Lex Canuleia
Lex Canuleia The lex Canuleia, or lex de conubio patrum et plebis, league, Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, and his brother, was a law of the Roman Republic, passed in the year 445 Titus Quinctius Capitolinus Barbatus.[10][11] BC, restoring the right of conubium between patricians [1][2][3][4] Claudius then suggested that military tribunes with con- and plebeians. sular power might be elected from either order, instead of consuls; but he was not willing to bring the matter for- ward himself, delegating the distasteful matter to Titus 1 Canuleius’ first rogation Genucius, brother of the consul, who was of a mind to compromise with the plebeians. This proposal was well- Five years earlier, as part of the process of establishing received, and the first consular tribunes were elected for [10][12] the Twelve Tables of Roman law, the second decemvirate the following year, BC 444. had placed severe restrictions on the plebeian order, in- cluding a prohibition on the intermarriage of patricians [5][6] and plebeians. 3 In popular culture Gaius Canuleius, one of the tribunes of the plebs, pro- posed a rogatio repealing this law. The consuls, Mar- In the novel, Goodbye, Mr. Chips, set in an English cus Genucius Augurinus and Gaius Curtius Philo, vehe- boarding school in the late nineteenth and early twenti- mently opposed Canuleius, arguing that the tribune was eth centuries, the schoolmaster Mr. Chipping describes proposing nothing less than the breakdown of Rome’s so- the law to his Roman history class, suggesting a pun that cial and moral fabric, at a time when the city was faced could be used as a mnemonic device: with external threats.[lower-roman 1] Undeterred, Canuleius reminded the people of the many contributions of Romans of lowly birth, including several “So that, you see, if Miss Plebs wanted Mr.
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