. ; -i - ' c l t » ; j » . t

7K l* M t - e d 7 Cents M M I O H

A 9-year-old Bergen County child suffered two broken TH* teeth in school doing a small chore for the teacher. Her par ents tried to sue the Board of Education; failing, they sued the teacher. They got nothing. But the idea was implanted I I \ [> » K in the mind of the boy and of his playmates and of too many other children that the thing in this world is to 'sue. sue. E V E R Y W E E K sue." There is too much of the “you can't do this to me” feel­ *n.l SOI TH W RCKN RKY1IW ing among children. Parents mistahflnplv are too often respon­ sib le . ^ T f v*» *. « . \..i :v< v , : h I \ M H II l!St. N J . I H IM \KV -'0. 10 .8

The Board Of Education Reorganizes T a x R a t e R i s e s Daniel Check! Is President,

To Record High Board A lso N am es Coronato I \

I t i e Y L

COMMISSION M EETING | . | w d l # l l i h Hearing M arch 11 - HEARS STORM DEBATE ' l.M idliur-r* I O w a* u n veiled la»t wi*ek l«' I llu* Hoard of (annini*s»ort«*rs. ll fortM-a-t* a lux rale of S‘).21 \ d«*l.»al«* on *n«»w » al ill llie t..w |l*l|||i- L •* l. le .le he ILv.ncl id I oHUUls-loli* r* m r. tm It.noLei M m.I |M*r $100 of valuation*. as a«aiu-t $fl. I > la*l y**ar and * J > . I £ j ttii«|g. Ta\|*avcr» duln I L . I lhal tit­ loi ui had h .« n h i o d in Thr full un|)a< l of llu* inrrras** of *6 crnls p«*r 100 of | led w ilh di-|*4toli an ^ ‘ . cents per $100 mis.sin1 in .the f‘iS*r.T*J»ds V »■:*-. be held at tlie meeting of lhe . Vine* nt CT Fietti to th e. fferiini It* . • i } " I ' • RoardF of Commissioners March S u r g i c a l S t a f f <»f S t . M a r y 's 1 1 . is r o u b l e o n <;*>unt> • te ; ,1 11 at 8 p.m. at the Town Hall. pital was • announced before the w h f i h h e s a i d ’ iff b e d The full budget is advertised in . Uem*rul 'Staff m eet in . u n* K i 111 Reading frejm left to rl*ht. front row: (ieorge Haviland! Thomas Mbkev Itanlel I heck I. I>anlrl today’s 'lhe Com m ercial Leader. . loW -IVSh - ary 11 The appointment places ( oronaio, Mrs. Idna"< lirist. Back row Caesar tiuidellt. Ralph Pollio. Morris Jseltemhrlnu Peter t tir The budget indicates the- des­ \t the meeting ao , him as Chief i f tbe foui th sur f tt a « o*i of %7« l:M v-. a- nU an increase of $.125,000 handed up St. M ary's Hospital for approxi- Rabbi Sivan Dies, W as III Long Tim e Ou « .l It ili he t ' * ■' by the Board bf Education. * ... an M a i' b 1 I .»■ and was a tradua,>‘- of lhe ;cU f d i n g %*'<*'■$ "H r - • . 0 luir-l and Soulh Hergen wa*' jiriexcd Meinlax **\ci‘ llu* surplus and i’«ed that -to dom ­ . • .'■•I • u i t i r r y ' '■ ' inate about 60 points. Another death of itahhi Jacoh Sivan. -piriliial li adrr of lire I \ lid in Til Us . RUi -•* Le re, fived hi- < ? u t h c d .. -d->» *- r-,t offset w as the reduct ipn in bond* lmr-1 ll**l»r**w (.enter, who died afl*‘r a loiip illne-- .il of. iH«bb.' p u l ; i n a . V ed debt'naym ents. Total debt pay­ Lithuania and hi». laUblpual .o l)aiiphl*T- of H iriani ll.m u*. < lifl«i l i e w a - ( i ments th s year , are $120,700 as i | h At the funeral yesterday in the -vhifh meiotsf-!* ..i thr -i .i 1 ’ ; com pated to $229,425 last year. Hi BenmmVn FletR * tiere ! * . Next year the full-effect of _ j.eared several , lim es on Yoik after pi iv ale itsidy 66' Howe Avenue. Rabbi Sivan ‘ ing as "p«-***itile ‘I’lO.Hv.t “ v.'t»-j elim inating the township’s bond- fi ii.'Ur ladjo broadcasts shot I t arerr In ll*»era was extolled foi the work he had t h e t o w n s h n d e b ' ■- - u »*-•.»v*v r *• -1 ‘ j ed debt will be felt. The paym ent m ’Ihe rabbi also, served a* di- B«,’oHre fi'hiing to t h e V n i t c d done not only in Lyndhurst but » «e»\' ei\ded thly year was the larft on the old i rector of ihe Hilljrt Chapu i at State in lil|4, he enibaikeit «»n '(n othfr * as when jfw m u v . i H o w r-v e * . tu h o O l . ■-. h i - _ d e b t . • ' \ , 0»w f|!i) Sta'e Teat'hers CoIbfge • a hat* a t * *, in. '*-pei i ntnsinh D uring .his w ivi.e here. RaWti have- ealeflf »o roi»«-vl 'tbe *' The comm sinners had to lie was. a member of th*- e* j-Stvan or^aui-c^d the WomCii * I 1 - involved have Uie t.»v t> i«s m ake a oui'-k run to Trenton last ecuiive board .-r the. Cantons I Choral ■Grouo of the center. •Ite. -leaves tv .- a'lly. M j s O l g a rsle- io neat the flO nt- W h e * •'! week to obtain permission of the •A'-e-m-IV of Atm 1 Ilf MIW-! .:t leuipi" *«•»..-* •yi*. w r t * '«M M Department of Gqyej omvnt 195S rw iv H an V ^n ’'r'r’V **w»r» ir h e Tst'ael. •Kli/abeth, far nine years a t , ] a* im thlnnastii'ailv »lM *ut t h r ’to defer oayment of $175 000 on ‘ f C a n t o t f InstHgtftU of A up. to 1943 and. at Adath I'rto l ' the totoriship sewerage plant un­ Y o r k . til next year This was done hy } Synagogue', (isw ef o. N Y . b e - |'o»| I Hh. . W ill ft. < Iom I ■ • : . | ■ ju | • R a b l i . . floating a one year loan for the lav (Snr ! *biv*ohe.| money. Had it gone into the bud , Oa rtelirious Broadcasts * t »n V\ a-liiugl< »i’> I ill'll .* \ ■ •.-ofcidef* a’ r. pet the rate would have soa At the Eli/abet h temple. New High School The l^ndhurft office .* l l tieahh vent r i over $10. } m'jtely 20 years For.’the’ past Rabbi Si'van was cantoi and di^; :... , l m e d W a * b i n i t . . o > It ' However, had the board been St»Ven years he has also served rectoi of. «acu-d and secular] Roof Springs s-atuiday, f *-.’•. u«t5 '• 22 There a hie to Use the sprolus money 'Ott on the tum or - «.i; M -*•:•- i i o f musu Dunn:; that time he ap- . ' • > S ' • O u t.' A hand to pav off that debt — rather that institution IU- im i mi m • i teak Under Snow j.servM’e IVrifhable and *pecia'S Lackawanna Senter ce Man than to offset the increase of the <,f the tissue com m ittee: chairm an ■ deft \ ei y w ill t.e del i_v er«‘d ft*-, Board o? Education budget—there 0j ^ e Hospital Records Commit - Donors Listed lhe new SlllHHl r«-*f placed usual.The lobbv «if thr ■.ftbr w ill would have been no need for he tee anfj a member of the Surgical on the bit’ll schixd tn the I2«li be oj>en from 7 a n* to 10 h m Hearinq Lasts To 30 Days $175,000 loan. < Control Committee For Blood Bank 1HMI p l u s m o d e r n i i a t i o n p««> ' for the * onvemen* e *»t Imv The commissioners voted in- Doptor Fietti i> a fellow' of the rr irn -prang a . leak over thr i f c o i * # * ' crpases of $300 in -their own pay International College of Sur j 'The followin'! p^opl*1 ha\e' w e e k O l d Three Hours >• ivep- one dona’ion <*f i.pHxt for Thev v-ill receive $1,800 instead geons apd a. member of the Bei . As. a result one nf the new THe . f.t|le* t»o»i f/ O'" M ie»1 let- T > .. whuh the Bkh'd Bank is grate{01 ' of $1500— with the mayor paid gen County. State and Ante i an ‘•'Unit proof erillAg* Insiallrd . - . . i...si - Mil i.. n . tf - . . ..ri - $2 100 instead of $1,800. Medical Associations. He is a johj) I ah/aflan i Mary La, on the se* ond flm r of the - I t v . Each departmental apprnpria hfe-long resident of Lyndhui t - St ala. Ab.l> Lavriehess.*4. Sarah s< lie O l s a v e W a y . ' ' W i l l tion showed an increase Public and resides with his ^family at I-em i>*‘ Dofore* Leone M fn 1 e The lamage was dlwovrrrd 'W orks under .Comm’ssioner Ed­ &L- rrne ph l.el’aii* C I i n d f n th 112 Ridge road H ■ O fflr- Tuesdav when th f .<* Iimtl rln»fd t b r a f .i : | . ‘ - M U ' Wt.no. 111 * k l ward J. Russo, went up the most. at thal address W alter Ltonarou*. M»< had Lu>a Monday bw aii''’ *d Ihr urns t h r e e ' I m h o bea* lOf f I R o b e r t J . L e y h $20,000. reflecting an appropria­ ruk. <»ux lappobs. Harry Long re*ipened The < e r 'e ii n e wlwrthef ?a. K * «|f .- tion of $9,750 for operation'of the W alter M fom a'n. 'Jwepbuv.- M etrtiw maked and «a« 'parti* d io < I d h * ?w » i o d t e d t- Makes Captaincy M r*. A ngelo.lt f'h*‘« ki of aja new sewerage plan* a cost which Livelli in Lar*-n, Eli/at»f.th- M a*wn))avhei i oil »psed W ater *a> faille*? •« l e t n a l * e IV.U *. »I L* i • I ) i ' ■ . did not api^ear before, and $ 4 0 0 0 Philip M adivan.. John M .n;M»td the hrw tile ll«»»r* Bm kel- »».’ << ; A e » j ■ •s l f n g {<: ■ '. •"* baal Onnw.,!<'n '-f ihi more -for maintenance' of th- ^ Im Ia IM A m I Eleanore Maikle Coni-d Mam wore se| u;J.iho. B* u,no M chota Jo t iO Huge piles of snow on thr • . a m i si * ; - M a r c h I I The D 'oartm ent of Pubi c ,M fourth tft ■ *he Boapd °t Ediy-a-. M iters.. An’hony Mona «• flit rmil of the s»h«Mil prrvrnl .! bl»t nuWa % . fair:-, under Com m iss'oner R^iph tion election, las* week today Kenneth Mo re* \L : h-.ei V . rd n* »re than a cursor* Unnpe* Polito. a«Ued $133,000 a« A thanked those who voted for him W f; Chsrle M . u »> tion What rae«Nl Ihr Irak w»it a ’ain^» $127 610 la*t year Sal a n d said he will i»e a i m#lai • L m .> * e . br drlnernmed lalrr artes in th»* town«hm clerk - of in the next ele: tion. 4 W_ It. • \ V F d i'i.h The Beard of. Idocalloi. '.Jifj P-e went from $14 400 to $15. H t - 1 f ’ i » m A Q i n n . C h « ‘ ■ the .Board, " n i h . w . H't.MMi nvHt**rnl/ltl*>n p- $5 500 and ooM ir assistant*- from of RdU' S'ron ele-- ’ <>n , 1 aL.» v. ar t A n t larnrd. out last *»nim o T b e to thank all »He-v<*t ■- w lio cathe $6 700 to $jiooo ' ; i i . P a d .- FV * »*htii.| wa> two Wrck* » 4 i r In fin n e. ond* r Coiim ^ i w out * i vu»v You hav*■ e ide. th s- C h H 'i v « 1 onrninf. A %W« s Carmine Savino \ * n an^ro**-ia- elf-' tion *iUtstai*f,.o a • * .l i !Kir< d l ll o p e ) phasr of thr pr*»«raiV ts ' tions went from $48 800 to $51 I I. P M r Him this Aummrr and wa tion election* 850 Salaries in as«»*?sors went I a P e , j p p r u t r d h* Ihe % o te t» f om $4 300 fo $5 500 I extend my heart y con ra In t h a t division o f A?se^.nr tuj'atiM ii Mrs Chr- ’ M C0 Angelo D 0»e*ki. town-h-n'em i'o »nd Mi Si tt ni.i.t tu Candidates Express Thanks ployec* 29 yesr* Was increas'd ■**» I . also v nt f ■ thank the that his pen: ion nnvmenf will b* L.yndhorM PTA the L it 1 fid N O T I U f v r r w M i a i i o s based unon the hi her ure of Club, the Itiban Amen. Cue Rei»!-|/-**.;• t haf it will be di $ l 9 0 0 instead of the eu^otriary and the P.n# V, T '- r - t i .t JP300. invitmgiifw to. «p*.»k lo th* 1 j n e » ' n r l v 1 ,0'K> ; it » / e n < w h-? i -to-:- * te t h e > In the tsx ofR e s»lane* w ent: bert< ■ iv . • ■ • > ‘ ' 1 1 I 4 S K H from $30 700 to 112 150 "I have .been' a^k^d by t- -"-i »>f ».»* . „>(««, . I.~ • «m 1 »- «h • l.k. *' »« ' ' l i k e - % C o m - v. . t n In publu safety under m any pionle ak * * h e th e r I K - iff *:x r if.mn n-. ,u 1 ■* *f"’ 1 5 V M t m ' «eek ele. ♦en nex* year Y* n i i n e r j o h i - ■ m * n r rtwn.Un.ff fur ih^i. e*nr*-* ' " < h u - » - I ?i»«- «ra m-»:- try a a.’n. beea ise t - .r. r h e . propriatton rose from $294,700 to M i » f .p -ne AIK- -.»h H I* . H , M n M '. l . Thar ta»? fo# ' f*jf kmwah*-* ■ • P r t 500 The Planning B^'a^d appro . ’’A n ftah tllr” Hifim b jb : j r W ’TiO . -afat." th e e * o ( riation V -- d-ubl. d fi m t l M o var« u cublrt-a^Hon*- dur-e.- '»•<- • i# a n 4 i»**.ij »* *».!> •’ ••**>- .-*• -» a«wfc#} . t .. %?. H< i • h |ion Thai ■ ■ ■ IOIAKSKI h T H A N K S 1M4SKS tm tnv i*■ are ** * r i«''*-ffta-r . T W . . • * par'* s and P--» br Pi oner tv on a et io vr*er. • I ’* n l it* . \i t l l If h i i ' M l (MIS 1 -.h»‘ “? p h l.otan.Ju.'a «. » n d i d * t , t •b der Mavor W dham F C.'laiher h'lve a cuirent --.ituw» taken and f- - the n-'tfpr--J»"ien*I* *.■„ ;. **aOi t h e B-.-i- d P d t n a« fi>« .<*k* - k '-. \ t.* y .*• - * • m y i.nii* u i v ^ H « t > N r sef rom $38 5 ., t ’d»V 1 the ..V *d _ '-r I ■ aries ift pla grounds wen* ft-n . » t a randwlale Oa fi--,.-: • t h * (Contin ed on Page ?) my friend* throughout <»ur town I I h to - ;>-e njy M* ‘ - r e % IN ’* |*l\ * »H* 1 ■ ' M tt»«fhs-'..W lh-0**- w ho w e : e ij-)_nd- r **rr IO « I M ited- VO**» for nr.e You* . a r - i >. • *«{:■ a*-.dj»tK**r!S H* T H K NKW H I’O G E T en*-u.;'-h 14 r ip :< .ft m v r a n 4 da*-.y p t m t k i p - | •. ece diw^fcly . a ft - e i«te-ti; and I- C h l'e t M - <"*• * . ... *f,d ■ *:'!. W«NR • ,-ino t.'.icc w h« *•<-.? -_a f ■/ »•"'* .'-ar./' * The Tow o-hip BudcH K in- *hat ■ -r • **•;.'*• . ‘ .-A I • ; " T.*1# » ..•> I *.tt * ft.} i d e la red ■*he : printr 1 in today s U a tn The. i .to me ne»t y«a* a a » i* d . *•' **. * m r t S a *•*» will he the onU •**art«nit* far ■ * P I T H » t l HI l<» . . . i " ' m 1 you to read the eoanietr bud M'». Pelaeua- !»ief lidvka. of W at' Is » »» g y J U -i t . ■ K 1 M A S K S T H I get It telh ta drUU how yo«r •-■n a % ■ "■* - ' »' <- ’ ■>' « »• '• w aej is M at spent Read H u i T . .r u n t 4 i . O n t . ! . . i 'T o thOae who wotheid fo r spy a n d '. 1 : * M1 U*l*l M «adi» PAGE TWO COMMERCIAL I.EADER X SOUTH UERGEN REVIEW Tin R«mv. FEnm vRV 20. ror,!!

Keep Your Faith, Go To Church Every Sunday And Holy Days

Hearsay or Experience", A cor-, Pr. yer meeting a' 8 p.m. Public Service Declares p o s a i b i e . dial invitation is extended to all. Thursday, Feb. 27: Choir prac Y P F News At present ErullU'r MiUe Car-' Use thc Season of I^ent for j tice at 8 p.m. Dividend On Stock emo has received new appliea- SUCfturthJIeW S? worship. Wc yrge you and your B y D . TEMPLE ; t ions for . m em bership and 'it w ill friends to worship-with us Sun-j ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL T h e ‘ B o a r d <>/ D iver' >r~ p i P u b ­ SACRED HEART It. C. CHI’RCH W e d n e s d a y .1 Feb. 2t>:. 8 : 0 0 - p .m .? days at 10:30 a.m. and Wedn£s CHURCH This Friday evening February lic Service ElecVic and G as Com ­ -pons.irs another Fjrst 'D e iree Ridj;e Hoad & New Jersey Ave LcntCn Prayer sct VK^e in Sanctu­ , day evening at 8 : 0 0 p .m . ’ j Forest and Stuyvesant Avenue* 14. the YPF was pleasantly sur pany this week de iared a quar­ I tss. it vou have }«nv applica­ Rev. Bernard Moore. Pastor ary. - ■—— * ■«— ,—_ Rev. C. Wesley Slake, B.D. pris*‘d by a come as you are par­ terly dividend ot 45 cent* per tions for membership, please Masses: 6:30, 7;30. 9.00, -10:00, Wednes'da.v and Thursday, Feb WESTMINSTER R ecto r ty. M any guys and fials in plaid ^hare on ihe common st«»ck’: for u^rnit Hietn U. .soon a-s p issibh' 1 '■ 0 0 , 12:00 in church. 26 and 27: 9:f)i) n ni. tu 4:00 p.m., shirts, dungarees and moccasins the first quarter of 1958. The 9:00 in school. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH , 154 Stuyvesant Ave.. Lyndhurst Vi tha* a.-tion mav be taken on Ruin map e Sale in- church base­ 511 Ridge Road Lyndhurst; Board also declared *he regular 1 GEneva 8-566* had a grand evening of game* them. ’If you desire an applica- MOI'VT CARMEL CHAPEL m e n t . - - • • --.v— __ Phone WEbster 9-7990 dividends, for the ftt'st quarter and dancing. Ths' big attraction By BILL TKOESCHER; .on } (ease cnuiitae* Bi other M ike Thursday. F- ii. 27.: lil-a.m r C an­ Copeland Avenue, Lyndhurst Rev. Milton Paul Seeger 1 0 2 ^ 1 RUTHERFORD BAPTIST of the evening was thelhree plaid of 1958. of $ share in the . Cm i-ino ,or Sam Chim ento or any c e r d r 4^ 3 0 # 'to be made at home By now all. brother mepibers _ Sunday Masse s: !!:0(1. 9:00; 10:30 CHURCH shirts and slippers worn by M aty 4.08 ber c-pnt Cum ulative Pli'c Sunday. Feb. 23: Church School j have; received their Couticil eor- .fticer of fhe Ci nntil. II yplir.ap : R V ht 327 Living* fer red St*K'k: $t.04'_* a share on !3 West Passaic Ave., Rutherford M uller and Bev Buchman whose • ■ l e a n t j s under the aje ef 26 a v e n u e .. 8 vm ., Adult choir at 9:3<> a.m. Serm on at 11 by Rev. • lcsponden.ee . relative,.'*«' the an ­ ST. M ICHAEL’S K. C. Rev. George Smith, Pastor hair was up in pins and rollers.; the 4,18 per cen* Cum ulative pre- 1 •.ears, he will be rcquirc'd^i ili- C H U R C H rehearsal at *he chirr/, h Seeger. "A Good Question - for nual m em orial Mass for their de­ Jh Woodward Ave.. Rutberfora The hall was gayly decorated in , fered; $1,075 a share on the- 4 '<*! •■iP'c huoseif -v. ith the order. I-ent—Lo vest Thou M e?" 7 p.m. ceased brothers which w iJ be R e v . j U d i s l ii u J. Uilczewskl Saturday. March V, I I a . m . , Phone GEneva 8-6795 hearts and stream ers for S t Val j p e r rent Curiiulu.hYc Preferrrii: W estm inster Fellowship. held Saturday inotnjh; 6 \ 9 ;0 0 Plea.** '• 1 » •■•'nl. P a sto r Confirmation Cla.-s v dl meet en tine’s Day. and 35 cents a share on the $l.4n W ednesday, Feb. 25; Lenten j The quarter ending Match 31 nid«e Rond and Page Avenue w ith the p.;r'i'.r -h .tlir.’ Prim ary ti’ -lack at Sacred.H ear* C ljurch. LYNDHURST HEBREW Because of the blizzard, the Dividend Prefered Comntrm s u p p e r a t 6 p.m. ’ in Fellowship ! The Maw ..II bt i’- • I is-comma up fas' and it is n Masse? a-e at 7. 8. 9, 10 and R o o m . CENTER Bishop’s party w as called off. The Stock-AM dividends for 'his quar­ 11 :S<) a .m . Hall Lenten service at 7 p.m. inj 333 Valley Brook A Venice only for the member.s iif the. qi.e r*ted that jd l m em bers bring 7 h e C h u i a h >:i t h e c o r n e r o f 5 n o w sure came in handy for tlie ter are payable on or before panctuary. Choir rehearsal a’ 8 > Study: GEneva 1-9582 Council, bu* also f o r ;*be dc; eased ■ v 1 s uo to date as soon as ‘ . vi<-m t ard Tontiftp- avenues tebns on M onday, as school was j Marc h 31. l‘(5t! .to sto< khulcl*. i LYNDHURST M t’l UODIST p .n i. , ! ih1e. to’re c • | I inuiu . the ..i. : iivji functions M i n i s t e r S l 'I % I'I HI U S Rev. O. G, Schmidt 307 Tontine- \venue SCIENTIST Fellowship w ill have a discussion Recorded During Storm cr-ive Com m union-in a'body; ..I the Coun il (or your enjoy- E V A M i E l It * I I n H E R A N 36 Glen Road, Rutherford, N. J. GEneva 8-G928 K. Pirrrepont & Lincoln Avenue*, ’ GEneva 8-3457 on segregation. me iit',. K <« > post et} to this colum n ( H C R C H An all 'tm c re-ord in t'-lei hm -• in Rutherford, N. J. Hope to see you all there next ii id read. > cia.n ir*-aind en .e as V if l * * * I t r o o k A v e - a n d Meetings: Wed., Sat., Sun., 8 p.m. ■ ' S u n f i v - ' K t - !.; ' t r 4 5 'i 'M . Branch of th« Mother Chureh, Th« use was established. F o b r u - r \ 17 week to express your views on ,b«-cMi a n n o l i n c e d b > tin K . o f C it i. i. -ed. A . onderfuf s'ea- Travers Pl.*<‘e, L^nahurst e|rrt Church of Christ. Scientist, of when New Jerseyans made 17 Church Sell 1 >d| \ v i t h < . Im, this subject. Sec you then. R*-v George M uiirr, Pasto? Boston, Mass. LATTER DAY SAINTS C.irpuiation. that .the Fr-i'da> • sn n'H :,n< C ' o n l y a f t e r d e v o t i o n s i ‘ . R o ci i i W . H a w n u u F o r vious m ark of 16;500.(M)0 set last »'cl»ick a t which t^iMlVponlos of Cfcrla- Services Every Sunday Ta x R ate at both Sai.rcd Heart anW St, Me : :v'<-rie- 7 .0 0 ,.! :. Y o u t h g r o u p s l«»n S<’l«n«'»» Ijp i.U n it a r e K lv e n . December 4 during another sivw 1 1 A h Wc dji. < ..v.- Ft b. U . 8:00 heading R*cm af !» station Square, j a t t h e rhaol s. ’l hc dooi s of tbe CY<» . M rv M argaret Buck, .o f • Tt.av- » v . 1 / t at the church. (Continued from Page I)- storm, the New Jersey Bell Tele­ v ni , Lenten ^trv ice. "To The »p«*n• d a lly fro m 11 a in . to 1> p .m . Adoniram Masonic T e m p le will i\ot. open until i) p.m. dur c.'t s-pi a; e, i> spem ling.a few w eeks K'-ept on Sunduy* and Irpal holl- phone- Co. reported. Monday, Fyb. 24. 3.30 . p.m., C i.’. I 1» j 11. , My S in ", Re-i MuJ la > )i »*n don K r id a jr e v e n in g fro m 7:3® 321 Second Avenue *8.500-to $.1,500 and in'the Town in* Lent, and all are requested to -u la’rv-.’s .in Ph.iudelphrf. Y o u fh i li i non Holy <' rhr lynkin •/, ft-30 n 'c ltjc k . Lyndhiirst, N. J. Hal) and libraj v from $4,000 !<> Norm al Jlephone traffic* ,foi an Pennsylvania. Nurs«-rv i n re provid' d during attend a manv of'the Services n. avcrar#* business ■ day i- about V. ill be.A. le'bt a't*d.~ '. K u n d u y S**rvl< e. Chureh School. 10 a.m . ? 5 ,5 0 0 , 11.500.000 calls .’he company id ' 1 1 ' - ■ 2.1 8 "ii p m., Sunday, .Feb. 23: 9.: 15 ■ itjn i.,' Preaching Service. 11 a.m - The township \' I f r Bible Class. incnt did a .boom ing bintiness. It rossible to ^»od will be brouf'ht [ r r ? u-;N.'rtreet d t t.n - < h u r . h : in W -'uni.'. Divine Worship. took in $133,509 in rents rather ,Mr ami Mrr W illianvCat i, out at Christian Science services t Card Of Thanks than the $96,200 anticipated. To­ of Six*h avenue, and ‘Mi and S u n d a y . tal income w'as $lttl,116. includ­ M r s . S - I*. P i z / o Ml (I o i l , K (» ii Scriptural passages in the Lc s The fam ily of Joseph Katoski ing thc $37,000 appropriated from neth, ol Post avenue, arc/ ha nn-Sermon on "Mind will'~+n- expresses iti sincere and heart­ surplus. *This year only. $35,000 r ■from' ii.* wo -weeks vacation .• / r ’ ciude the following f r o m I s a i a h felt thanks to all who have ex­ to be taken fiom surplus a t M i a m i , F lit. (40.28): “Ha,st thou not known?' tended kindnesses in their hour However, while the township, h'jis *,hou no* heard, that the ever- of bereavem ent. The sym pathetic expects to do business of almost I’atr.K ia M ot I- i. -ov.ih oi famtcth not, neither is weary? eased ’he sorrow of a ureat loss W e I . c e l t j >! i N i !«*” <•«! j-o M ' h i * MltVUV water are jum ping from ,S29;0t)(i li<-+ t i m ’d '.I 'e lc - i n S a i l e d H '- a r t i t , i * i n o s e a r c h in g qX h i s u n ­ is greatfully a -knowlcdtted. To to $37,000 and other expenses w ilh S ho il at a Valentine pai t v on derstand inj/Z' the priests Holy -Nam e. Society- fam ilies uf i!»i area'. ^ mi m ay r>»i a^-arei! i be $79,000 instead of $72 000' * ! FrWi > ll< i yuc st were j: and Polish American Citizens . From “Scion.re and ITeal’h with j According to [the budgvt' the niary Sangi. KlizabethVRcillv. KI tliat sour in 1 i e\ai fu ij; n*.f|tiir<’tiieiH> *u ill, C l u h . a l l o f St. M»bael’s R. C. Key to the Scriptures" by Mary amoUnt of increase over which . voa Carpino. Cariji fJi C.-nulio,. Church, go ouV aooreeiation for 1 11 -:v < ar l iilcratf artd -yiiipallietie itn- Bakef'F'ddv; w ill be read * he fol­ the , com m issioners hav e control Mu had Roderick arid 1 F r a n k the consideiHition that has been Designs for rljp A0 L !J ^ J lowing (180 25): ‘ When man is is $15,916. The county tax this M a r r o h e . «I« r ii: accompanied i*y aa refill plan­ the source of much consolation. governed by God, the ever-pre­ year shows an increase of $17,5)50 We are very grateful to W aldo J. ning am i e< tnpei.enl dirct-lion. • sent Mirtd who understands, nil Ippolito. funeral director, for the, things, man kno\v that with God cverydetor' sym pathetic ahd efficient service all thin :..' are oossible. The only , r e n d e r e d . . • ' . Checki President way to the; living Truth, which' he.-J.s the sii’k. is found in the Kate ski Fam ily (Coritinu^d from Paae 1) NAZARE Science t»f divine Mind at tnunhV elected *o m ri»i<*rfui »!ii - The Golden Text is Ironi Jol) In losing memory of Daniel I c;ut com m itlinents. |ii( 403 RIDGE ROAD - LYNDHURST, N J. (.3 6 :5 ). "Behold. God Is m igjity. ; Be llo v. ho passed away Feb-u- f< iv in; fK ss ss 'allfiappr The worst fears of the'Board Phono GEneva 8-7272 a n d • d e s p i i*t h n o t a n y h e 1 - i "IV 113. 1052 ^ , of Education were realized Mon m akes , . . . e*p^v jx-bra Ann. gistered-. Anion-' those are many l i o n t o ’.e a c h s t u c i e n t ; 4 0 1c: It a.m "The vine ‘ w ho form erly .'attended' tin- Lynd- I > M >ll! IJS I. -N. J. 1 :j " ll" Vlni' '!1"1 156 Foi est avenue entei tai ned on sons• of. one.‘ hour each- Blanches" T. veilin'; I’’ ««*>oo | Thursday e.Vening for Mr. Tap i hurst school i.l nova 8-261.1 i G roup at 7 p.in. penbeck's sister, Mrs. Herman This m ay be the lastyear foi one Elem enlarv • Hig’i Si»hool or _ of the schools. There has been Tuesday, February 25. Ruth DliH-|Miif, of Hoboken, and her Adult Grouping O p e n H:.}0 Co < D lily - Nichol. .M issionary So; i-ty at 8 0 ‘ - mocc. M rs Irmgard' Distel and talk abou* making a South Ber­ Fridav R:39 lo 9 P.M. daughtei, -Ellen and Gisela. who gen Adult School whuh would For inform ation Address B«>\ , appeal to the entire area,- rather W c'dnesday. Youth came here from Germany in 183. North Arlington Leader. 1 j Club la-'gistration at 3:30 |>.m 1'.N Nov o embei j hah have each .school -district go to it alone. Her wig said that he felt, the h i k o i ( i i i r ; / s / x u i i s i k i n n bad vvca*hct' in recent weeks THU sriKII m ints . . . hindered the registration here. , 'lhe lunt. s|>.in “ V the slaunchest prodtut «»r rta-^‘ Cold Beer-W ine & Liquors At the meeting outgoing mem .Uire or man is luit a moment in tho rternai life { bei* W illiam J Bello thanked tin ei th** pirit. Reverentl> to i v^rc'Y this thought rmembers for their support and • < •. rr our .utu. Free Delivery cooperation* in *luv pas*. Po.ht", J.n'rS <■rrt'iir is ri /H 'ffrrt If'hutr j odtfW in" president, thanked Heih, •for his services and extolled tin "St rviti}* Fatiiiliex “ f I'\»*ry Faitli. I wiirk he has done for Lyndhiu t Complete Catering Service J e d u c a t i o n Vi Vny lloup. Call W F / 9*3000 W eddings -r? Banquets. | Rosario Stellato, >it Post av*' ^trpurr Jfuttrral H otur nue is spending six weeks with Parties — Etc. relatives in. llalendale^ Fla Successor to Collins M emorial o 253 Stuyvesant Avenue, Lyndliurht, iN J. HOM E M ADE WEbaler 9*30(M) AlHCOMHTlONEI) FOR YOt R COMFORT Cole Slaw Baked Beans Potato Salad Macaroni Salad WELCOME, NEW NEIGHBOR! JOHN L. BURK NABISCO RITZ CRACKERS As your banking htvgbbor, w e e x t e n d w a r m SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS wishes to you for happy living in Bergen Counly. FUNERAL DIRECTOR LOOR SMtMlTir Now You Can Have UNWANTED W e i n v i t e y o u to visit ot/r office n earest you- 52 liiilge Koaarod fot K K t r n y 2 1MM 8 A .M . to 1 P.M. n e w c o m e r s I fk e y o u 152 Mldlantf Ay* Arlington. N J SINCERITY ... DIGNITY ... REVERENCE Send for your FREE copy feday! li«iulc!< I In N Iloin.elik-c \lmo>pliere

