc 06/20/2006 550 $31,955 10/11/2007 550 $33,529 $1,574 URS Corp New 12/21/2006 350 $19,758 10/18/2007 350 $21,751 $1,993 Dover Corp 05/17/2007 4,900 $225,400 11/05/2007 4,900 $223,426 ($1,974) Embraer-Empressa Braesrleira 09/11/2007 2,100 $102,417 11/23/2007 2,100 $101,512 ($905) Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co 09/19/2007 1,300 $87,438 11/13/2007 1,300 $67,656 ($19,782)

3 of 4 Form 990 Statement 13 Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation FEIN: 52-1278303 Statement 13 Attached schedule to Form 990, statement 13 Form 990, Line 83, 8b, 8c Sales of Assets other than Inventory January 1. 2007 to December 31, 2007

Purchase Number Purchase Sale Number Sale Gain Descrigtion m ofShares Price(Line 8b) m of Shares Price (Line 8a) (Line 8c) Penske Automotive Group Inc 05/03/2007 5,000 $111,400 11/23/2007 5,000 $101,197 ($10,203) Rockwell Automation, Inc 05/21 /2007 1,800 $123,984 11/08/2007 1,800 $120,205 ($3,779) Skywest Inc 07/05/2006 4,100 $111,889 11/15/2007 4,100 $112,472 $583 Andrew Corp 05/24/2006 3,100 $45,446 11/19/2007 3,100 $45,531 $85 Horizon Offshore Inc 1 1/28/2006 1,300 $20,930 11/19/2007 1,300 $22,321 $1,391 Six Flags lnc 03/21/2007 4,100 $13,284 11/19/2007 4,100 $8,038 ($5,246) CBS Corp New CL B 04/16/2007 3,000 $82,290 12/18/2007 3,000 $78,712 ($3,578) Sunoco Inc Com 12/06/2007 1,500 $95,876 12/18/2007 1,500 $98,962 $3,086 Royal Carribean Cruises 08/17/2007 2,500 $101,400 12/21/2007 2,500 $102,004 $604 Pimco Return Fund ST Gain 12/12/2007 0 $0 12/17/2007 0 $57,096 $57,096 Europacrflc Growth LT Gain 12/13/2007 0 $0 12/31/2007 0 $167,125 $167,125 Yellow Roadway Corp 1 1/14/2006 850 $15,054 12/27/2007 850 $14,335 ($719) JP Morgan LT Cap Gain 12/18/2006 0 $0 12/31/2007 0 $54,757 $54,757 , JP Morgan ST Cap Gain 12/18/2007 0 $0 12/31/2007 0 $12,340 $12,340 Dodge & Cox ST Cap Gain 12/31/2007 0 $0 12/31/2007 0 $8,209 $8,209 Dodge 8 Cox LT Cap Gain 12/18/2006 0 $0 12/31/2007 0 $27,713 $27,713 $11,341,916 $12,501,067 $1,159,151

4of4 Form 990 Statement 13 Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation

FEIN: 52-1278303

Statement 14 Form 990, Part III, Section a Grants and Allocations January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007

Donee's Name and Address Amount Given Purpose of Grant and Allocation The National Interest, Inc $440,500 Support of Organization's Operations 1615 L Street NW, Surte 1230 Washington, DC 20036

1 of 1 STATEMENT 14 The Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace Foundation FEIN: 52-1278303 Statement 15 For Form 990, Part II, line 43a, Other expenses (Statement of Functional Expenses) January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007

Account (B) Program (C) Management Number Account Description (A) Total Services 8- General (D) Fundraising

43 Other expenses 500-09 Cost of Sales $0 501 -09 Cost of Sales $0 51 1-01 Docent Actrvrtles-Administrati $17,196 $17,196 517-00 Faculty Use Expenses $0 $0 527-09 Penny Press - Museum Store $716 $716 545-08 Repairs & Marnt-Facrlt Malnt $62,693 $62,693 570-03 Pres Council Exp - Adv 8. Admin $3.057 $3,057 571 —03 Assocrate Club Exp - Adv & Adm $6,186 $6.186 572-10 Event-leon Center $69,084 $69,084 572-23 Event-9/11 Memorial $3,998 $3,998 572-30 Event-Concert Series $22,706 $22,706 572-33 Event-Pat Nixon Bday 3/16 $977 $977 572-46 Event-RN Birthday 01/09 $3,015 $3,015 572-53 Event-Memorial Day $2,165 $2,165 572-54 Event-Presrdents Day $4.159 $4,159 572-56 Event-Drug Reinforcement 03/24/07 $4.260 $4,260 572—60 Event-4th of July (Every Year) $3,346 $3,346 572-61 Event-Labor Day Sept $1 .038 $1,038 572-64 Event-Veterans Day 97 11/11/97 $4,071 $4.071 572-65 Event-Christmas Every Year $5,527 $5,527 572-70 Event-Nixon Oral History $45,718 $45,718 572-72 Event-Bendetti Dinner 01/09/08 $683 $683 575-01 Vehicle Expense-Administration ($7.293) ($7,293) 576-RU Lecture-Art Linkletter 01/13/07 $2,620 $2.620 576-RV Lecture-Barb F ranklln 03/07/07 $3,511 $3,511 576-RW Lecture-Michael Oren 02/12/07 $3,440 $3.440 576-RX Lecture-Ruckelshaus 04/11/07 $1.892 $1.892 576-RY Lecture-Schilling 02/17/07 $4.514 $4.514 576-RZ Lecture-Herschensohn 3/15/07 $3.451 $3.451 576—SA Lecture-Panetta 05/23/07 $4.764 $4.764 576—SB Lecture-Gingrich 05/24/07 $7,139 $7,139 576—SC Lecture—Beschloss 06/06/07 $3,385 $3,385 576-SD Lecture-K Pipes 05/28/07 $541 $541 576-SE Lecture-Hewrtt 06/20/07 $8,446 $8,446 576-SF Lecture—Elizabeth Drew 06/21/07 $788 $788 576-SG Lecture-Bud Krogh 09/05/07 $1.939 $1.939 576-SH Lecture-Chris Matthews 11/13/07 $3.955 $3.955 576—SI Lecture-Weiner 09/17/07 $2,692 $2,692 576-SJ Lecture-Paterson 10/03/07 $1.963 $1 .963 576-SK Lecture-Kay B Hutchison 11/19/07 $3.619 $3,619 576—SL Lecture-Landau 12/06/07 $4.787 $4,787 583-08 Grounds Malnt - Facil Manageme $371,871 $371,871 584—01 Outsrde Services - Admrnrstrat $34,147 $34,147 584-02 Outside Services - Promot/Mkt $1.313 $1,313 584-03 Outside Services - Adv 8. Admin $1,348 $1.348 584-04 Outside Services - Sales & Eve $22,827 $22,827 584—05 Outsrde Servrces - Curatorial $6.253 $6,253 584-06 Outside Servrces - Archival $216 $216 584-07 Outsrde Services - Security $380 $380 584-08 Outside Services - Faculty Mgm $5,307 $5,307

Statement 15 1of3 The Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace Foundation FEIN: 52-1278303 Statement 15 For Form 990. Part II. line 43a. Other expenses (Statement of Functional Expenses) January 1. 2007 to December 31. 2007

Account (B) Program (C) Management Number Account Description (A) Total Services & General 1D) Fundraising

584-09 OutSIde SerVices - Museum Store $1 ,623 $1 ,623 584-10 OutSIde Serwces - Nixon Center $67,683 $67,683 585-02 Web Site De5ign & Maintenance $11,536 $11,536 585—10 Web Site DeSIgn & Maintenance-Nixon Cent $0 $0 586-02 Consultant—Promotion/Marketing $1 .000 $1 .000 586-04 Consultant - Events $54,000 $54,000 588-01 insurance-Administration $184,382 $184,382 589-00 SpeClal Events Insurance $0 $0 591-00 Property Taxes $27,001 $27,001 592-00 Taxes - Other $1,502 $1,502 593-01 Licenses & Fees-Administration $327 $327 593-08 Licenses & Fees-Facn Managmet $1,089 $1,089 593-09 Licenses 8. Fees-Museum Store $719 $719 595-08 Utilities — Faculties $270,843 $270,843 595—10 Utilities - Nixon Center $8,008 $8,008 596-01 Professmnal Mem-Administratio $354 $354 596-03 Professwnal Mem-Adv & Admin $0 $0 596—04 Professmnal Mem-Sales/Events $0 $0 596-10 Professwnal Mem-Nixon Center $1,200 $1,200 597-01 Subscriptions-Admin General Us $313 $313 597-02 Subscriptions-Marketing $240 $240 597-03 Subscriptions-Adv & Admin $0 $0 597-05 Subscriptions-Curatorial $412 $412 597-10 Subscriptions-Nixon Center $3,157 $3,157 598-01 Publications-Administration $98 $98 598-10 Publications-Nixon Center $1,360 $1 ,360 602-02 Advertismg & Promo-Pro 8 Mkt $12,534 $12,534 602-04 Advertismg & Promo-Sales & Ev $27,261 $27,261 602-05 Advertising & Promo-Curatorial ($10,222) ($10,222) 602-09 Advertismg & Promo-Museum Store $9,391 $9,391 605-27 Exhibits- Unearthed $22,860 $22,860 605-28 Exhibits-More than Words $26,571 $26,571 605—29 Exhibits-Elms 72nd $23,187 $23,187 605-30 Exhibits-Trains $79,358 $79,358 605-31 Exhibits-Pres Children $11,596 $11,596 605-33 Exhibits-Enemy Within $46,876 $46,876 605-36 Exhibit-Helicopter 07/06 Perm $7,489 $7,489 605-82 Exhibits-PN Bday 03/00-04/00 $305 $305 605-94 Exhibits—Watergate Perm $21,684 $21,684 612-01 Newsletter - Admin $2,373 $2,373 646-A NTI -04/O4 $2,370 $2,370 646-A2 Grant-Russia Policy $4,977 $4,977 646-A3 Grant-GM US/Europe/RuSSIa $32,623 $32,623 646-A4 Grant-Homegrown Terrorism $2.436 $2.436 646-A5 Grant—Muslim Brotherhood $48,950 $48,950 646-K Grant-Withering Georgia 01/05 ($1,500) ($1,500) 646-0 Grant-GMF Energy/Climate 06/05 $843 $843 646-T Grant-Technological Political $1,000 $1 .000 646-U Grant-Kemp Corporate $2,322 $2,322 646-W Grant-Ford lran $3.893 $3.893 646-X Grant-Mid East Kemp $2,551 $2,551

Statement 15 20f3 The Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace Foundation FEIN: 52-1278303 Statement 15 For Form 990, Part II, line 43a, Other expenses (Statement of Functional Expenses) January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007

Account (B) Proqram (g) Manaqement Number Account Description (A) Total Services & General (D) Fundraising

646-Y Grant-MacArthur Kemp $26,517 $26,517 646-Z Grant-Leiken Muslim Brotherhood $20 $20 652—00 Annual Dinner Cal $500 $500 653-10 Annual Dinner DC $8,583 $8,583 662-00 Direct Mail Expense $0 $0 696-01 Endowment Consultation Fees $75,510 $75,510 697-01 Bank Charges—Admin $30 $30 697—03 Bank Charges-Development $0 $0 697-09 Bank Charges-Museum Store $32,504 $32,504 698—09 Cash - Over/Short ($26) ($26) 43 Total other expenses $1,922,624 $1,438,479 $337,471 $146,674


The Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation is an educational institution, a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit corporation, Delaware, 1983.

