

ChimpFace: Using Animal Facial Recognition Technology to Combat Internet-Facilitated Wildlife Trafficking

Outline in detail the activities implemented during the project.

Activity 1: Building and testing of Stage 1 binary classifier algorithm (“ChimpFace”) capable of identifying ​ photos/videos containing .

1. Using a combination of images from our partners and images found online, we trained a binary classifier algorithm that detects baby/juvenile faces within images. The algorithm has a mean average precision (mAP) of 97.6%. 2. In addition to classification, the algorithm also locates the face within the image (object detection), identifying a “bounding box” that surrounds the face. This is an important additional feature, beyond the original project plan, because it allows us to automatically extract the specific part of the image with the chimpanzee face, cropping away background. This is a necessary step in identifying the individual animal, a development goal in future versions of the algorithm. Examples of the output of the algorithm are shown below. 3. We focused on baby/juvenile chimpanzees because they are the primary subjects of online trafficking (adult chimpanzees do not appear to be trafficked in significant numbers). Additionally, we found that there was less variation in the facial features of baby/juvenile chimpanzees, making the classification algorithm more accurate. 4. The algorithm has a low false-positive rate (i.e. incorrect characterization of human faces as chimpanzees). In preliminary testing, only 1/30 human test faces was mis-identified as a chimpanzee. We anticipate this can be reduced even further with additional training data. 5. We have tested the algorithm on videos of chimpanzees in cages, taken by one of our partners. The algorithm performs well, locating the chimpanzee face even when behind bars. The algorithm is also able to locate the chimpanzee face in partial profile and (in some cases) when partly obscured by an object. Examples of the output of the algorithm on video frames are shown below. 6. Technical details of the algorithm development are as follows. The training set consists of 362 annotations (in 338 images); the validation set consists of 78 annotations (in 69 images). Approximately 65% of the training set is from partner images and 35% is from online images; the validation set consists entirely of online images. Bounding boxes were manually annotated using RectLabel. The algorithm uses the Yolov v3 architecture, implemented through the imageai library in Python 3 with Tensorflow backend. The training was performed on Google Colab with GPU hardware acceleration; all images, annotations, code/notebooks and models are stored on Google Drive. For inference, a positive detection is thresholded at IOU = 0.5, with detection probability = 0.25. 7. The algorithm, imagery, and associated code to train the algorithm and run inference are not publicly available but can be made available to partners and funders upon request. (These are large data sets and require cloud-based storage and processing.) 8. We demonstrated the use of the algorithm on videos posted to YouTube, as a proxy for social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram. While we do not anticipate significant trafficking activity on YouTube, most videos posted there are publicly available via API, while most posts to Facebook and Instagram are not. (We held some initial discussion with Facebook about access


to social media posts for research purposes, but the COVID-19 pandemic has pulled their attention elsewhere.) The demonstration data pipeline operates as follows: a. Using the YouTube Data API we search for the top 100 videos that are tagged with ​ ​ “chimpanzee” or a variant, in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, and Thai; and also with one of “pet”, “sale”, “sell”, or “price”. Over several days of testing in April 2020, the API returned approximately 100 videos that are relatively recent and score highly on those search terms, according to YouTube’s internal algorithms. b. Using the pytube3 library we download each of the videos identified in the search, in full. YouTube limits the number of downloads to approximately 20 per day, so we ran this algorithm daily over the course of approximately a week to obtain all videos. We observed only 1-3 new videos posted per day meeting the search term criteria, so we do not anticipate this limit to be problematic going forward. c. Using the moviepy library we extract a clip of the first 10 seconds of each video to analyze using the previously developed baby chimp face detector. This substantially reduces the amount of computing time and power required, and we reason that a trafficking video would not have much preamble, unlike (for example) documentaries or other legitimate content. d. We run our trained baby chimp face detector on every frame of these 10-second clips, for each downloaded video. For each clip, we record the number of frames in which we detect a baby chimpanzee face, and the highest probability of detection for the full clip. We expect strong (high-confidence) detections to have large numbers for both of these parameters. e. We export a log file of the video title, description, internal YouTube ID, date posted, posting channel ID, number of frames with chimps detected, probability of detection, and URL to the original video. This file serves as a tracking system to prioritize videos that should be examined by human experts. f. The full pipeline can be run in ~15 minutes on Google Colab with GPU hardware acceleration. g. We observe many videos that are video games, toys, or other obviously non-trafficking content. We also observe many legitimate videos that are documentaries, news content, or similar. We do not observe any videos that appear to be trafficking, which is in alignment with our original hypothesis about YouTube. However, if access were granted to social media posts on other platforms, a significant amount of this software could be applied to trafficking monitoring on them. h. The most recent log file is included at the end of the report. As with the original detection training, the code is not publicly available but can be made available to partners and funders upon request.


Example detections from trained algorithm. Upper left: A successful detection of a tilted chimpanzee ​ ​ ​ face and a successful detection of a chimpanzee face with open mouth/smile. Upper center: A successful ​ ​ detection of a tilted chimpanzee face, next to a human face, in a social media post. Upper right: An ​ ​ unsuccessful detection (false negative); the algorithm appears to struggle with sunglasses or other objects obscuring the chimpanzee face. Middle left: a successful detection of two chimps. Middle center: ​ ​ ​ ​ A successful detection of two faces (of the same chimp) in a social media post that may be related to trafficking. Middle right: A successful detection of a face in a social media post in partial profile and partly ​ ​ obscured by an object. Bottom left: A successful detection of a face when partly obscured by an object. ​ ​ Bottom center: The algorithm can detect chimpanzee faces with closed eyes. Bottom right: A successful ​ ​ ​ detection of a chimpanzee face in a social media post. For all bounding boxes, the number next to the “babychimp” label is the confidence score of the detection (max 100).


Example detections from trained algorithm on video. Left: A successful detection of a tilted ​ ​ ​ chimpanzee face in video. The human holding the chimpanzee (upper face cropped for privacy) was detected by the algorithm. Center: A successful detection of a tilted chimpanzee face, partly obscured by ​ ​ bars of a cage. Right: A success detection of a tilted chimpanzee face, partly obscured by bars of a cage. ​ ​

Activity 2: Conference attendance to connect with potential agency, law enforcement, NGO, and ​ technology partners interested in incorporating ChimpFace into their current efforts to make progress on targets/commitments related to combating wildlife trafficking.