GARDEN LEDERMANS RUTHERFORD TRUST O FflCi W ALDO J. IPPOLITO 14 Pork-Avenue, Rutherford WEbster 9 2400 Delicatessen c o m HKKft ■ W INKS Arpple Parking Drive m S e r v i c e y 10 OIIICI1 ^ MACKCNIACK FUNERAL HOME I . K . U O H S j c- mk.<* V 418 PAGE AVE. (Cor. Chase) » •»*!•» »» i_ ’ -> i i 1 1 ) * . i mss) \ n>\. j . O i l s KOCH FREE DELIl tK Y H A M IO U C I MTS ( i l ' . t i c v a l H W r l LYNDHURST, N. J. PEOPLES TRUST t o * 2*W Sluy»r*anl iff COMPANY OF BERGEN COUNTY C M A O tu Parking Facilities On Premises OS • urxtcroto AIK CONUlTlONKD Vr.AR ROl'.NO W E 9 - 2 9 5 0 W E . 9-5975 Mfwlfl If iflvf inttM >ipi«*l Qt^O^iT iNSufSNCf iO»»OtAfiON’ tlA M C K w is r w o o e FACE THREE COMMERCIAL. LEADER vi SOI TH lttkt.FN REVIEW T H t tfSDAY. FEBKIAKV 20. ^ >8 M* '-J \!r> Katl , t..ir«i»n i ini* Engagement Told Fl«»rk.e.v%i»y«> > | m i h ! It • a-ut K.tr! A l>»aboW, Miss Grace NoveHo tt.rkem l al s \rani'* .V Kt\(l V < M iss SpHeri M arried . 4flt| v-Uaihtef. ■ t M ‘. * - J m f h To George R. Plarre W ed to TTiom as Train -t|jer •* Town' Halt <« M*>: ^ Her^'-.r^. and .- •• f r - r t . M i«G ra.eN Nwel’o. Haw'ht, pointed at v.'iKt *:"1 held until V a A p y e - e r ’-.wf- M arriage vows were exchanged er uf Mr. and Mts Gabriel No- ’.-'mim'd u th la <■ u, - -Mii!- > 2vlt?» a* I -< ’• >'■' 1' *• on Sundav bv M ss Pau i Theresa lello 2S1 Grove *tre*. Eart Ruth- and finished in > iK»r<"> • Spiteri. daughter of Mr and Mrs er'ord ' became lhe bride of tram. Her ftn. erf.r u Andrew Sciteri. 312 Chas*» ave Thomas D. Train, son of Mr and ra»r»« bv »• o w n of seed -*• nue.. and George R r hard Plarre Mrv Douglas .Train ot MJ Too- .iw* fhe of Mr. and Mrs. George tine avenue, on Saturday bouquet of pialeno, * s <•■ F lare. 441 Post avenue, both of • and while rose^ I.vndhurst. The cere~»onv was performed Her matron «of honor v The ceremony was performed at f* Jcserh’s R. C. Church. East walUt ier)Jlth dress of bla- c at 4 p.m. at Sabred Hear» R. C Rutherford at 4 30 pm A rerep ft>n #nd (he bndesrna ds po ­ Church. A reee»-*ion w>« held nt tion was held at the Irvington t.olorwj >hifton. all s'vled • th® Robin Hood Inn.. C’ifton. House. Irvington. square newlines and sirn Miss Do’ores Spif"ri her Mrs. Aueust Novell©, of East sleeves Thev wore ma* h:n : h it/ sister’* onlv attendant. Clifford Rutherford^was matron of honor. and carried m at.hm g carnations Cole, of Lyndhurr* served c* be-i Bridesmaids were the brides The flower girl wore a dm > 1 - man. Lou;s Ruggiero. of Tvnd n i e c e s . Miss Patricia Laudi'ina, that ..... of the m atron — •of • -bon*'* with hurst, and Bill Stubbs, of Ridge of Carl**adt. and Miss Marilyn a tiara of matching carn»*on< wood, ushered. £. M m rinak of W .I.ngton The her hair .Slw carl led a baafcet- The bride w ore a ^rin^ess style hr dr-i niece M ary C.ra-e Rawt chiffon with >rfm a'thm < hat Mi>s Gloria Orth duathtt go-vn of pcvii de snie fashioned li of Caristadt. was flower g:rl‘ The bride's mother wore y.n and Mr* Uoi ( I I with a cortrait neckline trim m ed . I*4'* and c h iffo n v i*h a qnttUrhi roa«l .\v» fvic.si t-f hf‘M«»i with Alencon la'*. long sleeves Edvard Osborne, of hat. The srooms mother - ■ pointed a* ‘He wris* and a flow ine • - ed M b «t man. Richard N o-1 o v e r a q u a w i t h a q n ’ 11 dh .u* • on Thtirsdaj « * - skirt finished in a chapel lenctb accessories w ifh corsages of white V"n"- • nephew of the bride ot ^ 8..,!, won whit. given by M rr Ge»»ige Wo-»i train. Her three tier fingertip baby orchids. Hasbrouck »-eighth and1 Wat.ee , KI • veil was held in place bv a seed Zuehl Rutherford, ushered., Mun (inh v ill •... • and lilies of the valley. ..i. - . v. ' -Plarre is a eraduato of S* Mar> ^ brina neckline. Jbng sleeves hurst. Mrs. Train is a giad.i < a ceiem ony to be perft rm* .1 it Her maid of honor wore •» High Schooj, Rutherford, and the —;—— ------' ; " \ of East Rutherford High ScW -i pown of Alice blue chiffon styled School of N ursing at "g*7Vm cent - T h e . Lyndhugrtt Em blem Club and u with the personnel depai t 4 30 p m vin AprU 12 v « *h ‘ v/itfi a scoop neckline and short Hospital. M ontclair. She is a staff will held a postponed meeting ment of Curtiss-W n’ght. Elects ■ \C,: i sleeves. She wore . a matching nurse at St. M ary’s H ospital. Pas next Tuesdav evening at the us Dtvwion. Caristadt Her lv. graduate of; LyndV >' S c h o o l . M i s * O r t h i s t»*« headpiece and carried pink roses. saic. Her husband, graduate of Elks Club on Park avenue, foi- band, graduate of l.vndh ^ The bride's mother wore a Hanovia. Chem ical M »; .t!.i t Lyndhursturiiu..t«ii High School------is — with lowing a oeeis'CMNbeefs’eak mmm dinner which 1 High School------and - ...... Fair leu h I dre$s of biege lace and silk and Company m. East No H> the John Johanson Const™, non. the Elks are fiving for the en- t«.m Un.vem -v M ltm * . . the groom ’s nao’her wore powd.) ' • ' „ (. . j 'ue club Dinner at 7 ftO p.m. and ei with Glens falls lnsui. with, hi* f^thei blue. They______each wore matching ...... i flub m eetinl im m ediauly afte, Co.. ... S e w a r k % Mv-..Vernon Cowell is president. s M r s Frederick Blum, of Pros -1 M rs. S. Ricadela. M rs. C- Canm 11 >. p jon<. w l| be com pleted for their pect place, celebr.a*'*d------her birth Mrs. W Whitman. Mrs. K. PolL • .. n ( re?ently elected arda. Mrs. E. S. Stammer -aBd. msWHUon oi r > * day on Saturday night by ertter M r * J Cuneo 1 officers

Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Thalm an. •Houi 12 Noon to 9 P.M of Octavia place, have had as their , guest for a week their INTRODUCTORY OFFER granddaughter. Leslie Jean CaVin. L O W P R I C E S daughter of Mr, and Mrs. How ard Cann, of Elm ira, N. Y. This ad and 95c entitles you to One Beautiful 8x10 Sil'vertone Portrait regular $7.95 value. The High School PTA women Prove it to \m rself.,.an d gel Triple S B l u e Stamfts too. Tuesday at‘ended the Founders Suitable for Framing— Selection of Pose* Day luncheon at the Casa Mana in Teaneck. Those present in­ Phone for your appointment early This offer m g o o d cluded Mrs. W. Poindexter. Mrs. For a Limited Time Only. A. Wisniewski,. Mrs. K Weber.

t The Sum Total of Quality


For quick, ao iy to pr^pora m aol* fKllZFK iur or THt W fl* '• K U d w a < ►to<>* * d iw P tt HIM• • • »• * * * LARGE SUNKIST NAVEL n r 25' HINDS OF BEEF - 59' •Kitthert Gaud**’ '' ' ' ‘ " ‘ ’ * , ' " ' ♦- O r a n g e s 7 - 4 9 Cut Com 2 29- tm*** *»«.«*.■ «• • * » y . *.«1 j ■ iii >i ow tow hue* * NtW CHOP CALIFORNIA BROCCOLI SPfARS 1 W 49‘ k V i i t SHOftl RIBS el BfEF CRIOWf FRANKS TV A v o c a d o s 2 3 3 WTIMfO « lf Slfll 1.. n CANADIAN BACON - - 1 7 9 G o l d « n I Ib . a m n t a * r 3 5 '9 3 - I A K I A C H M i r m R U F f O r»h'»«*#n«nq Pit FILING . • 0XYD01' ' ''' ' 5T 35* ; 81' C H E R R Y P I E FLAKO PIE CRUST MIX HUE CHEER 33- 791 3 9 * 1 * M&Jt LENT m m * ' - TOP QUALITY FOODS FOR [ h is is im i M a s . io whom history hu* granted a permanent place in thc hearts of his countrymen. V 1 1 V I H A C H E E S E Hiv devotion and kiyalty his inspiring leadership STARKIST1UNA and great deeds add up lo the sum total of K r t H ' i quality attained by s o few people in history . L l « h t 2 ib 6 ' / j o z F n m o n v NVc respectfully honor hi*, memory on thc 22ad o f C h u n k can % p r » » 4 7 9 February, Wa*hing»on'* Birthday 2 9 I

•KiTCHCN GARDfH V N K > N PEAS iW MT TtHOt* 3 49 I CATSUP nm w .l o:«i c-i-jok I...-.!- . >*.t. ec«. HOT CROSS BUNS l a r ^ e e l . I n —_ j — ...... ■♦•.tit* SwortfWi Steaks NATIONAL COMMUNITY BANK n tfT ot riw n o o m *♦* N A * f C . r LYNN 31 Cod FBkt Flounder FWet

M t m l r t I iimmuoity OUk v * Io %ersr you tr4 * rm t m m m m O r p in if \ 9 c ,» a • « " • • • • " l‘tItU 'O fi * • a h awTnttrMio • cA»ii'«o’ • KNBMlill' • W li «*•* * • •*° ■ • ta. < pom.it- * * * I W i * * * * - l**H » U *S BUIE STAMPS FREE . m u ’ • » * ■ * - hm4**+ >>• *» **4 f»-a4 +• '■»*. I

OHAMl I M'iiN I" KHM.I IK»\|l. N4JHTU \tUIV II . 1 a«t lliwraan 8 » V M l» » P a l.a»t a » rill KM)\Y. EKI1R1 \KV 20. 19:>8 p a g e F o r n COMMK.RCIAI. I.I-.ADKR & SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW

MOVIES - ENTERTAINMENT - DINING - DANCING - FOODS Where To Go — W hat To D o — What To See In South B&rgen A t The Lincoln New York Outdoor Exposition T . R .’s D ogs D rank H ere Starts Feb. 22 At Coliseum I Term ed by its sponsors the big- theme, ‘Take a '’.ood dog hunting I nest sport show New York has [with you; to do t.-j is good con i ever seen, ’he New York Outdoor servation. { R x t ' s tion vyill o*«n in the New M ates from as far awav as Na Spotlight on Your Stars York Coliseum . Colum bus Cir le, vada. Arizona and Florida ate ex N. Y., on W ashin ton's Birthday hrHting as are New York StaP for a 9-day run through M arch 2. Pennaylvan e. New Jersey and j Rhode Island, as well as manv (Special To Thr Leader) personal apj earanees and. con Eased on the motif of the old resort areas such as Sulivan NEW YORK Last Saturday sequently, for runes. Behind the style sport .shov, w i’h guides. In­ County and the Narrowsburg se; m orning w o■. finally found a pro­ gaudy. facade constructed for dians, io" role i t canoe ti’rei's and ! the flora and fauna of the North lion and ‘he Adirondacks in Nev g r a m wh'ith indium led that radio Ihen'i by cubljcity m en. < f c o u r s e Country, the Outdoor .Exposition York: Martha’s Vineyard nay be,on its way Park W .-'va . w ere not Kin g ,. adds considerably more to all of Massachusetts, the W allenpau hoard the repot t many times in With the com ui” »'f TV so this. There is, for ins*inee, for pack area in Pennsylvania and j recent months. 'Kvrry -time ve manv more of them have beei the first tim*\ m usic in the show famous fishing, section of the | tuned m. however, we found tho needed. And so many more of a 10 piece orchestra being on south Jersey Coast. sam e old rock and roll jazz boing them have come along. It has hand afternoon and evening. Seating arangem ents for 5.009 j played on records by tired 're suddenly become apparents that- Another no^el’ty is the theat- persons and a free motion pi-tote I hucks'crs with the an cai ■ i a what it takes to be a singer o ( I'k d' lighUn*’. of 'he stage and theatre where outdoor films w H ■ banana salesm an. popular- songs today is nerve tank acts and the segregation of be run off continuously have been ( Rut on Saturday morn r» wt I i t'tier and a smart manager. the various tyre of. exhibits into provided. The show’ w ill be open heard Gene 'Shepherd. If . The wav the music business r orderly dress-up to the s h o w . lo^s1 niyhi we turned 'on the ;ae' » loday." >aid Arnold, "you ear The tank and stage show is un­ ana found this same She'nh* d. take anybody and make a «in"ei doubtedly the biggest ever to be out of huh well, almost any j THE NIGHTMARE M arians to talking in the same confide ;.t d . . , i seen at a New York sport show, monotone, using the same hone;.. b o n y . '’ 1 By SAL SL Bi TTA' t tp me heme: iln.r besides the I rollers and old-m em ory pitch Max bn proved it by ,ihowin* :o>cd m y lies as my eyes It v. as | t; t : *!iu '.ht 'I \ canoe tdters, includes the breath­ Present Show Shepherd is one of' the miys how, - m ovie .i' tors and actresses 'd.the revolver, apd after in ioi-ng niy be-t to arrive hoine, taking Arturo in h s high wire w;ho darer to talk a'bont Be* • - y. no tonldn'i croon a.notr, a year •arly from'the* town hyll danf e. i n- , 1 discovered three bul 110 ,d t w uie w ,,,t and M, The third quarterly meeting of! en, Proust. Heminrwnv and their a no. today m ake best seller rec j i 'U lof-| )m le i luasin" and pre* i:etly •' alkcd a while until I Trinity. Si hool Hall. M aple Ave i'*ht' A l' t'.f'-t ■1 1 Id hi- * d a ing oxhdviLion; Ann Mar.ston, the* Persian origin, the water filled bowl was always kept on the hearth Shepherd -- j n d h a t i o n nnething anybody iticed a poli em ail on his beat, kensayk. at 8:30 p.m f trudged cto-. n t'ia( I ■ ' f r r e f " r a n t woman archer who held nuJ‘* for the benefit of the faw iljr’A pets. Mr. M iller's v^isit was .in con­ pressed by the rreat • men who c a n l e a r n vas th* e h‘o:;t -. sound of . my a deep husky. voL e he »Me'd championshVps when she was but Mrs. O. V. W ry of East Ruth nection with the yetfr-lont;"observance of the ICOtlt anniversary of hav. made art and muse and 1*1 That i v !iv so many juvenile me Fear sur .ed in me and I erford, a dis'ri '. chairman of. ■leats. I adm it feai conti .lie ! m< Ifi; Orin Benson, nationally pop­ the birth of the 2fdh president. eratiire His ; tongue. seem* I ; d'Tnqtr nt? boys and girls, who Spirit.u&l Developm ent, w ill be in' blit th’ re had-been * reason 1-e ular dog trainer wfith his five re­ savor their names. H e'w ill.m en­ ■ r'-fu^e to f»o to school and stud’ you've dropped, charge of the program . Mrs, (jer- j hind it. Only four, hours hef -re s o n n y . trievers; Sandy the seal. Gee Ge*o ' Mr. Frederick Blum, state rit­ tion 1 hern over and Over B'pen. ma’ke the best of the so-called W a i t ; trvinuto. You've jild Dundon. ar' hdroccsan chair­ lhe Riverside State AsS' lmo 'had Powell and her troupe of trained ual oflj'cer of thc Ca-thob - W ar The Night People s;m its today. The were brassv y o u r t i '* , " h o y e l l e d t. m a n <»f s p i r i t u a l d e v e l o p m e n t , 0 p a r e s reported- the ape .of one ’of •d Alaskan huskis with Joe- M cKen­ Veteram 1 Auxiliary, wid Mrs Shepherd one e wa* fired and i frotVi the stavt. They have the i but at the time they Were v ill be the 'lies' peaker.' the m ental’ patients; I shod 1- red na as master o.f cerem onies. W illiam J. Vavrik, pr; d-nt n! Now Playing then ^ ‘‘urday almost at once’ .leHired. The'ou* n*'rve .And they have nowhere K" words that took form in tpy The.M arian Players of Ruther-1 the lu. al auxiliary, \a ited • ' f February 20-21-22 as hi^ description formed a. pa — Special attractions in' ludt* the cry v.as said tb be so «reaf he U*l;;e to o. Latchonto the ra’eko ford w ill *>rese*nt tableaux o t " T h p ture in rev niin.,1. ’lii -v desefibr-d ■nd and / did not stop. The angler versus .swimmer contest Ann's '. Catholic- War' V U i : had to be .taken bark. Of that wo • -. he run the e-afes and con wl t* of t he rot iceman had Five. .Sorrow ful M ysteries.” Auxiliary at Fair Lawn on Fit h iin ■ * . i '- k m I •* •: • for the R F. Schaefer challenge dun no; Publi- relations people j- trpl 'Pome of the record com Mi s. An'hony Gallo of Hai k- , rviereinc' eyes, nearly ix feet tall e died out. and I hapni- trophy nr htly beginning Mon­ be. lie bt >!i B!l m h i ■' -' '• beinp what they are we hesitate p?• riics-*-and, baby, you’re' on the ' v n o t ! •t that bom'-* lav only two ensack. president t»T the- district, j an ugly .* nr beneath day, Feb. .24, with the final on new members their. t>» b r o a d c a s t w h a t w e d o n o t w a y ! Will preside. ' arm ed wiffi .a •‘leaver. My I'i'• a-ay I know that home Saturday ne b* Mari b l. On Sun M»k*> W allace G els It know of- our own know led re. i- n w o n d e r f u l s i g h t , t o funded aid my h h-ofds - 'r fd q p rft w o u l d day afternoon.';M ar h 2, the final But this much wc know: She.'; For pure,' urtdilu*ed e|Tror.tei*v The Mothers' Club of Boy ' a t t o i n i . t i d t •’ -. -h i s t lC m y e y e and mv bt\d, no matter of the North Atlantic angler vs herd sounds like' a human bein'’. Uou'Ve ' ot to hand it to Mike \ Scout Tropo 83. meeting at the, o r o t h e r 1 1 *t • e n e d n iV lift or ■ hard, would bring sw immer ’ ch unpiotish p will be Roller Skating The other morning he was talk­ W allace, the man who. interviews home of Mrs. Russell Bonnadona, black tie and \ joked it'.m in no time, held as well as the final- »*l<<*t* S a f u r d - i ’ n i g h t s W a * ination soon ceased -IfiS Thomas avenue on Monday IIIVIK RA I’ \I!K - S o c k e t I t ' I' i t . : i Ml 1 I 5 / 3 .0 /.. bai* accuracy contest al­ And he didn't sound pretentious la a good thing, point*. Bv ■ vening re-ele'ted- Mt!s F'dward - D A N l i t that there was- no chfim c of m v : o d u - uch chiblish thoughts so spe»more'd by S haefei. He didn't sound lik•• a gent pat­ s u i t m h s interview quests he Cassidy as presiden* w;th Mrs. J. with Fred STacMurray n e e t i t v I in i t h I h o I' ' . I ■ i I' nly I h^ard peculiar Bow and arrow enthusiasms v. ll fhT a y W P - m - ting it on. In 1* ad, be .soemert ■; a kind of shock anneal A. Carlozzi, vice pre>-.ident; M rs. in Ciaem avope & Color had but one m ile to v a!1 * •■'Mind's. Not far aw av walked a find an ar* hery ran-’e w here they a n d TO just a normal and aver.e e .Joe Saturday ryght Wallace r yif'f'v jr.I stopped he stopped. Ann Lubcr, se*. re*ai v: Mrs. Jam es 1 r. ft for mv ruinin'- M e ran may try ♦Ijcir skid o r h a v e t h e S AT! »i#>\Y n ^ .Special Kiddie M atinee proud that som ew here 'alotir*. thi V iiitnself up m>t only as a ■ te . t o the eorncr.of Kil^^e k Hannagan, treasurer; and Mis. •nv broM ier, .M ai; bad loaned me.* faults eorrect d# and gnlfers. too, N tJ ih k I I p . m . Saturday j Feb. 22 lino he had been -smart end'u h i lit an tdM. Ho tangled haeber, publicity O ne V is : in-'. I- a' ' ,t t 11• * oii;i.d. I (ptiekly ' li ned in'o a s de will find il range and a pro con Anthony R'eii* I’echt, the sharpot (d ‘ I’lB L fC PKiF.ON No. 1" to pi-k up the tin!; of lovm.; Rt! t*et an d v^‘ail<*d. 1 v m thal mnttered* little . « u * e it sultant on hand to aid a playor in' chairm an, Matinee 2 - 5 P.M. m t h e it d jt R« d Skelton I ooks and m usic. •• as h-. Who else might it be at I h> 7t I fi iiU n be ed - '• ' , im proving bis score. Dem onstra­ Saturday & Sunday I)\Y OF THE BAUMAN" H« knows., as crrat writejs] 111 the #>“* P l« W allace vln I ^his late hour? tions of skin diving and under Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Zelna fathei had told me befbre* 1 lidl LOADS OF CARTOONS have known .that tin- tltemnrv 1* j hitrs tvt-iv tenet i.r thp codt- of f| • i- , ns tf, i i and 'without Special RATKS to (•rotipi for the dance. * ws/ter safety .will be given-night and daughters, Carol, and .Janie th.. real storehouse of, tales pen- decency His program advertises 701 \VJ\SHINfiTON AVI: looking I pulled the trigger three ly and on Saturday and Sunday of Le wandowski street, have re­ "It i ii't ,no' e.-.sary to i-o t* * the Sun., vftni. Tpes. Feh. 2i»-24-25 pit like to hear Often he dips | i iqari-t.es. And- W allace permits t u r n s. Belleville, N. J. PL. 9-49&J il-),- ■■ toni 'it Sta> hon t It i .ir* afternoons. j turned from, a two weeks vaca- . Cinemascope & t’o’or hack into the past tn recount j himself to he. used as part n f t h e safe m tie ti i -. t ’■ IP v oi -Is of f frred the weapon, I wanted One of the big attractions will tion spent at Miami Beach. Fla. O ld <>„ HITS' H/JJ (//Iti 1/ttltl sonic youthful experience. I _-i it j com m ercial; he talks about the) n n : I \ t ) Y ' I \ K I > wa-ning kept rin;iing in nr, cats nothinc; more than to leave. But be the ,65-foot trout pool where : m aking, the trip by plarte. Saturday m prr nc for instant p .! 30,000 filters and says that they j first I had to see if he was dead and even when I < laoped mv eats an angler tan fish u ithout a l i . ______\ i r V i i r ht deelared he rt*m^inbers his -m- best, etc., etc. Brvauso i Bi-vrt | pos ibl* the, let ' the show ^nd migratory wiltl- < Bi rfiyn. ■ » caused yoil to ,spend more time tht.*ir (.olum ns? "1 searched everyw here for the fo\rr 25 vear« iirrr>«ful pmrlirr W e d n e s d a y , F e b : *« j m d then I h t ■! fowl, upland game bird’s, owls tightening them than -kating? Yet. there was W allace. seHiti1' t I lie \ ic l ra\ -«* ( Irrlt. “PAT H'S OF c w l o r V** mid b.liow . T» ’<»«ve'- but couldn't, find it Its out what little ability he has and j md hawks’. New Ye> k State' is .y6.r» Belgrove Drive Well, Gene Shei henl has th * ,.-h Kearny, N. J. of m aking th^m interesting. A;* .-I warm with th** r«*d blood built around (he conservation patently he hf»s found' a wide whether he has fell right ab o u t!""'1'1" ' 1 .1 f o u n d - .m y • thi "r-li i'1 • fini ers l Phone KEarny 2-0136 audience arnon •, the college kid< ‘‘wiling out" his talent to the Thert . a bJo k a rntetl t , leave and re’xnt it to That is where he' has made his j movies. • he home' of my the ro!iceman a mile back, but greatest appeal. Of course, Wallace was so MUTUAL FUNDS WC. <). U K. .')• t h e b o m , im v coridirsitv induced me to turr C«»me . i n d S i n s transparent that Hecht just I- « i .■ • ! P u z z l e d m o r e t h a n Oil#/IS i e e n d e t l t h e w h d * W I) VIJ. FORM S 1 ooo I'm I It has taken televis.oii to show j looked al the quiz: m aster w ith a • •ver, I moved bis bleeding body Venny OelOroaso l(|vlt«i you te I t r k i l y f ou n d • • >n«lt nim et the most beautiful ano up thc thin, cruft like world o f: tolerant smtte. When W .dUee d»> I l«i-t* iirwtM »l M id Maa.ped- at y. hai OK INSI I! W l I m»dei n ber in town. Taste on# e‘ KI ¥ULl the popular singer, for years'' manded to know if Hecht in his nl* dellcloue grill specialties td Ip fipd I I s ,v I du,” my face, we't.-vilfh l.ile". Itllsil.C's 5 SYLVAN ST. — RUTHERrORD, N. J. gents like; Bing Ctosgy. rank Sin­ old age (H echt is all of fii) didti't . T hat a I or* ti-ars.*. nt i mv palms. The m at Try it At atra and the' so many others, feel.he bad misused hih life and hat I had , hot; the m an that ba< I’ersonal | * r « * | M T l v started <»ff by Rudy Valle, clob that didn’t he’ understand how ol'.iU t; J' fiv r* the m an t'.vat I ha* LACKAW ANNA TIU KSPAV I IIIDW , SA 'T lllU t W ri.dit wvi STAN KOSSOFF ered the crow d--, m aking records,, fine Eleanor Hon.a-volt rfn/l Frank d i e d , w a s m y f a t h e r . BAH ILL Ll h t - h r t r ; & UP T h e E n d - BEel'.man 3-1548 'Road and Freeman !*t anhr Roi.-t " h e l ubHIBHER- jji CHANDIEB^I 1 - h a d a i l • After t) f M - Lyndhurst. N J T el i i t n ev a * 97 IS S h e r, KEarny 3 8G61 F r a n l< I'idUWTMUS ■ - a ! | ’ • a o n o u n t ( 'v C -u .tm I R i V - :.. i h t v i — % A n d t • B’U u r I G d d - RICHARD D lN W C - I W A W 'r.Wr ff! FREEDOM d a . IV 2. We Serve Fast Lunches ■ ‘ • I 'I TO LIVE "Thc Day Ctf Th; Dcdman' For Fu!l ln si;rcn =e P rotection Ask Joe To Make One Of His Specials YOUR W A Y S a .u rd * > kiI: • H ' * G et Tho M ew 5-in-l P ackage * I , i I ' 1 M“ M>\N M IT. Double Barrel's Tavern THI; BUH F>;\ b o y i f I '. M . n M l Y V i«ir DOKKOtVOLSKI, Prop m i i i Tin; n n H om eow nor Policy ;lie DAY oi nit • Ail H a* f. I W Ebster Q-988 l h \ : > v \N Tliat’t what George Washington fought HLRf-’S V/HAT THE POLICY COVERS LFWANDOWSKI ST It F FT. LYNDHI'RST. N J t VI* J “ O ' S I Ali t tin ! 1K ’ N F lir t I l«IM MtVpSTOKM, etc «»n v«uir KfJilf»EN<'E and SLNOA V o.,vDAV It r.SDAY for al Valley Forge. He believed that industry ( i VK % t.E. etc. — - p q - r ■ - - - I. I lift WINDSTORM, SOltKI or H \TI*t l»\MA<.E and thrift - not inherited privilege -- marked nn l-I IM iW I C ONTENTS. Ft UNIT! KE. etc. 1. H l'h .l \fj\ and TlfFFT. hrdb on *h«* p r e m i w . an d a w a ? Park Rest Bar & G rill b V ' - / * the deserving. from home. Im bntim* J'lAtl t>0 o n B t » A T S t SHHiao tm t OMPKl in S S1M PI B l.ic Id y B ’ l.IT Y IN Italian & Am erican Cooking Through regular saving* - - plarcd in a n«iling Sl KANt'L en the prentixe^ or away from the premises, ' - n Springs insured savings fund - - you will win finan­ M l PM t l IM V M I N I s cial freedom and a fuller, more secure way of liie. 5 A D D IT fO N ^ I . I IA’I N t » FXPENKES p^*s vour rxpenve* Catering to Showers il you have t<» vacate >our ’mm e » h ilr.tl l.s tmde.r repair. (P.IC.WW w n II Is IMAH N-l\I I O O . I'I l i t INSTANCK: Engagements and \N . ihi I-I'l II V -IIN \ IlliH K MOMK. COSTS oNia $ij'i.o» i on riiiiii y k .\i :s P arties i n \ i ' i / o / . - / m oi r rr \ou I i m i O u r Nf II “ I.r C w tdtlntneJ" /*im> Woom

