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11-29-1956 Bulloch Herald

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1956). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3719.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT The Bulloch II Herald-Page Prtae·Wlnnlng NAtIONAL AWAID To the Voters of the 1209th ,... G.M. November 22, 1956 Newapaper District oC Bulloch Statesboro, Georgia, Thursday, 19 56 County, Georgia: 1956 + I am offering for re-electlon Better Newspa per THE BULLOCH HERALD IWI-J UIIwJ ...... Cor the office of Justice 01 the Health Center ell Contesta ...... Peace Cor this district, In the WOMEN-Earn $100 to $200 Dedim.ted To The Statesboro And Bulloch election to be held on hour. AVON Saturday, has full staff Progres» Of County ---- per Represent A·Ir Guard visiVISitS For Sale or full time. December I, 1956, and I PRODUCTS Purt again, continued from page ------line now Christmas Gift ready will appreciate the support and VOLUME XVU-ESTABUSHED MARCH 26,1937 STATESBORO, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1956 NUMBER 3 Write "AVON," Lyons, Georglu here un ceivcd her nursing degree from S d confidence you place In me, try­ 12·6·3tc ay Anderson, S C Memoriol Hos­ F A R M S In all to Ing ways serve fairly In 1952 After Air Guard officials at Travis pital graduation A REAL FARM and Impartially In your Justice Mrs Waters held positions on REAL ESTATE Field, Savannah, have an. 437 acres With 250 acres Court The the staffs of Anderson Woman's Club to Rockwell nounced that four F·84 experience you have nursing buys cleared Balance mostiy pine CITY PROPERTY LOANS Memorial Oliver will visit States- given me In these five Hospital, house and extra good "Thunderjets" past years end Good Blue Devils General In sn.s Service- boro on Hospital Augusta, one 0 concrete-flared -Quick Sunday, November 25, has been good for me, and I barns, Ga, Brooklyn Doctors Hospital, to Dual barn Deep well, piped up CURRY INSURANCE AGENCY and will put on an aerial show send dairy feel that It will help me to do Brooklyn, NY, and Bulloch gifts Parking to all buildings 4 ponds Mostiy III Courtland Street featuring bombing, strafing, and a better for The office Mrs Waters red pebble SOil Coastal Ber­ combat the job you County Hospital. techniques Piloting I Good new regard as a position of will fill the new position of muda pasture Allotments FOR SALE-Practically jet fighter type aircraft will be trust, ill Meter location $75 acre three bedroom house Good belonging to the and If PH clinic nurse at the health per pilots of Savannah's 158th people, mentally Company a season school I 1956 Inc. near elected, will continue to be E. Cone Co., location, - Cha.. Realty Fighter Interceptor Squadron, PITTSBURGH R oc kw e II N. Main SI. - Dial 4-2217 there. regular hours and 23 Curry Insurance Agency Georgia Air National 10- keeping LOADED will perfect Guard. CARS TO BE Manufacturing Company making this sale FARM Phone PO 4·2825 cated at Travis Field my occupation move Its Dual 'I'he Statesboro Sohool Blue Devils closed CLOSE·IN SMALL Leading and FOR GA. BAPTIST newly acquired High 1;::::--=::;::::::;:;:;;;:::;';;:;:;;;;;;; the giving It my undivided at­ 41 acres with 25 ncres cleared fighters will be Major CHILDREN'S HOME Meter Division staff to FOR tnree-bedroom Clyde and Parking out their 1956 football season on Wednesday night of trees SALE-New B tention, therefore this means JOHN W. KURLEY About 100 bearing pecan Knipfer The cars Cor loading the pro­ Pittsburgh and manufacturing . asbestos siding home Close Is taken to express thanks week when Jenklns Good locatlon only 3 miles The aerial demonstration Is my to last they played County High \1 In. Akins 01 the Akins duce from the churches in the operations three Rockwell Courthouse and lor the past and to ask for your Ray Ap. from Dwelling scheduled for 2 30 nnd Is Assocla­ C K vice School In Millen and defeated that team 20 to 6 to pm, on West Main Ogeechee River Baptist plants. Madison. tenant house $6,50000 Insurance Agency help and cooperation now and pllance Company Curry being put on In conjunction with tlon Is as follows At Metter president on oC the new in the future Your Street, announced that charge Will the 2·A football championship. Chns. E. Cone Realty Co., Inc. Phone PO 4·2825 a visit vote and recently Region to Statesboro by Air on November 27 and 28. At divlsion, announced here today - John W has been added Dial 4-2217 r will be 23 N. Main St. Guard to support greatly ap­ Kurley will meet the winner of l"OR SALE _ Three.bedroom pilots. stlmulate the Statesboro, November 29 and (Monday. Nov 26. 1956) They Paul and his preclated to his staff as a service man School­ interest of men in the UD" CARROLL, son of Dean and Mrs Carroll, part­ 30 the Summerville High house, large storage room, young for all He comes Seminole" cos- Sincerely, appliances. School to be HOMES large lot. Available Immediate- Air National Guard and also In ner, Ted Daniels, are shown here In their "Flying J. L ZETTEROWER, chair- aotarians hear Elljay HIgh game W CLAYTE DeLOACH here with more than twelve _ events at Flonda December I Iy. Can make down payment conjunction with a meeting tumes In which they perform at special State man played Saturday. 11·29·4tc years experience. COUNTRY HOME "BUY" and assume pi esent loan with scheduled afternoon for 1 he Will be Sunday Unlverslty, Tallahassee. ------___ 1I·29·2tp play·off game tree-covered 7·acre site payments of $51 �O per month the Decem­ High, Statesboro IP played here on Friday. . Hubert or ref(nance . CITY OF to become a candidate in !. Joiner with very comfortable home well Squadron. STATESBORO siring ber 7, accordlng to Coach from Nice this election must file notlee back pavement long- CURRY INSURANCE AGENCY In addition 10 the and IS to ELECTION NOTICE Ernest Teel of the Blue Devils flyover '8' CarroII understud be of his Intentions to do so with range view Six rooms and bath ymg ALDERMAN'S Phone PO 4-2825 demonstration by the four the at Hall In last week In well, garage, fenced The ruglar election for elec­ City Clerk, City the. game "Thunderjets," Major Philip E and also the Millen scored De::!: tlon of a mayor and two council. pay qualifying Coley Cassedy Colman, squadron commander, fee by 12 o'clock, noon, of two and ��m��rcl�lt�aluo: 8co':,l��e���� a - Seminole' at F.S.U. men to serve the City of States. touchdowns Johnny will to the Statesboro alr- J November 21, 1956 SPECIALS Cas­ Courthouse Only $10,000 00 fly 'Flving bora for the ensuing two year Deal scored the other and Inc. port land his aircraft, which term will be held on CITY OF first score came on an cw. E. Cone Realty Co., For Rent EDITOR'S NOTE-The fol- when I was In the ninth grade Friday, STATESBORO, sldy's _ Will be available for to December 1956. de- W. A. five n N. Main St. Dial 4-2217 viewing I learned 7, Anyone By Bowen, Mayor for off-tackle play for yard§ interested lowing story is taken from the mostly spectators. He ran the extra HIS A LAST.MINUTE LISTING ;��� �e��I���. point FOR RENT-Furnished At 2 p. m Har- October 30 Issue of the Florida apart- Sunday Major "B" has studied in second touchdown was a fifteen· ANN HODGES A fine, nicely located home L dancing MISS MARY ment, available the latter part ry Mathew and Captain Ed- the out from with seven rooms and bath Flambeau, published by his hometown, Statesboro, Ga, I yard run after popping of November MRS E C. OLl· ward A Woodward Jr. will ar- new can dillon Beau- students of Florida Unl- for a number of Friday-Saturday the middle of the Jlne He also Practically State years and Is VER, Phone 4 2873 11·I·tCc. rive at the and will be airport made the extra point through r:o:������t�� t��, ::."�eetr�n�a��:' CASH & CARRY the line Johnny Deal ran 35 Mary Hodges FURNISHED APARTMENT �� ��:w��r ::��:Y"B�,t I�eal� q�:������ C:':��I�a::�e�c. a reverse �����ti��::�f�,i£ep���: :;�:���� Ted doesn't claim to be a Fred to score from "" yards Chas. E. Cone Ine, Guard and expla In the advant- and Mrs Paul Carroll. B Is Realty Co., FOR RENT Astalr, but he Is currently tak- 1/4" PLYWOOD 4' X 8' wins award, 23 N. Main St. - Dial 4-2217 ages of becoming an Air Na- J.C. well known in the young set Ing modern dance lessons from $3.75 Per Sheet Living room, bedroom, dinette, tlonal Guard Pilot Qualified PLYWOOD 4' X 8' ON EAST GRADY here for his dance routines and hea d majorette Jackle HaIIey. 3/4" kitchen and bath. Electric stove men have an young opportunity and $7.78 Per Sheet Attractive 5 rooms and bath and heat. 201 for his with hIS together. since we have refrigerator, gas of going through Air Force generosity 2 X worked such a .. 8-8 FLUSH DOORS In very fine location. Nice lot NORTH MAIN ST Phone 4·2382 talent to groups He IS especially together short Pilot Training under the Air $5.98 Eseh and G I remembered for his time, It Is doubly hard to do," furnished bed- National Guard up. appear- RENT-Two quota and, to KWIKSET LOCK SETS :;,'!��lePrl��r $:'9�0AOO F9R ances with Miss Linda according Ted rooms bath for one on return to their Bean, E. Cone Co. Ine. adjoining completion, PASSAGE Chas. Realty each 201 oC Mr and Mrs 'or two persons home town and fly with their daughter PLAN ACT Per Set 4-2217 $1.89 23 North Main St. Dial NORTH MAIN ST Phone 4·2382 Air Guard George Bean, who is a majorette squadron The pair might try to work up 31/2 X 3 1/2 DB BUTTS at Flcrida State University THREE.BEDROOM BRICK FOR RENT�·room furnished Young men who are unable an act Cor performances 47c Per Pair front and to VISit the are Attractive brick veneer with apartment Private airport Sunday By CHARLET POITEVINT around about the campus "Ted Low Prices On back bath Invited to either visit the 158th three bedrooms and ceramic tile entrances, private From appearances, Florida would accompany my dancing," WHITE PINE SHELVING kitchen Close In bath Good location and large Electric Apply at Travis Field, or to correspond State Unoverslty's "Flying Semi. said "B" KNOTTY PINE PANELING Air conditioned. Venetlan at 10 West Grady St after With the to lot squadron by writing noles" seem to be on the Aspirations of the pair Include HARDWOOD FLOORING 6 o'ciock MRS MARY ALICE way blinds. Only $10,20000 Eligible "Commander, 158th Fighter enter. HENDRIX to becoming a tribe Or that's becoming professional for GI loan. Itp Sa- Squadron, P. 0 Box 1962, how It looked to students who talners or teachers "B" Is FOR RENT-Two·bedroom duo Chas E. Cone Realty Co., -Inc. vannah, GeorgIa" saw four of the Indian baton- majoring English and may be- M. E. Alderman 23 N. Main St. - Dial 4-2217 twirlers at the Homecoming come an English teacher, while Pr��:�e a���r���!s U\'[�:�:he� .t a music ' Parade and Pow Wow Ted, major, would hke NEW WHITESVILLE SUB. apartment Located In Hospital 'I- Co. N H b The two extra twirl- to "get a good musical back- fine lots. Park Available December I L stfutting, Roofing Large, $2500 down, egro oys and 4·3437 • mg, "seminoles" are ground become a college $1000 per month J. SHUMAN, phone dancing W. Vine St. - Phone 4-2371 1I·22·tfc. e corn Wesley B Carroll. better known band director like Mr. Whit· -chas. E. Cone Realty ce., Ine. grow as "B" and Ted Daniel, comb." 23 N. Main St. _ Dial 4-2217 prlZ. protti· ------Services In the early spnng of this LOOK ALIKE liI--- IlII'II__.. .llIIIIia�__II\1IIIIIIII_II.IIIii.,lIt12t=1= =IllI!\IU;-=----1l PLANTS SALE- year six Negro 4·H Club boys When two on FLOWER FOR ------the appear the Now IS the lime to set out from the Wm James 4·H Club field. spectators Will probably your pansies, snapdragons, calen- ASK R M BENSON how to enrolled In the Hybrid Corn not be able to tell them apart and other flowers Get save cent on that Is dulas 20 per your Contest sponsored by They are almost identical In them at THE BULLOCH Fire Insurance BENSON IN· Power the Georgia Company size, both are 5' 10", built alike SURANCE AGENCY Each boy planted one acre of and wear the same size clothes �tr��E�b;C�O�tntl:,:stB����� corn, using Coker 811 seed corn Hospital) PHONE A. S. DODD JR. Without "war paint" "B" can County this com on land 4.2324 II 29-4tc Real Estate They planted be distinguished by his blond that had been tested for hair 'red's is dark brown MORTGAGE LOANS FHA fertilizer and recommendations, Both the apprentices are new GI-CONVENTIONAL-FARM used the kinds and FOR SALE-Three (3) modern they to F S U this year Ted is a 'The Women' to The thermometer readings HgMES FOR SALE amounts of fertilizers recom- three-bedroom homes, now freshman. while "B" a sopho- for the week of Monday, No­ Dodd Subdivision FHA mended The corn have under construction. Low down projects more, transferred here from a vember 19, through Sunday, payment, with small monthly Approved now been completed-the word Georgia college November 25, were as fol­ For complete .be lows: ro�:::�rts _M_I_ln_S_t._-__P_ho_n_e_4-_2_47_1 presented detalls'I.23_N_. ���m:.����d·ha'�:r�ee�e���p��:� Te-:;":ndm?�" ����u��n p;';t�e� NEW AUTOMATIC SKillET stEAM AND DIY IRON VISUALIZER SPEED IRON HILL & OLLIFF and the records tabulated and J. M. TINKER Is in co. • • twirling together • Two irons in one Twin-Calrod heat­ Bakes, Prlee, Stews Nov. 19 ... 67 Phone 4-3531 turned in to county and state routines "We have December 6 Monday, • ordinating • ing elements CONSULTING FORE&TER officials Just dial tempera­ SWitches from Tuesday, Nov. 20 .. 73 a ttme • getting our movements Iteam to at the Visualizer fabrtcdial FOR RENT-Two (2) apart­ TIMBER ture you want dry Wednesday, Nov. 21 80 INDEPENDENT The boys carrying these of the their 1956·57 season ges original "Flymg • of a button • Opening ments with two bedrooms new push Automatic .. 72 " Handy to-inch Signal Thursday, Nov. 22 CRUISEII projects and their Yields of corn Scm Dick Puckett and On December 6, the each. Located North moles. Size light Thursday, College are Friday, Nov. 23 .. 54 10 E. Vine st. - Ga. as follows Wilham McCray, Ed Are $11.95 Little Thenti e Will St. Rent $4500 per month. Statesboro, Franklin who training Statesboro $14.95 Nov. 24 .. 64 1066 bushels; Wllhe Frank Luce's hi­ Saturday, Office Phone PO 4.2861 the new pair to carry on the present Clare Booth HILL & OLLIFF II Nov. 25 ... 59 Young. 1047 bushels. Willie tradition three "The Women Sunday, Residence PO 4.2265 begun years ago larlous satire! Phone 4-3531 James Nunnally, 72 bushels. Manley Whitcomb. Marchmg Curtain time IS 8 15 P m at the Wlllie A Davis, 69 I bushels, FOR RENT' Two bedroom fur- 11i.II __miiiii.iiiiiii.iiiiiiiii Chief's band director. who au- GCOIgm Teachers College audi­ 69 I bushels. nlshed apartment South Col- George McCray, ditioned Ted and "B" last Admission IS 00 fOl BOOKKEEPING SERVICE May. torium $1 ------­ and Clarence Prince. 41 4 III lege St. Rent $45 per month kept them a secret until Horne- adults and 50 cents for students the Hour or On Contract. By bushels As to lhe last place because he didn't want HILL & OLLIFF coming Tickets may be purchased from Federal and State Tax Returns Clarence 414 boy, Prince, the newness of them to be or from Phone 4-3531 any member of lhe club BULLOCH BOOKKEEPING bushels does not actually repre- spoiled Bernard Morns at B B Morris Dookmobl·leI!J) sets FOR RENT-Brick home located SERVICE sent the boy's He had efficiency Grocery Company. corner the bad luck APPEAR AT GAME on of Donehoo Ave -J. E. Owe� to have a neigh- With a cast of forty and and Jones st. This home con- bar's cows to break in and eat Ted and "B" made their third week's schedule 8 Selbald St. _ Phone 4-5409 • IS the lists oC 3 bedrooms, living hls com down twice eleven scenes production aPlf.arance together �his p�st The schedule for the States· room __• the most extensive ever under­ room·dlnlng combinatton,I. IIIIIIZI The awards for lhese can. weekend when lhey highlighted one A success­ bora Regional Library Book­ screened-In back and - the porch testants were at the the Clearwater POATABLE MIXER taken by group presented Hillsborough mobile for next \'leek IS as fol­ bath ful' Broadway play, motton State 4· HClub center at Dub· High School football game in AUTOMATIC COFFEE MAKER • less than Portable Weighs TV the lows e and HILL & OLLIFF Wanted hn November 16 Clearw'ater. three PlctUl production Friday. Here, • brew se­ peunds Phone 4-3531 1 Automatic , of the revolves At the Invitation of • play the champions from this county Stephen lector Removable beaters story around Hames' (Mary met With the director of, the • Mary SALE-Frame home 10' WANTED-Mature women with champions from Wanetovich, • se­ FOR Makes 8 to 9 cups 3-posltlon speed rand to Reno to sell AVON other counties and Clearwater with whom Ted Henderson) rocky cated on Jewel Drive consIst· received band, • lector transportation So . • . so the other to their their twirled for three the practical after she discOvers Jng of 3 bedrooms, liVing room, Christmas Gifts neigh· recognition Mr. L R years, pair eonvenient $14.95 Appliances 111 husband's life, four women her dining room, 2 baths, outdoor bars and friends. Work Dunson assistant State 4.H put on a pre·game show In full and earn $200 or $18.95 Allen Ann grill. Air conditioning, venetian hours per day Club le�der. University of Gear. Indian costume and headdress Crystal (Margaret and room. more hour Write AVON, She IS "adVised" by her blinds, storage per gla Athens was the main and a half·time exhibition of Dekle) 1I·22·3tc LYONS, GA. . the catty Sylvl8 HILL & OLLIFF He' spoke fluently on one and two baton twirling "friends," spe'aker Rosengart). the Intellec Phone 4-3531 the subject "Quahtles oC a "We probably will concen· (Helen NOTICE II Gernant), the Champion Here, he pOinted trate more on twirhng routmes tual Nancy (Frieda - and FOR SALE Excellent com· out that than Dick and Ed Edith (Jan Murphy) a Justice of the being a champion IS do-things cynical merclal on U S 301 There will be property far hke four batons be· the Innocent Peggy (Sue Peace election to be held on more Important than mone· juggling South. Close to college A fast moving witty tary awards. tween us or tWirling fire ba- Whaley) the First Saturday in D�cember, locale shIfts HILL & OLLIFF said Ted of for comedy the play's which is the first oC Decem· tons," plans day between New Yorl< City and Phone 4-3531 the the future "Flymg Semmoles" ber, 1956 All Justices of characters of God act Reno Other major donors for Bloodmobile Dec. 10 Assembly a:mlrm::�__S Peace who are contemplating toc a Frank· Members of the _..__ S k S Iesmen I are Jane. the maid (Rose Statesboro that will "B" and are crazy about the runnmg for office, cook Junior Woman's Club Issued a -Black and whIte Setter Oriental Indian SANDWICH QRILL·WAmE hn), Maggie, the (Irby WST let the know It dances, however, More than out to the citi. please Ordinary needs Little Mrs 5,000 appeals �re- going reminder this week of their revival Reward offered to Expanding corporation and we want to work some BAKER Frankhn), Mary. Bird Dog. the 22nd of November This up begins by zens on of the 10 with , of Statesboro and Bulloch behalf project the finder. Phone LAMAR SMITH new' color schemes to with reverSible Haines' daughter (Carolyn ever ower County cooperation election Is for every precinct In representative, man or woman, go AUTOMATIC TOASTER AUTOMATIC SPEEO KETTLE Handy B I 8 Mr. Lanier said that he under· Kenan), Mrs Morehead, Mrs y blood Miss June Har- A M Braswell Jr Food Com· The Rev Roy C. Sumrall, at 4·9701 or 4·5491 1I·29·3tc Your name them," he said gilds county program, according to Bulloch Ga • • County, • BOlls t which makes avaUable for of the Statesboro As· to 6-posltlOn brownnesa water faat • Hames' mother (Ann Gunter), pany stands that Santa Claus is here pastor the manage sale oC common Accurate tempera­ chairman of the coming refrierator 10 should be with Ordinary by control • T J grove, effort. "Gold Box" of God FOR SALE-Used WATCHED MAJORETTES' 2YJ-quart capacity tUle control Mrs Wagstaff (Mrs county gift purposes the sembly Church, 1IIl' so the to VISit with the children and Call G C the 22nd of November , A Christmas of be al the Recrea· stt'lctly condition. stock In this area. to "B" toast hft • manicurist to here blood and and the "Silver Box" nounced that Time be became Interested In Extra·hlgh • Perfect Cor Brown), Olga, the mlm,eographed gift pack· Evangelist Boyce at 4·3154 table·top • 10 a AN • on Will have word to to child COve�&Od JR, Snapout crumb troy Morns), exercise 10- appeul reads tion Center December ages of Braswell products say every Southy, a former night club . ���\��ci��y���;n. cookery (Carmen ��ur devoted on the �:�oetsa��n dependent territory The Statesboro Community "This Is the season for giving Miss Hargrove states that These boxes be secured comes entertainer of wide now ybOeu:"�����cfl�� ����I���en�SomHeW�!