

n 1hc I.L'It fcv. y~:ar., mnny 'tmla:... mU other lh:n.• h' th:' dHfllllCnl ''orke~ 111 1 h~ nnrth Well I m:1h. .'n11l un Karen J1C''f1k .. h;IH~ ;~prc-:m:d m '..:~J 1n t\.trcn ll'Tt: fmm ''hen he \\ 1\'-. u duld mc.llvcn•~u~~o i.an!!u·•~\o"" ~·r '"''\II.,, the:\\ ;1y p13.:~ h-.cenm~ h) the '1llagc clda.. rdaun~ the I HIL"ll th~x ha\-c "'-.-a.cn m Mn;lll run.o~. ph"'u~.:"-d tr.uhuon..llcs'''m 10 h1m. and II\ In~ m ;• 'tll.tgc dl'f".lr.lh: locaiK•rl'> ~~ u:-,uh '"'th.1t.1 \Uh ... unual h.; cloatnL~. un ~ood :tuthont~. llwt h.t~ lh m,,,, .unounl of -.ch,•laro.hrr ''" 1h"~· rc.~uple'S l.liiii 1n m the Pang Rt,-:r \'alk: ,,,c:r lOU ,.c.u' .tgct, d.utj.!CI ••I hcmg unb:ml\\HIV n·hol;arr. Some ol J,,hm •~ lh,. 11\thl 'hrhlc prupnnc:rtl ,,f •he 1111.·.,c IItle., urc d•:-.cu,,c.•d .,~,.·h•'"' tntdtltn!t.tl 1\.HCI' \\d~ uf ,fllh lflf l Uih\III Wit I I( h.h '"''' ).'.llflt•d Oillalrl.;ll rc'ogmllllfl h) h..: I n~ I hr'\fiiHII\' of k'ul't'l/ A.n•"'''''IJ.:•· ( 'rmrpri'lll.l: •'PI"1C'IIIh.:d ,,u .tth ,,,.r tu du: N;tttonul h ;muuuu..· l 1r1r htrtm\ /.c'J.:c'lld\ ur 1-ohlc·\, /''"''" (·,,(tim~ .tnJ "'"' l.tll h·,·da1pmcnl Uu.1rd I ht o, 'illt.tll hun~ SUJit'I\'IIIUJII\. /),•mru/rl/•r_!!.t /lt~·t.lf'4'11111, c'l' pr''' tJc:. .tn m't~ht h, till: \Uiut:' .utd ..:u'h'fH"• ol f ft•flrlf,, '(h ,,//\ IITToiiiC,( J to ,/•H tn a ( ortrj'Jit·t.­ u "''tiJcrunb P:\'Pk TI1c hill ut~;. \\.rllh:n m \cl/11 ,. Aut,.,, (.\)Nt'} I cmgu.,~-:,·1>~& tuman ''llh Tlu..t '-'flpl, follo\\1.:J !J~· J Jtn:~t trJ.n,IJ.Ihm lrtUI ,f.·JitU/1011\, t'ttlmpfo fiT 1/1/f\lt,WOU\ flj U\.;~~ OW .md ~lfnt:tnn.:., by :l fuller C\plaO.IIU\1\ ,,,.,,.n ""'d 1 oa\u~ . ''""-; l\\~0 ,_.1\;.m·Tu(' \hhuugh unl~ t\o\C111) ht..z ..m: h\Und 1n th.: htlC'"-· k \\ aclc Rcrubl"hed '" 1-.:.mn.thur• rroh.thl~ lhl!l h the tmly wnld~· .~\·a ll ;lhlc l •nnmtllC"t..' for l mcrn.alt~ lh,rl.tl'Cd 1\.:.tren puhh~7athll1 m ThJtl.1nd \\l lh .my Sgow. l\urc11 l'en11lo 2001. 4 vol• poct~ th.tl Colll he , tutftcd .tnd ,appi'C\!J,ItC\1, l im Tht'Jr L1fc .mJ ~\Xt.:OI~ 1'-N~ Lh.1r.1n miCmnJIICIO on th;.•lf t."UllUI(. :J gn:'".Jl ~f\ ICC" ;_L, \IJt~t>l. cJ I J~ I'!' pro\ 11.h·J. tht: ::-.~h<'lar!~ \,,,r(J Rt..:h thb Th" pubht."".Uaon b one '"' uh h..art:n '''"g~ mhmnaucm b .and ,J..Iu.1hlc '"thh Thnaunu a.:. '"nttcn 1h~ hanJ t m Sg;t\\ Kar.:n sen pt. \~otth ntt 01her pnmed soun.:.c ru~''""''c~ 'uch a '&SSl tran~lltt:r.suo n ~ und translauons 1n I'IHlt. urruy ul infom1ation on an ..:thnh.: mmonry m \ lthough no an t~ rp r( t3 u ons an: gt vcn. IJl-.: s t ~ l)' 4 Sou1hca.t A>ta . A fu rther ~c"" tee '"" b.? plw. \l!r"«:' cnnci! .1 lo'.: o f the laru.l and the prt111ded tf another group. comr"'mg the R.-. net:J to prc... ," of the "-an:n ~uon ... on m.lniJ_g:e .mJ un the Kurcn ~1.!\\ B.lptht Con' cnhon of Thatl.tnd, ~Ltc..:-ccds m Year mduJc \ 4!f"4!' u.;ed on thox 0\:~.s--.tun"' c:nmpltllnJ! us eftOfb to rro' hJ!! ::t.l k:t'l JUnia! The- \C'f'C ... arc- lmm K.m!n~ m \ t.lC' Tom .tnd lngh,h tr.m-.lation' hlthL" The.)1Wf1l.l \ta~ \h ".lila:~, 01 \luang Pan Ot-.I0-.:1 nf Lamr~ns Pn" m·~c

llm11huk /hr1 [Col!ccted lit" 1nrtw"'m'J l humg Mal ~ lun l nm liu l'hak 'lua J,>hnt lldr>chao /'d t lttt ( lttm Pmuna Prclf ("hal.. AllllmhuAlcm I 'I'I X n I' A'ltmiJ:. !'ltu Lu.1m.; Clram Od(wlwo [S!.!'v~ ll lnh111 OJ.och;:to, hc;.&~Jm.m l'l \on g. 1 ao L-.)l.!r' nl F,ul..''t Phillhllph~ ll' Jnl,l b\o \'dlnge 10 the MJc \\ •.an~ Dt,tm.:l of C'hnn~ I k•Jnt.:on luhm CIJ..ch.w J. Rangko~ \lunl.uuclu t\hu Pwnncc. ha' OC.:nmc ~nm.·thtn~ ul .a tl.•lk rhump.lnn~.l IY•N 1\..mmka Phrmn'J'l tf...