SAVINO AGENCY Joan and San (iiaqulnto

23 Park Avenue, Rutherford* N. 251 1 YiiilliurH, N. J. 201 PARK AN KMK LYNDHURST, N. J. * GEneva 8-3121 GEneva 8*%T5

t r »' r'mjMHiiju n uufc & sol iit m in virw r\«.i f nr THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1958 . . f a i J h * ■'* i = i - v , ■ 'vf f * > . CofStpf.: fhe ..iA f.te* h*#!)**. i $ t ,-C M ia. C 'liaiki, Vi 'juut . ' • i <; i :* . f;» r M i ' v*»- I4.»r 1« 5 ident, who Ut th« JTilte*. . V, • ■ ,lw:\* i iii a - ViKnt.i> p.ut> ri „ K * > M o • M K • Vincent Gimmi, M. •o b r t R '* . < !• - :• -.ii r.i ,’h* Rth bi»-rhd ■' \<\* »nt e p.lam* nrfo. Mrs. .JUymunJ ChaU-ii.-k, 0 < r M «tt *««»)? Rose,.,oti V »r^ Jar jary «l. S! M. h.»tV'U^K v tjf^unC . M!» Cha:l. . .. j j S.* vi. • i < te i» koheriesl* and Ml» K >• M -r W \ ; : h - P. T. A. News | and Mrs Joseph Ca; j a , I . V t. ' VI ‘ An>i y . • fo n fI-I M v.i-Vj.r •> 9* M h * die. MiB .I* - .;,. 1* . ■ . ■> - * ' Patricia Trert nu a' her grandparents;. Mr rtf Nr*+*‘t \+M ?% ‘ * *»n. Artbuf Henry h.*rn "Child's View of tne.PT*\_ ('?>'- Jv.>« ph J. M arion and'A ngelo IV K i .‘.1 ;• \ a t t ' :M. ’ t » - -.■■■•; - * ' ■*» • ' ject" -Mrs. janVc< TuH> ' ^ as. *• .. » i liv e-*- v . . ' . H a v r v K * in , »»: Pen i i*slotti. of F i*v Put**.-- c%»> Th%> h a w ' l Washington PTA 1 «*" ,0'«*rd ’hc,f“m! Pointed to so: v» l e «>er>t i5 M s : • batry ft .till M b'»««'' bership pin. Founders Day cere- who had a part in making W'e,r atsng committee. Mrs. J P Pi" Charles Reuter, Jr.. arid Mr ;u»d mony. and talks by Miss Mary recent card party such a huge h . F l a T b e I ...d e ^ ’ A k . x ’ Uair s .. { »*'* ada was in change uf refresh­ • \ V, • • > ••••■- ■ • . . . a t h r ? * m a * 4 ’ t h e c l a s s S j l East End Oemo ratfv Xfluh. will I erihon, soeech theapist and success, especially m ents served during a stx-ial ftOiU : 1 1 1 • ' ror; e Sei'vld ■md M rs. • i ,v. uv-.plan? ,f* t. !!;>;: ; .v d ;*.<•• ’ principal of the Em erson School mothers, hurst, and Mr ..rwi M, . the meeting included af,cr. the m” tinS- . g a v e . ' in Kearny, and Mrs J. W. Guest* _ C r o n r a l I u le v '? Him dry evening at Meeting to be hr 13 *bH .>i «■■( *.»- M Schultz, president of thc Bergen Mrs. Johh J. Dabal. president of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J- D e County Council of Parents and the River Road PTA. and Mrs Teachers, featured the meeting of Jam ^s Allan. pres.dent of t ie the W ashington PTA held Thurs- Jefferson PTA. PRICES plus dav evening at the s hooj. ./ I fa st ess for ‘V* so»i«Jt hour wifh L O W , L O W refreshm ents which foMAwert. th* • M rs. John B. Soz'io. »'.r^sWrnt, » resented lh " 2 5 v r a r »-;b t o M r meeting were Mrs. Ben link, Vincent Richland, first grade Mrs. T. M. M ercuric. Mrs, Sam, teacher in the school tiel Consoli Mrs. T W Roski llv GREEN STAMPS Mrs. F R. G arland. Mrs Vin ent M rs. Richland and Mrs Th«n>- A. Johnson a na«-‘ president of Geramita and Mrs £ P Pole this unit of tbe PTA, lit candles w a c z . in the Founders’ Dav cer^monv Columbus PTA \ t . t » n non snnifp on '‘Speech: Because rhere w as no school on K «v • * Child Unde’ st^nd n".” She M ondav *he Coluiflbiis PT A *mdd stated, that emotional disturb­ not hold its scheduled meeting on Mondav evening, the school ance or shock mav cause stutter­ ing. Tender lave and care are not beinc heated. The m eel'na vv ll be held next needed The child, must feel Monday evening* February 24. at w a n t e d . Mrs. Schult* urged •he PTA toi ei"ht o’clock. do not onlv i‘s ovrn work, but There w ill be a fi'm on *he E x­ also to unit? in efforts of oth« ceptional Child and a candle lighting e«rem ony ih observance un'ts in the community, in the county and the state. of Founders' Day. ' Guests a* the meeting included Plans will be discussed for a three past pres'dents Mrs. Jacob tea to be piven in March. Mis Burk. .Mrs. WaMer Ronsnn and (Burton Davis is president. M r, Johnson: M s Jam es All^n. Je^ V'en PTA president of the Jefferson PTA' I The Jiffersotv PTA will hold M rs F.. C. W hi'm an. secretary of j its Founder’s Dav meeting this the Hi"h S' hool PTA: Mrs. Jo-j afternoon at three o’clock, with seph Stawicki. M F J Wap- Mts. Jam es Allan, president. ner and Mrs, F B Borkowski, of j charge. Mrs. W alter Ronson. count v tho Colum bus PTA. Members of ’he Board of Edu­ ■ouneilor, w ill be guest speaker, ill be a kindergarten cation in attendance w«re Ralrh and there w REG. $1.49 VAtUE ! polito. r res id on* wirh M rs. C. W. program TCP QUAUTY! vill be served ' Christ and Peter E. Cu rio, who Refreshments htiur after th*- CVeN-PSOOF were elected V.i /lif* Board last during a social DETtRGENT PROOF v.eek. Mrs. ’Christ also is presi­ m e e t i n g . dent of th?. Elem entary School Franklin PTA ill hold a PTA Council. I The Franklin PTA Sfart your sat today! This beautiful 4 piece plots ♦ n * n e v t pothers of 5th grade cU>:ils Parent Education met 23th. a t setting av.3:!cble «t all Acme Markets! Many v •>* p hostesses for the w i» l hour W ednesday. February lovely add-on pieces will be available week-by- with, refreshments, which foi 1 ,3 0 p m . ■ The topic for a round table dis- lowed the rreeMng. week, at equally sensationally low prices with will be uCharact'vr and K' -'sevrlt PTA c u ssio n each $5 purchoss. W ith Each *5 Purchase E d u c a t i o n ” . M r s . H a r The Roosevelt PTA held its Spiritual Thurs- old W ooster is in charge. Founders Day meeting on i mi a w w i i i n — i^ . Hny afternoon a* the s h^ol with River Foad PTA ■ ■■ M rs. Robert Sturr.es. president, in 1 The River Road P'TA -met on c h a r c e . and Mrs. firare Rors hke. Thursday even.nB a' the■ * -W t LANCASTER BRAND - OVEN-READY ALL ACME MAftKm WILL EE • inripal of Ihe school to read the on* Riverside avenue witn w i n H H .... pabai premdent.. .in. opening prayer and later o speak Johrt J. Open All Day Saturday b r i e f l y . c h a r g e . t o o k p a r t H Mrs. Robert H Minor had i n< s e w h o W ashington's Birthday o b s e r v a n c e charge of the oro^ram which in­ F o u n d e r D a y cluded selettiofts bv the kinder-; ■ rarten rhythm band directed by TURKEYS M rs. F.milv Russo, Num bers w ere ( D a y I announ foi AC*MI lh«^. TASTE 0 SCI ru tri A lfred Hollstein’, past presidents ] KE 2-3060 or like tli • . • t-fuliv elected birds, from the fi«< t {!'■ * I have of i suf ui- nt tender white hi east n«''.U- ” v of th* jutV> dm h »n«at frutn ibun*.- lit the candles in the Founders' W E 9-4769 ..rid w,, I i I IM | 100 Day cerem ony, while. Mrs. Irving I Whiting 3 Krone read an article on Found­ ers' Day. » _ Now! LANCASTER BRAND "U. S. CHOICE" BONELESS BEEF I TASTE 0 SU SEA MCWI FRINCM f l i t t Mrs Charles W. Christ, presi For Quick Reliable or ROUND « r i « dent of the Elementary School Service On AM Make* H t o u PTA Coun iU and newly elected ROUND ROAST STSAK Haddock member of the B<»ard of Educa­ ARLINGTON • i a * ‘ TASTE 0 Sl>SI A f»MC» TRfBCI M tU S i 0 0 tion! spoke on the sta^e building M t iN K I j : »it ACME utei B and. m i fund, a fund being raised tn help TELEVISION * in the exstablishment o{ state I Cod Steak t t « headquarters in Tren»on, thus to SERVICE 1 avoid enormous, ren’als for office TASIE 0 SEA and shop of .the S*ate Congress of 728 KF.ARNY AVE Parents *and Teachers. Mrs. Christ ARLINGTON 1 9 t t answered qiiestipns. A contribu Fish Slicks LIBBY JUM BO SHRIMP • 99 As W c Look Back at TOM ATO JUICE f r o s t e d Our Great Heritage! LIBBY FRUIT food

W E a p p r e c i a t e o u h F R E K D O M t o i. VE WOf'.K AND SAVE AS COCKTAIL V\’ E v . i O O S f c ! LIBBY

- W i. I ill-' M l I . SI IK!.. SKNSIIll.i: W VY . . B E E F S T E W IV \ H.AK.NY IIWKAI SVVIMiS A C to lM ’ SWIFT b a k e r y w i) si:< i hi: yoi it 11 n ui: n»o! P EA N U T BUTTI V t r t m i i U i U r f i

Cfc*rr» 1 1 * At t til NTS IN SI RI SW ANEE-5, OFF PACK > p i e s 4 9 c I P TO fltt.W* BUNS d W : , 3 5 Au r*KI4 IMI I.I Toilet Tissue 3 ° THRU SA’ *»» ?»•< St I IM Iiilt C urrent WvWrnd BREAD N H t i n i ■ 22< The OIdeal l inam ui Institution In I»»a Stnee 1WI - PRODUCE DEPARTMENT —

CALIFORNIA Kearny VELVEETA r , 77 LETTUCE ICEBERG 2 s 2 5 * N V STATE IITIA SMAi» Federal fiisab*. T'«t»4rf: Cn*pt! t .♦ ^ t-*5» ^ *•*'*- CHEESE * ! » « ' * .» 79- * * Savings O t AO SC ANJOU PEARS 2-29< Q W I P T o e e i a c : J i i u r f i R f r M ' 49- ouurTUfS m t kr *. mnw n»ra t c n u m i r t iN T v o * encc *t »oim strict* 256 -60 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurst, N, J T ill R?f) VY. FEBRI ARY 20. 19.'.8 COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW PAGE SIX

23 Park Avenue office. In June' Mrs. Herbert M uller w ill lead Company of Bergen County, Pa-1 the bridge, which connects W al- d e n t . the set service from 2 to 3 p.m ., Bankers' Forum lingtoh and Passaic. "Your background in the sav-! 1955 she»was elected comptroller^ ramus, and Raym ond W. Lehnes,. with Mrs. Herbert Nelson as so­ Pope testified that his car went ih"s and loan .business and your; Of the association and in January lyndhurst Personals National Community Bank- of loist and Mrs. John B. Wixson at _ _ . into an uncontrollable skid oh the interest and work in *.he Institutej of last year was elected to the noon. Patricia Mapano. Linda A t M e e t i n g Ruthreford. are handling the ar- j the organ The Rev. C. Werley Pf- DanK'1 Scardelli. USM^. position of Treasurer. rangem ents for the m eeting. They ; slippery surface; and struck a have promn’^d me ‘ > make this. Zydel. Faith. Sala. Mary Ann Tonight’s dinner m eeting of the A resident of Carlstad* ft r m ore are respectively chairman and railing, throwing his w ife, from ap.pointm ent,” Ha7.cn w rote K ing, j di'"tionWiU T,rOTOUriCe Monko. Dannv Kenny. Peter Im- Bergen County Bankers Associa­ than 20 years. Mrs Anyel' was vice chairman of the . meetings the car. She died later that day “Institute commitH'cs b "e fre-j The installation of officer, of at Camp Le J««e. N O ., bcsi. Ronald Settembuno, O-ry tion w ill feature a forum on bank in Hackensack Hospital. quntly been instrument i in im­ graduated from the Lindbergh iind Robert De Frino. and Allen c o m m i t t e e . the Council , of Church W omen. *!-«> «!>• weekend with his par- investm ents. About 150 represen On November 5, a count proving and expanding our ef -1 School, East Rutherford Hi' h Calderaro.. headed by Mrs. Bernard Blohm en,s- Mr- “nd *' Harrs S a. \stivesr from* the 65 banking of againrt the Cofrances o Con­ forts in behalf of our members| School and $*ew York University, as president, will be at the 2:00 dell., of 24 Jackson place. P.e . — fioes in the county are expected’ struction Company, which laid nftd the savings and loan busi -1 where she earned her Bachelor m fiirvic-t* hv M rs Beniam in G Scardelli spent his holiday leave to attend. J‘ will be held at Koh­ Dismiss Suit the surfacing, was dismissed by ness in general and I sincerely J of Arts degree. • ! Divine a V? present" ' ^ ler's Sw iss C nle». Rochelle Park. t h e c o u r t . hope that we might have the; At the January 195S m eeting of W ASALI, W omen’s Association of Cesar J.'B e i ilieau. president Of- Attorneys for the defendants benefit of y.ur ideas and your Mrs. Bni'*** Miehc*T has crpne i — : thoir 33rd wedding anniversary .the organization and alfo presi­ Fpr Damages Jbmking a' the next Committee Savings and Loan Instituting, Roger W. Breslin for Bergen, and 1 of *he children's service on the • Bruce Calderaro, son .'of Mr. op W ednesday with a dinner at M rs. Anyel was eke* *d president dent, Peoples Trust Comj>any of Jam es I, Toscano for Passaic had m e e t r tg . theme of ‘ God’s Steadfast Love” and Mrs. Albert Calderaro. of Lyle ', in Kearny. They were at- A County Court jury last week oi the group. She also holds m em ­ Bergen County, will preside at m oved for an involuntary disjnis Kin*? has been a m em ber of the from 3:30 4 o.m Robert Hearn i Orient way. had as -guests a* a cuinpanied by their daughter, the geperal sessa n and the meet dism issed a $200,000 suit brought bership in the New York-New sal Tuesday, and for a m iftrial, Eorlin" Sprin s Savings and Loan will read the 117th Psalm. Others i Valentine party on Friday aft* r \1*ss Ain.a Goldeier. , again.! the Counties ot Bergen ing of fhe Board of Trustees pit' Association iff -inc,e‘1954. He is Jersey Chapter Of the Society of after the counsel for the plain­ to take part in the program will \ ...... - and Passaic. c e d i n g it . tiff, Charles Shenier, mentioned assi tant to W alter W. Smith, Savings and Loan Controllers. In returning a no cause for be Nancy Conway., Frederick a definite sum of money to the vice ^resident of the assc'iation , The four experts who will: dis action verdict, thc jury decided W agner, Stephen Nelson, Jeffery SLIPCO VERS . . . porfect fit . . . $50 and *89 I j u r y . who. iTs di. frii t "ov^rnor for the ciiss the handling of bond port the the Coyn’ies were not re­ Hero and Ellen Dawson, with Institute’s 2r.d District. Day of Prayer DACRON CUHTAiNS rcduccd 1^3 ' folios include R. penfield Brown. sponsible for the traffic death of Mrs. Donald Dawson and Mrs. vice president. Chemical Corn Mrs. Anne Pope; 48. on the WILLIAM P. KINC; IS ] John W ixson. organist. Robert DRAPCHY FABRICS $1 per yard raduced Is Scheduled Lam pton and Thomas Gash w 11 Exchange Bank; Frank Ohlmul- Eighth Street Bridge over the NAMED TO COMMITTEE HELEN iN Y E I <>\ from *4 and $5 per yard ler .vie'e .president. M anufactur­ Passaic River. The plaintiff, tnke up the offering, with Carol STAFF SEVEN YEARS Last details of aran-ements ] Colabella to speak the Offertory ers' Trust Company: John W il: Moira Pope. 22, of 724 Ten Eyck W illiam P. King, Assistant Sec­ have been completed for the Leather Top TABLES educed 50% cox. xice president. M arine Mid avenue, Lyndhurst, claimed her p r a y o r . retary of Boiiin^ Springs Savings cs M rs. Helen Anyel, of Carlstadt World Day of Prayer to be ob- Among those to *ake rart in land Trust Company; and H u r r y m other’s death was due to slip­ and Loan Association. Ruther­ Lamps $10 Spccial reduced from $25 and more this week celcbravr her 'seventh served tomorrow with women of Lussey. vice president. W illiam pery materials used in the the Youth Service at Z;30 p.m. ford, has been appointed to the anniversary on ’he -*-iJT of B ell­ I local churches uniting at St. will be Lucy Cookson, Diane "B. Pollo-k and Company, all ot bridge decking. Professional A ctivities Com m itted Lyird’rurst Decorators ing Sorings Savings and Loan A s­ Thomas' Episcopal Church, New York City. The accident occurred on the j Germ an, Daniel Castlegrant, Bev­ of the American Savings and s o c i a t i o n . 2,2 RIDGE ROAD. LYNDHl’RST The Quiet Tim e from 'iO a.m to erly ’ Buchanan, Gail Tosca and A question and ans.Wei period morning of Novmbr 11, 1955. as Loan Institute. Announcement of M .s, Anyt 1 joined- the institu- 2 pm . will be in charge of Mrs. Arlene Yahn. Mrs. Bernard will follow the torum. Mrs. Pope was being driven to the appointment was made by GEneva 8-8084 or W Eb tor_ 9.-5463 I tion as a teller and in 1954 was C'aren.e Doud, Mrs. Charles Blohm is assisting the young Milton Stocker, Peoples. Trust work by her husband Sydney via Robert H. Hazen, Inrtitute presi­ Open W ednesday and Friday Evenings Until 9 P.M. 1 promoted to head teller of thc G irde and Mrs. Thucnas Dunn. ■ people in *heir planning.


Dedicated To The Developm ent Of A Greater South Dergen

Dergen County Is A Good Place To W ork - A Good Place To Shop

DON’T DISCARD YOUR OLD MATTRESS DRIVE-IN and SAVE 20 % Rebuilt Equal To New Only $12.95 ADDITIONAL CHARGE IF NEW COVER NEEDED We also convert hair, cotton and wool mattresses into BRAVERMANS comfortable innertprings. AH work guaranteed. CASH .AND CARRY


BEDDING CENTER IS THE BERTH OF A NATION t h i S L r ix STUYVESANT LAUNDRY Inc. NORTH ARLINGTON. N.J. lAUNOtr stevici 601 Ridge Road KEarny 3-89«‘> K ...... • 163 Stuyvesant Avenue. LyndhursJ, N. J. TEANEC K. N. J. JERSEY C ltV , N. J. 412 Cedar Lane 770 West Side Ave. T E a n e c k DKlaware 3-1313 *- * . Count on us t«» eaptnre all ■ the thrilling beauty of your STANDAPD TOOL and sliining hour in photograph* ■ m g r * that you will cherish “for- MANUFACTURING CO. H ... evef after.” Wedding na­ tures our specialty. Special Machinery and Contract Maclijnc Work 9 | (P - Art Roberts Studio Photography In Its Finest

Lyndhurst Plant 598 RIDGF. ROAD NORTH ARLINGTON, N. J, m SCHUYLER AVE. Cofi 8WAVNE AVI. LVNDHURST. NEW JERSEY KEarny 3-8963 • l> n o n t W Ebater t-SSOO

I» you’ve been on Kidge Road recently, \ oil could;)*! to replace \SmuiliH.edding at low cost. Mattresses are. also help noticing .North Arlington's newest addition at i i i i i i i I m r built to any *pccifications desired. Your old one can be Standard of the M edical Profession since 1897 601, namejy, Braverman’s IL ddin*’ (ienttr. rem vated and delivered the same day. The Hraverniuns have devoted 35 \inrrs t > in<» 'I hey also sell all types of beds: full-siie. twin, youth. udding and in^urin^ restful nights of neaeefu! - Ujnit»t*r lnink beds and cribs, and their spleudid selection of sturdy lor their eustoiiTers. Slt‘t‘|>ir.g- pilU and tran:|iii!i/i r- - > < lit and handsome headboards wiil delight your eye ami en­ lhe window when a Rraverntnn’s mattre*-** come* Hto-yimr hance any bedtcorn. For smaller apartments and guest B-D lie. ivoms tlu v carry a full line ef attractively upholstered con- 'Ihere are threi* siieh renters, one at 4I2.'C.*mW -1 ■ v. rtihlo couches.'studio couches, divans. hi-riser- and fold in leaneek; 7*0 Westvide \\enue ill Jersey |.i.\. ai .I r mg beds. Fine Furniture - - Reupholstery B e c t o n , D i c k i n s o n a n d c o m p a n y newest neighbor at 601 Ridge Road. The I!r{ivcrimin Im • V Selling, rapidly this month i* the line assortment of S lipco vers RUTHERFORD, NSW JltSfY «*rs are former Marines.who learned llie \ahie of a I pillow* at economy price*. ^ uu may choose acralon, dac­ tiightV» sleep** in the South Paeifie during Werld W.i II. ron, feathers <»r down. The) are all cohered with attractive 575 Ridge Road KE. 2-6185-6 North Arlington PLES'TY OF CONVENIENT FREE. PARKING Tfiev and their Dad take a personal inlere-t in liel|iin,- m m i heavy ticking. solve your bedding problem.-. Very shortly the\ will be adding a “Linen Bar” to OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. MON.. THI RS. & FRI. — Mh y*»HF nnrttres*. 4^ soN tuttl atnf their, stock where shecte, pillow eases, quilt and rnattres« hreik every time y reliexe an aehing baek. you ean *Ij yourwlf In short, everything for your bedroom can be gotten ELLER J. W. M ORTELL CO. a great favor and try sleeping on the *>tar performer' of in Rraverm an’s Redding Centers, masters in **Slecp-o- Your Heating the Uravermait Centers-—lhe outstanding rama "! There is no parking problem, fi>r there is a con E n c i n e e m n c LYNDHURST, NEW JER8EY P r o b l e m \cnient parking lot directly behind 601 Ridge Road. C o m p a n y ORTIloPKDh MATTRKSS! Come in. hn»k around, ami say hello to Joe Rra\er- Kk Manufacturers of F U E L O I L This in.Hire*' is full) guaranteed for 2 0 year.- a n d i t s uiaii in North Arlington; Harry, in Teaneck; Murray, in Autom atic... Jersey (lily. These men are all "mattress specialists'* and amazing low priee will delight y o u . You may eh m»m- f r o m Just set «*• tlwmosUt TECHNICAL COATINGS * ihe many type# of mattresses ami b o x springs in different are ready to serve you cheerfully and abo\e all. they can and *or«st It. _ OIL BURNERS i* b e a u t i f u l and will save you money at this time! priee ranges. The speeial feature this mrulh the FOB SURVEY CAM foam rubber set on display in a l l three stores. M a k e t h i * Visit a Rraverman's Redding Center today and sleep *lnspee| Your Mattrees Month f< i thi- i- the l» e « t t i m e ttell tonight. WEbster 9-0060 Page Ave. GEneva 8-8117 NO OBLIGATION

CORRECT LAUNDRY COOPER LUMDER CO. Petei A. Headquarter* for 1.umber. Building and F L O W E R S B Y IR Mechanical Steels And Aluniium OFFERS THE BEST SERVICE Mas*tu Materials * KaraiK l.aiintlrv 20' < O ff Ca»li . c;«rry DOUGLAS Immsdiats Dslivsry • Ur> ( leaning * R,i ;. S Hlankri- TWO LOCATIONS TO sh.Rl K YOU 317 Rilip' RihmI. Norlli \rlin-li.n M KS ■.IM . SHEETS M .ATIS HTHIP. W ins. Highway IT ami I uiou \\« . hast Rutherford 8'JIW I 4,,jr.rN 2210 CRYSTAL ST.. NORTH Mil IM .ToY N. J. T U M N fi. p i p s , v a l v e * a n d r r r n w r . a Chase Avenue at I). I.. & \V H ll., Lyndhurst It Costs Less Than You Think! Lynd^urct N J WEbi*«r 9-8550 RL CORRIXT C \I.I, CORRECT • •Kl’. J-TJ00 W Ebster 9*1132 M l I F O W N TUT RSDAY. FF.BTJl VRY 2«. 1<>.,3 cow rit* m i Fvnrn a s n i t h b i r . r . r v r f y i k w

