Rhode Island Jewish Contest Winners -----~HERALD Page 12 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts

VOLUME LXXVII, NUMBER 18 TJ-IURSDA Y, MARCH 28, 1991 35¢ PER COPY Palestinian Frustration Spurs Violence by Gil Sedan Karen Beinhammer, 11 , suf­ (JT A) - The fered a fractured skull when a resurgence of random violence rock was thrown at her par­ by Palestinians against individ­ ents' car north of Jerusalem. ual , including brutal In Hod Hasharon, near murder, has the security author­ Hadera, two Israeli soldiers ities seriously concerned. were stabbed by an Arab A tougher crackdown on laborer recently. Neither was Palestinians from the admin­ seriously hurt. Their attacker istered territories appears likely was shot in the leg and beaten after one more Israeli was by passersby. He required hos­ stabbed to death last Thursday pitalization and was dis­ and others were attacked in charged the next day. The separate incidents. At the same other soldier was released from Cantor Robert Solomon (L) and Cantor Shimon Gewirtz. time, an Israeli human rights the hospital after treatment. group charging "routine ill ­ hospital after treatment. treatment and torture" of The wave of killings has Cantor's Spring Concert Palestinian detainees has been attributed to Palestinian demanded an investigation. by Kathy Cohen anger and frustration over the Last Thursday's events, swift defeat of Saddam Hus­ Herald Associate Editor and the blues, jazz and folk ing turn on high harmony. Af­ however, underlined the grav­ scenes there that influenced ter a brief intermission there sein's Iraqi forces by the U.S. ­ Temple Torat Yisrael was the ity of the situation facing Israeli led coalition in the Persian scene last Saturday night for him. His offbeat sense of hu­ was a performance by a chorus citizens close to home. Morde­ mor came through. in a brief made up of adults and children Gulf war. Palestinians were their annual " Cantor's Spring chai (Motke) Reuchman, a 70- almost alone in the Arab world Concert" featuring cantors Shi­ send-up of music by the leg­ of Temple Torat Yisrael that in­ year-old furniture dealer in endary East Side songwriter, cluded a version of " By the Wa­ in their support of Hussein, mon Gewirtz and Robert Hadera, was stabbed to death who they believed was genu­ Solomon with guest musicians George Gershwin. ters of Babylon," a composition in the storage room of his shop The next set showcased the by Don Maclean (best known inely interested in advancing and singers. . by an unidentified assailant their cause. The concert began at 8:00 talents of Cantor Solomon, for his song " American Pie" ) who escaped with an ac­ p.m. with both cantors pitching who sang with a seamless, per­ and a set of duets performed by complice. (continued on page 19) in on "Havdalah Song," with fectly pitched voice that can be Shimon and llana Gewirtz. 's text set to music by described as "operatic." After that, Solomon and Mr. Solomon. Solomon (accompanying Gewirtz were again featured After t)le first song, Solomon himself on guitar) also has a individually and together for left the stage so that Cantor great sense of humor and the finale of " Anee V'ata" and Gewirtz could showcase his tal­ belted out his latest recording " Adon Olam." ents. Gewirtz possesses a of traditional music, as well as For added enjoyment the smooth, mellow and emotive his collection of " Nightwitch program included strong ac­ voice and engaging stage per­ Covers" (a reference to the con­ companiments by Shira Levy sonality. In between songs he troversial heavy metal band). on flute, Benjamin Levy on spoke of his upbringing on The fourth set found the two bass, and Dr. Harold Hanzel on Manhattan's upper East Side cantors singing duets, each tak- clarinet. Woonsocket - The Few, The Forgotten, The Proud (Part I of III) Woonsocket and a native of being evicted for not paying by Kathy Cohen Woonsocket, the major under­ their rents. The list goes on and Herald Associate Editor lying problem is, '. 'It's an old on. Also, to top it off, Woonsocket. Not too many industrial city that hasn't Woonsocket has a high level of people are familiar with this grown with the manufacturing high school drop-outs, teenage city tucked away in a once industry of the country. It was pregnacies and illiteracy. thriving industrial area. In fact, once the melting pot for the re­ Homelessness has become there are native Rhode ls­ ligious and hard-working such a problem that the people landers who have never been Canadians." The city's popula­ finally decided to do something there. Even those who live tion has fallen from 50,000 to about it. there are beginning to feel as if 46,000 and continues to drop. Signs of Life they are nowhere. Today, Main Street, once the This city is probably in the main shopping and banking This time of need has spurred worst financial ruin of any city drag of Woonsocket, is lined some good, as is usually the or town in the Ocean State, es­ with empty stores. Desperate case. The city has found within pecially since Governor Sund­ for business, the city has al­ itself warm, dedicated, loyal lun announced the shutdown lowed free parking to attract residents who are coming out of over 40 credit unions and shoppers. of the decaying woodwork to banks in Rhode Island. The While the city leaders are at help their fellow citizens. _ closing of Woonsocket's Mar­ work trying to drum up busi­ One of the more successful quette Credit Union, the largest ness, there are factors that are community projects has been in the state with 37,000 mem­ constantly making it more diffi­ the Woonsocket Shelter Com­ bers and over a quarter of the cult to gain ground. munity Action Program TOGETHER - A young Israeli, carrying his country's flag, $1.2 billion frozen in Rhode ls­ Companies are closing, forc­ (WSCAP). Some of the many shows his appreciation of America by decorating his gas land credit unions, has pushed ing people out of work. Rents prominent supporters are Carol mask flag with the stars and stripes, In the aftermath of the Woonsocket further into the now are past due, because Parradee, Executive Director of Gulf war, the UJA/ Federation emergency cash effort is con­ hole. monies are tied up in the city's WSCAP; Joel D. tinuing to provide crucial funds for the of hundreds According to George Mar­ credit union, and those rents of thousands of Soviet Jews. (Photo credit: UJA Press Serv­ are increasi ng due to the rising chacos, Director of the Depart­ (continued on page 20) ice Photo by Rfchard Lobell) ment of Human Resources of taxes. Therefore, tenants are 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991 Inside the Ocean State RIC's Latest Chess Champion Scouting Is Not Just for Young Christians------by George LaTour Rhode Island College's latest Scouting among youth Jules Cohen. Lilien reports that Ner Tamid emblems. coup in the world of chess is groups of Jewish institutions scouting has flourished in New Lilien also said this summer not another team champion­ has been around since 1916. York City, so why not in Rhode the Yawgoog Scout Reserva­ ship but, rather, the acquisition However, according to Ian Island? tion will have a full-time Jewish to its ranks of yet another chess Lilien, the new professional ad­ The NJCS was founded in Chaplain for their third straight J champion. visor to the Rhode Island Jew­ 1926 by Dr. Cyrus Adler with year. Rina Wolfgang will con­ Twenty-year-old Alex She'rz­ ish Committee on Scouting (Rl­ the idea that scouting and Jew­ duct services and will er from Fallston, Md., now JCS), some Jewish comn:,unities ish institutions can work to­ fill the needs of the increasing a freshman at the College, are not willing to accept scout­ gether in striving for a common number of Jewish boys attend­ is already an " international ing as a way of Jewish life for goal - furthering youth in their ing Yawgoog. These services master," the only member of their children and see it as be­ education. This organization is will be held on site at the new the RI C Chess Team so ranked. ing synonymous with Chris­ committed to serving Jewish Temple of the Ten Command­ The next ranking up the lad­ tianity since its inception. Communities through scouting ments. A kosher meal plan is Lilien is trying to put a stop to der is that of "grand master" and it is within the communi­ also planned. which, according to Sherzer, that way of thinking and is in­ ties that scouting can flourish. Boys are welcome to involve " is the highest in the world." troducing scouting to the While the children advance themselves in the national net­ That is the top rung of the Rhode Island Jewish commu­ through scouting by earning work of Shomer Shabbos units. ladder and would place nity with the assistance of the merit badges, they also work The NJCS has the following Sherzer in the company of the has plans to study Hebrew, he National Jewish Committee on towards such religious awards BSA programs (ready-made Russian world champion, Gary says. Scouting's (NJCS) chairman, as the Maccabee, Aleph, and support systems for Jewish in­ Kasparov and, perhaps only It's a Mental Challenge stitutions) to choose from: Tiger 400 others worldwide who About chess, Sherzer says, CORRECTION/CLARIFICATION Cubs, Cub Scouting, Boy have achieved that pinnacle of " It's a mental challenge." Scouting, Varsity Scouting, Ex­ success. "You get all the credit if you In the March 21 issue, BAND OF GOLD'S telephone ploring, and Career Awareness " He's in the stratosphere, win and all the blame if you number was inadvertently omitted. It is 738-2418. We regret Exploring. he's so far advanced toward lose," he points out, adding any inconvenience that this omission may have caused our The NJCS is supported by the the grand master level," says that another aspect of chess he · readers or BAND OF GOLD. Synagogue Council of America, chess coach Armand l. likes is that " there's absolutely the Rabbinical Council of Patrucco of Providence. no luck in chess." America, the United Syna­ Patrucco says Sherzer "al­ " It's all skill, and it's ab­ gogue Youth, The Rabbinical ways presses for victory arid solutely fair. You start out Assembly, the National Coun­ FoR SALE almost never settles for a evenly. What your race or cil of Youth , the Union of draw." Consequently, he's nationality or religion may be Orthodox Jewish Congrega­ acutely aware of what his op­ has no bearing," he says. Newport Waterfront Condo tions of America, the Jewish ponents are doing at all times. Concerning the myth that a Education Service of North Spectacular interior in 100-year-old Peabody U.S. Champion computer is unbeatable in America, The United Syna­ In I 986, Sherzer was the chess, Sherzer states flately: designed Victorian Carriage House. gogue of America, the Union of United States Under-16 Cham­ "The truth is, man is better American Hewbrew Congrega­ pion; in I 989, the National than machine." Commanding view of estate grounds and tions, the Central Conference High School Champion, and in He concedes "computers are harbor from cathedral ceiling living room, of American , and the that same year finished second a fascinating thing," and that Federation of Jewish Men's in the world in the under-18 " the best computer in the deck, and master bedroom. 4 bed, 3 bath. Clubs, Inc. championship. world (named 'Deep Thought') Dock, boathouse, beach. For copies of endorsement Currently, he is ranked 30th might be ranked in the top 150 letters and more information, in the country, having jumped world players." Offered by Owner. contact Ian Lilien at 351-8700. from 39th prior to his last " Computers have beaten i tournament. RIC's Sharon grand masters, but, overall - at ( - Days 421-3680 • Nights 831-4102 Burtman of Stoughton, Mass., least right now - man is IDon't drink and drive. J is ranked among the top-JO better." women players nationally. Best Country in Chess A son of Laurence and Claire According to Sherzer (and Sherzer of Fallston, which is this shouldn't come as a sur­ just outside of Baltimore, Alex prise to anyone), the best coun­ Join thousands of readers who know has a younger brother and try in the world for chess is the sister, Chris and Elizabeth, Soviet Union. What may sur­ what's going on weekly in the both now in high 'school in prise you, is his estimate that Maryland. the U.S., England, Hungary A.I. Jewish Community He learned the rules of chess and Yugoslavia share an equal at age 7 from his father, who second-place billing. plays merely as a hobby (as Sherzer points out that from opposed to being an inter- I 972 to 75, the U.S. had the SUBSCRIBE TO THE ' national competitor), and has world chess champion, Bobbie · been playing_tournament chess Fischer. RHODE ISLAND HERALD since 1982 when he was 10. "This brought an amazing . Alex was not on his high popularity to chess here," he

1· school's chess team but, assures. limely Features, Local & Social Events, . through intensive tournament Asked if he planned to pur­ play throughout the U.S., sue chess playing for the long­ garnered the " international ·term future, he responded: Editorials and Our Around Town Section master" ranking and, then, " Oh, absolutely." Highlight Every Issue! went to Hungary for about "The big question," he says, eight months to compete there. " is whether a player is good " It was a good opportunity enough to make a living at it. Return the coupon belo~ to subscribe. to play," there being "many In the United States no one Just $10.00 (in Rhode Island; $14.00 out of s~ate) good tournaments" in which to gets paid to play chess (as in compete. some other countries, in­ brings you 52 issues that will inform and entertain you. " I did o.k. there," he says cluding the Soviet Union), but modestly, explaining that he can win cash prizes." "didn't gain or lose ranking" Sherzer doesn't know at this by his play. point, he says, if he'll be good DON'T MISS A SINGLE ONE! While in Hungary enough to have chess be his While in Hungary, his main source of income or if r------, mother helped him ''scout col- he'll have to use it as only a l YES! Please begin my subscription for teges" to find the best one for secondary source. I him to attend upon his return. So far, chess has been good I 514 nar year (out of A.I.) A fu ll scholarship to RI C to him, you might say. I. D S10,oo per year O ,... helped him make up his mind. It's earning him a college I NAME ______Having taken "pretty tough education and has taken him I courses" his first semester, throughout the United States I ADDRESS ------Sherzer assures he's doing well and to some 14 foreign coun­ I ------academically and has a 3.9 (out tries. Not bad. I of a possible 4.0 perfect) score Alex Sherzer's more im­ I MAIL CHECK TO; to prove it. mediate goal: to become a· I A.I. JEWISH HERALD P.O. Box 6063 Providence, A.I. 02940 Interested in learning grand master by the age of 23, I foreign_l anguages, Sherzer - which means he would attain 1n add1t1o n to Engl1~h - that highest ranking in the L------1 a! - worl.d of chess whil~'.a i t,udent ·• ·• •••• : ~:. ; , • ; : • • ::: .·• • • • • -·~ .'.. , • . .'.. _ -.. .. '-·~"-'--··· •• .,1 l'J,t,,,,_.,...,., J't.r.r.,.,.,#?.'l'tt,•,··1:.r. ·, '· n:;'!.)';~:;:~f~R~~;{~~?l~~t~ ,It RI C. - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991 - 3 Time Out