'" Ocncho SJiarok. cds. JJ JU'oducuon by Ek~w>t :-Jnrcsuan] R;mgkok: Kbrongkan o::cvcn l:1 y~ r~. These comprbc I ~ sm:JU hushes Funfu ('hi wit Lac Thummaehat. 1996. Piul:aco and small ammah•• mushroom:-.. 2) small lrl'-1.!!-. Luungunuu~i. 173 pp. covt·riug Lh~ ground, 3) SIH311 ~p1eadmg 11 ees Timng Yni Naresuan, in U1hai Th:tm Prov· and lnrge hushes. -f) Iorge trees with rnany mce. has been declared a \\-'orlcl Hcn tagc sHe branches, 5} nqua11c vcg~ 1 ~1 t ion such as algae. 6 1 by UNESCO 111 I'.I'll in rocogn111011 of its •·cr­ many orchtds nnd ~p i phyt...·s. and 7 1f u l1 0 1'\ ml'S. dnnt forest and ample wildlife In th1s study, This ctHnposilc suppons wildl ife nnd :-tlln\\'1\ 1hc following :' rc\'ii!\\ or Karen hi~lury ami shi fi~ Karcns w live a full and satisthctllry 11JC. In thb~ ing c u lliv~H ton. ti K~ author ~ x plains how the buok. Juhni tdb how Kurcn.s, Jnbabitants of th~ rncthod of shifting cultiva1ion employed hy 1·he forcf Lhc Kan:n. ha!<. po:-.cJ n 111r g r~a lcr threm IO 1h..: cOntinued exi~teuce of the Karens chere. 1\hon 1'/W~flkayo (The Pakakayo fK(II cnl 1\lthOtiSh the hook is now a fell years old. the People). Aangk<>k: Snngsan Pho Le Po, assJ. of Chiung Mai. und just west of John i ·~ . The tL·ml. Pt.akne-,·o (pro­ Kmtdtmwbltrf Sul.sa. Chao Th 11 i Clwasai nounced nwre like "Paka11ym····1n the non-Karen) A."arian~ Vm ('hangn·at Kmu:iuuwhw·i [Kan­ b tL~cd hy the Sgaw to rd'cr 10 tlu.·msd vc~. bul ~ h miaburi Sludic-s; l'hais of Kareon Des:cenl in sontc modern Kttr~n:-. d i'C' :-.l1:111tng 10 us\!' 11 \t:-. H K(mchannburi Prcwinccl. K un ~hon a b uri: tenn for nil Karens. incltlding rw<> (the other Rajuhhat Institute Cultural lcnter 1995. m:tin sub·,b.rroupt In l1ns aut\1hioJgr..tphical.nccount Monthon K.hongthaeothoug. 6~ pp. Pho L..: Pa tells nf gmwlng up tu lhc d mngmg Karens, mainJy rwo. h41VC lived m S :Jn gkhla ~ 1Ulles of the second half of rhe rwenueth century hun. Si Sawal, ;md Thongphaphwrt Dtslntts ol' as Mae Chaem undt!rwem maJor tran ~ l ( mnauons. Kan~.:han abun !JrO\'tnce lbr at least nvo centuries. He Lei Is ol'lw.tr·hdilional h:~tm in g . lhc indigenous Kmg Chulnlongkorn vis 11od tho Sat Yok ri(uals. ond Lheit· ng:ricullure. handicrafts, anrl other w:ucrfalls lhrcc times nnd m..:t Karcns en routt! customs:. So c:ompclling 1s his tak that Lhc book each tm\c. rile story ofthese K~ 1·e ns is told by a has: gone into its fift h prin1ing. \'kc rector of tile Knnch:nmhuri Rnj abhut

.hlflrtwl ot :/h.' Siam .\nden· S9 .I ~,X ~ (200 I 1 I >II

I 0..\IHutc Combuung JoL·umcm.lr: tl.'S~h nt such ~uur<.'C' ,a, Samut lcholors Result:' 1m•vuhng the hl,lnr\ ''' llh: f\an:n ••, KJrtn .. tn rh~t\. t\.lhun Pru\ ln-.:'4.: fttlWC\'Cr, nhn...:m.:nt 111h1 th\.' pm' In\:" \~on~ .. \tomhNa mcmb.:r..;. l'l lb~.: l'lx:h:h.thun RnJ.Ihh.ll hhtHuli: \h~"'"'-" .. tUIT\.~t ,,,·u~~ ''f1 m1c condm,_m.. tlh: .1\\3H" ,,r ~.lf(fh 10 ~\CTJI •h'lr~h t.tf the p!lt\tn(C t ' nJ~.·r 1hc ..Jn~~.tu•n t•l \d1.1n "\un,1n ,md utht:ro 1111 th\.' ~~~"llhth.' ..t ;llf... l ud.,·nr-. have ~umluch:d H ....l...'.lr" hun i'.tn.:lh thcrc l'hl' rc~ull\ Wmhatlilllwm I Jt,· /'lwmpllmH•I A.'JumJ: ( "Jr,J~J .trc ,,, .ulahk .11 the Jn,lttulc'" t uhur .tllll'fltUh.' htlrtcliH.' Altun,._• .\u.m /'hun}! L< uhurc anJ I h•, t" cru: nl Ihe rn••n..· tkt.uh:,t "ud1 'ludt-:.... lndll!L'Ih'll' \\ ,,,l,,m 4'1 the." 1\.ucn.. m ";Jan lt,ulmg "'' ~d..'""C'n:o. 1n '''"~ \ .tl'lt•ns 1>1'-IU~I I'hung J t ht'm Bung. R.1h:ha~un KJJJhlul lrl,HIHh.' Jl)()h ,u,.t.. c:l Uunt.c.:l ·- pp, .tprcnd'' ~~------c..:uuu Phung '' "npwn h' I hu1' 11Kiny rn•''"' t'u' llu: ''" 111 hn~' .Jnd lht: '(H.ldk·d c md ·; •\nn~ /'hut! h,mJIIII~I'lllll /'lr~l\ol f'lt,JI•A.llliiH,t! SI..'~d·•rtr~.: I9Sh S1 • .alt.tt.makul. 1he p i Jt.-~' '1'11cd b~ f....mp l hul.thtngl..1.1nt en in Phung SL-huol .. m~ ~.: 1•l"hl tu... hJJ dtt:lhl~ ,.., n.n .. utlklcntl~ loJh•''u ~\tl..'rlt 111 .1 .uupk lim..: w lt.am ..tbl•UI the 1\ar~n tl1.:t1: ~null t..:lfdC' Ol hnC:UI'b In TII.U Hl'liiUtlOlb ot t'hopr<,... ondudc th< Karen !""'rk. nurno~c . bt;h..:r k-.smtnl: I "'110\\ID~ m IRifftdu~IOf) h::\talc "1.'3\ 111~ Jt:''cHry C'\hl .. ,m~. bdh:r"' •.il"o4:-fl"'-"lt.m •rcprtkJuc~J :.n hvth ',,Jum~'' ot 1hc Kar~n' J.nd \\':u Chacng Chan.'~.:n, languo~gc. h.:nn. Ad"'o"g .and ltJilg l 01!\\ .mli \)ld tl..'mlS for rhe .u-1 of huu"-c hutldmg. ~UlJ t~t:upauon' k.m:-n), Lhc pl.h,:.;' ,,f K.m:n m the lmg1usuc ramtly. tree-. .snd l...:::arcn grnnun..sr the t.liclum;u)' . .,, h1.:h h btlm~uJl. !olhw... Th.u '' orJ.:, arc lolh.n\·~J :;,)' dt"fm lh>n ... 10 '\g3\\ Kar<::n \'uhan rhun,att kJnUIIJ!. ~mplwt S!lun PhurJ,;. tr.ar-..!:tc:r.ih:J n.--.·~ 1nr··' the (nt!;."ma1JHOJ1 Phonetic Chtm;z;• ,u Rc11~ haburr f 1\,u," Fulkt.tft·s Suun \lph;tbet and lnhl That ..:hJ.r ldh :t~tul th-t- l nt\(T'"o.lt~ 1 Qat, "\lrt~.l Ra1.w ,~~.1 S5 rr 1\o.m:n, m '-lu:UJ Phun~. f\llld:lk .. _ 01nd ht''' \\"hen \Hnrllmg th.: .lh\11.•' (h..-liHnJr~. fnlkt..1k' arc lnld m Su.tn l'htm~· r .. u,h .1, "Jm:h J'rulc-.... m \un~~ll:.lllll..' ~it:HI'' mud1 m,,r.,• u,eful arc rcCllt•ct \\ llh 111U-.t('.JI .:H.·l'nntr'Mmrnc1lll tllf,mtl.Hiun \'IIIIW ..:uhural ;.l-.t'(t.:h \)1 tlu: "an::n In fln'ef 151

