General Index
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Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 15 1883 ( 405 ) GENERAL INDEX. Abbot, Archbishop, 244; Mr,, 209. Amye (plumber, A.D. 1565), 336. Abbye, Anthony, 195. Anderson, Jemys (Rainham, 1566), 336. Abel, Arms of Sir John, 18; Johanna, Andreu, John, 274; Matilda, 274. 291; John, 291; Katherine, 291; Annesley, Ann, 247; Arthur, Vis- Margaret, 291; Richard, 291. count Valentia, 245; Benjamin, Abelin, Arms of Nicole, 6, 8, 19, 22; 247 ; John, 245 ; Judith, 247; Rev. John, Mayor of Windsor, 21; Wil- Dr. Samuel, 218,245-7,250; Samuel, liam (Rouen), 21. 247. Abelyn, Arms, 17, 22; Isolda, 21; Antingham, Arms of, 14. ' Mary, 21; Nicholas, 21; Sir Tho- Apulderfield, Arms of Henry de, 10, mas, 21. 21, 29 ; Henry le flz, 10; John de, Ablin, 22; see Abelin (St. Aubin ?). 10; William de, 10. Acolte, 300. Apulderfield, 13; Manor, 21. Aorise, 8, 9, 278. Apuldre (Appledore), 289. Adisham, Adsham, 36, 307, 356; Hec- Aquileia, Roman coins minted at, 324. tor of, 34, 37. Areas, 22; Arms of Sir Alexander, 22. Aillina (Alina), 307, 366. Archeology (Kentish), Publications Akerman, J. Y., 328, 372. relating to, reviewed by Canon Scott Alard, John, 297; Robert, 297. Robertson, 369-81. Albyn, Radulphus, 22; Sarah, 22. Arches Court, Dean of, 232; Registrar, Aldebrandini, Blasius, 307. 233. Aldelyn, Thomas, 21. Arelatum, see Aries. Aldermann, Thomas, 364. Aries, Council of, 40; Roman coins Aldermaston, Berks, 183. •(found at Cobham) minted at, 324, Aldham (in Wrotham), 8; Thomas 328-9. de, 8. Armory, Early Kentish; by W. S. Aldington, 36 ; Manor House, 378. Ellis, Esq., 1-30. Aldon, Elias de, 8; Sir Thomas de, 8 ; Arnold's (G. M.) life of Robert Thomas de, 21. Pocock of Gravesend, 374. Alen, John (Rainham), 334. Arnold, Family, 367; Arthur, M.P., Aleyn, Thomas, 299; William, 299. 375; Edwin, 375. Alkham Church, 220. Arundel, Archbishop, 235-6, 379. Allen, Rev. Edmund, 218, 241, 269; Ash (Sandwich), 13,358; Church, 11; John ]?., 250. see Asshe and Esshe. Allet, Rev. T., 250. Ashburnham, Lady, 142. Allfree, Eev. Edward, 252. Ashford, xlv; Church, xlvi, xlviii, 3. Allington, 73, 293; Castle, 73. Ashpoole's stables at Cambridge (1648), Ambianum, see Amiens. 172; family, 367. Amherst, 1st Baron, 402-3. Asketyn, William, 363. Amiens, Roman coins minted at, 324; Asparagus in 1650-1,188,195. John de, 306. Asshe, John de, 284. Amphora, Roman, 77-9j 85-8, 312, Assheby, John de, 307. 356. Asshewy, Margaret, 278; Stephen de, Amsincg, Marie, 37. 278.. 406 GENERAL INDEX. Astley, The Barons (at Maidstone Babsoak in Westbere, 318-9. Palace), xl. Backer, Goodman (1650), 191. Atelysworthe, 361; Henry, 362-3; Bacon, Sir Nicholas (Lord Keeper), John, 361; Eoger, 362-3; Simon, 242. 361. Badelesmere, Arms of Goselin de, 6; Atholl, Earl of, Arms, 3; David, 14. Rauf de, 6. Aton, Arms of Gilbert de, 20; Wil- Bagge, John, of Chilham, 294. liam de, 20. Bakechilde, 280, 285, 290; Agnes, at Towne, Thomas, 29. 