Al Roshdieh, Director, Department Of
AGENDA ITEM #47 May 7, 2019 Subject: FY20 Operating Budgets, Transportation: General, Mass Transit, and Leaf Vacuum Collection Funds; related FY20 NDAs Budgets; Selected FY19-24 CIP projects-transportation; FY19 supplemental appropriation, Resurfacing: Residential/Rural Roads Analyst: Glenn Orlin, Deputy Director I Committee: T&E Keywords: #FY20operatingbudget, transportation EXPECTED ATTENDEES Al Roshdieh, Director, Department of Transportation (DOT) Emil Wolanin, Deputy Director, DOT Christopher Conklin, Deputy Director for Transportation Policy, DOT Tim Cupples, Chief, Division of Transportation Engineering, DOT Richard Dorsey, Chief, Division of Highway Services, DOT Dan Hibbert, Chief, Division of Transit Services, DOT Fred Lees, Chief, Management Services, DOT Michael Paylor,,Chief, Division of Transportation Engineering and Operations, DOT Brady Goldsmith, Alison Dollar-Sibal, and Deborah Lambert, Budget Analysts, Office of Management and Budget (0MB) Department ofTransnortation (excludin2 Parkin!! Lot District Funds) FY20CEREC: $196,720,309 l,220.7FTE Increase/Decrease from FYI 9 +$7,105,329 (+3.7%) +30.0FTE (+2.5%) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED CHANGES 1. Postpone a decision on the Executive's supplemental appropriation request and CIP amendment for Resurfacing: Residential/Rural Roads until CIP Reconciliation. 2. Do not approve the Executive's request for $500,000 (Current Revenue) in FY20 in Bus Rapid Transit: System Development for environmental studies for the MD 355 BRT. In the summer the Council will consider whether to proceed with funding for Veirs Mill Road BRT, MD 355 BRT, or both. 3. In Facility Planning-Transportation, do not defer the planning studies for North High Street and Summit A venue Extended, accelerate the completion of the Clarksburg Transit Center study by one year, defer the start of the Old Columbia Pike study by two years and its completion by one year, and do not accelerate $30,000 for miscellaneous non-transit studies from FY21 to FY20.
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