. ; -i - ' c l t » ; j » . t 7K l* M t - e d 7 Cents M M I O H A 9-year-old Bergen County child suffered two broken TH* teeth in school doing a small chore for the teacher. Her par ents tried to sue the Board of Education; failing, they sued the teacher. They got nothing. But the idea was implanted I I \ [> » K in the mind of the boy and of his playmates and of too many other children that the thing in this world is to 'sue. sue. E V E R Y W E E K sue." There is too much of the “you can't do this to me” feel­ *n.l SOI TH W RCKN RKY1IW ing among children. Parents mistahflnplv are too often respon­ sib le . ^ T f v*» *. « . \..i :v< v , : h I \ M H II l!St. N J . I H IM \KV -'0. 10 .8 The Board Of Education Reorganizes T a x R a t e R i s e s Daniel Check! Is President, To Record High Board A lso N am es Coronato I \ I t i e Y L COMMISSION M EETING | . | w d l # l l i h Hearing M arch 11 - HEARS STORM DEBATE ' l.M idliur-r* I O w a* u n veiled la»t wi*ek l«' I llu* Hoard of (annini*s»ort«*rs. ll fortM-a-t* a lux rale of S‘).21 \ d«*l.»al«* on *n«»w » al ill llie t..w |l*l|||i- L •* l. le .le he ILv.ncl id I oHUUls-loli* r* m r. tm It.noLei M m.I |M*r $100 of valuation*. as a«aiu-t $fl. I > la*l y**ar and * J > . I £ j ttii«|g. Ta\|*avcr» duln I L . I lhal tit­ loi ui had h .« n h i o d in Thr full un|)a< l of llu* inrrras** of *6 crnls p«*r 100 of | led w ilh di-|*4toli an<l tli.il uvaMx I - o f t i l . \ v | ).* * a valuation- will lu* fi*lt in t li«* sccond half lax hilis. Since I %er** -t at I »now )»ooud . ♦ I t . t . .I iln* fir-1 Ira If hill- liav«* *ion«* out before tin* adoption of j P u h lie N\ **i K- I oiui,iii»-a**n* i I .I v . I-I J U l llu* new 111111 ii < • i llu* rale f*r llu- (ir-1 half wa- ha-cd m» »n j teil|£«‘d lhe -1-aleuieiH a--*ilin ^ ll». l i d h u t are Iw iier than in Jcr-* v l ii\ .nol iillll'l O llilM I}* ili I «f la-1 year. • (^MO^inta of i • v* ■ When the new bills come out [ A lj|* M A ffl 1 Clean up .worK «* a- vv . they must reflet t th** unpaid 7(> ^ ‘ . cents per $100 mis.sin1 in .the f‘i<t S G IIIO r S t QT t tis r 'S K X x half a- well as that amount far. • ' t : i * . i h ,he ^cond hair , S t. M a ry s Hos -I.-i •< K e l l*w« A hearing on the budget will] Tbe appointment of Doctor 3 C»t>S*r.T*J»ds V »■:*-. be held at tlie meeting of lhe . Vine* nt CT Fietti to th e. fferiini It* . • i } " I ' • RoardF of Commissioners March S u r g i c a l S t a f f <»f S t . M a r y 's 1 1 . is r o u b l e o n <;*>unt> • te ; ,1 11 at 8 p.m. at the Town Hall. pital was • announced before the w h f i h h e s a i d ’ iff b e d The full budget is advertised in . Uem*rul 'Staff m eet in . u n* K i 111 Reading frejm left to rl*ht. front row: (ieorge Haviland! Thomas Mbkev Itanlel I heck I. I>anlrl today’s 'lhe Com m ercial Leader. loW -IVSh - ary 11 The appointment places ( oronaio, Mrs. Idna"< lirist. Back row Caesar tiuidellt. Ralph Pollio. Morris Jseltemhrlnu Peter t tir The budget indicates the- des­ \t the meeting ao , him as Chief i f tbe foui th sur <io, Eli Kane and James llerwig perate worK of the com m issioners, gical division. ‘ ■ in' Keeping the rate bePoxv SI0-. j Doctor Fietti has been.ass- v i \\'#*lue. Thi id and Kom ’ *si ... • The new budget had to include ated with the Surgical Slafi *>f tt a « o*i of %7« l:M v-. a- nU an increase of $.125,000 handed up St. M ary's Hospital for approxi- Rabbi Sivan Dies, W as III Long Tim e Ou « .l It ili he t ' * ■' by the Board bf Education. * ... an M a i' b 1 I <w tit u l n d to * iO O t ■' * • ’ ■ To Ke* p down th«* rate the com - j Tlu* Jew ish (‘oinitiunilx and it- m am - friend- in I v lid* missioners tooK $215 000, out o f1 %>.»■ and was a tradua,>‘- of lhe ;cU f d i n g %*'<*'■$ "H r - • . 