184 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No, 7 MILITARY AREA No. 5 (WELLINGTON)-oontuwed, MILITARY AREA No, 5 (WELLINGTON)-C011miued. 618004 Ellen, Leslie Angus, clerical cadet, 26 Riddiford St., Wel 457219 Farquharson, John Cameron, 20 Vivian St., Wellington. lington. 618651 Farr, Anthony Heathcote Pavitt, care of Mr; E. B. Vance, 488351 Ellender, Arthur Charles, painter and decorator, Wilford St., Pitoitoi Rd., Days Bay, Wellington. Upper Hutt. 515571 Farrall, Clarence Victor, turner and fitter, 62 Cecil Rd., 468565 Elllcook, Frederick Howerd, pastrycook, 33 Adams Tee., Wadestown, Wellington. Wellington. 596839 Farrington, William James, bank clerk, 29 Cavendish Sq., 473530 Ellingford, Herbert Reginald, shopkeeper; 28 Muritai Rd., Strathmore Park, Wellington. Eastbourne. 472494 Farrow, Charles William, hatter, 39A Bombay St., Wellingtqn. 534572 Ellingford; Sidney Albert Edward, french-polisher, 5 View 593800 Farrow, Clarenoo Augustus, factory ha.nd, 188 Vivian St., Rd. South, Wellington. Wellington. 478268 Elliott, Arthur Gordon, public servant, 312 Oriental Pde., 618842 Farrow, Terrence John, labourer, 287A Cuba St., Wellington Wellington. 0.1. 438941 Elliott, Edgar Alexander, hosiery machinist, 467 Adelaide 515250 Fawcett, Stanley, cool-store hand, 77 Brougham Rt., Rd., Wellington. Wellington. 478271 Elliott, Isaac, turner, 17 Elizabeth St., Lower Hutt. 619375 Fay, Owen, labourer, 232 Taranaki St., Wellingt,on.. 498015 Elliott, Louis Hinsley, cabinetmaker, 16 Borlase St., Brook. 464288 ·Fearon, James Douglas, motor-driver, 19 Hay St., Oriental lyn, Wellington. Bay, Wellington. 469421 Elliott, Randolph James, motor-tire expert, 446 Evans Bay 529373 Featherstone, William, designing engineer, 77 Woburn Rd., Rd., Wellington E. 2. · Lower Hutt City. 585193 Ellis, Arthur, Diesel operator, 412 Queen's Drive, Lyall 469114 Fegan, Arthur Ainslie, machinist, 24 Kauri St., Eastbourne.
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