Its mission is to illuminate and protect the legacy of the 37‘h President through its own programs, and those of the Nixon Center, as well as by supporting programs and exhibits at the Richard Nixon and Museum in Yorba Linda, California.

The Nixon Center, a substantively and programmatically independent division of the Foundation, located in Washington, DC, is a bi—partisan policy institute committed to the analysis of challenges to the United States through a prism of enlightened national interest.

At the Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda, special free admission days throughout the year encourage community involvement. Also, on Sunday afternoons, a Family Concert Series is offered without charge featuring musicians from the Southern California area.

2007 at the Presidential Library in Yorba Linda


Opening of a temporary exhibit, The President and The King, a montage re-creating the famous encounter in the Oval Office between the King of Rock, Elvis Presley and President Nixon, and showcasing the clothing worn on that day by both men, as well as other memorabilia of the event.

Commemoration of President Nixon’s 94th birthday anniversary featuring a gravesite wreath-laying ceremony and remarks by Rear Admiral Patrick E. McGrath, Deputy Commander, Navy Region Southwest. This was followed by an annual Nixon Lecture delivered by the President’s youngest brother, Edward Nixon, on a free admission day made possible by the generosity of Mary Ann and Bicknell Lockhart.

Radio and TV personality Art Linkletter participated in a continuing “In Conversation” series presentation and afterwards signed copies of his book How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best onour Life.


Historian and author Michael B. Oren lectured and signed copies of his book Power, Faith and Fantasy: America in the 1 776 to the Present.

Jerry Schilling, a friend of Elvis Presley’s, lectured and signed copies of his book, Me and A Guy Named Elvis.


Observance of President’s Day with a panel discussion on the Presidency among American Presidents Series authors Joyce Appleby, Professor of History at UCLA. (Thomas Jefferson); Douglas Brinkley, Professor of History at Tulane University and Director of the Theodore Roosevelt Center (Gerald R. Ford); and David Greenberg, Professor of History and Media Studies at Rutgers University (Calvin Coolidge).


Former Secretary of Commerce in the George H.W. Bush administration Barbara Franklin participated in the Library’s continuing “In Conversation” series. She also served on President Nixon’s White House staff and later as head of the US. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

A dual 95‘h anniversary commemoration of First Lady Pat Nixon’s birthday and the founding of the National Girl Scouts featuring a display of photographs from her early days, her travels during the vice presidential years and as First Lady, on a Lockhait free admission day.

Commentator and Pepperdine University Professor Bruce Herschensohn lectured and signed copies of his book Taiwan: The Threatened Democracy.


The first head of the Environmental Protection Agency, established in the Nixon Administration, William Ruckelshaus participated in the Library’s continuing “In Conversation” series recounting events during his career in senior positions with both Presidents Nixon and Reagan.

The Thirteenth Annual Richard Nixon Library Docent Guild Student Geography Awards program was held in the East Room.


Director of the Office of Civil Rights in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare in the Nixon Administration and White House Chief of Staff in the William Clinton Administration Leon Panetta participated in the Library’s continuing “In Conversation” series.

The annual Memorial Day commemoration on a Lockhart Free Admission day included a guest lecture by the Rev. Robert Certain, President ’s family pastor, Also author Kasey S. Pipes lectured and signed copies of his book Ike’s Final Battle: The Road to Little Rock and the Challenge of Equality. This was followed by a Family Concert featuring the 90-member Placentia Concert Band.


Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich lectured and signed copies of his World War II novel Pearl Harbor.


Presidential historian and author Michael Beschloss lectured and signed copies of his book Presidential Courage: Brave Leaders and How They Changed America.

Nationally syndicated Radio show host and author Hugh Hewitt lectured, hosted a live radio show and signed copies of his new book A Mormon in the White House: Ten things Every American Should Know About Mitt Romney.


An Independence Day Concert by the Placentia Symphonic Band in the East Room.


A Labor Day afternoon program by the 50-member Orange Empire Barbershop Chorus in the East Room.

Opening of a special retrospective exhibition, IRAQ Unearthed 2003, of 50 dramatic photographs by award-winning photojournalist Jose Jimenez Tirado.

Former Nixon aide Egil “Bud” Krogh lectured and signed copies of his book Integrity Good People, Bad Choices and Life Lessons flom the White House.

Pulitzer prize-winning New York Times correspondent Tom Weiner lectured and signed copies of his book Legacy ofAshes: The History ofthe CIA


Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Carl Bernstein participated in an “In Conversation” program and signed copies of his book A Woman in Charge, The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Annual commemoration of Veteran’s Day on a Lockhart free admission day featuring a keynote address by Colonel James B. Seaton, Commanding Officer of Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base and followed by a Placentia Symphonic Band Concert.

Television host and commentator Chris Matthews lectured and signed copies of his book Life’s a Campaign: What Politics Has Taught Me About Friendship, Rivalry, Reputation, and Success.


US. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison lectured and signed copies of her book Leading Ladies: American Trailblazers.

Presidential speech writer and historian James Humes lectured and signed copies of his book The Wit and Wisdom ofRonald Reagan.

4th Annual Handel’s Messiah Sing—along presented by the Yorba Linda Alliance.


Annual Hanukkah Celebration featuring choirs from Tarbit V Torah Jewish Day Schools, Temple Beth Shalom Junior Choir, Temple Tikvah Junior Choir, Temple Beth David Junior Children’s Choir and Chabad of North Orange County Children’s Choir.

Presidential historian Barry Landau lectured and signed copies of his book The President’s Table. Two Hundred Years of Dining and Diplomacy, a history of the American presidency as seen through presidential entertaining.


The Nixon Center and The National Interest

2007 Events


The Nixon Center hosted a dinner with Fred Iklé, Distinguished Scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and a member of The National Interest's Advisory Council, to discuss his new book, Annihilation from Within. President of the United States Institute of Peace Richard H. Solomon moderated the discussion.

The Nixon Center hosted a dinner with His Excellency Prince Turki al Faisal, the departing Saudi Ambassador to the United States. Center Director of Regional Strategic Programs Geoffrey Kemp moderated the discussion.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion on European attitudes towards Russia with Tomas Ries, Director of the Swedish Institute of International Affairs. Center Director of Regional Strategic Programs Geoffrey Kemp moderated the event.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon on Georgian developments with Shalva Natelashvili, Chairman of the Georgian Labor Party. Center President Dimitri K. Simes moderated the discussion.


The Nixon Center hosted a small dinner and discussion with former Lebanese president Amin Gemayel moderated by Richard H. Solomon, President of United States Institute of Peace.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion with Ahmed Said Fituri, Secretary for Americas Affairs of Libya's foreign ministry, and Libyan Ambassador to the United States Ali Aujali. Center Executive Director Paul J. Saunders moderated the discussion.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon briefing on Iraq's Security Challenges by HE. Samir Shakir Mahmood Sumaida'ie, Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to the US. Center Director of Regional Strategic Programs Geoffrey Kemp moderated the event.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion of “The United States and Israel” with Geoffrey Kemp; Robert Satloff, Executive Director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy; and, Shibley Telhami, the Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland, College Park, and a non-resident senior fellow at the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution. Nixon Center Board Member Dov Zakheim moderated the discussion.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon briefing on “Terrorism and Regime Stability in Saudi Arabia” with Thomas Hegghammer, Research Fellow at the Norwegian Defense


Research Establishment (FFI). Center Director or Immigration and National Security Programs Robert S. Leiken moderated the event.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion of “Eurasian Energy: Challenges and Opportunities” with Julia Nanay, Senior Director of Country Strategies for PFC Energy, and Clifford Gaddy, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. Nixon Center Board Member J. Robinson West moderated the discussion.


The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion on “Foreign Policy in the Last Two Years: The Role of Congress, the Media, and Public Opinion.” Speaking on the panel were Marvin Kalb, a Senior Fellow at Harvard University's Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy and Faculty Chair for the Kennedy School's Washington programs; Andrew Kohut, President of the Pew Research Center in Washington, DC and Director of the Pew Research Center for The People & The Press; and, Robert W. Merry, President and Publisher of Congressional Quarterly Inc. Center Executive Director Paul J. Saunders moderated the event.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion on the Muslim Brotherhood with Center Director of Immigration and National Security Programs Robert S. Leiken; Center Research Associate Steven Brooke; Hillel Fradkin, Director of the Center for Islam, Democracy and the Future of the Muslim World at the Hudson Institute; and, Peter Mandaville, Assistant Professor of Government and Politics at George Mason University.

