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FINAL DISSERTATION Daniel K Listijabudi VU Research Portal The Mystical Quest as a Path to Peacebuilding Listijabudi, D.K. 2016 document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication in VU Research Portal citation for published version (APA) Listijabudi, D. K. (2016). The Mystical Quest as a Path to Peacebuilding: A Cross-textual Reading of the Stories of Dewa Ruci and Jacob at the Jabbok as a Contribution to Asian Multi-faith Hermeneutics. 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Oct. 2021 VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT The Mystical Quest as a Path to Peacebuilding A Cross-textual Reading of the Stories of “Dewa Ruci” and “Jacob at the Jabbok” as a Contribution to Asian Multi-faith Hermeneutics ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad Doctor aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, op gezag van de rector magnificus prof.dr. V. Subramaniam, in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van de promotiecommissie van de Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid op woensdag 1 juni 2016 om 9.45 uur in de aula van de universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105 door Daniel Kurniawan Listijabudi geboren te Jepara, Indonesië i promotoren: prof.dr. J.H. de Wit prof.dr. K. Spronk copromotor: prof.dr. J.B. Banawiratma ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgment ... ix INTRODUCTION ... 1 0.1 Introducing the Challenges ... 1 0.1.1 The Place of Interactions ... 1 0.1.2 Cultural Hybridity as Identity ... 3 0.1.3 Socio-Cultural-Religious Context and Tensions ... 5 0.1.4 Different Attitudes and Challenges Appear when Religions Meet ... 8 Toward Interreligious Hospitality and Fragile Identity ... 9 Facing the Fear of Syncretism, Handling the Underestimation of the Other ... 9 0.1.5 The Importance of Religions and their Sacred Texts in Peacebuilding ... 11 Significance of Story and Religious Story ... 11 Significance of the Story of Mystical Quest ... 12 Brief Discussion on the Meanings, Varieties, and Elements of Mystical Experience ... 12 0.1.6 The Importance of Doing Contextual Theology and Hermeneutics ... 17 0.1.7 How to Do Contextual Hermeneutics ... 18 0.2 Focus of Research ... 20 0.3 Objectives ... 21 0.4 Research Method ... 22 0.5 Research Question ... 23 0.6 Sub Research Questions ... 23 0.7 Development of the the Research ... 23 CHAPTER 1: Cross-textual Reading: Challenges for Asian Biblical Hermeneutics ... 25 Introduction to the Chapter ... 25 1.1 What is Asian Biblical Hermeneutics? ... 25 1.2 Relation of Contextual/Liberating Reading and Multi-faith Hermeneutics: Its Place and Objectives ... 27 1.3 Some Examples of Asian Biblical Hermeneutics of Asian Theologians ... 28 1.3.1 “Interfaith Hermeneutics” in the Work of Sugirtharajah ... 29 1.3.2 “Dialogical Imagination” in the Work of Kwok Pui-lan ... 31 1.3.3 “Encounters of the Sources” in the Work of J.B. Banawiratma and George Soares-Prabhu ... 34 iii Learning from the Work of J.B. Banawiratma (Indonesia) ... 34 Learning from the Work of George Soares-Prabhu (India) ... 36 1.3.4 Evaluation of the Given Examples ... 40 In the Discussion of Theology of Religion ... 40 Interreligious Hospitality ? ... 44 1.4 The Broader Theoretical Framework of Cross-textual Reading ... 47 1.4.1 What is Cross-textual Reading? ... 50 1.4.2 Reasons for Using the Method ... 51 1.4.3 Evaluation of the Method ... 52 1.5 What Can Cross-textual Reading Contribute? ... 53 1.5.1 Postcolonial Biblical Criticism ... 53 1.5.2 Contextual Bible Reading in Indonesia ... 55 1.6 Where Do I Stand? Some Considerations about the Chosen Method ... 55 1.6.1 The “how to” in Elaborating the Two Stories in this Research ... 56 1.6.2 Addressing the Challenge of Asian Bible Reading within or and Social Struggle ... 56 1.6.3 My Hermeneutical Standpoint and Its Relation to the Function of the Bible and the Significance of the Spirit ... 58 CHAPTER 2: The Story of “Dewa Ruci” ... 60 Introduction to the Chapter ... 60 2.1 The Making of the “Dewa Ruci” Story ... 