Farmer Mayor At A Forty Cub Pack 88 Lcdies' Aid Group Mrs. Helen Roussel Of Election Board Collects S~rctf Plans a Dinner t 0 Address Local Republicans Tonight

. ;1V ■ an.-At>»V J •L.-> a ; . .v%v- * ■ , \ '» - • y n&t;. $ 7 * * 4 * ' • ' K r!« v o n .i • I *U.: - . * v s n -. t:»; \ i r ■' \.A - j, I " x v * “ • ■ K ’ ■■ ' ' ■ '■:iu ;>si :j;v tnv. rV(t r -.'-t :di«; St e- • (..•■. • ■*' . . - - Mr ■ t.--eph ’ : «r> 1 .• ! ;* i.t h • • * » nil 1 ‘ ■%■’+: ' ' r f \h ■ h i . ■ <■ t TS* ' ; . • • . ' .• ■ • , l0 ^ '«* . T«‘i ' (ommuniun Breakfast ing face anymore. . '■ V ' • r , s i 5 • ■ ■ . • < ' N f r • r-a M Progress and that ?* putting it M ectm gf are being hekj in the v • ■ ftrtlfu m ildly. Chiirjie ZvPn-sV.y^ erev. cafeteria these cold manths > nd \ 1 • ■- «l 11 v'i; to* -VI?! '•* P -.»■ TttiP eert.nutN^' M W \ \ , w n D - n i< like a well drilled football are p r w i n g 't o he v ery c o m f o r t ■■ , t 'i ■«* ^ ■■ ' •• team . He calfcd fh< s ; *iuls and able. i .** * t T r c - ' \ ^ •'*' \ :>i ■ ■ M . *1 his -team is s’.ji t.d. Plans - ltr \ tax reports. Thank you. ing> for tlu- *>ri; irtal m em bers of the. Holy Name S 't :. ’' That's ' going w ay bat k iv hen '-he .tocicly . Youth Agency \vas first *tarted. A i v th« .c- aiiy. Gives Tkanks si'iin.'i ® i of ’ these r fellow > aroiinti?- Any - ’ R ea d in g frum l- f t to rlg lU llo r .o . K BoA'Ie o m e r m a o ir ot h o d y ku<>\v>. 'hem eiease rail The You*h Planning Cprnmitlet I • ntlhusrt Fred flUheH . pie‘i.tm i n T».xh« !»>a.imh s Mrv Ir i. Charlie n* K ". 3 63a8- We \ o’uld Trainim Session today offered thaui-s * > the i on Settleineyer and Fred S. SeUlemryrP senior ol f**ii|hs C ourt' m pi'r*(>n hv P H O N E like t ive'.thei munity- for i ' s M j|-p o i t .n ih t; For Girl Scouts at a table of lumcr. • lit i i)‘ ' onnveH* \*. h' h ■; - i'' l'«*ri»»er M .i>«r B orIf of l *edlriir>t uU ' A gue>t Jt 4 iw klul M O ^ J r ? E A L Wc again ro*mnd you to m-Vo fundsc' fur 'h< i pr-eu-it i ;; 1 0 field i« the lime, ot Mr. .o u t M r s In ! Ili.ihcl.t ho lie'it your reitery-a* Kin*— etr Is- as the .•a id . pen house l«r the opening et the new lurbo l»>uainie p M »t ut tickets for .ill • • Vat h- W e . o t t h e C e • Tahoe Valley Airrort ia Ne>af?/v vond our export-it.on . t ,*■ w . '. ■ M '•in- "ih.an.k^ tvehali • wf th*' Blue and G dd Equity Increases Lenten Sen on Youth ot Lyndhurst ’ 1 'file Lenten .seas n siarK '<«!' "Tt;.: 'W oman's CUib u- ik Dinner Held Dividend Rate Ash W edne*1av. Fein trarv lMh ;v this show i rnssi 'l- . this is the t!’.\c "! 'he year tn CU* Pm e tt u •"The Comiucrvml Lead'ei St i! \ u m u . im- in th*- a-tnuul m ake yt'ur religion take a i.iotv tiw ■ . in- !s Uhiv .«pd 1 • -io or their support on p.ubl. it' (livi lee I rate ti* U'.r»-i»aj an fi tive. part in vom1 every dav. t.;iteieil (I’miLl of Cub P.iiok If. ’ ,. ... h-aue/‘ \ ,.-« « • MV: W*«>; *' Die Comims mimiih «t h Ihittert I K e e n u r >■; hcdiile. You an- a^vi } t>- Sn i (pt .1 feari >r;\lnj.w4 »*«•;.- i.'.bii. i«>" ; ‘ . rant of land on stfhieh this l u : I neeillKe \ »»e Pre* ident ot the s' rvt' i: tin ind t a.tei . . '■ .../■• . n- will be ere-ted. f q u . U > m u : : ■ a r t I m n \>-«» . cvennr; devoti >rp Wr tnaki; a , .; . 1 ;e, i I IV u M !►.”» ■ -• • ' 1. j>. " M r . A l L.a T r o n : . .i. ■ ! e ; .«■' .1 tl.tn of Kr.illi> Hu i»IV ldeii'1 plea V *1 C‘»’hoW 1 > ' :dlv • > < •. . * . ■. i.\, <1 i.v M . \ * P . » !• o.r ’ his tune nnd talent m the muster t?r tp. n, a »4 La ipwiM w ill h. • oanl or «n tiled QUar out and live up J » your selmum ter I \ in to >« «*t miiii aniiu;iH> s ' \ ' ' ’ ' »•• M: dire.tine of tie- c ^ - t S 1.11 e ..f . . ; . •■■'/>> !. I • '' ( • ( a n d m a k e ' ' i t s . a r m ! :■(-! , i-m . i s ' h e i i i|i»flH\ - iv ed tn lh*' Ceram ic Gift Sale "Mr. V atu- Fran^'fpane t • 1 ■. te. 1 ‘ ' '- ....: ii i '■< r K'-oi..-, .k Fister'. 11 ••(?•;'. ‘>iat 'is 6a :. i . ! t h I th <• .in |iv»ii1li will earn. t h t i l u s ' t a k i . to r " • P 1 '• wV' ; i >n • - ■The pu -ils. vf I-yiwlluJi-t -11. .ii tliv id e »dv hum th e i o t oi th a t fronted. .Let's Pvk ba.-k ' S hwet tw ...... 'ed i d e m. .}i;v I !P e h a o ^ e vv .'t l ike c h i l d h »od ii j a . anv ' • u n tr ibutlrn of »-h. "Wi W! - P ie t 111.Ill* di.itrl* .ind ipplle* \|w ; , . ,f i *•■»»! t--i o. v t;Mk |l.n*i«u- answer from our « iVihisin-1 the J.. . telephone direetorv to .it s.i> iii" - a »i J.niua».% I questions xve did .then v.lien \ye IVh • T h e u s o f ' t'*.N. h e e n a n ■» 1 I T he. »v«"t> M h i v - ..nWt * t*" ’’ ” ■ '-’'V'!' 41 *“* ' w ere study in *. 1 > receiv® thi? hplv * T h e t ii r e n '- of- . 1 i. I i rn if \ \ ria ltim are sacrem ertts.- It \vwuPf ittr»;>/r-' ' Catholio and don't <-•■. t > church chants for .then .hei. ' \\ rst ItuP m ^iHilli ■ Hentf 11. F e rra ra ’s regularly it’’1 fu t ■ t ■ • ' e Mr^ : T of .ty.twi 11. .' I he slioiu resi-rvi* p *si ..I. I l.fi-.iu.i. ... >" I ...li .I ' > lii.ii ra s p .'HMi ni w .irriiuts th is i t h e Ra 1 ( i.■I o f f a d a n d . v, .h e n •.'■■we a t ' u » h - p r o g r a m s .' ine.rea- v Keeoaii slated. tlo« Beauty Salon , f r o n t e d w i t h o n e ) u n i s <>n * w i l l serve rpf . If r . -oy ' A H tlm .se w h o h o i.v ;h ! . -«'t i.\ir. it u lloai'l ol hnrtlur’i .1 l jj ion we-: i t ' ■ ■ 1 for tiw- shw.'.s and ai'\ • t:.i r> i a 1 • t M ni.i ,« r.iei t »\ lll « imt nio* I v injliiir-t. N I ■ t h r o u g h r iv p n >n • ’. ' i . - • * tn" tar4ei> ol ^avsng> WISHING WELL i n 'a y h a v e ; f a i l e d t .»■••■jieiit. >n ” n v. r o n - ; i i u ' t H .'.i'1, of To See Tournament oi p.n.miount ihipirlinee, he C o n GEneva 8 7969 I el' • < ' ' Chairman F.v Al. IIYNFS ■ l i d '' • a n d ' •>' u i ii • ' ’ ■ m . Annabel h'Ri.:aJeU« 1*1 KM \M N I w w im ; Ceramic Studio Duriiu!' this lent *»t »n r tH« .. te. .t' 'e !...... ■ !.■;. :M', ■ e .le v , ,f. , ;i • ' ' b e s t t i n ' '■> i-1.-i> l a !YVT-' e\tr;. I , . 1 ,, - I H V .,11, I,. , . . . ■ e fT o r t • • i v >: 11 i .n t .O f ■■ iv Marian Society . ; v * i .; v- i - I11 * *-o S ' ** *»'• l o n g lit fsnut* ol II i i. sfy inn ■ person to' liv« • \ • Stc»q?s Program j, T . uwi : ii '■;■ i'i.' ■ t n -iiivl lli *’*d I he ■ i 1 )!- Hit C... G E R-6360 I •• • ■ . V ' : v I t s ’ \ | | • 1111n i■ lit I to i \ ; , e h m ;i n pM ' h ie . h I ■' ' ‘e.-.-l _2 ■ 1 tw ;ed *'iyt' in $ac.red li ■ - , ' Kleauor M Ht he w li.i/zfed b y . m e h e af.-w. t • - ■ - ■ ' . b ed m e :Uid V e.-.vei <• «»tl Y-..> . .ti-rrnv .1 : ..a fe . ' a t.P •' :«n. - n ' a- v- i.;,. • • • k oj t l i . ' ft e i.:.. i t h a t : ■ ’ o u t o f ' ' % ' ( e . f o o t wiv M c i n i t y r i t ' l*w.irl 1 i• t • .V eh) *e 've t re off. 1^1-'. Hl.U-iit that's vvh* t it . . W e a e \v*»niier'.»»ir h r■ «> T > T iH » jp f. 1 '>et .ill hi • v •> V (’ ' ' ' ' /.it »■»♦+*«-- te; * < loo, t" _ TP;* * ..•iiidit: . b u y Live B etter. . . F lectricti'iy I . t y tv a t h . 11; < in -i W lto i^ ie ik * ! ’ W’e . df»n f s*»e h iji ?m .l Call yocr electrician' for a fr®# "RATING ond w in ig evtinolt 011 “ £ Q U ' l T Y ANNO UN CES ! FULL INCREASE In A n n u al D ividends "T. ; EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY And Commencing W ith lanuary 1, 19S8 • 3 v-*re 100 Ampe.'e’ Service Erttfonc-* • V2cH'cuit Oistfft * Compounded and Payaofc V A C G I N P S • ■ • •• , Q u a r t e r l y A M D SERUMS * Money Saved ly 15th TW **>f ti'tiic.i ^ - ( / r.i y OBf.oftlfli div*»t< Earns Dividend* i 1 ' ber* li** .*»• ?<« MMlft • frtr u '« ia IM* d*- t>( ’ •< .. flwjwt-v of Every Month ce TUll * Withdrawals Paid on Request <«l«l X'l uv» #1 tl .•■V'-U—. Uturh ei.epon PrVF—l( 'P1 •■* * Accounts Insercd to SIO.OOO r.‘ '.*•»» r }' -- *r-e . fj*-..-, rW,~ «r« ■ ■ * f o t t i o n e f $ 1 S 0 0 0 0 0 ■- * •.'«■ f i . ■*O f a t v t f i W ® »#»$•' p c M <**■».$*>ti ■« t t t - j ' tt♦' '*'• ’ 1 t- * . , i ■ ,’^n ii'it* « * ’w»_ •• pO ft«nt« •O ?&*,? ’ifJCOl; '

f i \ J i Wer*-« «*># **■» o ; r : f : ' EQUITY SAVINGS' PHARMACY INC. i 1 M# « l

i * , ' And LOAN ASSOCIATION 299 SI U 1 Vi S ANT AVI. .; \ , . • ■ • . * ■' .. '

Aoir jati w ii img su n au amo puftt: v v ir i itt-rri c t e * i " O p** tv t'v fkvn

EDNA MAE SHOPPE South Bergen's Leading Jeweler ARNOLD S BAKERY KARL S MARKET LADIES' AND CHILDREN’S WEAR S. POLLINA, JEW ELER ITedding and Birthday Cahes FINE MEATS Visit Our New Modern Store AND GROCERIES H am ilton - (.riien Bulova 'X aithr- Our Specially i f ' * 2 Miss Swank — Luxite-- Barbixon J. vs.-I- Mn T rifari and < <>ro FREE DELIVERY For tuna Orders Taken For nt ix.h i ami riM t: r i> w \ r /'/ NK <»\ l*KI* M1SI- ^ All Ocra-iniis WEbster 9.0929 236 Stuyvesant Avenue GEneva 8-7714 j;U< MuvN. -.mt \ \ I vmlhi.^t 242~Stuvvesaul A \rini.‘ GEneva 8-1 <>81 ( , l 8 - * M 2 1

KLEVER KLAD DRESS SHOP SAFARS BARGAIN STORE Rental Service !!l Suiw'-aiil Avenue JEAN VIVIAN, PROP. PARK CLEANING COMPANY Blouses • Ilundbags - I loi scry Sunder, Polisher, Lawn Roller, Staple Gun, (4 , 8-‘>023 Same Day Dry Cleaning Service Belt Sander, W allpaper Spray Costume Jewelery • Ci>ats and Suits I [\< I.l d i m ; SATl RI)AV I I \M( ll S 111! W H I For Your Convenience: Open Sunday Morning ’til Noon 306 Stuyvesant Avenue 21') Stuyvesant Avenue, Lyndhurst, N. j MERC.il VNDISE \T GEneva 8-3)08 WE DO OUR OW N CLEANING HARRY S HARDW ARE V t.l I Ii V I E PRICES 2.10 STUYVESANT AVENl E WE. 9-0251

D e a l e r A u t h o r i z e d KODAK S e r v i c e ODETTE S BEAUTY SALON F a s t COLOR Expert Hair Shaping and Tinting SnMI IIU FILM DEVEIJIPING EXCEPT SATEIil) AYS / \ raianent if ave Specialist BEFORE 9:3(1- READY lf:UI I’.Ni. 301 Stuyvesant A\«*nue CAMERA HOUSE l y n d hur^, N. .1 213 StuvvesaVit Ave. . GEneva 8-6817 WEbster 9*1260

Growth Of Lyndhurst Masonic Club SAN CARLO RESTAURANT


tou..f.»o.il( Brands tlwuylO" World sented by the Star Square Flayer., ft tlie Star H i. at,.. L.ndhui.l, A.M) PARTIES .The main building of the Ma onic Club of Lyndhui t was built MO BEIK .CCOlUS ON M*N0 oi, february 13. 1322. The east tanratott Clarence Sherwood. B ion about 1796 16 inch red, sandstone No record of wht a rear addi­ I* W aaiier Jr.. W illiam E M ayer. Ilendrich Mulden. Irvin* lharo. ■ I r K O M P T M l l W t y tion was erected exists. The main beam s under the floor are-of VI (c ter J Prentice; Claire Farrell. Agnes Woodman. Leah Firth. F*tlturinn Sizzltne Strok* % inch hand h«twn log*. Nan Sherwood.' Florence Castle-, Anna O Kacm p:. Belly W alsoe The -eltib was started som etim e in the 1920s, Aecoritinn to W .l VV IWEs-rreg^- g ia I j and a clock model, who reniains unknown. ham Classman, the first meeting w a, held at Frarikhn School Annually on W ashington - B-rlhda'y. th h y alia r of lhe year Later, meetings were held at (Goldberg’s Hall on Valley Brook ave was a Mash and Civic Ball, held at the Flk . Hall on 300 Kidtie Cnpektnd road, Ave, (<-,.r. »f Sltiyvesunl) WE. 9-9083 m.» 'i he idea of selling bonds to finance the purchase of., perm anent h. lween KmttslanU and. Pay. avenue Mifsie was furnished ea< h m eeting rooms orugnated about this tim e. The sale of these bon<. y i 4 ir by the tasile'Brothers’ ...... Oichestra ol Newark. The I H I W ! continued unt.il 1929. , i,..,| to these affairs-w ere only 50 cents per person Officers rn 1922 consisted of Peter Ripp; preside;.!;W illiam ■lhe club continued- to prOgrt In 1 9 5 2 ttiv pre. id o l vs.t-- .* Morris, vice president. Jesse Fifei. treasurer; Hendrik S M illet. I'rigerio. Ha.o*d W ooster was c.valrman ot the Entertainm ent « • LEA S SPECIALTY SHOP liiKinci.nl secretary, und W illiam . Classm an, recording secretary. nnttee O'tto TTav. i. chairman of . Building rommrtb Cepige U.i. Property was purchased in- August 1922 from fieorj** and Anna A. CHASAR & SON 1,1a was conductmp a m ixed shuflli board lournaineol. I he Ladies Klarm an. Officers’ nam es on deed were Sam ue. W. Hunt, pn sTdeni 212 Stuyvesant Avenue .v.rxiliary was also vciy active in the welfare o. thp clnb, and W illiam Classm an, secretary. Anwni ihe'-m ain affairs hetd ca. h year at the club are the Ixirff Se/rftioii of Many interesting commitJLees. were formed to w«rk at imp ov I I E l.H ill I ANS . Pit Roast and the Past Presidents' Limner. Oflen house is be d ing the grounds and property Among which was the -1 ear down LADIES’ HATS - HANDBAGS l.„ lhe members and their faiii-h. on Memorial »u> and on July the Chimney Gang." Emergency Shade Tree Trio’’ and “Lawn Air (Conditioning 4 Also a Children s Christm as par-ty is held each veai HOISFRY l.LMiERIE l4*UMsrs Volunteer..Section " 1o keep workers in good humor M ere oi the club jYrrcr Fngpno. -the follow nVt»-~Xa canwi president ACCESSORIES was also "the Music Producing Band.” consisting of A Turner, F i t ; I W b r t ’.i, Hoine and Gunwnereial Wiring Howard Rumpletin. W illiam Feldhusen. John K*u\/-. .“blower”; W W. Kelly, '-bigger blower. ” and W .' GU. sman, big W E G IV E S It H O RK I V STAMPS Thomas Ferrara and Ft"unk M al.n' fest blower.’* Other comm ittees were Lawn Tennis. Rudy Horvarh. Fans and Appliances E a t h s u c c e e d i n g p r e s i d e n t s u w jjr O r c a n i t r«- 'im provem ent . GK. K atltlT chairman; Pdol Tournam ent. Ifving Pharo; Entertainment, Eddie nne each and being made to dub propeity until at the .present t Wood, and the House Improvement. W illiam Gla^m on, chairman. 237 Stuyvesant Avenue GEneva 8-L»0.» every member can take pride -in sb...vur. oil the ( lub to their lhe first summer dam e by the club was held on Friday, July ~ ’ i* Auxiliary of tlu M.r- nu ( i.. ' r. a w a v s , c o s t 3 5 cents. Dances were then held semi monthly and proceeds generous with donations to the club.* which a:< used to improve were used for the purpose of .furnishing the club .rooms the property. The. groups has it, own private meeting room. DO IT YOURSELF A l s o , during the summer of 1922. a strawberry festival was Alsp, a wonderfully equipped kit hen WH). table settings .lor LYNDHURST MEN S SHOP held. The chairman was Ed Woodman M u s h by the band and en­ 150 persons are available. ■ . ■ RENTAL EQUIPMENT tertainment was imported from New York • lh e present officers of the club are 1 n i* ei t. Frank M alarv . A block party and dance* way held on Va ley Brook avenue first" vice vn.adent. Ja.k RobeM .n. ecend vice .piesulcnt, O iw ge between .W atson and. Riverside avenues on Thursday and Friday. NATIOX.4U* ADVERTISED BRANDS. prr dav , P*r day, V ail; finam ia) secretm y. John I'.uck lahl, leCordmK scrcetary. Stu­ FLOOR SANDER $ 3 . 5 0 WAL1.PAPER STKAMER*3. Septem ber 21. 22, 1922, with the exhprbitant admission charge; oi art B U Reilly. and trea.-uler, tJ.OrKe McKay • H O O K F.IMj ER 2 .0 0 WALLPAPER SPRAYER LOO 10c with k drawing for a door prize each evening Music was fur­ •The trustees are RuntRletM, Have,. Feldhuwn. Loan Middecke EVERYTHING IN MEN'S & ROYS' CLOTHING HAND SANDER 1 . 5 0 STAPLER (.I N 1.00 I.Od L A W N R O M E R LOO nished by Billy Buatz’ Jazz Band and Harold W ooster. The ni. mol .hip «.( thi club , new very c.ose FLOOR POLISHER To further along tlu* needed funds foi the furnishing ol tr.e HEDGE (UPPER 3 .0 0 LAWN SEEDER 5 0 to the 400 mark l.uildinn A three-act fitrce comedy, "An You ii Mason"’ wa pre­ 298 Stuyvesant Ave. GE. 8-2121- . _ E t c — OPEN SUNDAY Tll.L 1 P.M OSIAS Hardware & Housefurnishing Co.


Corner Sluyvesant am! Serum! Avenues ^ Com bination Aluminum W indow s I K i r i i 1 KAi K Til l A( llttN NEW M \ \ M.l MEM' Nl W All Nl S NO DOW N PAYMENT STEAKS and C H O PS OUR SPEC IA LTY

I'rit"!'• IhttHh? i “> S huJI I'm h t \ VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS Or «;>:) f'<»r Ilfonmnlnll'*!' **" OoU**U*'<' W E. 9.9fi(i l

Stuyvesant Alum inum Co. ZJ2 HTI VVrSANT AVK I.VNDIII K M *>■ > (iE , 71M Aftrr « »* M . <.K i M SPINA S FLORIST r PRESCRIPTIONS LEVY’S N E S T -E C 6 -^PROBLEMS ENDED PHARMACY te a Pleasure to y » © y yoo choose effy o* Fresh Cut Flatters tt*se S e v t/tfs P le n s (juktAt/JutAmacj ti a.-piV^ eaian, > \ Patted riants wear cloihcs cleaned at SS V SAVtNoS ACCOUNT Funrhd Design Our S/iecialty not a sideline. v cH *jgw ttaw _ | cwnnrrt line of sickkoo** tu m to , AiL-M raidut n a t i o n a l c o m m u n i t y b a n k FELDMAN CLEANERS ^ c £ t T « 1 I -ruff DCiivurr- t 221 btuyvesant Avenue G F n e v t 8*1234 t1! 1 'IMI NDlll RST I C.Fneva •- 1*?* 391 Ridge Road 20* Stuv\* ant Ave P lant ami Main Store at _’litt Sluyve-aiil Avenue F o o t s t e p s STUYVESANT LAUNDRY D o Your,, i i m . i n n s The Merchants Of Stuyvesant iM . ClllEDItl N DRIVE IN AND t e e n -At a u s * " * 2 0 % Shopping On The ROYS Avenue Have Sales Every Week. nesicned to Kerp CASH & CARRY Little l eet Normal / / • • n r Serrtre on Request Avenue Now! M en & W om en \\ i h [f You Dont See It-Ask For It! 301 V a lle y Brook I6.'l Stuvvf>aut \v»*. 8-t»87^ N P A I.A Z Z O Ave., Bogle Bid* |>octors PreM-riptiona Filled COMMERCIAL I.KA0KR & SOI TII RKRGEN RKYIKW PAGE MINK THURSDAY. FERRl'ARY 20. 19.',B * inc at co-chairman. The fashion Tii Ket sale* are change. ren of. broken home.*, > \t-srj»t b y. Friday, 9 $ at ft IS js-m. Chemical Charcoal Sweeps Into show will feature a forecast of M’rv. John Dent • i K the etwaru One . W k M bey*.rat"'Town ){«8L Ifint* F ^ et8 tft.are living at Boy* speak oa The Propagation and Spring fashion* from the .Eijuty o f Aftan. V. eta Mf*. Lead in Tri-County Bowling Loop E Arm bruster Salon, A: lington l e r V- »har&e of iefieshments ‘.inn In ..-ft!? t •> e : kUut'Caf* Emanuel Gauci «M M m T h *»m ~ with the newest m Sprm g m illin­ Awarding of a mink I cvi the E ? »m*to*n Minted M i Chemical Charcoal swept into ter. K> h Carbonic Gas over Di- ery from the M arie’ta Hat Shoppr lai and ^nsolatton «urpctae»w»ll on IS ***** oy^t hwifcinft the Paa- - '• . ;• ' " ( the lead in the Tn CountyvBowl- Guokono's. San, Carlo's over in North Arlington Mis Ralph •d d ' suspense aiul excitem ent ■ to ^ ^k* Riv## with eight btnkltns*. nu Lea ue a* the Bow l 0 -Drome Mac s Industrial C a’erer*. Spring- Hodkinson will be »n charge of a very glamorous evenih* • %U : .--f I t l 'h « n * u r j « - -i**> The fiRe«i*»g df the c • , .V . by bea’ing'W e John Flaherty A*- er 4 Simpson over W il-Ede; the fashion jysow, assisted by I N e # J e t I ' o >• wr ru»« sociation in *hree. The Charcoal .Steve1? Flowers over Padovano Club - m o A v \ s * M is George Stall, lVpa;tr « nt* ha-i* pivdtejJ . i s e l e c t e d a s _th e . S t a t e * die- P t t pinners have a team average ot Motor Trucking. Drug lair over M rs.Charles J Kroll. M is Rob i . • ..»/ A«h, Wed»Hr*vi».v. w ill thii yewi by tH» n-*;.- than "tl 907. Sonny's Tavern bv sweep.iv„ Royal Hawaiian Paitv.s and tfie ert Thiel. M n Kenneth Hawk * n exr W wfeMerivy ?-• *n .og: at the their set from Rogers Shell, took, Scorpions over PubU • Service.. mj^. Mi s Paul Jht-dan Mr* Jv E v e n !-.;i M e t * • * Uti«'* ami ou:ld»n* a Little CYO ttuiidii*g s< a n Ms - Wstisam \ over eecend nla.-e. one fan * be- _ The. Scorpions are making a 4re- I Koujon. Jr , Miss Fianku- U tipue baaebeil hekd if pcwaibie i Vavrsk iu, «li«r«e Kederat >«n . f W<»n « n * Clu - hind the leaders. Zoppa of the mendous bid to get out of t'ie J,.*e»h M<*>ini Mrv On-'. ‘ iiefui 'tav M h -Va t utlwr Robert i 'i - D^e. t ; < J Tavern team had a 244 game and celar anti theyu area r * . r»«-Wpicking im » tthe h t ' ■ * ’ ‘ tended a pr*aw#atse»i at in Jo Hilton Hodge*, Mr*. l^eonard R o r i t u V k rv i«e< . - t h a t \ {'«> The t.> ndhtt**t Qnrden Ch o a 643 series PS. to take iheir plkce *ef»h * Orphanage t» rngie*^>d' Ronnie, Mrs Horace Theobald tw ig is beitt. the tree w di *'r*: u iti iwrt be able.to M d m m k i i The edeabtn«d C.W-V ' Aaviliati#* Other ,h w r ,„ Sm tJrt and Mr*. Clarence Blauvelt Mis> Neu Jersey WoyMowh »* for boy* m Town H all on M*»ivtay «'h «( New JrrjMry pf'ewented • | ft Carol Armbrir»ter will ta the of all rares. crwvl* and uattop account of. am>thet m eeting, •« f n t h e " t a c h « r k t*» t h * dj"n> MXand rK«myUCU.an‘,> «« h>* * ^ 1 tiw Garden Club will meet , on o r p h a n a g e oyer Rice Tavern N.ck Andnol. ■>»>«. » R““ 651 “"d Bru’ Fashion Com m entator of the Trenton Auto Exchange, 1)0 s i3 :> WWVWWVWV^ W W \%W W SVW A\W W .SV.V»SN\SV%NNV , went ori a strike rampage with ; games of 268 and 253 and then Eve. Dept. Will came through with a 171 for a 69? set, m issing the league hip.h Hold Benefit Melray’s February Furniture Sale! 4 by five pins. But the effort was good enough to clean up the high For Boystown ; money for the night. Langowski Sectionals ” • Priced from $129-^ Per Section of *he same team pitched in with The Evening Department of a 612 set but their combined ef­ Arlington W oman's Club v<. ill forts netted them only a single hold a Fashion Show and Char gam e against Rudy’s Service. Col ity Bridge for *hc benefit of New • lins of Rudy's had a 625 set Jersey's Boystown on Thursday A ll other matches ended in two February 27 a* 8 n m. uV’he Aud out ot three Quinn Towel Sup itorium at New Jersey s Boys >'ly won o\er Melio Construc­ town 499 Bel grove drive. Kcai tion. Hank anei M arket . Fiih Sc C u n d a i t lair is Mis. Jam es Fry. the Dc ‘over Jay Arnold, LeRoy & Joe's ' ailm ent's Public W elfare Cha.r over the Lithuanian C C. Cen 1 man. w i*h M rs John U»ftg assist $k*CtUUS F. BgPfir P/P <*0#f #tTh a P£N roWOTfCT r»Arfi£#S - V.WMWW.'AVWWMWA' fhAN mCKOM ANP B.UfFAlO 6'U. "T/fH TMf/0 Gu*i. , 6£KMr WVtNTlP rut AM£fHCA V exPtff Si l»AVflf*l CHCQut UZ tO r«AVlllM ?0 so o n e r HitvOMi Of POllAVS (AC* r t AQ ACA'NH WATCH tOJS rntfT AMP PfSTPQCTIQ*.______K