The National Interest hosted a luncheon discussion entitled, “Adjustment or Alteration: What's Going on in US. Foreign Policy?” with Amitai Etzioni from the University and Michael Lind from the New America Foundation.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion on the US. relationship with Russia with Center President Dimitri K. Simes moderated by Center Board member, and former Deputy National Security Advisor, Robert D. Blackwill.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion on “Pakistan, Afghanistan and the 'Spring Offensive’” with Seth Jones, Political Scientist at RAND.


The Nixon Center hosted a conversation in New York with Yevgeny M. Primakov, Chairman of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a former Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion of “Inside al Qaeda: The First Account of how al Qaeda Cells Work” with Bernard Rougier, author of Everyday Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam among Palestinians in (Harvard University Press) and a professor


at The University of Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand in France. Center Director of Immigration and National Security Programs at the Center, Robert S. Leiken moderated the event.

The Nixon Center hosted a panel discussion of “Political Crisis in Ukraine” with Steven Pifer, Senior Advisor to the Russia and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; Judge Bohdan Futey, a Judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims who has been a consultant to the working group on Ukraine's Constitution and the Ukrainian parliament and has extensive experience with Ukraine's legal system; and Center Fellow in Strategic Studies Nikolas K. Gvosdev. Center Executive Director Paul J. Saunders moderated the discussion.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion on “The French Elections: First Results” with Jeremy Shapiro, an authority on French-US. relations from the Brookings Institution. Center Director of Immigration and National Security Programs Robert S. Leiken moderated the discussion.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion of “Israel and the Palestinians: How Empty is the Glass?” with Aaron David Miller, Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and Ziad Asali, President of the American Task Force on Palestine. Center Director of Regional Strategic Programs Geoffrey Kemp moderated the event.

The Nixon Center hosted a panel discussion on “US-Russian Nuclear Dialogue: Vital Issues, Troubled Relations” with Andrew Kuchins, Director and Senior Fellow of the Russia and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and lntemational Studies; Dmitri Trenin, Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Deputy Director of the Carnegie Moscow Center; and, Thomas Moore, Senior Professional Staff Member on the Minority Staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Center Executive Director Paul J. Saunders moderated the event.


The National Interest hosted a luncheon discussion entitled, "Backlash Revisited: Is Democracy Promotion Advancing U.S. Interests?” with Thomas Carothers, Vice President for Studies at the Carnegie Endowment for lntemational Peace, and Center Executive Director Paul J. Saunders. Center Senior Fellow in Strategic Studies Nikolas K. Gvosdev moderated the event.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion entitled, “Iran: Will Sanctions Work?” with Michael Eisenstadt, Senior Fellow and Director of The Washington Institute's Military and Security Studies Program, Kenneth Katzman, Specialist in Middle East affairs for the Congressional Research Service, and Julia Nanay, Senior Director at PFC Energy. Center Director of Regional Strategic Studies Geoffrey Kemp moderated the discussion.


The Nixon Center hosted a discussion of “Radicalization in Europe” with Fidel Sendagorta, Director of Policy Planning at the Spanish Foreign Ministry. Center Director of Immigration and National Security Programs Robert S. Leiken moderated the event.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon seminar on “Serbia and the Balkans: An Update” with Center Fellow in Strategic Studies Nikolas K. Gvosdev and Andrew Parasiliti, Vice President of Barbour Griffith & Rogers International. Former National Security Advisor Robert C. McFarlane, now a Principal in Energy and Communications Solutions, moderated the discussion.


The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion on political developments in Turkey and their implications for the European Union and the United States with Morton Abramowitz, former US. Ambassador to Turkey and Senior Fellow at The Century Foundation, and Richard Perle, Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Fred Iklé, Distinguished Scholar at the Center for Strategic & International Studies and a member of The National Interest Advisory Council, moderated the event.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion on “The Sarkozy Government: What’s Next?” with Patrick Chamorel, Crown International Fellow and Visiting Professor of Government at Claremont-McKenna College. Center Director of Immigration and National Security Programs Robert S. Leiken moderated the discussion.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon panel discussion of the US. foreign policy debate with Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow at the New America Foundation; Grover Norquist, President of Americans For Tax Reform; and Center President Dimitri K. Simes. Marvin Kalb, Senior Fellow at Harvard University's Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy, moderated the event.

The National Interest hosted a discussion on “Avoiding a Balkan Train Wreck” with His Excellency Alexandros Mallias, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic. Senior Fellow in Strategic Studies Nikolas K. Gvosdev moderated the event.


The Nixon Center hosted an event on "China and the Global Resource Balance." The luncheon featured Ambassador Chas Freeman, Chairman of Projects International. The Center's Director of China Studies and Starr Senior Fellow Drew Thompson moderated the discussion.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion on the politics of Russia's domestic and foreign energy policy featuring the Director of Research for BP Energy Vladimir P. Averchev, who is also a former member of the State Duma representing the Yabloko


faction. Center Board Member J. Robinson West, Chairman of PFC Energy, moderated the discussion.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion on recent Palestinian developments. The speakers included Daniel Levy, Senior Fellow and Director of the Middle East Policy Initiative of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation and Rosemary Hollis, Director of Research at Chatham House (UK) and a member of the British Commission on Iraq. Samuel Lewis, former US. Ambassador to Israel, moderated the discussion.

The National Interest hosted a luncheon presentation by author and commentator Jacob Heilbrunn regarding his article in the July/August issue of The National Interest. David Keene, Chairman of the American Conservative Union, moderated the event.

The Nixon Center hosted an event on the Muslim community in Britain in the wake of recent terrorist attacks. The talk featured H.A. Hellyer, Ford Visiting Fellow at the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution. Center Director of Immigration and National Security Program Robert S. Leiken moderated the discussion.


The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion on “Israel's Challenges.” The luncheon featured Israel's Ambassador to the United States Sallai Meridor. Center Director of Regional Strategic Programs Geoffrey Kemp moderated the discussion, which was broadcast live on C-SPAN.

The National Interest hosted a luncheon roundtable discussion of “Terrorism and Proliferation: The Challenges of Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.” Ray Takeyh, and Harlan Ullman assessed what is happening in Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan as well as the roadblocks preventing the United States from being more effective. C-SPAN broadcast the event, which was moderated by Center Senior Fellow in Strategic Studies Nikolas Gvosdev.


The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Dr. Evan Feigenbaum, who discussed the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and American interests and policy in Central Asia. Center Director of China Studies and Starr Senior Fellow Drew Thompson moderated the event.

The Nixon Center hosted a discussion on Salafism and Islamism amongst Muslims in Europe and its possible connection to terrorism. The event included Jocelyn Cesari, Visiting Associate Professor of Islamic Studies and Director of the Islam in the West Program at Harvard University and Jytte Klausen, Professor of Comparative Politics at


Brandeis University. Center Director of Immigration and National Security Programs Robert S. Leiken moderated the event.


The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion with Mowaffak al Rubaie, Iraq's National Security Advisor. Dr. a1 Rubaie assessed the current US. military surge in Baghdad and other developments in Iraq and the region. Center Director of Regional Strategic Programs Geoffrey Kemp moderated the event.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon entitled "Oil Prices, Oil Peaks, and the Gulf Crisis". The assembled panel included Center Board Member J. Robinson West, Chairman and Founder of PFC Energy, David Kirsch, Manager of Market Intelligence Services at PFC Energy; and Raad Alkadiri, Senior Director of Markets and Country Strategies Group at PFC Energy. Center Director of Regional Strategic programs Geoffrey Kemp moderated the discussion.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion on "China's 17th Party Congress and the U.S.-China Relationship." Director of China Studies and Starr Senior Fellow Drew Thompson moderated the event, which featured presentations by David M. Lampton, Dean of Faculty and Director of China Studies at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Minxin Pei, Senior Associate and Director of the China Program at The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Randall Schriver, a founding partner at Armitage International LLC and former Deputy Assistant of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs.

The Nixon Center hosted a luncheon discussion featuring Russian Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, who addressed his country's economic and political future. Peter Robertson, Vice Chairman of Chevron Corporation, moderated the discussion.

Center President Dimitri K. Simes spoke on U.S.-Russian relations at a formal dinner in Moscow co-sponsored by The Nixon Center and the Russian television news analysis program Postscriptum. Aleksey Pushkov, The National Interest contributing editor and editor of Postscriptum, moderated the event. Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksandr Yakovenko served as a commentator.


The Nixon Center hosted a dinner discussion featuring His Excellency Zhou Wenzhong, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the United States, who discussed U.S.- Chinese relations and the national objectives set out by China's new leaders. The Center's Director of China Studies and Starr Senior Fellow Drew Thompson, moderated the event.


The New America Foundation and The Nixon Center co-sponsored a salon lunch with Center President Dimitri K. Simes, who discussed his article "Losing Russia: The Costs of Renewed Confrontation" in the November/December issue of Foreign Affairs. Steven Clemons, Senior Fellow and Director of the American Strategy Program at The New America Foundation, moderated the event.


The Nixon Center hosted a half day seminar entitled "Iran's Nuclear Program: Diplomacy, Deterrence, or Force?" Panel one, featuring Anthony Cordesman, the Arleigh A. Burke Chair on Strategy at CSIS, Michael Eisenstadt, director of the Military and Security Studies Program and senior fellow at the Washington Institute, and Shai Feldman, the Judy and Sidney Swartz Director’s Chair of the Crown Center for Middle East Studies at Brandeis University, addressed the possible use of force against the Iranian regime. Suzanne Maloney of the Brookings Institution and Barbara Slavin of the United States Institute of Peace spoke on the second panel, which considered the effect of other punitive measures including sanctions. Finally, Iraq's Ambassador to the United States Samir Sumaidaie discussed Iran's role in Iraq and his government's perspective regarding US. policy towards Tehran. Center Director of Regional Strategic Programs Geoffrey Kemp moderated the event.