1. During January 30 - 31, 2020 we attended the Pan-Africa Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) Action for Chimpanzee Conference. Participants included representatives from: PASA member sanctuaries, Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection, USAID’s West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change program,Western Africa Research Association, the Institute, US FIsh and Wildlife Service, EAGLE Network (wildlife trafficking investigators), Conservation International, Wild Chimpanzee Foundation, various West African national parks, the University of Kent, University of Porto, Cardiff University, representatives from regional governments, law enforcement, and transnational crime units (Cote d’ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Liberia, and Sierra Leone), as well as the British Embassy in Guinea.

Over the course of two days, participants worked through an agenda to share data on the trade of chimpanzees in West Africa (day one), and collaborate to identify and prioritize action steps (day two). A steering committee was established as an outcome of the conference with the role of formulating a regional action plan.

Throughout the conference, we were able to meet with attendees to showcase the prototype and gain user input on how a tool like this could help with local, regional, and international efforts to combat wildlife trafficking, starting with chimpanzees and later expanding to include additional species. We were also able to meet with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to discuss our past proposals and gain input on how future submissions could be made more competitive.

2. During February 1 - 9, 2020 we traveled to Liberia to meet with key project partner Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection (LCRP). This trip represented the first time ChimpFace and LCRP were able to meet face to face to discuss ways of advancing the project. While in Liberia, we were able to meet with various local organizations and government representatives to learn about existing on-the-ground efforts to combat wildlife trafficking, showcase the tool prototype; and gain input on / brainstorm ways that ChimpFace could be designed and deployed to enhance


existing local efforts to combat trafficking. ChimpFace and LCRP also co-hosted a small focus group so we could facilitate a discussion on how emerging technologies, like image recognition technology (ChimpFace), can help combat wildlife crimes in Liberia. Participants included representatives from: Liberia Ministry of Justice, Conservation International, Humane Society International, Flora and Fauna International, Wild Chimpanzee Foundation, and Elephant Research and Conservation. Representatives from the British and American embassies were unable to join, but we did follow up with each via email, and LCRP has introduced the project to them and maintains close and regular contact with both embassies. pager and slide deck used during the focus group are provided as an attachment. One of the most significant outcomes from our meetings in Liberia was an introduction to and preliminary phone call with Facebook. We have initiated discussions with Facebook about deploying ChimpFace in partnership with them. Unfortunately, these conversations have been put on hold due to the global response and lock down to COVID-19. We hope to resume conversations later this year.

Activity 3: Development and presentation of concept note on how government agencies and law ​ enforcement can incorporate “ChimpFace” into their existing programs and enhance their capacity to combat trafficking.

1. Provided as an attachment and presented in West Africa.

What are the main outcomes of the project?

Outcome 1: The profile of “ChimpFace” is boosted by participating in at least one meeting /conference, ​ and by reaching out to five potential partners (governments, law enforcement agencies, technology companies, social media companies, or companies from another related industry).

1. Participated in Pan-Africa Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) Conference from January 30 - 31, 2020 and traveled to Liberia from February 1-9 to strengthen and establish new West African partnerships.

2. During 2019 we began developing new strategic relationships and partnerships. Highlights include: ■ Facebook: Have had conversations with Facebook about partnering with the company to test and deploy ChimpFace in partnership with Facebook. Conversations are on hold due to the global response and lock down to COVID-19. ■ Data Insight Science: Currently in conversation with Data Insight Science to onboard a Data Science Fellow to support future technical development of ChimpFace. ■ The City of London Police Department: Partnered with City of London Police to submit a joint proposal to UK DEFRA’s Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund.


■ Digital Catapult: Partnered with Digital Catapult to submit a joint proposal to UK DEFRA’s Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund. ■ Liberia’s Forestry Development Authority: Partnered with the Liberia Wildlife Authority to submit a joint proposal to UK DEFRA’s Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund. ■ Jane Goodall Institute: Partnered with the Jane Goodall Institute to submit a joint proposal to the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Great Conservation Fund. ■ Wild Me: Partnered with Wild Me to submit a joint proposal to the Google for Earth RFP. ■ USFWS - Great Ape Conservation Fund: Exchanged emails and phone calls with the Program Manager prior to and after submitting a proposal for funding. While, the proposal was not selected for funding during 2019, feedback was optimistic and encouraging. ■ USFWS - Combatting Wildlife Trafficking Team: Exchanged emails and phone calls with the Program Manager prior to and after submitting a proposal for funding. Unfortunately, the proposal was not selected for funding during 2019, but feedback was optimistic and encouraging. ■ US Department of State - Combatting Wildlife Trafficking Team: Invited to visit the Department of State to speak about our work on ChimpFace. ■ Vulcan / Paul G. Allen Philanthropies: While this funder seemed very promising, they underwent massive internal changes and have refocused their priorities. Fortunately, conversations with Vulcan helped uncover new potential users and markets for the ChimpFace tool.

Outcome 2: Formalize partnerships with at least two groups identified in Outcome 1 (above) to help ​ nations achieve their national and global targets and commitments outlined in NBSAP’s national laws and policies, and international conventions related to combating wildlife trafficking.

1. Current partnerships solidified through joint proposals include: The City of London Police Department, Digital Catapult, Jane Goodall Institute, Wild Me, and Liberia Wildlife Authority. 2. If we receive additional funds to move forward development, it is likely that many of the organizations that have provided letters of support for our funding proposals will transition into formal partnerships with clearly defined responsibilities and deliverables. 3. We anticipate resuming conversations with Facebook at the end of 2020.

Outcome 3: Expansion and long-term sustainability of “ChimpFace” secured through negotiations with at ​ least two funders.

1. We reached out to 15 potential funders. After preliminary conversation(s) with these potential funders, we selected the most promising prospects and moved forward with submitting five proposals. Unfortunately, none of the proposals were selected for funding at this time, but they all received positive and encouraging feedback. Proposals were submitted to: ● USFWS - Great Ape Conservation Fund ● USFWS - Combatting Wildlife Trafficking Fund


● Google / National Geographic AI for Earth ● UK DEFRA Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund ● Vulcan / Paul G. Allen Philanthropies

How these results impact the state of the biodiversity?

