Abimanyu, Death of 89, 91, 154-5 Adi Luhung 118 Aesthetic(S)
Index Abimanyu, Death of 89, 91, 154-5 Bagong (clown) 93 adi luhung 118 balungan aesthetic(s) analogy to human body 21 and interpretation 159-60 and pathet 22 and rasa 12-3, 104-5, 103-30 relationship to melodies played by and behaviour 12-3 other instruments 21 and sameness 42-4 relationship to parts played by and restraint 12, 104-6 panerusan 22 continuity and culture 159-60 Basukeswara, Prabu 145, 148, 151 experiencing 105, 109 Batara Guru 82-3 in ethnomusicological analysis 16 batik see sameness Kaluli 16 Becker, Alton 16, 42, 80 of gendered, generative interaction Becker, Judith 16, 42, 70, 80-1 104, 106-7 81, 84, 86-7, 90-101, 157-8, 160-1 Bedaya Ketawang 62-3 of grimingan and Nyai Lara Kidul 62-3 of old Java in wayang 157-8 Bejonugraha, Ki 135 of old-style wayang 17, 100-1, 135 Bemmelen, Sita van 95 connecting court and old-style Benamou, Marc 106-7 wayang through 138-9 Bharatayuddha see also gapuran; kedhatonan and female gender players 157-8 of wayang 15, 17, 133-4 Javanese additions to, many scenes refinement in music 12 with women 153-7 as primary aesthetic in court in Javanese interpretation of 7, 137, 140, twentieth century 12 142, 144, 147-8, 151-3 Ageng Sela, Kyai 88-90, 92, 99 see also gapuran; kedhatonan see also genderan and genderan, Bicak, Ki 89-90 female-style kempul pusaka 89-92 Agung, Sultan 87, 92 wife of 88-91 Andaya, Barbara 71-2 binariness in Java 70, 80-1 Anderson, Benedict 55-6, 68, 70, 73-5 and chaos and order 81 arrivals and Dutch structuralists 80 and coincidence 42 complementarity 81 and interpreting myths
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