279,280; John, 278, 280; Maurice atte Bailye, John, 285. de, 279, 280; Thomas de, 279. atte Berton, Hugh, 281. Baker, Eev. W., 250. atte Brigge, Cecilia, 276; Eobert, 276. Bakere, Geoffrey le, 273; Thomas, 273. atte Brome, John, 304. Balden, Eobert, 335. atte Brok, Alan, 281, 284. Balderson, Mrs. Ann, 121. atte Chaumbre, Hugh, 295; Marg., 295. Baldwin, Archbishop, 379. atte Orouche, Adam, 286 ; Joan, 286. Baltrynghamme, John de, 304. atte 3?enne, Stephen, 281. Banchors (Ireland and Wales), 42. atte Porde, Juliana, 283; William, 283. Banks Family, 367. atte Gate, Adam, 296; Agnes, 296. Bansted Downs (1651), 197. atte Halle, Felicia, 288; Thomas, 288, Bapchild, see Bakeohilde. 310. Baptistry (Eoman P), 44. atte Heuwette, Edelina, 362. Barbour, Albina, 303 ; Henry le, 303. atte Hone, Sutton, 277. Barde, Constance, 282; Peter, 282. atte Hulle, William, 363. Bargrave, Dean of Canterbury, 365. atte Leghe, Margeria, 297; William, Barker, Mother (Eainham), 335-6. 297. Barlow, Dr., 246. atte Med, Johanna, 310; John, 310; Banning, 8,14,68,74,76; old Eegister, William, 310. 367-8. atte Merk, Simon, 306. Barmling, Eobert de, 8; Thomas de, atte Molond, John, 281; Thomas, 281. 8; William de, 8. atte Nynne, Alice, 293 ; Walter, 293. Barnes, Miss, 121. atte Pirie, Andrew, 362. Barnet, 200 ; John (1377), 232, 268. atte Ware, John, 273; Eobert, 273. Barney, Mrs. Anne, of St. Margaret atte Watere, John, 305. at Cliffe, 360. atte Welde, Johanna, 279; Wm., 279. Barrot, John, 363. atte Yoke, Johanna, 302; John, 302. Barry, Sir Humphry, of Sevington, Auberville, Arms of, 9; Sir Eobert de, 15; Isabella, 25; John, 15; Kathe- 9; Sir William de, 9; William rine, 15; Arms of Sir William, 15,25. de, 59. Bartlett Ness (Eainham Creek), 108. Aubin, Gilbert de Wolt, 22. BasingeSj Arms of Sir William de, 19. Auoher, Sir Anthony, 28; Arms of Basnage, Henri, 37; Jacques, de Henri, 3. Beauval, 35, 37 ; Susanna, 35. Audenard, Gerard de, 303 ; Sara, 303. Basted Valley (by Plaxtol), 91-2, 953 Audley End, 153,171,179,186, 203-4, 98. 214. Basyng, Hawysia, 294; Thomas de, 294. Aufrere, Rev. Israel Antony, 35. Bateook, Adam, 300; John, 390; Eoger, Aunsel, Agnes, 299; Gilbert, 299. 300. Austen's (Rev. Thomas) Kentish Col- Batekyn, Aubina, 308 ; John, 308. lections, 114-5. Bath (James Master at), in 1649, 183. Austin (of Eltham?), 1648-51, 177, Bathurst, Sir Edward, 175,177,182. 193. Battle, Abbot of, 297. Autun (Augustodunurn), 140. Baunton, Boesia, 306; Walter de,306. Aveline, Hugh, 21. Baux, Jean de, Seigneur de 1'Angle, 31. Aveling, Stephen T., Ill, 115; on Bavent, Roger (1301), 376. the History of Restoration House, Baxter, Eev. Dr. Richard, xli. 117-26. Bayham Abbey, 60, 63. " Avelyn, 21, Bayle Hill at York, 344. Avenel, Bretell, 262. Bayly, Elias, 281; Walter, 281. Aylesford, 8, 70, 92, 95, 298; palimp- Baynardj Arms of, 117, 120; Eliza- sest brass in the church, 380. beth, 120; Jane, 114, 121, 123; Aylmar, Thomas (of Maidstone), 308. Jolin, 115,120-6, 272. GENERAL INDEX. 407 Beall Family, 367. Bland, William, of Hartlip, 371. Bean, Abraham., 360. Blean, partly in the honor of Glouces- Bearcrof t, Mr., at Cambridge 1647,166. ter, 25. Beatrichesdenne, 304 Blechynden, Thomas, 365. Beauvoir, Rev. I)r. O., 403. Blisset's (Michael), James Master at, Beokemed, 361. 189, 191-3, 195, 197, 200-1. Beokenbam (James Master at), 182, Blomberg, Rev. Dr. William Nicholas, 184-5, 193. 