2007 Annual Report Key Fi Gures
2007 Annual Report Key fi gures Revenue by business line Operating profi t from ordinary activities by business line 2% 2% 15% 22% Concessions 4,580 Concessions 1,747 14% Energy Energy 44% 4,301 56% 229 Roads Roads 7,706 13% 392 25% Construction 13,653 Construction 668 Property 558 Property 58 7% Net profi t attributable to equity holders of the parent Cash fl ow from operations by business line before tax and cost of debt 2% 1% 20% 28% Concessions 680 Concessions 2,834 44% Energy 142 Energy 250 11% Roads 263 Roads 514 17% Construction 438 63% Construction 895 Property 39 Property 59 9% 5% Before elimination of transactions between business lines. Revenue by geographical area 2.8% 2.6% France 19,717 3.3% Central 4.2% & Eastern Europe 2,308 2.7% United Kingdom 2,048 5.3% Germany 1,621 Belgium 826 6.7% Rest of Europe 1,250 The Americas 982 7.6% 64.8% Africa 859 Asia, Middle East & Oceania 817 In € millions Revenue Operating profi t from ordinary activities 30,428 25,634 26,032 19,717 16,825 17,223 3,113 2,669 10,711 2,580 8,809 8,809 +17% +17% France International 2006 actual 2006 2007 2006 actual 2006 2007 pro forma pro forma Net profi t attributable Cash fl ow from operations to equity holders of the parent 4,515 3,999 1,461 3,755 1,277 1,270 +14% +13% (+23% excluding exceptional items 2006 actual 2006 2007 in 2006) 2006 actual 2006 2007 pro forma pro forma Net fi nancial debt at 31 December 16 303 14 796 up €1,507 million 2006 2007 In € millions Pro forma: full consolidation of ASF/Escota from 1 January 2006.
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