ICST 2019 Program Book



Remarks from Rector of University of Trunojoyo Madura Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. All praise belongs to the Most Merciful God Allah SWT for the blessings of life for us so that we could attend this very special moment International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2019 in Surabaya, . IJCST 2019 consists of International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) and International Conference on Social Science (ICSS). First of all, I would like to warmly welcome the honored keynote speakers, presenters, researchers, lecturers, and all delegates from all over the world. We are very pleased to have you here with us to participate in this special international conference. We also would like to thank our partners Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Politeknik Negeri , Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Universitas Negeri , Politeknik Negeri Jember, Universitas Khairun , Universitas Musamus, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Universitas Kadiri, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, and especially our Faculty of Engineering for the great collaboration. The University of Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) is one of the Excellent State University in East , Indonesia. This university has an ambition to continuously improve research and teaching performance. We already have an International Collaboration with some overseas universities in Asia and Europe. Additionally, we also have many brilliant academics which graduated from various reputable universities in Indonesia and overseas, such as USA, UK, Australia, Malaysia, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Japan, Philippines, and others. Hopefully, IJCST 2019 is a great opportunity to discuss and share knowledge as well as develop a wide academic collaboration and networking among researchers from all over the world.



Finally, I would like to express my greatest appreciation to everyone for all contributions to the successful International Conference, and we truly apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you very much. We wish you a most interesting conference Have a wonderful day in Surabaya, The Hero City in Indonesia Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Best Regards,

Dr. Drs. Ec. H. Muh. Syarif, M. Si. Rector of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM)



Remarks from Rector of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.

The honorable Dra. Hj. Khofifah Indar P., M.Si, Governor of , Indonesia, and Dr. Ir. Patdono Suwignjo, M.Eng.Sc., General Director of Institute of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Indonesia.

The honorable keynote speakers: Prof. Nobuo Funabiki, Prof. Shuo-Yan Chou, Prof. Dr. Budisantoso Wirjodirdjo, M.Eng, Dr. Nadirsyah Hosen, Prof. Dr. Zinatul Ashiqin Zainol, and Dr. Makhfud Efendy, S.Pi, M.Si.

Dearest guests, presenters, and participants of the International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2019.

Praise be to Allah SWT for His blessing moment, hence we can attend this valuable momment to share some ideas in this conference.

It is my pleasure, as the Rector and on behalf of Universitas Negeri Surabaya to welcome all of you, from abroad and within Indonesia, to participate in the International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2019.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The intelligent industry or industry 4.0 is the fourth revolution of industry when company is transformed by an inteligent organization to achieve the best business result. The raising global income levels and improving the quality of life are the aim of the revolution. We can play important role and do significant action to support the achievement of these goals as we are educator and researchers as well.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Inspired by the spirit of industrial revolution 4.0, the IJCST 2019 brings the theme "The opportunities and challenges in elevating local resources


INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICST) 2019 contribute to develop a better world". We do hope that this conference will be the home for the researchers, the lecturers, and the practitioners in science and technology to communicate their original scientific ideas based on their updated research. Their contribution will be valuable input for the development of these fields.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are grateful to all institutions, sponsors, all organizing and scientific committee members, and all participants for making this conference possible and successful. We wish you all have a wonderful moment here in Surabaya, the second biggest city in Indonesia.

May you have a very succesful conference.

Thank you.

Prof. Dr. Nur Hasan, M.Kes Rector of Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Remarks from Rector of Politeknik Negeri Bali

The honourable Governor of East Java, General Director of Institution of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RisTekDikti) Distinguish guest, presenters and participants of IJCST 2019

The 4th IJCST is a college consortium as well as a non-profit foundation, which actively initiates scientific activities in the form of conferences. In the conference is initiated to accommodate the field of science and technology and the humanities field, organized separately in accordance with scientific characteristics and a definite methodological footing. There are 10 universities, 2 polytechnics and one non-profit foundation get involved in this joint and collaboration.

This joint conference is initiated covering two main field of subject which are social science (ICSS) and engineering (ICST). The main theme of the conference is “Industrial Revolution 4.0: The opportunities and challenges in elevating local resources contribute to develop a better world”. This theme is an anticipation of the industrialization 4.0 issue for global development and also in order to improve the relevance and productivity of research and development.

We get optimistic that this conference will contribute for enhance of research output quality and obtain better research collaboration in future among researchers and also institution internationally. Your presence at this conference is very important to sustainable development dedication for better human life in the world.

Finally, wishing you a great conference and enjoy the nice city of Surabaya one of the best city management in Indonesia.

Bali State Polytechnic


I Nyoman Abdi, SE., M.eCom.



Remarks from Rector of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.

On behalf of The Rector of University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all participants, delegates from all over the world, and keynote speakers to the IJSCT 2019. Welcome to Surabaya, at Sheraton Hotel & Tower. Welcome to Surabaya, one of the biggest city in Indonesia, and called a heroes city. This city holds many stories of struggles against invaders. No wonder that in Surabaya, we can find many unique architectural buildings and historical heritage. Welcome also to our University, Belanegara Campus. Our campus was characterized by specific character building of our student. We develop a patriotic soul and patriotism in our learning process.

Taking place every year, the theme of this year’s conference is “Industrial 4.0: The Opportunities and Challenges In Elevating Local Resources Contribute To Develop A Better World”. This theme is intended to promote the relationship between the manufacturing industry and the local resources. In the Industry 4.0 era, the ‘real’ and the ‘virtual’ world are to be connected to what is known as cyber-physical production systems. As a result, the traditional manufacturing processes are undergoing an enormous transformation which will change the way companies approach manufacturing, and it will cause a polarization of the labor force. Industry 4.0 also will have the potency to change the nature of jobs, education and skill requirement; because it requires the increasing of technical competencies. The use of rapid technology will contribute to increased efficiency; and will affect productivity, competitiveness, and employment.

We are very pleased to welcome you in the proceedings book of the IJCST 2019. These proceedings are one of the continuations for the conference. Based on these papers, hopefully, more collaborations can be initiated or should be followed up between us.



I would like to express my gratitude to all of the participants, keynote and invited speakers as well. Many thanks also go to the reviewers and the editorial team for their big effort in supporting this proceedings book. Last but not least, my big appreciation to the steering and organizing committees, in realizing this proceedings book. Thank you.

Wassalamulaikum wr wb.

Prof.Dr. Ir. Akhmad Fauzi, MMT Rector of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur



Remarks from Rector of Universitas Negeri Makassar

In this modern era, the impact of changes in science and technology is very significant to human life. Industrial revolution 4.0 comes as a new era characterized by computerized digital technology. This era has changed the order of human life from manual systems to automated systems. 2018 international Joint Conference Science ana Technology (IJCST) is an international level conference organized by a consorsium of 9 university including Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Universias Trunojoyo Madura, Universitas Negeri Makkasar, Universitas Negeri Manado, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Universitas Negeri Makassar Musamus. This joint conference brings Together research from various countries who aim to share resources and innovation in relation to the era of digitalization where this year the focus in on thr fields of chemical engineering, science and technology, information systems, electrical engineering, food technology, veterinary animals, health which is expected to strengthen the relationship between researchers. Universitas Negeri Makassar is very proud to be a member of the IJST 2018 consorsium. The hope is that it can foster collaboration between institutions, especially the increase in the number of scientific publikations by displaying research results, innovative ideas, and experience in the field of science and technology. On behalf of Universitas Negeri Makassar, let me congratulate the implementation of IJCST 2018. Hopfully this activity can benefit researchesrs to be able to socialize and interact with other international seminar participants.

Prof. Dr. H. Husain Syam, M.T.P. Rector of Universitas Negeri Makassar



Remarks from Rector of Universitas Negeri Manado

Salam Sejahtera bagi kita sekalian, Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuuh., Om Swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya, salam kebajikan First of all, allow me as the Chancellor of to give Praise and Gratitude to the presence of Almighty God because of His grace and participation so that the 2019 International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (Surabaya) can run well. In the current 4.0 Industrial Revolution era, innovation takes place very quickly with competition in various fields which are increasingly stringent, including in the world of Higher Education. To be able to advance and compete globally, inevitably Higher Education must continue to encourage and support the development of Education and Learning Activities, Community Service and Innovative Research for lecturers and students. The results of the research should not only be stored and deposited in the Higher Education environment but must be widely disseminated so that it can be known by all interested parties. Moreover, based on Permenristekdikti No.20 of 2017, Lecturers with functional positions as Professor and Head Lecturer must conduct Scientific Publications both nationally and internationally. I see the 2019 IJCST to be one of the appropriate venues for universities to disseminate our ideas and research results, as a form of public accountability, fulfilment of the conditions of publication obligations, and active participation in improving the quality of tertiary institutions, because the articles presented at this conference will be published in the form of CPCI indexed proceedings (Clarivate Analytics / Thomson Reuters / Web of Science). On this occasion, I also want to give high appreciation to the collaboration of the Higher Education Consortium in the implementation of the 2019 IJCST which has proven to encourage us to support each other, share information, reference, experience and even technology in conducting international conference events, so that we can move forward together and complement each other in increasing the capacity of each university.



Finally, I congratulate the conference, long live Indonesian Education! Salam Sejahtera, Wabillahi Taufik Wal Hidayah, Wassalamu Alaikum Warahamatullahi Wabarakatuh. Om shanti, shanti, shanti … oom Sadhu sadhu sadhu …

Prof. Dr. Julyeta P. A. Runtuwene, MS. Rector of Universitas Negeri Manado,



Remarks from Rector of Politeknik Negeri Jember

Dear all scientists and participants,

It is my great pleasure and honor to welcome you to the 2nd International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) and the 2nd International Conference on Social Science (ICSS) hosted by Universitas Trunojoyo in Madura (UTM), East Java. The conferences are organized by IJCST (International Joint Conference on Science and Technology) which is originally initiated by some state universities in East Java, Bali, and .

In this year, the IJCST conferences are held on October 17th - 18th at Sheraton Hotel & Tower, Surabaya, Indonesia. The conferences are expected to become a scientific forum for scientists, lecturers, researchers, and policymakers, to meet and to share their knowledge, research findings, and thoughts on science and technology that will contribute to the advancement of practices in the educational world. The ICST is specialized to those who are interested and committed to the development of science technology which covers Sciences, Informatics Technology, Engineering, Power and Energy, Environment, Geology, Industrial Engineering, Mining, and others. While, the ICSS accommodates those who are specialized their researches on social science such as those of Law, Education, Cultural and Communication Studies, History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Library Sciences.

In the age of Industry 4.0, science and technology have now become one of the strategic sectors which underpin the development of a society and a country. By encouraging studies and innovation in these areas, I believe we can do our best to change difficulties into opportunities and to make a better life for now and future. This is in line with the theme of these conferences “Industrial Revolution 4.0: The opportunities and challenges in elevating local resources contribute to developing a better world”. Therefore, this is not exaggerating statement to assert that this conference disserves to gain our attention to make it continued and witnesses the expected changes in our education, society, nation, and world.



Finally, as the Director of Politeknik Negeri Jember, I am very grateful to Dr. Ir. Patdono Suwignjo, M.Eng.Sc., Director General of Institutions of Science, Technology and Higher Education at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RisTekDikti), and Mrs. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, M.Si., the Governor of East Java, who have delivered concerns and insights through the special speeches in these conferences. My sincere thanks to the keynote speakers: Prof. Nobuo Funabiki from Okayama University Japan, Prof. Shuo-Yan Chou from The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Dr. Achmad Amzeri from University of Trunojoyo Madura, Dr. Nadirsyah Hosen from Monash University Australia, Prof. Dr. Kamal Halili Hassan from The National University of Malaysia, and Dr. Makhfud Efendy, S.Pi., M.Si. from University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia. I would also thank the Steering Committee, the Organizing Committee, the Reviewers, and the Editorial Boards for their great dedication to make the Conferences successfully organized.

Saiful Anwar, S.Tp, MP Director of Politeknik Negeri Jember



Remarks from Rector of Universitas Khairun


Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings,

Peace for us all


On behalf of entire Universitas Khairun community, we are very pleased and appreciated to all consortium members who have jointly organized the 2019 International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST). As Rector of Universitas Khairun, I also appreciate the increasing number and quality of research results presented at leading scientific conferences such as the 2019 IJCST. In addition, hopefully this great activity can also encourage the entire community of Universitas Khairun to be more productive in producing scientific works that are disseminated at international scientific meetings such as IJCST 2019.

Personally, I thank to all the academic community who participate in this conference. In addition, sincerely please accept my highest appreciation to all parties involved in the preparation of IJCST 2019 especially to the committee behind this enormous conference who dedicated their time and loyalty to prepare this conference perfectly.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Prof. Dr. Husen Alting, S.H., M.H Rector of Universitas Khairun



Remarks from Rector of Musamus University

Honorable the Chancellors, the Deans of the Consortium Members, the keynote speakers, the authors (lecturers and researchers), the committees and all participants.

Shalom and best wishes.

Praise be to the Almighty God for blessing and guiding us into this special moment, the International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2019.

It is such an honor to be and take a part in this consortium, the 2nd IJCST 2019 organized by the University of Trunojoyo Madura. We realize that this conference is the right place for researchers in the fields of science and technology, social and humanities to improve the quantity and quality of their research publications, beside their obligation to carry out the Tri Dharma of higher education. Each lecturer is required to publish the results of his/her research in either national/international journals or in national / international conferences. This is absolutely important for improving lecturers’ achievement and influencing university ranking.

We realize that to keep existing in publications in either international journals or conferences is not easy, especially for the new state universities such as Musamus University. Therefore, it is extremely significant to make an agreement in consortium to conduct international seminars regularly.

Musamus University is committed to increase the quantity and quality of lecturer publications to improve university rankings and as a capital for lecturers to improve academic positions. Therefore, Musamus University is very proud to be accepted and for the second time taking a part in the Higher Education consortium at the International Joint Conference on Science and Technology to increase the number of lecturer publications and university rankings. Hopefully, the implementation of IJCST 2019 in Surabaya can run well and offer all members and participants of this consortium the plentiful benefits.



We hope this conference will be a great and successful event not only as an opportunity to share knowledge and experiences but also as a start of good cooperation and friendship among consortium members.

As closing, we would like to extend gratitude to all delegates for their full cooperation and contribution in IJCST 2019 and the organizers of the University of Trunojoyo for opening opportunities and working hard for the convening and success of this conference.

Finally, allow me on behalf of Musamus University to wish you a fruitful and pleasant international conference.

Thank you

Prof. Dr. Philipus Betaubun, M.T Chancellor of Musamus University



Remarks from Rector of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change”(Albert Einstein)

Intelligence (intelligence) is a person's ability to think logically, communicate, learn, know, understand, remember, have planned, think creatively and be able to solve problems. Learn from the experience and also be able to adapt to the environment. Intelligence is synonymous with the tertiary environment, lecturers who have the task of doing higher education, education, and research and community service.

For the performance of the field of research, especially in the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education currently in the spotlight, Mr. Jokowi - President of the Republic of Indonesia. On the occasion of opening the 2018 Plenary Cabinet meeting, Mr. Jokowi once questioned the benefits of a research fund of Rp. 24.9 Trillion in various ministries/institutions that have no impact on the resolution of community problems.

( budget-Rp-249trillion )

The International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) with the theme "Industrial Revolution 4.0: The opportunities and challenges in elevating local resources contribute to developing a better world" can be used as a momentum for us to answer the President's turmoil by producing research that is not only just stop in publication to fulfil the task of research darma alone but to continue to be research that is able to answer problems in society, especially in the digital era, the era of technology, the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.

This conference was held by involving 12 universities, this collaboration will be a driving force for quality research, and each university has its advantages in the direction of research which can then be joined by experts


INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICST) 2019 in other universities. In the current competitive era of collaboration, resource mobilization is a must. Nobody can do something individually at this time.

UPNVJ hopes that after this conference the lecturers will follow up on these studies by pioneering, building cooperation with the industrial world so that the downstream is achieved, then the researchers will communicate with each other intensely to follow up on this activity by conducting joint research.

Finally, Congratulations and Success for the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICCT) and thank you UPNVJ for the opportunity to participate in this activity.

Coming together is a beginning Staying together is progress Working together is a success (Henry Ford)

Wabillahitaufik wal hidayah

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

(Salam) Greetings Bela Negara!

Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA,CA

Rector of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta



Remarks from Rector of Kadiri Unversity

Welcome to the proceeding of the International Conference of Social Science and International Conference of Science and Technology with Kadiri University as the Co Host. The theme of our first conference is International Seminar of Social, Science, Economics, and Tehnology (ISoSSET). As the first time for participating in the International Conference, it is hoped the participation will not be the last and the continuity will make the conference better and better. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to University of Trunojoyo Madura for being our best partner and teacher for being the Co Host for these conference. We also like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all presenters and authors for the willingness to join this seminar.

Ir.Djoko Rahardjo, MP Rector of Kadiri University



Remarks from Rector of Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

Assalammualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Good Morning. Dear all scientists and participants, It is my pleasure and honor to join the 2nd International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) and the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS) held by in Madura (UTM), East Java. The IJCST conference was held on 17-18 October at the Sheraton Hotel & Tower, Surabaya, Indonesia. The conference is expected to be a scientific forum for our lecturers, researchers and students to meet and share knowledge, research findings, and thoughts about science and technology that will contribute to the progress of practice in education. Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya (UWKS) has 8 Faculties and 26 Study Programs: Faculty of Engineering, Agriculture, Law, Economics and Business, Social Political Science, Language and Science, Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine. UWKS as a cultural campus, where strengthening as a cultural campus is manifested in the form of activities, both academic and non-academic, always embodies the embodiment of the character of cultural values. As an Educational Institution, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma must always support all Government Programs for mutual Progress. Among others is to support government programs in the success of International and National Scientific Article Publications, Through Scientific Meetings as we are today, and hopefully there is a follow up on the application of the results of this international seminar. The theme of the conference is "Industrial Revolution 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges in Enhancing Local Resources to Support a Better World". In the era of Industry 4.0, science and technology have now become one of the strategic sectors that sustain the development of society and the country. By encouraging and innovating in these fields, it is hoped that there will be expected changes in our education, society, nation and world.



Finally, we are very grateful to Dr. Ir. Patdono Suwignjo, M.Eng.Sc., Director General of the Institute of Science, Technology and Higher Education in the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RisTekDikti), and Ms. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, M.Sc., Governor of East Java, and thank you us to the main speaker: Prof. Nobuo Funabiki from Okayama University of Japan, Prof. Shuo-Yan Chou from the National University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Dr. Achmad Amzeri from Trunojoyo University Madura, Dr. Nadirsyah Hosen from Monash University Australia, Prof. Dr. Kamal Halili Hassan from The National University of Malaysia, and Dr. Makhfud Efendy, S.Pi., M.Sc. from Trunojoyo University Madura, Indonesia. we also thank the Steering Committee, Organizing Committee, Reviewers, and Editorial Board so that this Conference can run smoothly. Thank you, Have a wonderful and insightful seminar Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Prof. H. Sri Harmadji., dr., Sp.THT-KL (K) Rector of Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya



Remarks from Rector of Bahaudin Mudhary Madura University

All praise belongs to the Most Merciful God Allah SWT. Sholawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW. We are pleased to welcome you to the International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2019 consists of International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) and International Conference on Social Science (ICSS) in Sheraton Surabaya Hotel & Towers, Indonesia, October 17-18, 2019. This international meeting will assemble the world leaders in the growing fields related to the STEM and Social Science. Hence it is timely that this meeting will enable you to meet up and discuss important issues in this escalating issues. We welcome you to this conference and look forward to your participation. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to University of Trunojoyo Madura for being our best partner and leader for being the Co Host for these conference. We also would like to thank our partners Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Universitas Negeri Manado, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Universitas Khairun Ternate, Universitas Musamus, Universitas Kadiri, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, and and especially our Faculty of Engineering for the great collaboration. Bahaudin Mudhary Madura University is a new higher education in Sumenep, Indonesia. However, we are committed to growing and developing rapidly towards world class university. One example is that within one year, we have transformed from an college into a university. We are open to collaborating on improving academic quality and research.



We wish you a most interesting international conference. Have a wonderful day in Surabaya, Indonesia. Sincerely yours,

Agung Purnomo Vice Rector for Academic & Student Affairs Bahaudin Mudhary Madura University




Steering Committee Prof. Ir. Renanto Handogo, M.Sc., Ph.D., Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia

Prof. dr. ir. G.J. (Bart) Verkerke, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherland

Assoc. Professor Hadi Susanto, M.Sc., Ph.D., University of Essex, United Kingdom

Dr. Jamari, S.T., M.T., University of Diponegoro, Indonesia

General Chair Prof. Dr. Arif Muntasa., S.Si., M.T., University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Editorial Boards Prof. Nobuo Funabiki, Ph.D., Okayama University, Japan

Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Idrus Alhamid, , Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ir. A. P. Bayuseno, M.Sc., University of Diponegoro, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Sari Edi Cahyaningrum, M.Si., Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ir. Rachmad Hidayat., M.T., IPU., AER., University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Prof. T. M. Indra Mahlia, Ph.D., University of Technology Sidney, Australia

Prof. Dr. Revolson A. Mege, M.S., State University of Manado, Indonesia

Roman Podraza, Ph.D., Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Dr. Dani Harmanto, University of Derby, United Kingdom



Dr. Ario Sunar Baskoro, S.T, M.T, M.Eng., University of Indonesia, Indonesia

Dr. Dra. Jariyah, MP., UPN “Veteran” East Java, Indonesia

Dr. Ir. Ni Ketut Sari, M.T., UPN “Veteran” East Java, Indonesia

Dr. Ir. Reda Rizal, M.Si., UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Indonesia

Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes., Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

Saiful Anwar, STP, MP., State Polytechnic of Jember, Indonesia

Lita Asyriati Latif, S.T., M.TM., Universitas Khairun Ternate, Indonesia

Ir. Made Mudhina, M.T., Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia

Daniel Parenden, S.T., M.T., University of Musamus Merauke , Indonesia

Wahyudi Agustiono, S.Kom., M.Sc., Ph.D, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Chandra Ade Irawan, Ph.D., University of Nottingham Ningbo, China

Abdul Malek Bin Yakoob, Ph.D., Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia

I Dewa Made Cipta Santosa, ST, M.Sc, PhD., Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia

Muhammad Yusuf, S.T., M.MT., Ph.D., University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Additional Reviewers Dr. Hakam Muzakki, S.T., M.T., University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Dr. Basuki Rahmat, S.Si., M.T., UPN "Veteran" East Java, Indonesia

Dr. Iis Hamsir Ayub Wahab, S.T., M.Eng., Universitas Khairun Ternate, Indonesia

Dr. Indah Agustien S., S.Kom. M.Kom., University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia



Dr. Ir. Ni Ketut Sari, M.T., UPN “Veteran” East Java, Indonesia

Dr. Akhmad Sabaruddin, S.T., M.T., University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Dr. Muhammad Amin, S.T., M.T., University of Samudra, Indonesia

Dr. Iis Hamsyir Ayub Wahab, S.T., M.Eng., Universitas Khairun Ternate, Indonesia

Dr. Mufti Amir Sultan, M.T., Universitas Khairun Ternate, Indonesia

Dr. Damora Rhakasywi, S.T., M.T., UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Indonesia

Dr. Ir. Halim Mahfud, M.Sc., UPN Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia

Dr. Dira Ernawati, S.T., M.T., UPN "Veteran" East Java, Indonesia

Dr. I Gede Susrama, M.Kom., UPN "Veteran" East Java, Indonesia

Dr. Philipus Betaubun, M.T., Universitas Musamus Merauke, Indonesia

Dr. Ir. Budi Hariono, M.Si., State Polytechnic of Jember, Indonesia

Dr. Lilik Anifah, S.T., M.T., Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

Dr. Yeni Kustiyahningsih, S.Kom., M.Kom., University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Dr. Noor Ifada, S.T., MISD., University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Dr. Edy Winarno, S.T., M.Eng., Unisbank, Semarang, Indonesia

Dr. Ir. Lilik Sudiajeng, M.Erg., Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia

Dr. Anak Agung Ngurah Gde Sapteka, S.T., M.T., Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia

Dr. Fuad Hasan, S.P., M.P., University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Dr. Erina Rahmadyanti, S.T., M.T., Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

Euis Nurul Hidayah, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., UPN Veteran East Java, Indonesia



Ida Bagus Irawan Purnama, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia

I Gst.Ngr.A. Dwijaya Saputra, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia

Putu Wijaya Sunu, S.T., M.T., Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia

Mahrus Khoirul Umami, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Eppy Yundra, S.Pd., M.T., Ph.D., Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

Cahyo Indarto, S.TP., M.P., Ph.D., University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Dr. Kukuh Winarso, S.Si, M.T., University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Program Committee Chairs Husni, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Ika Oktavia Suzanti, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Program Committee Rifky Maulana Yusron, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Yudha Dwi Putra Negara, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Doni Abdul Fatah, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Deni Tri Laksono, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Triyani Fatchur Rahman, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Wrida Adi Wardana, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Nurhayati Fitriani, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Saiful Ulum, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia



Tabel Of Content

Remarks from Rector of University of Trunojoyo Madura ...... II Remarks from Rector of Universitas Negeri Surabaya ...... IV Remarks from Rector of Politeknik Negeri Bali ...... VI Remarks from Rector of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur ...... VII Remarks from Rector of Universitas Negeri Makassar ...... IX Remarks from Rector of Universitas Negeri Manado ...... X Remarks from Rector of Politeknik Negeri Jember ...... XII Remarks from Rector of Universitas Khairun ...... XIV Remarks from Rector of Musamus University ...... XV Remarks from Rector of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta ...... XVII Remarks from Rector of Kadiri Unversity ...... XIX Remarks from Rector of Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya ...... XX Remarks from Rector of Bahaudin Mudhary Madura University ...... XXII Organization ...... XXIV Steering Committee ...... XXIV General Chair ...... XXIV Editorial Boards ...... XXIV Additional Reviewers ...... XXV Program Committee Chairs ...... XXVII Program Committee ...... XXVII Tabel Of Content ...... XXVIII Program Summary ...... LXIX Schedule of Parallel Session ...... LXXI

Network configuration optimization for wireless local-area network with three Raspberry Pi access-points under concurrent communications ...... 1 Nobuo Funabiki 1



The Fundamentals of IOT, Blockchain and AI Technologies and their Fusion will be Illustrated on Industry 4.0 ...... 3 Prof. Shuo-Yan Chou 3

A Conceptual Model of Mobile Expert System for Integrated Pest and Disease Control: The Case of MyCorn ...... 5 W Agustiono 5

Effect Electrolyte Temperature and Electrode Distance to Electroplating Hard- Chrome on Medium-Carbon Steel...... 6 R M Yusron 6

Determining the Prayer Mat Size for Javanese University Students in Bangkalan ...... 7 M K. Umami 7

Binary Classification using Convolutional Neural Network for Attributes Identification of Pedestrian Image...... 8 Indah Agustien Siradjuddin 8

Comparation of Schedulling Methods: Campbell Dudek Smith, Palmer And Dannenbring to Minimize Makespan ...... 9 Issa Dyah Utami 9

Comparing the Time Required for Dead End Filler and Wall Follower Algorithm in Solving Perfect Mazes ...... 10 Y F Hendrawan 10

Translational Motion Estimation Using Kinect ...... 11 M Fuad 1 11

Identification of Positive Gram Biopesticide Bacteria Using Fuzzy Clustering Level Set and Random Forest ...... 12 B D Satoto 12



Biomechanical Modeling: how much punching operators’ moment of force in punching process ...... 13 Rullie Annisa 13

Eco-efficiency Measurement of Indonesian Farming Using System Dynamic . 14 W Findiastuti 14

Denoising Convolutional Neural Network for Fundus Patches Quality ...... 15 W Setiawan 15

Designing a Diabetes Mellitus Detection Tool Using the Backpropagation Method ...... 16 R Alfita 16

Application of Latent Factor Model on a Restaurant Menu Recommendation System ...... 17 N Ifada 17

Online Survey to support the IT Master Plan ...... 18 Mochammad Kautsar Sophan 18

Misty Image Repair System with Dark Channel Prior and CLAHE ...... 19 Koko Joni 19

Detecting Text in the Scene Text Image Using Fast Fourier Transform ...... 20 Rosida Vivin Nahari 20

Detection and Identification Indonesia License Plate Using Background Subtraction Based on Area ...... 21 F Damayanti 21

Digital Filter Design for Classifying Coconut Ages using Blackman FIR and Elliptic IIR Filters ...... 22 Diana Rahmawati 22



The Determination of The Defender Position In Football Uses The Magiq (Multi- Attribute Global Inference Quality)Method ...... 23 Sigit Susanto Putro 23

Introducing Virtual Reality for Learning Media in Schools in Indonesia ...... 24 Arik Kurniawati 24

Augmented Reality-Marker Detection Measurement on Heroes of Surabaya Mobile Games ...... 25 Ari Kusumaningsih1 25

Optimising the tower-defense games with advanced local cultural content and a greedy algorithm ...... 26 Cucun Very Angkoso 26

Improvement of One-Dimensional Fisherface Algorithm to extract the Features (Case study: Face Recognition) ...... 27 Arif Muntasa 27

A Novel Conceptual Model of e-Participation using Biometrics Technologies 28 Muhammad Yusuf 28

Effect of Metal Inert Gas Welding Process Parameters to Tensile Strength on ST 37 Steel Sheet Joint...... 29 Hakam Muzakki 29

Content Based Image Retrieval Using Two Color Feature Extraction ...... 30 F A Mufarroha 30

Comparison of Automatic Water Taps Using Ultrasonic Sensors and PIR Sensors ...... 31 Vivi Tri Widyaningrum 31

Monitoring And Control Web Based System for Peanut At The Green House . 32 Sri Wahyuni 32



Magnetic Braking System Using Electromagnetic Force ...... 33 Budiarto Hairil 33

Prototype Design Of Automatic Anchovy Drying Robot Using Arduino ATmega 2560 ...... 34 M Pramudia 34

Hijaiyah Letters Sign Language Recognition for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children Based on Principal Component Analysis Method ...... 35 Achmad Fiqhi I 35

Mobile Expert System for Dengue Fever Based on Certainty Factor Method .. 36 Ach. Khozaimi 36

Design of Virtual Reality Application for Taharah Using 3D Blender ...... 37 D R Anamisa 37

Mobile Expert System Using Forward Chaining for Diagnosing Teak Tree Disease ...... 38 Imamah 38

Rework Reduction with a Risk Management Approach along with Quality Cost Analysis of Furniture Production Processes Using the House of Risk (HOR) Method (Case Study: PT X) ...... 39 Kukuh Winarso 39

Soft Segmentation Using Image Registration Based on Nonlocal Matting ...... 40 Meidya Koeshardianto 40

Prediction of Student Acceptance Based on Android ...... 41 Muhammad Ali Syakur 41

The Effect Of The Submerged Arc Welding Parameters To Distortion On The Steel Joints ...... 42 Emon Rifai 42



Adaptive Interval Trapezoid Fuzzy Number for Recommendation Systems E- Learning ...... 43 Y Kustiyahningsih 43

Voltage Accuracy Level Analysis Output Auto Boost Converter with Fuzzy Logic method on Photovoltaic ...... 44 Adi Kurniawan Saputro 44

Streaming Performance Analysis of Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality Cloud Based on X86 and ARM Processor Types ...... 45 M Wahyudi 45

Forecasting Crime: Application of The Trend Projection Method In Sumenep District...... 46 E Rahmanita 46

Addition Combustion Air Effect to Engine Performance K15-901 using Bioethanol Fuel ...... 47 Ibnu Irawan 47

Developing Digital Applications to Improve Business Process Sustainability in An Indonesian Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company ...... 48 I Cahyadi 48

The Classification of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Based on Colour Feature Extraction Using Decision Tree Classifier of Adaptive Boosting...... 49 Aeri Rachmad 49

Subject Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithms (Case Study: SMK Negeri 1 Labang-Madura-Indonesia) ...... 50 Eka Mala Sari Rochman 50

Implementing Method Of Empirical Mode Decomposition Based On Artificial Neural Networks And Genetic Algorithms For Crude Oil Price Forecasting ... 51 S Herawati 51



Virtual Enterprise for Batik’s Small Medium Enterprises ...... 52 Trisita Novianti 52

Optimization of Metal Inert Gas Welding with Taguchi Method ...... 53 Teguh Prasetyo 53

Measurement of Security Quality of E-Commerce Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process ...... 54 Novi Prastiti 54

Extraction System Web Content Sports New Based On Web Crawler Multi Thread ...... 55 Y D Pramudita 55

K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Determination of Clustering of Bangkalan Regional Development Potential ...... 56 A F Doni 56

Cryptograph RSA and Compression Shannon Fano Text File Services at Mobile Devices ...... 57 Dwi Kuswanto 57

Implementation of RC4 Cryptography Algorithm for Data File Security ...... 58 A F Doni 58

Comparison of Data Mining Algorithm Performance on Student Savings Dataset ...... 59 Y D P Negara 59

Redefining Industry 4.0 and Its Enabling Technologies ...... 60 Khamdi Mubarok 60

Pre-processing for vibration signals features extraction and selection in real time investigating of CNC tool wear...... 61 Anis Arendra 61



Design of the mBatik, textile hot wax applicator to emulate hand drawn batik using CNC plotter machine and characterization of wax plotting parameters .. 62 Sabarudin Akhmad 62

Investigating pump cavitation based on audio sound signature recognition using artificial neural network ...... 63 Anis Arendra 63

Smart Helmet Control System Using Heart Pulse Indicator...... 64 Faikul Umam 64

Development Of Poor Family Selection System Using Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Rank Method ...... 65 I Santosa 65

Image Batik Classification Based using Ensemble Learning ...... 66 Mulaab 66

Planning of Path Loss in Large Scale Signal Propagation Model at 5G Network by Using Linear Regression Methods ...... 67 Achmad Ubaidillah 67

Performance of Microstrip Patch Omnidirectional Antenna with Stripline on Unmanned Aircraft System ...... 68 Akhmad Tajuddin Tholabi 68

The Accuracy Measurement of Stock Price Numerical Prediction ...... 69 Samsul Amar 69

Signal Classification and Electromyography (EMG) Instrumentation Design as Basic Electronic Control System ...... 70 Miftachul Ulum 70

Money Authenticity Detector Design Using Artificial Neural Network Method For Blinds ...... 71 Kunto Aji W 71



Key Factors of Success Technology Transfer from Higher Education To Creative Industry in Bangkalan, Madura ...... 72 Retno Indriartiningtias 72

Performance of 2.4 GHz Xbee for Digital Image Transmission with Yagi Antenna ...... 73 Haryanto 73

Leader-Follower Formation Tracking Of Multiple Mobile Robots With Constant Leader Velocity ...... 74 M. Latif 74

Parameter Identifiability of Phased-MIMO Radar with coherent receive arrays ...... 75 Muttaqin Hardiwansyah 75

Integration of Variable Accceptance Sampling and Maintenance Policy Based on Process Capability Index ...... 76 S F Salimah 76

Determining Numbers of Coloring λ-Backbone on Split Graph ...... 77 Fatanur Baity Tsulutsya 77

Optical Spectrum of Uncladded Fiber Bragg Grating for Glucose Concentration Measurement ...... 78 Nur Abdillah Siddiq 78

The Effect Of Extrusion Machine Againt Consistency Filaments Products 3D Printing ...... 79 Rony Azmi faisal 79

Performance Analysis of Hydrogen Fed Proton Conducting ITSOFC Cogeneration System ...... 80 Nizar Amir 80



An Improved AES Key Generation in Audio Steganography ...... 81 D. N. Purnamasari 81

Comparative Measurement of Partial Discharge Using Spiral Antenna with RC Detector on High Voltage Equipment...... 82 Dedi Tri Laksono 82

Data Mining Forecasting Sales of Building Materials on CV. Forward Together in Surabaya With Use Time Series ...... 83 S Hardi 83

Implementation of System Dynamics in Hospital Services for Improving Inpatient Rooms Utilization ...... 84 H Supriyanto 84

Optimization of Machining Parameters for Surface-roughness and Precision in EDM Using Response Surface Method ...... 85 R M Yusron 85

Decision Support System for Determination of Development of Small and Medium Industries Using VIKOR...... 86 Achmad Jauhari 86

Web Service for Search Engine Bahasa Indonesia (SEBI) ...... 87 Husni 87

REST API Implementation on Android Based Monitoring Application ...... 88 Ika Oktavia Suzanti 88

Comparison of Partial Discharge Characteristics Detected by RC Detector and Rectangular Antenna ...... 89 Deni Tri Laksono 89

A Conceptual Model of Indonesian Question Answering System based on Semantic Web ...... 90 M Syarief 90



Automatic Clean Water Treatment System Using The Sugeno Fuzzy Method . 91 S Hanif 91

Application Monitoring and Evaluation using SMART (Simple Multi attribute Rating Technique) Method ...... 92 Nurhayati Fitriani 92

Smart Stick For the Blind Using Arduino ...... 93 A S Romadhon 93

Finite State Automata Approach for Text to Speech Translation System in Indonesian-Madurese Language ...... 94 Fika Hastarita Rachman 94

Robot Orientation Estimation Based on Single-Frame of Fish-eye Image ...... 95 Muhammad Fuad 95

The Causality of Monosodium Glutamate Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Absorbance Pattern with Wave Peaks from Several Seasoning Product (Savoury Flavors) ...... 96 Mujianto 96

Analysis of Smartphone Users Movement Using Data Mining Methods and SWOT Analysis in East Surabaya Areas ...... 97 Sumiati 97

Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Assess Organic Matters in Activated Persulfate ...... 98 E N Hidayah 98

Effect of Temulawak (curcuma zanthorrizha) ExtractsAdditionas Natural Antioxidant Against The Destruction of Palm Oil in Frying Process ...... 99 U Sarofa 99

Beneficial of Clover Leaf (Marsilea crenata) as Bio-adsorbent of Heavy Metal Contamination in Red Mussels (Masculita senhousia) ...... 100



S Winarti 100

Inventory Control System Using Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP) ( Case Study : Food Company) ...... 101 Y Ngatilah 101

Production of Maltodextrin from Cocoyams (Xanthosoma Sagittifolium) Starch Using Α-Amylase Enzyme ...... 102 D F Rosida 102

Green Supply Chain Operation Reference (Green SCOR) Performance Evaluation (Case Study: Steel Company) ...... 103 F Pulansari 103

Redesign of The Production Facility Layout by Using Systematic Layout Planning Methodat Cahaya Bintang Mas Company Surabaya ...... 104 Sunardi 104

Determination of Maintenance Schedule of Loading and Unloading Pump Machine Using Genetic Algorithm Method ...... 105 Dwi Sukma Donoriyanto 105

The Ergonomic Shooting Net Design for Pond Farmers ...... 106 Tranggono 106

Reaction Kinetics The Formation of Calcium Sulfate From Cow Bone And Sulfuric Acid In Batch ...... 107 C Pujiastuti 107

Optimization of Pectin Extraction from Pedada Fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris) 108 Jariyah 108

Advertisements and Representation of Muslimah Beauty: Sunsilk Hijab Shampoo (International Product) and Sariayu Hijab Shampoo (Local Product) ...... 109 K R Hayati 109



Photoinhibition of Algal Photobioreactor by Intense Light ...... 110 A U Farahdiba 110

The Influence Model of Factors on Customer Satisfaction and Highway Users Loyality ...... 111 Minto Waluyo 111

Synthesis and Characterization of Adsorbent from Solid Waste of Ceramics Industry ...... 112 Nove Kartika Erliyanti 112

Layout Design in Grup Technology Using Cellular Manufacturing System ..113 D Ernawati 113

Reduction Of Pb And Cr Levels In Paper Industrial Liquid Waste With Ion Exchange Method ...... 114 K N Wahyusi 114

Proximate Analysis of Food Bar Made from Pedada Fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris) Enhanced with Gembili Flour and Mung Bean Flour as an Alternative to Emergency Food ...... 115 Luqman Agung Wicaksono 115

EffectivenessTamarind to reductionof Pb content in red mussels...... 116 SS Santi 116

Physicochemical And Sensory Properties Of Pedada Fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris) Bar ...... 117 A Y T Putra 117

Algorithm Analysis of Polynomial Mathematical Models of Noise Pollution due to Traffic Volume in The Region of West Surabaya ...... 118 Cintantya Budi Casita 118



Analysis of Noise Pollution due to Traffic Volume Based on The Types of Automotive Vehicles: A Study of West Surabaya Region ...... 119 Zetta Rasullia Kamandang 119

Characterization of Soyghurt Synbiotic Drink from Soymilk and Purple Yam Extract ...... 120 Rosida 120

Analysis of Quality Management by Implementing Total Quality Management Based on Deming Prize ...... 121 Enny Aryanny 121

Synthesis and Characteristics of β-Tri-Calcium Phosphate from Green Mussel Shell ...... 122 B Wahyudi 122

Synthesis of Tricalcium Phosphate From Eggshells with Precipitation Method ...... 123 S Sani 123

Low Sodium Healthy Salt by Dry Methods ...... 124 S Redjeki1 124

Vinasse Treatment With Aerobic Microbial Method Using Activated Slugge ...... 125 I Utami 125

The Role of Contrastive Analysis in Translation Study ...... 126 Sukirmiyadi 126

Study of Hydrology Nunukan Raw Water Retention Basin in North ...... 127 Minarni Nur Trilita 127



Resistance of Loading Loads in Surabaya River and Its Branch with Qual2KW Model...... 128 N Hendrasarie 128

Emotion Mining of Indonesia Presidential Political Campaign 2019 using Twitter Data ...... 129 A A Arifiyanti 129

Video-based Tancho Koi Fish Tracking System Using CSK, DFT, and LOT 130 Basuki Rahmat 130

Essential Oil from A Satisfying Evening Flower with Enfleuration Process ..131 N K Sari 131

Using Self-Organizing Map (SOM) for Clustering and Visualization of New Students based on Grades ...... 132 I Y Purbasari 132

Exploit remote attack test in operating system using arduino micro ...... 133 HE Wahanani 133

Measurement of the IT Helpdesk Capability Level Using the COBIT 5 Framework ...... 134 F Muttaqin 134

How IT Support a Government Organization’s Agility to Respond Citizen’s Changing Needs?:Literature Review ...... 135 Eristya Maya Safitri 135

Entrepreneurship Information System Design with ICONIX Process for a Student Business Unit Marketplace ...... 136 A. Pratama 136

Microgreen Quality of Broccoli Plants (Brassica oleracea L.) and Correlation between Parameters ...... 137 Widiwurjani 137



Moisture Reduction on Essential Oil with Batch Distillation Process from A Polianthes Tuberos ...... 138 N K Sari 138

The Online Test application uses Telegram Bots Version 1...... 139 Rizky Parlika 139

Detection of Text Similarity for Indication Plagiarism Using Winnowing Algorithm Based K-gram and Jaccard Coefficient...... 141 Eva Y Puspaningrum 141

Analysis and design student entrepreneurship information system ...... 142 S Mukaromah 142

Network Security Applications Using the Port Knocking Method ...... 143 Mohammad Idhom 143

Integration at the Application Interface Level between SIAMIK and SIPERPUS (a Case Study in XX) ...... 144 E D Wahyuni 144

Detection of Relevant Career Track for Information System Undergraduates Using Profile Matching ...... 145 Prisa Marga Kusumantara 145

Difficulty Curve-Based Procedural Generation of Scrolling Shooter Enemy Formations ...... 146 Pratama Wirya Atmaja 146

Design and Development Executive Information System Application with Drilldown and What-If Analysis features ...... 147 Agung Brastama Putra 147

Exploring Online Shoppers’ Acceptance of Electronic Marketplace Using UTAUT and The Flow Theory ...... 148 Asif Faroqi 148



The Face Recognition Performance in Every Lighting Condition of Testing Data ...... 149 Budi Nugroho 149

Online Learning Self-Efficacy: The Role in E-Learning Success ...... 150 S A Ithriah 150

Global and Adaptive Thresholding Technique for White Blood Cell Image Segmentation ...... 151 Eka Prakarsa Mandyartha 151

Developing and Evaluating a Jejakatua Virtual Campus Tour Prototype Using Auto-stitching Technique ...... 152 T L M Suryanto 152

Performance of Delay Tolerant Network Protocol in Smart City Scenario ....153 Agussalim 153

Husk as a Substitute for Styrofoam Plastic Products Manufacturing Packaging ...... 154 Reda Rizal 154

Construction of Collaboration Model of Supply Chain Management on Business Performance and Sustainable Competitive Advantage Using Structural Equation Modeling (Sem) Method ...... 155 Mohammad Rachman Waluyo 155

Identification of Body Posture Of Milkfish Satay Workers Using The Rula and Owas Method ...... 156 Nurfajriah 156

Designing Passengers Cabin Of Carrier Vehicles Of 6x6 Armour Personnel With Principles Of Ergonomic ...... 157 Halim Mahfud 157



Analysis Performance of Force Convection Cooling Using Synthetic Jets With Wave Variations (Sine, Square, and Triangular) ...... 158 Bintang Arya Putra 158

Integration of Quality Function Deployment and Analytical Hierarchy Process in Developing Digital Application Features ...... 159 Akhmad Nihomuz Zaman 159

Performance Analysis of Forced Convection Coolers using Synthetic Jets With Variations in Altitude from Synthetic Jets to Heat Sources ...... 160 Muchammad Baihaqi Muslich 160

Improving Employees’ Safety Behaviour on The Production Process by Designing Occupational Health and Safety System ...... 161 Siti Rohana Nasution 161

GHR mRNA Expression in the Liver and Muscles of Local Pigs from The Islands in , Indonesia ...... 162 Revolson Alexius Mege 162

Ethnomathematics in Majapahit's Culture: Geometry Concepts and Pedagogy Reviews in the life of Mlaten Trowulan Villages ...... 163 Mega Teguh Budiarto 163

Statistical Reasoning Levels of High School Students in Solving Statistics- Related Problems...... 164 R Setianingsih 164

The Voices of Students about Climate Change: A Preliminary Reasearch .....165 E Hariyono 165

Student Achievements Using Problem Solving Learning ...... 166 Nurita 166



A physics representation with “Picsar” to enhance students’ thinking skills in abstract concepts ...... 167 N Suprapto 167

Non-Science students’ attitude toward the importance of environment-based learning using Vi-Learning in basic natural science courses ...... 168 M N R Jauhariyah 168

Online-based learning to train students crytical thinking in physics teacher training program ...... 169 R Kustijono 169

Magnetic Properties of Fe3O4@Graphene: Preparation from Natural Material ...... 170 Munasir 170

The Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Learning Devices Model for Practicing Student Scientific Literacy ...... 171 F Retnowati 171

Effect of Addition of Different Egg Yolks in Basic Tris-Soya Diluent on Quality, Membrane Integrity of Senduro Goat Sperm, and Free Radicals during Storage at Temperature of 4-5o C ...... 172 N Ducha 172

Cellulolytic Fungi Isolation and Identification from Fermetoge, Cattle Feed Composed of Fermented Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) And Corn (Zea mays) Cob...... 173 Isnawati 173

The Ability of Sagittaria lancifolia as Phytoremediator on Detergent Solution ...... 174 H Fitrihidajat 174

Plankton Diversity in Kondang Merak Beach District of Malang, East Java ..175 Tarzan Purnomo 175



Increasing the Potential of Student Science Process Skills Through Project Based Laboratory ...... 176 Dwikoranto 176

Preference swiftlet bird (Aerodramus fuciphagus) nesting at different sites in an effort to increase nest production ...... 177 Sunu Kuntjoro 177

Analysis of Accessibility to City Transport Performance Based on Passenger Perception with Case Study: Tambak Osowilangun Terminal Route ...... 178 F R Widayanti 178

Analysis of HOTS Type Multiple-choice Test Items on Learning Automotive Electrical Systems in SMK Dharma Baahari Surabaya ...... 179 Soeryanto 179

Analysis on Calculation of Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) Before and After Flyover & Road Widening Operation at Gedangan Intersection in Sidoarjo Regency ...... 180 R Endro Wibisono 180

Constructed Wetland with Rice Husk Substrate as Phytotechnology Treatment for Sustainable Batik Industry in Indonesia ...... 181 Erina Rahmadyanti 181

Design of function generator using arduino due 12 bit dac ...... 182 F Baskoro 182

Designing of Android Based Learning (Mobile Learning) for Multimedia Students ...... 183 SC Wibawa 183

Development of Learning Media Design Engineering Integrated With Machinery Element and Drawing Machine Based on Contextual Learning ...... 184 Djoko Suwito 184



Development of Programming Ability Test Application for Informatics Students ...... 185 S R Nurdin 185

Effect of HDPE Based Wastes on the Performance of AC-WC Mixture with RAP as coarse aggregate substitute ...... 186 P Mahardi 186

Exploring Pedestrian Ways Quality for Better Urban Place: Necessary, Optional, and Social Activity ...... 187 A R Pattisinai 187

Geographic Information System Mapping of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Facilities (Case Study: Universitas Negeri Surabaya Ketintang) ...... 188 IKD Nuryana 188

Identification Of The Most Influential Cost Components In Residential Buildings ...... 189 Puguh Novi Prasetyono 189

Improved Skills of Critical Thinking of Student ...... 190 Heri Suryaman 190

Improving Students’ Self Regulation through Portfolio Assessment in Vocational Pre-service Teacher ...... 191 L Hidayati 191

Investigating Walking Satisfaction Through The Pedestrian Bridge User’s Appraisal in Surabaya ...... 192 A R Pattisinai 192

Learning Media Based on Macromedia Director to Improve Learning Outcomes of Students in Vocational Schools ...... 193 Wahyu Dwi Mulyono 193



Model of Passengger Satisfaction on the Service Performance of the Gapura Surya Nusantara Passenger Port PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III Branch Tanjung Perak Surabaya ...... 194 D Supriyatno 194

Modern Tropical House: Elevating Traditional Tropical House on Thermal Building Performance Due To Environmental Issue ...... 195 F Nadiar 195

Module for Developing Learning Media Applications for Wireless Networks in Project-Based Microtic Hotspot Materials for Microtic Setup (Configuration) Competency Improvement ...... 196 A D Indriyanti 196

Numerical study on masonry infill wall by using in-plane element and joint interface with RC frame ...... 197 Mochamad Firmansyah Sofianto 197

Project Schedule Performance Based on Earned Schedule Method ...... 198 GAYP Adistana 198

Project-Based Learning as a Subnetting Material Completion in Network Design Studies ...... 199 B Sujatmiko 199

Sensory Analysis as A Tool in Determining Customer Acceptability in Natural Mask from Red Dragon Skin (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Flour and Kefir Flour 200 Octaverina kecvara pritasari 200

Split tensile and flexural strength of concrete with artificial lightweight aggregate (ALWA) and steel-fiber ...... 201 M Wulandari 201

Study on Non-Engineered Building Vulnerability with Red Brick Masonry Wall through Finite Element Analysis ...... 202 Berkat Cipta Zega 202



Sustainable Flood Prevention Using Interconnection of House Pump System ...... 203 Kusnan 203

The Effect of Nanofluid Volume Fraction to The Rate of Heat Transfer Convection Nanofluid Water-Al2O3 on Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger ...... 204 I M Arsana 204

The effect of the implementation of project based learning on learning activities of electrical engineering students ...... 205 S I Haryudo 205

The Influence of Baffle Gap to The Effectiveness of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger with Helical Baffle ...... 206 I M Arsana 206

Using ANN to Evaluate the Climate Data that High Affect on Calculate Daily Potential Evapotranspiration with Modified-Penman Method in The Tropical Regions...... 207 DAD Nusantara 207

Industrial Monitoring and Controlling System on Pressure Machines Using Internet of Thing (IoT) ...... 208 L Anifah 208

Contribution Model Thinking Electronic Digital Creative and Knowledge of Competence of Electrical Engineering Student Surabaya State University ....209 N Kholis 209

A Tracer Study of Home Economics Department in Bachelor Culinary Graduates ...... 210 I F Romadhoni 210

Analisis of Hygienic Behavioral Intention on Student of Culinary ...... 211 Sri Handajani 211



Critical study of stem-based learning in order to develop century skills 21 ...212 S. Muslim 212

The Values of Sustainability in Bali Bridal Makeup as Heritage Culture ...... 213 Mutimmatul Faidah 213

The Physical Properties of By-Product Proportion in Rice Flour-Based Facial Scrub ...... 214 Maspiyah 214

Photovoltaic Driven Adsorption Cooling Cycle ...... 215 I Gusti Agung Bagus Wirajati 215

The development of information system for garments industry using the android platform ...... 216 I Ketut Suwintana 216

Ergo-physiological Work Station Reduces Cardiovascular Load and Visual Complaintsof Carved Artists ...... 217 Widana, I K 217

Hot Air Circulation Analysis in Tumpeng Dryer Machine with Hole Stage Variation in Every Level Rak ...... 218 I Made Arsawan 218

Building a Low-Carbon Emission Concept for Tourism Industry Resort ...... 219 I Ketut Swardika 219

Implementation of Nighttime Radiance Threshold Class for Green Zone Energy Mapping ...... 220 I Ketut Swardika 220

Needs Analysis Development of Applied Mathematical Blended Learning Models Using Schoology LMS ...... 221 I Ketut Darma 221



Pressure Loss on Corrugated Annulus of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger ...... 222 Putu Wijaya Sunu 222

Study of thermal effectiveness in shell and helically coiled tube heat exchanger with addition nanoparticles ...... 223 Putu Wijaya Sunu 223

Evaluation of Air Side Characteristics Performance of Finned Tube Evaporator ...... 224 I D M C Santosa 224

Temperature Characteristics Investigation of Chilled Refrigerator with Humidifier ...... 225 I Dewa M. C. Santosa 225

Data Structure ComparisonBetween MySql Relational Database andFirebase Database NoSqlon Mobile Based Tourist Tracking Application ...... 226 I K G Sudiartha 226

Government Readiness and Strategies in E-marketplace Planning using SWOT Analysis and Technology Readiness Index Model ...... 227 K C Dewi 227

Design ofChildren Monitoring Application for Outdoor Activities Using a Smart Watch ...... 228 I N E Indrayana 228

Implementing Prototyping Method on Smart Village Application ...... 229 S A Asri 229

Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for High School Time-Table ...... 230 N G A P H Saptarini 230

Field-based Analyses on Approach Temperatures for Performance Evaluation of Centralized Air Conditioning System in a Shopping Mall Building ...... 231 I N Suamir 231



Experimental Study on the Prospective Use of PV Panels for Stand-alone Chest Freezer in Hot Climate Regions ...... 232 I N Suamir 232

Assessment of the Effectiveness on Domestic Rainwater-harvesting Wells (SPAHUDO) in the Northern Area of Denpasar City – Bali Indonesia Through Ergo-Hydrogeology Approach ...... 233 Lilik Sudiajeng 233

Analysis Of Resistance Of Materials That Have Las Connection In St 37 Steels ...... 234 Farid Sariman 234

Analysis of Skid and Rolling Vehicle ...... 235 Cipto 235

Effect Variations And Types of Smaw Welding Electrodes on A36 Steel to Tensile Test...... 236 Klemens Alrin Rahangmetan 236

Implementation of Decision Tree and Naïve Bayes Classification Method for Predicting Study Period ...... 237 N Pandiangan 237

Evaluation Urban Utility Of Water System In Merauke City...... 238 B Syanjayanta 238

Rule Based Method in Expert System for Detection Pests and Diseases of Corn ...... 239 Lilik Sumaryanti 239

Design PV Standalone System in Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Musamus University Using PVSyst 6.7.0 PRO30 ...... 240 Frederik Haryanto Sumbung 240



Design of Yagi-Uda Antenna for CDMA Modems at 800 MHz ...... 241 Adik Putra Andika 241

Implementation of Energy Efficient Building Concepts In Design Office of Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayan Kabupaten Merauke ...... 242 Sari Octavia 242

E-Monitoring Microtic Network uses The Dude in Musamus University ...... 243 Fransiskus X Manggau 243

Measurement of standard glucose solution using silver nanoparticle ...... 244 R Z Maarebia 244

Housing Drainage Network Evaluation in Education Teacher Road Merauke ...... 245 C Utary 245

Optimal harvesting and stability of predator-prey model with holling type II predation respon function and stage-structure for predator ...... 246 R A Pratama 246

The Main Structure of Walina and its Preservation in Boven Digoel ...... 247 Y I P Hematang 247

Estimation Analysis of Long-Term Electrical Energy Needs In PT. PLN (Persero) P2B REGION MERAUKE Area Using Linear Regression Method ...... 248 P Mangera 248

Study Of Abundance And Edible Parts (Bydd) Of The Sea Snail (Gastropods) In Mangrove Ecosystem At Lampu Satu Beach And Payum Beach, Merauke District ...... 249 Sendy Lely Merly 249

Application Report Process Of Islamic School Based On Pesantren Boarding Using Waterfall Model...... 250 Tri Kustanti Rahayu 250



Structuring Area Tourism Development Based Merauke Buti Beach Informal Sector (Small Business) ...... 251 Henry Soleman Raubaba 251

Use-Pole Bamboo Raft Foundation With Full-Scale Model Test Of Deformation Causeway Makassar New Port ...... 252 Yance Kakerissa 252

Identification of Acetoin Producing Rhizobacteria as Rice Plant Growth Control (Oryza sativa) from The Rhizosphere of Elephant Grass Plant (Pennisetum purpureum) using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) ...... 253 Adrianus 253

Analysis Of WiFi Network Performance Using FDMI Method ...... 254 Try Adrianto Darsono 254

Measuring the Maturity Level of Information Technology Governance in the Informatics Engineering Department Using COBIT 4.1 ...... 255 A Prayitno 255

The Use of The Edmodo Application in Blended Learning to Improve Cognitive Abilities of Senior High School Students...... 256 E Nurvitasari 256

Implementation of software geogebra on triangles ...... 257 Nurhayati 257

Multimedia development with web-based connected massive open online course (cmoocs) in basic physics material ...... 258 A Henukh 258

The Implementation Of An Expert System In Diagnosing Skin Diseases Using The Dempster-Shafer Method...... 259 M L C Buono 259



Selection of Snack Suppliers in Merauke Regency Based on Sample Additive Wight (SAW) ...... 260 H Jayawardana 260

Redesign Runway Strip With Evaluate The Geometry, Cut and Fill-In, and CBR at Mopah Airport ...... 261 Muh. Akbar 261

Edge detection of digital image with different edge types ...... 262 M F V Ruslau 262

Bioeconomic two predator-prey model of harvesting fishery ...... 263 S M Belwawin 263

Realistic mathematics education assisted interactive multimedia ...... 264 Fredy 264

Increasing the quality of virgin coconut oil (vco) using activated carbon adsorbent from candlenut shell (Aleurites mollucana) ...... 265 J Y Parlindungan 265

Selection In Vitro Flower King Planlet With Polyethylen Glicol (Peg) 6000 On Drought As An Animal Feeding ...... 266 Gardis Andari 266

Comparison of ICT literacy capabilities of physics teachers in state and private schools in Merauke Regency ...... 267 Syamsul Bahri 267

Scaffolding computer packet instruction (SCPI) to analyze student’s problem solving performance on physics ...... 268 R F Nikat 268

Quality of chicken eggs aged 26 months supplemented With herbal medicine containing red fruit extract ...... 269 D Muchlis 269



Liquid semen quality of PO cattle suplemented red fruit oil (RFO) in ringer lactate-egg yolk equlibration temperature ...... 270 Nurcholis 270

Effect of using chemsketch on teaching molecular shape of hydrocarbon to increase student’s achievement ...... 271 D N Marpaung 271

The Efficiency of Rawa Mayo Irrigation Channels in Kurik Sub-Distrik, Merauke ...... 272 MG Permadi 272

Effect of Tambelo (Bactronophorus thoracites) Extract for Body Weight on Male Mice (Mus muscullus) During Physical Activity ...... 273 Stenly Wairara 273

Analysis the effect of learning habists and gender the mathematics learning achievement using the multiple linear regression approach ...... 274 H Fitrianti 274

Comparison between Elandt-Johnson and Heligman-Pollard method to estimate a complete life table of elderly ...... 275 M Riyana 275

Analysis of The Mechanical Properties of Concrete Beams That Use Pumice as a Partial Substitution of Concrete Mixtures ...... 276 Abdul Gaus 276

Test Of Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Beruwas Laut Leaf Using Writhing Test Method ...... 277 A Nur 277

Bamboo as Eco-Green Alternative for Concrete Reinforcement that use Sand Beach Fine Aggregate ...... 278 Arbain Tata 278



The Smart Islands Vision: Towards Smart City Readiness in Local Government of Archipelagos ...... 279 A Arief 279

Factors in building damage in the village of Balitata, due to the impact of 7.2 magnitude earthquake ...... 280 Endah Harisun 280

Material And Form Resilience in Dutch Architectural Style Buildings in Ternate (case study: Ternate nobleman's house) ...... 281 Endah Harisun 281

Study of Blending Fly Ash with Potentially Acid Forming Material to Prevent Acid Mine Drainage ...... 282 Firman 282

Optimization Naive Bayes using Particle Swarm Optimization in Volcanic Activites ...... 283 F Tempola 283

Synchronization Conveyance and Loading Equipment for Production Target In Mining Activities On Obi Island ...... 284 H Alkatiri 284

Proposed Mathematical Modelling of Small Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Movement ...... 285 Iis Hamsir Ayub Wahab 285

Benthic Marine Litter Accumulation at Selection Beaches in Ternate Island, Indonesia ...... 286 Mohammad Ridwan Lessy 286

Development Planning Of Air Side Airport Facilities Buli Airport East Halmahera ...... 287 M Rizal 287



Extended Generic Process Model For Analysis MITM Attack Based On Evil Twin ...... 288 M S Ahmad 288

Impact of Organic Matter on The Phytoaccumulation Technology of Copper in Soils by Ipomea Reptans ...... 289 Muliadi 289

Case-Based Reasoning for the Diagnosis of Acute Respiratory Infections Using Minkowski Distance ...... 290 M Salmin 290

Characteristics of Archipelago Architecture in Moluccas Island ...... 291 Mustamin Rahim 291

The Behavior of Coastal Communities on Management of Domestic Wastewater in Ternate City, Indonesia ...... 292 Nani Nagu 292

Analysis of Hydrogeology and Rainwater Prevention Systems at Sepo Village in Central Halmahera Regency, North ...... 293 Nurany Lukman 293

The Measurement Of Maturity Level In Chili's Using Index Pixel ...... 294 Nurul Kusuma Delina 294

Mode Choice Modelling For Interisland Transportation In : A Case Of Ternate to Sofifi Cities ...... 295 Raudha Hakim 295

Motion Graphic Animation for Public Service Advertisement ...... 296 R E Nuryaningsih 296



The Isolation of Termofil Amilolitik Bacterium and Activity Test of Harsh Extraxt Amylase Enzime from The Hot Spring at Jailolo Bay in North Maluku ...... 297 Rugaiyah A. Arfah 297

Airwave Propagation Analysis on Amateur Radio Frequency 10 MHz in Island Areas ...... 298 S D Abdullah 298

Theoretical analysis of green energy water supply system in Tidore island ...299 T Suyono 299

Modeling and Resource Classification Lateritic Nickel Deposits on a Heterogeneous Block in The Haul-Sagu Area using Estimation and Simulation Geostatistical Method ...... 300 W A K Conoras 300

The Effect of Impact Velocity to the Reaction Force, The Deformation Length and The Deformation Mode on a Thin Aluminum Tube ...... 301 Witono Hardi 301

Geochemical composition and morphology study of Major Minerals of Angus Stone from Gamalama Mountain, Ternate Island, Indonesia ...... 302 Yanny 302

Bamboo Pile Installed Into Soft Ground to Increase Required Reinforcement Force for Coastal Dike ...... 303 Suyuti 303

Application of Pavement Condition Index (PCI) on the Assessment of the Kalumata Highway of the City of South Ternate ...... 304 Sabaruddin 304

Public Service Quality in Sultan Babullah Airport Ternate (Case Study of Passenger Service) ...... 305 E R Ahadian 305



Prospect The Model Development in Salt Supply Chain ...... 306 Iffan Maflahah 306

Predictive Maintenance Analysis Overhead Crane Machine in PT Bromo Steel Indonesia ...... 307 Sofian Hadi 307

The hybrid whale optimization algorithm: A new metaheuristic for efficient energy consumption on flow shop with dependent sequence setup ...... 308 Dana Marsetiya Utama 308

The Sustainable Economic Order Quantity Model: A Model Consider Transportation, Warehouse, Emission Carbon Costs, and Capacity Limits ....309 Dana Marsetiya Utama 309

Risks analysis on digital platforms adoption to elevate SME businesses in developing country ...... 310 Debrina Puspita Andriani 310

Feature Selection in Cross-Project Software Defect Prediction ...... 311 A Saifudin 311

Precipitation Rate Investigation on Precipitated Magnesium Carbonate by Ultrasonic of Magnesium Bicarbonate ...... 312 A R Rhamdani 312

Development Neural Network Controller for Bridgeless Power Factor Correction Cuk Converter Voltage Tracking ...... 313 Gigih Priyandoko 313

Threshold Determination in Multislice CT using Improved Marching Cube Algorithm for 3D Image Reconstruction ...... 314 I L I Purnama 314

Home Electrical Energy Management System Using DijCostMin Algorithm 315 Adhiel Akbar 315



Logit model for the analysis of transportation mode choice in Berau Regency ...... 316 Rosa Agustaniah 316

The Hybrid Ant Lion Optimization (HALO) for Flow Shop Scheduling Problem ...... 317 Dian Setiya Widodo 317

Implementation of Tabu Search Algorithm to Reduce Makespan in Multi-Skilled Labor Scheduling for The Assignment Problems ...... 318 Herry Kartika Gandhi 318

Combined Effects Of PVD And Embankment Stage Construction To Reduce The Number Of Geotextile Reinforcement For Road Embankment Design ...... 319 Putu Tantri K Sari 319

Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Polylactic Acid Product for Various Infill Design Parameters : A Reviwie ...... 320 T J Suteja 320