Indian. Indians stayed closer to this sphere. He winged his way friends are former students The Tale Of Beakie the meaning of all life. The into the dining room and who have become colleagues. idea of a pet held less appeal paused for a brief spell on the After a proper period of mourn­ than the concept of sitting crystal chandelier. Then he ing, I told the tale of Beakie's By Mike Fink among pines waiting for a touched base at all his favorite passing at a small RISD soiree. Herald Contributing Editor chickadee. The bird in the bush haunts, the high points of the The artists decided to send me was worth more than the bird house, upstairs and down- their images of that moment of in the hand. Even so, Beakie stairs. Curtain rods, door and truth. Upon our parlor couch moved freely through house window frames, pictures and we all use the pillow with an and garden and wove his way mirrors. Beakie landed on embroidered motif of a brilliant There is a tradition of telling we read to our daughter Emily. into our hearth and our hearts. Emily's head and picked a few bird sailing downwards. It re- a bird story at Pesach. I offer Beakie was half tame from the My wife says she nursed blond hairs. For the first time minds me of the death designs the following: start. He came out of his little Beakie through a series of ill - he patiently let her stroke the on the Etruscan tombs north of Canaries and finches had gilded domain onto Emily's nesses over the years. I like the green and yellow feathers of Rome. always been part of my life. finger, new round the house house cool in winter. I go and his back. Beakie has become the icon When Christopher, my first without panic, and perched turn down the thermostat. She She preened him fondly. He of our early family life_. Emily canary, died, I got pneumonia back on top of his wire home turns it back 'up. Parakeets kissed her on the lips. He showed concern for a feathered from grief and nearly joined when good and ready. don't do well in the cross turned and re-entered his cage friend, maybe a symbol too of him. I bought a pair of finches Summers we took him and draughts of a New England and jumped up to the high me, before she moved into the for my mother when she was his gear down to our cottage by winter. He caught colds and perch for a moment of con- harder teen years and away mortally ill. I used to place the the river. Sometimes he would developed a thyroid condition. templation. from her dad. Beakie blessed cage on our sunny brick patio. dive out among the bushes and We fed him medicine, kept a As we stared at this eerie per- us with his good will and A hawk came down from the scrub trees. Willingly he would strong lamp focussed directly formance, Beakie spread his courtesy. maple and sliced their heads alight on a finger or head, hop on him, took him to vets and brightly plumed wings, sank He set a role model for us to off right through the bars. Grue- into his cage and return to had his claws trimmed neatly. gracefully to the sandy noor, follow. Beakie lived with us some destinies. routine. Beakie went on for five full and vanished, expired, went amicably and died among us Would I have better luck My generation, born in the winters. No more, no less. out, in a gesture unimaginably nobly. He brought nature and with a parakeet? We named depression, was affected by its When Beakie felt his span composed and poised. art, coming and going, indoors Beakie for the budgerigar in an conservation ethic. In Cow- was done, this is how he han- I teach at Rhode Island and outdoors, all things into English children's picture book boys and Indians, I played died the drama, the exit · from School of Design. Many of my perfect accord. uncle Harry ____p_o_ o_r_w_o_m_a_n_,_h_o_ve_r_e_d_a_ro_u_n_d':"'""_y_e_a_r_l_w_ a_s-to-:-b-e-B=-a-r-:-M:i-tz_v_a-:h-.--ex_c_i-te_m_e_n_t_b_u_t_l_:--h-ad"'.'""".'b_e_e_n ______by Lillian Kline him as if he were the Messiah Here was a magic occasion that warned not to open any enve- ~ As far back as I ca n remem­ come to usher in the mil- was coming up and my mother lopes given to me in the syna- ber I kn ew that Uncle Harry lenium. was positive that Uncl e Harry gogue. I must wait until I got was ri ch. All our other relatives Dinner over, Uncle Harry would present me with a most home. The repast after the were poor just like us, but would produce that long black generous gift. No fountain pen service was simple and fin all y CARPENTRY Uncle Harry was definitely cigar, lean back in our onl y from Uncle Harry, no empty it was all over and we were ri ch, hence something special, comfortable chair and con­ wallet, no bedroom sli ppers home. With trembling hands I DESIGN and we kids were never al- descend to in fo rm us about all (w hi ch, incidentally, I needed opened the envelope Uncle SERVICES lowed to forget it. his fa ntastic money deals.f WeJI badly). Every night, before I Harry had slipped into my Uncle Harry was my clung on every word . A ter a , fell asleep, I would conjure up pocket. My father and mother AVAILABLE mother's brother. He li ved 30 some day, some of that money in my mind all the possible watched with stifled anticipa­ miles from our town and once was going to be ours and it was wonderful things Uncle Harry tion as I gingerl y pulled out the • Kitchens & Baths f to our advantage to listen and might give me. Hopefully , a co ntents, a gold coin and care­ • Porches & Decks a year he paid us a visit. I the to learn. After two hours of lis­ King of England had deigned good sum of money. How fully laid it on the table fo r all • Vinyl Siding · tening to the self-praise, my much? I couldn"t decide. What- to see. I was too nervous to to honor us by dropping m at brother and I would begin to • Replacement Windows our humble abode, the prep- ever it was, it certainly would read the numerals but my • Additions & Dormers arations couldn't have been get restless. In order not to dis­ be tremendous. I wasn't really father grabbed the coin and more frantic than they were for turb Uncle Harry's grandiose greedy or mercenary. Only peering through his thick License #2983 Uncle Harry·s yearly soiourn.· spiel, my mother would se_nd someone as poor, as destitute glasses, let out a howl that We boys, my brother and I, my brother and me on some m ­ as we, could possibly under- could be heard in the whole Insured were shoved out of our room consequential errand. What a stand my feelings towards neighborhood. Uncle Harry had Office# 527-6750 and the whole room under- joy it was to get away from that Uncle Harry. He seemed like given me a 2½ dollar gold · · Call after 5 pm went a complete overhauling. man' We lingered awayh for· my one escape, the only way to piece. My mother began to cry. That's really an understate: hours, returning only wd en 1t acquire an education, the only I was too stunned. I just kept 231-8414 • 353-4745 ment. More to the point, the was time for supper an more light at the end of a long dark looking at that 2½ dollar gold walls were wiped down, the of Uncle Harry's fabuloush tunnel. For a whole year, I was (col'ltinued on page 5) bedclothes aired for a whole accomplishments. Even at t at buoyed up. When I think back, h d youthful age, I knew that I don't know which was more day, the curtains was e ' Uncle Harry was a bore but exciting to me, my Bar Mitzvah starched and hung back like when we thought about all the SUBURBAN FITNESS CENTER white sentinels at the gleaming f or the anticipation of Uncle windows, the floor waxed, the things he was going to do or Harry's gift on that propitious announces its furniture dusted and polished, us, w_ e suffered in silence.d We occasion. the closet and bureau drawers sat quietly, we liStene ' we Finally the blessed day ar­ GRAND OPENING emptied and cleaned and then oohed and ahedd in the right rived. I stood on the pulpit and the entire room closed and places. We playe our parts as proclaimed myself a man. I CELEBRATION if we had been rehearsed by read from the sacred book. I of its newest location kept closed until Uncle Harry's the great Max Reinhardt him- recited my little speech, and impending arrival. ·self. After three days, Uncle 25 ESTEN AVE., PAWTUCKET This mountain of work was remembered when to stop. Harry would finally leave. We Later my father said I did well Exit 25 off 95N done by one person - my . h f r f d mother, without one word of all breathed a s1g o re ie an and from him that was high or returned to normal until his praise. My mother h':1gged _me complaint or one tiny mention next visit, which, thank God, Our newly renovated of being tired. After all, Uncle and cried a little with pnde. Johnston/Scituate Facility. . · -1 d was a year away. Uncle Harry put his arms Harry was coming to v1s1 , an Although out of sight, Uncle around me and surreptitiously Rt. 6 Scituate Village Shopping Center. some day my rich Uncle Harry Harry was in our conversation slipped a small envelope into :~~;;~e~o~~~\~~; t~~of daily, especially during the my pocket. I was tingling with SATURDAY- MARCH 30, 1991 Iege, to buy some new clothes, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm maybe even a bicycle for me "Helping in the Joy of New Birth" and my young brother. IWIN A TRIP FOR TWO TO HAWAII! Finally· the big day would • Infant Care Teaching arrive and Uncle Harry would • Breastfeeding Support march into our modest dwell­ • C-Section Care ------, ing. We boys immediately r 3 MONTHS FREE 1 rushed out to bring in his bags • Medela Breast Pump Sales and Rental Station I WITH THIS AD I and deposit them in that im ­ • Meal & House Care Assistance I WHEN YOU JOIN FOR : maculate room which we had • Mothers' Helpers been forced to vacate. My • 24 HOUR TELEPHONE SUPPORT SERVICE IF NEEDED I 3 MONTHS I mother, by now, had already I This limited offer expires March 30th at 6 pm .J set the table with Uncle MOTHER AND NEWBORN HOMECARE Harry's favorite meal, matzo­ (Di vision of Cathleen Naughton Associates) L------ball soup and flanken. In no 249 Wickenden Street, Providence, RI 02903 FREE REFRESHMENTS time at all Uncle Harry gobbled GIVEAWAYS AND MUCH MOREi everything down to the last (401) 751-BABY • (401) 849-BABY morsel. He enjoyed my mother's GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Meet in Person Miss A.I. USA, Miss Teen A.I. USA and Mrs. A.I. USA REIMBURSEMENT FOR SERVICE UNDER SOME HEALTH PLANS cooking and always praised 725-2040 CALL TODAY - 725-2040 !/)ieriih 0 10\IJlMg

MAILING ADDRESS: Box 6063, Providence, RI 02940 TELEPHONE: (401) 724--0200 PLANT: Herald Way, off Webster Street Pawtucket, RI 02861 OFACE: 1175 Warren Avenue March 28, 1941 EHt Providence, RI 02914 Fine Amsterdam Jews NEW YORK Dinty Second class postage paid at Providence, GENEVA - A heavy fine ventionism is obviously the Moore, the restaurant Rhode Island . Postmaster send address will be imposed on Amster­ owner, had to appear in changes to the A.I. Jewish Herald, P.O. B9x majority American senti ­ 6063, Providence, RI 02940·6063. dam's 100,000 Jews for al­ ment," said the paper. court the day after St. Subscription Rates : Thirty-five cents per leged participation in anti­ Patrick's to answer charges copy. By mail $10.00 per annum, outside RI that he advertised kosher and southeastern Mass. $14.00 per annum. Nazi demonstrations in Ladies Free Loan Bu lk rates on request. The Herald assumes which one uniformed Nazi Coinciding with its Tenth calves' liver with bacon. He subscriptions are continuous unless notified was killed and scores of oth­ admitted that there was to the contrary in writing . Anniversary celebration, the The Herald assumes no financial responsi­ ers injured. Ladies Hebrew Free Loan somewhat of a contradiction bility for typographical errors in advertisements, Association will hold its an­ but argued that anyone not but will reprint that part of the advertisement in N. Y. News Hits Campaign wanting bacon could order which the typographical error occurs . Adver­ nual Donor's Luncheon in liver and onions. After the tisers wm please notify the management Aimed at Jews the Empire Room of the immmediately of any error which may occur. Condemning a "whisper­ Crown Hotel, under the co­ magistrate agreed and dis­ Unsolicited manuscripts: Unsolicited manu­ ing campaign" blaming missed Dinty, the Irishman scripts are welcome. We do not pay for copy chairmanship of Mrs. David printed . All manuscripts must be typed, double­ American Jews "for our be­ Saltzman and Mrs. Benjamin said he was foolish in the spaced . Enclose a stamped , self-addressed - ing as deep in the war as we first place to have a kosher envelope if you want the manuscript returned . - Schuster. Mah Jong and - now are," the New York sign under the name of Letters to the editor represent the opinions of - bridge will follow dinner. lhe writers , not the editors , and should include Daily News presented facts Dinty Moore and wouldn't the letter writer's telephone number for verifl­ this week refuting the anti­ Questioned by Court on do it again. calion . Notice : The opinions presented on Kosher Sign The Herald is a member of the New England this page do not necessa rily represent Jewish arguments. "Inter- Press Association and a subscriber to the t ~~ 9P.i~i9ns. of)his est,a.9 l,is_h,11J.ept. , , ,.-.}f.,lil',~r;J,i.llii-~91'¥.•.·-•: s : .-,,_,• ·. · ,,a .. -..-, ,...... -...... · __ .,..,.., ... ,...... _ ... ,.. ; -,

THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991 5 Opinions Rabbi Menachem M. inevitable that not only would des and wonders in this our designated " It shall surely be a Schneerson's Message there be a declaration of war, time and in these our days. year of miracles," we fre­ etc., but that the war would To the Sons and Daughters of ... quently emphasized the timeli­ sa_n in the twelfth year of his engulf many nations and set In the course of the current ness of our Sages' prediction Our People Israel, every· off a new world-war, G-d for­ where, reign and Esther's banquets for year (5751) which Jews have (in Ya/kut Shimoni on Isaiah Achashverosh and Haman - bid - yet, in a most extraordi­ (by way of acronym) desig­ #499) concerning wars that G-d bless you all! nary tum of events, not only ~II seemingly natural happen­ nated and assigned: " It shall would break out in the speci­ was a world-war prevented, Greeting and Blessing: ings per se. It is only after pro­ surely be a year of revealed fied region of the world, which C_oming from the days of found study of those events but the war that had begun wonders"; as also during the will signal the near arrival of was quickly over! Punm - days of miracles that and perceiving them as one latter part of the preceding year (continued on page 19) HaShem wrought "in those (Ontinuous and connected se­ While all signs pointed to (5750) - which was likewise days at this season," and ap­ quence that one is able to the outbreak of a massive war proaching the Festival of recognize the guiding Hand of requiring a huge army with Free Telephone Lecture Brings Pesach, when we celebrate the HaShem. This is one of the rea­ massive weaponry of the most " Festival of Our Freedom," sons why there is no explicit advanced technology, and after "Guarding Your Tongue" Home thanking HaShem for the mira­ mention of G-d 's Name in the everything was duly as­ Tapping into the wisdom a phenomenon in their own cles and wonders which He entire Book of Esther (one of sembled and in place for a long cont_ained in the book, Chafetz lives that the Chofetz Chaim wrought in connection with the 24 holy books of T'NaCh) war expected to last weeks and Yetzias Mitzraim (our libera­ months - victory came in a Cha11n , has long been the privi­ himself mentioned in his writ­ - because the Miracle of ings: Leaming about the com­ tion from Egypt) - Purim occurred in a manner of matter of days! lege of only those who had the It is now highly opportune The victory was so won­ background and time to tackle mandment provides the "concealment of (HaShem's) strength for performing it to give full attention to the mir­ Countenance," as alluded to drous that not only was much its complex language. But now, acles and wonders which came bloodshed (as had been feared) anyone with JO spare minutes properly. Those JO short min­ (according to one interpreta­ utes a day stick with students to pass just recently around tion) in the verse, " And I will avoided, but the enemy was a day, a telephone and a desire Purim time. forced to relinquish without to learn can have access to this throughout the day, raising hide My face on that day," their awareness of guarding These were revealed mir­ namely, that it refers to the further ado its booty and to knowledge, which is the key to observing the essential your tongue in every situa­ acles, obvious miracles, not Miracle of Purim - a miracle free captives and hostages in­ commandment of guarding tion. only for Jews but also for all that was "clothed" and con­ cluding some that had been your tongue. Our sages state many times nations, "seen in all the comers cealed in a natural "garb." held from before. The book, Chafetz Chaim, is that the effects of "guarding of the earth"; everyone saw the By contrast, the events dur­ - Our Torah teaches and the definitive halachic work on your tongue" reach even farther great miracles that unfolded at ing the months le.ading to (and directs us to guard against this commandment. A JO ­ than the lives of individual this time. up to the middle of) the month speaking in terms of predicting minute telephone lecture, Jews. Th ey reach right up to The miracles of " those days" of unfolded a clearly evi l. We pray that henceforth - in the days of Mordechai there will be only good tidings, which changes daily, explores Ha shem and determine His re­ extraordinary miracle fo r the lationship with K'lal Yisroel. and Esther - were, as is well benefit of Jews as well as for in the kind of good that is re­ every major facet of this book known, concealed in the vealed and obvious. - in clear, concise English. And now, through the tele­ the benefit of the entire world; phone lecture, every Jew has natural order of events: from Indeed, those who are " in­ Presenting the lectures is a conspicuous miracle before the opportunity to explore this the begin ning of Achashver­ siders" - who know many Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz, for­ the eyes of all the nations. most vital commandment. osh's reign, to the third year of details that do not reach the merly of Mirrer Yeshiva, media - appreciate more Yerushalayim, and now a rabbi Simply call (401) 453-3719 his reign, to the seve nth year of In view of the existing inter­ anytime, 24 hours a day. If you his reign, to the month of Nis- deeply the marvels of the mira- at Aish Ha Torah. His presenta­ national conditions it seemed tion has been praised by, the know of someone who would Uncle Harry lectures' daily dial -in students like to bring the " Guarding Sammy lost all the money on on someone else to get you Your Tongue" Lecture to his/ (continued from page 3) as dynamic, lucid and precise. the way to the bank?" what you want. Depend upon Those who are availing her city, please ask him to call piece from my rich Uncle My father banged his fist so only one person - yourself. themselves of this lecture note (908) 905-0352. Harry. This must be some joke. hard on our kitchen table, two You want an education. You Submitted by Moshe Feuer. My aunt Becky who was our dishes fell to the floor. "Your want to grow up to be some­ poorest relative had given me 2 brother," he yelled "your rich body. Make up your own mind dollars and Uncle Louis who brother" and then my father let you're going to do it on your PAL'S LAWJ'II MAINTENANCE had a brood of eight children loose a torrent of words I had own strength, your own brains, and never had one extra dime never even heard. "Your despi­ your own will, your own deter­ SPRING CLEAN-UP (so my parents often men­ cable brother gave our son a mination - and God's bl ess­ • grass cutting • mulch counterfeit coin. Two and ½ ing. " tioned) had also given me 2 • dethatch • driveways seal-coated dollars. I had never seen my dollars as a gift wasn't cheap This all happened so long father so angry. No one dared enough for that braggart we've ago. My parents are gone these FULLY INSURED • FREE ESnMA TES to mention Uncle Harry. had to put up wi th for years. It many years. I've lost all trace of \ One day, a few weeks after turns out even that 2 ½ dollars Uncle Harry. I think of them all R. BAFFONI & SON my Bar Mitzvah, my father sug­ is no good." with sadness and affection. By 944-3112 gested that I collect all my My mother began to cry dint of hard work and God's monies and he would take me (when she was at a loss for blessing, things have turned down to the bank and open a words she al ways cried) out more than well for me. I savings account in my name. " Aaron." She tried to take my think my father would have So off to the bank we trudged father's arm. " Aaron, I'm sure been pleased, and my dear with all my booty including, of he didn't know it was counter­ mother would be so happy, she course, Uncle Harry's 2½ dol­ fe it. Cheap he is. To that I'll would probably cry a little. I lar gold piece. agree, but he's not a crook." often wonder did Uncle Harry Becoming a depositor in a " Don't tell me anything really know that 2½ dollar H/?ohland bank was a heady experience more about your brother. If gold piece was counterfeit. I for me. The man behind the anyone else had given our son doubt it. I can still hear my cage was most pleasant, greet­ a counterfeit coin, I would mother's gentle voice, "Cheap ourt ing me with a nice smile and a agree they didn't know it was yes, but not a ctook." Respond­ counterfeit, but not your ing angrily, my father's voice friendly "Welcome, to our I Now Offers The Community bank, young man." He started brother. He knew, he damn still booms out loud and clear, to count the money I handed well knew. That cheap, no " He knew, that crook, he over but when he ca me to good - I never again want knew, he definitely knew." Personalized Home Care & Nutritional Services Uncle Harry's 2½ dollar gold him in this house." piece he suddenly stopped My father turned to me, Lillian Klin e, a fictional writer counting. "May I ask where "Sammy this should teach you from Massachusetts, submits LET US BRING THESE DISTINGUISHED you got this coin?" I was just a good lesson. Never depend articles regularly to the Herald. SERVICES INTO YOUR HOME about to answer " from Uncle Harry" but my father spoke up RELIABLE PERSONALIZED quickly and said "From one of HOME CARE WHEN YOU NEED IT our acquaintances." The man HOME HEALTH CARE behind· the cage frowned. " I When Home Care Is Needed hate to tell you this, but this ***** 2½ dollar gold piece is counter­ HOME HEALTH AIDE• HOMEMAKERS DELICIOUS AND NUTRITIOUS MEALS PREPARED REGISTERED NU RSES• LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES feit. There have been quite a BY HIGHLAND COURTS EXPERIENCED CHEFS few of them around lately." He Personnel BONDED & INSURED - Supervised by a Registered Nurse handed the coin back to me For More Information Available 7 Days A Week, with the comment "Why don't CALL TODAY you keep it for a souvenier but 24 Hours A Day don't ever pass it for money." I Licensed RI Agency assured him I wouldn't. .(401) 273-2220 My father's face was livid. CAJHLEE A Neitherofusspokealltheway N N LJGHTON ASSOC. Highland Court Services, Ltd. home. As soon as we walked Cathleen Naughton RN BS IO I Highland Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island 02906 into the house, my mother took 249 Wi ckenden Street • Providence, RI one look at my father and cried 7 51 -9660 ....; __, -out-·"Aaron, -what's· -wrong? ··· ______--Wakefield-7-83-€.11-6 · - · · ·· ·---···-NewJ!)ert-849 _____-1233- · 6 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991 World and National News