0 luir-l and Soulh Hergen wa*' jiriexcd Meinlax **\ci‘ llu* surplus and i’«ed that -to dom ­ . • .'■•I • u i t i r r y ' '■ ' inate about 60 points. Another death of itahhi Jacoh Sivan. -piriliial li adrr of lire I \ lid in Til Us . RUi -•* Le re, fived hi- < ? u t h c d .. -d->» *- r-,t offset w as the reduct ipn in bond* lmr-1 ll**l»r**w (.enter, who died afl*‘r a loiip illne-- .il of. iH«bb.' p u l ; i n a . V ed debt'naym ents. Total debt pay­ Lithuania and hi». laUblpual .o l)aiiphl*T- of H iriani ll.m u*. < lifl«i l i e w a - ( i ments th s year , are $120,700 as i | h At the funeral yesterday in the -vhifh meiotsf-!* ..i thr -i .i 1 ’ ; com pated to $229,425 last year. Hi BenmmVn FletR<hei Of \e%: Jeu ish Mi men tal c‘< nt* i Passat- . r e l K t * ''oinnusstooei > * tiere ! * . Next year the full-effect of _ j.eared several , lim es on Yoik after pi iv ale itsidy 66' Howe Avenue. Rabbi Sivan ‘ ing as "p«-***itile ‘I’lO.Hv.t “ v.'t»-j elim inating the township’s bond- fi ii.'Ur ladjo broadcasts shot I t arerr In ll*»era was extolled foi the worK he had t h e t o w n s h n d e b ' ■- - u »*-•.»v*v r *• -1 ‘ j ed debt will be felt. The paym ent m ’Ihe rabbi also, served a* di- B«,’oHre fi'hiing to t h e V n i t c d done not only in Lyndhurst but » «e»\' ei\ded thly year was the larft on the old i rector of ihe Hilljrt Chapu i at State in lil|4, he enibaiKeit «»n '(n othfr * as when jfw m u v . i H o w r-v e * . tu h o O l . ■-. h i - _ d e b t . • ' \ , 0»w f|!i) Sta'e Teat'hers CoIbfge • a hat* a t * *, in. '*-pei i ntnsinh D uring .his w ivi.e here. RaWti have- ealeflf »o roi»«-vl 'tbe *' The comm sinners had to lie was. a member of th*- e* j-Stvan or^aui-c^d the WomCii * I 1 - involved have Uie t.»v t> i«s m aKe a oui'-K run to Trenton last ecuiive board .-r the. Cantons I Choral ■Grouo of the center. •Ite. -leaves tv .- a'lly. M j s O l g a rsle- io neat the flO nt- W h e * •'! weeK to obtain permission of the •A'-e-m-IV of Atm 1 Ilf MIW-! .:t leuipi" *«•»..-* •yi*. w r t * '«M M Department of Gqyej omvnt 195S rw iv H an V ^n ’'r'r’V **w»r» ir h e Tst'ael. •Kli/abeth, far nine years a t , ] a* im thlnnastii'ailv »lM *ut t h r ’to defer oayment of $175 000 on ‘ f C a n t o t f InstHgtftU of A up. to 1943 and. at Adath I'rto l ' the totoriship sewerage plant un­ Y o r K . til next year This was done hy } Synagogue', (isw ef o. N Y . b e - |'o»| I Hh. W ill ft. < Iom I ■ • : . | ■ ju | • R a b l i . floating a one year loan for the lav (Snr ! *biv*ohe.| money. Had it gone into the bud , Oa rtelirious Broadcasts * t »n V\ a-liiugl< »i’> I ill'll .* \ ■ •.-ofcidef* a’ r. pet the rate would have soa At the Eli/abet h temple. New High School The l^ndhurft office .* l l tieahh vent r i over $10. } m'jtely 20 years For.’the’ past Rabbi Si'van was cantoi and di^; :... , l m e d W a * b i n i t . o > It ' However, had the board been St»Ven years he has also served rectoi of. «acu-d and secular] Roof Springs s-atuiday, f *-.’•. u«t5 '• 22 There a hie to Use the sprolus money 'Ott on the tum or - «.i; M -*•:•- i i o f musu Dunn:; that time he ap- . ' • > S ' • O u t.' A hand to pav off that debt — rather that institution IU- im i mi m • i teak Under Snow j.servM’e IVrifhable and *pecia'S Lackawanna Senter ce Man than to offset the increase of the <,f the tissue com m ittee: chairm an ■ deft \ ei y w ill t.e del i_v er«‘d ft*-, Board o? Education budget—there 0j ^ e Hospital Records Commit - Donors Listed lhe new SlllHHl r«-*f placed usual.The lobbv «if thr ■.ftbr w ill would have been no need for he tee anfj a member of the Surgical on the bit’ll schixd tn the I2«li be oj>en from 7 a n* to 10 h m Hearinq Lasts To 30 Days $175,000 loan.
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