�r��� t���';;'� $16.95' $16.95 structress (DorIS Forshee), gift may who to see him. fame, toward a ThiS November 12, 1956 $27.95. Save a hfe the true Blood committee Georgia's progress a few from Bill Allen Countess De (Mrs J Concert Association Will present enjoy Bulloch County through members of the Junior preaching Jesus Chrilt and the desired. Liberal commission. pomters Lage When Bowen Iearned that Santa Claus was IS can· F I WILLIAMS, Ordinary. In can· of Christmas a Is 300 for the De· at a Mayor Woman's . of cIIverslfled agriculture noted baton Instructor fro� Brantley Johnson Sr ). Miss Beverly Bower, soprano, SPIrit by gIVing seeking Pints Club dIscount, . power His Resurrection will ExtenSion Bulloch County, Georgia Auditorium at of blood December from cember 10 visit of the Blood· to VISit here he announced that will turn on the t1nulng. Agricultural Miami, and picked up enough Fordyce (Dot Brannen) The cert at McCroan Pint 10. With the club retaining a per· they conduct a revival meeting be. out 1I·29-4tc .. on 2 to 9 m at the Recreatoon mobIle. of funds with which Service economists POint Ga. DeveI t twlrhng tricks to audition for IS directed by Mrs Le the college Friday evening, p centage the new Christmas over the street& of Statesboro. ginning Sunday night, DeCem· play II lights of cash Center In Statesboro in 71 per cent opmen Whitcomb Earl Allen November 30, at 8 15 The are sent to promote their ber with the 7:30 that 1940, Witte and Mrs messages being community The merchants will their stores an extra 2, worship trom Frunt cake IS well keep open came crops especially was of com· . service The revival will continue farm receipts . Most of Ted's experience Little Theatre has pro· MISS Bower Is one oC the na· At the �ottom the message to the citizens of thiS projects Miss Nelle The hour that 29 cent from hve· SUited for freeZing In In hiS school on the IS a on which blood the school children Orders for these boxes Friday night. 'for at least two weeks. and only per E nco twirling high duced such hits 10 the past tlon's outstanding singers blank mumty by gift I • But in 1955, Thrash, Agricultural ExtenSion band another Norma" a� be- donors who Wish to make thiS of the may be to member of Mr. Lanier there will be A Invitation from. the stock and poUltry. nterpflSeS, by boy. "The Cur IOU S Savage, concert stage, haVing sung county given any states that he expects "PIleial ex· the from Service food preservationist Alexander had for two enthUSiastic audiences In Christmas a one for some- "We believe that thiS IS really the club or Mrs Bill pastor is extended to the they say percentage They for "Ramshackle Inn," fore happy by calling musIc and for come to visit with pec- mOist 620 National Bank certified better "Claudia," gifts the kids who while that plainS that the cake stays Bldg. an act Similar to the whose life lime for MISS Har· Keith or Mrs Clinton Ander· of an churches to attend cropa � 54 per cent, F'!,lton years "The Mirror," "Angel the and Canada may depend upon the gIving" pies because of the Long Ibne Santa aus that and was In frozen storage Semmoles" on TV whole blood a said son 'CI afternoon. these services from livestock poultry Atlanta 3, Georgia FlYing Street," and "The Little Revue" She has also appeared may pledge PlOt grove fats and frUIt in it. "I took one baton lesson __ .__ liilllll===-===---i2==:=::a==!l$aDII=n I!!!IlII'l!_::i!!:== .. per cent. __...... �::Ilii.':l::.:ll_===m�_:z.� The Bulloch Herald-Page S New books now Editorials Meditation Statesboro, Georgia, Thursday, November 29, 18CI6 It Seems at � library bel' 5; from 6 o'aIock to 1:30 o'ctock, P. Lee With distinction, &_IforThis Char­ follow. the John "Dram of Polson" by This supper to Me ••. on the lotte Armstrong. "Castle custom of the lehool to feature Border" Benary­ by Margot at Zetterower the Halloween 1OI0n with • He's to be missed It was Statesboro and "Week Isbert. "Born In Wedlock" by going aroull9 Georgia until lockwood of the carnival saving the supper m_'x Margaret Echard. "Case Announcement Is made this our courthQuse-John Lee is, for Teachers College night at the Sa­ By THE REV, TED PAGE Glided Lily" by Erie Stanley the later date. P.T.A. of the this official played an im­ vannah Concert last "Two Thirds of a week that Plates will be served for $1.00 public Symphony RIGHT THINKING "l Gardner. lh� cents for on the Statesboro in Savannah. Ghost" by Helen McCloy. "Oth­ Sallie Zetterower Elementary for adults and fifty portant part night of the "Finally. brethren. whatso­ For months nnd months ond neil Jones" John Adams children. Those In chal'lle scene. Jack Broucek by serve and Bulloch County and Dan Hooley ever School will their annual state that the things are true; whatso­ months I have thought and Leland. "Calendar Epic" by arrangements of the were the featured ever are of at the school cafelorium be and taken college things honest; what. read weeks James H.' Kubock. "King supper plates may bought as Bulloch and pondered. For In recent His position County soever are days many (Jne men pianist in their things just, what­ Paris" by Guy Endore. "Ken­ on Wednesday evening, Decem- home. an un­ duo-piano pre­ and weeks I have asked myself who believed in the of Tax Commissioner was soever things are pure: what­ greatness tucky Pride" by Gene Markey. sentation of the "Carnival of America have said it should be office since it has to do soever things are lovely: what­ again and again and again and "Hunter" by James Salter. popular shuttled from our shores. These animals" with the Savannah soever are of reo now the has James for things good finally decision "Captain l-ittle Ax" by with returning property pur­ port. If lhere be men arc those who have paid a Mr. the direction of any virtue. come. It Is a decision which flJls Street. "Merry Christmas. Symphony under premium on the of poses of taxation and the collec­ and If there be any praise. price Baxter" James Streeter. chief photographer Clyde Daughtry is my life with and for P.ONTIAC CUSTOM CATALINA lower Star styling of the lux­ by NORFOLK. Va.-Navy Chauncey Kelly. think on these anguish despair freedom, on them lhis SEDAN-Longer, Flight taxes. Yet he to things." Three" by Grace to Chief Warrant Officer TAX BOOKS OF tion of managed wonderful urious 1957 custom Catalina sedan the new V-S and the "Magnlficlent congratulated upon being promoted grade THE in the with for at long last I somehow know country has bestowed combines with powerful engine Humble" Playing Symphony Petltclerc. "Christopher Rear Admiral J. L. Supply .. : ... four his officer. Herlihy. do the with considered atten­ ... 4:8 Her In more to make the new ear the m08t by commanding job Philippians that the terrible truth can no highest recognition Her responsive Strato-FlIght Hydra-Matlc transmission Charles B. Judah. "The Count these two fine were John by the son of. the late Mr. and pianists How much time and attention battle for survival the Con­ ever offered fa "dream car" colors Corps, U.S.N. C.W.O. Daughtry Is tion to each and every person who be exciting by Pontiac. Body flnlllh of. Lnclte lacquer Without Castles" Jeanne ' longer ignored. by and husband of the former Lant do we Mrs. Elebee of Portal. Ga .• BULLOCH COUNTY Chamblis, trombone; Wall, give"to right thinking? gressional Medal of Honor. Al­ and upholstery of fine hand-buffed leather are featured on the Star Chief series. The Far From Daughtry came in his office. Humphreys. "So The capacity to think lifts man I have with and most to the man those who hQVC and Chieftala Miss L. Howard of Bokeelia. Fla. He Is serving at the bassoon; Donald Powers, bass; watched hope sleek Catalina four-door hard-top model Is also offered In the Super Chief Peggy Simson Curry. Margaret, above the stood to Spring" by physical world many times my prayers have speak have declared series in 1957. Norfolk. Va. Naval Supply Center's Aviation Supply Depot. Mr. came to John P. Lee Bob "Loving Couple" by Virginia Death Priestly, Tommy Singletary around him and him' that in their hearts feel separates been concerned with it, for in they that Rowan. received his promotion September 5. NOW OPEN and Dana Daughtry suddenly while fishing with his King, trumpets: Rus­ from the animal kingdom. Dut its creation could be found this valiant effort through lhis Cath­ Jr .• Max Lockwood. Mrs. that United Eve. 'That's sell director capacity to think can be man's real (or a better Nations organization has and Mrs. NON FICTION son on Thanksgiving Shampine, of the hope erine Kirkland Grady New loan ••===- ��� and misused. The been to no avail. 11I=====:IiI.....iII And neglected world .• Great minds worked to type "Epistle to the Skeptics" by For the of Stale the he would have had it. Statesboro School M�ttie Lively Attnway. Interesting questions Payment way High band, to think is a conceive it David I capacity great and dollars by the were asked from the audience Wesley Soper. "Why AND SO I SAY to let us and Don As we you bass; Flanders, percus­ trust, lhinK. 'so shall be countless millions hove been the discussion was a Presbyterian" by Park loses one and • • • And Bulloch County our end this farce this P.T.A. meets Offered b P A sion. character. "As a man poured into the birth of it and very day If C Miller. "1.000 thoroughly enjoyed. _ YAmHays Queslions NEWS Connty citizens. -thinketh in ·N.EVILS of its favorite 'Jhe his heart, so is he." wilh all the which possible. I to call on and Answers on CathoJicism" edilO,.j yet energy say you. by Dana is also con­ The Mattie P.T.A. met King assistant Lively The seventh took first Farmers have a brand " ROWE has been it is best grades ... And the MRS. JIM expended at those who represent you in your new'Philip O'Reilly. By school ductor of the THE INJUNCTION of God's November 13th at 7:30 and second for the He was of the political orchestra. a poor achievement in man's Tuesday. prize having source of credit available to Rain Drink" Han TAXES FOR 1956 Word state and in and My by Suyin." . is to habituate yourself your Congress in most parents and Mrs. Nina .=- .rJ..IIIII_n:.ua_!!III••••••:.a••••__ which came before the ad­ These fine musicians from the effort to find the answer to a p.m. the school cafetorlum them according to Josh T. Nes- "Stuttering In Children and along to on the to them in terms won the thinking right things say which can­ Kennedy's sixth reo ehai" peaceful world, with a crowd in at­ grade Adults" by Wendell Johnson. The Nevils Methodist Church Mrs. Odell Bragan has vent of the of the TV and Statesboro and to out of splendid smith: secretary-treasurer of the will remain glamour college brought put your thinking not be misunderstood what our contest of having the most pa­ turned to her home after The Books tendance. "Profiles In Courage" by John served a barbecue supper with spend­ open means of and be­ distinction oUI' lineady. every wrong One of the MY THOUGHTS lhis week rents as P,T.A. members, Statesboro Production Credit as a thing. paid politicing, upon community, feelings are concerning this dis­ F. Kennedy. "Face Your all the trimmings at the Nevils ing several days in the Bulloch big battles of life is the have to do with what was to be The seventh grades of Mrs. After the and reports Association. Audience" room with a broken lieved that the best way to secure our college and themselves with Thanksgiving has come and planting and beautifying their gusting and foolish continuation program by William Hodapp. School lunch Wednesday County Hospital until December after which battle to control our thoughts­ man's answer to the problems Carnival 20, gone and Christmas is home and the Troy Mallard and Mrs. John covering the Halloween credit of Dietetics" by November 28. at 7 o'clock. arm. She received a severe and of the their fine an staring city." our of of effort to "When the production "Dictionary night. the approval support performance before inner, silent, secret think­ our time. I would talk with hopeless accomplish delicious were In the face! to mem­ Godbee had of the refreshments Rhoda Ellis. "New Flower Ar­ break \n the she you What's do While thanking us, the charge pro­ associations were in was elbow ,when ing, when sees or knows you this about the failure that which we now organized A musical program pre­ I citizens of the he appreciative audience. nobody day know must served and a social hour was en­ fell 'from a ladder Taxes will become Past community about it? Look around here in bers of tho club express sincere gram which included singing, 1933," he said, "loans were made rangement for Everyone" by recently. but ourselves. We are sum­ of one last that somehow sented throughout the evening. I your serve was to into For in hope be about ir. much u the and two Inter­ joyed. Biddle. Calva­ wished to go months these musicians Statesboro, your hometown appreciation for the cooperation brought Inspirational with a not exceeding Dorothy "Olympic the entertain­ The White Sisters were visit­ manea to set ourselves resolute­ in this world In which we live maturity The feature of them the different skits. This was followed cnde of John V. homes and talk with them. have been department stores, jewelry given by city officials.. to way. esting twelve months. Later, arrange­ Sports" by ment was the "Bulloch in Savannah will be liable for their .driving to and from ly think the right things. there coul� be found the answer County Ing Saturday. and stores, shoe the citizens of the a "The Extension horti­ Grombach. "Crafts for School you drug stores, stores, community to � by' panel discussion. George Firer, ments could be made to carry Proceeds from the D":e Savannah peaceful existance for all on Quartette. Mrs. Charles EIJlson to spend many hours hardware This very day the shores Child and The School." J. Brant­ culturist at the of and Home" Gretchen Grimm. Mr. and made friends while cam­ stores, filling sta­ who' bought dogwood lrees, H. We will anree that the control College Agri­ over a of a loan used by went the church He many those who so of which who portion supper into weary killing upon those bled and Johnson some kind of fruit "Caves of John and sons. Gregory and Randy. in rehearsals for the tions, clothing stores, W. Turner, the nurseryman who of our is an ley led the discussion culture, says for if condi­ Mystery" by Interest. performances variety thoughts exceeding­ and of war, capital purposes building fund. her for public office, and died dared hope that such a the on farm Scott Manners" spent the weekend with paigning of this fine stores, dime stores, grocery cooperated in furnishing the Iy difficult matter. It Is and panel' members were can be produced every tions warranted, Couglas. "He by orchestra. purely as America could Mr. and Mrs. H. C. all his death. stores-all have country be Mrs. D. L. W. H. Smith in the state, Robert H. Loeb Jr. "Facts of parents. they grieve upon something you trees, and Gay and Marsh Serv­ personal. This is a realm in The United Nations orgenlza­ Deal, P.C.A.'s there are those who "In 1955 the began TO Durnsed Jr. We are of them and con­ can on (or which born, speak life and Love for Teen-agers" NEVILS W.S.C.S. proud put your gift list for ice Station the generous use the individual is master. tion, man's dream of peace and with COME IN AND PAY NOW by the hour as they curse and experimenting capital pur­ Point" and Mrs. James Ellison We're sure that he would be sider them one some member of of the on which the and freedom by Evelyn Millis. "West MEET NOVEMBER 9 Mr. of OUI' com­ your family. property hope from the call loans on an intermediate­ No one can control ridicule our for a pose club set business. tAe indi­ to battle. every hope by Jack Engeman. "This Hal­ and daughters. Gilda and Susan. : with the action of the The is to horne­ up What has been the term with maturities not The Nevils W.S.C.S. will meet pleased assets. big thing shop vidual's solution to the' of our basis -.- munity's great thinking. Others may in­ answer problems lowed Ground" Bruce Catton. have returned to their home in town stores for Christmas to our hopes, what has three by with Mrs. H. C. Burnsed Jr. on Bulloch Commissioners in gifts. fiuence Our time, hate us and to exceed years, County thinking hut they been the They despise When Your Ala.. after spend­ You'lI find the setecnon as AND NOW THAT have answer to Our dream of the afternoon. November Montgome'l' good. you cannot us as eat our food and Buying "Effective January I. 1957. Thursday his son, Winfield to control our thinking. The what they DOCTORING SMALL Ing a few days with her parents. naming Lee, if not better, the prices lower, your trees set out and peace, has been the make Intermedl- 29. at 3:30 p. m. dogwood world is drink from the fountains of our association may Jr. thought a. realm in answer to Our FURNITURE SCRATCHES Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Burnsed LEE serve out his term as the sales personnel more friend- are care of fight for a better maturilies The many friends of the H. C. W. J. unexpired busy taking them, which the individual is blood stream and and ate term ioans with absolute they plot as meat of a Mrs. Catherine Kirkland and Hail the ly, the more con- the members of the and world. filled with that freedom Items such the Burnsed Jr. to \ management five These regret tax commissioner. His friends are Spade ruler. connive and work to not to exceed years .. family I champs so dear to bring NEW OR USED CAR Johnson Tax the more Trowel Garden Club are those or us who have a crayon, an here of the serious Illness of his daughter. Mrs. Jerry Commission,r, B�II()Qh siderate, atmosphere offer­ about the destruction of the loans can be made for capital pecan, �olored C()�nt)' with this action and are the very Karen pleased Christmasy, than the rose bushes with which to THE APOSTLE PAUL paid price this freedom so or shoe dye are H. C. Burnsed Sr. of and daughters. Ginger. big city ing realiz­ land in which they meet to dis­ purposes such as purchasing I�dtn� solution. father. confident that the son of John stores, So before demands? aids In small scratches for him a Jerri. were visiting the Our hat is off to the you traipse pretty up your yards and to ing this nreat truth in Romans cuss in total the land. of covering Pembroke and wish anQ champs. hypocrisy hopes machinery. development I off to the to do furnish with cut In to Miss White Sisters afternoon. big city your you flowers 12:2 says. "And be .not con­ for a and furniture. according Sunday \1,\======" P. Lee will do the with the You better world. pastures fencing speedy recovery. job Our Blue Devils of the States­ know the answers to LET US FINANCE IT buildings Christmas shopping, shop, your for the house from formed to this world: but be etc. Willie Vie Agricultural and consideration the early spring these questions and in bUilding' repairs.' Do�dy. ability posi­ hometown friends are your Service economist of boro School their who in ... through early winter next year: ye transformed the I WOULD to "The of High completed by renewing heart you have heard a thousand YES. say you: responsibility making Extens�on tion deserves. the business to please you. of that home Improvement. Before us­ 1956 football schedule with a So if you wish to order some your mind, you may times the today I love America. I 'would each loan is vested in the exe- per­ anguish cry of those methods the rose prove what is that this Come In and Talk It Over ing any of these bsuhes, call Mrs. Zack good and who have the of minute lay down my life, cutive committee of the associa- fect record, and are paid price furniture should be proclaimed Smith at or acceptable. and will has the thoroughly MEMDERS OF the Hoc and" 4-2263. Mrs. Albert perfect. of failure after failure and the my fortune, mY' honor, for her tlon. which responsibi- Packed cleaned. POrlriac is of 2A. Braswell Jr. God." Yes. the life and deeds of cause. I this of the terms and can- champions Region Hope Garden Club are profuse at 4-3560. They enemies of freedom have time WOUld, instant, give lity fixing secure these man can be the withou' a dition on which the loan is to ------­ Blood means Jife Our whole is in their thanks for the wonder­ bushes from Golden changed by after time been successful in moment's hesitation Car At Home- community proud -Finance Your " State the blood of ful cooperation them Nurseries in Atlanta who right thinking. their effort to still the my sons for lhis be made. of these young people who have given by cry of all in their observance of handle the finest rose bushes those who stood to country I so deeply love. At lhe Mr. Nessmith stated that "Dog­ We miuht ask. whet is the speak their -v- us so on in this section, You can same time I farmers in Bulloch who' represented wonderfully wood Week:" set out belief in a world for those who would say to you County The need for whole blood is right kind of thinking? If we nre lIVith "Firsrsll':OR_ '57 from n�w on even ( will not now or ever march one are for credit suited to the athletic fields of this section. rqses right through dared to for a new seeking In a letter to the Editor'S to build character like hope ' us And if and as late as Christ>, -ene for their situation in­ still with and growing. early spring April, tomorrow and a foot, mile, lhis so-caued particular are From all quarters have come re­ we must heed the exhortation better world.' Uneasy Chair. Mrs. John H. if you take care of them. And United Nations and I will Motor Finance Inc. vited to come to the S.P.C.A. our medical for of our fight' requirements orts of the fine manner in which Barksdale text-"Finally, brethren, IT IS WITH Co., Jr., corresponding take it from us, there's nothing great sorrow and with my every effort any living Georgia office and investigate this new whole blood are to be filled dur­ for whatsoever. things nrc just; a heart the members of the team have secretary the Hoe and Hope more satisfying than roses for filled with the hurt of human soul who would dare -w. w_ WOODCOCK- type of intermediate credit. whatsoever are wrote: "The things pure; one as I the coming year, one out of ladies, members of your yard and home. They pro­ betrayed find myself take from my fireside the off­ Farmers in Evans County may ing conducted themselves under the whatsoever are the Hoc and Garden Club duce things lovely; ready to the from Phone 4-2015 Qa, come the Statesboro office in our na­ Hope and produce with a fight against very spring my union with the Statesboro, to every twenty people which whatsoever things are of nood terrific pressures build up appreciate very much the won­ minimum of care and attention, which lance so deeply woman I have chosen to share or see J. A. Tippins in the tion will be needed as a blood derful in report., if there be anv virtue, while the of foot­ way which you aided if you use just a little discre­ ��\7:v!