lexicon rh:u she could Jnc1ude in hi.!r tli ctmnary~ Institute Research Repor1 118, 1993 , Man in M. noted above, that she decided to explore this Culy, 105 pp. subject in i.1 sc p;:~ ntte volume. Allhough she The obstroct iu this book describes the book admits that what she p1·escms m this volume m as rollows: Tile Pwo Karen are Lhc second larg ­ far from an exhausti ve :ifUdy Of I he SUbject. est of Lhc Karen ethnic f,'l'Oups which rtrc. fo und there is much o i' interest to students of Karen in both Burmn and n1ailand. Though some as­ culture as well as folklore and linguistics m peets o r the Pwo Karen c ulture have been general. Begmning with u survey (If the Karen reportetl, li nk~ resctLrch has bcco undertaken to people. and their l tmgungc~. following the fiamc de1em1ine how I he various dialects spoken by general outline as i11 l h~ d icLiunary but the Pwn Karen related I() one :'lllother, or 1 0t h~ sjg:niticantly updated, Professor SuriyH pro"idcs, t'llhl.!r Kan:n la nguag.c~. In thb ~ ludy. we con­ detailed ana ly!<~cS or SC\' CfJI Sgaw songs. Each sider data gmhered fl·om 18 locauons in six wnrd in the sougs reviewed 1s translilcralcd into of norlhern Tha i land. Thmugh a com­ Lhc Internationa l Phonetic Alphobct and Tha i bmation of village mtcrv ! c\v~. lcxkostalist.ks, lcn<:L'S, A translauon inlo Thai is al:so provided and phonostaustics. some- prelimlnru·y Cl)ncJu­ along with diSCUSS101lS of pO!IH$ of intCfL'Sl in ~ i ons arc reached regarding dia lect groupings Lhc songs or regarding th<: meaning or some among Lhc P\Vt) Karen u r northern . \\'Or<.ls. Songs Include Lhosl.! for C<)ll11 ing. house­ These dala at·e then also compared to data gath­ raising1 the pic111re. of n girl, and un climhing a ered by others in central nnd southern Thailalld l.Ji.:C. aS well as in Bunna. A lexicostatistic and plloooStatistic analysis of these speech \'arictics from three r~gions of Thailand Jlld several lo­ cations in Bunn:t indic:ue conside~b l e vnri;1cion A /Jrui.~ed Re<'d Shall Ht• No1 Rreo( , , , · A in lh~t P\VO Karen langu) C!rrlst in Thailand. Chiang \1ai: Church ol' ------d~·------Chnst m ll>allnnd Oflicc of Church llis10ry 1997. Maria Hovcmyr, 96 pp. K"n::.uksu C!Jo~n~ Prm.... ·aJism Kicwkap J.:ra· The 16"' Dimict of the Church uf Christ in huau/.:au Klaipemlwi A.'hnnJ? Cltc an -ore;t almosl totally populated by Karcns Proccs" offiai7al ioo among. Karen at Bnn Phae. although ll1ais nnd Mon hn ve migrat...:d h\:!rc..~ in Mac- Sariang Dis.Lrict. Mac Hong Son Pnwince). rc-.:enl )'-cars. T bis. study. by a membe r o f the Chiang '.1ai: Chiang Mai University M.A. ~>csis Swedish Baptist Church who , pent many years cOO I. Prempom Khumikacw, 133 pp. in Th~ i l :..tn d , reviews lh l! cstablishnlenl uf This sludy investigated tbc meaning of C hristiun churches in the . Of prtnicula r Thaizatiou by aSklllg what soctal socio-cco~ interesl to scholars wi1J be thl' rcvtc..'\V of the nom1c. politic11 l, and c ultura l condilions d id cl1'orL~ made to ev;1ngeJize among the 1 elakl1on K~rc n s change thc1r tdcntity a!) well as ho\v St'CL tbm \\::tS fi rst w ritten up by Stem in ·'An)•a Karcns define Thaiuess. The study found that and •he Golden IJook" in the .loorlt{t/ oj'A.riwr Lht' Karens mainta ined their cultura l identity Suul/e.'i in 19Mt The .Siudy iuclud