Comparison of Histogram Based Image Enhancement Methods on Iris Images ...... 321 R K Hapsari

Disaster risk mitigation design for supply chain activities in : a case study ...... 322 P D Sentia 322

Application Development Of Vehicle Counting and Classification Using YOLOV2 ...... 323 Yoga Nugraha Pryandika 323

The Design of Product Inventory Strategy with System Thinking and Economic Order Quantity Method Approach (Case Study: PT. Y) ...... 324 R D Lufika 324



A reverse logistics model for plastic bottle recycling in Bank Sampah Malang ...... 325 A K Garside 325

Evaluation of Hyper-Heuristic Method Using Random-Hill Climbing Algorithm in the Examination Timetabling Problem ...... 326 Deny Hermansyah 326

Using System Dynamic Model for Predicting Inventory of Rice Necessity ...327 A Andriansyah 327

A model of smart regency framework using Meta-ethnography approach and TOGAF ADM 9.1 ...... 328 Aang Kisnu Darmawan 328

Design and Control a High Gain Synchronous Buck Converter for a Solid State Distribution Transformer ...... 329 I N W Satiawan 329

Application of remotely sensed data and maximum entropy model in detecting potential fishing zones of Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the eastern Indian Ocean off Sumatera ...... 330 Achmad Fachruddin Syah 330

Consideration Factors in the Application of Reverse Logistics in Indonesian Electronic Industry ...... 331 Ilyas Masudin 331

Development of an Automatic Anti Pitching System (APS) Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) for Fish Mapping ...... 332 Noverdo Saputra 332

Development Of Work Sheet Students In Guided Inquiry Based On The Game Education Using Macromedia Flash ...... 333 S. Ida Kholida 333



The Past, Present, and Future of Awareness and Preparation Toward General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ...... 334 Ariana Tulus Purnomo 334

Medical Spirometer for Diagnosing COPD Base On The Measurement of FVC and FEV1...... 335 Kemalasari 335

Odonata fauna of Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa – Pakistan: Current status and threats ...... 336 Muhammad Saeed 336

Addition turmeric extract on ration to reduce fat deposit of broiler ...... 337 M M D Utami 337

The Mathematical Analysis of the Drying of Cassava Grater by Using Pneumantic (flash) Dryer with Heat Recirculation Method ...... 338 Rizza Wijaya 338

Mathematical Model of the Water Quality in Tlogo Ampel Watershed ...... 339 Budi Hariono 339

Growth And Multiplication Of Orchid Buds In Vitro With The Addition Of Corn (Zea Mays) And Tomato (Licopersicum Esculentum Mill) Extract ...... 340 Kasutjianingati 340

Determination of the Shortest Path in Web- Based Food Distribution ...... 341 Denny Trias Utomo 341

Manipulation of Virtual Environment to Examine Perception and Vision Aspects of Individuals Post-Stroke When Driving VRAC Simulator...... 342 I P D Lesmana 342

The Impact Analysis Of A Waste Treatment Plant On Environmental Quality ...... 343 M J Wibowo 343



Modelling Expert System For Lung Disease ...... 344 H Y Riskiawan 344

The Implementation of Bilateral Control Symmetrical Position, Force Reflection and Feedback Force on the Haptic Manipulator ...... 345 Sustin Farlinda 345

Designing and Creating Web-Based Outpatient Information System at Panti Community Health Center (Puskesmas) Jember ...... 346 Sustin Farlinda 346

Study on kefir grain concentration and the different length of storage on the physicochemical of goat milk kefir ...... 347 A C Dewi 347

The Knowledge Level of Market Information by Farmers and The Influencing Factors ...... 348 D E Putra 348

The Development of Agritourism Village Area (case study at Kemuning Lor Village Arjasa Subdistrict Jember Regency) ...... 349 D E Putra 349

Information System Design of HIV Infection Treatment at VCT (Voluntary Counselling and Testing) Clinic of Jember Regency ...... 350 Faiqatul Hikmah 350

Information System Design of Web-Based Integrated Surveillance of Ari Disease in The Health Office ...... 351 Faiqatul Hikmah 351

Quadcopter Surveyor Drone Wind Velocity Data Characteristic for Optimal Hotwire Sensor Position ...... 352 Bayu Rudiyanto 352



Performance test of a mixture of Polypropylene Plastic fuel from Pyrolysis with Gasoline to Torque and Engine power ...... 353 Aditya Wahyu Pratama 353

Quality Characteristics of Cake Enriched with Pumpkin Peel Powder ...... 354 Agung Wahyono 354

Analysis Of The Ratio Of Coarse Aggregate To Porous Asphalt Mixture .....355 AI Candra 355

Experimental Study Additional Brantas Sands Of Clay Density ...... 356 A Ridwan 356

Analysis Causes Damage And Prevention Of Concrete ...... 357 S Winarto 357

Correlation of Concrete Strength and Concrete Age K-300 Using Sikacim® Concrete Additive and Master Ease 5010 ...... 358 A I Candra 358

The Effect of Stirring Time and Concrete Compaction on K-200 Concrete Press Strength ...... 359 Y Cahyo 359

Mean Arterial Pressure and Cerebral Edema in Post-Crisis Hyperglycemia with Rehydration Therapy ...... 360 S Haryuni 360

Disc Brake Type of Braking System on Rear Shaft of Go-kart Daiho 7.5 HP ...... 361 A Y Tripariyanto 361

Improvement of Inspection Section of PT. ABC using 5S Method (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Siketsu, Shitsuke) ...... 362 S R Widodo 362



The Influence of purple sweet potato toward Fas Epitel of White Rat ...... 363 M E Fitriasnani 363

The Effect of Ginger Extract (zingiber officinale roscoe) on the Number of Neutrophil Cells, Fibroblast and Epithelialization on Incision Wound ...... 364 K I N Rahayu 364

Designing Google Form based Information System for Submitting Students’ Final Assignment’s Title ...... 365 S R Widodo 365

The Influence of Autogenic Training towards Stress Level on People with HIV/AIDS ...... 366 E M Yunalia 366

Profile of Antibiotic Use and Germ Map in Pneumonia Patients in Pulmonary Space (Case Study at RSUD dr. Iskak. Tulungagung) ...... 367 T Ilmi 367

Maintenance of Peeler Onion based on Efectiveness ...... 368 N Nurlina 368

Value Chain Analysis and Supply Chain of Layang Fish in Prigi Fish Auction Trenggalek Regency, East Java Indonesia ...... 369 L D Indrasari 369

The Effect of Anthocyanin of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas L) on the Fas Expression in the Endometrial Epithelium Cell of White Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) Ovariectomy...... 370 M E Fitriasnani 370

The Correlation between CD4 Count Cell and Opportunistic Infection among HIV/AIDS Patients ...... 371 I Jayani 371

Analysis of Identification Of Causes Of Concrete Damage And Prevention ..372



S Winarto 372



Program Summary

International Conference on Science and Technology 2019 Thursday, October 17th 2019

Time Room Agenda Grand Ballroom 08.00-09.00 Sheraton Surabaya Registration Hotel & Towers Opening - Muang Sangkal Dance Welcome Speech by Conference Chair

Grand Ballroom Welcome Speech by Governor of East 09.00-10.30 Sheraton Surabaya Java, Dra. Hj. Khofifah Indar Hotel & Towers Parawansa, M.Si Keynote Speech by Executive Board Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan, Dr. Achsanul Qosasi Grand Ballroom 10.30-10.45 Sheraton Surabaya Coffee Break Hotel & Towers ICST Keynote Session Moderator : Muhammad Yusuf, Ph.D Prof. Shuo-Yan Chou (NTUST, Grand Ballroom Taiwan) 10.45-13.15 Sheraton Surabaya Hotel & Towers Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Idrus Alhamid (University of Indonesia, Indonesia) Prof. Nobuo Funabiki (Okayama University, Japan) Grand Ballroom 13.15-14.15 Sheraton Surabaya Lunch Hotel & Towers



Friday, October 18th 2019

Time Room Agenda Grand Ballroom Sheraton 08.00-08.30 Registration Surabaya Hotel & Towers Sheraton Surabaya Hotel & Towers (Sriwijaya 2, 08.30-11.00 Jenggala, Daha, Parallel Session 1 Kahuripan, Singasari, Mataram) Grand Ballroom Sheraton 11.00-13.00 Lunch Surabaya Hotel & Towers Sheraton Surabaya Hotel & Towers (Sriwijaya 2, 13.00-15.00 Jenggala, Daha, Parallel Session 2 Kahuripan, Singasari, Mataram) Grand Ballroom Sheraton 14.30-15.00 Coffee Break Surabaya Hotel & Towers Sheraton Surabaya Hotel & Towers (Sriwijaya 2, 15.00-17.00 Jenggala, Daha, Parallel Session 3 Kahuripan, Singasari, Mataram) Closing speech and Announcement Grand Ballroom Sheraton for Best Research Paper 17.00-17.30 Surabaya Hotel & Towers Welcome Message from the Chair of IJCST 2020

Saturday, October 19th 2019

09.00-13.00 Labang, Madura Culture Tourism “Karapan Sapi (Bull Race)” 13.00-14.00 Burneh, Madura Lunch at Bebek Sinjay



Schedule of Parallel Session Conference Day 2 (October 18th 2019)

Parallel Session 1 08.30 – 11.00 WIB Room : Sriwijaya 2 Moderator : Dr. Noor Ifada, S.T., MISD No Presenter Title 1 Abdul Gaus Analysis of The Mechanical Properties of Concrete Beams That Use Pumice as a Partial Substitution of Concrete Mixtures 2 Amran Nur Test of analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of beruwas laut leaf (Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb.) On wistar strain albino rats (Rattus novergicus) using witkin method (Writhing test) 3 Djoko Suwito Development of Learning Media Design Engineering Integrated With Machinery Element and Drawing Machine Based on Contextual Learning 4 S R Nurdin Development Of Programming Ability Test Application For Informatics Students 5 I Gusti Agung Photovoltaic Driven Adsorption Cooling Cycle Bagus Wirajati 6 Aditya Wahyu Performance test of a mixture of Polypropylene Pratama plastic fuel from Pyrolysis with gasoline to torque and Engine Power 7 Farid Sariman Analysis Of Resistance Of Materials That Have Las Connection In St 37 Steels 8 Cipto Daniel Analysis of Skid and Rolling Vehicle Parenden 9 M L C Buono The Implementation Of An Expert System In Diagnosing Skin Diseases Using The Dempster- Shafer Method 10 Sumiati Analysis ofSmartphone Users Movement Using Data Mining Methods and SWOT Analysis in East Surabaya Areas 11 Euis Nurul Hidayah Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Assess Organic Matters in Activated Persulfate 12 Ulya Sarofa Effect of Temulawak (curcuma zanthorrizha) Extracts Addition as Natural Antioxidant Against The Destruction of Palm Oil in Frying Process 13 Amalia Anjani Emotion Mining of Indonesia Presidential Political Arifiyanti Campaign 2019 using Twitter Data



14 Basuki Rahmat Video-based Tancho Koi Fish Tracking System Using CSK, DFT, and LOT 15 Mohammad Construction Of Collaboration Model Of Supply Rachman Waluyo Chain Management On Business Performance And Sustainable Competitive Advantage Using Structural Equation Modeling (sem) Method 16 AI Candra Analysis Of The Ratio Of Coarse Aggregate To Porous Asphalt Mixture 17 A Ridwan Experimental Study Additional Brantas Sands Of Clay Density 18 Mega Teguh Ethnomathematics in Majapahit's Culture: Budiarto Geometry Concepts and Pedagogy Reviews in the life of Mlaten Trowulan Villages 19 Khamdi Mubarok Redefining Industry 4.0 and Its Enabling Technologies 20 Anis Arendra Pre-processing for vibration signals features extraction and selection in real time investigating of CNC tool wear 21 Sabarudin Akhmad Design of the mBatik, Textile Hot Wax Applicator To Emulate Hand Drawn Batik Using Cnc Plotter Machine And Characterization Of Wax Plotting Parameters 22 Anis Arendra Investigating Pump Cavitation Based On Audio Sound Signature Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network 23 Faikul Umam Smart Helmet Control System Using Heart Pulse Indicator



Parallel Session 2 13.00-15.00 WIB Room : Sriwijaya 2 Moderator : Dr. Noor Ifada, S.T., MISD No Presenter Title 1 Arbain Tata Bamboo as Eco-Green Alternative for Concrete Reinforcement that use Sand Beach Fine Aggregate 2 Assaf Arief The Smart Islands Vision: Towards Smart City Readiness in Local Government of Archipelagos 3 Purwo Mahardi Effect of HDPE Based Wastes on the Performance of AC-WC Mixture with RAP as coarse aggregate substitute 4 Wahyu Dwi Learning Media Based on Macromedia Director to Mulyono Improve Learning Outcomes of Students in Vocational Schools 5 I Ketut Suwintana The development of information system for garments industry using the android platform 6 Agung Wahyono Quality Characteristics of Cake Enriched with Pumpkin Peel Powder 7 Klemens Alrin Effect Variations And Types of Smaw Welding Rahangmetan Electrodes on A36 Steel to Tensile Test 8 N Pandiangan Implementation of Decision Tree and Naïve Bayes Classification Method for Predicting Study Period 9 H Jayawardana Selection of Snack Suppliers in Merauke Regency Based on Sample Additive Wight (SAW) 10 Sri Winarti Beneficial of Clover Leaf (Marsilea crenata) as Bio- adsorbent of Heavy Metal Contamination in Red Mussels (Masculita senhousia) 11 Yustina Ngatilah Inventory Control System Using Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP) (Case Study : Food Company) 12 Dedin F Rosida Production of Maltodextrin from Cocoyams (Xanthosoma Sagittifolium) Starch Using Α- Amylase Enzyme 13 N K Sari Essential Oil from A Satisfying Evening Flower with Enfleuration Process 14 Intan Yuniar Using Self-Organizing Map (SOM) for Clustering Purbasari and Visualization of New Students based on Grades 15 Nurfajriah Identification Of Body Posture Of Milkfish Satay Workers Using The Rula And Owas Method 16 Rini Setianingsih Statistical Reasoning Levels of High School Students in Solving Statistics-Related Problems



17 Iwan Santosa Development Of Poor Family Selection System Using Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Rank Method 18 Mulaab Image Batik Classification Based using Ensemble Learning 19 Achmad Ubaidillah Planning of Path Loss in Large Scale Signal Propagation Model at 5G Network by Using Linear Regression Methods 20 Akhmad Tajuddin Performance of Microstrip Patch Omnidirectional Tholabi Antenna with Stripline on Unmanned Aircraft System 21 Samsul Amar The Accuracy Measurement of Stock Price Numerical Prediction 22 Iffan Maflahah Prospect The Model Development in Salt Supply Chain 23 Sofian Hadi Predictive Maintenance Analysis Overhead Crane Machine in PT Bromo Steel Indonesia



Parallel Session 3 15.00-17.00 WIB Room : Sriwijaya 2 Moderator : Dr. Noor Ifada, S.T., MISD No Presenter Title 1 Endah Harisun Factors in building damage in the village of Balitata, due to the impact of 7.2 magnitude earthquake 2 Endah Harisun Material And Form Resilience in Dutch Architectural Style Buildings in Ternate (case study: Ternate nobleman's house) 3 IKD Nuryana Geographic Information System Mapping of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Facilities (Case Study: Universitas Negeri Surabaya Ketintang) 4 Puguh Novi Identification Of The Most Influential Cost Prasetyono Components In Residential Buildings 5 I Ketut Widana Ergo-physiological Work Station Reduces Cardiovascular Load and Visual Complaintsof Carved Artists 6 Reda Rizal Husk as a Substitute for Styrofoam Plastic Products Manufacturing Packaging 7 Rifky Maulana Optimization of Machining Parameters for Surface- Yusron roughness and Precision in EDM Using Response Surface Method 8 Achmad Jauhari Decision Support System for Determination of Development of Small and Medium Industries Using VIKOR 9 Husni Web Service for Search Engine Bahasa Indonesia (SEBI) 10 Ika Oktavia Suzanti REST API Implementation on Android Based Monitoring Application 11 Deni Tri Laksono Comparison of Partial Discharge Characteristics Detected by RC Detector and Rectangular Antenna 12 Dana Marsetiya The hybrid whale optimization algorithm: A new Utama metaheuristic for efficient energy consumption on flow shop with dependent sequence setup 13 Dana Marsetiya The Sustainable Economic Order Quantity Model: Utama A Model Consider Transportation, Warehouse, Emission Carbon Costs, and Capacity Limits 14 Revolson Alexius GHR mRNA Expression in the Liver and Muscles Mege of Local Pigs from The Islands in North Sulawesi, Indonesia



15 I Ketut Darma Needs Analysis Development of Applied Mathematical Blended Learning Models Using Schoology LMS



Parallel Session 1 08.30 – 11.00 WIB Room : Jenggala Moderator : Dr. Indah Agustien Siradjuddin, S.Kom, M.Kom No Presenter Title 1 Firman Study of Blending Fly Ash with Potentially Acid Forming Material to Prevent Acid Mine Drainage 2 Firman Tempola Optimization Naive Bayes using Particle Swarm Optimization in Volcanic Activites 3 Heri Suryaman Improved Skills of Critical Thinking of Student 4 Lutfiyah Hidayati Improving Students’ Self Regulation through Portfolio Assessment in Vocational Pre-service Teacher Education in Indonesia 5 I Made Arsawan Hot Air Circulation Analysis In Tumpeng Dryer Machine With Hole Stage Variation In Every Level Rak 6 Dhanang Eka Putra The Development of Agritourism Village Area (case study at Kemuning Lor Village Arjasa Subdistrict Jember Regency) 7 B Syanjayanta Evaluation Urban Utility Of Water System In Merauke City 8 Lilik S Rule Based Method in Expert System for Detection Pests and Diseases of Corn 9 Muh. Akbar Redesign Runway Strip With Evaluate The Geometry, Cut and Fill-In, and CBR at Mopah Airport 10 Farida Pulansari Green Supply Chain Operation Reference (Green SCOR) Performance Evaluation (Case Study: Steel Company) 11 Sunardi Adji Redesign of The Production Facility Layout by Using Systematic Layout Planning Methodat Cahaya Bintang Mas Company Surabaya 12 Dwi Sukma Determination of Maintenance Schedule of Loading Donoriyanto and Unloading Pump Machine Using Genetic Algorithm Method 13 Henni Endah Exploit Remote Attack Test In Operating System Wahanani Using Arduino Micro 14 Faisal Muttaqin Measurement of the IT Helpdesk Capability Level Using the COBIT 5 Framework 15 Halim Mahfud Designing Passengers Cabin Of Carrier Vehicles Of 6x6 Armour Personnel With Principles Of Ergonomic



16 Sigit Winarto Analysis Causes Damage And Prevention Of Concrete 17 Agata Iwan Candra Correlation of Concrete Strength and Concrete Age K-300 Using Sikacim® Concrete Additive and Master Ease 5010 18 Eko Hariyono The Voices of Students about Climate Change: A Preliminary Reasearch 19 Yoga Dwitya Extraction System Web Content Sports New Based Pramudita On Web Crawler Multi Thread 20 Doni Abdul Fatah K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Determination of Clustering of Bangkalan Regional Development Potential 21 Dwi Kuswanto Cryptograph RSA and Compression Shannon Fano Text File Services at Mobile Devices 22 Doni Abdul Fatah Implementation of RC4 Cryptography Algorithm for Data File Security 23 Yudha Dwi Putra Comparison of Data Mining Algorithm Negara Performance on Student Savings Dataset



Parallel Session 2 13.00-15.00 WIB Room : Jenggala Moderator : Dr. Indah Agustien Siradjuddin, S.Kom, M.Kom No Presenter Title 1 Hilda Alkatiri Synchronization Conveyance and Loading Equipment for Production Target In Mining Activities On Obi Island 2 Iis Hamsir Ayub Proposed Mathematical Modelling of Small Wahab Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Movement 3 Amanda Ristriana Investigating Walking Satisfaction Through The Pattisinai Pedestrian Bridge User’s Appraisal in Surabaya 4 Amanda Ristriana Exploring Pedestrian Ways Quality for Better Urban Pattisinai Place: Necessary, Optional, and Social Activity 5 I Ketut Swardika Building a Low-Carbon Emission Concept for Tourism Industry Resort 6 I Ketut Swardika Implementation of Nighttime Radiance Threshold Class for Green Zone Energy Mapping 7 Faiqatul Hikmah Information System Design of HIV Infection Treatment at VCT (Voluntary Counselling and Testing) Clinic of Jember Regency 8 Faiqatul Hikmah Information System Design of Web-Based Integrated Surveillance of Ari Disease in The Health Office 9 Frederik Haryanto Design PV Standalone System in Electrical Sumbung Engineering Laboratory of Musamus University Using PVSyst 6.7.0 PRO30 10 Adik Putra Andika Design of Yagi-Uda Antenna for CDMA Modems at 800 MHz 11 M F V Ruslau Edge Detection of Digital Image With Different Edge Types 12 Tranggono The Ergonomic Shooting Net Design for Pond Farmers 13 C Pujiastuti Reaction Kinetics The Formation of Calcium Sulfate From Cow Bone And Sulfuric Acid In Batch 14 Jariyah Optimization of Pectin Extraction from Pedada Fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris) 15 Eristya Maya How IT Support a Government Organization’s Safitri Agility to Respond Citizen’s Changing Needs? : Literature Review



16 Arista Pratama Entrepreneurship Information System Design with ICONIX Process for a Student Business Unit Marketplace 17 Bintang Arya Putra Analysis Performance of Force Convection Cooling Using Synthetic Jets With Wave Variations (Sine, Square, and Triangular) 18 Sigit Winarto Analysis Of Identification Of Causes Of Concrete Damage And Prevention 19 Tutut Nurita Student Achievements Using Problem Solving Learning 20 Miftachul Ulum Signal Classification and Electromyography (EMG) Instrumentation Design as Basic Electronic Control System 21 Kunto Aji W Money Authenticity Detector Design Using Artificial Neural Network Method for Blinds 22 Retno Key Factors of Success Technology Transfer from Indriartiningtias Higher Education To Creative Industry in Bangkalan, Madura 23 Haryanto Performance of 2.4 GHz Xbee for Digital Image Transmission with Yagi Antenna



Parallel Session 3 15.00 - 17.00 WIB Room : Jenggala Moderator : Dr. Indah Agustien Siradjuddin, S.Kom, M.Kom No Presenter Title 1 Mohammad Benthic Marine Litter Accumulation at Selection Ridwan Lessy Beaches in Ternate Island, Indonesia 2 Muhammad Rizal Development Planning Of Air Side Airport Facilities Buli Airport East Halmahera 3 Dadang Supriyatno Model of Passengger Satisfaction on the Service Performance of the Gapura Surya Nusantara Passenger Port PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III Branch Tanjung Perak Surabaya 4 Feriza Nadiar Modern Tropical House: Elevating Traditional Tropical House on Thermal Building Performance Due To Environmental Issue 5 I Dewa Made Cipta Evaluation of Air Side Characteristics Performance Santosa of Finned Tube Evaporator 6 I Dewa Made Cipta Temperature Characteristics Investigation of Santosa Chilled Refrigerator with Humidifier 7 Azamataufiq Quadcopter Surveyor Drone Wind Velocity Data Budiprasojo Characteristic for Optimal Hotwire Sensor Position 8 Minuk Riyana Comparison between Elandt-Johnson and Heligman-Pollard method to estimate a complete life table ofelderly 9 Mohammad Syarief A Conceptual Model of Indonesian Question Answering System based on Semantic Web 10 Hanifudin Sukri Automatic Clean Water Treatment System Using The Sugeno Fuzzy Method 11 Nurhayati Fitriani Application Monitoring and Evaluation using SMART (Simple Multi attribute Rating Technique) Method 12 Achmad Sahru Smart Stick For the Blind Using Arduino Romadhon 13 Fika Hastarita Finite State Automata Approach for Text to Speech Rachman Translation System in Indonesian-Madurese Language 14 S. Ida Kholida Development Of Work Sheet Students In Guided Inquiry Based On The Game Education Using Macromedia Flash



15 Ariana Tulus The Past, Present, and Future of Awareness and Purnomo Preparation Toward General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)



Parallel Session 1 08.30 – 11.00 WIB Room : Daha Moderator : Indra Cahyadi, ST., M.Bus., Ph.D No Presenter Title 1 Muhammad Sabri Extended Generic Process Model For Analysis Ahmad MITM Attack Based On Evil Twin 2 Muliadi Impact of Organic Matter on The Phytoaccumulation Technology of Copper in Soils by Ipomea Reptans 3 A D Indriyanti Module for Developing Learning Media Applications for Wireless Networks in Project- Based Microtic Hotspot Materials for Microtic Setup (Configuration) Competency Improvement 4 Mochamad Numerical study on masonry infill wall by using in- Firmansyah plane element and joint interface with RC frame Sofianto 5 Maspiyah The Physical Properties of By-Product Proportion in Rice Flour-Based Facial Scrub 6 Putu Wijaya Sunu Pressure Loss on Corrugated Annulus of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger 7 Putu Wijaya Sunu Study of thermal effectiveness in shell and helically coiled tube heat exchanger with addition nanoparticles 8 Sustin Farlinda Designing and Creating Web-Based Outpatient Information System At Panti Community Health Center (Puskesmas) Jember 9 Sari Octavia Implementation of Energy Efficient Building Concepts In Design Office of Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayan Kabupaten Merauke 10 Fransiskus X E-Monitoring Microtic Network uses The Dude in Manggau Musamus University 11 S M Belwawin Bioeconomic two predator-prey model of harvesting fishery 12 Kinanti Resmi Advertisements and Representation of Muslimah Hayati Beauty: Sunsilk Hijab Shampoo (International Product) and Sariayu Hijab Shampoo (Local Product) 13 Aulia Ulfah Photoinhibition of Algal Photobioreactor by Intense Farahdiba Light 14 Minto Waluyo The Influence Model of Factors on Customer Satisfaction and Highway Users Loyality



15 Widiwurjani Microgreen Quality of Broccoli Plants (Brassica oleracea L.) and Correlation between Parameters 16 N K Sari Moisture Reduction on Essential Oil with Batch Distillation Process from A Polianthes Tuberos 17 Akhmad Nidhomuz Integration of Quality Function Deployment and Zaman Analytical Hierarchy Process in Developing Digital Application Features 18 Y Cahyo The Effect of Stirring Time and Concrete Compaction on K-200 Concrete Press Strength 19 Sri Haryuni Mean Arterial Pressure and Cerebral Edema in Post- Crisis Hyperglycemia with Rehydration Therapy 20 Nadi Suprapto A physics representation with “Picsar” to enhance students’ thinking skills in abstract concepts 21 M. Latif Leader-Follower Formation Tracking Of Multiple Mobile Robots With Constant Leader Velocity 22 Heri Supriyanto Implementation of System Dynamics in Hospital Services for Improving Inpatient Rooms Utilization 23 Shofi Fitrotis Integration of Variable Accceptance Sampling and Salimah Maintenance Policy Based on Process Capability Index



Parallel Session 2 13.00 - 15.00 WIB Room : Daha Moderator : Indra Cahyadi, ST., M.Bus., Ph.D No Presenter Title 1 Munazat Salmin Case-Based Reasoning for the Diagnosis of Acute Respiratory Infections Using Minkowski Distance 2 Mustamin Rahim Characteristics of Archipelago Architecture in Moluccas Island 3 Gde Agus Yudha Project Schedule Performance Based on Earned Prawira Adistana Schedule Method 4 B Sujatmiko Project-Based Learning as a Subnetting Material Completion in Network Design Studies 5 I Ketut Gede Data Structure Comparison Between MySql Sudiartha Relational Database and Firebase Database NoSql on Mobile Based Tourist Tracking Application 6 Aryanti Candra Study on Kefir Grain Concentration and The Dewi Different Length of Storage on The physicochemical of Goat Milk Kefir 7 Rosalinda Measurement of Standard Glucose Solution Using Zeoniona Maarebia Silver Nanoparticle 8 Citra Utary Housing Drainage Network Evaluation in Education Teacher Road Merauke 9 Fredy Realistic Mathematics Education Assisted Interactive Multimedia 10 Nove Kartika Synthesis And Characterization Of Adsorbent From Erliyanti Solid Waste Of Ceramics Industry 11 Dira Ernawati Layout Design in Grup Technology Using Cellular Manufacturing System 12 KN Wahyusi Reduction Of Pb And Cr Levels In Paper Industrial Liquid Waste With Ion Exchange Method 13 Rizky Parlika The Online Test application uses Telegram Bots Version 1 14 I Gede Susrama Progressive Parking Smart System in Surabaya’s Mas Diayasa Open Area Based on IoT 15 Indah Jayani The Correlation Between CD4 Count Cell and Opportunistic Infection Among HIV/AIDS Patients 16 Mukhayyarotin Non-Science students’ attitude toward the Niswati R. J. importance of environment-based learning using Vi- Learning in basic natural science courses



17 Eka Mala Sari Subject Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithms (Case Study: SMK Negeri 1 Labang-Madura- Indonesia) 18 Sri Herawati Implementing Method Of Empirical Mode Decomposition Based On Artificial Neural Networks And Genetic Algorithms For Crude Oil Price Forecasting 19 Trisita Virtual Enterprise for Batik’s Small Medium Enterprises 20 Teguh Prasetyo Optimization of Metal Inert Gas Welding with Taguchi Method 21 Novi Prastiti Measurement of Security Quality of E-Commerce Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process 22 R D Lufika The Design of Product Inventory Strategy with System Thinking and Economic Order Quantity Method Approach (Case Study: PT. Y) 23 A K Garside A Reverse Logistics Model For Plastic Bottle Recycling in Bank Sampah Malang



Parallel Session 3 15.00 - 17.00 WIB Room : Daha Moderator : Indra Cahyadi, ST., M.Bus., Ph.D No Presenter Title 1 Nani Nagu The Behavior of Coastal Communities on Management of Domestic Wastewater in Ternate City, Indonesia 2 Nurany Analysis of Hydrogeology and Rainwater Prevention Systems at Sepo Village in Central Halmahera Regency, North Maluku 3 Octaverina Kecvara Sensory Analysis As A Tool In Determining Pritasari Customer Acceptability In Natural Mask From Red Dragon Skin (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Flour And Kefir Flour 4 Meity Wulandari Split Tensile and Flexural Strength Of Concrete With Artificial Lightweight Aggregate (Alwa) And Steel-Fiber 5 Kadek Cahya Dewi Government Readiness and Strategies in E- marketplace Planning using SWOT Analysis and Technology Readiness Index Model 6 Dhanang Eka Putra The Knowledge Level of Market Information by Farmers and The Influencing Factors 7 Hariani Fitrianti Analysis The Effect of Learning Habists And Gender The Mathematics Learning Achievement Using The Multiple Linear Regression Approach 8 Rony Azmi Faisal The Effect Of Extrusion Machine Againt Consistency Filaments Products 3D Printing 9 Nizar Amir Performance Analysis of Hydrogen Fed Proton Conducting ITSOFC Cogeneration System 10 Mujib Wahyudi Friction and Wear Analysis of UHMWPE Material Using Pin-on-Disc Tester with Lubricant and Non- Lubricant 11 Eza Rahmanita Forecasting Crime: Application of The Trend Projection Method In Sumenep District 12 Ibnu Irawan Addition Combustion Air Effect To Engine Performance K15-901 Using Bioethanol Fuel 13 Indra Cahyadi Developing Digital Applications to Improve Business Process Sustainability in An Indonesian Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company



14 Aeri Rachmad The Classification of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Based on Colour Feature Extraction Using Decision Tree Classifier of Adaptive Boosting 15 Ignatius Luddy Threshold Determination in Multislice CT using Indra Purnama Improved Marching Cube Algorithm for 3D Image Reconstruction 16 Adhiel Akbar Home Electrical Energy Management System Using DijCostMin Algorithm



Parallel Session 1 08.30 – 11.00 WIB Room : Kahuripan Moderator : Issa Dyah Utami, ST. MT., Ph.D No Presenter Title 1 Nurul The Measurement Of Maturity Level In Chili's Using Kusumadelina Index Pixel 2 Raudha Hakim Mode Choice Modelling For Interisland Transportation In North Maluku: A Case Of Ternate to Sofifi Cities 3 Berkat Cipta Zega Study on Non-Engineered Building Vulnerability with Red Brick Masonry Wall through Finite Element Analysis 4 Kusnan Sustainable Flood Prevention Using Interconnection of House Pump System 5 I Nyoman Eddy Design ofChildren Monitoring Application for Indrayana Outdoor Activities Using a Smart Watch 6 M J Wibowo The Impact Analysis of A Waste Treatment Plant On Environmental Quality 7 Rian Ade Pratama Optimal Harvesting And Stability of Predator-Prey Model With Holling Type Ii Predation Respon Function And Stage-Structure For Predator 8 Y I P Hematang The Main Structure of Walina and its Preservation in Boven Digoel 9 J Y Parlindungan Increasing the quality of virgin coconut oil (vco) using activated carbon adsorbent from candlenut shell (Aleurites mollucana) 10 Luqman Agung Proximate Analysis of Food Bar Made from Pedada Wicaksono Fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris) Enhanced With Gembili Flour and Mung Bean Flour as an Alternative to Emergency Food 11 Sintha Soraya Santi Effectiveness Tamarind to reduction of Pb content in red mussels 12 Andre Yusuf Trisna Physicochemical And Sensory Properties Of Pedada Putra Fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris) Bar 13 Eva Y Detection of Text Similarity for Indication Plagiarism Puspaningrum Using Winnowing Algorithm Based K-gram and Jaccard Coefficient 14 S Mukaromah Analysis and design student entrepreneurship information system



15 Muhammad Performance Analysis of Forced Convection Coolers Balhaqi Muslich using Synthetic Jets With Variations in Altitude from Synthetic Jets to Heat Sources 16 A Y Tripariyanto Disc Brake Type ofBraking System on Rear Shaft of Go-kart Daiho 7.5 HP 17 S R Widodo Improvement of Inspection Section of PT. ABC using 5S Method (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Siketsu, Shitsuke) 18 Rudy Kustijono Online-based learning to train students crytical thinking in physics teacher training program 19 Achmad Fiqhi Hijaiyah Letters Sign Language Recognition for Deaf Ibadilah and Hearing Impaired Children Based on Principal Component Analysis Method 20 Ach. Khozaimi Mobile Expert System for Dengue Fever Based on Certainty Factor Method 21 Devie Rosa Design of Virtual Reality Application for Taharah Anamisa Using 3D Blender 22 Imamah Mobile Expert System Using Forward Chaining for Diagnosing Teak Tree Disease 23 Kukuh Winarso Rework Reduction with a Risk Management Approach along with Quality Cost Analysis of Furniture Production Processes Using the House of Risk (HOR) Method (Case Study: PT X)



Parallel Session 2 13.00 - 15.00 WIB Room : Kahuripan Moderator : Issa Dyah Utami, ST. MT., Ph.D No Presenter Title 1 Rintania Elliyati Motion Graphic Animation for Public Service Nuryaningsih Advertisement 2 Rugaiyah A. Arfah The Isolation of Termofil Amilolitik Bacterium and Activity Test of Harsh Extraxt Amylase Enzime from The Hot Spring at Jailolo Bay in North Maluku 3 I Made Arsana The Effect of Nanofluid Volume Fraction to The Rate of Heat Transfer Convection Nanofluid Water-Al2O3 on Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 4 Subuh Isnur The Effect of The Implementation of Project Based Haryudo Learning On Learning Activities of Electrical Engineering Students 5 Sri Andriati Asri Implementing Prototyping Method on Smart Village Application 6 H Y Riskiawan Modelling Expert System For Lung Disease 7 P Mangera Estimation Analysis of Long-Term Electrical Energy Needs In PT. PLN (Persero) P2B REGION MERAUKE Area Using Linear Regression Method 8 Sendy Lely Merly Study Of Abundance And Edible Parts (Bydd) Of The Sea Snail (Gastropods) In Mangrove Ecosystem At Lampu Satu Beach And Payum Beach, Merauke District 9 Gardis Andari Selection In Vitro Flower King Planlet With Polyethylen Glicol (Peg) 6000 On Drought As An Animal Feeding 10 Cintantya Budi Algorithm Analysis of Polynomial Mathematical Casita Models of Noise Pollution due to Traffic Volume in The Region of West Surabaya 11 Zetta Rasullia Analysis of Noise Pollution due to Traffic Volume Kamandang Based on The Types of Automotive Vehicles: A Study of West Surabaya Region 12 Rosida Characterization of Soyghurt Synbiotic Drink from Soymilk and Purple Yam Extract 13 Mohammad Idhom Network Security Applications Using the Port Knocking Method 14 E D Wahyuni Integration at the Application Interface Level between SIAMIK and SIPERPUS (a Case Study in XX)



15 Meirna Eka The Effect of Anthocyanin of Purple Sweet Potato Fitriasnani (Ipomoea Batatas L) on the Fas Expression in the Endometrial Epithelium Cell of White Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) Ovariectomy 16 Munasir Magnetic Properties of Fe3O4@Graphene: Preparation from Natural Material 17 Meidya Soft Segmentation Using Image Registration Based Koeshardianto on Nonlocal Matting 18 Muhammad Ali Prediction of Student Acceptance Based on Android Syakur 19 Emon Rifai The Effect Of The Submerged Arc Welding Parameters To Distortion On The Steel Joints 20 Yeni Adaptive Interval Trapezoid Fuzzy Number for Kustiyahningsih Recommendation Systems E-Learning 21 Adi Kurniawan Voltage Accuracy Level Analysis Output Auto Boost Saputro Converter with Fuzzy Logic method on Photovoltaic 22 Rosa Agustaniah Logit model for the analysis of transportation mode choice in Berau Regency East Kalimantan 23 Dian Setiya The Hybrid Ant Lion Optimization (HALO) for Flow Widodo Shop Scheduling Problem



Parallel Session 3 15.00 - 17.00 WIB Room : Kahuripan Moderator : Issa Dyah Utami, ST. MT., Ph.D No Presenter Title 1 Saiful D Abdullah Airwave Propagation Analysis on Amateur Radio Frequency 10 MHz in Island Areas 2 Tri Suyono Theoretical analysis of green energy water supply system in Tidore island 3 I Made Arsana The Influence of Baffle Gap to The Effectiveness of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger with Helical Baffle 4 Danayanti Azmi Using ANN to Evaluate the Climate Data that High Dewi Nusantara Affect on Calculate Daily Potential Evapotranspiration with Modified-Penman Method in The Tropical Regions 5 Ni Gusti Ayu Putu Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for High School Time- Harry Saptarini Table 6 Sustin Farlinda The Implementation of Bilateral Control Symmetrical Position, Force Reflection and Feedback Force on the Haptic Manipulator 7 Stenly Wairara Effect of Tambelo (Bactronophorus thoracites) Extract for Body Weight on Male Mice (Mus muscullus) During Physical Activity 8 Herry Kartika Implementation of Tabu Search Algorithm to Reduce Gandhi Makespan in Multi-Skilled Labor Scheduling for The Assignment Problems 9 Putu Tantri Kumala Combined Effects Of PVD And Embankment Stage Sari Construction To Reduce The Number Of Geotextile Reinforcement For Road Embankment Design 10 I N W Satiawan Design and Control a High Gain Synchronous Buck Converter for a Solid State Distribution Transformer 11 Achmad Application of remotely sensed data and maximum Fachruddin Syah entropy model in detecting potential fishing zones of Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the eastern Indian Ocean off Sumatera 12 Ilyas Masudin Consideration Factors in the Application of Reverse Logistics in Indonesian Electronic Industry 13 Noverdo Saputra Development of an Automatic Anti Pitching System (APS) Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) for Fish Mapping 14 Fatanur Baity Determining Numbers of Coloring λ-Backbone On Tsulutsya Split Graph



15 Nur Abdillah Optical Spectrum of Uncladded Fiber Bragg Grating Siddiq for Glucose Concentration Measurement



Parallel Session 1 08.30 – 11.00 WIB Room : Singasari Moderator : Dr. Wahyudi Setiawan, S.Kom., M.Kom No Presenter Title 1 Wawan A.K Modeling and Resource Classification Lateritic Conoras Nickel Deposits on a Heterogeneous Block in The Haul-Sagu Area using Estimation and Simulation Geostatistical Method 2 Witono Hardi The Effect of Impact Velocity to the Reaction Force, The Deformation Length and The Deformation Mode on a Thin Aluminum Tube 3 Lilik Anifah Industrial Monitoring and Controlling System on Pressure Machines Using Internet of Thing (IoT) 4 Nur Kholis Contribution Model Thinking Electronic Digital Creative and Knowledge of Competence of Electrical Engineering Student Surabaya State University 5 I Nyoman Suamir Field-based Analyses on Approach Temperatures for Performance Evaluation of Centralized Air Conditioning System in a Shopping Mall Building 6 I Nyoman Suamir Experimental Study on the Prospective Use of PV Panels for Stand-alone Chest Freezer in Hot Climate Regions 7 Kasutjianingati Growth And Multiplication Of Orchid Buds In Vitro With The Addition Of Corn (zea Mays) Andtomato (licopersicum Esculentum Mill) Extract 8 Tri Kustanti Application Report Process Of Islamic School Based Rahayu On Pesantren Boarding Using Waterfall Model 9 Henry Soleman Structuring Area Tourism Development Based Raubaba Merauke Buti Beach Informal Sector (Small Business) 10 Syamsul Bahri Comparison of ICT Literacy Capabilities Of Physics Teachers in state and private schools in Merauke Regency 11 Enny Aryanny Analysis of Quality Management by Implementing Total Quality Management Based on Deming Prize 12 Bambang Wahyudi Synthesis and Characteristics of β-Tri-Calcium Phosphate from Green Mussel Shell 13 Sani Synthesis of Tricalcium Phosphate From Eggshells with Precipitation Method 14 Prisa Marga Detection of Relevant Career Track for Information Kusumantara System Undergraduates Using Profile Matching



15 Pratama Wirya Difficulty Curve-Based Procedural Generation of Atmaja Scrolling Shooter Enemy Formations 16 M E Fitriasnani The Influence of purple sweet potato toward Fas Epitel of White Rat 17 K I N Rahayu The Effect of Ginger Extract (zingiber officinale roscoe) on the Number of Neutrophil Cells, Fibroblast and Epithelialization on Incision Wound 18 Fina Retnowati The Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Learning Devices Model for Practicing Student Scientific Literacy 19 Rosida Vivin Detecting Text in the Scene Text Image Using Fast Nahari Fourier Transform 20 Fitri Damayanti Detection and Identification Indonesia License Plate Using Background Subtraction Based on Area 21 Diana Rahmawati Digital Filter Design for Classifying Coconut Ages using Blackman FIR and Elliptic IIR Filters 22 Deny Hermansyah Evaluation of Hyper-Heuristic Method Using Random-Hill Climbing Algorithm in the Examination Timetabling Problem 23 Endah Sudarmilah 3D Interactive Multimedia in English Language Learning



Parallel Session 2 13.00 – 15.00 WIB Room : Singasari Moderator : Dr. Wahyudi Setiawan, S.Kom., M.Kom No Presenter Title 1 Yanny Geochemical composition and morphology study of Major Minerals of Angus Stone from Gamalama Mountain, Ternate Island, Indonesia 2 Suyuti Bamboo Pile Installed Into Soft Ground to Increase Required Reinforcement Force for Coastal Dike 3 Ita Fatkhur A Tracer Study of Home Economics Department in Romadhoni Bachelor Culinary Graduates 4 Sri Handajani Analisis of Hygienic Behavioral Intention on Student of Culinary 5 Lilik Sudiajeng Assessment of the Effectiveness on Domestic Rainwater-harvesting Wells (SPAHUDO) in the Northern Area of Denpasar City Bali Indonesia Through Ergo-Hydrogeology Approach 6 Denny Trias Utomo Determination of the Shortest Path in Web-Based Food Distribution 7 Yance Kakerissa Use-Pole Bamboo Raft Foundation With Full-Scale Model Test Of Deformation Causeway Makassar New Port 8 Adrianus Identification of Acetoin Producing Rhizobacteria as Rice Plant Growth Control (Oryza sativa) from The Rhizosphere of Elephant Grass Plant(Pennisetum purpureum) using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 9 R F Nikat Scaffolding Computer Packet Instruction (scpi) To Analyze Student’s Problem Solving Performance On Physics 10 Sri Redjeki Low Sodium Healthy Salt by Dry Methods 11 Isni Utami Vinasse Treatment With Aerobic Microbial Method Using Activated Slugge 12 Sukirmiyadi The Role Of Contrastive Analysis In Translation Study 13 Agung Brastama Design and Development Executive Information Putra System Application with Drilldown and What-If Analysis features 14 Asif Faroqi Exploring Online Shoppers’ Acceptance of Electronic Marketplace Using UTAUT and The Flow Theory



15 L D Indrasari Value Chain Analysis and Supply Chain of Layang Fish in Prigi Fish Auction Trenggalek Regency, East Java Indonesia 16 Nur Ducha Effect of Addition of Different Egg Yolks in Basic Tris-Soya Diluent on Quality, Membrane Integrity of Senduro Goat Sperm, and Free Radicals during Storage at Temperature of 4-5 C 17 Ari Kusumaningsih Augmented Reality-Marker Detection Measurement on Heroes of Surabaya Mobile Games 18 Cucun Very Optimising The Tower-Defense Games With Angkoso Advanced Local Cultural Content And A Greedy Algorithm 19 Arif Muntasa Improvement of One-Dimensional Fisherface Algorithm to extract the Features (Case study: Face Recognition) 20 Muhammad Yusuf A Novel Conceptual Model of e-Participation using Biometrics Technologies 21 Hakam Muzakki Effect of Metal Inert Gas Welding Process Parameters to Tensile Strength on ST 37 Steel Sheet Joint 22 Muhammad Fuad Robot Orientation Estimation Based on Single-Frame of Fish-eye Image 23 Mujianto The Causality of Monosodium Glutamate Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Absorbance Pattern with Wave Peaks from Several Seasoning Product (Savoury Flavors)



Parallel Session 3 15.00 - 17.00 WIB Room : Singasari Moderator : Dr. Wahyudi Setiawan, S.Kom., M.Kom No Presenter Title 1 Sabaruddin Application of Pavement Condition Index (PCI) on the Assessment of the Kalumata Highway of the City of South Ternate 2 E R Ahadian Public Service Quality in Sultan Babullah Airport Ternate (Case Study of Passenger Service) 3 Supari Muslim Critical study of stem-based learning in order to develop century skills 21 4 Mutimmatul Faidah The Values of Sustainability in Bali Bridal Makeup as Heritage Culture 5 I Putu Dody Manipulation of Virtual Environment to Examine Lesmana Perception and Vision Aspects of Individuals Post- Stroke When Driving VRAC Simulator 6 MG Permadi The Efficiency of Rawa Mayo Irrigation Channels in Kurik Sub-Distrik, Merauke 7 Fifin Ayu Content Based Image Retrieval Using Two Color Mufarroha Feature Extraction 8 Vivi Tri Comparison of Automatic Water Taps Using Widyaningrum Ultrasonic Sensors and PIR Sensors 9 Sri Wahyuni Monitoring And Control Web Based System for Peanut At The Green House 10 Hairil Budiarto Magnetic Braking System Using Electromagnetic Force 11 Mirza Pramudia Prototype Design Of Automatic Anchovy Drying Robot Using Arduino ATmega 2560 12 Sigit Susanto Putro The Determination of The Defender Position In Football Uses The Magiq (Multi-Attribute Global Inference Quality)Method 13 Arik Kurniawati Introducing Virtual Reality for Learning Media in Schools in Indonesia 14 A Andriansyah Using System Dynamic Model for Predicting Inventory of Rice Necessity 15 Aang Kisnu A model of smart regency framework using Meta- Darmawan ethnography approach and TOGAF ADM 9.1



Parallel Session 1 08.30 – 11.00 WIB Room : Mataram Moderator : Dr. Hakam Muzakki, ST., MT No Presenter Title 1 Fitri Rohmah Analysis of Accessibility to City Transport Widayanti Performance Based on Passenger Perception with Case Study: Tambak Osowilangun Terminal Route 2 Soeryanto Analysis of HOTS Type Multiple-choice Test Items on Learning Automotive Electrical Systems in SMK Dharma Baahari Surabaya 3 Merry Muspita Addition Turmeric Extract on Ration To Reduce Fat Dyah Utami Deposit of Broiler 4 Try Adrianto Analysis Of WiFi Network Performance Using FDMI Darsono Method 5 A Prayitno Measuring the Maturity Level of Information Technology Governance in the Informatics Engineering Department Using COBIT 4.1 6 D Muchlis Quality of Chicken Eggs Aged 26 Months Supplemented With Herbal Medicine Containing Red Fruit Extract 7 Minarni Nur Trilita Study of Hydrology Nunukan Raw Water Retention Basin in 8 Novirina Resistance of Loading Loads in Surabaya River and Hendrasarie Its Branch with Qual2KW Model 9 Budi Nugroho The Face Recognition Performance in Every Lighting Condition of Testing Data 10 S A Ithriah Online Learning Self-Efficacy: The Role in E- Learning Success 11 Siti Rohana Improving Employees’ Safety Behaviour On The Nasution Production Process By Designing Occupational Health And Safety System 12 S R Widodo Designing Google Form based Information System for Submitting Students’ Final Assignment’s Title 13 E M Yunalia The Influence of Autogenic Training towards Stress Level on People with HIV/AIDS 14 T Ilmi Profile of Antibiotic Use and Germ Map in Pneumonia Patients in Pulmonary Space (Case Study at RSUD dr. Iskak. Tulungagung) 15 Isnawati Cellulolytic Fungi Isolation and Identification from Fermetoge, Cattle Feed Composed of Fermented



Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) And Corn (Zea mays) Cob 16 Herlina The Ability of Sagittaria lancifolia as Phytoremediator Fitrihidayati on Detergent Solution 17 Tarzan Purnomo Plankton Diversity in Kondang Merak Beach District of Malang, East Java 18 Wahyudi A Conceptual Model of Mobile Expert System for Agustiono Integrated Pest and Disease Control: The Case of MyCorn 19 Rifky Maulana Effect Electrolyte Temperature and Electrode Yusron Distance to Electroplating Hard-Chrome on Medium- Carbon Steel 20 Mahrus K. Umami Determining the Prayer Mat Size for Javanese University Students in Bangkalan 21 Indah Agustien Binary Classification using Convolutional Neural Siradjuddin Network for Attributes Identification of Pedestrian Image 22 Issa Dyah Utami Comparation of Schedulling Methods: Campbell Dudek Smith, Palmer And Dannenbring to Minimize Makespan 23 Yoga Nugraha Application Development Of Vehicle Counting and Pryandika Classification Using YOLOV2



Parallel Session 2 13.00 - 15.00 WIB Room : Mataram Moderator : Dr. Hakam Muzakki, ST., MT No Presenter Title 1 R Endro Wibisono Analysis on Calculation of Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) Before and After Flyover & Road Widening Operation at Gedangan Intersection in Sidoarjo Regency 2 Erina Rahmadyanti Constructed Wetland with Rice Husk Substrate as Phytotechnology Treatment for Sustainable Batik Industry in Indonesia 3 Rizza Wijaya The Mathematical Analysis of the Drying of Cassava Grater by Using Pneumantic (flash) Dryer with Heat Recirculation Method 4 E Nurvitasari The Use of The Edmodo Application in Blended Learning to Improve Cognitive Abilities of Senior High School Students 5 Nurhayati Implementation of software geogebra on triangles 6 Nurcholis Liquid Semen Quality of Po Cattle Suplemented Red Fruit Oil (RFO) in Ringer Lactate-Egg Yolk Equlibration Temperature 7 Eka Prakarsa Global and Adaptive Thresholding Technique for Mandyartha White Blood Cell Image Segmentation 8 T L M Suryanto Developing and Evaluating a Jejakatua Virtual Campus Tour Prototype Using Auto-stitching Technique 9 Agussalim Performance of Delay Tolerant Network Protocol in Smart City Scenario 10 Nila Nurlina Maintenance of Peeler Onion based on Effectiveness 11 Dwikoranto Increasing the Potential of Student Science Process Skills Through Project Based Laboratory 12 Sunu Kuntjoro Preference Swiftlet Bird (Aerodramus Fuciphagus) Nesting At Different Sites In An Effort To Increase Nest Production 13 Yonathan Ferry Comparing the Time Required for Dead End Filler Hendrawan and Wall Follower Algorithm in Solving Perfect Mazes 14 Muhammad Fuad Translational Motion Estimation Using Kinect 15 Budi Dwi Satoto Identification of Positive Gram Biopesticide Bacteria Using Fuzzy Clustering Level Set and Random Forest



16 Rullie Annisa Biomechanical Modeling: how much punching operators’ moment of force in punching process 17 Weny Findiastuti Eco-efficiency Measurement of Indonesian Farming Using System Dynamic 18 Debrina Puspita Risks analysis on digital platforms adoption to elevate Andriani SME businesses in developing country 19 A Saifudin Feature Selection in Cross-Project Software Defect Prediction 20 A R Rhamdani Precipitation Rate Investigation on Precipitated Magnesium Carbonate by Ultrasonic of Magnesium Bicarbonate 21 G Priyandoko Development Neural Network Controller for Bridgeless Power Factor Correction Cuk Converter Voltage Tracking 22 TJ Suteja Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Polylactic Acid Product for Various Infill Design Parameters : A Review 23 P D Sentia Disaster risk mitigation design for supply chain activities in Aceh : a case study



Parallel Session 3 15.00 – 17.00 WIB Room : Mataram Moderator : Dr. Hakam Muzakki, ST., MT No Presenter Title 1 Farid Baskoro Design of function generator using arduino due 12 bit dac 2 Setya Chendra Designing of Android Based Learning (Mobile Wibawa Learning) for Multimedia Students 3 Budi Hariono Mathematical Model of the Water Quality in Tlogo Ampel Watershed 4 D N Marpaung Effect of Using Chemsketch On Teaching Molecular Shape of Hydrocarbon To Increase Student’s Achievement 5 Wahyudi Setiawan Denoising Convolutional Neural Network for Fundus Patches Quality 6 Riza Alfita Designing a Diabetes Mellitus Detection Tool Using the Backpropagation Method 7 Noor Ifada Application of Latent Factor Model on a Restaurant Menu Recommendation System 8 Mochammad Online Survey to support the IT Master Plan Kautsar Sophan 9 Koko Joni Misty Image Repair System with Dark Channel Prior and CLAHE 10 Dian Neipa An Improved AES Key Generation in Audio Purnamasari Steganography 11 Dedi Tri Laksono Comparative Measurement of Partial Discharge Using Spiral Antenna with RC Detector on High Voltage Equipment 12 Shofia Hardi Data Mining Forecasting Sales of Building Materials on CV Forward Together in Surabaya With Use Time Series 13 Muttaqin Parameter Identifiability of Phased-MIMO Radar Hardiwansyah with coherent receive arrays 14 Kemalasari Medical Spirometer for Diagnosing COPD Base On The Measurement of FVC and FEV1 15 Mohammad Saeed Odonata fauna of Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa – Pakistan: Current status and threats



Abstract of Keynote Speakers



Network configuration optimization for wireless local-area network with three Raspberry Pi access-points under concurrent communications

Nobuo Funabiki

Okayama University, Japan

[email protected]

Abstract- Nowadays, the wireless local-area network (WLAN) has been deployed around the world as an inexpensive and flexible access network to the Internet. Because WLAN does not need a cable to connect a host or a mobile device with an access-point (AP), it has several advantages over a wired LAN such as low installation and management costs, easy host relocations, and flexible service areas. In WLAN, 11 or 13 partially overlapping channels (POCs) are available at the popular 2.4GHz. Each POC has the 20MHz frequency width, and the frequency gap between two adjacent channels is only 5MHz. Thus, one POC is interfered with at least three neighbor channels. Currently, the IEEE 802.11n protocol is common in WLAN, which adopts the high-speed wireless communication technologies, including the channel bonding (CB), the multiple- input-multiple-output (MIMO), and the frame aggregation. Among them, CB enhances the speed by bonding two channels into one. Thus, when multiple APs in a network field are concurrently communicating, they are always interfered with each other. The throughput feature becomes different from the single communication. To realize a low-cost WLAN, we have studied the use of Raspberry Pi for the software access-point (AP) in the IEEE 802.11n WLAN. This device has become popular around the world as a low-cost, small, and powerful computing one. Since the built-in wireless network interface card (NIC) fails to support CB, we have configured CB using an external NIC adapter and investigated the performance. Besides, we have studied the two-step throughput


INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICST) 2019 estimation model to estimate the throughput or data transmission speed of a WLAN link for the single communication. The first step estimates the receiving signal strength (RSS) at the receiver by using the log-distance path loss model. The second step calculates the throughput from that RSS using the sigmoid function. Both functions have several parameters affecting the estimation accuracy. Thus, their values are optimized by the parameter optimization tool. In this talk, we introduce our latest studies of the network configuration optimization and its related topics for the IEEE 802.11n WLAN using three Raspberry Pi APs with 11 POCs. First, we present throughput measurement results in concurrent communications of three Raspberry Pi APs with/without using CB. Second, we extend the throughput estimation model by introducing the reduction factor to consider interferences among them. Third, we propose the network configuration optimization algorithm for WLAN with three Raspberry Pi APs using the extended throughput estimation model. The network configuration signifies the adoption of CB or non-CB, the channel assignment, and the host associations for each AP. Finally, we evaluate the algorithm through simulations and testbed experiments.



The Fundamentals of IOT, Blockchain and AI Technologies and their Fusion will be Illustrated on Industry 4.0

Prof. Shuo-Yan Chou,

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)

Internet of Things (IoT) will be making impact to the society not just in an incremental way but a disruptive way. With the sensing and wireless connection capability of physical objects and environment, humans are able to reach far beyond their physical constraint in time and space and becoming an integral part of the connected world. It is not only transforming the way business is conducted but also the way we live and perceive. Combining with the advancement of blockchain and AI, the digital fusion has been quietly pushing the industry towards the fourth industrial revolution. The three digital technologies complement to each other, enabling a great number of innovative applications and services and allowing the impact goes beyond manufacturing industries. The new World Wide Web (Web 3.0) will have these three technologies contributing significantly to its core values. In this talk, the fundamentals of IoT, blockchain and AI technologies and their fusion will be illustrated on Industry 4.0 as well as applied to address smart city issues.



Abstract of Participants



A Conceptual Model of Mobile Expert System for Integrated Pest and Disease Control: The Case of MyCorn

W Agustiono1,*; M Syarif1; D Amanisa1; M Yusuf1

1University of Tronojoyo Madura, Jl Raya Telang PO BOX 2 Kamal Bangkalan

*[email protected]

Abstract - The study of plant disease detection systems development has become very popular especially after the introduction of precision agriculture and the widespread use of mobile computing in almost all area including agriculture. While there exist an abundance of frameworks or models, however, given the unique nature of pest and disease management influenced by the different types of cultivation setting such as location, history, soil and the threat’s, research in this area is still needed. In addition, crop disease and pest detection is a complex task requiring accumulated knowledge and expertise as well as collecting detailed information very often manually. Therefore, on the basis of generic expert system model, this research aims to develop a conceptual model of mobile expert system for pest and disease management. Drawing from the case study of MyCorn development project, this study specifically offers a conceptual model of mobile application which offers a collaborative platform for integrated corn crop disease and pest diagnosis, treatment, and protection. The findings also offer useful practical insights for those who are seeking to build similar expert system for agriculture crops other than corn.



Effect Electrolyte Temperature and Electrode Distance to Electroplating Hard-Chrome on Medium-Carbon Steel

R M Yusron1,*, R M Bisono2 M Pramudia1

1Depaterment of Mechanical Engineering Department, University Trunojoyo of Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia. 2Departemen of Mechanical Engineering, Malang State Polythecnic (PSDKU), kediri, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - ASSAB 618S steel is a type of medium carbon steel that is often used as a machining tool for the petroleum industry. Based on the observation, it does not work optimally due to high acidity. As a result, there is corruption in the machining tool. In this study, an electroplating process will be carried out as a way to overcome corrosion in machining made of ASSAB 618S steel. The variables involved independent variables, dependent variables, and control variables. The independent variable is the temperature of the electrolyte solution with variations of 55oC to 70oC. The dependent variable is the corrosion rate on the results of electroplating hard chrome coating. The controlled variable is the distance of electrodes with variations of 3 and 9 cm. The data obtained showed that the highest corrosion rate was obtained from the temperature variation of the electrolyte solution of 55 degrees Celsius and the electrode distance of 9 cm, while the lowest corrosion rate was obtained at a temperature variation of 70 degrees Celsius electrolyte and 3 cm electrode distance. The data is in accordance with the theory of corrosion rate that is smaller better. It means that the smaller the corrosion rate, the better the corrosion resistance. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the temperature of the electrolyte solution, the distance of the electrode, and between both interactions give an influence on the corrosion rate of the electroplating hard chrome coating.



Determining the Prayer Mat Size for Javanese University Students in Bangkalan

M K. Umami1,*, I Defriono1, I Kuswandi1

1Dept. of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - Every Muslim individual has an obligation to pray five times a day. He/ she can do the ritual at a mosque, a prayer room, and some private areas. A place with a comfortable and an appropriate space would make individual performing the prayer well. Considering that most individual use a prayer mat during the ritual, this study aimed to identify an appropriate size of the prayer mat for Javanese students at the University of Trunojyo Madura (UTM). Two hundred students (90 males) involved in the study. Seven postures of the prayers motions, namely: body height in standing posture (BHS), shoulder breadth (SB), foot length (FL), buttock to the top of the head in a bowing posture (BTHP), tip of foot finger to the top of the head (TFHP), elbow to elbow distance during prostrating (EEDP) and the maximum width during tawarruk sitting (the final sitting) (MWTS), were selected in the measurements phase. The postures performed by participants should conform to the right posture as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad. Results of the current study indicate a significant difference in the included dimensions between the male and female groups, except on the maximum width during the tawarruk sitting. This finding implies to the different size on the prayer mat, especially on its length. It also indicates the need of different space between the lines during a congregational prayer.



Binary Classification using Convolutional Neural Network for Attributes Identification of Pedestrian Image

Indah Agustien Siradjuddin1, Arif Subroto2, Arief Muntasa3

1,2,3Informatics Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura Bangkalan,

[email protected]

Abstract - Attribute Identification is proposed in this research to help the security system for identifying the attribute of the pedestrian image.Convolutional Neural Network is used as the binary classifier in the proposed research because it has the ability of feature learning; hence handmade feature is not required in this network. The network architecture consists of the Convolutional, Rectified Linear Unit, Pooling, and Fully Connected Layer. Three models are proposed for the attributes identification based on the number of weight layers, they are, ten, eight, and six.There are seven attributes are identified using seven binary classifiers. They are male, hat, long hair, backpack, carrying nothing, shorts, and sandals.The conducted experiments showed that our proposed model achieved higher accuracy for several attributes compare to the previous model.The highest accuracy achieved in this research is 86.7% for the male attribute, and the lowest is 26.7% for footwear sandals.



Comparation of Schedulling Methods: Campbell Dudek Smith, Palmer And Dannenbring to Minimize Makespan

Issa Dyah Utami1, Imron Kuswandi2, Dhafit Edhi Wibowo3

1,2,3Dept. of Industrial Engineering. Faculty of Enguneering, University of Trunojoyo Madura Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Delays in completing one of production cycle will affect the entire flow of the next production process. DI is a manufacturing company that manufacture aircraft. In 2017 there was a delay in manufacturing processes of A380 aircraft wings, especially in machining parts, which resulted in delays shipping to assembly parts. This delays affected time delivery to customers. So that, scheduling plan was needed in this company. This paper proposes comparation of three scheduling methods, which are Campbell Dudek Smith, Palmer and Dannenbring with the aim of minimizing makespan. Result of this study describes that the best method for minimizing makespan is Campbell Dudek Smith method, with a scheduling sequence starting from job 13-6-5-3-10-4-9-1-7-8-18-11-14- 19-17-2- 12-12-15-16, and the makespan value of 46.03 hours.



Comparing the Time Required for Dead End Filler and Wall Follower Algorithm in Solving Perfect Mazes

Y F Hendrawan1

1Informatics Department, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - A maze is a collection of walls and spaces arranged in such a way that they form a path/paths usually connecting an entry point to a goal. There are various kinds of maze solving algorithms. These methods are used in practice to help navigate an autonomous system to find a path within maze to find a target such as an exit point, special item, or location to the next level. This research explored two maze solving algorithms: Wall Follower and Dead End Filler. Experiments were conducted to measure the time needed for each algorithm in solving 50 perfect mazes of various sizes. The test mazes were generated dynamically using Recursive Backtracker method. The result showed that Wall Follower algorithm is faster than Dead End Filler algorithm. The difference is slightly under twice as fast; for example in solving 800 x 800 cell mazes, the former required an average time of 98.74 milliseconds while the later needed 171.94 milliseconds.



Translational Motion Estimation Using Kinect

M Fuad 1

1Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Study on robot navigation has been progressing significantly. However, research of autonomous navigation is still lacking in environments with changing layout. For supporting robot navigation system, rotational and translational motion estimation need to be improved. Low cost sensor such as Kinect can be used as alternative to laser to percept changing in the vicinity of robot. There is still problem in developing motion estimation using Kinect. Narrowness in the sensor field of view limits its ability to track robot motion. This problem emerges specially in translational motion estimation. This paper aims to develop a simple approach based on RGB-D data for translational motion estimation of a Kinect sensor. RGB-D data consist of RGB and Depth images. In previous research, camera was positioned in the direction of longitudinal translational motion. This paper differs from previous works in terms of sensor setting that is placed in the direction of lateral translation movements. Point features are matched between pairs of RGB frame to get interesting pixels. Depth image provides distance information for these pixels in synchronization with feature tracking process. Law of cosines is then applied to these depth pixels to get position translation. Results show that our approach have decreased RMSE to 0.0382 meter better than previous works. In the future research, this translational motion estimation system will be implemented in mobile robot system to support navigation function.