�. my life. my hope. my future. ton office. playing game and if there be think donor. our tree tion when set any praise, dogwood planting you them out. I ��:r, ball. It is to the personal credit of on these things." These are the believe that the United To those of who love clax-l�j�:��I1\ •• project. You were most generous You can have your camellias, you we Nations has I each his coaches with things are to think upon. failed, believe that America as I love he 1', let us man 01' woman player, and sup­ your newspaper space and your dahlias, your frizzle Every healthy Iancy it has' failed so personal time-and the and 'Completely to do guide our efforts now and for­ porters that before them writing "mums" your African It is that if we can safely donate blood five times they kept clearly implied that which it was endorsement the violets-but we'll conceived to ever to bring about the destruc­ gave project go along with allow our to come into a but it's unfair to constantly the fact that, after all, thoughts accomplish that in its failure it tion of creature who Finest year, expect a dimension of that roses. here's an every importance Ladies, idea­ our minds that we have declined should Quality football is a be banished from our would harm her and start the these who are donors to just game. we feel the club could not have husband a batch of regular give your consciously, habituallv to think shores and nlone. The quickly so, for in its movement now to drive this continue the load. accomplished project rose bushes for Christmas. all the higher of life. MONUMENTS' bearing Monday evening members of things miserable defeat it now poses a poor excuse' of freedom from was very successful and will, we Then he' II not have to roses buy real threat to the the Statesboro . future our Quarterback Club­ he an incentive for LET US PURSUE this of the' shores. The Bloodmobile will hope, many for your anniversary, your thought We In Regional honored of the a bit Specialize all the members of the townspeople to continue birthday. your Easter. further. and ask, what do make visit here on its regular you think of jesus? If vou squad and awarded Coach Ernest think Original Designs December 10. It would the right thoughts about Him; Monday, Teel and From Your Ray Williams if you will think about freedom bid Buy be a to plaques l'hnt the J's enough good thing check your of hungary Manufacturer as coaches of the new Him to trust Him and have Him Local entitlement card to champions. blood make for your companion: if will you A Statesboro Industry sure that you and members of russell think enough to let Him regulate your life and control your 1922 your family are entitled to receive vIrgInIa ways, praisedbyGTCstudents Since then victory increasingly shall blood without to re­ Invest In For one who doesn't like was Two hundred and obligation beauty the ones he wearing were be your portion. Jesus will help seventy­ Eisenhower. crowds, it was a joke to find on sale. five Teachers place the blood you may have to that one who. with deliberate Georgia College The editors of the George­ Thayer me one of those thousands who All I seemed to find students have signed a petition have. day my­ intention and purpose, thinks Anne, student newspaper, pub­ crowded into Atianta the self in lines. A line their and ad­ If you intend' to set out some day long to get on Him and trusts Him. He expressing respect lished the petition in full and after miration for the Monument To refresh Thanksgiving. on the escalator, a line to get will to that one the Hungarians who your memory, YOUI' new rose bushes this winter and give victory urged that student groups in It was an accident that I the a line for a are for freedom. blood entitlement card reads: elevator, lunch, over every foe that assails. fighting other Georgia colleges follow have not . yet ordered them, then happened to be there or rather line to into the rest room­ Copies of the petition as it "To go suit in condemning the Hospital: This card entitles I hadn't counted on the crowds, s was drawn student lead­ Company enter your order through mem­ line for everything. After we up by slaughter. the donor, spouse, chil­ shall we say? had stood in line for a hour to ers were sent to the United Na­ dependent bers of the and Trowel . Statesboro, Georgia Spade THANKSGIVING al­ tions General The as 21 holidays eat, and had eaten ,and were Assembly, to petition it appeared in dren, (under years) dependent Garden Club. 45 West Main Street ways take language professors trying to move into some other Congress and to President the George-Anne is as follo'_Ys: parents and children off physically These ladies are taking orders to a meeting. This year the section of the, store I ran into a Phone PO 4-3117 qualified to blood and other place of meeting was Atlanta, line on another floor. I in give for rose bushes and will receive got so I tagged along with the pro­ line but after there for relatives of the same household standing Petition to United Nations a percentage of the sales which fessor-having planned to meet ten minutes I asked the also lady to so we EDlTOR'S NOTE: This is a drawn stu­ physically disqualified will go into their fund to assist in my mother and sister ahead of me what we were petition up by blood-to receive blood could window shop, in line for. She said dent at the of a give with­ OUl' standing president. Dewayne Dutton. request large beautifying community. They It is never wise to take chil­ out obligation to replace the blood. "To"'eat." I said, "Thank you, ,body of students here on the G.T.C. campus. It is to be First Car at Price with All These League-Leading Featur,s are the bushes from a dren on such � securing nlong escapades I thought this was for the submitted to the United Nations as an of our The reserves the expression hospital right to and but one can't dispose of them, escalator." reputable dependable nursery respect and admiration for the Hungarian Freedom Fighters charge an administration and-or you know, so along went the BEFORE MY sister's bus .ODY D•••ON-Q Pontiac which assures of fine in their Russian We that Looks like Pontiac cornered the market .Tall PLIGHT Exc}ulive-Jonger you piants. soon-to-be ten old, We struggle against oppression. hope 4- fee." year reached Atlanta I wns trying to and lower than ever belore-tAe year'. molt dllflnctlve Dew laboratory Cali Mrs. Zack the United Nations will be able to effect a solution to this . Smith 01' Mrs. reached the section a on "lirsts"! A adds to more than shopping help my mother buy hat. The complele tally up automotive styling. Become a tragic situation, blood donor and Albert Braswell J,'. and before the stores opened, The so in the give give YOUI' daughter. early day CONCRETE six dozen new leatures! When you drive this s1eeIt had con­ This petition is still in circulation for The Should Be "OPp·TH.· the ill and an temperature dropped was already restless and ready signatures. Rouds ...w aNT.RIOIl .TYLINQ-WITH TN. injured extra order and know that are in­ WE RAN Why Georgia you we into another prob­ to this sweetheart to how siderably since left States­ to go home. I suggested she go George-Anne urges you sign document, thereby you'll beqin appreciate .MOULD."·· LOOK-a laddoD "lint" for '57-perfectly chance for life-that life in lem. state de­ may be vesting for bora. were into Mamma insisted she to its We also that similar records issued 24 highway beauty your yard People crowding to the ladies' where we adding strength. suggest petitions for or busi­ by Q march on the colol1matched with the erterlor 01 your choice. lounge couldn't ride Whether you drive pleasure thoroughly Pontiac slole own or that of one the outer the escalator (and an of 21 your of your and home for many months to sections of the stores planned to meet the sister. But might be undertaken by our sister schools throughout the over average years. I understand there are rwo reasons you have partments to warm. I refused certainly whyl) but ness, why The smooth, effortle88 way it rides, STRaTO-STOI.a.. V-S ."0....-270 b.p. ill Star Cbiel aDd loved ones. come. trying keep when we went to the lounge state and the nstion culminating In a groundswell of public industry. to in with daughter declared the elevator in the kind of Concrete serve! as - 252 ill Ibe Cb/e/la/D WbeD teamed wllb jam them, but the there was no J be· a vital interest pavement longer-twice long in a class Super Chlel, b.p. daughter. made opinion condemning the Russian Tyranny and slaughter in handles and goes puts this beauty by wind on Peachtree was terrific.. her, "sick on the tummy.'J com· aD e%tra·co.t came greatly concerned and used: I. You for roads wilh as the next most durable pa,'cment Stroto·Flight Hydra.Matlc, option_ Hungary. pay Georgia a maHer After I noticed one Our sister's ilseU. Pontiac made that 01 record sometime, ...ealized that I should never purchase? My nod other to lalest data re­ The Bulloch Herald license fees, tax�s. built-according L•••L-LI". RID.-the ••ll,alloa crowd One woman were "None." Mine? A THE UNDERSIGNED your gas manly ULT...... MOOTH. ride dispersing. have turned a child from the toilet WE, STUDENTS OF GEORGIA the test ever a new Ihe - with given car, Established March Board. loughesl .. 26. 1937 Published at slRk•. leased the Researcb new Oil a 124- or Every Thursday walked down the street loose in the and seat. This department was the TEACHERS COLLEGE STRONGLY AFFIRM 2. Your safety is by Highway 01 the year-a ,u.pen./on .ylfem baled big rapidly country city OUR SOLl­ " INVESTIGATE Marathon Test Run! , and said aloud, "Aren't women hcr mob. I called for the floor only one I saw that was un­ DADITY more for lOO,OOO-mile Try 122-inch whee/bale. LEODEL COLEMAN WITH THE STUDENTS AND THE PEOPLE OF With concrete roads you get Moderate first cost + low maintenance It that one crowded. How successful was crazy?" happened detective to report a missing HUNGARY IN THEIR HEROIC STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM THE OPPORTUNITIES this '57 Pontiac. See how a carload 01 new ideas Dedicated to the Here's � .. Progress tax dollar. why: + life low annual COif. a POPULAR PIIIC.D __•••••• Editor poor soul had become nause­ child. After our wl"dow had your cost long describing the tall. shopping? Well. AND INDEPENDENCE. THEIR REVOLT OFFERED BY AGAINS.T THE Number 1 Road Carl CHI." • SUP... CHI.P • OHI.PTAIN of Stntesboro nnd ated from the crowded, close slender Miss and we been for it ,makes this-America's STAR 9 East Vine Street describing her shopping people first cost is moderate, yet too. Its surface DARBAI\IC YOKE OF COMMUNIST IMPERIALISM MADKS Concrete's Concrele is safer grilty TBB place. The lady walking down skirt as black with would have been most success­ Bulloch pink figures A NEW for axie - PINNACLE to Statesboro, Georgia County the street ful OF GLORY IN THE THOUSAND it can be accurately any lires, you stop had spattered shoes in it, (1 saw later that the figures but window shopping was designed grips your permitting YEARS OF ca­ and a HUNGARIAN HISTORY. that even in wet ------SEE THE PACKAGE OF THE YEAR AT --..,..------.,...---- hose. She was standing too were and were white flop. We couldn't see any load. And it keeps load-carrying without U, S. MARINE CORPS ____ SURPRISE ...tered at the dogs they fast, skidding, Statesboro. Georgia Post Office as Matter of the Second Class near WE URGENTLY PETITION THAT ALL POSSIBLE .on the sick person. I realized not pink!) and all the rest of merchandise-crowds of people its long life. And its color reflects more pacity through weather. light ---::--- January 31. under Act of March 1887 the wind wasn't as bad as I I was instructed to to simply sh.ut out all of STEPS BE TAI1rs. Rufus Brady. 8 a t qualifying by Bulloch similar day, 25, at the wore a bouquet, to all 4 10 . fee December 4 ' December II County are bride, black wool suit bulldlngs. ponds. Mostly Itp by 12 o'clock, noon, of and of workshops being Mrs. t. C. Pundt and son, Rites Chapter the National Founda- held red soil. Coastal Ber- __ November 1956. December 18 held for throughout Joe pebble a_._m_. 21, have been set as tlon for Infantile to Georgia. of Charleston, S. C., visited mudn Allotments. Good CITY OF Paralysis to meet here for XI SIGMA pasture. STATESBORO, the times when . Inspiration greater empha­ �;���i(.'���dEld:�I��t��e S���; �!��:d wl!�t�prer�����t��t!� b�� CHAPTER Mrs. Pundt's Mr. and acre. members of the provide financial aid for officiated before a parents, locntlon. $75 per W..A local sis on tached to a 1"0(' Rent By Bowen , Future Teachers of the Future Teacher background collar with MET WITH Mnyor • poIIa t' America jewel MRS. ROSE Mrs. Joe Addison for the club will make a door to Mrs H'endrix pa tents, I t was nn- of emerald A holiday door movement was palms. massive trim. She a The 1957 Chas. E. Cone Realty Inc. Clubs provided Inst wore white hat and has a Co., nounced from high schools through. of On Mrs. weekend. Plymouth Sport Coupe (hardtop) low . Monday - 0 E D canvass Mrs. John today by W. D arrangement white evening silhouette, long 23 N. Main St. Dial 4·2217 FOR RENT-Tw(j·bedroom du- seeking old clothes that M. Hendrix, 85, of year by the Georgia Chamber of chrysan- gloves with black shoes and Velma more powerful 301 and wheelbas., Granger. out the First District will themums and white Rose entertained the XI Fury engine revolutionary new Torsion-Aire ride-said to ��:SGr� are Portal. died chapter chairman. par- which gladioli with black velvet Mr. nnd Mrs. ba the B���STAD usable, old toys that enrly Tuesday. No- Mr. Commerce, inaugurated a bag. Her corsage Roy Hope of most important advancement in automotive CLOSE·IN SMALL FARM CHILDREN'S might Granger said that in a salal was Sigma Chapter of Beta since the prP,vleaXte aPeanrttrmanecnets·. vember 27, after a illness. this tlclpate leadership work- ten-point aimed at foliage placed on a was 01 carnations. Sigma Jr. and their Jeff. design introduction of 41 acres U'H,reUnrtnelrSheldn' HOME. bo long program this pink Phi sat her young son, front Car Independent with 25 acres cleared. repaired, toys which are county Is one of the on classic home on Tillman suspensions. here is the apartment. Locnt.ed In Hospital The cars for the Survivors a nearlv 500 shop at vital need white column around The On pictured Belvedere with trim. About 100 loading pro- are daughter, Mrs. _campus Georgia of the present genera­ groom's mother wore a Saturday they attended the Sportone bearing pecan trees. Park. Available but not now In the nation which Street. Business was tabled December 1. L. duce from the churches In the good being used, Arson Wood of Twin where 'Iocnl Teachers on tion. While the ivy trailed was flanked de and Tech-Florida Good location 3'h miles City; a College Saturday, ultimate effect grey peau sale dress with no game In Jackson­ only J. SHUMAN, 4·3437. canned � March of Dimes program was The phone River d s, a� . funds are insuf. December I. to an of the by spiral candelabra presented. from Courthouse. nnd Ogeechee Baptist Assccla- goo money wIII be sister. Mrs. J. T. Harrellson of according movement can not be for holding black accessories, with a ville. DwelHng 11·22·tfc. f'icrent to corsage sorority members were The tlon Is as cover announceme» t b Alb t • white cathedral Kermit new Bulloch 5 follows: At a er Cor seen of tenant house. $6,500.00. Metter acceptable. Those who wish to Macon; brother, Charles Scar- polio-ftghttng y at this time, some tapers. Seven- pink carnations. busily Carr needs. impact engaged In Mrs. J. Herald-Page FOR fur. on November 27 and 28. At bora nelison, president of the Joe is felt branched' candelabra on each making Christmas A. Prather of Char. Chas, E. Cone Inc. contribute to this Miami, twelve already being through In­ Realty ce., Empty Stock. "The Carruth at side of RECEPTION stockings, aprons, N. the Statesboro, nlshed colt with Statesboro, 29 and an chapter's present Iinan- creased the defined FOLLOWS AT scarfs, little lotte, C., spent Georgia, Thursday, November 29. 1956 - age city gas. �fld Chapter enrollments in teacher pulpit the holidays 23 N. Main St. Dial 4·2217 Fund are /Ial� great- cia I ties, stuffed Also 30. Nove�ber Ing Invited to turn on plight is the result of extent of the HOME OF THE BRIDE toys. and with her son. Prather. two-room furnished apart. grangran�\�ldrenc , reno the t�e. COII�gl� education in all in Geor­ nuptial area. In many George Lion . i� .. colleges other their assistance it for Christmas to be Mr. ment with J: L. ZETT c arr- porch on one of has in Thh� gn sc 00 b the gifts sold and Mrs. city gas. Located at EROWER , h light these Funeral services given the t'Or�sh�p prmctpa,�gs, � The Teachers foreground, palms and after the cere- Ray (Deborah) president were held gia. Georgia Col­ Immediately three past to several at the Christmas Bazaar Mitchell HOMES 341 South Main Street. PHONE man. nights that a patients who sponsors and officers to asscUIst had a 28 lighted candles alternated many, Mr. and Mrs. which and son, David,' were At Jaycee might Wednesday at 3 p. rn. at Poplar lege per cent increase and Grady will be the regular meeting of the know he will be have them in this enhanced held MISS PATRICIA HENRY down from 4·3456. welcome. required-and still snowballing move. in enrollment last the of the Wilson entertained with a Friday morning, Macon at the Same COUNTRY HOME Itp. Springs Church, conducted by require year and an­ beauty recep- December Statesboro Lions "BUY" _1_1·_29_·_2_tp_.______Those who care to ment in our bridal 7. at the Model time. much to the Club, Lion wish may leave the Rev. -costly give them a public schools other 13 per cent rise in 1956. party. Reserved tion at their home near States- delight of his FOR RENT-Three·room Tommy Bennett, pastor. pews from HENRY-NEWMAN Kermit R. High, tree-covered 7·acre site and their contribution at chance to recover their were marked with boro. Laundry, 9 o'clock In the Carr, cashier of the W. C. Burial was in the fullest white satin The guests were met Great-grandmother Prather. with very comfortable home well bath furnished church by morning to' 5 Mr. and Mrs. Francis apartment. Large Akins and Son Hardware store capacities," Mr. ex",' ribbons. L. F. Martin" o'clock in the Henry Mr. and Sea Island Bank, was elected back from Nice cemetery. Granger Mr�. and Mrs. Mrs. Lonnie Young pavement. long­ bedroom and room. Banks furnish or at afternoon. There will lnrge Jiving Hagin and Olliff Service plained. Prior to the Arthur Mrs. also be of Statesboro announce the en- have returned from to fill the range view. Six rooms and bath. Kitchen and Pallbearers were D. R. EI· ceremony Mrs. Riggs. Percy Rimes Atlanta. unexpired term of Lion dinette area com- Station on "In the Salk Paul home-made cakes. cookies South Main Street. more, J. vaccine we. now Groover, pianist, introduced them to the receiv- pies, of their Mrs. their Deep well, garage, fenced bined. E. Brown, Bill presented and to gagement daughter, Young daugh­ Ray McMichael. Lion Mc· Completely furnished Cody, have the means a candy sell. vl.l�ed Site of farmers Ioans Distribution of the collections of program of traditional line which formed Patricia to ter. Bettv. while Mr. garden. considerable with stove Johnny Janes, Abb Johnson, and bringing nuptial in�. In the' Lorraine, Kermit Young Michael has and refrigerator, will be made in about the eventual music and Mrs. Rose served been transferred by commercial value. 