While ChimpFace is still in very preliminary stages of development, it will eventually impact biodiversity through curtailing wildlife trafficking online. A reduction in online trafficking will ultimately result in enhanced protection of these animals in the wild.

How this project generated social and economic benefits?

While ChimpFace is in the preliminary stages of development, it will eventually generate social and economic benefits by increasing protection of at-risk species, starting with chimpanzees and later expanding to include other species. By aiding in the protection of at-risk species, these species can remain protected in their natural habitat, enhancing the social and economic benefits that local communities can derive from having wild populations intact.

Describe how the project enhanced the Technical and Scientific Cooperation between the parties and organizations involved in it.

ChimpFace is enhancing technical and scientific cooperation by bringing together stakeholders from technology, law enforcement, and conservation to develop an innovative solution to combat wildlife trafficking online. To accomplish this goal, the project has fostered cooperation between these three groups during concept and product development, as well as strategic planning for future deployment. Specific examples of cooperation include:

1. Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection (LCRP) provided institutional knowledge on national and global chimpanzee trafficking and law enforcement capacity in Liberia, as well as supported overall project management and development. 2. The ChimpFace project and Conservation X Labs worked together to plan and build Stage 1 of the chimpanzee facial recognition algorithm. Both groups supported project management and development, as well as represented the project at meetings and conferences. 3. Microsoft supported the ChimpFace project through in-kind contributions of $5,000k worth of Azure credits for database storage and algorithm deployment. 4. Imagery data was donated by Jane Goodall Institute (global), Duke University (USA), Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest (USA), Save the Chimps (USA), Project to End Great Ape Slavery (Kenya), Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary (Kenya), Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary (Sierra Leone), Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary (Canada), Centre de Conservation pour Chimpanzés / Primate Project Inc. (Guinea), and Great Ape Protection (Brazil) have supplied some data (photos and videos) to build the algorithm and will continue to provide such data to improve the accuracy of the algorithm.


5. The City of London Police Department and Digital Catapult partnered with LCRP and ChimpFace by contributing to concept development and collaborating on a proposal to UK DEFRA’s Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund.

Which activity or approach efficiently succeeded to foster sustained Technical and Scientific Cooperation and why?

This project has been very effective in developing partners through in-kind contributions, letters of support, and joint funding proposals. However, we are unable to move forward and leverage these partnerships due to overall lack of funding for the project. We are confident that if we receive additional funds to move forward with tool development, many of the organizations that have supported us will transition into formal partnerships with clearly defined responsibilities and deliverables.

Which activities or approaches would be done differently, now that you have experienced them, and why?

Collecting images to train the algorithm was initially based on requesting photographs of chimpanzees in the field from partner conservation organizations. While this was helpful, the context of these images is very different from the context/background of most social media posts, which are often indoors or accompanied by humans. Once this became apparent, we manually gathered ~200 images of baby/juvenile chimpanzees through online searches, which improved the model’s accuracy. In any future project (possibly involving a different species) we would combine field images and online images much earlier in the process.

Describe the in-kind contribution of the different stakeholders involved in the project and how this type of contribution could be increased in future projects.

Microsoft has provided cloud computing credits.

Digital Catapult has provided in-kind project and proposal development consultation

Data Science Insight is in negotiations to provide in-kind technology development assistance

If the project included a participation of major groups like businesses, subnational and local authorities, NGOs, youth, women, indigenous peoples, and local communities, what would be your advice to engage efficiently this specific group?

Our ability to engage the Liberian Wildlife Authority is due to LCRP’s continued presence and hard work in-country. LCRP is headquartered in Liberia and interacts with local Liberian organizations every day. Without LCRP, ChimpFace would not have been able to facilitate partnerships with local Liberian organizations. My advice to engage local groups is to identify a local point of contact that is well established in the country/region of interest, and then work with that point of contact (in our case it was LCRP) to connect with other local groups of interest.


Any other lessons learned to share with the Bio-Bridge team?

The limiting factor for this project continues to be sustainable funding. One thing that would be very helpful is if the Bio-Bridge team could help with pursuing leads for long-term funding to carry the project forward beyond the Bio-Bridge grant.

How this project could be pursued to maintain or scale up the positive results obtained and expand to other regions?

The chimpanzee identification aspect of the tool has always been envisioned as a pilot phase, and the intention has always been to eventually scale up to include additional species of interest through additional image recognition and keyword detection capabilities. A robust tool of this nature would applications beyond curtailing chimpanzee trafficking, and would be able to detect online wildlife trafficking of many different target species in many regions of the world.

What would be your vision for future, longer term cooperation between the parties and organization involved in the project?

Our vision for longer term cooperation would include: (1) sustainable funding to continue developing the tool and (2) adoption of ChimpFace into initiatives and strategies of the parties.

Appendix: Most recent log file from YouTube demonstration (April 3-10, 2020):

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Movie #moviechi Chimp mp. Chimp & His Pet on a Motorbike https://www. in Food UCsRmL8n youtube.co n8lo_J9tDz 2020-02-23T19:03: Street KL Zt61wXIYct 54.206 m/watch?v= o 28.000Z Malaysia NpiTLQ 95 89583 n8lo_J9tDzo In the U.S. alone; it is estimated that up to 15000 primates are being kept as pets. Cruelty Suffering behind the chimpanze cuteness - es; ; https://www. the sad and youtube.co reality for monkeys UC4uv73Xo m/watch?v= s1gEvUKU0 2020-02-11T17:39: pet need your BfTIyf4weq 49.165 s1gEvUKU0 m4 39.000Z primates help today. QpQtQ 182 55882 m4 Silver Saint finds a sweet pick up at a local garage sale! Follow Us In Instagram : @Silver_Ch imp Finding Contact https://www. FREE Silver Email : youtube.co At A Silvergronk UC5GopWR m/watch?v= kjWGDb3le 2020-02-05T23:30: Garage [email protected] _3-B0WMN kjWGDb3leR Ro 01.000Z Sale! m ... xoaTSKhA 0 0 o