Billboard Displays Carry EL AL Readies For Passover with First Class passengers Passover Message From kosher-le-Pesach sage. receiving a luxury-bound, spe­ menus to factory new equip­ NEW YORK (LNS) - In an It is estimated that well over cial edition Haggadah, de­ ment, EL AL Israel Airlines is innovative approach to raise 20 million people a day will see signed exclusively for EL AL. A busily preparing for Passover Jewish awareness of the arriv­ these billboards on highways special edition Haggadah, in under the strict supervision of ing Passover holiday, Luba­ and byways, in cities and Russian, will be given out on the Israeli Chief Rabbinate vitch has employed the use of towns across the country. They all flights during Passover car­ Supervisor at Ben Gurion Air­ high exposure outdoor display are intended to stimulate inter­ rying Soviet olim from Russia National port, Rabbi Katzir. ads. est among Jews to identify with to Israel. Passengers fl ying EL AL As part of the Lubavitch and celebrate the Passover During Passover, EL AL will during the holiday of Passover It was reported by the movement's global campaign holiday. offer the following extensive New will enjoy traditional matzoh to bolster Jewish education, " Many Jews only need a scheduled flight service to Tel York Tim es that the U.S. instead of bread, coconut 200 billboards in 50 major U.S. light jolt, a spiritual 'shot in the Aviv: from New York, nine State Department has de­ macaroons instead of cake, as nounced Israel's plans to de­ cities have been commissioned arm' to stir their latent spiritual flights (eight nonstop); from well as . matzoh balls in all to display attractive, full-color sensitivities," said a Lubavitch Boston, one every Monday; port four Palestinians from soups during inflight food the Gaza Strip, saying the posters. The posters bear the spokesman. "These elegant re­ from Chicago, every Monday; service. action was damaging to U.S. message " Don't ,;ass over Pass­ minders, which include a local from Miami, every Tuesday No beer, peanuts or rice, for efforts toward improving over," along with a visual of telephone number for informa­ and Thursday; and from Los instance, will be available in Arab-Israel relations. State the traditional three matzohs tion and assistance, may just be Angeles, every Monday and accordance with the dietary Def)artment spokesperson and four cups of wine - cen­ the necessary motivating cat­ Wednesday. laws of Passover. Only kosher­ Margaret D. Tutwiler said, tral to the Passover seder. alyst." EL AL offers more nonstop le-Pesach approved soft drinks, '. 'The United States deplores In addition to the billboards, This new project is part of service and we carry more pas­ wines and liquors will be avail­ posters will be placed in each the multifaceted, worldwide sengers to and from Israel than this decision by the govern­ able during Passover flights. ment of Israel. Deportations of the 6000 subway cars of the Passover campaign initiated by any other airline. For more in­ And dried fruit will be served metropolitan New York trans­ the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi formation, contact your local are a violation of the Fourth as snacks. portation system, and hun­ Menachem M. Schneerson, to travel agent or EL AL at 1-800- Geneva Convention .. .'' Haggadahs will be distrib­ dreds of bus shelters will be strengthen the observance of 223-6700 or in New York at adorned with the same mes- uted to all EL AL passengers, the festival. 212-768-9200. Reports from The Washing­ Reform Judaism 2001 amid repressive encounters challenges and difficulties fac­ ton Post say that U.S. offi ­ with Christendom, that Juda­ ing Jews in North America and cials were working long by Alexander M. Schindler cation on behalf of Reform ism was codified in works that throughout the world. hours Monday evening at Jewish literacy and spirituality. (Part II of II) encrusted lrnlac/1a and eventu­ Dramatic realignments and the United Nations negotiat­ We see it, too, at the grass all y helped atrophy our faith's upheavals in our world have ing terms of a permanent Reform Judaism will rise to roots: there is a new sense of its calling with a spiritual and most creative dynamics. Clas­ heightened Jewish vulnerabil­ cease-fire in the war against discipline in the performing of sic Judaism of an earlier era ity, both psychologically and Iraq. Senior officials have educational intensification and 111itzvot, a renewed apprecia­ an enhanced understanding of was a work-in-progress in the actually - certainly in the predicted an agreement tion for the Jewish calendar, best sense: a religion not of Middle East, where Israel is would be reached later this Reform Judaism's authenticity. greater interest in traditional There will be a flowering of obeisance but of dialogue tem­ once again face-to-face with week, clearing the way for texts. There is an infectious full withdrawal of U.S. adult education and steady in­ pered by a profound sense of the implacability of its foes; in gladness gripping the hearts responsibility. Our sages rarely parts of Eastern Europe, where forces from the Persian Gulf. crease in the number of Reform and minds of many Reform day schools, worship atten­ acted as strict constructionists: the dissolu tion of totalitarian Jews and creating a Sabbath International dance will increase, and a lla/acha was always a soluble "order" has brought forth, peace in many Reform house­ substance when mixed with among its fruits, the bitter greater heedfulness of Jewish holds. Jerusalem (JT A) - Israel's tradition will be seen in Reform human tears. grapes of resurgent anti-Semi­ Likud-led government was Where will these trends fi nd It is crucial for Reform Jews homes. tism; and here in North shaken in the when us a decade hence? On the one not to view their movement as America, where budget deficits The growth of Reform day hand we begin with a discour­ the opposition succeeded, schools, adult education pro-• some form of Jewish minimal­ and economic insecurity with the help of two coali­ aging level of Jewish ignor­ ism that cannot satisfy a pas­ supply grist for the anti­ grams, summer study insti-' ance, a too-small cadre of tion partners, in blocking a tutes; the vibrancy of our sionate heart. Rather, the deep­ Semites. multimillion-shekel alloca­ informed and motivated young ening of literacy and spiritual Yet Jewish empowerment, as camping movement; our crea­ leaders, and a lingering hyper­ tion to religious institutions tivity as a publisher of Jewish vision with our movement a community unto itself and in of the Orthodox parties. rationalism and embarrass­ should produce a more power­ alliance with other forces, is at books; the development of our ment about religious fervor. task forces on synagogue music ful tie among us, an increased an all-time high, facilitated in We begin with two generations Tel Aviv ()TA) - Israel De­ and religious commitment - sense of kinship with the no small part by the worldly who were stunted by our fense Force soldiers killed all of these bespeak a much­ Judaic past, and a great excite­ involvements of the Union of willingness to sum up the ment regarding our future. As two alleged terrorists and needed, nationwide intensifi- American Hebrew Congrega­ whole Torah, as did Hillel, our prayers become more uni­ tions and our affiliate organiza­ wounded a third outside the with words about kindness to fi ed and our religious dialogue tions. It is we, of all the syna­ southern Lebanon security DAVID M. GREENBERG, DPM our neighbors, but without intensifies, I believe that our gogue movements, who most zone last Thursday morning. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS adding his injunction to "go evolutionary form of Judaism participate in Christian-Jewish The IDF soldiers opened OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF and study." will surpass a grasping Ortho­ dialogue, in joint activity with fired on the occupants of a DISORDERS OF THE FOOT, On the other hand we have doxy in its claim to "authentic­ the African-American com­ "suspicious looking" white SURGERY AND SPORTS MEDICINE a liberality of thought, a broad ity.' Towards this end, our munity, inactive engagement Mercedes sedan when the AT sense of compassion, a distrust national movement must strive with governmental policy­ strangers challenged the of dogma - all parts of a mod­ EAST SIDE/PAWTUCKET not only to provide resources, makers, and in a democratic IDF's order to halt. The oc­ ern Judaism that is more true to but to establish greater com­ dialogue with other Jews. In cupants were reported to be FOOT HEALTH the dynamic, classic faith of SPECIALIST, INC. munal coherence and move­ this, we are Jewish survivalists members of Hezbollah, the our ancestors than is so-called 649 EAST AVENUE, PAWTUCKET ment-wide criteria against to the core, for at the heart of pro-Iranian extremist "Torah-true" Judaism today. Office Hours: Telephone: which the indi\>idual can meas­ Reform Judaism is our historic Moslem militia. By Appointment (401) 727-2660 Let us remember that it was ure his or her sense of Jewish understanding that isolation, not until the Middle Ages, renewal. ghettoization, and an us­ ~ ------, Playing Our Part versus-them mentality, far Jerusalem ()TA) - Knesset in the Human Drama from holding together the Jew­ members voted last Thurs­ We a re pleased to announce the formation of our new fir.m With increased confidence ish people, serve to heighten day, approving a $30.6 bil­ bred of increased commitment, Jewish vulnerability and suf- lion state budget, which, for the first time in Israel's his­ Reform Jews will play a leader­ (continued on page 19) GoRIDN, HARRIS & O'BRIEN ship role in confronting the tory, allocates more for im­ migration than defense Attorneys at Law spending. The budget is for Incorporated INDUSTRIAL SECURITY nine months only, covering April I through Dec. 31. The & INVESTIGATIONS 23-14 result was a Iess-than­ impressive victory for Prime Stephen A. Gordon Armed & Unarmed Security Guards & Patrols Minister Yitzhak Shamir's Barbara Harris All Guards Supervised & Trained government, because only 31 percent of the 120-mem­ William J. O'Brien, Jr. ber parliament bothered to SPECIALIZING IN MATRIMONIAL CASES register votes. 24 HOUR SERVICE Bankruptcy Business Reorganization Divorce/Custody RI LICEN SE #1 Latvia, struggling for inde­ pendence from the Soviet Real Estate Personal Injury Litigation in all Courts Photography • Missing Persons • Debugging Insurance Claims • Electronic Surveillance Union, has taken at least a symbolic step in that direc­ Complete Security Analyst 339 Angell Street Providence, Rhode Island 02906 tion by inaugurating direct 401-421-5000/FAX: 401- 421-5094 LICENSED & BONDED flights between Riga and Tel 40.1-353-7_780 • _401 :35l~6~ Aviv. ~~?< 1 I , \ \._ I , J I I I • I J,1 J 1 1.-., ,~

I__ ,_ \" -II"\ 11 f") )I 'I~ 1 , r., t ,

THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991 - 7 Behind The Headlines: Challenges Facing Jewish Catholic-Jewish Tensions Alleviated Revival In USSR Evident At Moscow Gathering by Debra Nussbaum Cohen ion clear through Vatican dip­ NEW YORK (JTA) - A po­ lomatic channels. Jewish and by Charles Hoffman tentially serious rift in Cath­ MOSCOW (JT A) - Launch­ Catholi c leaders from Chicago olic-Jewish relations has been sent a joint letter to Cardinal ing a religious revi va l among ~ averted as a result of a Vatican Jews in the Soviet Union is / Angelo Felici of the Congrega­ panel's decision to recommend proving to be an uphill strug­ ti on for the Causes of Saints, against beatifying Queen Isa­ gle, mainly because the liberal­ urging him to "put this pro­ bella I of Spain. ization of Soviet society has posal to rest in light of the sig­ The 40 bishops on the Pontif­ nificant damage it would do to opened the way for the mass ical Council for Christian Unity exodus of Soviet Jews. contemporary interreligious unanimously passed a resolu ­ relati ons." That was evident at the sec­ tion whi ch reportedly states News of its adoption was re­ ond Congress of the Union of that the proposed beatification vealed to the American Jewish Jewish Religious Communities of Isabella contradicts current 1 community at a March 5 meet­ in the Soviet Union held here church positions on the free­ E ing . recently. dom of conscience. I The podium was graced by The resolution, which was The process of making saints E distinguished rabbis and MOSCOW - Jewish religious leaders from across the not made public, also reported­ has been cloaked in secrecy J halachic sages from Israel and Soviet Union, Israel and the United States met here in mid­ ly concludes there is no evi ­ since the Vatican first started the United States, who came to March at the 2nd Congress of the Union of Jewish Religious dence that Isabella fulfills the the system earl y in church offer advice and encourage­ Communities in the Soviet Union. Left to right, seated: the requirements fo r sainthood, history. A resolution against a ment. But the 200 delegates in h, of Haifa, Shear Yashuv Cohen; the Sephardic whi ch include proof that the ca ndidate is considered a rare the audience, mostly men over T Chief Rabbi of Israel, Mordechai Eliyahu; Yuri Christorad­ ca ndidate performed at least and important step for the 60, seemed to be at a loss about E1 nov, chairman of the Soviet Council on Religious Affairs; two miracles during her life­ Pontifical Council. what todo. cc Rabbi Arthur Schneier of New York, president of the time. Having worked all their li ves w Appeal of Conscience Foundation and senior rabbi of It also suggests her beatifica­ to preserve the tattered rem­ To many of the Jewish lead­ A Manhattan's Park East Synagogue, and Rabbi Adolph ti on would work against the ers who were vocal in their nants of religious life in their Shayevitch of the Choral Synagogue in Moscow, president Vatican's interest in promoting 3! cities and towns, when official opposition to Isabella's di of the Soviet synagogue federation. 1992 as the 500th anniversary government policy opposed all ca ndidacy, the concern demon­ 8: In his address to the Congress, Rabbi Schneier called for of the advent of Christianity in religions, they are now free to strated by the Pontifical Coun­ El a "mini-Marshall Plan" to provide Jewish religious com­ the "new world," rather than ci l marks a maturation of the do as they please. munities in tjle . USSR with teachers, religious function­ as the dark close to the golden But they do not know where relationship between Catholics w aries, educational materials, religious articles and other age of Spanish Jewry. and Jews. R, to begin. Nor do they have the assistance aimed at strengthening the infrastructure of the Isabella is viewed as a des­ tools or the knowledge of Juda­ In the past, the relationship 103 synagogues in the Soviet Union. pot by both Jews and Moslems, has been weakened by dispute, te ism to revive the synagogue as who were subjected to torture, even broken off at times, fo a center of communal life. All over the Soviet Union, strength and hope for the fo rced conversion and expul­ because of controversies such 81 Most serious is the growing about a dozen synagogue build­ future. Democratic change has gE sion during her reign from as the occupation of a convent shortage of Jews to fill the ings have been returned by the enabled us to have ties with B, 14 74- 1504. at the Auschwitz death camp synagogues. The mass aliyah government in the past two Jews all over the world. We Under her leadership, the by a group of Carmelite nuns Tl in the past year has drastically years, to be used for their origi­ expect much help from Jews Inquisition was established in and the pope's meetings with P< reduced the Jewish population nal purpose. abroad." all of Spain. In 1492, Jews were Palestine Liberation Organiza­ in many areas. There are about 100 cities A plan was announced at required to convert to Christi­ ti on chief Yasir Arafat and Kurt In the large Ukrainian city of and towns with significant the congress to create a central anity or leave Castile and Waldheim, the ex-Nazi presi­ Kharkov, for example, over Jewish populations, and practi­ rabbinic authority for the Aragon. In 1502, Moslems nPnt of Austria. half the Jews have gone to cally all of them now have Soviet Union, headed by Rab­ were forced to make the same J Israel in the past year. Their synagogues. But apart from a bis Goldschmidt and Shaye­ choice. s departure coincided, ironically, dearth of congregants, there is vitch, which would work in The resolution recommend­ b with the government's return only a handful of Soviet rabbis coordination with the Chief ing against beatification was ( of the synagogue, a large build­ and religious teachers. Rabbinate of Israel. presented to Pope John Paul II. 9 ing that had been used as a The Union of Jewish Re­ One of its tasks would be Though the Pontifical Coun­ community gym. ligious Communities was converting people of Jewish cil has no formal jurisdiction s Kharkov's Jewish com- formed about a year ago and ancestry who want to im­ over the Vatican Congregation INCORPORATED 5 munity lacks the money to has 77 member communities. It migrate to Israel. for the Causes of Saints, which a restore and furnish the build­ is headed by the leaders of Reciting a list of urgent oversees the actual process of ing or buy the ritual acces­ Moscow's Choral Synagogue, needs, Shayevitch said that making saints, several bishops ti sories. Rabbi Avraham Shayevitch Soviet Jews must have more participate in both groups. d The building therefore re­ and the congregation presi­ religious literature in Russian, The resolution carries great mains empty except for a small dent, Vladimir Federovsky. more schools and more yeshi­ " moral weight," according to ~ room used as a makeshift Shayevitch said that the fact vot. He also said there is a need one Catholic theologian. E chapel, where the Torah scroll that "great rabbis" came to the to organize communal welfare "Though it doesn't officially is kept in an old refrigerator congress from Israel and for the needy, an activity long kill the effort, most people con­ rl instead of a proper Ark. America "gives us great 0 dormant. sider it a dead case now," said "Unique Personalized (I the Rev . john Pawlikowski of Children's Gifts" D Israeli Public More Wary the Catholic Theological Union PRICES STARTING AT $5 T Than Ever About Germany in Chicago. I\ A significant factor in the Rocking Chairs Wall Mirrors by Gil Sedan tory at the Hebrew University. of World War II, the Third Pontifical Council's decision Clothes Trees Doll Cradles JERUSALEM (JT A) - Israe­ A random sampling of 1,200 Bulletin Boards Toy Chests Reich. was said to be the outcry from Student Desks Bookends d lis now have stronger negative Israeli Jews over age 18 was Such feelings were reported Catholic, Jewish and Moslem Clocks Lamps attitudes toward Germany than interviewed. Of that number, by only 13 percent 10 years groups around the world once ... and much more at any time in the last 10 years, 36 percent believed German­ ago. news of Isabella's proposed according to the latest public Israeli relations could not be ( 401) 946-8885 Asked to rate five nations - beatification spread. By appointment only. opinion survey. described as normal, up from k the United States, France, In many cases, Catholics and Jodi Miller and Marcy Grano.ff It goes deeper than resent­ 20 percent who felt that way in Germany, Holland and the Jews together made their opin- ment of Germany's equivocal a a poll taken last year. Soviet Union - only the u policies in the recent Persian Ten years ago, 30 percent Soviet Union received a more S, Gulf crisis, experts said. gave a negative response. negative re~ponse than The poll was conducted According to 34.S percent of Germany. Among 10 possible d under the auspices of the the respondents, today's ratings, Germany ranked The Newest Look o: Koebnf>r Chair in German His- Germany is not a "different lowest. T Israel Devalues Germany" from the Germany Cl The Shekel Introducing rr *BUYERS* T, The Government of Israel BUYERS AND SELLERS has devalued the Shekel by 401-437-0830 "The Mule" SE SAVE MONEY d, 6.67 percent. The value of the call our 24hr computer line with any touch tone phone 5( Israel Shekel is now 2.19 to the No Commission Fees to hear complete descriptions by Ellen Tracy dollar, compared with the pre- . of available FSBO properties. vious 2.05. ----OR---- $4995 sold elsewhere fc C8ll Office for detail printout. $1 25.00 " I Prior to this devaluation, the 6-10 M M Israel Ministry of Tourism has long marketed Israel as a desti ­ *SEUERS* 7AA-9AA nation where the dollar goes Maximum Marketing Methods *24 Hr Computer Phone Line d, further than other parts of the •20 Weekly & Daily Papers 23 Dexter Street world hi gh up on the list of •lV & Radio Exposure Option Pawtucket, RI 728-2840 tourist destinations, including *International Listing Available * Do-It-Yourself Forms, Books parts of Europe and the Far BE YOUR OWN BROKER •Sigr,s That Dispense Literature d1 East. And now, as a result of ~ * National Database Listing this recent action, the dollar cf'J\' A · 401-437-0860 local Asaoclaled BuB11.01aeo CorporatlOn DESIGNER b, goes, even further than before, .,, II'~ ~850 RI area 1445 _,,_ Tral 1!) _n_d_tq_4.Tjs _t~ q 11_1_geJ ll)gre v;tll.\ll'­ . -'~1188-- -. 8QQ li33Q86(). Qutallkl -RI - ...... - -Al.Cl-· • - . ~~. ·····-·Stf0ES-·' for thei r money. Introducing Temple Sinai AROUND TOWN Story and photos by Dorothea Snyder Tots To Passover