218, 250-1, 270-1; Mrs., 271. Becket, Elizabeth, 368; Isaaoke, 368; Blower, William (Rainham), 333. William, 368. Boarhurst Church, Plan of, 56. Bekesbourne, 294; Manor House, 378. Bobbing, 309. Belcher, William (1681), 120. Bobbingworth, Essex, 153. Belyetere, William le, 287. Bochart, Marie, 31, 34; Rene, 31, 34 ; Benet, Tbomas (notary), 264. Samuel, 31, 34, 37. Bennett, Elizabeth, 367. Booton, Arms of, 7; of Stephen de, 10. Bensted, 367 ; Hubert, xxxix, xl, 75. Bocton under Blean, 290, 302. Benynden, 27. Bocton Malherbe, 2, 29. Beracre, 14. Booton Nonchensy, 273. Berblinge (Banning), Arms of Walter Bodmin, Bishop of, 41. de, 8 ; William de, 8. Boghurst, John, 272. Bereham, 281. Bokelond, next Osprynge, 2, 279, 292. Beresford Family (Westerham), 381. Bokenham, Ann, 119, 126; Harry, Berridge, Richard, 120. 119, 126 ; Margaret, 119 ; Robert, Berry, Thomas, 272. 126 ; William, 114, 119, 126. Bertha, Queen, 54, 57. Boklonde, Alexander de, 282; Geoffrey Bestane, John de, 218, 222-3, 259-60. de, 282 ; Johanna, 300 ; Richard, Bethersden, see Beatriohesdenne. 265; Stephen de, 279, 300, 302; Betleshangre, Agnes, 291; Alianora, William, 264. 291; John de, 291; Robert de, 291. Boldenton, Mrs. Mary, 121. Bettenham, Benedicta, 29; Henry de, Bole, Richard, 264. 292; Stephen de, 29. Boley Hill, Rochester, 344. Betteshanger, Manor, 11; Rector of, Boleyn, Anne, 36; John. Richard, 359. and William, 388. Beufls, Ralph, 362. Bonynton, Isabella de, 294; Thomas, Bewlye, James, 368. de, 294. Bexley, 188, 196. Books bought in 1646-55,158-67,169- Bioknor, Arms of Thomas de, 18 ; see 175,178-82,184-6,188,190-1,193-7, Bikenor and Bykenore. 200-3, 205-7, 209-16. Biconyll, William, 218, 236, 269. Bordenne, 288. Bioton, Salop, 234. Borne [? Eastbourne], 210. Bignor, Roman pavement, 132. Borne, John de, 10. Bikenor, Arms of John de, 11,18. Botiller, John le, 287. Bilsynton, 280, 299, 308. Bouchery, Arnold, 37. Binbury, 344. Boudon, William de, 295. Birohette, Le, 362. Boughton under Blean, 11, 252; see Birchington, see Briohilton. Bocton. Bishop Family, 367. Boughton Malherbe, 29 ; see Bocton. Bishopsbourne, 28, 290; Manor House, Bounde, Thomas, 282. 378 ; Rectors of, 232, 238. Bourdefeld Church (in Otterden), Bishopsgate, 152; Adam, 290; Jo- Parson of, 278. hanna, 290 ; John de, 290. Bourdil, William, 362. ' Bishopston, 199; 3 ohn de, 217-8,230-1, Bourgchier, Archbishop, 236. 263-5, 267. Bourne, 30, 152-3, Elizabeth, 152, Bisshop, Robert, 264. 404; Judith, 152, 404; Richard, Bitohet, 95. 152, 404; Robert de (1363), 264-5, Blackheath, Hundred, 373-4; James 267; Mr. (uncle of James Master),. Master at, 203. 168; Mr. (cousin of James Master)," Blackmanstone, Rector of, 360. 176,184, 214. Black Notley, 232. Bourne Park, 371. Bladbean Manor, 9. Bouteshiys, Suzanne de, 31, Blake, Isaac, of Strood 1679, 249,270. Boxley, Abbey, xli; Church, 219,230. 408 GENERAL INDEX. Boxted, Boman building at, 104-7, 129. Brook Church, xlvii; see Brok. Boxworth, near Cambridge, 166. Brooke, William, of Hartlip (1619), Boyere, Geoffrey le; 366; Bobert le, 366. 11. Boyes, Sir Edward, 365. Brookland, 284, 289, 299. Boyle, Hon. Bichard, 36. Broun, Henry, 274; Bobert, 304. Boys, Col. John, 403; Mr., 181,193. Brounyng, Germanus, 304; Henry, Boywyk, Margeria, 281; "William de, 304 ; Johanna, 304 ; John, 304 ; 281. Peter, 304. Brabourne, 308. Brown, David, 271; John, 272; John Bradegare, 284, 288. (1651), 113; Thomas (Mayor of Bradestede, 287, 306. Sandwich), 144. Bramber, 344. Browne's, Bev.