El Educador el educador VOLUMEN XXI, NUMERO 2 ENERO 2009 EL CÓDIGO BRAILLE: PASADO - PRESENTE - FUTURO Una Publicación del Consejo Internacional para la Educación de las Personas con Discapacidad Visual MESA DIRECTIVA ORGANIZACIONES FUNDADORAS PRESIDENTE SEGUNDO VICE PRESIDENTE American Foundation Royal National Institute for the Blind of the Blind Lawrence F. Campbell Harry Svensson Overbrook School for the Blind Swedish Institute for Special Carl R. Augusto Colin Low 6333 Malvern Avenue, Needs Education and Schools 11 Penn Plaza, Suite 300 105 Judd Street Philadelphia, PA 19151-2597, Box 12161 ESTADOS UNIDOS SE- 102 26 Stockholm New York, NY 10001 London WC1H 9NE
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PRIMER VICE PRESIDENTE TESORERA Perkins School for the Blind Jill Keeffe ORGANIZACIONES Centre for Eye Research Australia Nandini Rawal Steven M. Rothstein NO-GUBERNAMENTALES University of Melbourne Blind People's Association 175 North Beacon Street DE DESARROLLO Department of Ophthalmology Jagdish Patel Chowk, Surdas Locked Bag 8 Marg, Vastrapur, Watertown, MA 02472, Asian Foundation for the East Melbourne 8002 Ahmedabad 380 015 ESTADOS UNIDOS Prevention of Blindness AUSTRALIA INDIAb
[email protected] Grace Chan, JP,
[email protected] [email protected] c/o Hong Kong Society for the ORGANIZACIONES Blind 248 Nam Cheong Street SECRETARIO GENERAL INTERNACIONALES Shamshuipo NO-GUBERNAMENTALES Kowloon Mani, M.N.G. HONG KONG No.3, Professors' Colony, Palamalai Road, S.R.K. Deafblind International
[email protected] Vidyalaya Post, Coimbatore 641 020 INDIA Bernadette M. Kappen Christoffel-Blindenmission
[email protected] 999, Pelham Parkway Brons Allen Foster New York 10469 Nibelungenstrasse 124, ESTADOS UNIDOS 64625 Bensheim, ALEMANIA PRESIDENTES REGIONALES
[email protected] [email protected] ÁFRICA AMÉRICA DEL NORTE / Norwegian Association of the Blind and Wilfred Maina CARIBE World Blind Union African Braille Centre Kathleen M.