March 31, 2005 Official Newspaper of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin

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March 31, 2005 Official Newspaper of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin KalihwisaksKalihwisaks “She Looks For News” March 31, 2005 Official Newspaper of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin Supreme Court: Oneidas Letting go By Keith Skenandore Not so long ago I was hav- cannot expand tax-exempt ing a discussion with a rela- tive of mine who asked me what it is that I do for the holdings outside reservation Oneida Tribe. I told him I was the managing editor of the By Devlin Barrett sion, eight justices found the Ruth Bader Ginsberg sided Kalihwisaks. I said, “That’s Associated Press Writer New York Oneidas cannot with the small city of Sherrill, my baby!” WASHINGTON - An upend 190 years of local N.Y., which has been locked Well, as most parents Indian tribe cannot expand its development and regulation. in a long-running fight with know, there is a time when tax-exempt holdings by buy- The decision reverses a lower the Oneidas over unpaid taxes one has to let their baby go, ing up property that has been appeals court ruling that the on a gas station, convenience whether it be a child moving outside its reservation for property in question could store, and defunct T-shirt fac Map courtesy of on to college, moving out of generations, the Supreme revert to Indian land. See Page 2 Oneida Nation of Wisconsin tribal officials say the the house, or getting married. Court ruled Tuesday. The majority opinion writ- City of Sherrill ruling doesn’t overturn the 1985 deci- Well, as for my baby, it’s In a near-unanimous deci- ten by Supreme Court Justice SC Ruling sion by the U.S. Supreme Court. also time to let go, however the circumstances are differ- Kenosha City, ent. The baby, Kalihwisaks, will still be here, but it is time county and for me to move on. My offi- Red Lake tragedy cial last day as managing edi- Menominee tor is April 1. Gunman kills For tribe’s Beginning April 11 I will Nation sign start my new job with the nine, himself chairman, Appleton Post-Crescent. I casino have accepted the position of at Red Lake personal assistant metro editor/news agreement bureau chief of the Fox The Associated Press schools tragedy; Valley. I look forward to KENOSHA, Wis. - working in the mainstream Officials from the city, reservation Son, 16, faces media and the new challenges Kenosha County and the By Joshua Freed charges in Red a daily publication will bring. Menominee Nation have Associated Press Writer Leaving, or letting go, is signed an agreement outlining RED LAKE, Minn. - Lake shootings never easy. There is always how the Indian tribe would After Jeff Weise killed his the fear of the unknown that reimburse the local govern- grandfather, he donned the By Patrick Condon one has to deal with. What I ments for services and lost tax man’s police-issue belt and Associated Press Writer do know is that it has been a revenues if land is held in trib- bulletproof vest and drove ST. PAUL, Minn. - Hours pleasure to serve the readers al trust for a casino. his marked squad car to his after the school shooting that and subscribers of The Menominee are seek- high school, where he stunned his reservation, Kalihwisaks, and the over ing to develop an $808 million began a killing spree that Floyd “Buck” Jourdain, 9,000 tribal members who casino complex at Dairyland appeared to have been chairman of the Red Lake received the paper. Greyhound Park. The U.S. planned in advance, the Nation, said the Indian tribe I began working with the Bureau of Indian Affairs must FBI said on Tuesday. was in the midst of ''the dark- Oneida Communications first endorse putting the land The teenager killed nine est days in the history of our Department in June of 1986. into tribal trust, and the gover people, wounded seven, people.” For those of you who may See Page 6 and the rampage stopped A week later, it grew dark- recall, at that time the only when Weise apparent- er still for Jourdain, when his Kalihwisaks was a 8" x 11" Casino Agreement ly shot himself to death AP Photo/Bemidji Pioneer, Molly Miron teenage son was arrested in booklet of approximately 64 after exchanging gunfire Red Lake High School students, from left, Sondra connection with the shoot- pages. with a police officer. His Hegstrom, Marla Hegstrom and Ashley Morrison ings that left 10 people dead. In 1989 I was handed the motive still wasn’t clear on weep together following a deadly shooting rampage, Authorities refused to say task of changing the format to what role Louis Jourdain Tuesday. But the