A 1-'relimuwry lm·e.m'gmlon oj'T!Je PH·o Kar('lf DialccJS of N

Rdug•-.: Camp in \lao "''"II Son Pro\ n>ee. 111~ lhc~t~ tlc~nbc.. five maJor \ource ... of Pr<'duccd m Chiang \lai b> Friends Wtthout cnhc,IOn an <\~a\v Karen tblk narratJ\Ie du"coursc. lhmlcn;. 1002. Ch.tptcr I pro,·idcs brief O\ en rew; of the Wh..:n Lhc Thai music,:inn. Suwi~.·hanu n . heard discrphllC of Jt>cmuw. the concept ofcohcsron. a young K~1ren m ~some ti me~ known as Kayah) mlomlutltlfl ahcuu 1hc Sgaw Karen and the b\lY smging songs and playing h1..; guilllr, he backgr·ound r rhc focu .... ~~ on ~:ohc..;ion rhrou!!-b \anou> t)'pcs uf t'utun:. Tttlc-.. him at 1h1: IMiurc of the \\Ords: linkag~ and cOnJunction. In chapr.cr 4. c<>hc-.mn "f)(ln't \\ orry .\luther", ''WclcC)rne to K.trenm througl1 J\OSRU:If'31lb I~ th!-M.:~J \\ llh lht.: fOC\1~ ~rJtc", -sacrifice", and "Our Pc<'plc Our un a p.tniCIJ'Mnt's initial idcn1itica1iun and I lomcland". m::untcnan~.:c. Chap1cr ~ ~•odie~ cuh~;~wn achiCH!d hy lhC Sci.:CliOn ol' Jt.:~IC:I I 1CnUS. Sub~u l u lirm nnd ellipsis as colH~sa,·c tlcvic~.:~ urc exnm111cd 111 chuptcr 6. llte fnrnl chnprcr (7) 1\arenm' · \ ltL\·icjor tltc• h()rdt.,. tll'('lH oj'1/wtland drnw.s couduswns un t.h<.: t:ohcs1v..: mechanisms ailrl Hurmu A ClJ n.. 't:ordccl 111 Knyah Stnte as am.l Ihear ..;agna rtc~HlCe w wxrun1 cohc!tyb, bul they th ~ second ot' plwtngraphs. Gnhriel Cunlming. urc nm cot'npn.: hl.."nslve. V1 os1 sou,gs \lfC quite long. The acpo11 SlUJtt:s n:hlllon'\haps bem~en So. in order 10 p.uy Lnbutc w dh.: ':m~t)' n number loc.al bclu:t t.:ystcms nnd 1ocu l l'n\ an)nnu.:nts an l)f ~unt.:' arc excerpts cut rund()mly from a 'be art"a \\hen: h1ghJanders (I lmong. and KJrcnl l.al\:~r cnuty. As an :mhdoh!, the '' ckom.: :;ong :md lowlanc.Jcr rl13t ha\ e come mto contl1ct lmr has been complctcl> tncludcd .. The O\cr- \\atcr u..-...,S!e and othi!J natur.al r~'('ltlrcc... 1\.'\.'\M'"dmg...:; were made on a Kc:l\\\(xKJ pon.1ble nu~ rc:purt C\Olffilll\.'' the Sga\\ Karen \'ill:~gc ol dt!,:IIJl recorder in 199:! and 1993 I hr;oi Som l'ot and the Thai nllage ot \\'nng Nam Y:.u 10 Chom District of Cluoml! 1\l:ti P1o' III C:I.". An cxamin;uion of thl! lu...:.ul bcl il'l' "}'::. I C il l~ h U,CtJ IU analyze lhc connict :llld {(.l .-Itt (llltil'Si.\ t4 Cnhe.Hott itt .~~m,· A'm·en /·'ol/.. e~pk)rc way~ lh\\1 r~co n c ili ation mighl Mkc ~vurrl.llh ,.,_ Chiang 1\ 1ai 1'.1y.tp lJnivcl"\ity M.A. plJCt:. Komt1 1 1.!~ll l nns ot the ~1\1(1} hl!)·oml Chom rht:,b. Ch:uy:uhip Katsura. l \}9.~ Thnn}:!. itrc ~1 bu corbnh:n:d. Lnpubhsh~d

.lmmw/u{ tht• Slam .5nc h·n !olV I lJ.. 1t.:!llU t • OTHER TITLES RECEIVED

Anderson. Benedict R. O'G. cd. 2001. l'i<>lelice llo Anh Thai. 2000. 1'l1e Wo men on 1/u: island: and tlte State m Sulwrto :,· fndmJe.o;ia. Ithaca: , 1 .Vo>•el, tmnsl:ucd by Ph.hi: SHkw<'nn Rooks. Universiry. Jacq -llurgouHic · h, Michcl. 2002. 7'/w Mala1· llcd1Crl .. l·li:mL ~ 000. Budd!Jlsmus. Staut wul Pem'u.wfa Cros.\·roml.\ ol rh4! /l.f(tritimt Silk Ge~t!ll:~dulf in den Liirnden {/!!s 7"/rera l'acfa. Raad. lransl:ttcd hy Victoria Hobson. J.ciden­ Buddhi:wws. Band fl. Blrma, A'amhm/.:;cha. o,·ill. Laos. Thailand. GOitingcn: VcrilftCntlkhugen des Semina,·s f(ir Jndo logJe und !Juddhi s­ Klausocr, \Vii ham J. 1 999~ Thar ln'\tiiUtmnr mul muskunde der Umversil5t G()n mgcn. Mwonal S~..wun(r: Danger ami Opportrmtty. Bnngkok: lustin>te of Security & lmemational Boussard , P1errc A. ct nl. cds.. 2001 . Kin~ Chula· Studios (IS IS\. hmgkorn ',\ J1..mrue~·s ;u BelyJum. Dangkok: lnstilulc of J\siun SLudies. Chnlalonl!korn Uni- K.olb. von Alben. I 992. )'•lnmw · Chinas • \ersity. - l/nbcktJIWicr Sr'iJen. Be r lin ~ 1nsli tl.l l flir G ~.:ogra ph il· dcr T..:ehnisch..:.n Univ..:rsitfit B~!rl in. Bradlc), Mark Phil ip. 2000. lnwgining l'iemruu & America: The r\t{tlking of Po~urohmia{ Lang. Hazel J 2002. F"w· '""' SanclllliiJ" Vielnam. /9/9-/950. Cbapd Hill : Umvor:sity Burmese: R ~/itgecs lu Thalland. hhnca: Somh<;asr of i'{onh C'Hrol ina Press. As1a Program Publications, Comc-lJ Umv<.-rs1ly.