It was Operation Seder Plate for the youngsters at Temple Sinai's Nursery School/Pre-School early this week. Guided by director Harriet Zarchen and head teacher Jill Prazenica, the children enjoyed learning about the traditional Seder plate by pasting paper symbols of eggs, shankbones, haroset, bitter herbs and greens onto paper plates.

With dollops of paste on their fingers, Lisa Neufeld and Andrew Delmonico begin the first step.

"Look what I made!" chimes a delighted Leslie Bienenfeld after making her seder plate.

bt A trio of seder plate designers: Christopher Tucci, Daniel Salemi and Mia Zincone. • Director Harriet Zarchen shows and tells the children at each table what belongs on a traditional seder plate. At left are Emily Weintraub and bottom right, Leslie Bienenfeld.

Head Teacher Jill Prazenica assists Loren Steingold and Zachary Matusow in sJw_QQe,.Ri.\Jl~ mh:~ PJilt~ ilrts. j !Jsl. c_rJlfts. P!9ie.cJ .• ?:~clJRY. .>HS qiomentarily "Let's see, what's the next step?" Benjamin Gaines and Max Covill have just distracted by the camera. paste

THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991- 9 ======Arts and Entertainment

The Lower Depths Never Soars SMU Center For by Sarah Baird RJ Philharmonic Herald Associate Editor The Friends Society of the There's nothing beautiful The Center for Jewish Cul­ Rhode Island Philharmonic about the underworld, that ture is sponsoring a reading of will host its 14th Annual Auc­ dirty, acrid hole beneath our "I Love You, I Love You Not," tion on Saturday, April 13, at 6 ~idewalks. There, the forgotten a play by Wendy Kesselman, p.m. at the Roger Williams live huddled together under on Tuesday, April 2, at 2:00 Park Casino in Providence. blankets of damp cardboard. p.m. in the SMU Library This year's theme is " A Bloom­ The faces we try not to see in Browsing Area. ing Auction" with decor the shadows of doorways are Ms. Kesselman will be on boasting an abundance of scarred by brutal climates and campus throughout the day as spring flowers. The Auction, uncertain tomorrows. part of the Center for Jewish the Friends' principal fu nd­ There is, however, a certain Culture's Scholar-in-Residence raiser, will begin with a recep­ poetry and degree of dignity in Series," said Professor Robert tion and silent auction with all human stories of surviva l. P. Waxler, co-director of the bidding on nearly 200 small Trinity Theatre attempts to Center with Rabbi Glassman. items and services. The eve­ give life to this poetry of " I Love You, I Love You ning continues with a dinner, squalor with the production of Not" is a play that explores the catered by Cafe in the Barn, its newest play, Th e Lower re1ationship between a grand­ followed by a live auction, as Depths, by Maxim Gorky. Orig­ mother, who is a Holocaust the closing highlight. inall y staged at the Moscow survivor, and her granddaugh­ The live auction, conducted Arts Theatre in 1902 and di­ by Chris Mercurio, one of this Gustave Johnson, Andrew Mutnick and Patricia McGuire ter. Barbara Orson wi ll play the rected by the brilliant drama­ - ; role of the grandmother and country's top auctioneers, will tist, Stanislavsky, The Lower "in Maxim Gorky's classic, "The Lower Depths," at Trinity allow guests to bid on a variety Repertory Company through April 14. Jennifer Dundez, an actor from Depths creates a collage peo­ Brown University, will play the of donated items. Among the pled by a forsaken and desper­ given wing by drink. false prophet. Gustave John­ granddaughter. featured items to be auctioned ate group of boarding house This reviewer believes that son, however, brings to life a The performance is free and are paintings by such re­ bums. Richard Jenkins, the director, jovial, hopeful tramp and open to the public. nowned Rhode Island artists as The message of the play, con­ has misread and misdirected leaves the audience with an un­ Maxwell Mays and John trary to that of the deafening this potentially poetic play. clear feeling about his charac­ Hagen, a day's sail for eight on presentation at Trinity, is not With unmodulated, unintelligi­ ter's sincerity. characters as noble, poetic a 70-foot yacht, and trips to that these people live in the ble scenes, Jenkins has reduced It is also significant that the souls. We laugh instead, think­ Jamaica and Washington D.C. noisiest, dirtiest, most violent th e dignity of the underworld baron and his " fermented" ing that such bums could Tickets are $75 per person with place on earth. Gorky turned to a tragi-comic netherworld. wife, Kvashnya, have known hardly be prophets. tables of eight or ten available. back the soiled blankets cover­ The impact of a line like: " It's another world. Kvashnya can Gorky, however, did seem to Dress is black tie optional. For ing his fri ends in order to reveal not what a person says but why still escape through literature recognize that we all have a more information, call 831 - the power of hope and the they say it that matters," spo­ despite the fa ct that approxi­ hint of prophesy in our desper­ 3123. struggle to survive among even ken by Luka, is overwhelmed mately 95% of the population ation. Prophesy, after all, is lit­ those forsaken by society. by the chaos on stage. Luka's (at that time) is illiterate. Her tle more than articulated hope. The power of The Lower lines seem grand and fantastic, books are more than a luxury; In this respect, Satin offers the Depths comes from its message utterl y out of context. they are a vital, final link to her hope of enlightenment through that all of us - every drunk, Luka, a central character in lost horizons. drink - for a while, anyway. THE MEADOWBROOK CINEMA every thief, every baroness - The Lower Depths, is a symbol "You prophets can go to Th e Lower Depths is certainly 2452 Warwick Ave., Warwick dream of and deserve a better of something illusory. He pos­ hell," says Vaska Pepe!, the a period piece shaped by the ACROSS FROM SUPER STOP & SHOP life. Whether through inebria­ tures as a good man, but wrecks thief, to the others. environment of pre-revolution­ ALL MATINEES $1.00 tion, fiction or love, we must be havoc in the lives of those he The weighted irony of this ary Russia and the personal ex­ MON. & TUES. EVES. $1 00 given the chance to hope. The meets. His name is from the line (that they are all prophets periences of Gorky. Its poten­ ALL SHOWS • truth and beauty revealed by word "lukavyi," or sly in Rus­ already in one level of hell) is tial to transcend political and Satin (masterfully played by sian. He is more than a prophet lost, since the audience is not temporal frameworks, how­ Now Showing Saturday Matinees: King Ralph, Peter Gerety), for instance, are fi gure. In fact, he is perhaps a allowed to come to know the ever, has not been realized in L.A. Story, Kindergarten Cop Trinity's dull production. Now Showing Evenin'l,"' King CURTAIN Ralph, Not Without My aitghter, Patronize L.A. Story, The Gritters, · by Mike Fink Kindergarten Cop Herald Contributing Editor our advertisers! CALL 738-2471 (by Michael Korda 378 pages. British film producer. He sticks stage and out to the back alleys FOR TIMES & LISTINGS Summit Books $19.95) an alias over the glittering of wartime London. Take it all The fashion of mixing biog­ names of his characters, guests in with a heap of iodized salt. raphy with fiction has grown in his father's home. By the standards of my out of our fascist fascination According to CURTAIN, youth this lurid melodrama is with the rich and famous. It "Vivien Leigh" stabbed to unspeakable. By today's more infects all our communications. death with Shakespeare's dag-. political standards it is even We have run out of interest in ger her Hollywood Jewish worse. Korda shows Jews just You are cordially invited to attend the fifth annual our next door neighbors over lover. In the shabby flat of a the way the British like them. the fence. We crave stronger boy pickup who is " Danny Pushy, oversexed, a blend of meat. Maybe this new funky Kaye's" lover. " Danny" dies talent, energy and fakery. The Alan Shawn Feinstein art form sets out to make fun of off too. These stars give their upper class Brits don't come Awards for the Prevention and the reader. The new game all to shield those they worship out much better. "Vivien" breaks the codes of honor both from blackmail. Danny and Sir bears her only child as the Reduction of World Hunger of journalism and art, blurring Lawrence Olivier (aka " Robert result of a rape by her own Ceremony and Presentation the line between fact and Vane") spent one night to­ father, Uncle Harry, the fancy. gether and still pay the price. brother of her mother's hus­ The author changes the I read every word. Michael band. Thursday, April 4, 1991 names of his cast and disclaims Korda inherited the family gift I got through it in one snowy 8pm their stories. Michael Korda is for exciting plot, dramatic set­ evening. I'm not awfully proud Brown University's Salomon Center the son of Sir Alexander Korda, tings and recreations of the of it. Neither should Mike the great Hungarian Jewish past. He brings us into back- Korda be. President Vtirtan Gregorian and the Brown University Board ofF ellows are pleased Rhode Island's Child to announce the r990-9r award recipients Easter Sunday, Channel 36, 6:30 pm The People of lringa, Tanzania The Alan Shawn Feimtein World Hunger Award A special televison adaptation of the National Education Association Rhode Island Sixth Annual Children's Fund Celebration, featurin~ students of Rhode Nevin Scrimshaw Island public schools. Feimtein Merit Award for Research and Education "We hear a lot about the problems in our public schools and the problems Patricia Young with public education. But... you walked away from that (show) feeling Feinstein Merit Award for Public Service much better about the quality of education here in this state... sensational." - Steve Kass, WHJJ talk show host The program will include comments by the award recipients and the Honorary Chair ofthe r990-9r Awards The National Education Association Rhode Island is a union of education and public employees. The Children's Fund is a charitable foundation that provides clothing and other essentials to needy students.


NOAH'S ARK A newspaper for Jewish children

\ ·01-. :-; 111 . No. ; MAl!C'H . 1991/ AIJAH -N 1,A:-;. S7Sl

Until They People Go

alm ost Passover, time In Addis Ababa, the Jews live in slum to celebrate the exodus of dwellings, with eight to twelve people jammed the J ews from Egypt. It's together in a tiny one-room hut. The huts also time to celebrate the are made of mud wa ll s and tin roofs, and exodus of the Jews from have no floors. The floors inside are just Ethiopia. About 20,000 Jews like the ground outside - rocks and mud. still li ve in Ethiopia, dream­ They have no heat and no furn iture. ing of the day when they will be taken to Israel. Most About 5,000 to 8,000 of the Jews are chil­ of the Jews who are left are dren. Many are sick. Because the people are women, children, and old so poor, they have no shoes and are not people. properly dressed for the weathe r. A lot of young children have di ed. Clothes wh ich Most Ethiopian J ews used to live m vil­ American Jews have donated are on the way la ges. Last May, they started coming to to the Ethiopian J ews, however it is difficult Addis Ababa, the capital of E thiopia, so to get the items to them. Meanwhile, the that they could go to Israel as soon as per­ J oint Distribution Committee (JDC), an or­ m1 ss10 n was given by the Ethiopian govern­ ga ni zation that helps Jews around the world , ment. Most of the villages in Ethiopia are now has a health clinic in Addis Ababa empty of Jews now. Because Ethiopia is that is helping a lot. JDC is also giving having a civil war, some J ews are stuck be­ them fl our and other food . hind rebel lines and cannot make it to Addis Ababa yet. Also, amazingly, the Israeli government has been allowed to build a cultural center on The Ethiopian government has said that the grounds of the Israeli embassy in Addis they would let the Jews leave for Israel. Ababa. One half of the children come by However, they can't all leave at one time. the embassy twice a week for le ssons in So, a few hundred get to leave every few Hebrew and other subjects. They are learn­ months. Then, the government doesn't let in g from adult Ethiopian J ews who study at any more leave for awhile. Then, they will night so that they can tE)ach the children the let some more leave. Depending on how next day. many people get to leave and how often, it could take from two to four years for all of Until it is possible for all of the Jews to the Ethiopian J ews to go home to Israel. leave Ethiopia, J ews around the world are trying to help them. To find out what you can do, turn to the next page.

(Thanks to Rarbara Ribokove Gordon. Executive Director of the National Conference on Ethiopia ,J ewry. for the information in thi s article. Photos are courtesy of ,JDC'.)

