The quarterly journal of The Wodehouse Society Volume 36 Number 1 Spring 2015 Wodehouse Books as Convention 2017 Machine Gun Shields and Could Be Yours! Other Matters ids are now being accepted to host TWS’s by Todd Morning B2017 convention—our 19th since the society’s founding. Each convention is made special thanks recently wrote an article about the removal of to the venue and the efforts of the hosting chapter I P. G. Wodehouse’s books from several British public or group. Information on the criteria for hosting libraries following the Berlin broadcasts (Plum Lines, a convention can be found at www.wodehouse. Winter 2014). As I was researching this topic, I came org; click on the “Conventions” tab and look across a few additional mentions of Wodehouse in for the link to “TWS CSC’s charter”; or write to wartime British newspapers that I thought would be of Elin Woodger at
[email protected] for the interest to members of The Wodehouse Society. details. All bids from potential convention hosts During the war, British papers devoted most of their must be sent to Elin by June 30, 2015. space to the military news from the fronts. Every so often, however, they would delve into lighter material, opening the way for Wodehouse to make an appearance. For example, a report entitled “How Airmen Spend Their Time” from the January 31, 1940, Derby Daily Telegraph included information on the favorite books of the brave RAF pilots: “In fiction, first favorite is P. G. Wodehouse with Edgar Wallace and Dorothy Sayers as strong claimants for second place.” In my article on the censorship of Wodehouse in British libraries, I tried to make the case that some Wodehouse biographers have exaggerated the extent of public anger following the Berlin broadcasts.