Grand Opening Income Tax Prepared Henry R. Koziol O f The N ew Notary Public • Accountant 333 POST W IM I.. Ben Franklin M ELRA Y'S I.YM M ll KST. S'. .1. Famous for Fashionable Furniture W E. 3-0238 S t o r e \III I NI. I | l\ N I Personal and Business Kl Vll\S W.I VI I \i Thr IM . IN NORTH ARLINGTON K E . 3-58S8 P lrasf(iall for* Appointm ent .SWAWV.V.V.V.V.'.V.'/.’AV.SWV.V.V.'.W.’.W.’.V.V.V.'.'.SSV.V.'.SV/.VAV.VASNV.VAV.'/./.V.W.W.*. . ’/VVV'/AW .VW VVSW .S'/AVVAW .V 4^VW W W W VW W W W AW %W ^,AV//.V/.trtWWVW.,AW AVVWAVVWAftW WAW WW WA,^W W /VW /W W W W ^^SVW yAAW

w . If-itVi g*»t ii t»» i i^.W* * •»» Invite You To A «. - t in^l-oi Im tlolav a >1 i.« . • I I-irail GAILS and BILL MACY wiUi give |>i ii r*. IL jk- fu«t * |r W •. 1 i!.. tlirtt O ill r. nu •„). fnf s liiti • las leloi. ll

DRESSES Mens SPORT SHIRTS Gabardines Flannels • Patterns - Corduroys V aW . I.. !ll.'« l

II,-, » « •*.» .. **»*»•.

s 3 o o 9 9 c

V u l».. i.. 12 1 ‘l:

I itxtli *1 Yu*«4*“ » *»l Oj»ri» Tbursdjv .ind l-'ridav s 5 - o o

Kvrnlngs I nlil 9 PM Saturda> 9 to f> BILL Boys OQ M Sport Shirts ™ C Boys Campus Coats s 2 1 - o o 9 9 c Y

h i « • i

% \.. .. . 1 * -. - . CA R C O A TS |-»M . i I !«*/♦, >*»*.«.! * I I <

I h e r n i a . J j « . » | i Tremendous Savings V t f i l e

I ' I k » 2-99 to 11.99 Too Numerous to Mention in Every I 4»M«t «»M $ 2 - 9 9 \ alu* • t»# $2 | '/'i1 One of our Departments. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1958 ■p a g e t e n COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW

High School B eats Central 6 8 to 3 6 and Loses To Garfield 5 6 to 4 8 to 13 margin to take a 53 to 23 broke the game wide open as nine game. With the score 41 to 42 at week for an overall record of ten ' lead into the final stanza, W ith fa t points spread their lead to that time, Lyndhurst suffered a i victories and four defeats. W ith D e F n Golden Bears Fail To M ake Jam boree It he first stringers out of action 14 points. Ahd when the buzzer big blow as their rebound ace, Anthony Ambrosio featuring T a lia n , I com pletely the substitutes added sounded for the end of the first Tommy Longo, had his fifth foul with 16 points the local Jayyees By WALTER (Hawk) ROWE the final count. On January 21 Golden Bears.hit on seven con-! t< the victory with a slim 15 to half the Garfield team held a 16 called against him and had tb de- took over Central for the second the Boilermakers came to town, secutive points to lead 12 to 4" 13 majority in the last quarter of point spread at 27-11. part from action. time this |Pason« 52 to 26. In the G a r f ie l d fS6) It appears that Coach Harold S c h le y , f and after trailing for three per- after the first eight minutes of pls,y. Lyndhurst improved immense- With the score 53 to 48 the :nitial meeting between the two "Buck" Brown’s High School bas­ 1 Jraceffo, f iods. closed fast to gam a 62 to play. Co-Captain Matty M ariano I Yen of the eleven, suited-up ly in the second half-but the big ' Boilerm akers insured -victory teams, Lyndhurst won out 35-31. Xzzara, f ketball team w ill finish the 1957- Ventura, c 52 verdict. The second gam? was then put on. a sterling shooting players dented the scoring advantage of the homesters was with three points in the final Garfield’s reserves gained re- 58 season as a lysing one!^ At this «‘ara v»*llo, k Garfield's from the start as a big. exhibition in the second quarter column for the locals with M ari-! tot) much to overcom e. The team s minute to account for its eight venge for a 65.-62 setback in the T a y n a i , * writing the Golden Bears are first gam e by whipping the Cubs j early lead held u d when the and hitting foi- 11 points paced ano gaining high indivdual hon- battled to an even third period point decision. seven and ten on the campaign Golden Bears closed fast. The fin- Lyndhurst to a 22 to 6 period ors with 15 and Tam aro finishing as each team scored 15 points to -Tam aro, one of the ten top 44 to 40 in the prelim inary t.lt Lyndhurgt l4B) with only the Clifton and Lodi al score of 56* to 48 assured Gar- advantage which saw the score- up with 12. make the Garfie'ld lead 42 to 2C scorers in the Passaic Valley last -Friday night. j \i Mariano, 1 tussles still to be reported on. l r t i w , f Onlv a complete reversal of field of a berth in the PVC Jam - board lighten up at 34 to 10 at j Garfield got off to a fast start at the start of the final session. Conference captured individual The box scores: ! lamar*.. f T I'.o n g o . i *. form in the '40th annual State] boree, a post season * play-off the intermission. on Friday night and held the Tamaro. who scored seven honors as his 14 point final per- Tournament sponsored bv the! among the first four finishers The! When the varsity began to lead throughout the contest. Af- points over the firs* three periods iod spree saw him complete the N JSIAA if their eh try is accept- k* eliminated all chances of the stretch the margin too greatly, ‘ er Al Taynai started the scoring woke up the Lyndhurst attack, evening with 21 points. Four of able can prevent Lvndhurst i Golden Bears making a return to Coach Brown began a clearance with a lay-up the Boilermaker'-, Hitting consistently, Tam aro led the winners went into the double from droppin-* below the .500 the Jam boree which they won move of his bench, a move which featured as they went off to a 12 Lyndhurst from a 16 point deficit figures with Lou Azzara high & (last season with victories over has been limited this season. The to 7 lead at the end of the first to draw up within five points with 15. Mrs. Frank Liscio. of Valley In the past week the Golden i Clifton and Paterson Eastside. j reserves also looked good and period. Within minutes of the with just ten seconds leSs than; Co^ch Joe Morris' Junior Var- Brook avenue, entertained at a Bears ‘participated In a pair of. Central came to town minus! the Golden Bears maintained a MM second quarter the home team three minutes remaining in the sity also hud a split du; ing the Valentine party on Friday even­ Passaic Valley Conference tilts,! Phil Kecmer and George John- *T " 7 ing, for Mrs. Leslie Cook, Mrs. On W ednesday night on their son, a pair who tallied 30 ol the Victor La Morte. Mrs. George home boards they found Paterson 49 points in the first’game against; Terry. Mrs. Morton Bed rick and Central easier than in the first Lyndhurst. This made the Colts Lyndhurst Florist Add To Lead In M ajor Bowling Mrs. George Moore. meeting on January 16 when a weak quintet and called fori they edged out the Colts, 51 to 4J the seventh Lyndhurst win of Last Friday night was ‘posi- 213, Eddie Masters a 210 and Lou j of 226, 188 and 233, with Mike Augie Paluzzi. with 230, Anton The local ca. ers had things their! the season. The Colts took a 2-0 tion night" for the M ajor League Falzarano a 201 in a winning Dielo coming up with a 223 and Renz wi'h 228 and Tommy Litt- own way in the return meeting, j lead at ‘the start but three sraight at, the Lyndhurst Recreation cause. Terry Kearney posted a ! Ted Cym bor a 204. Phil Pigninel- a 218. all posted in the inilia moved back a night because of fnu.i line successes by Matty Ta- Center. That's the night the 615 for the Garden Spotters on i li of the D. A.’s blasted a 645 game triumph, the Board nf Education election,! maro and a drive-in basket by team in first place meets the.sec- gam es of 218, 192 and 205 with j et on 247, 195 and 203, with Nick Joining the league leading All as they posted a 68 to 36*win, no I Roger Rubinetti placed Lynd- ond place team and so on down Ken Kenning getting a 233 and ; Annitti having games of 205 and Window Products as the only SPORT-WISE doubt'the easiest, of the season.' j hurst ahead 5 to 2 where they the membership of the twelve1 Harry Halm a 211. ! 08. other quintet able io record a On Friday night the Lyndhurst- j stayed the remainder of the dull teams. The featured -match be 2i on 236, 216 and 180, A llie; outboard motors. They-carefully write down the name of'the ex- coming through in the finals; 1008 w ere -Johnny Fusaro with a 600 614 for Charlotte's on 179 244 and lh burg of ours, with a standout recreation program , has had to Candia had a 608 on 197, 198 and hibitor One of the most important members of the community is to 986. Pete Cim ino starred for, st*t on 232* 200 and 168, M ike Po- 191 with Paul Dolce getting a 212 limit the ribbed’ court .sport. Except for school play the sport's 213. and Johnny Licitra came 1 gent who knows something about boats. He .usually takes over, the league loaders with a 617 on ,lit‘» with a pair of 211 games and \ g a m e s . only facade has toefcn the Biddv League basketball program Not thru with a 601 on 160. 241 and j answering questions loftily, explaining some of the intracit.; of 201, 199 and 217. with Gene Mor- Angelo Simone with a 20'. For The seventh place Gallairhe discouraged in the least has bpen Police Lieut. .Richard ‘‘M urph’’ 200. For the losers, Rocco Spanoifa,ating and giving his 'v4ews, whether asked or not. Iran having a 609 on 171, 225 and the Hawaiian*. Ray Kearney had Association followed the patten Coughlin. Back in 1953 when the now disbanded Recreation Com­ was high with a 225 game. j, revea]mg. a hundred feet off stands America's legs—the 213, and Jackie K raft’ getting a a 208 ahd Ben Divine a 202. of Lyndhurst Rec andiSirl’s Tav­ mission was in operation, the commission prexy. W illiam J. Bello, Garden Delicatessen • drew to, new ^958, snazzy model automobile. Jt goes unnoticed. The cyn- 218 game. Augie Paluzzi a 202 Dealing the I). A.’s Dairy a ern by belting the fifth place Pas chc e Coughlin to serve as chairm an of-the basketball, committee. Billy Brennan a 201. all for the double U'ose of losses was tbe quin Motors in a pair. The Pas -1- within" a half game of the Am- j osure of many eyes remains the motor boat— a completely luxury W ith the m^h school gymnasium having a ^crowded schedule the winners. High for the losers w ere, fourth place Lyndhurst Rec spon- quins started with a 1022-916' vetr in a battle for 9th place by , item. '; •______•' lone playable site wa- available for only short periods. Only time conquest, but were then con beating the Amvets twice. The. SOME DEPRESSION Andy Mast and ren with games o f: sored team. The Rec keglers enough to organize but one league. 208 and 2 10 Bobby Hen wood: opened wit h a 965-929 v ictory quered, 980 to 810 and 821 to 817 Am vets opened with a successful The eager manner in which the crowds inspect the motorboat Coughlin, reading about a national program for the youth sim . H ighlighting th*e Gallagher vu - j 892-^67 game but faltered 784-778 might prove quite a blow to fhe knockers who insist we are in • *ilar to "Little League baseball, tjecided on the Biddy basketball with a 235 and Mike Fiorie with ;,nfl the Milkmen poured out a 933-897 win to deadlock the tilt. tory were Eddie M izeski-with a and 892 to 890 in a pair of close|the midst of a terrible depression. The crowds who m ill around which Operate out of Scranton, Pa. It was for boys, nine through . 2 1 3 . The "rubber" game saw the Rec 229. Che*t Mizeski with a 215, tussles. High individual games the motorboat in the Bus Term inal aren't just curious. They’re in- twelve yea!.- of age, Immcdiatjely a rtul for candidates was made The fourth place Winand’s victorious, 943-882. Featuring the Johnny Carrig with a 214 and re rolled, by two Am vets. S u l: teres ted. Those?- w riting down the nam e ■of the m anufacturer mean a lid a six-team league was organized at the Roosevelt School gym Dairy came up with a 3097 series upset was Richie DeCecco who Beibby Muhfleisen w ith a 202. Fea- RlW lli wi*h a 209 and Vi to .find out m ore about the boat They are jhovy.ing th e deepe*st kind 1 Alter two a son’s of play at that dangenous play center the op­ and plastered H ewitt’s M anufac­ anrhored a 647 series on-scores tut ing for, the Pasquins nadino with a 206. of interest not because they are m erely curious, but because they erations switched to the high school'gym . It has been there since turing Com pany, -the third place would like to own that boat! Like Little I- - ■ the' Biddy League, alter a regular season pf occupants in all three- gam es The There was a time when $1.700 was a fortune. Anybody who play j stages a national tournam ent with the first objeteive to spon­ M ilkm en rolled winning efforts of could raise $1,700 thought of home and college and children-. It is sor a state tournament- to find a state representative to the N ationals 998,# 1123 and 976 compared to commonplace* today for folks to thihk of putting' $1,700 and what The headquarter.-, at. Scranton, where a popular sports figure. J 942, 1046 and 894 for the Pas­ Seton Hall W ins Biddy League Title comes afterward into a hobby. You may talk depression or reces- A n her. hoiris the Ditto v League- president.;. didn't hog the N ationals saic sporting good- m akers. John­ D a m e in t h e second game. T h e | ■so n. You may find some unemployment. But in the plact . where and a rule , of lorig standing ha been that the team winning the ny Jaget paced a quartet of W in­ Coach johnny Latnpe’s Seton Jimmy Brown of the winners.] tv . teams, Seton H a l l a n d i 1they sell fun for leisure hoyrs they know best. Go into hobby shops.* title the last s» ;iN«.n •.Vould be tin1 ho t to the N ationals the follovv.- and’s krglers who had ov*r 600 Hall quintet captured the fifth led the^cor'er.s with 12 pointsLfol- o t o p lowed by RoSfelli with 11 and Ti­ Fordham will lock horns in t h e i W atch the folks' line up to buy expensive items that help them i n g y e a r . series. Jaget posted a 657 on 238. Biddy League Basketball Cham final till. while away the time. W atch ,the aduits, as well as the children, For year?, the rule w as w ell accepted out the com m ittee-finally 24!> and 174, followed i>y Har- pionship at the High School gym rone with 10. High for the losers r e a m S t a n d i m rs pour out dollars into part., for their model villages. Go. info a ran into a snag. I.i the '1956-57 season fina New Orleans beat lowe Robbins wit h a 636 on 193. Last Saturday afternoon the Se- was Sal Trezza, thy league’s lead WI, P e t. ! sports shop and watch the folks taking down rules and,bows and Atlantic City 4£-12 to gam the title and thi* site for this year’s tour 210 and 233, Jackie Tut oak had tonians racked up its ninth con­ ing scorer; with eight digits. S e to ft l i ; 9 0 .1 0 0 0 arrow's. W atch them pick out fishing rods. W atch tViem load ’up ney. But the athletic segregation law. in the State of Louisiana a 612 on 155, 253 and 204. and secutive victory -of the season by The league seasop will draw to *1.1 Foirrihrirp 7 2 7 7H on equipment. Go into a cam era shop. Watch the crowds eddy in forbids, the m ixing et races in' a sport* contest. This caused tlu i Chippv Christ scored .a 605 on defeating Coach Floyd Van a dose on Saturday when the i N . » tre D a m e '' .6 . 3 .6 6 7 and out, by.ying more equipm ent, having pictures developed. National.; tb bv broui.l t bai k to its birthplace, Scranton, and the 199, 223 and 183 The fifth mem Nortwick’s Princeton five 31. to firwil' f. ten w eekly tripli{head ■ ers are scheduled. In the first tilt a d l e y 2 7 .2 2 ? WHAT A DAY! Pennsylvania city will host the Nationals on March 26 thru 29, 1 I: r, Johnny DeCecco aided with ; 20. This victory assured them of B i 7 .2 2 2 Eiddy League has caught fire in New Jersey, mainly through a. 213 game. Jerry Sparta w as; at least a tie in the final stand Princeton and Bradley will vie S t . J o h n ’ s 2 The other night the New York Athletic Club— when did the 8 1 1 1 the untiring effort- ol Bill M artin, form er Hudson County sports high man for the Hewitt’s with j ings and they then sat back , to with St. 'John's, meeting • Notre P i i n c e t p n 1 NYAC do a thing lor athletics 111 the last'decade?— he-id iu track 'writer, who is- presently full time director and executive of the a 604 on 219. 215 and 170, while ! watch Coach Joe Bradley's Notre meet. The newspapers said on.lv 12,000 people braved the storm ' Com munity Chest m Jersey City. M artin has also been a long-time Frankie Lembo hit 239 and Stan Dame team hand a cruel blow to to show up. The newspapers didn’t say that many of those who did show- up sat in seats priced at $6. Imagine paying $6 to -.>ee advocate of the Catholic Youth Organization. It wa.; with his work j Vizzi a 214. the second place Fordham five. am ateur athletes perform -’ Yet there were 12,000 perfectly willing in the CYO which gave M artin his provident lor Biddy basketball j Bob Dohmyer, Jr . pacc'd M iles 42 to 21 The loss, the second of Freshm an Split In 2 Tilts to do that. It brought him the state presidency and a whale ol a job he ha*; I Me.rcury tb a double wih over | the season for the Rams elim in­ done lit has moved the tournam ents to all sections of the state. ; The other nrght they opened the New Jersey Coast Bbat Show Parkview House in the* battle ated them • from championship . Coach Frank Ruggiero’s Hirh !««utput of the first m eeting with at Asbury Park Thousands stream ed into Convention llall'to look past tournev.being in Jersey City, Atlanta; City, and Asbury Paik between* the fifth and’ sixth place consideration and handed the School freshm an court team di-i: Lyndhurst...... in the first quarer . . . . • , This -eat-on it is bade in Jersey City agaiii. teahis The Park Viewers started | title to the unbeaten Pirat«*s. vided a pair of basketball gam es’ 'bey broke fast to a 23 to 9 lead | and. buy. The North Jersey show wilDopan at .the Newark Arm ory ' Fourteen repreM-ntUtives of loraH eagues have entered the state with a 974-914 win but th*1 M er­ The first eame of the weekly during ' tho past week. Ori Tho Tout continued into the 2nd shortly. There .will be a boat show in Teaneck Folks kill throng tournament which will get underway a we*ekk from Saturday at cury five came back with 979- tripleheader in the Biddy league, W ednesday afternoon at the new -, period as the visitors hold a 21 to tho shows. And they will buy. two Jersey City courts, Dickinson High School and the Mt Carm el 957 and 1109-917.victories to take spbnsord bv the Department of lv t(instructed, beautiful Nutley! to 9 lead to take a 44 to IB ad Thi country is thinking of the outdoors .with emphasis on the Church. The w eekend'of March 1 and 2 will be spent playing first match honors. It was ’he stand- ] Harks & Public Property, saw ; j unior High School's gymnasium, | vantage at tho half Although wate,r spoi ls Many folks have discovered that-they nan have a round and quarter-final round games. The following weekend, on j out kegling of young Dphm yer; Coach Frank Lowder'.- St. John's the Cubs [-osted a 32 to 19 vie- Garfield had a squad of. eleven, hobby and a vacation homo al the same time Larry Riordan of ■March t!. the lour survivors of the, first weekend play w\,ll meet which spearherfded the victory i team gain a share of four'll place. „,ry t„ run ,ts winning strOak Ihe* wore bent on routing the | Nutley. who was President Eisenhower's .personal photographer in in the se'mi-final rovind. The fina ; for the state cham pionship 1 j Deriod as they outscorod lhe January 21 at Garfield, the Cubs! 12 points at the final bell. The S'.iM I. SAC,I. AOVICE Star of Sea of Atlantic City playing Kearny. Cliffside Park vieing finish with George Gabriel eon- Braves 9 t 4 to 'Ik" a 21 to 13 i upset the Apprentice Boiler ! Cubs held 21 to 15 third penial - And now for the cold dip of water. There is iltt’o doubt that with Ciifton, St Michael's of Atlantic City locking horns with tributing a 201 and Brownie, Re lead into 'he last six nrilutc. makers 27 te 21 m I 21 lo 13 fourth Period niaf many thousands get plenty of. fun out -of boating. And there is.jusl Lakewood and Hoboken drawing a loWer bracket bye. gotti a 200. For the Park View Sl John's outscorod its o'pporf '. vrfhur4, m ouest .•.»■« a» they won' down to its as little doubt that many discover what a snare anil a delusion A question no doubt to be asked is. ‘How are the players chp-. House. Dee M yre rolled a 608 on enl-; 7 lo I! in the Inst period. I . ftfUi'slraichl m n The lied ("lirth def*a. in a do/,en games. the water sports ran Is.-. One father who vi.-otedyfhc big show at sen to represent any particular town?". Every November a public 180. 205. and 223 with Charley High coring l,eon A i m featured I „ ,r„ubl,d lhe Inch scores All fivo of the Garfield plavers 'the Coliseum .n How York recently was enamoured of un eight announcement is m ade for candidates and the boys report to Di­ I Bot to scoring a ’225 and Bill Da for the winners with .13 fK,,nts • , ' -L . ae.r-.galion in the in scored double figures » ,th three loot dinghy with a-i inboard motor. It was wiling for $195 He rector Coughlin at the high school gym. For several weeks try ; costa a 215. I. hile Johnny Howe , wwas a s o..ul u t , ™ rl'ud, buf'Jacke gueroiii - of the Lyndhurst squad attiring I"™ '! H> decided to boy il for I, i youngitors . . outs’arc conducted under the wateh.ul eyes of six adults coaches Stuyvesant Pharmacy won a standing for the losers with ten (wo accounted for a slini 7 , high Zelinsky came up with 19. An old, experienced hand looked at the du/y dad and and Selections are then fnade and after- two weeks of unit practice the You xnow nothipg. about m otors. You kjnpw'little alx>ut'lx)ats paid Irom Paolazzi Brothers m - " o l - ; . ito ii lead a' the end of tlv first Ilichio Picardo tallied 15 before team s are re*adv to start a com petitive ...... che*dule.- ...... On - Decem ber 14 . The Tigers threw a scare I i^ertodT"M Ike"zeHn'skv** cam e"'«p toui'rn* ™ C T w f.'G u « .r*w « h e,l 1 admit that $195 isn't a great deal of m onov. But the fact rem ains it lh* JtaL o f to., w eekly Saturday attor.mon tnpl.-l.oado,, Z . . " n h . pants of 7th. and 8tli place The the unbeatdn' Seton Halle? I,s 1 7th IrvJ? points ... tbe ecoTid: the net for 14 . : is on j a starter. You will have to rent berthing space. You will a n d th e m x teams "n et each other tw.ee unde, regulations con­ Stuyvesant . Avenue Druggists they went , the front li11 In . al ,.an(0 io andunrt the,he 7 I..to 3 bulge gave Coach Ruggiero'sRuggiero’s eagerscage ond have to buy covers for tho boat or il w.dl fill with ram and sink ditions with a champion declared. Bccau-e of one postponement. the end ..f ’he initial j -vibel. T h e I a 14 to 9 Working then regular season tomorrow You have, to keep cleaning the motor, if you are going to run it the local schedule will not tf>.V'nate unlil this Saturday took ;i2.r) 825 and 875-HM W in* be­ H all qiUqkiy beganbey,an is moveme>ve and Lx tL , m idwav mark afternoon by- traveling Vi Passaic m* salt water It is a 'eoatly proposition w.ith lots of work fore losing, 989-919. Andy Greco margin at thc midway mark. During the -ebui-se 61 lhe season the entire coaching personnel I uggest you get some experience. You can rent, an outboarei Cushioned a 631 for the Druugists n 7 second period I'ftve t hrm - 'lhe Cui» increased its lead in for.'.a return engagement with keeps a watchful eye on all the youngsters in the league. Near the and a. rowboat for an afternoon Do that. Try it for three after on 233, 164 and 234 with a help­ tn 13 adv intii'. r .it 1 Mt \ the third period with a 9 to 6 Pope Pius. Tile local? hung a 62 end of the schedule the coaches meet and turn m .a slip of .paper noons. That Will rest you $15. I guarantee it will cure you of bat- ing hand from substitute Jphnny mark- The winner* main- m ajority featured' by Eddie Guz- t.» 2» cfefeat on the Churchmen nam ing thei. ten choices A tabulation is taken and boys receivill boating. It yvill a'.so save you a tot of m oney/' e e d - Carrig who hael gam es of 207 and tamed' 9 4 third oeriod l--ad zo’s seven |H»ints to take a 23 to ba< k oh aJnuar.y 27. • all six votes im m ediately are on the a.ll star loam. Then suec The eye* of the da/ed parent' cleared. He shoy k the, hand of 208, Best for ‘he Ex a- ytors were and a 5 3 edge in ♦he last ing ballots are taken lo round out tho squad of ten player A t b advantage in*o the last period l.yndhurst has beaten East qiiartrr in its \.| 1 oom t verdiet. the experienced seadog Now he looks at boats He touches. But local rule is that tho coach of the winning team of the leagu. Jackie Brennan with a 224. De>n In the final stanza the locals built H utherford twice and has vie Leading, the Pirates to the*ir he doesn’t, doesn't buy! automatically became* head, coach. , , W olff with a 215, and Allie Can up a 9 to 4 edge to win out by tones over Central. Garfield. Pas ninth siu’cess W ithout a loss \v:is K E I D L W O N Seton Hall copped the league this season. The coach of that <1 k i with a 212. 13 points. Guzzo took individual saic. Eastside. Pope Pius and Brookdale Beverages won two the versatile. Joey Breslin Brea-' Itonors as he netted 12 |>nnts Nutley The losses vere suffered Nobody knows how the Madison Square Garden referees and team is John Lam pe and he, wilh h.s a:,;.stant. ' llank" S i m o n a k . from the Camera House in the (in c'ime up with an outstanding with Zelinsky the runner up with agamat Passau Eastside. Clifton light judgt • operate. After watching them give Kerwin the de have full cha.go of the All-Sta. ... tournanrent play A n o t e o i xhibition as he garnered scoring cision over Passaic's Reidl Friday night it becomes even tnore in­ interest in regards In local play is that Lam pe is the only addition luel betw een the ninth, and tenth nine m arkers and Garfield. place club-. The Brookdales took laurels v.ith 1) r "nts. Tow lor Garfield furpas»ed their entire (Continued on Page 11) comprehensible Both art good club fighters. It is o u r b e l i e f K er to the coaching slalf since tho program began Hie years ago Hi 932-911 and 969 H91 wins before the Tigers was Johnny Rubinetti w in can lick Reid! every- tune they meet But last Friday h e d i d n 't cam e into the program when Bill Bello was m updating from an dropping a 911-874 game. Nk’kie with ten ixnnts. fight He seemed under wraps most of the way. Reidl clearly won operation and nol able lo continue. Such voluntce. recreation work Eongar/o led the Soft-bring con Coach Charley W illiams' Ford the decision on our TV screen, al least But the d e r isio n w e n t t h e eri as Floyd Van Nortwi, k. Charley W illiams. Frank Lowder, Joe Keep in touch by eern with a 605 on 199. 202 anil bam quintal had two fatal pen *ds other wav As W ilbur Wood used to say. ’’Don't bet on fights!” Bradley and F.ai I Hanley have guided the youngsters since 1953 204. Johnny C?arnecki had gam es t*» destroy it- chances of catching w hich apeak, well for tho program of 209 and 217. and-George Mor- Seton Hall. Alter taking an 8 to Although the local league was a two-team battle foi The top P H O N E . . . s» ot throughout tbe season the coaches couldn't see the^twO teams. I ell hit a 210 Joey Verga. the 7 first period lead against the LYNDHURST RECREATION cjn n Hall and Fordham , that, strong that they could hog the all- Garfield pin s? liter, cam* uj> Irish the Ram s lost their kick in K > the hext tw o periods.-Led b> J *e star selections. Those two. club*, along with Notre Dame and P nn le with a 61.* for TobAnthony BALTIMORE CENTER t o n h ad two piavers each picked, with Bradley and St. John s get daks on games of 203. 225 and tlo-elb and Cartll.m- Tirone. t h e c a n t o , “ : „ne player each on the squad Selected were Sal Treat*. -I”- W l, with Tommy Jancsky having Irish l ok a 9 '■> 2 second ca 2 0 0 g a m e margin Jo go in front ifi to 10 FK VTl KINC. Bre-hn Bob Marrone. Anthony Santagclo. Jim Brown. Victor Tn The battle between the two ;»t the intermission. The Irish inarro Leon Abo, Paul Scout, John Rubinetti and Carm ine Tirone BRUNSWICK AUTOMATIC bottom aggregations resulted in a i«*ain checked Fordham with two o n l y The All-Star coaches have been drilling the squad into unit two-ply victory for Cliff's Lunch |«onts m (he thnd quarter and wth workouts a t b o th the high school and Roosevelt school and PIN SETTERS over the Garden Spot Inn, The v.ith their offense pro