Van dcr Cruyssc, Dirk. 2001. Siam and 1he Poo l thu pya~ Snsurnng. cd. 1999. ..1\'

Gea1·. Donald & Joan 1992. Earlh "' //cal'£'11' Relncekc. Andres and Lc Duy So'n. 1998. Th.mi tlnlmoi-Siwped Wciglll\ o( the EiiJ[iihnmg in die Arcluiolvgh.~ Vietmmzs KOln: llurmen• Emplre.\'. C hiang Mai· Silkworm Linden S0ft. llook>. South. A, hlcy. 2003. ,\Jon :\'(({imwlism ami Civil Ciinsburgh., Man in ~000. Thtu ,.Jn <~! Crdture.~ War in Bnrma The Golden Sluddruk<·. London: 1/isroric J\ lunuscnplsjimn ll'estern Collectlrms. Rout lcdgt.:Cur.c:un. Chwng Mcu: Silkworm 1.1ooks. Wcmcr• .layne & Oclangc1·. Daniele. eds. 2002. Goh. U<.:ng-Lan. ~00 ~ . .\loclirrn Dre(llll.!>: An Gender. Hou.mlrnld. Statu: Doi !\fnj in 1/itt ,Vam. huruil:\' iiUt) Puu1•r. Culture Prvduction. am/ Ithaca: Southeast Asia Progrum Publications, the Ci!J!Sr.t.Jpc in Cantrmpo,·w:l' Urlmu Pt•m.mg, Cllmell l;nivwsity . .\./ulayria. hh

Jmmrnl ofti.•c Shun Socit1ry 89,1 & 2 (.~00 1 ) NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS

The .JouriJ aJ ol Siam Sodc·tl' welcomes all 1~81 (ur Inter cdilion). Copr-£diti11g: th<• origmal aniclesand reviews of a "~Ch")larly natur~ Cambrid~4.· 1/andhonL and m conformity with the pnnc1plcs and <>hJC<:II\ es of 1hc Socicly. ;\node, 'uhrniunllo lhc JSS= subjcc110 n:'lc\\ by cXIcmal referees. Articlf::,. arc accepted for publu::U10n in Test liguro:,. >ilc plan,. map,. etc .. should be Fnghsh. French, German. or Thai. If nuL m drJwn on >~b l c. If these have been ;,uoncd ur arc ~hould b..:: suhmittcd together wlth the text on a comptllcr•j!CIIcmlek. The use ol U)H olhcr formalS is apprc.:oalc-.1 bul no1 required. graphocs 111 the lc" "" 1bc die lltlcd L nsohcitcd conlrihuti<>Lh ond rclu tcd and ntnnbcred; onginals should he numbered correspondence should be addressed to the lo~ht l y on the back in pencil only. A list nf llunorary Editor c•o Statll !>ococLy, 131 Soi caplll.Hl' to llgu rl"s and plates must be pn.>\ldcd Asoke. Sukhum\" 11 Road. Bang~ok. 101 10 on ~eparalnd. appro' al. before ~ubmission. for n:pruducll<>n References and bibhographocal entrie< of illu~1rJIIOt1!-~ or other material not du!ir own ~hould follow mndem <~c~u.h.:rnic prJt'llcc-s Redr:awmg or ll:uc:nng of map' or figun.." appropriate to the licld m whtch the anicle is cannot he untlcnnkc11 by Soam SocoeLy <>r Fdit<>r. wri llen. Riblio·grap!Hcn l entnc> 'hould be \\ ho may mm1 or rcmm sub-standatd work for complete and include the l'ull lldmc of Lhc re-prCSCIII~111UI1. nuLht)l'(>). Litle, and puhlicatt<'ll data includin!! the place. rress. aud thllc (with the onginal date ,\b~lrach, pronf~ nnd offprims (lf pubHcauon if 1he itcna u'cd 1' u rcpnm). Rcfcrcnces w arttclcs wnttcn m I h:u !)houJtl ('!lntnbuuons should !J<: accompanied b) an mcludc the 1ilie uo Romam7cd Th:oi followed b~· ab>~r•cl nf I 00-1 '0 words. A >loon no1c on 1he atr·an.·~lallon imo Engh!)h (or l:n:nch or Cicnn..1n aOiJialion Uf 10di\'IUU3] COnlnbiiiOrS should al-.o •f the aruclc 1.s m those lomgu:\~6) m parcn­ be "'f'phed thc,cs. Page proof, "ill be sen1 to aulhor' "hen Rom:mi7ation in g.:ncJUI fo llow .. 1hc :>ystem umc ul1uw,, Juthor, a.re reminded Lhal 1Ju..:"c arc of1hc Royal [n$titutc~ Spcciilli:-as in ccrtam Hcl t>y lhc requir urrroprin41! lO IJl~ substitution <>f the editor's corrected prooli<, muun: ul their subjecl. On~ copy of the JOUrnal nnd twcnly nl'fprmL' I fin doubl conccmmg how 10 r~tt!rcucc: nun· woll be )t.1ndard wurces. pic-••~ cun,uh chc Chicugo on publtc:nwn of rhc issue 1n v. tuch thc:ir 1/cmow/ oj S~rle rJ4 ~ •'