FBI March 21, 2005, at their school in Red Lake, Minn. a newspaper. That October may have played in the explained what they knew Prior to fatally shooting himself, high school student Oneida’s first official monthly about Weise’s actions: Jeff Weise went on a shooting rampage killing his See Page 5 newspaper was printed by The killings began on grandparents at their home, and then seven people Brown County Publishing in this northern Minnesota at his school on the Red Lake Indian reservation. Son Arrested tabloid form. Indian reservation at the It was time to move on and home of Weise’s grandfa- approximately in 1995 we ther, Daryl Lussier, 58, took our newspaper to the Pages 2-5A/Local & State who was shot to death with Page 6A/Legislative Review Appleton Post-Crescent. a .22-caliber gun, accord- From there we began printing Page 7A/Letters & Opinions ing to Michael Tabman, the bi-monthly (every other Page 8A/Sports & Rec FBI’s special agent in week) and eventually changed charge for Minneapolis. Page 1B/Lifestyles our format to it’s current Also killed was Tabman’s Page 2B/Eye on Environment broadsheet size. companion, Michelle Page 3B/Education Whether it was broadsheet Sigana. or tabloid, the Kalihwisaks Page 4B/Health Lussier had worked for Page 5B/Good News decades as a tribal police has won awards in general Page 6B/Classifieds officer. After he was dead, excellence from the Native Weise strapped on his American Journalist Assoc. grandfather’s police belt, These awards are reflective of pulled on his bulletproof the dedicated journalists I had vest, and drove his marked AP Photo/Ann Heisenfelt the pleasure of working with squad car right up to the Chongai’la Morris, left and Alex Roy place ritual tobacco at a makeshift memo- from day one. It is because of door of the high school, rial outside the Red Lake Senior High School in Red Lake, Minn., Friday, these dedicated journalists Tabman said. He got there March 25, 2005. Chase Lussier, one of the five students killed by Jeff Weise, that Kalihwisaks will live on. around 3 p.m. was fourteen-year-old Alex Roy’s boyfriend and father to their baby Ayden. I thank the readership for Security guard Derrick Chongai’la claimed that Chase died in his lap after being shot at Red Lake their support and hope that Brun confronted him at the High School on March 21. same support is given to the staff following my departure. At times this paper comes Lives intertwine between Native and Black people under attack from some of our readers to that even of the Submitted by Sherrole this weekend. tribal government. That’s “Sandra can’t take her life Benton good. I always felt it was Oneida Nation Arts Program anymore. She gets in the car good to get both sides of the When a young African and drives away from her American women escapes her shallow friends, her thankless story, although at times tribal life, she finds herself on an job and her lukewarm publications are limited when Indian reservation. After boyfriend hoping to find a it comes to freedom of the spending a few days with place where she can recreate press. Native people, she makes herself and fill her life with I won’t have to worry about some surprising changes in people and activities that that freedom anymore. The her own life. See what all bring her happiness. She wan freedom of letting my “baby” Artist rendering courtesy of the Oneida Nation Arts Program go has provided me a new happens in this new stage See Page 2 The play “Reservations” will be performed on April play, “Reservations,” playing freedom. And for that I am “Reservations” 2 at the Norbert Hill Center Auditorium. thankful. Yaw^ko! 2 A(T#ken) March 31, 2005 K a lliih w iis a k s LocalLocal Photos by Phil Wisneski From Page 1/Supreme Court Mural mural off the wall: Three Sisters Library and Community Center hosted an art workshop with Oneida artist Scott Hill. The overturns Oneida Nation case workshop was held during spring break to keep the youth busy and tory. from the Oneida of off the streets. The mural will be hung outside on the building and Todd Alhart, a spokesman Wisconsin, Cayuga Nation of depicts the Three Sisters. The mural will be hung on the wall some- for Gov. George Pataki said New York, Saint Regis time in early May. lawyers for the state were Mohawk Tribe, Stockbridge- reviewing the decision to see Munsee Band of Mohican, how it might impact ongoing and Seneca-Cayuga of efforts to build five Indian-run Oklahoma assembled to unify casinos in the Catskills. their efforts to secure passage “We’re very pleased by the of Governor Pataki’s Program court’s decision,” said Alhart.
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