~HERALD Page 12 the Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts

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~HERALD Page 12 the Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts Rhode Island Jewish Contest Winners -----~HERALD Page 12 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXXVII, NUMBER 18 TJ-IURSDA Y, MARCH 28, 1991 35¢ PER COPY Palestinian Frustration Spurs Violence by Gil Sedan Karen Beinhammer, 11 , suf­ JERUSALEM (JT A) - The fered a fractured skull when a resurgence of random violence rock was thrown at her par­ by Palestinians against individ­ ents' car north of Jerusalem. ual Israelis, including brutal In Hod Hasharon, near murder, has the security author­ Hadera, two Israeli soldiers ities seriously concerned. were stabbed by an Arab A tougher crackdown on laborer recently. Neither was Palestinians from the admin­ seriously hurt. Their attacker istered territories appears likely was shot in the leg and beaten after one more Israeli was by passersby. He required hos­ stabbed to death last Thursday pitalization and was dis­ and others were attacked in charged the next day. The separate incidents. At the same other soldier was released from Cantor Robert Solomon (L) and Cantor Shimon Gewirtz. time, an Israeli human rights the hospital after treatment. group charging "routine ill ­ hospital after treatment. treatment and torture" of The wave of killings has Cantor's Spring Concert Palestinian detainees has been attributed to Palestinian demanded an investigation. by Kathy Cohen anger and frustration over the Last Thursday's events, swift defeat of Saddam Hus­ Herald Associate Editor and the blues, jazz and folk ing turn on high harmony. Af­ however, underlined the grav­ scenes there that influenced ter a brief intermission there sein's Iraqi forces by the U.S. ­ Temple Torat Yisrael was the ity of the situation facing Israeli led coalition in the Persian scene last Saturday night for him. His offbeat sense of hu­ was a performance by a chorus citizens close to home. Morde­ mor came through. in a brief made up of adults and children Gulf war. Palestinians were their annual " Cantor's Spring chai (Motke) Reuchman, a 70- almost alone in the Arab world Concert" featuring cantors Shi­ send-up of music by the leg­ of Temple Torat Yisrael that in­ year-old furniture dealer in endary East Side songwriter, cluded a version of " By the Wa­ in their support of Hussein, mon Gewirtz and Robert Hadera, was stabbed to death who they believed was genu­ Solomon with guest musicians George Gershwin. ters of Babylon," a composition in the storage room of his shop The next set showcased the by Don Maclean (best known inely interested in advancing and singers. by an unidentified assailant their cause. The concert began at 8:00 talents of Cantor Solomon, for his song " American Pie" ) who escaped with an ac­ p.m. with both cantors pitching who sang with a seamless, per­ and a set of duets performed by complice. (continued on page 19) in on "Havdalah Song," with fectly pitched voice that can be Shimon and llana Gewirtz. Siddur's text set to music by described as "operatic." After that, Solomon and Mr. Solomon. Solomon (accompanying Gewirtz were again featured After t)le first song, Solomon himself on guitar) also has a individually and together for left the stage so that Cantor great sense of humor and the finale of " Anee V'ata" and Gewirtz could showcase his tal­ belted out his latest recording " Adon Olam." ents. Gewirtz possesses a of traditional music, as well as For added enjoyment the smooth, mellow and emotive his collection of " Nightwitch program included strong ac­ voice and engaging stage per­ Covers" (a reference to the con­ companiments by Shira Levy sonality. In between songs he troversial heavy metal band). on flute, Benjamin Levy on spoke of his upbringing on The fourth set found the two bass, and Dr. Harold Hanzel on Manhattan's upper East Side cantors singing duets, each tak- clarinet. Woonsocket - The Few, The Forgotten, The Proud (Part I of III) Woonsocket and a native of being evicted for not paying by Kathy Cohen Woonsocket, the major under­ their rents. The list goes on and Herald Associate Editor lying problem is, '. 