.loumal ofth•• Siam S<)C'it"ll ' ~V . I &. ~ (.201)1) Nou•s jur {unirlhmnn 155

Style dates reponed only as RP since they may not correspond d osdy with the Aftt!r ..:onstdc.:mblc discussion. and m ontcr 10 calendrical ADIBCil3E scale. encOUI'llgc the rapid publicauon ol' tJ w JSS while .3. Dales obtained hy o lher methods. e.g_. no1 C(lmprising academk swndards. the fdjlorin( TL. Uranium Seri~s. or Fission Track, Committee of the JSS ha!'. agreed that 311iclcs Me besr referred 10 in yeflrs ·before may be wriuen io British Englis h or Amcric:.m present' or ·yenrs ago'. rather thnn by English. Ench paper should fo llow n consistem r.tdioc~ubon curwcnlions. fonll \)f d:Jting. capi1 alization and od1cr nspcC:l!­ For wry old tlat~s . Ma lor 'million~ lhruughuut. of years ' and Ka for '(housands of The ,ryle adapted shuulu be appropnaLc l!>r years· arc intcrnation::tlly rccogni;:.ed scholarly journals \Vith an ;:mdicncc t.lf spcci;:.Jisls abbn.·viatiuu. in u t.livc~ily of fields and nmionalities Thc opinion expressed m l h~ .ISS are those 11at ing co nve•uions for nrchnrological ofthc autlaorsnnd do nul ncn·s:.;arily n:prcscntcd contributions the vi~w> of tlte Siam Society. Manuscrirt~, hook~. fo r review. and all I. In fi ('COI'dnnce wi th intcrna tiuna l ..::orrcspundc-ncc shoultl be sent to Lhc Editorial cnn\'cntitln. n1d ior.arbon dares should Assismm. Th ...-• Journal ofThe Siam SodBangkok I 0 I I0 K-3865 55·10 65 'I 13 1'. Th;uland 2. Calibrated dares should be llldicated :Ls lollQws: cai.-A 0200. or 250 cal. Tel. (66-2) 2602830-32. 2594999. BC. ldca11y ::t ~ ·s igma ag-.: rangt.: should 661C\470 -75 also be indi<.:awd in part:nthescs. ~. .g . Fax. (66-2) 2583491 (300 cal RC. 50 J\D.). It may also be sinms('(J tcl..:l'OJil.scb.cu. th useful to inscrl Lhi.' phrase (calihnucd date) after cat:h first occ: urn:ncc in a Subscription und memhen•hip c nqu i tic-~ and paper. to make Lh< moaniJ1g pct'fcclly order for pub I ic:slions should bc hnuld b~ mentioned mtd the Please <(Ont:tct Member Services .

•limnml ofrlu· .\'lum Sod1·~r l'N.I & 1 (1001) BACK ISSUES JSS 1"-l '" ,, p .•,,.., rabli~hc,s .t... ~~n ·I.:' t The Journal of the Siam Society I • '" u paru. po.bhshed '-C'f-.l•ouch ""

J<)<)•) i-:7 1&2 JS I. 2 1%5 5~ u J'l'IS &i 1&2 JlJ79 (>7 1.2 I '>6·1 51 2 I <)<)7 N;:; 1&2 I'J7S 1>6 1.2 1'1(>3 5I 1'1% 8-1 2 I 4 I'J59 47 2 194.1 Rl 2 1'17~ 1>2 l95~ It> ! PI').:! ~0 1.1 llJ7.\ I> I 2 1'152 3'' 1 1'191 79 1.:! llllulion' L S S XO 'ircc•al r.tlt."'i. for mulnpk 'olu1l'IC puocha..\&:~. • ( R>~tc ... mdude ~mge).

BACK ISSUES \II \'fiN hn.l.. b>u~·::. .m: pru:~:d ut tS~7 'li() r~l numh~r. piU!o f\U\h1~~ ( uncn1 ,\II/I 'uh\tlll)lll!ll:' l~r nou-mcmb!!r-. ar< f'lti\~Cd ,,1 t ~~s' ~ II( I f"\·r }L'.1r !uh.luJtnct fh..,\l.tF<=J

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Io urtk:r. nr fh r Iunher m tOnnnUllll, pl<:;,,c ~.:onta~.:t P uhltcmtun~ CoordinutLir. 1l1c St;lm Sociery. I' I Soo 1\<<1kc. Sukhtolll\ll ~I. Uang~o~ rloJi l.ond I 0 II 0 lcllli>~IM>I f>-170..7 Fa' 11>1>.'125~ J-1<)1 e-m.ail tnfo a ~•am-\ocn:l~.of1;: s1am' d tdccnm. .;.cb.co.lh PUBLICATIONS FRoM THE SIAM SociETY

Cl ' RHF.!'o r \'in RECF.i\ r on 11hu Culwrc' 1.1.:hu.:h f~h.:U'~'-1 UTI tmdiliorMl r.mcm~ nf Thru culture \V1lham I Klaw~m:r ·INT •INI> 4/0"-1\'DC~TUI' IS Sl.l\1. A) .tm\cd m Tlun1and 111 (t))5 umJ. nl1cr under· ( 'h url~:s Dodmng. 19" ' 2.:-:;•• 2 vnl' l 11"19. 111 I.J~IHg 11 )Coir lll Hlh,:n\1\ C lidd WOr~ IU II llul:r .W, tJI)(} for ~''/HI l'flh-nr m fm·cr~n t mn:m tf.\, '\:unhe:hh:m Tha1 V lll:tg~.~. hn.. , "tCrYcd m .... 1;\fl'. p/m \/upj'fltgi H11~ rlC:\\ \fl'CCIIII ltnuiL."tl l.'t.hllt>ll ::tdn .. ury, ~.:on,ultntlvc. nnd olhc1 \:Uf'UI.:ltlc .. m tc,mrncmnruH:~ I i ~~ \ 1.tJC:~1} K. m~ Bhurnahul the I hou ft\l\Cmmcnl anJ 10 uumcrou..; I hn1 .uu..l J\dulyadcj".., Sl'-lh ( yd.: :\nru\ cr";tr·~ I hss ton~t~ h.Juni.L.HI\In' I lc hm,: taughr nt lluunm ;bal t'Xtl~:mc l y rare hdok. the 11C\\ ~o'ththm mot bc.uHtlul aud Cl,uiJI\mgL:um 1 ·n l\ cr"ll ic-s nnd h.s,s. hu.·n l\\0·\ulumc ....:1 \1.-tth the bra...;..s emblem t._~f 1hc .teu\·c tn the Worhl Fclhn\'slup 11f 11mhllu !-! l!oo Sixth { \•d..: ~ymhnl ~-m the '-'U\c."T. 'o\a.~ ustc ut the fir,l h1•(.1b p u,hl~~hcd ut l-:ngh ... h .tl"JUI rh.u o.ut. It 1'1/IL UiO\, (//£ GR££11' FJIIS1' COliN· t~. I\•Lh.b djt_}. ~.·mt~o,u.Jcrc-..1 th.: t'lh>~\ ~\\.jUI\Ih: JnJ S/.1./.0R ·I T Till! COl RT OF Sl.loll: AN the h~o:':lt C\'Ct' ~<'IUf'Hit:d I~)('" on "itamt:....t..' lru:qlit!r IPPR 1/S.IL 8\ Cic.,rgc A. Siam, IWS Baht '' 11rh 111 hlad ami gnld l1lt: JrJ\'Hng_ ... mduili; UOl 'SS 15 Ull Th" OO..r~ rcpre>cnL' ,, W!dc­ ... ,gutlicant lac4ut"r work:, \ll 1hc f.••• mgdom ttt th\! r~mgmg ..:hnnu:l~c ,lpprm..;al hy '' 1\:II..J\\ l'ln:cl be~rnr11ng < "' "h1ch h,, e l1l Constn.nunt.· li.:r3kl'oi. better known a~ ..;1nct: r.hs:Jppcarcd. dttL'tlnr..Jicd. tx-cn n.'f'aJOh.-d. Ph.aulkon, who \\.as the bnllianl cmd coulro­ ()r now n·"Sid..: m pn' rtt.: coll~..:uons. Proc~ ' crsta1 c..rec~ F1rst Counselk1r n1 1he Coun <'f 1 "''11 go 10 1he C"ntcnnml Endowmcn< Fund w ')tam m the 17 " t ~ntury; cnstJJ"C contmUU) nf lhc So'-'tl'ty·~ m1X'imn nnd prll_b'11.lllb !Dr the ne.\1 100 yt:ar.,. CL'LTLRAL RENI£S£NT-ITTO·Y TN TR .·IN­ SIT/Qo\': ;\'F.JI' I'IET,V. LilES£ PAINTING. :lfO ,\\~: I ('II 'TUZA TIOS OF SOL'THEA5T I QQ. Bah! I J1 Croce<>. I Q:o.t bnlh:mt d'ihzauuru. a bwad mngc oi stylo<> and th. huildmg on of mamland !>ou1heaS1 .-\s1a. h goes back "ell r~hniques de,·etoped in Fr~nch colonialumcs. O\'Cr :.1 t hO\tN"~nd ycnrs and c:tn be divided mto bul related to the Lssucs Lhal conc.:cm VicUtamese sc\·cn pcnod.s. r.mb'lng from protohJ!>~IOnc !<>l3tc> people tcxby· llu> lull color mhngual cmulOb'lle LO the cuntemporar: world. rvton CJ\ thznuon cEnghsh. Vu:~marne:o;;e and That) mcludl!s css;1ys prufoundly lmC~IC I Cd with :U ll!:t..~ thn.."'t! rm:scnl by \lr.

