Play.-Lot Parking Merchan-Ts

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Play.-Lot Parking Merchan-Ts , , All The News \ Of All I The Poir.tes Every Thursday Morning rosse Complete 'N:ews, Cover.~g~ of All" the ,Pointes Honu of th8 News VOLU~E 17-NO ..2' Entered as Second Clau Matter at the Post -Officeat Detroit, ~ich: 5c Per Copy ,GROSSE POINTE, MICH~GAN,' JANUARY 12, 195b $3.00 Per Year TWO SECTIONS Fully Paid Circulation , , , - , Order Plans DEADLINES, u: S. SeeS Top Government Posts.for Women of Ihl Play.-Lot Parking 011 Dual Use WEEK Of Playfield As Compi16tJ by Ih. 'Step. Forward,' Gross. POitlt6 News 'Extra' Ground at Ridiard Eyed for I;)river Class. Thursday. January 5 Merchan-ts Say Part-time Car Lot A NEW PLAN to cut down on the heavy turnover of State I I Grosse Pointe's Board of ! employes. was _ announced by , the State Civil Service Com- Some on 'Hill' Insist Proposal Offers Only Partial Solution: Education has., swung into n:ission. Under the plan, longe- limited ,Hours Chief Complaint action on a shopper-parking, VIty pay and other benefits will be given to employes with six driver-training program. years or more service. The Merchants in the 'Hill' shopping area generally ap- The, twin proposal, pre- longevity phase calls for $3,000,- proved the proposal to open the Richard School auxiliary sented to the Boa r d in a 000 in Christmas bonuses, 'for 12,000 of the 23,000 State's em- playgro~nd for patt-time parking but added it offered only formal report by Dr. 'James ployes, which will range from a partial solution.' W. Bushong, superintendent $100 to $600, depending on , Their"chief complaint was of. schools, would convert length of service. The pian also that the property the Board School Bond provid~s for more sick. leave; of Education is QOnsidering "extra" playground space at two-thlrds pay for duty-mcurr- making available would be PIa''n' H ;Z d the Richard School into a ed injurl or illness, double time den i e d motorists at the driver-training area which for holiday work and a group all e insurance. The State Constitu. busiest shopping hours. A's 'Sou'nd' could be used for parking by A number cf merchants, in- On-the-Hill shoppers on a tion provides the Commission with authority' to fix salaries formally polled by Grosse part-time basis. and working conditions, and the Pointe News, indicated that --- The Board accepted- Dr. Bu- Legislature Is obligate.:i to pro. further study should be given Financial Expert Foresees shong's recommendations at it!" vide the funds. to double decking the existing Eventual Drop in TaXi meeting Wednesday, January 4, • • • lot. Pointe Credit 'AA' and'instructed him to "proceed VIOLENCE at the Westing. 'Excellent Opportunity! in having plans and specifica- house plant in Mansfield, 0., Following .are' typical com- Sigurd R-.-W-e-ndin, presi- tions prepared with estimated dimmed hopes of negotiator;s in ments: costs ••. as soon as possible." Ed Pongracz, of Pongracz dent of Heber-Fuger-Wen- 8ettling the 12-week dispute. Jewelers, 91 Kercheval, said: din, investment coun- Legislative Mandate One picket was slightly injured Inc., and several others cut and "The use of the playfield fer selors and consultants, has Dr, Bushong's report and the bruised, when 830 non-strikers parkipg, when it is not being told Board of Education Board's action followed a man- attempted to enter the plant. used by the Board of Education President James W, Lee II date by the Michigan Legisla-- for its driver-training program, d ture that driver-training he On strike is the International h h d ' 1 .J.h t at t e pro p 0 S e new taught in e\'ery publl"C hl'gh Union of Electrical Workers oesn t so :ve j; e problem, only P 1 a small part. of it. The problem Grosse ointe District schoo school and that school dl.strl'cts (AFL-CIO). Negotiations were will not be solved until, more bonds are "soundly con- provide such training for all .hifted from Pittsburgh to Phila- space cm be had' for all-day ceived." pupils under 18 in the district- delphia after an outbreak in ?uest of the Gro~se Pointe Celebrity series, MRS. IVY BAKER PRIEST, seated, Treasurer of the United' States, ,..took ~ .glance mto ~er cry~tal bal~ on ~hurs~ay, January 5, at luncheon in Al Green's, and predicted: parking. Wendin's, firm is advisor and including private and parochial Columbus, 0., resulted in death "However, this is an excel-. counselor to more than 200 school students. By 2000 t?e tmrd woman vlce-pr~s~dent wI1~ be m offIce, backed by three women on the SupteIl}e' Court bench, a to one person and injuries to lent apportunity for business, banks, insurance companies, in- In his report. -Dr. Bushong eight others. House Wlth members equally dIVIded betw:een. me:p.and women and a Senate with one-thIrd womenseriators.' Farms;.,a,~d, the Board of- Edu- stitutions, individuals, trusts and stated: Shown above, a} the lunGheop, aI~, sta~dirig; .1~ft to'rig ~t: M:B.