8 miles from cooperation with Steve Osveld. control of accompanied Miss IIvmg room. In .the line were coffee, cake David Newman, son of Mr. and his mother at Stone Brand new. Available now. new and visited. Courthouse. Lo- Georgia farmers met their the Bulloch polio," he Sue as salted nuts. The the Power to Only $10.000.00. County Welfare De- continued. Whaley she "AI· Mr. and Mrs. dried ar- Mrs . David of Mountain. has won Georgia Company cnted at Smith-Tillman funeral Home "Age sang Grady Wilson, Newman Brook- Bettr promo- 319 Savannah Ave. credit needs 1955 chief- restrictions and rangement was during partrnent, was the use ways" the "Lord's Mrs. C. D. to the let . tions in the Valdosta, Chas. E. Cone Co., Inc. Siose in charge. governing Prayer." Gay Sr., the bride brought office of Plywood Georgia. Realty to town and Sallie Zet- Iy loans from their 10' of the vaccine The Mrs. - through meeting E. 23 N. Main St. Dial 4·2217 ------�------have now been bride, given In and the at- by W. Barnes. Supply Company. terower School. Call JIMMY cal W. marriage lady Mr. the five banks,. according to G. removed. It. is safe, by her father, was Members and Mrs. Henry and their Dur-Ing months potent, and lovely in a ��:da���m, present were Mrs. Atlanta visited Mr. and Mrs. under A LAST.MINUTE LISTING GUNTER at POplar 4·3414. Cobb. of the Bulloch P01' a effective E. former president tiNelfS and can be ad. ballerlna-length dress W. Barnes, Mrs. Jack daughter, Patricia, rest- Earl President McMichael, the States. A wedding Lovely arrangements of white Wynn, Lae for the fine, nicely located home County Bank, who ministered of all-over lace Mrs. Julian dents of Pa., moved holidays. represents by any to the Mrs. WII. Pittsburgh, Miss boro Lions Club one . appllqued and Hodges, Lavenla with sevcn rooms and . physician. chrysanthemums Bryant· and her completed bath. the Bankers Assocla- Those who r gladioli Ham to Statesboro last Mr. Georgia have not reo kl t f t t II ffI were Z. May. of the 1110st new condition. ----- yet y es, used th 0 hout th ho Brown, Mrs. Mark ""l"lrnmMc. Miss Carvl successful Com. Practically Beau- Sel'VICeS tion as Bulloch It is Beal, of County key ceived should ove� a e Toole, Mrs. Henry employed with Rock- begin the series eep ng bO m�� �'t� �u I Th b Id' a Lamar Trapnell, Mrs. Ohio. visited munlty Birthday earn- tlfully landscaped. Fireplace, ------Mrs. B r b�g I �d �� lavinia's parents. banker. the the rannen and Mrs. of orso w Euel well Statesboro �alendar etc. Has F.H.A. During year, Mi Innoculatlons to Pt a ueen nne cor- a Anderson, Mrs. Bob Corporation. Mr. Also this nwnings, com· Immediately ItheneaQ 'A onlg ehanrdSeOsme n r k Thomp- and Mrs. Charles Brvant. palgns. durong time, WOMEN-Earn $1.00 to $2.00 state's banks far more ncey be lar. Ile'enovecruat wwo son The is for mitment. Price $11,000,00. provided protected against The sleeves to was Sr., Mrs. Dean Mrs. wedding planned The,'r of per hour. AVON paralytic tapered cloth, centered with a beau- Baxter, holldav plansU included a s.ome forty pair glasses were Represent financial aid to farmers than pallo next over Lehman early spring. f year. • petal points the hands. itted for un v Cha•. E. Cone PRODUCTS. Part or enterta.l·n at Her tlfully decorated tiered Franklin, Mrs. F. C. squirrel hunt and to dIller-pr eged cases. Realty Co., I".,. full time. other he dl'nner wedding going a any we Parker Jr .. - lending agency, "However, must not for- finger·tip veil was cake Mrs. Joe cone 23 N. Malo St. Dial 4·2217 Christmas Gift line now ready. Sunday �ttached to with a miniature bride and Neville. and grinding. pointed out. get those a coronet of the Lion Carr Is a former Write "AVON," victill1$ of polio for Illusion edged with groom on the tier. sponsor, Mrs. Arnold Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Josua Smith Jr. Sandra presl. ON EAST Lyons, Georgia. from By MRS. EDNA BRANNEN whom top Ivy and Thompson and Jean dent of the club GRADY 12·6·3tc. Using figures the flf· the vaccine came !Do seed She carried a ;,nnounce the birth of a who has been pearls. bou· whit" mums encircled 1'1:1 daugh· left on the ==_= Holloway Thursday the called on Attractive 5 rooms and teenth annual lending of Mrs. Edna late," Mr. of I' ...... In the past to fill one bath ASK survey Brannen 'and Mrs. Mr. and Granger emphasized. quet frenched carnations and cake. ter, November 14, at the Bul· to visit In R. M. BENSON how to the Mrs. Jimmy Mincey Nancy Sandra's grand· other very fine location. Nice lot. Agricultural Commission of A. U. entertained "Our job in the of liltes of the centered loch She unexpired term. After this save 20 cent on Mincey with returned to conquest polio valley with Five·branched silver County Hospital. hois mother. Mrs. Deese. per your Bushnell, Fla .• after candela- and G.I. the American Associn- a will not be finished a white orchid been present term, Lion Carr will Ban�ers special dinner Sunday, Novem- about ten until poNo with a bra with on named Linda Louise. Mrs. IN· days with ,his father, purple epergne in the �,-.... Conally \Vare, band director have �!��bleprl��r $:9�itoo. tion, Mr. Cobb noted that on ber at is finished as a throat. Smith is the served over two as . 18, the home of Mrs. of center former Miss Louise "t West years Chas. E. �t���R�'ciim��;'SON crippler holding white candles, Fulton High. Atlanta, Cone Realty Co., Inc, January I, 1956, banks human and until Miss president. He has been elected 1 Georgia Mincey, honoring the brothers beings further Dorothy Gay, the white Anderson. spent the In MMr"n' . carnations, and white holldavs States· had ceAy'. JUlm' mMy i,nvCaesYa mass ivy as zone 23 North Main St. Dial lonns to farm- and apnadt"enMtr,'"n' to was chairman and 4·2217 outstanding sisters .with their appeals the American groom's sister. maid mums . bora deputy A. S. DODD JR. husbands the Bulloch the of flanked the central wit.h his wife. Mrs. Ware ers County Hospital are -=c district for includ· no honor. . District totaling $72,810,000 and wives. public Her bridesmaids were -.�- � governor . most of longer necessary decoration. Mrs. B. W. (Eloise of THREE.BEDROOM BRICK Real Estate this time, because of a Shuman �� Ware) Radio Station 18.B of ing both and mort· to insure the care Misses ....__...;>-' Lions Lion production Those present were Mr. and recent back of those who Fay Motes and Judy of IV.W.N.S. International. Attractive brick veneer with MORTGAGE LOANS FHA injury. have Bloomingdale kept the Carr holds (he gage credit. This compares Mrs. A. Mr. and been stricken. Theus of·Ludowici. Their dresses bride's Grand Master three bedrooms and ;vith Mincey, Mrs. book. In the room Mrs. Waley Lee Is ceramic tile held the U: Mrs. E. L. "Until of gilt visiting for introduced over GI-CONVENTIONAL-FARM $29.320,000 by Farmers B. M. Womack, Mrs. that comes. it is reo soft Jade were were her Key having Mr. . day green nylon, Mrs. bath. Good location and Moncey, Savannah; Perry Gay and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James daughter and family. Mr. large HOMES FOR SALE Home Administration, second and Mrs. J C l' h MAL D I assuring to know that the fashioned' with the L. fifty members to L1onlsm. lot. Air conditioned. Venetian George Fries, Savan- whole alike, close Fay Wilson. Mrs. Charlie of and Mrs. -Broward and lender to Deal, Stephens Detroit, an· Poppell Dodd Subdivision FHA largest Georgia farm- Mr. p'ont� :��IS Mrs. fitting bodices with a Mich., $10,200.00. nah; and Mrs. J. C. rSTo� • fold Mrs. Paul Groover nounce in In Eligible Mincey, Slap�; and Mrs. the birth of a daughter. Nancy, Tallahassee, accepting the gavel for the I spent Armistice in Sayan. draped on an daugh· ���n'1;i ��� Approved Day off·shoulder Rufus Joiner were ter, Fla. remainder assisted In Cheryl Lynn, November 23. of the year, Presl· nah. neckline and met In the back Mr. ;',';,S�d$�7���;:0��3��;,0�� �;d���� ���:���. HM�:' at serving by Misses Emma Rush· Mrs. is and Mrs. W. S. Hanner dent Carr his thanks Ml�g:��a,.M��d a V Stephens the former expressed deep and formed and Miss in Valdosta f;a�. EMa�,�n�I.R�ltbia�04.2�nlc.; floating ing Betty McCormick, Miss Helen Coakley of States· visitee! during the to Lion ¥cMichael for his ef· A���������S;c��� panels Which swept to the bal· Carmen Roach Thanksgiving with forts In _23_N_._M_a:_�_�_�_, presided at the boro, daughter of Mrs. Lillian holidays Lt. making the club an ac· NEW T_-_IN_:_:_.:_n_e_4-_2_4_7_1 MISS WHITESVILLE SUB. had as lerina·length bouffant sklrth bowl. and Mrs. MARTHA TINKER, of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tinker !!����.o��ed�� Ed:arsB:n�en�owen her �n3:� M:edr:�i:� punch Fay Hodges passed Coakley. Mrs. William S. Hanner tive and one. Lion Carr daughter CONSULTING The total of farm credit out· �;�::��:��;� worn over Coakley has been GA. THEATRE growing Large, fine lots. $25.00 FORESTER the guests of and Mrs. Ed Bran· crinoline. They car· the in Mr. and Mrs. Tom of'Edgewood Acres, was selected the down, guests during Thanksgiving Mr. napkins. Detroit with her Quinn and asked the support and co· George·Anne, the news· $10.00 per month. in banks was made nen ried of daughter for by INDEPENDENT TIMBER standing up holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Paul III Vidalia Novem- bouquets pink carna· Punch, toasted nuts several Misses iDannA. and paper at Teachers for Sunday, and In· weeks and to Nancy Judy operation of all Lions In carry· Georgia College, "The George·Anne Girl Ch.s. of $33.334.000 in ber 18. tions. plans reo of E. Cone Realty Co., Inc. CRUISEIl production, Brisendine and sons, Allen and divldual cakes, embossed in main Dec. Quinn Dalnger Field, Texas out the laid out of the Week." Miss Tinker was the Vet Club loans in Gale through the Christmas ing plans for Sweetheart last - "nd 23 N. 1\101n St. to E. Vine - $39,476.000 farm of Gay of the were Dial 4-2217 St. Statesboro, Ga. Jeffrey Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stewart Pembroke, green and white, and green and holidays. guests Friday of Dr. and the year and his time year lind third In the G.T.C. In banks flower pledged placed Beauty Revue. She IS a mortgages. addition, A . .f. Bowen girl, wore a dress 1 Mrs. C. E. Olllee �n and son Andrew and little green white mints were served. Bohler. and to the club. and an art Phone PO - cooperation junior She is of 4·2661 held 111 daughter, spent similar to malor. president tile G.T.C. Art Club. FOR SALE-Used Georgia $34.006,000 of Savannah, and Mr. and Mrs. -Ja�. those of the other Later in the __IIIIIIII refrierator in Resi,l.nce PO 4·2265 Sunday, November 18, on Jack· afternoon the II .. C.C.C. paper not included in the J. H. ll-ii!II-- very good condition. Call G. C. Jordan and family of sanville with Mr. and Mrs. .;;;;;;;;�mlmll!ll!!!l!J.'lil====;IilIi�i'II .. =- above total. Syl· Bert itllimlllllo1---lIIIill-I!iII---lIlIII---li1Iiill----iI1i!1I_11:.::'111= COLEMAN JR. at 4·3154 vania. Hicks and "The efforts of family. , � state's q .. I BOOKI(EEPING SERVICE th� Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McKee banks to meet the Increased By the Hour or On Contract, and children, AI and Matilon needs (or Never use lime or materials I Fedcrnl and State Tax intermediate·term of visited with Returns Atlanta, her in a I (one to five or more loans containing lime compost F��re�1)��;-Jn�rCChO(�:CS�no��� BULLOCH years) mother, Mrs, F. under construction. Low BOOKKEEPING arc Mary Turner, heap, warns T. G. Col· down rcflected in the figures. for the Williams, wilh SERVICE during Thanksgiving hall· of payment, sillall monthly both renl estate and production lege Agriculture Extension payments. For days. Service complete detnils, -J. E. Owcns- lonns Mr. Cobb landscape specialist. contact outstamfing," Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brannen - and Lime will Sclbald St. Phone 4·5409 said. "It is estimated that about cause loss of amonia, children, Susan and Sandra of the HILL & OLLIFF three·fourths of the farm rcal reducing amount of nitro­ Vidalfa and Mrs. C. M. Usher Phone 4-3531 estate loans are for gen. purposes and of Wantcd ----- daughter, Carolyn Sa. FOR normally associated with inter· Studies made by Miss Nelle RENT-Two (2) ------vannah, spent Thursday with npart· loans. This would food ments with two mediate·length their mother. Mrs. Edna Bran. thrash, preservationist, bedrooms WANTED-Mature women with include such each. Located projects as the pur· nen. of Extension North College transportation to sell AVON Colle� Agriculture St. Rent $45.00 month. chase of new machinery, im· Mr. Service, show that farm families per Christmas Gifts to their neigh· and Mrs. Candler C. of livestock devote HILL & bors and friends. Work four provement herds. MiUer and Cliff about the same per­ OLLIFF etc. children, and Beyond that, a substantial of of their income for food Phone 4·3531 Kay Atlanta visited his centage portion of the loans 8S non-farm ���r�s ��� dh�u��l\��[t� production parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. $�e��� in Miller famlli�s. FOR RENT: Two bedroom fur· LYONS, GA. 11·22·3tc. banks at the beginning of the weekend of November 17. The best in a nlshed 1956 carried a buy tape apartment. South Col· repayment period Mrs. J. E. lege st. Rent $45 NOTICE of Parrish. ac. measure is one that is sixty per month. longer than one year." companied her GOOD LIGHTING There will be a Justice of the by mother. Mrs. Inches long. numbered so that HILL & Mr. Cobb gave several J. OLLIFF Peace N. Shearouse of it can be read from election to be held on reasons Brooklet, either end, for the im- More and more are Phone 4·3531 the First in increasing spent Saturday, November 17, in and Miss Avola Georgians finding out that Saturday December, portance of intermediate-term metal·tlpped, which is the Jesup, with Dr. and Mrs. Albert around home FOR first day of Decem· credit iJ Whitesell, College of Agricul· good lighting the and working areas SALE-Frame. home 10. in financing Georgia Howard and cated on Jewel bel', 1956. All Justices of Children, Joe and ture Extension Service is Drive consist. �he farmers. "First," he said, Lu. clothing just common sense. ing of 3 bedrooms, who are specialist. states. living room, Peac? contemplatmg "farmers haven't had as much dining room, 2 for 1;:- on baths, outdoor running office, will income to Considered the basis of return investment, Air that. repay their Obligations --, grill. conditioning, venetian please. let the know it and Ordmary during recent years as had good lighting for farm alone is one of the blinds, storage room. the 22nd of they buildings by November. This the war during and early post. least HILL & OLLIFF eh;ction is for In expensive tools you can use. Besides, there's every precinct war years. Second, farm Bulloch capital Phone 4-3531 County, Ga. Your name the safety features and convenience worth the ex· requirements have increased to STARTS should be with FRIDAY, the Ordinary by a - very 9 level. A. '. M. FOR high IOY)30, SALE Finally, pense. Excellent com· the 22nd of so • November the changing habits of !!!!II .- merclal property on U. S. 301 farmers' ..... ";;:�,",,'t. ballots can be printed with your customers Good increases farm of all South. Close to have caused a not· lighting - - college. name and prod�tion . Just in time for your district on it. able shift to different kinds. Egg arid milk witi, Christmas HILL & cropping production improves yoa� Shopping on new OLLIFF This November 12, 1956. When You Are brand ite.. programs. Each farmer who has proper lighting. In the home, good lighting is the trel!lendou savings gilt Phone 4-3531 F. I. WILLIAMS, Ordinary, made such em· of Bulloch adjustments helpmate good living. Supplementary light Is County, Georgia. played new to ._e_!!Il!:lc._a-=__ capital do it. "FIRST" needed In ali work areas to cut down on the strain 11·29·4tc. "These Investments made of Look for at LOST-Black and white Setter your precious eyesight. oar-big 12-Page Tabloid door. Be at Oar use of yoar Door at9 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT through th� intermediate· o'clock aorn- . Bird. Dog. Reward offered to term 'Fdday To the Voters cred,t have con· You Are act as finder. Phone LAMAR SMfTH of the 1209th g�e?t1y Outsl� lights your policeman, too, for G M DI titr c of to farm at 4·9701 or 4·5491. 11·29·9tc. Bulloch trlb�ted .more eff,�,ent protection against prowlers and thleves-especlaily . bUSinesses on C··ounty, beorg ia. Georg,a and to w.en you're away from home. Your a "BEST" co-op per· 30 anheard of "Door 1 am for higher standard of for ing. Big Crashen" on 'Sale as soon -- offering living sonnel can advise you on better as oar doon are on for the �e.electlon all Americans," Mr. Cobb stated. lighting practices open sale REAL ESTATE office of Just,ce of the for both farm and He your home. Let them help you. for this district, In the reported that 335 'of the CITY PROPERTY LOANS Peac� 349 insured The Bulloch electIOn to be held on commercial banks Herald Holds For over 20 the 41 in yearS now, rural electric Service-, Georgia served -QuIck D�cember I, 1956, and again, I agriculture by cooperatives of Georgia have been to as as w,lI making farm loans 1955. striving bring jast long lasl apprec,ate the and during an quantities CURRY INSURANCE AGENCY s�pport 27 you abundant supply of electricity at the lowest confidence you 10 me, 1. III Courtland Street place try- I" 1IIIlD JX!sslble cost. ing In all ways to serve fairly NEW PIANOS FROM UP FOR and $495 Better SALE-Practically new impartially in your Justice Newspaper Contest Awards in The three bedroom house. Good Court. The co-op experience you have WHITE'S Terms as low as 10 cent down and 36 ELECTRICITY IS GOOD IllC8tion, near school. per months given me In these past five years has to the balance. A Press FOR CUrry lnIurance Agenoy been good for me, and I Sheet pay small deposit will hold any Georgia Association GEORGIA feel that It will Metal Co. Phone PO 4.2825 help me to do or for Christmas a piano organ Delivery, better job. for you. The office And FOR SAL&-New three· I Make bedroom regard as a position of trust, (D. your gift a lifetime one of music and asbestos home. Close G. White) happi. siding belonging to the and If In. people, ness, Excelsior elected, I will continue to be \! HEATING National Editorial Association Carry IlIIuraDee Alency there, keeping regular hours and \1 AIR CONDITIONING PboDe PO 4-2825 making this my sale . . occupation Now On At Electric and giving it my undivided at· Display Including FOR IIALIIl - Three·bedroom IJEPAIRS ON ALL HEATING tention, and therefore this means hoWN!, JarCe .to....e room, SYSTEMS is taken to CORP. I.,.. lot. Aftllable immedtate· express my thanks I 2 MEMBERSHIP for the past and to ask for Can your ALL LAMB'S MUSIC STORE TYPES OF METAL WORK ." L_II).ch.n.... N...·P...1t" ·I� h.lp and cooperation now and mak:r.:�'I=':�month In the future. Your vote and FIRSTS paJID:n:. ",LIIO per Located 2 Miles on U, S, 301, next to EI..trto Utlll'y" You· or refInaDM. support will be greatly ap· South South) Faaaily College Street American Club Ch� Shopping CVDY IN81JL'NCE AGENCY predated.' Legion across highway.from S�ore Sincerely., Day Phone 4-2S80 Bfd ...... to +aaI Drive-In Theatre, You Can't Beat First W. CLAYTE DeLOACH. Night Phone 4-3S88 Place r ' 1I·29·4tc. IIore All lIiill•••••• - •••• =mn Ope., Day "eel. .Until CIuistaw entertained Thanksglvlng Day Denmark New8 - with a The Bulloch Herald 7 6 turkey dinner. Their P.e News The Bulloch guests were Mr. C. W Zet­ Brooklet News moves Stilson Herald-Page �his Week's Rev. Goss . Mrs. NOVllllber 28 SQCIETY terower, Hilda Bell� and Statesboro, Georgia, Tbursday, I 1fIIIi 1956 Political Ad Statesboro, Georgia, Thursday, November 29, sOCIALS H. D. Club meets son. Arches. M.... Cillt Brun- .. I Mra. Blrnllt Ilenmark Druuutn, B:ditor dage, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Zet· a fami·lies tcrower Sr. ew ureau to meet t to a. an _ and Mr. and Mrs . N Brooklet Farm B F·airmount, G Th k b It� and vote. LOCAL B. " P.W. sglVmg rings many FOR TAX COMMISSIONER to go to the polls CLUB GUARDE17ES GIVE at of Floodlights FOR TAX vote home Mrs. R. P. Miller Cloycc Martin and little son. . COMMISSIONER I sincerely solicit your HAS GUESTS AT The Rev. C. L. Goss. for three To the Voters 01 Bulloch DINNER DANCE REGULAR HOME DEM. CLUB as Mr. and Mrs. for ,... 10 I OF BULLOCH COUNTY and influence. MEETING guests Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Edwin Me­ Bought . ouse ec. 5 of the First ter to 0bserve I lid The We Go Places Kenzlo of Stage \.lommUI1lit 'H We.,d D years pastor Bup- ) ay County: Respectfully, Guardettes held a dinner The Homo Demonstration and Mrs. Rudolph Ginn and Savannah spent Satur­ y toget I am u candidate for Tax The regular monthly Two $55 and three tlst Church of loft I announce my candl­ A. NEWTON meeting and dance for the Guardsmen 01 •__.!!IIlIIlIa_••,.. Club met at tho homo of Mrs. children of Ga. nnd day as guests 01 And Mrs. "baby Brooklot, hereby JOHN of the Sandersville, /I'1r. MRS. W. H. MOIIRIS Commissioner 01 Bulloch County Statesboro B. " P.W. Club H. Ii. spot" lloodlights have been JOHN A. ROBERTSON Ily of at the National Guard R. P .. Mllier with Mrs. J. A. and Zetterower. By MRS. Brooklet on of lost dacy for Tax Commissioner Battery A. Mr. Mrs M. E Ginn and Tuesday In the December IS election lor 12·13·3tp. was held at M.... Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smlih and ordered for the at a elec­ Bryant's Novem­ Denmark as co-hostess wednes- stage Mc· of Bulloch County In special Armory Friday evening. family of Statesboro Mr. ond F. C. Rozier last week to become pastor of the Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Shurllng Wilton Grooms Sylvania the term Kitchen on Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith Mrs. Thomas Waters Croan De- Mr. rind Mrs. Harry . When these Next Wcdncsdny night, beginning January I. tlon to be held on Monday evening. bel' 16. 01 last week. Mrs. Gear Auduorium. relatives here last Satur- Tuesday, a day Mr . and M rs. J. H. Ginn and were of meet- weekend. First or Fulr- dinner on visited 1957 to which the November 19. attended fall Carne IIIa Show guests Mr. and Mrs. arrive the the December Baptist Church had as their guests my Father, a demonstration on Christ- stock will be In­ comber 5, December ISth. next. The armory was gave Mr. and Mrs. Ginn Roscoe Roberts will be Ga. late John P. Lee was elected. The Career 'attractively at Florence. S. C. last week. Rudolph Sunday. creased to six the Farm tlurcnu Mr. and Mrs. J. H. wyuu mount, Mrs. Lavern Advancement com­ mas Ift se I ecuons. the baby lights and mg of Thanksgiving day, Fene Daves and Mrs. From an educational and decorated with com stalks Mr. and g During visited relatives In Savannah da�rs. I nrn now mlttee Mrs. H. P. Jones Sr .• two house. A few lust week In While et Brooklet Rev. GOS!'i serving as Tax Com­ with Mrs. Lois Scearce social Stlas Williams 01 bullet-shaped lights. AI· held at the community spent duys Mr. and Mrs. Joe I feel that moss and hour. dainty refresh- Brewton Sanders, Stella Lee and Richard Lee of business standpoint pumpkins, seasonal returned from a while were h ere, the missioner. having been ap­ chairman. was In 01 fishing trip to they Parker though twelve are After the supper. served by Atlanta. also served the Leefleld Bap- charge th� flowers to ments were served. spent the holidays with lights needed. and Mrs. Slke� and Mrs. visited rclntlves here I am qualified to manage the denote the Thanks­ FIorlda whcre visited Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ginn the business tist Church. his Vickey, Guyton, pointed by the County Com. program. Featured on the they his Mr. and Mrs. these new ones are expected to social committee, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Jackson, During pastor­ and economi­ pro­ season. parents. Ulcus and Wednesday of lost week. office efficiently giving Smith's and and and Mr. W. L. be conducted by ate the Mill Creek Fred Branch daughter. missioners to fill the unexpired gram were three Savannah brothers, Capt. family Ginn Williams. produce the proper etfects reo Jack- . . meeting will Jlmmle and Penny Baptist Ernest I further BIRTHDAY DINNER Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Shurling term of John P. cally. pledge myself B. and and all Mrs. Jesse Jones at or Savnnna h last weekend tor a N. Rushing WRS established. Mr. George B. Dixon Lee. Since 1953 " P.W. members: Mrs Turkey dressing Sewanee, spent qulred modem play such as the John son of Tenn, spent Camp Brenda, at all Umes The children president, Chattanooga, and Mrs. George Parrish of I to be available and the were served buf­ Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. grandchildren as of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. the names was have served as Tax Bessie state career trimmings Jlmpse guests "Summer and Smoke." Jr. At this meeting with While at Brooklet he 0 and sons, Charles and Benny, Deputy Mltlldles. ad� and the Thanksgiving holidays Brooklet visited Mr. and Mrs. make an intensive study of fet from a Jones at other rel�tlve. gathered Commissioner and with that ex­ vancement long table covered Newberry, Fla.. Ginn. Ot.her guests were Mr. The for these new new officers for the 1957 member of the Brooklet Kiwanis chairman: Miss Veda money of the Mrs. Grooms. all of Savannah, Mr. and Mrs. on the Tax In this Sunday at the home of Mrs George H. N. Shurling Thanksgiving equalizing Digest with a white and Sandra of Cleve Newton of s«­ was The Club and for two served ns perience I feel that I am well Royall. chairman of District cloth, Thompson. daughter facilities taken from the term, will be announced. Miss Barbara Griffeth, stu- years and I will further endeavor 4; J. A. Denmark 10 honor her o� W. H. Morris and family, evening. to fill the It county. and Mrs. with chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson Jr. ���n:�s. funds. will meet in of Geor- vice president. He also served qualified office. Corrie Lee Hnnkerson decorated speech department Ladles Auxiliary dent at the University Fannie E. Cribbs. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest to collect all taxes. so that the miniature and Jean her birthday, when a basket dln- Bul- of the Mrs, Every­ Attaway is my desire to assume the state vice and turkeys and red Holloway, daughter 01 Mrs. Ernest Williams and the cofeteria of Southeast last weekend with as president Bulloch president progro� ncr was served. gtn, spent R dinner,' and Mr. and Mrs. Horice Atta- tax burden of the county will candles In holders. The Mr. and Mrs. ·Ordl... The Protestant one enjoyed turkey duties and of coordinator. crystal Strick. Holloway Mrs. Horace Mitchell lind ,dr'd...... loch School. supper J. H. County Minlsteriol obligations my Those were Betty. High Mrs. Griffeth. and' and Jim- be . left on present Mr and ... rob. wociI . . . way sons. Johnny father to and equalized guests were seated at the Mrs. or dol." is of Mrs. Lee Association and as Sun­ my family the of. Mrs. Mltlldies gave an long Nancy Thursday Smith were in Snvnn- committee composed Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge general The candidate the . lnsplr­ for Mrs. James Denmark and P�ul .ad wool·llke "'titI..... ficc to which he was elected. receiving table. decorated similar to the morning. Atlanta to visit f�milY, nuh _., Mrs. Roland School of the and Mrs. C. H. rng address on the of Prosser, and Lee of Charleston. day superintendent Mr. Kennedy most votes be objectives Mr. and Mrs. Gene Denmark and Friday. muc.h or Ihelr cbarm. 0111' s.lIiIft, D" Bloyse Barry ��d �r��t L�u;,d�o;rii�it��g D��� popular will de­ buffet table. Sandra's Mrs. C. Walts. Mrs. River Associa- of visited Mr. and MI·s. career: advancement .She out. grandmother, Mr. and (utures ,en.. Moore. Mrs. A, were last weekend of Ogeechee Baptist Register December Is a month In clared the and r en- little Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. M. D. May CI.""I". SOPT.SET•• guests mark. busy winner Deese. daughter. . C. E. . on lined the Billy was the holder don.l new "Ilnllh" which th... Mrs, Leon tion. Horman Morris Sunday ------the Tax requisites needed Steptoe Chas VISited relatives in Ludowici keep. Sam Hendrix, Mr. and Mrs, Lee. Commissioner's office each and voter =';111••- by Here as Strickland and Mr. courage every 1II1IIII1II of the guests of Mr. and Tommy. (.brl" •••ort and u Mrs. Ed The He attended the of afternoon. a woman in order to advance lucky ticket and received lovely lulttou. ,h. Bohler and Wynn. Robert Minick of Brunswick University I must stay on the job. I Mrs. AI and Mrs. Gordon and Thanksgiving Day. TIPS ON COOKING CHEESE a�d to the auto­ Sutherland for about Rushing day you bought them. T,)' u. IIIId ._ will be con- Mr. and Georgia and received his Mr. und Mrs. Lavern Sanders Will policy-level positions. She 12·gauge Remington Mr. business meeting spent the holidnys with degree be unable to make a 1.······················· ten are family, and Mrs. M. E. Ginn Mrs. Joe Grooms and son of Unless low heat is used in matic and six days Mr. and Mrs. War- Henrietta Hall. from Teachers of Savannah spent the weekend named such factors as shotgun boxes of and Miss . Georgia ducted by Mrs. J. L. Minick. College thorough canvass of the good ren Sabin of family und Mr. and Mrs. Sylvania visited Mr. and Mrs. cheese, it may be county shells. Wanonah, N. J. musical and the Southern Thea­ with their Mr. and Mrs. melting self a A Christmas program Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powell Baptist parents, and I realize that I will not have gr.ooming. confidence, Mr. and J. H. Ginn. Mrs. Julia Nevils D. L. Morris and Mr. and Mrs. tough and stringy. says Mrs. Mrs. E. C. Pundt and will be Mrs. W. D. logical Sanders and Mr. and Mrs, an .. to learn, inner the of Mr. E. L. weekend Seminary. to . Immediately by last Ray following and Mrs. McDonald . presented of Unadilla spent edu- opportunity contact many VISIT' wlllln!�ness son. Joe. of S. C Nevils. Willie during the week decorn- Due to the of Betty Alexander, consumer to Charleston. .• Leo. and the Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John C. shortage teach- H. N. Shurling. of the voters I sin­ security, ability take advice dinner, Ray Hendrix and his Hagin. Mrs. Allen and cation personally. spent Thanksgiving daughter Miss Janis Mille' be Mrs. ers at Fairmont, the Rev. Goss Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cribbs of specialist, Agricultural courage to stand own can: band furnished music for dane- holidays and tions will arranged by Proctor Sr. beg vote and your by with Mrs. Pundt's others. tient at the of �erely at Corner parents, Mr. . H��� and Mrs. Goss several Extension Service, University .your The New Consumer Finance Office *' *' *' BUIl0Chrc�yua�tyn F. C. Rozier. Mrs. Norman Kirkland and both have ac­ Savannah spent days In the knowledge of job. skill ing. or cheese forthcoming :victlons. and Mrs. J. A. Addison. pital last week. under- in the last week rela­ Georgia. Sharp aged Influ�nce m treatment of having two of Bamberg. cepted positions high here visiting East Main and Seibald Streets Ideas. ability to Invited were Colonel BIRTHDAY DINNER daughters is best for because it guests Mrs. Henry Brim and gone an opera tllOn for append-I school there. tives. cooking give a self. of an daugh- visited Mrs. J. C. Pree- analysis oneself . d Mrs. B. A. Mr. nnd Mrs. of the S. C. well Johnson, Chap- ter, Ann of arrived Ernest WiI- cilis, The November meeting 1------and .Miss melts easier and blends WINFIELD LEE and skill in human Sasser, Ga., tarius lost week. Miss Bonnie Wyatt relations. lain. and Mrs. Robert E. H. Iiams entertained with a burtet Womnn's of Christian with other Thursday to the Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Society Harriet Holleman of Statesboro ingredients. 12·13·3tp. We in Loans Mter the featured morning spend Chester inser P cmfw emf emf Mr. and Mrs. Arch Beard of lelectlOn. address a Peeples and Captain and Mrs. with dinner at their home Service and of the Night Circle Specialize holidays her mother. Mrs. Sunday, and children of .Jacksonville, Mrs. F. C. Rozier Sr. Is Atlanta and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. were visitors at the Stilson panel discussion was conducted B. the occasion the Church was Ewell Bailey. Rufus Brady. being Betty Joyce's of Met.hodist Church last bv the out·ol·town FIB., spent Thanksgiving Day as some time at the home Anderson of Jacksonville, Fin. Sunday. guests and *' • Those were the in the church auditorium spending to • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brannen birthday. present 01 Mrs. D. held M. A. James of Savan­ $25.00 $1,500.00 the club guests W. Bragan. of Mr. and Mrs. James McCall. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mr. president. Mrs. and Rev. and Mrs. Austol Youma"s Monday night. The program. I.ocal NEEDLE AND THREAD CLUB daughtcr. 0cora,b h spent Friends will be Interested to Mr. and Mrs. James Shuman Mrs. Roland Moore. nah and Mrs. Sheppard of Minnie Lee Johnson. and 01 and ;e Nations," was ar­ ON the week.end with Brannen's daughter Statesboro. learn that Mrs., D. lull 01 "The United Prior Mrs. Lamar Hotchkiss was ¥r. W. Bragan ha. My /)Itle'11 pt/id-up lilts and Miss Shuman of So- Mrs. Ernest Jenkins and chil­ Brooklet were the dinner guests t_o the program. Mrs. their guest, Mrs. by Mrs. Raymond Poss, Lynn hostess parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ethelyn returned from the Bulloch ranged of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morris on .Tohnson presided at the buslne.. Wednesday morning 01 Norman o� of the vannah visited Mrs. J. V. Shu- dren of Savannah sent last .. AUTOMOBILE * SIGNATURE Brannen Sr. Hazelhurst. Mr. and and diffe,ent phases session to last week to' the County liospltal and I. Improv· man week, with Mr. and Mrs. Thanksgiving day. They enjoyed conclude several 'neWly Mrs. Wm. Ii. Zetterower Mrs. last wee.kend 01< * Mrs. C. B. Mathews left and I" were presented by 2ND MORTGAGE FURNITURE by Ing. CUll ,(/",ilies' top.ic matters Needle and tli"ITMII , and E. L. Har· W. C. a turkey dinner. which were carried over organized Thread Linda. and Mr. and H. H. Pat Moore and The Rev. Ml's. Cromley. plane Irom Savannah to Balli· Mrs. Bob Mikell, Mrs. Club at her new Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Zet. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lottie Grooms and Irom the board held on honie near the Zetterower The devo­ rison are spending two weeks Edgar Parrish Under the at the Georgia Industrial meeting more where she Mrs. Ernest Veal. ·Operated Supervision November Mattie School. M.... will. spend terower and Franklin and Bobby with relatives in Fla. of Portal visited Mrs. J. N. 8. Lively a�d. �ranklln. Mrs, C. E. Tampa, about ten days with her M rtl dl Mr. wllfJ I" 'Sl! Att IIfJW- tional wns given by Loan Commissioner" Mrs. Billie Hotchkiss made a ar- daugh- and Mrs. Colon pII/lt/lld Miss Barbara Jones of At- Shearouse weekend in Hinesbille with Mrs. Carr. the Health lovely tel' and Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ginn Ii•• Rushing business was in Saturday. family. Mr. and Mrs. Willinms. The find Safetv committee rangement ot chrysanthemums M�. a�d ���� w;:.n�� leUtteesrtosweort and lamily visited Mr. and Mrs. Innta sepnt lost weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Denmark R. R. Walker. chairman, Robert Morris and charge of Mrs. Brooks Lanier. and frosted The son. Bobby. Thanksgiving Day. the Mrs. C. S. Jones. Sr. have returned from BaIU- Miss announced that the BlOodmobile grapes. hostess F. C. during Mr. and Betty Snyder. University • • • Parker Jr., Mrs. would served Harry Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jones ��e:�ndzetterower a INC. be in Statesboro Decem­ pecan pie topped with Mrs. James McCall is improv- more, Md. where they spent of Georgia student, spent few DIXIE FINANCE CO., Brunson. Mrs. Tom Martin. M.... C. ber 10. and members whipped cream with a on STITCH AND CHATTER CLUB Mr. and Mrs. T. Goodman an at two weeks with Dr. and Mrs. here with Mrs. Merle S. were asked cherry John Mrs. ing following operation days and Strickland. 10m Ir------of Savannah to cooocr.te bv top calfee. M.... A. S. Baldwin was and Joe Goodman Warren Candler Hospital in Sa- Jack Keil. Morris. Corner East Main and Seibald glvin� blood as Smith. Mrs. Bob Thompaon, were of Mrs. G. as hy in the The officers are hostess to the Stitch and Ghat- guests Sunday vannah. Mrs. John A. Robert- Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Walls and Mrs. F. W. Hughes spent last '��1I assistin� pub­ Mrs. Ralph Mrs. W. B. Wyatt. M.... W. R. P. Bank of Statesboro hc,tv throul!hout the countv. White. Mrs. Joe ter Club last week at Grooms. son is teaching at Southeast Miss Mary Slater sepnt the weekend with Mrs. Henry Grl'· (Old Build,ing) president: Hodges Huey. M"" Ernest Cannon. and DmoJT II. w.,.. The club voted to house. A dried ar. John Lee of Savannah visited Bulloch High School for Mrs. weekend of the November 16 fin In Atlanta. contribute Shaw. secretary and treasurer. party lovely Mrs. Sam Haun. $5 to with in Mr. and Mrs. Bacon and 1 the Muscular and M rs. T. L. rangement and roses· were used at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McCall during her illness.' relatives Spartanburg, Oran "1 . Dystrophy Hagan, publicity The refreshments were cran. l_o;:::=_-'======::!:::!.!=�-..:C:::O:::I::UMl::::U::S...:I:::,..,=d.:::U:::.coI::I. Fund for Bulloch in Leon Lee Sunday. Mrs, Felix Parrish spent a few S. C. Miss Beverly Bacon of Atlanta, County. blue cheese sticks Mrs. Johnson read a letter the .mlll Mrs. J. W. Robertson Sr. at- last week with relatives in Mr. and Mrs: Henry Cattle 01'. and Mrs. A. J. Waters Bon· 01 Ch�����. meeting, plans were Mrs. ��rYCOsf����' IlW¥JII days . �:�b�:�or;���:�t resienation Mrs. WIlilY SO WillS tended the an- Atlanta. and sons of Savannah visited nie and Jack Waters of by Louise golden wedding A'u'gusta, 1IIII;1II11I11.11IIIIII1IIII Olliff. club who was .1IlI1II4,••1'IIII'."IIl'__a:-_ of Mr. Rnd Mrs, Miss Jane Robertson of Elbel'- at the homc of Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Pros­ treasurer. ��ret���e S ,IS • S 12.10 niversary' Aubrey :��b�;dh:,iS��:� p��� 11,..' . to ·continue her to make dolls as their Howurd Tebcau in Springfield ton spent last weekend with J. N. Rushing Sr. last week, ser and children at Savannah �lIlable services contribu­ .50 IS.OO 'n this capacity due to time to the afternoon. She was ac- Mr. and Mrs. Lee 'Robertson. Miss Marilyn Moore. n student were guests last week of Mr. Empty Stocking 1.00 50.00 Sundny needed in the and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. James and at the in 'and Mrs. M. O. Prosser. oocration of her ���d. companied by Mr. Brynn University Hospital 2.00 100.00 own business. Miss Alma Other members are Mrs Herbert Kingery of States\:oro. children of Augusta, Mr. and Augusta, spent last weekend Miss Peggy Robertson of At· Hop� per was to serve out Strick Mrs. sister. Mrs. D. E. Smith and children with Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Moore. lanta spent last weekend with appointed Holloway. Hubert the current term. Mrs. V. E. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and of Savannah, and Miss Deidra Jackie Proctor and Jack Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robertson Tankersley. Creasey, Mrs. Reba Clements was wel­ Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. Marlon !lnri Misses Judv and Jackie Bryan of Alma were Thanks- Hunter, students at Emory at Jr. comed as a new member and Bentley. Mrs. Emmett Scot. Mrs. HRII of Savann;::h visited last �iving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oxford. and Dr. J. L. Hunter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Quinn and Mrs. Bobbie Hendrix was intra. Frank and Mrs. Hok. week at Ihe home of Mr and T R Bryan and MIS J p Decatur were guests for a few Misses iDanna, Nancy and Judy Gettys. duced 8S a visitor. Tyson. �lI·s. R. C Hall Bobo. dnys of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Quinn of Dainger Field, Texas

Mr. and Mrs. David Starkey Dr. and Mrs . .1. A. Powell. Proctor Sr. were guests Friday of Dr. and lind D:wie Starkey of Ca\umbus. Bunnie. Averelt and CHfford Mrs. \V. D. Lee spent last Mrs. C. E. Bohler. Bulloch Bank \ ..c .. Mrs. Maxie Trice and Miss Mary Powell of Athens. Tenn. spcnt ,� Cotinty P. c -Member Federal Mays of Atlantn were weekend n few days here with Dr. and 1------'------­ him S.-YM ...... 11 LI'L .01111 .atll...,.wl.i. fro...... Deposit Insurance Corporation­ guests of Mrs. G. P. Grooms Mrs. E. C. Watkins. Give w•• 10.111.. Hick•., ...... ••• •...1.. AH_,.,k :':1d Mrs. Wilson Mallard. Miss Jimmie Lou Williams of Sh••14.. 'NIh ,... So IwI.. MIG). Statesboro, Georgia M.r. and Mrs. Waters and Atlanta spcnt Ipst wcekc'1d famIly of Carey, N. C. spent with Mrs . .I. M, Wllli:lms. a few clays last week \ViUl Mr. Mr. and Mrs. LeonaI'd Ho-n- LOUNGEROUND PAJAMAS and Mrs. P. W. Clifton 51'. naford of Woodbine and Miss Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Parrot of Doris Parrish of Elherton were S'lvannflh i.,itcrl Mrs. C. H. weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. TWO GIRLS, ('orhrnn Inst weekcnd. H. G, Parrish Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Arte Grooms of Mr. nnd Mrs. Julian Aycac!;. by . (olumblls were weel{cnd guesls Misses Beth and Delores Aycock PlIETIAY' A CHEVY of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grooms. and Jessie Lou Clarke spent the Rogers has been weekend of the 17th at River­ . �'l:s. ��ssie fl VI"lUIllp, trlends in New York for side College, Gainesville, with severn I days:. 1.1. M. Aycocl{, a student there. AND A RECORD! Kl1Ight and Miss also visited in Atlanta ; Mr'i: �uanlta jThey of visited while were K1Y }'i.llIght Waycross they away, .

