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Cambridge University Press 0521856922 - The Roman Clan: The Gens from Ancient Ideology to Modern Anthropology C. J. Smith Index More information General index actio familiae erciscundae 28, 35, 245, 246 Attica, settlement patterns in 135 see also ercto non cito auspicia 221, 223, 229, 263–8, 330 adfectatio regni 49, 59, 311 in Vico 76, 77 adoption 47, 212 and consular tribunes 272 adrogatio 213–14 and patricians 173, 270, 311 ager Romanus publicus 239–50 ager arcefinius 243 Bacchiadai, and Corinth 136, 251, 302 ager compascuus 243 Bentley, Arthur 338 and ager gentilicius 239–49 Bodin, Jean 66, 70, 345 bina iugera, heredium 194, 243 Bonfante, P. 108–9 and possessio 239 Botsford, G. W. 110 and Varro 189 Bourriot, F. 111, 117, 139, 140 agnatus, agnati 15, 25 Bovillae 44 agnatus proximus 26, 27, 31 Bude,´ Guillaume 67, 345 Alba Longa 39, 48, 60–3, 195 Antemnae 195, 237 Caenina 195 Arangio-Ruiz, V. 108–9 Cameria 195 assemblies, Roman 185, 276 camilli 351 and Laelius Felix 185, 209, 211 Celeres 194, 196, 197 comitia calata 47, 212 centuriae, Romulean 188 comitia centuriata see assemblies, Rome, army and centuriae procum patricium 188 Cerveteri 160 and centuriate organisation 283 citizenship, Athenian 123–4 and sex suffragia 188, 226 Cleisthenic reforms at Athens 119, 122, 134 comitia curiata 169, 180, 182, 316 Clientela 169–76, 290 and patriciate 232 see also plebs, plebeians and wills 212 cognomen 4, 19, 20 comitia tributa 227, 249 collegiality 314 concilium plebis 225 colonisation 244 Ateius Capito 45, 49 confarreatio 266 Athens conubium 76
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