11 of 11 Statement 16 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

KRIS ELF'TMANN. CAmrman LEONORE ANNENBERG JOHN H BARR. xxmnwy-V'mmm [)ONALIH uer3T I I 'l'RJClA NIXON cox FREDERICK B DI-INT September 30, 2003 Lette‘fhéad JUL”: NIXON FISENHOWER ROBI- Rr F ELLbWORTH GAVIN s HERHER'I‘ KENNFTl-l L KHACHIGIAN HENRY A KISSINGFR EEEN: 524278303 *“KATHERJNE n LOKER l —r4. STATEMENT CYNTHIA H MILIJGAN 1~7 EDWARD NIXON MAUREEN DROVVN NUNN Cmqfitel’qttgrhéad‘féfléqting HUBERT C PERRY $12.5: Board OfQiLQQEQI’S. filq.;6¢r$fii12, eééh 0f Feaéhedifirdugh-flielindigatéd GEORGE P SHULT? hdaréss; Elem ‘ DUVHTlu-K. 515155. numbsérs. I’rdidrnf. Tb: [Vu'an Crnh r J PETER SIMON Directmjsdévme 1 tb~‘3;h6i1i"_saper mq'mh- t‘grghcir pagition. PETE VVILS_ON . #5 a.:a’. .. JOHN H. TAYLOR. .‘ 'grijdtqgcpifigpensafgafiffigéiraséfifiqés Extrulwe DIr'n-Im y .Hn «.1, ih~thajt cafié‘qigy._

LOIE G. GAUNT. 111mm"! Sccrzlmy- Trmmrcr

*ideeeased 06/26/08

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LOKER/ANNENB $12,549,117 87 $12 549.117 87 $418,303 93 149 BUILDING - NARA RETROFIT $2,519,909 47 $2.519 909 47 $2.519.909 47 30 YRS SIL 07/11/07 $83 996 98 $83,996 98 151 EXHIBITS - LIBRARY $3 002 479 13 $3,002 479 13 10 YRS SIL 0720/90 $3 002.479 13 $0 00 $3,002,479 13 EXHIBITS - LIBRARY $7.758 53 $7 758 53 10 YRS SIL 06/11/91 $7,758 53 $0 00 $7,758 53 EXHIBITS - LIBRARY $31 751 40 $31,751 40 10 YRS SIL 08/01/91 $31,751 40 $0 00 $31,751 40 EXHIBITS - LIBRARY $31 588 88 $31,588 88 10 YRS SIL 09/23/91 $31,588 88 $0 00 $31,588 88 EXHIBITS - LIBRARY $9.500 00 $9,500 00 10 YRS SIL 10/23/91 $9,500 00 $0 00 $9,500 00 EXHIBITS - LIBRARY 1ST LADY $108 280 81 $108,280 81 10 YRS S/L 1227/91 $108,280 81 $0 00 $108,280 81 EXHIBITS - LIBRARY 1ST LADY $1 656 38 $1,656 38 10 YRS S/L 1227/91 $1 656 38 $0 00 $1,656 38 EXHIBITS - LIBRARY $216 00 $216 00 10 YRS SIL 0224/92 $216 00 $0 00 $216 00 EXHIBITS - LIBRARY TRACK LIGHTS $2 095 00 $2,095 00 10 YRS SIL 03/16/92 $2,095 00 $0 00 $2 095 00 EXHIBITS - LIBRARY BERLIN WALL SGN $2,141 60 $2,141 60 10 YRS SIL 0828/92 $2,141 60 $0 00 $2,141 60 EXHIBITS - 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FINAL of SPACE SUIT $3,085 00 $3 085 00 10 YRS SIL 01/15/01 $1 853 00 $308 50 $2 161 50 EXHIBITS - DVD PLAYER IN RN FORUM $715 39 $715 39 10 YRS SIL 04/01/05 $143 08 $71 54 $214 62 EXHIBITS - HELICOPTER $142,582 27 $142,582 27 10 YRS SIL 10/31/06 $14,258 23 $14,258 23 $28,516 46 TOTAL EXHIBITS - LIBRARY $3,572,027 23 $3 572.027 23 $33.662 72 $0 00 152 EXHIBITS - BIRTHPLACE $16,678 50 $16 678 50 $16,678 50 10 YRS SIL 0720/90 $16,678 50 $0 00 $16,678 50 $0 00 158 FURNITURE 8. FIXTURES - LIBRARY 5235 882 57 $235,882 57 10 YRS SIL 0720/90 $235,882 57 $0 00 $235,882 57 FURN 8 FIXTURES - LIBRARY LIGHTING $141184 51.41184 10 YRS S/L 07l31/91 $1,411 84 $0 00 $1.41184 FURNITURE 5 FIXTURES - LIBRARY $7,758 52 $7.758 52 10 YRS SIL 08/08/91 $7,758 52 $0 00 $7.758 52 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - LIBRARY $5,301 30 $5,301 30 10 YRS S/L 0829/91 $5.301 30 $0 00 55,301 30 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - LIBRARY $3,852 98 $3,852 98 10 YRS SIL 0923/91 $3.852 98 $0 00 $3 852 98 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - LI SHELVING $1 385 67 $1.385 67 10 YRS S/L 01l15/92 $1.385 67 $0 00 $1 385 67 FURNITURE & FIXTURES - Ll BOOK CRT $229 51 $229 51 10 YRS SIL 0226/92 $229 51 $0 00 $229 51 FURNITURE A FIXTURES - LI FILES SA $441 55 $441 55 10 YRS SIL 07I01/92 $441 55 $0 00 $441 55 FURNITURE & FIXTURES - LI FILES AC 5449 94 $449 94 10 YRS SIL 0720/92 $449 94 SO 00 $449 94 FURNITURE B. FIXTURES - LI PARTITIN $506 38 $506 38 10 YRS SIL 0728/92 $506 38 $0 00 $506 38 FURNITURE 8. FIXTURES - LI SHELF SA 5160 00 $160 00 10 YRS SIL 08/03I92 $160 00 $0 00 $160 00 FURNITURE 8. FIXTURES - Ll DESK $1,645 34 $1,645 34 10 YRS SIL 0821/92 $1,645 34 $0 00 $1,645 34 FURNITURE a. FIXTURES - LI DSP CASE $7,456 20 $7,456 20 10 YRS SIL 0821/92 $7,456 20 $0 00 $7,456 20 FURNITURE a. FIXTURES - LI CHAIR $167 00 $167 00 10 YRS SIL 09/08192 $167 00 $0 00 $167 00 FURNITURE 6 FIXTURES - LI $33 96 $33 96 10 YRS SIL 09I11I92 $33 96 $0 00 $33 96 FURNITURE 8. FIXTURES - LI $51181 $51181 10 YRS SIL 10I07/92 $51181 $0 00 $51181 FURNITURE& FIXTURES - LI $1,116 24 51.11624 10 YRS SI'L 10I06/92 $1.116 24 $000 $1.116 24 FURNITURE A FIXT - CHAIRS 5 TABLES $2,249 50 $2.249 50 10 YRS SIL 05111/93 $2,249 50 $0 00 $2,249 50 FURNITURE & FIXT - TWO CREDENSES $256 45 $256 45 10 YRS SIL 0726/93 $256 45 $0 00 $256 45 FURNITURE 8. FIXTURES - ACCOUNTING $2.072 38 $2 072 38 10 YRS SIL 11l15/93 $2 072 38 $0 00 $2,072 38 FURNITURE a. FIXTURES - READING ROOM $36,750 92 $36,750 92 ID YRS SIL 12/01/93 $36,750 92 $0 00 536.750 92 FURNITURE 5 FIXTURES - FILES $458 02 $458 02 10 YRS SIL 01/01I94 $458 02 $0 00 $458 02 FURNITURE 8. FIXTURES - READING ROOM $1 166 22 $1 166 22 10 YRS SIL 01/01/94 $1,166 22 $0 00 $1.166 22 FURNITURE 8. FIXTURES - READING ROOM $2 379 60 $2 379 60 10 YRS SIL 02/01I94 $2,379 60 $0 00 $2.379 60 FURNITURE & FIXTURES - LIGHT DIMS CUR $1020 53 $1,020 53 10 YRS SIL 03I15I94 $1,020 53 $0 00 $1020 53 FURNITURE a. FIXTURES - 16' TRACK LTNG $895 00 $895 00 10 YRS S/L 0329/94 $895 00 $0 00 $895 00 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES ~ FUNDRAISNG OFF $6,112 66 $6,112 66 10 YRS S/L 04/01/94 $6112 66 $0 00 $6112 66