A fter ntfiteen ^^LeG lon Parade day evening .ba* line sesjian# at *l?0 3* . , . . ' tht* Ly ndhui-'* R«*i.n*»ti'. n vVrur X # 1 * 1 . • Ti yo; -.v Patrol i )u m i llu, ot % «p«un| <\f; fi. $1*1 Um Ui e»* HowtiiuLI*a| • . M 4".i* V f» Ar*- *' V vv. ... .w .w .vw .v. ,V. .V.V ,W .v. - . m ^ v * . - . W V a * ut* w*re told that our eoo-.ic oide^ wei-e ti be turnd in by Sat th« \U s < h o'% Tutfp* bbdmm a l-« - t* . . > ' utday. We Ih n .*ni t.. our b.Al:;e groups They are ••l)abk*r** and toH»i m II tat p?a^. The Tubp* l.>wed t v .v -" i . . I>iiljn Sre Thr Show? m*'cr flu 'd’t'* v.;a*h i1 down. To Our Uadt-fs art* Mis> L. 1 indjKiy and M i*. H- K >g- b«*ld a four and a half ram e g»>tp.m;n*l .and ai d»no*V '-in >4isirda> ■■■.- Tho $cd ih-rv \„ i,.i. Lynd' m.iKc s.irtr th:; will br p w ril.v J'H csFitaLiy • .. . r'ltnimiitlfri Nolah 'b.nd La^t *e I-laved VaWntmc and C ategory. Then «e had the ** the tv* pmitwm over the see- and *&e Rb’V t> v.- iw-t .d *- !• h-H.-i vi n. .. . !■ ..i »»« | '■ inciMscu. , ton manmi _ ,, s. . — . M' '• ...... - i Quartet representing th« M idi . ' ; : e d h e r e 1: • i . a m i . o . 1 ‘ u m t’tv e. Kosinofi >u, , a > T l^ <| t v P., t v ) 1 h a d o , run:.' ..nd c.loMng- Then w « c o l l a t e d _ j. (|f j j u v ( ; u u j e t t i .t**rm rf . • ' >. Ue; ry, berm arand I.u R u s ({lh.„ Wt. m#rU. v a !tntim . arc,- Aftei ward M i.v- I,ind.* •. v : v e no« lucl.y ' \ *, v (• didn’t h ivc V,. ce-laos aitn * . N*«e = » f.t ,t the weat'-lt^p-v . . . I y .. 1 ' ' Y 1 !; ,nu tills to de.l:\t r the Hoard of h-hva’mn Hudge* reports. Than we j - R«*#o h*W» won SB game x' I : ' : ‘ . u t b « l a y • ; * •• 3 i\ v e \ • r w e v. < rr-' t a l ' : .n - /.>o. * '".'v u‘ ! rlfj ^ ' iiT ; h vent hotre. t)ur l..adti , Mrs . J . Tullj. Reporter Marilyn NMwllo -)c d ,„d .... jU t- I ,-,k f • ,i thi- shov and,. >: n'fenow th. l’ if mu si um But d«C •■ 'he name- Tiwp S wet ui »ild«y K t<-. n at WuhwaKM S.h—1 "• ***T ■ . ""'Jfff*. " C l a H Stoatw^dt % 3 (iu sa* b;y I; in ; t i i a v e r v \ * - r ,h *» r r t d t t w d (fiNMt* n r> d t r i e d t • ’j. ;o • an Ju J .- • * 1 lU M n r* TSri.v.nu .. . v. „ ,.„to ... N M k -m m Mr* J. C..mer.« .m l tm w w tfa«8t« r.^ ;M tevanu 4ay* <*its r- ’ * « . 1 1:rrd t m e. .Tha 1 tt>» ■ t u v i ; m I t i m e . n d e t t r II .. ,„d D' he« Mr- C m hel-nul ws e-..rk .m the headbwd. «h«h «e .re m«ktns jjn» lhe .inrnie* *l * » n j» n,..is h “ . XvhjO I T e d ^ o \ ' i r -lh e * .ta ":e . [ V ulv. the f: ft-.saKp^i’r a n d : , : T i m i m t m h.. W. tH««J ««h O..Hl.u,.h« SMuee«,Re,0H «-P..„f.. C«„e.. n. ^ »*■ hi » l e * m • jf* ‘ then b; d >;:n s- . f t!ie in; .)» shi-.' . The me-v T ,}■ ... , nl, nM)ax Wr played thr | n » Oem* Arouw* Kn.^kr,l ..vr, a lolt.1 u( ?».**. I- •■>> l« *ix*S i-T'ati .1014 We Guarantee Perfect -- H om t Fit u p o n ' h e c ' i .t .' i ass st V '. . . the 2/H rlubM e » |hf M(JUI„ :;1 trtJW W H«ut*. T t n the 1le»rl. «M Matrhm.. , 1W, j, gimw. , ... . v .* * , \k>*' n l b » t >- .'• 'me of hv> t.r-ir-s :<(-*ba» guy Han- I trying t«» find e , llrart,. Troop is joined our .. may by havm * a l.Ule |wty \s. ^ ^ ^ w,tr - S 41 I ‘ lusi- m lUi hides beinnd. Jthf jugn,aturv . . for . *ec».nd >tiv -o club « *», tb« Olid! d OUI meeting rth u goiid-nighr tunnel Mrs. 1 Bernard vras ••(•, t..ee*l»r .!»•«. Ih i, ftrrmpie-it i.bve.. i- M aher, the ;;u> Som eday u e wil find out who is M i l u f Iso a guest a. our party. Ref '.ter- Jeanne Twrpk.na 'r ^ ih ft r iS t a r * «* ”'P S,*‘1 " * v. ho ii'iaai— I I ie ih"'. r. ■ , perpertrttiiw this dastardly pro-; hu\ e pai t*. DeCecoo hrads Thr tndivtdual M . d u i i i ' '-n.e-.-f m .«r<) v iih ■ am. W hoever I*, is. I hope thej Troop 12 met nt W .>hu«lan 8ehoul We had Onen.ini exeieo*. T henext Gt,r„|dim. U >1„. E|aim fi/esKi, Jam s fintw ami Kdah Cprlese were .rages »Lh J WM n,a.« m ... one a* iiik. h v- J r o . - r e e n j o y in n i • . : to- Count v m ee’in- w ill be Hold at a n | a l ! . t !\i o t h e M »ed tr.- County meenng will w heB, at j,,*. V..!0r guards fc«m Patrol I. We talked about selling UU"J° “ 1 **"»«» =*'" Freshmen Split " - ' ------Scnut e«.k,( and th a ,olle. l, .1 ,ioe> The nesx tills rehearsed the Ihe p.n. at a IM .lt tho. bul . foake; tlie ' viijovabh' KaH Rutherford on Tuesday , v the 25*h. Conte ou’.and hear nlav about -Jt lictle Lo* . alt^r whlih v.. forked on badge work, apprjuvd m .i.h :4 ..ma ta . 1 i r , e w a ? r id e r . O h - bov\ l*r« inci od • o l w i t h ‘ a b l e m e m - th** rt*n*-»rts of all tbe County We .Josed llie ,„uti«:. w.th "D»> » !> * ' Troop leaders arr M r.. , I .she ...... ith a I75MH <: Com m ittee*. K . B i a d y i M I h a n a . M u . K Cassidy and Oait Casco. Elaaie Lonnie I'etr.lle rtiiNelb v i'h a !T4 1G R#v U t m e b e f o i C .rv : '.vi— ft*; . - r t e r . . ' ' i . t h b .i s 1 ?3 42 Fi«*d RiiU»l« a s h e ' a m a / e d « v e rv HARRISON SHOES Troop 13—W e.viKilcd Troop 5J» m Kirehouse ui Delavanna 17 t 7 . • D ■ kl ■ W'4l i. n v M a k o . ( dlinii. and . u.ii'u« O p l Wi L e a d e r s a n d v a u * fa lu m b o .i 172 4;t 1* *• D » i. j H VHHISOiN W l I t A K R W « » > -the name. ui. .> :* .., . . ^ : T r o o p 5!» h a d o p e n i n g e x e i i.-ies w i t h M - J X]r< u i 171.5.1, Ho< -o R i, . a 17t 1« l- d f 'I’S members o.b ere on Ui" > ehai le. Tin.- U. wilh M R. Mitchell. W afer in charge, had Ihe . Aifh ,1 N-< k n e w t h a t j MH. Adrian Ak»n*n, of W atson, ( l a s ...... 1 .. ah Urviida Kustarina. Bunne !>■> \Vk»tt»»nd M ane these • IV W C b l i l e i i l I. 'j. .n iue, ei i« rtaincd on W edne - Plerun.s-i. led l.j Hliyll--. lm oc.i We sang -W li.eiie.rr Vou Make sm yly jind c$»llixtv e l y H a i t i .a n .day lU'inn.' for Mv^ M.- M A Hrtilin e" M aitnrel Mania (a esel.ted a scrau b.Kik ami M ailhn doin'’-a l ie daiu and* o' l' t y Mrs. Lnuis L'-vy. Mrs. Pai.ucci pi.w illed-a Brownie I laque ... Tiuop W I I-*-., K.l*./Jb.a.> e v e r y t f t i n ' b o 1 , b WdJ fam Ks: oito. Mrs Fred Gor­ KEARNY FEDERAL SAYINGS the Jala tie Ij.w e .eiem ony v . . K<«- Ann Ainiano. I atrlrta Mar tb i in ar d Mi Harry Nel.-un. all bf .,ano and Man. . led !■> Phyll.. nibe.-i Ka.hi V I 'if 'd 1 •>);<• a m e o f lo - o':, n I,vivdbur.’t. . ■ I rum Tr.«.p a* .ave a |n,-ny toward our JuM Hte la... (.Hid 1ro..|. j rodvK't . and the chorus, -opla la . j.( had .1. II-' r . 1,1 ..II . V.I the '..olid Jar table dec a al., a,.. I " '<*«;•• \ ith some of • ’ Tbe Ladies' AuxUiarv of tlv U1H. I,„id ■ ,, t»rr.te> Nat.i Retreshmeirt. were sefved W e ANNOUNCES • . \ i ' ro-- lit ‘ f'.n tint t e d b y t; t i F'.d Dc-mOcraUc Club will jlaytd a . <. , tiufliiiled uar Mi- .1 Citioulo wa i’.i vc '.11 < - 1. a *•, -Id a I ard tiart v lor a Lvnd Mrs (• Cvv-e M rv A. l.urow. M i's.'J. Ktttdw>M- M is. l - Kia " d h \ Iv. • -t Jlm h Sel\ool scholarship in Marm aro MiV. II Mitchell was assisted by Mrs. Ji and Mr-s. C i:iu > th his. ttmtaljcms.i m . c : . It;il -I- . on March ti ui the club tvl m s .t I aCotie Mr A. Imbein ana 1 1 s t a v . M i i . 1- I b i l l . ' b , * t : .! r. . : ■ i.ds biii'd*M p of An Increased Dividend Rate 1 , i>e on Milton avenue 11 .1. I ’ i : Reportei J udy Bulkowski : ' V ’ .. a c t 1 >1 «.in"ers \vh“ M l : •Mr. and Mrs. FUJwafd. C,hnn .irt and tollt' ted Rave unstintin"!; :>f t h e i r t a l e n t - , ' T i o o p v'utHt' the m eeting v. ith the roll k a l a n . o i Fifth street, celebr ded new Karne, The i'ler.H Ko> \ -f*H d-n’d xvlophoiH- rkaes. Th) Vs«.out's 'from Tr*.«»p 7* taught us iTh-i 37-tiv weddinp anniversar u p j Ia> er. whv*-ina'I i n M o o n I :' - n • our Vah ntine part) tl ... '*h a d i n n e r a-t S n u f f y '’ ivh Mrs J ,Wi laut and M i a Maw.n sant #ongs and a d i a m e d •>( >■ o u i i ' u p s c r b v o i ■da a n d > ( ot• ii • pbuns on Wednesday. t h a t '^itn ihe ■ •'.! •. Mi . B- Link lemtnded *hc un! ,»ve».l.:io I! I bcu . nests v.’ ie their f »n and played * Ranu- .i a b o n d e d th** have the ccn.ku orders t ■ the Ko-.it HouS^ by noon Saturday W i daughter-in-law, Mr. attd Mrs \ ftd closed with the Ma^'c Tunnel. Fileen Wi.sha».t Repot tei ! i .■ 1.1 and tiv F.dward Chankalun. Jr. hcsb 'But', di-in.t " -■■-■■i^:aj~r2assr v. i. ; I it '• ... if- nn*b:r the, ni

, • - o h d l l . • ■ 0 i a . t h i ' SELLING TH AT HOUSE?? i ecb i- .alii i I ‘hi fi-. 1 I • - au u n ' ctVi 'one vise dad J o h n ri;'/ P i '- a n d V» . l)ee I ., a l l h v '-iO ' i .cr -fiin.wre on ••a«ti' a : a 1 1h« U > t ' s % n v .M d ;.b 'i . i - 't i , ’ 0 Th*. P<*rk I* i This <.!•• • h u k’y v. V h. »h u t It. a v ^.titatai'a » iW c. a Hn<> d m ner and thro •tl t i n i t f o l l o w inf; that; the her w Jis not a . . . i , > t • ■veal riM . adm it -tbat I t It-re ’ ' not quite the ^attei an i* \s»• extwii.ed. but b e e v e n si U s e T h e • v e r y b i n : th.-1 eve y««« • x < t o l Tho inoar wa pill t h a n k s t ( t b e b i d a The mij.sie emaker- and ii peri} \-. dh Jo e Sb> lyiultiple Listing Service b.ts group beitvl. barn, v h i e h w it idnstrated by tli< response "bv. playm : gr»t by Hie ijumbei ot ’■ • > y ihe ft" >i OK TH E C h a i r m a n F d K m k s as v/elH at isfied— and that v. -v sonitUvm r.- ON YOUR SAVINCS VVbat's N ext" South Bergen County Board of Realtors Socially, l-t v 'II a, Ha • I’ a it. M oore rliiiai i " .Sa'iHil'i' March Payable 7 o Plu s O u r 14. 1C :bv an ths Pork Koasi. by - - • ■ " - KXFO SE your properl} to nearly every potential buyer, . ,,|i a ,, ’ to n thn I Iic I*/■" t . ,,f, .1 III o i t l ' . l i n e d b e f f a n 1 in}* lirokere find ►aW*»uiien your |»ro|wrty iit atposerl lo the brogcirnt Depositors O f Record N iw Qucrtciiy b'iviciend . abb and tlir i el m arket |iosi«ilile. llie reeoril» ►how lhat o \e r ‘HF uf liouien li»l»*«| are wild through the umljiple liHittg i»y'teni. As O f January 1, 1958 Policy One Day Only! Take Athanlape i.J il- many I IU> s n j e».

Washington's .Thant*, lo y , I FRKK panel inf|»eelM»n in h* Ip y«n (leterutitte a fair Value. B i r t h d a y < jf ow n , tc* i p o > i t w ’t ic k f rfm tt-ui to •*ker iu llie Multiple I iftting FHKK pittur»> sent to < very In i n c r e a s e * a y r c i 1 y i d titd r 'if t > * :

System. dividjprsdv 4 f,fr t i i y # 4 r IK KK lurk ho* -er\nr in llie e vent y>»ur hou»e i« \a ea iit or With 33 Meinher I >roker» ami tidal of nn’r 125 active >.eU l)e I ii\e START SAVING NOW ANP EARN MORE - MORE OFTfN uniHTup»ed. $ 6 9 ’ 5 ...Ai KEARNY FEDERAL SAVINGS HetnetiilH-r . \l l.i ll Nl » l |l*l K ill (l.i % On!}. FOR QUICK ACTION ON'•THAT HOUSE CONTACT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: in im i iitiii m i i n c-iiljoAt fc.t m o n r | l o

i ii>.M i m i i . Vf-ai U t n»iil ; »•)€ -. >.fi 10 i{>; ' i s,* (J Of

REALTORS ». !<* , j t y / i % t f n i i j p t o

» « i j * * * C ONKAI) ItltC.IH »i# Ridge Road AR1 III K 11% A A ld.N t l H2 Stu>»r«nt Av* Tel (*Kaeva t 1249 i^iHr hr»i name i \l < nl M » l\-l III Ii Arthur R U vi T ri t t l W I r r 2 21*1 IWM.l t INC. 3*t fttayvev*nt Ave I I* In fliiturn JOHCm R fo i ITU )M R idfr Rua.4 Tel. H f.btter t l§7« H a ra re K. I k > |l( A l i i Nf V. IM OtMta • Mil

II \ft<>I.U J ( AMELE7 lit Vallry Hr-n.k A n hAVTNO A«»I.A< If m r m i c * * •> •* Tri Wi nter 9 » airam r Havm** Tri 0|a».a • •?•# M o d e l AKSH S silR| \M*N A*r Kearny * 1 Rider Road ^ nil v *' • v 1 i t"* C.IHIF h , M . t V ( V Tel Hf.W4rr » 2#I7 Manu*l J. I.iht*' Tel *M »ter 9 Jl## f f t i • t I **/* AMIIdM J HU. It IU AbtM T IM Federalw ( I r n n t ' T * I.II HTO LIV A A MIN llidfr* t n K*


Fire Ala/m and Traffic Signals: 1 6 , 4 5 1 . 4 1 4 8 .5 9 1958 Other Expenses 1 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 5 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 1 6 , 5 0 0 .0 0 P o l i c e : 1 8 6 , 2 5 9 . 3 6 4 0 6 4 Salaries and W ages 1 9 8 ,4 5 0 .0 0 1 8 7 ,9 0 0 .0 0 1 3 6 ,3 0 0 .0 0 Local Municipal Budget 31,500.00 31.489.59 . 1 0 . 4 1 Other Expenses 2 8 ,0 0 0 .0 0 2 8 .0 0 0 .0 0 5 3 2 . 0 7 I n s u r a n c e 6,500 00 6.000.00 5 .6 0 0 0 0 5 . 0 6 7 .9 3 Local Budget of the tow nship of Lyndhurst. County of Bergen for the fiscal year Ift58 Street Lighting: true copy of. the .budget approved 2 , 4 3 1 . 0 8 It is herebv certified that the budget annexed hereto and hereby made a part hereof is Other Expenses 2 9 ,0 0 0 .0 0 2 3 ,0 0 0 .0 0 2 7 , 5 0 0 0 0 2 5 ,0 6 8 .0 2 by resolution o f tiw* noverninp body on the 7th day of February. ^Civilian D efense ancL_Disa.*ter Co O j; 3 ,5 7 8 ,0 0 1 2 2 0 0 FRED O. TAUif, Clerk Other Expense, 3 .5 0 0 0 0 3 .5 0 0 . 0 0 3 .7 0 0 .0 0 Lvndhurst. New Jersey M unicipal Cou. t: Certified by rne • GEneva 8-5120 Salaries and W ages: This 7th day of February, 1958 . . M a g i s t r a l ? 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0 2 ,0 0 0 . 0 0 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0 of the original on file 9 9 9 .9 0 . 1 0 It i- hereby ftrlified that tht bud*et annexed hereto ond h-.eby made a part hereof i? a n e x a r t c o p y o f . ( ' e i k • 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 1.0 0 0 . 0 0 1 , 0 0 0 .0 0 3 0 0 .0 0 225.50 77.50 with the ele.k et flw ,,„vermr... Uody. that'all additions are corre.t and that al! statement* . ^“ ‘ffic H A lS ^ fA S & JS S r' Other Expenses 300.00 200.00.

Registered M unicipal Aeeountant S U B T O T A L S $ 309.000.00 $ 294,700.00 $ 295.900.00 $ 292,512.57 $ 3,387.43

Certified l.y ine ' . . * ,i4 Hamilton Sl" Pat'rson’ N- J M Ulberrv 4-0004 -DEPARTM ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS This 7th day of February.'1958. D irector’s Office Salaries and Wages 1,800.00 1 . 5 0 0 .0 0 1 , 5 0 0 .0 0 1,5 0 0 .0 0 Local Budget Notice Other Expenses Insurance 3,100.00 3 ,1 0 0 . 0 0 3 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 3 , 0 7 3 . 7 3 2 6 . 2 7 SECTION!.. (he Townshjp 0f Lyndhurst, County of Bergen for tlie fiscal year 1958. Road Repairs and Maintenance: Salaries and Wages 77,500.00 7 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0 7 3 , 6 5 0 . 0 0 73,635.64 14.36 BE IT RESO LVED, that the following statements of revenues and appropriations shall constitute the local budget for the year Other Expenses: Street & Road M aintenance & Equip. 24.000.00 2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 2 3 , 8 5 0 .0 0 2 1 , 9 1 1 . 3 8 1 . 9 3 8 .6 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said budget be published in The Com mercial Leader in the issue of the 20th of February . Engineering Fees 700.00 5 0 0 .0 0 5 0 0 .0 0 5 0 0 .0 0 Construction, Reconstruction, Repairs 19 8 Notice is hereby given that the budget and tax resolution was approved by the Mayor and Board of Com missioners of the and M aintenance with State Tnwn^hin of I vndhuFst Countv of Bergen, on the 7th of February, 1958. _____ 1 5 . 1 0 0 . 0 0 1 5 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 1 5 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 A hearing on the 'budget'and tax resolution will be’ held at the Tow i Hall, cn the 11th of March, 1958, at 3 o'clock (P.M .), at Aid by Formula 15,100.00 Street Cleaning: which tim e ond place objections to said budget and lax resolution of the M ayor and Board of Com m issioners of the Township of Lynd- Other Expenses 3.000.00 3 ,0 0 0 .0 0 , 3 .0 0 0 . 0 0 1.070.00 1.930.00 ‘ hurst lor the vear 1958 may be presented by taxpayers or other interested persons. .._ Sewerage Treatment Plant 9,750.00 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0 6 .0 0 0 .0 0 6 ,0 0 0 0 0 7 EXPLANATORY STATEMENT Passaic Valley Sewer Maintenance 28,000.00 2 4 .0 0 0 .0 0 2 3 ,6 0 0 .0 0 2 3 , 5 0 3 . 4 2 9 6 .5 8 Contributions to M eadowlands Regional Y E A R 1 9 5 8 SUMMARY OF GENERAL SECTION OF BUDGET Planning Board 3,800.00 1 . 9 0 0 .0 0 2 .0 0 0 .0 0 1 ,9 7 8 .4 4 2 1 . 5 6 GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR Shade Trees: $ 902,200.00 $ 953,035.00 Other Expenses 800.00 1, 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 .0 0 660.00 140.00 2 Reserve for Uncollected Taxes Based on Estimated 90 Percent of Tax Collections 6 7 .8 3 9 .0 0 6 0 . 7 3 2 .0 0 SUB TOTALS ~ $ 167,550.00 1 4 7 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 6,000.00 $ 153,100.00 $ 148,93261 $ 4 , 1 6 7 . 3 9 $ 909,389.00 S 1 , 0 1 3 , 7 6 7 . 0 0 3. Total General Approp: i^iotvs DEPARTMENT OF PARKS 4 LE SS Anticipated- Revenue's Other T.han Current Property Tax AND PUBLIC PROPERTY (i.e. Surplus, MiMciiarieous Revenue and Receipts from Delinquent Taxes 4 4 0 ,8 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 ,4 4 4 .0 0 D irector’y Office: Salaries and W ages 2 ,1 0 0 . 0 0 1 . 8 0 0 .0 0 1,8 0 0 .0 0 1 . 8 0 0 0 0 5 DIFFERENCE Property Tax for Support of Municipal Budget Appropriations (As follows) Town Hall and Library: "(a) Loi al Tax lor Municipal Purposes Including Reserve for Uncollected Ta*e- $ 529,239.00 $ 513,323.00 Sularies and W ages ’ 9 ,4 0 0 .0 0 8 ,9 0 0 .(JO 8 ,7 0 0 .0 0 8.600 00 100.00 The following budget foi the year 1958 should produce an estim ated tax rate of $9.21 com pared to $!>.45 for the y r 1957 and $8.40 Other Expenses 5 . 5 0 0 .0 0 , 4 .0 0 0 .0 0 4 10 0 . 0 0 4 084.71 15.29 few the year 1956 . • • ■ , Alterations and- Repairs 2 .5 0 0 .0 0 2 ,5 0 0 . 0 0 1 , 1 0 0 0 0 393.00 707.00 In 1957 taxes were assessed totalling $1,538.445 01 and the am ount collected was $1,494.<03.31 or 97.15 as compared to 96.80% for Insurance - . * 9 0 0 .0 0 1 . 3 0 0 . 0 0 7 0 0 .0 0 6 8 2 .0 0 1 8 .0 0 1956 and 97 13'; for 1955 ’ ’ Parks and Playgrounds: The Surplus Revenue Account, p of December 31st, 1957, reflects a balance of $227,320 86, of which $215,000 00 has been appropriated Salaries and W ages 9 .5 0 0 .0 0 8 ,5 0 0 .0 0 9 . 1 0 0 . 0 0 9 ,0 0 4 .4 0 9 5 ,6 0 in this, budget to reduce taxes, leaving a balance of $12,820.86. Other Expenses • The following sc hedule reflects actual credits to the Surplus Revenue Account during the year 1957, together with estim ates of the M aterials and Supplies 3 ,0 0 0 .0 0 3 ,0 0 0 .0 0 . 2 ,9 0 0 .0 0 2 .7 6 9 7 3 1 3 0 .2 7 credits for 1958. piovided the present econom ic conditions,exist during the entire V/far: Recreation » 7 .5 0 0 .0 0 6 .0 0 0 .0 0 7 .6 0 0 .0 0 7 ,4 4 6 .9 7 ’ 1 5 3 0 3 Actual 1957 Estim ate 1958 Sum mer Playgrounds 2 .5 0 0 .0 0 2 ,5 0 0 .0 0 2 ,5 0 0 .0 0 2 , 3 6 1 . 3 8 1 3 8 . 6 2 Revenues Not Anticipated $ 3,284.57 $ 4 200.00 Sale of Foreclosed Property 6 2 , 6 7 8 2 7 1 8 .0 0 0 0 0 SUP. TOTALS 4 2 .9 0 0 .0 0 38.500.00 $ 38,500.00 $ 37.142 19 $ 1 . 3 5 7 . 8 1 Decrease. Interfund ‘Accounts Receivable ' 26.780.50 6 .5 0 0 .0 0 hx(< Miscellaneous Revenue Anticipated 1 8 , 8 5 1 . 5 3 1 7 ,8 0 0 0 0 Tola! Operations ( (Item I t c n i 8(A)8 (A) $ 7O4.3O0.OO 6 5 6 ,7 1 0 .0 0 $ 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0 662.710 00 6 4 6 .5 3 0 . 4 1 1 6 , 1 7 9 . 5 0 Fxce> - Delinquent 'l ax Collection , 5 .4 0 0 .0 0 (li) Contirgent 6,500.00 6 ,5 0 0 .0 0 6 .5 0 0 .0 0 5 . 7 7 0 .3 2 7 2 9 6 8 Excess Current Years Tax Collection 2 2 .0 8 7 .7 7 2 2 ,0 0 0 0 0 I'nexpei.ded Appropriations Prior Year 2 ,9 9 6 1 4 15 . 0 0 0 .0 0 Total O perations Including 0 1 , 8 4 5 6 3 6 2 ,6 0 0 .0 0 1 ui reuse Deferred School Tax Revenue C o n t i n g e n t $ '710,800.00 $ 603,210.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 669,210.00 $ 652,300.73 $ 10.909 27.