Ethiopia is the poorest country in the world, and the J ews are the poorest people in Ethiopia. The Jews around the world can­ not help too much, because then other Ethi­ opians will be j ealous a nd might rob or attack the J ews. Ethiopian Jews make new friends in Is.-ael. THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991 11

Make Gifts For Ethiopian Jewish Children r ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··, T he children love to learn, but they do not have enough I Rebus - (Ree-boose) o,:i~~ i supplies. They need pencils, pens, and paper! In 1988, NOAH'S ARK readers sent thousands of gifts which were I If a box of matzah cost $ 1.00, how much is a pound? f delivered to E thiopian children. Now, your help is needed again. An organization called the North American Conference i i on Ethiopian J ewry (NACOEJ) has worked hard to help E thiopian J ews. Members of NACOEJ will be visiting E thio­ i O GN + · f::) A + \ \ f pian J ews soon and will take your gifts to the J ewish chil­ i ff L.:_;~ I dren m Addis Ababa. i I It is important that every child receives a gift NACOEJ cannot give a gift to some children and not to I o + J p + ~ - cw +I others. Please h·etp so that thousands of gifts can be de- livered. Thank you! I I/ ~ I

What You Need: I I j @ S + g96 HERRI j large Zipl, bag ballpoint pen pencil (sharpened) eraser I I a notebook or pad of paper ' ' a few pieces of hard candy L ..~~ ·- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- -:.- .. ~.. - ..- .,- ,,...J a surprise! (see #3) a picture drawn by you a note from you n~

What You Do: (Mah Hah-hehv-deh-leem) What Are The Differences? 1. Follow these instructions exactly! F ind at least 5 differences in the pictures below. 2. Put the pen, pencil, eraser, notebook (no binders, please!) or paper, and candy in the Ziploc bag.

3. Find a small surprise to put in the bag. It could be a lit­ tle toy car, a small pad of paper, a li ttle ball, a small sock puppet you made yourself, stickers, or anything that's not too big. Large toys or expensive toys cannot be sent. (Do not send crayons; they melt.)

4. On an index card or small piece of paper, draw a happy picture. Draw whatever you like. The picture can be about anything J ewish or about Israel. You could draw a house, a garden, or children.

5. Write a short note to the child who will receive your gift. T he children are learning Hebrew so you should write your note in Hebrew, if you can. If you can't write Hebrew, go ahead and write it in simple E nglish. You could tell the child something about yourself and your During the sede r, why N OAH'S ARK fam ily, or how your fam.ily will celebrate Passover. A Newspaper for did Max u se a piece Jewis h Children of cake to clean up his 6. Send your gift to: Children, c/ o NOAH'S ARK, 7726 Por­ spilled wine? Linda Freedman Block tal," Houston, Texas 77071. Packages should be mailed and Debbie Is rael Dubin as soon as possible, but no later than April 1, 1991. f 'uhlishers/f,'ditors :'lla c h m 11n, IU11,1rn11,,11, c;otd il' Kno h l,·r, Mil·kt•y Brods ky . M iriam lsnw l, Ad a l>uhin, and lh•r nnrd f)uh in, , ·,,. 11/,11,,11,

;111;;1 i f I I

Copyright 1991 (c) NOAH'S ARK I SSN.- 0l/92·4945

'"''""'""' ,,,1,,.,,,,,,,,,,, "" '''"' 1,J/JI/IJ f,ui,,r/,, , I!"" ,,.,, t(·"' \tu,/ I~ /H.,,1 "' I , , "'" "' 1 "' ",1/, ,,,,,,,,,,1,,.,.,,/ "'''"'' ,mt,, ,,.,,,./,/, '"I ' ,1,,11..,, ,,,,,/ ******************* ,,,,,, ,.. ,,,,1,.,.,, ,,,,,., ,1,, 11.,,,,,, ,, 1,,r,,. 1,,,.,,,, ,.,,, , The elephant used her great trunk .,,,,,/.,/,/,"''"'I"''' Answe r To Rebus .\Io n • 1h11n ;")0 '1. o r :"/O,\II ':-- AHK l' n •-., 1'\.111 i, To drink all the wine with one dunk! 111, h t i .. lu-11 u, u ,,11p11lt•nwn l t u lht• fol l"\' i nJ.: 1w,,·._ pnp1•1-..: ,h•w ish l l1•r 11Jd. \ 'ni1T. l lou-.l on. T X: She stayed very busy lnlt•rmo unlnin ,h•\\ i-. h :"/1• w,, lh•n\\'I\ CO : lfr,·i, iSaauno uaa1x,s = u .1 a4 - l uJ.:1•, ,._JIil O it·J.:u, (',\ : ,h •\\ i-.h ,Jo u nlUI. lln uokh ti. 'Ti! she got too dizzy, '\Y: ,h •,d,h Li J.:h l. S I. l.1111i, . .\lfl: Hhurl,· 1.. 1,rnd sa1.ua4 ;:, + s - uns + M:J - ,J1·,, i,h lll·ndd . l' nl\id1•11 1·1•. H I: H 'n ai B 'd1h And fe ll asleep at the seder, quite drunk! \l,,._._,. ,1 J.:t'r . l .n, ,\ 11l!1·h •, . ('.\ : ,h ·,,i, h '\,,,,,, lh •nl M O:J + d - u ad + 0 - ;JO) l'ut-k. "i,I: ,Jt," ; .. hf 111,,·n ,·1~ S, ,~w"l"t', ' -' : ( "h in1J.:1• .1t•,1i .. h ~ Int . ( 'h i,·n~"· I I .. + e - xe + u;l - u;l1s 12 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991


Danny Newman, age 5

" We celebrate Passover because we're Jewish and it's a PASSOVER story with a very happy ending when the Jews become free from Pharaoh." CONTEST WINNERS Ages 7-9

Dovid Gibber, age 6 Set h Konoff, age 9

" Th is book is dedicated to Robin Halpern, age s all the Jews who are not yet free to celebrate Passover this year. I hope their freedom comes real soon. " rrlJ ())NO!R

Natanya Raskin, age 8

Meir Weinberg, age 8

IHONOMBILIE Joshua Konoff, age 8 MIENT~ON Benjamin Konoff, age 7

Due to technical difficulties, The Herald was unable to publish a photograph of Robin Halpern and Penina Strajcher. A photograph of these two talented children will appear in next week's Herald. Dovid Gibber

Albina Soyevich (L) and David Dudek (R). Natanya Raskin

(Clockwise from top left) Joshua, Seth, Dan, and Benjamin PASSOVER .CONTEST WINNERS Konoff. Ages 10-13

Albina Shayevich, age 12 - Rebecca Zisserson, age 10 Penina Strajcher, age 12-1/2 HONORABLE- David Dudek, " Desert journey home. 11 MENTION age 12 Rebecca Zisserson 'I "' ...- ,• \ 1 > ''T , - , I A <" - 1 ( Ct • • , . - , ; ,-, , A• ' • .. , r ,, I C , - . , THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991 13 Milestones