1 014 Statement 22 ‘ FIXED ASSET WORKSHEET - DECEMBER 31, 2007 STATEMENT 22 Attachment [or Tom 4562 01 Iorm 990, Fan V, Sectlon A. lIne 26 TOTAL ASSET COST BASIS COST BASIS PURCHASED USEFUL DATE IN ACCUM DEPR DEPRECIATION ACCUM DEPR ACCT k ASSET DESCRIPTION BOOK VALUE ITEMS PRE2007 2007 LIFE METHOD SERVICE 12/‘31/06 2007 1231107 | FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - ADMIN $278 64 $278 64 10 YRS SIL 07/26l94 $278 64 $0 00 $273 64 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - ADMIN $2 339 93 $2,339 93 10 YRS SIL 08/15/94 $2,339 93 $0 00 $2,339 93 FURNITURE a. FIXTURES - ADMIN $875 65 $875 65 10 YRS SIL 09/01/94 5875 65 $0 00 $875 65 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - CURITORIAL $102 85 $102 85 10 YRS SIL 11/01/94 $102 85 $0 00 $102 85 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - FUNDRAISNG OFF $298 39 $298 39 10 YRS SIL 03/01/95 $298 39 $298 39 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - CURITORIAL $514 28 $514 28 10 YRS SIL 06/01/95 $514 28 $514 28 FURNITURE & FIXTURES - ADMIN $2 650 68 $2.650 68 10 YRS SIL 06I01/95 $2.650 68 $2 650 68 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - CURITORIAL $413 22 $413 22 10 YRS SIL 10I31I95 $413 22 $413 22 FURNITURE & FIXTURES - ARCHIVAL $4,884 00 $4.884 00 10 YRS SIL 11I01/95 $4,884 00 $4 884 00 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES — ADMIN $1,744 47 $1.744 47 10 YRS SIL 01/01/96 $1.744 47 $1744 47 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES -ARCHIVAL $125213 $125213 10 YRS SIL 01/01/96 $125213 $125213 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - ADMIN $314 09 $314 09 10 YRS SIL 03/01I96 $314 09 $314 09 FURNITURE 8. FIXTURES - GROUNDS $1,626 00 $1.626 00 10 YRS S/L 04/15/97 $1.626 00 $1 626 00 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - GROUNDS $6,989 27 $6.989 27 10 YRS SIL 09/01I97 $6,989 27 $6 989 27 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - LIBRARY $1.607 36 $1607 36 10 YRS SIL 12/15/97 $1.453 36 $154 00 $1607 36 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - FLOOR $2.878 00 $2 878 00 10 YRS SIL 01/15/98 $2 590 20 $287 80 $2,878 00 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - SHELVES FOR ARCHIVES $4,115 07 $4 115 07 10 YRS S/L 04/01/99 $3.292 08 $411 51 $3,703 59 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - PERMIT FOR STREET SIGN $336 30 $336 30 10 YRS SIL 07101199 $269 04 $33 63 $302 67 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - STREET ELECTRICAL SIGN $15.700 90 $15 700 90 10 YRS SIL 07I01I99 $12 560 72 $1 570 09 $14130 81 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - ELECTRICAL FOR STREET SI $3.500 00 $3 500 00 10 YRS SIL 07I01l99 $2 800 00 $350 00 $3,150 00 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - AIR CONDITIONING $3.681 00 $3 681 00 10 YRS SIL 12/01/99 $2,944 80 $368 10 $3.312 90 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - SECURITY CAMERAS 514.958 37 $14 958 37 10 YRS SIL 12/01/99 $11 966 72 $1,495 64 $13.462 56 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - AREA 37 CARPET INSTALL $1 695 00 $1 695 00 10 YRS SIL 07/01/00 $1,186 50 $169 50 $1.356 00 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - 2 BOILERS $14 532 00 $14 532 00 10 YRS SIL 12l01/00 $10,172 40 $1,453 20 $11625 60 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - ASPHALT SLURRY SEAL $7.900 00 $7,900 00 10 YRS SIL 12/15/00 55 530 00 $790 00 $6 320 00 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - JO LYONS MEMORIAL $1.306 84 $1,306 84 10 YRS SIL 05/01/03 $522 72 $130 68 $653 40 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - BENCHES $1.256 37 $1,256 37 10 YRS SIL O5l01I03 $502 56 $125 64 $628 20 FURNITURE 8. FIXTURES - ARCHIVE STORAGE $7 932 56 $7.932 56 10 YRS SIL 02/01/04 $2.379 78 $793 28 $3 173 04 FURNITURE 8. FIXTURES - FIRE ALARM $68,075 45 $68,075 46 10 YRS SIL 05/01/04 $20.422 65 $6 807 55 $27,230 20 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - SECURITY SYSTEM $30,129 76 530.129 76 10 YRS SIL 07l01/04 $9,038 94 $3.012 98 $12 051 92 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - GOLD CHAIRS FOR EVENTS $47 961 36 $47.961 36 10 YRS SIL 05l01l04 $14.388 42 $4 79614 $19,184 56 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - BLUEPRINT BOOKCASE $1 320 41 $1 320 41 10 YRS SIL 02/01/06 $132 04 $132 04 $264 08 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - DONOR WALL $20,169 88 $20 169 88 10 YRS SIL 10/01/06 $2 016 99 $2 016 99 $4.033 98 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - MEETING ROOM FOLDING CI $2,853 98 $2.853 98 10 YRS S/L 11/01/06 $285 40 $285 40 $570 80 TOTAL FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES $597,866 31 $597,866 31 $25 184 33 $0 00 161 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - BIRTHPLAI $24,253 97 524.253 97 $24,253 97 $0 00 10 YRS S/L 07/20/90 $24 253 97 $0 00 $24,253 97 $0 00 16: FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - MUSEUM STORE $25.764 84 $25,764 84 10 YRS SIL 07f20/90 $25 764 84 $0 00 $25 764 84 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - MUSEUM STORE 59.215 00 $9.215 00 10 YRS SIL 01/31/91 $9,215 00 $0 00 $9,215 00 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - MUSEUM STORE $5,150 79 $5.150 79 10 YRS SIL 09/01/94 $5150 79 $0 00 $5,150 79 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - MUSEUM STORE 51.060 00 $1,060 00 10 YRS SIL 07I01/95 $1 060 00 $1.060 00 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - MUSEUM STORE FIBER CABI $1.583 89 $1.583 89 10 YRS SIL 05I01/99 51.26712 $158 39 $1,425 51 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - MUSEUM STORE DISPLAY DI $9.435 00 $9,435 00 10 YRS SIL 10/15/99 $7.548 00 $943 50 $8,491 50 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - MUSEUM STORE ELECTRIC/a $777 60 $777 60 10 YRS SIL 10/15/99 $622 08 $77 76 $699 84 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - MUSEUM STORE REMOVE V1 515 027 00 $15,027 00 10 YRS S/L 10/15/99 $12,02160 $1 502 70 513.524 30 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES « MUSEUM STORE DISPLAY Fl $3 475 43 $3.475 43 10 YRS SIL 09/01I04 $1.042 62 $347 54 $1,390 16 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - HAND TRUCK $1407 38 $1,407 38 10 YRS SIL 10/01/06 $140 74 $140 74 $281 48 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - BENCH $1 504 85 $1 504 85 10 YRS SIL 11/01/06 $150 49 $150 49 $300 98 TOTAL FURN 8 FIXTURS — GIFT SHO $74,401 78 $74.401 78 $3,321 12 163-10 FURNITURE a. FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER $5,950 02 $5 950 02 10 YRS S/L 02/01/98 $5 355 00 $595 02 $5.950 02 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER $4 287 11 $4 287 11 10 YRS SIL 02l01/98 $3 858 39 $428 72 $4,287 11 FURNITURE a. FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER $5,628 54 $5,628 54 10 YRS S/L 02l01/98 $5.065 65 $562 89 $5,628 54 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER $1,805 06 $1,805 06 10 YRS SIL 02l01/98 $1,624 59 $180 47 $1,805 06 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER $720 00 $720 00 10 YRS S/L 02l01/98 $648 00 $72 00 $720 00 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER $965 00 $965 00 10 YRS SIL 02/01/98 $868 50 $96 50 $965 00 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER 51.274 92 $1,274 92 10 YRS SIL 02/01/98 $1,147 41 $127 51 $1 274 92 FURNITURE 8. FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER $7,642 23 $7,642 23 10 YRS SIL 02/01/98 $6,877 98 $764 25 $7.642 23 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER $817 98 $817 98 10 YRS SIL 02/O1/98 $736 20 $81 78 $817 98 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER $4,299 57 $4,299 57 10 YRS SIL 051/01198 53.869 64 $429 93 $4 299 57 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER $1.623 32 $1,623 32 10 YRS SIL 05l01/98 S1 460 97 $162 35 51.623 32 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER $3 609 26 $3,609 26 10 YRS SIL 06/01I98 $3.248 37 $360 89 $3 609 26 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES . NIXON CENTER $1.903 26 $1,903 26 10 YRS SIL 08/01/98 $1 712 97 $190 29 $1,903 28 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER 51 466 00 $1,466 00 10 YRS SIL 02l01l00 $1,026 20 $146 60 $1,172 80 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER $1634 60 $1 634 60 10 YRS S/L 04/01/00 $1 144 22 $163 46 $1,307 68 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - NIXON CENTER Office FumIIu $1.520 69 $1.520 69 10 YRS SIL 06I01l02 $608 28 $152 07 $760 35 $45,147 56 $45,147 56 $4.514 73 164 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - LOKER $876 867 00 $876 867 00 10 YRS SIL 10/01I04 $87 686 70 $87 686 70 $175,373 40 CONF ROOM TABLE 8 CHAIRS $62 252 80 $62,252 80 10 YRS SIL 05/01/05 $4,150 18 $6.225 28 $10,375 46 BATHROOM LOCKERS $956 66 $956 66 10 YRS SIL 05/O1I05 $95 67 $95 67 TOTAL FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES - L- $940,076 46 $940,076 46 $94,007 65 171 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY $4,394 89 $4,394 89 5 YRS SIL 07/20/90 $4.394 89 $0 00 $4.394 89 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY SOUND SYSTEM $1,678 00 $1,678 00 5 YRS SIL 04/26/91 $1.678 00 $0 00 $1 678 00 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY PROJ TV 8 VCR $3,537 99 $3,537 99 5 YRS S/L O7/31I92 $3.537 99 $0 00 $3,537 99 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY CAMERA/CONTROL $1.317 11 51.31711 5 YRS SIL 08/12/92 51 31711 $0 00 $1.31711 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - CARILLIONS $11,405 00 $11,405 00 5 YRS SIL 04/28/93 $11,405 00 $0 00 $11,405 00 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - PHONES MKTG OFF $1,830 05 $1.830 05 5 YRS SIL 0750/93 $1,830 05 $0 00 $1 .830 05 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - BASE STATION $1,259 83 $1,259 83 5 YRS SIL 1OI05I93 $1 259 83 $0 00 $1.259 83 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - V MAIL UPGRADE $2.732 77 $2 732 77 5 YRS SIL 06I01I94 $2,732 77 $2,732 77 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - SHOP MACHINERY $19.177 71 519.177 71 5 YRS SIL 03ID1/95 $19,177 71 $0 00 $19,177 71 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - FILES ARCHIVES $13,931 00 $13,931 00 5 YRS S/L 06/O1I96 $13.93100 $0 00 $13,931 00 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - FLAG $1,499 75 $1,499 75 5 YRS SIL 03I01I97 $1.499 75 $0 00 $1,499 75 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - SECURITY SYSTEM $6.905 00 $6,905 00 5 YRS SIL 09/01/97 $6,905 00 $0 00 $6,905 00 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - HAND HELD RADIOS $1413 03 $1,413 03 5 YRS SIL 12/01/99 $1.413 03 $0 00 $1,413 03 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM $5.373 93 $5,373 93 5 YRS SIL 07I01/01 $5.373 93 $5.373 93 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - CONFERENCE ROOM PHONE $1,048 41 $1,048 41 5 YRS SIL 11mm $1 048 41 $1.043 41 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - BIG SCREEN TV FOR LOBBY $1,469 97 $1.469 97 5 YRS SIL 05I01/02 $1 469 97 $1,469 97 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - SOFAS FOR THE PUBLIC IN Ex $2 476 03 $2,476 03 5 YRS SIL 12/01I02 $2 476 03 $2.476 03