Identification of Positive Gram Biopesticide Bacteria Using Fuzzy Clustering Level Set and Random Forest

B D Satoto1, I Utoyo2, R Rulaningtyas3, M Yusuf4

1,4Information system, Engineering Faculty, Trunojoyo University of Madura 2,3Faculty of Science and Technology, of Surabaya Abstract - The quality of agricultural land is an important factor for corn farmers in Madura. To overcome this problem, biopesticides can be used in the form of bacteria that can kill plant pest organisms (OPT). Bacillus thuringiensis is one of the bacteria that can produce protein crystals that are insect killers (insecticides) when undergoing a sporulation process. By studying this identification, it is expected that farmers can analyse the use of pesticides and replace them with bio- pesticides that are more environmentally friendly. In this study, an image processing approach was used to identify the presence of biopesticide bacteria. At the pre-processing stage, the stages of a culture of bacterial colonies were carried out on Mac Conkey media, followed by repairs to the results of image morphology. Fuzzy Clustering level set is one of the methods used in the image segmentation process. The results of form extraction are then used in the training process to determine the type of bacteria in the sample. This method makes identification of agricultural land easier, faster and costs less. The result is that in processing 100 training data and 25 data testing using Bacilli bacteria with 9 bacterial morphological attributes and 2 identification classes the accuracy value of the Random Forest decision tree was 91%.



Biomechanical Modeling: how much punching operators’ moment of force in punching process

Rullie Annisa1

1Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Trunojoyo Madura, ID

[email protected]

Abstract - One of the causes of injuri is operator work and machine that is not ergonomic. On SISCO, usage the length of the handle of the punching tool which is made of iron becomes one of problems in the punching process. The manual punching process requires great energy and strength. This causes operators complaints during the production process include hand and arm muscular pains. One of the ways to minimize pains, injuries, and accidents is using biomechanical approach. The method used in the biomechanical approach is using biomechanical modeling Single-segment Static Model. In the study obtained, the calculations of moment of force at the initial position of palm, forearm and upper arm generated values of 14.7175 Nm, 29.5236616 Nm and 32.1110157 Nm, while moment of force at the final position of palm, forearm and upper arm generated values of 34.2256666 Nm and 37.396405 Nm.The calculations of moment of force at the initial and final positions indicate that the distance of arm influence the moment of force; the longer the arm length, the bigger the moment of force produced.



Eco-efficiency Measurement of Indonesian Farming Using System Dynamic

W Findiastuti1, M L Singgih2, M Anityasari2

1Industrial Engineering, Universitas Trunojoyo, Indonesia 2Industrial Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This paper aims to assess macro eco-efficiency measurement of Indonesian farming using system dynamic. It is an application of former system- dynamic simulation model built for sustainable Indonesian farming. The measurement is conducted for five provinces of Indonesia for related economic, environment and social indicators. Five-provinces represent great different conditions of arable land, income, employment, and other socio-economic indicators that significantly affect the eco-efficiency level. This assessment progressively proves that sustainable farming is not merely about environmental details of climate change, pollutions, energy consumption or water consumption. Stock Flow Diagram has been modified for the measurement. It resulted in eco- efficiency level and ranking of each province for year 2009, 2014, 2019 and 2024.



Denoising Convolutional Neural Network for Fundus Patches Quality

W Setiawan1, M I Utoyo2, R Rulaningtyas3

1Department of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Jawa Timur, Indonesia 2Department of Mathematics, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi , Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia 3Department of Physics, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi , Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Image quality is one of the factors that supporting a system to perform tasks such as image classification, segmentation, and recognition. Better tasks learning needs image quality improvement. In this study, image quality improvement do by denoising Convolutional Neural Network (dnCNN). The dnCNN network include the convolution layer, rectified linear unit, batch normalization, and final regression layer. DnCNN layer configuration consists of 58 layers. The denoising image process have five steps: data access, noise image, configuration of dnCNN layer, denoised image, and assess image quality with Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structure Similarity (SSIM), and Mean Square Error (MSE) Experiment uses public data fundus image from MESSIDOR and Retina Image Bank. Results show, average value of PSNR noisy image 20.75, PSNR denoised image 31.8, SSIM noisy image 0.92, SSIM denoised image 0.99, MSE noisy image 0.0084, MSE denoised image 0.0007.



Designing a Diabetes Mellitus Detection Tool Using the Backpropagation Method

R Alfita1, D Rahmawati2, R Vivin Nahari3, D Iskandar4 1,2,3,4 Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Technological advances in the field of medical electronics are developing very rapidly; one of the positive effects of advances in electronic technology in the world of health is the detection of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) with urine odor which based on microcontrollers with Backpropagation artificial neural network methods. Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by high levels of sugar (Glucose), and is caused by the inability of pancreas to produce insulin. The detection of diabetes mellitus in this study used gas sensors of TGS 2602, TGS 2610 and TGS 813. Results of the study showed several sensor values; 120 – 290 for TGS 2610, 120-290 for TGS 813, and 100-170 for TGS 2610. The undertaken artificial neural network method was able to identify two urine samples, of which each sample was tested and conducted a training test with success rate results of 75%.



Application of Latent Factor Model on a Restaurant Menu Recommendation System

N Ifada 1,*, Z M Humaidi2, M K Sophan3

1,2,3Informatics Department, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia, 69162

[email protected]

Abstract - A restaurant menu recommendation system is becoming a necessity following the trend of eating out at the restaurants. The task of such a system is to generate a top-Nlist of menus that may be of interest to a customer, in which the customer previous rating behavior is used as the learning model. In this paper, we apply the SVD (Singular Vector Decomposition) latent factor model as the learning technique of the recommendation system. Beforehand, we implement the mean imputation technique to fill in the missing rating entries so that SVD can also deal with the new customer that has no rating record in the system. Evaluation on a real- world restaurant menu recommendation dataset shows that our recommendation system is able to generate a top-10 list of menu recommendations to a target customer and that the results of the low-rank approximation using SVD are comparable with that of the full-rank.



Online Survey to support the IT Master Plan

Mochammad Kautsar Sophan1, Arif Muntasa2, Annisa Sukma Putri3

1,2,3Informatics Department, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - In a business organization that uses Information Technology (IT), the IT Master plan is a guide to building information systems and technologies that are in line with the organization's goals, vision and mission. This research was conducted in the HVA Toeloengredjo hospital. HVA hospitals are hospitals whose their administrative systems has use IT. The status of HVA hospitals has been accredited so that the application of SIM Hospital has become one of the hospital business management strategies. For SIM implementation, it must be supported in the IT master plan in terms of hardware, software, infrastructure, quality of human resources and operational standards of the procedures implemented. This study aims to determine the level of IT implementation in the IT master plan dimension, therefore a survey step is needed. The interview method or questionnaire paper on the implementation of the survey is considered to be less effective, because it takes a long time and costs more. In this study an online survey application was built to support the IT master plan. On the results of online survey processing analyzed using a Likert scale with a scale range of 1 to 5, it was found that 42 respondents of HVA Hospital stated that 84.30% of IT master plan conditions were ideal supported by good IT conditions of 73.40%, resulting in a comparison the two conditions are that 87.07% of the level of IT implementation in HVA Hospital is very good.



Misty Image Repair System with Dark Channel Prior and CLAHE

Koko Joni1, Riza Alfita1, Hesty Alustia Dewi1

1 Electrical Engineering Departement, University Of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The aimof this study is to remove the influence of weather factors in order to improve the visual effects of the image and provide benefit to post- processing. Images captured in hazy or foggy weather conditions can be seriously degraded by scattering of atmospheric particles, which reduces the contrast, changes the color, and makes the object features difficult to identify by human vision and by some outdoor computer vision systems. Therefore image dehazing is an important issue and has been widely researched in the field of computer vision. Image haze removal based on dark channel prior can perform very well. But it didn't deal with sky region and brightness objects because dark channel prior is not established in these regions. To solve the problem and enhance the contrast, this paper propose to restored the hazy image by adding the contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization. With the contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization method, the results of the dark channel prior results can be contrasted so that the image becomes clearer and more specific. Experimental results showed that such method is MSE 0.256 is equal to PSNR of 54,043 With this research, it is expected that a clean image after processing can provide maximum information to humans.



Detecting Text in the Scene Text Image Using Fast Fourier Transform

Rosida Vivin Nahari1, Sigit Susanto Putro2, Noval Setiawan3, Riza Alfita4

1,2,3,4 Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Text in images express a lot of information for image understanding. Detecting and recognizing text facilitates many important applications. The characteristics of a text with different shapes and contour patterns require special computer vision to detect and recognize when compared to other objects in the image. Text detection is the process of detecting text in an image followed by surrounding text with a rectangular bounding box. It can be performed by using image-based or frequency-based techniques. Many applications require text detection in images ranging from automatic detection of traffic signs that help in the transportation systemto assist blind people and others in need. The data of this study were Focused Scene Text with the JPG format. The method used to detect the text in images was Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The final results of the study showed that 95% of the text could be detected in an image by various camera perspectives and was expected to help develop text recognition applications in an image.



Detection and Identification Indonesia License Plate Using Background Subtraction Based on Area

F Damayanti1, W K Dewi2, E Rahmanita, A Rachmad3

1,2,3Departemen of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo, Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The increasing number of vehicles, especially four-wheeled vehicles in big cities, raises traffic problems, including toll roads. With a fast transaction process at the entrance of the toll road, it can reduce the queue of traffic congestion. For this reason, it is necessary to use a vehicle number character recognition image processing application. In this study, an application for license plate character recognition was made on vehicle images starting from the plate detection process using background subtraction. Next is the segmentation process of each character and feature extraction process using area-based features extraction. For the character recognition process, use the K-Nearest Neighbor method. The data used in this study were 50 vehicle images with each of them having 3 distances namely 50 cm, 75 cm and 100 cm. The results of this research trial showed the best level of accuracy for the detection of license plate locations is 94%, the best accuracy of segmentation per character is 71.79% and 82.59% is the best accuracy of character recognition.



Digital Filter Design for Classifying Coconut Ages using Blackman FIR and Elliptic IIR Filters

Diana Rahmawati1, Haryanto2, Fahrus Sakariya3, Heri Setiawan4

1,2,3Electrical Engineering Department, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

4Electrical Weapon System, Indonesian Army Polytechnic, Malang, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Tapping a coconut fruit is one of conventional ways that requires specialty in determining the ages of the fruit. The frequency of these taps can be used as a reference to determine the ages of coconut. This study aims to make an automatic device to determine coconut ages using digital filter based on the tapping frequency. The filter could screen the received signals in order to produce clear tapping sounds, or without noises. Two filter types namely Blackman Finite Impulse Response (FIR) and Elliptic Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) were used to reveal the filter’s length and order. MATLAB software was used in the filter testing to compare the responses of the two filters used. Results depicted that Elliptical IIR was better that Blackman FIR, of which the Elliptical IIR produced less noises and better frequency responses.



The Determination of The Defender Position In Football Uses The Magiq (Multi-Attribute Global Inference Quality)Method

Sigit Susanto Putro1, Eza Rahmanita2, Tarmudi Hasan3, Yoga Dwitya Pramudita4

1,2,3,4Informatics engineering,faculty university of trunojoyo, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Defender is a stronghold to a football team. Generally position defender there are four position, among other the centre back, full back, wing back, and sweeper. There are ten parameter used to measure defender. Among other things these covering parameter , a heading , pressing , tackling , control , passing , crossing , the stamina , dribling , and shooting. Because the parameters further many , it makes coach was experiencing problems in putting what is appropriate to players. To help coach in determining the position in accordance with their condition players , then required a decision support system. Methods used in system a supporter of this decision is a method of magiq , it was because the measurement of conformity a player with its position use multi criteria. The system made could not determine the position of the right or left.Testing system do with 20 players.The results the coach agree with the system as many as 15 players.It means system based 75 %.This is because in factor mentality and understanding tactics in playing ignored.



Introducing Virtual Reality for Learning Media in Schools in Indonesia

Arik Kurniawati1, Fachrizal Farhan Abdullah2, Wahyudi Agustiono3, Sheila Sisilia Warninda4, Ari Kusumaningsih5

1,2,3,4,5Informatics Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo MaduraBangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This paper aims to introduce Virtual Reality (VR) as a learning tool for students. As the first study (Case I), we present a VR simulation as a learning therapy tool using the VAKT method (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile) for children with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC). The second example (Case II), VR was used as a display environment to explore biology learning for senior high school students. Finally, the result from our experiences and lessons learned, VR can be used as a tool for school learning both for regular students and ASC.



Augmented Reality-Marker Detection Measurement on Heroes of Surabaya Mobile Games

Ari Kusumaningsih1, Cucun Very Angkoso2, Ahmad Ubaidillah3

1,2,3Informatics Engineering Department, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Alternative solution in selling freemium software is the In-App Purchase (IAP) method, where users can download and use the application for free, but there are premium features that must be paid. The application of Augmented Reality (AR) technology into the IAP system applied in the purchasing system in the mobile game Heroes of Surabaya (HOS) which runs on the Android operating system, requires measurement of detection of AR marker cards. This study aims to test the detection of AR marker cards that will serve as a substitute for digital money on the game's purchase feature system. From the results of the trial, the distance of markers and light factors became a major factor in the success of detection of an AR marker.



Optimising the tower-defense games with advanced local cultural content and a greedy algorithm

Cucun Very Angkoso1, Ari Kusumaningsih2, Nurul Hidayat3

1,2,3Department of Informatics, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The aims of our games is preserving the local culture of that many people may have left behind. By utilizing mobile technology that is currently growing rapidly, it is expected that the promotion of local cultural content can be more effective. The game-based application is an attractive media with fun content, so it is normally more easy to attract interest and to be familiar with people. Our contribution is to participate in the campaign of familiarization of local wisdom to re-establish the living tradition of regional cultural values as a national identity. Save The Madura Island game is a strategy game which carries out the Madura culture theme. The app allows players to learn Madurese culture happily by playing a game. Save The Madura Island game is inspired by tower- defense games and uses a greedy algorithm as artificial intelligence which is inserted in character of defense to help the character of defense in determining which enemy is more effective to be attacked first. From the experiments, it was concluded that the use of greedy algorithms in the application proved effective in helping reduce the number of enemies who escaped, which decreased from 41.8% to 30.4%.



Improvement of One-Dimensional Fisherface Algorithm to extract the Features (Case study: Face Recognition)

Arif Muntasa1, Muhammad Yusuf2, Muhammad Syarief3, Yulmaini4

1,2,3,4Dept. of Informatics Engineering. University of Trunojoyo Madura Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Recently, computer vision research results have supported many sectors to assist and solve problems. One of branch of the computer vision fields is biometric system. Many modalities have been implemented to depict the human characteristics. Face is one of the modalities that has been employed to recognize the human. A crucial problem of the face recognition is high dimensionality. The problem would impact on the computational performance, and even it could cause the process failure. Feature extraction is the solution to reduce the dimensionality. However, many cases have shown that feature extraction could fail as singularity problem. In this research, we proposed the improvement of the fisherface algorithm to solve the singularity problem. We have modified the singularity covariance matrix so that the matrix can be further handled and processed.The purpose of the paper is to improve the performance of the fisherface algorithm. We have verified our proposed algorithm by using the Olivetty Research Laboratory face image. We applied 7-cross validations to evaluate our proposed algorithm, the evaluation results achieved more than 92% accuracy.



A Novel Conceptual Model of e-Participation using Biometrics Technologies

Muhammad Yusuf 1, Arif Muntasa2, Wahyudi Agustiono3, Devie Rosa Anamisa4, Mohammad Syarief5

1,2,3,4,5Department of Informatics Engineering University of Trunojoyo Madura Bangkalan-Madura, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Participation from all relevant stakeholders is important to achieve the goal of every activity successfully.Nowadays, Information and Computer Technologies, for example, Biometrics, Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data are used to support participation from the relevant stakeholders. Electronic Participation (e-Participation) already utilized broadly to empower people participation in politics, business, government, cultural activities. Moreover, Biometrics has been used broadly for an identification system. Biometrics system identifies physiological instead of behavioral attributes, such as palm veins, iris recognition, face recognition, fingerprint, DNA, palm print, hand geometry, retina, and odor/scent. Therefore, this research would like to collaborate e- Participation and Biometrics fields from the multidisciplinary perspective. Furthermore, the literature reviews show that research collaboration between e- Participation and Biometrics Technologies are still limited. Hence, the objective of this research was to develop a novel conceptual model of e-Participation using Biometrics technologies.This paper contributes by developing a novel conceptual model of biometrics technologies for e-Participation implementation. This research has some implications. For theory development, this research contributes to the novel conceptual model in e-Participation, E-Government, Information Systems, Informatics, Computer Science, Image Processing, and Biometrics fields. For Practice, the novel model could be utilized for practitioners, policy- makers, and other relevant stakeholders for e-Participation implementation using Biometrics Technologies.



Effect of Metal Inert Gas Welding Process Parameters to Tensile Strength on ST 37 Steel Sheet Joint

Hakam Muzakki1, Teguh Prasetyo2, M Syafi’ul Umam3, Ida Lumintu4, Dwi Hartanto5

1,2,3,4,5University of Trunojoyo Madura

[email protected]

Abstract - Welding technology still used in manufacturing industries, however welding process affected to decrease a joint performance. This study discussed about the welding parameters of Metal Inert Gas (MIG) which affected to tensile strength of weld joint. Welding process parameters used in this study such as welding current, welding time, and welding speed. The level of welding current was 80 A, 90 A, and 100A. Wire Speed was leveled with 55 inch/min, 60 inch/min, and 65 inch/min. The levels were 5 mm/sec, 6 mm/sec, and 7 mm/sec as welding speed. Tensile testing was used to measure strength of weld joint joined by each welding parameters combination. Welding current 100 A, wire speed 60 inch/min, welding speed 5 mm/sec could join ST 37 steel sheet up to 51.41 kg/mm2 of tensile strength. Welding current affected to increase tensile strength when values of welding current were increased between 80 A and 100 A.



Content Based Image Retrieval Using Two Color Feature Extraction

F A Mufarroha1, D R Anamisa1 and A G Hapsani2

1 Departement of Informatic Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan – Madura, Indonesia 2Faculty of Computer Science, , Malang - East Java , Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is a process to search for an image based on the content or features that are inside. Nowadays, many image retrieval applications have been made to meet the needs, so this application can provide convenience in terms of the introduction and search for an image. In this research, we used 10 different objects as image retrieval consists of Bicycle, Cow, Flower,Frangipani, Grape, Horse, Lovebird, Orange, Strawberry, Tree.These objects can be expressed in 10 classes. Our aim using these objects is viewed from the color of every object and the object of a different kind. From that point of view we built a CBIR system by utilizing the main features of the object (image). The main feature is the color feature. In this research, the main process is the extraction of color features with the color histogram and color moments. So in this research it will produce feature extraction by measuring the similarity in the library image. This measurement is done by calculating the closest distance using the euclidean distance method. The data library used in this research is 10 pieces of data, the test data is 50 pieces with 5 pieces for each of these classes. After testing using data and methods described above, the results of accuracy are obtained that the application of the color moments method gets better results than the color histogram method.



Comparison of Automatic Water Taps Using Ultrasonic Sensors and PIR Sensors

Vivi Tri Widyaningrum1

1Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Water is vital for all living things on the earth, so there must be an effort to save water. One effort to save on water use is by making automatic water taps. Automatic water taps which are meant here are water taps on the sink and also water taps for ablution. The working principle of the two taps is the same, that is, the water tap will open if there is an object (human) detected in front of the water tap. In this automatic faucet system the arduino mega 2560 microcontroller is used as data processor obtained from ultrasonic sensors and Passive Infrared Receiver (PIR) sensors. The two sensors are used interchangeably and the results are compared to determine the difference in response time. Based on the tests that have been done, it is found that the time needed for the ultrasonic sensor to open or close the water tap is faster than the PIR sensor. When opening the tap the time needed by the two sensors is almost the same, which is only 4ms difference. Whereas when closing the tap the time needed for the PIR sensor is much longer, which is more than 4s. This is because the process of returning the sensor to return to normal is not detecting the presence of humans or in other words the sensor does not detect infrared rays tend to require a longer time. As for the ultrasonic sensor because what is detected is the distance, so the object moves from the front of the tap then the distance detected will change immediately so that the tap will immediately close again.



Monitoring And Control Web Based System for Peanut At The Green House

Sri Wahyuni1, Ratna Himatul Khusnia2

1,2Mechatronics Department of Engineering Faculty, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Madura Island is one of the largest peanut producers in Indonesia, but the production of peanuts produced on average is still relatively low, ranging from 0.7 to 1.5 tons / ha. The low yield of peanuts is caused by several factors, one of which is unstable environmental conditions and pests that attack plants. Efforts to increase production can be done by monitoring / checking plants. Monitoring is usually done directly but it is not effective, people often have other jobs besides monitoring so they can forget about the plants. Based on this problem a monitoring system and control of peanut growth in a web-based plant house were designed. This system will carry out monitoring in the form of real time video and the detection of temperature and humidity sensors to stabilize the conditions in the plant house based on conditions of temperature and soil moisture. In addition to monitoring this system provides 2 control modes namely automatic control and manual control to control watering solenoids and heating lights. The results of designing a monitoring and control system obtained data that is real time video capable of monitoring with speeds of 110 kb / s to 420 kb / s, sending sensor monitoring data no later than 1 second from the detected temperature changes, manual controls running according to the command on / off and not affected by environmental conditions day and night, automatic controls run in accordance with the conditions set based on readings on sensors of temperature and soil moisture, ambient temperature affects the level of soil moisture and operation of the web can be accessed from different laptops but only on 1 network and web can only be accessed by someone who has an ID.



Magnetic Braking System Using Electromagnetic Force

Budiarto Hairil1

1B.Eng,M.Eng, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, ID

[email protected]

Abstract - A vehicle is a transportation that is widely used by humans as transportation for daily activities. Vehicles generally use mechanical brakes to do braking, these mechanical brakes have a system that requires friction forces to produce a slowdown in the vehicle. The frictional forces carried out will make erosion of the mechanical brake pads and the need to periodically replace the bearings. In this study discussed the design and manufacture of braking systems using electric brakes to support the performance of mechanical brakes. Electric brakes that have advantages in the media used compared to mechanical brakes, namely electric brakes do not require friction media to slow down, but electric brakes use four aluminum plates as magnetic force media, while coils or windings with the inner core will produce electromagnetic force as an actuator braking. The braking system that is carried out will maintain the speed according to the setpoint value of 5100 rpm. This electromagnetic braking results in a maximum braking of 500 rpm and takes between 9 and 15 seconds to reach the steady state position.



Prototype Design Of Automatic Anchovy Drying Robot Using Arduino ATmega 2560

M Pramudia1, A Salim2, and T Prasetyo1

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia 2Department of Mechatronics Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

1 [email protected]

Abstract - Indonesia has great marine resource potentials due to its geographical location. Among other resources, anchovy becomes the prior Indonesia's marine commodities greatly consumed by domestic residents and demanded by many importers. Unfortunately, the production process of dried anchovy seemingly encounters several problems, especially in the drying process. Since the drying process uses sunlight, it comes into problems with a cloudy weather or rain. Less intensity of sunlight might make the drying process result not perfect dried anchovy. Moreover, current manual monitoring technique remains ineffective drying process. Thus, this study aims to design a prototype of automatic anchovy drying robot using Arduino ATmega 2560 microcontroller to address the problems. This study considers the uses of Arduino ATmega 2560 as a robot controller, DC motor as a driving system, and LDR and rain sensors as automatic modules. LDR sensors are used as a robot roof drive or anchovy drying container to open automatically when sunlight is detected. In addition, rain sensor serves to close the robot roof when it detects rains and the robot turns into its initial position. This robot is further expected to be able to work automatically and optimally in helping anchovy drying process.



Hijaiyah Letters Sign Language Recognition for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children Based on Principal Component Analysis Method

Achmad Fiqhi I 1, Diana R2, and Wita I3

1,2,3 Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

1 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Knowing and learning hijaiyah letters is a very important basis in reading Qur’an from an early age. For some normal people knowing and learning hijaiyah letters is relatively easy but unlike the children who have special needs like deaf and hearing impaired children. They can only communicate using sign language both in the form of hand gesture, body gesture, and facial expression. From these problems, the author the author is motivated to make a system for implementing the hijaiyah letters cues for deaf and hearing impaired children using PCA (Principal Component Analysis) method which was installed on desktop computer.The process of hand gesture recognition consists of several steps: camera initialization, preprocessing, feature extraction using PCA to find eigen value and eigen vector, and hand classification using euclidean distance. The output of hand gesture recognition is hijaiyah letters identification from alif to ya’ in the form of text and sounds.



Mobile Expert System for Dengue Fever Based on Certainty Factor Method

Ach. Khozaimi 1

1Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Telang PO BOX 2 Kamal, Bangkalan-Madura, Indonesia 69162

[email protected]

Abstract - The development of information technology more rapidly, it can be used to study the dangers of dengue fever and know the type of symptoms that resemble dengue fever. In this research, the design and implementation of multimedia-based android application in which there are components of text, images, and animation. The purpose of designed and built application "Dengue Alert" to help users learn and do the prevention of dengue fever. Besides this application also provides information how to deal with dengue fever. This application was developed by utilising Certainty Factors method as a method of decision support. The result of this research is a mobile application that 97.6% can predict Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) so that DHF can be detected early.



Design of Virtual Reality Application for Taharah Using 3D Blender

D R Anamisa1, M Yusuf2, F A Mufarroha3, and N Rohmah4

1 Departement of Informatic Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan – Madura, Indonesia

[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Taharah or purification is worship to God through cleaning some parts of the body with ablution and dry ablution or cleansing body from Najis or ritually unclean, such as small or big Hadas. Taharah is compulsory before pray and Tawaf. Moslem should understand the procedures of taharah. Now a days, taharah information is delivered through book, video compact disk (VCD) or websites. Taharah is not only knowledge but should be practice correctly. Therefore, this research aims to develop virtual reality application using 3D animation for learning Taharah, including ablution, dry ablution and cleaning ritually unclean. This application is using an Android operating system, 3D Blender modelling and unity for mobile device design. Furthermore, this application contains the Taharah theory and the rules.Moreover, this research makes a contribution by providing a virtual reality system of taharah based on 3D Blender. The testing result shows this application achieves 69.6% of effectiveness comparing to printing media for taharah learning media. The object testing is Moslem students with age of 11 years above.



Mobile Expert System Using Forward Chaining for Diagnosing Teak Tree Disease

Imamah1, Wahyudi Agustiono2, Eka Malasari Rochman3, Nuris Firdaus4

1,2,3,4 Engineering Faculty, University of Trunojoyo Madura Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The teak trees is a high-quality wood that grows in Indonesia. Teak trees are susceptible to pests and diseases within the first to 12 months of life. The limited number of agricultural agents in each sub-district becomes a reason why we proposed a mobile expert system to detect pests and diseases in teak trees. The method used in this study is forward chaining. The results of this study showed that 9 of disease were successfully detected by a human expert. Whereas by using the mobile expert system only 7 diseases were successfully detected. From this comparison, the accuracy of the mobile expert system using forward chaining method is 77%.



Rework Reduction with a Risk Management Approach along with Quality Cost Analysis of Furniture Production Processes Using the House of Risk (HOR) Method (Case Study: PT X)

Kukuh Winarso1, Moh. Jufriyanto2

1,2Industrial Engineering, University of Trunjoyo Madura, Bangkalan, East Java, Indonesia.

[email protected] , [email protected]

Abstract - Quality is one of the important factors that makes a company survive in the industrial world. PT. X maintains the quality of its products by conducting quality tests on all products that will be sent to consumers. Although the quality test has been carried out on products, there are still consumers who receive defective products. To reduce product defects, a risk management approach is carried out. Risk management is a method in which organizations can identify problems with a comprehensive and systematic management approach. The method used in this study is Seven tools and House of Risk (HOR). Phase 1 of the House of Risk (HOR) method used to search for risk agents must be prioritized by looking at the valueof Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP). Furthermore, the ARP value is used as input for House Of Risk phase 2 to find mitigation strategies that can be applied in the company. Based on the identification of risk events there are 24 risk events in the production process and there are 21 causes of risk (risk agents). The causes of risk that must be prioritizedare 10 causes of risk with the highest ARP value of 2699, ie the operator ignores the SOP. So that the causes of risk must be prioritized for improvement.



Soft Segmentation Using Image Registration Based on Nonlocal Matting

Meidya Koeshardianto1

1Informatics Engineering, Trunojoyo University of Madura

[email protected]

Abstract - Soft segmentation is used for extracting foreground and background on image or video sequence. In this paper we proposed a new method soft extraction from an image or video using image registration based on nonlocal matting. One of disadvantages in nonlocal matting is needed to obtain constraint manually. Constraint is used to identify foreground and background area on separate image region. Based on registration method, we try to reduce a cost to determine it. First, a constraint is obtained with identify key points detection and descriptor between image source and template. Image template was provided before extracting. Then soft segmentation, nonlocal matting method, is used to extract region. In our experiment result, we show that our proposed framework has significant performance improvement over state-of-the-art.



Prediction of Student Acceptance Based on Android

Muhammad Ali Syakur 1 , Eka Mala Sari Rochman 2

1.2 Dept. of Informatic Engineering. University of Trunojoyo Madura Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Stateuniversities are the hope of most students who want to continue their education to a higher level after high school / equivalent. To enter college, students must take the selection test held by the desired university. For state universities the selection test is held simultaneously and simultaneously called the SBMPTN (Joint Selection to Enter State Universities). This selection is carried out nationally and the participants are all students who want to get the opportunity to enter a state university. To get results that are as expected, the participants must make some preparations including the Try Out. By doing SBMPTN Try Out, it is expected that participants can compete with other participants and can graduate according to their choice. Try Out can be done at the place of tutoring that holds it or by buying a book containing Try Out questions. Along with the development of Smartphone technology, a prediction system will be created from the results of an Android-based SBMPTN Try Out that will provide information on study programs and universities that are likely to receive. SBMPTN participant candidates can practice questions anywhere and anytime. The method that will be used is the Fisher-Yates Shuffle, which functions to scramble the questions.



The Effect Of The Submerged Arc Welding Parameters To Distortion On The Steel Joints

Emon Rifai1, Hidayat2

1 Departement of Industrial Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan – Madura, Indonesia 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Abstract - The ST 37 Steel ordinarily has good tensile strength, hence, the purpose is generally used for the building frame. An electric arc welding is one of the welding methods of joining the metal by means of an electric arc flame which is directed to the metal surface to be joined. The research conducted using factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in the Design Of Experimental method. The aim of this observation is to investigate the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable, whether the types of cooling (X1), types of groove welding (X2) and welding currents (X3) affect to distortion of welding (Y) on the st 37 steel joints. The significant data are indicated by the normal plot distribution in which the significant factors (A, C, AC, BC, and ABC) influenced the response. The A factor is the type of cooling, C factor is welding currents, AC factor is a combination of cooling types and welding currents, BC factor is combination factor between types of groove welding and welding currents, and ABC factor is combination factor of cooling types, groove welding types and welding currents. Based on the regression model reached the value of RSquare is 75.99%, which means the A, C, AC, BC, and ABC factor represent the influence on the distortion of welding at that value. While the rest of 24.01% is described by other factors.



Adaptive Interval Trapezoid Fuzzy Number for Recommendation Systems E-Learning

Y Kustiyahningsih1, Fatmawati2, H Suprajitno3

1Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura.

2,3 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University.

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - This researchaims to develop decision making models for Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) with Adaptive Interval Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AIVFAHP) and Adaptive Interval FuzzyTechnique for Order Preference of Similarity Ideal Solution (AIVFTOPSIS)integration methods by constructing a decision-making model using trapezoid fuzzy number. The strength of the AIVFAHP method is to consult the value of logical consistency in the assessment. This logical consistency is to calculate the assessor and determine the costs in multi-criteria decision making. AIVFTOPSIS is based on the principle that the chosen alternative should be close to a positive ideal solution and far from the ideal solution.Contribution of this research is to conduct aresearchof decision making with Adaptive Interval Value Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making (AIVFMCDM) and to improve interval points by modifying the midpoint and degree on the trapezoid fuzzy number function.This modeling provides more accurate, more effective linguistic representation and flexible in determining the point of the interval for optimal results.The research produceda new decision-making model based on the Adaptive Interval Trapezoid Fuzzy Number (AIVTFN) and recommendations for improvement of e-learning indicators.



Voltage Accuracy Level Analysis Output Auto Boost Converter with Fuzzy Logic method on Photovoltaic

Adi Kurniawan Saputro1, Kunto Aji Wibisono 2, Faiddhatus Puji Pratiwi3

1,2,3Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Jl. Raya Telang, Perumahan Telang Indah, Kamal, Kabupaten Bangkalan, Jawa Timur 69162

[email protected]

Abstract - The intensity of sunlight determines the electrical power produced and can affect the Photo Voltaic (PV) output voltage. This is caused by very volatile sunlight. The effect of light that is less than optimal can make the voltage below the battery voltage. Can save battery for batteries. Thus the analysis of the Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) is needed and the voltage stabilizer circuit can automatically increase the value and decrease the value of the output voltage. This system is known as the Automatic Upgrade Converter. The value cycle can be adjusted to the value cycle. In order to be issued Duty Cycle, Fuzzy Logic and microcontroller methods are added automatically. The amount of Duty Cycle is generated by the present value and set value obtained through the fuzzification process, reference to Base Rules, and defuzzification. With the application of the fuzzy method, Auto Boost Converter can reach the output voltage according to the set value with a resolution reaching 94.58% with a completion time of 2.36 seconds.



Streaming Performance Analysis of Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality Cloud Based on X86 and ARM Processor Types

M Wahyudi1, R Ismail2,3 and J Jamari2

1Departement of Mechanical Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Jl. Raya Telang PO. Box 2 Kamal Bangkalan 69161, Indonesia 2Laboratory for Engineering Design and Tribology, Departement of Mechanical Engineering, , Jl. Prof. Sudharto Kampus UNDIP Tembalang Semarang 50275, Indonesia 3Center for Biomechanics, Biomaterial, Biomechatronics and Biosignal processing (CBIOM3S), 5th Floor Central Laboratory UNDIP, Jl. Prof. Sudharto Kampus UNDIP Tembalang Semarang 50275, Indonesia

Abstract - Augmented Reality is a technology that makes it possible to create 3D objects in the real world with the help of a camera on a gadget. In its development, Augmented Reality technology began to be developed and combined with cloud computing technology. With the existence of Cloud computing technology Augmented reality can work more efficiently because all 3D objects can be stored on the Cloud. With the development of this technology, the author feels the need to conduct an analysis to determine the right processor in making the Augmented Reality Cloud application, because there is no research that is used as a reference in developing hardware and software used for Augmented Reality Cloud. Result of this experiment can be concluded CISC architecture processors have faster time in detecting markers compared to RISC architecture processors, because CISC processor speeds are faster than RISC processors.



Forecasting Crime: Application of The Trend Projection Method In Sumenep District

E Rahmanita1, L Fauziah2, W Agustiono3

1,2,3 Departemen of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo, Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Criminal activity is possible to happen every day. The police carry out the recording process of criminal reports without any further data processing to obtain a useful solution for handling the crime. One forecasting method can be used to process criminal data in order to produce predictions of crime so that it can be used by the police as the crime prevention tool. One forecasting method used is the Trend Projection Method. This method matches the trend line to a series of historical data which will be projected into the future with a period of time. This method requires data from previous years so that this study took data 4 years earlier. With this forecasting method, the result of a criminal forecasting value is almost close to the actual data. From the results of the testing system on 5 sub-districts for motor vehicle thievery, the accuracy system value was 32%.



Addition Combustion Air Effect to Engine Performance K15-901 using Bioethanol Fuel

Ibnu Irawan1, Hairil Budiarto2

1Mechanical Engineering- Engineering Faculty University of Trunojoyo Madura Bangkalan, Indonesia 2Mechatronic Engineering- Engineering Faculty University of Trunojoyo Madura Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Bioethanol has a low calorific value from gasoline, so that in its application in the motorbike, the duration of fuel injection must be multiplied by natural air intake which results in a richer fuel mixture. Based on this problem, a research was conducted which focused on adding combustion air. This research was carried out experimentally on Honda CB150R engine with a compression ratio of 12.5 using 100% bioethanol fuel with modification of ignition timming and duration of fuel injection. The test was carried out by using 92 RON at a compression ratio of 12.5 which used 100% bioethanol fuel as a control group and a variation of adding combustion air using a blower. By taking 3 variations of the addition of air 10%, 20%, 30%. Tests are carried out using the Waterbrake Dynamometer at the opening of the full butterfly valve (Fully Open Throttle) to obtain maximum power at each engine speed and the desired engine speed setting is done by adjusting the load size. Each change in engine speed 2000 to 8000 rpm at intervals of every 1000 rpm. From the experimental results of adding combustion air with E100 bioethanol fuel at a compression ratio of 12.5, the best performance results were obtained in the addition of 10% combustion air. At the addition of air 10% torque, power, temperature and thermal efficiency produced increased by 12.52%, 9.25%, 12.52%, 35.18%, and Spesific Fuel Consumption (SFC) down by 29.15%.



Developing Digital Applications to Improve Business Process Sustainability in An Indonesian Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company

I Cahyadi1, P Hermawan2

1Industrial Engineering Department University of Trunojoyo Madura Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - In the era of digital disruption, the main problem facing many companies is how they can keep up to date with technology and maintain their business sustainability. Manufacturing industry must immediately carry out digital transformation that leads to business process efficiency, better customer relationship management, as well asincreased customer satisfaction and fast moving consumer goods industry was no exception. This paper proposes a mobile application development that specifically designed to serve consumers of an Indonesian Fast Moving Consumer Goods company. This company manufactures nutritional products for pregnant and lactating mothers. The mobile app is expected to be a digital communication hub between the company, the company's Enterprise Resource Planning system and its customers as well as an innovative marketing toolkit for their sustainable business growth. This mobile app development used the supply chain software development process approach. Moreover, the app is designed to become an Omni-channel Retail application that allows consumers to get their products from the company’s various distribution channels, such as e-commerce, modern markets, traditional markets. This will streamline and integrate the shopping experience across channels.



The Classification of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Based on Colour Feature Extraction Using Decision Tree Classifier of Adaptive Boosting

Aeri Rachmad1, 2, Nur Chamidah3, Riries Rulaningtyas4

1Doctoral Student at Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia. 2Departemen of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo, Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia 3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia 4Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Mycobacterium Tuberculosis is acid-resistant bacteria found in the sputum. This bacterium has a special color like red to purple. It is from this color that doctors specialist clinical pathology can find out that the Tuberculosis (TB) bacteria is in the sputum and counts the number of TB bacteria. This study used the Adaptive Boosting (Adaboost) method to identify TB bacteria. Before identification, filtering is carried out using the median filter and extraction of color features using HSV (Hue Saturation Value) and Adaboost with the decision tree classifier for identification. The target of this study was to determine the effect of color features in identifying TB bacteria. The results of this study indicate that the results of identification of TB bacteria that the Hue value can affect the value of accuracy. This study has resulted that the Adaptive Boosting with the decision tree classifier has raised into the average 81% of accuracy.



Subject Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithms (Case Study: SMK Negeri 1 Labang-Madura-Indonesia)

Eka Mala Sari Rochman1, Muhammad Ali Syakur2, Imamah3, Aeri Rachmad4

1,2,3,4Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Raya Telang Road P.O. BOX 2 Kamal, Bangkalan Madura, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - The manually scheduling system is considered less effective and efficient because it requires a long time. Problems will become more complex if the number of components or data used is increasing. The schedule is expected not only not to experience clashes, but also to adjust to some limitations that must be met. Genetic Algorithm is one of the heuristic search algorithms that are very well used in solving optimization problems. The problem of scheduling genetic algorithms is considered to have good performance in finding the optimal solution. Genetic Algorithms implement an evolutionary process by randomly producing chromosomes from each population These chromosomes produce a solution to the problem raised, namely scheduling subjects. The conclusion of this study is to be able to arrange the schedule of subjects efficiently, by overcoming obstacles such as clashing schedules without eliminating the constraints that must be met.



Implementing Method Of Empirical Mode Decomposition Based On Artificial Neural Networks And Genetic Algorithms For Crude Oil Price Forecasting

S Herawati1 and A Djunaidy2

1Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan – Madura, Indonesia 2Dept. Of Information Systems, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember , Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Fluctuations in crude oil prices can affect a country's economic policies. The movement of crude oil prices tends to be nonlinear and non- stationary. One forecasting method that is intended to accommodate these traits is forecasting that integrates empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) ensemble methods based on artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms. In the EEMD method, a white noise signal is added to compensate for the mixture mode that can be formed. Each IMF and residue generated in the decomposition process are used as input to a feedforward neural network (FNN) artificial neural network to obtain forecasting models from each IMF and residue. The genetic algorithm is integrated with the FNN to avoid overfitting, the formation of local optima solutions, and the sensitivity of the selection of FNN parameters. The data in this study uses West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent oil prices. The results of the performance comparison trials for several combination forecasting methods can be concluded that the forecasting results that integrate the EEMD method with JST-GA provide better results compared to the forecasting method that integrates EMD with ANN and EEMD with ANN. The forecasting method developed in this study resulted in forecasting with RMSE / Dstat values of 0.0257 / 61.5936% and 0.0270 / 72.0930% respectively for daily and monthly data from WTI oil types; and the RMSE / Dstat value of 0.0229 / 58.8128% and 0.0300 / 81.5789% respectively for daily and monthly data from the type of Brent oil.



Virtual Enterprise for Batik’s Small Medium Enterprises

Trisita Novianti1

1 Industrial Engineering, University of Trunojoyo, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This study discussed virtual enterprise in Batik’s Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The capacity of SMEs in accessing potential markets was a problem that often faced. There were many SMEs, which have not been able to export products overseas. They only sold their products in the domestic market. Marketing promotion was the cause of recognition and capabilities lacking. In this study discussed about E-commerce for SMEs which applied Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Consumer (B2C). This research used several tools for modelling processes which were represented by Use Case Diagrams and Activity Diagrams. The results of this study were the form of an enterprise virtual model that was applied become E-commerce. This e-commerce implemented B2B in two levels of admin system, which were super admin managed by the cooperative service and ordinary admin managed by several local SMEs. The virtual enterprise model, which implemented business to costumer, could be seen through the form of shopping transactions or online trading on websites



Optimization of Metal Inert Gas Welding with Taguchi Method

Teguh Prasetyo1, Hakam Muzakki2, Ida Lumintu3, Dwi Hartanto4

1,2,3,4Mechanical Engineering Department Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

[email protected]

Abstract - Welding parameters affected to weld joint performance. Optimize welding parameter of Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding is not many studied. This study discussed Optimization from welding parameter of MIG welding used Taguchi Method. Tensile strength of weld joint was affected by welding speed significantly. Factor level welding current 100A, wire speed 65 inch/min, welding speed 6 mm/sec could get the optimize tensile strength. The value of tensile strength optimize when the average 44.07 kg/mm2 of Confirmation experimental and an average value 43.79 kg/mm2 based on Taguchi experiment.



Measurement of Security Quality of E-Commerce Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process

Novi Prastiti1, Eza Rahmanita 2, Ibnul Jazari3

1,2,3Informatics Department. Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. Jl Raya Telang PO BOx 02 Kamal, Bangkalan, Madura, Jawa Timur

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract - The importance of e-commerce website security is to protect e-business and user information. A number of e-commerce security problems arise along with increasing transactions through e-commerce. This research uses Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method because Fuzzy is used for uncertainty or vague variables, while AHP is very suitable in considering both qualitative and quantitative characteristics that are closer to the real situation. From the research that has been done, the site is the best e- commerce in terms of website security. Tokopedia is on first on secure web tests, and on second rank on web asafa tools and observatory tools.



Extraction System Web Content Sports New Based On Web Crawler Multi Thread

Y D Pramudita1, D R Anamisa2, S S Putro, M A Rahmawanto 4

1,2,3,4 Departement of Informatic Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan – Madura, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Web crawlers are programs that are used by search engines to collect necessary information from the internet automatically according to the rules set by the user. With so much information about sports news on the internet, it takes web crawlers with incredible speed in the process of crawling. There are several previous studies that discussed the process of extracting information in a web document that needs to be considered both in terms of both aspects, including in terms of the structure of the web page and the length of time needed. Therefore, in this research the web crawler application was developed by applying a multi- thread approach. This multi-thread approach to research is used to produce web crawlers that are faster in the process of crawling sports news by involving news sources more than one address at a time. In addition to the multi-thread approach, adjusting the structure of the website pages is also done to ensure the information to be extracted by web crawling. From the results of the multi-thread implementation test on the crawling process, this study has been able to increase speed compared to the single-thread method of 122.95 seconds. But the results of web update detection, have resulted in a speed that decreased by 6.27 seconds in the crawling process with unequal data and the speed on the crawling process has also decreased by 24.76 seconds on server 1 and by 23.92 seconds on server 2.



K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Determination of Clustering of Bangkalan Regional Development Potential

A F Doni1, Y D P Negera2, O A H Maria3

1,2,3Informatic Departement Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Regional potential is the ability of an area that can be developed to improve the area according to its regional characteristics. This potential can cover social, economic, infrastructure, natural resources, and human resources and their work. To improve regional development, a strategic policy is needed that leads to improving the economy of a region. In this study the regional grouping of 3 agricultural, plantation, and livestock groups in Bangkalan Regency consisted of 18 sub-districts using the K- Means Clustering method, from which the data was processed preprocessing using Scaling transformations starting from the lower limit search and the upper limit, looking for the Lower Limit and Upper Limit, then grouping using K-Means Clustering. From the research, it was found that testing in the agricultural sector with 3 clusters for the initial cluster center 5,7,15 obtained final clusters according to the highest yield criteria in cluster 1 compared to clusters 2 and 3. For testing in the plantation sector with 3 clusters for the initial cluster center 4,7,16 the final clusters were obtained according to the highest yield criteria in cluster 2 compared to clusters 1, and 3 and for testing the livestock sector with 3 clusters at the initial cluster center 3,11,13 the final clusters were obtained according to the criteria it was known that more height in cluster 2 is compared to cluster 1 and 3.



Cryptograph RSA and Compression Shannon Fano Text File Services at Mobile Devices

Dwi Kuswanto 1

1Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Jl. Raya Telang, PO BOX 2, Kamal, Bangkalan-69192

[email protected]

Abstract - Text File Services is still an option for sending a message, the visible difference between Text File Services and other services besides the file size of sending messages is the security level. In Instant Messenger there are features to secure conversations with various Cryptograph methods, while Text File Services does not have that feature. Therefore made Text File Services with additional features Cryptograph. Cryptograph method used is the RSA algorithm. The RSA algorithm makes the plaintext increase in the number of characters, so the Compression feature needs to be added to suppress the increase in the number of characters. Shannon Fano is a Compression symbol wise algorithm where each character that is compressed is converted into a new binary code. This compression is intended to reduce the number of Encryption result characters. The results of this study obtained information that the RSA and Shannon Fano methods can be implemented in the text file service, with the longer key being used the longer the process of decryption of messages with the average value of the avalanche effect ciphertext and the result of Compression is relatively the same. The key length used for the possibility of Brute Force is positively correlated with an average Test Compression Ratio of 1.41 and space-saving of 29.37%.



Implementation of RC4 Cryptography Algorithm for Data File Security

A F Doni1, O A H Maria2, S Hanif3

1,2Informatic Departement Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Communication in the digital age plays an important role, a person can carry out various transactions or exchange data practically and quickly. So as to pose a great risk to information security, ranging from misuse of access or unauthorized authority, modification, change of information, destruction to theft, this is in accordance with the main principles of data and information security ranging from Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication, and Availability. In research that has been done using RC4 Cryptography Algorithm for Encryption and Decryption in Data Files shows that the RC4 algorithm can run well and is able to secure the authenticity of the data so it is not easily changed by people who are not responsible or people who do not have good access rights in the form text or files in several pdf, doc, Docx, Xls, xlsx or text file formats and directly affect the execution time of encrypted and decrypted files.



Comparison of Data Mining Algorithm Performance on Student Savings Dataset

Y D P Negara1, A F Doni2

1,2Lecturer, Dept. of Informatics Engineering. University of Trunojoyo Madura Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Sabilillah Educational Cash Unit is a unit within the sabilillah educational foundation which is engaged in education. The stored cash processing data will be utilized using data mining so that it can be used as a decision support for finding information that is useful in evaluating the data used. Various methods contained in the data mining, the authors will make a comparison of the method techniques from the data mining. The use of the decision tree and, K-means method is implemented using the Rapid Miner application, which will later be analysed of each of these methods to determine the strategy to look for students who have the potential to save the hajj savings. This research was conducted with a group of data to determine the percentage value of precision, recall and accuracy. The results of this study that the C.4.5 method has a better value than other methods on the recall and accuracy, while the K-Means method has a precision value better than the other methods.



Redefining Industry 4.0 and Its Enabling Technologies

Khamdi Mubarok1

1Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Industry 4.0 can be seen as the most buzzword that mentioned almost in every subject. Admitted as the new industrial revolution, research related to Industry 4.0 has gained excessive attention from academia, government, and industries. However, a formal academic definition of Industry 4.0 that reflected the current advancement could not be found. The technologies that driven this new revolution also bias. Furthermore, the subject area that greatly contributed to the vision of Industry 4.0 also unknown. This research investigated publications in diverse literature databases to find the answers of those gaps. Based on that, we proposed a comprehensive definition of Industry 4.0 and determined 12 enabling technologies that driven Industry 4.0. In addition, we found manufacturing and computer science as the most contributed research subject.



Pre-processing for vibration signals features extraction and selection in real time investigating of CNC tool wear

Anis Arendra1 and Herianto2

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Jl. Raya Telang, Bangkalan, Madura 69162 Indonesia 2 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Gadjah Mada Indonesia. Jl. Grafika 2, 55281 Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This research attempts to investigate CNC milling tool wear based on machining vibration signals. Vibration data acquisition uses devices from NI DAQ USB-6008 and the analog accelerometer sensors, MMA 7361. Vibration feature extraction is done based on statistical analysis of time domain vibration signal and order domain vibration analysis. Feature selection using filter approachment with the Linear Discriminant Classifier, successfully selected 10 main features. Whereas the multi-layer perceptron is used as the final classifier. When implemented on the CNC milling process, this system successfully detects tool wear with an accuracy of 96.4%. Error detection that still occurred consisted of 4.4% missed alarm and 2.8% False alarm.



Design of the mBatik, textile hot wax applicator to emulate hand drawn batik using CNC plotter machine and characterization of wax plotting parameters

Sabarudin Akhmad1,*, Anis Arendra2, Mu’alim1, Kukuh Winarso1 , Rachmad Hidayat1

1 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Jl. Raya Telang, Bangkalan, Madura 69162 Indonesia 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Jl. Raya Telang, Bangkalan, Madura 69162 Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - Hand drawn textiles wax dyeing process (batik tulis) has been known as the cultural heritage of Indonesia. Batik is the process of pattern coloring on fabric using selective wax coating as barrier to dyes. The encouragement of industrial revolution 4.0 concurrently with efforts to preserve Indonesian cultural heritage has motivated this research to design the mBatik, a hand drawn batik machine, a touch of advanced technology for Indonesian batik tulis traditions. the mBatik consists of a CNC plotter sub-system and a textile hot wax applicator sub- system as an automatic canting. The development of machine design and virtual prototype testing was done using the Inventor application. Continued by fabricating the 3D model components of the mBatik machine using a 3D printer and manual assembly of the mBatik machine. The characterization of the waxing process on the fabric was explored using this machine. The characterization concluded that the thickness of the wax line(Y) was significantly affected by the heating power(X1) and wax filling volumes(X2) with the linear regression function ofY= -0.07007 + 0.01637X1+ 0.00805X2and the R square value of 0.9526.



Investigating pump cavitation based on audio sound signature recognition using artificial neural network

Anis Arendra1, Sabarudin Akhmad3, Kukuh Winarso3 and Herianto2,

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Jl. Raya Telang, Bangkalan, Madura 69162 Indonesia 2 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Jl. Raya Telang, Bangkalan, Madura 69162 Indonesia 3 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Gadjah Mada Indonesia. Jl. Grafika 2, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - How to investigate the occurrence of cavitation in the pump? Several studies have shown the sound characteristic that occurs during cavitation. This research attemps to build a pump cavitation detection system based on the audio signal of the operating pump. Audio signal is recorded using a microphone through a computer sound card. Then perform the frequency domain feature extraction and the correlation analysis for feature selection. From this process, 9 frequency domain features are selected as the artificial neural network classifier input. This artificial neural network classifier is trained with the Resilient backprogation algorithm The performance of this detection system is able to determine the existence of cavitation with an accuracy rate of 82.5%.



Smart Helmet Control System Using Heart Pulse Indicator

Faikul Umam1, Hairil Budiarto2, Ach. Dafid3

1,2,3Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Trunjoyo University Of Madura. St. Raya Telang PO BOX 2 Kamal – Bangkalan. 69162

[email protected]

Abstract - The increasing number of traffic accidentsare dominated by motorcycle accidents, which also account for the highest portion of fatalities and major injuries.Careless driving and unruly behavior such unhealthy body condition or riding in sleepy conditionsare the main causes of accidents in Indonesia. Facts prove that traffic accidents are one of the biggest causes of death in Indonesia. Based on those problem we want to made a system to detect a heart pulse for riders to know if they riding in a good condition or not. This control system using arduino nano R3 as a microcontroller. The device is places on helmet which using pulse sensor to detect the heart pulse on neck arteries, When a person's pulse is detected in a drowsy/sleepy state, then the DC motor vibrator will vibrates in the fontanel (crown of head) and the buzzer sounds in the ear. The test results on the pulse detection system that was applied to the male rider's helmet the average delay of the actuator was 4.3 seconds with a success percentage is about 98%. The average response delay of the actuator used by female riders is 4.5 seconds with a 96% success rate. From the results of the test, smart helmet system has run and work properly.



Development Of Poor Family Selection System Using Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Rank Method

I Santosa1, D A Wijaya2, Mulaab3, A Rachmad4, T Novianti5

1,2,3,4 Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Jl. Raya Telang, Kamal, Bangkalan, Madura 69162 Indonesia 5 Departement of Computer Engineering, University of Surabaya, Jl. Sutorejono 59, Surabaya 60113 Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - In overcoming the problem of poverty, the Office of Community and Village Empowerment of Sampang Regency implements the GEMASAHABAT (Joint Movement Towards Harmonious and Dignified Movement). This program is a program of providing assistance to poor families, but with a large number of poor families, a ranking process is needed to find out poor families that are right on target. The program can be assisted by the existence of a method designed into a decision support system that can include assessment parameters related to ranking poor families, a method deemed appropriate in assisting the ranking process, namely the Simple Multi-Attribute Branch Technique Exploitng Ranks (SMARTER) method , where the method is part of the Multiple Criteria Decision Making method. This method was chosen because it can rank data with multiple criteria. The results of this study are software that was developed based on 100% functionality test and 91% of speed tests stated that high speed and ease of implementation.



Image Batik Classification Based using Ensemble Learning


1Informatics Departemen, Trunojoyo Unversity of Madura Indonesia

Abstract - Automatic feature descriptor is substantial part of componentin the textural image retrieval and classification. Image batik has its unique pattern characteristic such as color intensity, ornament visualisation and ornament size. In motive of batik classificatin rneed feature extraction methods. The scale invariant feature transform (SIFT ) can be used forfeature descriptor in some applications. In this paper, we presents an efficient based on Bag of Words (BoW) with features of scale invariant feature transform and ensemble classifier for improving classification accuracy.



Planning of Path Loss in Large Scale Signal Propagation Model at 5G Network by Using Linear Regression Methods

Achmad Ubaidillah1, Miftachul Ulum2, Satrio Pramono AW3.

1,2,3 Electrical Engineering, Trunojoyo University of Madura Jl. Raya Telang Bangkalan, East Java, Indonesia 69162

[email protected]

Abstract - The generation of 4G network communication technology will gradually not be able to accommodate the community needs in the increasing data access speed. This research becomes very important to be one of many concepts in developing 5th network technology or 5G. Planning aims to observe the propagation model of 5G network signal to find the transmission path loss values using the mmWave signal propagation model, power link budget calculation, and analysis through linear regression. Based on the study results, the average path loss at 28 GHz and the line of sight and non-light of sight conditions for the Free- Space Reference Path Loss model are 97.7583 dB and 140.7436, while for the 73 GHz frequency each at 105.3378 and 131.6135 dB. Results of error standard deviation of linear regression models of the Reference Free-Space Path Loss at frequency 28 GHz conditions of line of sight and non-light of Sight 0.0636 and 0.7023 respectively, while the 73GHz frequency is 0.2855 and 0.5103, respectively.



Performance of Microstrip Patch Omnidirectional Antenna with Stripline on Unmanned Aircraft System

Akhmad Tajuddin Tholabi1, Achmad Ubaidillah,2 Hanif Pradipta Lancana3

1,2,3Faculty of Engineering, Trunojoyo University of Madura Jl. Raya Telang Bangkalan, East Java, Indonesia 69162

[email protected] Abstract - The paper is very important in designing of antenna applied for Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) currently uses frequency spectrum allocation in the 902-928 MHz band for telemetry communication and at 2.4 GHz for radio control communication, both are irrelevant because they have the potential to be interfered with by GSM and WiFi communication. Therefore, the payload will be placed on one of the mobile service frequency allocations according to the regulation of TASFRI 2014, which is 3370 - 3400 MHz. So, we need antenna design that can work at that frequency. Because this antenna will be placed on a moving payload then needs antenna design that has minimal dimensions and omnidirectional radiation patterns is needed. This paper results that the microstrip patch omnidirectional antenna can be applied for UAS and can be optimized by stripline method.



The Accuracy Measurement of Stock Price Numerical Prediction

Samsul Amar1, Andi Sudiarso2, Muhammad Kusumawan Herliansyah3

1Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. (Doctoral Student of Department of Mechanical and industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada) Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2,3Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia

[email protected] [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Stock market prediction is both attracting and challenging. The successful of stock price prediction will give financial benefit, therefore, it has attracted many researchers and practitioners since long time ago. One of stock prediction performance measurement is the accuracy. There are many methods for measuring the accuracy, ranging from simple to sophisticated mathematical formulation. This article describes some of those methods. MAPE is the most popular accuracy measure for forecasting since it is intuitive, easy to be interpreted and can be applied to measure the forecasting accuracy for both individual item and across item groups. However, the MAPE has shortcomings. First, the value of MAPE will be undefined if one or more of the actual data are zero. Second, MAPE is very sensitive to outlier data. Third, equal errors above the actual value result in a greater percentage error than those below the actual value. Finally, using the MAPE for forecast methods comparison will lead to a systematically under-forecast result. Even with its shortcomings, MAPE is preferred for the forecasting accuracy method due to its applicability, interpretability and reliability. Thus, it is better to look for ways of correcting the drawbacks of MAPE rather than searching for alternative measures which are less desirable than MAPE. This paper proposes a modified MAPE using moving average of the actual data (MAPEMA) to reduce the drawbacks of MAPE. The result shows that the use of MAPEMA can reduce the problems of using MAPE.



Signal Classification and Electromyography (EMG) Instrumentation Design as Basic Electronic Control System

Miftachul Ulum1, Fatkur Rozi2, Achmad Fiqhi Ibadillah3

Electronic Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Bangkalan, Jawa Timur, Indonesia 69162

1 miftachul.ulum@

Abstract - Human body naturally contains complex electrical signals ranging from the mechanism of the brain, heart, and muscles. Electromyography (EMG) is the development of biomedical engineering devices used to record electrical signal activity produced by muscles. The signal produced by the muscle has a very small amplitude, therefore, an amplifier circuit is required to read the signal using microcontroller. In this study, EMG signal amplification was carried out periodically to reduce errors that might occur if only charged to one signal amplifier. Signal reading was performed by conducting 5 different basic hand movements. Muscle signal activity during relaxed conditions had an amplitude of 0.05 V. Moreover, it conveyed an amplitude of 0.27 V up to 2.62 V with a signal gain of 10.350 when the muscle did different movements. The K-NN algorithm was used to classify EMG signals and determined the hand motion output used as a basic electronic control system. Results showed success rate of 88%. Failures when carrying out basic electronic control was due to the signal classification processes that had not met the parameters and the signal amplitude that was almost similar to another signal.



Money Authenticity Detector Design Using Artificial Neural Network Method For Blinds

Kunto Aji W1, Miftachul Ulum2, Aslih Nur Afifah3

1,2,3 Faculty of Engineering Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Heretofore, there are still many people having difficulties to differ authenticity of paper money, especially for blind people. An individual is defined blind when he must use alternative technique to replace his visual function. In this case, a blind person may use his hearing or touching senses to read the demanded information. This research aims to create a device to find out authenticity of paper money with voice output. This device uses TCS3200 sensor and Led UV to detect the authenticity of paper money. It gained red, green, and blue as the input process by using artificial neural network. This method would firstly undergo data training so it would have scores to classify the authenticity. The test of paper money used IDR 1,000.00, IDR 2,000.00, IDR 5,000.00, IDR 10,000.00, IDR 20,000.00, IDR 50,000.00, and IDR 100,000.00 issued in 2000 until 2016 with 4 different test positions. Based on the trials, it gained successful level in detecting the authenticity by using the network as much as 100%.



Key Factors of Success Technology Transfer from Higher Education To Creative Industry in Bangkalan, Madura

Retno Indriartiningtias1, Andi Rahadiyan W2, Subagyo, Budi Hartono3

1Industrial Engineering Department, Trunojoyo University, Madura, Indonesia

2,3Industrial Engineering Department, , Yogyakarta, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Technology is one of key factors in achieving competitive advantage of an organization, especially those in creative industries. Through effective technology transfer is it expected to be transferred technology really can be absorbed and used by the creative industries. There are several factors that influence the effectiveness of technology transfer, this research using four factors, there are: characteristics of transfer agent, characteristics of transfer recipient, form of technologies and Transfer Mechanism. Some models and framework can also be used to study the relationship of the key factors of success with the effectiveness of technology transfer. Based on a conceptual model, this research aims to identify the key success factors of the process of technology transfer from the Trunojoyo University to creative industries in Bangkalan Madura. This study uses a multivariate approach by using principal component analysis and linear regression. Based on data from the four creative industries in Bangkalan obtained mathematical models Y = 0.830 + 0.379 Form Technology + 0.450 Characteristics of Transfer Agent - 0.371 Characteristics of Transfer Recipient. The model has a R2value of 0.299, which means those factors capable identifies the effectiveness of technology transfer by 29.9%, the rest is explained by other factors that have not been identified. From the model concluded that characteristics of transfer agent is the main factors of technology transfer.



Performance of 2.4 GHz Xbee for Digital Image Transmission with Yagi Antenna

Haryanto1, K Rohman2, D Rahmawati3, L Anifah4

1,2, and 3 Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura Indonesia

4Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University Negeri Surabaya Kampus Unesa Ketintang, Surabaya Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - The use of xbee modules is generally used for sending sensor data. In wireless communication today not only sensor data is sent, but also images that have a higher level of complexity. This study is used to determine the performance of xbee based on the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol for sending image data. Yagi antennas are used to strengthen or support XBee performance when shipping. The stages of the simulation were carried out with the 2016 CST software. The VNA preameter test produced yagi antenna parameters with a working frequency of 2.4 Ghz return loss = -12.27 dB, VSWR = 1.545. The results of sending a vertical image resolution of 160 x 120 obtain an average delivery time of 4.05 seconds, a speed of 678.28 bytes / second and data loss of 29% with the furthest distance of 250 meters. The results of sending vertical images of resolution 320 x 240 obtained an average delivery time of 11.24 seconds, speed of 779.28 bytes / second and data loss of 20% with the furthest distance of 200 meters. The results of sending a horizontal image resolution of 160 x 120 obtain an average delivery time of 4.03 seconds, a speed of 727.15 bytes / second and data loss of 20% with the furthest distance of 450 meters. The result of sending a horizontal image resolution of 160 x 120 obtained an average sending time of 11.19 seconds, a speed of 735.52 bytes / second and data loss of 23.8% with the furthest distance of 400 meters.



Leader-Follower Formation Tracking Of Multiple Mobile Robots With Constant Leader Velocity

M. Latif1

1Mechatronics Departmen, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This research presents a tracking formation by multiple mobile robots. The formation used is leader follower approach. Formation control is designed based on the robot kinematics model. Follower is controlled to track the position of the specified formation. Triangle shape is used to the goal formation. Experiments carried out with two scenarios. First, leader moves to a point with linear motion. Second, leader moves along the circular trajectory. Leader motion is constantly with the aim that the formation is rigidly formed while moving towards the goal. Experiments show that robots can perform and maintain formation while achieving goals.



Parameter Identifiability of Phased-MIMO Radar with coherent receive arrays

Muttaqin Hardiwansyah1 , Ika Oktavia Suzanti2

1Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan Madura, Indonesia 2Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan Madura, Indonesia

Abstract - Diversity is the main advantage of MIMO (Multi Input Multi Ouput) radar that improves radar capabilities to identify target parameters, including the maximum number of targets that can be detected, the target angle, range, etc. While the weakness of MIMO radar is the absence of coherent gain, it is the main advantage of the phased-array radar. Combining advantages of both multi- antenna structures, Phased-MIMO radar has been previously proposed. On phased-MIMO radar, the antenna is arranged into sub-arrays, each of which is composed of several antennas with same phase, thereby producing coherent gain. Diversity is produced by the use of multiple sub-arrays which allows overlapping of the antennas and uses orthogonal waveforms on different sub-arrays. This paper reports on the phased-MIMO radar capability to identify target parameters, namely, the maximum number of targets that can be detected by radar and the target angle that can be detected by radar.