Liberia Chimpanze e Rescue & Protection - rescuing chimps in need and keeping wild Undercover chimps Team wild! A Rescue a holistic Baby approach https://www. Chimp helping youtube.co From The individuals; UCgzMa1_ m/watch?v= AHbVFxvRr 2020-01-14T18:57: Pet Trade addressing NgInCDfZb 60.741 AHbVFxvRr- -o 36.000Z BBC Earth the root ... 2F4bOsg 107 81795 o Chimpanze es are sold illegally into the pet trade throughout Liberia. and Undercover Jim Team Desmond Rescue a pose as Baby buyers to https://www. Chimp rescue one youtube.co From The baby chimp UCwmZiCh m/watch?v= tWwTxPR_ 2020-01-12T17:59: Pet Trade | before a life SryoWQCZ 60.750 tWwTxPR_n npM 50.000Z BBC Earth in chains. MIQezgTg 106 47851 pM CHIMP https://www. QUEE NO youtube.co SALE NO UCVjI0-Obv m/watch?v= xICIZrBc8W 2019-11-29T13:45: MEDICATIO uZSZ0nQD 52.526 xICIZrBc8W s 09.000Z N HpPxeg 238 08061 s


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How to get the Chimp pet in Creatures Tycoon Roblox. The stats for the chimp pet are 35 Gold per second How to get and 800 the Chimp selling https://www. pet in value. Make youtube.co Creatures sure you UC-BukLC1 m/watch?v= 1qB1Kv85B 2019-02-22T19:59: Tycoon subscribe u6q5pyKw 1qB1Kv85B pE 05.000Z Roblox and ... WjPE9fA 0 0 pE Please support my channel. Please subscribe 24H my channel Highlight and like to News share my - channel. Jackson&# Any 39;s pet comments chimp please comment https://www. ‘attempted below I will youtube.co suicide read it all. UCUZz8pfx m/watch?v= CPkJU4OZ 2019-02-20T15:01: after thanks JOr7FEi-Qs CPkJU4OZsf sfM 59.000Z beatings’ everyone. VoWKg 0 0 M No Te Liberan Pierdas Chimpancé Ningún En Video! Naturaleza SUSCRÍBE – Cuándo TE → Sale De http://www. Jaula Hace youtube.co https://www. Algo Que m/user/hist youtube.co Dejó Todos oriaspositiv UCCN63hZ m/watch?v= tUy4otm6_ 2019-01-29T17:00: De Piedra as?sub_co qtWN9xPU- 21.847 tUy4otm6_U UE 10.000Z ¡Dios Mío! nfirmation= gqko3Lw 83 42391 E


1 Facebook ... pets and animals are very important in human life.some people https://baby chimp6.blo gspot.com/ keep pets for there safety but https://www. some time youtube.co baby they do a UCQFn3Ta m/watch?v= E8rAwoyU 2018-12-05T10:16: chimpanze lot of fun 2H7jjKcvRF 33.174 E8rAwoyUA AMI 03.000Z e for sale; and ... fdtDnA 7 06774 MI https://www .ebay.com/i tm/Vintage- Jolly-The-C himp-Toy-S tory-Workin g-Cymbal- Vintage Monkey-Tin Jolly the -Toy-Japan- Chimp; Toy Excellent/3 Story 0298010039 https://www. Monkey ... 3?hash=ite UC-bf2F-0a youtube.co 2018-12-01T21:10: For Sale on m468b0571 M0GOlmyKI 57.635 m/watch?v= 7lP4Dui1if4 59.000Z eBay 29:g: ... DQyLg 173 74839 7lP4Dui1if4 Email: info@cetno logy.com Company website: www.cetnol ogy.com Zigong Cetnology https://www. robotic Science youtube.co animated and UCjnNwmB m/watch?v= og42o9RtQ 2018-11-30T01:58: chimpanze Technology but0Dbs0c2 og42o9RtQB B4 42.000Z e for sale Co.; Ltd. IdISnA 0 0 4


(Cetnology) is an internation al leading ... Most Adorable Monkey https://www. and Ape youtube.co Videos UCHL15zA- m/watch?v= J4ade81JM 2018-11-29T14:17: 2018 Funny 8oSM_VVI6 J4ade81JMo oo 37.000Z Pet Videos Ft6fPw 0 0 o Minesaga skyblock is a somewhat vanilla; somewhat modded free public server that all can join Minesaga in on. You Skyblock start on a S2E19 - Pet small https://www. spotlight: island; and youtube.co Chimp; and go from UCp0vbgXz m/watch?v= VL8H0BFV- 2018-11-23T14:00: a peak at there! If Qym0YrLua 30.106 VL8H0BFV- RI 03.000Z my farm you wish ... 9H-h-A 11 05574 RI Odell and football slash showing you my pet chimpanze https://www. e slash youtube.co showing UCFYc7IGD m/watch?v= uSEcre7Dv 2018-11-03T03:54: you my KsbKxoJUl 56.348 uSEcre7Dv6 6U 58.000Z candy dgWClA 160 70529 U


They have their hands full at the Tacugama Chimpanze e Sanctuary; where record Sierra numbers of Leone' orphaned s chimps are chimpanze being https://www. es pay delivered to youtube.co price of their care; UC86dbj-lb m/watch?v= XebL60M_ 2018-10-30T17:02: human victims of Dks_hZ5gR 58.575 XebL60M_W WR4 12.000Z expansion the ... KL49Q 138 08183 R4 CHIMPANZ EE'S Happy birthdays - FREE and HAPPY TIME Pet Cute Animals brings you CHIMPANZ the best EE'S cute animal Happy compilation https://www. birthdays - s; try not to youtube.co FREE and laugh UCDi7Cre-Z m/watch?v= CnywGRd4 2018-10-09T22:01: HAPPY challenges; vqn1___tU- 59.352 CnywGRd4b btg 29.000Z TIME fails; ... n5DQ 87 06413 tg A baby chimpanze e named Lily is getting some extra Baby chimp love and named Lily attention rescued after she https://www. after being was youtube.co kept as pet rescued in UCYUbNjku m/watch?v= 5kpTxBPjd 2018-09-05T22:00: in small Sierra E4lsr2v1Id2 59.229 5kpTxBPjda a4 01.000Z cage Leone. O1oA 300 35009 4


Wildlife officials say she was being kept as a pet ... Please do not forget to visit the site Villagers http://scrib Tried To ol.com Sell This Subscribe Teacher a to our Bag channel:htt Containing ps://goo.gl/ a Baby vyinsz https://www. Animal; But Villagers youtube.co Fate Was Tried To UCHFfXcB5 m/watch?v= tMALP4fBH 2018-08-27T14:54: On Her Sell This QdJcKRwY 61.285 tMALP4fBHk kA 48.000Z Side Teacher... R3bX1VA 89 78186 A Four years ago; a pet chimpanze e at a Russian Orphaned zoo passed Baby away and Chimpanze left behind e Gets a sweet Adopted by little baby Pet Dog chimpanze and Its e. A https://www. Puppy. zookeeper youtube.co Cutest realized the UCaq03dw9 m/watch?v= EaxnQNrB3 2018-07-23T03:54: Adoption little one jCaiq7OUX 52.883 EaxnQNrB3 y0 01.000Z Ever! wouldn't ... 6kxufA 202 29124 y0 Music: BGM #2 Composer: Unknown Playlist: https://www. https://www youtube.co BGM #2 - .youtube.co UCebHf-GK m/watch?v= RmF5oYpty 2018-06-05T07:25: My Pet m/playlist?l UpYNCgyc RmF5oYpty bM 12.000Z Chimp ist=PLyWy P9m9OeQ 0 0 bM


S_dYS5aBY bL6DJDF3_ amDPp4CZ K6V Platform: Nintendo DS Go ... https://www. Michael Michael youtube.co Jackson Jackson UC7HnSJd m/watch?v= bEBz8Ycye 2018-05-24T11:51: and pet and pet GrTaBEU4 58.797 bEBz8Ycye NE 49.000Z bubbles bubbles. C-OUurew 143 13297 NE We've never loved another being as much as we love Chad ▫ New video everyday. Subscribe here! ▷ http://bit.ly/ Sub2Super https://www. My Pet Mega ▫ youtube.co Chimp - EP REALLY UCPPc2Pdt m/watch?v= gS8y7krnsg 2018-01-18T16:30: 3: Sparkly SLICK A7gCMbjYp gS8y7krnsg s 01.000Z Primate MERCH ... _i_TKA 0 0 s Crytpo Trading https://www. Signal - Sell youtube.co BITCOIN | UCPyEVcu m/watch?v= D7xw5VrgD 2018-01-17T17:06: Crypto-Chi NCwApWle D7xw5VrgD Ps 05.000Z mp ana25KxQ 0 0 Ps Crytpo Trading https://www. Signal - Sell youtube.co ZCash | UCPyEVcu m/watch?v= HAJarTOso 2018-01-17T17:03: Crypto-Chi NCwApWle HAJarTOso M8 10.000Z mp ana25KxQ 0 0 M8 https://www. Crypto youtube.co Trading UCPyEVcu m/watch?v= -9Xzuy4GV 2018-01-17T16:59: Signal - Sell NCwApWle -9Xzuy4GV m0 39.000Z BITCOIN | ana25KxQ 0 0 m0


Crypto-Chi mp Chad needs more love; we're here to give it to him. ▫ New video everyday. Subscribe here! ▷ http://bit.ly/ Sub2Super https://www. My Pet Mega ▫ youtube.co Chimp - EP REALLY UCPPc2Pdt m/watch?v= nD7Ph4PFx 2018-01-17T15:30: 2: Spanking SLICK A7gCMbjYp 54.585 nD7Ph4PFx OI 02.000Z the Monkey MERCH ... _i_TKA 285 45685 OI We got a pet chimp; watch us care for it and kiss it ▫ New video everyday. Subscribe here! ▷ http://bit.ly/ My Pet Sub2Super Chimp - EP Mega ▫ https://www. 1: Finally; A REALLY UCPPc2Pdt youtube.co B88ozT4cj 2018-01-16T15:30: Chimp SLICK A7gCMbjYp 57.999 m/watch?v= QI 01.000Z Game! MERCH ... _i_TKA 286 46189 B88ozT4cjQI pets and animals are very important in human life.some people keep pets for there Baby safety but https://www. Chimps;Mo some time youtube.co nkey;Baby they do a UCQFn3Ta m/watch?v= Gbs4PZBvF 2017-12-21T10:04: chimpanze lot of fun 2H7jjKcvRF 49.195 Gbs4PZBvF 6o 21.000Z e;pet and our fdtDnA 10 48631 6o


camera eye caught that ... Zoomer Chimp Price Best Make a new friend when you play with the Zoomer Chimp! He's unpredicta ble; so you can never https://www. get bored! youtube.co Zoomer With some UCFoQIslp m/watch?v= 6gYkgPd1C 2017-08-17T16:33: Chimp Best training; he 5nEZsVDbJ 54.945 6gYkgPd1C 9s 28.000Z Price will ... BR6Ecw 84 48678 9s ZWF's baby chimp; Limbani; is playing with a baby deer. http://www. facebook.c om/zwfmia mi http://www. Baby twitter.com/ chimpanze zwfmiami e is playing http://www.i https://www. with his nstagram.c UCwgv_JY youtube.co 9fDtayHgB 2017-08-07T17:01: fawn friend om/zwfmia bhOV5gDa m/watch?v= oI 43.000Z part 2 mi. h6eK2Gfw 0 0 9fDtayHgBoI Bubbles Michael the chimp; Jackson’s Michael pet Jackson's chimpanze former pet; https://www. e; Bubbles is star artist youtube.co featured in in ' UCY9G05h m/watch?v=j jp6Du9eM5 2017-07-27T12:22: art that Paint' 0IBHAimoC 57.485 p6Du9eM5Y Yo 40.000Z exhibition Miami art QLmovuA 163 38971 o


exhibit and fundraiser. Bubbles; 's former pet chimp; is becoming a celebrity in Miami's art Michael scene. Jackson’s Paintings former pet made by chimp is Bubbles now a and other https://www. professiona apes at youtube.co l artist | Florida's UCrvhNP_l m/watch?v= Z-NZ3Tv15 2017-07-24T19:21: New York Center for WuPIP6QZz 22.147 Z-NZ3Tv15q qA 45.000Z Post ... JmM-bw 6 40962 A Hello everyone. My name is Lucas. I just got a new pet Chimp; but I haven't named him https://www. yet. Can youtube.co you help UCdA05Ji9 m/watch?v= KC2t1elEO 2017-06-17T18:25: My new pet me decide 6eBoFkuuo 57.350 KC2t1elEOQ QM 10.000Z chimp. a name? ykAKlw 103 0514 M Animals; especially wild animals which people treat are pets can turn on their 8 Pet owners https://www. Animals really youtube.co That Ate quickly UC4dD7XX m/watch?v= q27V7_PzY 2017-06-07T14:00: Their when dwPIrTLStH 32.408 q27V7_PzYx xU 05.000Z Owners treated wfsJOQ 8 68151 U


badly or even at random. These pets all ... A young chimpanze e shows empathy towards a baby genet kitten and protects it from other chimpanze es Clip from episode 1 https://www. 'Love' of youtube.co Wild Chimp our new 5 UCDRZWhe m/watch?v= tw5u835KBl 2017-05-30T14:43: adopts Pet part series dLhwllnac- tw5u835KBl 8 06.000Z Kiitten ... RBxvyw 0 0 8 911 call of the partner of Charla Nash; calling for help to stop the brutal attack of 200 pound pet chimpanze Disturbing e . 911 Calls - 62-year-old https://www. Charla Charla lost youtube.co Nash - Pet her hands; UCnKXY2n m/watch?v= nk5s8LtiWL 2017-04-09T08:58: Chimp lips; nose; AcSiDKALz nk5s8LtiWL o 13.000Z Attack ... CovujQQ 0 0 o


We are not uploading shows as much on youtube now and have added and updating all The Saint - the Radio Vincent Shows here Price 1947 - https://www 01 - The .spreaker.c https://www. Chiseling om/user/rac UCQvaKEu youtube.co f8ot9orCno 2017-03-05T21:50: Chimpanze rowder oJhHHRk89 53.381 m/watch?v= 0 38.000Z e Simon ... ReJ0AbQ 60 68144 f8ot9orCno0 This orphaned chimp was reaching her hand out to humans for help. Video by: Ryan Barrentine To help sponsor Baby the https://www. Chimp ongoing youtube.co Almost care of UCINb0wqP m/watch?v= MUoCebv0j 2017-02-23T17:00: Sold As Pet Baby Mado; z-A0dV9nA MUoCebv0j M0 02.000Z | The Dodo you can ... RjJlOQ 0 0 M0 Belle's Pet Palooza! She is B&R reviewing a Reviews mishmash Pet Palooza of her Stuffed stuffed https://www. Animals animals youtube.co MishMash + and UC4sCX-T9 m/watch?v= Q4fj00Ux32 2017-02-19T22:19: Zoomer Zoomer _9X9H4JWj 56.962 Q4fj00Ux32 A 38.000Z Chimp Chimp. -JIg7g 109 89539 A


Taika Waititi will direct a stop-motio n movie about Michael Jackson's pet Taika chimpanze Waititi To e; Bubbles. Direct 'I want to Movie focus on About telling a https://www. Michael story that youtube.co Jackson&# blends fact UCfkpM3Ru m/watch?v= 7eQWoUCB 2017-02-10T22:11: 39;s Pet and yUHqY4nRl 56.831 7eQWoUCB 7e8 14.000Z Chimp fantasy; ... P-egNA 235 43735 7e8 Me https://www. showing youtube.co you guys UCz-1Rwh6 m/watch?v= o1Ofodgj6_ 2017-01-06T00:48: my pet IG88YUoCp o1Ofodgj6_ Y 43.000Z chimp!!! ML4XEQ 0 0 Y The resident chimpanze es at JGI's Tchimpoun ga Sanctuary in Republic of - rescued chimps orphaned by the Happy illegal pet Holidays and https://www. from the bushmeat youtube.co Tchimpoun trades - UCdffE8uh m/watch?v= 1scSoBmIn 2016-12-23T14:56: ga Chimp deserve a nD3D78l45j 48.576 1scSoBmInz zI 40.000Z Sanctuary! ... C1YIA 7 37584 I


Zoomer Chimp; for ages 5 and up; has flashing eyes and makes lifelike sounds and movements (including waggling https://www. his bottom youtube.co Zoomer at you!). He UCHzeGkg m/watch?v= QpQW_3b5I 2016-12-08T14:30: Chimp | performs SdvCqSNR 32.900 QpQW_3b5I dE 32.000Z Toy review over 100 ... QcTA_r0Q 182 98011 dE Vintage Musical Jolly Chimp I have for sale on ebay. Comes with the original Musical box ; tag Jolly Chimp and insert. https://www. For Sale On My ebay youtube.co Ebay By name is " UC53e_Q0J m/watch?v= HysSAHYA 2016-11-25T15:12: blonde-tige blonde-tige PAFYbiGv0 58.056 HysSAHYAF FnU 43.000Z r r ". l_F1HA 76 8552 nU Watch as Lindsey and Michael go bananas over the new Zoomer Chimp Interactive ZOOMER Robotic Pet CHIMP by Spin https://www. INTERACTI Master! youtube.co VE Thanks so UCWGqUT m/watch?v= aTXq2Az6o 2016-11-10T17:56: ROBOTIC much to B3f1K164C 52.215 aTXq2Az6oZ Zs 37.000Z PET Spin Master eM_Q997w 223 38544 s


for sending this ... Pet LoveLy https://www. Joe the youtube.co Chimpanze UCW2sDWr m/watch?v= N7vFmvPbj 2016-11-10T16:15: e at the SkW1ULLh N7vFmvPbjr rk 30.000Z Mobile Zoo TE7qg0fg 0 0 k https://www. youtube.co UCRqErfuG m/watch?v= Cp91gXo6H 2016-08-23T02:04: Our pet mvDKCsqX 61.060 Cp91gXo6Hr rY 52.000Z chimp ybL3mNA 79 4167 Y Welcome to Old Games Database! ▷ Subscribe http://bit.ly/ 29CA0XB Thousands of Games; Short videos; No commentar y. https://www. My Pet Remember youtube.co Chimp and UCeCzzXiU m/watch?v= m14saf5ez 2016-07-29T11:35: –Nintendo discover ydpQwoXF 55.765 m14saf5ezA AE 03.000Z DS– games. eKknadw 271 12218 E If you still don't understand why owning a gun is dangerous; think of it like this: owning a gun is kind Owning A of like Gun Is Like owning a Owning A pet https://www. Pet chimpanze youtube.co Chimpanze e. Kind of UCr8_w2pA m/watch?v= sibOGNX-n 2016-06-09T19:58: e • Same ass; JlGAwu-qz 56.015 sibOGNX-n0 0M 34.000Z Difference but can ... 4bYmrw 105 90872 M


This video is a snapshot for Hyperspin - Nintendo DS ************** ************** ************** ************** ************** https://www. ************** youtube.co Nintendo ********* UCBWmHw m/watch?v= UIfmKlu5od 2016-05-27T02:20: DS ► My Upto 15000 mJ5r4iyg41 55.765 UIfmKlu5od w 00.000Z Pet Chimp video ... VYF52rw 271 12218 w Available in My eBay Store. http://www. ebay.com/it m/-/2917661 61059? Visit My Store to Furreal See My Friends Other Items https://www. Baby http://store youtube.co Chimp s.ebay.com UCKoH6KB m/watch?v= JHIcb6fmM 2016-05-17T05:02: Electronic /thrift-digita iv-YcoCZhV 54.899 JHIcb6fmMg g8 35.000Z Animal Pet l. MBwKRg 240 91903 8 This unfortunate juvenile chimpanze e appears to be a pet in a small zoo. He holds a PET BABY small CHIMP alligator https://www. holds small but is youtube.co alligator - reprimande UC8wz5en m/watch?v= qzeT_sBrY 2016-05-15T00:03: EPIC ZOO d for OUhi8p5D1 54.566 qzeT_sBrYF F8 53.000Z FAIL playing too BehkaDQ 30 22839 8


roughly. I wonder why the ... https://www. youtube.co UCR3epHH m/watch?v= yA0dh4aDt 2016-05-02T00:14: My pet OfBmrfc0Ml 61.471 yA0dh4aDt7 7M 42.000Z chimp 4 Cool. tIJpJw 108 19999 M https://www. youtube.co UCR3epHH m/watch?v= OqU2qZD5 2016-05-02T00:03: My pet OfBmrfc0Ml 44.941 OqU2qZD5n nY0 47.000Z chimp 3 Cool. tIJpJw 18 94686 Y0 https://www. youtube.co UCR3epHH m/watch?v= H6r0mAFlD 2016-05-01T23:56: My pet OfBmrfc0Ml 26.998 H6r0mAFlDL Lk 58.000Z chimp 2 Cool. tIJpJw 15 73745 k https://www. UCR3epHH youtube.co BlgdsAFzIf 2016-05-01T23:51: My pet OfBmrfc0Ml m/watch?v= A 52.000Z chimp 1 tIJpJw 0 0 BlgdsAFzIfA https://www. youtube.co UCZx5w9F m/watch?v= 8R3zJUnSJ 2016-04-10T18:29: My pet bEzUtMiG6t 56.552 8R3zJUnSJp p8 20.000Z monkey Freddy 252. -RS9AQ 62 69027 8 The Zoomer Chimp by Spin Master is an interactive Monkey Pet ZOOMER Kids Toy CHIMP that ROBOT debuted at Interactive Toy Fair Monkey Pet 2016 in Toys for New York. https://www. Kids TOY This video youtube.co FAIR 2016 shows the UCuyWn_k m/watch?v= PC-8FmK4 2016-02-18T00:00: Videos Zoomer qtoK9gx3P PC-8FmK4w w5E 01.000Z Spin Master Chimp ... hYPpjtQ 0 0 5E


My pet https://www. chimp  is Check out youtube.co addicted to the cool UCnzI_H_v m/watch?v= YtMiI2VWX 2016-02-02T20:45: energy video I kukJ4GxCv 29.203 YtMiI2VWXk kU 29.000Z drink made! d5JSEA 6 70996 U Blind Puddin's (She Wants to) Sell My Monkey. A delightful musical romp back in the days when Blind Puddin' put https://www. Sell My together youtube.co Monkey his first all UCkmfSzof m/watch?v= WmOG5dyl 2016-01-19T16:26: Chimp chimpanze vu-LHsElvK 20.805 WmOG5dyl DBM 59.000Z Style e band. nTlDw 1 77314 DBM Video of Freaky Raw Footage Chimpanze e Chimpanze es Great Ape Zoo Animal Pet Freaky Raw weird Footage strange Chimpanze almost e looks like a Chimpanze hybrid es Great human https://www. Ape Zoo monkey youtube.co Animal Pet ape UCitq5B76 m/watch?v= K3t4_MeaC 2016-01-13T22:15: weird monster or OHT0pm_T K3t4_MeaC NE 32.000Z strange ... YzMNr8Q 0 0 NE I don't think I have https://www. Chimpbot much else youtube.co /// to record at UCtksXBcx m/watch?v= XjOPokwQ 2016-01-08T08:55: EVIE's this time so rfCGjLg7NV 51.007 XjOPokwQg ghI 12.000Z PET CHIMP I made this. 3HeNA 300 55692 hI


HEY! YOU! YOU CAN'T FOOL ME! I KNOW YOU'RE A ROBOT MONKEY! My best Videos! ▻ http://bit.ly/ 1OmMouH https://www. EVIE'S Subscribe youtube.co PET to join the UC2S7CGc m/watch?v= uOB6Nng9 2016-01-04T18:54: CHIMP! | Cranky eq5tsuhcVy 60.180 uOB6Nng9X XmQ 29.000Z Chimbot Crew! ACdA3g 300 86076 mQ Get a close-up look at the NEW Webkinz African Chimpanze e; available NOW from the Ganz Webkinz eStore! African Visit Chimpanze www.ganze https://www. e Unboxing store.com youtube.co - NEW pet for Webkinz UCAC_bvjf m/watch?v= Sqp8DwO5 2016-01-04T14:38: January Pets; cool J44ikrDkmy Sqp8DwO5F F44 50.000Z 2016! items; ... 04mkQ 0 0 44 On Monday; Hollywood released the 2015 Black List; Screenplay an annual About collection Michael of Jackson&# Hollywood' https://www. 39;s Pet s best youtube.co Chimp as-of-yet UCfkpM3Ru m/watch?v= Fchhqf3UY- 2015-12-21T20:29: Tops Black unproduce yUHqY4nRl 21.652 Fchhqf3UY- Y 48.000Z List d P-egNA 30 06373 Y


screenplay s. The top vote-getter this year ... Arby's Arby's Every Every Sandwich Sandwich Sale:Chimp Sale:Chimp anzee 30 anzee 30 https://www. sec EFAR sec EFAR youtube.co 4033 1:9:91 4033 1:9:91 UC0C5t27F m/watch?v= QwAAtZ8V 2015-10-23T18:23: W B Doner W B Doner ci2JjqcTcP QwAAtZ8V8 8Z8 24.000Z Red Car Red Car. 6rL1w 0 0 Z8 In a collection of interviews; owners of pet monkeys talk openly with the Primate Rescue Center about the In Their dangerous Own and https://www. Words: The harmful youtube.co Sad Stories practice of UCJIqQ7oD m/watch?v= s9ZBJ1xqK 2015-08-16T20:57: of Pet keeping a 9qx9y7-2R1 s9ZBJ1xqKZ Z8 33.000Z Primates monkey ... RJTew 0 0 8 My lil chimp ape gorilla guy. TWITTER : http://www. twitter.com/ jaclynforbe s MY PET INSTAGRA https://www. MONKEY | M : youtube.co Prosthetic http://www.i UCnpxTbyr m/watch?v= n4AMWx88 2015-08-03T21:40: Makeup nstagram.c cycjleyUua 56.544 n4AMWx88v vLE 27.000Z Application om/jaclynfo TvC0g 55 38734 LE


rbes TUMBLR ... (29 Apr 2009) SHOTLIST AP Television Sorocaba; Brazil; 6th March 2009 1. Wide of two chimps with forest Pet owners in the https://www. open backgroun youtube.co chimpanze d 2. Pan UCHTK-2W m/watch?v= s5hG7V-kIh 2015-07-21T13:07: e sanctuary right to left 11Vh1V4uw s5hG7V-kIh o 24.000Z in Brazil of chimp ... ofOfR4w 0 0 o Provided to YouTube by CDBaby Pet Chimp · Jen Grant Nobody Likes Your Homemade Wine ℗ 2014 Jen Grant Released https://www. on: youtube.co 2014-05-06 UCtbAfBU8 m/watch?v= nHxM3_66i 2015-06-11T11:48: Auto-gener AMupuc_S nHxM3_66iB B0 57.000Z Pet Chimp ated by ... QVhkWjQ 0 0 0 Charla Nash was attacked by a 200-pound chimpanze e in 2009. Chimp She's Attack working to https://www. Victim put youtube.co Pushing pressure UCs6OTZVt m/watch?v= bIN7yeuFeh 2014-07-10T21:09: Primate Pet on mLwWodmj 45.539 bIN7yeuFeh g 09.000Z Ban Congress Lutisjw 66 21521 g


to add primates to the list of banned pets. A Connecticu t woman blinded and disfigured by a chimpanze e attack will visit Washingto n this week Chimp to urge the Attack passage of https://www. Victim rules to youtube.co Seeks make it UCJmSX7g m/watch?v= EQvY-hUIu 2014-07-08T23:10: Primate harder to hommK3pw 59.905 EQvY-hUIuA Aw 07.000Z Sale Rules keep ... MLGNUvPA 98 09987 w Mansfield; Nottingham shire PET CHIMPANZ EE V.S. Of a day in the life of a pet chimpanze e. Rikki the 16 month old chimp is seen https://www. being youtube.co Pet washed UCGp4u0W m/watch?v= Se1IUSk1w 2014-04-13T15:40: Chimpanze and dried HLsK8OAx 53.130 Se1IUSk1wL LQ 15.000Z e (1966) by ... nvwiTyhA 89 26905 Q


Location Unknown / Unclear. 1947? Several shots of the chimpanze e and its woman owner; Mrs Stone; sitting at the table https://www. sipping tea youtube.co Pet and eating. UCGp4u0W m/watch?v= LhQ6FVOO 2014-04-13T14:50: Chimpanze CU. Chimp HLsK8OAx 45.987 LhQ6FVOOZ Z4o 07.000Z e (1940) in ... nvwiTyhA 90 76996 4o Limbe Wildlife Centre cares for more than 360 rescued animals. All of the animals who have been affected by Chimpanze the illegal https://www. e Yabien animal youtube.co had a trade have UCVA7h0_c m/watch?v=j joGSP0WZi 2013-10-15T16:29: terrible life a sad story. 42qYVsNpn 60.267 oGSP0WZiB BQ 38.000Z as pet This is a ... B7Fjzw 215 72857 Q https://www. pet chimp youtube.co trys to UCBJ5jrWp m/watch?v= vLT0StpLP 2012-12-22T15:28: bulid a 240iCFkPS 33.912 vLT0StpLPy y8 08.000Z shoe! lol. H_6ATw 2 90903 8


Friends say he dedicated his life to helping animals.But a UTSA grad student Friends remains in Raise a Money for medically-i Victim of nduced https://www. Chimp coma after youtube.co Attack -- being UCKinpLjo m/watch?v= hyxatdRc5 2012-07-01T03:48: Robert mauled by uDoNe6oB hyxatdRc5Q QQ 10.000Z Price ... RK9QFyw 0 0 Q Pet Chimp chases walkers; joggers; Pet Chimp even police https://www. Escapes; officers as UC3UxJWr youtube.co Terrorizes terrorizes a UACd2Hk4 m/watch?v= NNAlu_GE 2010-10-20T12:05: Neighborho neighborho dMAQKOy NNAlu_GEw w0I 23.000Z od od. w 0 0 0I https://www. Bubbles Michael youtube.co Michael Jackson's UC0j0fsRw m/watch?v= kKDDvZey5 2009-07-02T21:55: Jackson one-time eE4tQSsDh 55.880 kKDDvZey5 ZI 34.000Z Chimp Pet pet chimp. GtmMOw 77 81479 ZI https://www. youtube.co Woman Woman UCWFnmL m/watch?v= T9uaBrm6y 2009-04-17T15:25: attacked by attacked by XocluQHa5 T9uaBrm6y M8 59.000Z pet chimp pet chimp. Zx0sjORw 0 0 M8