2 014 Statement 22 FIXED ASSET WORKSHEET - DECEMBER 31, 2007 STATEMENT 22 Attachment for form 4562 of form 990, Part V. Section A, line 26 TOTAL ASSET COST BASIS COST BASIS PURCHASED USEFUL DATE IN ACCUM DEPR DEPRECIATION ACCUM DEPR ACCT I: ASSET DESCRIPTION BOOK VALUE ITEMS PRE2007 2007 LIFE METHOD SERVICE 12/31/06 2007 12rJ1I07 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - FILE CABINETS $560 08 $560 08 5 YRS SIL 04/01/03 $448 06 $112 00 $560 08 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY — VIDEO CAMERA $765 03 $765 03 5 YRS SIL 12/15/03 $612 04 $152 99 $765 03 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - STANTIONS FOR EVENTS $12,639 76 $12,639 76 5 YRS SIL 09/01/04 $7 583 85 $2,527 95 $10,111 80 EQUIPMENT ~ LIBRARY - FLAGS $11,102 79 $11,102 79 5 YRS SIL 09/01/04 $6 661 68 $2,220 56 $8 882 24 PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM — EVENTS $1,341 39 $1 341 39 5 YRS SIL 07/01/05 $536 56 $268 28 $804 84 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - FAX MACHINE $1,731 60 $1 731 60 5 YRS SIL 01/01/06 $346 32 $346 32 $692 64 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - STANTIONS $2,718 53 $2 718 53 5 YRS SIL 12/01/06 $543 71 $543 71 $1,087 42 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY -RADIOS $1,769 00 $1,769 00 5 YRS SIL 02/01/07 $353 80 $353 80 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - DOCENT SOFA $860 92 $860 92 5 YRS SIL 04/01/07 $172 18 $172 18 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - BACKDROP BANNER $1 324 51 $1 324 51 5 YRS SIL 05/01/07 $264 90 $264 90 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - DIGITAL CAMERA $1 344 71 $1 344 71 5 YRS SIL 05/01/07 $268 94 $268 94 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY - AV SPEAKERS $2,210 78 $2,210 78 5 YRS SIL 05/01/07 $442 16 $442 16 EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY — AV EQUIPMENT $3 103 20 $3,103 20 5 YRS SIL 06/15/07 $620 64 $620 64 TOTAL EQUIPMENT - LIBRARY $122,922 77 $122,922 77 $8,294 43 $0 00 173 EQUIPMENT - GIFT SHOP $7,202 51 $7,202 51 5 YRS SIL 07/20/90 $7 202 51 $0 00 $7 202 51 EQUIPMENT - GIFT SHOP CAM COMPUTERS $21,241 84 $21,241 84 5 YRS SIL 10/01I99 $21 241 84 $0 00 $21 241 84 EQUIPMENT - GIFT SHOP RIBBON $7,800 00 $7,800 00 5 YRS SIL 06I01/07 $1,560 00 $1,560 00 $36,244 35 $36,244 35 $1 560 00 $0 00 175 EQUIPMENT - OFFICE $23 416 39 $23 416 39 5 YRS SIL 07/20/90 $23,416 39 $0 00 $23,416 39 EQUIPMENT - OFFICE FILE CABINET $989 35 $989 35 5 YRS SIL 11/30/91 $989 35 $0 00 $989 35 EQUIPMENT- OFFICE $1 451 16 $1451 16 5 YRS SIL 10/05I92 $1,451 16 $0 00 $1451 16 EQUIPMENT - OFFICE - IBM TYP $644 09 $644 09 5 YRS SIL 04/26/93 $644 09 $0 00 $644 09 EQUIPMENT - OFFICE - 3 BROTHS TYPW $1 454 63 $1,454 63 5 YRS SIL 05/05/93 $1 454 63 $0 00 $1 454 63 EQUIPMENT - OFFICE - READING ROOM $1 696 39 $1,696 39 5 YRS SIL 12/01/93 $1,696 39 $0 00 $1 696 39 EQUIPMENT - OFFICE $2,657 12 $2,657 12 5 YRS SIL 06/01/95 52 657 12 $0 00 $2,657 12 EQUIPMENT - OFFICE - ARCHIVAL $1 000 00 $1 000 00 5 YRS S/L 10/01/95 $1 000 00 $0 00 $1,000 00 PHONE SYSTEM FOR THE LIBRARY (Y2K) 57.000 00 $7,000 00 5 YRS SIL O8/01l98 $7 000 00 $0 00 $7,000 00 PHONE SYSTEM FOR THE LIBRARY (Y2K) $725 00 $725 00 5 YRS SIL 09/01/98 $725 00 $0 00 $725 00 HAND HELD RADIOS $1 474 20 $1 474 20 5 YRS SIL 03/15/01 $876 00 $146 00 $1,022 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT - OFFICE $42,508 33 $42,508 33 $146 00 $0 00 175-10 EQUIPMENT - OFFICE - CENTER FOR P & F $2 056 83 $2 056 83 5 YRS S/L 11/01/94 $2 056 83 $0 00 $2 056 83 EQUIPMENT - OFFICE COPIER - CFP&F $3 477 91 $3,477 91 5 YRS SIL 01/01/97 $3,477 91 $0 00 $3 477 91 TELEPHONE CONFERENCING SYSTEM $1 731 97 $1 731 97 SYRS SIL 12/01/98 51 731 97 $0 00 $1 731 97 TELEPHONE CONFERENCING SYSTEM $2 512 77 $2,512 77 5 YRS SIL 12/01/98 $2 512 77 $0 00 $2,512 77 $9,779 48 $9,779 48 SO 00 $0 00 177 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER $28 506 98 $28,506 98 5 YRS SIL 07/20/90 $28 506 98 $0 00 $28,506 98 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER $1,288 86 $1,288 86 5 YRS SIL 05/15/91 $1,288 86 $0 00 $1,288 86 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER $828 60 $828 60 5 YRS SIL 02/24/92 $828 60 $0 00 $828 60 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER PRINTER $807 17 $807 17 5 YRS SIL 05/14/92 $807 17 $0 00 $807 17 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER MAS 90 $1,170 79 $1,170 79 5 YRS SIL 05/19l92 $1,170 79 $0 00 $1,170 79 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER $2,917 27 $2,917 27 5 YRS SIL 06/29/92 $2,917 27 $0 00 $2 917 27 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER $3,342 67 $3,342 67 5 YRS SIL 08/15/92 $3 342 67 $0 00 $3,342 67 EQUIPMENT - APPLE CII COMPUTER $1,99014 51.99014 5 YRS SIL 07l14/93 $1 99014 $0 00 $1,99014 EQUIPMENT - TOSHIBA 486 DESKTP COMP $2 953 03 $2,953 03 5 YRS SIL 07/20/93 $2 953 03 $0 00 $2,953 03 EQUIPMENT - SOFTWARE FAC USE $613 08 $613 08 5 YRS S/L 08I03I93 $613 08 $0 00 $613 08 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER ACCESS - ADMIN $192 87 $192 87 5 YRS S/L 08/10/93 $192 87 $0 00 $192 87 EQUIPMENT - EPSON 486 COMPUTER $1 124 92 $1,124 92 5 YRS SIL 09/16/93 51 124 92 $0 00 $1,124 92 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER $2.896 32 $2,896 32 5 YRS SIL 10/18/93 $2,896 32 $0 00 $2,896 32 EQUIPMENT - 4MB RAM - CUR $305 67 $305 67 5 YRS SIL 10/29/93 5305 67 $0 00 $305 67 EQUIPMENT - LASER PRINTER DEVELOPMT $677 74 $677 74 5 YRS SIL 03/01/94 $677 74 $0 00 $677 74 EQUIPMENT - 4BGDX COMPUTER $2,199 00 $2,199 00 5 YRS S/L 03/01/94 $2 199 00 $0 00 $2 199 00 EQUIPMENT - 2 EA 486 WISWARE - DEVLMT $4,474 14 $4,474 14 5 YRS SIL 05/01I94 $4 474 14 $0 00 $4,474 14 EQUIPMENT — 4BSDX COMPUTER $1,623 91 $1 623 91 5 YRS SIL 02/01/95 $1 623 91 $0 00 $1,623 91 EQUIPMENT - HP DESK JET 540 PRINTER $415 97 $415 97 5 YRS SIL 03/01/95 $415 97 $0 00 $415 97 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER- HD DISK/MODEM $1.850 47 $1,850 47 5 YRS SIL 05I01/95 $1 850 47 $0 00 $1.850 47 EQUIPMENT - PENTIUM 90 COMPUTER SYS $4,429 31 $4 429 31 5 YRS SIL 07/01/95 $4,429 31 $0 00 $4,429 31 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER- 2 LAP TOPS $5,069 86 $5,069 86 5 YRS SIL 07l01/95 $5,069 86 $0 00 $5,069 86 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER- 2 LAP TOPS $4 995 33 $4,995 33 5 YRS SIL 09/01/95 $4,995 33 $0 00 $4,995 33 EQUIP - COMPUTER-PRINTER / MONITOR $757 08 $757 08 5 YRS SIL 10l01/95 $757 08 $0 00 $757 08 EQUIPMENT - LASER PRINTER/HARD DRIVE $1 235 06 $1,235 06 5 YRS SIL 11/01/95 $1,235 06 $0 00 $1 235 06 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER- LAP TOP 52 808 96 $2,808 96 5 YRS SIL 01/01l96 $2,808 96 $0 00 $2 808 96 EQUIP - COMPUTER—PRINTER / MONITOR $2 960 30 $2,960 30 5 YRS SIL 02/15/96 $2,960 30 $0 00 $2,960 30 EQUIP - COMPUTER/PRINTER - LAP TOP $3,179 88 $3,179 88 5 YRS SIL 03101196 $3 179 88 $0 00 $3 179 88 EQUIP - COMPUTER-PRINTER I MONITOR $5,115 98 $5,115 98 5 YRS SIL 05/01/96 55 115 98 $0 00 $5.115 98 EQUIP - COMPUTER FILE SERVER $10,525 02 $10,525 02 5 YRS SIL 08/01/96 $10 525 02 $0 00 $10,525 02 EQUIPMENT - PENTIUM 120 COMPUTER $1,18417 $1,18417 5 YRS SIL 01/01/97 $1,18417 $0 00 51.18417 EQUIPMENT - PENTIUM 133 COMPUTER $1,495 57 $1,495 57 5 YRS SIL 02/01/97 $1 495 57 $0 00 $1 ,495 57 EQUIPMENT - PENTIUM 188 COMPUTER JHT $1,523 34 $1,523 34 5 YRS SIL 11I15I97 $1,523 34 $0 00 $1,523 34 EQUIPMENT - PENTIUM 233 COMPUTER EVIE $2.926 49 $2,926 49 5 YRS SIL 02/01/98 $2,926 49 $0 00 $2 926 49 300 MHZ COMPUTER - CURATORIAL ERIK $1,791 88 $1 791 88 5 YRS SIL 06I01/98 $1,791 88 $0 00 $1,791 88 266 MHZ LAPTOP PROMOTIONS SANDY $2.142 07 $2,142 07 5 YRS SIL 08/01/98 $2,142 07 $0 00 $2 142 07 266 MHZ COMPUTER MARKETING KATHY $1,472 13 $1,472 13 5 YRS SIL 09K)1/98 $1,472 13 $0 00 $1 472 13 300 MHZ COMPUTER CURATORIAL DEBORAH 51.903 94 $1.903 94 5 YRS S/L 10/01/98 51 903 94 $0 00 $1 903 94 300 MHZ COMPUTER GIFT SHOP DAVID $1,272 95 $1.272 95 5 YRS SIL 10/01/98 $1,272 95 $0 00 $1 272 95 266 MHZ LAPTOP EVENTS JUSTIN $1,508 47 $1,508 47 5 YRS SIL 11/01/98 $1 508 47 $0 00 $1,508 47 266 MHZ COMPUTER DEVELOP BARBARA $1,741 24 $1,741 24 5 YRS SIL 12/01I98 $1,741 24 $0 00 $1,741 24 HP 20000 INJET PRINTER $697 54 $697 54 5 YRS SIL 12/01/98 $897 54 $0 00 $897 54 265 MHZ COMPUTER CURATORIAL MELISSA $829 03 $829 03 5 YRS SIL 12/01I98 $829 03 $0 00 $629 03 266 MHZ COMPUTER EVENTS SHANNON $829 02 $829 02 5 YRS SIL 12I01I98 $829 02 $0 00 $829 02 400 MHZ COMPUTER PROMOTIONS LUKE $2 230 48 $2 230 48 5 YRS SIL 12/01I98 $2 230 48 $0 00 $2,230 48 350 MHZ COMPUTER DEMARY FACILITIES $2.366 23 $2 366 23 5 YRS SIL 02/01/99 $2,366 23 $0 00 $2,366 23 400 MHZ COMPUTER CARTWRIGHT $2 006 35 $2,006 35 5 YRS SIL 02/01/99 $2 006 35 $0 00 $2,006 35 NETWORK D-LINK 16 PORT SWITCH BOX $839 36 $839 36 5 YRS SIL 07l01/99 $839 36 $0 00 $839 36 400 MHZ COMPUTER CHERYL $1,727 29 $1,727 29 5 YRS SIL 11/01/99 $1 727 29 $0 00 $1,727 29 450 MHZ COMPUTER OLIVIA 5988 92 $988 92 5 YRS SIL 12/01/99 $988 92 $0 00 $988 92 550 MHZ COMPUTER BOB BRIGHT $2.133 45 $2,133 45 5 YRS SIL 02/01/00 $2 133 45 so 00 $2133 45 COBALT LINUX QUBE E-MAIL SERVER $1,938 42 51.938 42 5 YRS SIL 03/01/00 $1938 42 $0 00 $1 938 42 400 MHZ COMPUTER GWOEYN DEVERA $1.284 38 $1,284 38 5 YRS SIL 03I01/00 $1 284 38 $0 00 $1,284 38