Combined Jewish Philanthro­ Harvey Ferdman Noted For Volunteer Service Providence Native To Receive National pies of Greater Boston, Camp Ramah of New England and In a recent article published guests. Community Service Award the Zamir Chorale, with whom in the St. Louis Jewish Ught Approximately 75 volunteers she has performed for many Harvey Ferdman, son of Mae from the St. Louis synagogue L. years. Joyce is the Registrar Ferdman of Pawtucket, was participated in this all-day and Recruitment Coordinator noted. Mr. Ferdman, chairper­ event. Mr. Ferdman was for Camp Ramah of New En­ son of the social committee of quoted in the article as saying that he "found the people who gland. She serves as High Holy Congregation Kol Am in St. Day Cantor of Temple Em­ Louis, Missouri, was instru­ attended 'very warm, apprecia­ tive and gracious. These people manuel in Wakefield, Mass., mental in organizing a commu­ conducts the choir at Temple nity-wide Super Bowl party for are always surprised to find out we're Jewish,' because the shel­ Emanuel and is a frequent the homeless on Super Bowl soloist at community com­ Sunday. ters are generally run by non­ Jewish religious organizations. memorations of the Holocaust According to the article, the including at the Massachusetts members of Congregation Kol It's one of the few times people on the street actually see Jewish State House. She is a graduate Am and St. Peter and Paul of Simmons College. Church invited more than 300 people helping, he said." The Super Bowl party for the Michael and Joyce Bohnen homeless people to an ex­ reside in Newton, Mass., and tremely special party. Plenty of homeless is an outgrowth of the Kol Am care van project, are the parents of two daugh­ food, clothing, medical sup­ ters, Sharon and Debbi, both plies and personal hygiene which distributes food to the homeless every Saturday night. veteran Ramah campers. items were distributed to the Guest speaker that evening will be Gershon Kekst, founder Brier Receives CLU Diploma and President of Kekst and Brier is a member of the Steer­ Company, a corporate commu­ Jeffrey G. Brier, a partner in nications and public relations ing Committee for Marathon the insurance firm of Brier & firm . Mr. Kekst is recognized House's Capital CamP,aign and Brier, has earned the Chartered by both the financial commu­ is active in the annual cam­ Life Underwriter (CLU) nity and business leaders paigns of the United Wa y of diploma and professional worldwide as one of the pre­ Southeastern New England designation from The Ameri­ eminent practitioners in his ,a nd the Jewish Federatron· of can College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. field. Mr. Kekst is the Chair­ R.l. He is a past President of The CLU designation is man Elect of the Board of Camp Jori and serves on the awarded to persons who com­ Directors of the Jewish Theo­ Board of Directors of The Jew­ plete a ten-course program of logical Seminary. study and examinations and ful­ ish Home. Joyce and Michael J. Bohnen fill rigid experience and ethical The firm of Brier & Brier offers all lines of insurance and On Thursday evening, April Boards of Temple Emanuel, requirements. Newton, Mass., the Jewish Jeffrey G. Brier received his the partners are Registered 25, Michael J. Bohnen, a native Community Center, Hebrew M.B .A. from Washington Uni­ Representatives for New En ­ of Providence and his wife, NEW! College, the Bureau of Jewish versity and his B.A. from Lake gland Securities. Brier & Brier Joyce Oppenheim Bohnen will Education, the Council of Jew­ Electronic Forest College. He is a trustee has been serving its clients for be the recipients of the presti­ ish Federations and Harvard · FEDERAL INCOME TAX of The Miriam Hospital and a over ten years and its offices gious National Community Hillel. Vice President of The Jewish are located at 18 Imperial Place Service Award presented by ;-~, Filing A graduate of Harvard Col­ Community Center of R.l. Mr. in Providence. the Jewish Theological Semi­ nary of America. They will lege and Harvard Law School, receive the Award at the 25th Bohnen is a partner in the . FAST Butler Hosts Talk On Eating Disorders annual dinner of the New En­ Boston law firm of Nutter, R.EFUM)S Butler Hospital will present Research data from the hospi-· gland Region which will be McLennen and Fish, where he part two of its spring Profes- tal's eating disorders program held at the Boston Park Plaza heads the corporate law Hotel. department. Your Tax Refund in 2-3 Weeks sional Lecture Series in Psychi- will also be presented. LOANS 2·3 DAYS atry on Wednesday, April 10, The program will run from The National Community Michael Bohnen is the son of with a talk on " Eating Disor- noon until 1:30 p.m. at Butler's Service Award is given to Rabbi and Mrs. Eli A. Bohnen ders: Classification and Treat- Ray Conference Center, 345 select individuals on special of Providence. occasions by the Jewish Theo­ Joyce Bohnen sits on the WRAP&PAK ment Strategies" by Leigh Blackstone Boulevard, Provi­ 306 Thayer Street • Providence , 861-0660 Anne Hohlstein, MD, coordi- dence. The cost is $20, which logical Seminary. The recip­ Boards of Solomon Schechter nator of the eating disorders includes lunch. Education cred­ ients range widely in the fields Day School in Newton, Mass., program at Butler, and Teri its, CMEs and CEUs, have been of their interests and in the the Women's Di vision of the Pearlstein, MD, director of the applied for in nursing, psychol­ scope of their activities. The women's treatment program. ogy, social work, and medicine. common denominator is their Joseph Rubiano, Sr. Joseph Rubiano, Jr. Andrew Galasso Anorexia and bulimia ner- To register, call the public rela­ devotion to Judaism and com­ vosa are serious medical condi- tions office at (401) 455-6265. mitment to widening its influ­ tions that affect a growing ence for the good of all man­ number of females in our soci- SaffersonsAnnounceBirth kind. ety. Recently, compulsive eat­ Michael J. Bohnen is Presi­ ing has been recognized as a Mr. and Mrs. Paul Safferson dent of the Jewish Community third major type of eating dis­ of Oakton, Va ., happily an­ Relations Council of Greater MOUNT FUJI GARDENS, INC. order. The presentation will ad­ nounce the birth of their first Boston. He is· a past President We Specialize In All Landscaping & Oriental Pruning dress the classification of eating child, Alan Daniel, born March of the Solomon Schechter Day Japanese Gardens • Lawn Maintenance 12, 1991, in Fairfax, Va. School in Newton, Mass., has disorder,, describe associated served as chairman of the Allo- · 7 Carl Avenue, North Pro\ Delivery of our and cu lture of Crypto-Judaism. Original Pu Seltzer Water 310 East Avenue Alvin Rubin is President, Pawtucket and Carolina Matos Vice Presi­ 738-2909 726-2491 dent for Rhode Island. The honorary chairman of the exec­ Jeanne Stein Always Hours: STELLA BOTTLING CO., INC. Discount Mon . · Thurs. 9:30-6:00 utive board is the Portuguese 70 Rock Avenue • Warwick. Rh ode Island aC!;,. ..,. _ Friday 9,30-7,00 - _...___ ~-~· ~~6'6--00---- - Consul of R.I. , Joao Lara!'jeira . _ WE CARRY FOX'S tJ~W..JP:J?J!P.•.• .,,. ,•.•·•••.-.-.<.•,• .• de Abreu. 14-THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991 Local News Jewish Family Service Events And Programs Congregation Ohawe Sholam Family Life Education JFS," she states, "for all who ness or surgery, rather than Schedule of Events for Passover Workshop Helps In are affected." For further infor­ ha vi ng to enter institutional Thursday, March 28 "Surviving Marital mation about alcohol and sub­ settings to recuperate. Being at Bedikat Chometz 6:51 p.m. Mincha - learning session Separation" stance abuse programs and home allows clients to main­ Last day for appointing Rabbi 5:50 p.m. Jewish Family Service, in an counseling, call Ms. Kramer at tain their quality of life and to Jacobs to sell your Chometz. Ma -ari v - 6:50 p.m. attempt to address the emo­ 33 1-1244 . recover in familiar, comfortable Friday, March 29 Havdalah - 7 p.m. Monday-Thursday, April 1- tional needs of a significant Lifeline: Key To Independent surrou ndings. Shacharit - 6 a.m. Siyum for April 4 - Hol Hamoed segment of the community, Living Firstborn immediately fol­ The Jewish Family Service Shacharit - 6:45 a.m. will be offering a Family Life Lifeline Rhode Island is an Aides are skilled, trained lowing services. Mincha­ Education workshop, "Surviv­ Ma-ariv - 5:55 p.m. Mincha-Ma-ariv - 6 p.m emergency response system paraprofessionals who help Friday, April 5 ing Marital Separation." Within funded by Miriam Hospital meet their clients' speci fic Seder not to begin before 7 the context of a group, individ­ p.m. Shacharit - 9 a.m. and administered by Jewish needs such as personal care, Mincha-Ma-ariv - 6 p.m. uals who are separated or Family Service. The system pro­ Saturday, March 30 meal preparation, transporta­ Saturday, April 6 divorced will learn ways of vid es the physically at-risk per­ Shacharit - 9 a.m. tion to medical appointments, Shacharit 9 a.m. coping with the experience of son with a pendant that, with a Mincha and learning session meal preparation and light Mincha - learning session being single again, from deal­ push of the button, signals for housekeeping. 5:50 p.m. ing with the children's re­ Ma-ariv 6:50 p.m. 6p.m. help through a special device For more information about Ma -ariv 6:55 p.m. actions to dating. attached to the telephone. this special service, ca ll Debbie 2nd seder and Havdalah not The workshop wi ll be held Havdalah 7:05 p.m. When activated, the telephone Prinz at Jewish Family Service, before 7 p.m. on fo ur consecutive Mondays, Sunday, March 31 Sold Chometz not to be dials "central monitors" that 331 -1244. eaten before 9 p.m. April 8 through 29 from 7:30 to have pertinent information Shacharit - 9 a.m. 9 p.m. at the offices of Jewish about the subscriber including Family Service, 229 Waterman medical history, doctor's name, Emanu-El's Social Action Committee St., Providence. The fee for the and family members to be con­ Presents Ecology Awareness Weekend workshop is $30 per person. tacted. The service provides Pre-registration is required. For emergency assistance that is The Social Action Commit­ vn the editorial advisory board Then at 4 p.m., everyone is information or to register, ca ll often lifesaving, and certainly tee of Temple Emanu-EI pre­ of the Sloan School Manage­ invited to enjoy a production of 331-1244. contributes to the peace of sents an Ecology Awareness ment Re view at MIT. He serves "The End of the World Cafe," Alcohol and Substance Abuse mind of the subscriber and Weekend, April 12-14 . The on the board of directors of presented by the All Children's Specialist Joins Jewish his / her family. weekend's theme, TIKUN several educational and en­ Theatre of Providence. In this Family Service Staff According to Maxine Rich­ OLAM, reminds us that in this vironmental agencies, includ­ show, Mother Earth must hire Ms. Pamela Kramer, a grad­ man, Jewish Family Service's day and age, we must work not ing the Green Seal program, a detective to find out who is uate of the Smith College outreach social worker for the only to repair the world spir­ and R.l. 's Save the Bay. He is trying to kill her. This comic School of Social Work, has elderly, there are 234 Lifeline ituall y, but also physically. also a board member of the play about a seri ous topic goes joined the JFS clinical staff as subscribers throughout the The weekend begins with a Jewish Federation. Mr. Maga­ a long way to raise environ­ Alcohol and Substance Abuse state. Sixty-five people have special environmentally orient­ ziner's talk will address the mental awareness in children. Coordinator. Previously an out­ used this critical, 24-hour per­ ed Friday night service, April role of the individual in (Recommended for ages 7 and patient therapist for Newport sonal emergency response sys­ 12 at 8 p.m., at which Mr. Ira ecological issues. above) For children 6 and County Community Mental tem for 146 emergencies. " Life­ Magaziner will address the On Sunday, April 14, the under, a separate program will Health Center, she has experi­ line is one of the key programs congregation. Ira Magaziner is annual Sisterhood-Men's Club occur simultaneously. This ence working with substance that can help individuals to live president of SJS, Inc., a public - Social Action Committee program also will teach envi­ abuse issues in the family and independently, remaining in policy strategy firm addressing breakfast will be held at 10 ronmental lessons with stories, providing ACOA psychother­ their own home," says Rich­ economic and social issues fac­ a.m. Ms. Erica Guttman of the videos and hands-on projects, apy. Her initial goal for the man. For further information, ing America in the 1990s. Mr. Rhode Island Solid Waste as well as a visit from Mother alcohol and substance abuse call Maxine Richman at Jewish Magaziner graduated as vale­ Management Corporation will Ea rth herself. Former Provi­ program at JFS is to increase Family Service, 331 -1244. dictorian from Brown Univer­ speak on " Innovative Ways to dence Teacher of the Year, Ms. public awareness of the issues Home Health Aides Help si ty, and attended Oxford as a Reduce Solid Waste." This Barbara Halzel, is planning this and the effects on the family. Continue Life At Home Rhodes Scholar. He has co­ dynamic presentation is a must special program with the assis­ "The community needs to Home Health Aides from authored a number of critically fo r anyone who's interested in tance of Ms. Bonnie Gold. Th is know that confidential, high Jewish Family Service play a acclaimed books and studies pratical ideas for reducing their promises to be a delightful quality therapy (individual and vital role in enabling many dealing with economic policy family's contribution to the afternoon for the whole family. waste stream. family) is available throug_~ people to return home after ill - development. He also serves ~ranston Senior Guild The first meeting of the 1991 season for the Cranston Senior Guild will be held on Wednes­ day, April 10, at Temple Torat Yisrael, 330 Park Avenue, KNOW SOMEONE Cranston, R.I. at 12 :30 p.m. A short business meeting will be followed by the entertainment of 12 members of the "Senior GETTIN.G MARRIED? Harmonica Band" performing old-time favorites. A social hour and refreshments will follow. There are still reservations Tell us their name and address and we'll send them a available for our annual trip to the " Nevele Country Club," one--year complimentary subsE.ription to the June 16-21. Louise and Leonard Lyons are chair­ Rhode Island Jewish Herald. persons. Call them at 438- 2634. A delightful trip to the beautiful· Catskills is a great ~ I way.. to " kick-off for summer fun . Couple's Name ------I Also, reservations can be I made at the meeting for our Address ------I fantastic installation and l paid-up membership luncheon ------Zip----- I to be held on Wednesday, June I 5, at the Venus de Milo, Wedding Date I Swansea, Mass. Beverly I Jacobson is chairlady of this very popular event. Your Name ------I I Re111i11der: Dues are du e and payable by Ju11 e 1. To attend the Address ------I luncheon and all the other I functions and activities, your ------Zip------I dues must be paid. Helen I Forman is our financial secre­ This offer good only for new subscribers. I tary and her address is: 145 Mail this coupon to: I Metropolitan Road, Provi­ dence, R.I. 02908. Telephone Rhode Island Jewish Herald I No. 521 -0455 .. P.O. Box 6063 Rhode Island Jewish I Our officers and board wish all our members and friends, a ______.. . _____~ -~.r?~_i1~nce1, RI _9J?40_. , ...... ,.. . , . H~R_ALD _: - - .----1- ~ .. -r, . .,-. ~1""1',....""T"-• .,.., T"'\-r-Tr-T'-.-,... --_._, ___ ,_ ..~ .- • very healthy ,and •happy , l?ass• over. THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991 - 15 Labor Of Love Becomes A Passover Tradition Some ten years ago during munity as well. During the the month prec·eding Passover, nine years it has been held, Rabbi Marc S. Jagolinzer of visitors have attended from as Temple Shalom in Middletown far away as Jamaica, Washing­ and his wife, Barbara, were ton, D.C. and France. Each speaking about the forth­ visitor has added a bit of their coming holiday and its ob­ own customs and traditions to servance. Earlier that same the Seder. Rabbi Jagolinzer con­ day, the rabbi had been in con­ ducts the Seder with the par­ versation with a few members ticipation of all those in at­ . .;:'f., ! of his congregation about the tendance. Passover Seder. He was sad­ This year's Seder will take i,;'., ~!}' dened to learn that these mem­ place on Friday evening, '-'r~.~~- ,,,. bers did not have a Seder since March 29 , at 6:30 p.m. with a The front row from left to right: Deana Litwin, Baye Temkin, Rosalind and Mervin Bolusky, they felt unable to do so. Both good number of attendees. Barbara Lavine, Myrna Rosen. Back row: Lila Winograd, Liz Goldberg, Susan Odessa, Glenda Rabbi and Barbara Jagolinzer There was a bit of hesitation Labush Richard Kumins, Ruth and Arthur Fixler, Elaine Odessa, Barbara Greenberg, and decided to undertake a Con­ this year as to whether or not Bernie; Kumins. Not present: Samuel and Evelyn Bresnick, Minna Ellison, Abe Gershman, gregational Seder for all those the Jagolinzers would be able Jerrold Lavine, Audrey Licht, Susan Ross, and Jacob Temkin. · members and families who to do the Seder without were not planning to hold or James Munford, who had by Audrey Licht During WWII , Joseph Conte ment, the group enjoyed sue- attend a Seder. So the process passed away in December. But What's happening? Spring is performed with a fifty-five sol- cess and longevity. began. The response was over­ with the assistance of the new here and the Pops are back. dier orchestra. He wanted to The Boluksys put together whelming with over 75 per­ custodian, Charles Birdy and Twenty-two years ago, Temple appeal to the young me·n in a the creative committee of sons sending in their reserva­ his desire to assist as well as his Emanu-El enjoyed its first Pops way " in which they would feel Samuel and Evelyn Bresnick; tions. The preparation work prior knowledge of Passover concert. It was the rage! Now, a part of the music." Classical Mina Ellison, Arthur and Ruth was done by the Rabbi and the preparations, the Seder will be we can take pleasure in music is wonderful for sitting Fi xler, Abe Gershman, Liz Temple's then custodian, held. America's musical heritage back and relaxing, but he Goldberg, Barbara Greenberg, James Munford. After the The Temple is proud of their again. Recapture a popular tra- wanted " the soldiers to sing, Richard and Bernice Kumins, kitchen had been properly Seder and of the untiring ef­ dition on Saturday, April 13, enjoy, and feel upbeat." Pops Glenda Labush, Jerrold Lavine, kashered for Passover, Barbara forts and dedication of Rabbi 8:30 p.m. in Temple Emanu- music was enthusiastically Audrey Licht, Deana Litwin, Jagolinzer came in and set to and Barbara Jagolinzer. El's Alperin Meeting House. received. The army orchestra Elaine Odessa, Susan Odessa, the task of preparing and cook­ In 1968, the original concert enjoyed many standing ova- Myrna Rosen, Susan Ross, ing the food. Having been a was under the guidance of tions, with audiences demand- Jacob and Baye Temkin, Lila cook in the Navy, Mr. Munford Rosalind Bolusky who was Sis- ing encores. Winograd, and Barbara Lavine, was a tremendous help in this terhood president. Fortunately The beginning of Pops music ex officio. aspect of the Seder. And so the Correspondents Wanted for us, Rosalind and Mervin in our state developed with the Join in the fun and sin_g-a- Temple Shalom Congrega­ If you would like to Bolusky volunteered to put to- Rhode Island Fine Arts Opera long to your favorite tunes. For tional Seder was born and has correspond for Ihe Herald by gether another fabulous event. Theatre in 1946. Joseph Conte individual and group ticket enjoyed great success since Back again is Joseph Conte and and the orchestra wrote many sales, contact Temple Emanu- writing about what is then. The group has grown and The Rhode Island Fine Arts of their own arrangements. El in Providence, R.l. , at 331- happening in your the Seder still continues to community, contact Pops Orchestra. A spectacular Providing Rhode !slanders 1616. Price categories are $25, attract families from not only evening is in the making. forty-five years of entertain- $35, and $50. Dessert and cof- •he Congregation but the com- the editor at 724-0200. fee will be served. Congregation Sons Of Jacob ----H-a-rr-is-P-,-,o - s-ai_d_t_h_ey- v-ie_w_e_d_t_h_e _ f_a-ct- th_a_t _l_s_ra_e_l -is_n_o_w__ ,,s_ e_co_n_d_"_ e_ff_o_rt_t_o_I_sr-a-el. Friday, March 29 - Fourteen Mincha for the entire week the PLO as "not fri endly" or as viewed as a more reliable ally (Chapel 274-5260/274-0861 days in NISAN - Morning is at 6:05 p.m. an "enemy" of the U.S. compared with Arab nations after 6 p.m.) services are at 6 a.m., followed The members and officers Even as Israel cooperated who seem to be much more by a SIYUM for the Firstborn. wish everyone a Happy and with the Bush administration mercurial in their relations COMPLETE Chometz may be eaten until Kosher Pesach, and pray for by maintaining a low profile in with the United States. 9:45 a.m. and may be burned peace throughout the world, the coalition against Iraq, polls At this time this statement is LANDSCAPING until 10:45 a.m. Mincha is at and for Israel. Our heartfelt indicted from all American never more true!! Our Jewish SERVICES 5:50 p.m. and candlelighting at gratitude to all who supported major political, social, and community must maintain 5 :4 7 p.m. The seder begins the synagogue, this past year. regional groups recognize the COMMERCIAL• RESIDENTIAL help in all forms, and go New Lawns• Planting • Mul ching after 6:50 p.m May the A-mighty give you value of Israel as an important beyond our efforts of the past! Brick & Bluestone Walks & Patios Saturday, March 30 - Fif- and your loved ones continued U.S . ally. For example, eighty­ The synagogue looks for con­ Driveways • Backhoe Work teen days in NISAN - First strength to continue!! (We re- two percent of Americans in an tinued support and strength for MATARESE day of Pesach. Two Torah ported that Mr. David Fink October 1990 Newsweek poll, Israel - why not begin by LANDSCAPE scrolls are read. In the first donated his winning Purim 3rd said that Israel is "as impor­ buying Israeli Bonds? We have! VA YIKRO MOSHE MISH- prize. Mr. David Port has also tant," or that it is "more C ONSTRUCTION, INC. Call or contact the synagogue Former Partner of M 8 M Landscaping ECHU (Shamas 12:21 -51) is donated his 2nd prize of the important" an ally of the U.S. for more information. Besides Over 16 Years of Professional E::oenence. read for seven men. In the sec- $100.00 U.S. Savings Bond, since the outbreak of the Gulf the U.S . Savings Bonds, Israel's 66 Village Ave ..Crans:on, Al and " U'vachodesh horishon" both to the synagogue. Thank war. Another survey found is also great!! Support America 944-9334 (B'midbar 28:16-25) for Maftir. you to both Davids, and also that 85% of Americans believe and Israel - there is room for ~ FULLY INSURED Don't forget'to include Tefilas thanks to Gerry Friedman, our U.S. ties to Israel should be both!! After the U.S., give a Tai (prayer for Dew) in the recording secretary who took kept the same or strengthened Mussaf services. the Purim Party pictures!) , (ABC / Washington Post - Octo- Shacharis (morning services) Americans Support Israel ber 1990). - 8:30 a.m., followed by kid- Israel's base of American The depth and strength of dush. support remained rock-solid in American public support for Mincha - 6 p.m. 1990. Polls throughout last the U.5.-Israel relationship has Ma 'ariv - 7 p.m. year showed American support already been made clear, how- Havdalah is made during for Israel near its historic high ever, before the Iraqi invasion kiddush. levels, and · exceeding sym- of Kuwait. For example, in a Dimension Travel Do not light candles or make pathy for the Arabs, by more June 1990 CBS/New York POST OFFICE PLAZA• GARDEN CITY• 150 MIDWAY RO . • SUITE 159 • CRANSTON , RI 02920 any preparations for the seder than two for one. And it goes Times poll, more than six of Serving All Of Your Travel Needs until Shabbos ends at 7 p.m. without saying, that, Israel's every ten Americans supported Group, Corporate, Pleasure - For Everyone's Budget! Seder begins after 7 p.m.. restraint from any retaliations either maintaining or increas- GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLf • ( 401 ) 944-1507 • OUT-OF-TOWN 1· 800-955-0333 Sunday, March 31 - Sixteen through the first weeks of the ing foreign aid to Israel, with ...... days in NISAN - Second day war was exceedingly grat- that continued bombing of the of Pesach. Motzo'el Shabbo~. ifyif\g. recent war weeks, the promise The first day_ of the Omer 1s By contrast, an overwhelm- of help has been fortified. counted tonight. The . com- ing majority of Americans con- Pollster Louis Harris wrote mandment to count 1s m the tinue to hold a negative view of that the particularly strong PASSOVER-STYLE Torah "And you shall count the PLO. More than three- support for Israel demon­ SPONGE CAKES • MACAROONS • ALMOND CRESCENT COOKIES seven weeks, starting w_i,th the quarters of the Americans sur- strated in his August 1990 poll day after the Sabbath. Two veyed in an August 1990 could be attributed in part to scrolls are taken out. In the first .-:....-----~;______, "shor oh chesev oheiz" is read ~~ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INC. (?r, five men. In . the -~~cond Choose an_apartment in any one of U vachodesh honshon is the our buildings and live your way. MaftirShac. haris (morning services), • .. Blackstone Bl v d - W ay Ian dSquare - 8:30 a.m. followed by kid- ~ Wj Courtyards ,_ firepl_ace, garage, dush. r;;.;. 24-hour service, air cond1t1oning breads • bagels • desserts • soups • -salads • sandwic hes Mincha - 6 p.m. . 1 Studio, 1-2 bedrooms 727 East Avenue Phone 727- 1010 Ma 'ariv - 7 p.m. · • · " • starting at $380 Chol Hamoed Pesach - Mon- " . . Pawtucket Fax 724-0075 day, April 1 through Thursday, Evening and Weekend Appointments Available HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 7-6 , SATURDAY 7-5. SUNDAY 7- 1 C LOSED SUNDAY, MARC H 31, 1991 April 4, mor~ing services will 217 Waterman Street, Providence 831-5995

beaf 6i.1'l0la{m./9'lJre :i I f _,,. I>'•' J ._,.. • ._ ,._ _. • .- ..._. . ,. .-... .--...-.-.- rr r o· .-r_,...,,,.. .. ._.,, _,,,,_._. _ _,._,..,., .. _...... ,..,,,,...,..,,..,.., ·~ • • • • • •., • • •••,.. _, __ .,. ___ ----.r• ,..--,...-.._ .,..,. ,._,. •ac ,..-., •• ._ ...... _.__. - -., 16- THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991