~. JOSEPH: GONZO, '¥R:S. CHA}tLES, A. DEAN cation~to get together and solve the Puerto Rican Government. "Our problem then is to pro. Friday, January 6 a~d CH~T SAIV1PSON. Seated, WIth Mrs. 'Pnest, left to rlgh~"are: LOUIS.,,C.,MIRIANI, Detroit Co:gunonCotm- this problem. Once developed. Wendin, of 291 Cloverly road, vide an adequate training court PRESIDENT EISEN.I:lOWER ell preSIdent, FEDERAL JUDGE THOMASJ. THORN:[,ON and".rAM1~S. DEANE,~.assistant director of the. In...-, ,the plityfield,-portion -set, aside Farms, is a former Board of Edu- as close to the High School as 'urged Congre'ss '-to delay any ternalRevenue Service. ' Pi tur b d R ,i_ for the pr9gram, "will be good cation member and officer. Dur- possible to take care of this tax cuts until the budget is ,- c .) y e " unne .... for teaching'the drivers how to ing his six years on the Board, program. Th~ only available balanced. He said he will pre- ~. park- properly." 'Vendin served as both president property owned by the Board is sent a balanced budget for the next fiscal year. The Chief Exe- lke Diners Woman's Changing "World ,Mrs_.Priest 4No Real Emergeney~ an~i::r~~~u:e~dents will vote on ;~:os~~:ifi~~~~;o~~~~a~f~~ cutive said that despite the cur- - ' t C ',' II' T k -, ., ~ichard ,Maxon, of Maxon the $3,475,000 school-improve- ard School. rent ,economic boom, there , ',efl' es' ,a '£lnte'f' to' '..ea'f Real Estate. 83 Kercheval, who ment bonds on January 24. "To try to' acquire other prop- should be a cut in the 280-bil- Will Hear S ~ ,a es'Look', is 'also mayor pro-tern the e t t t'" di t t f th , of Soundly Conceived , r y no vO s an rom e lion-dollar national debt before " 'h L P' I t- F t Farms, said: senior high school would be the taxes are cut. Congressional ara I. awrence, ,rf.~xy' n 0 u ure "The plan, as outlined, will Wendin said that he hadre- very difficult. leaders believe that the Presi~ Atom' Chief S not.!'e much help tow¥ds a, viewed both the present and dent is leaving the door open --- solutIon, but of course, a good prospective school debt retire- Resists Pressure . for a tax-cut discussion later Mrs. Alger Sheld.en Heads Th e C ha IIenge of ,Modern Life'-to Be' Discussed In Talks U. S. Treasurer ,Gives -View deal depends on what part of ment bonds and their tax as- "For so~e years now the this session. In his State of the Sponsored by the AAUW ~nd 18 Other Of th W' Id' f 2'O'0'6 'the day the parking facilities peets and felt that they were Board of Education has resisted Pointe Committee for ' e' or . 0 , ' can be used. It would be, excel- soundly conceived. pressure to sell sizable portions .'Union address, read by clerks, C Mr. Eisenhower, said he ,will Jan. 20 Affair , ommunity Gro~ps r Fo~, Pointe Audience lent for summer, holiday and He said: , of this land. The Board has present a detailed recommenda- Answers on how to be a good 'mother and wife and --- Satl1rda~r uses," "The financial planning of the admitted that most of the area tion for a five-year program of Grosse POI'nters WI' II be ' Mr I B k ' p. t' As a member of the Farms Board prevents any exceSSIve has had little use by the chi!- - still' take' part in, outside activities, fr,om the P-TAto na- S',' VY', a er rles , . Federal aid to the states for well reprec:ent d hen De T f h U councli he sald' burden in anyone year. By dren of Richard School. 'J e w - tl'onal POlI'tl.CS,ma'y be found ffi' the "Women I'n' a ChangI'n- g reasurer 0 't e, nited ", f ". '." .ehool construction. t't R bI' th S The parkmg problem 15 stlll 1963, the taxtfor debt service in- "This has -been due to the • • • rOl -area epu ICa..'1Sga - World," series of lectures starting Friday, January ,,20. ~t tatesfi~ameup wi~h .80 50- "being, studied. At present there "eluding that for the proposed, fact that it is divided from the GRACE KELLY, Hollywood er Friday, January 20, in the the Wal.' Memorial Center. <e>------------- year" orecast,in ht;,r t~l,k be- is no real emergency, but the issue will actually go dowIl;.,from school by McMillan street.
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