VIRTUAL BRAZILIAN BILINGUAL BOOK CLUB of the Embassy of in London YEAR SEVEN Reading list for the second half of 2021

BOOK CLUB MEETINGS 18.30-21.00 2021 -Pleasures of Reading #BrazilianLitReadingPleasures


22nd Jul Senhora -Perfil de Mulher (1875) A riveting tale of how a woman ends up buying a husband and by a beguiling love story, too!

JOSÉ MARTINIANO DE ALENCAR (1829-1877) A masterly early Brazilian psychological novel, with a 21st century feel, Numerous editions: e.g. ISBN-10: 0850515076 ISBN-13: 978- exploring the meaning of marriage … 0850515077 ASIN: B00BBFSFMS as a commercial venture and a suitably convenient arrangement. Free downloads: . 1875 original Garnier Intertextual references abound: Shakespearean drama, English novel traditions, Sir Walter Scott, Feuillet’s Monsieur Camors-type character construction, Byronian 1_COMPLETO.pdf , G. Sandian morality, Balzacian philosophy, (Ressureição, Or Melhoramentos Contos Fluminenses) and more metamorphosed into a delightful, discreetly erotic, and 9.pdf a thought-provoking Fluminense (=Brazilian) novel! Translated as Our book club discussed this novel in January 2018 – visit: Senhora - Profile of a Woman (1994) by Catarina Feldmann Edinger ISBN-10: 029270450X ISBN-13: 26-senhora.pdf 978-0292704503

Pureza (1937) A pearl of a novel, neglected for too long, a love story and much more! 19th Aug by José Lins do Rego, an exceptionally original author of the Modernism, a leading author of the regional social literature in Brazil. JOSÉ LINS DO REGO (1901-57) . How to deal with the conundrum of loving …or is it lusting after? … Numerous editions, e.g. ISBN-10: 8503010607 ISBN-13: 978- the two daughters of the station master? 8503010603 Free download The timeless appeal of the romance of railways and the literary landscape of Pureza, train station and hamlet, pdf-epub-e-mobi-ou-ler-online/ a delightful early 20th century page-turner and a homage to the legacy of the entrepreneurial spirit of the British in Brazil, too! translated as Follow the pathways of meditative walking in a magical paradise lost– Pureza – A novel of Brazil (1947/8) and learn about the iconic Brazilian north-eastern trees including those planted by the British. by Lucie Marion published by Hutchinson in the International Authors First Novel series no. 3, London, New York, Melbourne, Its magnificent setting in the northeast of Brazil at the time of the British steam Sidney, Cape Town. 1968 Reprint of the 1948 edition. ASIN: B004H3GBBS railway - the Great Western of Brazil (1883-1950), which ran from Brum in Recife to Pureza in the town of Timbaúba!

Our book club discussed this novel in May 2017, visit 18-pureza.pdf

16th Sept Quarto de Despejo: diário de uma favelada (1960) Out of the abject poverty and squalor of slums, shanty towns, tenements and camps, exceptional tales of humans defying all odds have repeatedly emerged By proving that humans possess an indomitable capacity to fight back and seek a better life in every corner of the world, in peace and in war, over centuries: CAROLINA MARIA DE (1914-1977) an unresolved paradox and a conundrum in too many places! Numerous editions ASIN: 8508171277 (2016) The poignant fictionalised diary of a dweller of a refuse room will certainly stir Free download your emotions, and generate compassion and admiration: The feisty Carolina Maria de Jesus who refuses to be a victim will certainly impress you! content/uploads/2019/11/quarto-de-despejo.pdf She starts her diary set in outskirts of the huge city of São Paulo,

Translated as in the now distant July 1955 and continues to January1960, the year the diary gets Beyond All Pity (2005) published with some help. by David St. Claire published by Souvenir Press ISBN-10: 0285636987 ISBN-13: 978-0285636989 Discover how Carolina uses her wits and succeeds! ASIN: B007QLSWBK

O Atheneu (Chronica de saudades) (1888) Boarding schools in fiction have long captured and re-enlivened our imaginations 21st Oct as depictions of the essence of what an ideal education ought to be, by but, also, as microcosms of human follies.