■ $451,500 00 . D e t a i l : ■ Salaries and W ages 405,550.00 ' 3 7 9 ,1 0 0 .0 0 3 7 8 . 8 5 0 0 0 3 7 5 , 0 3 7 9 6 3 , 8 1 2 . 0 4 • a Surplus Revenue Account, as of December 31st, 1958, of approxim ately $164,300.00, which can be used This procedure l oul.i Other Expense (Including to reduce taxes tor the ■ c a r 1 9 5 9 . Contingent) .305,250,00 2 8 4 , 1 1 0 . 0 0 • 6 , 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 0 ,3 6 0 .0 0 1 2 7 7 , 2 6 2 7 7 1 3 . 0 9 7 , 2 3 The Amount to be Ki> •d bv Taxation, over which the Mayor and Board of Com missioners have control, has increased from $513,- 00 > to be Raised by Taxation, is the reduction of Revenues Anticipated from 500,444.00 in 1957 to $4444550.00 in 1S58. The Amount to be Raised by Taxation for School Purposes has increased from $812,977 77 to $938,000.00, or an increase of $125,022 00. Total Capital Improvements $ 5,000.00 $ 7 ,5 0 0 .0 0 7 .5 0 0 .0 0 The Amount, to be Raised by Taxation tor County Taxes is estim ated to am ount lo $225,000.00 for 1958, av> com pared to $207,046.7 < for 1957 or an increase of approximately $17,950.00. , (D) Municipal Debt Service The cooperation of the Citizens and Taxpayers of the Township, in the prompt paym ent of taxes, assessm ents and water rents for the Payment of Bond Principal 113,000.00 1 6 9 ,0 0 0 .0 0 16 9 ,0 0 0 .0 0 1 6 9 ,0 0 0 .0 0 year'1958, i' asked, jn order to keep the 1959 tax rate at a minimum. • • Paym ent of Bond Anticipation Notes 5 3 ,0 ( ^ 0 .0 0 5 3 ,0 0 0 .0 0 5 3 .0 0 0 .0 0 Sinking* Fund Requirements * ANTICIPATED REVENUES Interest on Bonds 1.695.00 5 , 9 2 5 0 0 5 , 9 2 5 0 0 5 . 9 2 5 .0 0 R e a l i z e d Anticipated Interest on Notes 6.005.00 1 , 5 0 0 .0 0 1 , 5 0 0 .0 0 1. 5 0 0 .0 0 i n C a s h GENERAL REVENUES i n 1 9 5 7 Total Municipal Debt, Service $ 120^700.00 $ 229,425.00 $ 229,425.00 $ • 229,425.00 1. Surplus Revenue Appropriated $ 215,000.00 .$ 250,000.00 $ 250,000.00 (E) Deferred Charges and Statutory 2. M iscellaneous Revenues: Expenditures— M unicipal L i c e n s e s : Em* rgency Authorizations 6 000.00 Alcoholic Beverages 1 8 .0 0 0 .0 0 1 8 , 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 ,5 2 5 . 0 0 Contribution to- Public Em ployees’ O t h e r • 3,000.00 2.000.00 4 , 0 6 3 5 8 Retirement System 8,700.00 7 .9 0 0 .0 0 7 ,9 0 0 0 0 7 .8 2 7 0 0 7 3 .0 0 Fees and Pei nut. Building - 2 ,2 0 0 . 0 0 2 .0 0 0 0 0 3 ,2 3 9 .5 0 Contribution to Old Age and 1 . 5 7 5 . 5 0 Survivors' Insurance System 6,000.00 5 . 5 0 0 .0 0 * 5 .5 0 0 :0 0 4 ,2 3 4 6 2 1 . 2 6 5 .3 8 P l u m b i n g 1 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 0 .0 0 Contribution to Consolidated Police F i n e s : - • 1 . 2 0 0 . 0 0 • 2 . 1 3 5 . 0 0 and Firemen's Pension Fund 25,000.00 2 5 .0 0 0 .0 0 2 5 .0 0 0 0 0 2 2 , 2 5 2 . 1 3 2 .7 4 7 .8 7 M unicipal Court 1,4 0 0 . 0 0 Conti ibuticYi to Police A Firem en's’ State Road Aid, ('. 62. P L 47, Forrrfula 1 1.2 3 8 '. 00 1 1 . 2 3 8 0 0 1 1 , 2 3 8 . 0 0 ■ 3 .2 0 0 .0 0 3 ,5 5 2 .8 9 * Retiiem ert System of Ne.\j' Jersey 13.5Cf0.00 1 2 .0 0 0 .0 0 1 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0 1 1 . 8 3 0 . 1 2 16 9 .8 8 Interest and Costs on Taxes 3 .0 0 0 .0 0 Contribution to Township of Bus Receipts Taoce. 2 .8 0 0 .0 0 3.000.00 3.060.80 Lyndhur.-t Pension Fund 2,500.00 2 .5 0 0 .0 0 2 .5 0 0 . 0 0 2 ,4 5 0 .0 0 5 0 0 0 . ‘Franchise Tax* 60,00ft. 00 59,200.00 • 0 4 .0 8 9 .3 0 4 8 ,0 0 0 .0 0 4 7 ,0 0 0 .0 0 - 5 1 , 6 5 4 . 6 0 GrOss Receipts Ta^es | Total .Deferred Charges and 2 .0 0 0 .0 0 1.5 0 0 .0 0 2 ,8 6 2 8 5 Board of Health • • .' • $ 52,900 00 $ 48.593 87 $ 4,306.13 - 4 4 0 2 5 I Statutory Exp'indturefi Municipal $ . 61,700 00 $ 52:90000 T a x S e a r c h F e e s , ' 3 0 0 . 0 0 5 0 0 .0 0 2 1 2 . 9 0 Ipterest and 'Costs on Assessm ents 1 0 0 . 0 0 . 2 0 0 .0 0 IF) Judgments 4,000.00 1 .8 0 0 0 0 1 , 8 7 5 . 0 0 interest on U S. Bone ; 1 . 8 0 0 0 0 Anticipated W ater Utility Operating Surplus 3 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 , OOO.0 0 3 4 .0 0 0 .0 0 (H i Total C>eneral Appropriations 5 0 6 .0 0 1 1 9 1 . 7 6 • 959.035 00 9 3 7 ,8 1 9 . 6 0 2 1 , 2 1 5 4 0 Motor Fuel Refunds 5 1 2 0 0 for M unicipal Purposes $ 902.200 00 $ 9 5 3 .0 3 T j .0 0 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0 1 , 5 7 8 . 6 0 Ne w Jersey Street Lighting • 1 1 0 0 0 0 , 1 ,1 0 0 . 0 0 (I.) Sub T °lal General Special Items of General Revenue with Prior 1 Appropriations 9 0 2 ,2 0 0 .0 0 9 5 3 . 0 3 5 . 0 0 6 ,0 0 0 .0 0 959,035.00 937.819.60 • 2 1 . 2 1 5 . 4 0 W ritten Consent ol D irector of Local Governm ent 4 , 1 0 0 - 0 0 22.00000 22,000 00 Trust Surplus (M) Reserve for Uncollected Taxes 67,689 00 60,732.00 6 0 , 7 3 2 0 0 0 0 , 7 3 2 .0 0

Total Mitkelhrtv'cou; Revenues $ 194.650.00 h 209,444.00 $ 228 295.53 9. Total General Appropriations $ 969.889 00 $1,013,767.00 . $6,000.00 $1,019,767.00 $ 998.551.60 $ 21.215.40

DEDICATED W ATE.t UTILITY BUDGET 4. Receipts from Delinquent Taxes 31.000.000 4 1 , 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 . 8 6 1 0 6 ------4 —i . Anticipated 5. Sub-Total General Revenues .440.650,00 5 0 0 .4 4 4 0 0 • 518.146.59 10 DEDICATED REVENUES FROM Realized in 6. Property Tax for Support qf Municipal Budget Appropriations: WA'!ER UTILITY • f o r 1 9 5 8 C a s h (a) Local ’J'ax for M unicipal Purposes Including Reserve fpr i n 1 9 5 7 3 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 3 7 .0 0 0 .0 0 ' U n c o l l e c t e d T a x e s 529,239.00 513,323.00 O i h t Surplus Appropriated 37,0(10.00 ■ R e n t s 125.000.00 9 6 .2 0 0 .0 0 1 3 3 , 5 0 9 5 8 7 .5 0 0 .0 0 7. Total General Revenues $ 989,889 00 »l,O I3.7et "0 'F ire Hydrant Serv 7 . 5 0 0 0 : ) 7 .5 0 0 .0 0 M iscell ineous 5 0 0 .0 0 5 0 0 0 0 D 9 5 .5 0 8 GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS M e t e r I n * t..* H a t io n s 1 , 5 0 0 .0 0 1 . 2 0 0 . 0 0 1. 7 4 0 .0 0 Approp riated E x p e n d e d H»f»7 ♦ T u e s 5 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 7 7 1 . 0 3 (A) Operations ^ l o r 1 9 5 7 Total for 1957 T o t a l $ 170.000.00 $ 142.700 00 $181.116.11 . , .. for 1958 for 1957 tfy Emergency A . Modified Bv P.;id or <’harged R e s o l u t i o n Ail Transftis Appropriated Expended 1957 DEPARTM ENT OF PUBLIC, AFFAIRS 11 Al PROPIHATUONS FOR ' f o r 1 9 5 7 Total for 1957 D irectbr’s Office W ATER UTILITY f o r 1 9 5 8 for 1957 By Emergency As Modified By Paid or Charged 1 .5 0 0 .0 0 . 1 . 5 0 0 .0 0 1 . 5 0 0 .0 0 Salaries and ,WJj ■ • 1',800.0.0 O p e r a t i n g : R e s o l u t i o n All Transfers Township Clerk's Office: , Salaries and W ages 3 7 .0 0 0 .0 0 2 9 0 0 0 .0 0 5 .0 0 0 6 0 3 4 .0 0 0 0 0 3 3 . 6 5 6 . 4 5 3 4 3 . 5 3 • 1 4 ,4 0 0 0 0 1 3 , 9 0 0 0 0 • 13.42000 * .. 480 00 • Salaries and Wag' ■ 15,000 00 Other Expen; es 7 9 .0 0 0 .0 0 7 2 .0 0 0 .0 0 7 ,0 0 0 .0 0 7 9 ,0 0 0 .0 0 7 3 , 3 7 7 .6 6 5 . 6 2 2 . 3 4 Other Expenses; Capital im provem ents: 5 .0 0 0 .0 0 4 .200 00 3 014 92 2 5 5 0 8 Elections. 3.00000 Capital Outlay 7 ,0 0 0 .0 0 3 4 .0 0 0 .0 0 34,000 00 ' 33.999.96 0 4 Garbage and Trash Rem oval Contract 34.000.00 Deferred Charges and Statutory 10 0 .0 0 10 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Publishing Reports 100.00 Expenditures: ' 2 .0 0 0 .0 0 1 . 8 0 0 0 0 1 .4 9 9 4 9 3 0 0 5 1 ‘Stationery 2,000 00 Em ergency Authorizations 1 2 .0 0 0 0 0 • 7 0 0 .0 0 1,0 0 0 :0 0 8 7 3 . 2 1 1 2 6 . 7 6 Ads eiliaips ' ,* ■- 1,000.00 ’ / f6m nhution to Old Age-and 28,36000 28,360 00 ■ Maintenance of Free Public Library 29,700 00 •j j :.3 6 - i 0 0 Survivors’ Insurance System 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 Board of Health 2 . 0 4 0 0 0 • Salaries and Wages . ' 20,000 00 1 8 .2 0 0 . 0 0 1 8 .2 0 0 . 0 0 1 6 . 1 6 0 . 0 0 T o t a l • ' $ 136,000 00 $ 108.700.00 1 2 .0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 . 7 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 . 0 7 2 7 .6 2 7 1 7 Other Expense 2,500 00 2 5 0 0 0 0 , 2 . 5 0 0 0 0 2,169 35 330 65 Surplus (General Budget) 34.000 00 34,000.00 3 4 .0 0 0 0 0 3 4 ,0 0 0 0 0 Inspection of Building 4 6 0 0 0 0 Salaries and Wages . 5,500 00 4 ,6 0 0 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 T o t a l $, 170,000.00 „ 142.700.00 , $ 154,700 0. ,$ 147.072 83 , ------Other Exp< nses 500.00 4 5 0 .0 0 4 5 0 0 0 ■>7.) j(9 7 4 7 1 Dedication by Rider R S 40:2-18.1 "The dedicated revenues anticipated during the year 1958 from Dog Licenses are hereby anticip- Inspection of Plurnbin ■ ated a s re vent arid aie herebv appropriated for the purposes to which said revenue is dedicated by statute or Other legal require- Salaries and Wage 2.000 00 2 .0 0 0 0 0 2 .0 0 0 0 0 1 . 3 6 2 . 0 0 6 1 8 . 0 0 m e m . " Adm inistration of Puhlji Assistance: APPF.NDIX TO BUDGET STATEMENT Salaries and Wagc-A . 3,000.00 6 .7 0 0 .0 0 6 , 7 0 0 0 0 C 6 8 5 .0 0 I 5 O 0 Other Expenses 800.00 8 0 0 .0 0 8 0 0 0 0 4 8 3 6 5 3 1 0 . 3 5 t u r r e n t lla’ance Sheet December 31. 1957 Comparative Statement o f Current Operation* and Public Assistance 6,500 00 5 .5 0 0 .0 0 5 , 5 0 0 O') 5 .5 0 0 .0 0 ASSETS Change in ( urrent Surplus Revenue 2 4 0 5 4 Insurance 600 00 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 .(K) " 5 5 9 4 6 Cash and Investm ent* $252.1111.87 Y E A R 1 9 5 7 Y E A R 1 9 5 6 State Road Aid Allotm ents Receivable 4 , 6 1 3 9 8 Surplus Revenue Balance Jar.uarv 1 $ 281,629 72 $ 221.17126 $ 128,41000 J 1 2 1 4*»2 .Ui 4 4 . 9 1 7 6 4 S U B T O T A L S $ 133.000.00 $ 127.610.00 Receivables w ;lij Offsetting Reserves. CURRENT REVENUE ON A '1 axes Receivable 4 5 .3 6 5 .9 9 CASH BASIS: DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND FINANCE T..x Title Liei. Receivable 1 . 6 1 1 . 8 4 Current Taxes D irector's Offi< e Property Acquired by Tax Title (Percentage collected Salaries and W ages 1 . 8 0 0 0 0 1.500 00 1.500 00 Lien Liquidation 5 9 .7 4 4 2 3 1957. 97.15*5 : 1956. 96.80*-. ) 1.494.701.31 1 456 76^ 68 Assessm ent of Tax 4 3 0 0 .0 0 Other Receivable* 5 . 5 0 0 0 0 Delinquent Taxes 3 9 . S 5 1 0 6 3 7 . 4 9 1 . 0 4 Salaric » and W ages 5 .5 0 0 .0 0 4 ,3 0 0 0 0 4 300 00 Deferred Charges Required Other Revenue and Add;t.ons Other Expenses 4 5 0 .0 0 4 i» 0 .0 0 4 5 0 0 0 2 8 7 0 6 1 6 2 9 4 * to be in Budget .0 0 0 0 0 t o I n c o m e 324,035 01 3 2 0 . 8 1 5 2 2 Collection of Taxe 3 0 , 7 0 0 0 0 Salaries and War- 3 2 , 1 5 0 . 0 0 3 0 ,7 0 0 0 0 3 0 , 3 3 6 6 1 3 6 3 , 3 1 Total As*ets $375 649 91 Total Funds $2,140,219 10 $2 036.243 20 Other Expense LIABILITIES RESERVES AND SURPLUS 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 . 0 0 31 21 68 7!) Postage, Busfare and Expre s.^e 10 0 .0 0 EXPKND1TU1UCS a n d T A X 3.000 00 2.915 09 84.91 ‘Cash Liabilities $ 35,604 99 Stationery. EqUif ment and Advert n« 3.000 00 3 ,0 0 0 0 0 REQUIREMENTS : .0 ' | 2 . 8 1 2 5 0 . 9 3 7 5 0 Reserves f«»r Receivables 112.224 06 Annual Audit 4 .0 0 0 .0 0 3 ,7 5 0 0 0 906,250 12 Surplus Revenue 227.820.86 M unicipal Appropriations 959.035 00 M aintenance of Foreclosed Property Local District School Tax 751.132.14 6 6 4 7 7 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Other Expenses 1 0 0 0 0 County Tam s 2 0 7 .5 9 1 1 2 1 8 3 . 5 5 0 4 1 1 3 3 2 1 Total Liabilitu Reserves I n s u r a n c e 5 0 0 0 0 ." dOO.OO* 8 0 0 0 0 6 1 6 79 and Surplus $375.849 91 Other Expenditures and Legal Service and Co t. Deductions from Income 4 0 9 5 6 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Salaries ahd W age- 7 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 School Tax Levy Unpaid 4 0 6 .4 8 8 8 8 3 , 5 0 0 0 0 3,500.00 3.484.95 15.05 Other Expenses 3 .5 0 0 0 0 I.i > School Tax Deferred 4 0 6 .4 8 8 8 8 Total Expenditure* and * ; 4 .0 : Tax Requirem ents $1,918,398 24 •1.754.613 48 SUBTOTALS $ 5l.850.()0 $ ^ 8 , 8 0 0 0 0 $ 4 8 , 8 0 0 0 0 $ 2 .3 4 9 3 2 •Balance Included in Above L e s s Expenditures to be Raised DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY •Cash Liabilities" b y Future Taxes 6 .0 0 0 0 0 D irector’s Office: T o t a l A d ju ste d Expenditures ai\d 1 . 8 0 0 .0 0 1 . 5 0 0 0 0 1 , 5 0 0 0 0 1 . 5 0 0 0 0 Salaries and W ages T a x Requirements $1,912,398 24 81.754.81343 F i r e : 9 .5 0 0 0 0 9 3 0 0 0 0 9 2 7 5 n o o n Salaries and W ages 9 5 0 0 0 0 4 . 3 0 0 0 0 3.20000 . 3.09998 1 0 0 0 4 Dated Februarv 20. 1958 Surplus Revenue Balarice De-. 31 $ 227,1,20 8 f 281.629 72 Other Expenses 5 450 00 . 7.500 00 7.500 00 7,500 00 Fees $2Ip 60 Fire H ydrant Service 7 ,5 0 0 0 0 I ’ M .I I H U M t I N THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20. m il t OMAll li< I \l I I \DI I! A I II I'I I'-' I N I'I ' II " A&P's FABULOUS FOOD SELECnON . . Women’s Club News

’ The i yo, ; • Woi in Gul • : • 1 • i If " K<- t enjoyed a, tn* fashion ‘how pre- C rerat and her fi'her A J Gresr.- *r>nted at *heir_meet m on last ri. Mi-5 Claire Barbysiio and,her Wednesdav f Ad mirahi Tcro-to father. L. B. Barb use. o ard Mrs. bv tWe Marietta Hat Shoppe in Dunn. North Arlin-” >n. Mem bets of the Fvening D**o;jrtment club v/e're the mtfdet?. The Even.n-i Membersh.p De Mrs. Joseph Jankowski, presi­ p*»rtment_of the Woman’s Club dent, was in charge of the busi­ of Lyndhufst will en*er»ain guests ness meeting. j," from local and out-of-town clubs Mrs. Harry Klein Mr«r-William at their meeting at the High Mayer. Mrs. Fred Taub. Miss School this evening. Their pro- j Adella Leppard and Mrs. Herbert gram of entertainment will in­ E. Roszel were chosen a" nomi­ clude a hat fashion show. There • nating committee. The annual will be district and state officers election of officers will be held at in attendance. Mrs. Kenneth the April meeting. Ruzika is president Final announcement was made The department Barn Dance on plans for the. Presidents' Tea will be held this Saturday nik^’ to be given on March 12th at Adoniram Temple in Serond Ave­ Mr and Mrs. Edward Srhen*: nue, for presidents of the Wo­ Jr. of Third street, entertained m en ’s C lu b f in th e E ighth Dis.- .it .1 surprise birthday party f< i trict, of which Lyndhurst now Mr. Schenk's mother. Mrs. Ed­ is a p a rt Tt is expected th at ward C Schenk, of North Ailing state and district officers also will ton. at the home of Mrs. Herbert OPEN SATURDAY attend Mrs. Taub* art chairman, S. Freeman. of Union avenue., on ■ announced that she purchased Saturday evening. Guests includ­ February 22ml language records for the local ed Mr. Schenk; of North Arlin - library, w.ih money earned by ton; Staff Sergeant and Mrs Rob WASHINGTON S •IHTHDAY! her 'department. She will be in ert But/, and daughter. Sharon Usual Hour*. 8 A M to 6 P.M. charge of achievement day in of Mit. hell Field, Long Island April with entrief from the F.ven- Mr, and Mrs. John Preis. Edward ini{ M em bership D ep artm en t and Alan Schenk. Mr and Mr^ Hen "Safer Rif*t" Qaality the Lyndhurst Junior Woman’s rv Meyer. David Easton.- Miss Club loi be in hided Barbara Freeman ind Herbf’i Cancer dressings will be made (,f Lyndhurst next Wednesday at the, home of. , RIBS of BiiF Mrs. Klein. 225 Tontine Avenue lhe M ->* s Lois Vail, ol l.iv I M |a> r Hr** { r t* « ti< » beginning at 10'a.m. ingston avenue, and Sandra | Announcement was made of Snyder, of Thomas avenue. have I I iM t Cut I 7 lK « C»t I I Im * C.I i f Ik > C«i Hahne’s Dav on Mart;h 13th. and completed, tht :r th re e m o n th s’ .»i j the Eighth*'District'' Snrin? fcnn- training at Grey stone Park Ho* f ’rence at Passaic on March 20th pital, and are back at Bc.th Israel 5 3 ‘.l 5 9 < 6 3 v ! 6 7 ‘ Mrs S P Ricadela reported |!os|fit:ii, N< v»a k * .. he re th«\v the* varretv shoW v,r en on the are seniors in the Si boo I cl I revious • Friday night for the NursVnt*. B oth are i-rid u a te s ■ SALE CONTINUED1 benefit of the lot.a’r t*rop.--d I .yndhurst'lljgh School. READV-T0-C00K Youth Center va** a very fine la order to tiW tiro ot (uilomct* event She also announced plans . Stanley De. Jr . or of Mr and who miy liivt been snowbound for. a eitfe sale t > be held yi .Mfs S tan ley Dec o f l'V3 H um •irty tbit wick, we are continuing the near- future. boldt street. East Rutherford. • Mrs I. E Gauet announ.ed a wiH be six years old on ,l;»nuar\ , •ur iteak t«U until Saturday nif bt * d istrict rnu«=ic test y u \ tnl*e h’eld in,the Griffith Iiuitdin'? in New­ Right" Quality Reel ark on M rch 7th The Lyndhurst Hats, Cars Share W om an s C lub vv il.i be rep resen ted by Mrs Arthur Weismarm, whoj Sweeping Line.; wtll play a piano solo Junior Woman’s Club The Lyndhurst Junior Woman's Sizes Clul? is holding final rehearsals STEAKS 4.t* 14 lbs. for the play w hich they will pre­ SIRLOIR PORTERHOUSE sent in the dVstrpt drama festi­ mciusmt vals to be giyen'at Passaic Valiev High School on the afternoon of IflTSOLU M arch 8th: In the tasf are Evelyn S n.- 7 5 : 1 7 9 f hetti, An'<*la Hall and Claire l& Flfiat - 17 M. Barbusclo. Thw gave the .play u j p i C«M L*ntrn Seafood1 at ’heir dub meeting on .Tuesday , Diii f n e tl Q I I 3 5 0 < ev ening. Wl*h • uests from . t-he S w e e t P e a s S te a k s \v, nis.n'- Club o; Lyhdhurst and Pur* »*q*t*bl* »hor Frosh Cedliih * 39c ■the• Evehm g M em bership D e p a rt- 41 U Halibut Sleaks • 59c nienJ Mrs, Warren Dunn.is dir- ' k 35c ; k 93c I it t< 1 I f i n i UN e< tor and M iss. Doris Kleen has Tom ato Juice 2 5 7 < Frlad Codfish Cakes V 45c made the scenery. Mrs Edmond Scacchetti, presi­ A i P I n M I I • / Fancy Whiling ---- 23c dent. and Mrs Joseph Letehei Wesson Oil CIH attended’a Presidents' Council -last So«f ettts* 3 5 c • F or c o d i n g a n d »*'•<>* Red Cherries 2 v eek a* Bam bei '. ii Paramus Oardtn-Frtth Those who attended the Father A feminized .version of th* lifcby's Iraatf and Daughter dinrier at San padre’* hat in raxy-tonrd man imi p 35* ^ €9C *> r S n r i fruiti and Vt>q*tabte% Carlo"! last" week were Mrs. ►traw, reflertu the *.wr*t>i«itl Scacchetti,’who spoke the words linea of hodRe’a 19.*«8 lail-fm Orange Juice 2 " 4 9 c Fruit Cocktail 2 43c *'MB •• • » * * * • of welcome, aud her father John treatment. Dr*i(nr4 hy Cliriatian Kaiser Im i It in i Cut *«tttii C att ! bone. M rs. L t »'< he r and Miss Dior, it aliowa the trend of sprint LETTUCE ■«.< 2 25c Louis Toron and their ' father, millinery, a of motion in ilp- Arfnandcir Toron, Miss Kleen and awept brims or crown*. AlumHiiim Foil Green Beans 4 39c Sardines ,i« »«■ 3 '- 4 7 c 7 inch - d . | Q C BANANAS 2 *• 25c 20 fi -dl Tomatoes ,m 3 40c G ra h a m Crackerf«-> >“ 32c ■»»»* . a *»'#< APRLIS 2 - 25c Scotties Tomato Soup 3 4 an*. 29* Thri Fish .J-H* The Good Earth Facial Tissues Crispo Fig Bars . . . Marcal Pastel Mapklas . It* OR ANCI S • 5 4fc '*« Igc 2 ** N i »*• J7« Carolina White Rice . •** Fels Noptho Soap . . I —-ft* .♦ 200 4 0 0 " ■ TnmsfAAC •• P ~ n 4 )<. »- »«• * FRESN BROCCOLI , 29c Unit I BlUfllUvJ Household Bagt^Ja^r* *»25* Milani's 1190 • • 29‘ Rap in wax Waxed Paper "*S 21* SRINACN . . ' . . 19c - ,33c Laundry Starch j tv.,, yjc («*i lap I-i Thrive Dog Food Vanity Fair %n‘ FRKSN PINEAPPLE 29c -15* — —— Dairy .Buys! —- fro*** F**rf*/ — 9*0* »•*«•»• ' ' y Si»»»ltel< Frtffc, Faaif C r ttm tty up t>«4 s«ti Mi u»iiM i FRESN CARROTS 2 V... 19c io -» m Ivory Soap I ' M o **— »*>«** Print Butter 69c Strawberries 3 «“ 55c F*» lo>t*t a n d b«**' FRESN PEAS * 17c a*r a-w i*/ Green Poppers "'"CXT X& l < « Ca*'***M f »•' ’ ^5“ 27' 1*1 35c Swiss Slices Milady's Cheese Bllntxoe „W PASCAL CILERY 27c Ivory Soap Ched-o-Bit . . . ’ 25* 79' Swanson’s Pies 2 l l;I7* 57* >*»»• * » e * ** fmr four Luntrn M•ini' ■I*' » l•u n iry a«U fca**' Cottage Cheese r Co#*#' 31* Birds Eye Fish Stiefcs 2 * « • M e • (it*i “ Over the eeiilm'ie* it ha* provided for man * l#a»>« ENJOYED G'WO COPPII lilE tP need-. IP lj><-d hv tlie |ian«l' of man tlv fooul ranJ-i ha* vwld- r a r m i CO tlM THAI t »'d »t« j.l> S roH lh. a n d iw«* linfiw- f«»r lh e fu tu re . Hot Cross Buns Ivory Soap 'Alive with Flavor! CHERRY l odav. Miore and more Umltie*. a rr i n n iin g to k n o w ? «*a ka'fc Ml «* 8 ’* 3 5 « the and r<*i*anh «»f m od'fit Iwftw and proper!* c»v*i»- 3 M« er«.|iin. \ hom and a piece of tiw food earth w id tfvrrra*- • (*»*. I - it # J U . I i P IE 4 5 < 1 * 6 C *2 19 ai>m>t Pwoaa » ta* i i i » ph-a«ore, during c fai»»il*'« h t«<»ie hour*. 7 5 imm P*»»* - OmMOo l o«m a tvu **”*•> ,^ p iS upg rMgritct> \ S«Mith lt*rten ''aiin s-’ li' UN* «.VI. r I, . ttm* 9m\m 9*# bek BIB CIBCLE R0BAR Pm«« •!•««(•«« »*••• 1 Vi S eilh B -r*en Sa*ii»g*. voull lirwl prr«iO*>ali*e.l frien«U* « m |o« * w. yo* IJ 31 u: 85* M.V j While Bread 24c in

- oo i» • at » « Opon Tuesday ard Thi rvd'jy Until 9 — Friday To 10 475 RIDGE ROAD, NORTH ARLINGTON LARGK FBI! PANNING AREA Titri!«n\y. rrrsia \ ky c a a n n P \r.F roJ'TITFI'N