Integration of Variable Accceptance Sampling and Maintenance Policy Based on Process Capability Index

S F Salimah1, and N Kurniati2

1 Departement of Indutrial Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan Madura, Indonesia

2 Department of Industrial Engineering Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, East Java Indonesia

Abstract - In production process, quality is directly affected by the degradation of the production machine. Information of products quality may be used as feedback to determine the maintenance policy. As far as is known, research on integration of quality and maintenance widely used quality control with 100% inspection. Many literatures mentioned that sampling inspection is cheaper and easier to be performed than 100% inspection. With the same level of protection, the variable acceptance sampling requires fewer samples and provide more information about the manufacturing process than the attribute data. This paper attempt to integrate variable acceptance sampling and maintenance policy. The variable acceptance sampling model developed based on exact sampling distribution approach under Cpk capability index. If the lot is rejected, 100% inspection will be performed and Cpk will be estimated. The estimated Cpk resulted minimum cost rate will be consider as the treshold for conducting PM.



Determining Numbers of Coloring λ-Backbone on Split Graph

Fatanur Baity Tsulutsya1, Evawati Alisah2, and Lailiy Kurnia Ilahi3

1 Engineering Faculty of Trunojoyo University, Jl. Raya Telang PO BOX 2 Kamal, Bangkalan, 69162, Indonesia 2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sains and Technology, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia 3 Department of English, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Vertex coloring on a graph G = (V(G), E(G)) is giving color for each point on the graph so that there are no two connected directly the same color. A vertex coloring f (u) − f (v)   f from graph G is called coloring Backbone - λ of (G,H) if fulfilled . The smallest number k where there is backbone coloring f :V →{1,2,3,...,k}is BBC (G,H) called several Backbone coloring - λ and denoted by  . A graph used in this research is a split graph. This paper presents the process or steps to determine coloring number λ-backbone on a split graph. As for the steps is as follows: determine split graphs, give 1 example of Spanning subgraph (Backbone) containing subgraphs complete maximum of split graphs and contains Hamilton trajectories and give a point coloring on the Hamilton trajectory backbone of the split graph.



Optical Spectrum of Uncladded Fiber Bragg Grating for Glucose Concentration Measurement

Nur Abdillah Siddiq 1,2, Asnawi Asnawi2,3, Sib Krishna Goshals4, Yono Hadi Pramono2

1Departement of Electrical Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan 69162, Indonesia 2Department of Physics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia 3Department of Physics, Surabaya State University, Surabaya 60231, Indonesia 4Department of Physics, University Technology Malaysia, Johor Bahru 81310, Malaysia Abstract - In this study, we present an investigation of uncladded fiber bragg grating (FBG) as a chemical sensor towards glucose in aqueous solution with various concentration from 0 – 60 wt%.The measurement system consists of deuterium-halogen lamp as light source, uncladded fiber bragg gratings that have been etched with nitric acid (HNO3) as sensing element, and spectrometer as optical spectrum viewer. The measured parameter is an intensity in optical spectrum due to changes in glucose solution concentration It was found that the uncladded FBG exhibits the response towards water with varying concentrations of glucose. The results show that the intensity shifts to lower value as the glucose concentration increases with hysteresis below 0.05 a.u.



The Effect Of Extrusion Machine Againt Consistency Filaments Products 3D Printing

Rony Azmi faisal1

1Departement of Industrial Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan Madura, Indonesia

Abstract - The need for filaments is currently increasing but the prices offered in the market are very expensive. This research develops a new extruder machine with HDPE material. The high quality filaments are characterized by high durability and constant diameter. The variables used in this research are temperature, screw speed, towing speed and blower. Based on ANOVA processing using Minitab it is known that all variables have no effect on the uniformity of diameter and ovality response. Based on the results of this research that the bottle cap tensile strength (HDPE) has a value of 15.7 so that it is still far below the PLA tensile strength.



Performance Analysis of Hydrogen Fed Proton Conducting ITSOFC Cogeneration System

Nizar Amir1

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Trunojoyo University Jl. Raya Telang, Kecamatan Kamal, Bangkalan, Madura 69162 Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This paper presents the performance analysis of different cogeneration system based on proton conduction SOFC (pSOFC) as main core system in the intermediate temperature. The cogeneration system such as heat recycle steam generator (HRSG) and micro gas turbine (MGT) also compared. The new design to remove heat from stack also proposed to enhance the overall system efficiency. The results show the pSOFC cogeneration combined with HRSG has higher system and overall efficiency than combined with MGT. However, additional power output is produce when combined with MGT. So the option must be correctly chosen and depend on the customer demands. Finally, with new system design of cogeneration system, it is possible to achieve an overall efficiency greater than 81% and 80% when pSOFC combined with HRSG and MGT, respectively in the intermediate temperature.



An Improved AES Key Generation in Audio Steganography

D. N. Purnamasari1 and A. D. Ramadhani2

1Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan – Madura, Indonesia

2Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya - East Java, Indonesia

Abstract - The higher Internet use also affects the level of information security in the digital world. Nowadays, many users send private messages or even secret messages through the Internet. This has an impact on the increasing number of illegal people who try to see and even change the information for personal gain. There is a solution to this problem by inserting a secret message in a file such as images, audio, or video. To increase the level of security, secret messages are encrypted first using cryptographic techniques. In this paper we propose a method for developing key generation in audio steganography techniques using the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm. We use additional parameters to create the AES key, i.e. the user's identity. The user's identity is entered into the key table which is then randomly selected by the system when the user wants to get the key. There is a combination process and hash function to add complexity to the key. The performance of the proposed method is tested based on computing time and audio signal strength. The test results show that the message inserted in the audio file does not affect the file size, but rather affects the audio signal strength. Audio signals that experience additional data are at frequencies of 15 to 20 kHz and for other frequencies only experience additional noise.



Comparative Measurement of Partial Discharge Using Spiral Antenna with RC Detector on High Voltage Equipment

Dedi Tri Laksono1, Deni Tri Laksono2 and Umar Khayam3

1 Departement of Electrical Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan – Madura, Indonesia 2 Departement of Electrical Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan – Madura, Indonesia 3 School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institute Technology of Bandung, Bandung - , Indonesia

Abstract - Partial discharge is a partial electrical discharge event in isolation that is not directly connected between the two conductors, which discharges can occur either near or not on the conductor. An Archimedean spiral antenna is designed to detect partial discharges in high voltage equipment. Electromagnetic waves generated by partial discharge will be detected by the antenna which has a frequency range of 300 MHz - 3 GHz. The next measurement of partial discharge uses an RC detector. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of Archimedean spiral antennas which were then compared to RC detectors. Based on the results of tests carried out as many as 50 times, both the spiral arsenic antenna or the RC detector showed good results. Antennas get slightly lower yields, due to the reduction in the flow of electromagnetic waves on the metal walls of high voltage equipment. Whereas RC detector is better by displaying more sensitive results.



Data Mining Forecasting Sales of Building Materials on CV. Forward Together in Surabaya With Use Time Series

S Hardi1, N Fakhrur Rozi2

1Departement of Informatic Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan – Madura, Indonesia 2Departement of Informatic Engineering, University of Institute Technology Adhi Tama Surabaya, Surabaya , Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Forecasting is one of the elements essential to making a decision. With increasing competition among entrepreneurs with other entrepreneurs so forecasting is necessary to improve the quality of a building material for consumer satisfaction on the CV. Maju Bersama. The problems will be discussed in this study is to implement the method Deseasonalizing and Exponential Smoothing method for forecasting a building material on the CV. Maju Bersama. The purpose of this research was to determine the forecasting sales of building materials in the future. In this research the procedure used is problem identification, formulation of the problem observation, analysis and drawing conclusions. Data from this research is data from the CV. Forward Together between January 2017 until June 2019. The results obtained from this research is the sale price of building materials with Exsponential smooting MAE method with the accuracy of the smallest value of α = 0.01 is single Exsponential smooting with Randu value α = 0.75 with MAE = 121.41, Bamboo ori value α = 0.97 with MAE = 74.3, Gelam value of α = 0.01 with MAE = 117,15 and MAE values Deseasonalizing. MAE value for randu = 69.55, gelam with value MAE = 177.17, bambu Ori MAE = 117.66. The results of this research is expected to be input to the CV. Maju bersama in taking a decision in improving the quality of construction materials for consumer satisfaction.



Implementation of System Dynamics in Hospital Services for Improving Inpatient Rooms Utilization

H Supriyanto1, E Suryani2

1Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Jl. Raya Telang, Kamal, Bangkalan 2Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Jl. Raya ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya

[email protected]

Abstract - Hospitals are an important part of the health system. This agency consists of several services. One type of main service that is quite complex and needs to be considered is inpatient installation. The hospital should make a structural and functional utilization effort by increasing the utilization of service space related to the number of available beds. To measure utilization of facilities in inpatient services, an indicator of inpatient services is needed to measure it. These indicators include BOR (Bed Ocupanccy Rate), which is the percentage of beds filled, LOS (Length of Stay), namely the average length of stay, TOI (Turn Over Interval), which is the average free time of bed, BTO (Bed Turn Over), namely bed productivity. From the values produced, later it can be used as material for determining service facility policies in the future. The purpose of this study is to create a model with a system dynamic so that it has an ideal indicator value. The scenario in this research is to increase utilization of bed use, the first strategy of this scenario is to increase the number of patient visits, because based on reference data the patient's visit is too low. This is evidenced by the value of the BOR which is less than the ideal value. The second effort is to maximize patient care. The results of the scenario show that in 2019 to 2030 the average score of BOR was 79%, LOS 3 Days, TOI 1 Day, and BTO 41 Times.



Optimization of Machining Parameters for Surface- roughness and Precision in EDM Using Response Surface Method

R M Yusron 1, R M Bisono 2

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malang State Polytechnic (PSDKU) Kediri

1 [email protected] 2 [email protected]

Abstract - The quality of the components of the machining process is determined by the value of surface roughness and dimensional precision. This study uses the Central Composite Design experimental method on the Response Surface Method. To determine the variation of experiments, three factors and three levels were used, the specimens used were mild steel with a total of 20 experimental variations in the EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining) machining process. Then the surface roughness and dimensional precision are tested. Optimization is done by the method of non-linear programming, where the first response is surface roughness and the second response is the precision of the dimensions of the length of the machining process. The results of the analysis show that the strong current influences the surface roughness and dimensional precision. While on time and off time do not really affect the surface roughness or precision dimensions. Optimization with non-linear programming techniques produces a minimum surface roughness of 3.805880 (µm) and dimensional precision of the maximum machining time is 175.2290 (minutes) with a current adjustment of 3 (Amperes), on-time 100 (µs), and off-time 20 (µs).



Decision Support System for Determination of Development of Small and Medium Industries Using VIKOR

Achmad Jauhari ¹*, Ika Oktavia Suzanti², Rika Yunitarini³

1,2, 3Informatic Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura

[email protected]

Abstract- As a basis for regional economic growth, the existence of small and medium industries is very influential for people's lives. But on the other hand the parties involved are very rarely optimize their potential, because of the many small and medium industries owned by the community, especially in Bangkalan Madura. One effort to overcome difficulties in optimizing the potential of small and medium industries is the application of determining the priority for the development of SMEs. This application uses the VIKOR method with the criteria of Investment Value, Production Capacity, Production Value, Value of Raw Materials and Labor. VIKOR is a ranking method using a multi-criteria ranking index based on a certain measure of proximity to the ideal solution. So this application will choose a small and medium industry that is suitable for assistance in its development. The test results show that from making this application using the Vikor method has an accuracy rate of 73%.



Web Service for Search Engine Bahasa Indonesia (SEBI)

Husni1, Ika Oktavia Suzanti2, Yoga Dwitya Pramudita3, Sigit Susanto Putro4, Lukman Heryawan5

1,2,3,4Informatics Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura 5Department of Social Informatics Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan

[email protected]

Abstract- The purpose of this research is to produce an search engine (SEBI) that is in accordance with the objectives of the 2016 KKNI- based curriculum. SEBI 2017 is one of the complete search engines that is able to collect web pages from the internet, do preprocessing, build indexes, handle query and categorize documents. SEBI 2017, as a prototype has shortcomings, namely time and access. Based on this, the researchers built a new architecture called the SEBI API (2018). In the SEBI API architecture (2018), the ease and breadth of access, as well as the integration of data from various applications and different owners. RESTful API added to SEBI allows SEBI to be accessed from various access devices using various programming languages, libraries or frameworks that support REST API client (consumer) functions. Broadly speaking, the 2018 SEBI architecture has been equipped with RESTful API (provider) and client (consumer) functions. After testing by entering keywords, the results show that the SEBI API architecture (2018) has been able to correct the weaknesses contained in the SEBI architecture (2017)



REST API Implementation on Android Based Monitoring Application

Ika Oktavia Suzanti ¹*, Nurhayati Fitriani ², Ahmad Jauhari³, Ach Khozaimi4

1,2, 3, 4 Informatic Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. Applications on internet are generally made with a several languages programming and must be able to run well on operating systems, even different devices. REST API is an architecture designed on a web service that has been widely accepted by the public for simple use in mobile cloud paradigm. RESTful web service works by identifies a URI (Uniform resourced Identifier) and then modify it with GET, POST, PUT or DELETE command that can be represented in several languages programming. Mobile applications nowadays are not separated from daily life community through the ease and development of technology that is increasingly rising. Monitoring is a systematic data collection activity regarding an ongoing activity. Monitoring of University of Trunojoyo Madura dormitory activities is needed so that student character education can run optimally. Constraints that have been encountered are all process monitoring is still done manually, so it required a monitoring application to facilitate monitoring data process become more qualified and simplify the entire user that occupant, caretaker or manager in conduct of monitoring entire activity in the dorm.



Comparison of Partial Discharge Characteristics Detected by RC Detector and Rectangular Antenna

Deni Tri Laksono1, Dedi Tri Laksono2, Umar Khayam3

1,2Electronic Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Jawa Timur, Indonesia 69162 3School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganeca 10, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

Abstract— This study discusses the method of measuring and detecting Partial Discharge (PD) in high voltage electrical equipment that has the characteristics of being veiled with metal. This research uses the UHF (Ultra High Frequency) method based on IEC 60270 and RC Detector to detect and measure PD. This method uses electromagnetic wave energy emitted by PD sources from the metal box. Use this method to get detection and measure without having to activate the test object. Then the sensors used in testing in this study are rectangular spiral antennas and RC detectors. In addition, various stresses will be tested. The measurement results then compare when evaluating the PD between the Rectangular Spiral antenna and the RC Detector to determine the sensitivity level of the rectangular spiral antenna. The test results show the measurement of partial release of rectangular spiral antenna is greater than outside the metal box and measurement using RC Detector is more sensitive than using a rectangular spiral antenna sensor.



A Conceptual Model of Indonesian Question Answering System based on Semantic Web M Syarief 1; W Agustiono2; A Muntasa3; M Yusuf4

1,2,3University of Trunojoyo Madura, Jl. Raya Telang PO BOX 2 Kamal Bangkalan

[email protected]

Abstract. This study aims to develop a conceptual model of question answering system in Bahasa using Semantic web technology. A trigger was built to periodically collect data scattered on the internet in a data center to shorten the query process on data without reducing the data completeness. The test case domain was automotive. This study used four types of ontologies: main ontology, ontologies from manufacturers, dealers, and rentals. This research has some novelties, such as solving the weakness of distributed and centralized data and combining the advantages of both by storing distributed data into a pool (centralized data) periodically, then querying the pool. Furthermore, it makes contribution by providing a conceptual model of Indonesian question answering system, particularly in automotive domain. This has some implications, such as extend the body of knowledge of computer science, especially semantic web and ontology fields.



Automatic Clean Water Treatment System Using The Sugeno Fuzzy Method

S Hanif1, D Rahmawati2, R Alfita3, A S Awal4, A F Doni5

1,2,3,4,5Electrical Department Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. All Water is the most important source in the human body, healthy water can help the metabolic processes in the body perfectly. Water used by humans must be in accordance with those set by the government (Permenkes RI number 492 of 2010, regarding the requirements and supervision of water quality). Clean water according to regulations issued by the government through the Indonesian Ministry of Health is having a PH value of 6.5 - 8.5, TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) a maximum of 500 mg / L, and a maximum turbidity level is 5 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit). In the process of managing dirty water into clean water, it must be done carefully so that the germs in the water are completely gone and the people who use them are free from all diseases. From the problems above, a clean water management system has been created. This system can read the value of water suitable for use or not. Water condition readings using PH sensor, TDS (Total Dissolved solid) sensor and turbidity sensor (TSD 10). Data values from the sensor (input) are processed using fuzzy method as a logic to start the pump if the water value does not match the set point specified and display the sensor value on the LCD (Liquid Cristal Display). The results of the whole system were obtained an average error for the sr-HC04 sensor 1%, turbidity 2.12%, the TDS sensor 2.40% and the pH sensor 0.48%.



Application Monitoring and Evaluation using SMART (Simple Multi attribute Rating Technique) Method

Nurhayati Fitriani 1*, Ika Oktavia Suzanti 2, Achmad Jauhari 3, Ach. Khozaimi 4

1,2, 3, 4 Informatic Engineering Department, University Of Trunojoyo Madura, Jl. Raya Telang, Kecamatan Kamal, Bangkalan, Madura 69162 Indonesia.

[email protected], [email protected] 2, [email protected], [email protected] 4

Abstract- Montoring is a systematic process of collecting data from that data to be evaluated to find out the quality of the system, along with times the monitoring and evaluation process is done using technology that can be web-based or android mobile, so that the process of monitoring & evaluation is easier and more efficient. In addition to getting an accurate assessment, it is necessary to apply a method that can process data into an objective assessment, the SMART method is a simple multi-attribute method that can be used in processing data into an accurate assessment. Trunojoyo Madura University Dormitory has many activities aimed at realizing the education of the dormitory character, the activity data is monitored and evaluated to provide an assessment of the activeness of students living in the dormitory. However, the process of monitoring & evaluation of the dormitory is still carried out manually, so an application for monitoring & evaluating the activities of the hostel which uses the SMART method is needed to facilitate the monitoring process and obtain an objective assessment result.



Smart Stick For the Blind Using Arduino

A S Romadhon1, A K Husein2

1 Department of Mechatronic Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura 2 Department of Mechatronic Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura

[email protected]

Abstract. The development of technology requires the innovation of a device that can be used to help the blind as a road guide. This device is kind of the white cane to help blind people to scan their surroundings for obstacles or orientation marks. This device is equipped with an ultrasonic sensor, a water sensor, and a pulse heart sensor that will be mounted on a white cane to determine changes in the enviroments. Ultrasonic sensors are used to detect obstacles in front of it by utilizing ultrasonic wave reflection, water detection sensors to find out if there is a puddle or flooaded ahead, and pulse heart sensors to monitor the condition of the user. It works, If there are obstacles and inundation conditions then the use of electronic modules such as the MP3 module is a component that plays an important role for the user, the use of the MP3 module is used to provide direction with sound output, while the GPS module to provide location information from the user.



Finite State Automata Approach for Text to Speech Translation System in Indonesian-Madurese Language

Fika Hastarita Rachman1, Qudsiyah, Firdaus Solihin2

1,2 Informatics Department, University of Trunojoyo Madura, East Java, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract. Madurese language is one of the regional languages in Indonesia. This laguage used by the Madurese people. Preservation of Madurese language now is minimal. Many migrants come from outside Madura, so communication between the surrounding communities in the Madura region often uses the national language, Indonesian. The use of Madurese as a language of communication began to decrease. This research is an effort to preserve Madurese language by utilizing the translator system technology. Madurese language is a regional language that is difficult to learn, because there are many differences found between writing and pronunciation. To overcome this problem this reasearch develop text to speech module in the Indonesian-Madurase language translation system. There are 3 versions of Madurese language level: Enja’-iyyeh, engghi- enten, and enggi-bunten. The conversion of text into sound is used with the help of syllable recording data created by the author. The process of chopping words into syllables is done using the two-level Finite State Automata (FSA) method. The output of the first level FSA becomes input for the second level. The application of FSA in Text to Speech applications is effectively used with accuracy value of 90%. The resulting sound output is in accordance with the results of syllables, but the pronunciation of some translated sentences does not have the correct intonation. The accuracy results of the intonation pattern in pronunciation of the system is 85%.



Robot Orientation Estimation Based on Single-Frame of Fish-eye Image

Muhammad Fuad, Trihastuti Agustinah, Djoko Purwanto, Tri Arief Sardjono and Rudy Dikairono

Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia Faculty of Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], sardjono@elect-, [email protected]

Abstract. In order to develop the steering control for collision avoidance behaviour, robot must be able to determine its heading orientation with respect to environment. Orientation can be measured by dedicated sensors or through visual features perception. In vision-based orientation estimation problem, most of approaches are making use of a matching process between pair of frames. This paper proposes a method of estimating robot's heading orientation by using only a single-frame of fish-eye image. CIE-LAB colour space is applied to handle colour and illumination intensity change. Straight line segments are extracted from thresholded CIE-LAB image take advantage of Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform. Angle of the corresponding line segment is measured using combination of Law of Cosines and quadrant principle. Heading orientation in yaw angle is estimated by implementing voting mechanism based on region grouping and length of perpendicular line. Some experiments are made in robot soccer field environment to compare orientation estimation system against IMU's measurement. Discussion about the performance and limitation of the system are included in this paper



The Causality of Monosodium Glutamate Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Absorbance Pattern with Wave Peaks from Several Seasoning Product (Savoury Flavors)

Mujianto1, Wignyanto2, S Kumalaningsih3, Aulianni’am1

1Agriculture Industry Technology, Wijaya Kusuma 2Agriculture Industry Technology, Brawijaya University 3Veterinary Medicine, Brawijaya University

[email protected]

Abstract. This study is aimed to find out the causality of raw materials, food additives and supportive materials used to produce several products of seasoning products available at commercial market and their direct correlation with monosodium glutamate (MSG) as flavor enhancing ingredient. An observation is taken to randomly collect 9 (nine) brands of seasoning (savory flavors) using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The results of observation are processed using main component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis. The results of study show that9 (nine) brands of seasoning (savory flavors) are made from food additives and supportive material which score of eigenvalues is equal to 8.854 or 98.374 of variant and there is a direct causality with synthetic flavor enhancing ingredient (2 MSG variants). Such direct causative direct correlation applies to seasoning with grilled chicken flavor (SF7), seasoning with salted cheese flavor (SF5), seasoning with roasted beef flavor (SF3), seasoning with barbeque flavor (SF9), seasoning with tiramisu flavor (SF6), seasoning with spicy corn flavor (SF10) and monosodium glutamate (MSG) with eigenvalues score is 7.416 or 67.416% of variant. Balado flavored seasoning (SF8), cheese flavored seasoning (SF4), sweet spicy flavored seasoning (SF11) and Chinese flavor enhancing ingredient have direct causality with Chinese flavor enhancing ingredient, which eigenvalues score, is 1.517 or 13.792% of variant. Monosodium glutamate (SF1) and Chinese flavor enhancing ingredient have similarity of eigenvalues score is 1.108 or 10.071% of variant.



Analysis of Smartphone Users Movement Using Data Mining Methods and SWOT Analysis in East Surabaya Areas

Sumiati*, A N Saloh, Purwati

Departement of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - Smartphones are not only based on main functions such as calling and sending SMS, but the complete features and design are the basis for consumers to buy a smartphone. A consumer will be selective in choosing the type and brand, but does not rule out the possibility that consumers will switch to other brands. Companies need to know the desires and things that consumers need in choosing brands and types of smartphones. Based on the problems that occur, this research was conducted. The research data is sourced from offline questionnaires that are distributed to consumers who have made a move to a smartphone brand. There were 107 questionnaires collected and 105 questionnaires which stated that the filling method was correct. The collected data will be tested for validity and reliability to determine the extent to which the data is considered valid. To solve this problem, data mining methods are used that can determine the percentage of users who move. For smartphone brands that experience a decline in users, a marketing strategy will be created using SWOT analysis. The results of this study turned out that Oppo and Samsung smartphone users had decreased. The marketing strategy for Samsung smartphones is by giving discounts or giving gifts for large party purchases. Then for the Oppo smartphone marketing strategy is to reduce promotional costs and invest more into the RnD so that the product continues to be innovative.



Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Assess Organic Matters in Activated Persulfate

E N Hidayah and O H Cahyonugroho*

Department of Environment Engineering, University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Surface water contains organic matters from human activities, discharged industrial wastewater, and generated from microbial activities in water body. Persulfate is one of the strongest oxidants and could be used to oxidize organic matters. Fluorescence excitation emission matrices is one of the qualitative methods to identify organic matters properties, instead of chromatography and ultraviolet visible detection. The objective of this study was to identify dissolved organic matter in source and treated water by using peroxidation activated persulfate followed by coagulation. Sampel was analysed by using fluorescence excitation emission matrices (FEEMs) to assess its properties. The results showed that Activated persulfate has a good performance as pretreatment, in order to oxidize organic matters, further the coagulation is suitable treatment to combine with peroxidation activated persulfate. Those treatment resulted lower fluorescence intensity in all regions, including aromatic protein, fulvic acid-like, soluble microbial products, and humic acid-like.



Effect of Temulawak (curcuma zanthorrizha) ExtractsAdditionas Natural Antioxidant Against The Destruction of Palm Oil in Frying Process

U Sarofa 1*, S Winarti1 and N Rahayuningsih1 1Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Engeenering University of Pembangunan National "Veteran" , East Java, Surabaya, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - Curcumin that is extracted from Temulawak (curcuma zanthorrizha) is a natural source of antioxidants. It can be added in palm oil to reduce the destruction caused of heat in frying process. The method used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) with a single factor , each repeated 3 times and to know the difference was used the DMRT test. The research was conducted in two stages. First stage is to determine the best concentration of curcumin added into palm cooking oil (0 ppm, 300 ppm, 600 ppm, 900 ppm, 1200 ppm) while the second stage is to test the stability of curcumin in palm cooking oil used to fry for four times of frying. The results of the study showed that the best curcumin extract addition is concentration of 1200 ppm, where the cooking oil has characteristics iodine value of 60.790 gr I2 / 100 gr, peroxide number 1.033 mEq / Kg, free fatty acid 0.076%, moisture content 0.061%, smoke point 193.33C and antioxidant activity 62.469%. The results of the stability of curcumin extract on palm cooking oil during the fourth frying process were iodine value 60,509 gr I2 / 100 gr(0.36% decrease), peroxide number 1,798 mEq / Kg (59.39% increase), free fatty acid 0.096%( 12.94%increase) , moisture content 0.245% (218.18%increase) , smoke point 174,00C (6.70% decrease)and antioxidant activity (DPPH) 56,092%(6.93% decrease).



Beneficial of Clover Leaf (Marsilea crenata) as Bio- adsorbent of Heavy Metal Contamination in Red Mussels (Masculita senhousia) S Winarti1, E K B Susiloningsih1 dan A Lee2 1Lecture at the Food Technology Departement FT UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur 2Graduated of Food Technology Departement FT UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur Jl. Raya Rungkut Madya Gunung Anyar Surabaya

[email protected]

Abstract - Clover (Marsilea crenata) is one type shrub plant that is widely used as a vegetable in Surabaya, Indonesia, rich in phytochemical compounds. One of them is polyphenols which have the ability to chelate metals. Chaempherol, quercetine, routine, flavonols are types of polyphenols that can be used as chelating agents for heavy metals because they have functional groups to bind metals. The objective of the research was to study the effect of clover leaf flour concentration and contact time on decreasing heavy metal contamination in red mussels. This study used a factorial completely randomized design with two replications. The first factor were the concentration of clover leaf flour (1%, 3%, 5%) and factor II were the contact time (0 minutes as a control, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, 120 minutes). The data from this research analysis using ANOVA (analysis of variant) and DMRT (duncan't multiple range teste). The best treatment was concentration of 5% clover leaf flour and contact time 120 minutes can reduce copper from 47.49 ppm to 19.69 ppm (decrease 58.54%), lead from 21.31 ppm to 9, 67 (decrease 54.67%), mercury from 0.54 ppm to 0.26 ppm (decrease 52.32%) in red mussels.



Inventory Control System Using Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP) ( Case Study : Food Company)

Y Ngatilah1, N Rahmawati2, C Pujiastuti3, I Porwati4, A Y Hutagalung5

1,2,3,5 Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia 4 Technology and Sains Institute“Akprind” Yogyakarta

[email protected]

Abstract - Distribution and inventory are two major components that causes total cost of the product become high. Those two components are not categorized in to the process that added value to the product. This research use Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP) to find the right quantity and short replenishment time in inventory decision that manufacture industries faced to supply their own Distribution Centers and Warehouses in food Company. DRP giving the lower total distribution cost than actual cost. It is because DRP supply products at each Distribution Centers and Warehouses in a minimum quantity using Economic Order Quantity. It also using the similar concept with Material Requirement Planning to find the right delivery time so that it can minimize the total inventory time in The supply chain. DRP can be used to solve the inventory and distribution problem in multi echelon supply chain. From this research, using historical data, DRP gave the minimum total distribution and inventory cost than the initial scenario that company used. Based on DRP result , The total Inventory and Distribution Cost from January to December 2019 is 481.251.325,4.



Production of Maltodextrin from Cocoyams (Xanthosoma Sagittifolium) Starch Using Α-Amylase Enzyme

D F Rosida1, S Djajati2 and F S Susanti3

1)Departement of Food Technology, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Surabaya 60294, Indonesia

[email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract - Indonesia has many food crops that can be optimally developed. The developing of cocoyams tuber can be done to improve the economic value. The production of maltodextrin by modifying starch using the α-amylase enzyme. Maltodextrin is used in the food industry as a substitute for food, thickener, and fillers. So far, many starch-modified products was resulted from cassava tubers. The starch of cocoyams (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott) can be developed as maltoodextrin. The cocoyams starch content 50.82% and amylose 18.18%. The aim of study was to produce maltodextrin from cocoyams tuber. In this study using the α-amylase enzyme by treating the volume of the α-amylase and incubation time to hydrolyze the cocoyams starch. This study used a completely randomized design with two factors. The first factor was volume of the α-amylase (0.10 mL, 0.12 mL and 0.14 mL) and the second factor was the incubation time (60, 90, and 120 minute). The best treatment were volume of α-amylase 0.14 ml and incubation time of 120 minutes. The best maltodextrin characteristic of cocoyams was moisture of 4.51%, DE 14.46, solubility 78,90%, reducing sugar 12,50%, starch 4,24%, amylose content 1,95% , swelling power 8,86 (g/g) and yield 96,85%.



Green Supply Chain Operation Reference (Green SCOR) Performance Evaluation (Case Study: Steel Company)

F Pulansari1 and A Putri2

1,2Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - At the last decade, some environmental problems become increased. For that reason many companies are currently attention to environmental issues. The concern not only in the production process but in the overall activities. This research use the Green Supply Chain Operation Reference (Green SCOR) method to evaluating the green supply chain performance in steel company. Key Performance Indicator divided into five categories i.e. plan, source, make, deliver and return. The result of Monitoring System Performance Indicators is 67.73 (average category). From SNORM value in Traffic Light System, the water used is the lowest. And the value is 38. This shows a lack of performance value and needs improvement.



Redesign of The Production Facility Layout by Using Systematic Layout Planning Methodat Cahaya Bintang Mas Company Surabaya

Sunardi1, Ananda Esya J2, Budi Santoso3

1 Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, UPN “Veteran” East Java Surabaya, Indonesia, 2 Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, UPN “Veteran” East Java Surabaya, Indonesia, 3 Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, UPN “Veteran” East Java Surabaya, Indonesia,

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - On the production floor at Cahaya Bintang Mas Company Surabaya, the arrangement of production facilities is not optimal because the material handling distance is quite far. One effort to overcome the problems that occur, then do the redesign of the facility layout that occurs on the production floor using the Systematic Layout Planning Method. The research was conducted in December 2018 until the research was completed. The data needed in this research are primary data obtained through measurement methods and secondary data obtained through data that has been researched and collected by other related parties.The results showed that the total distance of material handling distance for the current layout has a total distance of 508.6 m, By SLP method it can reduce matherial handilg distance, alternative 1 layout has a total distance of 324.8 meter (36,1%), and alternative layout 2 has a total distance of 215.5 meter(57,6



Determination of Maintenance Schedule of Loading and Unloading Pump Machine Using Genetic Algorithm Method

Dwi Sukma Donoriyanto1, Ika Yuniar Silfiana2, Endang Pudji W3, Akmal Suryadi4, L.Urip Widodo5

1,2,3,4,5Industrial Enggineering Department, Faculty of Engineering University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran East Java

[email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract - This paper discusses the application of genetic algorithm methods in solving engine maintenance problems in an industry, from processing data that has been obtained by taking the case of engine pump maintenance where the level of damage that occurs is more than 50%. Within genetic algorithm method, we can get the optimal solution and generated in scheduling engine maintenance



The Ergonomic Shooting Net Design for Pond Farmers

Tranggono1, Rusindiyanto1 and Moch. Ali,1

1Department of Industrial Engineering, UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur Surabaya.

Abstract - The application of ergonomics principle that all working activities can caused workers physical and mental stress. Ergonomics strive for this pressure is still within tolerable limits, satisfactory performance results, and the health and welfare of workers can be increased. If this excessive loads occurred, it will increase some errors and injury. This study aims to making the systematic design for conceptual design of a innovation product using Pahl & Beitz methods. The Variables in this research are hand length (HL), Grip diameter (GD), and length of index finger (LIF) along designing and making nets in accordance with the Anthropometry data. The results of the study recommend nets specification corresponding to the farmers. The length of the shooting net is between 75 cm to 64 cm (0.75 to 0.64 meters), The diameter of the PVC (pipe) is 7.5 cm (0.075 meters), The length of the shooting nets handle is between 5 cm (0.05 meters), The weight of product is 5.5 kg, The nets diameter size is 2.5 m, and The filling pressure of the wind at the automatic firing line is with a maximum limit of 80 psi (5.51 bar) and a minimum of 30 psi (2,068 bars). its use is also very easy and practical because it is enough to fill the wind, then pressing the first lever that is already there to throw or fire the net and to pull it electrically just by pressing the second lever on this automatic firing net. For users, it is also very convenient because there is no need to carry and throw conventionally, because this mesh has been prepared a buffer that serves to support the mesh automatically. So, this automatic shooting net can reduce the burden, hand and hip injuries for its users.




Reaction Kinetics The Formation of Calcium Sulfate From Cow Bone And Sulfuric Acid In Batch

C Pujiastuti1, Y Ngatilah2, M Septianto3, A Tantyono4

1,2,3,4Chemical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran East Java

[email protected]

Abstract - Cow bone is one type of solid waste that has not been utilized. This waste materials, contains a lot of calcium phosphate. When reacted with sulfuric acid it will form calcium sulfate. The research aimed to find the speed constant value of calcium sulfate formation reaction from cow bone powder with batch sulfuric acid. A 200 mesh cow bone powder is dissolved in water to form a saturated solution. This saturated solution was taken as much as 500 ml then reacted with 4 N sulfuric acid as much as 100 ml, stirred with stirring speed of 200 rpm, with temperature and time according to the variable being run. After reaching the studied condition, the filtrate is separated by its sediment. The precipitate was analyzed for the content of calcium sulfate. The variables studied in this study were reaction temperature (65oC. 75oC, 85oC, 95oC, and 105oC) and reaction time (15, 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65 minutes). The results showed that the reaction follows a pseudo first order reaction, obtained by the equation k = 3.09 e -9735.5/T.



Optimization of Pectin Extraction from Pedada Fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris)

Jariyah1, Murtiningsih1 and A. Widyawati1

1Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java, Surabaya, 60294, Indonesia

Abstract - Pedada has a high pectin content that can be used for produce pectin. The study aimed to determine the optimum conditions of extraction time and temperature on the quality of pectin. This study consists of 2 stages, the first stage determines the best treatment for temperature and extraction time. The second stage was to determine the optimization of pectin extraction using RSM (Response Surface Methodology). The best treatment for the first extraction was obtained at 80°C and 120 minutes, and the code and experimental level values were obtained +1,414 (94,1421°C:162,426 minutes) ; +1 (90°C:150 minutes) ; 0 (80°C:120 minutes); -1 (70°C:90 minutes) ; -1,414 (65,8579°C:77,5736 minutes). The result of extraction optimization was 89,59°C and 128,55 minutes with a yield of 7,66%, equivalent weight 850,42mg, methoxyl content 3,71% , galacturonic content 85,17% and esterification degree 24,99% with desirability 0,75.



Advertisements and Representation of Muslimah Beauty: Sunsilk Hijab Shampoo (International Product) and Sariayu Hijab Shampoo (Local Product)

K R Hayati1, N Afdholy2, and T B A Nashahta3

1Industrial Engineering, UPN “Veteran”, East Java, Surabaya, Indonesia 2Language and Literature Education, UNESA, East Java, Surabaya, Indonesia 3English Language Education, UNUSA, East Java, Surabaya, Indonesia Abstract - Advertising is not merely understood as a message to encourage the public to be interested in goods offered in mass media, but also can be represented. This study aims to compare the representation of Muslimah beauty in Sunsilk Hijab and Sariayu Hijab shampoo advertisements. The study was conducted using descriptive analytical methods. Based on the research conducted, this research shows that beauty representation in Sunsilk Hijab and Sariayu Hijab Shampoo advertisement do not limit women to do many activities. Beautiful women are who wearing hijab, charming, energetic, brave, elegant, and educated. Both of advertisements have similarities and differences in representing Muslimah beauty. The similarities of beautiful Muslimah portrayed in both advertisements are women who wearing hijab, having Halal label on the product, and universal. The differences are on the woman activities, woman characteristics and brand ambassador.



Photoinhibition of Algal Photobioreactor by Intense Light

A U Farahdiba1, O Cahyonugroho, S N Nindhita, and E N Hidayah

Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Jalan Raya Gunung Anyar, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Algal photobioreactor is a translucent reactor equipped with media supply installation and gas emissions to cultivate microalgae with CO2. Alga as an autotroph organism, growth mechanism following photosynthesis system which use light exposure to develop and growth the algae cells. There are abiotic, such as light, and biotic factors. This study analyses the performance of Chlorella sp. within intense light intensity (6, 12, 18, and 24 hour) variable with using UV fluorescence. The environment condition and growth rate were analysed of microalgae in the photobioreactor. R reactor control have reducing performance to remove phosphate concentration. Nevertheless, is not clearly explain the direct connection between nutrient and light intensity. Algal growth influenced by the intense of light intensity (hours exposure), and likely will affect to nutrient concentration in the photobioreactor. Light intensities in this research is not directly affect to algal biomass production, while the light intensities might be low to enhance the biomass.



The Influence Model of Factors on Customer Satisfaction and Highway Users Loyality

Minto Waluyo1, Sumiati2, Mohammad Rachman Waluyo3

1,2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur Surabaya, Indonesia

3Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UPN “Veteran” JakartaJakarta, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - In order to harmonize the government program of the National Non- Cash Movement (GNNT), PT. Jasa Marga does service improvement by implementing E-Toll. The implementation of the E-toll service is deemed not fully implemented according to the expected goals. This is evident from the existence of several problems that occur such as double detach, the E-toll card is not read by the reader contactles machine, and the gate is not open, all transaction services become dissatisfied. This study aims to determine the effect of reliability, assurance, tangible, empathy, and responsiveness variables on customer satisfaction and loyalty of toll road users at PT. Jasa Marga Surabaya - Mojokerto Indonesia. Respondents in this study were toll road users who had crossed the Surabaya - Mojokerto toll road at least once, the number of respondents was 120. This study used the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method which was processed using AMOS 22 software. The results showed that the Reliability variable had a significant effect on customer satisfaction, Assurance does not have a significant effect on customer satisfaction, Tangible has no significant effect on customer satisfaction, Empathy has no significant effect on customer satisfaction, Responsiveness has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty and the model equation is as follows Y2 = 0.207 X1 + 0.114 X2 + 0.04 X3 + 0.161 X4 + 0.191 X5



Synthesis and Characterization of Adsorbent from Solid Waste of Ceramics Industry

Nove Kartika Erliyanti, Srie Muljani*, Dimas Baskoro, and Novia Wulan Erza Prastika

Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - At present, the adsorbents generally use bentonite and activated carbon, but the availability of bentonite is less so that other alternatives are needed for substitution of bentonite as an adsorbent. One of the materials that have the potential as an adsorbent is the ceramic industry waste (ceramic clay). Ceramics clay containing feldspar which before being activated using sulfuric acid has a ratio of concentration between silica and alumina (silica/alumina) of 3.6, so a process is needed to increase the ratio of silica and alumina. One such process is by activating ceramic clay using sulfuric acid. The characterization and adsorption performance of adsorbent from ceramic clay were studied with various acid concentration. Ceramic clay powder was activated with sulfuric acid. The adsorbent particles were characterized by IR Spectra, X-Ray Diffraction, X-Ray Fluorescence, and BET. Various concentrations of sulfuric acid solutions for activation have a significant effect on the characteristics and performance adsorbent. This is indicated by XRD analysis where the characteristics of the adsorbent have feldspar (Ca-KAl2SiO3) content with the ratio between silica and alumina increasing around 4.3-4.8 with an increase in sulfuric acid concentration from 10-30% and adsorbents in the form of mesoporous crystalline structure. The characteristics of adsorbent with IR Spectra analysis showed that the presence of silicate alumina groups, so the products have the potential as a bleaching agent. The best surface area is produced at a concentration of 15 % sulfuric acid solution with one hour activation time which is equal to 117.44 m2/g.



Layout Design in Grup Technology Using Cellular Manufacturing System

D Ernawati*, N Rahmawati, E Pudji, NK Sari, A Wianto

Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - The facility layout problem is one of the design problems involving the assignment of facilities (e.g., machines, departments) to planar region (e.g., a plant) so as to achieve the objectives such as to minimize the cost of projected interaction between facilities or to maximize the closeness rating, etc. Layout has a significant role on the efficiency of manufacturing systems. This research use Cellular Manufacturing System to solve the layout design problem. Selection of this method because Cellular Manufacturing is an flexible alternative solution for complex and automated manufacture tools. Component movement and total distance can be reduced. Cellular manufacturing system have a philosophy that similar component identified and grouped to take advantage from similarity. By study result, manufacture cell grouping reduce total distance from 411.51 m to 335.14 m.



Reduction Of Pb And Cr Levels In Paper Industrial Liquid Waste With Ion Exchange Method

K N Wahyusi1, L I Utami, S Aprilio and N Fergina

1Chemical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java

[email protected]

Abstract - Paper and pulp industry factory is a factory that contributes to national economic development because paper needs per year can reach 100 million tons.. But not only the positive impact is given, the negative impact is present because it produces considerable waste. The paper industry's liquid waste is one of the many wastes containing a lot of metal, for example hexavalent Pb and Cr heavy metals. It is necessary to reduce according to government standards in order to reduce negative impacts on the environment. One way to reduce Pb and Cr levels is ion exchange using cation resin 500 ml paper liquid waste mixed with cation resin at a volume and weight ratio of 10: 0.0017; 10: 0,0034; 10: 0,0068; 10: 0,0136; and 10: 0.0272. Mixing is done with a 190 rpm stirrer motor and the variation of time used is 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 minutes. The best treatment at a ratio of 10: 0.0272 with a time of 20 minutes. The results obtained by Pb and Cr decreased by 94% from the initial level.



Proximate Analysis of Food Bar Made from Pedada Fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris) Enhanced with Gembili Flour and Mung Bean Flour as an Alternative to Emergency Food

Luqman Agung Wicaksono1*, Enny Karti Basuki Susiloningsih1, Made Arlita Susanti1

1Food Technology Program Faculty of Engineering, University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - Food aid in a state of disaster is still dominated by rice or instant noodles. Emergency food needed in disaster condition must be ready to eat emergency food and fulfill daily nutrients, one of them was food bar. Food Bar is a high calorie food made from a mixture of foodstuffs, enriched with nutrients, then formed into solid and compact form. It has been conducted the research formulation of food bar from gembili flour and mung bean flour. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of the formulation of gembili flour and mung beans flour and determine the best treatment of the chemical and physical properties of food bars produced. This research uses a complete random design with two factors and twice repeated, namely the formulation of the Gembili flour 30 gr, 40 gr, 50 gr and the formulation of mung bean flour 50 gr, 40 gr, 30 gr. Data obtained later in analysis using ANOVA. If there is a real interaction, then proceed with the advanced test of the Duncan multiple range test with confidence level 5%. Best treatment on the formulation of Gembili flour 50 gr and mung bean flour 50 gr which produce food bar with water content 2.39%, ash content 2.62%, protein content 12.69%, fat content 3.93%, carbohydrate content 82.14%.



EffectivenessTamarind to reductionof Pb content in red mussels

SS Santi1, T Wahyudi2, C Siyam3

1,2,3Chemical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran East Java

[email protected]

Abstract - Red Mussels is a food ingredient that is quite popular in East Java. However, the content of heavy metal (Pb) red mussels is quite high above the threshold that is permitted for human consumption, which is below 1.5 ppm. Therefore, the presence of high Pb levels must be reduction according to the specified threshold. The research was conducted in two steps. The first step, Red mussel’s extraction using Tamarind solution. Tamarind contains organic acids, one of which is citric acid which acts as a metal binding agent so as to reduce the metal content. The second stage of extracting red mussels uses pure citric acid, then the results are compared. The optimum results obtained at the time of extraction and concentration using tamarind was 60 minutes and 25%, the effectiveness of citric acid in tamarind was 98.89% (initial Pb 17.19 ppm to 0.25 ppm) while pure citric acid was 99.97 % (Initial Pb 17,199 ppm to 0,004 ppm).



Physicochemical And Sensory Properties Of Pedada Fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris) Bar

A Y T Putra1, E K B Susiloningsih1, and M A Susanti1

1Food Technology Departement, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya, INA

Abstract - Food acceptability relates to the interaction food has with the consumer at a given moment in time. Physicochemical and sensory properties of food influence the way consumer select their food. Therefore, the main objectives of this study were to evaluate texture, calories value and sensory properties food bar made with lesser yam, mung bean base with pedada fruit. Eight food bars were produced: G1H1, G1H2, G1H3, G2H1, G2H2, G2H3, G3H1, G3H2, G3H3. Duncan multiple range test were performed with 5% significance for statistical analysis. The highest calorie value and fracture ability are sample G3H3, and G3H1, respectively, but it does not significant (p>0,05). The different composition of mung bean, lesser yam, and pedada fruit do not affect sensory properties. Therefore, in this study, sample evaluate is have similar physicochemical, and sensories properties.



Algorithm Analysis of Polynomial Mathematical Models of Noise Pollution due to Traffic Volume in The Region of West Surabaya

Cintantya Budi Casita1, Hendrata Wibisana2, Zetta Rasullia Kamandang3

1,2,3Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The systematics of analysis process can be done by compiling some algorithm, based on the accuracy from the parameter. This research objective is to find and analyze mathematical models for noise pollution on arterial roads due to high traffic volume. Data are collected during on site surveys in West Surabaya by using manual traffic counter for recording light vehicle volume and Digital Sound Level (DSL) for recording the noise levels. Least Square Analysis Method is used to find the optimum mathematical model based on the highest value of R2 using polynomial of degree one (linear function), degree two, degree three, and degree four. The result shows that the polynomial of degree four obtained the highest value of R2 = 0.733 and the value of standard error = 2.8933, with the result that can be used as a reference to represent the condition of noise levels on that region.



Analysis of Noise Pollution due to Traffic Volume Based on The Types of Automotive Vehicles: A Study of West Surabaya Region

Zetta Rasullia Kamandang1, Hendrata Wibisana2, Cintantya Budi Casita3

1,2,3Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Noise pollution often disturbs the people surrounding. The noise levels caused by traffic volume of automotive vehicles is one of the common causes. In order to examine the correlation of automotive vehicles with noise levels, this study implements linear and multiple regression methods into six case study locations in West Surabaya region that has dynamic of both economy and society. This study concludes that based on the obtained R square results, heavy vehicles (HV) has 70,80% of influence contribution with noise levels on the case study locations. It indicates that HV has the largest part in influencing the noise pollution compared to motorcycle (MC) and light vehicles (LV) that has 66,63% and 30,21%. On the other hand, for every 10% of MC, LV and HV volume increasing, the noise levels also increase by 1,726%, 2,032%, and 1,733% respectively. The correlation of MC, LV and HV vehicles with noise levels is represented in dB = 0,0025mc – 0,0056lv + 0,56hv + 49,539 of multiple regression model.



Characterization of Soyghurt Synbiotic Drink from Soymilk and Purple Yam Extract

1) 1) 1) Rosida , E Amalia, E and S Djajati

1)Food Technology Departement, Engineering Faculty, UPN Veteran East java

Abstract - The production of synbiotic drink from soy milk and water am filtrate had been studied. Synbiotic is a combination of probiotic and prebiotic components. Synbiotic product is usually found on fermented drink product, such as soyghurt. Prebiotic components of water yam, such as soluble dietary fiber and Inulin, can stimulate selective growth activity of lactic acid bacteria of fermented drink. The aim of this study is to develop diversivy healthy drink based on locally food resources. This research used Completely Randomized Design with factorial pattern cosisted of 2 factors and 2 replications. Factor 1 is the proportion of soymilk:water yam extract (50:50, 60:40, and 70:30) and Factor 2 is the addition of skim milk (5%, 7,5% and 10%). The observed data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance, and if there are significant differences, the data were analyzed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The study revealed that the best treatment is the proportion soymilk:water yam extract (50:50) and 10% of skim milk addition, which produced synbiotic drink with total lactic acid bacteria 10.44 log CFU/ml, pH 4.11, lactic acid content 1.18%, soluble protein content 0.78%, and soluble dietary fiber content 0.21%,



Analysis of Quality Management by Implementing Total Quality Management Based on Deming Prize

Enny Aryanny1, Iriani2

1,2Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - A company needs to improve its performance, especially in terms of quality, in an effort to assure its survival in the business competition with other companies. Therefore, the company needs to measure its performance so that it can find out its current position in the competition and how to improve said position and achieve its goals. Nowadays, many companies try to improve themselves by putting more emphasis on product quality, which is an external kind of quality, instead of on the internal quality of the company. This strategy will not yield the best result in the long run because the internal quality affect the quality of the resulting products. One of management systems that put emphasis on the internal quality and consumer satisfaction is Total Quality Management, which involves all members of the organization. One approach to the aspects included in Total Quality Management is to use the Deming Prize, which reviews the internal quality based on several categories. Based on the results and data analysis, it can be seen that the score for organizational variables is 3.41; standardization of 3.00; control of 2.81; analysis of 2.59; and influence of 3.30. However, there are several categories in the variable that are lower than the terget score, among others, job analysis, organizational goals, work tools, measurement, employee input, and rewards.



Synthesis and Characteristics of β-Tri-Calcium Phosphate from Green Mussel Shell

B Wahyudi1, S Muljani2*, M A Alfan3, A R Zukhrufiansyah4

1,2,3,4Chemical engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java, Jl. Rungkut Madya, Gunung Anyar, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia 60294

*[email protected]

Abstract - The β-tri-calcium phosphate (β-TCP) is a calcium phosphate compound also called whitlockite. This form is more widely used because of its chemical stability, high mechanical strength and better bio-sorption when compared with α-Tri-calcium-phosphate. β-tri-calcium phosphate in this study was obtained from reactions of calcium oxide and phosphoric acid by precipitation method. Precipitation at 50 oC while sintering at 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1000 oC, in the sintering range of 1-5 hours. Green mussel shell has calcium carbonate (CaCO3) content 60-70 % then calcined at 1000 oC to get calcium oxide (CaO). The result shows that β-tri-calcium phosphate optimum reached of 72% at sintering temperature 1000 oC for 5 hr sintering time. The crystal structure of β-tri-calcium phosphate formed is a rhombohedral crystal with a Ca / P ratio mole of 2.72



Synthesis of Tricalcium Phosphate From Eggshells with Precipitation Method

S Sani, S Muljani*, D Astuti, R Mardayana, V D Alfiyani

Chemical engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java, Jl. Rungkut Madya, Gunung Anyar, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia 60294

*[email protected]

Abstract - Calcium phosphate compounds are one of the biomaterials that are widely used for bone reconstruction because they are biocompatible and have a chemical composition that is close to the inorganic components present in the bone. Two types of calcium phosphate that are widely applied to the bone reconstruction process are hydroxyapatite (Ca10 (PO4) 6 (OH) 2) and β- Tricalcium Phosphate (Ca3 (PO4) 2). This research develops the manufacture of β-Tricalcium Phosphate by reacting calcium compounds derived from chicken eggshells and phosphate sources derived from dinatrium phosphate (Na2HPO4) using precipitation method which is carried out with variations in sintering temperature 600 to 1000 °C and sintering time of 1 to 5 h. The results of X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis showed that the Ca / P ratio obtained was 1.74, at the sintering temperature of 1000 °C and the sintering time for 5 h. These results have approached a standard where the ratio of Ca / P on Tricalcium Phosphate is 1.5. While based on the results of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis that in the sample formed two types of Calcium Phosphate namely β-Tricalcium Phosphate and Hydroxyapatite so that it can be said that the product produced is Biphase Calcium Phosphate. The high percentage of β-Tricalcium Phosphate is 81.9% with the 3 highest peaks, namely at the angle 2θ of 27.83 ; 31.03 ; 34.42 is obtained at the sintering temperature of 1000 °C and at the sintering time is 5 h.



Low Sodium Healthy Salt by Dry Methods

S Redjeki1, J Naibaho2, and M T Setiyono3

1,2,3Chemical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Table salt that meets Indonesian National Standards (SNI) have a high sodium content of around 60% so that it is not suitable for consumption by people with hypertension. The reduction in the size of NaCl and KCl salts is carried out in a range of 30; 40; 50; 60 Mesh and the mass ratio of NaCl and KCl is provided at 1: 3; 1: 2; 1: 1; 2: 1; 3: 1. The results showed that there was a decrease in Na concentration in table salt products. The product composition is carried out with AAS and XRF analysis. Products that approach SNI 2016 salt diet is at a particle size of 40 mesh with a mass ratio of 1: 3 where the NaCl content is 54.40 % and the KCl content is 40.33 %.



Vinasse Treatment With Aerobic Microbial Method Using Activated Slugge

I Utami*, D B Kautsar, R F Akbar

Chemical engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java, Jl. Rungkut Madya, Gunung Anyar, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia 60294

*[email protected]

Abstract - Vinasse liquid waste in this study obtained from the ethanol industry which has organic load of COD of 202,232.14 mg/L and BOD of 32,911.47 mg/L. Aeration is used to operate the activated sludge process unit to remove BOD from wastewater in the aerobic microbial method. The research was conducted by conditioning 3L of vinasse wastewater at pH 7 by adding 1 N NaOH, then the acclimatization process was carried out for 24 h using activated sludge with concentration of microorganisms is 13.578 gr/L and 5 L/min of air flow rate in the aeration tank . The processing of vinasse wastewater 3L at pH 7 was carried out on the addition of acclimatized activated sludge microorganisms with quantity 13,578 through 40,734 mg and aeration times in the range of to 2 through 10 h. Removal of organic matter from vinasse waste by activated sludge can be associated with the growth of microorganisms. The results showed that the addition of 40,734 mg of microorganisms for 8 h of aeration obtained the COD removal of 69.273 %, and BOD of 96.652 %.



The Role of Contrastive Analysis in Translation Study


Departement of Civil Engineering Pembangunan Nasional University (UPN) ‘Veteran’ East Java Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - In foreign language teaching and learning process, comparing the two languages between the source language and target language being learnt can not be avoided. According to Carl James, (1980:3) [2], Contrastive Analysis is a linguistic enterprise aimed at producing inverted two-valued typologies, and founded on the assumption that languages can be compared. Meanwhile (Baker, 1998:48) [1] said that contrastive analysis might also provide some explanations of difficulties encountered by a translator in translation. In line with these two statements, it could be assumed that contrastive analysis is closely related to translation study due to the fact that in translation activity, a translator has to compare the two languages, source language and target language. This study aims at describing the relationship between contrastive analysis and translation study. Based on the study analysis, contrastive analysis could be classified into 2 (two) main categories, they are micro linguistic contrastive and macro linguistic contrastive. The first contrastive referred to the language study which is analyzed in accordance with the rule and structure of the language itself. Meanwhile the second one is concerned with the relationship between the language and some other related factors, such as in analyzing the text or discourse. A study on contrastive analysis is also required in language teaching, evaluation and research and translation as well. Furthermore, the relationship between contrastive analysis and translation study was bidirectional. On the other hand, the translation of specific pieces of text might provide the data for contrastive analysis. Therefore, a translator would not find if difficult to do translating a text if the source text being translated had similarities of its linguistic aspects with those of the target one.



Study of Hydrology Nunukan Raw Water Retention Basin in North Kalimantan

Minarni Nur Trilita1*, Wahyu Suryandari2, Novie Handajani3

1,3Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” JawaTimur, Surabaya, Indonesia 2Practitioner, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Water is the source of human life. Therefore it is necessary to make optimum use of it to preserve existing water sources. Raw water demand is influenced by high population growth. The need for raw water in Nunukan Regency is increasing from year to year. Raw water needs in Nunukan Regency are met by utilizing water sources from rivers, wells and rainwater. The available water sources is limited, while the population of Nunukan Regency continues to grow. Therefore, to meet the needs of raw water in Nunukan Regency, a reservoir is needed in the area. One of the elements that must be analyzed in the reservoir design is the hydrological potential that exists including the inflow that fills the reservoir, storage capacity, and flood discharge plans. The analysis results obtained that the volume of water that can fill the reservoir is 0.235 x 106 m3, while storage capacity is 0.013 x 106 m3. Flood discharge plan with a 100-year return period of 4.701 m3/second.



Resistance of Loading Loads in Surabaya River and Its Branch with Qual2KW Model.

N Hendrasarie1) and I D A Swandika2)

1,2Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Pollution of Surabaya River from year to year is increasing, the increase in pollution is the main problem of Surabaya River which is caused by the entry of most of the liquid waste from industrial, agricultural, and domestic activities. Continuous pollution can reduce water quality for rivers and creeks. One solution that can be applied to reduce the level of pollution is by calculating the capacity of pollution loads. This research was conducted to find out the quality of Kali Surabaya and tributaries of Surabaya River and the calculation of pollution load capacity with the QUAL2KW model. The study analysed the parameters of DO, BOD, COD, and phosphate. From the results of the study, the water quality values for Surabaya river and its branch were above the Class I quality standard Government Regulation Number 82 of 2010 and from the calculation results obtained the maximum capacity values BOD load were 23- 1355 kg/day, and COD load were 23-6830 kg/days, while phosphate load were 2,5-125 kg/day



Emotion Mining of Indonesia Presidential Political Campaign 2019 using Twitter Data

A A Arifiyanti1, E D Wahyuni2, and A Kurniawan3

1,2,3Information System Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The presidential election campaign in Indonesia which was held in 2019 attracted the interest of the Indonesian people. People expressing their emotion through social media, one of which is Twitter. Supervised learning is used to classify user’s emotion of that issues. The goal of this research is extracting the emotional content in tweets. The interest is in whether the text is an expression of Twitter users' about the presidential candidates and whether this online forum represents the election results. For this purpose, text mining techniques are performed and we will compare Naive Bayes Classifier and SVM in classification process. The result showed that Naive Bayes Classifier and SVM have good performance for classifiying text and each of classifier have not outperform the others. The result also showed that stemming step in text pre- processing do not give any significant result in model accuracy, because twitter data use informal languange like abbreviation or slang.



Video-based Tancho Koi Fish Tracking System Using CSK, DFT, and LOT

Basuki Rahmat1, Minto Waluyo1, Tuhu Agung Rachmanto1, Mohamad Irwan Afandi1, Helmy Widyantara2, Harianto3

1Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia 2Electrical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya, Indonesia 3Computer System Department, Institut Bisnis dan Informatika STIKOM Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - In this paper, a comparison of Circulant Structure of Tracking-by- detection with Kernels (CSK), Distribution Fields for Tracking (DFT) and Locally Orderless Tracking (LOT) methods is proposed for the process of video- based object tracking. The object in question is the tancho koi fish and its variants, in the form of video recordings. All three methods are applied to trace the red roundabout in the head of the koi fish. The purpose of this study is to provide the best tracking process recommendations for this case. From the experimental results, it is found that the average sample accuracy of the DFT tracking method is more recommended than the other two methods, even though it has an average frame rate that is no better than the CSK method.



Essential Oil from A Satisfying Evening Flower with Enfleuration Process

N K Sari1*, A Erydani2, N J Imannuril3, D Ernawati4, W Wurjani5,

1,2,3Department of Chemical Engineering, 4Department of Industry Engineering, 5Department of Agro Technology, 1,2,3,4Faculty of Engineering, 5Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, East Java, Indonesia Raya Rungkut Madya Gunung Anyar Surabaya, 60294, Indonesia.

[email protected] (indicated by *)

Abstract - A Satisfying evening flower (Polianthes Tuberos) is done concurrently as cut flowers, so that many flowers are rotten and wasted as garbage, the other utilization as essential oil. The influence of adsorbent and texture type Polianthes Tuberos to essential oil yield. The results showed that each adsorbent gave the yield of a mixture of vegetable and animal fat with a water content of 0.21%, the amount of water content indicates the hardness degree of the adsorbent. The essential oil obtained clear yellow, smells typical a very strong of them, does not leave spots on the filter paper and the yield obtained 4.279%. Enfleuration technique is a good technique for the intake of essential oils from flowers



Using Self-Organizing Map (SOM) for Clustering and Visualization of New Students based on Grades

I Y Purbasari1, E Y Puspaningrum1 and A B S Putra2

1Lecturer of Department of Informatics, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia 2Student of Department of Informatics, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Student grouping, particularly in high school, is a necessary process to divide and classify students into classes based on their abilities and interests. Each school may have different approaches to decide the grouping, but most schools use academic grades. The activity occurs every new academic year and schools with plenty of new students registered may feel a bit overwhelmed with this grouping assignment. A decision support system which can automatically perform grouping on a list of students may be able to help the school’s staffs with this repetitive task. A self-organizing map (SOM) is an example of unsupervised learning algorithm using an artificial neural network structure to produce a low dimensional representation from a given input. However, SOM is also known as one of clustering techniques, since dimensionality reduction may also be seen as reducing (or clustering) input data to lower dimensions (or clusters). This research aims to group new enrolled students to a high school based on their academic grades using a SOM learning algorithm. The grades came from their rapport books and national examination results from their previous study. The resulting groups are three distinct clusters which represents Life Sciences, Social Sciences, and Linguistics study areas.



Exploit remote attack test in operating system using arduino micro

HE Wahanani1, M Idhom2, D R Kurniawan3

123 Department of Informatics, Faculty of Computer Science University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The development of technology in this digital era has made people smarter so that they can find weaknesses in information technology. There are several studies that use weaknesses in open USB ports to inject attacks on remote exploits. The author conducts research on controlling a target computer or laptop using remote exploits by utilizing a gap in a computer system, the USB port. Exploitation of remote attacks is done by utilizing a gap in the open USB port. Test automated scripts that are integrated on the Arduino board to be integrated into an open USB port. The script tries to download the backdoor file that was created on the metasploit work task and runs automatically on the target. The impact maker remote exploits the attack gets access control of the target computer or laptop from the operating system Windows, Linux and Mac OS with the help of port forwarding. The most dangerous effects are those that can be done in the background which cannot be seen on the screen for the target computer or storing important data in the target file or directory.



Measurement of the IT Helpdesk Capability Level Using the COBIT 5 Framework

F Muttaqin1, M Idhom1, F A Akbar1, M H P Swari1, E D Putri1

1Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Raya Rungkut Madya Gunung Anyar, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia 60294

[email protected]

Abstract - Directorate Information System of Airlangga University (Direktorat Sistem Informasi Universitas Airlangga, DSI) is a unit of Airlangga University as an IT service for all stakeholders. DSI using helpdesk as an IT service to manage service request and incident. The aims of capability level measurement is to improve IT helpdesk to reach a target score. This research using COBIT 5 framework began by mapping domains through several stages. Those several stages are; stakeholder needs analysis, enterprise goals identification, IT goals identification and domain process COBIT 5 identification. The result of the mapping domain obtained DSS 02 manage service request and incident. The next stages are measure current condition capability level, determine expected level, determine gap. The results of this research using DSS 02 domain process showed a level 1 capability level percentage of 97.23% which is a fully achieved rating level and so is rated to level 1 and go to the next level assessment. Level 2 PA 2.1 capability level percentage of 80% which is a largely achieved rating level and PA 2.2 capability level percentage of 60% which is a largely achieved rating level. So, current capability level rated to level 2. The expected level is at level 3. Hence to achieve a level 3 an improvement is required by applying base practices and fulfilment work products of level 2 and 3.



How IT Support a Government Organization’s Agility to Respond Citizen’s Changing Needs?:Literature Review

Eristya Maya Safitri1, Tony Dwi Susanto2, Rizka Hadiwiyanti3, Arista Pratama4

1,2Departmen of Information System, Universitas Pembangunan 3,4Nasional, Surabaya 60294 Departmen of Information System, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 6011

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Now the use of information technology has changed citizen’s styles and lifestyle. Public services that are practical, very fast and automated is the need for majority of Indonesian society. Coupled with various requests for public services needed by the community with a variety of specific case studies. This certainly has implications for the government in presenting services that suitable with the various needs of the citizen. On the other hand, in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of public services, the government has shifted its business processes by increasing the adoption of e-government. However, the fact is the IT investments that can reach tens or hundreds millions rupiah every year can be said to be almost non-existent by governments where most of the operational processes are carried out electronically. To overcome this problem, the government should not simply shift the business process with IT adoption on a large scale. The government needs to adopt a model of organizational agility to support government IT agility. In anticipating this, several previous studies have contributed to developing an organizational agility model with IT support. However, the model developed is still not enough to achieve organizational agility. Therefore, in this study will synthesize some previous theories relating to organizational agility using IT support. The result of this study are an analysis of the synthesis of the agility process models of government organizations with IT support.



Entrepreneurship Information System Design with ICONIX Process for a Student Business Unit Marketplace

A. Pratama1, S. Mukaromah2, S. A. Ithriah3, E. M. Safitri4

1,2,3,4Department of Information System, Universitas Pembangunan Veteran Jawa Timur, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Indonesia consistently encourage youth generation to become entrepreneurs who have high competitiveness. University plays a role in developing the entrepreneurial spirit and activities of each student as a representative of the youth generation. University provides entrepreneurship courses that are expected to foster interest and encourage the entrepreneurial spirit of students in creating business units. Student business units can create products or services needed by the community and can employ others. This study aims to design student entrepreneurship information systems. The student entrepreneurship information system is a web application-based marketplace to accommodate and promote all products and services of each student business unit. The results of research in the form of UML design with the ICONIX Process approach can provide an overview development of student entrepreneurship information systems in determining the specifications of user requirements, system requirements specifications, and system design.