3 014 Statement 22 V

FIXED ASSET WORKSHEET - DECEMBER 31, 2007 STATEMENT 22 Anachmenl (or form 4562 01 form 980, Fan V, Semen A, lIne 26 TOTAL ASSET COST BASIS COST BASIS PURCHASED USEFUL DATE IN ACCUM DEPR DEPRECIATION ACCUM DEPR ACCT IT ASSET DESCRIPTION BOOK VALUE ITEMS PRE2007 2007 LIFE METHOD SERVICE 12/31/06 2007 12I31/07 350 MHZ LAPTOP ROBERT NEDELKOFF $1,291 92 $1,291 92 5 YRS SIL 11/01/00 $1,291 92 $0 00 $1,291 92 900 MHZ GRAPHICS COMPUTER CHRISTMAN $2,379 65 $2,379 65 5 YRS SIL 12/01/00 52 379 65 $0 00 $2,379 65 750 MHZ COMPUTER KATHY OCONNOR 51.16136 51.16136 5 YRS S/L 03/01/01 51.16136 $0 00 51.16136 750 MHZ LAPTOP COMPUTER J TAYLOR $3,306 19 $3,306 19 5 YRS S/L 04/15/01 $3 306 19 $3.306 19 E-MAIL/INTERNET ACCESS FILE SERVER-CLONE $5,010 38 $5.010 38 5 YRS S/L 06/30/02 $5.010 38 $5.010 3B 800 MHZ COMPUTER SHANNON CRONIN $522 24 $522 24 5 YRS SIL 03/01/02 5522 24 $522 24 1000 MHZ COMPUTER ANTHONY CURTIS $642 40 $642 40 5 YRS SIL 07/01/02 $642 40 $642 40 DESKTOP COMPUTER-SANDY QUINN $761 26 $761 26 5 YRS SIL 02/01/03 $609 00 $152 26 $761 26 COMPAQ LAPTOP-OLIVIA $1,551 53 $1.551 53 5 YRS SIL 04I01/03 $1,241 24 $310 29 $1,551 53 NOVELL 4 2 SERVER HARDWARE $1,537 05 $1,537 05 5 YRS SIL 06/01/03 $1,229 64 $307 41 $1,537 05 FUJITSU LAPTOP-GREG CUMMING $1.885 59 $1 885 59 5 YRS SIL 11/01/03 $1,508 48 $377 11 $1.885 59 DELL DESKTOP-ROBERT GARCIA $828 63 $828 63 5 YRS SIL 10/01/03 $662 92 $165 71 $828 63 FUJITSU LAPTOP-MEGHAN LEE $1 508 49 $1,508 49 5 YRS SIL 10/01/03 $1,206 80 $301 69 $1.508 49 E-MACHINE DESKTOP-RIC LECZEL $991 19 $991 19 5 YRS S/L 10I01/03 $792 96 $198 23 $991 19 BECKY'S LARGE MONITOR $774 73 $774 73 5 YRS SIL 03/01/04 $464 85 $154 95 $619 80 CARRIE'S COMPUTER $1 336 01 $1 336 01 5 YRS SIL 04/01/04 $801 60 $267 20 $1,068 80 CHERYL‘S COMPUTER $983 90 $983 90 5 YRS SIL 12/01/04 $590 34 $196 78 $787 12 JOHN TAYLOR S LAPTOP $1,757 17 $1 75717 5 YRS S/L 12/15/04 $1 054 29 $351 43 $1,405 72 CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION VPN COMPUTER $808 11 $808 11 5 YRS SIL 1Z/15I04 $484 86 $161 62 $646 48 ERIK CHRISTMAN'S 20' MONITOR $784 38 $784 36 5 YRS S/L 12/15/04 $470 64 $156 88 $627 52 KEVIN'S COMPUTER $677 54 $677 54 5 YRS SIL 04/01/05 $271 02 $135 51 $406 53 SHANNON‘S COMPUTER $700 36 $700 36 5 YRS SIL 08/01/05 $280 14 $140 07 $420 21 RIC'S COMPUTER $688 70 $688 70 5 YRS SIL 10/01/05 $275 48 $137 74 $413 22 PLUG AND PLAY 412 SERVER $127161 $127161 5 YRS SIL 01/01/06 5254 32 $254 32 $508 64 ERIK'S COMPUTER $1,976 62 $1,976 62 5 YRS SIL 03/01/06 $395 32 $395 32 $790 64 NOVELL 6 5 SERVER $3.390 89 $3,390 89 5 YRS SIL 08/01/06 $678 18 $678 18 $1 356 36 BECKY'S MAC $6,417 65 $6 417 65 5 YRS S/L 05/30/07 $1,283 53 $1 283 53 SHANE‘S COMPUTER $1 315 00 $1 315 00 5 YRS SIL 12/01/07 $263 00 $263 00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER $184,549 65 $184,549 65 $6,389 23 $0 00 177-10 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER - CENT FO 511.053 33 $11,053 33 5 YRS SIL 11l01l94 $11,053 33 $0 00 $11,053 33 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER - CENT FOR P&F $750 45 $750 45 5 YRS S/L 07/01/95 $750 45 $0 00 $750 45 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER - CENT FOR P&F $1 996 00 $1.996 00 5 YRS S/L 11IO1I95 $1.996 00 $0 00 $1,996 00 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER - CENT FOR P&F $1 639 00 $1,639 00 5 YRS SIL 12/15l95 $1.639 00 $0 00 $1 .639 00 EQUIPMENT - LAPTOP COMPUTER - CFPGF $1 847 67 $1,847 67 5 YRS SIL 10/15/97 $1 847 67 $0 00 $1,847 67 HP 31OOSE LASERJET PRINTER $740 24 $740 24 5 YRS S/L 06I01/98 $740 24 $0 00 $740 24 6 350 MHZ DESKTOP COMPUTERS $12 318 09 $12,318 09 5 YRS S/L 10l01/98 $12 318 09 $0 00 $12,318 09 450 MHZ Pll COMPUTER FOR DIANE KAHN $1 490 02 $1 490 02 5 YRS S/L 01l01/00 $1 490 02 $1,490 02 450 MHZ Plll GATEWAY COMPUTER $1 467 82 $1 467 82 5 YRS SIL 07l01/00 $1 467 82 $1,467 82 750 MHZ LAPTOP DIMITRI $2,316 99 $2.316 99 5 YRS SIL 09/15/01 52.316 99 $2,316 99 900 MHZ LAPTOP DIMITRI $2 152 00 $2.152 00 5 YRS SIL 08/01/02 $2 152 00 $2,152 00 900 MHZ EXTRA OFFICE COMPUTER $1,371 07 $1 371 07 5 YRS SIL 11/01/02 $1,371 07 $1,371 07 DESKTOP COMPUTER-FRITZ ERMARTH $1 144 05 $1,144 05 5 YRS SIL 02/01/03 $915 24 $228 81 $1,144 05 14 DESKTOPS 5 1 SERVER $21 458 56 $21 458 56 5 YRS SIL 07/01/03 $17,166 84 $4,291 72 $21,458 56 DESKTOP ROBERT LEIKEN $924 86 $924 86 5 YRS SIL 08/01/05 $369 94 $184 97 $554 91 INTERN DESKTOP DELL $731 38 $731 38 5 YRS SIL 05/01/05 $146 26 $146 28 INTERN DESKTOP DELL $817 49 $817 49 5 YRS SIL 06/01/05 $163 50 $163 50 LINUX SERVER $9,192 40 $9,192 40 5 YRS SIL 11/01/05 $1,838 48 $1 838 48 TOTAL EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER - ( $73,411 42 $73 411 42 $6 853 76 $0 00 178 EQUIPMENT - COMPUTER SOFTWARE $4,514 44 $4,514 44 5 YRS SIL 10/01/96 $4,514 44 $0 00 $4 514 44 SOFTWARE NOVELL 4 2 30 USER LICENSE $1,917 92 $1,917 92 5 YRS S/L 07l01/99 $1,917 92 SO 00 $1 917 92 SOFTWARE CAM DATA SYSTEMS 10 USERS $10,403 26 $10,403 26 5 YRS S/L 10/01/99 $10 403 26 $0 00 $10 403 26 SOFTWARE CURATORIAL DATABASE ALTAMIRA $1,703 22 51.703 22 5 YRS SIL 11l01l99 $1,703 22 $0 00 $1 .703 22 SOFTWARE NOVELL 6 SMALL BUSINESS 30 USERS $2,061 25 $2,061 25 5 YRS SIL 0630/02 $2.061 25 $2.061 25 SOFTWARE ADOBE CREATIVE SUITE-BECKY $919 00 $919 00 5 YRS SIL 08/01/04 $551 40 $183 80 $735 20 SOFTWARE DONOR PERFECT $9 835 00 $9 835 00 5 YRS SIL 11/01/05 $3.934 07 $1,967 00 $5,901 07 SOFTWARE NOVELL 6 5 $1,790 81 $1,790 81 5 YRS sn. 11l01l06 $35816 $35816 $716 32 SOFTWARE ADOBE PHOTO SHOP $930 91 $930 91 5 YRS SIL 06f27/07 $186 18 $18618 $34,075 81 $34,075 81 52.695 14 178-10 SOFTWARE NOVELL 6 $2 397 22 $2.397 22 5 YRS SIL 0630/03 51.917 76 $479 46 $2,397 22 $2,397 22 $2 397 22