ish life. He suggested tech­ Senior Companion Program Conservative Jewish Educators niques for managing problems Discussed Pressing Issues in Jewish education which Receives Service Grant worked for him as a Jimmy Maureen Maigret, Director of the health care expertise of the Carter staffer and with clients the Rhode Island Department VNA with the skills and enthu­ such as General Motors and of Elderly Affairs (DEA) an­ siasm of our volunteers to help Saturn. nounced that the Senior Com­ our clients maintain their inde­ James W. Morgan, a well panion Program (SCP) and the pendence," she stated. known BOCES trainer demon­ Visiting Nurse Association Jane MacKenzie, Executive strated the effectiveness of peer (VNA) of Rhode Island have re­ Director of VNA explained her coaching. He outlined startling ceived $55,000 for a three-year agency's role in the project. research that indicates that ex­ demonstration project to ex­ "The SCP demonstration pro­ pensive in-service training is pand services to frail, elderly ject is a natural extension of our sometimes substantially only persons living in Providence. long-term services," she de­ 15% effective. Peer coaching Providence is one of 18 cities clared. " As caregivers, we're whose only cost is that of a nationwide that will participate very concerned about the sup­ substitute while teachers work in the project, which is spon­ port our patients receive after together produces improve­ sored by the Visiting Nurse As­ they leave our care. Often this ment 85% of the time. sociation of America, based in support allows a patient to re­ Dr. Hanan Alexander of Uni­ Denver, Colorado. Funds for main in their own home." versity Judaism asked some the $1.5 million grant were pro­ "The VNA will play an active hard questions about the vided by ACTION, the federal role in the program by provid­ appeal of conservative Judaism volunteer agency. ing training and support, assist­ From left to right are Marcia Kaunfer, Rabbi Alvan Kaunfer in today's relativistic culture. The purpose of the SCP ing in recruiting volunteers and and Lonna Picher. "Ask yourself and your col­ demonstration project is to: referring patients to SCP," leagues what really matters to Can peer coaching tech­ • Stimulate private donations MacKenzie said. zation of Conservative Jewish you about conservative Juda­ and support to expand care for ACTION began SCP in 1974. niques increase teacher effec­ educators. The conference, in ism. I think you'll find that tiveness by 85% without sig­ elderly with special needs by Senior Companions are low-in­ its second year of a more ag­ there is surprising consen­ involving Senior Companions. come seniors, who volunteer nificantly increasing costs? Can gressive professional develop­ sus . . . Why not build our techniques used by successful • Supplement and enhance 20 hours each week to provide ment approach was held in educational experiences the formal network of ca re for service and companionship to politicians help educators man­ Stamford, CT, March 3 - March around what we agree is mean­ elderly clients. older clients in their homes and age their boards? Are these 6. ingful instead of trying to in­ • Provide corporate donors community settings. Compan­ methods ethical? Does the con­ Top flight speakers and culcate a party line that may servative movement need to be with a way to assist their em­ ions receive a modest stipend trainers were drawn from the have lost meaning." ployees in caring for older rela­ that does not affect their eligi­ redefined in light of new atti­ entire professional spectrum. Over 200 educators partici­ tudes and beliefs? How can re­ tives by enlisting the help of bility for Social Security or Leonard G. Hirsch, a Washing­ pated in the convention's 30 Senior Companions. other programs. vitalized thinking affect ton based consultant in organ­ different professional training • Create successful public/ In Rhode Island, SCP is schools? izational development special­ opportunities. Delegates rep­ These and other pressing private model programs that sponsored by the DEA. Cur­ izing in power and politics was resented 28 cities across the enlist Senior Companions to rently, there are 82 Senioi;, professional issues were dis­ a popular trainer. Hirsch, re­ U.S. and Canada. Response to cussed at the annual conven­ help less fortunate older per­ Companions serving older cently named the Kenneth the ambitious program was sons. clients across the state. Since tion of the Jewish Educators Bene Scholar of the year dis­ enthusiastic. Conference co­ Assembly, the national organi- According to Maigret, "The 1974, SCP volunteers have cussed the political side of Jew- ordinators Sheila Adler of SCP / VNA demonstration pro­ given nearly one million hours Westchester and Alvan ject is designed to show that of service to older clients in Chabad To Hold Seders------Kaunfer of· Rhode Island, and public and private concerns can need. Passover is a time when dorim will take place on Friday executive director Bernard Dov work together to help take care Other cities selected to par­ families traditionally come and Saturday evenings, March Troy were elated with the of our ever-aging population." ticipate in the SCP/VNA pro­ together to celebrate the Festi­ 29-30. They are open to all results. " It was worth all the 'Tm very happy that ACTION ject include: ' val of our Liberation. students, new Americans and work. I don't even need to is initiating this three-year pro­ West Haven/New Haven, Yet for many people, Passo­ unaffiliated members of the brag, the results are obvious to ject to promote a better quality Connecticut; Worcester, Mas­ ver can be one of the loneliest Jewish community. They will everyone," quipped Adler with of life for those who need our sachusetts; Louisville, Ken­ times of the year. Young col­ feature an authentic Passover the good humor that character­ help and support," she ob­ tucky; Marietta and Cincinnati, lege students away from home, Seder, complete with a recita­ ized her management of the served. Ohio; Birmingham and Mobile, many of them for the first time; tion and explanation of the conference. Marilyn Sayles, Director of Alabama; Detroit and Pontiac, the elderly who have no one, Haggadah, four cups of wine, " Our goal for next year is to SCP in Rhode Island said, "We Michigan; Kansas City and and no place to turn to; and and hand-baked shmurah bring more educators from the are fortunate to have this op­ Kennett, Missouri; Atlanta, new Americans whose families matzoh. west and the midwest," re­ portunity to work with the Georgia; Denver, Colorado; EI are still locked behind the Iron Anyone wishing more infor­ marked incoming president VNA to expand the program in Paso, Texas; Oregon City, Ore­ Curtain. For these people, mation is invited to call Miriam Klein Shapiro of New Providence." gon; Salt Lake City, Utah; and Chabad can provide the oppor­ Chabad Lubavitch of South­ York. Shapiro, the first female "We will be able to combine Seattle, Washington. tunity to enjoy the holiday. eastern New England at 273- president in the organization's Chabad community-wide se- 7238. history, is confident that the word will travel among educa­ Providence Chapter Of Hadassah SPECIAL FARES TO ISRAEL FROM tors about the quality of the On Monday, April 8, the the Alperin-Schechter Day conference. " When boards and Providence Chapter of Hadas­ School. She is a member of BOSTON THIS WEEK ONLY synagogue administrators find sah is pleased to announce as Providence Singers, founder of out what we're doing, we May and Sept June-Aug. our keynote speaker, Elizabeth Women for a Non-Nuclear know they'll gladly authorize Kaplan. Drawing on her per­ Future, and a member of The $498 up $598 up the expenses to allow their sonal background, her talk will Fund for Community Progress. plus $38 tax and security via TWA and PanAm principals to partidpate." be " Inter-Marriage and Con­ She is an active participant in A very limited number of seats are available at this price. Dr. Aaron M. Nussbaum, version: A Personal Perspec­ the Bureau of Jewish Education educational director of the tive." Mrs. Kaplan is a graduate and serves on the committee SIS WINKLEMAN TRAVEL United Synagogue Day School of Case Western Reserve, for teacher training. 720 Reservoir A venue, Cranston, RI in Toronto, received the Behr­ earned her B.A. in English and Mrs. Kaplan's talk will be man House Jewish Educators \J]J 943-7700 • Outside RI: 1-800-234-5595 during the period 1969-1973 presented at the Jewish Com­ Assembly Award for Lifetime was a high school teacher in munity Center at our open Achievement in Jewish Educa­ Malden, Mass., and St. Louis, meeting at 1 p.m. This will be tion. Mo. At the present time, she is preceded by our Current Ben Margolis, of Springfield, a part-time student at Rhode Events Study Group, con­ N.j., was honored for his work Island College in Adolescent ducted by Doris McGarry, and as executive director of the )EA Psychological Counseling as Coffee Hour at 12:30 p.m. UJNITED and his lifelong commitment to well as part-time teacher in Serving on the committee Jewish education. English to Russian students at for this meeting are Claire SURGICAL CENTERS Bell/Erna Oelbaum, co-presi'. dents; Doris McGarry, pro­ gram; mailing, Esther Swartz; Quality Health Care At Home MARTY'S publicity, Eunice Greenfield. We look forward to seeing KOSHER MEAT MARKET all members and friends in at­ Oxygen • Patient Supplies tendance. This promises to be a 467-8903 88 '1, Rolfe St., Cranston Hospital Beds• Wheelchairs• Walk Aids most stimulating afternoon. Bath Safety Equipment • Ostomy Supplies Wishing you and your Caf!IilY a Hag Pesach Sameach! [ffl"'~s~ Marty will be open during the week of Passover for your shopping convenience. 380 Warwick Avenue Warwick, RI He has a lot of specials - 781-2166 Come see _Marty and see for yourself. .. 1.,i, ___...... _"""'.,....,.,... __...., ______. ••,l!'------" THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28,,1991 - 17 Sisterhood Of Temple Beth-El Forum On Faith Orchard Avenue Plus, a Hosts Spring Donor Kick-Off forum on ethical issues The Sisterhood of Temple ers of Newport. sponsored by Temple Beth-El, Beth-El is hosting an annual Members of the 1991 Donor St. Martin's Church and Cen­ Donor Kick-off on April 3 to event committee are: Sheri tral Congregational Church all gear up for this year's event, a Si nger, Abigail Leavitt, Judi La ­ of Providence, will sponsor a dramatic Fall Fashion Preview bossiere, Joanne Summer, Beth program entitled " How My by Sadow's of No. Dartmouth, Weiss, Karen Leviss, Evelyn Faith Works: And What I Do Mass. Siegle, Beth Meister, Carrie When It Doesn't," on Wednes­ The Kick-off will be held at Levine, Mary Engle, Betty day, April 3. The program 10 a.m. in the Temple's Silver­ Kotlen, Reva Lewis, Sue Itkin,. begins at 8 p.m. and will be stein Meeting Hall, 70 Orchard and Amy Sugerman. held at the Central Congrega­ Avenue. Coffee, tea and Ticket categories are: bene­ tional Church at 296 Angell St. Passover pastries will be factor, $54; patron, $36; spon­ Faith is that inner resource - served. sor, $25; donor, $20. Proceeds sometimes resonant, some­ The Fall Fashion Preview to benefit a variety of Sister­ times remote - which sustains will feature an evening of hood of Temple Beth-El pro­ us when printed instructions, clothing coordinated by retailer grams. Because seating is lim­ 800 telephone num hers ~nrl Richard Sadow and modeled ited, advance reservations are catechisms fai l us. Untested by members of Sisterhood. required. For more informa­ fait h is often a vibrant and elo­ Guests will also enjoy a cre­ tion, call the Temple office at quent fo rce; but its enduring ative array of fabulous desserts 33 1-6070. strength remains unknown and more by Plantation Cater- until it is challenged. Three community leaders will share the substance and dimensions Jewish Community Center of their privately fashioned Of Rhode Island faith in a discussion moderated by Dr. Stanley Aronson. The The Jewish Community Kosher Mealsite speakers include: Walter1 Center of Rhode Island, Seniors are invited to join in Feldman, an artist and teacher located at 401 Elmgrove Ave. a va riety of activities and to associated with Brown Uni­ in Providence, will be holding enjoy a hot kosher meal at "The How We Celebrate Coloring Book," just published by versity; Gregor Goethals, pro­ activities and events of interest noon at the Kosher mealsite at the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, is designed fessor of graduate studies at the for people of all ages during the Center. "The doors open" to instill interfaith understanding and respect in religious Rhode Island School of Design; the month of April, as detailed weekdays at 10 a.m., with cas­ school children while teaching them the differences be­ and Anne Milhaven, a theolo­ in the following list. To sign up ual conversation in the lobby tween Christian and Jewish symbols, religious objects and gian and author. For more in­ or to obtain further informa­ until 11 a.m. Exercise is sched­ holidays. The unusual publication was the outgrowth of formation, ca ll 331 -1960. tion, please call the Center at uled on weekdays at 11 :15 a.m. interreligious programs organized by Temple Beth El in 861-8800 and ask for the per­ A Women's Group meets every Tyler, Texas, and Congregation B'nai Israel of Little Rock, Moving? Let us know. son specified in the listing. Tuesday morning from 11 to Ark., both affiliated with the UAHC, composed of 840 Passover Vacation Campers 11 :45 a.m. Friend to Friend Reform congregations in North America. The coloring book Go Skating meets Thursdays from 11 a.m. can be used by clergy and professional educators in Chris­ KidSpace and PTC mem­ until noon. Bingo is played tian and Jewish religious school classrooms. Representa­ bers, as well as other children Thursday from 12:45 until 2 tives of 15 churches and synagogues served as religious and in grades K-4 and 5-8 are in­ p.m. Shabbat traditions are educational consultants during its preparation. vited to a special day of observed on Fridays. Sundays rollerskating and fun when begin with tea, coffe e and hot Support they travel to the Worcester muffins served at 10 a.m., ·Touro Fraternal Association JCC to meet other ca mpers on fo ll owed this month by movies Wednesday, April 3. The bus and a VCR program. The Members of Touro please tion. our will leave the JCCRI at 9 a.m. schedule for the week of April mark down the fo llowing If you are a member of and return at 3 p.m. Campers 1-7 includes: dates: Touro Fraternal, do not miss Advertisers are asked to bring a kosher-for­ Thursday, April 4 - G.A.C. April 24 - " 2 fer" at West these great events. If you are Passover bag lunch. The cost is Board Meeting, 12 :45 to 1:30 Valley Inn. Time is 6:30 p.m. not a member, look at what $20 for Kidspace and PTC p.m. May 2 -Election at Touro you missed. If you want to be a members; $25 for full mem­ Sunday, April 7 - " A Night Hall. member or would like to find TELL THEM bers; $50 for supporting At The Opera," with the Marx May 22 - Installa tion of offi­ out more about Touro just call THAT YOU SAW members. For futher informa­ Brothers, 10:45 a.m. cers with full dinner. 785-0066 or write us at P.O. tion, call Evy Rappoport or Call Sandy Bass (or details. June 8 - Dinner at Venus de Box 3562, Cranston, R.l. THEIR AD IN Laurie Leone. Milo. 029 10. THE HERALD International House Of R.I. June 23 - Brunch and initia- Announces Its Schedule For ESL Classes------months and is required in Evening English as a Second be made at the time of registra­ advance. Class placement will Language classes are offered tion. be made at the first session. BATHROOMS three semesters per year at the Daytime English language The use of the language lab is Let a specialist in bath remodeling take care of your beginning, intermediate, and classes are ongoing and stu­ included in the fee. An inter­ needs ... you 'll get prompt & professional service at a fair advanced levels on Tuesdays dents are accepted into the pro­ mediate reading and writing price whether it's a complete room or a modest repair. and Thursdays from 7 to 8:30 gram as long as openings are class is also available on Tues­ EXPERT TILE • PLUMBING • ELECTRICAL • NEW FIXTURES p.m. and registration for the available. Classes are held on day mornings from 11 :30 a.m. spring session (April 1 through Tuesdays and Thursday morn­ 14 Years Experience AHOOE to 12:30 p.m. and the fee for WAYNE ·111'11' ISLAND June 27) will be held March 27 ings. Beginning and advanced this program is $20 for two Fully Insured BUILDERS and 28 from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. beginning classes are held from months. Lie. #2665 GOODLIN g,_ ASSOCIATION Students must register in ad­ 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; interme­ Anyone interested in attend­ FREE ESTIMATE 401-658-4141 vance and a class fee of $45 for diate classes are from 10 to ing any of the above classes or the semester is required at that 11:30 a.m.; and advanced time. The emphasis of the classes are held from 9:30 to 11 aboutwho want our furtherprograms information should ·.------• classes is on conversational a.m. The class fee for these contact International House at skills and class placement will programs is $30 for two 421-7181. .e \l.ege,,~ Southeastern New England Home Show------• The Southeastern New En­ Sunday, April 7, 11 a.m.- Admission is $6.50 for gland Home Show has been an 9 p.m .; Monday-Friday, April adults, $3 for children 6-12, annual event in Rhode Island 8-12, 4-10 p.m; Saturday, April and children under 6 admitted ¾,' ~ for the past forty-one years. 13, 10 a.m.-10:30 p.m.; and free. Discount coupons availa­ e11 's 5~ The Show fills both floors of. Sunday, April 14, 11 a.m.- ble at Stop & Shop Super­ the Providence Civic Center 7 p.m. markets. The Most Sophisticated Club of its with displays that cater to the Kind in New England needs of today's homeowners. That means everything from GOURMET-TO-GO 6,000 square feet fl ooring to roofing, interior fur­ Featuring: & whirlpool • sauna • steam room • full y equipped iam • lounge nishing to exterior landscaping LUNCH CAFE and decks. Plus kitchens, bath, Private Exercise Consultations • Massages pools, spas, and services like • Heart-Healthy• Tou rs Available interior decorating, security, $ 10 discount with this ad finance, and in surance. You 'll Selections For further information ca ll also find builders and remodel­ 727 East Avenue, Pawtucket ers, and help for all your home (617) 661-4060 projects, large and small. 727-1997 HOURS: Monday-Friday I 1-7 2000 Mass. Ave. Porter Sq. Cambridge, MA Show hours are Saturday, Saturday 10-5 Open Monday•Saturday l lam•9pm Starting Feb, 3rd Open Sunday:- from 1· 9pm April 6, 10 a.m.- 10 :30 p.m.; 18-THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991 Obituaries