Microgreen Quality of Broccoli Plants (Brassica oleracea L.) and Correlation between Parameters Widiwurjani1, Guniarti1, N K Sari2and P Andansari2 1Department of Agro Technology, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java, Surabaya, Indonesia 2Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java, Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract - Micro greens are vegetables harvested at a very early age, harvesting is done when cotyledon leaves and a pair of new leaves appear. Plant growth phases include germination, micro greens, baby greens, and mature in greens. This research aimed to determine the quality of microgreens broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) that are water content, total chlorophyll, and dietary fiber due to the influence of planting media and coconut water nutrition. Broccoli microgreens are planted at the Green House of the Faculty of Agriculture, UPN "Veteran" East Java in November-December 2018. Analysis of water content using drying method(thermogravimetri), chlorophyll analysis using spectrophotometry method, and analysis of fiber content with Enzymatic-Gravimetric method. The data were analyzed using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with the post hoc test LSD 5% and HSD 5% and correlation regression between parameters. The results of the study showed an increase in the quality of parameters and there was a close correlation between parameters. Correlation value of water content and total chlorophyll (r = 0.81) with a regression equation y = 1.907 x - 143.2, water content and fiber content (r = 0.84) with regression equation y = 2.628 x - 235.3 and total chlorophyll and fiber content (r = 0.88) with the regression equation y = 1.178 x - 32.05.



Moisture Reduction on Essential Oil with Batch Distillation Process from A Polianthes Tuberos

N K Sari1*, D Ernawati2, W Wurjani3

1Department of Chemical Engineering, 2Department of Industry Engineering, 3Department of Agro Technology, 1,2Faculty of Engineering, 3Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, East Java, Indonesia Raya Rungkut Madya Gunung Anyar Surabaya, 60294, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - Polyanthes tuberos mostly used as cut flowers, with limited time, many flowers become rotten and wasted as garbage, sought another alternative to the utilization it is an essential oil, with distillation process to produce essential oils. The results obtained in the distillation process are each adsorbent giving the results of a mixture of vegetable fats and animals with a moisture content of 0.2169%, the amount of water content indicating the level of hardness of adsorbent. The essential oil obtained crystal clear yellow, a very strong distinctive smell of them, did not leave the place on the filter paper and the results obtained 4.279%. The distillation process is a good technique for the acquisition of essential oils from it is with a water content of 0.11%,



The Online Test application uses Telegram Bots Version 1.

Rizky Parlika1, Arista Pratama2

1Informatics Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Computer Science 2Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Computer Science 1,2National Development University "Veteran " East Java Raya Rungkut Madya Road Gunung Anyar Surabaya

[email protected],[email protected]

Abstract - The development of the smartphones that rapidly increasing, and high smartphone Users as a tool to make a lot of information, make emergence of instant messaging applications with a variety of options for use. Telegram, as one of the instant messaging application that is fairly new, offering in its various features compared to other instant messaging applications, so it can grow rapidly and much in demand in only 2 years. One of the interesting features is the Bot telegram, a special account without number that can handle Command from the User and gives answers appropriate to Command functionality. The account serves as the interface of the running system that communicate via Telegram Bot API. This study seeks to build a Bot telegram with database to built The Online Test application uses Telegram Bots Version 1.0. In each lecture meeting, a Lecturer can make a short test in the form of multiple choices to review the material at the previous meeting and get information about what percentage of students understand the material that has been taught before. We can use the application to send realtime messages to facilitate the test. Of course, which supports the creation of bots easily to add features that did not yet exist. Of the many we chose Telegram to be an online test environment by utilizing the Bot creation facilities provided by Telegram. This article will be a guide that makes it easier for lecturers to give a simple test at the beginning of the meeting, so that they can attract students' daily grades. And in order to be more interactive there are features of student value progress reports that can also be accessed individually so that students can know the progress of their learning outcomes



Progressive Parking Smart System in Surabaya’s Open Area Based on IoT

I Gede Susrama Mas Diayasa1, Ni Luh Wiwik Sri R.G.2, Slamet Winardi3, Ariyono Setiawan4, Sri Wiwoho M.5, Benediktur Anindito6, Tri Andjarwati7

1 Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Raya Rungkut Madya Gunung Anyar, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. 2 Department of Informatics Engineering, STMIK STIKOM, Denpasar Bali Indonesia 4 Department of Air Transportation Management, Aviation polytechnic of surabaya, Indonesia 3,6 Department of Computer System, Narotama University, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia 5 Department of Civil Engineering, Narotama University, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia 7 Faculty of Economics and Business, 17 Agustus University Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Nowadays, progressive parking systems still have disadvantages. It only serves to notify total parking rates to motorized vehicle users when they are still in the parking area. Besides, the payment uses cash. Meanwhile, some users want to pay parking fees using tokens or virtual money. It has dual functions. They are a total parking tariff notification online and to reduce the leakage of parking rates because parking users are not given tickets by park officials. Moreover, it can find out the position of the vehicle in the parking area. By using the GPS Module, it will send data to Arduino Uno if the vehicle is in the parking area. Furthermore, it will activate the initial parking time with the Wemos D1 Mini controller. Later, it will provide notifications on the user's smartphone using the Blynk application. Users can find out the total parking rates that will be paid through notifications on the smartphone and directly cut the balance in the parking user account progressively. The trial of an opened area progressive parking system based on the Internet of Things (IoT) produces a tool that is able to provide modern notifications using wireless or hotspot connections.



Detection of Text Similarity for Indication Plagiarism Using Winnowing Algorithm Based K-gram and Jaccard Coefficient

Eva Y Puspaningrum1, Budi Nugroho2 , Ariyono Setiawan3 , Nuraini Hariyanti4

1,2,4 Informatics, Faculty of Computer Science , Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur

3 Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya

[email protected]

Abstract - One of the digital data is a document. Documents can be easily copied and deleted. Anyone can retype or copy parts of the document. In this paper will detect text similarity. The more similarity of words there is the more indicated the document is plagiarism. Winnowing algorithm performs the calculation of hash values of each k-gram. This method improves the search time with more accuracy in the detection process. All data selected hash values will be fingerprints of a document. Fingerprint will be used as a basis for comparing similarities between text data. The fingerprint value of the winnowing process for each document will be matched by using the Jaccard Coefficient to measure the similarity of the text. In this paper results show that the adjustment of the k-gram and window values can affect the final result of the similarity percentage value. The smaller the k- gram value, the greater the percentage value.



Analysis and design student entrepreneurship information system

S Mukaromah1, A Pratama2, S A Ithriah3, and A B Putra4

1,2,3,4 Dept. of Information System, Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Entrepreneurship Course is a compulsory subject that must be accepted by all students of University of Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur. This is done with the goal that students have the spirit of entrepreneurship. For this reason, in order for entrepreneurship to continue until students graduate, a Student Entrepreneurship Information System is created or it is called Sistem Informasi Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa (Sirama) in Indonesia. In the following article we will discuss about the proposed system design as a place for entrepreneurship for students and alumni. The analysis design that will be discussed is System Flow, Data Flow Diagrams (DFD), and Conceptual Data Model (CDM) and Physical Data Model (PDM) which are generated from CDM. The conclusion of this article is the system design for developing programs using web applications.



Network Security Applications Using the Port Knocking Method

Mohammad Idhom1, HE Wahanani2, Akhmad Fauzi3

1,2 Department of Informatics, Faculty of Computer Science University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia 3Department of Economic Development, Faculty of Economic and Business Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The most important point in network services is security of access in the port . However, the problem that occurs is an open port or access that cannot be accessed with authentication that can facilitate unauthorized users to be accessed by the server. This is the basis for increasing access rights to the server that is built without having to close the port used by the user. Therefore a port knocking method is needed. Port knocking is a security system that can perform a function that is blocking unwanted access. In principle, port knocking successfully closes all ports on the server. If the user needs access to the server, the user does a "knock" to use the service, then if the user has finished accessing the port is closed again. The system built in this study uses three ports, namely port 22 (SSH), port 23 (Telnet), and port 80 (Web). Port Access time is 10 seconds each. Based on the results of the analysis and testing of the system implementation carried out, the results of the system can be run properly and can improve the security of network systems that are built compared to networks that do not use Port Knocking security. In research assessing on public and local networks. According to the results analysis, carrying out a remote server via local time requires faster time from a remote server through the public. In the SSH protocol there is a difference in time of 2.42 seconds, Telnet 2.14 seconds, and Web 2.19 seconds.



Integration at the Application Interface Level between SIAMIK and SIPERPUS (a Case Study in XX)

E D Wahyuni1, D Novitasari1, M S Hadi1 and N Hasanah1

1Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Many business organizations have information systems, but most still operate separately as a silo. The problem that arises is that there is ineffectiveness in the process that is in the application. So the need for an integrated information system that can access two or more systems in the organization is needed. The system integration process is carried out using Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) method at the application interface level. This method is used to integrate academic information systems (SIAMIK) and library information systems (SIPERPUS). The results of this study are that both applications are connected without changing source codes from both applications. The integrated system design can facilitate the admin in the process of registering new users from the SIPERPUS application.



Detection of Relevant Career Track for Information System Undergraduates Using Profile Matching

Prisa Marga Kusumantara

Departement of Information System, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - We are facing the industrial revolution era 4.0 today. The issue of information technology, disruption technology and employment is very urgent. Data from the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology and from the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower in 2017 show that Indonesian workers who work not in accordance with their majors are above 50%. The number of jobs relevant graduates are an important value for Information System study program during the assessment by the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education. So that needs a system to help students for detecting, identifying, and directing them to relevant career track using Decission Support System approach. Profile Matching method implemented with determining of 17 alternatives (career track) and 18 criteria (competencies: core=60%, elective=40%) based on IS 2010 curriculum. Whereas weight of each criterion associated with alternatives is stated in 3 variants (significant coverage, some coverage, not required). The highest rank shows that those career track is the most relevant to the student's criteria (competencies). The other uses of those rank is also able to help students in determining their thesis topic.



Difficulty Curve-Based Procedural Generation of Scrolling Shooter Enemy Formations

Pratama Wirya Atmaja1, Sugiarto2, Eka Prakarsa Mandyartha3

1 2 3 Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Jalan Raya Rungkut Madya, Surabaya, Indonesia

1 [email protected] [email protected] 3 [email protected]

Abstract - In any game where the player must face large formations of enemies, the way the formations are formed significantly influences the difficulty level of the game. As proper difficulty levels are essential to player’s enjoyment, the enemy formations need to be arranged properly. In this paper we experimented with how to procedurally generate enemy formations in a vertical scrolling shooter game while keeping the difficulty levels proper. Generations of the formations were done with genetic algorithm where the fitness function calculated two variables: difficulty curve, which reflects a formation’s difficulty level, and enemy variety. The difficulty curve took into account difficulty points, which measured the danger levels of on-screen enemies throughout the game’s duration. The fitness of difficulty curve of an enemy formation was acquired through point-by-point comparison between the curve and a human-designed one, which represented the ideal difficulty curve as intended by the game’s developer, and calculation of the root-mean-square error. The genotype of an individual was represented by a 5x40 grid containing enemy genes and empty space genes. We ran 300 generations in total and each was done in 100 iterations and had 40 individual genotypes. The results show that the amount of enemy genes in initial genotypes influences the population’s fitness progression. We then discuss the implications of our findings and possible directions of future researches.



Design and Development Executive Information System Application with Drilldown and What-If Analysis features

Agung Brastama Putra1, Siti Mukaromah2, Agussalim2, Yessika Lusiarini3, Mohamad Ibnu Rizky3, Pradita Yunifa Bestari3

1,2,3 Departement of Information System, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur

[email protected]

Abstract - Indonesia has a big potential in the agriculture sector, paddy is the leading commodity in the food crop sub-sector. To achieve food self-sufficiency, the availability of paddy commodities information is needed to support stakeholders in making decisions. The problem presented in this paper is how to develop executive information system software that provides summarized information related to production, land area and productivity of paddy. To answer the question above, the following steps are needed: a. design and b. develop the Design process from this paper using the iconix process and result from the build process is an application Executive Information System (EIS). The application developed uses the drill-down graphics and what-if analysis facility to display land area, production, and productivity, the information displayed provides valuable insights into the industry and helps in decision making.



Exploring Online Shoppers’ Acceptance of Electronic Marketplace Using UTAUT and The Flow Theory

Asif Faroqi1, Apol Pribadi S2, Tri Lathif M.S.3

1,3University of Pembangunan National Veteran Jawa Timur 2Department of Information Systems, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

[email protected]

Abstract - Today, e-marketplace is the fastest growing business model. This phenomenon causes competition among e-marketplace providers to become very tight. Some e-marketplace providers become more successful than others with many active users both from buyers and sellers. Identifying what made people using e-marketplace is needed. Existing research has analyzed the user's motivation for the extrinsic factor. This study discusses online user acceptance of e-marketplace from both intrinsic and extrinsic factors especially online shoppers in Indonesia. Shopping enjoyment as component of flow theory was added to the model to describe the intrinsic factor. This investigation takes the sample from the employees, housewives, and educated. The result shows that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors are influencing the adoption of e-marketplace in Indonesia. E-marketplace service providers can use the result from this investigation to improve their services.



The Face Recognition Performance in Every Lighting Condition of Testing Data

Budi Nugroho 1)

1) Department of Informatics, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected] 1)

Abstract - Face recognition system is still a topic that is widely studied today, because it has problems that are quite complex. One problem is related to the illumination factor, which significantly influences face recognition performance. One of the methods often used for object recognition problems that is influenced by illumination factors is the obust Regression, which is also used in this research. The problem to be solved is related to the performance of face recognition in various lighting conditions. Using one of the face databases, the Yale Face Database B Cropped, an experiment was performed on each lighting condition of the face data. In the Yale Face Database B Cropped, there are 10 individuals, where each individual has 64 variations of images based on illuminations which are grouped into 5 subsets according to their contrast level. Experiments are generally carried out using all subsets as training data and all other data as testing data, where the results show general face recognition performance (in all lighting conditions). In this research, experiments were carried out for each subset as testing data, where the results showed the performance of face recognition in each lighting condition. The experimental results showed the highest face recognition performance in subset 1 (98.21%), while the lowest performance is in subset 4 (84.46%). The trend of the experimental results shows that the face recognition performance of the Robust Regression method is getting better on face data with a higher level of contrast.



Online Learning Self-Efficacy: The Role in E-Learning Success

S A Ithriah1, D Ridwandono2, T L M Suryanto3

1, 2, 3 Department Information System, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur.

[email protected]

Abstract - The e-learning success factor has been widely researched. One of which is Self-Efficacy, that has a vital role in online learning. Previous research has focused only on Computer Self-Efficacy. While the effect of a more specific factor, Online Learning Self-Efficacy, is unknown. This research has a contribution in revealing the influence of Online Learning Self-Efficacy factor to the success of e-learning by using D & M model. This study uses a quantitative approach to a sample of 101 university students. The result of data processing using Warp PLS shows that the factor of Online Learning has a positive and significant influence on the use of e-learning. Although this research has some limitations, which will be discussed in this paper, this research can still become a starting point for further research in the online learning field.



Global and Adaptive Thresholding Technique for White Blood Cell Image Segmentation

Eka Prakarsa Mandyartha1, Fetty Tri Anggraeny1, Faisal Muttaqin1 and Fawwaz Ali Akbar1

1Department of Informatics, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Global and local thresholding are two thresholding approaches for white blood cell (WBC) image segmentation. Global thresholding determines the threshold value based on the histogram of the overall pixel intensity distribution of the image. In contrast, adaptive thresholding computes the threshold value for each fractional region of the image, so that each fractional region has a different threshold value. In this work, we are assessing both of these approaches for two threshold values. We extended the Otsu’s equation to calculate more than one threshold as it originally designed to find only a single threshold value. Adaptive thresholding first divides an image into fractional-image by considering an imaginary bounding box that surrounds the location of WBC, which involves the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization method. For segmentation performance evaluation, we compare 35 blood smear test images which segmented by our proposed method, with their corresponding ground truth image to representing them in Zijdenbos Similarity Index (ZSI), precision, and recall measurement. Experimental results show that adaptive thresholding achieves average ZSI, precision and recall, 92.5%, 91.79%, 94.03%, while global thresholding achieves 30.72%, 23.38%, and 99.39% respectively.



Developing and Evaluating a Jejakatua Virtual Campus Tour Prototype Using Auto-stitching Technique

T L M Suryanto1, N C Wibowo2

1,2 Information System, Faculty of Computer Science University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This paper describes the design and manufacture of virtual campuses with auto-stitching techniques. The automatic stitching technique using Insta360 allows getting a panoramic view of the 3600 campus area. The creation of a virtual campus is built by each campus to support campus promotion more fully and more closely. The prototype of the Virtual Campus Exploration (Jejakatua) application was implemented at the Faculty of Computer Science UPN "Veterans" Jatim the Jejakatua application page and evaluated by users using a set of questionnaires distributed using Google Forms. The results of testing by the black box test the built system is in accordance with the design and can be operated properly. Studying the questionnaire to 30 respondents from UPN "Veteran" Jatim academicians gave a pretty good average response. So Jejakatua is fully built using the auto-stitching method using Insta360 and is quite feasible to be implemented on Campus.



Performance of Delay Tolerant Network Protocol in Smart City Scenario

Agussalim1, Masato Tsuru2, Nur Cahyo W.3, and Agung Brastama P.4

1,3,4Information Systems Department of Computer Science Faculty University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Surabaya Indonesia 2 Computer Science and Network Department Kyushu Institute of Technology, Fukuoka Japan

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - The smart city is being developed in many big cities to support local governments for resources and infrastructure optimization in terms of enhancing services for the citizen. Large investment costs are required to implement a communication network for the smart city infrastructure (i.e. Internet of Things (IoT) devices) using 4G or Wi-Fi networks. This study aims to implement Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) as a low-cost alternative network for the smart city. We use Surabaya smart city plan scenario in which smart mobility services are provided in city transportation and infrastructure. The IoT devices are installed in numerous locations and continuously transmit messages to the monitoring server located in the city hall, bus and car employed as a DTN node. In this paper, as a preliminary research, we investigate the performance of well-known DTN routing protocols (Epidemic, Maxprop, and ProphetV2) with our proposed protocol called Spray and Hop Distance (SNHD). The evaluation is performed using the ONE simulator in terms of the number of delivered messages, the average latency, and the overhead ratio. The results show the performance of SNHD is better than the well-known DTN protocols in various conditions when the total size of delivered messages is large. Unfortunately, none of those routing protocols has a good performance in all of the scenario conditions. In the future, we desire to implement this system in real smart city system in Surabaya and do simulation with more realistic scenario such as real traffic-trace.



Husk as a Substitute for Styrofoam Plastic Products Manufacturing Packaging

Reda Rizal1, Lomo Mula Tua2 and Sargi Br. Ginting3

1,3Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia

2Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]

Abstract - The problem discussed in this article is related to manufacturing activities that use styrofoam plastic materials as packaging for electronic goods that have the potential to damage the environment. Material innovation from National natural resources is needed to overcome it. The replacement of synthetic materials with rice husk material as manufacturing raw materials is used as a keyword in an effort to minimize the impact of environmental pollution. The study used a trial method of making new material substitutions for the development of green manufacturing. Modeling and testing of chaff material for styrofoam substitutes as packaging for manufactured goods has been successfully carried out with a research performance level of 95%. The resulting husk model has physical characteristics that are close to those of Styrofoam, namely A4 + T + P3 + W + t6. model. Micro-biologically, the husk material is easily broken down in the soil so that this material does not disturb the living environment when it becomes trash. While styrofoam material is not decomposed by micro- organisms in the soil, so that the husk material can be used as a substitute for styrofoam plastic materials.



Construction of Collaboration Model of Supply Chain Management on Business Performance and Sustainable Competitive Advantage Using Structural Equation Modeling (Sem) Method

Mohammad Rachman Waluyo1, Nurfajriah2, Haris Adi Swantoro3, Evan Filbert4 Pinta Imanda5

1,2,3,4,5 Industrial Engineering, Engineering Faculty Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Supply chain management strategies can be used to collaborate between members of the supply chain through supply chain collaboration (SCC). Supply chain collaboration can be made using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). SEM is a statistical modeling technique to test the relationship between complex variables to obtain a comprehensive picture of the overall model. The method in this study is included in the type of causal research, where the population involves all ICON + employees from the group leader level to managers and employees who have and know the process of procurement of goods and services. The size of the sample is based on the maximum likelihood, which is greater than or equal to 100. The results of this study show 6 hypotheses proposed by the researchers. The result is 1 non-significant variable as a factor affecting supply chain collaboration, namely the Trust variable, while Communication, Commitment and Dependency have a significant influence on collaboration supply chain, the results of this study also answer research gaps previously carried out by (Stefany et al., 2014) which state that dependence has no significant effect on supply chain collaboration.



Identification of Body Posture Of Milkfish Satay Workers Using The Rula and Owas Method

1 2 Nurfajriah and Mohammad Rachman Waluyo

1, 2 Industrial Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran”, Jakarta, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Manual workers are still commonly found in various work activities. Manual work done repeatedly with monotonous movements and long working time has the potential to cause work fatigue. In repetitive monotonous motion it can overload the muscles. Incorrect work posture can lead to excessive fatigue. This poor work posture is often caused by the design of work facilities that are less concerned with conformity with its users. From this study it was found that the current working method is less ergonomic because the testing with RULA and OWAS the majority of the indicators are on a scale of 4 and must be changed how its works. On milkfish management workers, refining milkfish spines, burning milkfish is a monotonous repetitive work that is not supported by appropriate facilities. Work posture with a stand and a twist and often bending. This study aims to redesign the work station to get a good work posture. designing work stations using 8.2 software jack. Work stations consisting of tables and chairs are designed with due regard to anthropometry and operator motion requirements. Design evaluation is done by evaluating the work posture using biomechanical analysis, using a toolkit analysis that includes analysis of SSP, LBA, RULA, and OWAS. Evaluation results in workers sitting with a well-built body position, the direction of the head parallel to the direction of the object subject to work, and the worker being avoided from the bending position and twist



Designing Passengers Cabin Of Carrier Vehicles Of 6x6 Armour Personnel With Principles Of Ergonomic

Halim Mahfud1, Lilik Zulaihah2, Rifa Arifati3, Nurfajriah4

1,2,3,4Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta

[email protected]

Abstract - Anoa is one of the primary weaponry defense system of Republic of Indonesia, however the original design Anoa adapted from a similar vehicle from France, whose inhabitants have a different body postures from Indonesian people. This research is aimed to find out whether the Anoa design is ergonomic for Indonesian Army. The research was formed with review the shoter cockpit and passenger cabin at Anoa Panser 2 and then redesign according to percentil 5% & 95% of Indonesian Army personnel anthropometric. In addition to accordingly fitting to personnel anthropometric, improvement also formed based on personnel complaint through Nordic questionnaire. The questionnaire result was processed using QFD method to find out improvement needs that should be prioritized. Based on QFD analisys, improvement that should be prioritized are comfortable seating, appropriate and comfortable doors, safe shooting position, seating for shooter. The next is the design result was simulated using Software Jack to get the value LBA, OWAS, and RULA which used to search the value of PEI of existing and improved design then compare them. According to compared result of PEI value is known that after adjusting the anthropometric size of Indonesia Army the value of PEI becomes smaller.



Analysis Performance of Force Convection Cooling Using Synthetic Jets With Wave Variations (Sine, Square, and Triangular)

1 2 3 Bintang Arya Putra , Damora Rhakasywi , M As’adi and Nur 4 Cholis

1,2,3,4Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta

[email protected]

Abstract - Every electronic device has a disadvantage that is heat generated from the components contained in the device while operating. The heat that occurs during the process can affect the effectiveness of these electronic devices. The cooling fan is directed to a heat source from an electronic device with the aim of maintaining the device's performance temperature. However, the cooling fan used still has some disadvantages in terms of dimensions. Therefore, research on synthetic jets is carried out as an innovation in cooling. This study aims to find wave characteristics as a source. Optimum frequency selection to support cooling. As well as the ideal height of synthetic jets to heat sources. The method used in the research is direct and computer-based data retrieval for CFD. The use of triangular waves as a source of cooling with a frequency of 80 Hz at an altitude of 8 cm can reduce rapidly. However, the lowest final temperature comes from a height of 2 cm which is 28.1 ℃.



Integration of Quality Function Deployment and Analytical Hierarchy Process in Developing Digital Application Features

Akhmad Nihomuz Zaman1, Arraz Naoval Viacenza2, Alina Cynthia Dewi3, Muhamad As’adi4, Donny Montreano5

1,2,3,4,5Industrial Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesian

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - The development of digital technology is increasingly developing along with the emergence of the industrial concept 4.0. Indirectly, this creates opportunities for the macro and micro industries located in cities and villages. Analysis of visitor needs and application feature priorities were carried out in this study for the development of android applications in the “Ponggok Village” and “Cikoromoy Village”. The purpose of this study is to make it easier for visitors to know the tourism objects in the village. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) are used as a basis for designing digital application designs. Identification of visitor needs is obtained by using QFD methods and ranking of application features is obtained by using methods. Finally, two villages were compared in order to developing an integrated digital application.



Performance Analysis of Forced Convection Coolers using Synthetic Jets With Variations in Altitude from Synthetic Jets to Heat Sources

1 2 Muchammad Baihaqi Muslich , Damora Rhakasywi , M 3 4 As’adi , Nur Cholis

1,2,3,4Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta

[email protected]

Abstract - Every electronic device has a disadvantage that is heat generated from the components contained in the device while operating. The heat that occurs during the process can affect the effectiveness of these electronic devices. The cooling fan is directed to a heat source from an electronic device with the aim of maintaining the device's performance temperature. However, the cooling fan used still has some disadvantages in terms of dimensions. Therefore, research on synthetic jets is carried out as an innovation in cooling. This study aims to find wave characteristics as a source. Optimum frequency selection to support cooling. As well as the ideal height of synthetic jets to heat sources. The method used in the research is direct and computer-based data retrieval for CFD. The use of triangular waves as a source of cooling with a frequency of 80 Hz at an altitude of 8 cm can reduce rapidly. However, the lowest final temperature comes from a height of 2 cm which is 28.1 ℃



Improving Employees’ Safety Behaviour on The Production Process by Designing Occupational Health and Safety System

Siti Rohana Nasution1, Harris SA2 and Fidela Valencia3

1,2 Industrial Engineering Department, UPNJ, Jakarta, Indonesia 3Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia

[email protected], 2fidela•[email protected]

Abstract - Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) of a company is of paramount importance, but employees’ lack of awareness lead to cases of workplace accidents. This research looks into the production process of a casting company to assess its safety system. The company produces cast iron products, such as wheel pans and fan blowers. This research aims to identify the risks of workplace accidents using Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) method, which is a systematic identification of potential hazards in the workplace. Utilizing JHA method, this research identified, analyzed, and recorded the risks of workplace accidents. In this study, researchers also created Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to prevent occupational accidents and diseases.



GHR mRNA Expression in the Liver and Muscles of Local Pigs from The Islands in North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Revolson Alexius Mege1, Friska Mery Montolalu2, Nonny Manampiring3, Debby Jacqueline J Rayer4

1Biology department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Manado State University Manado, Indonesia 2Pharmacy department Christian University of Indonesia Tomohon, Indonesia 3Biology department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Manado State University Manado, Indonesia 4Biology department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Manado State University Manado, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - The GHR gene is known as a member of the growth gene's superfamily that function important in controlling the growth. This study was designed to investigate the expression of GHR genes in the liver and muscles of local pig from the islands in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The parameters measured was GHR mRNA expression by reverse tranriptase RT-PCR. mRNA sample was taken from liver and longisimus dorsi muscle of sacrifice pigs and cDNA was amplified using specific primer for target genes. The GHR primer gene used was 5’ TTT TCT GGG AGT GAA GCC AC 3' and R = 5’ AGG GCT CTG TAA ACC GTG AC 3' with its housekeeping gene GAPDH. The result showed that GHR is expressed in the liver and muscles of local pig from the islands in North Sulawesi. GHR mRNA expression in muscles was higher than in liver (P>0.05). The GHR gene expression was also regulated by factors such as nutritional intake, GH, ages, temperature and hormones.



Ethnomathematics in Majapahit's Culture: Geometry Concepts and Pedagogy Reviews in the life of Mlaten Trowulan Villages

Mega Teguh Budiarto1, Rini Setianingsih2, Rudianto Artiono3

1,2,3Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Ketintang Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This study examines the elements of culture, especially the manufacture of pottery of Mlaten Trowulan, East Java Indonesia. It can be used to review the mindset of the Majapahit tribe from the point of view about the pottery artisans show how to make make the pottery to the next generation craftsmen. This research is a qualitative research with ethnography method. The results showed that there are 25 types of pottery which has a symmetrical geometric shape. The artisans show how to make the pottery to the elementary school student with some techniques, such as rotating, plating, pushing, and twisting. All techniques have been taught by learning by doing method. The symmetrical pottery model can be obtained from rotating a function f against the x-axis. The function f is obtained from a three-point cubic interpolation with its midpoint as the peak point. In order to develop another pottery model, another transformation function can be used.



Statistical Reasoning Levels of High School Students in Solving Statistics-Related Problems

R Setianingsih1, DA Rahmah2

1,2Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia. Gedung C8, Kampus Unesa Ketintang, Surabaya, Indonesia 60231

[email protected]

Abstract - Statistical reasoning is one of the focus of statistical learning at this time. Statistical reasoning is needed by students to understand the concept of statistics, to process information, and to draw conclusions both in statistical learning and in daily life. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach that aims to describe the level of statistical reasoning of high school students who have low mathematical abilities in solving statistics related problems in each statistical process, namely the process of describing data, the process of organizing and reducing data, the process of representing data, as well as the process of analyzing and interpreting data. The subjects in this study were two high school students of grade XII who had low mathematical abilities based on the math skills tests that had been given. The results showed that both subjects in the process of describing data successively reached level 2 (Verbal Reasoning) and level 4 (Procedural Reasoning). Meanwhile, in the process of organizing and reducing data and the process of representing data, the first and second subjects both reached level 1 (Idiosyncratic Reasoning), while in the process of analyzing and interpreting data, the first and second subjects both reached level 1 (Idiosyncratic Reasoning).



The Voices of Students about Climate Change: A Preliminary Reasearch E Hariyono1,*, Madlazim2, and M Hartati1 1,2Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

*[email protected]

Abstract - The issue of climate change is unavoidable and a real challenge, especially in the world of education. The low mastery of concepts and differences in perceptions of the concept of climate change makes the threat of climate change increasingly alarming because people really do not understand it. Good mastery of concepts makes it easier for students to take notes related to climate change mitigation and adaptation. This study aims to identify the perceptions and understanding of students on climate change based on data from the distributed questionnaire. The results showed that most students still have errors in perceiving the concept of climate change, especially in the matter of the relationship between climate change and global warming, ozone layer depletion, the greenhouse effect. So that it can be concluded that the error of the concept of climate change is massive and comprehensive for the basic, yet important, element of society. A smart effort is needed to solve it.



Student Achievements Using Problem Solving Learning

Nurita,1* and An Nuril MF1

1Science Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

*[email protected]

Abstract - This study aims to describe the achievement of students' reasoning by using Problem Solving Learning. This type of research uses descriptive quantitative methods. Achieving student reasoning can be seen through student activities. Achievement of students' reasoning can be categorized very well, students can be said to be active in participating in learning which is seen through the percentage of activities that reach 82% - 100%, while irrelevant activities only amount to 31%.



A physics representation with “Picsar” to enhance students’ thinking skills in abstract concepts

N Suprapto1,* and W Nandyansah1

Physics Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

*[email protected]

Abstract - The aim of the research was developing an augmented reality-based learning media to enhance students’ thinking skills in abstract concept. Through an ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, and Evaluation), the research resulted in a Picsar (Physics Augmented Reality). The atomic model was exemplified as an abstract concept in physics as an outcome of Picsar. The findings of the research describe the feature of Picsar as well as the performance of augmented reality of atomic models. Additionally, students’ abstract thinking skills of atomic models were also discussed, including proportional reasoning, probabilistic reasoning, combinatorial reasoning, and correlational reasoning. Overall, the students achieved 100% proportional reasoning indicators, 66.67% on probabilistic reasoning indicators, 75.76% on combinatorial reasoning indicators, and 66.67% on correlational reasoning indicators with very good and good categories.



Non-Science students’ attitude toward the importance of environment-based learning using Vi-Learning in basic natural science courses

M N R Jauhariyah1*, M Yantidewi1, E N Abidin1, W Kartikasari1, M D Fitransyah1, A Mahendra1, S Admoko1, Martini2

1Physics Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, indonesia 2Science Education Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, indonesia Abstract - This study aims to describe the non-science students’ attitude toward the importance of environment-based learning using Vi-Learn in basic natural science courses from the need assessment questionnaire. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive through analysis of needs assessment questionnaire data. The results of this preliminary study indicate that there is a positive response to the need for environment-based learning modules using vi- learning in basic natural science courses. Most respondents are agreed that if basic natural science learning uses an environment-based module using vi-learning.



Online-based learning to train students crytical thinking in physics teacher training program

R Kustijono1 and SR Hakim2

1Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Surabaya 2Department of Vocational Education, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Surabaya

[email protected]

Abstract - The research objective is to describe the effectiveness of online-based learning to train students' critical thinking in physics teacher training programs. The elements of critical thinking are: analyzing, evaluating, implementing, generating ideas, and expressing ideas. This type of research is quasi- experimental with a time-series design. Effectiveness is seen from the ability to train the elements of critical thinking and student responses. Manipulation variable is online-based physics learning and the dependent variable is an element of critical thinking. The research subjects were 40 students of the Physics teacher training program at Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The elements of critical thinking and student responses are assessed using a Likert scale. Descriptive statistics are used to analyze data. Learning is effective if the average value of critical thinking elements ≥ 3.1 (scale 0-5) for each module is discussed with a fixed or upward trend. Student responses are effective if the percentage is ≥ 61%. The results obtained: 1) the average score of critical thinking elements ≥ 3.1 2) The percentage of student responses ≥ 61%. These results indicate that online- based learning can effectively train students' critical thinking in the Physics Teacher Training Program and get a positive response.



Magnetic Properties of Fe3O4@Graphene: Preparation from Natural Material

Munasir1, R.P. Kusumawati2, D.H. Kusumawati3

1,2,3Physics Department, Reseach Centre of Mineral and Advanced Material, Faculty of Mathematics and Naturals Science, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Unesa-Ketintang Campus, Suranaya, Indonesia, 60321.

Abstract - This work presents a study of structure and the magnetic behavior of Fe3O4 nanoparticles produced in the extraction process and Magnetic Nanoparticle of Fe3O4 coated by graphene oxide (GO) from natural materials of coconut shells (graphite). Preparation of the coreshell composite Fe3O4@Graphene was carried out with ex-situ process. Superparamagnetic analysis of Fe3O4, and Fe3O4@Graphene using VSM (vibrating sample magnetometer), structure analysis using HRPD, TEM and adsorption of dyes solution in the drink water. Obtained results, along with the thickening of the skin (Graphene that encloses the core particles (Fe3O4), the saturation of the magnetization (Ms) decreases. And the amount of GO composition affects the coating decorated (shell); Fe3O4/Graphene absorptivity increases when walls are thinner.



The Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Learning Devices Model for Practicing Student Scientific Literacy

F Retnowati1, Prabowo2 and Madlazim2

1 Science Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya 2 Physics Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

[email protected]

Abstract - The School Literacy Activity is one of the habits which is being carried out in the schools nowadays, students are accustomed to reading. The purpose of this study is to train students' scientific literacy through guided inquiry learning models. The study used one group pretest posttest design with the three replication classes in eighth grade, on liquid pressure materials. The data collection methods were through tests and surveys. Then, the data collection were collected in the form of scientific literacy tests and student response questionnaires. The data analysis uses quantitative descriptive techniques based on the results of scientific literacy tests and student responses. From the analysis of the data, it can be seen that the scientific literacy skills of students experiences increase in grades after learning process with a moderate level of improvement indicated by the average N-Gain value of 0.62 for the replication 1 class; 0.67 for the replication class 2 and 0.67 for the replication class 3. The students’ increasing to the scientific literacy skills is also supported by the positive response of students during learning process. Then based on these findings, it can be concluded that the guided inquiry learning model is effective in practicing students' scientific literacy skills.



Effect of Addition of Different Egg Yolks in Basic Tris- Soya Diluent on Quality, Membrane Integrity of Senduro Goat Sperm, and Free Radicals during Storage at Temperature of 4-5o C

N Ducha*1, W Budijastuti2, D A Rahayu3

1,2,3Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

*[email protected]

Abstract - Semen diluents need macromolecules to protect sperm from the impact of temperature during storage and the presence of free radicals. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of adding yolk from different types of eggs to the quality and integrity of the sperm membrane. Fresh semen was diluted with basic tris-soya diluent wich was added with different types of chicken egg yolk, such as local chicken eggs and leghorn chicken eggs. As a control group, fresh semen was diluted with basic tris-soya diluent without the addition of egg yolk. The addition of egg yolk was 20% of the diluent volume. Quality observations include motility and viability of sperm. Sperm motility was observed using a microscope with 200 X magnification. The sperm viability was observed using the eosin and negrosin staining method, then it observed under a microscope with 200 X magnification. The integrity of sperm membrane was observed using the HOST method, and then observed under a microscope with 200 X magnification. Free radicals then observed with MDA test. The results showed that the motility, viability and membrane integrity of sperm only lasted until the 12 hour of storage, with the greatest motility, viability and membrane integrity obtained in diluents with the addition of leghorn chicken egg yolk. The smallest MDA test was 2.72, which obtained from diluents with the addition of leghorn chicken egg yolk. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the leghorn chicken egg yolk has the best ability to maintain the quality of Senduro Goat sperm during 4-5⁰C storage temperature.



Cellulolytic Fungi Isolation and Identification from Fermetoge, Cattle Feed Composed of Fermented Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) And Corn (Zea mays) Cob

Isnawati1, Ni’matuzahroh2, T Surtiningsih2

1Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Surabaya, Jalan Ketintang, 60231, Surabaya, Indonesia 2Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University, Jalan Mulyorejo, 60114, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Fermetoge is fermented feed produced from fermentation of water hyacinth and corn cob mixture, commonly used as cattle feed in East Java, Indonesia. Fermetoge is composed of these cellulose-contained materials easily degraded by cellulase enzymes produced by fungi during fermentation. This study was aimed to isolate fungi from Fermetoge and screen their ability in degrading cellulose. Ten fungi isolates were found from fermetoge, three out of which indicated high cellulolytic activity. The three of them were identified based on partial ITS 1 and ITS 4 gene sequencing as Rhizophus stolonifer, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Penicillium sp., with similarity level of 95%, 100%, and 89% respectively. Isolation and identification of fungi from fermetoge can give insight into cellulose-degrading fungi species to be studied for further developing starter culture and improving the quality of starter-base fermented feed.



The Ability of Sagittaria lancifolia as Phytoremediator on Detergent Solution

H Fitrihidajati1, E Kustiyaningsih2, F Rachmadiarti3

1,2,3Lecturer and 2Student of Math and Science Faculty of Surabaya State University of Surabaya, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - Sagittaria lancifolia is a plant that can be used as a phytoremediator. This study aimed to determine the effect of phytoremediation in various concentrations of a detergent solution, a different detention time and interaction both on levels of LAS, BOD, leaf morphology and chlorophyll content. Method using an experimental with randomized block design with three factors of each treatment with three replications. Analysis of data using ANOVA two directions and continued test of Duncan. The results showed that the average percentage reduction in the levels of LAS on the most optimal planting medium is shown at a concentration of 75 ppm detention time of 14 days at 81.53%, the average BOD is best contained at a concentration of 10 ppm to 14 days detention time of 25.55 mg/l and lowest average chlorophyll content was shown at a concentration of 75 ppm detention time of 14 days amounted to 14.433 mg/l. Chlorosis and necrosis highest concentration of 75 ppm is shown in 14-day detention time.



Plankton Diversity in Kondang Merak Beach District of Malang, East Java

Tarzan Purnomo1*

1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Surabaya 1Kampus Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Jl. Ketintang, Surabaya 60231, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Kondang Merak beach is one of the beaches on the southern coast of Malang district, East Java, which is used as a fishing area and marine tourism destination. Beachs in the south of the Java island has a profile is relatively steep, the substrate of coral, and wavy large, it is the influence on water quality and diversity plankton. This study aims to identification of plankton diversity and abundance in the intertidal zone of Kondang Merak beach. Sample taken using transect method at 8 stations. Each station consists of 3 substations namely the upper intertidal zone, the middle intertidal zone, and the lower intertidal zone. Samples were taken at three times different, ie morning, noon, and night, using net plankton no.25. Plankton diversity was analyzed based on Shanon-Wiener diversity index calculations and relative abundance Odum. The results of the study showed that in the intertidal zone of Kondang Merak beach, found out of 43 types of plankton were consist 29 species phytoplankton and 14 species zooplankton. Index diversity of plankton 2.59 included moderate category. The most abundant is Diatome, relative abundance 19.81%, followed Oscilatoria and Closteriopsis longisima 8.47% and 17.57%. The quality of waters still suitable for sustaining life plankton temperature 26.2-29.45°C, brightness infinitely, Total Suspended Solids 0.321-0.488 g, pH 7.8-8.0, salinity 35o /oo , DO 4.08-6.10 ppm, BOD 0.622-0.994 ppm, and CO2 20.29-39.45 ppm.



Increasing the Potential of Student Science Process Skills Through Project Based Laboratory

Dwikoranto1, Munasir2, Rahyu Setiani3, Suyitno4, Wuwuh Asrining Surasmi5 , Sri Tresnaningsih6, Pramonoadi7,

1,2Department of Physics Education , Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Surabaya State University, Indonesia. 3STKIP PGRI Tulungagung, Indonesia. 4ULM, Banjarmasin , Indonesia. 5,6,7Open University UPBJJ-UT Surabaya, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - The Project Based Laboratory Learning (PBLL) model is designed to improve the process skills of physics teacher candidates who meet practical and effective criteria. The model was developed using the Plomp design through the preliminary study, prototype stage, and assessment phase. The study design used one-group pretest-posttest design. The research subjects were 32 grade B and 32 grade C physics students who were programmers in Unesa's laboratory. Data is collected through assessment of observation, tests, interviews, and questionnaires. Data is analysed using qualitative and quantitative descriptive statistics, N-gain and paired t-test. The results of the study show that: (1) the PBLL model developed is included in practical category because the component model can be implemented in learning activities well, without significant constraints. (2) The PBLL model developed is included in the effective category because the student’s process skills are improving in the medium criteria and students respond positively to the device and learning process. The implementation of the PBLL model needs to be expanded to provide greater support for the practicality and effectiveness of the model. Based on the above, it can be concluded that the PBLL model developed is practical and effective to improve the process skills of physics teacher candidates.



Preference swiftlet bird (Aerodramus fuciphagus) nesting at different sites in an effort to increase nest production

Sunu Kuntjoro1, Fida rachmadiarti2

1,2 Department FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Surabaya Ketintang, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Nest sites were used special place of swiftlet bird. Nest of swiftlet bird are usually dificult to reach place. This study want to know the potential for nest sites in a swiftlet bird house. Four types of different nest sites were installed at nesting and roving room, made by wood, bamboo, aluminium, concreate at the swiftlet bird house. And then, the breeding swiftlet birds using the different nest sites type were recorded during the breeding season for finding the effectiveness of four different nest sites type. Nest-site with the different material were installed using materials made of wood, bamboo, aluminium and concrete. The resulats were that 25 % (n=6) for wood material, 41.66% (n=10) for bamboo, 29.66%(n=7) for aluminium and 4.16% (n=1) for concrete From this result, the breeding swiftlet bird showed preference for better better bamboo material for nest-site when there were abundant in nesting room 83%(n=20)



Analysis of Accessibility to City Transport Performance Based on Passenger Perception with Case Study: Tambak Osowilangun Terminal Route

F R Widayanti1, D Supriyatno1

1Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Ketintang, Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract - Large urban areas certainly require transportation facilities and infrastructure that reach all corners of the city administration area. Inequality in the number of passengers is unavoidable due to differences in accessibility of each region. One example of the imbalance in the number of passengers is very clearly seen in two large terminals serving Surabaya city routes, namely the Purabaya terminal and the Tambak Osowilangun terminal. This study aims to describe the effect of accessibility factors on the performance of urban transportation with the Osowilangun Pond Terminal route based on passenger perceptions. The method used in this study was a questionnaire survey with 120 respondents. The survey was conducted at the Osowilangun Pond Terminal as a lonely route location for passengers. The analysis shows that the indicator of the lack of public transportation modes that serve the route results in the lack of access to the Ososwilangun Pond Terminal and the impact on the lack of passengers going to the terminal.



Analysis of HOTS Type Multiple-choice Test Items on Learning Automotive Electrical Systems in SMK Dharma Baahari Surabaya

Soeryanto1, I M Arsana1, R S Hidayatullah1, and S R Ariyanto2

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. 2Technology and Vocational Education, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Abstract - This item analysis study aims to describe the quality of HOTS type multiple-choice test items who compiled for the learning automotive electrical systems. The type of this research is document analysis. Analysis of the data used in this study is about the content validity, reliability, level of difficulty, differentiating power, and the effectiveness of detractors. The result showed that: (1) the validity of the contents of the questions are in the valid category with a percentage of 55%; (2) reliability is in the high category with a coefficient value of 0.79 or a percentage of 79%; (3) in the level of difficulty the questions are more dominant in the easy category with a percentage of 53%; (4) the differentiating power of the questions is more dominant in the good category with a percentage of 30%; and (5) most of the questions have deceptive effectiveness that works very well with a percentage of 32%.



Analysis on Calculation of Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) Before and After Flyover & Road Widening Operation at Gedangan Intersection in Sidoarjo Regency

R Endro Wibisono1, Purwo Mahardi2

1,2, Program Study of Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Abstract - The main road that connects the city of Sidoarjo to Surabaya is the intersection of Gedangan. By 2018 it has reached saturation by having a poor service level. More severe conditions will occur in the next 10-20 years. One of the government's efforts to overcome the problem of congestion, damage structure is the construction of flyover or other alternatives by widening the road. The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of the traffic and to save vehicle operating costs before and after the construction of a flyover at the Gedangan intersection. The method for predicting Vehicle Operating Costs (BOK) is to use PCI method. This study predicts Vehicle Operating Costs (BOK) to determine cost savings. The scenario for predicting BOK is that 80% of the vehicle volume will pass the Fly Over, and 20% still use the existing road. The results showed that the cost savings of Vehicle Operational Costs (BOK) of existing roads compared to the use of flyover in 2019 was IDR 15 Billion. In 2039 the savings are IDR 77 Billion. Another discussion is that if the road is only widened without flyover, then the BOK cost savings in 2019 will be IDR 4 Billion and in 2039 it will be IDR 27 Billion.



Constructed Wetland with Rice Husk Substrate as Phytotechnology Treatment for Sustainable Batik Industry in Indonesia

Erina Rahmadyanti1 and Agus Wiyono1

1Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Ketintang, Surabaya, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - This study aims to determine the vegetation efficiency of Canna indica plants and rice husk as a VFCW substrate in the batik wastewater treatment process. The VFCW pilot is made of acrylic with a length, width and height of 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 m respectively. Rice husk is filled as substrate to a depth of 0.3 m. Canna indica is cultivated and acclimatized then be planted in VFCW with 6 plants / units. Batik liquid waste is flowed with a hydraulic loading rate of 0.15 m3/d and variations in hydraulic retention time for 3 days, 7 days, 15 days, 21 days, and 30 days using an intermittent system. The results showed Canna indica proved to have a significant effect (p <0.05) on the removal of all parameters consisting of pH, BOD, COD, TSS, ammonia, and heavy metals Cr. Optimal efficiency for all parameters occurred at 21 days HRT which obtained TSS removal values of 91.25%, BOD5 of 91.82%, COD of 89.15%, ammonia of 96.2%, and heavy metals Cr of 81.8%. Effluents produced through the construction of VFCW with rice husks as a substrate and vegetation of Canna indica are able to meet the standards set out in East Java Governor Regulation No. 72/2013.



Design of function generator using arduino due 12 bit dac

F Baskoro1, E Sulistiyo2, I Basuki3, A Widodo4, and A P Nurdiansyah5

[email protected]

Abstract - Most function generators are composed of analog components, which make the function generator have relatively large dimensions. With relatively large dimensions of the tool, making the tool is not easy to carry everywhere. To make the dimensions of the tool become easier to bring everywhere, the waves generated by the function generator are not made from analog circuits, but are made from digital data stored on the microcontroller and then converted to analog with DAC pins. The method of this research is experimental method. The first thing began with a literature study of the components needed and then continues with the making of system design to generate smaller function generator which can display 4 waves, waves that can be displayed are sine waves, squares, triangles, and sawtooths. The results of the study showed that the function generator was successfully made with smaller dimensions with 10 x 15 cm so that it was easier to carry everywhere and was able to produce sine, square, triangle and sawtooth waves with Vpp of 2.24 volts, Vmax of 2.72 volts, and frequency of 1 KHz.



Designing of Android Based Learning (Mobile Learning) for Multimedia Students

SC Wibawa1, IKD Nuryana1, IGPE Prismana1, IA Manyu1

1Informatics Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia 60231

[email protected]

Abstract - A breakthrough in the multimedia field is needed by creating varied learning strategies to attract students' interest in learning. The purpose of this study is to create learning media M-Learning for support the learning process in the Multimedia Vocational High School and to know the level of prevalence M- Learning as a medium of learning. The research method using Research and Development which has eight stages: 1) Identification of Research Needs, 2) Purpose Formulation, 3 ) Formulation of material items, 4) Formulation of success tools, 5) Media manuscript formulation, 6) Tests or product trials, 7) Revisions, 8) Manuscripts are ready to be produced. This media is developed using Android Studio. The result of this research is a dynamic Android-based application that is run online as a supporter of learning. The results of validator assessment and student response can be obtained from the media expert value at 65% in the sense of valid, acquiring a low score due to a lot of revision of the application. According to the material experts, the media obtains the value of 85% which means valid, and a validity score of 94.7% is obtained from students’ responses that mean valid. The conclusion shows that validator assessments of learning media can be used as supporting in self-study.



Development of Learning Media Design Engineering Integrated With Machinery Element and Drawing Machine Based on Contextual Learning

Djoko Suwito1, Agung Prijo Budijono2, Yunus3, Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan4, Soeryanto5

12,3,4,5State University of Surabaya Mechanical Engineering Department Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Specific targets to be achieved in this research is to develop learning tools with integrated engineering elements and machine drawing machine based on contextual learning. Based on the results and discussion of research that has been done, the research team succeeded in developing learning tools in the form of teaching modules to support Designing Techniques lectures. Based on the results of validation by learning experts, engineering experts, and Indonesian grammar experts 3 expert validator showed that, the average score of validation included in good category (3.56). It can be said that the developed learning tools are worthy to use. Student learning outcomes have achieved mastery both individually and classically. In addition, students also showed positive responses to learning by expressing interest, excitement, and motivation to follow Designing course lectures using developed teaching modules and hoping the same pattern can be used for other appropriate courses.



Development of Programming Ability Test Application for Informatics Students

S R Nurdin1, IGPE Prismana1, D R Prehanto1, IKD Nuryana1

1Informatics Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia 60231

[email protected]

Abstract - An ability that comes from within ourselves is often referred to as talent. Ignorance of talent will be very detrimental because it can cause discomfort in carrying out their work. One talent that cannot be separated from the development of technology is programming talent. This study aims to determine the ability of programming talent possessed by someone. The study was conducted with a case study of Informatics Engineering students at Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Through this research, an application will be produced to test the ability of student talents in the field of programming. The method used in this study is R & D (Research and Development) with 6 stages. Validation of the questions obtained 91.87% results and was declared very valid to be used as test material, while the overall product validation obtained results of 92.94% and in a very feasible range. There is a significant correlation between programming talent (test scores) with programming.



Effect of HDPE Based Wastes on the Performance of AC- WC Mixture with RAP as coarse aggregate substitute

P Mahardi , Y Risdianto, E Wibisono, Karismanan

[email protected]

Abstract - One attempt to avoid early pavement damage is to enhance asphalt quality as an aggregate binder. The addition of polymeric materials is frequently used to improve asphalt quality, particularly asphalt rigidity. Increased rigidity will enhance pavement performance against rutting, bleeding, and swelling, particularly in summer with a relatively elevated temperature. This study uses High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) polymer waste as a modifier in a mixture of Asphalt Concrete-Wearing Course (AC-WC) which also utilizes RAP waste as a coarse aggregate substitute. The aim of this study is to analyse the to analyse effect of waste materials on the AC-WC performance. Analysis was carried out after the Marshall test to obtain the values of air void, Void in Mineral Aggregate (VMA), Void Filled with Asphalt (VFA) stability, flow and Marshall Quotient (MQ). Marshall samples prepared with dry method modified HDPE asphalt binder, given a limit on the specifications of the number of each specimen. The percentage of HDPE as asphalt mixture is 0%, 1.6%, 1.8%, 2.0%, 2.2%, and 2.4% asphalt weight. The optimum asphalt level (KAO) used is 5.25%. Marshall test shows that the addition of 1.6% of HDPE in the AC-WC mixture and RAP can increase mixture stability by 1.74% and flow by 3.69%.



Exploring Pedestrian Ways Quality for Better Urban Place: Necessary, Optional, and Social Activity

A R Pattisinai 1, F Nadiar 1, D A D Nusantara 1

1 Civil Engineering, State University of Surabaya

Abstract - Walking is a non-motorized transportation option that has a large portion compared to the use of bicycles and traditional transportation. Previously, the quality assessment of pedestrians was only calculated based on their physical form. But now the pedestrian ways are not only seen as a facility to support the human movement but has become a public space. To investigate this, we surveyed Pahlawan Street, Semarang, Indonesia (N=90). The method using is PEQI (Pedestrian Environment Quality Index) which is a quantitative calculation based on the 5 indicators (crosswalk safety, pedestrian traffic, land use, street design, perceived walkability). We find that the most qualified pedestrian way is Segment I East (70.35), though the lowest is Segment III East (50.16). In particular, we find that the percentage of social and optional activity is higher than the necessary activity that been the user choose in Pahlawan Street.



Geographic Information System Mapping of Universitas Negeri Surabaya Facilities (Case Study: Universitas Negeri Surabaya Ketintang)

IKD Nuryana1, S R Nurdin1, IGPE Prismana1, D R Prehanto1

1Informatics Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia 60231

[email protected]

Abstract - The main obstacle for visitors who visit the state university of Surabaya for the first time was difficulty to find certain place or building. In the searching process, most of visitors were confused to find place or building or facility of Surabaya state university because they don’t know about the scope of it so it was required lot of times to find that. Based on statement above so it was used some open source softwares include arciew, postgresql, postgis, mapserver, quantumgis, and framework pmapper to made geographic information system (GIS) based on web that can be used for visitors as aids to find out the layout and information about facilities and buildings of Surabaya state university. Because of it so the visitors will not require lot of times to find the location of facility and building. Result of this system was can help visitors in searching process of facilities and buildings, so the visitors were able to find out about the facilities and buildings information, and roominess of Surabaya state university easily.



Identification Of The Most Influential Cost Components In Residential Buildings

Puguh Novi Prasetyono1, Mas Suryanto HS 1

1Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, 60231 Ketintang, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Abstract - The building price is especially fluctuating every year. The price fluctuations can be caused by several factors, both in terms of material costs and in terms of labor costs. There are several studies discuss the prediction of the budget plan, but not to discuss the most influential cost components in increasing the cost of building a residential house. so that it is not known what costs need to get special attention to be made savings, from this it is necessary to do this research so that the estimator can focus on the largest cost component for alternative swatches so that cost savings can be made. The method used is the method of quantity take-off. As a result, the average salary and material needs for housing are 31% for salaries, while for materials it is 69% of the total cost. The highest order is for the salaries of the first workers, second handyman, third foreman and the last is the chief handyman. Whereas in the most influential cost material is portland cement, both concrete iron, third galvalume frame, and finally aluminum. These prices and salaries need to be considered to make savings in the planned budget for a residential house.



Improved Skills of Critical Thinking of Student

Heri Suryaman1, Kusnan1, Soeparno1

1Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The 2013 curriculum in the application of learning places more emphasis on students who are able to observe, ask, observe, explore, and communicate. One of the most important skills in the 21st century is critical thinking skills, creative thinking, communication skills, and collaborative skills. Then it is necessary to do research on students' critical thinking skills. The learning used today is expected to use methods that are able to engage students, so that they can be encouraged to understand the material taught by the teacher, the learning process can be expected to be more interesting, and interactive and can be used as a solution to improve the quality of learning. Cooperative learning research with the Socratic method, this method requires students to be able to think critically. This study uses a Pre-Experimental Design with type One Group Pre-test and Post-test. The purpose of this study is to determine student learning outcomes and whether or not there is an increase in students' critical thinking. The results of the validation of the learning kit are based on a Likert scale that is included in a good category and is suitable for use. Student learning outcomes using the cooperative learning model using the Socratic method show the average value of student learning outcomes 76.67. Increasing students' critical thinking increases in the medium category.



Improving Students’ Self Regulation through Portfolio Assessment in Vocational Pre-service Teacher Education in Indonesia.

L Hidayati1, ATR Imami2, K Mein3, Marniati4

1,2,3,4Department of Home Economics Science Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Self-regulation is a key to success in human life. Portfolio assessment encourages students to build self regulation in learning process, that allows students define their own content, objectives and learning strategies, then record documents, so that the lecturer's role is only to assist and provide feedback. The article aims to define the effectiveness of portfolio assessment to improve self regulation in vocational pre-service teacher education context. This is a classroom action research, consist of 3 cycles, with 120 research subjects. Data collected by observation and questionnaire, and analysed by descriptive analyses. Result state that portfolio assessment influence improving in twelve aspects of SRL: self evaluating, organizing & transforming, goal setting & planning, seeking information, keeping record & monitoring, environmental structuring, self consequences, rehearsing & memorizing, seek peer assistance, seek teacher assistance, review test/work, review notes. This study conclude that portfolio assessment effective on students’ self regulation improvement.



Investigating Walking Satisfaction Through The Pedestrian Bridge User’s Appraisal in Surabaya

A R Pattisinai 1 , F R Widayanti 1

1 Civil Engineering Department, State University of Surabaya

Abstract - Walking is essential to access public transportation. Previously, investigating walking satisfaction was done by the tangible scheme. But now the pedestrian is not only seen as people who use these facilities daily. Through the pedestrian bridge user’s appraisal, we can understand which factors are more (or less) important and significant. The elements discussed in this study are walking satisfaction elements, namely safety, security, convenience, continuity, comfort, system coherence, and attractiveness. To explore this, we surveyed Basuki Rahmad Street, Surabaya, Indonesia (N=120). The method using is Importance - Performance Analysis (IPA) which is a measure of the level of service satisfaction that enters the quadrants on the Importance Performance Matrix map. In this method, it is necessary to measure the suitability level to find out how much the user feels satisfied with the performance of pedestrian bridges. We find that the most factor that the user unsatisfied is B2 which is lighting in the night, followed by D1 (hands holder on Pedestrian Bridge that is easy to reach and not rust) and D5 (Building which can reduce vibration when the vehicle is speeding above it)



Learning Media Based on Macromedia Director to Improve Learning Outcomes of Students in Vocational Schools

Wahyu Dwi Mulyono1, Suparji1, Gde Agus Yudha Prawira Adistana1

1Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia 60231

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Learning outcomes of students need to be improved, one of the ways is by innovating in learning. Information technology that has developed can be an opportunity to create interesting learning media. More interesting learning activities will make students happier and easy to learn. Macromedia Director is a program that can be used to create media that is interesting and able to be integrated into learning. The purpose of this study was to find out the learning outcomes of students, educator teaching activities, learning activities of students, and responses of students in the application of interactive learning media based on Macromedia director. This research is a Classroom Action Research. The research was conducted at SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya. Data collection uses tests, observation, and questionnaire responses to students. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive techniques. The results of this study are as follows. (1) Learning outcomes of students after the application of interactive learning media based on Macromedia director has increased (2) The results of teaching educator activities are included in the good category. (3) The results of student learning activities are included in the good category. (4) The results of student responses are included in the excellent category.



Model of Passengger Satisfaction on the Service Performance of the Gapura Surya Nusantara Passenger Port PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III Branch Tanjung Perak Surabaya

D Supriyatno 1, F R Widayanti 1

1Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Ketintang, Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract - Infrastructure is one of the supporting activities of transportation, such as airports, halte, terminals, and port buildings. The port terminal is one of the transportation infrastructure buildings used by passengers when they travel. The port terminal is expected to be able to provide good facilities for passengers while waiting for transportation. For this reason, it is necessary to do a model of passenger satisfaction on the performance of the passenger terminal in order to know what factors influence passenger satisfaction. The measurement of passenger satisfaction uses the classic assumption test method, and also tests the validity and reliability of the questionnaire submitted to the passenger. From the research that has been done, we get the final model of Passenger Satisfaction on the Service Performance of the Gapura Surya Nusantara Passenger Terminal as follows: Y1 = 62.325 + 0.714X1 + 0.020X2 + 0.040X5 + 0575X6 + 0.218X8 + 0.134X9 + 0.356X11 + 0.550X13 + 0.476 X14 + 0.488X17 - 0.658X19, the model is influenced by nine variables.



Modern Tropical House: Elevating Traditional Tropical House on Thermal Building Performance Due To Environmental Issue

F Nadiar1, A R Pattisinai1

1 Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Ketintang, Surabaya, Indonesia.

*[email protected]

Abstract - Traditional tropical architecture is built using local materials by applying passive design strategies to fix heat problems so the occupants feel comfortable and protected. Over the years, climate change causes rising temperatures and modernization causes the aesthetic element to become important in urban areas. Modern Tropical is a design trend that is now developing after the era of modern minimalist trends which not only tried to solve the heat problem but also the aesthetic problems of tropical architecture. This research aims to evaluate thermal performance in the modern tropical-style house in response to climate change and also how they adapt and modify traditional tropical architectural elements to improve their thermal performance by using the simulation method with the assistance of ECOTECT software. The results showed that houses that adapted and modified elements of traditional modern tropical homes up to 95%, showed better thermal performance. That house can provide thermal comfort for 7 hours and only 31% of percent dissatisfaction. Elements of roofs, openings, sun shading, and local material coatings on traditional architecture are elements that can be adapted and modified in modern architecture. So, tropical architecture no longer looks old fashioned but more stylish while responding to environmental issues.



Module for Developing Learning Media Applications for Wireless Networks in Project-Based Microtic Hotspot Materials for Microtic Setup (Configuration) Competency Improvement

A D Indriyanti1, D R Prehanto1, S C Wibawa1, A Prihanto1, B Sujatmiko1, D E Samastabuana1, RP Wibawa1

1Informatics Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia 60231

[email protected]

Abstract - Implement project-based learning to improve student competency in managing hotspot configurations on MikroTik in accordance with Y generation characteristics. With the other aim of knowing the feasibility of M-netsys application through assessment instruments from Walker & Hess for media and RISTKDIKTI for materials with scale measurements using assessment scales. The research method used in this research is Research and Development (R & D) using One-Shot Case Study testing strategy with minimum learning completeness ≥ 3.0 or B. This research was conducted in 2015 Wireless Network class with 25 students. The results of the research have been obtained: (1) To improve student competence in setting (configuration) hotspot on MikroTik which according to Y generation characteristics can be done by implementing project-based learning in the learning process through the application of M-netsys learning media supplement. (2) The feasibility of M-netsys learning material with the research instrument from RISTEKDIKTI is stated very strong with the percentage of 84.4%. Meanwhile, the prevalence of M-netsys media through the assessment instrument of Walker & Hess is considered very strong with a percentage of 83.58%. (3) Students' learning outcomes after using M-netsys as many as 25 students completed and expressed classically with 100% percentage.



Numerical study on masonry infill wall by using in-plane element and joint interface with RC frame

Mochamad Firmansyah Sofianto1, Muhammad Imaduddin1, Berkat Cipta Zega1

1Departement of Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract - Commonly house’s damage under earthquake is because their capacity inadequate to prevent from collapse, and the masonry wall system is not designed to resist the earthquake force. However, masonry infill wall is commonly used as partition and to separate large area with a purposed. Interaction between frame and masonry infill wall are not good connected to prevent building damage from earthquake. To understand the interaction between frames and infill wall can be simulated by numerical method or by Macro-modelling approach. The purpose of this numerical study is modelled a frame as a single element, a masonry infill wall as a plate element, and an interface between frame and masonry infill wall as an elastic spring. The concept of modelling depends on material parametric provided and the number of elements. Modelling with computational software facilitate to create material element and model and this modelling is conducted by Tohoku-coast NS time history seismic. The result shows the frequency parameter expressively increase from frequency on frame model to frame with infill wall model, or the time period parameter significantly reduce with the addition of infill wall. By the addition of mortar thickness which increased the stiffness also affect the frequency parameter and maximum displacement. The thickness of mortar brought the optimal value to good response is recommended with thickness of 0.5 cm to 1.5 cm. The finding is that infill wall gives significant influence on frame response if the interface of frame and infill wall designed with good material characters.



Project Schedule Performance Based on Earned Schedule Method

GAYP Adistana1, H Dani1

[email protected]

Abstract - The Earn Schedule (ES) method is an extension to the schedule analysis on the Earned Value Method (EVM). This study was conducted to examine and compare the capability of two methods, namely the earn value method and earn schedule method in predicting the schedule performance of the construction project. The research uses real data from the field. The results showed that at week 9, the value of CPI was 1.15 or had a variant cost of 13.32% lower than the planned budget. While from the aspect of the schedule, both methods indicate a delay 0.16 % occur in the project. ES method can give information on how long delay that happened in time units that is equal to 0,02 weeks.