LfeCAL NOTICE (■« ulifoi-s ; s .\iiil ■rs.m. «|< ■ • *-l| • ar* . I,.v «V ili r" i.f «l| ,L e* , ;... ■ u. ir ;• • j'D • • ai .1 1 So .'hat there r;:n.} o- i. ly p. n;> ' ' ' ■ ■ -M »J5. • Sui'rutin K» n * i ‘ •lijH-4 y..!!!.:« \ ".I. irr»<*U. ;>J>|* • ' . | * M j I i.-,m of Ih.- Mi.lfvvil'* r miljfird K f.i»n. ■ • V ine (■ • : i • i * • ' VI Ml i III 'I( - . (It'lllil !<«1- . .1 • . I II :'K.; !.'• . • inci •• '.Mi tnvnci: o.f Hy'Gtade A u'1 P rv ;.r, -Mis. oCnrad .Ri** rr <>f L i and At Fairteigh Dickinson • rt'i->i.:!i - fi -:iltt'v <1 ij. 34Jl Schuyhr \ • Lyndhurst; -Heights'. Mt> '? ou>. M 1 >.• - r »f IIKX i: v \ \ i ii :i;s< » .\ Consolation gam e, 7:3*) \ . Jits' Hvoad Hlr* <•:. and Jh.it Tom Barov.: is thi Rutherford. and Mt . Charle.-' II ‘C han pionship garni*. !i p.m. . ■ t ‘:;i ! i.nit. \ . .1 mana'.'i i 'I hv firm lias nd Ford and Mr - Ralph .Lecoque uf • .. ". , : ' V4mi'iliitral«»r' . . . • >ia;r. *.v k a iit ii. • i:-i i handed aids. ' ■ Lyndhurst.# , Joanne Crowley, daughter <>i t; \ a m i i '- M and Mrs. William P. CmW^ k >- >•• •> n i ley of Kingsland avenue, is re- u i. i Jimms Market On Stuyvesant Ave, Covering from a broken ankle * • • ">"v i-*1 suffered recently when ice skill T h e h o m o o f Mi*, a n d M rs, W a l Offers Friendly, Local Service ing near her home. Iim S i- h rn ih e r. J r ., o f '51)5 IV I O'CONNOR AGENCY u Ii \ :ih thrifty- fobrf >hop for ;.arden fresh vegetal ' avenue; w as’the scene of a sui> thv Kingsland Ave tree-ripened Trud. «.hi)ire cuts nf 1'ii i «• party given hist Monday INVITES Y O U R INSPECTION Of T H ESI PROPERTIES uii Avenue.; area uf i |M.ime meats, frcvh-killed iwiiil nejfiT in eetr&ra1 ifiii of Mr, i Irui; .. Food Mar Iv. nat enally • advertised rannen i.itig frozen food?' y<>»n deep / • I It It S LYNDHUP6T — Ji'tt ore b’sck frorr tt es ard busrs. fnme one lam- -e. (loll and is ri pTinvej freeze-. You ma\ safely .‘■end- .in V E M S i y w ith t iree room s on t a h floor. Oil h eat, fi.1r.19e. i-w t.ixes. aee it'h w.i s'* housewives the children < r ' le- h6ne ui your tl>i» fine hurne ©ficrid at J...000. Term 8. ol U.K. MHIK NOW !. discovered that they'; orders apd be assured .that you LVNOHURS-t-—Compict two fami'v with ff ur.ro.affi jr/rtr?ient on e-.c'i ieh weekly f-»od slu’ip-1 v/iH receive the same Ire h prod- / YEAR OLD beautiful, newly dec- floor. Steam oH hred In-at. Cup-pe. p'um Sing Gjod iiicome. Offered a t and save, and ait thei iiet< that’you, v.' iuld selert your- nr’ i^d >.rfcl< ranlblmg Ounna'ow ir JI6.5C0 Term s. Canterbury section cf North Ari ngi h; assured Of a friend ] 'ell. Jinini is well known and ton Tco ei.-.brrate .m# mr'usive to NORTH ARLiNGTON—Imir.ediate ccc .pTncy of this 7 room one lam- i and individual serv \ well liked and he operates n tea you all about it. $22,500. 1 ,• home Large living room, iog I urn hy tirei>*J.e. dining room, mod- QOM E SEE—COME SAVE em kitchen, hreakfjst 315.1 ard den on fi st 3 bedrOOJUO .v.iii riil' m individually j friendly market. We are pleased lath on 2nd floor Garage, t.i* roof. A buv at S'tl.OOO. ! !vai>.el (an c:ive. it*'' i ";ommeiid in oui nus!n**ss F cr Th«.se And M ary Other One A-rd Two Fam Jv Boys SEE .LiiU' t ufTx:r-s ohc'-.'.!oj> j a ws Phone GF’.neva :t -KMT. Philip E. Quinzer, Inc., Pioneer In O CONNOR AGENCY Reel lor - Insuror Sheet Metal, Heating and Cooling Tom Palace. St. Cecilia has hot been ".n:- ton w i ll of Li'-, h'ayi-ny \t 'i only t n* -e n i seven. bu-» *he Sa.nts 11 d id f»r«»ve to o jM'od lor- a r. in ; , li.')!) V ; d l e \ . Br.uok Avi li ni ' -i b o 'li f;as ;md oil ai c a l .i Northern -.lub "that has won nine ^iHlhui st. is .a laiUJeer leadei, as |H-rfonned. I.Ieaiint; and <. oolmu of 16 . The most 'potent, s-urers - • 1 • . fabi «; at ai;’ ih m i.iol 1< ;i>. .ur .t ialty .' ith .are Tom O’Deu and Hiil lb sid- Dr. I. Dansky GOOp L1TTLK HOME Bru-k and I. a.- a;/bui.!,: dow.,.:* vears i>. bc'-n lajthfully oer' lit'; i’ P:i!ii, K, Quin^er. Inc.. and they b.a« her /or ihe Lm.-lewood quin eld. i«H-ated off Si htiyler Avenue, near New V' 'I. bus lm»*. i>! rial tii m -. r.roni i ty pw nl i> ;ir’e 111 ti position to handK' th" let. and Geoff Myei> for the 100 x ItM) loi Home lontains livin**"i;o(/iiK t-v^o badviHn*;-. kit­ i; m u!*1 - 1 e c e -tin’i - .: **! t ■ \ mr vmallest contra'-*'- v iih N o s e ni^'ii. OIrrOMKTRIST chen and tile bath. Two-car }*araue. Hot . aU vA.a b< a* I il-. 1 Iri I .ip (xi!‘inzer v.-ho Irt ad-, lhe i ri i isi'on. The nam e -o/ ‘ Q uiu/i i ' ly insulated. Screens and stown sa>jie>. ‘Sepl i? fin.. Annual I'utherford 1 jirattic.ally a ■in ,i.:- a rnnyment - t.ical bu : eio niz< d a a Kyvs Exnnrinrd tax'-s SI9.L3U. W ill sell for $1<>,.V:KV 1 |nlubitive favm iie' in its c-lasb - ">a.:i and he luis ifd'.'.uie'ed it laianlCrUf satisfaction and a Opposite Town Hall y:i h I.odi, whi< h hiis won only R F .A i.L V C L F .'.N O n t :Ai »il * fr a n t I.- n iu t ! a ’ v. h ile lo iu » II!. 'I h e B u ll lixcelietil locat oii off Hid:;'■ Kim I. C'-ntai!. . \ to:, K i:\K N Y AVI bath. One-ear }*araue fb crtaticn room and l^un K K U i.N Y mont Steam/oiJ heat. Triple tra. k aiupvnum .stoiin ■ a-li '- throughout Lot 40 x 190 Taxes >: .just i i ;!;l at $17,000. ' '•

NOTiCL TO PERSONS IN MILITARY SERVICE FAMILY SIZED IkJ.MK - tai ■ Htll-kfpl tn -■ 1> limm-. Good .settian, residvntial street. C intm< hvmy ro* . dm-.: OR P.A-IFh’TS IN VETERANS' HOSPITALS room, kitcliigfl, break last room, 4 bexlroon and taop lei<.» bAth. Plus a powder room on 1st llopr and an extra lavatmy in AND TO THF'R PPi.AT-IVES AND FP.lENOS basement. Steam/oil heat. Completely Ululated. ..'Copper BUY NOW AND SAVE! plumbing. Two-car garage . W e il-s h fu fc o e d .f.rotm ds, 50 ''x 14(5. Taxe>> only $135 20. Good buy at $lo,900 Premium Quality Coal Joseph Catcnese & Sons, Est s92'S, WELL-KEPT TWO FAMILY . - Immai'ulatu, , ‘ ; < I roi'at: od-: m*d Lscdira Mcrsoi and Contrac ring Firm None Better At Any Price rooms ancl bath on each floor. Two-car»garoj,e. SteaiwAal h'»at. Taxes $177.00. Second floor apartm ent ■.presently rented at $-1)0 Nut or Stove $23. ton Buck W heat $17. ton per month. Asking . ptice $19,000. O pt n to olf. . x i.m i u:neei. ! liiidi.n'* Pea Goal $19. ton Stoker Rice $16. ton na; Jim.iln Joseph R. Polito Agency, :nc •h e d u le d t k o m ii'S CORK GUARANTEED SATISFACTION Ext. 1913 MORRIS DEMEL Al.KS’ANHEi; Al 6ir* KSSEX STREET IIU. 3-2132 HARRISOSN SAVINO SPECIALS!!

! j) Listings Warned! If you . want to m -j I, lot n ; multiple -J I iS list your lidme. Expose your propi ii - tu-the ure.itest number - \ b lo ck -. • Repairs and Improvements [•§ Of* buycJti. A quJ’Ck saie i* the m evitablc re.-ttli,' NOTICE TO PERSONS DESIRING . I h e n a m e o f "C ABSENTEE BALLOTS bn kid in” construction • < U t l ’I M l i Y * VI I I i : \ T l l l N S an its-surance nf a v* i R ent aIs i 1: ' i»u ;,uv a qualiJit d and registered voter of the State v. ho. M i l I I I A S ia i Ri A i iuN t .\pei t. to be Absent Outside The Stale ftn April 15. 1058. or a R O O M S • Office space, 1.500 feet in''practical U a new commercial i\ qubfied and re.t'isterd voter who. w ill-be—within the State on uijin io \s ! » builditiu Near S-3 highway. Aprik 1954 but.'bi a use oi i lines: Oi physical disability will be < K I.I.A R S J ntNTAl.S IVANTKU unable to cast your .ballot at the polling place in vour district Better Driveways s i i i i m ; i . u i . u a s ] | . . . •) on -aid date, and vou desire to vote in the Primary election ! v Four room apartment for adulb. -will' pa> $HMi pi r. month ^ fo be.he.ld on April, 15,-495# kindly write, or apply in person Asphalt Blacktop I S 40,000 square feet of vacant land im-.table fol- ‘/ui k.-. J lo th r un^ersiKnefl at ont-e lequesting'that a civilian absenrtee ballot be forwarded to you Such rt'quest must state your home i* V e tc . AaR about it today.' . V I’a r r i m ; i o t s . i : i r i i s \ \ i > < i m i .m w o r k iidclie-*;» a n d - t h e .ad d .re to .w h ich s a id b a llo t s h o u ld b e n i nt j and ijH'-l . bp fqued with your 'iu.natuie »md slate the H aspn Pruprr I'ljnnine. Corrrrl I'oMiidatinn ;iml All M alrrlah why ,vbq will 'not. !»{• abl eto vote at your usual polliny place, Plus rilitlrnt and Trained Men, Krsult in a Perfect l)riv«. No civi'liiin absentee liallot will be furnished or f rc'tayed N(>T LLSS BEST ANII IlHEEKE.VT I'KOM THE KEST convenient ••nion oi tqvvh.- Modeti.t to ih. la 1 word fj'wj THAN EIGHT DAYS PlUOlt to the el* lion and eontam t ie CEM EN T M IX E R S F O E 1I1KK 'i'i talk* la.’n •fott^’jipinfe! in fo rm a tio n 4:Forint ol application cai In* obiamed from llu tinder- Vacanl T hrt^bedrw in h**nn . owned f»y lot ,*.) wye NUtley 2-8977-8842 FORES wants to .'■i ll Convenu'iit < ■ I on Near pul>! and pa' I ' -ehooK, ■ ht’|iplhi»..'f)U- e Ha- ijew ■ Ilf il lie, • Pi Veil at J ALEXANDER ALLAN VIOLA CONTRACTING CO IMPROVEMENT i tract!vely. Ask at>out it\ ti*day, . * County Cleri. dniini- irative paaldir * J. BEAUTIFUL l famjb or pv aP -j 2 family We havi. tl « \ co. y v ■ i.i.auiii en' li noom. hohie that i esn • • . . ■ i j H .ick e n a .1 ,. N .1, ‘OVER SO VEARS OF SATISjHEI* C t HT«)MtR8 at*ine. two full batiis and a powder rtwim. oil heat, a la: • * open pon h just completed in rear, enclosed front porch All J a rooms are extra large wilh floors in very «*hh I •c‘oudit»n A > IMMM 11 I S * M VS DH K X carage-stands in. the rear el ti c propel t\ fronted by a n iiu : ■{ HOUSE POWER <• HOME SAFETY ® d riv e w a y . A llo w u s to .-h o w y o u th> s lionu* »loda>. A i * S- $15,900. " S IAS THE jnLECTRK’AL SYSTEM IN YOUR HO M E S A F E ’ GE. 8-9353 LET US INSPECT YOUR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION ^ LUXURIOUS ‘J y ear old, I |aii;i|v ‘bon.e an i xn .'lent * AND ADVISE* YOL 162 Forest Ave,, Lyndhurst, N. J g cation. PI,i iiot water heuL Uk'tl kiLaiem iua'h a:..i ^ O r t i l l e d by N.E.C.A, • V pow der room, three bedrocn • air -ai mn eofnh ration sc reel ] — 1 1 a and storm sash, and hard wood floors An enclosed reai^ ptirch * \M MJI II I) I L t;t I H it AL t OlYl H U.TOK ✓'j'J 1 '<£ :L;J j J\L- \& J3. » adds to the spUmdor of this'Coloniftl-type hon e A*k u ,i > | S show it to you todav. . a Harry R. Tirgrath & Son REAL CERAMIC TU* V . - • \ riert 's a money-maker A nina-toom. i o lam ’. w ith four J 5U3 NEW YORK AVENUE. EVNIMIt RST. N. J. Quality Produced By Masfer Mechanin VIOLA BROTHERS, INC v lx*autifuliy decorated rooms vat ant on the (u -t door. The » t. r V V\ lifte r 9-6 { apartment has a $100 a mont! i l-,e owner iu. t sp af > 4 i ■ tel * | 180 WASHINGTON AVFNl'F.. NI'I I Y. N J move ia and b\. real fW E en a Vi . . , ! j . 0 00 - ; GEneva 8-5045 Phone NUtley 2-7000 } I •; '' ', ■ * • h u w m o o m * o m l e t . 56 KEARNV V h i . JEVMHIORST, N. I \ oyer 4.000 quate feet na a laip |* H oi I ind Ha new hc-d- -J i I • ■ httfV'* s \ i; ti n i-l et-rii tf- } OU • -*. » X it. a terrdM deal can be ; our . ..Lt‘t a tell •' *i hi*w to wa :V. m this one. S Industrial Waste Removal 24 HOUR SERVICE COMPI.ETF. LINE OF li! \. ysHINt/m.N \\ I M l, on Jgafep. BUILDING MATERIALS SAVINO AGENCY M Tl I Y, N. I. Insulation WOOL and BOARD *51 RIDGE ROAD GE. 8-7121 1 YN DIU'RST T.V. Repairs W g m Salf.m -n Anthon> l>,l)uD.lu - I r.mk I arhtinr John S.,vino R em em ber ''K O SA " In v our

f 1'1 Fj> "e& ctnical T l P S ~ 4 A QUASAR s. SON AI TllORIZED RAMBLER ton .Vt A lii SatUld*;, i- j^ r AMBASSADOR A METRO trr (Ir-iwft * vh*rjr ! D E A LER _ Parts, Sales & Srrvie# t* W R A V'B L C R ,f . A.CHASAR » i0 O C D G t *65 C HE V a * t A ir Ha atop V>h P L V M O ^H W £SON 9S2 PLYMOUTH i»M f'ORO ViCtorU, nji dtop »v*S ^52 PACKARD, auto **» <»S4 BUlCK 1913 METROPOLITAN 1941 RAMBLER >•* Aim) *h balance *••«* ■»h#el». A«u and L-ady W.«rh contpiel* mvtv jua. Car* n»a.U r*ady tor W« Sp*c.vu« m Myd -mjlii SIGNORE BROS GARAGE ?4 Haui Torino S*rvce iorn Our Taw ng Cr«b 11 Pe,r Year G E T FULL HOUSE-POW£/* f CALI FOft A W EE 1 V»ar C u jfjn u f Full Cov»r»|* ESTIM ATE 9*. A NEW 220 H'OL.T-3 W IRf SEWfCE&Jay I I M \l TO S\l ES 525 ELM ST KEARNY, Four Lines, 1 Week $1.00 A.CHASAR KEarny 3-731! Same Classified. 2 Weeks *1.50 ELECTRICIANS —— Same Classified, 3 Weeks $2.00 1 S T STUYVESANTCU k. C.YNDHURGT

TRAIN rdr . » *do« pmrtttow ■* » •«*« A LEADER CLASSIFIED k u u , t>i.i».. * t. uf iy>nu>t «t KI'TH BHf V>Hl> »»*UK'.i AKIAl. ll»M»i.'-2 ►‘rmihlln Pt*o«, ttttih«r- . : it i 'I.IJIU \X J ■ . t i ' IS A PRODUCER!


rOR PROMPT, i#d}0 »• v te.

WARING r J"*] VWart Avehue I.vmllfurst, N. J. J ROOM * o'd w ,**1 titAvfjL ilRV'CI KOOHNO •: SIDING ;tir gfjl jnii clii-'r' I A .. N 4 ♦a T i i k s • i i vp i r s r’H ANt I AltKlSU litMi.-ral Hr pair awci CLEAN tomfc»rtAl»l« rt>um TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS v V te b a t h 1<*i tW-nni lilt'"*" R iiiinjflini ,n M m i gl t»o aduita . N*** Ri Holiday Hotisr I amitlrv A dd n il Ihi«» 0'r®a.M#v, per Parking «p»ta Call WC 9-OtUi 113 II' 'ge r No. Amnrvon No i>o\\\ rw M iM 3 YlvVRS.TO.P4Y I I : : :.;i. ,VVW AV.V.V.% VAr.',W /!V All \Vt#k /liin rn l^ iJ M o v e n t ] MU I FSTIM VTKS

W E . 9-5523 u t .V HOliSt. 4 & p«. Rug Cleaning ■,VA’.W ^A W ,V .W .V .V . I OST AM» MM Ml


moo m Music Instructions M ist n i . w u m h .VW .V.V.V.V.V-'AW /.V.1 BUSINESS OWNERS VICTOR FR \% (.ir\\l before you sell Vumo, Or^ro/i, 4rcordion LACK A-W ANNA HOUSE SL!PGOVERS S«J I'ldgr l.yi.dhutal N < I t'm hvr rATA*.VVVA,/»V,.W .,A V *W i ... . » »?(! call Wnd* r«A| hjpc"**** "> (K »dut I n0 W« n m r v t * »'«• Sdldctlpd *f . ta'«r>t-e«l a^ist* who a >« m » p*r. 17(, ticUl c h arm t your hV»mi M .rt*» »• rufm»h*d Rs»»"l «v.r . forming or. RADIO a-d. TELE­ H uim tti’"*" and Vialt”** Qaa«te Wm. R. Johnton VISION SHOWS • AU ^l.-dorn I 1 In ludiiifr Alt V«j€t#j,li«nih» B< d SpmaH-s, C u s to m toiadv Sli:.. V K H V I t f A- < ■•••A*ll IE U A T l !* Covers, rey $110.00- value. Salt >d«ai U*atlon (ot all %rar»»forU«.«h KE 2-4822 169 00 Ktr Curt*i»is n r .Window. Tm r..« . i | | - - .. . 'i 1; • ' 11 »,.pp'i Coun *1®*- K E atr.v 3 9168, Firt- Parking tf adult* (.'*!• fr* 4 RUN OAIOW S .A L » * * C* : * *««0 c«" « » * NorlK Jersey Electrical Contractor? T. V. Service ,V.VW/A*/«V«V*"AV.'.V.‘.V W W « V A V W M V WVWIft GEneva 8-8142 Oil Burners LYNDHI’RST, N. I B U llS tll COUCL'I «<>27 . Radio - TV Serviee C*u. W t *•«•»* Weltz Fuel Oil OE. M l 20 GPAOOUS tlVtNG’ OU. BURNERS - El’ EI Oil ItVIIN IMiNASNO Myles Electri C o m p le tr A n t o t i a t i r «»il ■»S«i (h iw A »-nr. fAiufhur*! Heating ln*Ullat»pn* KE 2-1676 Oil Purner |ffWtrn«e Ih»nt Mi»i Tint l,sir Our Spec.*l»> Slw»w —4 *tl I s— « > W elcom e V* 1 Pr««iH^« Avr . So A*ft’h»t«p. NH I i207 »•« •» lM > **•* MAIVTF'AN< F ON M l M \ K I S Pr..m ot. Krll«l>l<- + r r v ir t orrx rn. i,: r si rvr* SATi’Hl>AV r-W *■» H» m keasonab/e Rates T. J. Nculty liirriirnniim GE rova 8-724! 2611 Park Atcflur F.m 'ovWke^t AifPi»r» 14.flour AH'Urrln, S»rvh« Rutl.^rfi»r*L N. J w * f • ess Riniit: rom> Mri.r w a n t e d m a i * rvxm ii R Sor er "eti RculSor Cleaning 1 . M IK d HK'.H'VNTI *.!. 1 \'D IT'.'TP! Al. I IliV/IN ' 2MIOL H SEBV H t i m i u m i o R F M .’JtTVi P**e-> ». £.«»*•» 0 Fir«l Sir 'ri. Sii.?«<. N. J O E w h 84I2H fAGE SIXTEEN COMMERCIAI. LEADER & SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW TIH'RSP \Y. FEBRI \RY 20. 1958

FOR THE BIRDS! M r. a n d Mrs. George T'. J an o sik a n d daughter, Betsy and Barbara, THE COUNTY TAX ST O R Y - A Leader Cartorial Hay* you ihOugbt of oui 1 ttl< o f M a p le avenue, had dinner on Commercial leader feathered friends—the birds’’ In W e d n e s d a y night at San Carlo's this frigid weather w ith' snow- AND THE SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW Restaurant, celebrating Betsy's covered ground it is hard for fifth b'rthday. Establishrd 1921 th e m to find food. Scraps from The Commercial Leader is Ihe official newspaper of your table/ a bit of suet, some M r, Viola Knowles. Mrs. A nn stale bread, or even left-over dog Knaubrr and Mrs. Olive Vile food—almost anything—will pro­ w e re hostesses fo r the social hour vide food for them. If you throw which followed last week's meet­ food out for them, you'll be glad Published every Thursday hy The Commercial Leader Printing Company ing o f the Ladies’ Auxiliary of at 251 Ridge Road. Lyndhurst, N. J. Telephone GEneva 8-8700-8701 y o u d id . thi- .American Legion at the Le­ gion Home on Park Avenue. Mrs. E d ito r John Savino Keep Your Town Clean T im Regan, president, had charge Business Mgr. E r n e s t j . IJ a b i n e t t Advertising Mgr. Sami el C. Pierson o f the meeting. Entered a? second class matter April 7, 1938 at tlie Post Office of Rutherford, N. J. \ C. OVJ U A under the Aet of March 3, 1879 2 2 Subscription $2.50 Per Year S e v e n Cents Per Copy L o c a l y X?/ To,* ./ Blood Banks story apartment house building, a continu­ ous avenue circling within the residential I lie etlorl. to replenish tlo- Idood hanks area, self-contincd shopping center*, greal of our various communities is a vexing and. WRITE play spaces and. all important, a central often, frustrating problem. Once again il renter two miles long and a half mile wide. spotlight' the.fart tli.il iu our communities I here could be centered exhibits in the the few must do the most. Lvcn in families modern manner. IT thal have made Use « f the hank * precious It is entirely too easy to write off the plan supplies there is not the expected willing­ a* too visionary. There is nothing like it. ness to pay back what has been borrowed. \\ hy should there I m * such .a community NOW! The ca*! of llie Lyndhurst Hlood Rank is similar to that in most other communities now f L o c a and may be used as an example. Well, there lias never been mull an op­ In a community of «ome 25.0(10 there.are portunity. Its full potentiality must be only 232 listed donors. 4 >f lltosj* live had grasped and. exploited. That is w hat the donated three times. 10 have donated twice. siudrnts liiive done. Twenty-one of the donor*, came from out­ Where will the money conic from? Fin­ side the eemimmity in a gallant effort to re­ ancing is a tremendous problem. Hut it is pay the bank for giving lo a relative when not insoluble. Over a thirty-year period the KEARNY TEACHERS il was needed.- whole plan most likely would pay for itself. There are many explanations offered for the ment, 22% on local taxes and 34.5% on schools. This i- a tragic record. I < i one Mini”, the The \ alue of such a renter would be-h o tre­ fact. Bergen Couhty is , election after ejection, Montclair, a part of Essex County, pays 43% number of donors i- far too sin.ill. I'or an­ mendous. it would attract great investments. found solidly in the columns of thc Republican for schools, 38% for local government and 19% The engineers have developed a physical party. Some attribute the long-standing Repub­ on county taxes. Nutley. spending 4>.5% on other tiling, the number who have given licans of thc county to the fact it comprises sev­ schoo's and 30% on local taxes, spends 23.5%on program. iVi.w let some financial school s e m i shows that l v tidlmr-l 'resident-, a- other enty municipalities, in most of which the average, county taxes. , residents-, have been .'-lackers* ju donations. out a team io. figure out the dream can resident owns his home. But North Arlington which is part of Bergen be made a reality. Actually, the engineer­ However, Kearny's teachers, distressed by the County, spends 53% on school taxes aird 34% on It means little er nothing for a healths ing and financing problem* are not too rising costs of government which make giving local eovcrnment. NORTH ARLINGTON PAYS BERGEN COUNTY TAXES OF ONLY 13%. Yes . . . A check for $2.50 will bring person to give a pint of blood, ll i- a quick teachers adequate pay difficult', have stumbled greal. What- i» great is the task of making upon one of the basic reasons. In other words. North Arlington's contribution donation .that can be repeated every few to Bergen County is 30.5% less than Kearny’s. men iim! women see the wave of the future. That reason is: Bergen County’s government, you the best bargain you can g e t.. 10.5% less than NUtley’s and 6% less than Mont­ months wilh,out great trouble orconcern, under the Republican-dominated Board of Free­ clair. holders. has been consistently good. It has been More and more responSibi’fties are thrown on 52 Issues of your favorite weekly The fact that so few donate may be at­ economical. It has been efficient. tributed to laziness aud carelessness. I'oik,- our county government. The developing park Stay Out! Recently the Kearny teac hers prepared a .chart picture means higher, costs. Our hospital system newspaper... don't want to go to the trouble of donating showing how the communities of Kearny, ,North is growing. But the high traditions Of sound gov­ and they arc too careless to realize the im­ ^••'•netiin, Montclair and Nutley, spend-their tcyn ernment .economically administered are firmly d ollars. implanted in Hackensack. Bergen County has THE LEADER portance of llie blood banks. Kearny, a part of Democratic-domlnated Hud­ good reasons to be proud of its government. And Hlood transfusion- are now recognized son County, spends 43..*% cn the county govern­ the taxpayers have good reason to be thankful. Subscribe now for fhe bv the medical profe -ion a» -peedy aid- to the ailing, Tho. use ef traii-fu-ion- heroines der tho comparatively new pro more and more common, ll i- aUo expen­ Hollenbeck gnvsive educational methods? COMMERCIAL LEADER How can children of the foreign sive. When the bank gives a pint or two born or displaced -persons learn 251, Hidge Hoad t Lyndhurst, N. J. pints or three pints for a transfusion, it In Race For a t h o m e. must replenish the supplies. Why should we teach our children to read, write or arith­ NORTH ARLINGTON LEADER Of course llie family should try lo give Freeholder metic when our tux dollars 7 I larding Avenue * iNortli Arlington tile blood back, ll rail a-k for volunteer? should provide the best teachers, among friends. methods and facilities? I believe, Editor, you pulled a The big thing, as demon Crated in Lynd­ boo-boo on th s one LEADER-FREE PRESS hurst, is llie failure of the general public' John Quarts: aio to I m- aware of how important the blood bank is. It may be needed for you or for Miss, Jeanette Fiorkevvic/. 143 me of your loved '.ones. GE 8-8700 Post avenue, made the! Dean's (living while you arc healthy is a good List for her first semester at the guarantee of needed assistance when you Katherine Gibbs School at Mont­ clair. She was graduat ’d from the ere ill. So keep your eye on iiii* Hlood H ink. Ly/tdhurst* High School in 1937. Join.up as a donor. And ence joined, give, JWWWW. ll lakes a few minutes. And il mav add wars io the lives of some one you dearlv love!

Young Ideas Prat) Institute sent a learn of It must not be invaded. Superintendents and principals should work out patrol, sys* leijis that-will turn up anybody who is in a school building without reason. Sending- the intruder ofl nuts! not be thc ivii-wer.. The police should bv called. Char­ ge). should be filed against the intruder. Thr community magistrate should br prepared ICE SKATES to deal most harshly with him. l-lie same thing should go for any one Hockey Skates loiiiid guilty of destroying school propery l; veil the destruction of a window should l»r• i"i down stern punishment. Taxpayer* are being assessed rvrr ri»inp r o - |s Ik maintain the schools, l he buildings should be protected to the fullest extent. Nobody sits idly by when the windows of bis home are broken or when the privacy ef his home is invaded. Why should puhlit WATCH FOR THE b u i l d i n g s be treated with ally les* cure? Grand Opening I M.l HI SKA ILS LOM HOYS. <>IKI > MI N WTlMfcN Of The New Large Assortment of Paint bv Number Set*. S.! I Ol li IT.H I l!NE Ol MODEL SUPPLIES 11-o' TR UNs. IN SETS & KITS JOHNSON SKUIOltSI Gutter and Roofing Work 1f\o I om rilrtp ,4r<*'\%orui Ben Franklin Outboard Motors Estimate* (hrvrfullv (Hrrn Molll I \lli 1*1 VNK Sl ITLIEs 1NSKI TALBLH - va 8-1737 WEbater 9-8881 Store Paul's Hobby and Sport Shop Tontine Ave. 286 l yndhurst Ave. Ihurst Lyirdhursi IN NORTH ARLINGTON 306 Union Ave. GE. 8-0192 Rutherford. N. J.