.-:t A meaningful achievement

"'.-' Business . in automobile perfomlOnce Hliral electrification has given a tremendous lift to and conditions of millions of .'���? Fall the working living it has Grazing f· fin families in America, But more important, t autmnobile records 'are made a gigantic impact on other walks of life. too. �o•• perfonnance pretty have to relate to the kiod of Merchants right here in your community dl�'�u1t day-in, day-out felt the most immediate effect. In the past 18 years. drIVIng m08t oC us do. Ronning at safe and legal the tune of American 'mercl}ants have profited to .� a '57 Cbevrolet cbalked an recently up billions of dollars in the sales of wiring and �peeds, many l�porlaDt new coa&t-to·ooa81 record on the road. electrical appliances and other equipment which And tbe .my it set this record i. eveo more im­ farm people have purchased because they had elec­ Madison portant than the record itself! tricity. County farmer Except for electricitj! made available to them by the rural electric cooperatives, local merchants Multiplies Potato Profit � new '57 recently proved it has the quali­ could not have made these sales. Without the bene­ ttes most people look Cor in a car -and proved it on fit of on the .these millions of rural D. one of our electricity farm, W. Porterfield, Madison county fann the roads you travel. It set a new record oC less than families would not have been able to use this new that customers, believes it pays to "hold your Loungeround Pajamas help e 57 houlll for the run from New Vorl to Los Angeles merchandise. man enjoy his leisure In ,rtr. potato" for a higher pllice, and that is what he is (certified by NASCAR). It was a strictly stock, VB­ Actual studies show that the individual farm ordlnlry comfort.· The "extras" doing again this year. powered Chevy. It was driven by two family spends about four dollars for every onc Ire Pleetway's patented comfort youngladiei. When dollar which is invested in tre rural electric systems After last year's harvest Mr. Porterfield filled IlIt�res, which see to It thll he you consider that atl the driving was dope For more the fe,ls fres-aad-tasy-for TV, reading gt'azing during of ollr nation. Since .the rural electric co-ops have his heated and house by 98·pound and her Criend Caroline electrically curing storage or jusl plain lounging. • invested over this means that the $2.5 billions, they its Own Great with 800 bushels of sweet potatoes. He Bold them Russ, true significance oC this record run becomes season more in the have to create a ten billion dollar market ReputatiOn! Brlghl, bold checkar -olald coal with helped Surpa�ses It's a tribute to ,and grain three months later when the had climbed apparent. Chevrolet's great-hearted to new business' for merchants, distributors price convartible collar, two big pockets. gain VB engine and solid road-worthiness that it could and manufacturers of electrical from $1.50 to $3.50 a bushel. The cost for elec­ Solid color tr.ousers Ir. slsck·tallored, now goods. at a man. the driver's seat-and found added evidence all You're looking mighty sUl'pl'ised have .five waist Fine travel day and night for 2,913 miles at !life and pre·plaut your gl'ain We nre of the our 41 rural electric was about two cents a bushel. adjustmenls. lega! spri�g, proud part and around hjm. On every side were new miracles of tricity Almost all of his adult life he has owned Sanforized broadclolh In color speeds-and better the cooperatives in Georgia have played in boosting interior beauty and comfort and convenience, Power rural 01 red or with ANHYDROUS AMMONiA d"iven Cadillac cars. And so. when he decided to A Georgia Company engineel1 planned combln.IIOI1s blue, ,old with record for the business activities of our state the two . existing trip during past harmOl1lzinr trousers. Also In ·pink. talte an hour out from his busy schedule to see And when he turned the key and put his .foot the storage house at· Mr. Porterfield's request. more than three decades. mint lIfeen or IIghi blua with chlrcoal by hoUlll. and drive the new 1957 Cadillac. he thought he on the accelenltol', his sentiment to convic­ -the and best fOI'm of grew trousers. Sizes A. B. C. D. And when a pair of young cheapest CO-OP ELECTRICITY IS GOOD knew about what to \ tion. The cal' was nimble and expect. incl'edibly quiet How We Help Hllnd,ome/, Gift Boxed ladies step into a car and FOR GEORGIA under in the and smooth of I'ide. Well, here he is-ba"ely way city drive it round the clock to a Give us a call and let our rural been nitrogen. he is the truth. For 28 years engineers have belping -and ail'eady learning startling Surp,·ised. did we wait until he hits new transcontinental say? Just farmers to to fann work. record, that Georgia apply electricity He is learning lIol"':lIg could adequately the open highway and I'eceives the final verdict. you /mqw that car is easy to us with fertilizer Theil' services are available without Our you your a man the new "cal' of cars"-not even ·charge. help Excelsior prepare for No drive. Come try a question �bout it-IhiJ iJ Ihe Cadillac I"al farm'ers to: Chevy. Cadillac ownership itself[ rural engineers help Georgia needs. lilerally JurpaueJ ilJ 011'11. great repulalioll! in the instant he He suspected it. fact, stepped Plan fa1'm wiring and lighting. Electric into the'showroom and caught his fi"st glimpse of -e- Select and inEtall electrical eq·uipment. newest Cadillac creation. This was an this entirely that come in soon to see and '!'Ie su.ggest 'you Find labor-saving methods. MEMBERSHIP CORP. new kind of Cadillac f,'Osh in beauty-brilliantly drive tillS most surprising new Cadillac in fifty­ in cont'our. Leam about new developmentE in farm 'P\ L.ocall)-OwneG, Non-Profit" line and. four yeal's. It·s an shouldn't Fertilizer experience you electric service. he the and into one application of Tri-County Liquid And then opened d?ol' swung postpone-and you'll not soon forget. ·'Inc. Electrlo Utility·' Franklin Chevrolet Inc!I Company, GEORGIA POWER COMPANY BENB y�S Co., Williams Ga.-Dial PO 4-2812 Woodcock Inc. First Road-6tl1-�esboro, WHf.fV" W' Sf.V. Shop HENRYS 60 East Mai� Street Motor (0./ A C'f'ZfN Phone 4-5488 Statesboro, Geprgia - Franklin - John'Ed Brannen Franklin Lee Olin Ill!iUWJJlIlIU!.!!.illl\.lIllLI�����lJ\IlIlI!OOitIWlI Savannah Ave., Statesboro Phone 4-3210 � =====� Mr. and Mro, Edwin Beasley ot Sliver The Bu'lloch Hera-ld 8 Mrs. Springs, Maryland, an- Page Sewell Kennedy, reporter. nounce the birth of a son. Mrs, Marshall Thigpen and The Bulloch 9 29 1956 Mrs, Herald-Page Benjamin Craig. Mro, Beasley Is , Farm and Gear displayed girts that U3abytantes ____ Familv Featores the tormer Miss Peggy Jenkins 1_;;;S..;,ta:,t..;e_s_b_or_o....;,_Ge_o_r.;g;.l_a;..'_T_h_u_I'B_d_a_;y:..,_N_o_v_em_be_r --: THE ., club members could make for Statesboro, Georgia, Thutsday, November 29, 19116 lin d ot Calltornla. Mr. Leaves, hay. straw or sawdust In holding moisture ...... I. Beasley Is the 1·.-- --IUII-IIICI:.t!"l_�_IEI ...... _.. ..nm ..... Joe 80n used as a mulch has SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs, Bobby of Mrs. George T. Beasley proved sue- Icessfulkeeping down weeds, �����t�:::n=IV;��, ���ls���s gaav�� I������������������������ Anderson of Atlanta announce and the late,Mr. B U L L 0 C H ranguments for the home, SOCIALS MI'S. Ernest Brannen Society EdItor Dial 4-2382 Beasley, 1r::=..c;;::11 ...=:-_:::.....a Farm Bureau a the birth of daughter, Susan - those SMITH TILLMAN Among going to At­ TRACTOR NUMBERS GROW ALPHA OMEGA CHAPTER MAD HAITERS MEET JOINT MEETING OF LEGION AUXILIARY Akins, November 23 at the lanta . Thanksgiving to see the OF BETA SIGMA PHI WITH MRS. JOHNSON ALPHA Piedmont Hospital. HER A L D �'-. 1 OMEGA AND ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Georgia Bull Pup. Tech ree U Georgln farmers are rapidly and Th B IIOCh Connt thwiwin �� HOLDS REGULAR MEETING XI SIGMA Mrs. Anderson is the former Jackets' . use of new On Wednesday afternoon. CHAPTERS On November Baby football game was Y you � �._--...;;;: making technology MORTUARY Tuesday night. Miss Louise of Atlanta. B, H. i�������'In their Stanley s-. operations, For ex- On the November 14, Mrs. J. Brantley On Nov. 20, The American Ramsey .. •. Monday night Alpha Monday evening, 12, Legion ample, the number of tractors Johnson entertained the Mad both XI and had a honor 1------of Beta Sigma Alpha Omega Auxiliary re-organlzational e mention III Mrs, J, L. on Omega Chapter Sigma ������������������������ abl taIent shOW Holloway, president. Georgia tarms lncreasud 47 Hatter Bridge Club at her at- chapters of Beta Phi held meeting at the American Legion 24Hour Ambulance Service Phi met at tho home of Mrs, Sigma H. D. called on Mrs, W, R, Anderson per cent from 1949 to 1954, tractive, home on Pine Drive, Fall a at Home which has been re- joint meeting Hodges party Miss Susanne Crawford had a Regl·ster Melvin with Mrs, Futch. long ways to go on the for the devotional which was Chapman flowers suggestive of the house. decorated and a place provided Hendrix - UJe can and Scotty Anderson 1957 membership, 827 inspired by the PHONES 4-2991 .. James Sikes as co-hostess, Thanksgiving season were used for the members of the fix it in a Only Thanksgiving Agricultural Extension Service 4.2722, 4:2289 I I h I I h hurry! drew honorable mention In the members have season, The been rejorted 10 0 on the table. Roses were used to hold their newes , Club h Ids mee,t Horticulturist. Cecil Mrs, Bill Gear was Auxiliary meetings, state Farm Bureau talent con- the state so Blackwell, guest M;'�I �,wV:;� s'� tar, He out Plans were In the room, The B:r:es"�e�lden�u�; pointed made for a Christ- of Savannah, Ave. living guests There were :;;� University Georgia, says now Statesboro, Ga: fourteen ladies test speaker. Her topic was "Your the XI Sigma Chapter, con- last week In Atlanta, The that most had concen- were served with cot- = OUR SOIL * OUR STRENGTH iii chapters The Home Remon- mas party ,scheduled for Frt- Is the time to take soli pecan pie ducted the Officers who will serve tram Register samples Day Socially," She began with beautiful and irn- present. beautiful watches in the �""i3: twenty-two Bulloch county trated on new members and done December 10(, fec. Coke and candles were E, T. "RED" MULLIS stration Club met Tuesday, day, of gardens. breakfast and on through lunch pressivc candlelight ceremony temporarily are Mrs. Francis BY' present telt that the Nevils a grand job of 11:0 .:1 on on, !Jnoidi.61R..· recruiting them, November at the horne of Officers placed the table later Mrs, Lamar Soli Conservation Service talent 13, elected for the ensu­ and dinner, designating for each for the three members of the Allen, president; &-w�inq.. group did the local chap-: but had left a lot of their old Mrs, John R. Goy; Statesboro, ing club year are Mrs, L, J, the Those winning prizes received who were Trapnell, vice president; and ter and the credit with Hog slaughter this fall will be meal, proper place setting Alpha Omega going Cigarette Burn. county members, These are needed also with costume Mrs, Strick- Moth Hole. �AIL4/Lro/V her daughter, Mrs, H, P. Holloway. president; Mrs, Leon below that the table cover or pins, John to the Mrs, Johnny Aldrich, Charles a the made If the considerably of lust required, up Exnrnplur Chapter, secretary Rushing. senior at showing they' against maintains Its Womack land scored Mrs. Cuts and county and Mrs, Sewell Ken- Holloway. vice president; Mrs, .l, mats, or chinn. high. Harry The ypung women were Mrs. and treasurer, Tears Marvin Pittman the thirty-six other entrants normal number of fal], reports Stephen Bran­ silver, crystal High School. members for as co-hostesses. Hilton and low, and Mrs, Bob from ncdy Banks, secretary; Mrs. non" Agricultural Extcnsidn Brunson, John Cobb, Mrs, Clinton Ander- Plans were made to meet took first place In the over the state. next year. Selax �IBW the business county John During session won and Akins, treasurer, and Service economist. Thompson cut. son and Mrs. Dean Baxter. third in contest on ESLA MEETS Lovely chrysanthemums made the final for the every Tuesday each essay "Why Soli and Miss Peggy Ann Bland' met they plans other fall arrangements were the Others playing were Mrs, Xi Sigma announced plans for month, Supper was served by � 6 Water Conservation Should be some fort.y-seven others In the Dan L. Futch was named GOLDEN I Beta Sigma Do." which will be used in the rooms. Refresh- • Way Shuford Wall. Mrs, Robert their annual Christmas Bazaar Clinton Anderson, Taught In Our Public Schools," queen contest and with president of the Farm -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:======:;_ placed In tho window at Georgia, ��:�;;:e:� olong Esla, ments consisted of Mrs, Ernest Mrs, Charles won Bureau on pound cake, Power Bland, Cannon, which will be held December 7 the next Decem­ garments $25 and a chance her models, Misses Becky and Wednesday night to Company Saturday, Dec, By meeting, Y • coffee and toasted nuts, and Mrs, R. H, to succeed Jimmy Redding at the Model ber to AnI:. compete in the district con­ Edenfield and Nlkl J, H, Futch, I. Listen to "The Laundry, Other 18. they hope have many Carolyn Aubrey 1 _ ,Woman Jr. test. was Thompson XI members were women to this He Is the son ot Mr. and Hendrix, also made a Starling named vice i- • Speaks" Thursday mornmg, No- attending join group, The very pres • • • Mrs, dent and farmers their of . Mrs, Mrs, dues are Barney of Route creditable Portal and H, L, Hood Jr. re- change system 'our vember 29, for the latest report Earl Lee. Hugh King, set at $2, Those who STATESBORO REWEAVERS Rushing showing, SIGNAL for .' when the NO AI No, I. Statesboro, Bulloch could named and farming harvest falls, or as TRUMP BRIDGE CLUB Mrs, McCullough, Mrs, are 'ble to JOin thALe "A, County justly be secretary activities, Mrs, Ernest eligl MRS. JOSH LANIER - PHONE tre�surer. 4.3530 of the Esla voted to have a V. J. Brannen interviews members of Mrs. Lamar Trapnell enter- Howard Neal, Mrs. Mark Toole, are urged to take part in the John Donald Akins, a senior proud presentation this Christmas Rowe, rnember of the _ their the club. tained the No Trump Bridge Mrs, J, B, Williams, Mrs, Joe great program of the Auxiliary at Portal High School. won group made, part:.: for, December 18 county A.S.C. committee, stated With to No- Neville, Mrs, F, C, Parker Jr. to the American Con­ • second and $15, He is The meeting everyone that farmers would hove a A salad course was served, Club Saturday afternoon, Legion, .. place the cornrnodity conferences br!ng Jack son of or chance to vember 10, at her home on Oak Mrs, Wynn, Mrs, Bob tact anyone of the three of- Mrs, Bloyce Deal of were and something express themselves on Members were Mrs, o� Monday long present Mrs, Hal Macon Jr. flcers and with Route No, 10 ��mt�l:r��i.u� on Street. Thompson. join up these 4, Statesboro, bitter rnost respects, I marketing quotas cotton, pea­ Horace Mrs. K. R. Her- Lovely chrysanthemums lasting Forshee, Mrs. W. Z. Brown and Mrs. women who know the two hours nuts and com December 11 and and geraniums were used to many FOR TAX Arthur Woodrum, 0 freshrnan fully longer than they HOWARD COX IS ring, Mrs, Frank Aldred, Mrs, Arnold COMMISSIONER that should decorate the room, The Rose, sponsor, ways that the organization at Statesboro were scheduled for, Farm they turn out and Sam Mrs, Carroll Her- living High School, won peo- PRESIDENT AT NEVILS Haun, the business vote one or the hostess served cream puffs. nuts During discussion operates, Rehabilitation is first the third prize of $10, He is the pic were doing all within their way other. rington, Mrs, Bob Mrs, Mrs, Howard Cox was elected Priestly, and coffee, the Horace Forshee, chairman and foremost .vlslts 'to the Of Bulloch son of Mr, power to resolutions worked Nevils voted not to Hetman During games, and Mrs, W, G, get of held the Bray, Mrs, Harold De- of the social County - president the Nevils Farrn committee or veterans watch care that would December Coke and mixed candles were Alpha hospitals, Woodrum of Route No, 3. together help im- Bureau rneeting because it Ioach, Mrs. Eddie Mrs, Tuesday to re­ Rushing, on the Omega submitted over the families that need Statesboro, prove their lot. night was so close to Tb. bUill. and of •• Tom placed tables, Chapter, plans help, place Walton Christmas. The .,clltmlnl U11 ehlp Mrs, J, " am a Howard. S. Ander- for the annual I candidate for Tax Nesmith. Mr, Ne­ hit. It. wbln lb. Ollie., of thl Deck Christmas the child welfare program and Commissioner of motion "Down of a peak A of ballerette party, Johnnie a Tuesday was devoted to talks picture New 80n, Mr8, Ralph Bacon. Mrs, palr slippers Dekle, freshman at .smlth was named vice ,,"Ith. Older to �'landb, to lit \aIIder. was also a discussion con- so many more fine that Bulloch in the December presi­ was a of and a Christmas candle was projects County' 18, election for Statesboro by farm.leaders and Day," part the Esla WI,.- Thll'l wh.n )'0" mH•• WI James Mrs, Jim High School. placed outstanding dent and J. W, Sanders re­ poll'" Sikes, Harley, I the Beta Phi this 11"",hed on ITherecernlng Sigma doll, organization do for the pro- the a discussion of and Nevils programs last week. Inolbtr Id"nlurt lbomi • and Mrs, P, Lee Jr. by Mrs, H, P. Jones Jr. for term 1957 to which fourth, He is the son bf Mr. and general the named and George ,,:on The doll will be on beginning January 1, my secretary treasurer N1'I11h1p. Allin )'Ou1' be ...Inl ft•• ...,.. display at motion of good citizenship and recommendations to Mrs, J, L. the resolu- , • high score; Mrs, Julian Hodges Dekle of for another , mHtlnr nIW PIOpl •••• rmewlJar old • • • the Power of affairs Father, the late John P; Lee was elected. I am Register, year, Georgia Company understanding in tions committee, was ,••IIII1••,...... iII·•• ftlmdshl".., ... won floating prize. a hand- Prizes will be Wednesday The Rev. James of dtnfJ'port,..UlIIlIf JIMMY window from December I until relations, now as presented to the Hendrix ALDRED CELEBRATES decorated box with cards foreign serving Tax Commiasloner, been devoted 10 resolutions offmtbldll1lfftJ·oll"""ldn", having winners at adopting Pembroke talked • filing December 15 suitable times at the on.the mean- Ian. Jola III. N .,. and bin I DGRm at which time the ••• and officers. BIRmDAY for Mrs, Euel Anderson. the electing These of CII'IH thlt combine. I )Db 01 recipes, appointed by County Commissioners to fill the various schools as soon as nr­ ing Thanksgiving as ra part contest cios�s, Ind was a MRS. AKINS resolutions will be in the Farm lIaportanc. usponalbUltJ Mrs, winning cut, awarded HOSTESS can be made. of the Nevils He James Aldred enter- Mrs, R H0IIand Jr, unexpired term of John P. Lee. Since rangernents program. "hhtrl"IIMIdYftltuu was - 1953 I have eweIed oger Bureau News for December. talned ror her j I etter opener, TO NIGHT OWLS pointed out that the Thanks­ son, Jimmy. with guest speaker, Her topic dealt served as Tax Commissioner We extend our congratulations ���IJ••• Deputy and with At the a his Others were Mrs, to present t't'enty-two giving usually celebrated was party celebrating eighth p,laylng with formal introductions and On night, November these fine boys who have Friday ' that .. Fred Jr" Mrs, Paul experience I feel that I am well to members of the Bulloch County really a harvest and PlGIIT. au. COLN birthday Monday afternoon, No- Hodges invitations, 16. Mrs, E, L. Akins entertained qualified shown such interest in this festival, vember Franklin Jr" Mrs, Jim fill Farm Bureau have made reserva- that if seed were sYMPlOMS AT ONE 19 at her home on North Spiers, the office: It is desire to assume subject. Our can be good planted TIM!!.:. Alpha Omega chapter mem- the Night Owl Blrdge Ciub at my the duties hope only tions Maln For Mrs, Gene Mrs, AI Mc- for the American Farm in well prepared soil, ...... 