157 ISS PuMinlliwu [rtJnt lht: Smm Stn·lt'f\'

19~6. 163 pp., ill.llab1 JOO.USS 1~.00 Founeen compclhng :1 ,tyle basoo on lhc principle 1ha1 an1ck• by nine different auLhur,, unginally p..-ople >hould wntc very much as ll1ey Lalk" publi)ln:d in tlu: .Jounml of llu• Siam Socuay (from lhe l'rcfucc). Pi ng ;\mrannnd's 136 hCLIVCCO 1905 and 19MJ, JHCSCill \'3lli3bk phol<>gruph< h:avc been re-cdHctl and mrcgrmcd ev idence 'tbo\n 1he earlic."->C human ~c lll c mcn ts willr the lcxc l)f chc pemusula. HISTORY OF WAJ' PHRA CHETUPIION C/ICL IK.4 NTAMASG,IL·I: THE TONSURE A:VlliTS /JIJDI)f/, 1 l.lli 1G£S, A.IJy Kmhlccn CJ:.'R£.110.\T AS PERFORMED IS SM.II. I Malle>. I J:.', THE. B)· lan M o r~on . 19'13 . 126 Rcpnnt of 1he oflicinl guide t'or th..: 5inmcsc pp .. ill. Rain 290 US$11 Ull An occoum of I!Xhtbiuun n.t tht: 190-t L ouHIIUtht Purcha"~ Franc1!.-o Light 's 15 years m Phukct bct{lre he E.\po"uon m SL. Loois. C~mprehens!\ c and h>unded !'.:nang. porlrd}1Rl! 1hc Jl<.'Oplo!S of Lhc "clt·mdc,cd. blands be1w.:en 1- 70 anti 1794. wilh an mtngumg conn'Cc-1ion between Phukct. Penang OLJ) 1'1/L K£T. lnuoducLion by II L tj<"'l.. LECTF.D PIPERS. TilE. Edncd b) J~mc< F C'haanbcrla~n; forcw<>rd b~ II.R.H. Pr~ncc,, E.VIIRO.\'.IIENT ASD CL'L n RE WITfl Galyani \'.rdh•na, 1991 591 pp. ill tl,alll ~51). 1:'.1/PIIASIS ON L'R/J.-1.\' ISSUES. 1993,461 USS '5.00 The h~> llr~lled 'olullle p~cnt.~ the .1rgumencs 1h" urb.1n age. wh1lc prolccun& our frngrlo and l'ountcr •trgumems:. c:nvtronmcnl. SINGI\G .~I'E: :1 JOCR.\'£1 TO Till:. C. IRI>£SING g · IJA.Y(iliOii. Oy William JU.\'(if.F. OF TII.-1/LAND, THI!. B) Jeremy Wurrcn nnd Ping ;\mranantl. JIIQ6. 240 pp .. ill. aud l'aLncia Rncmnckers. 1990. 142 pp.. ill. Rah1 ')')UIL;SS 40.00 A new pnnLmg ur M.R. Raht IR01US$ 7.1)0 A light-heaned accounc of Pi msni's pionct:ring wur!.., d l!~ igu...:d " . lt.Hl!'ISi~t Lhc 1Wt1 )'~tt l'S thL~ nu lhor~ spt:nt studying !libhons Uungkok gnrdencn;, 1n J prm:tu::tl \\:lj." \Villiam in l lmilancr, tropical rain forc!)ts. \Vurrcn ha.' brought this cli\ssu.: up· t~d.:.ttc, while rctmning \ LR. Ptm"ai · s umqu-c '01ce. de~~nbt:tl STO.Yf.' I \ SCRII'TIO.\'S OF SCiiHOTflll by John Blofeld a> " ... ""d. n:uural. and Lngh>h lr:lo

.humml o(Jhc• Siam Suc:t-..'1.\ H9. I &. l t ~(10 I) Pu/lli('otions from tire Siam Soch,~\' 159

Wairhayakon.l'renoh by George Co:di:s, 1965 .. Wt lT PRA YUN RECONSIDERED. By A. B. 12 pp. Baht 20/ US$ 1.00 Translations of King Gnswol

.lrmnwl o/tlu; Slam SodeN 8.9 I & .2 (200 I) The Journal of the Siam Society Volume 88. Par~:> I & 2------2000


Abstracts IX

Poem by Phaitoun Phromwtchu X1V

Obituary for Profe,sor Anth

Obituary for Profc-,sm Gehan WtJCYC"anknc

Editorial \X\ I


Ko ''" Wo·"' 1'\oiC> 011 the Hbt

St:cumtA CIKY--Gsrrrv 'r v ... ' I me Poems in lllodem I h•• 1\or.t IS

U Ill""' K\t 't· h·t·duwbon Kytm. an lmpo1111n1 Mynnmnr Litcmry Licnrc Recording Hi:-.tnrical f'-'t.:llh 21