'It's an old on. Also, to top it off, Woonsocket. Not too many industrial city that hasn't Woonsocket has a high level of people are familiar with this grown with the manufacturing high school drop-outs, teenage city tucked away in a once industry of the country. It was pregnacies and illiteracy. thriving industrial area. In fact, once the melting pot for the re­ Homelessness has become there are native Rhode ls­ ligious and hard-working such a problem that the people landers who have never been Canadians." The city's popula­ finally decided to do something there. Even those who live tion has fallen from 50,000 to about it. there are beginning to feel as if 46,000 and continues to drop. Signs of Life they are nowhere. Today, Main Street, once the This city is probably in the main shopping and banking This time of need has spurred worst financial ruin of any city drag of Woonsocket, is lined some good, as is usually the or town in the Ocean State, es­ with empty stores. Desperate case. The city has found within pecially since Governor Sund­ for business, the city has al­ itself warm, dedicated, loyal lun announced the shutdown lowed free parking to attract residents who are coming out of over 40 credit unions and shoppers. of the decaying woodwork to banks in Rhode Island. The While the city leaders are at help their fellow citizens. _ closing of Woonsocket's Mar­ work trying to drum up busi­ One of the more successful quette Credit Union, the largest ness, there are factors that are community projects has been in the state with 37,000 mem­ constantly making it more diffi­ the Woonsocket Shelter Com­ bers and over a quarter of the cult to gain ground. munity Action Program TOGETHER - A young Israeli, carrying his country's flag, $1.2 billion frozen in Rhode ls­ Companies are closing, forc­ (WSCAP). Some of the many shows his appreciation of America by decorating his gas land credit unions, has pushed ing people out of work. Rents prominent supporters are Carol mask flag with the stars and stripes, In the aftermath of the Woonsocket further into the now are past due, because Parradee, Executive Director of Gulf war, the UJA/ Federation emergency cash effort is con­ hole. monies are tied up in the city's WSCAP; Rabbi Joel D. tinuing to provide crucial funds for the aliyah of hundreds According to George Mar­ credit union, and those rents of thousands of Soviet Jews. (Photo credit: UJA Press Serv­ are increasi ng due to the rising chacos, Director of the Depart­ (continued on page 20) ice Photo by Rfchard Lobell) ment of Human Resources of taxes. Therefore, tenants are 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991 Inside the Ocean State RIC's Latest Chess Champion Scouting Is Not Just for Young Christians------- by George LaTour Rhode Island College's latest Scouting among youth Jules Cohen. Lilien reports that Ner Tamid emblems. coup in the world of chess is groups of Jewish institutions scouting has flourished in New Lilien also said this summer not another team champion­ has been around since 1916. York City, so why not in Rhode the Yawgoog Scout Reserva­ ship but, rather, the acquisition However, according to Ian Island? tion will have a full-time Jewish to its ranks of yet another chess Lilien, the new professional ad­ The NJCS was founded in Chaplain for their third straight J champion. visor to the Rhode Island Jew­ 1926 by Dr. Cyrus Adler with year. Rina Wolfgang will con­ Twenty-year-old Alex She'rz­ ish Committee on Scouting (Rl­ the idea that scouting and Jew­ duct Shabbat services and will er from Fallston, Md., now JCS), some Jewish comn:,unities ish institutions can work to­ fill the needs of the increasing a freshman at the College, are not willing to accept scout­ gether in striving for a common number of Jewish boys attend­ is already an " international ing as a way of Jewish life for goal - furthering youth in their ing Yawgoog. These services master," the only member of their children and see it as be­ education. This organization is will be held on site at the new the RI C Chess Team so ranked. ing synonymous with Chris­ committed to serving Jewish Temple of the Ten Command­ The next ranking up the lad­ tianity since its inception. Communities through scouting ments. A kosher meal plan is Lilien is trying to put a stop to der is that of "grand master" and it is within the communi­ also planned. which, according to Sherzer, that way of thinking and is in­ ties that scouting can flourish. Boys are welcome to involve " is the highest in the world." troducing scouting to the While the children advance themselves in the national net­ That is the top rung of the Rhode Island Jewish commu­ through scouting by earning work of Shomer Shabbos units. ladder and would place nity with the assistance of the merit badges, they also work The NJCS has the following Sherzer in the company of the has plans to study Hebrew, he National Jewish Committee on towards such religious awards BSA programs (ready-made Russian world champion, Gary says. Scouting's (NJCS) chairman, as the Maccabee, Aleph, and support systems for Jewish in­ Kasparov and, perhaps only It's a Mental Challenge stitutions) to choose from: Tiger 400 others worldwide who About chess, Sherzer says, CORRECTION/CLARIFICATION Cubs, Cub Scouting, Boy have achieved that pinnacle of " It's a mental challenge." Scouting, Varsity Scouting, Ex­ success.
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