1 ITS St";'et. the record, Curry, bers were Mrs, K, R. her home on North and that they and the others who good prac­ THE present Main Street. obligations of my father to and the Bureau tices is November Cullough, Mrs, Gus Sorrier, Mrs, my family convention in Miarni De- and management followed, PROVEN COLDS Jimmy's birthday Herring. Mrs, Horace Forshee. The Thanksgiving and harvest participated may be better citi­ MEDICINE office to which he was cember 10-13, that a harvest was 18, Johnny Deal, Mrs, Frank Sim- elected. zens as a Others_ usually good had Mrs, Melvin Chapman, Mrs, Bob time theme was used in a result of their efforts; mons and Mrs, F, C, Parker lovely Also, Longlnes-Whlttnauer, El­ desire to go should make their in the fall. Just so with the ------Jr,. December is a that our vital ,..,..- _ Twelve or Jlmmy's friends in- Priestly. Mrs, Foy Olliff, Mrs, arrangement of fruits and color- busy month in the Tax Com. soil and water re­ Jr, gin Watches, Swiss' Watches plans in the next day or so. human being and their spiritual eluded members of the Cub' Davis Mrs, ful and sour�es will be belter cared for ••• ' Beachum, Ralph vegetables yellow missioner's Office and I must on stay the job. I from Rooms have to be procured as lire, Rev. Hendrix stated. Man Scouts, Den 4, were invited, Bacon. Frank Aldred, Mrs, $15.95. in the future because of them M,:s, chrysanthemums. overflowing will be unable well as down whut MARCIA ANN SHEALEY to make a canvass of the and others transportation and reaps he sows from the Baskets decorated 'with turkey Gus Somer. Mrs, p, from a horn of thorough like them. George back, life as plenty: ------spiritual' just he does from were filled with assorted HONORED ON HER Lee Jr,. Mrs, Carroll Homemade lemon salted county and I realize that I will not have an candy Herrington. pIe. oppor. W, C, Hodges, county presi- the fields, should were the favors blrth- TENTH BIRmDAY Mrs, J, S, Mrs, People change WE Jimmy's Anderson, Eddie nuts and coffee were served, tunity to contact of the voters staled that INVITE YOU TO Only Mercury­ many personally. dent, the county still their way of living just as UNLEASH THE BIG M's day cake mixed and Rushing. Mrs, Herman Ladles' a double deck of = cowboys Mrs, enter- Bray, high, I vote = �����U���TlNGS Indians In Leroy Shealey Mrs, sincerely beg your and your influence in the offers the decorations, Sam Haud. Mrs, Walter cards, were won Ho W� you these talned playing by §MHTH Tuesday night of last election_ Sheep field- in foul' The Stone, Mrs, Frank Farr, Mrs, Mrs, Bonnie Morris, Men's forthcoming days main feature or enter- week with a birthday party high, Southeast W, B, and Mrs, Jim a Georgia counties have dream-drive talnment was Wyatt tie, went to Grady Bland, -JEWELER SINCE pinning the feath- honoring her daughter. Marcia, 1919- been announced L. R. Sikes, Mrs, C, B. Mathews received a by Lanier, ers on a His mother had on her tenth turkey, Ann. birthday. at district and Denis De­ casserole for ladies' cut, Men's agent, provided real feathers her home on Broad Street. 20 South Main Street features turkey SOCIALS WINFIELD LEE Statesboro, Georgia Loach, Extension Service sheep and had the cut, beverage glasses. went to taped Thanksgiving After and other specialist. The events bingo games. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Massey DeVane Watson, • will be The ",;'"'' I. Mercury's exclusive • CIl--- ..__=_IiiIIlIlI=lI::=_1Il held November 12 at Blackshear, Ride. The won the floating "dynamite" Is the ��a������_a�ey�_-��b���Th���prize, a novelty game. and her friends were served November 13 at Savannah, No­ mlghtie,t power In They played with Mrs. George Beasley and Mrs.�������I�------Leroy Cowart, Mrs. Devane Mercury history bingo, punch. cake and . vember 14 at and _a new candy, family, Watson, Mrs, Bland, Bon- Lyons, Novem­ 290.hp Turnpike Cruiser. Mrs, Waters assisted Grady ber 15 Henry Those present were Patricia Mr, and Mrs, Carol at Swainsboro, Each V·8 engine. And her. are some of In Beasley nle Morris, Mrs, J, p, Foy, Mrs, serving birthday cake. ice Ann will at 2 the "�driv." Harvey, Jackie Harvey, of Augusta spent the Thanks- Arnold Anderson and Emmitt meeting begin p, feature" cream and punch, Donna in the office. and Patricia Hen- county Silk Franklin, giving weekend with his mother. Akins, agent's amite Those present were Julian drlx, Kathy Murphy, Elaine Mrs, George T, Beasley. Lane, Dud Dubose, Shuford Wall, Scott, Claire Ma- Kay Beasley. Mrs, Mary Dan Coleman and BAPTIST TRAINING UNION Hugh Rockett. Johnny Godbee, con, Gwen Banks.' Laverne daughters. Linda and Mary Glenn "M" NIGHT SERVICE ROCKWELL Bray, Randy Smith, Sanders. Carol Bland. Jane Hol- Ellen. spent Tuesday of last Holmes Ramsey and Robert lor, Sharon Stubbs, and Helen week with Mrs, G, C, Coleman The annual associations I Mallard, Waters, Sr, Training Union "MOO Night serv­ Here's ------Ice of the Ogeechee River Mis- TRAINING perfonnance that Association will slonary Baptist AN EXCLUSIVE POWER.BOOST. be held at the First Baptist ER FAN SAVES HORSEPOWER In Church, Statesboro,' on Monday Mercury'l Montclair ..rles_a first night, December 3, at 7:30 p, m, In PROGRAM is all new... American engine design. When A most •• from a program :tan interesting clf'"" the fan Isn', needed for cooling It has been Dr, Julian arranged, coolf,_save. power other cars Pipkin of Waycross, Georgia, weiste, resulb in a for "The new kindorIon:;' rorS7 quieter ride. who has recently been elected McCUllOCH as the new state School EXCLUSIVE FLOATING RIDE close! Sunday To meet brings present and future needs for in various that ABSORBS BUMPS AND !londer!Q2 secretary of the Georgia Ba�tist qualified personnel saves NOISE _A combination of the most effec� Convention. will bring a chal­ phases of its Rockwell is an horsepower program, bea:inning five features ever lenging and inspiring message SAVV-DRAVV bump-smother'ng program for local men who have a school put between you and the to climax the program, young high diploma, good road, An effort is made to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO BUYI Including revolutionary new Full­ being grades, mechanical and who have the desire and to aptitUde, ambition to Cushion Shock Absorbers and new have the ever the largest attendance kind of air work towards a rwepl-bock at this meeting, The goal Is 750 good future here at home. bali-joint suspension. in attendance. Three attendance Model 150 McCULLOCH D·44 Direct-Drive Saws EXCLUSIVE tHERMO.MATlC banners will be to three Laundry given CARBURETOR control. ttl. tom­ of thl! churches In the associa­ And' Rockwell to be perature of air the engine breathes, is the local United States Em. given away FREE the church taki'ng applications tion-the with the through breathes! keepslt uniform summer and winter. the highest attendance, church Service office for this See U. Today For DetailS engine Startlng Is ea.ler. You save gal, ploy�ent training. Applicants must be male, be. with the highest percentage of Cl�aning Increa.. usable power, tween the of 18 Dry Training Union enrollment ages and 25, and possess the qualifications mentioned Statesboro, Iu! !h... aN .. 0' present, the church without a above. Oeorgia BRAGG MOTOR SERVICE only sampl the dream-car featu.... can Training Ynion with the highest Courtland -Phone 4-5519- you -Phone 4-3234- St. Statesboro, Oa. In THE BIG M. attendance. o.peel You'lI ... dozens more at our showroom. Com. In,·.... THE BIG M. On.the.job training will be given at the plant in the engineering de. partment or one of the manufacturing departments, five a week. days \ Formal classroom .._ FLORIDA'S aLA.OUROUS training will be given each Saturday at Oeorgia Teach. 10WI.olo, 1M 'LORIDA QUAIL _..... �...... Wo·' _ ,..... ers ' College by Dr. Donald Hackett in such areas as Rockwell Practice, ._1 t freehand drawings, space .relationships, geometrical construction, shop ·II'W such as processes shop math, lathe work, 'milling, etc, assembly drawings,' slide rule techniques, and measuremen� techniques and instruments. ��e I'n addition, an excellent will be for the wage paid plant training pro. gram and all students will be for RANCH RAISED eligible Rockwell benefits such as in. surance, and holidays vacations. Instruments and texts for the BOB WHITE QU·AIL necessary LEAN AND PACKED WITH classroom LONG, PUNCH work will be provided, without for charge, successful applicants. , Here is the longest, 10wesl, heaviest, biggcst You too can now enjoy a ./� IN 2 NEW SUPER SIZES PLUS 5 NEW STATION WAGONS lwonderful DAYS-6 romantic IIIGHTS...... priced Ford tverl dinner of scientifically Summer Rete. per per.. is in You even greater getaway in the new :7' 5 OVER 11 FT. G777 C OVER II raised game. Statesboro to and successful IOri. doubl. occup.�, get FT. Rockwe!1 stay, completion of the '1( 00 , ellilam Modell LONG 4 hlrl'lM April 16th to Do!::.",kr "ver Annivenary V·S's· or new Mileage LONG course will assure the · �." OVEN·READY practically student of a long lind prosperous future $24 15th. Six! Sif or V�8, the going is grtal. -efflr;p II'�:"::" nei3T7 11.':'':':", '\. �er With"The World's .. in the waters of the for'57 } Picked, Dressed Biggest Small ,Business." ;;: Swimming turquoise 5 Fllrl.nt500 Modth } Gulf of Mexico ... on the And all are priced with Ihe lowest! " sparkling Golfing STRAIGHTOUTOFroMORROWMemury F�' and h::11...,. world-famed Bobby Jones course . . . Relaxing with ",."1 DREAM-OAR ._�. amid palm 'rees and sweelly scented masses of DESIGN In Attractive Boxes l'r flaming tropiC flowe,s •.. Dancing and famone· :. the television "THE ED - Millionaire's vocation at 'he Don't'miss tilg hit, SULI,IVAN SHOW," 8:00 to 9:00, Station to first with It' ino thot's'� Sunday evening, WTOC-TV, Channel 11, aaA,'. It's fun go -Ford celebrity-filled new Sarasota Terrace Hotel! Vet all . L. E. Btannen Jr. this fabulous luxury will cost you as LITTLE as S2".00! l So don', wait onoth,r minute for 'eH'YO­ 311 Savannah Avenue Rockwell St�teshoro tions! See your local Trovel Ment or � or Statesboro, Oa. Corpora'tion PHEBUS MOTOR COMPANY phone: OZBURN-SOARIER FOR[;), Inc. -Phone 4-2843- STATESBORO, OEOR�IA SARASOTA TERRACE HOTEL BROOKLET OEOROIA 1t NEW - - .. P. o. lOX 1720 - SARASOTA. FLORIDA TEL. RINGLING 2.5111 North Main St., Phone 4 5404 •• ===::>� I_ �C:�-C======-�==��_·---����� ::, �� �------__� � A NATIONAL Aw. W_ Newapaper , I956 19 + 56 Better Newspaper THE BULLOCH "�UMMIJ .._.... Contesls HERALD e u...... ,...... prl'�'Wtnnl�n Dedicaied To The And Bulloch Progress Oj'Statesboro County VOLUME XVU-ESTABLISHED MARCH 26,1937 • STATESBORO, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1956 NUMBER. Belks Health Dept. Home of Better Values HURRY! Blue 2A meet urges safety Devils, champs, Ellijay, Dr. Hubert U. King, medical director, Bulloch County Health Department, announced this : IA week that the Health here Depart­ at 8 ment Is beginning a "Christ- .ehamps, Friday night mas School Safety Program." Region 2.A champions, the Statesboro High School 1------.------Blue Devils, will meet the Region l·A champions, en- • • • ������ a7:�.s�eon�e��:���dpr�� VAL U E-S before Christmas on BEL K 'S G REA T JOY ONLY BBc gram mer (Ellijay) High School, here tomorrow night Santa C1aus wI·II visit children of "Christmas The school Safety." at 8 o'clock in Memorial Park Stadium at the will be furnished with material (Friday) Recreation in the Class A · for these programs: Center, semi-finals for the .c In addition, merchants In the state championship, BUIIoeh C Frld county will present several While Statesboro and Ellijay ounty ay al,tlernoon radio programs on this su�jecl' are playing here Carrolton High The telegram received last week by Josh Lanier of during the month of December. IT WAS TURKEYS for Shown here is R. A. School 3·A Thanksgtvlng, Purcelli, Region champions, the Statesboro will be Merchants Merchants Association, was confirmed Safety pamphlets manager of the Rockwell Statesboro Corporation, wilh some of say and Canton High School, Region available at the Health Center. I this week with the statement that an official the employees who have just received their turkeys. Left to right 4'A champions, are playing In helper "The goal of- the 'Chrlslmas North are Mr. Purcelll, Or. Jean Williams, J. P. Savage, general superln- t Georgia. The winner 'of of Santa Claus will fly into Statesboro from Santa's Safety Program' will be to reo thanks to that game will the winner tendent; Marie Smith, H, B. LanIer, I lhe turk from play duce the number of needless (accept ng ey city Toy Factory tomorrow (Friday) afternoon and will of the Statesboro-Ellijay game home and Mr. Savage), Joan. Jones, and Johnson T. Black, personnel receive all the community acoldents This 'week the Statesboro lo determine the stale champion- children of Statesboro and Bulloch More than 235 were which always OCcur during lhls manager, turkeys distributed just before Merchants Assoclauon expressed Q. SPARK·SHooYlNG In O. 'LOW 'RACTOR ,hlp. ,County on the courthouse square beginning at 4 o'clock, season of the stated Dr. Thanksgiving. Mrs. D, L. Phelps got the first turkey. In dis, their the WESTERN SHU Demon .., year." appreciation to Statesboro the 1956 N. FlRI INGINI, LADDIR Authenlk ,epllca of U. S. Navy '6th • 10 do Q to city!, began .act)' big .novCltlng lobi Nothing "As we the Mr. Purcelll .11 ,. COWIOY ON HIS HORSIV King. know. a majority trlbutlng turkeys thanked the employees for officials for the Installation of season an AAA He will be escorted Into town SANFORIZED JEANS Nothing to wInd -ty,t olono noor, It "aMI""" to ... ptone In motton-and It 88;' wlnd-Iu" pvah along floor. AutMntk earth. against Douglas, Wind horM butlat 01 Jim of accidents their and Interest In the new which from the 10c.1 motor- ... . up. owoy Cowboy these unfortunately cooperation helping establlsh the plant here, Christmas lights team, and won 19 to 6. With atrport by roc•• along, "ren ICr.amd Wind-up 01"01 'fMIr." 1 QH long, olmost -'"t .,reod. moving plow on fronl end. Dr"'., Incluct.d. fla,he. hi, gunl C�otfull And houn of fun involve our children .and often will be turned on tomorrow. that as a A will be Turned-up cuff's/ slim legs-au. ..cond.• •. ted. starter the Blue Devils cycle pollee, platform �dde, '!' tOt)' lob ""hI the thentic wostern cutl Reinforced for that Roy 108M fan In yow houttl very presents. toys, and night with the arrival of Santa "ent through. ten-game sched- ready for him so that all the decorations meant to Claus's ule children of this section seam,1 Zip 6 10 12. bring hap- helper.' wilh a perfect record, The m.y do,ine. ness result pi may In tragedy," _. The thanks were In the record is as follows: meet him In person. Mens' Satin Stripe Complete Une Of Bl00dmoblele to be fol11' ltl he continued. The Statesboro '" of • letter from Josh lanier, Sept. 14, S.H.S. 19, Douglas ,\. High School band will "The f911 owing is • list of President of the Statesboro Mer: 6', Sept. 21, S.H.S. 33. Eastman :2 participate In the chants which � U ceremonI bel ar- 'Safety Hints for Christmas" Association reads 13; Oct. 5, S H.S. 7, Dublin 0; � gree ng es, ng Handkerchiefs as for the most Sru:npsonite which should be followed to pre- hene Decem er 1 follows: Oct 12, S.H.S. 20, Metter 0', ranged popular b n e n 0 m ...... fl I th I ds a lhe sm. vent needless accidents. A con- Oct. 19, S H.S 19, Blackshear 0'...... ,. gure t II �� ���� . QJ t 10 for certed effort by all of us will December 4, 1956 Oct. 26, S.H.S. 14, 7; �\�, $1.00 The Bulloch County blood will result in fewer accidents and • "Han. W. A. Bowen, Mayor Nov. 2, S.H.S. 12, Swainsboro fIJI �� rywe bring gifls to .11 who Luggage program needs 300 pints of • III" Extra Size. possibly the of lives City of Statesboro 7; Nov. 9, S.H.S. 27, come to vlslt with him. Large saving whole blood and to Baxley 0; � according _ These Make Wonderful during this holiday season," Dr. Statesboro, Georgi. Nov. 16. S H.S. 52, Sandersville Assisting the merchants group Miss June Hargrove, chairman -= King concluded. L:� .L�""V '$ 0; Nov. 22. S H.S. 20, Millen 0 In handling this special vlalt will JOSEPH LOMBARD Q Plaid Christmas Gifts. of the citizens ",f" 12 Dozen Men's county program, � "Dear Mayor Bowen: The Blue Devil squad Is made be the Civil Patrol SAFETY HINTS of the are to p6l'ff/(/flf) $1 county being urged "I would like to In be. of: , under t e of Chuc 3 for express up �J�')I�'?.#; ,� IhOC.1leadership C.detks FOR CHRISTMAS become blood donors when the 81i\'\'I7;9� Use Our half at the Statesboro Mer. � O'Conner, commandant, They J h Lombard (OTTON-RAYON PANTIES I. Christmas Trees: Bloodmobile comes here Mon- osep Flannel Keep chant's Association our apprecla- will direct the children up to the tree from fires day, December 10, for Its Ours alonel All raund .Iasdc away open and regular tion of the new platform to speak to Santa and·· vlslt. lighting system Plan heaters! Keep tree In water or Electric clinic Schedule 'Iai,t, leg band •• Doubl. which has been erected over the -for keep general order for the visit. Roc we Lay-Away ' k II Shirts wet sand from the time It Is Miss ..... While. Full cuI! 2·16. Hargrove states that streets In downtown Statesboro. Mr. Lanter st.ted th.t S.nta lOIns Sport .multi-striped • into the brought house. 