Resources for SoulCollagers: Music & Websites from KaleidoSoul Recommended Resources For SoulCollagers Volume 2: MUSIC & WEBSITES Compiled by Anne Marie Bennett, SoulCollage® Facilitator & Facilitator Trainer, Massachusetts, New England, the Internet, & Beyond 1 Resources for SoulCollagers: Music & Websites from KaleidoSoul Resources for SoulCollagers- Volume 2: Music & Websites , copyright 2010 by Anne Marie Bennett. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, forward, give away or reproduce this material in any manner without written permission from the author. Hundreds of hours (and much creative energy) were devoted to the creation of this e-book. Your purchase supports the continuing efforts of in its mission to make SoulCollage available to people around the world. To give feedback or to contact the author, please email
[email protected] . SoulCollage® is a trademarked process, created by Seena Frost. For more information about Seena, SoulCollage®, and Facilitator Trainings, please visit . This e-book is brought to you by ….......... Spinning the fragments of your world into wholeness and beauty through SoulCollage ® 2 Resources for SoulCollagers: Music & Websites from Introduction I really love my dual roles as Editor and Writer of Soul Treasures , the KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirits Members’ Newsletter. And one of my favorite jobs in those roles is seeking out resources for SoulCollagers to enhance their practice. It’s a pleasure to stumble across a website or CD that I know will resonate with you. I often wander around the web searching for sites that have potential to enhance our inner wisdom and outer knowledge.