2007 SATURN AURA $43,416 00 $43 416 00 $1,000 00 5 YRS SIL 04/01/07 $39 238 76 $4 177 24 $43 416 00 $43,416 00 $43,416 00 $4,177 24 $0 00 DEPRECIABLE ASSETS $38,531,388 72 $24,972,704 84 $2,559,684 08 $15,484,176 41 $1,288,681 52 $16,780,857 93 141 LAND - LIBRARY $1,300,000 00 $1.300 000 00 142 LAND - BIRTHPLACE $143,000 00 $143 000 00 $0 00 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS $39,874,388 72 $0.00 $26,415,704 64 $2,559,684 08 $15,494,176 41 $1,286,681 52 “6,780,857.83

4 014 SIatemenI 22 Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace Foundation FEIN 52-1278303 Statement 20 Form 990, Part V-A, Line 75b Officers, Directors, Trustees related to each other

The Executive Director John H. Taylor listed on the 990, Part V-A, Current Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees is married to the Assistant Director Kathleen O’Connor listed on the 990, Schedule A, Part 1, Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees other than Officers, Directors, and Trustees

Statement 20 Form 8868 (Rev. 4-2008) Page 2 0 If you are filing for an Additional (Not Automatic) 3-Month Extenston, complete only Part II and check this box > I3] Note. Only complete Part ll if you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extenSion on a preVIously filed Form 8868 0 If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part I (on page 1) I Part II Additional (Not Automatic) 3-Month Extension of Time. You must file original and one copy. T Name of Exempt Organization Employer identification number "Fe °' THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE 9”“ FOUNDATION 52—1278303 2:323:25 Number, street, and room or sUIte no If a P 0 box, see instructions For IFtS use only 35:91:: W 1 8 o o 1 YORBA LINDA BLVD . return See City, town or post office, state. and ZIP code For a foreign address. see Instructions YORBA LINDA, CA 9 2 8 8 6 — 3 9 4 9 Check type of return to be filed (File a separate application for each return) If] Form 990 |:] Form 990-EZ |:I Form 990-T (sec 401(a) or 408(a) trust) [3 Form 1041-A El Form 5227 I: Form 8870 |:I Form 990-BL |:l Form 990-PF El Form 990-T (trust other than above) [:1 Form 4720 [:1 Form 6069

STOP! Do not complete Part II if you were not already granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868.

0 The books are In the care of P BOB BRIGHT TelephoneNoP 714-993-5075 FAXNo} 0 If the organization does not have an office or place of busmess in the United States, check this box b [:l 0 If this is for a Group Return, enter the organization’s four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) If this is for the whole group, check this box } E] If it is for part of the group, check this box F E and attach a list With the names and EINs of all members the exten5ion is for 4 | request an additional 3-month exten5ion of time until NOVEMBER 1 5 , 2 0 0 8 5 For calendar year 2 O 0 7 . or other tax year beginning , and ending . 6 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason i:] Initial return '3 Final return i: Change in accounting period 7 State in detail why you need the extenSion ALL OF THE INFORMATION NECESSARY TO FILE A COMPLETE AND ACCURATE RETURN IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME . 83 If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits See instructions. 8a $ b If this application is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments made Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit and any amount paid preVIously With Form 8868 8b $ c Balance Due. Subtract line 8b from line 8a Include your payment With this form, or, if reqUired, depOSit With FI'D coupon or, if reqUired, by usmg EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System) See instructions 8c $ N/ A Signature and Verification Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete, and that I am authorized to prepare this form. Signature D Title > Date F Form 8868 (Rev. 4-2008)

723832 04- 18-08

16021003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689—1 , 1

Form 8868 (Rev. 4-2008) Page 2 0 If you are filing for an Additional (Not Automatic) 3-Month Extension, complete only Part II and check this box > [X] Note. Only complete Part M if you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extensron on a prevrously filed Form 8868 0 If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part I (on page 1) | Part II Additional (Not Automatic) 3-Month Extension of Time. You must file original and one copy Name of Exempt Organization Employer identification number Type or _ THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY AND BIRTHPLACE “mt FOUNDATION 52—1278303 225223;? Number, street, and room or surte no If a P 0 box, see instructions For IRS use only YORBA LINDA BLVD . filing“"5 “3‘3the '°' 1 8 0 0 1 return See City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code For a foreign address, see Instructions '“me‘YORBA LINDA, CA 92886-3949 Check type of return to be filed (File a separate application for each return) I: Form 990 C] Form 990-EZ C] Form 990-T (sec 401(a) or 408(a) trust) l:| Form 1041-A C] Form 5227 El Form 8870 [:1 Form 990-BL :1 Form 990-PF IX] Form 990-T (trust other than above) |:| Form 4720 El Form 6069

STOP! Do not complete Part II if you were not already granted an automatic 3-month extensron on a preViously filed Form 8868.

0 The books are in the care of b BOB BRIGHT TelephoneNo} 714-993-5075 FAXNo> 0 If the organization does not have an office or place of busmess in the United States, check this box > I: 0 If this is for a Group Return, enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) If this is for the Whole group, check this box > I: If it is forpart of the group, check this box P I: and attach a list With the names and EINs of all members the exten5ion is for 4 | request an additional 3-month extensron of time until NOVEMBER 1 5 , 2 0 0 8 5 For calendar year 2 0 0 '7 , or other tax year beginning , and ending 6 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason |:] Initial return |:| Final return El Change in accounting period 7 State in detail why you need the extensron ALL OF THE INFORMATION NECESSARY TO FILE A COMPLETE AND ACCURATE RETURN IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME . 8a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits. See instructions 8a $ 0 . b If this application is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit and any amount paid prevrously With Form 8868 8b $ 0 . c Balance Due. Subtract line 8b from line 8a Include your payment With this form, or, if required, deposrt With FI'D coupon or, if required, by usrng EFI'PS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System) See instructions so $ 0 . Signature and Verification Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete, and that I am authorized to prepare this form. Signature D Title > Date } Form 8868 (Rev. 4-2008)

723632 04-16-08

16021003 796829 17689 2007.06030 THE RICHARD NIXON LIBRARY A 17689_l