61 2.1.1 The Date and the Aim of the Story ... 62 2.1.2 Influences of Other Traditions ... 62 2.2 “Dewa Ruci” in Narratological Perspective ... 63 2.2.1 Background of the Story and its Actors ... 63 2.2.2 Synopsis ... 65 2.2.3 Plot ... 66 2.2.4 Examination of the Narrative ... 68 The Journey (From A to P: The Beginning of the Story to Climax 2) ... 68 (a) A to B: Beginning of the Story ... 68 (b) C: Complication (1) ... 69 (c) D to G ... 69 (d) H: Suspense ... 70 (e) I: Climax 1 ... 70 (f) J: Resolution on Progress ... 72 (g) K: Return to Ngastina; New Information of the Location of Living Water is Given (Resolution 1) ... 72 (h) L to M: In Ngamarta (Complication (2)) ... 73 (i) N to O: Journey to the Sea (Suspense) ... 74 (j) P: Plunge into the Sea, Wrestle with Nemburnawa (Climax 2) ... 74 The Meeting (Q to S: From Grace Anticipated iv to the Invitation into the Womb, Climax 3) ... 76 (a) Q: Known by Dewa Ruci; Flashback to Ngamarta, Anticipating Grace. ... 76 (b) R to S: From the Meeting to the Invitation ... 76 The Teachings of Dewa Ruci (T) ... 78 (a) Pancamaya ... 79 (b) Macrocosmos and Microcosmos ... 80 (c) Pramana ... 80 (d) Ilmu Pelepasan or the Knowledge that Liberates ... 80 (e) Mati Sajroning Ngaurip, Urip Sajroning Apejah: Die in Live and Live in Death ... 80 The Impact on Wrekudara (Its Transformative Effects) ... 81 (a) U: Wrekudara Comes Out from the Womb (Resolution to go) ... 81 (b) V: Transformed and Goes Home to Ngamarta; the End of Story ... 82 2.3 Socio-historical Environment and the Peacefull Message of the Story ... 82 2.4 Conclusion ... 83 CHAPTER 3: The Story of “Jacob at the Jabbok” ... 85 Introduction to the Chapter ... 85 3.1 The Aims of the Story and Its Mystical Elements ... 86 3.2 Stages Leading to the Mystical Experience at the Jabbok ... 87 3.2.1 The General Overview of the Sequences of the Story of Jacob and Esau ... 87 3.2.2 The Most Basic Narrative Elements of the Broader Story ... 89 3.2.3 Two Meetings on the Journey to and at the North ... 90 Spiritual Encounter at Bethel (Gen 28) ... 90 Jacob-Laban Encounter (Gen 29-31) ... 91 3.2.4 Functions of the Several Previous Episodes; Broader Schemes ... 91 3.3 “Jacob at the Jabbok” in Narratological Perspective ... 92 3.3.1 The Text of “Jacob at the Jabbok” (Gen 32: 23-33) ... 93 3.3.2 Plot of the Story (Gen 32: 23-33) ... 94 3.3.3 Time Setting: The Night (Inclusio), Crossing the Jabbok, Names ... 96 From “the Night” to “the Sun Rises” ... 96 The Crossing Event ... 97 The Names and the Wordplay: Several Previous Hints ... 99 3.3.4 Complication – Wrestling ... 100 Identity in Question ... 101 The Act of Wrestling as a Profound, Intimate, Direct Encounter ... 103 3.3.5 Suspense: Conversation 1 = Intentions appear ... 105 3.3.6 Climax: Conversation 2 = The Query and Change of Name (Blessing) “From Jacob to Israel” ... 107 v 3.3.7 Resolution: Reflective Acknowledgement “I See God Face to Face - Pniel” ... 113 3.3.8 Time Setting: Dawn ( Inclusio ), Pnuel, and Limping ... 115 “The Sun Rose” at Pnuel ... 115 Physical Damage (Its Deeper Meaning) ... 116 3.3.9 Aetiology as a Remembrance ... 117 3.4 Impacts of the Mystical Experience at “Jabbok-Pniel” ... 118 3.4.1 The Changes Appear ... 118 3.4.2 Blessed Life ... 118 3.4.3 Not Avoiding the Problem but Facing and Embracing It ... 118 3.4.4 Leading to Other ‘Human-Theophanic’ ... 119 3.5 Socio-Religious Significance of the Story ... 120 3.5.1 Change/Transformation in the Enmity of Brothers ... 120 3.5.2 Challenges Offered ... 120 3.6 Conclusion ... 121 3.6.1 Conversions ... 121 3.6.2 Experiencing God through the Other ... 121 3.6.3 Exchange and the Break ... 122 CHAPTER 4: A Cross-textual Reading of “Dewa Ruci” and “Jacob at the Jabbok” ... 123 Introduction to the Chapter ... 123 4.1 Commonalities of the Two Texts ... 124 4.1.1 Setting of Story: Tension between Brothers ... 124 4.1.2 The Initiator of the Journey ... 124 4.1.3 Meeting with the Deceitful Person (On the Way to the Transformation) ... 125 4.1.4 The “Bridge(s)” ... 125 The Confrontation ..
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