5,000 "Invit.tions" been "We .re will receive the children from Cotton grateful th.t you.nd B00kmob'l'e It w.s .nnounced "Rompin" Rayon fresh cuts on trunk to .ent out In recently by towels allow the for cltl· - 4 m. COTTON FLANNEL terry 3 for$1 72 county the members of the Council felt held now p, to 7 p. m. The Only R. A. tree· to st?re. Purcelll ' Rockwell States. absorb w.ter. Remove zens to a life ... bemg The schedule for the States. here enjoy the need of new .nd will rem.ln open until 7 Ladies' Nude Heel $1.98 lights • PAJAMAS 24 x 40" sizel tree frolB house as the th� bora boo·k m.n· '2'. Only Big wrap-around soon true of Chrlstm.s m. . Corporation general Pants ju.t spirit by about Ihe wellher these were purchased without A f.rm electrification clinic I. Reglon.1 Library p. .s SEEMLESS S·M-L. combina· ho1kl.ys are over! DRY of blood." now mobile for next week is .s fol· The new Chrislm•• th.t Mr. Comfortable coat .lyle cut In Sizes·pink·gold Aluminum giving. pint Rny .ollclt.tion from any mer- being held .t West Side lights will .ger, Joseph A. Lorn. TREES ARE A The thermometer lows: tion. wa,hcloth., 10¢. FIRE HAZARD! She .dded readln.s chant or School .nd on the be turned on tomorrow solid•. San· Malching th.t she cannol Indlvldu.1. f.rm of W. night b.rd h.d been .ppolnted to the goy stripes, fancies, 3' Pro for the week of No· $1.00 2. Tree Don't use .tress too much the Monday, "This of Deal. December EsI., the visit of thl. I�oro Ug�ts: desperate type thoughtful .d· Eugene Mond.y, 10: during Import.nt staff In the forlz.... Slz.. A. a, C. D. Hose Men's 100% Orion Only vember 28, po.ltlon of f.ctoll' Grease Sets lights whose cord Is wO�r need of blood to m.lntaln the throlllb Sunday, mlnlstr.tlon I. wh.t makes The first meeting was Route 1. Tuesd.y, EsI., Route person. Nylon m• e r. Sizes 2 to 16. Deeember 2, were u foUOWI: n.g whose sockel,t are broken or county's blood program, St.tesboro such • wonderful night, Dect!mber 5. at 7:30 2. Wednesd.y, Ogeechee com. "bowknot" Low been 100101 Don't .ttach many' The Bloodmobile will be .t the Hiah city to live In .nd. one of t o'clock In the Weat Side school munlty. Thursday, December 13, too ' Sweaters to the Monday, Nov. 28 ... 114 32 .udltorlum. !.cefield R �e s .s Pro llime cnrtle lind'Reoll'eafton CeoIter .... �ml"'rd h�a spec.lWllth $1.00 $1.00 Children's Sole mat:lid set IIg1t.tJt Monday, D manY,'t.sonslbat ..,.,.re. Demonstrations and community. Santa t0 VIS}..t Nov. 27 •• 49 31 I to Special Crepe overlo.d electric cember from 2 to m. Tuesday, as Home own discussion o�stant nc�t e v "" V ·Neck SI in Colors of thereby your 10, 9 p. The""Champlon OInhe effect of over: ... JUlY president, .• - ip.over . Wednesday, Nov. . 66 21 tool ,20 sparkling colo,,1 Coslly.look. 2, of Geot'gl., loading circuits .nd eUler elee. WESLEY FOUNDATION -po\"e)' division: lr'rupelo, Charooal Toast, Nov, 29 .• 85 28 Just Received a Of Wine, Grey, We Have 24 of These carved Thursd.y,. trlcal problems were. of Mlsaissippl. Prior to 88Ioclatlng Shipment Only high.and·low ue'ignl ��C�!�rl�.:I�;�h�use�e��rlaC s�f� "Very Sincerely your., p.rt TO PRESENT PLAY' In9, Nov. 30 •.. 80 35 Mint Green, Blue and Shoes cuit! NEVeR PLACE A PENNY Friday, JOSH S. President the progr.m. P.nel. were set childre'n with Rockwell he w.s with the Light Lovely Lalex back, Iloor. 20x34". 0te on as LANIER, up . '-V t Dec. I ••. 57 28 The Foundation of Negro hu�, S.turday, .nd We.ley Amerlc.n Bosch as Navy. IN THE FUSE SOCKETI quo Statesboro Merchants" pr.ctice given In running a Company Pair NEVER USE CANDLES ON OR Sunday, Dee. 2 •• , 85 33 simple circuit Georgia Te.chers College will Jo.h lanier, president of the pl.nt superintendent .t their $2.98 • Toppers Ralnf.1I for the same week present play. "The Pink St.te.boro Merch.nts Associ•. Spring Electric Only NEAR YOUR TREEI Thursday �Ight (tonight) at Columbus, MI.sls.lppl plant. Blankets set or ec. was 0.20 Inches. Christmas Tree" on eve· and 3. Tree Decorations: f D 11 7:30 o'clock the group will tlon, Floyd Bellinger, pre.l· A n.tive of Connec. Mrs • A • Sund.� ,Hartford, $4.98 S Prosser meet at ,nlng. December 9, .t �:30 a dent of the Negro Chamber of Mr. Specia� This Is a Regular $19.95 Childrens' Leather Sole sure that "icicles," "snow," • '.. the West Side c1o�k licut, Lomb.rd received his $10.95 Farmers In In the Pittman Park MethodIst .nnounce th.t .nd other tree decora· Bulloch County school. A trip will be made to Commerce, they college .t the Unl. Special S·M·L. llnsel, . • training Sizes Value. Ideal for for Ch urch In e Mc roan u' Giving .nd th hout the w Mr. Deal's th CAdi h•didrece ve ward from S.nta tlons will not bum! roug nabon I II farm to see the ver.lty of AI.b.m., graduating White and Pastel. tilor urn a the coII Christmas. dles here Sund present wire ege, CIaus lhat .nother one af h'IS with • In Sox 4. G,'ft ourt sel·up. Following degree mech.nlcal Wr.pplngs·. .Keep C· C ay f.vorlle will Slipper vceomtebelrn 1·1 .to this • pl.n for reo helper. the World W.r tissue retfoerednedtUemrmionne Dthee· Ity .dequately englneerlnB. During Men's Broadoloth paper, especi.lly wrap· kind of Blitch m.rketing quat. pro· Mrs. S. A. Prosser, 82, died wiring the formste.d will be Slreet Recreation Center II he w.s a Lieu!. Col. In .the One Rack of Ladies' pings. .way from fire! gram will on $15.88 lhey cotton. Sunday December 2, in under the direction of C• H• Beden h Friday 7. comb.t engineers. He w•• Only • waste b.sket handy toKeePtpu convene Dec• ;"ornlng. b ar�ernoon, Dece.mber SMARTLY STYLED $1.00 peanuts, and com. 10 L. C. rural aug Rt 4:30 a clock. He WIll come .w.rded SUEDED (OTTON 2 Only' in! the Bulloch County Hoslpt.l Wessinger, engineer, numerous decorations Shorts gift wrappings How formers vote in Power in to the loc.1 (IGARmE LIGHTERS 'I Sizes S·M-L. the cot· Announcement is made this Georgia Company by plane airport for distinguished service. in after an FLANNEL SHIRTS for Fall and Winter ton Illness of several and will be lo the Blitch $3 marketing quota referendum week that the Friday. December the brought the •. Court of 7: European c.mpalgn . City d.les at 77 Simulaled lealhersl Colored will determine whether months. group will'assemble al the Slreet Center Our quat. Slatesboro will convene here Deal age Recr�atlon n�.r His wife, Helen, .nd their two Brighl plaid,llvy leaeu. ,lripe,1 2 PI'. for $1.00 the old William enamels! tooled ci,: ol:1el Shop Toy 12 Dozen Childre'n's VISI penalties will and .Iso She was the of the farm and the reo Jame. Engine F.F.A. ·t apply December daughler spend day HIgh sons .re Block Wa,hla,1 colonl Dresses Monday morning, 10. C H B denb residing In Tupelo, Mi•. pallern,1 boys the level of hid77, de escort. late and the Sizes 28 to 40. ••• price support for at 10 o'clock. Madison Parrish the wiring farmstead. G�oups School. by police and Cui true to sizel Sizes 6 to 18. Sa:nforized, , 4,i" lIxl!!Jw m'-!lo .'!"omeni I' M de .I.slppl expect .to For 1957·crop cotton. The market· The late Janie Shuman Parrish. A will be formed. under the leader· .ugl, He will placed on a Department following jurors have :�r 11s ��s�len:,rn��: ���e�: be. pla�. their home in Sl.te.boro after of on all hIS These Are "Ivy League" Reduced Below ing quota program will be in been drawn to serve: lifelong resident of Bulloch ship experienced clec, the first of tree a retired had the year. Jewelry for next was and baugh, merchant, e sand ve each of nursery oper.tlon she a member of trician, those enrolled will r?r� :�d till rec�lveg ye.r's crop E, .Robert Cone County. _ Clyde Bailey, lived St.lesboro since 1900. 1 at Itteas wo° If do ,in t em ts from Santa The Finest In BOXED th' d s af the vates Ha,II Caroll the Bethel Baptist Church. the work. When the work Is 'htl glr�efn Claus. William Moore's vocalion.1 Clarke. Raymond He is survived a Cost cast in the referendum nre in finished .nd the current by d.ughter. He will remain at the Blilch c1asses on Wednes- G. Hodges, Raiford W. She is survived two sons, turned agriculture Williams, by Mrs. Ernest Teel, Statesboro a favor of the In that on afternoon Mr. Recreation ter until about.B & P••W Club t& day of last week visited Galr program. D. M. Thompson, Delmas Rush· Ira C. Prosser of Conway, S. C. Friday Deal C.en, and The case, price support will be avail· Frank and states .that he ch 7 p. m. Woodl.nd's T.'1 W. Earle Forest ing Jr., W. J. B. Russio. Lee Prosser of expects Line Of Toys $1.00 Olliff, mu. sever. Complete •bl e for the 1957'esEb'orHo' (aJenfdf) Bedby enb.ughl, ,------Only crop of up· Joyner, J. O. Geo. W. and Mrs. B. H. Hal· better, safer and economlcnl.' 1- tree nursery nortH of Slatesboro. Alford. Stat�sboro hleces and cotton a nephews. at level between Whaley, A. U. Theron' land, both of and electrical service. JOHNNY YOUNG AITENDS show Mr. Walter Stone, nurserym.n Mincey. Statesboro, Funer.1 service. were held at Lowest Prices ��ndand 90 per cent of Mr. A. Rowland sponsor for Inc. ex· parity, Neal, Clarence J. Wynn, U. L. three sisters, Mrs. C. T. Jones Phillip .' special MANAGER'S CONFERENCE . 3:30 m. . Woodlands, and p. Tuesd.y from the 1,000 Yards Of quola pen.lties will Bennie teacher, vocatIonal IN ATLANTA NOV. The S the of the .pply Williams. E. Deal, R. L. and Miss Alzad. Parrish of agriculture, of 28 talesbora B. & P.W. Club plained oper.tlon on ch.pel Smith. Tillman any "excess" cotton. If more Poss, D. Leon Perkins. six and st.tes .ny .ttendlng In Town. nursery to the boys. George Augusta gr.ndchildren· t�.t farme; Mortuary. The Rev. D.n WII. of St.tesboro nnounced th.t .rrangements lhan one·third of the votes arc W. should Johnny Young .• He out that seed Pollard. Sylvester seven gre.t·grandchildren. pointed pine P.rrish, Iiams offici.ted. Burial w.s in slarf for Life In. been L L against quotas, there could be Arnold lh; manager completed for the were J. J. W. Funeral services were held clln�; 1am. valuabl� from various arens planted Woods, Eastside suroncc ot Sheeting no quota penalties but the Cemetery. Company Georgia, ot the circus beds so that the price Sanders, Datls B. John at 3 p. m. from Belhel �����:gJOh�5 �:r: spec- in separ.te Hendrix, Mond.y ����ngg pr��- Pallbe.rers were R.•ttended a conference of staff support level to W. Davis Iems. Reggie tacular' "Laff-O," at the eligible grow· Jr.. David Roscoe Church with the Rev. , which grown Baptist ...... Joe 5 Yds. for pine seedlings ers would Newsome. Tillm.n, Rufus managers at the company's' $1.00 drop to 50 per cent Brown, W. Pr.ther Ottis L. A. Others asslslmg m chhlc I will be Ipresentatlon on Genet'al Electric Hundreds 01 nursery could be returned. to the De.I, Kelly, paslor, officiating. .lhe Anderson, Tim in presented December of Even are K. K. Smith, Walter home office Atlanta the week p.rity. though quotas Holloway. W. M. Adams. T. J. Burial was in the East Side Cook. engmeer, Ex· same general area from which Groover and Dedrick W.lers. of November 26. 13-14, .t the old G.T.C. gym, at are disapproved, acreage allot, J. R. Small General Electric the seed were collected. It has Hagin, Chester, Alvin E. Cemetery. Applianoes ments will remain in Honorary pallbearers named joined Life of 7:30 p. m. effect as Comer H. P.llbearers were Leffler f:ISI��S�'l���" m�n:a�r Mr., Y?ung found that Donaldson, Byrd, John T'G:%�n�� were been pine seedlings Anderson. Don Bran. m· He .ttended a means of L. W. P%;"er Co., and Henrr Georgia "L.ff.O.Rama," billed .s Your GADGETS make their best when determining cligi- Akins, O. Denmark, Akins, Paul Nessmith, Z. F. Ty- 10c;1 �ocallo�al CCCII 1955: HOUSEHOLD nen, 'MEN'S STRETCH growth the as a mcm- 2 bility for price All Garnold A. agriculturc teachers. SWinson, Aubrey Home Town is the "new support. Lanier. W. son, R. L. Akins, Smllh, 1�56 convc�tlon. Circus, Ironers-Mixers planted in'the geographic Reginald Roy Brown. H. P. Jones Sr., Homer ber of the Presldenl s the NYLON SOCKS fnrmer-s who in the Eli Club, forward look" In which the seed were engage pro- Newsomc, Hodges, Lewis and Charlie Nessmith. community $1 area from C. Cleve honor He is a prs duclion of McElveen, Jackson, top organization. �pland cotton in Deal, J. C. Hines, W. A. The remained in the entertainment and aU acts are collected. Hodges body Brunson .nd Wilbur member Life Rei. 69c Strelche, 10 fit 1956 w"lll be Harry of Underwriters on pro 88e eaeh eligible to vote in Jr., Dan'W .nd Oh.rlie of Barnes Funeral Home presented the floor or lhe Mr. Stone explained some of Hagan chapel R·tI es held for C.son. Associallon foot's nafural contour. continued on Methodist oren. Solid Percolators page 10 R Deal. before the funeral. " �nd lh� portion of the the work involved in keeping The remamed m IS building, body the Church. He married .nd has for the circus Is colorsl 59c eo, SAVE 2 too large to be Fancy pall.rnsl TIME, MONEY I the young pines healthy. Sprays chapel of. the Smlth·Tlllman lWo children. The lives family produced on .n for t be and constant ordln.ry stage. TROUSERS CREASERS .pplled � Mortuary until lime for the at 13 Cone Crescent. 'I Sam From the moment the Toasters-:-Clocks must be mainl.ined to "Ring. Ro�enherg m•• A "mus'" for and ���I.nce J 'd E t toe ter" blows the first whistle quick easy protect the young seedlings from S k· aycees expan mp y Funeral services for' sam)ll 'T'. .nd the Grand Parade of of wash frouursl and diseases. Ing Entry laundering Insects � .11 FREE · former St.lesboro 1,�r. urner re R performers enters the arena, Eliminol.. I The learned thal abollt Rosenbe_rg, ti·res; epparod Radios ironing Adjustable boys through months are lo resident who died in Mi.mi Sun· slde·.pllttlng stunts, �. Vacuum Cleaners nine required F'un t0 Inc u .nd d I de a 0 the for II f BUIIOCh hI·jlnks by six clowns Priced Far Na· grow seedlings ready trans· day, were held at II a. m. e All Below' today D Laach acts as tmaster through the and saw seedhngs be, pos bicycling .. SIX LEFT FREE planting. They .t Sipple's Sav.nnah, BALLOONS ONLY Lewell . to ion Advertised Prices. Akins, president of the G.T.C. is a similar tumbling .cts, the fln.le, it Is ally lifted from beds sown last conducting Mortua'!', Arthur C. Turner, who has ass IStan l tmas te rshi d b (%�' Ing . //, pos p.n cond uc· I . . e'.n Statesboro Junior Chamber of drive at the and will ' ted by Rabb A r R asen entert.lnment that .ppeal. to M.rch. college been in the Statesboro post of· came postma.ter Decem· 88, mnke a.cting "children of .11 88� are lifted the necessary repairs on 'TIIe Women 'set berg and Cantor Mordecai Zvi .ges, Including KITCHEN SHEARS PRESS BALLOONS After the seedlings Commerce, announced this week (ice for forty years, has retired. ber I of thiS year. THE Make Wonderful HANDY GARLIC MEASURING SPOONS $39.95 collected the those from 3 to 93." FOR are laken to a room by Jay· . Odler of B. B. Jacob HI. retirement ONION CHOPP£R . bottle opener, can Special they grading th.t the Jaycees will extend Synagogue. wa. effective He is a member of the First Mis. f,om Place B. trained co. Imported Italyl to where small and ��:..'OYS November Lovin., holds all In one I Mog­ long handles-easy deformed. Burial w.s In Bonavenlure 30. D. Reppard Dc· B.plist Church, a member of Graduated glalS lor opener bud in handl8l is a Value. FOR THE lheir Empty Stocking Fund for:8 15 1It ordln.tor of the w•• press, bring into I Set of four This $59.95 rliseased are culled. In Slatesboro will Loach has company, Christmas Presents .. nelic blades. Valuel jan plus seedlings Pick,ups be tomg been post· the local Masonic • Ph CUP'1 sprlng.loaded lip drive over Cemetery.. .ctlng Lodge, present .t the logether�the job', to inltall wall radc. a the enlire county. mRde on monthly business , 10nel easy are Gone. Mr. Stone explained that high the nights of Decem· Curtain time (Thurs· Pallbearers were Bernie master to succeed Mr. TUrner. member of the St.tesboro Lion. KIDDIES cutten. Screw lop. Hurry Before They lonlght Siotin, of the local B. & P,W. of the were He slaled that stations" ber 11 and December meeting KIDDIES percentage seedlings "pick· up 18. Leave day) for "The Women," pre· Fred Ehrenreich, Louis Siotin, Mr. Turner service In and .ctlve In Boy have been New· began Club. I� Club. held Mond.y eveQlng, .t in excellent condition and that designated .t your porch IIghf on so that the senled by the 'Statesboro Little Moses Michael the 10c.1 Scout acl.lvltles. Berman. Adllman. post office .s • clerk the home of Mrs. M.mle Lou a few were culled. at Stilson, Akins know th.t only being man:s Grocery Jaycees may you Theatre is 8:15 o'clock. The play Nathan Jake Levien and has served •• R. postmaster Bondur.nt. At this time final After removing the culls, the Drug Store .t Brooklet and L. something to give. The first will be presented In McCroan and Benny Garfunkel. for the past twenty.flve years. BETA SIGMA PHI det.ils were completed for are bundled in groups Anderson's place .t Register. He plck·up w.s maile Auditorium .t the under seedlings Tuesday college Honor.ry p.llbe.rers named He received his .ppolntment In CHRISTMAS BAZAAR the stated lh.t u•• .ynchronlzlng phues of the of 100, covered with damp ble clothing, toys night of this week. the direction of Mrs. Less Wllte were Sam Sol 1941. Oast, Hirsch, SET FOR DECEMBER 8 entert.lnment In which residents Belk's Will CashYour Checks moss and balled for that .re· unused or in need of and Mrs. Earl Alien. Admission Your Christmas Gift 1'aphagum Martin Sus.m.n, Moe Galin, Mr, DeLoach began In the The Christmas of the Make,Belk) Gladly Payroll canned nd cash Baza.r, spon. community participate. Headquarters to the field. Mr. Stone repair, goods.• IS for .dults and 50 cents delivery BAND C BARBER SHOP / $1.OQ Henry Moses. Baris post office In as voodrlch, May, 1932, ••ored by the XI Sigma Chapter The locol club I•• stated th.t lhere is a four· .re These Item wlll for students. With • cast of EIIi. ponsorlng only •.cce_Ptable. •. TO OPEN SATURDAY Goodrich, A.ron Halmo- substitute mal! carrier. On of Beta will be beld this be dlstnbuted under the dlrec· July Sigma Pbl, Home.Town Circus to - day lapse from the time the forty.•nd eleven .cenes, the pro· vltz. Hym.n Albert he for better better BELK'S for certified better values Goldberg, I, 1940, became. substitute S.turd.y, Decembsr 8, at the raise funds for the nurse'. selections, buys are pulled from the tion or the Bulloch County Wei· The Band C Barber Shop will duction I. the mo.t extensive at· Bill BELK'� seedlings NOvitt, Mordecai, Bob Nel· clerk, and on January I, 1943, he Model AU utlcles to to Laundry. be to a .re tr.ns· open In the 1Cb01.rshlp aW8l)ded nursery until they Dep.rtment. Saturd.y Simmon. tempted by the local theatre man. Josh P. was named a Neemlfb, Guy regular cleric. In be offered were QIIde tile 111117 Bulloch .chool planted In The Industrl.1 Arts Club .t Shopping Center. Smith .nd III COUIIty blab n�ld. group. EmIt AkInI� May, 1949, he Was .ppolnted to members. pUuate.