Project-Based Learning as a Subnetting Material Completion in Network Design Studies

B Sujatmiko1, F Rozaq2, SC Wibawa1

1Informatics Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia 60231

[email protected]

Abstract - This research is intended to improve students' learning results in problem solving on Subnetting materials by using learning modules. The research method uses experiments with True Experimental Design in the form of Post-test Only Control Design. This method uses two randomly selected groups to be a control group and an experimental group. The control group was not given treatment, while the experimental group was given treatment. After giving treatment, both groups will be given the post-test to know the learning result from each group. Based on the research findings obtained from the hypothesis test, the average value learning control class is 69.88 and the experimental class is 84.90. Therefore, it can be concluded that the result of Subnetting material problem solving by using Project Based Learning module reach higher learning than the result which is not using Project Based Learning module.



Sensory Analysis as A Tool in Determining Customer Acceptability in Natural Mask from Red Dragon Skin (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Flour and Kefir Flour

Octaverina kecvara pritasari 1, Didin Respurwaning Tyas1

1Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Technic faculty, surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Natural facial masks are cosmetics that have minimal negative effects. The purpose of this study was to find out how acceptability of natural mask preparations with kefir flour and dragon fruit peels base ingredients. Kefir cow's milk is beneficial for the skin, so it has the potential to be used as a basic ingredient in facial masks. Another ingredient added in this research is red dragon fruit skin powder (Hylocereus polyrhizus) which contains high antioxidants. Natural mask preparation formula was made with different comparisons, namely Formula X1: 5 grams of kefir flour: 0 gram of dragon fruit skin powder, Formula X2: 5 grams of kefir flour: 1.5 grams of dragon fruit skin powder. Formula X3 is 5 grams of kefir flour: 3 grams of dragon fruit skin powder. Formula X4: 5 grams of kefir flour: 4.5 grams of dragon fruit skin powder. Evaluation of mask preparations was carried out namely the application test assessing texture, color, aroma. Then the stickiness test, shelf life test and hedonic test. Obtained the best mask preparation test results namely proportion X3. In the sticky power parameter, the highest value obtained is 3,4, which is X3 mask preparation, as well as acceptability of X3 mask preparation which is most preferred by panelists. Microbiology Test results to find out the shelf life of the mask preparation can be stored until the 7th day



Split tensile and flexural strength of concrete with artificial lightweight aggregate (ALWA) and steel-fiber

M Wulandari1, M F Sofianto1, Tavio2

1Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia, 60231 2Department of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia, 60111

[email protected]

Abstract - In this study, ALWA made from Styrofoam. Styrofoam is reprocessed by adding acetone solution. The use of acetone is to form styrofoam into harder grains so that it resembles coarse aggregates so that they can be used as substitutes for coarse aggregates in concrete mixtures. Hooked type steel fibers are also used as additives in this study. Steel fibers used are 0%, 0.75% and 1.5% of volume concrete while for the composition of ALWA Styrofoam were 0%, 15%, 50% and 100% for split tensile strength testing, respectively. Concrete composition for flexural strength testing is the optimum composition of the tensile strength test results. The results showed concrete with a mixture of 15% ALWA Styrofoam and 1.5% steel fiber was able to produce optimum split tensile strength, the most optimum tensile strength testing of 5.29 MPa and for the flexural strength test results of 9.47 MPa at maximum load. Addition of steel fibers with a mixture of ALWA Styrofoam is able to make concrete to be more resistant to cracking and more ductile.



Study on Non-Engineered Building Vulnerability with Red Brick Masonry Wall through Finite Element Analysis

Berkat Cipta Zega1, M. Firmansyah Sofianto 1, Hakas Prayuda2, Fanny Monika2

1Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, 60231 Ketintang, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. 2Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, 55183 Geblagan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - In this study comparing two types of simple house forms that were built without using count analysis. The building uses beams and columns that are usually used in a simple house in Indonesia. The modeled building consists of a square cross section and L cross section, also the modeled wall consists of a full wall, a wall with door openings, walls with door and window openings. Modeling using STERA 3D software to model non-engineered building comprise beams and columns and STERA FEM software for modeling walls. Modeling was carried out to analyze building shear stiffness, earthquake acceleration, and wall deflection when receiving loads. The loading in this study uses dead loads and earthquake loads using the time history method. The results of the modeling are the largest shear stiffness of a simple house building with a square cross-section of 35 kN/cm. The maximum land acceleration resulting is 8.72 m/s2. The largest wall deflection occurs at a load of 20 kN with a deflection value of 58.83 mm on the wall with door and window openings. The high deflection value is caused by the influence of the width openings on the wall and the load go down to the wall.



Sustainable Flood Prevention Using Interconnection of House Pump System

Kusnan1, Heri Suryaman1

1) Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Abstract - The Unesa Ketintang Campus in Surabaya City is in lowland with an altitude between 3-4 m above sea level. Every rainy season arrives in this area frequent flooding. Puddles that occurred in 2013 with a long pool of ± 4 hours. Efforts have been made in 2014 to tackle flooding by raising paving pairs in open fields and roads and making reservoirs of ± 0.6 ha in the Unesa Ketintang Campus environment, normalizing the channel and installing pump houses to support the process of accelerating the reduction of standing water happen. However, still standing water (2014, 2015, and 2016) with a pool of ± 2 hours. The condition of the campus location which is lower than the condition of the surrounding area causes waterlogging and flooding in the study area. This study proposes a flood mitigation model using interconnection of the pump house system to reduce waterlogging, accelerate the water flowing process, and still optimize the operation and function of existing reservoirs. Water pump interconnected Pump House P1 to P8, namely: Unesa I Water Pump House (P1) functions to drain water from the campus area to reservoir campus, then in Unesa II Water Pump House (P2) serves to drain water from reservoir campus, which is flowed south towards the Wonorejo Primary channel through the Water Pump House (P3) and partially forwarded to the north of the Kalimir Jagir Water Pump House (P4), while eastward to drain water from the Wonorejo Primary channel to the Jemursari Prapen Water Pump House (P5 ) serves to help drain water from the Wonorejo Primary channel towards Jagir River, the Water Pump House Wonorejo I (P6) has a capacity of 8.9 m ^ 3 / sec to accelerate the flow of water to the Water Pump House Wonorejo II (P7), Pump House Water Wonorejo II (P7) is used to accelerate the flow towards reservoir Wonorejo, and the reservoir Wonorejo Water Pump House (P8) serves to accelerate the flow of water to reservoir Wonorejo to be forwarded to the sea. Interconnection of the water pump system is able to overcome waterlogging and inundation problems.



The Effect of Nanofluid Volume Fraction to The Rate of Heat Transfer Convection Nanofluid Water-Al2O3 on Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

I M Arsana1,2,D R Agista 1 ,A Ansori1,D H Sutjahjo1,M Effendy1

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - Shell and tube heat exchanger is now widely used in the field of industry and technology. In many applications, the working fluid is still a conventional fluid that still has a low thermal conductivity properties. Nanofluid is one of the ways that can be used to increase the thermal conductivity. The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of volume fraction against the heat transfer rate and effectiveness on shell and tube heat exchanger. The material used is Al2O3 with difference fraction volume of 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% on the cold fluid. The temperature of the fluid used in the heat of 90 °C . The result of this study shows the highest effectiveness in mixed fraction nanofluid volume of 1.5%, which is 42% with the rate of heat transfer of 7061.93 Watts. Then the lowest effectiveness obtained on the State mixture volume fraction without nanofluid, which is 17.7% with the rate of heat transfer of 5666.71 Watts. Thus it can be concluded that when the fraction of nanofluid is getting higher, then the volume will increase the rate of heat transfer convection as well as the effectiveness of the shell and tube heat exchanger.



The effect of the implementation of project based learning on learning activities of electrical engineering students

S I Haryudo(1), A I Agung(1), R Firmansyah(1), W A Wibowo(1), Ekohariadi(2), Munoto(2)

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the implementation of Project Based Learning (PjBL) on learning activities in the Electrical Automation Installation lecture material. Based on the research assessment, it appears that many passive, daydreaming students are busy with cellphones and unrelated activities during the learning process. This research is an experimental study with a class action research model consisting of two cycles. Each cycle consists of two meetings. Data was collected using observation to see changes in learning activities and tests used to measure student learning outcomes. Based on observations, the average learning activities of the first and second cycles were 66.7% and 86.3%. Student learning outcomes also increase classically. In the first cycle, 59.25% or 16 students had reached the minimum mastery criteria, and in the second cycle, 92.6% or 25 students had reached the minimum mastery criteria. This means that the application of Project Based Learning can improve student activities and learning outcomes in learning Electric Automation Installation.



The Influence of Baffle Gap to The Effectiveness of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger with Helical Baffle

I M Arsana1,3, A H A Rasyid1, Soeryanto1, N S Drastiawati1 , and S R Ariyanto2

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. 2Technology and Vocational Education, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - One of heat exchangers now commonly used in industries is shell and tube heat exchanger. The design of heat exchanger process is a major thing and is important in obtaining the effectiveness of the heat exchanger work, including the design of its baffle gap. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of baffle gap against the effectiveness of the shell and tube heat exchanger with helical baffle type. The object of this experimental study is a shell and tube type heat exchanger with variation in the baffle spacing, which are 4 cm, 8 cm and 12 cm. The type of baffle used is helical baffle. This study obtained the data by measuring the temperature of fluid entering and exiting, using thermocouple installed in various points of inlet and outlet fluid channels, and then analyzed descriptively. The results shows that 4 cm baffle gap leads to largest effectiveness which is 39.86% with a heat transfer rate of 4867.4 Watts. The 8 cm baffle gap has the effectiveness value 35.23% with the heat transfer rate of 3,709.12 Watts and then baffle gap of 12 cm leads to the lowest effectiveness, 29.59% with a heat transfer rate only 3301.21 Watts.




Using ANN to Evaluate the Climate Data that High Affect on Calculate Daily Potential Evapotranspiration with Modified-Penman Method in The Tropical Regions

DAD Nusantara*, F Nadiar

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Ketintang, Surabaya, Indonesia.

*[email protected]

Abstract - In Indonesia, as part of tropical regions, calculating the amount of daily potential evapotranspiration (PET) becomes significant to ascertain the water balance. Applied Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as data-driven modeling in the period of Industrial Revolution 4.0 to develop a better world. Using ANN simplifies the process of modeling the various input climate data to count up the amount of daily PET. There six climate data that will be input in the Modified Penman Method, which are average-temperature, wind velocity, rainfall, relative- humidity, evaporation, and the time of solar radiation. Therefore, for further modeling using fewer input data than typically used in this method, so the high affect climatology data must be known. The methodology is to compare the best model, which has input six of the climate data with the model developed by just five of the climate data. The results of this research are the sequence of climate data that influence the daily PET model from the highest to the smallest: wind velocity, relative humidity, the time of solar radiation, temperature, rainfall, evaporation.



Industrial Monitoring and Controlling System on Pressure Machines Using Internet of Thing (IoT)

L Anifah1, M R Rahmadian1, R Firmansyah1, and M S Zuhrie1

1Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Kampus Unesa Ketintang Jl. Ketintang, Surabaya East Java 60231, Indonesia

Abstract - Millions of devices are connected to the internet, in this day life needs to remotely control several devices. This paper proposed the IoT application in the industry, which is an early fire prevention system. This system uses a temperature sensor (LM35), a smoke sensor (MQ2) and a microwave sensor. This sensor is connected to arduino and arduino is connected to Esp 8266 in order to send data to the server. Data that has been sent to the server will be accessed by a smartphone or computer, so users can monitor the temperature in the factory. This system works automatically when there are indications of fire then the alarm will be sound. This system can be monitored remotely, if the graph on the application shows an indication of a fire then the electricity in the pressing machine will be turned off via the user's smartphone application. So that fires can be prevented early on. The results show that The system can work automatically based on the algoritm, and can be monitored remotely using IoT either via a computer or smartphone.



Contribution Model Thinking Electronic Digital Creative and Knowledge of Competence of Electrical Engineering Student Surabaya State University

N Kholis1, Munoto2

1.2 Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya

Abstract - This study uses a quantitative research approach with case study method. The quantitative approach is inductive research methods, scientific, and objective where the data was obtained in the form of figures or statements that are assessed and analyzed by a statistical analysis. The purpose of this study to obtain an explanation of the theory and the laws of reality. Quantitative research was developed using mathematical models, theories or hypotheses. The correlation obtained correlation coefficient of 0.857 which indicates that there is a high positive correlation between the value of the creativity of the students (X) and the value of the final study outcome data (Y). Besides the correlation coefficient of 0.857 also means that increasing the value of creativity of students (X) then the value of the final learning outcomes (Y) will also increase. Furthermore, based on the results of testing the hypothesis on the correlation coefficient can be concluded that with a confidence level of 95% is sufficient evidence to suggest that there is a close relationship statistically significant between the creativity of the students (X) and the value of the final learning outcomes (Y).



A Tracer Study of Home Economics Department in Bachelor Culinary Graduates

I F Romadhoni1, Luthfiyah Nurlaela1, Nugrahani Astuti1, Any Sutiadiningsih1, and Mauren Gita1

1,Home Economic Department State University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract - This study is a content analysis of the curriculum at the culinary education of home economics department, State University of Surabaya linked to the curriculum of culinary vocational high school teachers, instructors of non- formal education in culinary, and industrial kitchen managers and entrepreneurs. The aim is to assess the level of suitability or relevance between the substance of the curriculum with the substance of the material taught at culinary fields. This study uses a qualitative approach, therefore clear criteria are needed so that the results can be concluded. Most of the graduates of the School of Education are female graduates as much as 79% while men are 21%. Most graduates (54%) have a GPA between 3.00-3.39 while 23% have a GPA between 2.50 - 2.99 and as many as 3% have a GPA between 2.00-2.49. Most of the graduates stated that the substance of the courses studied during the lecture was quite in line with the field of work and graduates felt a lot and even very many benefits in helping their work. Although there are still many materials that need to be updated and developed.



Analisis of Hygienic Behavioral Intention on Student of Culinary

Sri Handajani1, Niken Purwidiani1, Dwi Kristiastuti S1

1Home Economic Department Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract - The purposes of this study were to analyze the hygienic behavioral intention on students of culinary using theory of planned behavior (TPB) and to analyze the prototype of hygienic behavioral intention on students of culinary during practical work. Respondents of this study were 150 culinary students, either in Diploma 3 or in Bachelor’s degree (S1), at Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The data of this study was collected by utilizing a questionnaire method in order to know the attitude, subjective norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, and the intention to behave hygienically. The collected data were analyzed descriptively and multivariate method. The results of this study showed that intention to behave hygienically on the students was influenced by attitude and perceived behavioral control, which the attitude was influenced by consequence and evaluation, whether, PBC was influenced by the power of individual feeling and ability to control his/her behavior. The subjective norm did not have any influence on the enhancement of the intention to behave hygienically although motivation and normative belief had an influence on the enhancement of subjective norm. Nevertheless, PBC had the strongest influence on the intention to behave hygienically.



Critical study of stem-based learning in order to develop century skills 21

S. Muslim1*, A. Fathoni2, N. Kusumawati3, E Rahmadyanti4

1,2,3,4 Postgraduate, Surabaya of State University supari

Abstract - The term STEM was introduced by the United States National Science Foundation (1990) as an abbreviation of "Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics". In the Indonesian context, STEM refers to four fields of science, namely science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM learning is an approach to learning where Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics are learning processes that focus on solving problems in everyday life. Does STEM learning can print students who have 21st century skills in order to solve various problems in everyday life. In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to do research with the title: A critical study of STEM-based learning in order to build 21st century skills. In connection with that, the purpose of this study is to find out how much STEM learning is able to improve student learning outcomes so that they have 21st century skills in order to solve various problems in daily life. This research was conducted through the study of literature as an activity of gathering information that is relevant to the topic that was used as the object of research. Data collection techniques are carried out by conducting a study of a number of reference books and relevant research results. Data analysis techniques are done through descriptive-qualitative techniques with sentences that are easily understood in an effort to get answers to the problems under study, so that an overview of the contribution of STEM learning to student learning outcomes is obtained in order to solve various problems in daily life. The study found that: (1) STEM-based learning is one of the right lessons to prepare skilled human resources to live in the 21st century; (2) STEM-based learning can be integrated with cooperative learning models, Project Based Learning (PBJ), Problem Based Learning (PBL) and other learning models; (3) STEM-based learning can be applied to all levels of education (elementary, secondary and high); and (4) STEM-based learning is useful in the context of developing student careers.



The Values of Sustainability in Bali Bridal Makeup as Heritage Culture

Mutimmatul Faidah1, Delia Wulansari1

1,Home Economic Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract - Bali has a unique and distinctive culture, one of which is the Bridal Makeup called Payas Bali Agung. The purpose of this study is to describe the shape and meaning of Balinese bridal make up for the Brahmin caste and discover the cultural value of Balinese bridal make-up. This study is a qualitative research. The data collection techniques were in the form of interviews, participant observation and documentation. Cultural theory was used to analyze the data. The finding of this study shows that the make-up reflects the beauty and luxury which are expressed in the shape of Bridal Make Up. Various flowers in hair styling describe the natural wealth of Bali and unity with God. Balinese bridal make up comes from the cultural roots of Tri Semaya (three concepts of time and space), about the sustainability and continuity of human life. Bridal hair styling symbolizes Balinese culture which upholds the balance and harmony of human relations with God, humans and nature.



The Physical Properties of By-Product Proportion in Rice Flour-Based Facial Scrub

Maspiyah1, Suhartiningsih2 and K Naim3

1,2,3 Cosmetology of Home Economic Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Ketintang Street 60231, Indonesia

Abstract - Sustainable development of under-utilized by-product commodities such as rice, potato and orange which has high productivity in Indonesia is necessary. Rice has been known to be used in the traditional cosmetic application and can be valued-added by several by-products such potato and orange peel incorporation. The peel which rich in antioxidant was formed into flour to make it easier to blend into rice flour-based face scrub. This study was to analyze the effect of added potato and orange peel flour proportion on rice flour-based face scrub’s physical properties. The experiment was conducted on four proportion levels to determine aroma, texture, stickiness, color and preference of rice flour based face scrub. Data was obtained from 30 panels observation and analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Duncan test on significant level < 0,05. The result showed that: 1) potato and orange peel flour proportion affected on aroma, texture, stickiness, color and preference of rice flour-based face scrub; 2) the best product was rice flour face scrub with proportion of potato and orange peel flour (PPF:OPF) on 4:3. This study will compile current findings on the by-product utilization as a new cosmetic innovation with economic and environmentally friendly approach.



Photovoltaic Driven Adsorption Cooling Cycle

I Gusti Agung Bagus Wirajati1, I Nengah Ardita1 and I Gede Nyoman Suta Waisnawa1

1Mechanical Engineering Departement, Bali State Polytechnic, Badung, Bali, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - In this paper, an adsorption cooling system with drive heat sources from solar power through a photovoltaic system will be introduced. The PV system is used to heat the water collected in the storage tank for further use as the main driving force in the adsorption cooling system. The PV system has been tested and produced a voltage of 21 V with a current of 5.7 A. Whereas the research for the adsorption cooling system, it is only at the simulation test stage to determine the minimum heat source temperature that can be used in operation, which is 60 °C. By this research, it can be ascertained that the PV system is very possible to be applied to the adsorption cooling system so that the combination of the application of a technology system that is very environmentally friendly can be realized.



The development of information system for garments industry using the android platform

I Ketut Suwintana1, IGA Oka Sudiadnyani2

1,2Accounting Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Bukit Jimbaran Badung Selatan 80361, Bali, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Abstract. Nowadays, almost all cellphones are connected to internet and they are referred to as smartphones. Smartphones can be utilized by the garment industry to assist monitoring the production and financial management processes. The purpose of this study is to develop an Android-based mobile application in the "X" garment industry which is integrated with the existing web- based information systems. The application was developed using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) software development method. The program code for the mobile application was created using Android Studio 3 and database access (MySQL DBMS) on the server via Web Service (REST API). Application evaluation was done by two methods, namely System Usability Scaling (SUS) and Black Box Test. The Black Box Test results showed that all application functions were running appropriately, and value of the System Usability Scaling (SUS) test was 83.5. This indicates that the application is feasible to be implemented in the "X" garment industry.



Ergo-physiological Work Station Reduces Cardiovascular Load and Visual Complaintsof Carved Artists

Widana, I K1, Ni Wayan Sumetri2 and I Ketut Sutapa

1Mechanical Engineering Department, Bali State Polytechnic, Badung-Bali, Indonesia 2Business Administration Department, Bali State Polytechnic, Badung-Bali, Indonesia 3Civil Engineering Department, Bali State Polytechnic, Badung- Bali, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]

Abstract - The problem felt by carving artists after doing full day activities is the increase in cardiovascular load and decreased ability to see objects. Physical signs that are felt by artists carving are increased heart rate and dizzy eyes or run away. Subjects carry out activities for 8 hours, starting at 8:00 a.m. up to 5:00 p.m., with a 1 hour break. Data is observed in conditions before and after the ergo- physiological rules are implemented. Measurements were made 4 times, namely at the initial and final conditions of the treatment without treatment and the initial and final conditions with treatment. Problem solving will be focused on the appropriate human aspect and utilization of technology, so that it will get the ECSHEP work process (effective, convenient, safe, healthy, efficient and productive) technical easy to work, economical, ergonomic, energy saving, environmentally friendly and in accordance with the trend of the era. The method of this research is experimental with the same subject design. Ten samples of responders who perform activities on conditions before and after treatment. Was examined data on environmental conditions were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney test. Data on cardiovascular load were tested with two pair sample t-tests, while visual data complaints were tested with Wilcoxon signed rank test at a significance level of 5%. The results showed that ergo-physiological implementation, in the form of giving work tables and chairs and improving environmental conditions can reduce cardiovascular load and improve the sharp vision of carved artists. The direct impact that can be felt by artisans is increased productivity and maintained product quality.



Hot Air Circulation Analysis in Tumpeng Dryer Machine with Hole Stage Variation in Every Level Rak

I Made Arsawan2), Gede Oka Pujihadi), Ketut Bangsa3) Putu Sastra Negara4),

1,2,3 ) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bali State Polytechnic

Abstract - . Tumpeng is one of the ceremonial facilities used almost in every Hindu religious ceremony. Many people take advantage of these opportunities as a home-based business. At present the craftsmen encounter obstacles in the process of drying the cone. Currently the drying process still uses the manual method, namely by drying it by utilizing direct sunlight. In the previous research, the product planning for cone drying machine has been carried out, where the results obtained from this study are an increase in the productivity of the drying machine from the drying machine which was previously used by the cone maker of 683.33%. From the results of studies conducted by the hot air entering the drying chamber from the results of the previous engine design, it is likely that conditions on level 1 shelves and level 2 shelves have temperatures that are quite high compared to other rack levels because this air is circulated at level 3, 4.5 and 6. To get the air distribution between the level of the rack evenly, it is necessary to do a redesign of the tool. The alternative that can be done is by circulating hot air from rack 1 to rack 6, another alternative is to try variations in air distribution in the drying chamber by varying the cone seat holes.The redesign method that was carried out was to replace the existing distribution before the air out of the level 3 blower in the rack was changed to the air out of the level 1 rack entry blower, and the cone seat was made varied by random holes, concentric holes and zigzag holes.From the results of engine redesign after testing the air distribution in the drying chamber with a random hole stacking model, the highest temperature is found in almost all shelf levels, except at the level 1 rack the highest temperature is achieved by a concentric perforated pedestal model that reaches 183 oC. Judging from the hot air distribution, the randomly hollowed cone seat model provides a more even distribution of hot air compared to the concentric and zigzag hollow cone seat model.



Building a Low-Carbon Emission Concept for Tourism Industry Resort

I Ketut Swardika1, Putri Alit Widyastuti Santiary1 and I Wayan Suasnawa1

1Electrical Engineering Dept. State Polytechnic of Bali, Bali, Indonesia

[email protected], putrialit@, [email protected]

Abstract - Energy crisis and increased of energy consumption initiates depletion of natural resources and environmental degradation and that will leads to global warming and climate change. Nowadays, tourism considered being one of the important industries in the world. It also acknowledged as significant largest consumers of energy through many sectors, included supporting facilities for tourist that were focus of this paper. Bali most important tourist destination and become proponent of economic has many resort that surrounded by business trade support. Increasing of electricity demand become present issues. This paper proposes a method to build community base initiatives to reducing carbon emissions and saving energy. The method consists of procedural to build light threshold regulation that will offer a sustainable solution for Bali’s tourism industry to maintain electricity demand. The procedural uses radiance of nighttime satellite data i.e. DMSP-OLS and NPP VIIRS as main dataset. This method provides the most effective on procedural to assessing the excessive lighting by applying the satellite remote sensing technology. Keyword: Emission; Energy; Radiance; Threshold.



Implementation of Nighttime Radiance Threshold Class for Green Zone Energy Mapping

I Ketut Swardika1, Putri Alit Widyastuti Santiary1 and I Gede Hendrawan2

1Electrical Engineering Dept. State Polytechnic of Bali, Bali, Indonesia 2Marine Sciences Dept. , Bali, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - . Bali is the most excellent tourism resort through precious supporting facility. The structure creates with art that inspires from culture and blends with environment. The original concept is not much usable energy for conditioner and light. Modern and comport facilities are more attractive now. Electricity supply becomes issue. It is important to control uses of excessive energy that emitted carbon and cost. This paper presents results of radiance threshold method that can be used as a system to monitor above issue. The variability of light sources aspects that deplete energy had defined. Development of business support tourism privately is a key of this case. For sustainable of energy, a mutual agreement among stakeholder is urgency. Areas that define as class criteria spread widely, mostly at Kuta and Nusadua city. Development of moderate class light is key to understand spatial-temporal of dynamical many aspects that relate to urban cycles. Nocturnal light trend spread up to northern part of island. Notice for stakeholder to attention of diminishes green space. Long-term dynamical trend of nocturnal light requires inter calibration between nighttime satellite mission. The nonlinearity relationship of those data pays attentions to many factors. Possibility of model function approved a power model. Linearity validation results shows agreement. Keyword: radiance, threshold, energy, criteria, nighttime.



Needs Analysis Development of Applied Mathematical Blended Learning Models Using Schoology LMS

I Ketut Darma1, I Gede Made Karma2, I Made Anom Santiana3

1, 2, 3 Kampus Politeknik Negeri Bali, Bukit Jimbaran, P.O. Box. 80364 Kuta Selatan, Tuban Badung Bali Telp. (0361) 701981 Fax. 701128.

[email protected]

Abstract - The purpose of this study to describe the need for developing LMS- based blended learning models of applied mathematics using Schoology, and 2) to obtain a draft LMS-based blended learning model using Schoology. The development used the Thiagarajan 4-D model, and Semmel in 1974 with several modifications, namely: 1) Define, 2) Design, 3) Develop, dan 4) Disseminate. Currently the development stages 1 and 2 and part of stage 3 are being implemented. The implementation is in the engineering of the Bali State Polytechnic (BSP). Data was collected using survey methods, and questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the analysis get: 1) student attitudes toward mathematics are very positive, learning interests are moderate, 2) learning motivation is high; 4) learning independence is high. Characteristics of the blended learning model: based on constructivism learning theory, using synchronous blended learning format, applying problem-based learning (PBL), using LMS schoology, supported by multi-media learning media such as video and audio learning media. Variation in the number of face-to-face and online time in semester, 50% face-to-face and 50% through e-learning. The evaluation is process and results with a performance assessment approach based on a portofolio and self assessment. An average expert assessment of 36.8 (valid) is feasible to use with several minor revisions.



Pressure Loss on Corrugated Annulus of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger

Putu Wijaya Sunu1,*, I Made Suarta2, D S Anakottapary3, I D A Tri Putra4, I N E Indrayana5

1, 2, 3, 4 Mechanical Engineering Department, Bali State Polytechnic, Badung-Bali, 80364 Indonesia. 5 Electrical Engineering Department, Bali State Polytechnic, Badung-Bali, 80364 Indonesia.

*[email protected]

Abstract - Fluid flow performances were performed as preliminary research on double pipe heat exchanger with longitudinally corrugated. In this experiment, the annulus tube is geometrically design and form of alternating groove. This experiment using longitudinal grooved pipe as inner tube of double pipe heat exchanger. The objective of this investigation is to determine the pressure loss along the pipe as a time series function. The fluid mechanics analysis of in this paper also provide pressure drop of system and presenting pressure signal. The longitudinal grooves were incised on outer surface of tube side with number of longitudinal grooves of 2. 0.3 mm high and 1 mm width grooves were kept constant. The tube made of aluminium with outer diameter is 20 mm. The shell is made of acrylic which has 26 mm in internal diameter. The hot fluid flows in tube space and the cold fluid flows in the annulus space of double pipe heat exchanger. Counter flow scheme use in this experiment with water as working fluid. The volume flowrate of cold fluid was varied from 11 lpm up to 15 lpm which is equal to Reynold Number (Re) range around 31981 up to 43610. The other hand, the volume flowrate of hot fluid remains constant at 15 lpm which is equal to (Re) around 30904. Pressure data was recorded using differential pressure tranducers and digitalize using data logger. The corresponding comparison of the pressure drops revealed the corrugated double-pipe heat exchangers had 5.2 % larger pressure drop. The grooved-double pipe heat exchanger has more disadvantage on fluid performance since the thin corrugated area are slightly increased which essentially correlation on larger pressure drop.



Study of thermal effectiveness in shell and helically coiled tube heat exchanger with addition nanoparticles

Putu Wijaya Sunu1,*, D S Anakottapary2, I D M Susila3, I D M C Santosa4, I N E Indrayana5

1, 2, 3, 4 Mechanical Engineering Department, Bali State Polytechnic, Badung-Bali, 80364 Indonesia.

5 Electrical Engineering Department, Bali State Polytechnic, Badung-Bali, 80364 Indonesia.

*[email protected]

Abstract - Thermal effectiveness was performed as preliminary research in shell and coiled tube heat exchanger with addition of Al2O3 nanoparticles. In the present study, the effect of small concentration of Al2O3 nanoparticles analysis for steady state. Water is selected as the working fluid of cold fluid and refrigerant R-22 as hot fluid. The present work also includes the effect of nanoparticles on logarithmic temperature difference (LMTD), amount of heat absorbed by the water as a time series function. Based on the result, the effectiveness of water- Al2O3 nanoparticles as cold fluid shows good agreement on heat transfer parameter enhancement. The heat exchanger effectiveness increase until 2.2% compare to that of heat exchanger without Al2O3 nanoparticles. This phenomenon indicates an increases of heat transfer process inside heat exchanger. The application of water-Al2O3 nanoparticles on shell and coiled tube heat exchanger enhanced the convective heat transfer passively.



Evaluation of Air Side Characteristics Performance of Finned Tube Evaporator

I D M C Santosa*, ING Suta Waisnawa, P W Sunu, IW Temaja

Mechanical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Jalan Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, Kuta Selatan, Badung-80364, Bali, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - Improvement of Refrigeration system performance should be supported by increasing efficiency of its components. Mainly, two components must have excellent performance are condenser and evaporator. In this study examined a finned tube heat exchanger for evaporator application, furthermore research goal is aimed to enhance the evaporator designs in order to get higher efficiency and effectiveness of the heat exchanger. The effects of distance of fin, shape and size of the fin and combination of tube, will be investigated deeply and the heat transfer coefficient is going to examine using U-LMTD method based on some parameters of heat. This paper is still focus on design CFD model to comply the research purpose. The results were found that geometry design and meshing already compatible to get reasonable post processing results. Analysis of the air velocity vector in the heat exchanger showed good agreement toward references. Vortex and turbulence occurs in side are of the tubes and wake or stagnant flow seems in the behind tubes. The next examine is going to concern with model validation toward experimental results and investigated heat transfer coefficient in details.



Temperature Characteristics Investigation of Chilled Refrigerator with Humidifier

I Dewa M. C. Santosa*, IGN Suta Waisnawa, PW Sunu, IBP Sukadana

Mechanical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Jalan Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, Kuta Selatan, Badung-80364, Bali, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - Post-harvest cold chain of horticulture product in tropical country such as is very urgent to keep the product quality. In this country, the environment temperature and humidity are relatively high, so that the horticultural products are deterioration very fast. On the other hand, this condition can be used naturally for increase the room humidity. This study is aimed to investigate the medium temperature refrigerator performance when apply humidifier to keep the humidity of the system. This research was carried out by experimental investigation. The rig has been built with complete with measurement and instrumentation in order to get a precision control of temperature and humidity. The results show that the system reach good enough of COP which approximately 3.5. However the humidifier contributed a cooling load that can affect of 1 – 1.5 oC temperature increasing. Further studies will be examined optimisation humidifier system with low electricity consumption and eco operation condition with the best combination temperature and humidity to keep the products still has good quality under long time storage.



Data Structure ComparisonBetween MySql Relational Database andFirebase Database NoSqlon Mobile Based Tourist Tracking Application

I K G Sudiartha1, I N E Indrayana2, I W Suasnawa3, S A Asri4, Putu Wijaya Sunu5

1234Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Bali, Indonesia 5Mechanical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Bali, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Tracking application is widely used to help outdoor activities. One of them is used to help tourists who do tourist destinations in group activities. Tourist tracking application requires data on the position of tourists on earth. This coordinate data can be obtained using latitude and longitude data from GPS (Global Positioning System). Coordinate latitude and longitude position of tourists from time to time are stored in a database. Database Selection for media storage will determines the level of speed and ease in accessing data. There are some differences in designing the structure of the MySql and Firebase databases. Relational Database begins with identification of entities involved in the system. One entity with another entity is related and has a cardinality level of the relationship. Relational database implementation in the form of tables in normal forms that are interconnected. Data will be stored in columns and rows. Normalization of tables causes high query computation when calling data that involves many tables. Firebase, which is one of the NoSql databases, in building data structures is stored in JSON objects. JSON tree structures usually consider the display of information that will be presented to users. So that the generated JSON tree has high efficiency and speed in processing data. In this study a comparison between the design of the relational database structure, namely MySql and NoSql Firebase database structure was developed. Firebase is more power full for the development of applications which update data in realtime and and handle a lot of coordinate data such as tourist tracking applications. Applications that do not have complex data relations such as tourist tracking applications are more suitable to use firebase than using MySQL.



Government Readiness and Strategies in E-marketplace Planning using SWOT Analysis and Technology Readiness Index Model

K C Dewi1 and N W D Ayuni2

1Business Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Indonesia 2Accounting Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - E-marketplace technology can be utilized by tourism person and government in facing the development of Industrial revolution 4.0. The development of e-marketplace requires proper preparation and strategy, including reengineering the ongoing business processes. This research took a case study in Nusa Dua which is a tourism area in Bali. The research objectives was to determine the readiness and strategies of the Nusa Dua government in e- marketplace planning by using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis and Technology Readiness Index (TRI) model. The research was conducted by qualitative descriptive approach through observation, in-depth interview and Focus Group Discussion. The research validity was done by transferability, confirmability, credibility and dependability test. The research started from describing the SWOT with TRI model consideration, then mapping into EFAS and IFAS matrix to got the government readiness position. The research continued with government strategies formulation. Based on SWOT analysis with TRI model consideration, it can be concluded that the government readiness was in strong position to be a provider of e-marketplace. It was very possible for the government to carry out aggressive growth because they had the opportunities and strengths needed. The government strategies were Growth Oriented Strategy that built from TWOS matrix.



Design ofChildren Monitoring Application for Outdoor Activities Using a Smart Watch

I N E Indrayana1, Putu Sutawinaya2, N M Wirasyanti3, I Ketut Swardika4, Putu Wijaya Sunu5

124Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Bali, Indonesia 3Accounting Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Bali, Indonesia 5Mechanical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Bali, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The background of this research is the increasing of criminalization in children, one of which is kidnapping of children, Meanwhile many parents have to work so they don't have enough time to be always close to their children. The purpose of this research is to develop applications that can help a parents to monitor the movements of their children's outdoor activities. The application uses a smart watch to get the child's GPS position and at the same time the device sends the last position of the child to the firebase database server. Parents can monitor the child's movements through the android smart phone device in realtime. The application design uses several UML (unified modeling Language) diagrams namely use case diagrams, activity diagrams and squence diagrams. This application requires data objects including parent, child, family and child’s position (latitude and longitude). The main use cases in this application are sending position, case view, child location on map and view path of moving each child. The application can run only if there is an internet connection and the child uses smart time.



Implementing Prototyping Method on Smart Village Application

S A Asri1, I N G A Astawa1, I G A M Sunaya1, K A Yasa1, I N E Indrayana1 and W Setiawan2

1Electrical Department of Politeknik Negeri Bali Kampus Bukit Road, Jimbaran South Kuta, Badung, Bali 80361 Indonesia

2Electrical Department of Universitas Udayana Kampus Bukit Road, Jimbaran South Kuta, Badung, Bali 80361 Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Software development has many methods which are divided into traditional and agile categories. Traditional methods are known as heavy, rigid methods and have a lot of documentation, while agile is known as a lightweight, fast and a little documentation method. But there is a traditional method that has the flexibility and speed like the agile method, namely the prototyping method. Several prototyping methods are often used in building an application. The research aims to choose the right prototyping method for building a smart village application. The smart village application can be categorized as an application that requires a lot of communication with the user, where the user is a village community who has a certain culture and has a variety of educational backgrounds. The results of this study are that prototyping methods that are suitable for building smart village applications are evolutionary prototyping.



Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for High School Time-Table

N G A P H Saptarini1*, P I Ciptayani1, N W Wisswani1 and I W Suasnawa1

1Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Raya Uluwatu No.45, Jimbaran, Kec. Kuta Sel., Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - . Time-table scheduling in senior high school is complex combinatorial problem. The scheduling process needs much time and susceptible to human error. This human error can lead to the violation of hard constraints. Beside the hard constraints, the good schedule must minimize the violation of soft constraint to ensure the students’ and teachers’ preference can be satisfied. The aim of this study was to build the automated scheduling process using adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA). The AGA implements in this study to flexible the probability of mutation (pm) based on the fitness. The minimum pm was set to 0.01, while the maximum pm was 0.2. The experiment shows that the AGA give the better fitness compared to the original GA. The best fitness reached by AGA was 0.054 with the average of maximum generation was 402. The original GA with fixed pm 0.1 resulted best fitness 0.045 and the average generation was 387.



Field-based Analyses on Approach Temperatures for Performance Evaluation of Centralized Air Conditioning System in a Shopping Mall Building

I N Suamir1, *, I N G Baliarta, M E Arsana, Sudirman and I M Sugina

1Mechanical Engineering Department, Bali State Polytechnic, Bali, 80364, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - This paper presents field analyses on the influences of condenser and evaporator approach temperatures of water cooled air conditioning system for a shopping mall. The mall building comprises food and non-food retail stores and uses a centralized air conditioning (AC) system to condition the entire building. The AC system comprises three chillers with the same cooling capacity. Chillers’ performance parameters included power consumption, condensing and evaporating temperatures, evaporator-condenser approach temperatures, pressure drop and cooling capacity parameters were hourly recorded for a period of one year. Performance characteristics of each chiller were evaluated at different condenser and evaporator approach temperatures and regression analyses were also established to examine the correlations and influences of the approach temperatures on the chillers’ performance. The analyses results showed that the increase of condenser approach temperature could increase the power consumption and reduce the coefficient of performance (COP) of the chillers. While evaporator approach temperature was found to have insignificant effect to the chiller performance. The results also showed that for the investigated chillers with condenser and evaporator approach temperatures maintained below 2 K, the approach temperatures had negligible correlation to the power consumption and the overall performance of the chillers. At this operational conditions, the water cooled air conditioning systems could operate at their best possible performance.



Experimental Study on the Prospective Use of PV Panels for Stand-alone Chest Freezer in Hot Climate Regions

I N Suamir1, *, IGAB Wirajati, IDMC Santosa, IDM Susila and IDGA Tri Putra,

1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Bali State Polytechnic, Bali, 80364, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - Chest freezer used in daily life are one of the essential tools. Uninterrupted power should be supplied to refrigerators in order to maintain cooling service. Photovoltaic (PV) systems provide an independent, reliable electrical power source at the point of use, making it particularly suited to remote locations. For this reason, nowadays, the use of PV solar energy in refrigeration has been increasing in rural regions. But, the design conditions and operating performance of a PV-refrigeration system are significantly affected by local climatic conditions. In this study, a PV-powered chest freezer has been established to investigate experimentally its daily operating performance. Operational parameters affecting system capacity and performance were determined under a tropical climate condition of Bali Island Indonesia. Detailed results obtained during daily experimental measurements are presented. The results in overall reveal that solar PV panels applied for stand-alone chest freezer in hot climate region is amazingly prospective.



Assessment of the Effectiveness on Domestic Rainwater- harvesting Wells (SPAHUDO) in the Northern Area of Denpasar City – Bali Indonesia Through Ergo- Hydrogeology Approach

Lilik Sudiajeng1, I Wayan Wiraga2, I Made Mudhina3, I Gede Nyoman Suta Waisnawa4, I Made Sudiarsa5

1, 2, 3, 5 Civil Engineering Department, Bali State Polytechnic, Bali, Indonesia 4Mechanical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This research was conducted to assess the effectiveness on Domestic Recharge Wells that named (SPAHUDO). It’s designed as one of the output of long-term research (2013-2025) on the Model of Groundwater Conservation Program through Ergo-Hydrogeology approach. It synergized the hydrogeology approach, which is more focuses on the technical data of hydrogeology and geotechnical, while ergonomic approach is focuses on human aspect included in the research process, design, and product. The technical assessment of the effectiveness of SPAHUDO was conducted by using the basic formula of both hydrology and geotechnical, confirmed by user based ergonomic approach. The synergized between technically and human aspect is very important for sustainability of the implementation of SPAHUDO.



Analysis Of Resistance Of Materials That Have Las Connection In St 37 Steels

Farid Sariman1, Christian Wely Wullur2, Cipto3, Daniel Parenden4

1,2,3,4Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Musamus University, Merauke, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This study aims to determine the effect of welding currents on the strength and toughness of SMAW welds with Impact testing. This study uses ST 37 Steel (Medium Carbon Steel), this steel including medium carbon steel. The material is treated with welding with a variation of current 90 Ampere, 110 Ampere, and 130 Ampere using SMAW DC welding, Impact testing is a test to measure the resistance of the material to shock loads. Impact testing simulates material operating conditions that are often encountered where the load does not always occur slowly but comes suddenly. The aim to be achieved in this study is to analyze impact testing for medium Carbon Steel welding position using a flat or down hand welding position, the type of seam used is V with a 90 ° angle. Specimens are tested for impact. Impact test results in the base metal and current variation specimens showed that the highest impact strength values were found in base metal, which was 146 joules and 1,825 joules / mm2, compared with the current variation group of 110 amperes, 130 amperes. The types of fracture that occurred were on the base metal and the 90 Ampere current specimen group was brittle fracture, and the 110 Ampere specimen group and the 130 Ampere specimen group were tenacious fractures.



Analysis of Skid and Rolling Vehicle

Cipto1, Daniel Parenden2, Hariyanto3, Rahap M Bako4

1,2,3,4Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Musamus University, Merauke, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Daihatsu Taft Hiline is one of the cars that are widely used for out-of- town travel, to improve the performance of the car in the field, modified cars, modifications made namely the elevation of the car body. The elevation of the car results in a shift in the center of gravity, so that the stability of the car changes. Changing the stability of the car results in skid conditions and the condition of the car rolling. Data processing calculations using the Vehicle Dynamics Turn method, where previously performed calculations to get the car data, car height, car weight, and the location of the center of gravity. Then do skid analysis and rolling to find out the vehicle dynamics that occur in the vehicle. The calculation result of the maximum speed allowed so as not to skid is 66.16 Km / h and the maximum speed allowed so as not to roll is 32.21 Km / h.



Effect Variations And Types of Smaw Welding Electrodes on A36 Steel to Tensile Test

Klemens Alrin Rahangmetan1, Christian Wely Wullur2, Farid Sariman3

1,2,3Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Musamus University, Merauke, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Welding is the connection of the two metal materials into one, using a heat process without any pressure, defined as a metallurgical process. In the world of industry and metal welding which is used to construct construction is low carbon steel as the base material, and fracture is the nature of steel. This study aims to determine the effect of the type of electrode and current strength on the mechanical properties of welding results on ASTM A36 Steel. This research uses experimental research methods. In the welding process using ASTM A36 steel material on a specimen with a size of 100 mm x 25 mm x 8 mm in a flat / flat position (G1) using V. The type of electrode used is RB 2.6, RB 3.2, and LB 52 2.6 with variations in the flow of 70 A, 80 A and 90 A, which are then carried out by tensile test. The results of the research that have been done show that the value of tensile strength at the RB electrode 2.6 with a welding current of 70 A is 355.504 Mpa, 80 A is 439,795 and 90 A is 472,011 Mpa. For RB 3.2 electrodes with a welding current of 70 A of 263,955 Mpa, 80 A of 376,981 Mpa, and 90 A of 342,362 Mpa. At LB 52 2.6 electrodes with a welding current of 70 A at 478,974 MPa, 80 A at 484,172 Mpa, and 90 A at 485,152 Mpa. According to the data, it can be seen the results of welds using LB 52 2.6 electrodes at 90 A currents, with a tensile strength value of 485.152 MPa, a stretch value of 27.5%, and an elastic modulus value of 1764,190 N / mm2.



Implementation of Decision Tree and Naïve Bayes Classification Method for Predicting Study Period

N Pandiangan1, M L C Buono2, and S H D Loppies3

1,2,3Information System, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University, Merauke, , Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - student learning performance influences the quality of a university. One indicator of assessment of student learning performance is the student’s study period. By predicting the student’s study period, universities can evaluate performance to strive to improve the quality of universities. Data mining is one of the choice technique in terms of predictions. But, each algorithm in data mining has the advantages of each, including Decision Tree and Naïve Bayes Algorithm which were tested in this research. This research shows Decision Tree is better than Naïve Bayes Algorithm to be the best choice to predicting study period with accuracy level tested for several ratios of training data and test data are 60:40,65:35,70:30,75:25 and 80:20 produce the highest accuracy values obtaines by decision tree with accuracy values are 90%, 89,14%, 89,3%, 88,8% and 88%. But, the amount of training data in this research does not affect the value of accuracy. This is shown from the value of accuracy in a certain ratio is very small but sometimes also the value of accuracy is high



Evaluation Urban Utility Of Water System In Merauke City

B Syanjayanta1, A Topan2

1,2Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University, Merauke, Papua, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - In the existing utility services in the Merauke district in the form of clean water sanitation, optimally take place notes. The Lack of Management, Service and Maintenance of Government Affected Municipal Utilities in Merauke. Not to the optimal creation of utility Merauke City is also a problem of clean water utility grid systems in the town of Merauke. On rainy season in Merauke city residents rely on rainwater as a source of clean water. If the dry season is often difficult to get clean water. This study evaluates pre-existing conditions, then analyze and make plan water networks. It aims to improve the conditions and quality of service provision of clean water for city dwellers. The results of this study (1) Networks clean water, has not been even distributed and not yet implemented the maximum care. (2) Before the clean water distribution lines, maintenance on the water network pipes and water filtration devices that are eligible for immediate drinking. (3) Before the location of water sources, water treatment plans, reservoir and pipeline supply networks (see Figure 10), which occur in the even distribution of the optimal distribution



Rule Based Method in Expert System for Detection Pests and Diseases of Corn

Lilik Sumaryanti1, Teddy Istanto1, and Selfina Pare2

1Department of Informatics, Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama, Merauke, Indonesia. 2Department of Information System Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama, Merauke, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - Corn is a multi-functional plant, both for direct consumption and as the main raw material for animal feed and the food industry. The need for corn in Indonesia, which continues to increase, needs to be balanced with an increase in production. So that various government policy strategies are carried out, in an effort to increase productivity. Constraints in the cultivation of corn, namely farmers have limitations in identifying diseases that attack plants, and ways to control pests and diseases. The purpose of this study is to propose the use of technology in agriculture by developing an expert system for the detection of corn pests and diseases, which will provide information and strategies for controlling pests and diseases, in order to reduce losses due to crop failure. The knowledge base in expert system contains a set of rules that use the IF-THEN pattern, and to reason on a rule base using forward cahaining method. Expert system is a tool to detection pests and diseases and how to control them like providing expert assistance. In addition, system also provides explanation facility related to the diagnosis results, according to the symptoms obtained from the user. The accuracy detecting pests and diseases 76.6%



Design PV Standalone System in Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Musamus University Using PVSyst 6.7.0 PRO30

Frederik Haryanto Sumbung1, Paulus Mengera3 and Damis Hardiantono4

1,2,3Electrical Engineering Departement, Universitas Musamus, Merauke Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The engineering design systems solar power plant is beginning to be done, procedure to reduce the occurrence of a mistake and the installation of a series of connecting in PV standalone system that result in the low absorption of energy sources the sun and the performance location in electrical engineering laboratory (EEL) of Musamus University of Merauke. In the analysis and this design use PVSyst6.70 pro30 as equipment help, with variable input data that is sourced from the area of the climate system design solar station instalment area and references peak load at EEL. The result was in accordance with the characteristics of the location of the location and the capacity of a load on research object. Based on the capacity and the operational time EEL, mounted on a then obtained power capacity system solar station required in EEL is 6,75 kWp with a power capacity of the burden of daily 5,98 kWp in temperature 50oC or 80% of the nominal required. The array PV standalone system in the area 43,9 m2 area module to the north



Design of Yagi-Uda Antenna for CDMA Modems at 800 MHz

Adik Putra Andika1, Vinsensius Letsoin2, Rapha Nichita Kaikatui3, Paulus Mangera4, Damis Hardiantono5

1,2,3,4Departement of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun, Merauke, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Nowadays CDMA and GSM modem technology are still widely used by the community, especially in rural areas and small towns that are quite far from the BTS location. This paper designs the Yagi-Uda antenna for CDMA modems on the 800 MHz frequency. The number of elements used is 1 driven, 1 reflector and 16 directors. The antenna design simulation uses NEC-Win Pro 1.6 and Ansoft HFSS 13.0 software. Simulations using NEC-Win get VSWR values 1.59 and S11 -13 dB (uses Matlab). Next, the simulation using Ansoft HFSS obtained the results of VSWR 200000 and S11 -9 dB. The simulation results also show that antenna design already has a directional radiation pattern.



Implementation of Energy Efficient Building Concepts In Design Office of Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayan Kabupaten Merauke

Sari Octavia1, Henry Soleman Raubaba2 and Yosi Valentina Simorangkir3

1,2,3Department of Architecture Universitas Musamus Merauke, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The building plays an important role in the use of energy in Indonesia. Most of the expenditure of energy in Indonesia is generated by a particular building electricity consumption by households and the commercial sector. Design Office of Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Merauke try to apply the concept of energy-efficient buildings. The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of energy-efficient building concept in the design office Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Merauke. This research is qualitative research phases namely direct observation in the field, videotaped, and the study of literature. The results showed Building Design Office of Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Merauke try to apply the concept of energy-efficient building on the building design by way of setting the basic building coefficient, the orientation of the building, s / v ratio and wide openings made structures. But the use of materials, the use of concrete with sand brought in from outside the area is not considered environmentally friendly The results showed Building Design Office of Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Merauketry to apply the concept of energy-efficient building on the building design by way of setting the basic building coefficient, the orientation of the building, s / v ratio and wide openings made structures. But the use of materials, the use of concrete with sand brought in from outside the area is not considered environmentally friendly The results showed Building Design Office of Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Merauke try to apply the concept of energy-efficient building on the building design by way of setting the basic building coefficient, the orientation of the building, s / v ratio and wide openings made of building. But the use of materials, the use of concrete with sand brought in from outside the area is not considered environmentally friendly.



E-Monitoring Microtic Network uses The Dude in Musamus University

Fransiskus X Manggau1, Agustan Latif 2, Suwarjono1

1Department of Informatics, Musamus University, Merauke, Indonesia 2Department of Information System, Musamus University, Merauke, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This study aims to carry out the monitoring process of wireless local area network (WLAN) microtics using the Dude application at Musamus University. It is expected that the monitoring results can be in the form of messages / notifications to network administrators. Network monitoring will be increasingly difficult if the computer network topology in an institution is very broad and complex. The network devices used in this study are the Mikotik operating system with the Dude tools with the specifications of Mikrotik RB433, The Dude server and The Dude Client. Based on the results of the implementation and testing carried out on the WLAN network of Musamus University, it was found that the use of The Dude Application can make it easier for network admins to know the position of the proxy router that has trouble, up and down on the proxy router. Another advantage is that the admin simply monitors the network on the server because if there is trouble or the system down the admin gets a notification in the form of an email from the Dude



Measurement of standard glucose solution using silver nanoparticle

R Z Maarebia1, E Nurvitasari2, N B Sumanik3

1,2,3Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama, Merauke 99611, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This study aims to determine the effect of using silver nanoparticles on electrodes to measure standard glucose solutions using the voltammetry method. In this study, silver nanoparticles were used which have been present and have been synthesized and characterized by using the extract agent of water extract of Myrmecodia pendans and AgNO3 as metal precursors. Detection of glucose with variations in concentration characterized by limit detection obtained a concentration of detection limit of 4.53 mM and sensor sensitivity of 1.91 A.mM-



Housing Drainage Network Evaluation in Education Teacher Road Merauke

C Utary1, M Akbar2, and Y Kakerissa3

1,2,3Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Musamus, Merauke, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - Increasing population, residential and land development of the narrow lead to flooding or waterlogging during the rainy season. Based on the author's observation that this occurs as a result of population growth and settlement. Areas that were once as a rain water reservoir and the water reservoir tidal inland transformed into residential areas and development centers of economic activity, and social services. The residential area of Merauke teacher education road is low-lying areas and densely populated, thus increasing the flow of water entering the waste stream. Based on the calculation of discharge, obtained Qk = 79,586,978.48 m3 / sec. The magnitude of the flood Q Qb = 24,488,511, 58 m3 / sec obtained high discharge may cause flooding in the residential area of teacher education path Merauke. So it is necessary to increase the dimensions of the existing channels in order to cope with flooding during the rainy season.



Optimal harvesting and stability of predator-prey model with holling type II predation respon function and stage- structure for predator

R A Pratama1, M F V Ruslau2, D R Suryani3 and E Meirista4

1,2,3,4Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama Merauke 99611, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - This article develops mathematical models with structural stages from predators, immature and mature predators. The predation function of mature predators follows the Holling II response function. We assume that the immature predator population has the economic value, therefor the harvesting function is included in this model. In this model an analysis of the equilibrium point and stability of the interior equilibrium point is carried out. Analysis of the stability of the interior equilibrium points is done by linearization method and pay attention to the eigenvalues of the characteristics of the Jacobi matrix obtained. Analysis of equilibrium point stability is carried out before and after harvesting. The result is obtained by each of the three equilibrium points. At the equilibrium point of the interior with stable harvesting a local maximum profit analysis is obtained from the exploitation business. Based on the results of the analysis, it is obtained the value of harvesting business which provides a stable equilibrium point and maximum profit



The Main Structure of Walina and its Preservation in Boven Digoel

Y I P Hematang1, S Octavia2, and A Topan3

1,2,3Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University, Merauke, Papua, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - Walina (Kombai Tribe Tree House) in Boven Digoel can stand on an old tree, becoming a curiosity for researchers to analyse the main structure of Walina which is tread on a tree. Then it will be known the importance of maintaining material from Walina which depends entirely on Papua's natural forests. If there is no forest preservation, then it will be important about Walina's sustainability in the future. The purpose of this study is to produce an analysis of the function of the basic pole structure forming the Walina belonging to the Kombai Tribe and material from the local forest as a compiler of the walina structure and forest preservation for the continued existence of Walina. This research uses descriptive survey method research method.



Estimation Analysis of Long-Term Electrical Energy Needs In PT. PLN (Persero) P2B REGION MERAUKE Area Using Linear Regression Method

P Mangera1 and D Hardiantono2

1,2Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University, Merauke-Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Electrical energy is one of the important parts in the development of an area. One of the ways is to make predictions or estimates the electrical energy requirements. The estimation of the need for electrical energy is needed to answer the high demand for electricity that continues to increase, so that we see the development of electricity consumption in Merauke Regency that is linear. The method used in this research is analyzing the calculation of electricity needs using the Linear Regression Method. The estimation results of electrical energy needs in 2018 electrical energy needs amounted to 127,035,341 KWh, while in 2022 amounted to 17,139,908 KWh with an average increase per year of 8,747,989 KWh or 5.84%. From the calculation results, the household sector becomes the sector that has the highest electrical energy needs up to 2022 amounting to 114,294,938 KWh with an average percentage increase per year of 5.82%



Study Of Abundance And Edible Parts (Bydd) Of The Sea Snail (Gastropods) In Mangrove Ecosystem At Lampu Satu Beach And Payum Beach, Merauke District

Sendy Lely Merly1

1Department of Aquatic Resource Management, Faculty of Agriculture Musamus University.

[email protected]

Abstract - Gastropoda is one of the families of the molluscum phylum found in abundant amounts. Its existence in the mangrove forest ecosystem of Merauke Regency brings potential in developing alternative foodstuffs from the sea in addition to other fishery protein sources such as Fish and Shrimp. The study took place in two mangrove ecosystem locations at Lampu Satu Beach and Payum Beach using the line transect method with purposive sampling placed quadrants successfully identified as many as 8 (eight) gastropod species included in 4 (four) families namely Littorinidae, Potamididae, Neritidae and Ellobiidae. The species with the highest abundance is owned by L. Scabra at 44.03 ind/m2 with a relative density of 87% at Station I, while at station II is owned by species L. Scabra 20.83 ind/m2, T. sulcata 13.4 ind/m2 and C. obstusa 11.3 ind/m2. Furthermore, for Frequency of Attendance at Station I L.scabra at 100% and C. obstusa 67%, at Station II L. scabra and C. obstusa both at 97%. Based on the analysis of the shell length it is known that the species with the longest shell size are owned by the species T. telescopium 7 cm; T. sulcata 6.21 cm and T. palustris 5.29 cm. The edible portion of gastropods can be seen from the weight of the meat to the total weight, so that the species with the highest percentage is known to Nerita sp. 43%, C. angulifera and N. lineata 35%, and L. scabra 34%.



Application Report Process Of Islamic School Based On Pesantren Boarding Using Waterfall Model

Tri Kustanti Rahayu1, Susanto2, Suwarjono3

1,2,3Department of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University Merauke, Papua, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This research aims to develop information system applications for processing report evaluation of Islamic junior high schools based on boarding pesantren. Islamic junior high school based of boarding pesantren has different evaluation methods from junior high schools in general. Because Islamic junior high school based on boarding pesantren not only assess students academic abilities but also assess students religious abilities. This research uses waterfall method to build and develop software applications report process. There are 5 stages to be implemented such as communication, planning, modelling, construction, and development. In addition, it also uses Data Flow Diagrams to model the data flow that occurs in the system. The results is software applications that can combining report card from school with boarding pesantren.



Structuring Area Tourism Development Based Merauke Buti Beach Informal Sector (Small Business)

Henry Soleman Raubaba1, Yosi Valentina Simorangkir2 and Sari Octavia3

1,2,3Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University, Merauke, Papua, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - The extraction or mining of sand along Buti Beach's lips makes the coastal tourism condition increasingly insecure and its environment results in abrasion along Buti Beach and becomes a threat to the surrounding settlements. This happened, one of which was due to the condition of the people who did not understand and this condition was made worse by making mining as a result of livelihoods. The development of tourist areas should involve the community because the purpose of development is to improve the welfare of the people, especially the local people. Development through structuring activities needs to be followed by fostering the potential of human and natural resources in order to strengthen the economy of the people so that they can participate in the development of urban facilities and are not marginalized. This research was conducted qualitatively, by conducting questionnaires, discussions and interviews. Through discussion and interviews, local responses to alternative arrangements for users are the main thinking. Alternative structuring is carried out based on the results of literature review with the viewpoint of practical empirical theory and phenomenology used in helping them choose arrangements that are appropriate to the environment. The results achieved in this study are sustainable settlement arrangements and can encourage the development of potential community empowerment in the coastal area of Buti.



Use-Pole Bamboo Raft Foundation With Full-Scale Model Test Of Deformation Causeway Makassar New Port

Yance Kakerissa1, Muh. Akbar2, Chitra Utary3

1,2,3Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah 99611 Merauke Papua, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - The number of buildings or constructions which are at the planning or implementation stage can not be allowed to avoid land base in the form of clay, then, of course, it takes geotechnical engineering to solve the problem by improving the native land so hopefully not happen settlement or deformation. Awareness of the importance of the soil remediation process before building construction on it be an idea to use bamboo as a material provision of soil reinforcement. This research was conducted with the full-scale reinforcement and the raft bamboo poles on the ground with a mounting base plate and observations settlement every day. From the results of modeling on the field at the U-50% condition waiting period ranges from 10-14 days, on the condition of the U-90% the waiting time ranges from 40-55 days, on the condition of the U-95% the waiting time ranges from 53-72 days and the condition of the U-99% the waiting time ranges from 83-115 days. Based on observations in the field, the final drop- readable embankment around 545 mm with a time of consolidation U-90% for 59 days. The results showed that retrofitting with bamboo raft poles can reduce the decline to 60.70%.



Identification of Acetoin Producing Rhizobacteria as Rice Plant Growth Control (Oryza sativa) from The Rhizosphere of Elephant Grass Plant (Pennisetum purpureum) using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)


1,2,3Faculty of Agriculture, Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama, Merauke, Papua, 99611.

[email protected]

Abstract - The compound of acetoin (3-hydroxybutan-2-butanone) is a volatile compound produced by bacteria that functions as a booster for plant growth or as a biostimulant. Acetoin plays an important role in stimulating the process of organogenesis (morphogenesis) plants so that the formation of plant organs faster and faster plant growth. Besides being able to increase the growth of acetoin, it can also induce plant resistance, increase the formation of branches, roots and flowers so that acetoin can increase plant productivity. The purpose of this study was to identify acetoin-producing rhizobacteria which can stimulate rice growth. Identification of compounds was carried out using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). This study obtained one rhizobacterial isolate capable of producing acetoin which acts as a plant growth booster, namely Rg21. This rhizobacterial isolate was able to increase the number of lateral roots of rice seedlings at the age of 14 days after plants with a percentage increase of 50.00% when compared to controls



Analysis Of WiFi Network Performance Using FDMI Method

Try Adrianto Darsono1, Izak Habel Wayangkau2, Marsujitullah3

1,2,3Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This journal aims to analyze how optimal the performance of WiFI network services, the results can represent the average performance of Internet network services against changes in the value of Quality of Services (QoS) parameters when the highest traffic in the Hotspot Lab IT Laboratory area and Musamus Informatics Engineering Department to support developments in the digitalization era as part of the 4.0 Industrial revolution. Measurement data was got from the results of interviews, observations, and literature studies. Measurement data captured using Wireshark, Fixed Daily Measurement Interval (FDMI) method is the method used in the measurement. The QoS parameters used in the measurement are throughput, delay, and packet loss. Overall, the average value of throughput got is 0.99 MBps. The average value of delay is 124.05 ms is in the very good category according to TIPHON standards. The average value of packet loss is 0.05% with the very good category. The measurement results show that WiFi networks in the Hotspot IT Laboratory area and Musamus Informatics Engineering Department are reliable and meet user needs.



Measuring the Maturity Level of Information Technology Governance in the Informatics Engineering Department Using COBIT 4.1

A Prayitno1, N Patawaran2 and Marsujitullah3

1,2,3Department of Informatics, Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama Merauke, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - Information technology plays an important role in the business world because it may affect the operations of the organization within the organization that also uses information technology to provide information. One of the departments that use information technology is the Information Engineering Department of Musamus Merauke University, which is used to provide information related to the Department of Information Engineering. But in the use of information technology is still flawed. Therefore, it is necessary to have a standard in information technology management to measure overall standards and governance in information technology management, ie using COBIT. 4.1 Based on this study, we will design an information technology management model for the Department of Information Engineering. Control objectives for information and related technologies (COBIT) are 4 primary domains, including domains, planning and organization (PO), acquisition and implementation (AI), transmission and support (DS) and Monitoring and Evaluate (ME) in all four domain research in COBIT 4.1 used to solve the problems and needs of the information engineering department in information technology management, support the process of technology services Prof. support and supervision and evaluation of information technology. The study found that the level of maturity of information technology supervision in the information engineering department is at level 2. Therefore, information technology in the information engineering department must be improved to the expected level.



The Use of The Edmodo Application in Blended Learning to Improve Cognitive Abilities of Senior High School Students

E Nurvitasari1, N B Sumanik2, R Z Maarebia3, A L Rettob4

Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama, Merauke, 99611, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This study aims to improve the cognitive abilities of students of High School 3 Merauke through the use of the Edmodo application in blended learning on the learning of hydrocarbon material chemistry. This research is a classroom action research. The object in this study is the students' cognitive abilities. The research subjects were students of class XI MIPA 7 High School 3 Merauke. The results showed that the use of Edmodo applications in blended learning on the learning of hydrocarbon chemistry material can improve students 'cognitive abilities with the percentage of classical completeness of students' cognitive abilities reaching 76.47% in cycle I and 85.29% in cycle II.



Implementation of software geogebra on triangles

Nurhayati1, Markus Palobo2, Khumaeroh Dwi Nur’aini3, Irmawaty Natsir4, Etriana Meirista5 and Anis Munfarikhatin6

1,2,3Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University, Jalan Kamizaun Mopah Lama Merauke 99600, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - Mathematics teaching is a learning process gives an understanding of mathematical concepts for students. The basic concepts of mathematics must be embedded well in each student so that understanding concepts at an advanced level can be easily mastered. Mathematics teachers play an important role regarding the problems faced by students when learning mathematics in class. A math teacher in addition to having the ability to master mathematical concepts well, is also required the ability to manage the class so that students can understand the concept well and learning achievement is in the high category. Mathematics is a subject consisting of great ideas that are connected to each other so that understanding cannot be separated because each concept will contribute to the other concepts. Most students still say that mathematics is a difficult and uninteresting lesson, therefore, a teacher needs to apply specific strategies used in the mathematics learning process so that it can change students' perceptions of mathematics into an interesting and easy lesson. The use of technology can help teachers and students learn mathematics, for example the use of GeoGebra software. GeoGebra software has the benefit of being able to make geometric paintings that are fast and precise compared to using paper and pencil and the existence of animation facilities provides a clear visual experience for students and teachers. One of the geometry concepts is to construct a flat triangle, in this study the discussion is to determine the special lines on the triangle using GeoGebra software and then determine the intersection of the special lines of the triangle.