BERNARD B. ABEDON appointed junior steward six appointed him to the United DR. EV ANS H. NELSON Jewish Home for the Aged. Nations Committee. He was a PROVIDENCE - Bernard years later and advanced WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. Burial was in Sharon Memorial former chief crier of the Town B. Abedon, 85, of 395 Angell through the stations, and - Dr. Evans H. Nelson, 76, of Park, Sharon, Mass. Arrange­ Criers of Rhode Island. He was St., a practicing lawyer in Provi­ was elected and installed as 1900 Consulate Place, a dentist ments by the Sugarman-Smith a member of the board of gov­ dence since 1929, died worshipful master in 1941 . at 228 Main St., Pawtucket, for Memorial Chapel, 425 Hope ernors of the Big Brothers of Monday, March 18, 1991, at In 1954 he became grand over 50 years before retiring in St., Providence. master of the state of R.l. and Rhode Island, and a member of 1986, died Friday, March 15, Miriam Hospital. He was the the board of directors of the husband of Anne (Seidman) Providence Plantations. 1991, at Good Samaritan Hos­ NORMANTORMAN Mr. Abedon was a member Multiple Sclerosis Society of pital. He was the husband of POTOMAC, Md. Abedon. Rhode Island. He was a past Born in Providence, he was a of the Providence Royal Arch Sylvia (Arnovitz) Nelson and Norman Torman, 70, of 9112 Chapter, the Rhode Island Con­ president of the Ledgemont the late Shirley (Cooper) Falls Chapel Way, a govern­ son of the late Harry and Country Club. Jennie (Volpe) Abedon. sistory, the Palestine Shrine, Nelson. ment accounts manager for the and was an honorary member Besides his wife he leaves Born in Providence, a son of Siemens Corp., Maryland, for Mr. Abedon attended Boston two sons, Herbert J. Abedon of University, College of Business of the United Lodge, Brookline, the late Abraham and Kate 20 years, died Friday, March Mass. He served as grand East Providence, a lawyer, and (Hessel) Katznelson, he had 15, 1991, at the Shady Grove Administration. He was a 1928 Probate Court Judge Richard L. graduate of Boston University lecturer of the Grand Lodge, lived in Providence all his life Adventist Hospital, Rockville. president of the Freemason Abedon of Tiverton; a sister, before moving to West Palm He was the husband of Elaine Law School. He was admitted Ruth Grossman of Providence; to the Rhode Island Bar the Hall Company, and was chair­ Beach in 1986. 0 . (Israel) Torman. man of the Masonic Education fi ve grandsons and a grand­ Dr. Nelson attended New Born in Providence, a son of same year, and became a mem­ daughter. He was brother of ber of the federal court in 1929. Forum. He received the 33rd York University and Provi­ the late Sam and Gussie degree at Buffalo, N.Y., in the late Bertha M. Helfo rd. dence College and was a 1938 (Gurnick) Torman, he moved He was a member of the Rhode The funeral service was held Island Bar Association, and 1959. graduate of Tufts Dental to Maryland in 1966. He had He was a member of Temple Wednesday, March 20, at Tem­ School. He was an Air Force also lived in Cranston. had served as chairman of its ple Beth-El, Orchard Avenue executive board. He was a Beth-El, was vice president of Medical Corps veteran of the Mr. Torman was an Army, its Men's Club, a member of and was coordinated by Mount Korean War. veteran of World War II. He member of the United States Sinai Memorial Chapel, 825 Judicature Society. the board of directors of the He was a past president of was previously associated with Jewish Home for the Aged of Hope St. Burial was in Li ncoln the Pawtucket Dental Society, the former Kelet-Ket Co., Provi­ He became a Mason at Red­ Park Cemetery, Warwick. wood Lodge in 1928, and was Rhode Island and Touro Fra­ a member of the Rhode Island dence. He was a former mem­ ternal. Dental Society, the Jewish Fed­ ber of Temple Sinai, Cranston. raised to the sublime degree of MAURICE GENTER master mason in 1929. He was Former Gov. John 0 . Pastore eration of Rhode Island, the In his youth, he was a member CRANSTON Maurice Jewish Home fo r the Aged, and of Boy Scout Troop, 44, Provi­ ,------.....;·• Genter, 89, of 22 Oaklawn the President Country Club dence...... "' ....,. ;_._,,~<;·\ ~).\).;\,.',· ... Ave., owner of the former and Temple Israel, both in Besides his wife he leaves a Center's Pharmacy, Broad West Palm Beach. He had been son, Dr. Howard A. Torman of Street, Providence, which he a member of Ledgemont Coun­ San Mateo, Cali f. ; a daughter, RUBIN MEMORIALS'!',w;ttii\\ operated for more than 35 try Club, Seekonk, Mass. , and Marjorie A. Torman of Sil ver years, died Sunday, March 17, Mo11 11m<'11 ls a 11d 111cmoria/s E.:. Temple Beth-El, Providence. Spring; a brother, David I 991, at home. He was the Besides his wife he leaves a Torman of Cranston, and a i 11 1hcfi11es1 !-(fallite a11d hm11:e. husband of the late Natalie daughter, Valerie Solomon of sister, Dorothy Renaldo of / 11 -/um.,·,, <·m 1.,1tf1a1io11., hy t1f>J>oi111111C'11 I (Brier) Genter. Albany, N.Y.; a son, Robert Greenville, Miss. LET T ERING • CLEANING • REPAIRS Born in Providence, a son of Nelson of Providence; two The funeral service was held the late Peter and Matilda stepdaughters, Marilyn Tapson Tuesday, March 19, at Mount L<'OII J . R11hi11 726-6466 Genter, he lived in Cranston of San Francisco and Barbara Sinai Memorial Chapel, 825 Affiliated with Charles G. Morse Granite Company for 45 years. He previously Spivack of Washington, D.C.; Hope St., Providence. Burial ~------;...... ;._,1, lived in Brockton, Mass. two sisters, Helen Gerber of was in Lincoln Park Cemetery, Mr. Genter was previously Providence and Evelyn Warwick. manager of Liggett's Drug­ Chester of West Palm Beach; Beth-El History store, Brockton. He was a past and three grandchildren. MT. SINAI MONUMENTS president of the Ace Invest­ Funeral services were held Now Available ment Corporation and the Monday, March 18, at Mount The History of Temple Our owner, Mitchell ... his father and Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Sinai Memorial Chapel, 825 Beth-El entitled: "A Century Association. He was a member Hope St., Providence. Burial and a Quarter of Spiritual grandfather.. : have been privileged to provide of Temple Beth-El, Redwood was in Lincoln Park Cemetery, Leadership," is available for over 8,000 monuments in RI Jewish Cemeteries Lodge F & AM, and the Pales­ Warwick. purchase. Written by Dr. tine Shrine. since the 1870s for 2 reasons ... the quality is IDA SIPPER Seebert Goldowsky, con­ He leaves a daughter, sidered by many to be the the finest and the price is the lowest. PROVIDENCE Ida Sandra Genter of New York; a "dean of Rhode Island Jewish Sipper, 90, of the Jewish Home son, Alan D. Genter of Glen­ history," it·spans the years of Call 331-3337 for assistance. for the Aged, 99 Hillside Ave., dale, Cali f. ; a sister, Rose Congregation Sons of Israel died Wednesday, March 20, Pritsker of Hallandale; a and David, Temple Beth-El, 1991, at the home. She was the brother, Harry Genter of Paw­ from its beginnings in 1854 widow of David Sipper. tucket and Hallandale; and through its growth in today's Born in Boston, a daughter three grandchildren. He was dynamic congregation of of the late Isadore and Rosa also a great-grandfather. nearly 1200 families. The funeral serice was held Cohen, she lived in Providence DO YOU KNOW? Call the Temple Beth-El Thursday, March 21 , at Mount for more than 50 years. office, 331-6070, purchase Sinai Memorial Chapel, 825 She leaves nieces and your copy for $19.95. An addi­ The all Jewish staff at the Sugarman-Smith Memorial Hope St., Providence. Burial nephews. tional $ 1.50 is required for was in Lincoln Park Cemetery, The funeral service was held Chapel conducts classes monthly for the pre-Bar and Bat those copies mailed within the Warwick. Thursday, March 21, at the Mitzvah youth of our community's synagogues. It is United States. part of their introduction to the Jewish customs and laws dealing with death and bereavement. We would be glad U.S. Federal law now requires all funeral homes to hold a similar class for your organization. Of course there is no fee. to provide itemized pricing. Mount Sinai Memorial Chapel has provided this courtesy for over sixteen years. More than just a funeral home. MOUNT SINAI Sugarman-Smith MEMORIAL CHAPEL Memorial Chapel The only RI Jewish funeral home that is a member of the Jewish Funeral Directors of America. -r · The Rhode Island Jewish funeral home that can be trusted. .. for its honesty.. .integrity.. . and compliance with the highest standards of Jewish ethics and conduct. Over 110 years service to R.I. Je wish families by our director, Mitchell, his father and grandfather. HOME OF YOUR FAMILY RECORDS. 331-3337 Please call 825 Hope Street at Fourth Street for your I 458 Hope Street, Providence, Corner of Doyle Ave. Pre-need counse ling with tax-free New Year From out-of-state Telephone: 331-8094 Out of State: 1-800-447-1267 Calendar payment plan'!i~g ls ~vailable. call: 1-800-331-3337 l Michael D. Smith, Executive Director uwi, J. Bo,b. • .E. , • THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991 - 19 Classified Message ______Judaism 2001 ADOPTION INTRODUCTION SERVICES (continued from page 5) (continued from page 6) the true and complete Geulo ADOPTION/A child will make our hearts JEWISH INTRODUCTIONS INTERNA­ and habits, in the area of Torah fering. Reform Judaism instead complete. Sensitive, loving couple will give through Moshiach Tzidkeinu. TIONAL. Local and personalized . Ages 21- study and doing Mitzvos with seeks to participate vigorously your white newborn a creative, happy and 101 Let us lind that special ·· someone.·· In light of the aforemen­ Hiddu r (excellence) in a man­ in daily life, in the larger secure home. Expenses paid . Call collect. Lall 1-800-442 -9050. 7/ 91 tioned events and miracles, Tom/ Jill (516) 221-7180. 3/28/91 ner of "multiple miracles," society, in the human drama. one should become even more striving ever higher and still Coupled with the numerical strongly aware that this is the higher. and spiritual growth that I pre­ SERVICES RENDERED time of urgent p"reparedness for ENTERTAINMENT Apropos of the above, we dict for our movement in the the fulfillment of the prophecy ANTIQUE REFINISHING. Professional strip­ have an instruction right in the coming decade, this philosophi­ AARON -BEACH PRODUCTIONS: Expert mu ­ "and the kingdom shall , be beginning of this week's Sedra ping, reglueing, repairs - free estimates - ca l orientation will bestow sic entertainment Bar / Bat Mitzvahs. wed ­ pick-up/delivery - call Sha! 434-0293/ HaShem's," when all nations (from the word seder, order): "If dings , parties and more. Stale of lhe art will recognize that "this man­ upon us a significant leader­ 831 -9568. 4/ 18 a11y person of you bring an offer­ ship role within k'lal Yisrael. sound & lighting equipment Disc Jockey sion (the world) has a Master" i11g to HaShem," as interpreted and master of ceremonies . EDWARD CLEANING: Home or business. service to fit - a recognition that will lead Jewish law teaches that SCHLESINGER ··1rs THE PARTY I CAN your budget Insured & bonded. Call Lorraine and taught by the Alter Rebbe: when a house is dedicated as a Do.· Call me 943 -9940. 4/ 18/ 91 761 -6112. 3/ 28/ 91 "all of them to call upon the "If you bring an offering to synagogue, words of dedica­ Name of HaShem, to worship STEVE YOKEN ENTERTAINMENT - Profes­ INTERIOR, EXTERIOR painting & papering. HaShem," let the offering be of tion suffice, and all of the rules sional Master of Ceremon ies and Disc Expert work . Paint 2 or more rooms & get a Him with one consent." you, of yourself, by breaking regarding synagogues immedi­ Jockey. Bar/ Bat Mitzvah specialists. cei ling FREE' Book now for spring savings' Especially that, as men­ out of one's habits and con­ ately apply. "However," says (Optio nal - N.Y. Laser Light Show Plus Insured Lie. #5264. MERCURIO PAINTING . tioned, we are now approach­ Teen Danc ing Sensation.) THE PARTY 461 -3813. 4/ 25/ 91 straints, in order to dedicate the Shulcha11 Aruch, the new ing the month of Nissan (from PLANNERS . CHOICE 508-679-1545. oneself totally to HaShem. synagogue " is not considered the Hebrew word nes, a mir­ 1/ 31 / 92 Thus, the "supra-natural" holy until people have prayed acle). Moreover, as our Sages behavior of every Jew in a man­ in it. " Together, therefore, let point out, the name of the CLASSBOX ner of "revealed wonders" - us invest the House of Reform FOR RENT CORRESPONDENCE TD : month (by its two letters nun, open and manifest to all Judaism with holiness, through ClassBox No. making it also readable for­ around, will hasten the fulfill­ our labor, our study, our JEWISH QUARTER. Israel. 4 br .. spacious. The R.I. Jewish Herald ward and backward) indicates P.O. Box 6063 ment of the prophecy: "As in the prayers, our mitzvot. scen ic. fully furnished . 3rd floor. Available a "multiple of miracles" and days of your lib era tion from 8/ 1991 - one year . 351 -4116. 4/ 25/ 91 Providence. Al 02940 Repri11ted with permission " miracles within miracles." Mitzraim will I show you won­ NANTUCKET SUMMER RENTAL: 3 br. This newspaper will not. knowingly. accept Thus it is certain that HaShem ders, and HaShem will now from Reform Judaism. Rabbi house. Polpis Rd . across from vegetable any advertising for real estate which is in wi ll show even greater mir­ fulfill His promise: "I have found Alexander M. Schindler is presi­ farm , fully furnished , sleeps 6. Full season violation of the R.I. Fair Housing Act and dent of the Union of American $11,000: July $1000/ wk , Aug . $1200/ wk. 2 Section 804 (C) of Title VIII of the 1968 Civil acles than heretofore. David My servant, with My holy wks . minimum. 508 -228 -4223. 4/4/ 91 And particularly when Jews Hebrew Co11gregations. Rights Act Our readers are hereby informed oil have I anointed him," fol­ that all dwelling/ housing accommoda1ions also increase their own efforts lowed immediately forthwith advertised in this newspaper are available on to elevate their daily Jewish by the true and complete FOR SALE an equal' opportunity basis. conduct to the level of the Geulo through Moshiach • • supra-natural, with everyone, Tzidkeinu. GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehicles from $ 100. man and woman, elevated Menachem Schneerson Corvettes , Chevys, Porsches. and other con­ ·above their natural tendencies READ THE HERALD ! fiscated properties. For Buyers Guide (800) 772-9212 ext. 4160 .. Also open evenings & Palestinian------weeekends . 3/ 28/ 91 \\· rn•1~ Iimits on the number of Arabs day for an "independent com- _ "" I"" mained full ever since. :::i > But, according to Parradee, of 0 0 DOES YOUR BUSINESS PROVIDE Blackstone, there are about "' (J) 1,000 homeless families in OUTSTANDING OR UNIQUE Woonsocket. • WSCAP's goal is to assist SERVICES TO THE COMMUNITY? people who are in a crisis; to solve their immediate crisis and u Why not let our readers know about it? to help the needy become self­ The Rhode Island Jewish Herald fakes sufficient. Parradee coordinates 125 THAYER STREET, PROVIDENCE (A Block from Hillhouse) "A CLOSER LOOK" .------,DONTWEIGHT ·Oz at business In Rhode Island and ...: No Butter, No Salt, • Southeastem Massachusetts ANY LONGER "' < In every Issue. s1 srne i,, No Added Fat, No Margarine. A story on yo1:1r business, complete with photos, • will lei our readers know all about your work Nothing but good and what you have to offer the community. tt,": wholesome healthy food. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ,~~/ "A CLOSER LOOK" More 1han just a diet'· CALL MYRNA OR JEANETTE AT M A RK GOLDST EI N 454~1969 A NITA SOLOMON tt1 82 Pitman Street, Providence, RI 02906 (J) 724-0200 (401) 454-1920 + B A R B E C U E D R I B S + B R I S K E T • 1------