
Comadia redtenbacheri

Comadia redtenbacheri's wiki: Comadia redtenbacheri is a in the family. I... All information for Comadia redtenbacheri's wiki comes from the below links. Any source is valid, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Pictures, videos, biodata, and files relating to Comadia redtenbacheri are also acceptable encyclopedic sources. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comadia%20redtenbacheri. The original version of this page is from Wikipedia, you can edit the page right here on Everipedia. Wild populations of Comadia redtenbacheri Hammerschmidt (: Cossidae), known in its larval stage as the agave redworm, are gathered intensively for sale and consumption as food. Las poblaciones silvestres de Comadia redtenbacheri Hammerschmidt, (Lepidoptera: Cossidae), conocido en su estado larval como gusano rojo del maguey, son colectadas de manera intensiva para su venta y consumo como alimento. Morphology of Comadia redtenbacheri. Author's personal copy. Prothorax. To determine conditions for establishing Comadia redtenbacheri (Hammerschmidt) cultures in a nursery, tests on production of the were conducted. Comadia redtenbacheri (Hammerschmidt) (Agave Red Worm) is the only member of the family Cossidae that has been described as a phytophagous specialist of the plant genus Agave, which is mainly distributed in México. A new extraction protocol adapted from Stewart & Via (1993) has been implemented for sequencing the COI gene from samples collected in five states of the North Central Comadia redtenbacheri is a moth in the Cossidae family. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from Mexico and southern Texas.[1]. The length of the forewings is 12â“14 mm for males and 13â“16 mm for females. Genus Comadia. Species redtenbacheri (Comadia redtenbacheri - Hodges#2689). Hodges Number. 2689. Explanation of Names. Author of species Hammerschmidt, 1847. Remarks. This is one of the kinds of "worms" put into "tequila" (really mescal) as a marketing gimmick. Comadia redtenbacheri is a moth in the Cossidae family. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from Mexico and southern Texas. The length of the forewings is 12â“14 mm for males and 13â“16 mm for females. The forewings are brown with a white strip from the wing base to near the apex. The hindwings are grey-brown. Adults have been recorded on wing from April to May and in September. Comadia redtenbacheri (Hammerschmidt, 1848) Mexico, S.Texas. See [maps]. Zeuzera redtenbacheri Hammerschmidt, 1848; Naturw. Abh. 2: 151, pl. 14, f. 1-8; TL: Mexico. Comadia agavis Blasquez, 1870; La Naturaleza, Mexico 1: 285. = ; Brown, 1976, J. Res. Lepid. Comadia redtenbacheri (Hammerschmidt, 1848) = Zeuzera redtenbacheri Hammerschmidt, 1848 = Comadia agavis Blasquez, 1870 = chilodora Dyar, 1910. urn:lsid:insecta.pro:taxonomy:34194. Authors. Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov. References. [9] Tree of Life (funet.fi), 2012. Comments.