Multimedia development with web-based connected massive open online course (cmoocs) in basic physics material

A Henukh1, A Reski2, R F Nikat3, R S Waremra4, S Bahri5

1,2,3,4,5Department of Physics Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama, Merauke, 99611

[email protected]

Abstract - This study aims to develop web-based multimedia cMOOCs in basic physics material. The research method used is research and development using the ADDIE model (Analyze-Design-Development-Implementation-Evaluation). The objects in this study were 31 students in the physics education study program at the State University of Jakarta. The research instruments used were material expert validation sheets, multimedia expert validation sheets, and multiple choice questions. The results of the material expert validation showed 94.19% (very good). The results of the multimedia expert validation showed 78.33% (good). The results of the small group trial got a score of 82.67% and the results of the large group trial showed 90.03%. The results of the assessment of the effectiveness of web cMOOCs in the basic physics material I, obtained N-gain at a score of 0.786 so that it falls into the very high category. Based on the data above, this study shows that cMOOCs web-based multimedia development in basic physics material I can be used as learning multimedia.



The Implementation Of An Expert System In Diagnosing Skin Diseases Using The Dempster-Shafer Method

M L C Buono1, N Pandiangan2, S H D Loppies3

1,2,3Department of Information System, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University, Merauke, Papua, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - In this study we will describe the types of diseases that often attack the skin. The skin is a very sensitive organ of the body and susceptible to disease. This study uses a dempster-shafer method that is used to diagnose symptoms of skin disease. The dempster-shafer method in this study uses rule based obtained from dermatologists. The results of this study were able to produce an accurate diagnosis of 68.8% using trial sample data. The dempster-shafer method can be applied in the diagnosis of skin diseases.



Selection of Snack Suppliers in Merauke Regency Based on Sample Additive Wight (SAW)

H Jayawardana1, R Zubaedah2, SHD Loppies3, F Xaverius4

1,2,3,4Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University, Papua, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Offices will always carry out activities to be able to develop, including the implementation of meetings, seminars, competitions and guest guests. Sometimes these activities are carried out at the same time or cover the number of participants to thousands of people. Giving snacks in activities is considered important because it can help participants to keep active in participating in activities and also help maintain endurance during follow-up activities. Therefore, the need for biased snack suppliers is more than 1. This research tries to find the best choice of order to prioritize these suppliers. The results of this study can be one of the references for choosing the priority of snack suppliers in Merauke Regency.



Redesign Runway Strip With Evaluate The Geometry, Cut and Fill-In, and CBR at Mopah Airport

Muh. Akbar1, Chitra Utary2, Yulia Helena M. Rada3

1,2,3Civil engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Musamus University.

[email protected]

Abstract - Mopah airport has one runway that is supported by an apron which is located at a distance of 472 m from touch down to the size of 18.560 m2. Apron between the runway with two lines connected to the taxiway. One of the airside facilities Mopah Merauke airport is the runway strip that serves as a countermeasure state of emergency when the air out of the runway failure when landing or taking off. the objective of this study is to redesign the runway strip by evaluating geometric, cut and fill and CBR in Merauke Mopah Airportusing KP. 39 in 2015, KP. 93 The year 2015 and KP. 576 in 2011. The data taken is the carrying capacity of the soil and ground elevation using test equipment Theodolite and Dynamic Cone Parameter. Results of testing the design of the runway strip Merauke Mopah Airport with dimensions of the runway with a length of 2500 m and a width of 45 m with the code type "4.C", obtained the runway strip width of 150 m plan right side and the left side of 150 m. CBR value of research in getting 9.93% which comply with minimum CBR value that is 6%, and a transverse slope of the runway strip elevation plan by 0.8%, to meet the slope of the runway strip elevation plan of each cross-section the importance of the volume of cut and fill with amounting to 174,205.00 m3 to 3008.80 m3 excavation and embankments.



Edge detection of digital image with different edge types

M F V Ruslau1, R A Pratama2, E Meirista3

Mathematics Education Department, Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun-Mopah Lama, Merauke-Papua, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - In digital images processing, there are three types of edges based on intensity changes. Namely, step edges, ramp edges and edges noise. An edge is defined as a set of pixels where there is an abrupt change in colour intensity over distance. On-ramp edges where gray levels change slowly, the Gradient Method is able to detect better. On step edges where the intensity or gray levels changes very quickly the Laplace method is able to detect better than the Gradient Method. In this study, three images were used as samples and identified the type of edge of each image. Furthermore, edge detection is performed with the first derivative operator Canny and the second derivative operator Laplacian of Gaussian. The results indicate that for step edges LoG provides better results, whereas for ramp edges Canny detects better. However, by selecting the right threshold that matches the σ (standard deviation), Canny is also capable to provide good edge detection results. The greater the σ value, the threshold was chosen must be small so that the results obtained are good and easily interpreted. The Canny operator produces a thinner edge and a firmer boundary between objects and between objects on the given sigma = 1 value while the LoG operator corrects better, especially on the steep part of the value σ = 2 compared to the value σ = 1.



Bioeconomic two predator-prey model of harvesting fishery

S M Belwawin1, M Riyana2 and D Harmawati3

1,2,3Department of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah lama, Merauke, 99616, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - In this article, the research conducted is a comparison of the Leslie- Gower model with logistical growth in the harvesting of predatory and prey populations. This study discusses reconstructing a modified logistic growth model by using the Holling III response function as well as voting on predator and prey populations, analyzing equilibrium points, determining and bionomic equilibrium. The bionomic equilibrium from harvesting was carried out on the Leslie-Gower modification model , maximizing the profit function π of harvesting carried out in the model with pontryagin produced optimal equilibrium ).



Realistic mathematics education assisted interactive multimedia

Fredy1, D P Rahayu2 and I Natsir3

1Departmen of Primary School Teacher Education, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama, Merauke, 99611, Indonesia 2Departmen of Mathematic Education, Teacher Training and Education Faculty Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama, Merauke, 99611, Indonesia

1,2,[email protected]

Abstract - This study aims to improve student achievement through the application of realistic mathematical education assisted interactive multimedia. This research used classroom action research, carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observing, evaluating and reflecting. The stages of implementing learning begin with the delivery of concrete examples of integer problems, making concrete models up to formal forms of mathematics about integers. The results showed the percentage of students who met the minimum completeness criteria of 71.87%. After improving learning in cycle 2, there was an increase in student achievement of 28.13%. The percentage of students’ achievement in cycle 2 has reached 100%.



Increasing the quality of virgin coconut oil (vco) using activated carbon adsorbent from candlenut shell (Aleurites mollucana)

J Y Parlindungan1, H Hitijahubessy2, J J Pongkendek3, N B Sumanik4, A L Rettob5

1Department of Chemical Education, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Musamus University, Merauke, ID 2Biotechnology Study Program, Tual State Fisheries Polytechnic, Southeast Maluku, ID

[email protected]

Abstract - Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is one of the product from coconuts. VCO has many benefits in health and industry. One method of making the VCO is often used today is the fermentation. Today many domestic industries produce virgin coconut oil (VCO) but in fact, the industry has not been all good in terms of quality. The use of activated carbon from candlenut shells as an adsorbent to increase the quality of VCO has studied. The parameters tested were water content, free fatty acid, and peroxide. The results showed a decline in water levels from 0.1655% to 0.0597%, peroxide number decrease from 0.1991% to 0.0991%, and the free fatty acid content of 0.4186% to 0.366%.



Selection In Vitro Flower King Planlet With Polyethylen Glicol (Peg) 6000 On Drought As An Animal Feeding

Gardis Andari1, Dirwan Muchlis1, Nurcholis1, Syetiel M. Salamony1, Astaman Amir3 , Nurhaya J Panga4

1Department of animal husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture Musamus University, Merauke, Papua, Indonesia

3Department of Aquatic Resource Management, Faculty of Agriculture Musamus University,

4Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture Musamus University, Merauke, Papua, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Bananas besides being a superior fruit plant in Indonesia, banana plants can be utilized as animal feedstocks, The results showed that the administration of banana stems as animal feed did not have a negative effect on the appearance of young sheep, and even showed more nitrogen in comparison with sheep receiving control rations. Banana skin can be used as a substitute feed for livestock, especially in broilers. Banana skin has been used as poultry feed, a mixture of banana peel and coconut pulp with a ratio of 2: 1 can be used up to 15% substitute for corn in broiler feed. Banana skin fermented with probiotics can increase crude protein content by 14.88% and rough seats by 11.43% which is good for broiler growth. Drought that occurs every year is the main limitation of the growth of banana plants. Drought in plants can result in slow leaf area increase and influence on the rate of photosynthesis so that it can reduce productivity and growth of plants. PEG 6000 was used as an effort in early detection of genotypes from plant varieties that tolerated drought stress. So far there has never been a study of plantain feathers against drought stress using PEG 6000. So this research is interesting to do. This research was conducted to obtain candidates for plantain plantain which are tolerant to drought as animal feed



Comparison of ICT literacy capabilities of physics teachers in state and private schools in Merauke Regency

Syamsul Bahri1, Mitra Rahayu2, Desy Kumala Sari3

1,2,3Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Musamus, Jl. Kamizaun, Mopah Lama - Merauke, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - ICT literacy is need for a teacher to adapt to the industrial revolution 4.0. This study aims to compare the ICT literacy of physics teachers from public schools with private schools. This type of research is descriptive research. The method of data collection is the filling of ICT literacy questionnaires by physics teachers. Respondents consisted of 14 physics teachers from public schools, and 5 private school teachers. Data are analyzed quantitatively and expressed in percentage form. The results of the analysis show that the ICT literacy of physics teachers in private schools is better than teachers in public schools. The first section in your paper



Scaffolding computer packet instruction (SCPI) to analyze student’s problem solving performance on physics

R F Nikat1, A Henukh2, M Simbolon3, A Reski4, D K Sari5

1,2,3,4Department of Physics Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Musamus Merauke, Indonesia, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama, Merauke, 99611

[email protected]

Abstract - The development of technology could facilitate individuals to access information, solve problems and communicate. This physics education research, the author wants to convey the impact of utilization quantitatively and qualitatively scaffolding of computer packet Instruction (SCPI) on students' problem solving performance. SCPI learning packet consists of material, Check your knowledge, feedback and evaluation buttons. The research method used is a mixed method embedded design. The participants in this study were 32 students in class X MIA 1 ISLAM PUJON SMA MALANG. Students consist of 10 male and 22 female. The study was conducted in the even semester of the 2017/2018 school year with topics of work and energy topic. Quantitative data analysis through calculation of N-gain test, effect size test and paired t-test. Based on Quantitative analysis results, the use of SCPI media could have a positive impact on students' physics problem solving performance. This result is supported by data on the increase in pretest and posttest values. The statement was also supported by students 'responses in filling out the online questionnaire that there was an increase in independent learning capacity after SCPI was implemented in the concept of solving students' physics problems.



Quality of chicken eggs aged 26 months supplemented With herbal medicine containing red fruit extract

D Muchlis1, Nurcholis2, and G Andari3

1,2,3Department of animal husbandry, Musamus University. Merauke, ID.

[email protected]

Abstract - Production of chicken eggs will decrease below 30%, with a maintenance time of more than 1.5 years, but the old chicken eggs can still be consumed. The decline in chicken egg production does not necessarily reduce the quality of eggs chemically, but physically that these chicken eggs have advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it has a large size and weakness is that some shells are not normal. Therefore studies related to egg quality chemically need to be done to determine whether there is a decrease in egg quality in old chickens. Egg quality is generally influenced by feed and drinking water, some herbal plants given to chickens are thought to be able to improve the quality of chicken eggs. Some herbal plants that can be used include turmeric, ginger, cutchery, and red fruit extract. Red fruit has several good antioxidant compounds and fairly high xanthophyll. The purpose of this study was to determine and improve the quality of old chicken eggs. The method used in this study experimentally with 4 treatments and 10 replications. The variables observed were the quality of protein, fat, cholesterol, bacterial contamination and the content of omega-3 in eggs. The results showed that the average protein content was 10 -13%, 9-10% fat, cholesterol 331 - 338 mg / 100 g and Salmonella SP (negative). The conclusion of this study is that chemically the quality of old chicken eggs given herbs in the normal range and the administration of herbs do not improve egg quality physically.



Liquid semen quality of PO cattle suplemented red fruit oil (RFO) in ringer lactate-egg yolk equlibration temperature

Nurcholis1, S M Salamony2, and D Muchlis3

1,2,3Department of animal husbandry, Musamus University. Merauke, ID.

[email protected]

Abstract - The use of Papuan red fruit as a supplement to the extender is one solution to the high price of raw material extenders. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of the use diluents supplemented with red fruit oil (RFO) in various levels against the quality of PO cattle semen during the storage of equilibration temperature. The research was conducted in the Animal Health Laboratory of Semangga District. The method used was a factorial completely randomized design (F-CRD), 3 treatments x 3 replications and 3 factors of equilibration temperature, namely 2oC, 4oC and 6oC. This study used 4 diluent treatments, ie P0 = ringer lactate egg yolk (RL-KT), P1 = (RL-KT + 0.1 ml MBM), P2 = (RL-KT + 0.3 ml MBM). Semen is collected using an artificial vagina, shortly after the semen storage is evaluated macroscopically and microscopically. The results of the study have a significant effect (P <0.05) in treatment P0 and P1,P2 during the 48-hour equilibration time at 6oC. In conclusion, supplementation of red fruit oil (RFO) in diluents was able to maintain motility up to 68,5±1.02% at equilibration temperature.



Effect of using chemsketch on teaching molecular shape of hydrocarbon to increase student’s achievement

D N Marpaung1, L F Siregar2, and J J Pongkendek3

1,2,3Chemistry Education Department, Faculty of Teaching Training and Education, Universitas Musamus, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - This research aim to know the effectiveness of using chemsketch on the teaching molecular shape of hydrocarbon to increase student achievement. Hydrocarbon is very interesting to be discussed. Technology utilized need to solve this problem which is by using chemsketch. Chemsketch implemented by powerpoint. Research conducted in SMAN 5 Medan sample that used consists of two classes, that consist of experiment class and control class. The average pretest score in control is 33.33 and posttest score is 73.03. Percentage of passed students post-test is 69.70% from 33 students only 23students. While experiment class average pretest score is 32.12 and posttest score is 81.21. Percentage of passed students post-test is 85.71%, from 35 students only 30 students. The gain percentage between the post-test score in the experiment and the control class is 16.01%. The result showed that chemsketch with PowerPoint effective to increase student’s achievement in hydrocarbon and suitable following industrial revolution 4.0 to prepare student face globalization era education.



The Efficiency of Rawa Mayo Irrigation Channels in Kurik Sub-Distrik, Merauke

MG Permadi1, Parjono2

1,2Department of Agriculture Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Musamus University, Merauke, Papua, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - The purpose of this research is to know the efficiency of irrigation networks and water loss Swamps the Mayo that occurred during the distribution of irrigation. Research methods used in this research is a research field that is by calculating the discharge of water channels, perkolasi, evaporation and seepage. The research results obtained average discharge early in the primary channel of 0.292 m3⁄s, the final discharge 0.25 m3⁄s, the loss of water, 0,042 m3⁄s and the efficiency of irrigation of 85,62%. On the secondary channel 1 average early discharge 0.268 m3⁄s discharge, 0.153 m3⁄s end, water loss of 0.115 m3⁄s and irrigation efficiency of 57,08%. On the secondary channel II early 0.22 m3⁄s debit, debit end 0.118 m3⁄s, water loss of 0.102 m3⁄s and irrigation efficiency of 53,63%. Irrigation efficiency at Mayo swamp irrigation is 46.39% where the value still meets the KP-01 (2013) Irrigation planning standard.



Effect of Tambelo (Bactronophorus thoracites) Extract for Body Weight on Male Mice (Mus muscullus) During Physical Activity

Stenly Wairara1, Sajriawati2, Astaman Amir3, Ferdinand Christianto Situmorang4, Nina Maksimiliana Ginting5 Merry Dawapa6

1,2,3 Department of Aquatic Resource Management, Faculty of Agriculture Musamus University, Merauke, Indonesia 4,5,6 Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture Musamus University, Merauke, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Tambelo (Bactronophorus thoracites) is a marine invertebrate that lives as a mangrove borer which has decomposed. These animals by the Mimika community are known to have the potential to increase physical fitness if they have carried out excessive physical activity. Testing of compounds that have the potential to improve fitness in tambelo is not widely known. Therefore this study aims to identify the potential of tambelo extract in improving physical fitness in men carried out in vivo by using male mice test animals. In this study, the experimental animals used were male Swiss Webster mice. Mice were divided into three groups, namely the akuabidestilata and two groups treated with a dose of 1 or 3 g/kg b.w. Mice are treated with physical activity, in the form of a running test and followed by a swimming test. The parameters is body weight measured using analytical scales. The results showed the influence of tambelo extract in providing internal energy, this was indicated by the addition of body weight to the body of mice during physical activity. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the womb provides energy sources both internally and externally in mice during physical activity



Analysis the effect of learning habists and gender the mathematics learning achievement using the multiple linear regression approach

H Fitrianti1, M Riyana2

1,2Department of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama, Merauke, 99616, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of learning habits and gender on the mathematics learning achievement of students using multiple linear regression approaches. This type of research is quantitative with an approach ex post facto. The population used in SMP Negeri 1 Merauke students, class X and XI with a population of 625 students consisting of 322 male students and 303 students. The sample used by the propositional stratified Random Sampling technique was obtained ie 150 samples. The analysis used uses a significance level of 5%. The results obtained are: (1) there is a significant effect of learning habits and student mathematics learning achievements; (2) there is no significant effect of gender on student mathematics learning achievement; (3) there is no simultaneous influence of learning habits and gender on students' mathematics learning achievement. The results of the analysis using multiple regression approaches indicate learning habits provide a positive and significant influence on learning achievement. Students who have good and regular study habits will see that the lessons received are not so difficult to understand, because of the good readiness beforehand. Whereas for gender there is no significant effect. This is because there has been gender equality applied in school. Equality of conditions for men and women to obtain opportunities and their rights as human beings, to be able to play a role and participate in activities at school. Thus it can be concluded that the factors that influence the mathematics achievement of junior high school students for Merauke City are learning habits. The better and regular student learning habits, the students' mathematical achievements will increase.



Comparison between Elandt-Johnson and Heligman- Pollard method to estimate a complete life table of elderly

M Riyana1, S M Belwawin2, N Hasanah3

1,2,3Departement of Early Chidhood Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University, Jl. Kamizaun Mopah Lama, Merauke, 99616, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - This study aimed to compare between Elandt-Johnson and Heligman- Pollard interpolation method in estimation of a complete life table for erderly. The range age started from 60 to 110 years. Rapidly increasing of elderly population both developed and developing countries has encouraged the government to provide programs for elderly to not assess the productive age. Life table provides data to estimate the elderly population. However, the data usually contains data aged 0 year. The neccessity to enable to find out the elderly data requires a life table. Yet, the problem occurs in some developing countries are that they do not provide a complete life table and only an abridged life table. Therefore, the study investigated a proper method to estimate the elderly life table by comparing the two interpolation methods such as Elandt-Johnson and Heligman-Pollard method. The results of the study found that the Elandt-Johnson method was more appropriate than the Heligman-Pollard method to estimate a complete life table of elderly by comparing the error value.



Analysis of The Mechanical Properties of Concrete Beams That Use Pumice as a Partial Substitution of Concrete Mixtures

Abdul Gaus 1*), Imran 1), Chairul Anwar 1)

1Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Khairun, Indonesia, kp. 97718

[email protected]

Abstract -- One of the most common inhibiting factors in the archipelago is the lack of availability of material resources and human resources. One of the options is the use of lightweight concrete precast using materials around the islands. The local material which is widely distributed in North Maluku is pumice but it has not been used maximally because so far it has only been used as pile material. This study aims to analyze the effect of partial substitution of pumice on fine aggregate in a concrete mixture. This research was carried out experimentally in a laboratory using UTM and divided into 2 stages. Stage 1, designing and analyzing concrete mix using pumice compared without using pumice, Phase 2 testing using concrete beam dimensions of 600x150x100 mm with an inter load of 150 mm. Beam test results show that the limited use of pumice in a concrete mixture does not greatly affect the strength of normal concrete beams, as indicated by the deflection value and strength of concrete blocks that are almost as large.



Test Of Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Beruwas Laut Leaf Using Writhing Test Method

A Nur1 , M Hasan2

1Department of Pharmacology, Biomedicine, Medical Faculty, Universitas Khairun .

2 Department of Medical Faculty, Universitas Khairun.

[email protected] , [email protected]

Abstract -- Test of analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of the Beruwas Laut leaf (Scaevola taccada (Gaert.)Roxb) on wistar starain albino rat (Rattus novergicus) using Witkin method (Writhing Test). The extract group use 3 different extract dosages namely: the extract dosages of 2.5 mg/200 gBW, 5 mg/200 gBW, and 7.5 mg/200 gBW. The anti-inflammatory with the artificial edema formation with 1% carrageen inducer, whereas the analgesic effect was determined the writhing test method which was induced with 1% acetic acid. The research resault indicates that the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are obtained in the ethanol extract of 70% of the Beruwas Laut leaf (Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb) with the dosages of the 2.5 mg/200 gBW, 5 mg/200 gBW, and 7.5 mg/200 gBW characterized by the number of stretching and inflammation on different legs from the control group. The statistical analysis result using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) indicated that the analgesic and anti- inflammatory effect are show by the ethanol extract of 70% of the Beruwas Laut leaf (Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb) of dosages of 2.5 mg/200 gBW, 5 mg/200 gBW, and 7.5 mg/ 200 gBW being insignificantly different from the mefenamic acid and diclofenac sodium.



Bamboo as Eco-Green Alternative for Concrete Reinforcement that use Sand Beach Fine Aggregate

Arbain Tata1, Mufti Amir Sultan1, M. Taufiq Yuda Saputra1 and Imran1

1Civil Engineering Department, 2Faculty of Engineering, 1,2Universitas Khairun, Ternate, 97719-Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract -- Sand beach has been widely used at the archipelago as fine aggregate in concrete mixture. Concrete beam specimens consist of 12 beams with 10x15 cm and a length of 120 cm of size. control beam (BN) was made from normal aggregate with steel reinforcement. the Variation of beam specimen (BF1, BF2, BF3, BF4, BF5) was made from sand beach's fine aggregate with bamboo reinforcement. Bamboo that applied as concrete beam reinforcement was Wulung bamboo kind that have about 3 years of age. bamboo's tensile test results were obtained average tensile strength is 185 MPa. The flexural test for all beam’s specimen was carried out with two-point loads to determine the amount of deflection that occurs in each beam. Analysis of relations of load-deflection was carried out to each beam specimen from the experiment result. test results showed that the bamboo reinforcement worked as well expected and no splitting occurred, so that the bamboo reinforcement appeared broken when ultimate strength exceeded. The maximum strength was obtained in BF5 beam specimen with an ultimate load 21,5 kN. Flexural test results show that on beams with steel reinforcement tends to occur flexural cracks while on beam with bamboo reinforcement also found shear cracks.



The Smart Islands Vision: Towards Smart City Readiness in Local Government of Archipelagos

A Arief1, M Y Abbas2, I H A Wahab3, L A Latif4, S D Abdullah5, D I Sensuse6

12345Smart Islands Research Group Laboratory of Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia. 6E-Government & E-Business Laboratory of Faculty Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia.

*[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

Abstract - Today, the smart city has become a trend in the world and in the city's governments in Indonesia. The typical geographic condition of the city, municipality and district government in Indonesia is more directed to the governance of island governments that have own factors, challenges and opportunities. One of the visions of the archipelago’s government is the Smart Islands vision, which is to make the islands become a smart city with connected islands, integrated, collaborations between stakeholders and improved public services with own local wisdom. However, the readiness level, the actual problems found in the existing conditions are not yet evaluated and measured. In this study, we conducted a smart city readiness assessment with the adoption of the Nusantara Smart Government Model (NS-GM), which was combined with the Model SPBE instrument on Presidential Regulation No. 95 on 2018 as the official regulation of the Indonesian government. We choose 2 case studies as an example of an archipelago’s government in Indonesia, namely Ternate City and district's government of Southern Halmahera because the area has the criteria as a government of an island region that has a vision of smart islands. Smart cities readiness assessment results show that 2 case studies that are measured in readiness, are generally still in the pilot stage with values in the 2 towards 3 phase model that we used



Factors in building damage in the village of Balitata, due to the impact of 7.2 magnitude earthquake

Endah Harisun1, Yunus Hi. Abbas2, M. Amrin MS. Conoras3, Firdawaty Marasabessy4,

1,3,4 Program Studi Arsitektur Universitas Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia,

2 Program Studi Elektor Universitas Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia,

[email protected]

Abstract -- The strength of the building's response to earthquakes is largely determined by building construction. The earthquake that occurred in the southern part of Halmahera Regency destroyed thousands of homes. Specifically in Balitata village affected by the earthquake, there were dozens of damaged houses. This study was conducted to determine the cause of house collapse without taking into account the shear forces caused by earthquakes while the research method used was qualitative descriptive. The conclusions obtained were many factors that caused dozens of houses to collapse in Balitata village.



Material And Form Resilience in Dutch Architectural Style Buildings in Ternate (case study: Ternate nobleman's house)

Endah Harisun1

1 Program Studi Arsitektur Universitas Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia,

[email protected]

Abstract -- The material resilience and shape of Dutch buildings in Indonesia is very famous. This is evidenced by the establishment of buildings in the present. The resilience of material and shape of Dutch buildings was also found in noble homes with typical Colonial architecture in Ternate which was the object of research. The research method used is descriptive by comparing data in the field with literature studies and explaining elements in buildings such as walls, floors and frames. The conclusion that was achieved knew the resilience both in terms of building material and the shape of a house building with colonial architectural style in Ternate



Study of Blending Fly Ash with Potentially Acid Forming Material to Prevent Acid Mine Drainage

Firman1*, A Haya1 and H Alkatiri1

1Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, , Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract -- Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is one of environmental concerns of mining activities and need to be prevented. One of AMD prevention method is passive method by blending PAF Material with Non-Acid Forming Material. One of constraint often faced by mining companies is the limitation of NAF material. Other Non-Acid Forming Material that is available and abundant near mine site is fly ash from Mine-Mouth Coal-Fired Power Plant Banjarsari. The Study of usage of fly ash as a blending material with PAF material in order to prevent AMD is deemed necessary. Different blending simulations of varying PAF material size (fine and coarse) and varying fly ash-PAF Material ratio (2:1; 1:1; and 0,5:1 by weight) are made and leachate water from kinetic test is physically and chemically tested. This study result shows that variation in OB-Claystone grain size is not influencing the acidity of leachate water. Blending FA with OB- CS with minimum ratio of 1,12:1 (by weight) is effective to prevent AMD generation. Acid-base equilibrium is met when ratio of mole-transfer between neutralizing mineral (periclase, lime and gypsum) to acid-generating mineral (pyrite) is 1:1 (by weight). The higher ratio of FA in blending, the lower oxidation and alkalinity-production rate. Rate of oxidation of pyrite and alkalinity- production rate is the same at OB-CS and FA blending ratio of 1:1,62 (by weight).



Optimization Naive Bayes using Particle Swarm Optimization in Volcanic Activites

F Tempola1, A Mubarak2

1,2Department Of Informatics, Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Khairun, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract -- This study is a continuation of previous studies that apply Naive Bayes classifier algorithm for predicting the status of volcanoes in Indonesia based on factors of seismicity. There are 5 criteria used in predicting the status of the mountain, namely the status of normal, alert and standby. The results of the study showed that the system accuracy produced was only 79.31%, in other words, it was still at the stage of fair classification. To overcome these weaknesses so that accuracy increases, optimization is done by giving the weight of criteria or attributes using particle swarm optimization . From the results of research by applying the same data using Particle Swarm optimization methods optimization, the accuracy of the resulting system increase of to 95.65%, where the number of particles is initialized 50 and the weight range [0 2].



Synchronization Conveyance and Loading Equipment for Production Target In Mining Activities On Obi Island

H Alkatiri1, S Abbas2, and A Haya3

1Department Of Mining, Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Khairun, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract -- Mining company open pit method, with mining selective system, target production of 3,600,000 tons / year, using the tools excavator sany PC 365 and the tools load ADT dump truck komatsu HM 400 To achieve the predetermined production results, analysis of the factors that affect the production, one of which is the amount of time wasted, due to the influence of time constraints, standby time, and the time of repair of the excavator and dump truck. The effective time of work used by the operator is the time available 12 hours per shift per 1 day, but the reality on the ground of the acquisition of effective time is 6 , 67 hours or 56% for excavator and 6.59 hours or 55% for dump truck, Match factor (The number that shows the comparison between the production of loading equipment and the hauling unit served) is MF



Proposed Mathematical Modelling of Small Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Movement

Iis Hamsir Ayub Wahab1, Rintania Elliyati Nuryaningsih2, Achmad Pradjudin Sardju3

123Robotics and Intelligent System Engineering Research Group Departemnt of Electrical Engineering Universitas Khairun

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract -- In designing of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), the most important issue is how to formulate the movements of the vehicle. This paper proposes the mathematical model of ROV movement. Combination of statics disciplines and dynamics of ROV movement are needed to formulate the mathematical model of ROV. Statics refers to the forces and moments that work on the physical system around the equilibrium point, dynamics refers to the effect of force on the movement of the object. Linear mathematical models analyzed can be combined or separated by taking into account the circumstances surrounding environment such as velocity vector of the linear state of the vehicle body (surge, sway and up) and angular (roll, yaw and pitch). Simulation results show that the movement of vehicles, both basic and combined movements have reliable characteristics.



Benthic Marine Litter Accumulation at Selection Beaches in Ternate Island, Indonesia

Mohammad Ridwan Lessy1,2,* and Najamuddin1

1Marine Science Department - Universitas Khairun, Ternate – Indonesia 2Hidro-Oceanography Laboratory – Universitas Khairun, Ternate- Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract -- The report of marine litter pollution first published in the scientific journal of the early 1970s; therefore, more than 40 years later, the scientist continues to understand the distribution of litter existing in the marine environment. The present study was carried out in Ternate Island, North Maluku Province (eastern Indonesia) which the aims are to determine litter composition, abundance, weight, and density on the seafloor and to predict the sources of seafloor litter distribution in the study areas. A conventional underwater visual survey with scuba/snorkeling. The depth of the sampling area varied between 3 and 6 m according to the slope of the island. During the survey, total of 1171 items were collected from all study sites and a total of 20.47 Kg of weight. The mass of overall debris concentration range from 0.089 items/m2 to 1.04 items/m2. The number percentage of plastic, metal, fibers/textiles, glass, and rubbers in total were 77%, 12%, 7%, 2%, and 2%, respectively. Plastic debris was the most dominant material category by means of number and weight.



Development Planning Of Air Side Airport Facilities Buli Airport East Halmahera

M Rizal1*, E R Ahadian2 and S A Ramadhany3

123Dapartment of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Khairun, Ternate. North Maluku

*[email protected]

Abstract -- East Halmahera Regency in North Maluku Province is a district rich in natural resources in the form of mining products. Therefore, one of the leading sectors is mining. Currently, the aircraft operating at Buli Airport are of the ATR 72-600type. It is considered necessary to improve the service capabilities to meet future demands and support the air traffic flow to and from the economic gateway of East Halamahera. Additionally, this study aimed to ascertain the number of passengers who will use Buli Airport in 2032 and assess the dimensions of airside facilities including runway, taxiway, and apron that will be used by the Bombardier CRJ 1000 Nextgen planes. From the data obtained, we could estimate andmake predictions about the demand and availability in the future. The datawas analyzed using three (3) trend analysis methods:least Squares, quadratic and exponential. One of the best trends was selected based on the smallest value of the sum of square error that wasthen used toestimate the number of passengers and aircraft in 2032. The analysis results estimated the number of passengers in 2032 using the quadratic method and obtained a total number of passengers of 50548 per day,while the corresponding number of aircraft was as many as 861, with two movements daily. The design results showed the need for the runway to be 2271 m, 149 x 15 m taxiway, and widening for the apron 97 x 75 m.



Extended Generic Process Model For Analysis MITM Attack Based On Evil Twin

M S Ahmad1,S Lutfi2,SD Abdullah3

1Department of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Khairun, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 3

Abstract - The high of criminal level related to the field of networking, is a threat that is quite dangerous MITM. The perpetrators of this attack use a fake AP (access point) with different gateway settings that are legitimate AP, so this type of attack becomes quite difficult to detect. This is due to the lack of standard operating procedures (SOP) in handling this case. This research was conducted with the aim of making a forensic model based on the analysis stages in the Evil Twin based MITM case using the user side based live forensic method. The results of the forensic investigation in the study resulted in an investigative model of ENFGP (Extended NFGP) which was divided into 10 stages and consisted of 30 completion steps, obtained through the process of testing and implementation methods in the MITM based Evil Twin attack and further testing based on several previous forensic models



Impact of Organic Matter on The Phytoaccumulation Technology of Copper in Soils by Ipomea Reptans

Muliadi1*, Deasy Liestianty1 , Nursiah La Nafie2, Irdhawati3, Yanny4, Shamim Al Mamun5

1Department of Chemistry Education. Universitas Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia 2 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, , Makassar, Indonesia 3 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia 4Department of Mining Engineering. Faculty of Engineering ,Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara 5Department of Environmental Science and Resource Management Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail- 1902, Bangladesh

*[email protected]

Abstract - Heavy metal contamination in soil is often a problem in living organisms. The efforts to control heavy metal contamination in soils can be done by using living organism. The phenomenon of the uptake, accumulation and storage of heavy metals in the plants’ body is known as phytoaccumulation. Phytoaccumulation research of copper metal has been carried out with application of material waste i.e. sawdust, charcoal and compost used by Ipomea reptans. The analytical method used is atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The results showed that the impact of the application of organic waste material curbed the influx of copper into Ipomea reptans with the phytoaccumulation ability to control plants, sawdust, charcoal and compost of 231.1, 229.7, 196.1, and 152 mg / kg. The bioaccumulation factor value in each application is 0:33, 0:26, 0:34 and 0:19 respectively. There were significant differences between the phytoaccumulation ability of copper metals done by Ipomea reptans.



Case-Based Reasoning for the Diagnosis of Acute Respiratory Infections Using Minkowski Distance

M Salmin1, F Tempola2, A Fuad3, M Papuangan4

1Department Of Informatics, Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Khairun, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract -- One of the computerized systems is highly developed in this century is the system of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) where the system is able to complete a new case based on experience or previous cases. CBR provides solutions based on the degree of similarity in the old case with a new case. The system built in this research is the CBR system for diagnosing respiratory diseases by using the Minkowski distance as the similarity calculation. Calculation of accuracy in this study using K-fold cross-validation by using k = 5 and k = 7. Testing with k = 5, the best results are ≥ 60% threshold with 99.29% accuracy while using the lowest threshold value of ≥ 80% with accuracy is 88.57%. Testing with k = 7, the best results are ≥ 60% threshold with accuracy 99.29%, while the lowest was using a threshold value of ≥ 80% with accuracy is 89.29%.



Characteristics of Archipelago Architecture in Moluccas Island

Mustamin Rahim1) and Maulana Ibrahim1)

1)Lecturer of Architecture Department, Khairun University, Ternate-Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract -- This study aims to identify the characteristics of the archipelago traditional architecture in the North Moluccas region and analyze the philosophies and typologies by literature review and field observations. The results show that the archipelago architecture in North Moluccas Island develop and spread based on the characteristics of the region, where it’s dominant developing in three areas; mountains, valleys, and coastal areas. The typology of archipelago architecture differs in each region following the natural condition and local culture of each tribe, but it has a line of equality in the building philosophy as an embodiment of the human body: feet (foundation), body (wall and room), head (roof)



The Behavior of Coastal Communities on Management of Domestic Wastewater in Ternate City, Indonesia

Nani Nagu1 and Mohammad Ridwan Lessy 2

1Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Khairun, Ternate, 97719-Indonesia. 2Marine Science Department and 2Hydro-oceanography Laboratory Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Universitas Khairun, Ternate 97719 – Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Coastal area is a region that highly vulnerable to environmental degradation. One of the problems occurred in the coastal area in Ternate city is the number of solid and liquid household waste throws to the watershed or sea water. The different of geographical characteristics in Ternate is the focus of this study. The study took place in Kampung Makassar Timur Village that has people who have the house on the sea water and Sangadji village who live in the coastal area. This research aims to determine the behaviour of the population in residential areas who live in different geographical characteristics by calculating a total load of domestic wastewater and measuring the quality of domestic wastewater. Data collection and information collected by using questionnaires to the respondents in the study areas and following up by determining the quality of wastewater in some representative stations by laboratory analyses performed. The result shows that the behaviour of most respondents indicate the same behaviour in disposing the domestic wastewater directly to the sea because of it is an easy way to throw the wastewater, while other mentioned there is no wastewater drainage available at their place.



Analysis of Hydrogeology and Rainwater Prevention Systems at Sepo Village in Central Halmahera Regency, North Maluku

Nurany Lukman1, Razak Karim2 1Mining Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering, Khairun University Ternate, North Maluku Indonesia 2Mining Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah University Ternate, North Maluku Indonesia

Abstract -- Mining water is one of the main problems that has a great importance on mine productivity. In mining implementation, it is necessary to study the Mining Water (Hydrogeology) system to support a good mine design. The Mining Water drainage system is a method for making work sites in the mining area always dry. Prior to mining, hydrogeological analysis and rainwater management methods are carried out. Calculation of rainfall intensity using Gumbel Probability estimation and water capture area analysis obtained CA-1 Q = 915, 35, m3 / day CA-2 Q = 1149, CA-3 Q = 141116, 01CA-4 Q = 1407.89, the form of rainwater trapping channels in the form of trapezium and pump requirements in each catchment area of 1 (one) pump each.



The Measurement Of Maturity Level In Chili's Using Index Pixel

Nurul Kusuma Delina1, Iis Hamsir Ayub Wahab2, Amal Khairan3

1,3Program Studi Teknik Informatika,

2Program Studi Teknik Elektro

Fakultas Teknik, Universitas KhairunTernate, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract -- A lot of knowledge and techniques of image processing which are now available are widely various. Much research as well as development is conducted in terms of detecting ripe fruits, one of which is chili. It is one of the local commodities that is marketable. The process of being ripe chili is relatively fast. Generally, to measure ripeness is still carried out manually. The disadvantage of this method is that the level of accuracy is inconsistent, causing fruit decay in numbers. On behalf of lowering the risk of fruit decay, the research conducted uses index pixel method. This means itself is the normalization of variety illuminated by taking ratio in each group of smallest points in an image processing. In this study, the image taking of chili using box equipped with black background is confirmed to be useful in reducing time of segmentation process. When it is in the process of detecting image by searching for the average of index pixel, then RGB will be counted using Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) that is the calculation utilizing weighing value. As a result, the classification of maturity level can be seen in the test with a very high percentage value and influence to detect fruit ripeness, signed by the color of RG pixels (red and green) by 94.9% correctly detected, the color pixel RB (red and blue) is quite influential by 93.9% correctly detected, and the color of the GB pixel (green and blue) which was less influential at 63.6% was correctly detected.



Mode Choice Modelling For Interisland Transportation In North Maluku: A Case Of Ternate to Sofifi Cities

Raudha Hakim

Dapartment of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Khairun, Ternate. North Maluku

[email protected]

Abstract -- This research discusses to study and to analyze speedboat and Fast Boat users on the Ternate-Sofifi route and seeing preferences for choosing mode changes in travel costs, trips, itineraries and frequency of trips. The research activity carried out publishes the initial survey and the main survey through the distribution of questionnaires prepared by the method stated a preference. This research was conducted on 120 respondents and collected as many as 98 who met the requirements (valid). These questionnaires were distributed during field surveys directly on port speedboats and fast boats in the city of Ternate. The results of the questionnaire were further processed to obtain the characteristics of respondents and the model of a quick ship and speedboat ship mode selection. The purpose of the trip is mostly official travel for quick ship users and family / social needs for speedboat users. While the reasons for choosing the crossing, mode are considerations for quick ship and frequency reasons for speedboat ship users. Mode selection models between quick ship and speedboat ship obtained in the form of linear equations are: = - 4,356 - 0.00000787X1 + 0.545X2 + 1,275 X3 - 0.067X4. With 4 attributes, they are: X1 = Travel expenses., X2 = Travel time X3 = Travel schedule and X4 = Frequency of Reception. Results Measurement of the percentage of all attributes (R2) obtained a value of 42.7%.



Motion Graphic Animation for Public Service Advertisement

R E Nuryaningsih1, E Sudarmilah2, R M Putri Siregar2, R Kinandha Ningrum2

1Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Khairun, Indonesia 2Department of Informatics, Faculty of Communication and Informatics, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia.

*[email protected]

Abstract -- Dissemination and promotion can be done in a more efficient way, such as digital info graphic or even animated video intended as a public service advertisement. Moreover, many institutions started to promote digital through the website, and also using motion graphic 2D animation that is interesting and easily accepted by the public. This study aims to design the motion graphic 2D animation and its usability testing on one of the institutions which is Kelurahan Ngadirejo. Method used is production stage motion graphic 2D animation and usability testing. This research have resulted motion graphic 2D animation in a public service advertisement which had usability system usability scale (SUS) tested with an average SUS score of 71.07% classified as an application having good quality.



The Isolation of Termofil Amilolitik Bacterium and Activity Test of Harsh Extraxt Amylase Enzime from The Hot Spring at Jailolo Bay in North Maluku

Rugaiyah A. Arfah1, Yudith Ayu Lestari1, Seniwati Dali1,

Muliadi2, Deasy Liestianty2*

1Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Hasanuddin University 2 Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Khairun University

*[email protected]

Abstract -- Amylase is a hydrolase group enzyme used in many industrial areas which operate on high temperature. Amylase can be yielded from various organisms. The most common producer of Amylase is Bacterium. Water sample used in this research was taken come from the hot water source with temperature of 75ºC and 6,1 water pH. This research was done by isolating the bacteria, by packing 1 mL of the water sample into an add-on medium. Then 1 mL microbe culture was disseminated to a jelly medium and incubated for two days at the temperature of 40 ºC, 50 ºC and 60 ºC. The result of the research shows that the source of hot water in Jailolo Bay, North Maluku has potency to yield thermophile amolytic bacteria. The amount of isolates bacteria obtained was 68 isolates from the temperatures of 40ºC, 50ºC and 60ºC each resulting 36, 18 and 14 isolates bacteria. Three chosen bacterium isolates (big transparent zone) from each incubation temperature are isolates 51Y222 ( 40 0C), isolates 52B23 ( 50ºC) and 52YA ( 60ºC) which owns each transparent zone of 9,11 cm; 9,13 cm and 9,20 cm. The microscopic characterization result of Gram coloration indicates that those three isolates are included as the positive Gram bacteria and in form of bacillus. Based on the colony morphology observation macroscopically, microscopically and according to the biochemical test result, isolates 51Y222, 52B23 and 52YA represent bacterium of Bacillus sp. Amolytic enzyme activity of 51Y222, 52B23 and 52YA is each 157,75 mU / mL; 124,07 mU / mL and 1315,61 mU / mL



Airwave Propagation Analysis on Amateur Radio Frequency 10 MHz in Island Areas

S D Abdullah1, R 2, S Turuy3, A Arief4

1234Department OfInformatics, FacultyOf Engineering, Universitas Khairun, Indonesia

*[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract -- High Frequency (HF) radio is a radio wave that works at frequencies of 3 to 30 MHz with wavelengths of 100 to 10 m, some of the mountainous areas and islands are still classified as rural areas. Rural areas are rural areas where the population is not too dense and there are no high-rise buildings.With the presence of air wave propagation for HF NVIS radio communication at a frequency of 10 MHz that can be used accurately, it can support the creation of communication systems that have effective service quality and can know the model that matches the characteristics of the area, making it easier for operators to build a amateur radio communication network.Propagation is the most important part in designing a communication network on radio waves that are traversed by having several bacterial conditions such as analyzing propagation, estimating interference, estimating cell parameters, reflection or obstacle and distance.VOACAP stands for Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program. This program is an ionospheric model that can predict the performance of HF that is expected to use empirical data.The power received for Ternate-Tidore with a distance of 15 km is 2,304 Watt, while the transmit power for Ternate-Moti with a distance of 37 km is 3,310 Watts and the transmit power for Ternate-Makian is 1,708. Sendangan for the simulation on VOACAP is 7,943 Watt for Ternate-Tidore, 5,011 Watt, for Ternate-Moti, install 3,981 Watts for Ternate-Makian, this shows that VOACAP software has a greater signal than the calculation



Theoretical analysis of green energy water supply system in Tidore island

T Suyono, L A Latif, W Hardi, K Umar, S H Abbas

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Khairun, Gambesi street, South Ternate, North Maluku

[email protected]

Abstract - Provision of drinking water is strived to meet 4k items (quantity, continuity, quality and affordability. Tidore Island is a small island with domestic and non-domestic water needs until 2018, which is 125.21 liters / second and in the projected year of 2,038 it reaches 167.98 liters / second. From the existing data, the average water source in the form of deep wells on Tidore Island is 2.5 - 5 liters / second, so we need around 60 deep wells, so that it is very burdensome for operational and maintenance costs. which is located on the east side of Tidore Island, is one area that has the potential of raw water for drinking water that can be planned with the concept of green water supply, namely making shallow wells with depths between 24 - 40 meters below ground level and pumping them into reservoirs with a capacity of 500 m3 at an altitude 469 m and utilizes the distribution pipe as a rapid pipe to rotate a mi water turbine hydro hydro installed at a height of 134 m. From the results of the analysis it is predicted that the potential of ground water in Rawa Lembah Keramat Talaga village around 55 liters / second will be planned with a capacity of 50 liters / second and electrical energy of 105 kW will be assumed assuming total turbine efficiency of 65% with a height difference falling 346 meters. Based on the calculation of electrical power requirements for pumps with a capacity of 50 liters / second the head of 120 meters is 98 kW, so it can be concluded that the electrical energy generated by micro hydro is able to meet the energy requirements of raw water pumps.



Modeling and Resource Classification Lateritic Nickel Deposits on a Heterogeneous Block in The Haul-Sagu Area using Estimation and Simulation Geostatistical Method

W A K Conoras1,2*, A A Lamburu2

1Departement Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah University of North Maluku, Ternate, Indonesia. 2Departement Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khairun University, Ternate, Indonesia.

*[email protected]

Abstract -- Deposits modeling is a very important thing in the exploration field, especially in estimating reserves. This research was conducted to model the geometry of lateritic nickel ore deposition on heterogeneous blocks using the geostatistical estimation method Ordinary kriging (OK) and simulation methods namely, Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS) then the distribution of laterite zonation was carried out to calculate the resource and mineral resource classification based on estimation data and simulation. The estimation results using the OK method have an average value of Ni higher than the average Ni grade from the SGS simulation results. Analysis of the calculation of total tonnage of resources from the estimated OK data shows the total amount of measured tonnage of 5,875 tons is far lower than the amount of resource tonnage from the SGS simulation data which displays the total amount of tonnage measured 189,766 tons. However the average grade of Ni from measured OK Resources is 1.49% higher, compared to the average Ni grades from measured resources of SGS 1.33%. with a difference of 0.16% Ni grades. The opposite occurs when the average Fe grade of the measured OK resource is lower 24.15% compared to the average Fe grade of the Measured resource of SGS 32.81% with a very large difference in Fe grade of 8.66%.



The Effect of Impact Velocity to the Reaction Force, The Deformation Length and The Deformation Mode on a Thin Aluminum Tube

Witono Hardi

Universitas Khairun, Kampus 2 Unkhair , Jl. Pertamina, Gambesi ,Ternate

Abstract -- Many people have conducted research related to the thin tubes as energy absorbers. The response of the specimens when receiving axial loads at low-velocity impact and high-velocity impact has been carried out by many researchers. In this study, the effect of impact velocity on the response of specimen reaction forces and the factors that influence on thin aluminum tube specimens with fixed impact energy will be examined.



Geochemical composition and morphology study of Major Minerals of Angus Stone from Gamalama Mountain, Ternate Island, Indonesia

Yanny1, Mohammad Marshus Ibrahim2, Said Hi Abbas3, Muliadi4, Asri Jaya4, Adi Maulana5

1,2Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara University 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Khairun 4Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Teacher, Learning and Education, Universitas Khairun 5Department of Geology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University

[email protected]

Abstract -- This research is aimed to recognize the chemical composition, type, and main mineral morphology that are consisted in Batu Angus. The analytical methods used are X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR), and Scanning Electronic Microscopic (SEM). The result of the research showed that the chemical composition of Angus stone consists of silicone mineral and iron. The kind of silicone mineral is identified as mineral quartz, cristobalite, and tridymite while the iron mineral is identified as maghemite. The silicone mineral morphology has tetragonal, cubic, orthorhombic, hexagonal, and trigonal geometry shapes



Bamboo Pile Installed Into Soft Ground to Increase Required Reinforcement Force for Coastal Dike

Suyuti1*, Sabaruddin1 and Raudha Hakim1

1Dapartment of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Khairun, Ternate. North Maluku, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract -- There are three thousand kilometers of six thousand three hundred kilometers were occured abrasion in coastal area, in North Maluku. Those accidents caused by natural disaster such as big waves from seashore. In order to avoid that risk natural disaster for living safe, local government must to construct a dike. However that construction is often built on the deposit soft soils in lowlands. In which, a required stability of it’s dike on the soft ground must be satisfied to support loads. Recently, the traditional way is mostly familiar to increase soil stiffness for embankments, which used local material such bamboo pile. It is pile material installed into soft ground before construct an embankment. Therefore, the study aims is focused on observation of the required renforcement force of the ground after installed with bamboo piles which investigated by full- scale test. Finally, the reliability performance of required reinforcement force of soft ground with bamboo pile, which is derived by several empirical equations.



Application of Pavement Condition Index (PCI) on the Assessment of the Kalumata Highway of the City of South Ternate

Sabaruddin1*, Alvret Deni1

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Khairun, Indonesia, kp. 97718

*[email protected]

Abstract - In general, roads are built as infrastructure to facilitate mobility and accessibility of socio-economic activities in society. The existence of the highway is very necessary to support the growth rate of the economy, agriculture and other sectors. Considering the benefits that are so important, therefore, matters related to the development and maintenance of roads are a priority to be researched and developed in planning, implementing and maintaining them. One of the research targets is the one km Kalumata highway in the city of South Ternate which suffered significant damage, both minor damage, moderate damage and severe damage to some of these roads. The purpose of this study was to determine the type and extent of damage to the road surface, and provide measures to repair road damage based on the level and type of damage that occurred. The application of the PCI is carried out by visual survey stages at the research location, determining the type and level of damage and measuring the damage dimensions which include length, width and depth, calculating the area of damage, analyzing the damage condition. Based on the results of the analysis, the surface of the Kalumata- road in Ternate is classified as a severity level with a PCI value of 0.00. an alternative improvement that is appropriate is routine.



Public Service Quality in Sultan Babullah Airport Ternate (Case Study of Passenger Service)

E R Ahadian1, M Rizal2, M R A Han3

123 Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Khairun University

Abstract -- This research was conducted at Sultan Babullah Airport in Ternate. Primary data was collected by interviewing airport passengers and visitors and direct observation (filling out questionnaires), while secondary data was obtained from reports, articles and service operational standards. Data were tested using validity and reliability tests and analyzed using the mean analysis method (looking for average values). The results of data analysis show that the quality of public services at Sultan Babullah Ternate Airport is quite maximal, there are only a few service facilities that are problematic, where negative ratings from passengers are more dominant than the positive rating. Positive ratings are "Appearance of airport officers" (mean 3.90), "Cleanliness, room neatness" (mean 3.88), "Airport security" (mean 3.66). Negative assessments in the form of "Reliability of waiting room facilities (including toilets)", "Availability of seats in the pickup room", and "Ease of reaching the airport". For a negative (invalid) assessment there is no mean because invalid data is not included in reliable calculations and mean analysis. If viewed in groups, the highest level of service quality includes "Tangibility" (mean 3.70), "Assurance" (mean 3.60), "Responsiveness" (mean 3.55), "Reliability" (mean 3.38) and "Empathy" (mean 3.03).



Prospect The Model Development in Salt Supply Chain

Iffan Maflahah1,2, Budisantoso Wirjodirdjo2a, Putu Dana Karningsih2

1 Department of Agro-industrial Technology, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan 69162, Indonesia

2 Departement of Industrial Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - This article reviews the literature on the model of a supply chain system published between 2010-2018 where the period experienced a notable increase in the discussion of the supply chain system model. The model that will be used in this study is the development of models and methods based on the shortcomings in the previous literature. Specifically, it reviews the methods and models that are relevant for development in the model of the salt supply chain system. The approach method used in decision making is a qualitative, quantitative, and mixed approach. This paper uses a framework that allows models to be used for similar purposes and can be compared over time. It is also used to identify gaps in the literature. The findings in this literature study highlight the new institutions that are needed and the factors that influence decision making on the choice of supply chain system. The cooperatives as an institution that mediates the farmers’ interests and as an alternative channel. The determining factors in the choice channel are price, transaction costs, and risks that can provide a profit.



Predictive Maintenance Analysis Overhead Crane Machine in PT Bromo Steel Indonesia

Sofian Hadi, Dayal Gustopo and Dimas Indra

Departemen of Industrial Engineering, National of Technology Institute Malang, Malang 65152, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Problems that often occur in the production process at PT. Bromo Steel Indonesia is damage to the engine overhead crane. The damage that occurs to the engine, has a negative impact on the company, where the production process stops. The purpose of this research is to design maintenance schedules, reduce engine overhead crane downtime, improve Standard Operating Procedures. Based on the results of the research, maintenance intervals on overhead crane engine components are brake systems for 95 days, carbon brush for 27 days, electric hoist for 46 days, limit device for 47 days, clutch for 56 days, pull motor for 31 days, drum roll electric for 44 days, wire rope for 29 days. Changes to the maintenance system from breakdown maintenance to predictive maintenance resulted in saving cost of 27,62% on overhead crane machines component with a nominal value of IDR 1 .051.031.511 and result of the analysis of the calculation overall equipment effectiveness at PT Bromo Steel Indonesia before predictive maintenance of 90,19% and after predictive maintenance of 92,06% an increase 1,87 %.



The hybrid whale optimization algorithm: A new metaheuristic for efficient energy consumption on flow shop with dependent sequence setup

Dana Marsetiya Utama1, Dian Setiya Widodo2, Muhammad Faisal Ibrahim3, Khoirul Hidayat4, Teguh Baroto1, Aminatul Yurifah1

1Department Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jl. Tlogomas No. 246, 65144 Malang, East Java, Indonesia 2Department of Manufacturing Technology, Vocational Faculty, University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya Jl. Semolowaru 60118 East Java, Indonesia 3Logistics Department, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia Jl. Veteran Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur 61122, Indonesia 4Department Agroindustrial, Trunojoyo University, Jl. Raya Telang, Kabupaten Bangkalan, Jawa Timur 69162, Indonesia

Abstract - Recently, The industrial sector produces about half of the worlds total energy consumption. Manufacturing companies are required to reduce energy consumption. This article aims to develop a Hybrid Whale Optimization Algorithm (HWOA). We use the objective function of minimizing energy consumption. It solves the problem with permutation flow scheduling problems (PFSSP). Dependent sequence setup is a PFSSP problem with setups that depend on schedule sequence. We offer HWOA with local search strategies. The solution in each HWOA iteration is improved using flip and swap mutations. Furthermore, HWOA is compared with several algorithms. We use numerical experiments to show the performance of the proposed algorithm. Comparative analysis with several algorithms has previously been carried out with ten variations of PFSSP problems. Based on numerical experiments, HWOA proved to be competitive compared to other algorithms.



The Sustainable Economic Order Quantity Model: A Model Consider Transportation, Warehouse, Emission Carbon Costs, and Capacity Limits

Dana Marsetiya Utama1, Dian Setiya Widodo2, Muhammad Faisal Ibrahim3, Khoirul Hidayat4, Shanty Kusuma Dewi

1Department Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jl. Tlogomas No. 246, 65144 Malang, East Java, Indonesia 2Department of Manufacturing Technology, Vocational Faculty, University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya Jl. Semolowaru 60118 East Java, Indonesia 3Logistics Department, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia Jl. Veteran Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur 61122, Indonesia 4Depertemen Agroindustrial, Trunojoyo University, Jl. Raya Telang, Kabupaten Bangkalan, Jawa Timur 69162, Indonesia

Abstract - Recently, the problem of minimizing emission carbon in the industry has become a focus of much research. One of the efforts that were successfully carried out was managing the sustainable economics order quantity (SEOQ). However, several SEOQ had assumption such as (1) Transportation and warehouse costs are ignored, (2) Transportation emissions are avoided, and (3) warehouse Capacity Limit are ignored. In this paper, we developed the SEOQ model with warehouse costs and capacity limits. There are two proposed SEOQ models. Model 1 was the SEOQ model with Transportation and warehouse costs also emission carbon. At Model SEOQ 2, this model considered Transportation and warehouse costs, emission carbon, and capacity. We also proposed procedures to minimize total inventory costs. Finally, a numerical experiment was conducted to test the model. Based on numerical experiments, the proposed model useful to solve SEOQ problems with Transportation and warehouse also costs capacity limits.



Risks analysis on digital platforms adoption to elevate SME businesses in developing country

Debrina Puspita Andriani*, Azizah Putri Nur Aini, Agustinus Alfian Anwar, Rheza Adnandy

Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - Industry 4.0 is a term for the digital revolution in industrial area appearing from a comprehensive and computerized network. Digital platforms can be an impressive and beneficial media for industry to get closer with the customers. While many big companies have attempted to figure on the potential and risks of digitalization along have introduced an innovation process for their business models, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have not utilized this optimally. Currently SMEs are known as the bedrock of most economies, especially in developing countries. The aim of this study was to optimize the digital platform that had been developed as SME business media through risk analysis for the sustainability constructing. The SWOT analysis and failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) approach were used to assess the identified and analysed risks before determining the appropriate mitigation plan. The study expected SMEs to fulfil the challenges and opportunities from Industry 4.0 for elevating national economic stability.



Feature Selection in Cross-Project Software Defect Prediction

A Saifudin1,2*, A Trisetyarso2, W Suparta3, C H Kang4, B S Abbas2, Y Heryadi2

1Informatics Engineering, Pamulang University, Jalan Raya Puspitek 46, Banten 15310, Indonesia 2Doctor of Computer Science Program, Bina Nusantara University, Jalan Kebon Jeruk Raya 27, Jakarta 11530, Indonesia 3Informatics Department, Pembangunan Jaya University, Banten, Indonesia 4Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kwangwoon University, South Korea

*[email protected]

Abstract - Advances in technology have increased the use and complexity of software. The complexity of the software can increase the possibility of defects. Defective software can cause high losses. Fixing defective software requires a high cost because it can spend up 50% of the project schedule. Most software developers don't document their work properly so that making it difficult to analyse software development history data. Software metrics which use in cross- project software defects prediction have many features. Software metrics usually consist of various measurement techniques, so there are possibilities for their features to be similar. It is possible that these features are similar or irrelevant so that they can cause a decrease in the performance of classifiers. In this study, several feature selection techniques were proposed to select the relevant features. The classification algorithm used is Naive Bayes. Based on the analysis using ANOVA, the SBS and SBFS models can significantly improve the performance of the Naïve Bayes model.



Precipitation Rate Investigation on Precipitated Magnesium Carbonate by Ultrasonic of Magnesium Bicarbonate

A R Rhamdani1, a), E Sulistyono1, F E Yunita1, N C Natasha1, F. Firdiyono1, A D Priyanti2

1Research Center for Metallurgy and Material, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, PUSPITEK area building 470, South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia

2Chemistry Department, Mathematical and Sciences Department, , Surakarta, , Indonesia

a)[email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract - Indonesia has a lot of dolomite reserves. Magnesium carbonate can be synthesized from dolomite. One of the main steps that requires a lot of energy are magnesium bicarbonate thermal decomposition. Magnesium bicarbonate solution are heated to make magnesium carbonate as precipitate. One of the ways to improve this process are by using ultrasonic waves as energy carrier. The purpose of this study is to find the effect of ultrasonic waves heating (sonochemistry) to thermal decomposition of magnesium bicarbonate. In this work, the author conducted ultrasonic heating with the amplitude of the waves varied around 20 µm and 30 µm for 35 minutes. Conventional heating using heat plate was also conducted and compared with ultrasonic heating. Higher decomposition ratio was reached on samples heated using ultrasonic waves with the value of 85.70% compared to conventional heating with decomposition ratio of only 50.08%. Amplitude effect on decomposition ratio were also observed. Higher amplitude made decomposition rate faster.



Development Neural Network Controller for Bridgeless Power Factor Correction Cuk Converter Voltage Tracking

Gigih Priyandoko1, Wahyu Mulyo Utomo2, Nur Atikah Ahmad Isa3, Afarulrazi Abu Bakar4, Ahmad Faiz Hilmi Abdul Gani5

1Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Widyagama, Indonesia

2,3,4,5Dept. of Electrical Power Engineering, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

[email protected]

Abstract - The DC-DC Bridgeless Power Factor Correction (BPFC) converter was developed for power factor correction (PFC) application. The BPFC Cuk converter has been used in telecom power system since this converter able to produce –48 V DC. The negative output voltage is needed for telecommunication and electric vehicle equipment. The objective of this paper is a neural-network controller able to track the voltage of the BPFC Cuk converter, and increase performance during overshoot and steady-state response. The various output voltage, which is –42 V and –48 V has investigated the effectiveness of the neural network controller. The simulation result shows that the neural network controller has better performance during start-up voltage due to less overshoot voltage compared to the PID controller.



Threshold Determination in Multislice CT using Improved Marching Cube Algorithm for 3D Image Reconstruction

I L I Purnama1,2, A E Tontowi1, and Herianto1

1 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2Industrial Engineering Faculty, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Reconstruction of the three dimensional (3D) image of a medical image can give a sense of reality for a doctor and provide communication between the doctor and his/her patient. Many software for 3D image reconstruction still uses the user interface. The objective of this paper is to determine the threshold in multislice Computerized Tomography (CT) for 3D image reconstruction without user interface. The 3D image reconstruction method is the improved marching cube algorithm. The medical image object that consists of craniofacial bone and sternum in Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) format is taken from multislice CT. The performance criteria of 3D image reconstruction are surface volume, surface area, and visual shape matching with standard InVesaliu.s 3.1 software. The resulting threshold for objects bone 3D image is 210. The difference surface volume and surface area between output 3D image reconstruction from InVesalius and project is less than 0.5%. The justification of the visual shape match from three radiology doctors for craniofacial bone and sternum is approximately 99% matching.



Home Electrical Energy Management System Using DijCostMin Algorithm

Adhiel Akbar1, Junartho Halomoan2, and Desri Kristina Silalahi3

1,2,3Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik Elektro,

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - In the afternoon until night, an electrical load is increased, it happened because to increase the usage of electrical devices by customers. These conditions in which increased electricity consumption by buyers at the same time with the quantity a large power have not been able to handle properly by PLN as the supplier of electrical energy in Indonesia. The impact is the occurrence of the power outage in rotation, to reduce these all, needs to be setting the use of electric power appropriate, in order to achieve the purpose of balance between demand and supply for electricity energy; especially on the household sectors. One of the tricks is enacting the management of the load on the side of their customers or well known as Demand-Side Management (DSM) and apply dynamic pricing on electricity tariff from the peak time and non-peak time. Home Electrical Energy Management System (HEEMS) is a system for managing electrical energy-based method DSM and apply dynamic pricing. HEEMS allows users to manage and monitor the usage of electricity. HEEMS serves to do scheduling on the use of an electrical device DijCostMin Algorithm based on data planning the use of devices electricity or load forecasting entered by users. The method that proposed is a success and effective to reduce energy demand is about 22.69% when peak time and reduce bills of electricity is about 8.38%.



Logit model for the analysis of transportation mode choice in Berau Regency East Kalimantan

Rosa Agustaniah1,, and Achmad Wicaksono2,

1Doctoral Program of Civil Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang - Indonesia

2Chairman Institute of Education Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) Universitas Brawijaya, Malang - Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - In big cities thousands of public transportation is very easy to find because it fills the streets and can cause traffic jams. Another case that occurred in Berau District, public transportation was almost non-existent. On the streets private vehicles and transport companies dominate. The number of public transport fleets such as city transportation and buses, is very small in number. Berau Regency has many attractions, but tourists will find it difficult to find public transportation. This study aims to determine the selection of transportation mode choice in Berau Regency using the logit model with the assumed road users choose to use public transport or private transportation. Travel attributes that influence mode choice in Berau district are travel time, transportation costs, space availability, comfort and safety. The cost of private transportation is the same as the cost of public transportation, which is about 79% of people who will still choose to use private transportation. This condition will be achieved if the cost of public transportation is 1.4 times cheaper than the cost of private transportation



The Hybrid Ant Lion Optimization (HALO) for Flow Shop Scheduling Problem

Dian Setiya Widodo1 and Dana Marsetiya Utama2

1Department Manufacturing Technology University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Jl. Semolowaru No. 45, 60118 Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia 2Department Industrial Engineering University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jl. Tlogomas No. 246, 65144 Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Abstract - This article aims to develop the Ant Lion Optimization (ALO) algorithm for the Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problem (PFSP). We use the objective function to minimize completion time. We propose the Hybrid Ant Lion Optimization (HALO) algorithm to minimize completion time in PFSP. We offer one of the total search agents on HALO using the NEH algorithm. Determination of the position of the search agent using a Large Rating Value (LRV). How it works from LRV is sorting from the largest value to the value. To improve the solution for each iteration, we also use swap, flip, and slide exchange procedures. The performance of the HALO algorithm is measured by Efficiency Index Perscentage (EIP). HALO algorithm will be compared with several other algorithms, namely ALO algorithm and Hybrid Whale Optimization Algorithm (HWOA). we conducted numerical experiments with Ten variations of experimental data are used to show the performance of the HALO algorithm. Based on numerical experiments, the HALO algorithm is useful for minimizing completion time.