RAUL POMPEIA (1863-1895) Discover the most famous fictional Brazilian boarding school at the height of its reputation in 19th century: The Athenaeum. Numerous editions: e.g. 2013 by Martin Claret ISBN- 10: 8572323589 ISBN-13: 978-8572323581 This 1888 novel belongs to a long tradition of tales about boarding schools, ASIN: 8538077511 dating as far back as the ancient and medieval schools and those contemporary to The Athenaeum, early and Victorian British boarding schools, Free downloads: with the continual appeal to our days of Harry Potter’s boarding school! 1888 original Don’t miss the multi-layered references: 16th edition Ática, 1996: clue no. 1: name of the headmaster, Aristarchus, who happens to offer additional evening astronomy lessons (namesake of the famous Aristarchus of Samos) 7.pdf And clue no. 2 is in the title. Athenaeums everywhere signpost longstanding translated as shared values and the unstinting cultivation of mind and soul, knowledge and arts kindling wit, imagination, creativity and emanating wisdom. The Athenaeum (2015) by Renata Wasserman published by the Northwestern University Our book club discussed this novel in June 2016= visit: Press, ISBN-10: 0810130793 ISBN-13: 978-0810130791 ASIN: B01FZ5X7K4 06-raulpompeia.pdf

18Th Nov Água Viva (1973) By stating that ‘The word is my fourth dimension’, the author sets out to explore the faculty of language to search her innermost and deepest thoughts and feelings. by Which comes first: acts of perception or acts of thought? CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) Numerous editions and reprints in Brazil and the first edition was by A magnificent mellifluous meditative prose-poem Artenova, . decanted from the author’s earlier writings!

Free downloads Which aphorism contained in Água Viva will become your favourite? lispector-em-pdf-mobi-e-epub/ A concise text which is laden with layers and layers of content. Symbolically entitled ‘Living Water’, it unravels multiple layers of references or-acc81gua-viva.pdf including to the ancient Ukrainian water myths with the healing powers of water (вода живуща- цілюща) found in early oral translated as literature to written literature! (1)The Stream of Life (1978) by Elizabeth Lowe and Earl Fitz published by the University of Our book club has been reading and discussing Clarice Lispector’s works from the Minesota Press, reprinted 1989, ISBN-10: 0816617813 ISBN- 2015. Visit our website for various posts: 13: 978-0816617814 and ISBN-10: 0816617821 ISBN-13: 978-0816617821

(2) Água Viva (2012) by Stefan Tobler published by New Directions ISBN: 0811219909 ASIN: B00856PDLM

9th Dec A specially curated selection of Brazilian Poetry for our Book A wonderful way to celebrate another fabulous year of our book club by Club featuring some of the favourite poems by acquainting ourselves with some of the best loved poems of Brazil!

Adélia Prado, Affonso Romano de Sant´Anna, Antonio de Castro Our book club members will receive the special curated bilingual selection, Alves, Augusto dos Anjos, Augusto Frederico Schmidt,Auta de in digital format and in good time for our meeting so our members can vote for Souza, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, , their favourite poem/poet! Catulo da Paixão Cearense, Cecília Meireles, Cora Corlaina, Emiliano Perneta, , Francisca Júlia da Silva, And we will be enjoying our traditional and unmissable Frederico Barbosa, Gonçalves Dias, Gregorio de Mattos, Helena Kolody, Henriqueta Lisboa, João Alphonsus, João Cabral de Melo Neto, Jorge de Lima, Lêdo Ivo, Machado de Assis, Manuel Antonio Alvares de Azevedo, , Mário de Andrade, Mário de Andrade, Narcisa Amália, , Oswald de Andrade, Paulo Leminski, Raul Bopp, Simões Lopes Neto, Sousândrade, Thiago Mello, Vinicius de Morais. . In this way you support small bookshops mainly in Britain (preferably choose British bookshops) and elsewhere. Membership of the Virtual Brazilian Bilingual Book Club is free but please confirm attendance: [email protected] To view earlier posts (2016 – 2020) and download them for free, visit The Virtual Brazilian Bilingual Book Club at The Embassy of Brazil

14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL
