District Population Statistics, 25-Hamirpur, Uttar Pradesh
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I! II I, Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 1 l i 25-HAl"\'IIRPUR DISTRICT . ": -- : -:.c . c "~" ~' .:'':. ji. 315.42 ~LL~R:~a~D : . _~;AMD ~Y, UrrAR. PRADESH.. 1NDIA 1951 '-; 1913 "; HAMDPS .-~ ---.---- - ----~--~-.-.-~--. ,-~-~ ;.~ ~ - , '-~ - OfFlCE OF THE REGrSTRAR GENERAl, INDJA,- NEW DELHI. 2011 {LIBRARY} Class No._ 315.42 1951 HAMDPS Book No._ 21224 Accession NO". ________ ]LED CAST&S IN UTTAR PRADESH __ VI ..-~ Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order. 1950] - (11 71trOU{l1tQU,t me b'UUe- m~~~ (221 Bhuyi6l' {43J Kania.r (2J Bad! !2,J Btj!"la {44' Kapatiya t~} Badhik t24}~ (45} Kal"Wal I (4) Baheliy& (25) Che:ro (46} Khaimha (5) Baiga (26} Dabgar {4_1}~ (61 Baiswar- (2n Dhangair HS) ~~ludlng Benoon&i} m Bajaruya (28) Dhanuk (49} Kol (8) Bajgi (29) Dhsrkar (50) Korwa i9}Ba~ Off] DIwbi I.5HLalliegi (ll)} Balmiki (3l} DhU&ia or J"husi& {52} ~Iajbwa.r {1 I ~ Bangall {12] Dvm (S;/ Nat U 2) Banmanus (3) Domar (54} Pa."<h~h& n3}~ (3:4} DrL<>eAh {~5} Parahiya (l4) BaTWar (l~} Gbm:..~ t56}~ H~' B~r (361 GhMiya ~S1) PMarl {l6} B?1W<J;."iya rm ':ltlaJ {58l Ra:watr ,.I' (i7}-lMdar (33) Eahura (59} Saharya ua~Barlya P9J Irari. W}J Sanatrrhlya '13)~ ~.,H~ {50 Sansiy& ~.Bhoksa Hl} Jatan (52) 8hll;pkM au Bhuiya C42} Ka.la.ba.z (~} Turaiha {2} In lhl/luIdk'MM J}iltJieifm aM tlu jiorlim'i of Mi'l'zapur Di8t'l'ict. south. ot Ka'lmur Range- Q~nd FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March" 1952~ to supply: dIm1 for me purposes of elections- to local bodies population statistics Mdt separation fur schdul«l castes: (i) ~~aUai~yanl-wis-e for urban areas. ane eii) vtlbge-wise fm Iural a1:eas~ The Census- Tabulation Plan di<l ncr provide for !Jotting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Gov€nh'1l:ent came whtn the slip sorting had been finished and (he Tabulation Offices d\]~ed~ As- the census slip§: are- mixed up fo-r the purpos.es of rorting :in one for ror a tehsiI or urban tract~ collec.tID,.1'l of data rcg<I:rdin~ scheduled castes population by mohaUas!91r~ards and villages w~uld have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up aiiesh_ Fm:m-nate-ly. how-ever_,_ a S-~£0£-dazy cenSllS reconij> viz~ the National Citizemt Reg.ister,_ in which each slip has been co-p-ied, was available. By &mgnlaI fMesigbt it had bett~ pre- mohanaJwatd-~riS€ vjna~e-wise a!ea£~ £'oared for urban areas and ~ for rural The required information h<l;S-~ the.rdO-re_~ h~en ext~:tc-rro from this record~ 2. In the anuve cin~ll~4.IJ--C-:S mefe i~ 3 slight difference in the figures uf population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips- and as r..-£""K determined by UH1Jlttng• l:_nom me:• N·1" att.onaJ~ 'f' C~ltJ;ZenS . , R'egtster. ThO_ 1S Glnerence"ton": h'. as Deen aeeen (uated: by an m:der passed by me- during the fater COUIlt rrOiTf the National R~gis.tef of Citizens as- fOUows- ': -- ~-'" r_. i\l_' ". ~ iC'- ~ -. ~-_ -- R -'- J fit.. til ~uunr nn-ttvt2.'r$ ~7 .._~nuKnaDaa iAstIl£t.. _ aJ:das anll oHaga~ 3-$ 4Cb®taf$;-~ (if] Caum lliilar-tgi;, Khakrob,. Sweeper-s. Harijan. Mehtar. Jamadar and Achhut as ~ Balmikil. The fa.ct.. that some IDmIbcrs of the scheduled castes had te:rJ.l~n~i i=hi::}r ca5tc by names. whlr-& did- aa-t ~nd pbce in the scbeduIe as notilied under section ,,41 of the Constitution oflnd.ia~ came to my notice during the course of the- earlier sorting, but at tc>O lare a stage: to enable W~ to p~..s detil:dte and anifoITr! oraers. I have tried co rectiIy it by passing this order £i~r the purpc~ of counting fr&m the Natronal Citizens'_ Register. The differences in the fl.£Uf~S of th~ two> counts have been clear{¥ ~t' ili}t ~n the- - ~ tables, that follow ~ 3->- The ngures of total po:puJatIon- of mdrraHas.lwatds- have been arrived at by actual counting from the National Citizcnl RegisreI~ ~'\>;hile the ligures oftotal population of villages a.re those determined by a.cmal sorting of the slips and teconled in the Prim.tUl CenSM-J Abstnut. _ 4. In the SU"7f!mary oj Urban PcpulatifJfJ me code number of each tmvn has been ~ivrn. The fint £lement of the ~ode giv~ the: cOOe n~-k<eI vf the district. ~- ~ me serorn.t the code number of the: t~hsil (Of towns of over one- lakh population) and die third tne code number of the town (other than a town of one [akh population). The key to me cooe numhers of tensils will he t0uu-o i-n the Summary oj Rural Population. ..R.AJESHW ARif PRASAD), LA.s~~ RAMPUR: Superintena,ent, Census OpeJ'tJJw.~J, July 2lr 19cp. Utttir PK'dffs!;,t_ LIST OF ERRATA TO DISTRICT POPULATI011 STATISTICS OF HAMIRPUR DISTRICT 3 3 ~ge 1'&. F9't 73--Chapka r3 :lZ~ Ri.tk.'lwa n 246--<--mjam-i Summary of Urban Population S:.~hZ--01ml~>Il 14n.'11im-s f~agte& Otaer;f 4 t4-f-f\t4: HAMIRPUIl MUNICIPAL BOARH 4,(>00 3i~59 £i~SM 1-~7-fJ{; Z/J~(J 4,623- { ,(_(t._1"! J;477 J,086 6,513 4'1'9 --iJ_"'TYI 4,537 24-2-163 KULPAUAK TOWN l-/i:J.4 2~i4J~5 .f/iR/' 7tU 798- 3,558 9/347 g'r.f9& I~,3f5 4,863 2,462 12l;'2fj- 5;f!J 4,685 9/N8 4)l(l4 ,g;~ ~~29-1 14-5-267 BATH MUN[ClP.. ~L BOARD 1;27-6- S,lYfw t1,'142 3/.[:t7 l"pS<i t,t~ Sf1!JfJ S.}58 I1/J58 2.327 1/;:5-3 7.>;(lt~ - _--- ---_- --~-- Total 3%,3%7- 35,987 14,514 19,299 ILlll 44,25.1 DISTRICT HAl\URPUR Popnlation of Towns hy MonaUas/Wards Se"hedulecr Muslims C:t8tes Oth<3n 2 4 5 T- 1 KSia-i:>!Jl~'M$ WiJ'!'~ n M 135 2 nJ t ".J»~1Y',;1!); I:}hat 270 553 H5 129 31))' 2 Kaz,y,ma 1'S3 r91 [54 345 160 H3 72 3- Rad-a-npttr'- ~~ 36 )~ 6!r 3& 11 4 Man-j-n{}o,¥u:r 2 Mi!l1tl'<Uh"l; WitT;! 'un £,j(l 2&2 41Z Hlf 121 tt1 'i S\',lwa~a ~~2 }1t~ ~ M 31)2 6 R1l111'alli Gali .,_~,.,. 'tIP ~i; 31 J:U"}: 8& 7 l11 """" E:~J~u-:a ~. aJ In H}S M ~ Mt-j:tI-N~tt-.-.& 96 BD 182 ~5- ~t4 5> ~ Pathk.u-R3 3 Klwle}1u'«1 Wara 145\ U] ~ l-5 2116 Hl RaJulal.ya Ha.miry.ur .~ 65- Us !-2- ;0 69 P{}Iiee Gllnwli n * H 52 52 l~ 77 Zt 6 12 }.N3.~ Shab~ 17 ~2 29 J 26 13 Thana U~¥-"p;ml>~ 14 Cullector] hS }7 33 33 i5 Dc. 1J-~ na.mkptu· U!t~-a-l}u-lated t6 Pa:r:w 5- 9 -14 [4 n .JR.iit 16 17 33 3-3- Jot Company Ragli 35 33 ~ L:(! 43 ~~§~j1f H~}iJ:p~ta! .,~ 'T! J9' Lf' ,;;.ic 48 3f £7 2(l G{}Vx,._ lii~h SehfFtf! ~s '"y~ M> 3S IE 21 ~I nnul. £\{;J"s:-Jitl 28~- :3& 54''f 2-tf1- jlYZ 19' Kc.\\>~~~'<'j;~ ~-£--'" 22 If4- Xl:)- "'H 21' 196 n yltiii t1k:d;- 4- Sefjrlt7/lt-J Warde 513 438 ~l FIl] 29- 24 SQfiganj 732 4& J:):- ro3 }\f(f :3 25 t~ha:i"i'Ir'tNlr-a; t£;t"'_ 2[0 t94 4~ 23& 26- I"1:'U 26 (iowaI'ro11 Unpopulated 2-7 }~TR·d-t~ i1 8 25 n k3 2.3 'Pollee H""Fital ; -;, 'r:@Sll '"'- 29 1-2 L3- 2~ i:}- t4 ;4) l1;?:l1g~:i_ ~f u_•. lga Salt-ill- ,-.- J2 & l8 .If 14 3Y BHgll Dalldayal 182 745 1,521 10'9' 1'14 t~%4 32 Manj<l} K_.l}t.H·& ~.5 fT Z-6- 8 18 1} E-~rrg~-li- M-0:ha} 433 4-'J2- US 326 539 34 ;oPay,a--l::13. TJnpapldated (Ranleri) 35 Rahuniya 253 30 283 44 Zf 2.18 3/i Jail 21 4' }1 ? (1n-1-i€-ttoT :;;a:hih 22 31 Ahat1t \09 16 125 3(1 2 93 38 1~a'nad, 4l 12 54 16 I 37 39- PHt--i-.:"€:-Li-li<:- Tatal 4.600 3,lJS') 8,459 1,706 Z,tJ{} 4,623 i"'aputatlQIl accordIng to &unary Census Ahstracl 4,_625 J,843 8,469: SUMERPUR (TOWN AREA) Thode {]fUJi nd }ff'trd 9-33- 'i'i9 t,.@2 &9- 43.f i-t'%3¥ 7?~ Z TIi{>~r< [T",~k& W f$1'd, 89t i'vL" 1.653 185 317 1,091 ;t l'};oal,., f;;trgltj Ffaril !,07Q 886 } ,9;6 t56 5Q} ~-,2-9-3- 4 TllOai:: AmiHya Ward 533 419 1,&l7 49' rl9 fS4 ---- ~. --~.-------" Total 3,427 3,[186 6,5J-l 4-'9 1,497 4,s37 3,441 6,531 3 DISTRICT HA.lIIRPUR &Jreatded ~hrs-Hmg Ca-stes O-UH~r-g- 2 7 KULPAHAR ('1'0-'1'1) JJu~aujJv Itr- 141 1} 124- 2.