Implementation of Tabu Search Algorithm to Reduce Makespan in Multi-Skilled Labor Scheduling for The Assignment Problems

Herry Kartika Gandhi1, Widyawati2

Department of Industrial Engineering, Banten Jaya University, Serang, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - This study discusses the multi-skilled labor scheduling to accomplish all tasks where each labor has different skill to complete tasks than other labors. This case is known as the assignment problem. The objective value is to minimize the number of makespan or the total working time of all tasks until the daily orders (product) are fulfilled. Each labor can only do one task and not all of the labors are hired. We Solve the problem using tabu search algorithm. The characteristics of tabu search algorithm in finding solution are simple and flexible. Out of 100 iterations, the best solution ends at 613,879 seconds. Iteration lasts for 2 minutes and 31 seconds. The solution requires a total of 26 workers. Gluing needs 8 people, Wrapping needs 5 people, Tying needs 5 people, Strapping needs 4 people and Jointing needs 4 people.



Combined Effects Of PVD And Embankment Stage Construction To Reduce The Number Of Geotextile Reinforcement For Road Embankment Design

Putu Tantri K Sari1, Mila K Wardani2

1Civil Engineering Department, Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 60111, Indonesia;

2Civil Engineering Department, Institute Technology Adhi Tama, Surabaya 60117, Indonesia.

Abstract - The study of the behavior of embankments reinforced by geosynthetic construction on soft clay soil with and without a prefabricated vertical drain is described. The effect of a pre-loading with stage construction method to construct the embankment, the gain of bearing capacity, as well as the depth of compressible soil was also considered in this study. The limit equilibrium using Bishop and Fellenius methods was used in this study to determine the stability of the embankment. Vertical drain installation, combined with the stage construction method, substantially reduces the number of geotextile reinforcements needed. The number of geotextiles can be reduced by up to twice that compared with foundation soil without PVD. Furthermore, the combined use of geotextile and PVD can improve the performance of embankment height as well as increase the critical height of the embankment with geotextile reinforcements. Without PVD, the embankment will be safe against landslides (without geotextile) of less than 3.5 meters. When using PVD, the embankment critical height can increase by up to 7 meters. This condition occurs when the embankment is constructed using the stage construction method, geotextile reinforcement, as well as PVD installation for soil improvement.



Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Polylactic Acid Product for Various Infill Design Parameters : A Reviwie

T J Suteja1, A Soesanti1

1Manufacturing Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Surabaya, Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - 3D printing is widely used for various applications as it offers many benefits. The mechanical property of the part manufactured by using 3D printing is very critical. For that reason, it is important to understand how different values of 3D printing process parameters impact the mechanical properties of the part. As Polylactic Acid (PLA) is most widely used as 3D printing material, it is chosen as the material discussed in this research. The purpose of this research is to provide information related to the influence of various parameters of 3D printing to the mechanical properties of the PLA part. A literature review was performed based on the current research that investigates the 3D printing process of PLA. Based on the literature review, the infill design parameters are considered as important parameters and discussed in this research. The infill design parameters referred in this research are layer thickness, infill pattern, infill density, infill width, and infill deposition speed. The mechanical properties discussed in this research are tensile strength and yield strength, ductility, elasticity or young modulus, compression strength, flexural strength, and stiffness.



Comparison of Histogram Based Image Enhancement Methods on Iris Images

R K Hapsari1,2, M I Utoyo3, R Rulaningtyas4, and H Suprajitno3

1Doktoral Student at Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia. 2Department of Informatics, Faculty of Electrical and Information Technology, Adhi Tama Institute of Technology Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia 3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia 4Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], riries- [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Iridology, which is an alternative diagnosis that links iris patterns, colour, tissue weakness, damage and other characteristics, which can obtain evidence about the patient's systemic health. Iridology can be integrated with the best technology such as computer vision for accurate identification of abnormalities in various organs of the human body. By extracting information from iris image data. Image quality improvement is needed because often the images tested have poor quality, for example images experiencing lighting, noise (noise), the image is too dark or bright, the image is not sharp, and blurred. In this research, the iris image quality was improved by the method of HE, AHE and CLAHE. The results of the improvement of 40 iris images obtained an average value of MSE and RSME, the smallest of the three methods is the CLAHE method, so that the CLAHE method is best used for iris image improvement. Overall, based on the PSNR values, the three methods are good for enhancing image contrast because they have an average PSNR of more than 30dB.



Disaster risk mitigation design for supply chain activities in Aceh : a case study

P D Sentia1*, Andriansyah1, and Z Ulya2

1Laboratory of Industrial Computation and Optimization, Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Jl. Tgk Abdur Rauf No.7, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia 2Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Jl. Tgk Abdur Rauf No.7, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - Indonesia is a country located between three tectonic plates thus very vulnerable to natural disasters. Ensuring that supports for disaster victims arrive on time and precisely in quality and quantity is the responsibility of all the supply chain elements, particularly government board which handled the logistic support. The activities of the supports supply chain when a disaster occurs have several risks that must be asses and the most prioritized risk will need the mitigation design to minimize the impact of these risks. This study aims to investigate risk events and risk agents in the supply chain activities in relation to disaster management in Aceh. This study employs three government boards at the key stakeholder's group who play a significant role in the disaster risk mitigation in Aceh. Data obtained from questionnaires are used for analysing the supply chain activities using the SCOR model and Fuzzy-Based House of Risk method. The study reveals that there are 25 risk events ad 27 risk agents which might occur in the supply chain activities during disaster in Aceh. The mitigation strategy is proposed in mind map models with a long term solution for each risk agent related to the potential risk events.



Application Development Of Vehicle Counting and Classification Using YOLOV2

Yoga Nugraha Pryandika1, Renny Pradina K1

1 Information System Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - In this research, we going to introduce a method named You Only Look Once v2 (YOLOv2) for vehicle detection and vehicle classification. The vehicle is going to classify is divided by 4 there are car, motorcycle, truck, and bus. The result of classified data it can provide data for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) to engineering the traffic road to reduce the number of traffic jam in the big city. With this method we can receive higher accuracy and performance than another method proposed before. By using data consist of 21198 objects for training, from all that data there is consist of 8936 cars, 462 buses, 1681 trucks, and 10119 motorcycles. Then from all that data we can created some weight that took for 10 hours for training so that we can receive mean Average Precision (mAP) for 60.63 % mAP and higher performance detection with frame rate 20 up to 35 frame per seconds which is almost equal to real-time.



The Design of Product Inventory Strategy with System Thinking and Economic Order Quantity Method Approach (Case Study: PT. Y)

R D Lufika

Jl. Syekh Abdurauf As Sinkili No.7, Kopelma Darussalam, Kec. Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia. Post Code: 23111

[email protected]

Abstract - The global supply chain allows companies to distribute their product all around the globe. The companies have to prepare themselves with an integrated system that is involving the possibility to deliver the product to the farthest area within their regional target. However, the limited due date of products generates the distribution and inventory problem that is complex and challenging to solve. One of the methods to solve the distribution problem of products with the due date is to use the system thinking approach to identify the root of the problem. The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method is the most reliable method to discover the most cost-effective strategy, especially for products with the limited due date. The company for this case study is PT Y. The main problem of the company is stock out. The result shows the root of the problem in this company is the unstable demand from the customer, storage management, and distribution management. There are similarities between the three root problems. The due date and quantity are the factors that control the three root problems. The result also shows that the EOQ Model that is taking the due date into account is more expensive than regular EOQ model



A reverse logistics model for plastic bottle recycling in Bank Sampah Malang

A K Garside1, U B Farida1 and I Masudin1

1Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Technic, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246, Malang 65144, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - Malang city government created Bank Sampah Malang (BSM) that offers 3R concept (reduce, reuse, and recycle). BSM is the institution which is oriented toward reducing plastic waste, but their recycling process still has not considered the environmental aspect yet. In this paper, we developed a reverse logistics model for plastic bottle recycling in Bank Sampah Malang (BSM) with consideration minimizing the costs of reverse logistics and environmental impacts. The proposed model takes into account various parameters, including kinds of costs, availability of used plastic bottle, storage capacity, disassembling capacity, vehicle capacity, and demand of chopped plastic. Goal programming is used to formulate mathematical model and LINGO is applied to solve the model. Lingo results indicate the two goals have been achieved because the value of the positive deviation variable associated with the two goals are equal to zero. In addition, we got several decision variable solutions including: number of plastic bottles purchased from depot, number of bottle bodies moved to recycling area, number of bottle bodies recycled, and amount of chopped plastics delivered to firm



Evaluation of Hyper-Heuristic Method Using Random-Hill Climbing Algorithm in the Examination Timetabling Problem

Deny Hermansyah1, Ahmad Muklason2

1,2 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh NopemberJl. Raya ITS, Keputih, Kec. Sukolilo, Surabaya, 60111

[email protected]

Abstract - Examination timetabling is included in the category of Nondeterministic Polynomial- Hard (NP-Hard) problems, namely problems that cannot be solved by conventional methods in finding optimal solutions. One solution to this problem is to use the Simple Random - Hill Climbing - Hyper Heuristic (SR-HC-HH) approach. But this approach still cannot produce an optimum solution. The researcher presents a critical analysis of the performance evaluation of the solution method used. The stages of this research include: (1) problem identification; (2) literature study; (3) data retrieval and understanding; (4) translation of mathematical models into data structures; (5) evaluation of the SR-HC-HH algorithm; (6) trial implementation; (7) algorithmic experiment parameters; and (8) analysis of results and conclusions. SR-HC-HH algorithm used in Hyper-Heuristics-based applications is able to solve timetabling problems in the Examination Timetabling Problem domain in the ITC-2007 dataset, but it is still not optimal. Parameters that can be changed in this study are the number of iterations (time limit) and algorithms for selection of Low Level Heuristics. Changing parameters in the trial scenario can also affect the results of a more optimum solution. The parameters to be explored in this study include LLH selection strategies and move acceptance in hyper-heuristics.




Using System Dynamic Model for Predicting Inventory of Rice Necessity

A Andriansyah1*, A Rahmi2, and I Ilyas2

1Laboratory of Industrial Computation and Optimization, Industrial Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Jl. Tgk. Syech Abdul Rauf No.7 Banda Aceh 23111 Aceh, Indonesia 2Industrial Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Jl. Tgk. Syech Abdul Rauf No.7 Banda Aceh 23111 Aceh, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract - Indonesian government has an organization that aims to manage basic necessity nationally, especially for rice commodity. The organization runs in the form of a business entity and has a program making welfare of the poor people by providing rice assistance. There is still over stock and out of stock in inventory while organization distributes this relief. That matter creates unbalance between commodity in inventory and commodity in distribution incurring a large cost. Prediction model using system dynamic in this study was needed to control the inventory and reduce over stock or out of stock. Causal loop diagram was used to describe the relationship between variables in the system and simulation was run with stock and flow diagram. Simulation was done by benchmarking the actual and the simulation results. The model that was built, tested using the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). Based on the simulation results, the values of MAPE are below 5%. This indicates that the model can represent the real system and can use to predict variable for the future.



A model of smart regency framework using Meta- ethnography approach and TOGAF ADM 9.1

Aang Kisnu Darmawan1, Daniel Oranova Siahaan2, Tony Dwi Susanto3, Hoiriyah4, Busro Akramul Umam5, Agus Hermanto6

1,4,5Department of Information System, Madura Islamic University, Pamekasan, Indonesia 2Department of Informatics, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia 3Department of Information System, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia 6Departement of Informatics Engineering, University Of 17 Agustus 1945, Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The concept of Smart City has now become the primary choice and trends in improving the quality of public services and is expected to be a solution to problems that occur in urban areas that are increasingly complex by offering an integrated ICT-based city governance concept. However, there are significant differences between the concepts of City and Regency in terms of government structure, area, livelihood variations, population, economy, and socio-culture. So that the idea of Smart City is not always probable and valid if applied to the District. This study aims to create a Smart Regency Framework Model that is different from the Smart City Framework Model, which has been widespread. The method used in this research is Meta-Ethnography to synthesize qualitative findings of regency building factors and TOGAF ADM 9.1 to develop an information system architecture model. The results are expected to produce a new Information Systems Architecture Model and contribute to the development of smart district service models.



Design and Control a High Gain Synchronous Buck Converter for a Solid State Distribution Transformer

I N W Satiawan 1, I B F Citarsa 1, I M B Suksmadana1

1Electrical Department, Engineering Faculty,

[email protected]

Abstract - A Conventional distribution transformer consists of bulky windings, cores and coolant liquid hence it is weighty and large in size. Now days, supporting by development of power semiconductor devices, the idea to develop distribution transformers using switching power converter technology becomes viable. This paper proposed a new structure of a solid state transformer (SST) for power electrical distribution system. The proposed SST works without utilizes high frequency isolating transformer. Instead, high gain cascaded Buck converters are used. The design of Buck Converters involves calculation of the applied components such as Inductors and Capacitors. Simulation result verifies that Buck Converters work well to reduce DC voltage of 25 kV DC voltage to 620 V DC without excessive ripple. The proposed SST is successfully operated to step down 20 KV of AC voltage to 400 V with THD of output voltage less than 2 %.



Application of remotely sensed data and maximum entropy model in detecting potential fishing zones of Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the eastern Indian Ocean off Sumatera

Achmad Fachruddin Syah*¹, Emma Suri Yanti Siregar2, Vincetius P Siregar3, Syamsul B Agus3

¹University of Trunojoyo Madura, Jl. Raya Telang PO BOX 2 Kamal, Bangkalan, Madura 2Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan dan Kelautan Matauli, Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara No. 1, Pandan, Tapanuli Tengah – Sumatera Utara 3IPB University, Jl. Raya Dramaga, Babakan, Dramaga, Bogor, West Java 16680

*[email protected]

Abstract - Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus obesus) is one of the most important and most caught fish in the eastern Indian Ocean off west Sumatera and has extensive migration. To develop an appropriate prediction model and to understand the contribution of oceanographic parameters in the potential habitat of Yellowfin tuna, remotely sensed data and habitat modeling were used. Daily data of sea- surface temperature (SST), sea-surface salinity (SSS) and sea-surface height (SSH) were downloaded from the marine copernicus website, meanwhile fishing vessel position for Yellowfin tuna were obtained from fishing port Samudera, Bungus, west Sumatera, from January through December 2015. Daily fishing vessel position and environmental parameters were used for maximum entropy model construction. The model predictive performance was then evaluated using a threshold-independent metric, the area under the curve (AUC) metric of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC). Maximum entropy model results (AUC > 0.90) indicated its potential to figure out the spatial distribution of Yellowfin tuna. In general, SST (50.5%) is the most affective variable in the Yellowfin tuna distribution, followed by SSS (37%) and SSH (12.5%). This study showed that integration multi remotely sensed data and a modeling approach provide an innovative way to decide the potential fishing zones of the Yellowfin tuna in the eastern Indian Ocean off west Sumatera.



Consideration Factors in the Application of Reverse Logistics in Indonesian Electronic Industry

Ilyas Masudin, Dian Respati, Fien Zulfikarijah, Dian Palupi Restuputri

University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jln. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang

[email protected]

Abstract - This study investigates the driving factors that should be considered by the electronics industry in Indonesia in adopting Reverse logistics. Quantitative methods were conducted by distributing questionnaires to 87 respondents working in the electronics manufacturing industry in Indonesia. Factor analysis using SPSS is done to analyse and determine the factors that should be considered. The results of factor analysis in this study indicate that the main factors that need to be considered in the application of RL in electronic companies in Indonesia are the Social Regulations factors which consist of competitive variables, customer pressure, and regulations and incentives.



Development of an Automatic Anti Pitching System (APS) Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) for Fish Mapping

Noverdo Saputra1, Muhammad Arifudin Lukmana2, Purwo Joko Suranto1

1Study Program Naval Architecture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia 2Study Program Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract - The common problem occurs in fish mapping using autonomous surface vehicles (ASV) is pitching stability. Some researchers have indicated that problem affects the results of mapping. The target of this system is to design an Autonomous Pitching System (APS) for ASV using numerical simulation software. The simulation is done by implement APS into the system, producing an oscillatory motion from the ASV. For both dynamics of craft in short and long periods, APS with proportional controller (P), proportional-integral controller (PI), and proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID) are developed in order to minimize the oscillatory behaviour. It was found that for the short period dynamics, the APS with PI controller was the optimal controller, followed by the PID controller and then the P controller. For the long period dynamics, the APS with PID controller was optimal.



Development Of Work Sheet Students In Guided Inquiry Based On The Game Education Using Macromedia Flash

S. Ida Kholida(1,*), Suprianto(2), I Ketut Mahardika(3)

Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Madura Islamic University (1,2)

Departmen of Physics Education, Universitas Jember(3) Jl. Kompleks PP. Miftahul Ulum Bettet Pamekasan

*[email protected]

Abstract - The use of conventional student worksheets makes students feel bored so that students' mastery of physics concepts is low. Then it takes the development of student worksheets that are oriented towards guided inquiry based on educational games. The purpose of this study was to develop an educational game-based guided inquiry student worksheet using macromedia flash, and to identify teacher and student responses to the educational game-based guided inquiry worksheet. This study uses research and development adapted from Borg and Gall. Borg and Gall developed detailed steps (1) research and information collecting, (2) planning, (3) developing preliminary forms of product, (4) preliminary field testing, (5) playing product revision, (6) playing field testing, ( 7) operational product revision, (8) operational field testing, (9) final product revision, (10) dissemination and implementation. But in this study only reached stage 7 because of limited time. The average percentage score of the validator team on the worksheet of guided inquiry-based educational games gained 85.39%. The average percentage score of the validator team against the educational inquiry-based student worksheet obtained 85.39% with valid criteria. while the percentage of teacher responses to student worksheets obtained 66.67% considered very practical and 33.33% considered practical. The percentage of student responses of 45% considers very practical, 50% considers practical and 5% considers quite practical. it can be concluded that the development LKS guided inquiry-based educational game is already valid and very practical to use learning.



The Past, Present, and Future of Awareness and Preparation Toward General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Ariana Tulus Purnomo1 and Navara Seetee2

1National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan 1Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new law of privacy that influences companies having a presence both in European Union (EU) and outside. There are many research studies published on knowledge, awareness, and preparation related to the GDPR. Understanding awareness and readiness of any company toward GDPR will be a benefit for planning, implementing, and achieving compliance with the regulation. However, research studies examining the awareness and preparation toward the GDPR is less discussed. Therefore, this paper presents a detailed review of the awareness and preparation from the past, present, and future. We have reviewed and analyzed research reports from 2016 to 2018. The implication for the future research, scholar, and practitioner are discussed.




Medical Spirometer for Diagnosing COPD Base On The Measurement of FVC and FEV1

Kemalasari1,2,3, Debby Triany Fajar1,4, Paulus Susetyo Wardana1,2,5, Budi Nur Iman1,2,6

1Department of Electro, Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia 2Research Group on Health Bioengineering Surabaya, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Lung is one of the vital respiratory organs in the human body. Where during respiration, there is a process of gas exchange in the lungs by taking oxygen (O2) from the air and releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air. Because in the process of respiration involves air in the surrounding environment, the more contamination of air is inhaled, can cause various lung diseases. If the lung diagnosis is done early, then lung disease can get health care earlier. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a type of disease that blocks the flow of air into the lungs due to swelling and mucus or phlegm, so that the sufferer has difficulty breathing. In making this research, we want to make a design tool to detect COPD and determine its severity using medspiro (medical spirometer). COPD can be diagnosed by measuring the value of Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second (FEV1), Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and comparing it with predictive values of FVC and FEV1. The results obtained from the manufacture of spirometers have FVC measurement errors of 5.8950%, and FEV1 measurement errors of 10.5030%.



Odonata fauna of Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa – Pakistan: Current status and threats

Muhammad Saeed1*, Fazlullah2, Imtiaz Ali Khan1, Mukhtar Alam1 and Naeem Zada 2

1Department of Agriculture, University of Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan 2CABI Opposite 1-A Data Gunj Baksh Road Satellite Town Rawalpindi-Pakistan

*[email protected]

Abstract - District Swat, a home to green valleys and unlimited water resources was surveyed during 2014-15 to study odonata species assemblage. A total of 941 adult specimens were recorded yielding 28 species under 24 genera and eight families of Anisoptera and Zygoptera. Present study came with a record of 28 species including 21 dragonflies and nine damselflies. Keeping in view the topography, climatic conditions, neighboring territories of district Swat and flight and migratory pattern of odonates, present study opens door for extensive odonatological work to be undertaken in the whole province of KP. However at the same time it also thirsts for taking steps towards their protection and survival. The area possesses an important geographic position but remained less explored due to uncertain ground conditions in the past. Results came up with a much reduced species richness pointing out overwhelming effects of increased anthropogenic activities in the area. The study emphasizes to conduct thorough filed surveys in whole Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and thirsts to take important measures for protection of odonata and stoppage of rapid deforestation in district Swat.



Addition turmeric extract on ration to reduce fat deposit of broiler

M M D Utami1, H P Dwiani1, and A. Agus2

1Department of Animal Science, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jl. Mastrip PO Box 164, Jember, Indonesia 2Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of turmeric extract in ration to reduce fat of broiler. Ninety-day old chicks randomly divided into five treatments: T1 is group received basal diet (control), T2 (0.02% of turmeric extract); T3 (0.04% of turmeric extract); T4 (0.06% of turmeric extract), and T5 (0.08% of turmeric extract). Each treatment consists of three replications and each repetition consist of six chickens. This research using a completely randomized design. The parameters of research were carcass weight, abdominal fat weight and the percentage of abdominal fat. The result of this research showed that turmeric extract had significantly effect (P<0.05) to increase carcass weight (T1: 1476,7 g; T2: 1503,8 g; T3: 1577,0 g; T4: 1633,7 g; T5: 1605,0 g), to reduce abdominal fat weight (T1: 34,33 g; T2: 30,69 g; T3: 27,03 g; T4: 26,96 g; T5: 25,92 g) and the percentage of abdominal fat (T1: 2,33%, T2: 2,04%, T3: 1,72%, T4: 1,65%, T5: 1,63%). The result showed addition turmeric extract on ration increased carcass weight and decreased abdominal fat weight and the percentage of abdominal fat.



The Mathematical Analysis of the Drying of Cassava Grater by Using Pneumantic (flash) Dryer with Heat Recirculation Method

Rizza Wijaya1), Budi Hariono1)

1Department of Agricultural Technology, Politeknik Negeri Jember

[email protected]

Abstract. The abundance of cassava cultivation production in Indonesia needs to be balanced with the use of cassava itself to be a source of alternative food as rice subtitute. In this research was done the drying of tubers grater which was cassava to be dried into flour. This drying used a mechanical dryer which was a pneumatic (flash) dryer by using the heat recirculation method (the heat produced from drying was reused). The drying in this research was carried out with a variation of 2 air openings, which were openings for air speed (blower) and openings in the heat recirculation pipe. For openings in the blower, this research used 2 variations of openings, which were openings 50% (air speed 0.0603 m/s) and openings 75% (air speed 0.0768 m/s). For openings in the recirculation pipe, 4 variations of openings were used, which were openings 0% (without recirculated the heat), openings 25% (the heat returned was only 25%), 50% and 75%. The drying time was based on how long the material was in the duct drying. The results showed that, by doing heat recirculation, the value of heating and drying efficiency would increase. The drying in air recirculation 25% could increase the value of drying efficiency for about 5-6%, while in air recirculation 50% could increase the efficiency value for about 3-4%. The value of the heating efficiency of this research ranged from 57-86%. The drying rate constant of the cassava grater moisture content ranged between 0.16 to 0.194%/second.



Mathematical Model of the Water Quality in Tlogo Ampel Watershed

Budi Hariono1, Rizza Wijaya1

1Department of Agricultural Technology, Politeknik Negeri Jember

[email protected]

Abstract. The observation station of the study is placed at one point of Tlogo Ampel River in Wonokoyo Village, Kapongan Subdistrict, Situbondo Regency with location of 7o70'44 "South Latitude and 114o08'99" East Longitude. Tlogo Ampel River is one of the rivers that through the settlement of society and industry so that naturally experience of degradation of water quality. Sampling is done every month by the related institution that is Sampean River Basin Management Institute. To predict the value of water quality is needed mathematical model change the water quality of Tlogo Ampel watershed. The research parameters included pHysical properties (Temperature and TSS), organic chemical properties (pH, BOD, COD, DO, PO4P and NO3N) as well as microbiological properties (total coli and fecal coli). The results show the Polynomial equation of order 6 for parameters: temperature, TSS, pH, BOD, 6 COD, DO, PO4P, NO3N, total coli and fecal coli respectively are : y = 0,0002x 5 4 3 2 - 0,0078x + 0,1203x – 0,9031x + 3,4485x – 6,2299x + 27,595; y = -0,0027x6 6 + 0,1591x5 – 3,1236x4 + 27,249x3 – 108,22x2 + 157,53x + 46,997; y = 0,0002x 5 4 3 2 - 0,0085x + 0,1342x - 1,0398x + 4,0441x - 7,4089x + 12,505; y = -0,0002x6 + 0,0032x5 + 0,0302x4 - 0,9626x3 + 6,8118x2 - 16,907x + 17,482; y = 0,0005x6 - 0,0328x5 + 0,7417x4 - 7,2595x3 + 31,838x2 - 55,407x + 47,365; y = -0,001x6 + 0,0406x5 - 0,6408x4 + 4,9244x3 - 18,785x2 + 31,901x - 11,853; y = -1E-05x6 + 0,0005x5 - 0,0098x4 + 0,0897x3 - 0,3839x2 + 0,6547x - 0,0902; y = 0,0004x6 - 0,0143x5 + 0,1694x4 - 0,9131x3 + 2,3917x2 - 3,2352x + 4,1306; y = 0,0035x6 - 0,269x5 + 6,3886x4 - 67,262x3 + 337,4x2 - 741,18x + 612,7; y = 0,0011x6 - 0,0963x5 + 2,2449x4 – 22,035x3 + 100,4x2 – 193,42x + 140,76



Growth And Multiplication Of Orchid Buds In Vitro With The Addition Of Corn (Zea Mays) And Tomato (Licopersicum Esculentum Mill) Extract

Kasutjianingati1, R Firgiyanto1, and Yeti J1,

1 Departemen of Agricultural Production, State Polytechnic of Jember, Jl. Mastrip, Jember, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract. Vanda Foetida orchid is a popular ornamental plant because of its beautiful flowers. Propagation of Vanda orchids by tissue culture method can be done to facilitate the supply of plant seeds. This study aims to determine the concentration of corn and tomato extracts and their interactions to produce growth and multiplication of Vanda orchid buds. The study was conducted at the Jember Polytechnic Culture Laboratory. This study used factorial Completely Randomized Design, the first factor was tomato extract with a concentration of 100 ml / L, 125 ml / L, 150 ml / L and the second factor was corn extract with a concentration of 50 g / L, 100 g / L, 150 g / L with 3 replications. Observation variables included plant height, number of leaves, number of shoots, number of roots and width of leaves. Data was analyzed by Analysis of Variants and if significantly different continued with LSD test at the level of 5%. The results of the study showed that the use of corn and tomato extracts had not been able to significantly influence the improvement of all observed parameters in Vanda Foetida Orchids.



Determination of the Shortest Path in Web- Based Food


Denny Trias Utomo1

1Information Technology Departement, Jember State of Polytechnic

[email protected]

Abstract: Food insecurity can be seen in terms of production, consumption, and distribution. The aspect of food insecurity is the ability to produce unbalanced with the fulfillment of needs. Production capability is not seen from the availability side, because availability can be met from the inter-regional supply. The consumption aspect is the inability to buy food because there is no purchasing power or the poor. The availability of food that does not meet the needs of the community resulting in food insecurity. Then the way to handle food insecurity in the region of Bondowoso is by distributing food that requires the shortest path to overcome the many areas that must be given assistance. Determination of the shortest path is a problem to find a path between two nodes with a minimum number of weights. The shortest path can be applied in the form of web-based application programs.



Manipulation of Virtual Environment to Examine Perception and Vision Aspects of Individuals Post-Stroke When Driving VRAC Simulator

I P D Lesmana1, B Widiawan2, D R Hartadi3

1,2,3 Information Technology Department, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jl. Mastrip 164 Jember 68101, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract. Individuals post-stroke suffer deficiency of motor function and need more effort to exercise using cycling therapy. Virtual reality augmented cycling (VRAC) that incorporate compensatory strategies such as manipulation of virtual environment (VE) may change motor behaviour and increase exercise intensity while also being engaging and motivating. In this research, we try to examine perception and vision aspects of individuals post-stroke that affect the user interface to a VE when driving a VRAC by manipulating VE features such as gain related with human perception, and width and difficulty of path related with human vision. To examine those aspects, we divided two groups, namely healthy sedentary control (n=3) as reference and individuals post-stroke (n=7). From the examination results, it was obtained that both groups had given a good enough response to manipulation of VE features although there were no significant differences to individuals post-stroke when driving VRAC in wide path conditions. Manipulation of VE features affect cycling behaviours for individuals post-stroke and assist to transfer visual information in real world to virtual world for development of post-stroke rehabilitation using VRAC system.



The Impact Analysis Of A Waste Treatment Plant On Environmental Quality

M J Wibowo1, S Anwar2, R Firgianto3, D P S Setyohadi4, H Y Riskiawan5

1,2 Technic Department, 3 Agricultural Production Department, 4,5 Information Technology Department, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Mastrip Street 164 Jember 68101, East Java, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract. Pollution and deterioration in environmental quality are influenced by many factors, one of which is the existence of industrialization in various sectors of the economy. Industrial pollution is an industrial activity that causes a decrease in environmental quality because of the pollution of substances produced into an environment. Any waste should not be a problem if managed properly, but if there is limited funds in a company and lack of concern for industrial entrepreneurs, then the waste is not managed. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the construction of B3 waste treatment plants on environmental quality. This research was carried out in the Village of Lakardowo, Jetis District, Mojokerto Regency. Data collection was carried out for 2 months from October to November 2018. Variable analysis of the impact of sewage treatment plants on environmental quality included water and soil analysis carried out at the Jember Polytechnic BioSains Laboratory and odor around the waste treatment plant with survey methods to the surrounding community.



Modelling Expert System For Lung Disease

H Y Riskiawan1, T Rizaldi2, D P S Setyohadi3, M M D Utami4

1,2,3 Information Technology Department, 4 Animal Husbandry, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Mastrip Street 164 Jember 68101, East Java, Indonesia.

[email protected],

Abstract. One of the vital organs in humans is the lungs. Lungs infected with the disease and not or late diagnosed can cause fatal conditions that have the potential to cause death. The rapid development of artificial intelligence, especially the expert system, is one of the solutions for the early diagnosis of respiratory diseases, especially in the lungs. By applying the forward chaining method that analyzes the facts given by the user to determine the diagnosis results, the expert system for lung disease that was built focused on six lung diseases that are common in Indonesia.



The Implementation of Bilateral Control Symmetrical Position, Force Reflection and Feedback Force on the Haptic Manipulator

Sustin Farlinda1, Vita Permatasari1, Ahmad Fahriannur2

1 Department of Health, Politeknik Negeri Jember 2 Department of Technic, Politeknik Negeri Jember

[email protected]

Abstract. Humans often encounter obstacles in doing their work. Especially if the work is related to an emergency situation that concerns the safety of human life, it needs quick and appropriate handling. Telerobotic technology that has a haptic function is one solution to these problems. In this study a system of 1 DOF haptic manipulator with slave master configuration was developed using bilateral haptic manipulator control. In bilateral control the position and information are transmitted in two directions between two manipulators. Position information is obtained using a potentiometer and force information is obtained by representing the force with the current using the WCS2702 sensor. There are three control methods used, namely bilateral symmetrical position control, bilateral reflection force control and force feedback bilateral control. The best method of control is the bilateral feedback force control. In the force feedback bilateral control system, the slave can move following the master movement with a ± 2⁰ position error. When the slave arm is held by a hard object, the master arm is also restrained with ± 11⁰ position error. Whereas when the slave arm is held by a soft object, the reflection of the object is felt by the master arm with ± 10⁰ position error. Movement of the master and slave arms is lighter than using bilateral control of symmetrical position.



Designing and Creating Web-Based Outpatient Information System at Panti Community Health Center (Puskesmas) Jember

Sustin Farlinda1, Mochammad Choirur Roziqin1, Faiqatul Hikmah1, Yogi Pratama1

1Department of Health, Politeknik Negeri Jember

[email protected]

Abstract. Community Health Center is the first level and foremost health service unit in the health service system that is adjusted with the condition, needs, demand, ability, and innovation as well as the local government policy. Generally, the data processing in the community health center is done manually so that to archive the patients' data, it consumes both time and paper. The aim of this research was to design a web-based outpatient information system program to ease the data processing. The design and creation of the web-based outpatient information system used waterfall method and it consisted of: (1). Requirement Analysis and Definition, (2). System and Software Design, (3). Implementation and Unit Testing, (4). Integration and System Testing. This research resulted in the program output of outpatient information system that could be used by the officer to create the web-based medical record.



Study on kefir grain concentration and the different length of storage on the physicochemical of goat milk kefir

A C Dewi1, A H D Rahardjo2, T Setyawardani2, and H Subagja1

1 Poultry Agribusiness Study Program, Departement of Animal Science, State Polytechnic Jember, Jember 68121, Indonesia

2 Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto 53123, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract. This study was about the effect of kefir grain concentration level and the different length of storage, as well as the interaction between kefir grain concentration level and the different length of storage on the fat content, pH and the viscosity of goat milk kefir (GMK). The ingredients used were goat milk from Pegumas farmers group and kefir grains from Perwira kefir. Data was analyzed by using the analysis of variance of 2x4 factorial and continued by Duncan’s new multiple range test. The results showed that kefir grain concentration gave a significant effect (P<0.01) on the fat content, pH and the viscosity of GMK. The different length of storage gave a significant effect (P<0.01) on the fat content, pH and the viscosity of GMK. The interaction had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the fat content and there was an interaction effect (P<0.01) on the pH and viscosity of the GMK. The conclusion of this study was the increase of the concentration level of kefir grain up to 3% resulting on the lowest fat content and pH, and the highest viscosity; and that the length of storage up to 21 days decreases the fat content and pH, but increases the viscosity.



The Knowledge Level of Market Information by Farmers and The Influencing Factors

D E Putra1, B Hariono2, R R M M D Utami3, H Y Riskiawan4, D P S Setyohadi5

1Department of Agribusiness Management 2Department of Agricultural Technology 3Department of Animal Husbandry 4,5 3Department of Information Technology Politeknik Negeri Jember

Jl. Mastrip Po Box 164 Jember, Indonesia

Abstract. This study aims to measure the knowledge level of market information by rubber and what factors can influence it. This study also finds out whether there is a gap or the difference between the mastery at the farm level with the mastery of information at the traders level. This research was located in Sintang District which is one of rubber production center in . The number of respondents was determined by 153 farmers of respondents distributed in each location. Frequency analysis, chi-square and multiple linear regression were used to answer the objectives. The results showed that the level of mastery of market information by rubber farmers is included in the medium to the high category for price indicators, form, time and place. Then the data shows that there was no gap or difference in the mastery of market information between farmers and traders in general, but for the mastery of price information obtained results, there was a gap between farmers and traders. The factors affecting the mastery of rubber farmers' market information are age, income from farming, distance from the house to the factory, electronic communication media, online communication media and utilization of information source from the internal factory (foreman/manager).



The Development of Agritourism Village Area (case study at Kemuning Lor Village Arjasa Subdistrict Jember Regency)

D E Putra1, D Kurniawati2, R Perlambang3

1,2,3Department of Agribusiness Management Politeknik Negeri Jember Jl. Mastrip Po Box 164 Jember, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract. One of the famous tourist attractions in Jember and became the icon of the agritourism village since 2009 in Jember Regency is Kemuning Lor Village, Arjasa subdistrict, Jember regency. This case makes the background of the research entitled the development of Agrowisata Village in Kemuning Lor Village, Arjasa District, Jember Regency. The objectives of this research are: 1) to know the economic empowerment of the community in the village of agritourism; 2) to identify the impact of tourism village development on community income; 3) to identify regional cooperation in the management of agritourism areas; and 4) to analyze the appropriate policy to the development of agritourism areas. This research uses descriptive research type. Research results are (1) the empowerment that already exists in the village of agritourism for example economic learning through the formation of skill groups with training models, economic learning through the formation of art groups, empowerment models through agent of change ,; (2) The impact of tourism village development on community income does not affect the income of the community. The increase of community income that occurred at the time of the study was due to the outside income of the farm, not the existence of an agritourism village. (3) Local government cooperation in managing the agritourism area included aspects: 1) Human Resource; 2) capital; 3) production; 4) distribution; 5) marketing; 6) competitiveness; and (7) Analysis of development policy of agritourism village in Kemuning Lor in, Arjasa sub-district, Jember regency as follows: tourism development policies especially agritourism villages already exist but have not run optimally in accordance with the vision and mission of the Tourism Office.



Information System Design of HIV Infection Treatment at VCT (Voluntary Counselling and Testing) Clinic of Jember Regency

Faiqatul Hikmah1*, I Putu Dody L2, Dhimas Prasetyo3, Sustin Farlinda3, Hari Basuki Notobroto5

Department of Health, Politeknik Negeri Jember and Faculty Of Public health and Universitas Airlangga1, Department of Teknologi Information, Politeknik Negeri Jember2 Department of Health, Politeknik Negeri Jember3 Faculty Of Public health and Universitas Airlangga5,

[email protected]

Abstract. As technology has performed more advanced nowadays, the need for rapid and accurate information is growing for basic decision making for institutions, organizations, and companies. Yet, as a matter of fact, most clinics, health centers, and hospitals in Jember regency are facing similar handicaps especially for registration form of HIV / AIDS patients. This particularly occurs at VCT service as it does not yet have an electronic-based information system. Most services are conducted manually especially for patients to use HIV testing. The aims to create and provide VCT patient information service system at VCT Clinic of Jember Regency. This is a qualitative research using the waterfall method. Waterfall model covers need analysis, system design, coding and testing. Data collection was conducted through interviews and observations. The study resulted in VCT Patient Service Information System. With the development of information systems for VCT patient data, laboratory check-ups, the working performance becomes more effective and efficient so that it can accelerate data distribution and provide accurate information and maintain data security. The information system can be further developed by adding pitc patient data and vct service data specifically for groups of infants or toddlers.



Information System Design of Web-Based Integrated Surveillance of Ari Disease in The Health Office

Faiqatul Hikmah1, Sustin Farlinda2, Mochammad Choirur Roziqin3, Zhindy Faris4

1 Department of Health, Politeknik Negeri Jember

[email protected]

Abstract. Integrated surveillance of ARI disease at Health Office of Jember is still using manual method in reporting in which the officers have to come directly to the Health Office to collect the data. The problem emerged of this manual method is the difficulty of designing the report because the officers have to recap and re- search the data of the report, and the data collection process is often late due to the far distance of the health center to the manual health office. This research was intended to create a design for data recording and reporting system of integrated surveillance of ARI disease in order to facilitate the reporting process to the Health Office. The method used was waterfall method with the stages of need identification, designing system, Website implementation, integration, and testing. This research used qualitative approach, in which the data were collected through the interview, observation, and FGD. The script editors used were PHP program and Sublime Text3. The result obtained from this research was the information system of integrated surveillance report of ARI disease. Thus, it is suggested to increase the distribution of component data related to the integrated surveillance report in order to decide the action planning of ARI disease.



Quadcopter Surveyor Drone Wind Velocity Data Characteristic for Optimal Hotwire Sensor Position

Bayu Rudiyanto1, Budi Hariono2, Azamataufiq Budiprasojo3.

1 Engineering Departement, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jember, Indonesia 2 Agriculture Technology Departement, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jember, Indonesia 3 Engineering Departement, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jember, Indonesia Abstract. In a research and survey sector, drone usually equipped with extra measuring equipment depends on needed. The purpose is to make a survey tools with extra ability to collect data in a wide area with fast and remotely. This type of drone known as a modified drone or a surveyor drone. One of surveyor drone type is a quadcopter wind velocity surveyor drone. The problem is, drone also knowing have a turbulent air effect surround its propellers, and its suspected to affect the ability of the anemometer collecting the correct data. This research will investigate that phenomenon, focused on the data of wind velocity with a variety of drone propeller rotation speed. Wind velocity anemometer sensor position places surrounding the drone. The drone use in this research is a prototype drone which is equipped with hot wire anemometer data logger. hot wire anemometer memory card data logger type uses in this research is a regular type and already modified to installed it on a drone. Research will be focused on the search of an answer about how big the deviation of wind velocity data affected by drone propeller wind turbulence.



Performance test of a mixture of Polypropylene Plastic fuel from Pyrolysis with Gasoline to Torque and Engine power

Aditya Wahyu Pratama1, Winarko 2

Mechanical Engineering department, Politeknik Negeri Jember (Polytecnic State of Jember)Jember-East Java, INDONESIA

[email protected]

Abstract.Untilization of Polypropylene plastic waste(Polypropylene) by using pyrolysis process for being fuel of plastic waste using reactor with 10 kg plastic waste Polypropylene capacities produce 6 liter diesel fuel, 0.5 liter kerosene, 1.5 liter gasoline. That use as a fuel mixture of gasoline with the concentration 10%, 15% and 20% of the mixture to be tested the torque and engine power in motor vehicle using dynotest before testing conducted calorific values are test with bomb calorimeter for 11,111 calori/gram of Polypropylene plastic waste calorific value (Polypropylene) in 90% mixture of gasoline + 10% plastic waste fuel produces the highest calorific value 11,482 calori/gram. With the torque and power testing which is use dynotest in motor vehicle known for the first testing torque and maximal power are in the mixture of 20% plastic waste fuel (Polypropylene) + 80% gasoline occurs in 3000 rpm 4.373 HP and torque occurs in 3000 rpm 10.43 N.m. In the second testing torque and maximal power are in the mixture of 20% occurs in rpm 3500 rpm 4.391 HP and torque 10.28 N.m in rpm 3000. In the first testing there is an increase of torque and power when compare to the result of gasoline tested.



Quality Characteristics of Cake Enriched with Pumpkin Peel Powder

Agung Wahyono1,4, A Safitri1, A Mardiana1, Supriyono2, Y Wibisono1, M F Kurniawan1, W W Kang3

1Food Industrial Technology Department, State Polytechnic of Jember, Jl. Mastrip PO. Box 164 Jember, Indonesia 2Agricultural Engineering Department, State Polytechnic of Jember, Jl. Mastrip PO. Box 164 Jember, Indonesia 3Department of Food and Food Service Industry, Kyungpook National University, 2559, Gyeongsang-daero, Sangju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do 37224, Korea

[email protected]

Abstract. Recently, cake becomes increasingly popular to consumer because of its sweet taste, unique and interesting shapes. The objective of this study was to assess the effect partial substitution of pumpkin powder on the quality of cake. Cakes were made by partially substituting wheat flour with 5% to 25% of pumpkin powder. The physical, chemical and sensory properties of cakes were evaluated. Pumpkin peel powder (PPP) significantly affected the physical, chemical and sensorial properties of enriched cakes. Specific volume of enriched cakes decreased as the PPP enrichment increased. Darker, reddish and yellowish color produced with a higher level of PPP enrichment. Nutritional content of enriched cakes enhanced with higher level of PPP enrichment. Moreover, sensory attributes of enriched cakes decreased as the PPP level increased. Thus, enhancing nutritional content of cakes by enriching with pumpkin peel powder is feasible, but compromising the sensory attributes of cakes.



Analysis Of The Ratio Of Coarse Aggregate To Porous Asphalt Mixture

AI Candra 1, SW Mudjanarko², YCS Poernomo³, P Vitasmoro4

1,3,4Civil Engineering Department, Kadiri University, Jl.Selomangleng 1 Kediri Indonesia. ²Civil Engineering Department, Narotama University, Jl.Arief Rachman Hakim 51 Surabaya Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract - The purpose of the study is finding out the optimal use of coarse aggregates so as to obtain porous asphalt pavements that have high water absorption (porosity) but have a balance in stability and flexibilityThe porous asphalt mixture has a double water absorption (drainage system), which is on the surface that flows out of the shoulder of the road and permeates the pores or the porous asphalt mixture cavity itself.In this research study focused on finding out the optimal use of coarse aggregates so as to obtain porous asphalt pavements that have high water absorption (porosity). From the research, it is gotten the average results between the differences in the use of coarse aggregate diameter and Marshall volumetric characteristics indicate that for the Optimum Asphalt Level values, all meet the specifications of genera that produce KAO values of 7.3 percent. From the graphical observations, it can be concluded that all volumertic calculations and asphalt characteristics using coarse aggregate diameter differences concluded that the use of coarse aggregates 2 centimeter in diameter met the specifications of porus asphalt with a mean value: VMA = 48.12 percent, VIM = 4.86 percent, STABILITY = 897 Kilogram , WEAK = 3.54 milimeter, and MQ = 260.11 Kilogram / milimeter.



Experimental Study Additional Brantas Sands Of Clay Density

A Ridwan1*, AI Candra2 , E Gardjito3 , Suwarno4

Civil Engineering Derpartment, Kadiri University, Jl. Selomangleng 1 Kediri Indonesia.

[email protected] 1

Abstract - Land functions as a supporting medium for all living activities. The problem that is often encountered is the level of soil stability at each location is different, for this reason the following research is used to determine the parameters of stable soil density when soil structure composed of clay components added 10% of sand from the total weight of the specimen with different diameter variations using proctor testing. The density properties of clay soil after the addition of brantas sand with size variations passed the sieves number 8, 10, 16 and 20 amounting to 10% in perfect solid state the structure of the original soil specimens showed an ɣd value of 9.61 gr / cm3, in addition of sand 10% with a diameter passing through number 8 shows an ɣd value of 10.44, at number 10 shows a value of ɣd 11.77, at number 16 shows the value ɣd 10.97 and in number 20 shows a value of ɣd 11.55. the addition of sand to the expansionary structure with low stability can improve the level of stability of the soil structure. Moreover, the addition of sand with a no. 10 sieve diameter shows the value of dry volume density ɣd of 11.77, the value shows the above average density parameter - average of several other test objects.



Analysis Causes Damage And Prevention Of Concrete

S Winarto¹*, A I Candra², E Siswanto³, R Ajiono³

Civil Enginering Departement, Kadiri University,

Jl. Selomangkleng 1 Kediri- Indonesia

[email protected]¹*

Abstract. In the process of construction and post-construction, various problems can often be encountered, with one of them being damage to the concrete which can cause weakening of the concrete structure or damage to the concrete structure. Therefore, the need to prevent such damage by analyzing the causes of damage can be minimized. This research was carried out in collaboration with the contractor, where the first step taken was direct observation and interviews with the implementing contractor. By aiming to get primary data and secondary data so that data conclusions can be made and knowing the causes of damage to concrete structures in the construction phase can then provide advice on preventing damage to concrete structures that can be done. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the potential causes of damaging the concrete structure in the construction phase were problems with the height of the fall of casting, errors in construction, execution, vibrators, and errors in the installation of begisting.



Correlation of Concrete Strength and Concrete Age K-300 Using Sikacim® Concrete Additive and Master Ease 5010

A I Candra 1, A Ridwan², S Winarto³, Romadhon⁴

Civil Enginering Departement, Kadiri University, JL. Selomangkleng 1 Kediri Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract. Concrete which is generally used for building needs must reach the age of 28 days according to SNI to achieve the maximum compressive strength value from the plan. Along with the development of developmentthere needs to be research where concrete is planned so that it can achieve the compressive strength that is planned and has a higher quality even though it has reached the age of 28 days, this study uses Sikacim® Concrete Additive and Master Ease 5010 as additional material to obtain compressive strength values wanted. The results of the research conducted at the University of Civil Engineering Laboratory were attended by K-300 concrete planning using additional material Sikacim® Concrete Additive and Master Ease 5010, from the results of the above studies can be seen the compressive strength when 7- day concrete concrete has reached the compressive strength the average value of 251.56 kg / cm² from there is the role of additives that function to accelerate the hardening of the concrete . Furthermore, for 28 days old concrete has exceeded the planned target of reaching an average value of 316.44 kg / cm². And the last concrete test when it was 56 days has a value of increase that is high enough to reach an average value of 3 34.22 kg / cm², here the role of the second additive substance begins to be seen where when the concrete is over 28 days still has a fairly high increase.



The Effect of Stirring Time and Concrete Compaction on K-200 Concrete Press Strength

Y Cahyo 1, AI Candra ² , E Siswanto 3 , A Gunarto 4

Civil Enginering Departement, Kadiri University, JL. Selomangkleng 1 Kediri Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract. Concrete is a component that has an important function for buildings, both in the form of buildings, housing, highways, and other public facilities. The use of concrete, which is getting longer and higher, also has to maintain the quality of the concrete. One of the problems in concrete is the problem of compaction, the existence of cavities in concrete is a problem that if left unchecked will be fatal, concrete that has an automatic cavity will also reduce the value of concrete compressive strength, concrete compaction usually uses a vibrator or vibrator, but in reality the use the vibrator is used in a random way and does not have a fixed time rule, so the concrete is not evenly packed. This study discusses the compressive strength of concrete are produced with a mixture of the same sample but with different rules vibration time sehingga find the time to achieve the maximum compressive strength of concrete. For the average value of the highest compressive strength produced by concrete with the duration of Concrete Mix At 30 minutes and vibrator for 5 minutes with strong average value press concrete reaching 202.67 kg / cm². While the value of the lowest compressive strength is produced by concrete Duration of Concrete Mix At 30 minutes and vibrator for 10 Minutes above can be seen strong average value press concrete reaching 158.22 kg / cm²



Mean Arterial Pressure and Cerebral Edema in Post-Crisis Hyperglycemia with Rehydration Therapy

S Haryuni1, E I Lutfi2, I Anugraheni3, E D Ramayanti4

1,2,3,4 Department of Nursing Science, University of Kadiri Kediri, Jl. Selomangkleng no.1 Kota Kediri,

[email protected]

Abstract Tissue and correction of electrolyte imbalance lost by hyperosmolarity- Terapirehidrasi10-20 ml/kgBW/hour in hyperglycemia crisis patients will replace the volume of perfusion circulation. Rapid and aggressive treatment of fluid therapy can lead to the edema of Cerebraldi Karen that can increase fluid perfusion into the cerebral and decrease osmolarity due to fluid changes in the nerve system, so that the prevention efforts are required by observing the Mean Arterial Pressure. MAP Enhancement (Mean Arterial Pressure) affects the value of CPP (Cerebral Perfusion Pressure) and affects the value of CBF (Cerebral Blood Flow) and causes cerebral edema. The purpose of this research is to determine the difference of Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) in patients with hyperglycemia crisis with fluid rehydration therapy. This research is retrospective comparative research. Based on the repeated ANOVA test there is a difference of MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure) in hyperglycemia crisis patients who obtain fluid rehydration therapy. The Mean Arterial Pressure difference in the study is within the normal limit, it signifies that the administration of therapy increases the amount of body volume and lowers the osmolarity and without excessive increase of the MAP value ( of cerebral oedema).



Disc Brake Type of Braking System on Rear Shaft of Go- kart Daiho 7.5 HP

A Y Tripariyanto1, L D Indrasari2, S V Widodo3, A Komari4

1,2,3,4Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Kadiri, Pojok, Kecamatan Mojoroto, Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur, 64115, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract. Go-kart is one of the four-wheeled racing vehicles with high speed at a speed of approximately 100 km/hour more depending on the type and specification of the machine. One of the types of kart machines uses 4-step and 2-step machines. It means that the 4-step machine works by rotating two rounds of the crank shaft and 4 times the downward piston. The result of the calculation of the The weight of the kart taken at the central point is 678.8 mm and the rear kart is 273.7 mm. Torque obtained from the disk brake system is 377.5 Nm. As well as from torque obtained retarding 0.102 m/s. Braking force Result is 895.965 N. As well as force press on the brake canvas is 3.318 N. As well as the flow rate of the brake system is 1.078 kg/cm. From this study, we can draw the conclusion that the braking disc brake is influenced by the flow rate, the radius inside and outside the wheels and center of gravity Central point karts at the time of installation of the disc brake system so that the braking system can be maximal. Vital braking has a function and purpose that can be used as the main equipment on the kart or other vehicles. In addition, the use of a disc brake system is mostly used both on two wheels and four wheels because of its ease to treat and use and replacement of the spare parts.



Improvement of Inspection Section of PT. ABC using 5S Method (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Siketsu, Shitsuke)

S R Widodo1, S Rahayuningsih2, A Y Tripariyanto3, L D Indrasari4

1Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Kadiri, Pojok, Kecamatan Mojoroto, Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur, 64115, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract. Recently, the company must have an efficient level of quality and time to produce its products. The purpose of this research is to improve the company's overall performance by maintaining order, efficiency, and discipline in the workplace. The method used to improve the performance of this company is 5S method (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke). 5S is an continuing improvement that utilizes the workplace by training workers' habits to improve work discipline. The result of this research is that PT. ABC has a sufficient category in the application of 5S in its working environment viewed from several findings within the company. The score of audit results by the company's internal auditor is 52 where the score is still far from 152. The total score of the current 5S program conducted by the company is 51.11%. Therefore, the proposed improvement that can be given to improve performance is to make the procedure of all activities, provide labels for each area of storage, and involve all employees in each program of the company.



The Influence of purple sweet potato toward Fas Epitel of White Rat

M E Fitriasnani1, A Nikmatul2 , G P Yanuaringsih3, S Aminah 4

D.III Midwifery Program, Health Sciences Faculty, Kadiri University, Jl. Selomangkleng No. 1, Kediri, Indonesia1234

[email protected]

Abstract. This study builds on proving the purple sweet potato anthocyanin can decrease the epitel Fas cell of ovariectomy of white rat expression. The research design used was true experimental with Randomized post only control group design. The trial animal was female white rat (Rattus norvegicus) aged 9-12 weeks, weight 150-250 gram namely 30 divided into 5 groups: negative control group, positive control group and t giving group with the dose 20 mg/kg weight (A1), dose 40 mg/kg weight (A2), dose 80 mg/kg weight (A3). It is done by ovariectomy during 28 post ovariectomy then giving purple sweet potato anthocyanin during 30 days. The expression of Fas was examined by using IHC. To increase the reliability of the data was analyzed with Independent Sample T Test dan One Way Annova. The result shows that the purple sweet potato anthocyanin can decrease he Fas expression to endometrium cell epitel with the dose 40 mg/kg weight and 80 mg/kg weight significantly. It is caused the purple sweet potato anthocyanin can decrease dead cell of extrinsic. The dead cell was passed by the extrinsic ways. The finding has implication for can decrease the Fas expression of ovariectomy female white rat.



The Effect of Ginger Extract (zingiber officinale roscoe) on the Number of Neutrophil Cells, Fibroblast and Epithelialization on Incision Wound

K I N Rahayu1, I P S Suharto2, A N Etika3, S E Nurseskasatmata4

1Department of Nursing Science, University of Kadiri Kediri Jl. Selomangleng no.1 Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Abstract- The wound healing process consists of three phases, namely the inflammatory phase, proliferation, and maturation. An increase in the number of neutrophil cells and macrophages signifies an inflammatory phase. Fibroblasts and epithelialization indicate a proliferation phase, whereas in the maturation phase is marked by the occurrence of wound healing. Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) contains active substances, namely triterpenoids, flavonoids and saponins. Flavonoids function as anti-inflammatory. Although it has many benefits, the effect of giving ginger extract to neutrophil cells, fibroblasts, and epithelial thickness in incision wounds has not been studied. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ginger extract on the number of neutrophil, fibroblast cells, and epithelialization in incision wounds. The research design used was post test only control group design. Rats were divided into control groups given 1% CMC solvents and the treatment group were given oral ginger extract at a dose of 1 g / kg BW. The tissue was observed on days 1, 5 and 10. Based on the results of the Kruskall Wallis test, the p value was 0,000 with α 0,05, so it can be concluded that the administration of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) can reduce the number of neutrophil cells, increase the number of fibroblast cells, and increase epithelialization of incisional wounds in white mice (Rattus norvegicus).



Designing Google Form based Information System for Submitting Students’ Final Assignment’s Title

S R Widodo1, L D Indrasari2, A Y Tripariyanto3 , and A Komari4

1 Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Kadiri, Pojok, Kecamatan Mojoroto, Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur, 64115, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract. In the study of Industrial Engineering, Kadiri University, the final assignment for the title of three titles will be proposed. The way of proposing the proposal is, when there is a decree from Kaprodi, it will be presented to students who program the final assignment, then there are three plans of title that must be proposed, then after writing three plans of the title, the data will be entered by the library attendant, then it will be listed. After being listed, the title plans are data files that will be addressed to Kaprodi. Then, Kaprodi will decide whice title that must be taken by student as well as who the supervisor is.. Observing those activities, students should come to the campus to register the plans for the titles of the assignment that must be taken. To ease the student, researchers want to design information system that will facilitate the submission of plans for the title of the final assignment in the form of links, the link is derived from Google form. With this ease, students are expected to save time, do not have to come to the campus during the registration of the final assignment title plans. Designing forms and activities, it will be simulated by system flow and data flow diagrams, to know the details of the activities that occur, because the flow of the system will be compared to conventional systems with new one. The methods are assisted by data flow diagrams, system flow, and PIECES method.




The Influence of Autogenic Training towards Stress Level on People with HIV/AIDS

E M Yunalia1, A N Etika2, E I Lutfi, E Rohani3

Nursing Science Program-Health Scienes Faculty Kadiri UniversityKediri, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract— HIV/AIDS is one of psychosocial stressors in the sufferer, because the disease HIV/AIDS is one of the types of chronic diseases and diseases that pose a threat of death. In addition to the physical condition of people with HIV/AIDS worsening, the presence of social pressure can also cause stress in people with HIV/AIDS. Initial Survey that has been done shows the high incidence of stress in people with HIV/AIDS. Stress management can be done by pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. One of the non pharmacological techniques that can reduce stress on people with HIV/AIDS is Autogenic Training. Autogenic Training is a method of stress management using a holistic approach. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of Autogenic Training on the level of stress in people with HIV/AIDS. The design used in this research is one group pre-experimentation designs by using pre-post test design design. Samples in the study of a number of 20 people are selected using the purposive sampling technique. The statistical test used in this study is test Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. Statistical test results showed an influence on the administration of Autogenic Training on the stress of people with HIV/AIDS. Based on the results of this study, it is hoped that Autogenic Training can be used as an intervention in lowering stress levels in people with HIV/AIDS, so that people with HIV/AIDS can improve their quality of life.



Profile of Antibiotic Use and Germ Map in Pneumonia Patients in Pulmonary Space (Case Study at RSUD dr. Iskak. Tulungagung)

T Ilmi1, A Restyana2, M B A Kadir 3, P F Yuniarto4

1 Department of Pharmacy Science, University of Kadiri Kediri, Jl. Selomangleng 1 Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur , Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract— Pneumonia is an infection of lung tissue caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites. Antibiotics is a major therapy in pneumonia. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of antibiotic use in DDD / 100 patient-days and to know the profile of germs map in pneumonia patients in Pulmonary Room Dr. Iskak Hospital, Tulungagung during January-June 2017.The design of this research is observational research method with retrospective data retrieval from patient medical record data and antibiotic usage data from Pharmacy Installation and microbiology culture result data of patient, then analyzed descriptively. The results showed the total amount of antibiotic in 130 unspecified pneumonia patients non ICU inpatient in Pulmonary Room Dr. Iskak Hospital, Tulungagung during January-June 2017 was 51.28 DDD/100 patient-days. The most antibiotic types are levofloxacin iv 40, 14 DDD /100 patient-days and ceftriaxone 8.71 DDD /100 patient-days. The profile of the pneumonia-causing germs map cannot be determined because there is no data on microbiological culture test results from the patient.



Maintenance of Peeler Onion based on Efectiveness

N Nurlina1, R M Bisono2

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Malang (PSDKU Kediri)

[email protected]

Abstract. In a manufacturing industry as we are experiencing nowadays, maintenance is one of the required strategies for companies that intend to survive. One of the causes of decreased productivity is the machine often breakdown. Maintenance is an activity carried out to maintain the condition of the engine so that it can carry out its functions properly. In this research, the maintenance procedure taken to treat the onion peeler. The purpose of this research is to find out how the appropriate procedure to treat the onion peeler machine based on its effectiveness. Machine effectiveness is calculated by considering the quality, performance, and availability factors. These three factors were obtained by observing the onion processing business entity in Nganjuk Regency, East Java. The effectiveness is used as a reference to get the cause of machine breakdown. Maintenance is done by considering 5S culture. The results of this study are obtained by the procedure of maintenance of onion peeler which can be easily carried out by the operator continuously.



Value Chain Analysis and Supply Chain of Layang Fish in Prigi Fish Auction Trenggalek Regency, East Java Indonesia

L D Indrasari1, S R Widodo2, S Rahayuningsih3, A Y Tripariyanto4

1,2,3,4 Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Kadiri, Kediri, Jawa Timur, 64115, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstract. The objective of this research is to understand value chain analysis and fish supply chain in fishery field. There are many problems deal with much cost, and also much time allocation to get Layang Fish for consumption commodity. Value chain is useful to produce things or service which have main activity elements and suport to achieve the goal. In supply chain which is analyzed, it deals with the costs spent to get Layang Fish on the sea. The results got from both of analyses are to understand activities from Prigi Fishery Bureau and the cost spent for every trip to get fish. In one trip, there is dividing of percentage namely 60% for the ship owner, for fishermen 30% per 5 person, for ship's captain 5% and for worker ship 5%.



The Effect of Anthocyanin of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas L) on the Fas Expression in the Endometrial Epithelium Cell of White Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) Ovariectomy

M E Fitriasnani1, A N Nikmah2, G P Yanuaringsih3, S Aminah4

1,2,3,4 DIII Program of Midwifery, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kadiri University, Jl. Selomangkleng No. 1, Kediri, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this research is to prove that the anthocyanins of purple sweet potato can lower the Fas expression of epithelium cells of endometrial of white rat menopause model. The design of this research is true experimental with Randomized post only control group design. The experiment animal used is a white rat (Rattus norvegicus) females aged 9-12 weeks with a weight of 150-250 grams, a number of 30 rat are divided into 5 groups i.e. negative control groups, positive control groups as well as groups with administration of Anthocyanins of purple sweet potato dose 20 mg/kg BW (A1), dose 40 mg/kg BW (A2), dose 80 mg/kg BW (A3). Performed ovariectomy and awaited until the 28th day of the post ovariectomy then it was given the exposure to the anthocyanins of purple sweet potato for 30 days. Fas expression is examined using IHC. The Data were analyzed and tested by independent sample T Test and One Way Annova. Results showed that the administration of anthocyanins of purple sweet potato is proved to decrease the expression of Fas significantly in the endometrial epithelium cells at a dose of 40 mg/kg of BW and 80 mg/kg of BW. This is because a purple sweet potato anthocyanin acts as an antioxidant capable of lowering cell death on an extrinsic pathway. Cell death through an extrinsic pathway involves Fas proteins. Based on the results of the analysis showed that the anthocyanins of purple sweet potato was able to lower the Fas expression of epithelium cells of endometrial white rat menopause model.



The Correlation between CD4 Count Cell and Opportunistic Infection among HIV/AIDS Patients

I Jayani1*, Susmiati2, EWinarti3, W Sulistyawati4

1,2,3,4 Department of Nursing Science, University of Kadiri Kediri, Jl. Selomangkleng no.1 Kota Kediri, JawaTimur , Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract. The objective of this study is to know the correlation between CD4 count cell and opportunistic infection among HIV/AIDS patients. The design of this research is analytical observational by using Cross Sectional approach. The data are taken restrospectively based on medical record of the patients in Mardi Waluyo Hospital in Blitar from March to July 2018. The diagnosis is done by ELISA laboratory Checking. The number of sampling are 48 patients which is got by purposeful sampling technique. From 48 subjects of the research, there are 16 men and 32 women. The result of this study reveals that CD4 count cell of HIV/AIDS patients is 165.27 cell /mm3 in average. The lowest CD4 count cell is 25 cell /mm3 and the highest of CD4 cell count is 450 sel/mm3. The patients of HIV/AIDS who get opportunistic infection is 68.8%, and those who have not opportunistic infection is 31.2%. The analysis using spearman-rho shows that there is correlation between CD4 count cell and opportunistic infection with p=0.00 with strong correlation (r=0.732). It is hoped that the result of this study can be a new literature, and can be discussed about add value of CD4 count cell in managing of HIV patients who get infection, so it can be managed opportunistic infection early.



Analysis of Identification Of Causes Of Concrete Damage And Prevention

S Winarto¹*, A I Candra², E Siswanto³, R Ajiono⁴

Civil Enginering Departement, Kadiri University, Jl. Selomangkleng 1 Kediri Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract. In the process of construction and post-construction, various problems can often be encountered, with one of them being damage to the concrete which can cause weakening of the concrete structure or damage to the concrete structure. Therefore, the need to prevent such damage by analyzing the causes of damage can be minimized. This research was carried out in collaboration with the contractor, where the first step taken was direct observation and interviews with the implementing contractor. By aiming to get primary data and secondary data so that data conclusions can be made and knowing the causes of damage to concrete structures in the construction phase can then provide advice on preventing damage to concrete structures that can be done. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the potential causes of damaging the concrete structure in the construction phase were problems with the height of the fall of casting, errors in construction, execution, vibrators, and errors in the installation of begisting.