K. \ I{ P..: R:'-<".liJ()I I'll Fxcu\'ntiun> of Kjins Ncar Ihe Old C'ily ofSisalehanalai, rhai lnnd: Prnmp1 Redc' clopmcm ul Poncl') Production J4

1\ ''o''" Cm.Tl\\O'<·~ PM Phrn B5t: A Remarkable \n:hacological S1tc 1n "orthca•lcm Tha~land ·C

$ 1'"Hil CHl!lll\ltiAJt."\'0' 111\roricll) \VJ'iungs. H.J~lum:al \hwcl:-o and reriod \10\'IC:o. and l)r..imas: An Qhc;.en :Hton Cunccming Rurma in Th,d l'crccplitln and Undcrst:mding 53

t\NAI\ G.\NJA.'t<\.1)-\~ l'hunginp, Po\ver and Po;,Jtwn' uf Hn .Huung in Northern I hai I kalmg Rituals 5X

\ n \c u ,.._ !i.\ITAY.~~uv.... Intellectual Aspects of Stron~: h.ang,h1p m the tare '.:meteenth Century n

160 .lwmwl ·~ftbv Shmr Soc~t:n SQ I & 1 t1001) Contt'ltiS

BOONYONG KErrATE The Ancestral Spirit Forest (/)onl'u Ta) and th~ Rok l:k.havior uf E:.ltlcrs ( Thao Cham) In Nonheastom Thailand 96

MICJMtl s~miiiE~ .Madame Con stance· s Jcwds Ill

NA~'( \ D

.I 11\11'1 M\ 'DA.'IIH Crc :.HJvc Eng

H e PH.,.. c, Shanguo Is not" Shan Kmgdom: Tn Correct a Mistake Rch11cd to the Early l liswry of Ta i ~sp (S.\1:\IL YlARCir-.KOW~KI Pcrsi;m Rdigious -a nd Cuhun1l J nOu~:ncc in Siam/Thailand and 1\'laritime Somhcnst Asia m Historical Pe~pecl i ve: A Plea for a Co~eoncd [ntcrdisciphnary Appn>ach 186

J.(. EAIII· Rules fOr lnterpohnion in 1he Tha1 CakmJar: Suri_rayatra Vcrsu~ the Sa.wma 195


IJcdkalton lh the 1/bo.vm at Wa1 Sa Bu• Knco 201 l.o1u<:! CoR.T ASD LrEooM LErFERTS An Appwach to the Study oi C'OJliCillporaJ'y Earthen,va:rl.! T..:chnology m Mainland Soul hcast Asia 20·1

R.. \1 lib\QN Thai Ccramtcs, LanNa and Sawanakal,k: An lnteniew with John Shaw 2 12

Jour-. DAI ro:.: The lncrcdibldoumoy ol'tho Wa Frnm l'l49 10 2005

Review Articles l ljorfcifur Jonsson. Yau Desigu

Ronald D. Renard. The Nuw: 1'radet:' olthe Galii<'ll Ti'itwgle. Amlrow Forb«; The ..ika: Guardimu (?lthc Forl!st. Ji m CioDdrnan: Children q{rhe Judt· /)ragon: /'he i\/uxt uf

J(Jurnaf ofthe Slum Sochm· 89. I & ~ (200 I) l6l 16~ Ctmtf'nl~

Lijia11 and Their Mmmtai11 Yt•ig/rl>t>r> the t'i, Jun Goodmon; Jo:lwn .1/rumg Peuplt· und Prtm·rtmfities uf.\'urth Tflmt.urd. Andrew Forbes & Dand Honky: Tire Jo:ac/un- lard• of 23 1 Burma ·,, Nortltt!rn Frunfh.·r. llc11il Lintner


Don McCaskrll and Km Kampe, cdirors nt~n•/clpmenr or Dmm:slic:utlon'J lmhf!,t'I!Otl$ Peoplt•.s

\lochacl Smnlues A Swmr.r(~ £mbcJ,,.S\' Lulf m A(rtc.,·cJ 16R6. Tht! OJ\ "~t-'.\ ' o{Ok·Uum Cltamnan R~.:\ ie\\'cd hy OhiraHn n;• JlombCJr.l. 236

Robcn C'halle .Journal cil1 1•nyage df!s fmles Orieutales, ci JfouJh~ur Plc'l'l't'• Raymund. .ntin de lu n·Jutiou de ce qui est an·b·t; tlrm .,· le r

Slu,ge1om1. Shm ·1ch1 ("()(Jpt!raliun a/lJ Commwlll_l' 111 Rl•rt)/ TiJ(Jil._mcr An · Orgam:atimral 41nal.nif of Parw·IJhltnr_l' Rural Dt·ndcJpmt•nt Rc\lcwcd by MichJel \I C'ala\~ 11 ~39 l.uo Yong..xinn A /)/t'tlrmary nfDdumg Rc, kwcd b) Prance Kullavunijnya

Hcur Brofos tam Root.f Rc' rc"cd by Da,·id Snellgro\c

L. Urucc Reynolds Thmluml & Jupun ·.\ Suutlwm Adttlllct•/9./(J /945 Reviewed by Ronald D. Ren:trd

Alain Fore" L,._,. ,\./J.o;,.mnuail'v~Jfrc.JIIrmj' (m 'f'unMu et m1 Siam XI 'fit•· .\ ..I'll, , \u~dt'\ · A11ulrse c.-mrrp,u·t!e tl ·rm rt!lar{/'. 'vlichad Srnrohk.., 24(,

11.1n> Pcnth, Phanphcn "hrilatl~1i, snao Keopbrom C'nqm~ a/ J..iin Na lnsc:npiWII\, '"nl. 3 Rcvrcwcd hy Peoer Skolling 2·1K

l ll!inz Bl.!chcrt. cJiLor .Vtm\·k~·itlumdsd:r~R<'II au.\ rhm 1itr/fm/imdeu, Tell N, Oit•l\atnloj.!mmrmern 18()0-JQOO Rc\'lcwcd by P«cr Skillin,~: 2-1') Contems 16~

In Brief 150

Other Tilles Received 254

Notes for Conlribulors :!55

Bock Issues ~57

Publications 258

Contents of JSS Volume 87, Ports 1 & 2 (1999) 261

Joum1,1/ 1)_/th.: Swm S!JCwh· S9.1 & 2 (20011